Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 06, 1846, Image 3

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    A rr ival of the Steamer Great Western,
The steamship Great Western arrived at
New York, on the 30th ultimoo bringing Lon
don dates to the 9th, and Liverpool to the 10th
mg. inclusive.
The c otton market has improved since the
sailing of the Caledonia. •
Eseitement with regard to the Oregon ques
tion seems in a great measure to have passed
s way.
The news from the Continent is not impor-
In Persia the cholera is raging with devasta
ting effect.
Parliament had adjourned for the Easter holy
days. the House of Commons to the 17th, and
the House of Lords to the 2 lat. Si r R o b ert
Peel gave notice that the Irish coercion bill will
be taken up again on the 17th, and on the_Mon
the corn importation bill.
The debates in Parliament seem to have been
con fi n ed to Irish and railway affairs. These
top i cs also engross the atttention of the journals.
It haring oeen charged that the protectionists
had made an agreement with Sir Robert Peel to
s upport the Irish coercion bill. if he wouldlteld
nn the corn-law question, the Premier in the
House denied positively that any such agree
ment had ever been thought of.
The prince de Joincille has been appointed
tmu mander-in-chief of the Mediterranean fleet.
Ile has been making a tour of inspection to neve
ral „ sa l Otations. Toulon and others, and the
papers speak of excellent effects produced by
tie rigid examinations. These are said to have
shown that close examination was greatly need-
There has been yet another ministerial crisis
in Spain. Narhez having quarrelled with two of
,his colleagues.
'The Parts Journal des Debars—the govern
ment organ—has come out in favor of free trade.
Sunday the Genoa, 500 tons, arrived in St.
Katherine dock, from Boston, with 25 eases of
turkeys; geese, and capons ; also, six boxes of
frd reindeer of superior quality. They were
packed in ire to preserve them. We believe
tap; to he the first importation of the kind.
Orisons —The article in the last number of
the Quarterly Review', on the subject of Ore-
E on, is beginning to attract attention, now that
the hubbub arising out of the Indian victories,
Is fast subsiding. The gist of the article is to
promote a compromise, and the reviewer would
he content with the fortymuth parallel. We
have contended from the first that any fair set
tlement of the dispute would be hailed with avi
dity by the English people, in order to avoid
the horrible consequences which an appeal to
force would produce ; and the semi-official char
acter (lithe article to which we allude, embody
ing the feelings oldie Conservative party on the
subject is confirmatory ofour views.
The arrival at Havre with New York papers
to the 18th tilt, brings the debates in Congress,
this subject, three weeks later than the pre
vious packet. The ultra Oregon men appear
in be losing ground, and the general feeling of
the country as well as of Congress, leaves little
to apprehend now for belligerent result. Indeed,
e is generally believed here that the dispute is
nasally settled. W e sincerely hope that this
is not an asNumption, but a fact.--ifilmer
Smilli s .Tunes.
COMMERCIAL.—Commercial matters wear an
improved aspect. Affairs are sufficiently- bad ;
but comparatively speaking, not 51) much so as
they were a week ago. The decision of Path
went respecting the pending railway bills wilt
speedoy bring intacirculation large quantities of
capital that have been withdraw from the ordi
nay channels o trade. -
We ate, too, in the midst of the spring season.
with sunshine and a balmy atmosphere. Physi
cal causes always exercise their influence in
coking or depressing the animal spirits ; and a
clouded sky has always been found inimical to
business An our changeable climate these cau
ses must he taken for what they are worth—
uecessard v transitive, and often illusory.
The milli: like Mahoznet's coffin, is suspen
kled in witl-air, between the higher and the low
er powers ; bet, pending its fate more advan
tage ss being taken of the Treasury order for
liberating goads /tali bond on payment of the
reduced duties. During the present week the
receipts at the custom house have been large—
; tolerable moot that the commercial would think
the tariff will ultimately find its way to the sta
tute book.
There has been a some what serious failure
this week in Liverpool, and rumors touching the
flahility of other firms abound. The firm, in
question, Messrs. Carne and Telo. are extensive
ineichants in the Russian trade. Their liabilities
are said to exceed half a million of dollars.—
One of the joint stock banks, which suffered se
nously by a large fallute some six weeks ago,
are the unlucky creditors of the house to a con
siderable amount.
The American provision trade has partaken
of the'factliiies which the Treasury mder affords.
Considerable supplies of beef and provisions
have heen released from bond under the .low du
ties, and are finding their way into general con
'I he revenue returns . to the sth of April ex
hibit some curious results. This is the end of
the financial year. The quarter's revenue, ow
ing; to the general stagnation of trade, shows a
deficiency in the customs of half a million, in the
excise of more than a quarter of a million.—
The year's deficiency in the customs amounts
to nearly two millions and a half, and upwards
of ZOO.OOO in the excise. But the stamps
have increased 4400,000, the Post Office 190-
The total ordinary revenue leaves a decrease
of something more than two millions. The
most gratifying feature in the return is the con
tinued increase in the Post Office. Thus far
the penny postage has worked admirably. The
humbler classes, especially, have not been slow
to take advantage of its economy. .
ln'the poorer distries of London. and most of
the large towns, the increase of letters has ex
ceeded those of the more business and aristocrat
ic districts. Nevertheless, thanks to the in
come tax, there is a clear surplus of two mil
lions and a half above the expenditure.
