Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 15, 1846, Image 3

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    IST Or JICSORS drawn for May Term and
Emsions 1846.
(573 arlloll%.
TOtr!flall horo—N. N. Betts, Horatio Black, Charles
1.0,„ Drown. J. P..Munn;
Vidgl•ery—T. 13:.8uck,11. Calkins;
wyainsmg—inhn Biles
thwell—Jacob Chubbuck , Ira P. Darrow, E. Howe C.
L o
y —R—oso r John Cm:
ell Dunbar,
Hiram Gordon, B. H. Taylor .
T ro
Cintor.—C•H•Elhott ;.
F pr inghill—J.T .Grc c ou:
Rome—Edward Hotchkiss;
Monroe—E. H Horton;
Avdl,—(.3.H. Leonard ;
Towanda tp.—W. G. Miller ;
Franklin—G. H. Pickard;
Fpringfirld—James Voorhes ;
shmhcquin—Andrew Webb,
TRACT.FVIE arnoas•—.FlßST vase:
We:ls—Edson Aspeowall;
Towanda born.—H. F. Barstow;
Burlington—Wm. Ballard, Morgan Dewitt . ;
Franl.lin—,Elijah Bike, John D. Cninmer ;
springlield—Cheater Burt, John N. Cooley ;
Canton—Thomas Cane;
-1 1 : 11 "-
,rbill—DaTilllll G. Crawford ;
'Unwell—Ophir Howes, Samuel H. Hill;
Monroe—C. M. Knapp; -
Columbia—J. H. Killgote, Charles Keyes ;
Pike—G. H. Little, Cyrus Stevens;
Wrsol-I.ymAn Morgan;l
fray—Frederick Orwin, Burton Strait ;
tiramtlie—Henry Putnam ;
standing Stone—Geo. A. Stephens, H. Westbrook;
Athens tp.—Simon Spalding. John \V. Thomas;
•hc,heiuin—Ddward C. Vought, George Vincent.
Orwell—Roger Alger, Ezra It Allis, G. Avery, Luther
Chaffee, Oliver Ellsworth, G. S. Oomat, Roswell D.
Parner -.
p ure il—S. Aria:
Pil.c—"ftioma.. Brio , s . Nichols;
tVumbia—G. Bail .y. L. Cernell ;
X "..1 alu•lnz —Thom R Bump. John Hull';
Siiiitliticid—Don M. Baron. Stephen Calla . ;
Burlington—ll in. Brownson, Roswell Luther, less=
!llclican ;
Grmiille—llarry Bailey, Roswell Robinson ;
Herrick—ll. W. Camp;
t...larn—Limr.s•pr;w ; .
Iloac—Preieptor Fri bea ;
siushrig stone— Jo! n Ilines ;
.S, rinctii•ld-1).11. "napp;
. .
u c h e rv—lsaac !Ili ier ;
Tr., —Lwnza )in ~..;
i•,,;,, m —'l booms . sulky. Zimas Thom° , ;
\\ in,111.1111-I:,.tvrt Ne:,.,n, Elijah Shoemaker ;
I ,:li.r —Thomas S oti
\., low—Chas les . i.dl;
1P m,—James - VI leoN ;
Ar XlOl. situa'e I on the stage road in the part of
Pike townshi , 77 acres and allow
.a Xr..atOet 10 acres cleared, with a good dwelling house,
uorn. Tao sheds, one workshop. a woodshed, and an
, e.har.l ni full !scaring, with some good atone wall, and
um uteri!. I . t spring of water near the house. For
0....,., .q. ! I. to M.- subscriber on the premises.
hi... \ pill Huh IS in. NOAH MAKENSON. '
Uq I . ON 'el II A MNIOND IRON, from Essing--
ion . - Iron Works this day received, also a lot of
si s ael PlJugh Patterns at ME Het:WM.
I tutu Avid. I Q.lO.
—._ _
wtirict.: is given that all persons indebted to the
_A ustste of D. Loomis; of Troy tp., dec'd., are re
•,...-st,d to make immediate payment, and all those bac
••.,, .l.!ua•sls Agaitt,t the sane are requested to present
i'.,.•,...-ga" attested bo- settlement.
fra. l i iuil 9. IS tn. Adini nisi ratorrt.
L'' „,,,. I,E 1 . 1 EllS rematuirur 1.11 the Po, ( Office
..,. T.0...11,1.1, quarter ending Ma-clir 31, 1846.
tri.,:.! r W Joneri TIIIIMAS .
\_o.l litl.F Mary Rifleman James
linAn.iiii.iiiiii Kirk Michael
Irmo 111, I.tirs i Kellogg maj L
lll,rktne I i'llehe Keeler runs Sally Ti
11 ,, nri J... nr J Carter Keeler Wtn 2
11, ,k 1;,r,,, Ladd C K .
. .
