Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 08, 1846, Image 3

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    and Charles Homet. Containin 88 acres,
aie re or less, 30. or 40 improv g ed, framed
h o use and log barn thereon erected.
seized and taken in execution at the snit of
8. Mills to the use of Miller Bowman & Co.,
ne w the use of T. J. Palmer, vs. Isaac Place.
ALSO—A certain piece or lot of land sit
uated in Towanda boro'. and bounded on the
no rth by Maple street§ on the east by George
Watley, on the south by said Wansey and
..toderson, and on the West by main street.
Containing about half an acre more l or less
with one framed House and barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Everett and logics, vs. D. W. Brow n an d N.
p. Brown.
3.oo—The following piece or parcel of
land situate in Sheshequin township and bound
ed as follows on the north by lands of A. Camp.
b e il, west by lands of G. Tompkins, east by
ands of Peter Green west by lands of Delan.
ce y. Containing about fifty four acres with
s ir acres thereof improved, with one_ log
.nose thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
.02n „, Miller, vs. William Johnson and
Charles Ames, terre tenant.
.11. SO—A piece or parcel of land lying & be
ing in Wysox it beingthe south western moiety
d.lot No. 129 bounded north easterly by lot
Np. 122 on mill lot north easterly by Piollet's
oiety of said lot No. 129 south easterly by
'di No. 127 and south easterly by lands of Ca
eh Shores and William Rippith on lot -Nu.
128 and containing, allowing the running of
Gordon F. Mason the late Deputy Surveyor
..2'acres and 131 perches being the lot convey
ed to David H. Owen by Deed from J. M. Pi
-diet dated 2d Dec, 1833.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
'. E. Planet to the use of Deacon and Peter
-011, vs. David H. Owen.
3.oo—The following property to wit:
• note in the township of Wyalusing and Tus
arora, and bounded and described as follows :
r E tnrung at a sugar tree, thence by land of
, ~iin Locke and A. Guinip, south degree,
au three Hundred and eighty-five perches to
, corner thence by land of Henry 'Poland and
;and of Henry Locke, south 891 degrees, west
inS perches to birch, thence by other lands
~oath 35.1 degrees, east 493 to the place of be.
taping Containing 349 acres and 100 perch-
and allowance of six per cent.
seized and taked in execution at the suit of
Mary Poland. Margaretie Elizabeth
Toi;ind and Juliana 'Poland vs. Jonas Ingham.
.11S0=-The following piere or parcel of
'aaJsituale in the' township of Granville, in
liradlord County, and bounded as follows : Be
i a beech the S V corner of lot no.
21 oa warrant lut No. 1481, thence east 180
.10 perches to a post;, thence south 80 per
heb to a post. thence wesi. 180 4-10 perches
.0 a post, then - north 80 4.10 perches to the
eztnning. Containing fifty-four acres •and
I.lny-two perches, with a framed house anti
Inn and about twenty-five acres improved
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
l',nuthy Paxton and William Davidson.
[noires of the Bank of N. A. vs. Barnabas
Ion! in 2d
.ILSO—The following described piece or
arcel of land in Columbia township. bounded
ihe north by George Moore. on the east by
F. Welles and John Olmstead, south by
10:in Olmstead and Jacob Frees, and on the
west by 1). Whitney. Containing 113 70-160
'.rres, be the same more or less, with about
acres improved with a framed house and
; J:1111 thereon and a small log house.
Seized anti taken in exeention at the suit o
(' Gernert to the use 11 C Coombs vs
N Smith.
ASO—The following property piece or
!Intel of land situate in Armenia township and
bounded on the north by Drinker's land, on
east by Lyons lands, 'on the south by the
va c highway, on the west by Levi W Gard-
Ler'b hod—Contatning 100 acres more or less
%nil about 12 acres improved and two log
lAglics thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Tatfor. Long S. Thomas vs. John N
41.9),—'1:1ie following described piece or
parcel of. land situate'in Standing stone town
*ttp, and bounded and described as follows
tleginni n a at a Rock oak south-east corner of
tqi No. 17 on the Dupont tract, theme west
160 perches to a post, south west corner of
raid lot,
.thence fifty seven perches to a post,
hence north one hundred and seven perches
to a white oak in the corner of the Marlsby
Patent, thence east on said Patent Line one
hundred and forty eight perches ,to a white
oak. thence south one hundred•and sixty two
perches to the place of beginning. Containing
one hundred and fifty-five acres be the same
more or less with two dwelling houses, two
!urns and other out buildings there erected
with about thirty acres improved and quantity
of land chopped over.
_ .
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Albert Newell to the use of H P & G'N Ly
man vs. Samuel A. Tenant.
ASO—The following piece or parcel of
land situate in the township of Standing Stone
and bounded as follows :—Beginnino at a rock
yak - south east corner of lot No. 17 on the Du
patt tract, thence west 160 perches to a past
loath west corner of said lot, theiace north 57
perches to a post, thence east north 107 perch
-15 to a white oak in the corner of the Mauisby
patent, thence east on said patent line 148
perches to a white oak thence south 162 perch-
is to the place of beginning. Containing 155
acrea with a log house and a small improve
ment thereon, with about fifty acres improved,
two dwelling houses and large barn thereon
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Amelia A. Dupont vs. Samuel A. Tenant.
.9LSO—By virtue of sundry writs of Levati
Nias, issued as above, the following piece of
!Ind in Granville, beginning at a black oak N
E corner of lot number 181 on warrant lot no.
1 536, thence west 124 perches to the centre of
road leading by Joseph Bush's lands, thence ?
west 66 perches to the centre of east & west
mad ; thence along the centre of said road east
131 5-10 peruke to the west line of lot no. 102
occupied by Stephen Vroman ; thence sondr 68
6.10 perches to the beginning. , Containing 54
acres 149 perches, more or less, on which there
n now thirty acres imprOved, three framed how.
tes, and two barns, art old f.a w-m ill and stave
machine thereon.
