Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 03, 1846, Image 2

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    Vltfabforb Mepovta.
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Towanda, Wedn u esday. June '3, 1846.
Ma. Wtraur.--We are pleased to see by the follow.
iog editorial paragraph in the Washington Union, that
Mr. Wilmot is recovering from his late severs :
a We are gratified en learn that Mr. Wilmot, of Penn
elitist* whom severe indisposition hu detairied from
his seat in the House of Representatives for about two
weeks, (and hu prevented from keeping up his corre
spondenee, lac.) is now recovering, and hopes to be
.able again to amid to his public duties in a few days."
"Tea TIBOT BASSIS "—ls the title of a new paper,
printed at Troy, in this county, by W:. C. WED 11, the
gine number of which, was issued on the 26th Mo. It
is sexy creditable in its typographical arrangement ; and
gives severance that it will continue to be sustained with
quintals?, ability. We trust that it will prove a valuable
seamy to the success of the cause of democracy in
RIPUBLICATION or Futurism Livunsrcas. —We
invite attention to the advertisement of Leonard Scott &
Co., in another column, of the republication of the Lon
don, Edinburg, Foreign, and Wesinsin Utter Reviews,
and Blaekwoods Magazine. It offers a rare chance to
these wishing to possess themselves of the Literature of
Great Britain. It is needless for us to add a word in
commendation of these works; their established literary
and political character render it a work of supererogation.
They are most eminently at the head of the literature of
the world. Their republication too, should give them a
claim to our support; giving employment to hundreds
of our own people in the various processes of reproduc
The works will be printed en fine paper and with s
clear and handsome type, and, as will be seen by a re
ference to the terms, at a cost more than one-third cheap
er than the English copies, even at their present reduced
nu m Their edition of Blackwood's Magazine is not
only called a facsimile, bat actually is one, being 'page
for page and line for line with the original. The Re
views, though varying slightly in form, are faithful copies
of the English editions, each comprising nearly one
hundred and sixty large octavo pages- The whole of
the Reprints will be issued with such rapidity as to be
delivered to subscribers almost as early is the imported
It may be well to remark in addition, that this under
taking is now placed upon a firm footing, and that con
sequently no fears need be entertained as to the perm
neat continuance of the works in question, unless sub
scribers should so far forget their own interests and the
entakierations due to native enterprise and native labor
eupged in the business of Republication, as to bestow
their patronage upon the Foreign editions
Lary. PORTER, or THE Nary.—At 3 meeting held
on Saturday evening, in Washington city. Lieut. Porter,
of the Navy, related the following incident :—" My fa•
that (Commodore Porter) had three sons. To one he
gave a pistol, to another a gun, and to the third a sword,
with the injunction never to surrender them but with
life. How far this hu been regarded, let the death of
my poor unfortunate brother, on the Rio Grande, speak.
I will not say what I will do, but I am only waiting my
government to command. A few days ago, I received a
letter from my mother, in which after alluding to the
death of her son, she said--" My son, I should be glad
to see you, but I prefer that you go the other way !"
These," continued he, " were the words of a Spartan
mother;" and, we must admit, they are worthy the wi
dow of one of the most gallant heroes in the annals of
the world. Lieut. Porter entered the Navy u a corn.
MOD sailor, and by merit worked his way to the position
he now occupies.
Accinesr.--The Stage which left this place, says
the Juniata Times., for Lewistown, on Sunday morning,
with nine passengers in it, upset into Jacks Creek, (about
a mile this side of Lewistown.) The heavy rains on
Friday and Saturday had swollen . the creek so much
that the wlat end. or the bridge across the creek was
overflown. After the horses had partly pared over the
bridge, they became frightened and wheeled into the
creek; and becoming entangled in the gears were drown
ed. Although the water was some ten or fifteen feet
deep, the passengers extricated themselves from the
coach and all reached the shore in safety. The mail
bags and the baggage of the passengers were all recover
ed, but their contents were very much damaged by the
water. •
GRANS RALLY IN NI.NT YOIIK.—The largest meeting
em held in the city of New York, assembled last week,
to pledge their sympathy and aid to the National Go.
Government, in its efforts to maintain the rights and
vindicate the honor of our country.
It was held in the Park, and the numbers are various.
ly estimated from 30, to 60,000.
The Mayor presided—assisted by some seventy Vice
Presidents, and forty Secretaries. A national anthem
was sang, composed by George P. Morris, Dig., and ex
cellent resolutions were presented by Mr. Levi D. Slam,
from the committee, which were pass gid unanimously.
The meeting was without distinctiokof party or sect,
and spoke sentiments which ate responded to by the
common heart of the country.