Brown %No.(' Lewis Nancy A
11', , ,,,: :111, NI,IrV 2 McDonald Wm A
s.r I. Myer miss Susan A
zsa,il Charles • Meeleod niiss Susan 2
v to Mr Nlahon John Grocer
h t•sihvy Molony Mallflee
Poi.) More Emerson
%laden Edmond
l'uniriangS NleClough Win Hr
)111. ip 11 F 2 Murdock miss Charlotte 2
arshall Joseph
Niece II
. 1) don mr• 1.3r1,1 4 .1 McAndrUs Martin
Douql .s Writhe. miss Caroline
- hotiLst Henry - Mace A A jr
I'm P i,. 1) -3 Nlitlier Harriet A taiga
Elms Mrs Newell Albert
Cr.'u.r AnsLro,..e Newell Stephen
Ennis ni,s Marta Nagler Henry M
F,...1.1,•hn II O'S Patrick
.\ F O.burn
E L- Proudfout Robbers J
l'ullir A Page Alfml D
ri,!ec, li Fi,!.rr Powell John
1 .,,, ans. , laiinsa S Paine Ransom
ern 1 imrio F s Runhaw Georg°
lien!nrr C M Rooles Samuel - -- L
Gemuld Chic Saittan J B Elder
fluff Humplffy Shear Bennis
riia., A C Stratton Samuel 2
ii;anny D enh i,, Smith Harty
Granger Del.a Shiner Stephen
lleiiiiiirnisav Wakeman 2 Swartwood Charles R
Illis I ind- miss Melinda A Sickler Emily Miss
Ihia t .;\ II Tupper George K
Ilan Pit Claris a Th.iiiitiA Wm
11.r:413:ties 2 TsHada Solomon
!Elea Nlitioril Tern. Gerslilim A S W m :d Vana7ke W.lliam
1 1 "c, i'lm!,si Woodard R
H er ti,i ,, ,i Bridget Wainer lilyses M
li ,I!,Urt Wm H Wearer I) S et T
li,:tir. \lmr e ; Weasmilo Francis
I , n MI, M.ll l :pret. Welch Mrs sugar creek
Idi‘m Rev I. Young Mr
_ .
ir•IN rIIF LE FTERS remaining in the-Post I /like
LA at Troy, for quarterTsndang March 31, 1846.
I,l •.m,Jani,s Lane Geo W,
Ackerls Res Sand_2 Murry James 2
I''-,ml S R More,Solotnon
eu , tin Augustus McDowell miss tiOLIiS2
A U.I i n ". nt Murray G w
A , ,r ) Win Mclntosh Wm 2
Ear,t etcch Mclntosh miss Charlotte
liolco Wm Mason miss Sophronia
Blown A G lilorgan J C
lider John McFeline Wm
liar er Smith McNaught John
Colony Chas Noble Orrin P
LW, %I'm Orois E
Doane I C Provin Wm '.;
hodge Calvin Parkeruiss P E & Esther
Eaton 'A Parker C 8
Fleming A 13 Randall Daniel
Fears I, m Randall Stephen
Fitch I. H Reynolds Win
Ford Isaac Ilunastlel miss Olive I.
( Irmo Amass Rich Eadras
ri utdric miss 0 F Remington Senaca
quthrie miss F U Riddle Wra
Dude Jesse Snell Grant -
liollock Caleb Sherwood J
Hoion 0 II Simpson Henry
iiikok II R Scull John H
J ennings Smith Wm M
Johnson Libeous 2 Teats one Emily C
Key Se miss Hannah Tears Wm
Eannady A R Williams P C
' Kelley George Willeson Richard
King Charle s
Linderman Jamb Young mrs Celinda
' _-
CLUED SEED: efrlittiSEßD!
FIARMERS will find it to their advantage bafeire
Purchasin g their CLOVES SEED to call and
examine a superior lot of new seed, just reeeived at
!War& I I MERCUR,'•
. ,
jA JURY of twelve ladies has decided. that the place
to parches Fresh Teat, (no appeal of cottisc) is
G. D. FLYNT 4. C 0.13.
BY virtue of sundry writs of Vemlitioni Ea
pnnag iaatted out of the court of common
pleas of Bradford county, to Me directed. 1 shall
expose to public sale at the houso of Ira 11. Ste
phens in the borough of Towanda. on Monday
the 4th day of May next, at one o'clock, P. M.,
the following described piece or parcel of land
situate in Rome township, bounded on the north
by land of Ephraim Parker and the public high
way, east by the public highway, south by lands
of Mr. Roe, and unseated lands, on the west by
land of Elijah TOwnaehd. Containing one
hundred and seventy acres or thereabouts, and
about eighty five acres thereof improved with
one framed house, one log - house, two framed
barns, one cow house, one framed shop, one
ffatned wagon house, one frame for cow
and two small apple orchards thereon.
Suited and taken in execution at the suit of
Douglass Davidson vs. Nathaniel Hotchkiss.
ALSO—The following described piece or
parcel of land situate in the township of Ridge
berry, bounded on the north by lands of Annis
Owen, east by land of David Burt, south by
lands of Charles French; and west by land of
Vincent Owen. Containing thirteen acres and
three fourths of An acre all improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
James Voorhes vs. Annis and John Owen.
JILSO—The following described piece or'
parcel of land situate in Durell township, and
bounded as follows ; beginning at post in a cor
ner of a survey made for John Jarvin ; thence
east along the same 189 perches to an ironwood;
thence south 79 perches to a post ; thence west
73 perches to a post ; thence south 12 perches
to a cost ; thence west 50 perches to a beech
sapling; thence north 12 perches to a post;
thence west 67 perches to a hemlock corner ;
thence north 3° west 80 perches to the .place of
beginning. Containing ninety` acres and ten
perches and allowance of six per cent. for roads, I
being part rf a tract surveyed to Philip Frick, I
with about thirty or forty acres improved, with
two dwelling houses, two barns, and other out
buildings, and a saw-mill thereon erected, with
two apple orchards thereon growing.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Henry W. Tracy vs. John Wood, jr.
ALSO— A piece or parcel of land in Tow
anda and Monroe townships, bounded north and
east by lands of John Cranmer and J.C.Adams,
south by lands of John M'Cord ; being part of
warrant number 832 in the name of the Frank-
Itn College Land in Bradford county. Contain
ing fifty-nine acres and sixty-one perches. more
or less, about thirty acres thereof i ',proved, with
two log It uses, one framed barn and a few fruit /
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Asa K. Stanton vs. Frederick Schrader.