Seized and taken in•execution at the suit of
Timothy Paxton and Wm Davidson, Trustees
of the Bank of N A vs. Harry Bailey, adminis
trator of Scoville Bailey, dec'd.
.ILSO—A certain piece or parcel of land
hoed, bounded and described as folloles viz:
Beginning at a sugar tree thence south eighty
degrees west two hundred and twelve perches
to a hemlock thence south ten degreereast one
hundred and sixty perchesto a beech, thence
north eighty degrees east . trio• hundred and
twelve perches to a hemlock, thence north ten
degrees, west one hundred and sixty perches
to.the plan of beginning. Containing two hun
dred acres with •allowance of six per cent, for
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Alexander Barring and *Henry Barring who
survived Robert Gilmore and Thomas Mayne
Willing and Charles Willing Hare, devisees in
trust of Wm. Bingham dec'd. vs. Lindsey
;Joslyn and Jesse Sumner terre tenant.
biLSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of
land situate in Springfield township, bounded
al follows : Beginning at a post thence south
seventy degrees west two hundred and sixty
nine perches and two tenths of a perch to a
post. thence south eighteen degrees east sixty
three pyches to an iron -wood, thence north
seventy-two degrees bast two hundred and
sixty-nine perches and two tenths of a perch
to a sugar -tree, thence north eighteen degrees
west sixty-three perches to the place of begin
ning. containing one hundred acres, more or
less, with a log house thereon and about twen
ty acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Alexander Baring, Henry Baring who survived
Robert Gilmore, Thomas Mayne Willing and
Charles Willing Hare. devisee in trust of the
estate of William Bingham vs. Sally Welles
and George H. Welles executors of Henry
Welles deceased, and Jeremiah Baker terra
JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office,
Towanda, March 25th, 1846.
dirt RATEFUL for past favors, the subscriber gives
LW notice that he has left his accounts with Mr. N.
J.KEELER for aettlement—any person indebted for
Prothonotary feed can call on him and settle the same ;
any payment made to him or to Mr. A. C. ALLEN of
this place will be duly acknowledged in s.tisfaction of
such fees. A prompt attention to this notice will
greatly oblige yours &c. AARON CHUBBUCK.
Towanda, February 17. 1846.
Bradford County, 88.
- GREETING ~ Wheieas, at an Orphan's Court
he:d at Towanda, in and for the county aforesaid, on
the 12th day of December, A. D., 18.15, before the Hon
John N. Conyngham, president, and Reuben Wilber
and Harry Morgan associate justices of said court.
The petition .of James M. Edsall, was presented, set
ting forth that his father. Samuel Edsall, late of the.
township of Wells, in Bradford county, died intestate,
leaving a widow. to wit, Sarah Edsall, and issue eight
children, to wit, Jesse Edsall. Panaela'Seely, wife o.
Benjamin Seely, Richard Edsall, Charles Edsall. Bile
wifis of Nathan Alvord, jr., Elmira, wife of Solomon Bof
vier, James M. Edsall, the above named petitioner, and
Andrew J. Edsall, and that the raid intestate died seiz
ed in his demense as of fee of and in a certain messuage
tenement and tract of land situate in the !townships of
Wells and Columbia in the marnecounties, and bounded
as follows : Beginning on the north by lands of Whit
ing Gifford, E. P. Wood and James M. Edsall ; on the
east by lands of James. M. Edsall and James Fries ; on
the south by lands of Jesse Edsall, and on the west by
lands of Jesse Edsall. Containing about one hundred
and forty-five acres. ALSO one equal, undivi
ded hallo!' one other tract, lot, piece or parcel of land,
situate in the said township of Columbia and Wells, 4
bounded as follows, to Ait : On the north by lands of
Nathan Shepard; on the south by lands of Jesse Ed
call, and on the west by lands of Edson Aspenwall
Containing about forty-five acres, with the appureman
ces to both the above described lots. And in the said
petition, the abovenamed petitioner prayed the Court to
award an inquest to make partition and valuation of the
said premises to and among the heirs and representa
tives of the said decedent, accors.iog to the acts of As
sembly in such cares made and provided.
We therefore
_command you that taking with you
twelve free and lawful men of yout bailiwick, you go
to and upon the premises aforesaid, and there 'yr their
oaths or affirmations, that you make partition thereof, to
and among the children and representatives of the said
intestate, in such manner and in such proportions as by
the laws of this Commonwealth are directed, if such
partition can be made without prejudice to or spoiling
the whole ; but if sa;11 partition cannot be made thereOf
as aforesaid, that then you value and appraise the same
according to law. And further, that you cause the said
inquest to inquire and ascertain whether the said real
estate with the appurtenances, will conveniently ac
commodate more than one of the children or represen
tatives of the said intestate, and if so how, many of the
children or representatives it will accommodate. That
'due notice of the time of making such partition be given
to all persons interested herein. And that you make re
turn of your proceedings to the next general Orphans'
Witness the Hon. John N. Conynehain, Esq.. Pre.
sident of our said Orphans' cold, at Towanda,the 26th
day of December. A. D., 1845.
Continued by order of the Come. February 4, 1846.
certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the origi
nal writ. Atftof, .1. F. MEANS, Sheriff.
To all persons interested in the above described pre
mises; take notice, that a jury will be held upon said
property. on Monday, the 13th day cf• April next, at 1
o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of dividing or appraising
the same, according to the above order.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, March 9, 1846.
Oct. 8. ?AEROBE'S
ADRIFT just above the mouth of ISugar creek. on
the 18th ult., a pile of Hemlock scantling, suppo
sed to contain about 9,000 feet. The owner is reques
ted tc come forward, prove property, pay charges, and
take possession of the same.