Tax Asterticss Fxons.—A copy of this elegant
and useful work published by A. B. &mono, M. D.,
Botanist, is upon oar table. It is printed in a splendid
and superior style with finely executed and colored en
gravings; with correctness of description and class be
longing to each plant. The work is arranged according
to the Linnean system, and each number will contain
five beautiful colored engravings,correetty displaying the
patural appearance of each plant or flower. We most
cordially recommend the Floia," as weltto the admirers
of nature, as those who desire a most beautiful periodical
as an ornament: It is issued on the firseof each month,
at $3,00 a year. S. HATDT'I is the agent for Bradford
County, who will receive subscriptions for the work.
We observe, says the Baltimore Sun, that the Hon.
Henry Horn, whose nomination as Collector for the port
of Philadelphia was made by President Polk, about a
year ago, and has been ever since pending before the
Senate, has at last been rejected by that body, by a vote
of 25 to 21. The duties, emoluments and honors of the
office, have been enjoyed by Mr. Horn sine° his nomi
nation by the President. IVho will be named by the
Executive to fill his place, we are not advised. Henry
Etna is the gentleman of whom, it will be recollected,
Gen. Jackson said, "He cannot lie."
Passsrai•aacta Ratrewas.--The Commissioners de
signated by the Act of Incorporation, to receive subscrip
tions to the stock of this company, have resolved toopen
hooks for that purpose, at Philadelphia, Lancaster ins
Harrisburg, pa Monday the 22.1; at Bloomfield, on the
24th ; at Lewistown and MiCtlintown, and the 26th ;
and at Ebensburg, on the 20th of June; also at Blain .
•ilk, on the Ist; at Hollidaysburg awl Greensburg, on
the 6th; and at Pittsburg, on the Bth of July. •
Appointmeht by the Governor"
Jam rs P. MAGILL, Ea editor of the " Tina (Well•-
borougt9 Eagle," has been appointed and commindoned
by Gneernor Sbunk. 'as." Altd•datainp told' Excellen
cy." wall the Tank olLieut.. Colonel. '
CAnst. Coniciatitostia.—The Nanny!lranian says:
'The prospect in &Toed thielection of W. B. Forrest.
the Democratic candidate for Canal Commisiouei, con
tinue& to grow brighter end' brighter. The clouds on
the horizon are giving wily lo the sunshine of a better
feeling ; and '• the cause" i fast regaining its ancient
inSuenee. There is no doubt now—no possibility of
doubt—that he will be elected by a sweeping majority.
Mr. Foster is decidedly the man for the place; and his
rare merits are too valuable to the State in a position so
full of responsibility; and yet so miserably paid, not to
hese made the strongest impression even upon the
Whigs, hundreds of whom, while they know his earnest
political feelings, will vote for him in preference to Mr.
Power, their own candidate."
Ter MIXICAN MC14017101 07 Waa.—Paredes'
proclamation, announcing hostilities against this Coun
try; and his having given orders to the General-in-Chief
of the division on the Northern frontier to make war on
the American army, is dated "National Palace of Maxi-
Oa, April 23d." This was nearly three weeks before
President Polk announced that war existed, which fact
some honorable Senators so strenuously denied, and
could not reconcile it to their consciences to admit by
any vote of theirs.
AFFLICT/TX Evarr.--We find in our exchange pa
pers a notice of the accidental death of Wst. 8. Winn,
some time since a resident of our town, and at the limo
of his death, was editor of .the Hainsburg (Va.) Re
This melancholy event occurred on Saturday, 6th inst.,
abOut 2 o'clock, P. M., in attempting to cross Middle
River. near Mt. Meridian, Augusta county. Mr. Ward
was returning to his home, from which he had been ab
sent several weeks, when he was thus suddenly and
violently hurried into eternity !
We ere indebted to Hon. D. STraosos for a
copy of the Message of the President, communicating
information of the existing relations between the United
States and Mexico. A perusal of these important docu
ments, will convince every one that the President has
adopted the moat vigorous, energetic and proper measures
fur the maintenance, firstly, of peace with Mexico; and
secondly fur the protection of our rights and property.
n•• The Wyoming Patrol, of last week, is'a perfect
curiosity, in its way. It comes to us most elegantly
printed on a sheet of brown wrapping paper, the editor
hoping that the interest of the contents will excuse the
On Saturday afternoon last Danville was
visited by the most destructive hail storm ever
witnessed here, which passed over the town
about 3P. M. As high as 400 lights of glass
were broken in a single house, and all the expos
ed windows in the town were riddled—as the
wind varied and threw the hail in all directions.
It takes several hundred boxes of glass, and
barrels of putty, to repair the windows—the
gardens were greatly damaged, a number of
ornament:l and fruit trees blown down, but the
buildings escaped with but very little damage.
