NEW YORK WHOLESALE HOUSES OTIBETZIii; T o COU.II - Tar ~VERCWIJMNI. WE respectfully ask your attention - to the follow. ing reasons why you should make your purcha ses of goods in the New York market, very frankly con fessing it is oar desire that you should do so. It mast be admitted, that' from 50 to 60 per cent. of all the foreign merchandize which is imported into this w i m py, is received into the port of New York. Of course there is here the opportunity for the widest selection.— pie dock of goods on hand in this city, is at all times lager than the united stocks of all the other Eastern ci. d es . It is equally certain that New York is the chief an d grand depot for the manufactures of the Eastern and middle Suites, and of the products of the Western. The prices of goods in New York, by reran of its im mense supplies, and the consequent competition, are ne. - m anly lower, and credits see extended on as liberal a sale as at any other point. . The Merchants, Manufacturers and Importers whose 'Jargon are subjoined, arc prepared to prove the truth o f t h e y positions, and will be happy to dispose of their po ds on terms which will verify all that is asserted here. Dry Goods. Importers ¢ Dealers in Staple and Fancy . 4 7.)ry G o od,. Nos 111 and 113 Wi ear ner of John st., the Washington stores. F, S. & D. LATHROP, Nos 115 and 117 William at. and 59 John street, the Washington stores. FIELD & MERRITT, 131 William at., the Walling ton stores. TAYLOR & ARMSTRONG, 213 Greenwich at. Staple and Fancy Silk Goods. CARLETON, FROTHINGHAM dr. Co. 127 and 129 WilWm st, the Washington stores. Abberof staple and fancy Dry Goods, Zephyr Wonted, Canvass, Glares, Ribbons, Laies,Embroider'd Trim mings. and embroidery articles in general: Ths. TURNER, No. 60 William between Cedar & Pine. Dealers in French silk Goods and Millinery articles : THOSIPgON & VAN VEGHTEN, 60 John street, op stairs. A, 11, COLLIS, 32 John street, corner Nassau. Hosiery, Caps, Stocks, &c I m p o rter:of Hosiery,suspenders,glores,erarats,searfs, Mcuzufacturers of caps,stoeks, linens, oil silks, 4c. JOII.N M. DAVIES & JOINTS, 106 William st. south rot corner of John street. G en tl em en's ceneral Furnishing stare, Manufacturers and Wholesale dealers in shirts, rollars,bosoms, dodo, carats, ape. - p, WAKEMAN & Co. 76 Maiden lane. • ~ Cloth and Clothing Stores. Near Cloth store. S.NOEPFEL &'FOOTE. 39 John street, near Nassau, dealers in French, German and English Cloths. Cas ekneres, Vestings, Summer 'Stuffs, Trimmings, &c. Drapers, Tailors and Gentlemen's Famishing store. 31ORRISON & JONES, 135 and 137 William street, i n t h e new block, between John and Fulton. Wholesale Dealers in Clot iing : ANDREW HALL & BROFHER, 86 Vesey, corner Washington st.. fit raw Goods Manufacturers and Dealers in Straw Goals, Palm Leaf Hat■, Artificial Flowers, &c, R. T. WILDE & Co.. 69 William st. up stairs. J. H. HILLS, 136 Pearl at., up stairs. ELI C. BLAKE, 22 John at., up stairs. Fancy Articles, &e. Dealen in Combs, Cutlery; &c.. and Importer. of French Engli h and German Variety Goods: WHITE & TASKER, Nos 111 and 113 William at., corner of John, tip stairs. Importer of German, Zephyr and Tapilsie Wonted Pat tern!, Canvass, Chenille, Firms and Twisted Silks, all kinds of Fringe., Cords and Tassel:, and a great variety of French fancy articles : D. M. FUSER, 58 John st., and 369 Broadway. Crockery, Looking Glasmes, &e. Impanels and Dealers in Giese, Chins, Earthenware, Looking Gimes and Clocks : SMALLEY & NELDEN, 59 Pearl street. RICHARD P. H A VILAND, 82 Maiden Lane, between Pearl and William street. F. W. OGSB CRY, 56 Courtlandt at. between Greenwich and 15aahington. Hotels and Vessels supplied at the lowest rates. WM. A. FRANCIS, 76 Dey at., first at. north of Court. landt between Washington st. and the North River. TIMOTHY T. KISSAM & SON, 195 Maiden lane,be- tween Water and Fiont. Importers and Jobbers in locking Glasses and Importers of Looking Glass Plates: REUBEN C. BULL do CO. 228 Pearl st. opposite Paul Agency for Flint and Green Glass Factories. Doiggsus sod Chemical Furniture, Fancy Bottles and Vials of cut, plain moulded and variegated colors, jars, French and German cut toilet Bottles, Mantle Ornaments of China, & Glass : ANDREW ROSS, 130 Maiden lane. will remote first ►lay 127 Water st.up stairs. Ilardwdre and Cutlery importer and Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Cut .tiaih,&c JOHN J. LAGRAVE, 205 Greenwich et., third house above Veseu at. on the North river side of the city. Eagle Cut Nails : Eir. J. "SSING. Nos 111 and 113 William at. cm- Per .Jo J. hn street. ~.