.ILSO—A lot of land in Troy township and
bounded west by land of H I) Spalding and
Pierce, on the north by lands of J Adams and
A& C Fitch & Co and E C Oliver and A Her
rick, on the east by land of C Paine and T H
Gustin; and on the south by lands of Lewis H
J E Goodrich :led H Gustin. Contain
ing one hundred acres .of land, or thereaboms,
with about seventy acres improved, with a small
orchard, a framed house and barn and saw-mill
and outhouses thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
O P Ballard vs. Seeley Mann. •
ALSO—A lot of land in Litchfield tp. bimn
(led on the north by land of Keeler, east
by land of Win Stewart and Jamb and Abraham
Campbell, south by land of Jacob and Abraham
Ca-uphell, west by land of Thos Evans. Con
taining about ninety acres, about fifty acres im
proved, with one framed house and big stable,
and an orchard thereon.
Seized and taken m execution at the suit of
Joseph Kingsbery and Isaac MnrleY to the use
of Joseph Kingi.bery ss. Jacob Campbell.
.91-SO—A piece of land in Granville town
ship, bounded north by the north line of war
rant lot number 1483, west by the west line of
said warrant lot. south by lot number 138 oil
same warrant, east by lot 115 on said warrant.
It bt ing tl,c whole of lot no. 116 in said warrant.
Containing one hundred and eleven acres, more
or less.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Timothy Paxton and Wm Davidson. Trustees
of the Hank of N. A. vs. Hiram Todd.
:ILso—A piece of land in Burlington, and
hounded as follows—ll - ginning at It post S E
corner of number 81, on warrant lot 1478, thence
north 172 3.10 perches to a post; thence east
112 perches to a post ; thence south 172 3-10
perches to a post ; thence west 112 perches to
the begtnning. Containing 120 acres and 98
perches, one log house and log shed and about
tit,' acres improved thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Timothy Paxton and Wm Davidson, Trustees
of ,the Bank of N A vs. James Kelley.
.4.1,50—A piece of land in Athens township
bounded south by lands of Mary Caton. east by
Watkins and Vanwert, north by E H Pelfkins.
west by lands of A Campbell. Containing 55
arms. five acres improved, and a log house and
log barn thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution et the suit of
George Friteher and Martin Rogers vs. Tunis
.ALSO—A piece of land in'Orwell tp. brinn
ded north by Johnson Coles, east by Griswold
Matthews. smith by Morris Woodruff and John
More. Containing 130 acres, more or lots. 70
actes,ithproted, with a framed house and barn
thereon. with an orchard.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Reuben AtWood vs. E. AV Winfield.
.ALSO—A piece of laud in Towanda town
ship, bounded north by lauds of Isaac Myer; m
the east by the Susquehanna river, south by land
of John Adams and Wm Elwell, west by the
public highway leading from Athens to Towan
da. Containing seventy-five acres, more or
less, mostly improved, witlt a framed dwelling
house and framed barn. and other out buildings
thereon erected, with an orchard thereon, &.e.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of
John Ilibler vs. Jesse'Woodruff.
the right title and interest in a
certain lot. piece of patcel of laud lying and
being in the boro. of Towanda, and bounded as
follows: Beginning on the North side of the
state road at the south west corner of a lot
owned by James Mclntire. thence along the
north side of said road south . B3 degrees west
141 feet to the east side of 3d etteei, thence
along the east side of 3d street, north'.', degrees
east 104 feet, thence south 88 degrees east 147
feet to Mrs. Nichols West line, thence south
d degrees west to the place of beginning, with
a framed lonise and small shed thereon.. Con
taining 15188 feet trfote or less.
Seized - and taken in execution at the suit of
D. M. Bull's use. Yrs. Joshua C. Johnson.
.4Lso—The folloviing.deseritred piece nr
parcel of land situated in Wyalustng township.
bounded on the north by Mr. Sumner. on the
east by Mr. James Vaugn and John Chamber.
lain, on the south by Oliver Brown end Mi
chael Wildrick, oil the West by Isaac jennings
and - Charles }lomat.Containing 8 0 , actel.lf
noro or less. - 30 or 40 improved."liittued.
house and log barn theruon erected.
Letzed and taken in ixecution,af the init or -
S. Mills to the use of killer Bowman 'dr. CO..
now the use of T. J. Palmer. vs. Isaac Place.
./11SO—A ,certain piece or lot of land sit
uated in Towanda boro'. and bounded on the
north by Maple street, on the east by . George
Wansey, on the south by said Waning and
Sanderson. and on the, West by asain.street.
Containing about half air acre more or, less
with one framed HOUSE, and barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Everett and Ingles, vs. D. W. Brown and N.
P. Brown.
. 0 71,80—The following piece or parcel of
land situate in Sheshequin township and bound
ed as follows on the north by lands of A: Camp•
bell, west by lands of G. Tompkins. east by
ands of Peter Green west by lands of Delan
cey. Containing about fifty four acres with
six acres thereof improved, with one log
house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Alanson Miller, vs. William Johnson and
Charles Ames, terre tenant.
.01 LSO— A piece or parcel of land lying & be
ing in Wysox it beingthesouth western moiety
of lot No. 129 bounded north easterly by lot
No. 122 on mill lot north easterly by Planet's
moiety of said lot No. 129 south easterly by
lot No. 127 and south easterly by lands of Ca
leb Shores and William Rippith on lot No.
