c an right ; and that in this case, it was not so averred in the indictment, nor proved on the tr i a l. In his argument to the jury, he went over the whole ground of the testimony, an d undertook to show that even by the testimony ni Piollet. the defendant. Mr. M'Cook, was the seduced. and not the seducer but that Ids tesiiwa ny was c ontradicted in "its material Can!. by several other witnesses. lie com mente upon the good character of the defen daft, as proved upon the trial, and concluded van an appeal to the jury to acquit the delen• dant as innocent of the charge preferred against court adjourned until 9 o'clock to-morrow morning SATURDAY. 9 o'clock . ; A. M. Jails K. KANE. Esq., Attorney General. after a brief address replied to the arguments of the defence , in reference to the law of bribery, and contended that although formerly bribery U'3s oniv indictable at common law, against jodictal offieers. and those who offered bribes to those connected with judicial proceedings, vet the law was now enlarged, and it was well settled, both in this CiTuntry and in Eng. land. that bribery of persons connected, in anu way.with civil government. was punisha ble by indictment. He read Russell on crimes .inilseveral other English authorities to sus tain his position. He thought that the reason trtir there were no case of indictments in the Courts of legrslative bribery in England, was found in the ahtindant corruption in England. He Contended, that it made no difference whether money was given to procure a good or . bad art ; anti that if the jury belived that Itamel M'Cook offered or gave money to Victor E. Piollet, to vote for or procure a re port in favor of the Lehigh County Bank, whether the charges against the bank were true or lake, it was tlt Y etr duty 'to bring in a verdict id guilty. He Mot commented on the evidence, and undertook to vindicate both Mr. Piollet and Mr. Galloway from the seeming inconsis tencies of Mot testimony, and the contradic tion t - other witnesses. He passed a high v uloily upon Mr. G alto way and concluded witii al appeal to the jury to vindicate the purity (rf rite Commonwealth. and the oilier id the State. NIT. Kane spoke about an hour and a b If. and made an effective speech to the jury. and whet a favoralde impression on the audience. ‘l lien the Attorney General closed, the C o urt allowed the jure a Tecess of one !tour. JUDGE EIsDRED charged thejury. lie sanl it was an important and new.ques iiiim—iiire w loch had not before been adjoili dated by any Court in °Pennsylvania. Ile pint «l Blackstone & Russell on cranes, as contain :no the detlintion of Brihery, and stated tf their nntlaittaris wore correct, no one could be toimected with the administration of Justice. lie however•read several authorities and adjii cirateil sasses to show, that the law wars now el!ended to persons connected wi th o ff ices o f fiutibe trust. and etated that if these authorities :mild he relied upon, the ground taken by the ,e 1 for the Defendant, that le2islative Inhvry was not indictable at camition w, was !awn too narrow.-1 - 1e remarked, that Ow teLoskiiire had, also, in sonie cases certain pia:Ml powers. Ile therefore derailed dint the ease brltlre the emirt was indictable it eoin num Lew, and thet whatever amounted to a Tundir wrong was she subject of indictment. Timiiidge awn terieved Inc testimony, and tnanu red the jury that if they hdived Ptailet mid fl.o way, they must bring the Defendant iu Guth.. r.e :fury retired ; and the Court adjourn 11112. n i n'eli;idi, P. M.. at whirh tone they re Paned with a verdict of GUILTY. THE MAIL CONTRACToRS ' VISIT TO TILE PRF.s. , ILIEST.—On ThlirbdaV. the bids for the \,eflern routes, unthracing Michigan. Indiana, iscontqn, lowa. Missouri.Kenturky, Tennessee, Alabama. Misslssippi, Arkansas atul Lounuana, were closed. Tire Enron says. at 12 o'clock. agreeably to appinntineni, the mail contractors assembled at the General Post Office, and., in company xith the Postmaster General and several of lin• officers, and Col. Gardiner, of die city post office. waind upon the President of the United Stapes, nho received them in the East room. from 100 to 150 attended. and were introduc ed to the President: The procession on foot Iv o imposing. The contractors were in gen eral reparkahle for their manly, robust and Moldier] appearance. Some of them had been averiiiirs: others Speakers of the legislatures. and others of military rank. One circumstance 'duck us—drat many, perhaps most of them, wer e horn in sine State. and had removed. Ire rinently at an early age. ro the States where eisv now reside. The President received then: very cordially, and with very hole cere- ThrslY• They mixed freely with their fellow ctuzensin Washington and strangers who were Pre•elii. Every one present seemed to enjoy the l.s , flog scene. Last night they had a sup per at Coleman's. where they entertained their friends, and enjoyed themselves. Among their oiests was Col. R. M. Johnson. Atli ilf-past 10 o'clock the President receiv ed the mint delegation of the blind pupils from the Mreisnrhusetts, New . York and Pennsyl vania institutions, who are now on a visit to Washington. Cot. Kisis:Ey.