. J. ALLO WA Y & others.
'fowanda, April 1, 1846.
SEVERAL, copies of the above work just received
and fat sale at the reduced price of 75 cents.
March 30. It-40. J.KINGSBERY JR.
4/ President Judge of the 13th Judicial district,
consistir ' , of the counties of I-tzerne, Bradford and
Tiogn, and Harry Morgan and Reuben Wilber esquires,
Associate Judges in and for the county of Bradford,
have issued their precept bearing date the 25th of
March 1046, to me directed, for holding a court of
Oyer and terminer, gene-al quarter sessions or the peace,
common pleas and orphan's court, at Towanda, for the
county of Bradford, on the first Monday of May next,
being the fourth, to continue two weeks.
NOUN is therefore hereby Wen,
to the Coroners, Justices of the Peace and Constables of
the county of Bradford, that they be then and there in
their proper persons, at, 10 o'cloak in the forenoen of
said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations,
and other their remembrances, ttido thus., things which
to their office appertain to be done; and those who are
bound by recognizance or otherwise to prosecute against
the prisoners who are or may be in the jail of said coun
ty or who are or shall be bound to appear at the said
court, are to be then and there to prosecute against await
as shall be just. Jurors art requested to be punctual in
their attendance, agree , bly to their notice.
Dated at Towanda, the 25th day of March, in the year
of out Lord one thousand eight liandred and forty-six,
and of the Independence of the United States the sec.
endear. JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff.
EO. E. FLYNT & CO. are now offering the
V. balance of their stock of goods at less prices than
usual, preparatory to receiving spring supplies. Call at
the Savings Bank. i March
WORMERS will find it to their advantage before
purchasing their CLOVER SEED to call and
examine a superior lot of new seed, just received at
.March 11. - ' MERCURS'.
sorta:kinds a
rim, for tale cheap at .17.4 - REED'S.
_ _ _
1 "`II P , "11 1 'lOl,
WE respectfully ask your attention to the fob*.
ing reasons why you should make your potent
ate of goods in the New York market, very frankly dull
kiting it is our desire that you should do so.
It mast be admitted, that. from 50 to 60 per cent. Of
all the foreign tnerchandize which is imported into this
country, is received intothe pod of New York. Wenne
there is here the opportunity for the widest selection..—
The stock of goods on hand In this city,lis at all thins
larger than the united stocks of all the other Eastern
ties. It is equally certain that New York is the chief
and grand depot for the manufactures of the Eastern and
middle states, and of dui products of the Western.
The prices of goods in Ncw York; by reason of its im
mense supplies, and the consequent competition, ere ne.
ceseatily lower, and credits are extended on as Decal a
scale as at any other point.
The Merchants, Mannfacomers and Importers whose
addresses are subjoined, are prepared to mom the truth
of these positions,. and will be happy to dispose of their
goods on terms which will verify all that jammed here.
Dry Goods.
Imparters Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goode.
E. Si. J. BUSSING , Nos 111 and 113 William An.„ au-
ner of John at, the Washington atom.
F. 8. & D. LATHROP, Nos 115 and 117 William at.
and 59 John street, the Washington storm
FIELD & MERRITT, 131 William et., the Washing
ton stores.
TAYLOR & ARMSTRONG, 213 Greenwich st.
Staple and'Fanoy Silk Goad'.
William st, the Washington stores.
Jobber of staple and fancy Dry Goods, Zephyr Worsted,
Canvass, Gloves, Ribbons, Lam, Eznbroider'd Trim
mings, and embroidery articles in general :
D. S. TURNER, No. 60 William between Cedar & Pine.
Dealers in French silk Goods and Millinery articles
THOMPSON & VAN VEGHTEN, 60 John street,
up stairs.
_ _
A. H. COLLIS, 32 John weld, comer Hunan.
Hosiery, Caps, Stocks, &e.
Importers of Hosiery, suspenders, gloves,erarats,scarfs,
4-c. Manufacturers of caps,stocka,
oil silks, 4c.
JOHN M. DAVIES & JONES, 106 William m.sauth
east corner of John street.
Gentlemen's General Furnishing store. Manufacturer .
and Wholesale dealers in shirts, collars,buooms,
stacks, cravats, 4,Ve.
J. P. WAKEMAN & Co. 76 Maiden lane.
Cloth and Clothing Store•
New Cloth store.
KNOEPFEL & FOOTE. 39 John street, near Nassau,
dealers in French, German and English Cloths, Cis
sitneres, Vestings, Summer Stuffs, Trimmings, &c.
Drapers, Tailors and- Gentlemen's Furnishing store.
MORRISON & JONES, 135 and 137 William street,
in the new block, between John and Fulton.
Wholesale Dealers in Clothing
ANDREW HALL & BROTHER, 86 Vamp, corner
Washington st.
Straw Good•
Manufacturers and Dealers in Straw Goods, Palm Lea
Hats, Artificial Flowers, &c,
R. T. WILLIE & Co., 69 William at. up stain.
J. H. HILLS, 136 Pearl st., up stairs.
ELI C. HLAKE, 22 John at., op stairs.
Fancy .).f &e.
Dealers in Combs, CutlerY;&c., and Importers of French
English and German Variety Goods :
WHITE & TASKER, Nos 111 and 113 William st.,
corner of John, up stairs.
Importer of German, Zephyr and,Tapilsie Worsted Pat
terns, Canvass, Chenille, Flow and Twisted Silks,
all kinds of Fringes, Cords and Tassels, and a
great variety of French fancy articles :
D. M. PEYSER, 58 John at., and 369 Broadway.
Crockery, Looking Waists, ace.