128 and containing, allowing the running of
Gordon F. Mason the late Deputy Surveyor
52 acres anti 131 perches being the lot convey.
ed to David H. Owen by Deed from J. M. Pi
ollet dated 2d Dec. 1833.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
V. E. Piullet to the use of Deacon and Peter
son, vs. David 11. Owen.
liLSO—The following property to wit:
situate in the township of Wyeliming and Tus
carora, and bounded and described as follows :
beginning at a sugar tree, 'thence by land of
John Locke and A. Guinip. south I degree,
east three Hundred and eighty-five perches to
a corner thence by land of Henry Toland and
land of Ilenry Locke, south 89/ degrees, west
308 perches to birch, thence by other lands
north 38/ degrees, east 493 to the place of be
ginning Containing 349 acres and 100 perch
es and allowance of six per cent.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Mary Toland, Margarette Toland Elizabeth
Toland and Juliana Toland vs. Jonas Ingham.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of
land situate in the township of Granville, in
Bradford County, and bounded as follows : Be
ginning at a beech the S %V corner of lot No.
121 on warrant lot No. 1481, thence east 180
4-10 perches to a post, thence south 80 per
ches to a post, thence west 180 4-10 perches
to a post, then north 80 4.10 perches to the
beginning. Containing fifty-four acres and
thirty-two perches. with a framed house and
barn and about Itwenty-five acres improved
Seized and taken in elepution at the suit of
Timothy Paiton and William Davidson.
Trustees of the Bank of N. A. va. Barnabas
Vronean 2d.
.LSO—The following described piece or
parcel of land in Columbia township. bounded
nn the north by George Moore, on the east by
C. F. Welles and John Olmstead, south by
John Olmstead and Jacob Frees, and on the
west by D. Whitney. Containing 113 70.160
acres, be the same more or less, with about
60 acres improved with a framed house and
barn thereon and a small log house.
Feizvd and taken in execution at the suit of
S C Gernert to the use of H C Coombs vs.
W N Smith.
SO—The following property piece or
parcel of land situate in Armenia township tftd
hounded on the north by Drinker's land, on
the east by Lyons lands, on the south by the
public Iliahway, on the west by Levi W Gard
ner's land—Containing 100 acres more or less
with about 12 acres improved and two log
Juouses thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Ta‘lor. Long & Thomas Vs. John N Smith.
.4.LSO—The- following described piece or
parcel of land situate in Standing-atone town
and bounded and described as follows;
beginning at a Rock oak south-east corner of
lot No. 17 on the Dupont tract, thence west
160 perches to a post, south west corner of
raid lot, thence fifty seven perches to a post,
thence north one hundred and seven perches
to a white oak in the corner of the Marleby
Patent, thence east on 'said Patent Line one
hundred and forty eight perches to a white
oak: thence south one hundred and sixty two
perches to the place of beginning. Containing
one hundred and fifty•five acres he the same
more or less with two dwelling houses, two
barns and other out buildings there erected
with atmut thirty acres improved and quantity
of land chopped over.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Albert Newell to the use of II P & G N Ly
man vs Samuel A. Tenant.
.ILSO—The following piece or parcel nt
Irind situate in the township of Standing Stone
and bounded as follows :—Beginning at a rock
oak booth east corner of lot No. 17 on the Du-
mint tract, thence west 160 perches to a post
south west corner of said lot, thence north 57
perches to. a post, thence east north 107 perch
es to a white oak in the cornet of the Manlaby
patent, thence eat on said patent line 148
perches to a white oak thence south 162 perch
es to the place of beginning. Contairimg 155
acres With a log house and a small improve-
ment thereon. with about fifty acres improved,
two dwelling houses and large barn thereon
Seized and taken ih execution at the suit of
Amelia A. Dupont vs. Samuel A. Tennll;
31, SO virtue of sundry writs of Levari
Facias. issued as above, the folloWing piece of
land in Granville, beginning at a black oak N
E corner of lot number 181 on warrant lot no.
1536, thence west 124 perches to the centre of
road Incline by Joseph lands, thence N
61° west 69 perches to the Centre of east & west
road ; thence along the centte s of Said toad east
131 5.10 perched to the west line of lot no. 102
occupied by Stephen Vroman ; thence South 68
6.10 perches to the beginning: Centaihing 54
acres 14f? perched, Mere or fetid; On which there
is now thirty acres improved, three framed hou
ses, and two barns, an old and stave
machine thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Timothy Paxton and Wm Davidson. Trustees
of the Bank of N it vs. Harry Bailey; adminis
trator of S.tcoville Bailey, deed.
4LSO—A certain piece or parcel of land
batted; bounded and described as follows vii :
Beginning at a sugar ttee thence tooth eighty
degtees west two hundred and twelve perches
to a hemlock thence south ten degrees east one
hundred and sixty perches to a beech. thence
north eighty degrees east tvio htindred and
tweltril perches to a hemlock. !hence glaiiik ter!
degrees; ''wear one htindted Ind sixty perehii
to the plan of beglnning.: Containing two hun
dred acre' with allairaiminfaii per cent, fur
roads.:- , - -
ned and taken in efeenlion at the suit of
Alexarider !jarring and flews , Barring- uho.
surtivid Robert Gilmore and themes Mayne
Wilting and Charles Willing Hare, detieees is
trust of Pm. Bingham dec'd. Ts. Lindsey
Joslyn and Jesse Sumner terre tenant.
iiLSO--All that certain piece or parcel of
land situate in Springfield tow,nship, bounded
as follows : Beginning at a post thence south
seventy degrees west Iwo hundred and sixty
nine perches and two tenths of a perch to a
post. thenee !oath eighteen degrees east siixty
three perches to an iron-woods thence north
seventy-two degrees east two hundred and
sixty-nine-perches and two tenths of a perch
to a sugar -tree, thence north eighteen degrees
west sixty-three perches to the place of begin
ning. containing one hundred acres, more or
less, with a log house thereon and about twen
ty acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Alexander Baring. Henry Baring who survived
Robert Gilmore. Thomas Mayne Willing and
Charles Willing Hare. devisee in trust of the
estate of William Bhigham vs. !illy Welles
and George H. Welles executors of Henry
Welles deceased, and Jeremiah Baker terra
JOHN r. MgANS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office,
Towanda, March 25th. 1846.
