y i g,t!=i' 'MO U a VI .41 g /ID &,8 WEDNESDAY. APRIL 8. 1846 {From the Baltimore Patriot. To the Rim Susoehanna. When late I atolid Upon thy shore Of sands, that shine like sprinkled frost, A gleam of visions came once more, I defined forever, ever last. No breezes on thy noisebss, tide, Blue-where the crystal waters flow, And she whose eyes Were by my side, Revealed their blueness deep below. The beauteous stars shone faint and pale, Anil o'er the blue celestial stream The moonlight hung a silvery eeil, Like twilight of a summer dream. Afar and vane the fairy skiffs Stole si:ently within the maze, To land their freight below the cliffs, And vanished in the gleaming haze Upon thy banks on either side, Tall mountains ruing from their source, Like muffled sentries, seem'd to guide The waters in their onward course. And sometimes o'er thy level face Dark• and long ,dipplng arches span, Where rooks have sought a withering plea, And clan makes clamor unto clan. To thur,bweet river, then I deenid of tile the winding luream A, the op,sterbous moonlight &corneal, So lite io lit by fancy's gleam. AnJ in lits'a mirror two twin eyes, Two fragment start of shindy Arc quivering in unclouded aloes, And shme to the Meal right. l'pon its shores there awful stands A monitor like misty air, And wares Crum ex d ud ee l em - anda The erring tu beware, beware ! Ao3 vessels there furmmt run, Ethenal, bubble-like, sublimo brar their burthen thought upon Toe shifting, eamly shore, of timo. .Ind sometimes o'er its gliding waves A glowily bridge, disease extends, a: re loud and wild delirium rases, And pain with milld canfualun Wends, }'law on sweet river, by the home 11; her whodwelleth by thy side ; hi, hours, tlry C-:ittiolit a foam, Tugether may their currents glidc. Gaon.-1. r du not know who said this. but •oindls like somebody. and %ye should like sere wed to have said it first ourselves. But A. that is not possible. we do the next thing Vl:viola it a ettrulation : ANt.ER.—It is a passion fitter for tries and vi , eet., that), for persons professing nobleness bounty. It is troublesome out only to thole that suffer, hut-to those' thai behold it." • Think of that, 'whenever the internal fiend of thsqui'etutie would escape from your eye anti lour loit Ue, to ybur awn vezatten and to the antioyanve of all atound; and leave anger to the wasp. PLEASANT. -A smiy is told in this Cincinnati" Enquirer tit a '6 - eon:hump who doting out fur the first time, and Was consequently a little uneasy in his hoots. During the course he succeeded in dropping his napkin, bread and fork upon the liner, and as he made a dive for them, Iris coat. collar capsized his sotup•plate and gave him a warm shower bath. W bile in this agreeable situation, Ins host called out. Mr. Campbell, where is Mr. Campbell !" A.lndl i stnothered Thwe issuing fruit under the table, replied, "I stair he was iu A PtItTrcENT REPLY. --1t is stated that a snbject of th e King of Prussia, a talented me chanic being, about to emigrate, was arrested and brought before his majesty. ' Well my friend,' said the King. how can ue persuade you to remain ih Prussia?" Most gracious Sire, only by making Prue -612 what America is.' He was allowed to emigrate. Sresmoovi. FERRY .-h is the intention Of the Directors of the Harrisbuf-Bridge Compa uy..to ply a steam ferry boat between the bor ough and that part of the bridge remaining, for th e arcommodatiori ofthe public. The citizens on both sides of the river are much incommoded for want of a speedy and safe conveyance. Loristasn.—The Committee on Federal Re lations in the Louisiana Legislature have report ed series of resolutions, declaring our title to the whole of Oregon clear aml unquestionable, and in faihr of giving Great Britain immediate no tire of i cessation of joint occupancy by the two Gevernments. A Poor Rani was run tt Savannah lately by Jackson and Gildersleeve. The latter, after banning seven milei it forty-two minutes, gave tip the contest to Jackson. who continued the race and won the purse; $390, with great ease. accomplishing the ten miles in 58 minutes and nine seconds. Petro - msg.—The- Bangor Whig say - s' that so luny potatoes were carfully saved last fall, and have beta husbanded with ee much care daring the winter. that the supply of them this spring ' , will be very fair. The price hera now is 50 cuss per bushel. Yrs 0 'Yrs ! ! 0 Yrs !!!