Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 15, 1846, Image 2

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    V.6ofoi) aolo-Ftgv
Towanja, Wednesday, Iprill6 - 1846
The Independent Treasury.
l i tiilTOnie Itepretentatieo have . fihally - Pared - fife.
Independent Treasury
.114, ly a derehiive vote. It will
most undoubtedly pus the Senate; and one of the fa•
some measures of Mr. Van Buren finally triumph.— j
cannot do better than append to this armouncentent
'the remarks of the New l';dik Morning rrews upon tho
. ,
hs Anal consummation will be a glorious triumph of
the policy of Mr. Vim Burrn's administration; and will
most assuredly be regarded by that distioguished states
man with emotions Of grateful pleasure. , Against none
of his measures the vociferous assaults .uf the motley
crew .of the " Hard Cider Campaign" so unceasingly
directed, as against the " Divorce of Bank and State."
—That seemed to their astonished - senses, the. very
acme of idolatrous innovation. To tear monopolies
from their greedy hold upon the public treasury—to
strict the swelling bounds of special privileges—to keep
the people's money for their use, and not for speculators ,
they regarded as realising -all that was Utopian in gov
ernment, the savageness of Jacobinism in politico, and
the wildness of Loco-Focoisna in finances. Their
painted reminiseences of the dark ages, and their profuse
promises of two dollars a day and roast beef," were not
without effect. This measure of amicd, healthy, radical
reform, which was likely to stand as a century mark of
political advancement, was overthrown almost before it
was established. lied it been fully in operation, and the
country settled under its action, it would probably have
been-invincibly imbedded in popular confidence. Now
it is to be again endowed with vitality, and under cit . -
stances which betoken far it a fair trial and a lung life.—
We have no feats but that a vigorous adherence to its
details will realize for its success the must sanguine pre
dictions.of those who have unstained it Most earnestly.
And itssuccessful operation, so certain, will involve the
ultimate extension of its provisions to State and other'
governments, until finally the last fink, binding govern
ments and banks, will be broken."
Tna Puntac Wouxe--The Canal Commissioners
of Pennsylvania have sent in a communication to the leg
idature giving a detailed account of the damage done on
the various 'lines of the Public Works by the late fresh
et, together with an estimate of the probable amount
which will be requited to complete the repairs of the
same. " The following is an abstract of the information :
It is estimated that it will reqUire for the rc-
pair of the Eastern Division and Juniata
r Rope Ferry, ;116,700
Juniata from ; Rope Ferry to HoliJaysliurg,
Western Division from Johnston to Pitsburz, , 3,140
Susquehanna and West Branch from Junc-
lion to Milton,.
West Branch from Milton to Queenstown, 10,173
North Brauchfrom Northumberland to Lack-
'warms, •
Demme Division from Brist..l to Eaton,
It is confidently stated that the several Divisions will
be in repair and open for business as follows:
Main Line from Harrisbuig to Pittsburg, by the 30th
March ; from Harrisburg to CoAunbia, by the 2d of
April, inst.; the Susquehanna Division by the tat of
Mn,, next ; and the North Branch Division by the 20th
Of May next.
Mennen' Sicz.—We learn from the Ritiorter of the
6th inst., that James S. Campbell, one of the members
of the Legislature, from Luzerte county, lie dangerous
ly ill at Hale's Hotel, in Harrisburg, and thit his symp.
toms had assumed an appeat ante so alarming, that it was
thought advisable to send for his family. Air. Campbell
lies been quite unwell during the greater part of the ses
sion, yet he remained in his seat day after day, until he
became so weak that he could no longer walk up so the
Houses. It is thought that his lunge are affected.
George Chesnut, Esq., one of the members from Bed
ford, has been unwell, but is now recovering.
Riehanl Eldred. Esq.. the member from Pike, has been
absent from his seat for a few days, on account of indis
position ; but he will be able to resume his duties in a
few diya.
I~caaasa OF Till Aastr.—On the 25th ult. the fol
lowing Dill passed the House of Representatives, by a
vote of 165 to 15. and was ,sent to the Senate for con
currence. It authorises in increase ()Cahoot 2,600 in
the rank and file of the standing Army of the United
Be it enacted by the Senile and House of Repre
sentatives of Me United States of ,(met lea in Congras
aVeMbled, That the Pre.idept of the .thided !Latta be,
and he is hereby, authorized, by voluntary enlistment, to
increase the numbers of privates in each or any of the
companies of the existing regiments of dragoons, ..nil.
finery, or infantry to any number not exceeding eighty,
whenever, in his opinion, the exigencies of the public
service may require the same.
" Provided, That the said enlistments shall be for
the term of three yeari, and no longev, unless sooner dis
banded by the Presideat."
Col.Ptotirs's Sratcu.—We shall ne t t peek, lay
le•loWeitaT — V=ii the speech lately mule pry CoL Pioliet;
nd the subject of taxing anthracite coal. The Harrisburg
Reporter has the following very flattering notice of Col.
remarkst—" We invite attention to the masterly
spere h of this talented yottg member from Braateid co.
or the subject of taxing Anthracite coal. Independent
of the solid arguments advanced, and the beauty of the
language in which those arguments are clothed—oar
readers will find much important statistical information,
that will be found of much value in arriving at just am
elusions in relation to this much vexed queation. The
speech will well repay an attentive perusal."