—We find, in the Texas cor respondence of the Journal of Commerce. an hits - es-tin description of this adventurous pioneer, in the settlement of those parts. " I have had many interesting , interviews with a thorough Indian fighter and a Mexican trailer ;who has been in the country some yesrs) in which I have been vastly edified, while listening to his hair breTdth 'scapes.— :Many of your worths; New Yorkers will re member H. L. Kinney, Esq.. formerly a large operator in Illinois. Ile was rich, and is or will he, for he is one of the few always perse "nnZ men of the age. He was and is the in timate friend of Daniel Webster and his fami -IY. At this time Col. Kinney is the -Senator from Corpus Christi, but left his business much against his will. "Ile was in a Mexican prison for twelve months was sentenced to be shot (on account of the interception of a correspondence which he had the temerity to undertake fog the bene fit of his government.) through his masterly adroitness, escaped—and is now on the road to great wealth (or I am mistaken) ant! is' one ° I the prominent men of the State. His horse. mansh i p is astonishing—the most skilful Fart of which he acknowledges 'himself indebted to the Indians for. I have seen him cull a boquet of flowers (rein the ground.—l have seen him take a lady in spite of herself from the ground. and place her on his horse in front of him.—l have seen him pick up hats. papers, &c., from +he earth, and all this with his !arge at full must loam to ride if they fight OOTRAGE.—A barbarous outrage was per petrated in Washington parish. Louisiana, upon the person of a young lady, daughter of Mr. Lewis B. Cutter,- by a negro matt. The flolmesville (Miss) Free Press state that the negro entered the room throutth a windcw. while the young lady •was asleep. lit a strutl faggot at the tire•plaee, and proceeded to his deadly purpose, severely beating and bruising her head, and leaving her there, weltering in her blood, as dead. The negrci suspected of the crime is the property of Mr. Alex. Brum field. • INDIAN CORN AND BUCKwiteaT.—The Liver pool Albion of a late date says : • Large cluaiiiii ties of Indian corn have been released front bond in the course of the past week. Several additi onal cargoes are expected shortly. fhe corn merchants now treat title description of grain, in their transactions, as a free article, the prices mentioned being understood to include the Ist duty. Considerable importations of buckwheat are expected. and preparations are in progress for grinding it at the rise mills." ARKASSAS Duirr.—The debt or Arkansas is $.3.200,000. The Arkansas paper contend that the interest on this debt cannot be paid. One paper. with what it calls a 3pirit.of self sacri ficing honor," reeomends that the Legis'aiure propose • to the creditors of said State of Arkan sas, that they cancel their present evidences of liability, and receive in place thereof state bonds. not bearing interest, payable in fifteen rears af ter date." GRAIN AND FRUIT PROSPECT.—The grain and fruit prospect in Bucks county is unusual ly rich the present season. Old farmers bay that it never looked more healthy or forward. Rye in some places'is in full head. and every where its appearande extremely luxuriant.— Oats are up finely. and although rather early to judge . of the nature of the coining crop, still we would set it down as above the ordinary average. On the grass lands, the late heavy showers have exercised a very beneficial in- Il QUICKMVER.—The Nashville Orthopolitan says : .P We learn that a quicksilver mine has been discovered in the State of Alabama. Al ready several of our citizens. who are interested in the discovery, are enjoying in anticipation • glorious fortunes." • FROItT.—On Monday evening we had quite a severe visit from Jack Frost, but what damage he did, we have not ascertained. Tue fact is well known, that Bn•Nnitrrit's Pima arc a certain cure in every form of disease, all having the same root, which is impurity of the circulating fluid, the atoms. Ina period of little more than ten years in the United States, they have restored to perfect OFALTH and enjoy ment OVer rota HUNDIIED THOUSAND persons who were given over as incurable by Physicians of the first rank and standing, and in many cases when every ether ie meily hail been resorted to in vain. The great secret is to have the medicine by you when you are first attacked with sickness; one dose then will have more good effect than twenty, if you put it off un til disease has enfeebled the bodily powers; therefore every individual who considers health a blessing, should always keep a box of Brandrelh's Vegelable r Universal Pills where they can be sure-to lay their hands on them when wanted. Twenty-five cents cannot possibly be better disposed of. A valuable life may be saved, or a long fit of sickne-s prevented. Sold by J. D. & E. D. MONTA NT E, Towanda; G. A. PERKINS, Athens, only authorized Agents or Brad• ord County. A FACT WORTH KNOWING A gentleman of a scrofu:ous habit, became affected with Ulcerations of the Throat and Nose, and a dis agreeable and troublesome disease of the skin. Indeed, his whole system bore the marks of being saturated with disease. One hand and wrist were so much affected that he had lost the use of the hand, every part being covered with deep, painful, and off live Ulcers, and his hand and wrist were as hollow and porous as a honey comb. It was at this stage of his complaint, when death appeared inevitable from a loathsome disease, that he commenced the use of i•T NE ' S A LTEIIATIV E, and having taken sixteen bottles, is now perfectly cured.