—Cried an Irishman on the Street. a feiv days since, ring jag a bell. •• Lost betwane tsvilve o'clock and McKinstry's store, on Market !strata, a large brass kay. I'll not be.afther tellin !dm kay it was ; but it wai the kay of the bank, sure." . , - %7:... '. I. IC- - - ,- . , : - . '-!- - , r.! - II - . , 1' . _... '' -; •; - .:. i.; ;. • , . - • - --.-;* . __.... . . , . . .• . - .', , ..,! r., , .:. ',.. ‘',: ', , • (41 , .... .:- .. . . . .. .. 1. . , . '• , - •, . !...; ._ .. .! ' • . , .. . .. . - . . ~, • , ~,.. . , . .., . . . P-arson Simon Suggs the - Shifty Mao. [ln the " Spirit of the Times" of a recent date,we gave the find of a series of sketches of one Captain Suggs,, late captain of the T.dia poosa Volunteete. from The East Alabami an." It will be recollected that Simon. then a boy, was caught . by his father.,--" a hard shell Baptist preacher," in the act of playing " old s/edge" ith a negro boy, named• Bill for which the tild man, with a handful of hick ory sticks, threatened to take the bark off of both of them, and marched them ofr to the Mulberry"—the scene of all formal punish ment administered during work hours in the field. ,It is at " the Mulberry" that present sketch opens.] It must be supposed that. during the ivalk to the place of punishment, Simon's mind was either inactive, or engaged in suggesting the grimaces and contortions wherewith he was I pitomimically expressing his irreverent senti ments towards his father. Far from it. The • movements of his limbs and features were the mere workings of habit--;:the self-grinding of , the corporeal machine—tor which his reason ing half was only remotely responsible. For while Simoti's person was thus, on its own account, •• making game" of old Jedediah. his wits, in view of the anticipated tingeing, were • dashing, springing, bounding, darting about in hot chase of some expedient suitable to the ne ceitities of the case—much after the manner in which puss,, when Betty, armed with the broom, and hotly seeking vengeance for the pantry robbed or defiled. has closed upon her the garret doors and windows, attempts all sorts of impossible exits. to come tiown at last in the corner, With panting side and glaring eve, exhausted defenceless. Our unfortunate hero could devise nothing by which he could reasonably expect to escape the heavy blow of his father. Having arrived at this conclu sion, and •• Mulberry" about the same time. he stood with a dogged look, awaiting the is sue. The old man Suges made no remark to any (me 5% bile he was seizing up Bill—a process which though by no means novel to Sitnepti. seemed to recite in him a sort of painful inter est. Ile watched it elosrly, as if to learn the precise fashion of his father's knot; and when at last was strung up a-tiptoe to a limb. and the whipping commenced, Simon's eye follow ed every movement of his his father's arm ; and as each blow descended night the bare shoulders of his sable friend, his own body writhed and •• wr,ggleil" in involuntary syin pailiv. —lt's the devil—it's hell," said Simon to himself •• to take such a ‘vollopin" as that.— liy, the old man looks like lie wants to git up the holler, if lie could, rot his picture ! It's %cud'. at least, fifty cents—je-emmy.-liow that hurt! ---t es, it's wuih three-quarters of a dollar, to take that are lickin". Wonder if l'in ”pre destinated." as old irdediali says. to get the feller to It Lunt, how daddy blows! Idu wish to God he'd bust right open, Abe duelled old deer-face! If 'twan'i for Ben helpiti' him h'lieve I'd give'the old dog a teasel when it comes for my turn. ft couldn't Make the thing, no wins• if it didn't make it no better.— 'Drot it! what do buys have daddies for. any how "faint for nuthin* but just to beat 'rum and work 'rum. There's some use in mam mies—l ken poke itly Enger right in the old 'ornsia's eye. and keep it liar, and if I say it ain't than• she'd sac 'taint thar, too. I wish she was Item hold daddy off. If ' - twan-t so fur, I'd holler fur her, any how. How she would elta2 to the old fellow's coat tall Mr. Jedethali Sings let down Bill—and un tied him. Approaching Simon, whose east was utf. ..Cume Simon, son," acid he, cross them hands; I'm gwine to correct cut.'' - - '•li ain't no use, daddy," said Simon. .