Importers and Dealers in Glass, Chins, Earthenware
Looking Glasses and Clocks : •
SMALLEY & NELDEN, 09 Pearl sued.
RICHARD F. HA VILAND, 82 Maiden Lane, between
Pearl and William street.
F. W. OGSBDRY, 56 Courtlandt st. between Greenwich
and Washington. Hotels and Vessels supplied at the
lowest rates.
WM. A. FRANCIS, 76 Dey it., first st. north of Coml.
landt between Washington st. and the North River.
TIMOTHY T. KISSAM & SON, 145 Maiden lane, be,
tweet' Water and Front.
Importers and Jobbers in Looking Glasses and Importers
of Looking Glass Plates : . .
REUBEN C. BULL Zs CO. 228 Pestle. opposite Nub
Agency for Flint and Green Glass Factories'
Druggsits and Chemical Fumiture, Fancy Bottles and
Vials of cut, plain moulded and variegated colors,
jars, French and German cut toilet Bottles,
Mantle Ornaments of China & Glass:
ANDREW ROSS, 130 Malden lane, will remove first
May 127 Water st.up stairs.
Hardware and Cutlery.
Importer and Dealer in Foreign awl Domestic Hardware
Cut Nails, ere. •
JOHN J. LAGRA VE. 205 Greenwich at, third louse
above Veaey sL., on the North river aide of the city,
Eagle Cot Nails :
E. & J. BUSSING, Nos 1l 1 and 113 William st. cor
ner of John street.
Britannia Ware, &e.
Manufacturer of plain and japanned and planished
Ware, Britannia Ware, Buff 'd Spoons, &a., and Dea
ler in Coffee Mills, Hollow ware, Lanterns, dee..l
P. B. CLARK, 13 Platt street.
Manufacturers and ImpOrters of Britannia Ware in all
its branches, Dealers in Block Tin, Antimony
and Bismutha:
BOARDMAN 6r. HART, 6 Darling slip, near Pearl-st.
Lamps, &c.
Importer and Manufacturer of Solar Lampe and Chanda
hers, bracket, parlor, ball, church and table lamps, gi
randoles, globes, japanned ware, &c.
JOlL'il W. MORGAN, 154 Fulton street.
Publishers, Booksellers, &e.
HUNTINGTON & SAVAGE, Publishers of the "Na
done School " and Parley's Geography, by S. G
Goodrich, 216 Pearl street.
SAMUEL S. & WM. WOOD, 251 Pearl street, oppis.
site United States Hotel.
Importrr of English Books :,
EDMUND BALDWIN, 155 Broadway, in connection
with Robert Baldwin, London, Imports to order for
Universities, public libraries, scientificand literary men
English Books, Periodicals and Works of every des
cription, at ten per cent commission for cash.
Stationery Warehoused
FRANCIS 6: LOUTREL, 77 Maiden Lane, Importers
of English and French stationery, and manufacturdrs
of Account Books, Manifold Letter Writers, Croton
Ink, .Sr.c. Lewis Franeis—Cyrus H. LoutreL
Paper Mixes &e.
Manufacturer of all kinds of Paper Boxes. Band Bones,
Band Box papers, dealer in Binders and Box Boards,
and Importer of Fancy paper:
CHARLES CLUDIUS, 58 Jobnstreet, up
Importers and Manufacturers of Paper Hangings, Fire
Board Prints, &e.r
HOWELL &BROTHERS, 137 Broadway; have re.
calved the premiums for the best manufireturedysper
' hangings, in the cities of Huston, Ne York and Phila.
Musical 3.leiChaudise.
Manufacturer and Importer of Musicalinstramenta.—All
kinds of Musical merchandise constantly on hand
EDWARD DA ACK, 81 Fulton street, comer Gold.
Importer and Manufacturer of Musical Instruments and
Dealer it: strings for violins, piano [moat and
publishers of Music :
C. G. CHRISTMAN, 404 Pearl street.
umbeellas, Parasols and Sun Shades:
JOHN 1. :SMITH Manufacturer, 222 Paula. one door
from the corner of Burling slip, having returned from
Europe, is prepared to show. his customers the most
elegant French and English style's.
GEORGE J. BYRD, 180 Pearl street, opposite Cedar,
is prepared with a stock of Umbrellas, Pardsolts, dce.,
mane/featured at his astablishment, unsurpassed in the
Perfumery, Soaps, eke.
Manufacturer and Importer of choice Perfumery, Toilet
Soaps, Extracts, Colognes, Ste. :
EUGENE ROUSSE!. 159 Droadway, between Liberty
and Courtlatult street.
.Faney and Family soaps, Patehtjimils., Pinfamay.
&a, 3 Coushusd sued, and 73 Tithliy
Orneerbre r laisaiors, PHatta, &c.
Wholesale' Grocer and Dealer in Nine, Foredo and De•
• Mende Liquors and Cigars- 7 410 Manufsenuer
of cordial and bitters: • • .
GEORGE GREENLY, 201 Chanters auset, nuinlng
through to Riede, three doors from West st.
Grocers and Couunimion Merimhtt,lmporters and
era in Brandies, Wines, &pima& : •
BEERS & BOGART, No. 177 ionth attest, ` '
Id:porter and doslei in thard, Dhpny & Copier
mid Champagne Brandies, anin and Hour Obis
Jamaica spirits, Irish Whiskey, Malaita, Pon, abserrh
Yeneriffe, claret and ehampaghs Wines, assated edit
dials, bitters, Havanaa sews, eke.;
HENRY LEFMAN. 232 Waillingtdil attest.
Importer of Wines, Brandies, Aktinth drite
faetorer of Cordials, Syrups, liana and admit midi
for supplying steam boats, If olgt, amens and !Inds
gists :
JO ON I. MOGENIER & CO. 20 Wanes attest.