The falling off on the year's income is to be
attributed to the remission of taxation during
the previous year. Since the last budget. taxes
to the emelt of three millions and a quarter have
been taken off articles iibich entered largely in
to the consumption of the manufacturers and the
business classes.
--The British corn trade continues dull, and
prices are Bs. lower than at the beginning of the
Yea - r. A variety of causes will account for the
stagnation. The uncertainty which exists about
the future is a main element, and - no wonder
when it is reflected that the passing of the corn
bill before Parliament will at once reduce the du
ty from 183. to 4s. Again, the mildness of the
*ember has checked the demand for bread stuffs.
Low temperature always increases the con
loeoption of food. And finally, the growth o
vegetables. from the same cause. has been pro
lific, 2W superseded, to a considerable extent.
the use of wheaten bread. These combined
causes have kert down the price of flour, and
will continue to depress the market until all un
certainty about the future ceases.
We have noticed, on more than one occasion
recently, the high estimation in which Indian
corn. as 90 article of food, has risen on this side
of the Atlantic. Sir Robert Peel, on Wednes
day evening, corroborated our statement. In
Ireland it is fast superseding the watery potato,
and the Premier expressed a praiseworthy feel
ing of pride at finding the people of that country
referring what he justly styles a better and
',pore generous description of food."
SPAIN.— We have received, by extraordinary
express, Intel igence from Madrid, to the 4th inst.
I announcing that Gen. Nevares had resigned. and
that his resignation had been accepted by the
M. Isturitz is President of the Council and
Minister of Foreign Affairs. M. Armero, Min
ister of Merine. M. Egana remains as Minister
of Justice. M. Mon is in the Fannance.
IRELAND Scartmv.r—Ths price of potatoes
in Dublin has now risen to 9d. a stone for good
ones, and 63 for very indifferent ones. This
is an advance of at least a hundred per cent,
on the prices of last year, and yet the protec
tionist papers in Dublin have the heartless ef
frontery to assert that there is no scarcity, and
that provisions of all kinds were never more
plentiful or more cheap than at this season of the
year." . .
EIHORATHIN.—The - tide of - emigration to
America from Ireland his set in earlier than us
ual this year. The quays at Cork are crowded
to inconvenience with passengers and their
luggage. Already one vessel has sailed with a
lull complement of passengers, and twenty-three
others, with nearly four thousand-emigrants are
preparing at that port for sea.
SOUTH AFRlCA.—lmportant inteligeuce from
the Cape of Good hope had been received—
Feb. 10—that an attack upon Graham's Town
was meditated by the Kafiri. The inhabitants
of the Colony were in great consternation, and
the most alarming rumors were in circulation.
At the latest date, however, no attack had been
made, and it was believed that the difficulties
with the Kafiri were in train for arrangement.
Yet, treachery was suspected, and the alarm bad
not entirely subsided.
A CITRIOSITY.—The Tom Cringle, loaded
with guano, from lehaboe, arrived at Swaazea
in the early part of the week, after a protracted
voyage. Since her arrival in port, this fine ves
sel has attracted a considerable attention, in con
sequence of having on board a copper-colored
Ichahne Chief, who was brought frln one of
the contiguous Islands. He is a person of good
features, of rather diminutive stature, standing
about 5 feet high, with tolerably proportionate
limbs, with the exception of his feet, which are
remarkably small. When taken he was in state
perfect nudity ; a habit to which he clings with
great tenacity. By great efforts, however, he
has been prevailed upon to wear a few light gar
ments; he appears to possess an amiable disposi
tion, hut he is remarkable for his timidity.—
When even the smallest species of the canine
race invades the ship's deck,.he makes a fear
ful noise, and carts below with the most aston
ishing rapidity, where he will remain for some
hours amusing himself with any thing produ
cing aitinkling sound, Hid inseparable coo
panion are two clubs, which he seems to prize
greafiy. and handles them with great dexterity.
He ( seems to entertain great affection for the
ship's crew, especial) , the captain, whom he
follows like a faithful dog. In acquinng a
knowledge of the English language he has made
hut slow progress ; one or two words is the most
he can articulate. As soon as the vessel is rea
dy he will betaken back to his native soil, when,
no doubt he will astonish his kindred with the
accounts of his European expedition.—ff elsh
Oua ARTISTS ABROAD.—A communication
in the Cincinnati Atlas states that Mr. Power.
the seulptor, now in Florence. is engaged on
the bust of the Grand Duchess, who is said to
he a beautiful and queen-like woman. This
is the first honor of the kind conferred on a
foreign artist. For this engagement he is in
debted to Prince Demidorf, of whose lady he
made a bust a year since. The latter is a
daughter of Jerome Bonaparte.