— Public Ledger. This ALTERATIVE operates through the circula tion and purifies the blood and eradicates diseases from from the system, wherever located; and the numerous cures it has performed in diseases of the Skin, Cancer, Scrofula, Goitre, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, and other Chronic diseases, is truly astonishing. - Prepared only by Dr. D, JAYNE, No.B South Third Street, Philadelphia. Sold by A. D. Montanye To wanda, Pa. Illarrled,_ o Herriiii. Bradford county, on Tuesday, 4th instant, by Rev. Morgan Roger, Arroinov W. T•s . Lon, of Rome, to Miss Meat Sravaxs, of the former place. Died. In Binghamton, Broome co, N. Y., on the Ist instant, of Consumption. Miss CATHARINE T, MERRILL, in the 24th year of her age. Though the sickness of this estimable young lady was long and painful, she was enabled to bear her suf ferings with great patience, and meet the summons of Death with that composure which ever charactelizesthe devot d follower of God. Her early death has cast a deep gloom upon a large circle of friends and acquain tances,to whom she was strongly endeared. Still, they mourn not as those without hope. May her example (so well worthy of imitation) be a guide for her youth ful associates, and lead them, in the morning of life, to choose that which insures eternal bliss; that whether called to their account early f or late, they may. like their deceased friend. awaits Death's coming with like sere nity and joy.—lris. In Troy. on Friday, the l7th ult., of brain fever, in the eighth year of her ago, Fax Lora, daughter of L. 13. and Mrs. Elizabeth Morse. Little Fanny Jane seas remarkable for her sweetness of temper and strength of affection. By early discover ing these, she greatly endeared herself to her fond pa rents. For some time before her last illness, she was India-. ed to seriousness. She took pleasure in conversing up on the subject of religion. She expressed a desire that her father might become pious and attend to family worship. Not tong before her death she told her mo ther that she was willing to die, if it was the will of God, or to lice if He thought best It was just as tha day was dawning, that she breath ed her last. fler soul, when ready to depart, seemed to say," Let me go, for the day breaketh." “Cease, here longer to detain me, Fondest father, drowned iu wo ; Now thy kind caresses pain me, Morn advances, let me go. " See yon orient streak appearing, - Harbinger of endless day; Hark! a voice the darkness cheering, Calls my willing soul away." [Cox. American and Foreign Newspaper, Advertising & • Subscription Agency Mem. GEORGE PRATT, 164 Nassau-street, New-York; V. B. PALMER, No. 30 Ann at.. New York; Real Estate & Coal OtUee, N. 59 Pine-at, Philadelphia; Receive subscriptions and rii.vertisements for mot Po reigri and American Newspapers, and are duly, consti tuted Agents for the " Bradford Reporter." ' ITV* THE UNIVERSALIST STATE ASSO.. CIATION, will be holden in Sheshequin, on the first Wednesday and Thursday lin June next. REV. W.BULLA RD will lecture in Ath ens, or the 3d SUNDAY in this month, at Baptist Church. at 5 o'clock, P.M. Subject—The pa rable of tho Rich Man. UMW GOODZI MBE subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to bis friends anethe public generally, that he is now remising a eery large and carefully selected ad dition to his stock of GOODS, bought fnr Cash, and selected with the express view of UNDERSELLING the BRAGGADOCIOS. 0. D. BARTLETT. Towanda, May 13, 1846. RMWOS 54 ° 40' OR FIGUT ! I. H. BAIRD & CO, are receiving this day a large and mast splendid assortment of All kinds of Goods , which will be .1.1 cheaper than ever. ;full descrip tion will he given in next week's papers. May 12, 1846. N 0.3. BRICK ROW. LARGE ARRIVAL OF GOODS ..111Ontanyes .5F Co.'s More. ONE ARK LOAD just received, and daily expect= ing more. The prettiest and cheapest goods ever offered in this market, are now opening, and they hope their friends will not forget to give them a call. Wholesale purchasers and merchants wishing to replenish their stock will he accommodated on liberal terms. J. D. & E. D. MONTANYE & CO. Towanda, May 13, 1846. LQ nSMTSM THE FIRST ARRIVAL of Nem Goods" in 11 Towanda, was received at the "SAVINGS BANK. Saturday evening—consisting of Silks, shawls, pints, ribbons, noislins, lawns. &c.—we shall look for more daily. Suffice it to say, that we shall continue the wur" against High prices, until a complete reno vation in prices shall is, effected, and goods sold as cheap throughout this borough—as at the Savings Bank, if it rakes nine years More anon. Towanda, May 13. G. E. FLYNT & CO. SHALL PROFITS & QUICK SALES. d• M. C. MERCUR, ISM HAVING ENLARGED & REFITTED THEIR store to accommodate their increasing business, have the pleasure of announcing to their friends and customers 'hat they are now opening a good assort ment of SPRING sliMlf ER GOODS, embracing almost everything in the line of Dry Goods, Glass 4 Queensware, Groceries, Ila , dst.rtre, Saddlery Boots 4. Shoes. Paints. bye stnffs, Druzs, MedicinC3, Harness and Carriage:Saily, Clays. 