"Tea Ansattax Reecazicas."—We have neglect.
ed paying oar respects to the new editor of the West
Chester Republican—Mr. Bosse—lately associated with
Mr. Strict/NA itrita publication ; and we take this op.
portenity of making amends. We can only say, that
we trust that the Republican will lose none of its useful.
nms and independence by bin accession. It ham fought
many • good fight for democracy; and stood doe "battle'
and the breeze" most gallantly. The deinocracy or
Cheater we presume, are aware of this—and give a Cor
responding countenance and support..
G SAX Hoy *Too has 'alum his snot in the
United States Smote. A persevering, energetic and ta•
leuted man, be is the fit tepntsiontative of this young and
vigorous state. Twelve years ago, he stood at the bur of
the House of Representatives, to be repriManded by the
speaker. Since which time, his life has beencheiluered
with many scenes of war and victory, and it. now stands
ackuovrtedged, as the man " first in the hearts" of the
people of Texas.
Mt atm S. Wausau, lan been so-appointed by
the Canal Cumnisaioners, as Wamh Rawer at she North.
innbcriand IYei=h luck.
— Suicinco.—Robeit lanes, of Eagan, committed W
eide on Sunday weckiby hang) hinudC Noconsois
migned,e,3o7ll • kioubicd ins&L;of mind. ; arising lit:gik
religioaa exeiteipent:
David jr.,*of,Hor4urg;"comniiii!oConiciaii
b, hanging hiOwlf, in 001 - 2rito 0f146 tintspomi Safikki
day,. 6th inst:'-T he cal* assipie3 4, • itorritoin
ties.'. • •
c.:YErTICL'T Et.scrins.=-The eieetiou in this
ewe. tooir p!atataia Alen443vrek.r.:The.geilicate
the SUCte.ii of the democratic party'... We hale crimplete
returns from the State—save- from - two towns..—
. Ili. makes the Senate sista! II DemosiMe. 9 Whip...- .
to hear
76—no 43—tdbese; Irmir,„2.; der:tomes
carry half of these,,rfstiture will be "11;mOM;tie4.-
Taist. ten Ai:Q.:err st.sir ItiTctitr.—The trial
. ; , f T. Ritchie, jr., foilsis Alr:Tleatianti, "baii
ulte.i in his -' i rbe ienititinil of Ilte verdict,
by tini jury; was received trithflid r applause' byilte-spee
utters. The evidence wt iiti,cry:faet;leicillitste Mr. It
Crain ull blame iu thisiiinbappy ocrurrcuce - in•iee.l, ii:
nothing , wasbe wrong, eacckt in obeying a feye cats oC
boner; .a law, tau arbitrary, tie are sorry to say, in Vir
ginia. The Bravicenl Argue, will ef:cooro, ;!o .Mr. IL
justice by giving to their readers the result of his ziaL
Special ?IL ssage of The President to CO:aim.
. .
To the Scottie of the .United,_Statei.: . •• .
In uns %yes to the inquiry of the Sous' te, con.
tamed in their resolution of•thil,j7at instant,
.wheMer, in any judgment, au ,'circumstances
conuemeOrith, ur growing out or, the foreign
relation. of thiscountry,,require at this tarn!. an
increase, of tmr..wavalpr military force ;," and if
so, " whatthose circumstances :,re," Ihave to
express the opinion,.that a wise precaution fie,
mantle such increase. .
In my annual message of the 2d of Decem
ber last, 1 iecommended to - the -favorable -dun
eideration Con/fees an increase of our-naval
force, especially of our steam navy, and the
raiskig. of an adequate military force, to• guard
& protect such of our citizens as might think
proper to emigrant to Oregon... Since that per•
iod - 1 have seen no cause to recall or modify
these veeommendations. On - the contrary.
reasons exist svliich, in my judgment, render it
proper not only that they--should be promptly
carried into effect, but that additional provision
should be made for the public defence.
. The consideration of such additional provis
ion was brought before appropriate committees
of the two houses of Congress, in answer to
calls made by them, in -reporte prepared, with
my sanction, by the . Secretary..of War and the
Secretary cf the Navy, on the 29th of Decem
ber mid the Bth of January last ; a mode of
communication with Congress notunusal, and,
under existing circumstances believed -to be
'built eligible. Subsequent events have con
.6ctitied iu the opinion that these recomnaen
&non were proper as precautionary measnres.
itwas a wise. Maxim of the- Father..of. his
country, that to be prepared for tear, is one
of the most efficient means of preserving peace;"
and that," avoiding occasions of expense by
cultivating peace," we should „ remember also,
that timely disbursements to preparo for nger
frequently preventmuch greater disbur meats
to repel ii. •The gen rat obligatio to • per
form this dutyyts great) k trengthe dby facts
known to the Whole wor d. A c troversy re
specting the Oregon terr ow exists-be
tween the United States . and Great Britain ;
and while, as ler as we know, the -relations of
the latter. with all European nations are of the
most pacific character, she is making unusual
and ex traordinary,artn aments and warlike prep
arations. naval anti military, both at home and
in her North American possessions:
. .