Bradford Comfy. as.
GREETING . Whereas, at an Orphan's Court
he at Towanda, in and for the county aforesaid, on
the 12th day of December, A. D., 1845, before the Hon
Jehn N. Conyngbam, president. and Reuben Wilber
and Harry Morgan associate justices of said court.
The petition of James M. Edsall, was presented. set!
ting forth that his father,Samuel Edsall, late of the.
township of Wells, in B radford county, died' intestate,
leaving a widow. to wit, Sarah Edsall, and issue eight
Children, to wit, Jesse Edsall. Pamela Scaly, wife o,
Benjamin Seely, Richard Edsall, Charles Edsall. Hits
wife of Nathan Alvord, Jr., Elmira, wife of Solomon Hof
vier, James M. Edsall, the above named petitioner, and
Andrew J. Edsall, and that the raid intestate dielseiz
ed in his demenee u otfee of and in aentain messuage
tenement end tract of land situate-in the !townships of
Wells and Columbia in the sameautties, and bounded
as follows: Beginning on the north by lands of Whit
ing Gifford, E. P. Wood and James M. Edsall; on the
east by lands of James M. Edsall and James Fries ; on
the south by lands of Jesse Edsall, and do the west 14
lands of Jesse Edsalt. Containing about one hundred
and forty-five acres. ALSO one equal, undivi
ded half of one other tract, lot, piece or parcel of land,
situate in the said township of Columbia and Wells,*
bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by tenth! of
Nathan Shepard; on the south by lands of Jesse Ed
sail, and on the west by lands of Edson Aspenwall.
Containing about forty-five acres, with the appuretnan
cat to both the above described lots. the and
petition, the abovenamed petitioner prayed the Court to
award an inquest to make partition and valuation of the
said premises to and among the heirs and representa
tives of the said decedent, secoming to the acts of As
sembly in such cases made and provided.
We therefore command you, that taking with you
twelve free and lawful men of you: bailiwick, you go
to and upon the premises aforesaid, and there •y their
oaths or affnmations, that you make partition thereof. to
and among the children and representatives of the said
intestate, in such manner and in such proportions as by
the laws of this Commonwealth are directed, if such
partition can be made without prejudice to or spoiling
the whole; but if said partition cannot he made thereof
es eforesaid, that then you value and appraise the same
acco;illtlit to law. And further, that you cause the said
inquest to inquire and ascertain whether the said real
estate with the appurtenances, will conveniently ac
commodate more. than one of the children or represen
tatives of the said intestate, and if so how many of the
children or representalites if, will accommodate. That
due notice of the time of makitag such partition be given
to all persons interested hereih. And that you make re
turn of your proceedings to the belt general Orphans'
Witness the Hon. John N. Copyrighting, Esq., Pre
sident of our said Orphans' coin, at Tovianda,the 26th
day of December, A. D.. 1815.
LYMAN E. DE WOLF. b;cl,c.
Continued by order of the Court, February 4, 1848.
I certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the origi
nal writ. Allot, J. F. MEANS. Sheriff.
To all persons interested in the above described pre
mises ; take notice, that a- jury will be held upon said
prcperty. on Monday, the 13th day of April next, at 1
o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of dividing or appraising
the saine, according to the above onler.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, March 9, 1846.
A DRIFT just above the mouth of Sugar creek, on
.bilL the 18th ult., a pile of Hemlock suppo.
sed to contain about 0,00 feet. The owner is reques
ted tc come forward, prove property, pay charges, and
take possession of the same.
J. ALL° W A Y & others+,
Towanda, April 1, 1846.
SiiititAL copies of the above work just received
and for dOle at the reduced price of 75 cent.
March 36. WC. .I.KINGsBERY JR.
WTHERE.49 the Hoie. JOHN N. Cos rsensw,
President !bilge of the 13th Judicial district,
consisting of the counties of l.uze'ne, Bradford and
Tioga. and Harry Morgan end Reuben Wilber esquires,
Associate Judges in and for the county of Bradford,
have issued their precept beefing dee the 25th of
March 1846, to me directed, foi bidding a court of
oyer and fermium, gene-al quarter Martens ethe peace;
common pleas and orphan's court, at Tdwanda, for the
county of Bradford, on the first Monday df May neat,
being the knob, to continue two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby girLD,
to the Coronets, Justices of the Peace and Coustablei bf
the county of firadford, that they be then and there hi
their proper persons it 10 o'clock in the forenoen of
said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations,
and other their remembrances, to do those things which
to their I)sm appertain to be done ; and those who are
bound by recogniiince orotherrriseto prosecute against
the prisoners who are or may be in the jail of raid coun
ty or who are or shall be hoiind to appear at the said
court, are to be then and thee to prosecute against them
as shall be knit. Jurors arc resit/riled to be punctual in
their attendande, egree•bly to their notice.
Dated at 'Poland', the 23th day of March, id the Year
of our Lord one thansand eight herndied arid fdity-siz,
and of the Indipetidence of the United States the sea.
entilth. JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff.
Mr°L A. 0. IF.;--The reguirutcoucernfiCationa
of MONROE LODGE, No: 137, of 1. O.
of 0; F:, will barterer be,held In their Hall, in Mon
rocton. on Saturday detach week, until further notice.