Many birds, chickens, goslins, young pigs,
&c., were killed. The storm came front the
Northwest, and its course was Southeast, its
width near four miles. The violence of the
storm was greatest when it struck the opposite
side of the river from Danville. Many of the
farmers in Rush township have suffered an
entire loss of their gniwing grain crops. barns.
sheds, and other buildings blown down, unroof.
ed, or otherwise damaged—whole orchards of
fruit tree: levelled to the ground, timber, fen
ces, &c. blown down—in some instances from
$l,OOO to 52.000 would not make up the
damage on a single farm. In some locations
in Rush, the hail was' so large that it passed
clear through the roofs of buildings riddling
them full of holes. In a few minutes the earth
presented an unbroken sheet of water, and the
wash, in many places, damaged the land, roads,
&c. Below Danville, a sand Bar was washed
from the bill clear across the channel of the
Canal. Supervisor had it all out again on Sun
day night, and boats passed again on Monday.
The size of the hail at Danville wlts about as
large as chesnnts, hickory-nuts, ancrwalnuts—
further on it is reported to have greatly in
creased in size. in
. some instances presenting
the appearance of square chunks ofpoild ice.
In Pine Grove, Muddy Branch, and other
eoal fields of Schuylkill county, the storm was
as terrific as it was here.
[From the Public Ledger, of May 28th.)
Yesterday's mails brought us some later and
important intelligence of the movements of the
army. Gen. Taylor left Point Isabel on the
morning of the 13th. with about two hundred
men and a supply of provisions for the army
at the camp. After proceeding a short distance
however, he deemed it expedient to return and
increase his escort, and take with him a large
quanti.y of supplies. He did so, and took up
his march again for the camp. on the morning
of the 14th, with from six to eight hundred
men, a park of artillery, and abou t
. two hun
dred and fifty wagons. He arrittl a safe at the
camp on the morning of the 14th; cot having
met any of the enemy.
Gen. 'l'aylor intended to cross the river at
or near his camp, and to take possession of
Matamoras, and the expedition was ordered
for the double purpose of dislodging the Mex
icans from their position at Barita, and assist
int. Gen. Taylor in occupying Nlatacuoras,
should he be opposed.
Tuesday. II o'clock, A. M., May 19.
We hastily compile the following from the
letters of our friends at Point Isabel, which is
the latest from ffk. *seat of war. All speak of
the prospects of Gen, Taylor as being in the
highest degree auspicious. It is stated that
the General is preparing to cross the Rio
Grande and to attack and occupy Matarnoras.
The news reached this city by the James L.
Day, Captain Griffith.
TTO3 9 / I .—Some well meaning people, while
gruiohling" about " the injustice of the Mexican
war," forget that this is nut tho proper time to
discuss that quesiion. Our country as in a
state of war, and no good citizen can encourage
its enemies. It is actual treason punishable
with death, for an American to furnish :hc
enemy with provisions or munitions of war or
advice. So, also, it is moral treason deserving
universal reprobation. to encourage him by
language. Had Mexicans in New York dared
to write what we have seen in some journals,
from the pens of our own citizens, they would
have been immediately arrested as prisoners of
war, orcon6nett in the interior, sixty miles
from tide water! We hope this hint will, be
of service to mains
,of our contemporaries.—
The Mexicans Twice Defeated !
1600 americans to 7000 Mexicans 1
1800 Blezieans Haled and Wowaded i—. 300
Pr:sowers and 8 Cannon Taken:—Only
Americana Killed and Wounded.:
(From the Philadelphia North American.]
By the arrival A the United Statis Steamer
Col. Harney at New Orleans, from Brazos
Santiago. which place she left on the 13th, we
have glorious news al victory from our army,
the cheering influences of which, however,are
somewhat depressed by the loss of•several of
our most estimable officers. From the hasty
and imperfect accounts which we glean froin
the New Orleans papers. it appears that TWO
WON. Our previous news stated that Gen.
Taylor was to return from Point Isabel with
the determination to fight his way to the camp
on the 6th inst. On the 7th be found the Mexi
cans drawn up moss his wagon road to inter
cept his passage. By a vigorous and well di
rected assault with the infantry, supported by
Major Ringgold's Fling Artillery, he suc
ceeded in repulsing the enemy, and that night
the American troops encamped on the battle
field of which they had made themselves mas
ter. The opposing Mexican force was esti
mated from 5000 to 6000 men, and two hun
dred were found dead after the contest. Sev
eral pieces of artillery, military stores, &c.,
were abandoned by the encEny. and fell into .