It cannot be disguised that, however sincere
may be the desire of peace, fit the event of a
rupture these armaments • and preparations
would be used against our country. NV hatev-•
er may hare item the original purpose of these
preparations, the fact is undoubted ' that they
are now proceeding, in part, at least, with a
view to the contingent possibility of a war with
the United Staten. The general policy of mak
ing additional wad ike preparations w is distinct.
ly announced. in the speech from the throne,
as late as January last, and has since been reit
erated by the ministers of the crown in both
houses of Parliament. Under this aspect of
our relations with Great Britain, I cannot Joel
the propriety of increasing our means of de
fence, both by land and sea. This can give
Great Britain no cause of offence; nor increase
the danger of a rupture.' 'lf. on the , contrary,
we should fold our arms in security, and at last
be uddertly -inrorved in luistilities for the main
ten nee t of our, jun r , iglie,,,,...tvithout ' any ade
qua e preparation, our responsibility to the
coonry would be of the gravest character.—
Should collision between the two countries he
avoided, as I sincerely trust it may be, the ad
ditional charge upon the treasury, in making
the necessary preparations, will not be lost ;
while in the event of such a collision, they
would be indispensible for the maintenance of
our national rights and national honor. --
I have seen no 'reason to charge or modify
the recommendations of my annual message in
regard to the Oregon question. The notice to
abrogate The treaty of the Crth of August, 1827,
is authorised by the treaty itself, and cannot be
regarded as a warlike Measure ; and I cannot
withhold my strong conviction that
,it: should
promptly giyen. The other recommenda
tions are in comformity with the existing trea
ty, and would afford to, American citizens in
Oregon no more than the same measure of pro
tection which has long since been extended to
British subjects in_that territory.
The state of our relations with Mexico is still
in au unsettled condition. Since the meeting.
of Congress another revOlutioollas takeoplace
in that country, by which the government has
passed into the hands of new rulers. This
event has procrastinated, and may possibly de
feat, the settlement of the darerences between
the United States and that country. The min
ister of the United States to Mexico. at the
date of the last advices, had not been received
by the existing authorities. Vernonstrations
of a character hostile to the United States eon . -
tinue to be made in Mexico. which has render
ed it proper, in my. judgment, Co keep -nearly
two-thirds of our 'army on our Soutliviestern
frontier. In doing this,. my of thc.iyekular
military posts have heed - reduced to a Small
force. inadequate to their &feriae should an .
emergency arise.
Ut.vtew of these "circumstances." it isi my
.. judgment " that "an increase of our naval
and military force list trik time required.",to
place the country in vault:lde state of defence.
At the same time. his my _settled purpose to
pursue such a course of policy as may be best
calculated to preserve, both with Great Britain
and Mexico. en honorable peace ; which noth
ing will so effectually promote: as unanimity
in our councils, and a firm .maintenance of alf
(turps' rights.. JAMES K. POLK.
Wastuxorotta, March 24, 18.16.. "
Puiteedingg - of therenn a. Legislature.
, : ---11,1P m esp il lilene f t,of the Bradford Reporter,' •
- 11salitteuno, April Ifith.
• prisiTeitio—illinli Douses have MOHO&
to *sit °Wlfief:22d inst.:A:he; important.
pills toteVairgritated so far nit to render itt near;
ly.cerlaAn'thil tharsiession will not - be..prei. ides;
ed beyond that period.
The most difficult question which has been
preserved to- the coneideration , of the beguile.
tote during its present session has been as to
' the best mode of reducing the State debt, and
of ultimtiely relieving the people from the bur
-the is; eicessive taxation. Every one feels
the . importance ttl pilot:fining the peblie fe!sti ;
but dgreat'diversity of intinion prevails as •to
.the.measustia,to be adopted-to uecomplish-that
desirable o bject. ,Whet•e_tn.tation is so high
as it is in is no easy matter to
.sedect •proper objects . upon, which to impose ad
(idiots:ll taxes. tied at the same time make the
hurflie9 fall equally. open eery .section of the
Comumewealth. The necessity of constitut
ing a sinking fund to be applied to the reduc
tion-of the State debt. is undisputed. But . how
is it to he. accomplislied.f•
,That is the (pies
noW engrosses a large share of the
attention of the begislaittie..,Whether. any plan
will be
,adopted .duri n g this session is:very
The Houso has.acted upod the subject of
pessing,a,bill - entitled "An act to reduce the
State debt." It provides for the appointment
of Commissioners of the Sinking Fuad,. and
the levying and assessment of taxes to be ap
plied exclusively to the exiitignialament of the
debt. The principal tax features are contain
ed in -the seventh section, which is in the fel,
lowing .words:— : .