Wholesale Dealer in Foreign semi Domestic these and
D r ied Fruits, Wines, segos, Tobacco, &e.:
ROBB & MAIN, 210 Washington street.
Tobacco, Banff & theigarso
Fine ent 'fobacaOlandocuntlN and Imp :tars of
Choice seers t
JOHN ANDERSON & ColNor2 Wallet:tee, 213 end
215 Duane street, have received the highest premiere
of the American Institute for 1844 "44 and '45.
Hannfactater and Dealer in Fine cut, Snuff end papa
Tobacco. Pound papers on an Improved plan, warrant.
ed equal to any in the smell/ eta Every paperweight
aund—artieles warranted or money refunded.
HENRY REILL, 77 Front street, corner Old slip.
Spices, Coffee, Cocoa and Mostar
either urannfarrural or preparal for family use, may be
bad of the eboieest qualities, at the cam att
THE HOPE MILL/3,47 Front street, New Yea.
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Its;
Dealers in Drugs, Medicine; Nines. Oils, Dr , "54
BUSH & HILLYER, 179 Greenwich wen.
Dealers in Oits, Paints, Gins, Dye duffs, &e.:
DE FOREST & CO.. 205 West street
VAN DEVENTER & TALMAGE, 87 Barclay Wert,
corner of Washington street. Van D. and T. also
mancifiicture Ink and Blacking which obtained the pre.
mium at the late fair of the American Institute.
Bronze Powders, Gold Paint, Gold, silver and Florence
Leaf; Dutch Metal, etc.: •
J. H. BICKET, wholesale agent, 138 Maiden lane..—
Bronzes 50 per cent lower than any other honsein the
United States.
Manufacturing and Furnishing Establishment in the
Daguerreotype Business :
E. WHITE, 175 Broadway, Plates, Cues, Chemicals,
Polishing apparatuses, and every , article used in the
business. Also the French, German and America:
Trunks, Bruskssi Lti
Manufacturer of Teaselling sod Packing Trunks, Vs
!ices, Carpet Bags, Rocking sod Hobby Horses,
Velocipedes, eke.
R. S. & W. B.STRONG, Nth: Peck Alpo:artier Pearl
street, and opposite the Eastern Pearl at. House.
It H. OLSEEN & BON, 201 Pearl street, comer of
Maiden Lane.
Brush Man:Asa:yen and Dealers in Brooms. Cedar and
Willow Wars, Pail■, Tubs, Mats, Ropes,
WM. E. MEEKER, 195 Washington street, opposite
Washington Market—one door share Fatten.
LADEN &HOAGLAND, 190 Wuhington strast,ons
door below Fulton.
Bram ilireto for Trunks
WHITE 4. BIRCH, office 175 Broadway, manufactur
ers of all kinds and sizes of Hems Rivets for Trunk..
A superior &widest reduced prices.
Rich's Improved Patent Double and Single Salamander
Safea—Warranted free from dampness u wep str,
fire proof, an improvement upon Wilder's Patent, for
sale by
A. 8. MARVIN, Vint for the manufeeturer, 139 i Ww.
ler street,
The Original Wilder's Genuine Patent Double and Sin
gle Salamander Safes, warranted free from dampness.
SILAS C. HERRING. Mumfacturer and dealer in all
kinds of Iron Saks, 139 Water st. comer of Darcy,-
ter street.
Double Salamander Safes.—C. J. Gaylor, the original
inventor and Patentee of the Double Safe and lin•
proved Detector Lock, warranted fire and thief proof
and dry. Single Salamander. Safes warranted equal
to any maker, for sale by
LEONARD BROWN, BD Wall street.
Gold Pen Mannftrturet.
. . . .
ALBERT G. BAGLEY, 189 Eroadway, for sale at
manufacturers', prices, by all the wholesale jewellers,
stationers, &c. warranted.
India' Rubber Goode,
Goodyear's Patent Insoluble India Rubber Goods, war
ranted to stand in mray climate.
GEORGE BEECHER, sole Agent, 100 Broadway.
Window Shades.
amnia' and Dealer in French. and Italian Window
J. C. WOODFORD, 289 i Broadway, *camas by oath
arrival Shades of every style, Landscapes, Carinthian,
Roman arld.Gothie, Gilt Cornices, Gimps, du.
Window Shade Depot.
BARTOL & DE kiIAUNY, Artiste in general, No. 7
Spruce at. 4 doors from Nassau, Manufacturers and
Importers. Among then shades are rich Views on
the Rhine, in Switzerland, copies of the most celebrat
ed Cathedrals in Europe, Scripture pieces, Landscapes.
Abbeys and Gothic!' of all kinds, &c. &c.
Fekther Stkre.
Feathers., Beds and Matiassea of every description. qto
- end price. Bedsteads of every variety. Publk
attention is called to Willis' Patent Screw Bedstead,
1, constructed to entirely exclude bugs. Old Bathes
dressed and matrasses mate over.
BAMVEL 8. PARKER, 156 and 158 Greenwich It.
corner of Cowden&
Machine sad blind *bards.
JOHN WHITTEMORE & co., Manufactumm of CC*,
ton and Wool Hand and Machine Cards, and deafen
in articles for manufacturers' use. Office 246 Fleirl
Ageteultural Beef..
Mdnufacturer and Dealer in Agricultural Machines and
Implements, Portable Hone Powers, Threshers, Miffs,
&c. Ploughs, Plough Castings, Gin Gear, lice., Field
Seeds, &c.
J. PLANT, 5 Hurling slip.
Flablag Tackle, Hardwdre it Pansy Good's
JOHN J. BROWN & Co., Importers and Dealers in
Hardware, Flab Tackle, &c. 122 Fulton Street, offer
to Anglers and dealem in Fishing Tackle, an exten
sive assortment of fish hooks, liunes 4 rules, reds, &e.