80Iti&G iiiiiiSagsiEN:ri
ONand after MONDAY . MARCH Stith DUG, the
Pagsmiger Cars on' Ate Irdliatilapart and Elmira
kruf Road will !vivo 'lc illi'maavoii daily al half past
five o'clock, A. M., and at two o'cfock P. 111: While the
iiiitermen *re fraielling:
A daily Rife of mail eolehea. will Inive Trout Run
far Tioga County, i .mediotcly after the arrival of the
Extra', will always he in readiness an the arrival of
the cant at Ralston, (hesided the regitlar td3tl rmi,) to
ELPsssengss to. ,
MIRA , . O et WEGO. 7 4 110 r. ibItRATIM
and the intermetUatt places. The road ter ft travel.
tog from CrandWe to Vicksburg if irivicii Oder.
Passengers may ieit atisneed, that everyeillitt will be
made by the etimpeny. to give satisfsetio' o to the travel-
irg public, and that thli table Notth; is .tiedivest.
the most eonifettabie and espeditioui in the Buie;
ROBW 'AMES, Pkaftteitt:
Willasessyeft; %VIA 23 180/4
THE,.IO#IO - tsAlifiGS;ll.Nit
dee again in the Fidd with feten thousand (lc
. • slash Goods ertrlbrougi
THE Cashier & Co, of the TOWANDA SA Ir lAI
bend patronage bereft:dote setbred, and limit by str
any other establishment, to merit a continuance of thrir
known variety and style of Drg Goods, from the E
ell with greet care expressly for this meridian. Also, • I
Family lirocerlei, Shell Ilardiv
hollow feigre, lr
and an unusual quantity of ILABERDASBEIII; to in
stock of goods were purchased for cash, and for cash ssitl
and decidedly cheaper than any establishment in Toscani
many new. lid mid desirable goods, but wilt tie shown t
REMEMBER and call one door below Tracy &
as a consequence, are not overcharged with delhay.encie
Lumber tinder "One pries, and no deviation is the Inn
aj• A call is solicited. hero," purchasing eflewherc, at
Towanda, October 21, 1845. 1
GOOD TEA—Young Hyson, Old Hymn: Impe
nd Panchen Tea, can he bad st
Feb. 4. • WAHFORDI4.
Pratt's Grocery, mid Eating Noose,
Is •in Betts 4- Montatige's Corner Block,
fronting the Public Square,
WHERE everything may be found in hie lino of
business. The public ere invited to call.
Feb. 4. Regularlyrereked her& y.
•au awatitsmaaa IYastrewa.
THE subscriber wants an apprentice to the Bina
smithing Business. A lad, eighteen or twenty
rem of age, who is desirous of learning the 'trade, and
can come well recommtroded, will find a good chance.
Towanda, Feb. 18.— WM. KOUT.
ISI lerir iscou
Attorney at Law,
OFFICE in the north earner of the Brick Buy, di
reedy over the Poi Office, Alain vincet. Cr-En
trance at the north end of the building. 1 (M.
THE subscriber offers for sale the follOwtog desert
'. bed lot of land lanai° in Moirfoelpi Bradford
county, containing ninety-one acres, adjoining lands of
George Tracy, Jared Woodruff; Absalom Coolitrogh,
and Russel Fowler, with about twenty-fivcjorca im
proved, and a house thereon. The title is lgood, and
the land of • good quality for farming pur t• . For
terms apply to WM. ELWELL, Esq. or o the sub
scriber at Pottsville. F. W.HUG ES,
March 10, 1846. A tey-in.fect of James urphy.
Amieoysimmr zt.Rag navv 9
Columbia, Lancaster Co., Pa. I •
Refers fo D. L. Surat woou, Esq., V. E. PICILET, Esq.
and E. e.•GOGIDRICIN, Eaq. MC64
_ _
AUDITOR'S r4ctlk'i.
THE undersigned having been appointed Auditor
by the ,court of common pleas, to asce r tain and
report liens against the estate of . onsider S. Park, tok
en and extended in execution at the suit of Orlando
Saltmarah, hereby notifies all persons hacibg claims
against said estate, to present such claims before him
at his office in Towanda borough, on the Igth day of
April next ensuing, at I o'clock, P. M., or else be de.
barred from coming ip upon the fund arising from the
extension of said,
March 11, 1848. HENfI, DOOTif, Auditor.
NNOTICE is hereby given that the comniissioner's
of Bradford county will meet at the bridge over
Sugar ereek, - near the house of Samuel Alleni in Troy
township, at 10 o'clock, A . M., of Tneaday thu 14th day
of April next, for the purpose of receiving proposals,
and letting to the lowest and beat bidder. the necessary
repairing of said Bridge. A plan of the work will be
exhibited at the bridge on the day of the lettitig.
. By order of the Commissioners,
J. M. WATTLES, Clerk
Commissioner's Office, March 11, 1846.
Administrator's Sale.
NOTICE is hereby given tb.t by virtue of oh eider
of the Orphan's court of Bradford county, and
to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at
the.prembesi, on Monday, the 20th day of April next,
at I -o'clock, P. M., the following described property.
to *it • A tract of Land in Ridgbcrry township, boun•
del on the west by lends of Jacob Richardson ; south
17lands Of Elias finpson ; east by lands of David Burt,
rpd on the north by lands the owner of which is un
knoWn. Containing about forty acres all unimproved.