Kellogg is . winning golden opinions in Italy,
as a painter. He is now engaged on an origi
nal picture of a Turkish lady in a bathing
room, and report speaks highly of its merits.
Powell is still at Rome. A gentleman.
recently from Italy, states that he is highly
esteemed for his modesty and gentlemanly
deportment—that he has greatly improved in
'his style of painting, and is considered as an
artist of great promise.
EMIGRATION TO Ottkoow.—The Washinton
IJnion has been permitted to make an extract
from a letter writen by Gen. C. C. Van Horn,
a distinguished cittizen of Northern Illinois,
dated March 25. 1846 •
• We had several team■ pass here yester
day. on their way to Oregon. They had cows
yoked to draw their loads. instead of oxen.
In all, we have had forty teams pass here.
and they tell us more are on the road. They
were from Ohio, Michigan and Indiana. Know
ing the deep interest I have manifested in the set
dement of Oregon. and the extension of the
American laws over it. they all give me a call ;
and I find every man of them resolute, and
fully determined to protect hinvielf in his coun
try abandons him in his new home and drives
him to this alternative. Not a man will ever
consent to be a British subject."
HEALTH or Gov. Dona.—We entertained
the hope during the cold season, that when
warmer weather approached, we should be
able to announce some improvement in the
health of this distinguished champion of equal
rights. Our hopes have not been realized ;
and we are pained now to say that for the last
six weeks or two months, he has been getting
more feeble. His confinement within the damp
walls of the Algerine dungeon to which he was
sentenced for life by his coward persecutors.
has had the effect to almost entirely break down
his constitution and scatter di through
every part of his system. He rides out occa
sionally. of an afternoon, but otherwise is not
able to leave his borne.—Providence Gazelle.
Mut RopnEß Ceuotrr.—A man named Wm
Vaughan has been arrested at Memphis, Tenn..
charged. with having robbed the U. S. mad at
various times, between Memphis. Tenn.. and
Huntsville. Alabama. in surus, it is supposed.
of not less than 510.000 in all. It is computed
that not less than 2.000 letters have been ab
stracted from the mail bags, by means of false
keys. and Vaughan had in his pocket. when
arrested. three keys which fitted each of the
three patent mail locks. He is supposed to
hare numerous accomplices.
SMOULAR FATALITY.—k couple of weeks
since, a man named Tichenor. who had long
resided in Owsley county, Ky., was visited
by his son from an adjoining neighborhood,one
day last week and that he was suddenly taken
ill by some unknown disease, attended with
great suffering. He expired in a few hours.
The son was scarcely buried before the father
was taken sick with the same disease, and died
in about the same length of time from the at
tack. An only daughter of Mr. Tichenor, a
beautiful and amiable young lady. the very
picture of health, was also hurried to eternity
by the same calamity. in less than %bitty-six
hours from the time she was taken. They all
euffered intensely. The sudden disease of the
family had created alarm in the county.—Bal.
THE BRIDO6S.—The Harrisburg Reporter
of the 28th save:--The Cumberland Valley
Railroad Company have commenced, in right
good earnest, rebuilding their bridge at this
place. Very nearly all the piers between the
town and the island have been repaired, and
the wood work already extended as far as the
first pier. A large number of hands are at
work, and it is expected it will be ready (or
crossing by the first of October.
The Harrisburg Bridge Company are also
busily engaged in putting up machinery for ex
tending the rope across to the island. for a
ferry. They have some hope, we believe, of
succeeding by Wednesday next. We bear
nothing said of rebuilding their bridge.
VERY KlND.—Shortly after tt was fully
known that Jams K. Polk was elected Presi
dent of the United States, says the West
Chester Jefiersonian, the Whigs very magnan
imously agreed that the country might get
along if it could without being totally ruined.
although they positively refused to agree to
anything of the kind before. Now, however,
they give us full notice, that if Congress passes
the Sub-treasury bill, that it must go to smash
—there can be no salvation for it—for they'll
never agree to let it do anything else. Really
this is awful—terrible ! Won't you, Messrs.
Whigs. give us the benefit of the "notice," one
year only to make up our final accounts.
HEAVY FORGIERIES.IV ithin a week past for
geries to an amount exceeding twenty thousand
dollars were discovered in Philadelphia. The
forgers are said to be members of a firm of man
ufacturers in the western part of the city, do
ing a very heavy business, and standing well
before the community ;and the gentleman, Mr.
Jos. Flemming. whose name has been unlaw
fully used, is also a manufacturer to a large ex
tent. The forgeries were discovered by the
appearance of two setts of notes of the same
dates. equal amounts. &c., at one of the Banks.
One of these setts of notes was genuine, the
other forged. The losses will fall principally
on the the brokers or note timers.
Gov. SHUNS'S Vero.—The Boston Morning.