Clmamental Mathle work of all kinds, richly carved liltee.
wary and plain Mantle and Monektrants: Dealers sup.
plied with Blab and Slabs.
UNDEMILL & FERRISS &2 & 374 Greenwich at.
Bridget Coon by her nestfriend N. Coon Jr.
vs. Nathan Coon—No: 76 Peb. T.—Libd
itor divorte in Brad. Corn. Pieds.
O NATHAN COON, the defendant in the aboie
Deli You are hereby notified that HAdion COCO
your wife,by bet next friend Nathan Connie, has filed
her petition for a divorce from you ?iota the bonds of
inatticoarkji . Arid that an alias auliperit has bean re
turned, and prod made that you were lid to he found
in said county. Too are therefore hereby required to
appear at the Court House in the borough ofToSrands,
at the May twat of said common pleas. on Monday the
4th day of Heeestiber neat, to Mower the said ootnplaint,
and show caner:, if any you hrtt why the aid Bridget
should not be &Owed from yen. ,
' . JOHN V. MfMNS. Sheiiff.
Sheriff - 's Office. Towands,.March 25, 1946.
'MUST received st the SAVINGS BANK, s few
Qj &rung LEGHORN BONNETB—sprint fah
ions. We etc selling thee deeper frame qualities)
than ever. mil O. E.FLYNT & CO. :
a JURY of twelve lollies haedetidtd, that the plats
gig) to purchase Fresh Tote. (no appeal of course) is
G. E. FLYNT 4. C 011:
MT:::.104A1111-11VINGS -- 111N1(1
, , •
, •
. •. •• • GEORGE E. FLYNTCO. •
an twain' in the Meld with fift eessthousitnd dollars worth . of the deo/testis:m(l4nel! dtsitioieti
stock ty'rGoods ever brought into Bradfi'isd Ciltogy I. •
FIIME Cashier & Co: of the I'OWANbd ;S'AVINGS BASK; beta Mil all** numb flit thai 10.1
1 bend petrenegb heretofore secured. and bust by stile' attention to blisibehand sellingiddescheijniplui
'Oahe eetab&dtatebt, to Merit • continuing:6,6f their lid Wore: Obi stock of gblids theists of *Vey
*no valiety and nyto of •org Goods, hoht the tirsi *beim housbelh fhb tits Of Atb''tbik,'dhi led;
all With great We ezpiesely for this nteridien. AIMS. a bugis dilation of
Family Groceries, Shelf Hardt - are). Crocked, Beals & She
swum mut ire* Attila._ Met: •
iihd so unusual quanta)! of HdRERDASHEItt to misku our sunk of uttlbl and ornithebtal colbpieib. buf
stet& of geode were plitthased for clap, and for cash willbb 'old as chew se at ittnghsostak Elan% or 01i , w4
and decidedly chew dna eny middlebrow in Ttlicabdil Time and speob will not alltbir be i ti etortneratie&ii
deny new. rich end &OA& goodkbut will be 'haws lb alt who hem us Rlib a cell. with pionbto.
.REMEMBER and WI row dobr below Tracy & Wore, where the pePilown" systebi i, lii till beim and
ell a consequenee, ate BA bercharged with delinduldithe in the rnidit systoni, Mr. additlonginedb id support the
Umber bade. '• Otte prise, and no deletion is the hue system."
CP' A call is solicited, before purchasing elserlitte, at Ns. 5, south end,,liiiCk Row.
Towanda, October 24 itt4b. GEORGE - E. FLYNT & CO.
corooD TEA—Young Hyeen, Oki Hymn, Impe
rial and Poutheng Tea, can be bad at
b. 4. WA RPOttlo3.
Ptatt'sGrocery, and Eating Mase r
ft in Bal a ilontanyes Corner Block,
wilranting the Public Square,
ERE everything may be found in Uhl line of
business. The public are invited to MM.
Fib. 4. Reeder/3r rerefred here. y.
&St alwaramtva liWiltra3o
THE subsc ri ber wanu an apprentice to the Black
"milking Business. A lad, eighteen or twenty
yeses of age, who is desirous of learning the Untie, and
cut come well recommended, will God a good chance.
Towanda. Feb. 18. Whf M. IIUUT
"'UST received a great variety of Bennet Velvets
a and Silks together with Plaid, Fringed. Rainbow,
Poßae, satin, Ombre, Vekat; Cap and Taffeta Ribboos
which you will readily discover are very 'cheek by cal
ling. at no. 3 brick tsw. W.H. BAIRD & CO,
g 1r 23 © UDE
Attorney at Law,
OFFICE in the north cornet of thq Brick Roer.di•
redly over the Post Office. Main street. grjEn•
trance at the north end of the building. d 3.
'Wanted, at the Savings Bank.
MIROM Orwell, Pike & Burlington townships. 1000
XI a good mU and fresh Buffer.
From Elkland township, 180 a ref/ buffer tind a quan
tity of deerskins. Ira wait?
From Smithfield, Canton, Wyse: and Uhdet, 1000 a
Butter-.-4,b00 btwhels of grain, various kinds&
wa W&ST
From Albany, Franklin. Blanding Stone and Wyelos
ing; 500,000 of Lumber of all kinds, for whit!' easA wW
be paid ! WI Flat
From old and new Sheshequin. 50011 bushel* bets, rye,
wheat and nano. we wart' aura
From the above townships, VI cash Customers, lb make
our number just 1000. Farmers 'wishing. to purchase
goo& for their , produce, will please price our gouda, as
we ate giving in elchange, goods at "gra and siker
'prices.' Thar is but 'one price.' and at • cash price
at d 29 G. E. FL] NT dc- CO'S.
SOOTS & SHOE:B—Avery large stock of every
kind and rise, at lower prices then ever, will be
found at • MERCIJR'S.