A ESCI—A certain other tract of, land in said town
ship, Veginning at a post on the easterly hank of Bent
lyre creek, rid the termination of the mill race, and at the
point where the said race empties into the quid creek;
awl running frarrtthence north 81° east 3 chain 4 and
5I links to the centre of the Berwick turnpike; thence
south 23° east along the centre of said turnpike 6 chains,
to the south-east corner of, the mill yard, thence south
80° west 2 chains and 30 links to a stake; thence south
18° east 8 chains to the centre of the Burton road, the
forth line of Dan A. Gillett's land, ihence went along
said road and Gillett's north line,. five chains to Bent.
Ifs creek ; thence north 29° west 9 chains to a heap of
Stones; thence north 35° coat 6 chains and 70 finks to
the pine of beginning. Containing 6 acres, 1 rurnl, end
20 rods, all improved, with a saw-mill and shantre There
on. Terms made known on the day of sale. The said
property belonging the estate of the late Hector W.
Strong, detesied.
.17. VAXtiEfICOOK; Admitabtrabw.
Towanda, March 18, 1846.
Administrator's Notice.
Al' persona indebtetl to the eilate df Chaunc ey
Morse, dezeised, late of Troy tarp. BradfOrd Co.
are requested to make immediate payment, and all
those having demands against the same . are requested
to present them, legally attested for settlemeht.
Trey, April 3, 1846.
_ .
A'F the Blacksmith's shop of the sultseribeis, at the
lower part of the t^ven, we beim for sale Two
W BUGGIES. They are well made, and will he
sold very cheap. H. & A. ESEN WINE.
Tee/sods, April 7. 1846.
MINE ehdersigned, having been appointed an Au,
dittir td report cdncerning the distribtition 01 too
me* in the hands of the aduriffististrirs of Wm;/Myer
dec'd. hereby glees notice that he wilt attend io the du
ties of his appointinent at his office in Totvrinda how',
on Tuesday. the fith day of Ms!) nett ensuing. at one
o'clock, P. M., when and Where all.peisoirs are requir
ed to present before him their claims. Sating the said
al.cessed, or be debarted from tontine in for • share of
the raid Moniel: H ENmmir BOOTH, Auditor.
Tostanda, April 4. 1806.
WTHIBER U rE.RSHOES, ot, all worts, triple a
sites, for sale cheap at t 124 REED'S;
Resister's Notices:
ATOT. ler; id he rehy given to a ll peisuiii hifereate&
that Wm. P. Wylie, aurviiing exteutor of the
estate of
Peter P. Prench.dee`it
laic of 'el fs and Arnim Dinthaiek, Amin
6trator orate estate of
late of (*well township and Michael Ifiiichitt; ono of
the eicentora of .
Patrick Cialintiitga.rhc'd.,
late of Shesbequin township ; and U. 0. Grein,led rind
David Paltrier, Administrators dale estate of
frill. a. Greenlee, .
ate of Canton triwnsidp; btiVe fil ed and, settled in the
office of the Register of Willa, in mallet the county of
Bradfotd, the aecounle of their severs! administrations
upon the estates aforesaid, atutetst the „same will be
presented to the °Rhin s court of said county . , on Mon
day the 4th day of May neat, for confirmation and at
L+MAI E . DEWO , fisgtstefi
Regietetri Ciftfors Towanda, Meth Ifte
[ANT - & co, •
ollars worth of the cheapest and Mott dessr6led
hi into Braltird County ! -
GS fIASK, tender their sincere thanks far the eery fi:
trig t attention to business, end selling goods ebespelthafi
.miles and favors. Our af bkk of good. consists of every
first auction houses in the city of fete York, and .eleclJ
large .election of
litre, Crockery. Boots k Shoes.,
rem, AVM; Ateet, • - • •
nake ohr stork Of useful nod omamentai eoroplete. Our
it he Rohl at cheap anal 11 inghandcm, Elmira or Oseego,
.da. Time and spare will not allow us to entdrinata the
to all who Ism us with a call, with pleasure. • •
oore, where the a pay down" system is in full kite, and
es in tne Credit system, or additions made to suppers the •
/south end, Ilritk Pttv.
aastata es atairlatt
HAVIN4i formed a co-partnership for dub potpoos
of carrying on Ih above business at Monroeton esecuto Ml orders punctually, moat La
Making s Repairing and Painting, '5
on the shortest notice and et the lowest prices that they
can ho had in this vicinity for ready pay.
All kinds of Prodace and Lumber taken in payment
et the market prices.
COFFINS made on the shortest notice. anti at re
dared prices: P; inntirEp i
Mommum. March 17. 1845. J. C. SMITH.
T"Epartnership heretofore existing abdef the drsti
of HIRAI( - NI 2 erSolr, is this day dissolved by
niutual agreernint. All Zeman& due said firm are to
be paid in Minim Mix. HIRAM MIX,
.la. March 3d. 1916? H. MIX Jr.
small kind, just received and kir sale cheaper
than at any other sure in Town. ALSO a fesr:ficishci
of very fine TIMOTHY SEED at DAIRD'S.
Frh.2:1,1. 1846.
From the Pennsylvania Reporter of March 24th:
ilridge }Wilding;
Stepping into Herr% Hotel yesterday, i friend of Mid
introduced us to CO.l Thomas Bassani, the well known
end eminent Bridge Architect and Builder, who is now
on a visit to the borough of Harrisburg. We were
shown, in company with many others; i medrt oC hfi
improved Suspension Bridge, lately patented, lima fof
which he received the premium cif the American Ina:
tute,of New York. at its fair in Octabcr list.