7'rimmtngy, I:rather. hall, 4c which will be %old it% heretofore, at prieem that will ea ti,afy the public-. Towanda, May 12, 1846. LARGE ARRIVAL I New and Chrap Spring and Slimmer Goods, (O==I2IIMIZIJ BURMN KINGSLIERY most respectfully in tern. his old customers, and the public in gene ral. that he it now receiving at his old 'stand, a large assortment of all kinds of goods, which ho intends to sell a bilk cheaper than any other store in Towanda. It is impiitsible to put in a newspaper all the different kinds of goods that may he found at my store. I have a full assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Druzs, 31,d:eines, Paints. Oils, Dye duffs, Boots and Shoes, Nail,. Iron. Hats ty Caps, &c. Call and price, .before von litre elsewhere. May 14. 114.16. PRINT ED LA INAS, Muslin de Lames anu SUM. mer Shawls. a very large assortment, which will he sold lower than he bought at any other store. Call and see. mvl4 B.KINGSBERY. BoNNErfront s—Any quantity, two shillings, rto $6, with beautiful trimmings, also flowers, in side sprigs and wreaths, all French, which will Ito found at tny 14 B.KINgSBERY. EGIIORN & PALM LEAF HATS. also Fur and silk Hats, latest styles, and Yery cheap, at may 13. B. KINGSBERY'S. APPLBBY';"3 FINE CUT dieiving and smoking TOBACCO, a prime article for sale at ME NO. 1, CODFISH & MACKEREL, lors.ilo at may 13. B. KINGSBERY. HOLLO W-WA RE. such as pote, kettk., spiders, &c., at. my 13 B. KINGSBERY. TiTBS, patent pails. Shaker brooms, Al cent mats, traveling baskets, carpet sacks, looking classes, &c., all very cheap at may 13 RAMIE'S CELEBRATED CHOCOLATE & extra cocoa. superior to old Java coffee, and a very healthy beverage, which may be found at the old Cheap atom of myl3 D. KINGSBERY. !regimental Order& THE ENROLLED MILITIA within the bounds of the lot Regiment, 3d Brigade, 9th Division, P.M. ; will meet duly armed and equipped for drill and inspection, on Monday, the I . sth day of June next, at the house of Stepher. r .lamfled, in Standing Stone.— The several companies comprising Ist regiment, viz: Ist corn—Towanda ho. 7th coin—Herrick —Standing Stone gth Springhill 3d —Monroe 9th —.Upturn 4th —W v vox & Rome 10th •• —Durell Sth •• —Albany 6th " —Wye:using 12th " —Towanda tp. will meet for drill on Monday the let day of June next, at such places within the bounds of the several compa nies, as the commanding officers may direct. And should there be no officers in any of the above n.med compa nies, to call out citizens subject to militia duty, in order to avoid the increase of fine when levied by the asses sor, the undersigned would refer them to the 20th sec tion of the '• act to reduce the militia system," passed the 25th April. 1844. P. C. WARD, Colonel. Colonel's Office. Greenwood, May 11, 1816. Regimental Orders. 7 I NT MILITIA of the sth regiment, 2nd brigade, A 9th divi.ion, P. M.. are hereby commanded 1, 3 meet at the house of Mrs. Dernmarrst. in Litchfield. on the 17th day of June next. at 9 o'clock, A. M. armed and equipped as the law directa for regimental inspec tion and review. J. HARDER, Colonel. Colonel's Office. Athenv, May I I, 1846. BATTALION NOTICE. MINE FOURTH VOLUNTEER BATTALION AL of Bradford County. will meet at the house of Stephen Canfield. in Standing Stone, on Monday, the 15th day of June next. at 9, A. M. armed and equipped as the law directs, gpr drill and inspection. A full at tendance is requested. C. F. WELLES. JR. Athens, May 12, 1846. Lieut. Col. .irotice. SETTLERS arm the land of JOHN C. TII WING in the townships of Wyrrox and Rome will he re gulled to make payments this spring, or my directions are to collect according to law. BURTON KINGSBERY,. hloy 13. Attorney for J. C. Thwing. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. , RIAPING been appointed by the Orphan a Court of Bradford County. Auditors to audit the ac counts of E. White. one of the Executors of the last will and testament of Patrick Cummings, deceased, the undersigned will attend to the - duties of them appoint ment at the Court House, in Towanda in said county. at '2 o'clock in the afternoon of the 11th day of JUNE next; of which all concerned, will take notice. D. BULLOCK,i Auditor.. htay 11, 1846. H. BOOTH. 20 Bus. CLOVER SEED. just received and for sale try • B. KINGSBERY. POSITIVL ORDZRS. Monroeton. May 12th, 1846. S ALL PERSONS indebted to J. J. & I WAR. FORD, must make paymeit in full or part this spring, and those neglecting to weule up their book so count, will bo sued. - Only 121 Cents a Number The Penny Magazine, a new and elegant edition of the reizwe z f Use PENNY MAGAZINE. THE success which the cheap edition of the Pewit T Maoszuss has met with, inducts the Publisher to comply with the earnest request of numerous gentle:, men in various parts of the Union, to publish a new edition, on finer paper, and in a mere elegant style. The publisher, the-efore, hereby announces, that on thefirsiSafurday of July, 1846, he will issue the first number of the fine edition of the PENNY .111.1G-IZINE, and regularly, thereafter. on the first and fifteenth of every month, continue to publish