"The county commissioners of each and
every county in this ComitionWealth, are here
by authorized and required annually hereafter.
at the usual period of making county rates and
levies, to assess or caused to be assessed for the
use of the Commonwealth, upon all ships,
brigs, schooners, and all other sailing vessels,
and upon all steamboats, 'stages, hacke, cabs,
and other vehicles used for transporting pas
setigers for hire, and upon all canal boats, loco
motives, engines and railroad cars, (except
those which are used exclusively on the canals
and railroads belonging to the State,) owned,
need or possessed within' this Common wail'
by,any persons, or by any corporate body or
bodies, three mills upon each and every dollar
of the value thereof ; on each and every ton of
• Anthracite coal, mined within this Common.
rwealth, ten cents." '
The. tax On Anthracite coal was warmly re
sented by the Representatives of those•section
of the state, immediately interested in sending
that article to market. It was contended that it
was an unjust and unequal tax, inasmuch as it
applied only to .a small portion of the State.-1 . -
The friends of the bill however succeeded in
re ining this feature. Among the speakers On
this question, Col. Piollet made a very strong
speech in favor of the justice of the tax. A
motion to strike out the tax on Anthracite coal
Was defeated by the following vote :
Yeas—Messrs. Bacliman. ' BOssler, Bigham,
Beyer: Bright. Campbell. Daly. Donaldson,
Eneu. Pernon, Forsyth, Haly, Hilands, Dina.
line, Hoffman, Jonaon, Keller, Kline, Kunkel,
Levan, Alatthias, Merrifield, M'Farland, Nich
olson, Ribinson, Samuels, Shuman, Steel,
Stetter, Taegart, 'rice, Trego-31.
Nava—Messrs. Armstrong, Barber, Bar
tholomew. Bentz. Bird, Boughoer, Burns,
Burnside, Burrell, Chesnut, Clark, Cochran,
Connor, Cross„Dotts, Eldred,Fassett. Funshin,
Galloway. Gray, CZ win, Hallowell, Haymaker
Hill, of Payette. Hill, of Montgomery, Ives,
Jac o bs, J am es, K wx , Lukin, Means, Mitch
ell, IMorison, Murphy. M'Abrr, 111'Cklland,
M'Crum. Weeder. Pullet, Power. Purnrov,
• of Franklin, Price Rider. Ropert Snyder, Starr,
Stewart, of Franklin, Steuart of Lycoming.
Thomas, of Chester. Thomas, of Susquehan
na, Van Holt Webb, Wilson, Worman, Pat
terson, Speaker-56.
ElTorti - Viere made to amend the section by
adding to the subjects of tasation, the articles
of bituidnous coal, wheat, lumber. iron ore.
limestone &c., but without success. The sec
tion was finally adopted by the folloWing vote:
Vets—Messrs. Armstrong, Barber, Bird,
Bouglincr, Burns. Burrell, Clark, Cross, Don.
aldson. Dims. Eldred, Fassett, Galloway.
Gray, Cwin, Haymaker. Hill. Fayette [lull.
Nlontgoinery, Iluueline, Hoffolau, Ives, J ames,
Keller, Knox, Levan, Means, Alin-hell, Mur
phy. Arithee, Gwen, Piollet, Power. Rider,
Rupert, Snyder, Storr, Steuart, Lvcomine,
Thomas, Suet; , Tice, Van Hoff, Webb, Wil
son, Wortnan, Patt:rson Speaker-44.
Ners—Messrs. - Bachman, Bentz.. foyer,
Bright,. Campbell, Cochran; Connor, Daly.
Dieu, Fcrnon, Forsyth, Holy, Mande. Ja.
cobs, Johnson. Kline, Kunkel, Lirkin. Mage
llan, Matthias, Merrifield, Morrison, M'Crum,
M'Curley, Pomeroy, Mercer, Price. Robinson,
Samuels, Shuman, Shuman, Steel, Stetler,
Strauss, Taggart, Thoina Chester. Trego,
,aiThe bill passed ito final reading by a vote of
42 to 40. It is now in the hands of the Fi
nance Committee of the Senate, and will be
reported in some shape or other in a day or
two. It is generally supposed that it cannot
pass the Senate in the shape in which it came
from the House.
The amendments made by the Senate to
the joint resolutions in favor of the tariff of
1842 were taken up in the House. A Motion
was made to concur in the amendment of the
senate which struck out that part of the Reso
lution which instructed our Senators and Rep
resentatives in Congress to vote against a divi
sion of the proceeds of the public lands among
the several states. The motion was advocat
ed by Mr. Magellan and opposed by Mr.
Knox, and was rejected by the following 'met
4 - Mo—Messrs. Bachman, Barbsr, Bartholo•
mew, Hassler, Bentz. Bingham, Brough, Boy
er, Brackenridge; Bright Cochran, Conenr,
Cross, Donaldson, Edie. Ilalev, !hinds, Ja
cobs, Somson, Keller. Kunkel. lodley, Lar
kin. Magehan. MOrison; hVerurn. M'Curdy.
M'Curly, M'Farland, Nicholson, Power,
Pumroy, Franklin, Pomeroy. Mercer, Price.