THE subscriber offers for sale the following deseri
- bed lot of land situate in Monroe tp. Bradford
county, containing ninety-one acme, adjoining lands of
George Tracy, Jared Woodruff, Absalom Coolbaugh,
and Russel Fowler, with about twenty-five acres im
proved, and • house thereon. The title is good, and
the land of • good qualit foe farming purpose& For
terms apply to WM. EL WELL, Esq. or of the sob
scriber at Pottsville. F. W . HUGHES,
Marsh 10, 1046. Arey-in-faet of James Murphy.
'oar it HUSTO.r.
CaMina, Lancaster CI; Hi.
Men to D. L. elosowsoo.Esq, V. E. i I IOLLICT, Esq.
still E. U. GOODIIiCII, Esq. mch4
THE undeceived having been appointed Auditor
.:, the court of common pleas, td tseenalh and
report liens against the estate or t'onsidbt b. Perk, tak
en and extended in execution at the still of attend•
fieltmanah, hereby notifies all persons having Claims
against said estate, to present such elans berme him
at his office in Towanda borough, on the 16t11 day of
April next ensuing, at 1 •clock, P. M. or else be de
hawed from coming in upon the fund tHshig (Ms the
extension of said,
March 11, 1848. HENliil BOOTH, Auditor.
NOTICE is hereby given that the bummisiiimer's
of Bradford county will meet at the bridge over
Sugar creek, near the house of Samuel Allen. ih Troy
township, at 10 o'clock, A. /IL, of Tuesday the 14th day
of April next, for the purpose of reediting prdpoub,
and letting to the lowbst and hest bidder-, the magyar,
repairing of said Bridge. A plan of the work will be
exhibited at the bridgb on the day of the letting.
• By order of the Commiuhmets„
J. M. WATTLES, Clerk..
Commissioner's (dm March 11. 1846.
Administrator's Sale,
NOTICE is hereby given th.t by whine df en order
of the Orphan's boon of Bnulfded cdunty. and
to me directed, there will b° exposed to public awe at
the premises, on Monday, the 20th dal of April nest,
et 1 o'clo.9z, P. M.. the following described property.
to wit • A tract of Land in Rldsbarry tole:nap, boun
ded on the West by lands df Jamb Richardson ; south
by hinds of Elias Impron ;eta Ely lands of David Dort,
and on. the porth by lands the downer of which is un
known. Containing about forty acres all unimproved.
ALSO—A certain other tract of lend in said town
ship, Beginning at a pow on the easterly bank of Bent-
Ira creek, at the termination of the mill time, and at the
point where the said race empties into the said creek,
and running from thence north 81° eakt 8 chains and
50 links to the centre of the Berwick turnpike ; thence
watt 23° west along theoentre of wild turnpike 8 chains
to the south.east corner of the mill find, thence. south
/30° west 2 chains and 30 links to d rube; thence south
18° east 8 chains to the centre of the Simon road, the
north line of Dart A. Gillett's land. thence west ',Wog
said road and Gillett's north line. fite chains to Dent.
ly's creek ; thence north 29° west 9 cluains to a heap of
Stones; then& tenth 35° east 6 chains and 70 links to
the place of beginning. Containing 6 demo, 1 rood: rind
20 rods, all iniptdired, whirs saw-mill end shantee them.
en. Terms radii known on the day iff sale. The'ilid
property belonging the estate of the tate Heard SY:
Strong, deceased:
VANDERCOOK, Admit:dant*:
Towanda. March , 180648.
M: 1 231=1,02
de Afriataairei 14' egos Cheap shift.
ALDUIRMILE assertureld et Intone hides; of
GOODS may be found di the above esselash..
want, pure/Amid late in the fall; eitrrtosly for ski b
rand occdfing before the Otrorring of navigation. They
hoe just received, and hate do band :
50 ttcrfehi Me Polk •-
ao superfine Ace:
td a Clever seed
Bbd pounds ode leather;
git tren Ground Pinder; ,
lOW *ninth, of 11111411 kettles. feb9.
.IClRENClttnetidi dffd Itmetiaiti Broad Clotht at
all coleite did llti liiia, also 'Heaver and Pilot
Cloth tot eetieeetdotdd pekhopell ii•aufrl be at tceff to
mention thatitb hltie mei ONE HUNDRUD different
. styles of Ceaftere, Fifty pieces Biliiitetti, Widen twen
ty odd it Sheep tksy.whichicememmoatllngct jrist
about Ara thirds tht asualyrke it* town. -
W: H. BAIRD & CO., NO. B.R• -
Emma:2i a atitr4
HAIINd tanned a corpannership for m . pupal
of tarrying oh lb • stew" horsiness et Moniostab
are prepared to enceinte 41 era+, *nasally. sorb .61
ittpairlbg *id PalitibL
on di . shortest noticd and at the lowest Mies that they
can be had in this vicinity fof rowdy pay.
Ali kinds of Prodder, and lansiber taken lb payment
at the market prices. V -
COFFINS made tali lb. shot* notice, and at re.
dated prices. P. DUNFEE.
Monroeum, March 17. itl4s. .1. C. BMMI.
THE partnership heretotote mass Ito bad
of Hussar Mrs 4 Box, is ibis day dissolved by
mutual agreement Ali amain& due said Bun are to
be paid to Hiram Mix. HIRAM MIX,
Towanda. Muth , H. MIX Jr.,
6111) BUSHELS CLOVER SEM tarp and
small kind.ihst reMivad end for alle cheaper
thau many other mordin Town: • ALSO a lker. 'umbel
a eery 608711140 THY HEED at BAIRD'S.
Feb:234l. 1846.