Gen. 'l'aylor's hands. During the assault
Major RINGGOLD, of the Flying Artillery, re
ceived a severe wound, from the effects of
Which this gallant and much lamented officer
Ellett on the lath. He was sorrowfully buried
by his comrades with the honors of war, and
he left not behind him a more estimable gen
tleman, a truer patriot, or a more gallant
On the Bth, Gen. Taylor resumed his line
of march towards the camp, and when with
in three miles of it, he found the entire Mexi
can force drawn up to oppose him. This was
on the afternoon of the oth. The Mexicans
were posted at the gorge of a narrow ravine,
with the left flank resting on the chapporal, at
this point twelve miles in width, and the right
upon an impervious swamp. The position
was judiciously chosen, and such opposition
might have daunted the most veteran troops.
The engagement was opened by the Mexicans
with their artillery, which was posted io enfil
ade our advancing column, through the narrow
passage of the ravine.
Thus situated and opposed to a tremendous
fire, Gen. Taylor gave the order to charge.—
Our noble fellows responded with the promp
titude of true bravery and at the point of the
bayonet. carried the enemy's guns and silenc
ed their fire! Front what we can judge of the
topography of the battle ground. this was an
assault never,eurpassed for cool and determin
ed bravery in the annals of warfare. Sudden
as the lightning flash, impetuous as the aval
anche. our brave soldiesr shvept upon their ene
mies and a total route of the entire Mexican
force followed. The route partook of the na
ture of a panic, and we doubt not the Mexicans
fancied they heard the old Texan war cry of
St.'Jacinto ringing in their ears, •• Remember
the Alamo." Gen. e Arista, who commanded
in person fled with precipitation, leaving be
hind all his papers, correspondence and camp
equipage, which fell into the hands of Gen.
The enemy were pursued for some distance:
a portion of them fled towards the river and in
the precipitancy of their retreat, many were
drowned in their attempts to cross it, to obtain
an asylum in' Matamoras. It is computed that
13000 or 7000 of the enemy were engaged, and
the Atnericat force did not exceed 1600 men !
'f he total loss of the Mexicans in this second
engagement was at least 600 killed, 300 pris
oners, and eight pieces of artilllery. The sec
ond action lasted one hour and a half. The
.4rnerican loss was only 62 killed and wound
ed. Among the killed we have the names of
Col. Mclntosh, Lieutenants Cochran & Inge,
and others not mentioned. We shall anxious.
Iv await the publication of the official despatch
es to relieve us from the uncertainty of the fate
of friends.
It is estimated that the Mexicans lost in the
two battles at least 1200. Lieutenant Coch
ran, of our army, was killed by the bursting of
a shell. Col. Kane, Lieutenants Gates, Ver
bank, Ilooe, Luther and others were wounded.
Subsequent to the battle an exchange of pris
oners took place, - by which Capt. Thornton,
and Lieut. Hardee and were released. Lieut.
Dees was not included in the exchange.—
Among the Mexican prisoners was Gen. Me
pa. Two American officers were proposed
to Gen. Taylor in exchange for him, but this
was declined, and he will be held prisoner, to
be ransomed by an officer of equal rank,
should the fortune of war cause one of ours to
fall into the hands of the Mexicans. Gen.
Mejia was allowed to be accompanied by one
of his Aids, a Lieut. Colonel, as a friend. It
is said that the Mexicans were so confident of
success, that every preparation had been made
to celebrate their 'victory, but all their prepara
tions fell into the hands of our troops !
Geo. Taylor, after the battle, reached the
camp the same evening, and leaving nearly his
entire force there, started the next morning for
Point Isabel, which he reached without moles
tation. On the morning of the 11th (a fort
night from to-day) he started back to return to
the camp opposite Matamoros, the commur.i
ration having been made perfectly clear and
By this arrival information has also been
received that the American Consul, that all the
American residents at Matamoras had been ar
rested and sent to Saltillo. This is a town,
larger than Nlatamoras. in the state of Coahuil
la, near the confines of New Lion, on the ta
ble land of inahuac, between the Rio del
Norte and the Gulf of Mexico—a beautiful sit
uation, but surrounded by arid plains.
One thing strikes us particularly while look
ing at these stirring events. It is the boldness
celerity and vigor with which General Taylor
acts. One day he fight's his way to the camp,
reposes hot one night, and the next day starts
hack. In the short space of four or five days,
he passed hack and f o rth three times, sweep•
ing every thing before him, and crowning our
arms with laurels as green and noble as ever
before enwreathed them I Ile carried with
him from Point Isabel to the camp a large sup
ply of provisions.
By the arrival of the United States srhr.
Flirt, Lient. A. Sinclair commanding, at New
Orleans, from Brazos St. Jago. we have some
other news of interest in connection with the
main events of the battles. The Flirt sailed
about 3 P. M. on the Bth, and during the
whole afternoon the firing of artillery was heard
as was supposed within eight or nine miles of
Point Isabel (this was the first battle) which
continued until the vessel was beyond hearing
distance. During the evening, the Flirt was
. met by. Commodore. Connor. with the frigates
Cumberland. (flag ship) Raritan and Potomac.
sloop John Adams. 'and' brig Somers. The
Commodore having heard some rumors at Ve
ra Cruz that hostilities had commenced on the
Rio Grande. and that Generil Taylor was in
difficulty, he immediately sailed for the Brazos
to furnish such aid as was in his power.