Robinson. Shuman, Steel, Stewart Franklin,
Strauss, Thomas,. Chester, Trego wadsworth
Nava—Messrs. Armstmng, Bird. Bonaliner,
Burns, Burnside:Burrell. Clark.lD4ly, Dolts,
Enue, Fasset, Fermin, Forsyth, Funston, Gal
loway, Gray, Gwin, Hallowell, Haymaker,
Hill - Fayette, Hill Montgomery. Ilineline,
Hoffman, Ives. lames, Kline. Knnr, Levan,
Means. Merrifield . Mitchell, Murphy, M'ithee,
M'Clelland, Owen. Piollet, Rider, Rupert,
Samuels, Samson, Snyder,Starr, Steller, 'Fag.
gam Thomas, Susquehanna. Tice, Van }lntr.
Weest, Webb, Wilson, Woman, Patterson,
Speaker -40.
Ntirrierons petitions have been presented
during the session proving for the abrogation
-,,-•• . - • • - -
of capital punishment . :The subject cane tip
in the House on a bill to confer on jurors cer
tain powers in capital cases . Matthiai moved
to :emend the bill by giving: - the-Governor the
viper, oh thei recommendation of the court and
juty, to'lebinntlotti the 'puniahment, of death to
impristitiment.for . •
Mr. Weblyinoreal to strike otit the amend
ment-of Mr. Matthias anti insert Weection abol
ishing Capital punishment in all cases. The
amendment was supported by Messrs. Webb
and Knox but was disagreed to,'as was also
' the proposition ,of Mr: Matthias. The bill
was then rejected., ' • ,
A joint resolution instructing our Senators
and Representatives in Congress to oppose any
:alteration of the naturalization laws was taken
up in - the House and passed. yeas 57 nays 12.
• Thu' Babbitt:ire and Ohio Rail Road bill is
skill under consideration in the .House: An
amendment has been adopted, by a vote of 50
t 043, rendering the bill null and void. if before
June 1847, the Pennsylvania Rail. Road com
pany shall have paid in a certain unit-tint of its
capital,' and commenced operations - at each end
of the road. The passage of the bill is con
sidered by its friends as very doubtful. •
The general appropriation bill passed the
Senate with sundry amendments 1 among
these, is one to reduce the appropriation to
common schuole from $200,000 to $150.000,
and one to authorize the Canal Commissioners
to purchase and place passenger ears on the
Columbia rail road. An amendment was offer
ed to increase the appropriation for the salaries
of-the judges. so as to make it conform to the
law as decided by the Supreme Court in case
of Judge Hepburn; the, motion was rejected.
The supplement to the several acts incorpm
rating the Wy, outing 'Academy, the W ilkeshar
re Female Seminary, and the Athens and Wy
sox Academies has-passed both houses.
The bill to incorporate a company to build
a bridge across the North Branch of the Sus
quehanna at Danville. passed the Senate.
A lame number of private bills have passel
both Houses.
From present indications it is pretty certain
thatall the bills for extending the charters of
solvent solvent banks. will pass both houses—
several hills of this character having already
been adopted. Yours, A. B.
Four Days Later From England,
The packet ship Northumberland, Griswold,
arrived at New York on Wednesday night, with
London papers to the Bth Match.
There has been no alteration in the prices of
The London Times of the - Minh, has the fol
lowing :
The market for English securities was de
pressed this (yesterday) afternoon. In the mor
ning an appearance of weakness became evident,
but it was inure severe toward the close of bu
siness. a rumor their being current that a mes
sage from the Queen would be received by the
-House of Commons to night on the subject of
America. Consuls fell on the Whole abotit one
half per cent., the last quotation for money being
4 351 to 3, and for the account. 958 to 1. After
the regular hours of business, bargains were even
Concluded lower prices than these already
'The affairs in India are in a critical condition
for. England. The Sikhs appear to be too pow
erful for the British, and it is confidently ex
pectiql that the great battle which is supposed to
have been fought on the 21st of January, be
tween 70,000 Sikhs and 30,000 British and na
tive troops, resulted in the defeat oldie latter.
The military &pot+ throughout England were
very active. It is said that laroo reinforcements
are immediately to be sent to India.
'l'he United Service Gazette. of the 7th ult..
state that the navy works in the dock yards had
ceased, in consequence, probalhy, of the drafts
upon the army for India.
There is withino of interest in Parliament yet.
The pilot boat Romer had not arrived.
Thereappears to be no later intelligence of
the insurrectionary movements in Poland. On
the subject of the insurrection the private letters
of the London Times say,“ without going so far
as to anticipate that it will he successful, you
may depend upon its being fierce and sangut
The steamer Great Liverpool from Gibialter
for Eneland Was lost off Cape FurriQterre on the
24111 Feh. Three passengers were lost.
According to letters vereived front Paris, the
health of Rossini is so enfeebled that but little
hope is left of his recovery.