• Why so. Simuu I" "Just hekase it flint. Vm play cards as long as f live. When Igo WM iny self, I'm twine to make my livin . by it. Su what's the use of heatirV me about it l" Old Mr. Snags groaned. as he was wont to do in the paint, at this display of Simon's viciousness. "Simon;" said he . " you're a poor ignunt creemr. You don't know nothiti', and you've ^.ever been no whars. If l was to turn you oft you'd starve in a week—" wish you'd try me." said Simon. •• and jilt see. I'd win more money in a week than you can make in year. There ain't nobody round here kin make seed corn off 'o me at cards. I'm rale smart," he added with great emphasis. Simon ! Simon ! yon poor unlettered fool. Don't you know that all card-players and chicken-fighters, and horse racers, go to hell ? You crack-brained creator' you. And d'On't you know that them that play cards always lose their money, anal—" Who wins it all then. Daddy ?" asked Si mon. "Shet your mouth, you imperdent. alack ja wed dog. Your daddy's, a-try in' to give you some good advice, and youre a-picket up his words that way. I kuow!ti a young man once, when I lived in Ogletharp, as went down to !August• and sold a hundred•dollirs worth of cotton for his , daddy, -and some Of theM gam blers got him to deinkin" and the eery first night he was with 'mit they got every ceni of his money." . . "They couldn't get my money in n week.' said Simon. '•any body can get these here green fellow's money ; them's the sort I'm a-gwine to watch for myself. Here's what kin fix the papers jist about as nice as any body." Well, it's no use td argify about the Mat ter." said Old Jededialt ; whataaith the scrip tut'? "He that begetth a fool. doeth it to his sorrow." Hence Simon, you're a poor, miss erable fool—so, cross your bands!" "You'd jist as well not. daddy. h tell you I'm 'gw ine To follow playin t cards for - a Hem,' and what's the use o' bangice,ry feller about it. • I'm as scion as artYrof 'em; _and • Bob Smith PUBLISHED' EVERY WiDNESDAY,,AT TOWANDA, 13BADFOilD, COUNTY, PA.: BY E. 0. it 11. P. GOODRICH. BY !BENSON J. HOOPER, ESQ 429.41414.w80 • Olt DICIIIINCIATION TSAI :ANY .411.1111174." says them Augusta Celtetd can't make rent off o' me:"' ' The reverend Mr. Soggii had once in - hislife gone to Augusta; an extent of travel which in those days was a little unusual. I-lie coneld eration among his neighbors was considerably increased by the circumstance. as lie had all the benefit of thsrpOpuiar inference, that no man could visit the city of Augusta without acquiring a vast superiority over all his uritray cited neighbors, in every department of human knowledge. Mr. Saggs, then very naturally, felt ineffably 'indignant that an individual who had never seen any collections of human habi tations larger than a log•house village--an in dividual, in short, no other or bettkr than Bob Smith—should venture to express an opinion concerning the manners. customs. Or any thing else appertaining to , or in any witii connected with the whitna Thule of backwoods Geor gians. There were two propositions which witnessed their own truth to the mind of M. Sugge—the one was, that a man who had nev er been at Augusta, could not know any thing about the city, or any place or thing else ; the the other, that one who had been there must, of necessity, be not only well-informed as to all things connected with the city itself, but perfectly au fait upon all subjects whatsoev er. It was therefore in a tone of mingled in dignation and contempt that he replied to the last remark of Simon. Bob Smith says-does he ? And whd'a Bob Smith ? Mitch does But, Smith kntiw about Atigusty ! he's been that, I reckon Slipped off early one Mornin', when nobody wartet nuticin', and got back afore night ! only a hundred and fifty mile. Oh, yes, Bob Smith knows atl about it! I don't know noth in' about it ! 1 arn't never been to Augusty— I couldn't find the road thar. I reckon—ha! hit! Bob Smi—th ! The eternal stink.! if he was only to see one o' them tine gentlemen in Au gusty, with his fine broad-cloth and bell crown Oat, and shoe-boots a shinite like silver, he'd take to the Avoods and kill himself a-runnin'. !lob Smith I that's whir all your devilment comes Irwn. Simoh." fob Smith's as good as any body else, 1 judge. and a heap smarter* . than s o m e. Ile zliuwed rue how to cut jack," continued Si mon, •• and th4t's more ,nor come people can do, if they have been to Angusty " I kin too. I don't know it by that name : but if it's book knowledge or plain sense, and Bob Smith kin do it, it's reasonable to s'posc