Post in giving a snmmary of our Chief Magis
trate's reasons for 'dosing his assent to the bill
incorporating the Conestoga Steam Mills, says :
'We should like to copy the whole of this admi
rable veto message. lt reflects the highest hon
or on its author, who deserves the thanks not
only of democracy of the great State over which
he presides. but of the Jeffersonian democracy
of the whole Union, for this wise constitutional
exercise of the one man power, which in firm and
prudent hands, has conferred incalculable bene
fits on the masses of our countrymen. and may
in future be the means of doing vast good to man
DIPCHARGED.-E. R. C. Judson, the indi
vidual who killed Mr. Porterfield, at Nashville
some weeks since—was discharged from the
jail of that city on the 16th inst., amf immedi
ately left for Pittsburg. This is the individual
seized by a mob, who attempted to hang him.
The "Orteopolitan," from which derive the
above information, says there was no effort
made by Porterfield's friends to prosecute Jud-
ALBERT J. TIRRELL.—The Boston Post
says Nothing will be done in relation to the
indictment against Tirrell for arson until May.
Nor will Mr. Parkekeven then take the respon
sibility of entering a nolle prosequi, unless the
court shall distinctly intimate that such a course
would be proper under the peculiar circumstan
ces of the case.
DivoncEs.—About sixty divorces have been
granted or "decreed" by the Legislature of
our State this session. The tax upon each is
twenty dollars, passed to prevent the frequency
of applicaton ; but which appears to have had
an entirely contrary effect. fur the number
granted and the applications are both more
numerous this session than usual.
MARRIAGE.—Two deaf mutes were married
on Monday morning, by the Rev. Mr. Carey,
at the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. in New York.
The ceremony was performed in the language
of signs, and was attended by all the inmates.
Mr. Ebenezer Webster, of Providence, (R. I.) was
cared of a severs ASTHMA by using 6 , 8 bottles.
Rev. Simeon Siegfried wu cured of Indnenas,
Hoarseness, and a hard dry Cough, by one bottle.
Rev. Dr. Babcock, of Poughkeepsie. says that know
ing Dr. Jayne to be a regular Physician, and having
used his medicines personally and in his family, does
not hesitate to commend them as safe and eminently
useful medicines, and a valuable addition to our Materia
REV. John Sewn, of Lambertseilks, New Jenny, who
wee suffering with a hoarseness and soreness of the
lungs and throat, and meowing Asthma was eared by
one bottle.
Mr. J. L. - Simpkins says that- it cared his wife of
CONSUMPTION, and one of his children of HOOP
Rev. Jonathan Going, D. D. Professor of Granville
College, Ohio, says, "He wu laboring under • severe
COLD, COUGH and HOARSENESS, and that his
&liceby of breathing was so great that ke felt himself
in imminent danger of immediate suffocation but was
perfeedy eared by using this Expretorent.” fin. Dilks,
of Salem, N. J. was cured of Asthma of 20 year's stand
ing, by using tiro bottles of this medicine. Mrs. Ward,
also, of Salem, was aired tithe same complaint, by Ave
Prepared only by Dr. D, JAY NE. No.B South Thin)
Street, Phiheielphia. Bold by A. D. Montanye To-
wands, Pa.
MiIIEMBERS of the Lycoming County Mutual In-
Brajlaurance Company, are, hereby notified that the
Board of Dlrectorehave,xdered an assessment of one
per cent. on all premium notes; due to the company on
the 15th day of November,ll24s, to be paid prermato
the 2d day of June next, to the Treasurer or to Receir.
era. WM. A. PETRIKIN, Secretary
The Receiver for Bradford County is O.D.BART•
LETT; the Treasurer,C: S. Wallis, Esq.
Mee of Ly. Co. Mat. Ins. Co., /
Muncy, April 17,'1846. 5
To Delinquent Subset.lbers.
Fps Wsastwo.—We dislike very much to see
a paper constantly punching its patrons in the short
ribs, and giving them hints that they are very much
in arrearages. it is unpleasant for subscribers, and
particularly unpleasant for printers. Consequently,
we seldom do it, although there are some of our
subscribers-from six to two years in arrears. We
are somewhat independent about it, for we believe
we are fairly entitled to our pay, and that we should
take proper methods to have it forthcoming. if any
men think we entertain a different opinion, they
will find themselves much mistaken. We have
heretofore taken anything and everything from oar
subscribers—cash or country produce—and given
them ample time and opportunity to cart it to us.
We have waited on soma of them long enough to
have the money. May Court will afford our delin
quent subscribers an excellent opportunity to seta e.
up. Soon after that time, the accounts previous to"
the commencement of the present firm will be put
in a magistrate's bands for immediate collection,
and then nothing but cash will answer. This course
has become necessary, and would before this have
been adopted, but for absence of the former editor.
Those who hive delayed until Spring, are desired
to take particular notice.
111 , 15 r. REV. W. BULLARD will lecture in Mb
ens, on the 3d 81-INDA Y in this month, at
Baptist Church, et 6 o'clock, P.M. Subject—The pa
rable of the Rich Man.
New Blaeksmithing Establishment,
In Towanda,
Prices 25 per cent. cheaper than have ever
been known in Northern Penn'a.