the succeeding num bers, until the entity work is completed. The entire work will be published in 72 numbers or parts, at the low price of 11.2 i Cents, per Ntimber, • I being at least one third less than the original price, and when completed, will constitute eight very beautiful and large imperial octavo volumes, of permanent value and usefulness. The London Penny Magazine. issued Ander the di rection of the “ esticiety for the difitision of useful know ledge," is unquestionably, one of the most entertaining and useful of all the popular works which has appeared in any age, or in any language. Its pages embrace every subject in the wide field of human knowledge; and as every article, whether on Science. History, Bi ography, Literature, or the Arts, passed the careful scrutiny and critical ordeal of tin able committee of learned men. the work may he placed in the hands of the youth of the country without danger or distrust.-- The popularity of the work in England may he judged of from the fact that, during the first year of its publi cation more than 80.000 copies of the monthly parts were disposed of. The whole work consists of about 4,000 large imperial octavo pages, and is illustrated ,by 2.000 engravings. The original cost of Stereotyping and Engraving, vi the London Publishers, was $25,000. dj- The Work is sold by all dealers in Books and cheap Literature, throughout tee-United States. Per sons wishing to obtain it regularly on its issue, will do well to hand in their names to some Bookseller in their neighborhood, at us early a day as possible. The usu al discount to the trade. aa Every Postmaster in the United States or the Camellia is authorized to procure subscribers for this beautiful and useful work. By remitting to the Pub lisher ONE DOLLAR, they will receive TEN copies of any needier. 'l•he postage on each number will he about four cents, so that persons in the country club bing together and sending on for a dozen or more copies fir a time, will get them by the return mail at very lit tle above regular retail price. postage included. Money may be remitted by mail at We risk of the Publisher. Address your nrders to J .S. REDFIELD, Clinton Ball, N.Y. J. S. IL is always supplied with a complete as sortment of BI `OKS in every department of Literature suitaSle fur the wholesale trade, arid is prepared to an swer any orders for Busks, Stationery or Cheap Pub lication+, with promptness, and at the very fewest pri ces. COMA!) , Merchants are invited to call and see fur tbems•lves, MEMBERS of the Ly comb.; County Mutual In -7.lsuranee Company, are hereby notified that the Board of Direetord have ordered ann....orient of one per cent. on all premium notes, due to the company on the rith day of November, 1545. to be pail previous to the `2d day of June next, to the Trra-ur•r or to Receis- WM. A. PETRIEIN. Seeretary. The Receiver for Bradford County a I.I.BAET. LETT ; the Treasurer, C. S. Eaq. Office of Ly. Co. Met. Ins. Co., t ± • New Blacksmithing Establisluneut, Prices 25 per cent. cheaper than hare ever been known in Northern Penn'a. THE subscriber, having commenced the above bu sinecs, takes this method to inform the inhabi tants of Towanda and vicinity. that he is prepared to do all kinds of work entrusted to his care in the m at neat and workmanlike manner: such aoirontng coach es, carriages, sleighs, of all kinds; mill-work of all kinds, done a little nicer than , ut any oilier shop in Elie county, Some attention paid to EDGE TOOLS, to fill up crevices, and finally all kinds of work, in the above line (horse•shoeing, excepted) and will warrant all my work to stand the test. Try me end if you do not find things jest right, then pot me down. From my long experience in the business, I flatter myself that I can please all kinds of people. You can find me at all times at my shop. a few rods south of Bridge street, known an Mean,' old stand. All kinds of Produce taken in payment for work,and a little of the ready Jo-Davis will not he refused. B. KINGSBI:RI"S DR. J. N. SUMNER, DENTIST, ESPECTFULLY informs the public that he will be in Towanda, about the first of June next, and may be found at I. H .Stophens. where he wid be hap. py to see those requiring his services. THE co-partnership heretofore existing between Danford Chaffee and Geo. W. Eastman is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having unsettled accounts with the late firm are requested to call and settle us goon as convenient, at ths old stand, as both parties expect to occupy the same shop the pre sent season, and are very desirous of bringing their for mer badness to a close. We would tender our ack nowledgements for past favors, and further solicit - our shine of public patronage, B. KINGSBERY Towanda Bridge.—Tolls Reduced! 2301 . a resolution of the Board, hereafter there will he charged for every wagon, sulkey, cart. sleigh, or sled, drawn by one horse, t welve and a hrlf cents.— For every man and horse, six and a quarter coda.— For every foot passeneer, one mt. ENOS TOMKINS, President. N . B. Two Horse Teams coming to Towanda, with produce, are required to pay Toll but one way. Towanda, May 4. 