that old Jeirtliah Suggs. tvun't be bothered bad. Is it any way similar to the rule of three, Simon V' Pretty much, daddy, but not ahartly," said Simon, drawing a. pack from his pocket to explain. Now,, daddy." he proceeded. you see there here four earth' is what we call the Jacks. Well, now. the Wee is, if you'll take the deck and mix 'em all up together. rii take off apassel from the top, and the bottom one of them 1 takeoff will be one of the Jacks." Me to mix 'ent lust,",said old Jed'dtab. Yec." "And you not to see but the back of the top one, when you go to - cut" as you call it!" Ji so, daddy." •• And the backs all jist as like as kin be ?" said the Seni•'r.Soggs, examining the cards. •• Abu like nur cuw-peas," said Simon. •• It can't be done, Simon," observed the old man, with great solemnity. Bub Smith kin do it, and so kin 1" •• It's agin eater, Simon; thar arn't a man in A ugusty, nor on top of the }earth that kin dotty Daddy," said our hero, "et you'll bet me—" " What ?" thundered- old Mr. Suggs, " Ret. did you say I" and he come down with a scor es' across Simon's shoulders-4—" me Jed'diah Suggs, that's been in the Lord's earvice thek twenty sears--me, bet, you nasty, sassy, tn. ftin', " I didn't go to say that, daddy arn't w t I meant, adzactly. I meant toe at of you'd let me off Irdm this' here maulin. you oive me, and give me " Bunch," el I cut Jack, I'd give you all this silver, of I didn't—that's all. To be sure, I alters knowed you wouldn't bet." Old Mr. Sugg ascertained the exact amount of the silver which his son banded him, in an old leathrn pouoh.lor inspection. lie also,men• tally compared that sum with an imaginary one, the supposed Value of a certain Indian pony called •• Bunch," which be had bought kir his " old woman's" Sunday riding, and which had sent the old lady into a fence corner, the first and only—tiine she had ever mounted him. As lie weighed the pouch of silver in his hand. Mr. Suggs also endeavored to anal yze the character of the transaction proposed by Simon. •• It sartainly can't he nothin' but given', no way it kin be twisted," he murmur ed to himself. I know he can't do it, so there,s no reek. What makes bettinl The resit. It's a one•sided business, and 'l'll just let him give me all his money. that'll put all his wild sportin' notion's out of his head.,' Wiil you sand it, daddy 1 1 " asked ffimorl, by way of waking the, old. man .up. You might as well. for the whippie ^ won't do you no good, Mid ai for; Otincti, nobody about the plantation. won't ride Min; Eirit ass.: • • Simoli," replied the old plan... I .agree to it. Yobr old dkddyls in a.cloae plaee, about payin' for his land: and, this hitle moneY—.it's listleleven dollars, lacking of twenty-five ceuti ...will help out mightily. But mind. &Mon, of any•thines said about • this; hereafter, re. member you give lite the Very well ditkly. and etthe,thing woils up Mimi o' down: I a l poil we'll say, yen give toe Iltinch—eh I" , •• . " You won't never he troubled to tell Ito* youCinne by &Inch ;the thing's ogle miter. and can't be done. What old Jed'disli Suggs knows, he knows as good as anybody. Give me them fixaments, Simon." • Our hero handed the card. to his father, turned his back to that individual. in order to prevent his witnessing the.operatton °touring. lie then sat down and very leisurely com menced shuffling the nit*. making, however an exeeedingirawkward jeb .q it. Restive IMRE kings sod jumped froth his hands, of obstinately refuied to slide into tha:CoinPany the rest of the' pack. Ociesiohally. I sprightly kattue *Mild OW, do facing his neighbor; or pressing his edge ;against anoth et's. half double himself up, and then skip away. But Elder ied'diah perseveringly con tinued his attempts to subdue the refractory, while heavy orops burst from his forehead and ran down his cneeks: All of a sodden an idea quick and penetiaiipg ie a rifle-bill; seemed to have entered the cranium of the old man.— lie chuckled audibly. The devil bad suggest ed to Mr. S. as improntlu stock." which would place . the chances of Simon—already sufficiently slim in the old man's opinion— without the range of possibility. Mt. Suggs forthwith proceeded to cull out all the pidur curds—so as to be certain to include thvacks .4...