THE subscriber, having commenced the above bu
siness, takes this method to inform the inhabi
tants of Towanda and vicinity. that he is prepared to
do all kinds of work entrusted to his care in them st
nest and workmanlike manner: such as ironing coach
es, carriages, sleighs, of all kinds; mill-work of all
kinds, done a little nicer than at any other shop in the
county, Some attention paid to EDGE TOOLS, to
611 up crevices, and finally all kinds of work in the
about line (horsashoeing excitpted) and will warrant
all my work Instead the test. Try me and if you do
not find thingsjust right, then put me down. From my
long experience in the business, I flatter myself that 1
can please all kinds of people. You can find me at
all times at my shop. a few rods south of Bridge street,
known as Means' old stand.
All kinds of Produce taken in payment for work,and
a little of the ready Jo-Davis will not he refused.
Tawands, May 6, 1846.—y
ESPECTFULLY informs the public that he will
be in Towanda, about the first of June next, and
may be found at I. H Stephens, where he wid be hap•
py to see those requiring his services.
T HE co-partnership heretofore- existing between
Danford Chaffee and Geo. W. Eastman is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. MI persons having
unsettled accounts with the late firm are requested to
call and settle as soon as convenient, et the old stand,
as both parties expect to occupy the same shop the pre
sent season, and are very desirous of bringing their Ni
mes business to a close. We would tender our art
nowledgeasents for past favors, and further solicit our
share of public patronage,
Rome, Mar 1, 1846. GEO. W EASTMAN.
Towanda Bridge.—Tolls Reduced !
BY a resolutiodkof the Board, herea ft er there will
be charged for every wagon, sulkey, cart, sleigh,
nr sled, drawn by one horse, twelve and a hey cents.--
For everyman and horse. Fir and a quarter ants.—
For every foot passenger, one cent.
ENOB TOMKINS, President.
N. B. Two Horse Teams coming to Towanda, with
produce. are required to pay Toll but one way.
Towanda, May 4, 1846.
HE subscriber not being in full communion with
the firm of M—, he is not prepared to boast of
the largest assortment ofJEW ELRY out of Jail : and
having never learned the Cabinet making business,—
he is not prepared to do any work in that line; but
having served a regular apprenticeship ( 7_, in the
watch repairing business, and the experience of 16 years,
has no hesitation in saying that all work entrusted to
him shall be done in a workmanlike manner, promptly,
and second best to none west of that city from whence
came that mighty rush of Gold Jewelry !
Now my friends, in all your getting, don't forget
to get your watches fixed at old No. 100 opposite the
Public Square and two doors north of Briggs' tavern.
Towanda, April 29, 1816.
( L I' N. 8.-1 pledge myself to do my work right. All
work warranted one year and the money refunded if it
does not perform according to agreement. Stick a P.O.
there !
THE enrolled militia and Volunteers within the
bounds of the 2d Brigade, 9th Division, P. M..
will meet for military discipline and inspection, as bil
lows, to wit :
In companies, on Monday. the Ist day of June next,
at such' places as may be directed by the commanding
officers, and in battalions and regiments, as follows:
3d Regiment, commanded by CoL A. K. Bosard ; Ist l i
battalion on Monday, the Bth day of June, 1846 ; 2d
battalion on Tuesday. the 9th day of June: 4th Reg.
cennmahed by Col. N. A. Elliott; let hat. on Wednes
day, the 10th ; 2d bat, same reg. on Thursday, the 11th
day of June. Ist volunteer battalion of Tioga county,
commanded by lieut_ col. Joseph Yonkin, on Thursday
June 11. 2d reg. commanded by CoL H. H. Seely, on
Friday, the 12th of June.
The 3d Volunteer Battalion of Bradford County. com
manded by Lieut. Col. L. J. Bradford, on Friday. the
12th day of June. The Ist Volunteer Battalion, com
manded by Lieut. Col. Theodore Wilder, on Saturday,
the 13th day of June.
Ist regiment. commanded by CoL P. C. Ward, on-
Monday, the 15th day of June. The 4th Vol. Saturn
commanded by Lieut. Col. Charles F. Welles, Jr., on
Monday, the 15th day of June.
The 2d Volunteer Battalion of Bradford County eon).
mended by Lieut. CoL E. Daniels, on Tuesday the 16th,
day of Jane; and sth regiment, commanded by Colonel
Jacob Harder, on Wednesday. the 17th day of June.
The attention of militia officers and others interested,
is called to the act of 250 of April, 1844, to reduce the
expenses of the "militia system," and the returns of en•
rollments mod lists of absentees must he made in strict
conformity with said act.
The penalty for not furnishing roll copy to Inspector,
ten dollars; list of absentees, fifty dollars.
Officers most appear in fall uniform. and be punctual
in making returns of all public property in their posses
aim. Militia companies, having no officers to call them
out, will comply with the provisions of the 20th section
of the act of the 25th April, 1844, "to reduce the ex
penses of the militia system," Ore.; substituting the first
Monday of June, instead of the first Monday of May. as
it readsin said section. W. E. BARTON.
Inspedar 2d Brig. 91h Div. P. M.