1846. I Ith —Franklin C3MCD(S2'.I L. 5775 W . ,.t l iTZLE[agg IMRE subscriber not being in full communion with It the firm of M—. he is not prepared to boastof the largest assortment OfJEWELRY out of Jail : and having never- learned - the Cabirut making buainem,— he is not prepared to do any work in that lino; but having armed a regtdar apprentices/it]) ( I ) in the watch repairing business, and the experience of 16 years, has no hesitation in saying that all work entrusted to him shall be done in a workmanlike manner r promptly, and second best to none west of that city from whence came that mighty rush of Gold lardry ! Now my friends, in all your getting, don't forget to get your watches fixed at old No. in() opposite the Public Square and two doors north of Briggs tavern. A.M.WARNER. Towanda. April 29, 1846. CY' N. B.—l pledge myself to do my work right. All work warranted one year and the money refunded if it does not perform according to agreement. Stick a P.O. there ! frOWANDA ACADEMY.—THE SUMMER . T of the present Academic year will commence on Monday, the 4th of May . next. The terms will continue as heretofore. The Preceptress, Miss S. F. WORTHING, is prepared to give instruction in MUSIC. Terms.—With use of the instrument, per qr., $9 00 Without, - - - 600 April 20. 1846. J. C. VANDERCOOK. WINDOW SASH AND BLIND FACTORY.— The subscriber. having now completed his arrangements, is now ready to furnish,any quantity of WINDOW SASH AND BLINDS. Both are made with new machinery,ol" the neatest pattern and mos‘approved description. Individuals wanting Sash or Blinds—can be acommodated on the most favorable terms—by calling at the Factory at Greenwood, 'on the Towanda creek, two miles above Monroe corners. JOSEPH JOHNSON. Greenwood, April 16, 1848.....9em. WM/ DECLARED: .Issessniesal. Murry, April 17, 1846 Lt Touianda, N. HEMINGWAY, JR Towanda, May 6, 1846.—y DISSOLUTION DANFORD CH -1 FFE, Rome, May 1, IS4G. GEO. .EAsnt AN. Clocki, Wateh.es; Jewelry it Silverware, dIT NO. I. BRICK ROW. A. CHAMBERLIN h..a just returned from • the city.of New York with the Lirgest 'assort ment of FASHIONABLE JE WE LR r, ever Nought to this place, such as Fingrr-rings, Breast-pins,of every description; Locket., bracelets, gold sod silver p-ncils, gold keys, thimblea. silver spoons. swat tAgs. specta cles, far all'ages, pen a ,t 1 pocket knives. (Roger's ma nufacture,) and many other articles whico ..e will sell extremely low for CASH. All kinds of WATCHES; consiatimr of patent le ver, L'Epine, English and Swise s watchea, warranted to keep. good lime. It is as clear and unquestionable 8.1 our right to the whole of Oregon, that Wm .A. Clu st n..ucl s low got the largest and best select e d assortment of Fancy Goods ever brought into the borough of Towanda, and that be will sell his goods cheaper than was err, sold by any human tiring being !—stick a pin there ! ! N• B. Watches warranted to fun well one year, or the money refunded; and a written agreement given to that effszt to all that desire one. E r MAPLE SUGAR, Wood. and all kindsof Coun try Produce received in payment. W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent. 'Towanda, Ap'ril 22, 1546. WAKEN UP. afloat in tne buNueliatina ii.cr, on 11_ the 27th of March lam, a pile of about 30011 fret of 12 feet BOARDS. The hoards are at the landing, of Thomas Ingham, in Asylum, Bradford co. EYLENBURG ¢ STALFORD. A.Nlum. April 22. 1846. • CUM ion THE -public ore cautioned against purchasing a cer. Lain note given in Troy. the lAA of March. IR4 6, payable to Aden Calklin. or bearer, six months after t ate. I shall nut pay said note unless compelled by law, as I have received no value. ANDREW B. BASSETT Weu. Buffington, April 22, 1846. CLAREMONT HOUSE, (tlUt'W2dM U.Va4l2aLt.ardp RESPECTFULLY ififormil his blends that he hoe leased the above House, situated on the south side of toe public square. lately occupied by A.M. Cue, and having made entirely new arrangements, is now prepared for the reception of visitors. Presenting his compliments to his friends and the public generally. and assuring them no pains or expense will be spared to please his guests, he respectfully solicits public patron age, pledging himself that while the establishment i s under his control, tt shall not be excelled by any in the country. The rooms of the • CLAREMONT HOUSE,' ere spacious and airy. and furnished in the best style. The Table will be furnished with every substantial the country can produce, The Bar will be stocked with the best liquors in a pure and unadulterated state. First rate :Stabling attached, with ready and faithful Ostlers always in atte..dance. In short, nothing will he omitted. which will add to he comfort and convenience of customers. and with his acihties. he believes satisfaction will be rendered to all. Towanda. April 8. 1846. FOR SA LE AFARM. rdtua.ed on the stage road in the part of Pike taw oship,.cootaii.ing 77 acres and allow a.,ce, about 10 acres cleared, with a rood dwelling house, barn, two sheds, one Workshop, a woodshed. and au orchard in full hearing, with some good stone wall, and an excellent spring of water near the house. Far terms apply to the subscriber on the premises. Pike, April 10111 1846. NOAH M IKINSON. ArniiNisTßATows No-ricE. NOTICE is given 'h..' all per.ons indebted to the estate of D. Loomis, of Troy Ip.. deed., are .re quested to make immediate payment. and all thove hav ing demands against the same are requested to present them legally attested for settlement. I.I.:TIIER T. LOOMIS, ALVIN LOOMIS., Troy, April 9. 