- an d place them at the bottom ; with the evi dent intention of keeping Simon's fingers above these when he could cut. Our hero. who was. quietly looking- over his father's shoulders all the time, did * not seem alarmed by this disposition of the cards; on the con trary, he smiled, as if he felt perfectly confi dent of success, in spite of it. " Now, daddy." said Simon, when hiafath er had announced himself ready. " narry one of us aint got to look at the cards, while Vat cuttin't if we do it'll spilt) the conjuration." "Very well." " And another thing—you've . got to look me right dead in the eye, daddy—will you I" u To be sure—to be . sure," said Mr. Suggs; U fire away." Simon walked up dose to hio father, and, placed his hand on the deck. Old Mr. Sugg,s looked in Simon's eye. and Simon returned the look for about three seconds, during which a close observer might have detected aauspicious working about the wrist of the hand on the cards. but the elder Suggs did not remark it. s. Wake snakes! day's a breakins Rise Jack !" said Simon. mining half dozen cards from the top of the pack, and presenting the face of the bottom one fur inspection of his father. It was the Jack of Hearts ! Old Mr. Suggs staggered back several steps with uplifted eyes and bands! " Merciful master!" lie exclaimed. "of the boy 'taint! well, how in the round creation of the—! Ben did you ever to be sure and martin, sawn has power on this tearth !" and Mr. Suggs groaned in , heavy bitterness. " Yo n never seed nothin' like that in Augus te:did ye. daddy ?" asked Simon with a Ma. Items wink at Bon. Simon how did you do it ?" queried the old man. without noticing his SOWS qUeSilOll. "Do it, daddy? Po it? • Taint nothilf. I done it jest as easy as—shoottn." Whether this explanation was entirely, or in anydegree,satisfactory to the perplexed mind of elderied'diah Suggs, cannot afiee the lapse of time which has jntervened. sufficiently ascertained. It is certain, however, that he dressed the inYestigatinn no farther, he mere. requested Ilia eon Benjamin to witness the fact that, in consideration &if his love and affection for his eon Simon, and in order to furnish the doneo with the means of leaving that portion of the State of Georgia. he bestowed upon him the impracticable poney, " Bunch." so, daddy ; jist so: I'll witness that. But it minds me mightily of the way mammy give old Trailler the side' of bacon, last week. She a sweepin up the bath; the meat on the table—old 'Frailly: jumps up. gethere the ba. con and darts, mammy arler him with the broom stick as turns the door—but seein' the dog had got the start,' she shakes the stick him.ind honors' ." you sassy aig-sukkin." ro. gig h, gnatty, flop-eared vermin'. take it along. take it-along l• I Duly wish it was full of a'snic and ox-vomit and blue vitrol, so Nd t'vreinld cut your intrils into chitlins! That's about the way you give Winch to Simon." It was evident to bur hero that his fath er intended he should remain but the one more night beneath thy paternal roof. What mat tered it to Simon?" He went home at night, curried and led Bunch; whispered confidentially in his ear, that he was the •• fastest piece of hors-flesh. accordin' tO size, that ever shaded the yearth;" and dieu busied himself in pteParing tot an 4ailv start on the morrow. ExcentNT.--A. well known rake sitting in Drury Lane theatre, beside a very pretty girl, was very rude with her. The girl. however, appeared ae if she did not or would not hear him ; but as he became more bold and impu• dent, she at last turned round and said, with a rugged snd angry countenance. Be pleaeed to let Ate alone.' To which the surprised and confounded freebooter could only answer--% Nay, do not eat me.' Be not afraid; replied the girl, with a eintict, • 1 am a Jettiess r Paacittzto6s, Very hen you stand nit a precipice with' a young lady. says the Alba ny Knickerbocker. always remember and put your arm around her schist. to prevent her be: coming dizzy. Ladteit who hatFe tad it say there is no antidote in the world st all compar able with it. Indeed. a young lady of our ac quaintance says. that un der such circumstan. , ire&she could look down Isiiagit's tent -hours. and not eiperience the atittlisagreeable sensa tion wbateler! 'WaNTE" ri to li l / 4 .,7;pw.