On meeting the Flirt, he requested Lieut.
Comtuanding Sinclair to accompany him back
to the Brazos, and bring important despatches
which lie wished to be carried to New Orleans.
Accordingly the Flirt, was turned about. ac
companied the squadron back, and remained at
the Brazos until about 1 P. M. the next day.
when she again sailed for New Orleans with
the .Commodores' , despatches. During the
whole of that morning (the Bth, the day of the
second battle) a heavy cannonading was heard
in the direction of the camp, the sound was
gradually becoming less distinct up to the time
the Flirt left.
The cannonading was also heard during the
afternoon, until the Flirt was a considerable
distance out at sea. About dark her officers
saw smoke of rather a light color, arising as
if from a fire, about midway between the camp
and Point Isabel : and again, late at night, an
immense volume of densely black smoke was
seen in the direction of Matamoras.
Gen. Taylor left Point Isabel fully confident
that he would be able to force his way to the
camp, in spite of any opposition the Mexicans
could make. and nobly did the result justify his
confidence in his troops. c The officers and
men under his command, were in the very best
spirits. Gen. Taylor had, at all tim es,
s great
confidence in the strength of his camp to resist
an assault, and before leaving Point Isabel,had
expressed his certain conviction that Major
Brown, with the five hundred men left under
his command. would be able to hold the Mex
icans at bay, if not repulse the position
of the camp was naturally easy of defence, and
no labor had been spared to fortify its assaila
ble points.
Major Brown, whom Gen. Taylor had left
in command at the camp, had attempted on the
first day that he was attacked, to fire Matamor
as. but failed, as he could not heat his shot
sufficiently. So that, as anticipated, the first
accounts oflhe bombardment of this town were
greatly exaggerated.
Commodore Connor immediately on arriv
ing at the Brazos, communicated with Gen.
Taylor, and informed him of his readines to
land 1600 to 2000 men, sailors and marines,
should they be required. The St. Mary's was
expected. soon to join the squadron at the
A steamer was seen by the Flirt, golfing in
the Brazos with troops as she left, which in all
probability was the Augusta. The Flirt also
saw on the 12th the James L. Day and the
Telegraph. about 2000 miles west of the
In one hour and a half after the arrival of
the gallant Walker, with the intelligence that
the Mexicans had attacked our camp, he again
started for the camp with 75 men, for what
purpose was not precisely known.
We find in the New Orleans Bulletin the fol
lowing detailed account of the battles of the Bth
and 9th of May :
POINT ISABEL, May 11, 1846
By the last departure I wrote you briefly of
the operations of the army up to that time, of the
bombardment of the fort opposite Matamoras,
and the movement of General Taylor with the
main body to this place for the purpose of
strengthening •its defences. Having effected
this, he marched without waiting for reinforce
ments, on the evening of the 7111, and on the Bth,
at 2o'clock, found the enemy in position, in front
of a chapparel, which lies opposite to the tim
ber of a stream called Palo Alto.
The train was closed up, the troops filled
their canteens, and General Taylor promptly
formed his line of battle as follows : on the right
was Ringgold's battery, sth and 3d Infantry ;
then two eighteen-pounders ; then the artillery
battalion. The left was composed of the 4th
and Bth infantry, and Duncan's battery. A dar
ing reconnnisance by Capt. J. E. Blake, showed
the enemy's line to be of nearly twice the
strength of ours, with heavy reserves in the
chapparel. The Mexicans opened the action
with their artillery, the range of whieh was hard
ly great enough to reach our. line, which was
moving slowly forward. and some got into the
thickest of their shot and halted. Their fire
was returned from a!! of our batteries, and I ven
ture to say that no field of battle ever displayed
such skill, or rapidity of fire and evolution.
The first and only important movement at
tempted by the enemy, was a detachment of
their cavalry to make a detour around a clump
of chapparel on our right, and attack the train.