POSTAGE.—TiIe French Minister of
Finance has at last introduced into the Cham
ber of Deputies a bill for the reduction of post
age on letters. Ile proposes for single letters
that the charge shall be 2 sous. when the dis
tance does not exceed 20 kilometres (151 Eng
lish miles); 4 sous, the distance not exceeding
40 kilometres ;and increasing in the same ratio
up to 10 sous for a single letter, the maximum
postage proposed for the whole of France.—
The bill did not appear to meet a favorable re
ception in the Chamber, as a more radical chan
ge, something like the English penny postage,
was expected.
IMM.—The Comment of the Sikhs was
making efforts to renew the war. Several at
tempts had been made in different places to
cross the Suilej.
The Morning Chronicle of the Bth says, •the
intelligence from the seat of war in the East is
far from satisfactory. Without giving credit to
every tumor afloat in India, we must still con
fess that each successive mail only increases our
anxiety, bringing as it does fresh proofs of the
extraordinary want of wisdom which has char
ar.erized all the proceedings of our Indian Gov
Some skirmishing took place nem the Sikh
bridge of boats on the lath, 14th, and 15th of
January, without any remarkable effect. On
the 15th, the Sikhs came over the river at Plitil
loor, plundered the neighborhood, and pitched a
camp on the left bank, in the' British territory.
On the following days they made some further
adVattees, and intrenched themselves near AW-
L,. Sir li. Smith moved his brigade up the Sut
lej, driving the enemy before him until the 21st,
in the morning, when he cam.eupon one of the
fortified positions of the enemy, which fired
grape shot amongst the British troops.
Not a man was driven back across the Bullet.
until they thoegh fit deliberately to withdraw sir
or seven days alter the battle. They retained
the command of one fortified bridge, and on the
15th of January a party of We enemy, which
had been operating siglity miles further op the
river, crossed it again, and took up another in
trenched position near Lootliannh,
Sir Henry Smith's minim advanced to attack
them inthis position, but considerable uncerthin
ty prevails as to the resn't of this engagement.
The• fact, however is of importance, because it
proves that the Sikhs have not evetr abandoned
the offensive system of operation, and that they
are still able and resolved to carry•otr the war
with great courage end vigor,
Some of the natiiic troops are imieto have.
thrown down their arms, and tohave fled; leav
ing,the.nrcipeans to..bear the bruntordiebattle...
Her Majesty's 53i1• and 3 list .- weie,engaged, arid
are said to have .suffered severely, but they de 7
minded - to be led atiew to the fight, which Sir U.
Siiiith did not deem it prudent to do, and there
fore withdre* the troops: -
'' 4 ll'ho Agra Ukhbar construes the retirement
into a defeat:- while the Delhi Gazette states that
heavy firing was heard in the direction of Loodi
trili daring the *lfOle of the aftifntiodrif That
day. Notliing positive appears tc have been
known as to the results of that day when the
mails were leaving Bombay.
In obedience to .a call oft. Many. Temperance .
Men." the belegates from a number of the
Township Temperance Societies met in Com Troy, the 20th of April last. for the
purpose of devising the_ means of stopping the
(earful ravages of alcohol which prevails with
such destructive violence in many parts of this
and the adjoining counties. . -
The Convention was organized by electing
ELI BAIRD, Esq. of Troy, as president. &
JAstss E. HALE,. of Smithfield, Secretary of
the meeting.
After a prayer by Rev. J. Doty, of Smith
field, the object of the Convention was briefly,
but eloquently set forth by the President after
Which, the Convention resolved itself into a
CoMmittee of the Whole, for the transaction of
business ; and during whose sitting the follow
ing Resolutions were unanimonsfy adopted,as
the sense of the Convention .
Resolved, That the prevalence of intemper
ance, pauperism and crime, calls the for inter
positio-14 the friends of humanity andood!or
der in this vicinity, to stop the manufacture,
sale and use of all intoxicating Liquors.
Resolved, That the IltleeeSe that has attended
the efforts that have hitherto been made in be
half of total abstinence from all that intoxicates.
is abundant reason for us to lake coura;:e and
go forward in behalf of this noble cause.
Resolved, That while houses of entertain
ment for the accommodation of travellers are
useftd,.; intoxicating liquors is not an essential
ingredient for any of them ; and that we will
use our combined efforts to effect the pass
age of a law by the Legislature of this Com•
mon wealth leaving the question whether Li
censes shall be granted for the retailing of in
toxicating liquors to the people : (in each two'
ward and township ) by a majority of the
Resolved, That each local Temperance So
ciety be recommended to appoint a committee
of vigilance (within its bounds) to enquire into
the essential qualifications and character of the
applicant for license to retail ardent spirits—to
apprise the authorities having the prerogative
of granting said license, of all applicants who
du not meet the requisitions of the law and to
throw every honorable impediment in the. way
of such men's obtaining . license for that pet,
Resolved, That each loCal temperance society
within the limits of Timm, Susquehanna and
Bradford County, Penn'a. be requested to fur
nish detailed reports of its condition and pros
pects. the number of its members—male and
1, male in separate columns, together with any
Other information ptirtaining togits mterrests, to
an adjourned meeting of this convention.