DOMESTIC COTTt3NS-4bob yds. Stlehidge
1500 lbs. Cotton Yuri ;
500 tlatU
150 " wick, oi. hand ad tot iillo al tam!
summer's prices. n. 26 W. H. %ORD & CO.
MA 'V ~; 51) ID I.
liratfri now melting at his
11_.? old stand, which hairbeen going Off: (hr eighteen
years, where goods of all kiiias has been gild end Will.
be sold, lower than at any other stork in this Alban.
ly. A very large stock dill kinds of pia& *bill haw
been telexed with great ade and atniiiiion, and bought
at such prices of the importers and chinas :WHO, that
it wodld be a raiaotra business forsny lidh iii theßriek
Row, or any where else, to undertake to ea gads ai
cheap as I can, and wilL If coy friends gild the goblin
generklly, *lll call before they disks their Fen:hear
elsewhere, they dill find that this botice Riot put lb the
paper for a BLUFF', like witti• by the aide bile ; bitt, it
means what it sag,
I have a grribnil Isaortmatt ofticirely kind red dirierip;.
lion of
Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware, Crockery;
Boots 4, Shoes. Nails. frog. Leather. 4-e.
11Q IIIP W4Eitg3llo
.4: D. it C. ininroilb:
AVE the best assortment of Goods, tell the cheap:
eal , and get the most money of ady Mote in t!s
pld ts IT Taos;
That under the present tariff, Nails Me sold at the ix**.
ne a tore, (Mouroettin) for S cents a pound.
II 1; TRUIt;
tbdi five dollars at WA RFCRLPS STORE blip" mad
goods thud tit dollars at some other store 1
That any " Large Wore," not fifty tnilia bffrella goal
et cheap, much lest " Cheaper" than we de
Monmettm, Feh. 3, i 845. '
celebrated cutottrica jar prodfieirr, fine letter
subscribers are drive furnishing their automat)
with samples of the valise tras..frour 1 fresh i:itips just
arrived in be ship Cheap start," foi
; Jan 7. WM.II. IIAiRD tic CO.
ANAILANIL.mbaisr rp
lila G. M: Gan IMF. and 11. P. KtBWitit,and landed
jUIP at 13.P.Inehirn's in Asylum tlfwnship, March
14th 1846, one TEW ARK cd the folldwing deocrip,
lion, three sills, yellow pine stern posts end one tow of
plank iround said ark. The OW= is MOT requested
hi prove pioperty. pay charges, and *alai it swat. A
description of which is filed in my ale:,,
Asylum. Merril 16th. 1846. TERRY
ONE ARK LOAD of that long expected BALT had
arrived, and more expected dilly. ,We are aelram
it • Etik under thew Preatt Salt" price 1 3ay the reel
Sall Salt price at W. O:I3AIRR & CO'B,
March 25. ' • ' No. 3. Wei ROM
SPRINT; GOOBS—A few bbla.firs.tata Men
A lot ier r nice Barna:
Any quantity atipertrie
50 bushel Sdirll Whit. Beans; at
March 25. BAIRD'S. 06:3. H. ft.
Elmira, Corning, and Enna o Line:
THE Prepriiidis of the above Within* td
run • Line of Passage Boats between
and BUFFALO for the accommodation
81011101/ANTS and FAMILIES, *Saving ,Westo.'
fording aides not hetetoforeoffereil 401 Bair*
IMO this Section of flpve Yolk and Persytenniti.
' The Bdats of thilLinii are of the 'MST CLASS
fitted and furnished filth all the cottienienees and Ise.
cordmodations of PACKETS, commanded by etperien
tied Captain., and toiled by isava of Iteniei?
TEMPEST, C.O. A . M2TA611.04.
Dating the triton of 18{6, one, of the above Boots
will leave Corning, add l tmird, mid} week, in the .6.
lowing Order i
Coasruto, ergo' Motttliy evening, at 6 o'cinek PAC.
EL‘4O/; every Tnindsy evening. at it &cleat P. M:
Towing down Seneca lake every Tlinnsday
touching at Big Sifekiti. Lodi. and Dresden, Navirng
Buffalo for Conning tend Eknifa, erred Wedfiaadll
FOR EBY:IMM On I.A.WitiE itipiy to taptaid
on Ward, or to Wm. MillicifY.tainlng t
t 4. B. Soil* & etR, Maven,
tfintermiite & ','cafe, ituratheads;
. A Nutt. gait'
ti. Townsend. Rig,
Wdedwohh & Post, Lodi,
Price & Holy, Comma,
Cay ;$ Sweet, krier/os,
4.olmemakee, Sen Ors Fall, .
Ilakei¢ Rase, ifonitzunia,
fi. Wright, Flitches/cr.
' it. IViles,,Ber/aLt. •
.11telitorniA•o# .•
G. F. Mason to the Inc off z. , 3k•
son is. Silas Gitty•-41 %SAW: act: Plea;
No. IEII. Sentenibee Terni. 11941,,
Ifehry Pnorhia.
said tour,. No. 89: Feb. TetlB:. i 845.
Tid uodetaiehed hawing , been itopeigted Ataditei
.foi the adjustment of tN , enieral elaiins te the
tboneya raised from the Sheriff's sale of real estate, lri
virtue ofoxecotinda Limped -in both the above et** edit
attend in the autjea tit et his id.
the lo on !, orrnwinda. eh Monday. the ;Ntl 'et'
Aptit Ont. et 2 e'einek, P. M. "when arid sirti. a pet.
Othii are requited ioinake littown thin+ elaitni 646044
dt (ib debarred tioth eoming.le ttgAiihdif right:
March 17. ULYSSES' litEcki.lll;
WANTED in eschtitigic e.r coo/li. imriturulicti
patinds '• LIVE GEESE" rp.vrinitg. fai
Leme comumption, at G.r.rLlNt & CO.