Captain Walker, of the Texas rangers, prompt.
ly reported this, and the sth infantry was de
tached to meet it, which it did handsomely, re
ceiving the lancers in square, and driving them
by a well delivered volley. The cavalry then
pushed on again for the train, and found the 3d
infantry advancing in column of divisions urn
them. They then retired, and as they repassed
the sth, they received a fire from Lieut. Ridge
ly's two pieces, which were following the
enemy's cavalry, were also driven back with
Meanwhile the enemy's left was riddled by
the eighteen-pounders, which slowly advanced
up the road—Duncan's battery on the left,
neglecting the enemy's guns, threw their fire
into the Mexican Infantry, anJ swept whole
ranks. The Bth infantry on the left suffered
severely from the enemy's fire. The grass was
set on fire, at the end of an hour's cannonading,
and obscured the enemy's position. completely,
and an interval of three platters of an hour oc
curred. During this period Our right, now rest
ing on the eighteen-pounders, advanced along
the wood, to the point originally occupied by
the Mexican left, and when the smoke had clear
ed away sufficiently to show the enemy, the
fire was resumed with increased rapidity and
execution. Duncanadir ided his battery on the
left, giving a section toLient. Roland, to oper
ate in front, and with the other he advanced be
yond the burning grass, (which was three feet
high, and the flame rolled ten feet in the strum,
breeze,) and seized the prohngation of the ene
my's right, enfilading that flank romp'eteli.
Night found the two armies in this rsitin.
On the 9th, the General parked the heavy
train, collected the enemy's wounded in hnennni
al, buried their dead, arranged our nnWit a tnn;nn'•
de, (among whom we have to regret the sodden
death of
. Major Ringgold, and probably Capt.
Page,) and moved on in pursuit of the enemy
on the Matamoras road. They had taken post
in the chapparel the second time, occupying the
bed of a stream called Resaca dela Palma, with
their artillery on the road at the crossing. 1
have no time for details of this affair. The gen
eral brought up his troops by battalions and pos
ted them, with brief orders to find the enemy
with the haynnet..and placed the.artillery where
they ciAld act in the toad.
. The dragoons were held in reserve, and as
soon as the•advance of our line had uncovered
the Mexican batteries. Gen. Taylor told Capt.
.May that Ms, time had come. •• Here's the ene
my's battery. sir ; take it, nolens rolens."—
May dashed upon it with his squadron. and
lost one third of it ; but he cleared the battery
and captured its commander, Gen. Vega, in the
act of raising a port-fire to fire a piece himself.
May took his sword and brought the general
off. The enemy remanned the guns. and lost
them a second time to the sth infantry. Capt.
Barbour. of the 3d infantry, with his single com
pany and a few men from the sth, who joined
him in the chapparel, threw his back against a
clump of hushes and received and gallantly re
pelled a charge of cavalry.
Capt. Duncan, with his battery, did terrible
execution. He is a most promising officer.—
Lieut. Ridgeley was also among the foremost.
In truth, it was a series of brilliant skirmishes
and heavy shocks, in which 1500 fighting men
met 0000 hand to hand—overwhelmed them
with the precision of their volleys, and the
steady coolness of the bayonet, and drove them
from the field with the loss of their artillery'', bag
gage, pack mules, fixed ammunition, and near
2000 stands of muskets.
The fort, meanwhile, had been summoned,
with true Mexican duplicity,"and told that Tay
lor was flying. The Matamoras newspapers
and official bulletins called him a cowardly sai
lor. In answer to the - summons. the officers
plunged their swords into the parapet, and re.
to the hilt." Up to the evening of the
9th, 1500 shells and 3000 shots had been thrown
and the only loss was that of the brave comman
der, Maj. Brown. and 1 sergeant and 1 private
killed, and 11 wounded.
The General returns to the army to-night. and
will cross the river tomorrow or next day.—
The fort will be increased in guns, and especial
ly provided with mortars, which will bring the
town to terms at once. The Navy will co-op
erate at the mouth cf the river, and steamboats
begin to carry supplies by that rout.
Gen. Taylor has just given Gen. Vega a let
ter to Gen. Gaines. and a letter of credit on his
factor. The officers here and in the main body
vied with their commander in delicate attentions
to a brave and accomplished enemy, who won
thir admiration on the field, and was taken like
a soldier in full harness, and tightim• gallantly
to the last. Our loss about 30 killed and 140
wounded. In haste, . H. H.
Mexican loss at Palo Alto, set down,b) them
selves at 456 ; at Resaca de la Palma. 2000 mis
sing. Since the battle our dragoons have hero
exchanged, grade for grade, and the Mexican
wounded sent over to Matamoras. Pv the next
arrival you will hear of the town, and prohahlv
an offer from them to receive Mr. Slidell in any
It ought to be mentioned tiro some of our re
giments are not full, and two of them Only have
about 300. Many instances occurred, of men
handing their canteens to the wounded Mexi
can, and turning from them to fire upon others.
There was not a single occurrence of cruelty
towards the enemy. The morale of the army
is at its hil*hest—it ran now accomplish any
thing, and they would die for a commander who
does not ask them togn where he is not willingt o
lead, and in whose judgment they fully confide.
[Correspondent of the Picayune.]