Resolved. That the present state of the tem
perance enterprise requires the immediate or
ganization of a Temperance Convention of dele
gates from all the loyal temperance societies
within the limits of the counties of
Tioga and Susquehanna, to assemhle at some
given point once every six months for the fur
therance of nor glorious cause.
Resolved, That the temperance societies with
in the :aforesaidcounties be requested to appoint
delegates to such convention, to assemble at
Towanda. on •I'hursday the 7th day of Slav
! t ext, at ID o't lock A. sw k room as sball
he prepared by a committee appointed for that
Resolved, Trim Messrs. Crum. Miller &I tale.
eonstittite.. a Committee to draft a Constitittion
and lice-Litws for iite government of such con
vention.; to he siiimitned at its first stiling at
Towanda' - rb.r no .hotted ; also th t Messrs.
E. W. 11-. z .rd and Hey. Mr. Miller of Troy.
W. Brow of Tow oda. Z. Frisbie uI
Or rill, and _lts E. Hide of timitllficid. consti
tute a rontruittee to submit o'roper suhjecis for
the ronsideralion and anion of the coirrentimi
at the same tine.
Revolved, That the Serrature be requested to
present a copy of the proecedings of this con
vention to the Editors of the several newspapers
of the county for publication.
After short but pertinent addresses from Rev.
Messrs. Crum &Angles. and Dr. Joelin of New
York, the Convention adjourned.
[Signed by the Officers.]
SONS OF TEMPERANCE.—We notice in the
' Pittsburg Morning Post. that a committee of
Temperance men, appointed by a county or
Ward Temperance Society. have made a Re
port, to which is appended two Resolutions, de
claring that the .6 Sons of Temperance have
impeded the great temperance movement, and
that it is•a secret pledged society," Verily the
" fools arc not all dead et." Seriously is it
not absurd that men can be found who can, or
will stubbornly blind their eyes and senses to
the truth, that no great moral -movement was
ever before organised that has accomplished so
much realgoo .1, and been so successful as the
organization of the Order of the Sons of Tem
perance.- In less than two years it has in
creased from a fraction more than Two HUN
DRED to Sixteen Thousand Members, and-from
Fora ! to one Hundred and Fifty-four Divi
sions in the State of Pennsylvania atone, locat
ed, and in successful operation in nearly every
county in our good tald Keystone Common
wealth. impede the great Temperance move
ment indeed ? Why let us assure our friends
in Pittsburg, that had it not have been for the
activity, exertions and success of the Sons of
Temperance, hundreds enjoying its privileges,
and now ardent and sincere temperance men,
woidd -never haVe given up the intoxicating
bowl. Beside all this, it numbers among its
members all elaSses of citizens, either in pro.
fessional, mechanical, or mercantile pursuits,
who meet on a common levet and with a fra
ternal feeling that could never be attained under
the old organization. Let us never again hear
that the Sons of 'f'einperance have impeded the
progress of reforming the inebriate, for it is not
the truth, nor Wilt tt be believed by any person
in his senses.
• ittrrted.
In jersey Shore ; Lyenming em. oil the Bth in 4-, by Rev.
Joseph Roea, A-. M. COll6llof this horn" to :Kiss $Li.
i♦ ANN. Sesrrorto of the former place.
Ear' NOTICE"—Tho Rev. Ma. ANORMS wilt
preach at Monructon nett Sunday the 19th,
at eleven o'clock. Intl at this ptace at early ettntltellvhe
on the same d.v.
• tiititigeTtts di' •
"The Pennsylvania Backwoodsman!,
ThitPesiargivengto nkekse••d•sami,
Id the title of a newspaper which will hereafte r , 14
published in this Borough, by C. L. Wane a m If
BOovir, theiEditots. It will be of a different cla,
eater ; to many respects, from most other i emais
of the day ; and for this reason, it become s ne e%
sary to explain our design to the public al grea f; .
Jeu,gth than - hruseal. We therefore, solicit a fa ;
and candid bearing, while we endeavor to ad eld
the nature of the enterprise in which We are ab ol
to embark:
This paper will be the curia, n of no political pai ty '
or religious sect : it will stand—if it stand at a
on an independent basis. A large proportion of o@
iiewsiraPeri are the creatures of partizan excitem mi
or sectarian zeal. Breathed -into existence by th e
breath of party, they bold the life thaf they e n j oy,
upon the terms of maintaining a Warm advod eset
principles and men, according to the measure th a .
their party, or its leaders prescribe. They may b e
well perhaps, in their places h is not t 4
place that we chaise to occupy. Viewing the,.
neml intelligetee, virtue and elevation of cut f t .i.
low.citizens, as objects of greater importance
to win them over to any particalox party, we 8*
in general, waive party questions, as such. and m a .
tent ourselves with a firm and earnest advoca c y,
according to our humble ability, of whatever ire see
in any party, sect, or society, best calculated to ad,
vane the interests and improve the conditio n ' o i
In politics dim' morals, science and literature, 11 ,
Shall suggest such, views, and enforce such prim,
pies, as to us seem best ; while - we shalhat the sam e
time, freely open our columns to others. (as te a
to those who differ from us; as to those who:agr e e
with us in sentiment.) fdr the tetnprati , and mat h :
dismission of such one:snivel, as are of general see.