Wo understand that a port nurriber iif Bridgers` Hien
been built by this gentleman, and are sir* Itl
among which may be mentioned those ou the folloWing
road. (wilhout the recent Improvements.) viz: the Bos
ton and Albany Railroad, the New York, Providence
sod Boston Railroad. the Norwich and Woreestar
road, and the New Jersey Transportation Railroad Con=
A Committee of the Boston and Albany Railroad
Company having, in 1844, been . appointedhy the Boar 4
of Directors to procure the bee t plan for ]ridging; and
after a careful examination of the different plans present
ed to them, Col. Bassani's was adopted, and orders avers
immediately given for materials for the tancifistruction of
several of their Bridges. .
As rremy of our citizens in this State have been so un
fortunate as to loose their Bridges during the recent flood
we perhaps cannot do better it the present moment than
advise them to call on Col. 11, who will take pleat:rat
in describing the advantages and merits of his newly
pate,.ted Bridge. The principles embraced in this Vans
are, that the chords, both lower and upper, are confined
together; the cast iron shoe at the head and fuck of the
main brace secured lii the post; thereby rilikvlng the
thither Born the immense strain which is produced in
the ordinary way of framing, where the ends braced me
continually forcing end wearing against the upper and
lower chords and rasa, and !darkening the frame-work
braces. By the ingenious application ofd wedge at the
foot, the brace can be keyed high rip viiihoin removing
any of the timbers, and with very trifling labor;
Col. Huard has aidociated with him Mesas, Tinted
Ind Ebridgel ,
• „,.„ Letters sddreosed to C. B. Tappen & Co. New
York, will be punctually attended to. 21
JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT.-13y a refeMnee to
our advertising columns, it will be seen that this valuable
Medicine is offered fcir sale hi this Eity: Weesikerii it
pleasure to be able to recommend this medicine, is the
best calculated for the purpose of curing coughi;
sure-throat, asthma, and all affections of the lungs. }'rum
along personal acquatiintahce with Dr. Jaime, We know
that he is nu quack, and his medicines are not nostrurrei
of the modem cry-up, but are the resultofhis long eape
fiance as a practising physician, and the expenseofgreat
Prepared only by Dr. D, JAVAT. No.B South Thinl
Street; Philadelphia. Sold by A. D. Moutanye
wands'. Pa.
Elmira, Corning, and Buffalo Line.,
THE Proprietors of the abode Linewillcontintie to
nin a Line of Passage Boats between ELMIRA ,
CORNING and BUFFALO. for the accommodatimi
of EMIGRANTS and FAMILIES, moving West, eV
fording facilities Hot heretofore olDred to,the EMigratit;
from this sedion of New Cork and Pennsylvania;.
The Boats of this Line are of the FIRST FLASS
fitted and furniiLed with ell the conveniences and ac
eoinmodations or PACKETS, cominanded Lyexperien=
ced Certain& and towed by relays of Horses.
BOAT ROME. Capt. H. W. niosirsoisr,
During the SC:16011 of 1616, bne of the above Doot o.
will leave Corning, and Elitdre, tier! week, in the -
lowing order:—
CORNINn, eie,y Monday evening, at 6 &chick r.
EL‘tin A. every Tuesday evening, at 6 o'clua P. M.
Towing down Seneca lake every Thursday inorning.
touching at Dig Stream, Lodi. and Drezeen, leaving
Buffalo fbr C6tithig rind Elmira, every Widffeaday
btoming.• .
FOR EREIGITT OR P.\SSAGE ripply to diptaiii
an board, or to.Wrn. Mallow*, Corning.
kt. B. Strang 1k co., Elmfra, ,
Wintermnte & Tuttle, Horscheedp;
y l N ash, /lb Cana;
1.. G. Townseti4; iVg Arrant,
iVtiadvrorih do Pod. Lodi,
nice & Holly„C;cratartar,
t;ay 4- Sw.ect, YAltlcrino,
.1. Shoemaker, Seneca Fall,
Baker ot Rage, Moniezu
11. Wright. .Rochester,
I. ?aka. Buffalo.
.trrefffor's ,
G, F. .Ifilson to the test. of B. 4- C. F. Nei
son rs. Silas Gray—ln Brad. Com. Pleas,
181., September Term, 1841,.. ,
Also. Henry roorhi, r.a, Htt,Tev French—inch—in
inid Court. No. 891 fide. Tenii. 1845.
rotip undersigned having been upBoiniPs AtuNun
for the ottustreieut of the seiterid claims to the
moneys raised from the Bfierik's rialp prreat est a t e ,
virtue of executions issued in holb,Ahp above caws, will
stlmiJ io tfie dares of his appe; ia t i p ee t, a t hi s office i n
the borough of To. anda; Da Monday, the 20th day of
April neat, at 2.. M. NV ben and where all pee.
ffang erureluilea tPutu!se rnlwn their alaims beforehms.
of be debarred rzam coming in neon said funds.
March 151.1 . 85 ES MERCUR, Auditor.
liridrt Coon by her ne.rl friend N. Coon Jr.
i.;.l...lralhan..C'oon—No. 75 l'eb. 4 1
for divorce in Brod, Cont. Plea*.
AN (tiuN, the defendant in the above
.y•v_k Y•ni are hereby notified that Bridget Coon
your mire. t' her next friend Nathan Coon jr.. ha& fitted!
ker..petition s'r 4 divorce front , you from tfie landirof
patrimony, And that. en once suripentrhas Won re
turned. and proof inadii that yon Were not ta•'e found
in said county. Yon are therefore homily trquired to
ap p ear at th e Court llouie in the borough of Towanda,
at the May term of .aid centurion ph-as. on Ifonilay the
4th day of Pray tp ett-net the mht iernplaild and.
dhoti , cella% if isVil Yotr Esse why Vie saint i igs s e uld
hot be otiveroxd keelson.
JOHN F. MEANS. Sherd.,
Sheriff's Ogre, Tuvrtinds, Mereh 25, 1940.