FORT Pot.g, Point Isabel, May 13, 1846
GENTLENEN....-1 arrived here last evening
with the return train. bringing the wounded, cap.
tured and booty. Our General came down day
before yesterday to further his plans, and had
started back this morning, when anexpress met
him from above and brought hint back. Re
port said the Mexican were again moving down
on the other side of the river to cross at Barita's
Ferry, some 8 or 10 miles from this place.—
The fact that some of our army, just arrived,
haie been ordered to that point, and that a large
expedition from our squadron, consisting of sai
lors and marines, are also about ascending the
river, would seem to confirm the rumor.
This morning part of the Ist artillery. ist in
fantry and some volunteers from your city and
Mobile arrived, others being hourly expected.
A company amounted Texas rangers also arri
ved, a large number being daily expected to join
the army opposite Matamoras. A large quanti
ty of subsistence, arms, ordnance and ammuni
tion is being taken to the army, above, and soon
the General will be able to open upon 111ata
The volunteers who have arrived appear to be
of the clear grit."'
There was an exchange of prisoners with the
Mexicans—both officers and men—on the 11th.
We have vet as many left as we sent back to
them. Some of our naval surgeons are here
kindly assisting irr attending our wounded. Alf
the surgeons are kept very busy at this time.-
100 will nearly cover our killed and wounded
in. both battles-1500 not that of the enemy :
with the missing, some say 2000. Whenever
one of our officers or men got into their hands,
they would commence butchering and stripping
him at once—mutilating dead and, wounded bo
dies. There appeared to be women with their
army, Whose business was in part to strip the
dead. There is no mistake, those fellows fought
well. We astonished them, however, accord
in; to their own confessions, by the many mark r
ed instances of valor displayed by several offi
cers and many men, and the lighting of the
whole of our army.
At the second fight not over 1500 of us were
engaged at once: At the first fight they had
over 6000, we about 2000. At the second they
had a reinforcement of 1000 or more, and we,
as I said above, had only 1500.
They lost their all—everything was captured
—all their mules, about 500 or more, and pack
saddles, a very large qnantity of ammunition,
their camp equipage, artillery, 1000 stand of
arms, [muskets,] together with lances, drums.
accoutrements, clothing, supplies, colors, &c.,
&c., As we rushed after them in pursuit. all
this was encouraging.
Their dinners were on the fire cooking and an
swered for our supper. We ate their bread.
soup, tomatoes, meal. &c ; smoked their cigars.
[a good many fine ones nemg raptured.] and
drank tlogr ligtifirs. •I'lwir re dly-,lanO)n.rell
in rt dill not r••dn• ~ 1 111- . . jrln 111.1 011 OW 1104.
Our !,..11 11!“ \‘(d at a tuft I pur , utt •n
L., 11 , 0 t '
't•t - r.,,,5!.,1
, -1 w 11)1(t's rwir w , I
—•' v% , •1•1• Ont. ani; ! -,, T• 11:-
, •I 4 f Ihr r ,11,1
, 111 , 11—U I'l , l I , .1:2 .Irl,i. II l'tt - r'i . II t•
&r. In the rii , t :h.•
General's Adjutsiit's horse was striwk I by
cannon balls ; the second lime being killed—
The General behaved most gallantly. In the
second battle he was more exposed than any one
else, and there he sat part Of time•givirg
ders with his legs " c ocked over" the
of , the saddle, unheeding the solicilationN:
stain° retire. Such a victory, such ,h e ,
and such a rout I hardly think can-6 4 d: .
allel. 'What is most pleasing to us is, we
ourselves, against such odds and without 11.,
slum= of our brave and generous Inendso
volunteers. Yours truly,
P. c
S.--The muskets of the Mexicans k
ed were all marked' George Rex, or 4 . c . ,
[From the New York Sun, Extra.]
New Orleans, May, 20,-1841
The news received by the James L.
yesterday is interesting and more impor•
than at first glance we had supposed.
This arrival establishes' the important
that the report brought by the Galreaton4.
itmnense reinforcements had been receir e
the Mexicans was unfounded, or at tear s;
aggerated. Gen. Taylor arrived at hit n.; i
the evening of the 14th nst., without mof4.
tation. By the way, we find that the
opposite Matamoras has been christened-F.;
Brown," in honor of the gallant Major Bolsi
of the 7th Infantry, who fell in its tlefenct.,
The fortification at Point Isabel is now str,
"Fort Pulk," in compliment to the Pree
of the United States. We trust we may r.rt
safely say that communications between F.-
Polk and Fort Brown have been perinanet;,
All eyes are now turned towards Mat t ,
as. All our lettere indicate that the Dm!,
to be taken by Gen. Taylor is-to reduce a r .
city, and that he was making active prepp,
titans to cross the Rio Grande. We learn
as intelligent correspondent that the Mesita!,
anticipated that an attack would be made ie.:
the town on the Ioth—immediately upoo t ,
victory achieved on Me 9th. In consequet t:
all their posts were strengthened; and en,
individual who ente red the city *as detain,
and pressed into the. service.