-=ti prisoner in Eng.' land wheti Called Upon bathe Alderaian for his defence: o4ered a lawyer for:tc;- fuOrrow, and I hope your lordship tall be so good as to put it ocriiit die comes: Why What 'eau the lawyer day *loin iir &Aid his worship. That's what I Want to knoW; Please your . worship," replied di prisoner. A lionams SaTrautarr--4tri late celebra tion 01 old bachelor.. at Blorimingteija n o4 following toast was drank. rire,F3rifr4aiiini in churches—angels 'in ball roornsdeyila „in the kitchen. : , -tfi:i 1'.:7..:1 , -',--•.1,1:•fl 71::±; ,:;), •31AUTOE AND DAMMAM M. ELLIC The town of Norfolk. Coon., was first pur chased of the natives about the year IWO. only twenty years alter the landing of the pilgrims iii ply mouth rock: It was at that fink inhab ited by a branch of the Afohegan tribe, . who, at the settlement of the town, returned again to the main body, in what is now the east ern part of the State. There was one little In dian girl left behind. This was done at me Urgent request of one of the settlers, named Marvin. who, having but -one child, a son, deserved to adopt this girl,, and rear her as his own. She consented to remain ; With them, and saw her friends and family departed for the home of their fathers without appar ent grief. though after they were gone she went away by herself and wept. It was not strange, for Mahtloe was yout ' r,a mere child in deed, only seven years old. and almost a stran ger to her newly found friends. But she coon became quite reconciled to her mode of life ; and when she had learned the language 1 of the English. none ever appeared happier or more amiable than the little Indian girl. Site speedily grew to be a favorite with the whole company of settlers, aud was welcomed to their dwelling with the greatest cordiality. Ten years passed away, and still Mshtoe re mained in the-family of Mr. Marvin. But what a change had those ten years wrought in hEt ! Instead of the slender girl, she was now the well-informed woman. Tall, but splendidly proOrnoned, she was active as the deer. aud al most as coy and timid. She seemed to have I I lost many of the characteristics of her race, or rather they had 'been greatly modified, by her I continued intercourse with a cut ilized• people.-- Fur she had been instructed during those ten years in the kuowledge, and with the same care I and labor, that the children of the English en joyed. She loved and respected her friends and ' benefactors, and their manners and tootle of life bad been gradually adopted as her own ; eb that by the time she was seventeen, there was scaree..l lv amore ladylike personage in the whole svt dement than was Miaow, the Itidiao girl. Olt! It would have charmed you to observe the bright leaped youth apeakitig out through ber brieliter eyes—to hear her sweet voice break form in th e rude music of the times—and to watch her as she tripped gaily over the soft grass, now bound- I ing like, the panther, now climbing rocks that the wild goat would almost fear to tread. now paddling the frail canoe along the beautiful :little river that watered the village. I have said Malitoe was coy—;-so she was, whenever any of the young men of the town were by. But with George Marvin, her brother by adoption, she was, of course, perfectly tantil iar, As she had !earned to call hint, so she seemed to cuusider him her brother ; and ! weer were brother and sister more affectionate,thae were they. though the wide world were looked over to find them, Affectionate ! They littie thMight how deeb there sources of time; ii broke upon' them in an instant: At Unguowa, few miles to the northeast of of the, settlement. resided another branch of the same tribe to which those who had left Nor walk belonged. It chanced, one day in Sep ember. when Mahtoe. as I have said beferey was seventeen, that a young Indian front Un gnosis saw her as she ; was sitting on a tall hil. , that rises abruptly on ' the eastern side of the river. rt was then covered with some soots forest trees, but now bears only a Short row of I stinted poplars. .She was employed in weay. ing a little basket for her needle-work, for she had not yet forgotten the rude acquirements her younger years, nor the language which Was her own t' but arnid• all the accomplish. ments of civilized life. she still retained an at. fection for many of her old commis. and pas times. The vie* trots the [minion which She occupied, was beautiful. To the west, the val ley of Norwalk, with its winding stream. its meadbwe, ito trees, whOse lot age glOwetf With all the tints of the rainbow--to the east; the forest all untouched, just as it Came fro* the Almighty's Nand—to the south, the sprinkling waters