Inspector's Office, E. Smithfield, Aril 27, 1846.
of the present Academic year will commence
on Monday, the 4th of May next. The terms will
continue as heretofore. The Preeeptress.Miss 8.
F. WORTHING, is prepared to give instruction in
Terms.—With use of the instrument, per qr, $9 00
Without, 8 00
April 20, 1845. J. C. VANDERCOOK.
The subscriber, having now completed his
arrangements, is now ready to furnish any quantity
Both are made with new machinery, of the neatest
pattern and most approved description. Individuals
wanting Sash or Blinds—can be acommodated on
the most favorable terms—by calling at the Factory
at Greenwood, OA the Towanda creek, two miles
above Monroe corners. JOSEPH JOHNSON.
Greenwood, April 16, 1846.-3 m.
Clods ; Watehes,Jewelry it Silverware,
.67' NO. 1. BRICK ROW.
mir A. CHAMBERLIN bar just returned from
• the city of New Fmk with tbe largest assort.
mart of FASHIONABLE JE WELRY, freer brought
to thil place, such u Finy-rings. Breast-pins, of every
description; Lockets, bracelets, gold and silver p neils,
gold keysokhin.blar, silver spoons, sugar tongs, specta
cles, for all ages, pen and pocket knives. (Roger's ma.
nufacture.) and many other anicles which he will sell
extremely low for CASH.
AU kinds of WATCHES; consisting of patent
vet, L'Epine, English and Swiss watches, warranted to
keep good Mir—
k is as cher: and unquestionable as our right to the
whole of Oregon, that Wn .A. CII.IIIIIIII2LIS has got
the largest and best selected asportment.of Fancy Goods
ever brought into the borough of Towanda, and that be
will sell his goods cheaper Man • was ever sold by any
human lie' ug being !—sick a pin there ! !
N.B. Watches warranted to can well one year, or
the money refunded; and • written agreement given
to that effect to all that desire one.
Cr MAPLE SUGAR, Wood, and all kindaof Coun
try Produce received in paymakt.
'Towanda, April 22. PMG.
WAKEN UP, 119011 l in the Bnaquehuma tier, on
the 27th of March last, • pile of about 3000 feet
of 12 feet BOARDS. The boards am at the landing
of Thomas Ingham, in Asylum, Bradford co.
Asylum. April 22. 1846.
CasUiess f
INIIHE public are cautioned against purchasing a CO7.
lain note given in Troy, the last of March, 1646,
payable to Aden Cslklin, or bearer, six months alter
I ate, f ■hall not pay said note tinier compelled by
law, u 1 have received no value.
.Weit Burlington, April 22, 1646.
(ilara2s3 t=iBtMW!ID
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends that he has
leased the above House, situated on the south
aide of toe public square, lately occupied by A.M. Coe,
and having made entirely new arrangements, I. now
prepared for the reception of visitors. Presenting his
compliments to his friends and the public generally. and
@snaring them no pains or expense will be spared to
please his guest; he respectfully solicits public patron
age, pledging himself that while the establishment is
under his control, it shall not be excelled by any in the
The rooms of the • CLAREMONT HOUSE,' are
spacious and airy, and furnished in the beat style.
The Table will be furnished with every substantial
die countiy can produce.
The Bar will be stocked with the best liquors in a
pore and unadulterated state.
First rate !Stabling attached, with ready and faithful
Ostlers always in attendance.
In short, • nothing will be omitted, which will add to
the comfort and convenience of customers, and with his
facilities, be believes utisfaction will be rendered to all.
Towanda, April 8, 1846.
AFARM, situated on the stage road in the part of
Pike township, containing 77 acres and allow
lace, about 40 acres cleared, with a good dwelling house,
barn, two sheds, one workshop. a woodshed, and an
orchard in full bearing, with some good stone wall, and
an excellent spring of water near the house. For
terms apply to the subscriber on the premises.
Pike, April lath 1846. NOAH MAKINSON.
IVOTICE is given that all persons indebted to the
11 estate of D. Loomis, of Troy tp., deed., are re.
quested to make immolate psyment, end all those hay.
ing demands spinet the same sre requested to Efferent
them legally attested for settlement.
Tiny, April 9. 1846
II3T OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office
A at Towanda, quartet ending March 3t, 1848.
Arnold C W Jones Thomas
Agnry miss Mary Kinsman 'James
Brown Orlando Kirk Michael
Brown mrs Lucy Kellogg maj L
Blackford Phebe Keeler mrs Sally R
Brown Jos oil Carter Keeler Wm 2
Burk Martin Ladd C It_
Brown Mile. C Lewis Nancy A
Blanwelt miss Mary 2 McDonald Wm A
Case L 8 Myer miss Susan A
Cogswell Charles ' McCleod miss Susan 2
Coareney Win McMahon John Grocer
Campbell Sidney Molony Maurice
Crowley David ,Mace Emerson
Curren Mary Maden Edmond
Catharine Cummings McClough Wm Dr
Dunlap 0 F 2 Murdock miss Charlotte 2
Doherty John Marshall Joseph
Dickson Charles Mace H H
Dolan mrs Bridget McAndrua Martin
Davidson Douglas Merithew miss Caroline
Drinker Henry Mace A A jr
Dean Pane D Minier Harriet A miss
Dodge Elias Mrs . Newell Albert
Eveline Ambrose Newell Stephen
Ennis mile Maria Naglee Henry M
Ford John B Disdain Patrick
Fergtuon A F Osborn Elijah
Fuller E L Proudfoot. Robbers J
Fuller A ' Page Alfred B
Frederick Fisher Powell John .