1846. Administrators. BANT OF LETTERS remaining in the Nat O ffi ce at Towanda, quarter ending Mach 31, 1846. Arnold C W Jones Thomas Agney MIAs Mary Kimono i James Brown Orlando Kirk Michael Brown inn, Lucy Kellogg mai L Blackford Phehe Keeler mrs Sally R Brown Jos or J Caner Keeler We l 2 Burk Martin Ladd C K Brown Mile. C Leuis Nancy A Blanvelt miss Mary 2 McDonald Win A Case L S Myer miss Susan A Cogswell Charles McCleod miss Susan 2 Coareney Wm McMahon John Grocer Campbell Sidney. Molony Maurice • Crowley David Mace Emerson Ctirren Mary Maden Edmond Catharine Cummings McClough Wm Dr Dunlap 0 F 2 Murdock miss Charlotte 2 Doherty John Marshall Joseph Dickson Charles Mace H II Dolan mra Bridget McAndrus Martin Davidson Douglas Merithew. miss Caroline Drinker Henry Mace A A jr Dean Pane D Minier Harriet A ...aiss Dodge Eliza !Vire Newell Albert Eveline Ambrose Newell Stephen Ennis miss Maria Naglee Henry ht Ford John B Patrick Ferguson A F Osborn Elijah Fuller E I. Proudfoot Robbers J Fuller A Page Alfred B Frederick Fisher Powell John FSrr miss loonies S Paine Ransom Green James F Runliaw George Gardner C M Rooles Samuel Gerould Chas liaxtan J B Elder Gofl Humphry Shear Dennis Grow A C :indium Samuel 2 Glannv Dennis Smith Harry Granger Delia Shiner Stephen Hemmenway Wakeman 2 Swartwood Charles R Howland miss Melinda A Sickler Emily Miss Hentz N R Tupper George K Harris inns Claris a Thames WM - Harris James 2 Tanada Soloman Hakes Mitforil Terry Gerahim A S Horton Win 2d Vand7ke W.lliain Hays Charles Woodard R Hire miss Bridget. Wainer Uly.es M Hur!bun Wm H Weaver 1) S & T Helloes Morris Wellman Francis Irvin mjss Margaret Welch Mrs sugar creek Johnson Rev I. Young Mr A. S. CHAMBERLIN, P. M BRIDGE LE'T'TING WOTICE is hereby given, that that the Commission ers of the county of Bradford will attend at the Bridge over Wyalusing creek, near the mouth thereof. in the township of Wyntusing, on Thursday die =- 61Y of April next, at 9 o'clock A. 111.. lathe purpose of receiving proposals and letting to the lowest and most re.ponsible bidder, the necessary work and repeating of said bridge. The Commissioners will exhibit a plan and specification -of such work at the time and place o letting. By order of the Commk.ioners. J. M. WATTLES. Clerk. Commissioneci Office, Towanda. March 26, 1846. jOSTPONEMENT.,-The above letting is post. paned until Thursday, the 14th day of May nest, at the Commissioners Office, in the Bore, of Towanda, where sealed proposals tvid be received at any time pre vious. A specifirstion of the work can be seen at the Commissioners Office st env time preview; to tholetting. By order of the drimmissinners. J.' M. W ATTLES, Clerk. Commissioner's Office, Apnl 24. 1846. CONSTABLES'GUIDE SEVERAL copies of the shove work just received end for sale at the reduced prier of 75 renter. March :10. 1R46. J.KINGSBERY. JR. THE QUESTION ,SETI'LED. a\ JURY of twelve ladies hes decided, that the place g.4ga to purchase Fresh Tess. On appeal of Boat s.) is O. E. :FLYNT 4 , CO'S. • CLOYEB SEED COVE% SERB: 2ARMERS will find it to their advantage before purchasing their CLOVER SEED to call and examine a superior lot of new aced, just received at March 1 I. MERCUR-J. ONE TON of HAMMERED IRON, from Easing ton's iron Works this day undyed, Moo a rot or. Shovel Plough Patterns at MERCUR'S. BRIGADE ORDERS. THE enrolled militia and Volunteers within the bounds of the 2d Brigade, 9th Division, P. M., wtil meet for military discipline anti inspection, as fol lows, to wit : In emnpanies. on Monday. the let day of June next, at ituch places is may be directed by the commanding officers, and in battalions and regiments, as follows: Yd Regiment, commanded by C./. A. E. D us an; ; battalion on Monday, the Bth do); of fune, 1846 ; 2d battalion on Tuesday. the fhb day of done: 4th Reg. commanded by Cot. N. A. Elliott; Ist hat. nn Wedttet. day, the 10th; 2d bat, same reg. on Thursday, the I Ith day of June. 11-t volunteer battalion of Tioga county, commanded by bent. col. Joseph Yonkin, on Thursday June IL 2,1 reg. commanded by Col. H. H. Seely, on Friday, the lgth of June. The 3il Volunteer Battalion of Bradford County; cam mandril by Lieut. Col. L. J. Bradford, 'on Friday. the lgth day of June. The tat Volunteer .Battalion, corn mantled by I.ieut. Col. Theodore Wilder, on Saturday, the I:ith day of June. lot regiment. commended by CoL P. C. Ward. on Monday, the 15th day of June. The 4th Vol. Battarti commanded by Lieut. Col. Charles F. Welles, Jr., on Monday. the 15th day of June. The gd Volunteer Battalion of Bradford County com manded by Lieut. Col. E. Daniels, on Tuesday the 16th day of June; and sth regiment. commanded by Colonel Jacob Harder, on Wednesday. the 17th day of June. The attention of militia officers and others interested, is called to the act of 25th of April. 