of the Sound, and the long, blue Wand beyoed—all these were before her eye. and theiriurpassing, beauty was fully appreciated. And as Nlahthe gaied on the fice - of Nature. so rich, so calculated to inspire one with CIIIO. lions of admiration, of love, and benevoleoCe, the pure spirit within he.. manifested through her eyes its happiness, and her face was radiant with a quiet joy. The young hunter, saw her and admired, I will not nay he loved, ter love is a plant of slower growth. but be gag struck with her beauty. and stood and viewed her. un observed himself, till Mahtoe. having, finished her work, arose to return home. lie then plieed himself directly before her, and addrea sed her in her tongue. "Will not the maiden stay awhile, that Ton tawea may feast his eyes on her beauty lit makes glad his heart to look on so fair a crea m tine." By D. L. ELLWOOD, "It issime for Mabioe to retirrn.". repli • d she ? " see, the hill is alreitly between the , and thesiver, and the tree shadows are, lent,. My brother awaits me at borne." "But Tnntawea loves the maiden...[le vihnld make Fier his wife. Ile will hurdler het all theday. She shall never -want." „1. flee face grew pale at his worths; and, though, tihe knew not .why. her heart sickened ut the bare thouglitof becotiiing his wife. ;But she said, firmly: "It cantle{ be. The youth isl e s stranger..and seek in vein; for Illabtoe's heart. But he is tieleo me to our tent; will he eat with us to; night'." 7 ,...andehe stepped aside to post by film,, Mul lead the way home. 'Without:tardier, parley., the young hunter grasped her in his i ,sinewy arms, and boin her away in the oppos ite -don. She screamed for help. glint wLa torstr fronsthe amain:tent, and no one heard Ilererv.. Tontaivea eawled her irt artfaS awhile, at then setting her on her feet. compelte.cl her sit Walk by his side, bolding her slghtly; by the ,hand tilt they arrived at UngnnWa.- „Wen Malnne retux4d home George,;who wae,,atw s uneatiyi iate ,Weris lerigatneristrdil Ids sights wslked :PAO° me sh I her. Though . M i ne'* inot Where iihOiti biect_ 1, t ' , , during the aftemoon, he Chanced to go direCtly to the spot from tri k idi she had been so rudely carried sway. ,As he. carne j fii, the tree : Ander . ,whose shade she had been stiting,reed saw the bagkei she hall made. Which had Calleq froin Wer band in her struggles tr. escape, lie knew not what to make of it.. Ile looked about and saw the trail of heavy feet, but they were not hen. Re called her, and searithed all around, but she neither answered nor came. He returned to the village—but'no one bad seen hei, or could teU anyitfing Concerning her. This certainly began to look alarming, for the sun had sorntihae been 'down - , and it was already growing dark. Mah toe had never stayed so long adray ; - and why did she leave her basket on the hill ? There must have been violence ; but who would injure Mah - -, toe 1 The affair was incomprehensible. All that night and the nest day was the search for the lost Maiden continued, but nothing was discovered that afforded any clue to the mystery of Nei absence. Unfortunately, no one had seen her when carried away by the stranger Tenth. and. the idea of violence Irom any of her. Ofi , ti people was not for a moment entertained, So . they sought in the forest and the river, climbed the hills, and crossed the valley's of the whole region aouve, and et last they gave her up as dead. . . In the meantime, the poor gni was exposed, to a severe trial, from which she come out most glorinterlv; tier carman on the day afterlie had' taken her to hfit tent. finding entreaty useless. boldly threatened her with death, Nate longer refused to .yelrt to his brutal purposes. heath or dishonor ; which did the high-minder: Whine prefer' I need not tell. Both were.sufliciently terrible to a young and happy thing-like her; but death was nothing, in comparison with die eter nal stings of conscience, and a (ante sullied among men. :Still there was one hope of escape frotwboth, and it was not forgotten, for sa Tuti t.twea ,approached the unhappy victim . of his passion. she snatched suddenly , his tom ahawk, and ay the stag at ba y , turns to his 'prifetier„ so with the unwanted Strength and courage of des peration, with a eirt'gle MOW she felled her Per treentor to the earth. It Was a h - a!d deed: and s!ia , I iv_ W it tor . for if discovered by any of his people