During the action of the Bth the hotne-v.,a
in Matamoras were covered with the per.;,
and the bank of the river was lined with
tutors ; hut, writes a brave though facei N
correspondent, huzza from the Ft) ,
brOught forth by a despatch-messenger Ili
rode in to announce our victory, made them-.
• slope'."
Front an officer who was not in the fort
the Ist till the 10th inst. we learn that whit
was invested during Gen. Taylor's alse,
with the greater part of the army, Gen. Ar.r.
sent in to it a BUM mons to surrender upent:
score or hitoiroaiiy! This was after the
of the Sib, and betore the issue wanks°,
by those in the fort. The greatest any
was of course felt by them as to the r ,i u k. :t
cause theti fate was to depend mainly n:J.
the success of the army. Ignorant of it
had happened. and 'assured that a
awaited Get). Taylor, and that it wniiii!`..e is
possihle for him to reach the fort,--thec
eel Nv anxiety. hope, confidence and
not fear—that brave band relu.od w Plltr';r•"
What their fam would have been h-,d Ce-
Taylor been defeated, and the whii:e
horde bele gurbd the fort, the history
.\lexican warfare too fearfully pres%ilei.—
While on this theme, we feel constroiail:
say that the Mexicans dealt barberinolv
those Americans who fell in action'
core were taken prisoners. those killed
hideously mutilated. All the letters
read state the fact that the persons of the
and dead were not respected.
We append hereto extracts from lettFrt.t
fore us. If they contain little that is flee,:!l'
are nevertheless extremely interestinir. Ott
have others we should be 'glad to pnblnh
we room. One is from the Erallant hand ^
printers which responded with l surh pron.q , -
tude to the call of their country. Ca ni,
Head's company went over on the Div. an:
individuals of them speak warmly
Griffin's attentions, and of hisexcelleet bat
The company was in fine health and spiel
"eager for the fray," and expected • , ..a china
for a fight in two or three days—sure."
CA3S p ; Isa nu., near the mouthof the Elui
Britvo Del Norte, May 9, 1316.
The numerous friends of „)lajor Ringgold
doubtless be anxious to know the pultru.i
attending his melancholy end, and I l.2:ter
give them to you. The engagement of the
was entirely in the hands of the artillery, a ,
Major R. took a most active and impart= pa
in it. About G o'clock he was struck bra El
pound shut. tie was mounted, and the tht
struck him at right angles hitting hint in t!
right thigh, passing through the holsters ar
upper part (tithe fthoulders of his horse, al
then strickmg the left thigh, in the same Line
which it first struck hint.
On the evening of the 9th he reached IP.I
camp. under charge of Dr. Byrne, of the Brat
He was immediately placed in minium:l
quarters, and his wounds dressed. An
mense mass of muscles and integument. vel
carried away from both thighs. The a nte:'
were not divided, neither were the Lein.
broken. I remained with him all night.
had but little pain, and at intervals had .10 , '
bleep. On dressing hie wounds in the mot
ing„ they presented a most unfavorable aspen.
and there was but little reaction. Daring :"
night he gave me many incidents of the tiovd ,
and spoke with much pride of um executaiao .
his shot. Ile directed. Its shot not only "
groups and masses of the enemy, but to parii , ! .
far men in their line ; he saw them fall.l l W
place occupied by others, who in their iul
were shot clown, pointing his guns in the
place, and tie felt as confident of hitting 0
mark as though he had been using a rifle.
He had but one thing to regret, and thateg
the small number of men in his compao,.."
Ho said that be had made use of all hit t's
ertions to have. his company increase to
1 6
men, but without success, From the sr''
number of his men, as they were disabled
at their guns, he was without others to al l
their place. During the day he continued
lose strength. but was free from pain, and elite:.
ful. Ile spoke constantly of the etficieno
his guns, and the brave conduct of his gibes
nod men.
Ur rununued to grow worse. and a metlici
" remain , d constantly by his side. Pr'
Itt, rite rain mica- kt ith hog during the ntri•
lieu g e.,ery could be
late is tilde hie. but without effect. flu
~1 111, u , t 11 . , or worse until I it . c ll "
iglu,„lieu he expire survived Sr
ei I,ome ;dorioit mite
htht l
1, 111 In 1e pain—convened and
ali hie arran2cioents for his a pproaching r .
with the greatest composure and -resig ll l
He will be hurled to-day, at 3 o'clock. P.", 1
lamented by the whole camp. The a' 16 '
are generally doing very well.