rest to the public mind. Whoever bar mcthinstn
'_propose for the public goedr 'sad can advocate},
cause with moderation and ability, and with pm:
to our readers—shall he permitted, so far as spne
wilt allow, to speak thmughthe pages of thi- paps
With regard to the more especial depanore N
a Yeteepaper, we shall keep a careful rte or, tht
progress of events, and the developureat of prim.
pies ; and so far as is - tereticable, give our lead:,
intelligence, from time to time, of whatm e; mares
of importance transpire in the political, seientitiea o n
literary world. We shall aim to make our p a? ,
an accurate record of passing evens- it noires{ hi.:
terry flu limn?. We desire to fifrnish a 'fled on
for disseminating such buns anti reasonings as inn
seem best calculated to facilitate the torn - intim 0
intelligent opinions npren all subjects of impomnee•
arid this, withent imparting - am - improper. or 11.1fdr
bias, hi morals, the principles of tempemnee. •
purity, and of equal and exact jus ice toward ai
men' - -will find in us temperate, but williatize
advocates. We hope to give our paper such a vita.
racier, that the parent may place it in the hand* it
his children, with an assurance that every ninsiy
and womanly virtue will be encouraged amid hiser:
ed by a permal of -its Pages. The depripmesis
literature and science will receive all tlie attention
that our limits will permit: and we hope to st,
variety and interest to our columns. by the aid 01
correspondence from cations parts of the corium-
We shall give special prinninence to matlersai
cal interest. affncting this and the adjoining
—one of our chief objects, (and to accomplish whir:
we shall spare neither labor nor expense.) bet:
to aid in developing the various resources of Nor.
Burn Pettrivy'unnia ;—and especially to enalle on
depressed agricultural interest to profit by the high ,
of scienee, and by the discoveries and improve:nee
whirl' are daily taking, place around ns. hi short
we desire to render the Backwoodsman a welcome
visitor among all chases of our fellows-Miens—el
cept su-h as have no mind but for the loon elemens
of political strife--mm hope but in its fleeingandi;.
noble tritimilts.
The din - ere:ice between our pl n. and that of the
general mass of newspapers, will be suffielentlt
obvious from what we have now said. Our sple•
witl not so much conflict with those of eXisting
tablishments in this and neighboring counties, as
will supply certain impcirtarrt deficiencies common
to them all. Its political influence, as far as it et:
erts any, will be to mitigate the violence of p a rr
feeling: and by the discussioi of principle- air.
measures with reference to their cffer-ts upon the
welfare of the country, rather than to their bearint
upon partisan interests—to accustom the minds of
our citizens to regard thinrp from that higher point
of view, which shall no longer leave them to le
duped by demagogues ; rse i oli sts of iipydesxmptio^
It we mistake not, the time has arrived. when ne
derate men of all parties, have become sufficient'
sickened of the elaggeration mad fdsity of the pc
ty press, to relish rah - nand truthful statements boil
as to the measures rend the men of our century
The Bark Wei:Osman- will he is.tred on Strain's'
morning. of each week, on good paper—printed vr
folio fomr, with new type, selected expressly f'
the purpose. Each number will - contain eight lu
tes of four columns each. Terms—Two dollar
per annum, payable half yearly in advance. or
the end of the year, as may be preferred.
ToWANDA. April IR, 1846.
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends that licho
leased the above House, situated on the Sr
side of tee public' square, lately occupied by A.M. C"'''
and having made entirely new arrangements. is oos
prepared for the reception of visitors. Presenting lor
compliments to his friends and the public
as:uring them no pains or expense will be sP.m l
please his guests, he respectfully solicits public panty'
age, pledging himself that while the establishment 0
under his control, it shall !Mt be excelled by lania ibc
The rooms of the CLAREMONT HOFSE: as
spacious and airy, and famished in the best style.
The Table will be furnisher} with every gamma
the country can produce.
The Bar neilr.ber stocked with the beat liquors '
pure abJ unadulterated state. •
First rate Stabling attached, u ilk' reedy end 4lier°l
Ostlers always in
In short, nothing will be omitted, which will ill
the comfort and convenience orcustomers. and with to
facilities ho belienes satisfactiotrinill be rendered to ,, '
Towanda, April Pr, 184 e.
- - -
NOTICE is hereby given, that that the Commies : "
era of the county of Bradford will attend It lb,'
Elflike over l'Fyalusing creek, near th'e . moutb
in the township of Wyelusing, on Thursdi9
day of Aprif next, at 9 o'clock A. 41.„ for the Pwr—
receiving prop:wale 'end letting to the lowest atvl
responsible bidder, the necesamy work and rePairi n i
Raid bridge, The Commissioners will exhibit • pto
and specificau'on of such work at the time and VW'
of letting. By order of the Commiwionets ,
Comaiiseiontie o.l:fice,Tcrwanda,Pfircb 26.,k61'