before sire ermld make her escape gold, the most tearful tortures were her portion. :ilia was discovered ; lor she had hardly sprang through the dour of the tent, :old was flying . milts. the plain, n, heir a stout warrior entered; and iin seeing what bid been done, s tart e d ini• mediatirly nu pursuit. And he overtook her and : brought her back to t h e c i hriee, and called out the tribe to withess the death of the ill-fated young man, who was then ebbing nut Inside. Malitoe must die to-mot row ; the relatives of etetlecesseddernand blood :or Wood. There will be solemn dance, a funeral dirge, and then the bliering.loggots—the greedy flautve n ill My up th • sources of life, and the fair train will go to the land of spirits. And there will be savage triumph-and rejoicing over her ruder - toga, and feasting and tevvrly will conclude the Seene.. r . But the girl is firm ; for the spiiit.of twenty' an cestral chiefs nerves herleart, and she will rise early on the morrow•to -see the sun fur the last time, as it peeps abo:te the ho r izon. . ... It is midnight, and - Nl:dime sleeps ;ot a mus cle moves—trot a sound do these sweet lips ut.," fir. 'Tile Slumber is quite praceful, for all is undisturbed within. A fe‘V bear skins rpread on the ground form tier only cope?), tam in her irifani• . she often reved otherth a one. 'At the . - doer of th e tent lies i stalwart Indian. the fame who had pursued her when the attempted toes rape. 'lN'lty (love he sleep era soundly 1 Has he unwittingly partaken of some drug which deadens his senses. and eausee him to slumber at his sentry post 1 It most be, f o r Le' hears not the door of the tent open ; a girlish form steps over his huge Limit/. and gliding to the side of Malatoe, whispers softly in her ear She starts up but 'does not cry out, for Indian blood runs in her veins, and Indian cunning and eMt.: lion Oil)) her now. The tiro, the girl'and the Worria'n, for illirlitne'S chafacter has g?own with the occasion, and elle has laid aside the girlish eharaeter forever—the two approaCh the door, step lightly over the guard who is still wrapped. in his dreams, tire door Closes after diem: and they are gone amid the darkness of the night: Vs ell Alone..lliahtoe, bravely, nobly done. fay littleiMarrnah, and rich shall be thy,reeraid,—. Fly &Wilily. and pause not for tvenrineeti, fig.* long pnd . toilsome journey, is, t?efigeyon. ; . 4es not the howling of the Ar ot tor the cry of lie Item ; then terrify, you,, for you teiVe We've eliemtes behind.. The night is dark;; and yriiiipatii rough . and ' tlitlietalt, - bill Insider latlght staiihall be cur guide; andshall cheer y'off - en tilt the infirriiiii dawns. --: . , . . It did cheer thetii nn, and when the sun burst* forth in the mornig, the ten miles that separated Unguowa from the, settlement at Norwalk hail been passed. and the fugitives stood panting at m a rnia's door. 1 1 4atitkie waik,soon in the ems of her brother George,:but she never called him On;iter after that. The little gar mah, w Ito liitt so generously'safitid her could net; of eiturse, return to her tribe, but she was soon fat' happier thin she ,Colild,lave ever been with theiti. for yid: llliihtltehe for a teacher, a nets and bright light beamed in ti'pen ter'iti)Frif? And bile profited cell by ,the let7soni - slte Gad Teem. ed; and' beeime as great a fAmiteitiPte Settle ment-as Nlfilttfia herself, and like her; Boli' had a !Mine of her own, being irrairied'in a 'hung ittan'oltlie • plite . e, who was 'envied by 'all who seeking :i wtfe. ftmeofthe most weal thy and reepeetatile inhabit:tins Of the rows' still 'boast their descent froni Fite or the : etliet of those two' Indian girls. , . Flog TO CLCA'iitO,,C:Loygs.—Take a piece ofilaonet; moi‘teit.ii with a tittle.milk. rub it on a cake efpice . hard ei29, and t'lken apply it to the soiled part of Me t :love.. Am soon oe . you. have. remOted the t%rt, rub the kid ti.ith a dry piece of flannel. Care must be taken tint to make the glove too wet, these hard times. people must scour, OP, and make erels. thing go as far as they • A . . - Sfin.t.t REcirr..—For the heyteet of the /a diei,'mri atlectlhe following siliirlndir4elion ke r emovingfrifii giaini...and iroil iunnlil fForn lined. ind:entfon :—Moisleii tl6. rail inktiied i v i t ha eo hi 4 Wiwi; then hold 'iii'd ihe 4 eaotiis of pipnlitil' biiiristoite, and )1 et'inAfill diairnal. , =I Sirt=MEM 410ci