Farr miss Louisa S Paine Ransom
Green James F Runbaw George
Gardner C M Rooks Samuel
Geronld Chas Basun J B Elder
Goff Humpkry Shear Dennis
Grow A C Stratton Samuel 2
Glancy Dennis Smith Hany -
Granger Delia Shiner Stephen
Hemmenway Wakeman 2 Swartwood Charles R
Howland miss Melinda A Slater Emily Miss
Herds N R Tupper George K
Hattie mrs Claris a Thomas Wm
Harris James 2 WWI. Solomon
Hakes Mitford Terry Geraldim A a
Horton Wm 2d - Veneto W.lliam
Hays Charles Woodard R
Hire miss Bridget Wainer Ulysea M
Bur'hurt Wm H Wearer D S & T
Helmer. Morris Wessman Francis
Irem miss Margaret Welth Mrs sugar creek
Johnson Re• L Young Mr
NOTICE is hereby given, that that the Commission
en of the county of Bradford will attend at the
Unclips over Wyalusing creek, near the mouth thereof.
in the township of Wyeluring, on Thursday the 28d
day of April next, at 9 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of
receiving proposals and letting to the lowest and most
responsible bidder, the necessauy work and repairing of
said bridge. The Commissioners will exhibit a plan
and spectiention of such work at the time and place
o letting. By order of the Commissioners.
J. M. WATTLES, Clerk.
Commizsionsa Office, Towanda. Muth 28,1848.
PrBONEMENT.—The above letting is post.
ed until Thursdey. the 14th day of May next,
at the Commissioners Office, in the Boro, of Towanda,
where sealed proposals will be received at any time pre
vious. A specification of the work can be seen at the
Commissional Office at any time previous to the letting.
By order of the Commissioners,
• J. M. WATTLES, Clerk.
COmmissioner's Office, A pnl 24. 1846.
SEVERAL copies of the above wait just reeetual
and for sale at the reduced price of 75 cents.
Match 30. 1A413. LICINGSBERY JR.
JURY of twelve ladies hudeeided, that the piece
dna to putchue Feeds Teas, No appeal of tonne) is
S. G. E. FLYNT 4. CO'S.
FARMERS adl find it to their advantage before
purchasing their CLOVER SEED to cell and
examine a superior lot of new seed, just rseeired at
March 11, • MERCURre.
9eNE TON of HAMMERED:IRON, from Vssinil•
too's froo Works this di; remised. she a lot of
8 I Plough Patterns at .11ERCUR'8,
HATmOWBI222O =Maio
formed e•co•pattnerahip lot the purports
of coming on tit • above business at Niornemou
ate prepared to inmate all orders punctually, such as
Makin, Repstrieg aid hialieg,
on the shortest notice and at the lowest prices that they
can he had in this vicinity for ready pay.
All kinds of Produce and Lumber taken is payables
at the market prices.
COFFIN'S made on the shortest notice. and at In
duced prim. . P. DUNFEE.
Menessen. %herb 17. 1845.. .1. C. SMITH.
MIKE partnership hennaing existing under the firm
of /Irian Max 4 , Rex, is this day dissolved by
mutual sgreentrot. Ali demands due saidithm are to
be paid‘o Hiram Mix. HIRAM MIX.
Towanda, March 3d. 1946. • H. MIX Jr.
131 LE 2' YE Sr )1) OeD il l ila 9
4tUmam at Late,
OFFICE in the north corner of the Brick Rm.&
redly over the Po.t Office. Main meet. ca• En.
trance id the-north end of the building. d 3.
small kind, just received and for sale cheaper
than'at any other sum in Town. ALSO a few:lrtudail
of very fine TIMOTHY SEED at BAIRD'S.
Feh.23.1. ISM
lei 1 11[211107117.1111.411CZEC• '
ON and after MONDAY. MARCH 80th 1848. the
Passenger Carson the Williamsport and Elmira
Rail Road will terry Williamsport daily at half pest
five o'clock, A. M., and at two o'clock P.M. while the
watermen are travelling.
A daily line of mail coaches, will have Trout Ron
for Tioga County, i “mediately after the arrival of the
Extras, will always be in readiness on the arrival of
the ears at Ralston, (besides the regular mail line,) to
carry P.ssenget■ to
and the intermediate places. The road roe foot travel
ing from Condi?, to !Roseburg is in good order.
Passengers may rest assured, that every...Mut will to
made by the company to give satisfactiou to the travel
irg public. and that this route North, is t o cheapest,
the most comfortable end expeditious in the State.
Willlianurprort, March 23, 1846.