1844. to reduce the expenses of the militia aystens." and the returns of en rollments and lists of absentees must be made in strict conformity with said art. The permits fur not furnishing roll copy to Inspector, ten dollars ; fiat o(o,st:rime's. fifty dollars. Officers must appear in full uniform. and be punctual in making returns of all public property in their posses sion. Militia c ompanies, having no officers to call them out, will dimply with the provisions of the 20th section of the act of the 25th April, 1844. "to reduce the ex [wows of the militia system." dec.; substituting the first Monday of June, instead of the first Monday of May, as it reads in mild section. W. E. BARTON, Inspector V.d Ofh Die. P. N. InTectoer Office, E. Smithfield:April 27. 1846. Elmira, Corning, and Buffalo Line. 11HE Proprietors of the above Line will continue to run a Line of Passage Boat:, between ELMIRA; CI 'FINING end BUFFALO. for the accommodation of EMIGRANTS and FAMILIES. moving West. af fording facilities not heretofore offered to the Emigrant, from thia section of New York . and Petinaylvania. The Boots of this Line arc of the FIRST CLASS fitted and furnished with all the conveniences and se commodationv of PACKETS. commanded by experien• ced Captains, and towed by relays of liar-n. BOAT ROME, Capt. H. W. THOM PSON, 'TEMPEST',Capt. A .M.TABLOR. During the season of 1846, one of the above Boats will leave Corning, and Elmira, every week, in the fol lowing order : Cons Ivo, eve r y Monday evening, at 6 o'clock P. - M., ELMIRA, every Tuesday evening, at 6 o'clock P. M.. Towing down Seneca lake every Thursday morning. touching at Big Steam. Lodi. and Dresden. leaving MEd° for Corning and Elmira. every Wednesday morning PuR EREIGIIT OR PASSAGE apply to Captain on board, or to Wm. Mallory, Corning, S. B. Strang & co., Eho;ra. , Winiertnute & Tuttle, Horseheads, A Nash. Havana, 1.. G. l'owo.eml, Rig Stream, Woodworth & Port, Lodi, 4 . • - Price & Holly, Geneata, Gay 4 Sweet, Waterloo. .I.Shoentaker, Seneca Fall, Baker 4. Rug.. illontezuma, H. IVright, Rochester, H. NileA. Bufb/o. Administrator's Notice, A"persons indebted to the estate of Chauncey Morse, ileeea‘ed, late of Tray ttsp.Bredfoid Co. are muested to make immediate payment, and all those having demands against the atne are requested to present them, legally attested for settlement. CASE. A. D.SPALDiisG.i Adminiers. Troy, April 3, 1846. TWO BUGGIES FOR SALE A T the Blacksmith's shop of the subscribers, at the lower part of the I -wit, we have for sale TWO BUGGIES. They are well made. and will be sold very cheap. 11. & A. ESEN WINE. Towanda. April 7,184 G. IIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Poet Office 4 at Troy, fur quarter ending March al, 1846. Adams James Lane Geo W' Ackerly Rev Sarni 2 Merry James 2 Alvord S E More Solomon Austin Augustus McDowell miss Louisa Austin Win Murray G W Avery Win Mclntosh Wm 2 Barret Caleb Mclntosh miss Charlotte Hoke Wm Mason miss Sophronia Brown A G Morgan J C Baker John Mereline Wm Baa er Smith McNaught John Colony Chaa Noble Orrin P Davis Wm Orvis E Doane J C Provin Wm 2 Dodge Calvin •Parke miss P E & Esther Eaton Wm Parker C S Fleming A B Randall Daniel Fears 1. M Randall Stephen Fitch L II Reynolds Wm Ford Isaac Romvilel miss Olive L Greeno Amuse Rich Esdras Guthrie miss it F Remington Seneca Guthrie miss F 0 Riddle Wm • Guile Jesse Snell Grant Halleck Caleb Sherwood J Elton O 11 - Simpson Henry Hil* II R Seim John H Jennings Ebenezer Smith Wm M Johnson 1.114 v -ins 2 Tears mrs Emily C Kryse miss Hannah Tears Win 2 Kannadv A II Williams P C Kelley George Willeson Richard King Charles Young fors Celinda Linderman Jaeoli F. SMITH, P. M. WAGON AND SLEIGH MAKING. ~ :o- r ax'a azlaT.Ll3 HAVINC formed co-partnership for tho purpose of carrying on tit. above business at Monroeton - are prepared to execute all orders punctually, such u • ' Ming, Repairing and Painting, on the shortest notice and at the lowest prices that they can he had in this vicinity for ready pay. All kind.' of Produce and Lumber 'taken in payment at, the market prices. COFFINS made on the shortest notice. and at re duced prices. P. DUNFEIR. Montocton. March 17. 1845. .1. C. smrni. NOT CE. roHE partnership heretofore existing under the firm' ja of lltai r Mrx 4 Sov, is this day dissolved by mutual agreement. Ali clemanda due aaill4rm ere to be imid to Hiram Mix. . HIRAM MIX. Towanda, March 3d. 1946: H. MIX Jr. Z 1 12 11 CD 0 7 . , - T 31 9 attorney at Lax!, OFFICE in the north corner of the Brick Row.di redly ever the Peed Office. Main street. cro•En trince at the rawiii end e r the Imil•iinn, 60 BUSH bi.S Ul.l/1, bit Oca..L.P. taige add !'*m.ll kind. juat roreived and (or sale cheaper than etany oth.r .o.orcia Tow 1. ALSO a few:Thathel of , rery flew TI rki - k St:ED at BAIRD'S. b.f23d. Ia.IG. 7177e115..:1141L.112-11.724 . 18C-7311P.90 ALDRIFT just above the mouth 01 Sugar creek. on . the Intlt tilt.. a pile of Hemlock scantling, suppo sea to contain about 9 I (19 Feet. The owner is reques ted to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take possession of the same. J. ALLO WAY & others. Towanda, April 1, 1646. . - - TON A.SL.II , IT h:O .114( , ) u.t rcratacki, aria lot sale a i l e24 RF.EITS. f'l . 2. B.R. linkRUSHES—Harr, Paint. Shaving Mitt Nada— ilap complete assortment. at the Sep 17. EEVTRAT. MVO STORE. DIrEWOODS. PAINTS do OILS, ut every der CriPti o 9., COI 'Ate, one not eh below the market. asp 24. U. KINGiSHERV.