Elmira, Corning, and Buffalo Line.
TBE Proprietor' of the above Line,will continue to
run • Line of Passage Boars between ELMIRA.
CORNING and BUFFALO. for the accommodation
of EMIGRANTS and FAMILIES, moving West, at:
fording facilities not heretofore offered to the Emigrant.
from this section of New York and Pennsylvania.
The Boats of this Line are of the FIRST CLAIM
fitted ind furnished with ail the eonvenienees and ac
commodations of PACKETS, commanded by aspecrien
cad Captains, and towed by relays of Hones.
During the season of 1846, one of the above Boats
will leave Corning, and Elmira, every week, in the fol•
lowing order :
Coasts°, eve r y Monday evening, at 6 o'clock P.M.,
EcxrßA.every Tuesday evening. at 6 o'clock P. M.
Towing down Seneca lake every Thursday morning,
'touching at Big Stream, Lodi. and Dresden, leaving
Buffalo for Coming and Elmira, every Wednesday
on board, or to Wm. Mallory, Corning,
8. H. Strang & co., Elmira,
Wintermute & Tuttle. Horsekends,
A Nub, Havana,
L. G. Townsend. Big Stream,
Woodworth & Post, Lodi,
Price & Holly, Geneava,
Gay rtr Sweet, Waterloo, •
.I.Bhormaker, Seneca Fall,
Baker 4. Ross, Montezuma,
H. Wright. Rochester,
H. Niles. Buffalo.
Administrator's Notice.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of Chin:new
Morre, deceased, Iste of Troy twp. Bradford Co.
are requested to make immediate payment, and all
those having demands against the slime are requited
to present them, legally attested for settlement.
ELIHU CASE. Adamian„
Troy, April 3, 1846.
AT the Blacksmith's shop of the subscribers, at this
lower part of the own, we have for sale TWO
NEW BUGGIES. They are well made. and will be
sold very cheap. H. & A. ESENWINE.
Towanda. April 7, 1846.
I IST OF LETTERS remaining - in the Peet Mos
IA at Troy, for quarter ending March 31, 1646.
Adams James Lane Geo Vle
Ackerly Rev Saml 2 Merry James 2
Alvord 8 E More Solomon
Austin Augustus McDowell miss Louisa
Austin Wm Murray G W
Avery Win .. Mclntosh Wm 2
Barret Caleb Mclntosh miss Charlotte ,
Boice Wm Mason miss Sophronia
Brown A G Montan J C
Baker John MeFeline Wm
Baz er Smith McNaught John
Colony Cbu Noble Orion P
Davis Wm Omits E
Doane J C Provin Win
Dodge Calvin Parke miss P E & Esther
Eaton Wm Parker CS
Fleming A B . Randall Daniel
Fears L M Randall Stephen
Fitch L H Reynolds Wm
Ford Isaac Rumsdel min Olive L
Greeno A masa Rich &alma
Guthrie miss OF Remington Beaten
Guthrie miss F 0 Riddle Wm
Guile Jesse Snell Grant
Halleck Caleb Sherwood J
Hoton 0 B , Simpson Henry
Hikok H R Scott John H
Jennings Ebenezer Smith Wm M
Johnson Libeous 2 Tears mu Emily C
Key.* miss Hannah Tetra Wm 2
Kannady A R Williams P C
Kelley George Willeson Richard
King Charles Young mrs Celinda
Linderman Jacob F. SMITH. P. M.
LIST OF JURORS drawn for Mai Term sed
Bexsiono 1846,
Orwell—Roger Alger. Ezra R. Allis, G. Avery. Lathes
Chaffee, Oliver Ellsworth, G. B. Boma, Roswell D.
Dursll-8. Acta ;
Pike—Thomas Brink, lease Niehola ;
Columbia—G. Bailey. L. Camel
Wysloving—.Thomas Bump, John Ruff;
BmithBeld—Don M. Bacon. Stephen Calf;
Burlington—Wm. Brownson, &smell Luther. him
Granville-Harry Batley, Bagwell Robinson;
Herrick—R. W. Camp;
Asylum—James Depew ;
Rome—Preceptor Forbes;
Standing Stone—John Hines;
`Springfield-1).B. Knapp;
ffidgbery—liaae Miller;
Troy—Loronso MOTIFOr .
Canton—Thomas MOT. Zeno* Themes;
Windham—Robert Nelson. Elijah Shoemaker;
Ulster—Thomas Scott ;
Aglow—Charles Viall ;
Albany—Jame. Wilcox;
inur PA-311461EC'211 1 T
ADRIFT just above th e mouth of Bow creek co
the 18111 eh.. a pile ef Besteek cant ie',suppo
sed to contain shoot o.ofet feet. The owes Is reques
ted tc come forarnni. rove proretty, pay da ms . ga d
take poneetion of the same.
. A LLO WA Y & other&
Towanda. April 1, 1848.
TON ASSORTED IRON, just setanvied. and
as • de:4 REP.D'B. as.
BMRUSHES --Hair, Paint, Shaving and Nola—.
complete assortment, at the