„,..... /I Ileitsanla,,Ware, &e. Manufacturer a plain and japanned and planishedql , m Ware. Britannia Ware, Buff 'd Spoons, &r.., and Dea ler in Coffee Mills. Hollow ware, Lanterns, &c.: P. B. CLARK. 13 Platt street. Manufacturers and Importers of Britannia Ware in all ibt branches, Dealers in Block Tin, Antimony and Bismuths: BOARDMAN & HART, 6 Basting slip, near Pearl-ft. Lampe, &e. Imparter and Manufacturer of Solar Lampe and Chanda lien. bracket, parlor. hall, church and table lamps, gi =doles, globes, japanned ware, &a : JOHN W. MORWLN, 154 Fultoriutreet. Publishers, Booksellers, 4ke. HUNTLNGTON & SAVAGE. Publishers of the "Na tional School " and Parley's Geography, by S. G. Goodrich, 216 Pearl street. SAMUEL S.& W5l. W00D, 0 261 Pearl street. oppo site United States Hotel. Impoiter of. English Books: EDMUND BALDWIN. 155 Broadway, in connection with Robert Baldwin, London, Imports to order for Unisersities,public libraries,scientificand literary men English Books, Periodicals and Works of every des cription, at ten per cent commission for cash. StationerY Warehouse. FRANCIS & LOUTREL, 77 Maiden Lsne, Importers of English and French stationery, and manufacturers of Account Books, Manifold Letter Writers, Croton lak dm.. Lewis Francis—Cyrus H. Loutrel. Paper Bozea see. Mantheitirer of all kinds of Paper Boxes, Band Boxes, Bandßox papers, dealer in Binders and Box Boards, and Importer of Fancy paper: CHARLES CLUDIUS, 58 Johnsuret, up stairs. la:paten and Manufacturers of Paper Hangings, Fire BoardPrins, &c.: BOWELL & BROTHERS t , 127 Broadway, have re ceived the premiums for the beat manufactured paper luting; in the - eities of Boston, N. York and Phila. Musical Merchandise. triaufactorer and Importer of Musical lastruments.—All kinds of Musical marclusndiso constantly on hand : EDWARD BA ACK, 81 Fulton street, corner Gold. 4 P2rler and Manufacturer of Musical Instillment" and Dealer is crinrci for violins, piano fortes, and publishers of Musk : C. G. CHRISTMAN, 404 Pearl street. • Parasols and Sian Shades. L ;SMITH Manufacturer, 232 Pearl at. one door from the comer of Burling slip, haling returned from Ramps, is prepared to show his customers the most elegant French and English styles. GEORGE .1. BYRD, 180 Pearl street, opposite is Mewed with a stock of Umbrellas, Pumas. &e., Manufactured at his establishment, unsurpassed in the latation, Perfumery, Soaps, &C. lia°a6etcrer and !moaner of choice Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Extracts, Colognes, &c. : ant Ceirtlinat vest. EOUSSEL 159 Broadway, betwesa Liberty - Walnut CNUI Mtary Shaving Sop. JOHNSON, VROOM tFOWLER, Manufacturers of Fancy and Family soaps, Patent candles, Perfumery. &e., 3 Courtland street, and 79 - Trinity place.: Groceries, 2.4tiors, Fruits. &C. Wholesale Grocer and Dealer in Wines, Foreign and Do. mastic Liquors and Cigars—also Manufacturer of cordial and bitters: GEORGE GREENLY, 201 Chambers street, miming through to Reade, three doors from. West at. Grocers and Commission Merchanta,lmporten and Deal ers in Brandies, Wines, Began, &c. : BEERS . & BOGART, No. 177 south street. Importer and dealer in Otani. Dupoy & Co., Cognize and Champagne Brandies, Swan and Hour Glue gin, Jamaicsaranta, Irish Whiskey, Madeira, Port. sherry, Tenerife, claret and champagne Wines, assorted COT dials, bitters, Havana segars, dcc.; HENRY LEFMAN, 242 Washington street. Importer of Wines, Brandies, Absinth &c.—Also Manu facturer of Cordials, Syrups, Bitters and other article's for supplying steam boats, Hotelit; Grocers and Drug. gists : . JOHN I. MOGENIER & CO. 96 Warren street. 'Wholesale Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Green and Dried rruits, Wines, segars, Tobacco, &c.: ROSS & MAIN, 210 Washington street. Tobacco, Snuff & Sagan,. Fine cut Tobacco, and Manufacturers and Importers of Choice segars JOHN ANDERSON & Co. No. 2 Will street, 213 and 215 Duane street, have received the highest premium of the American Institute for 1843, '44 and "45. Manufacturer and Dealer in Fine cut, Snuff and paper Tobacco. Pound papers on an improved plan, warrant ed equal to any in the state Oct& Every paper weighs a pound—articles warranted or money refunded. HENRY REILL, 77 Front street, corner Old slip. Spleen, Coffee, Cocoa and idnidard.' Either manufactured or prepared for family use, may be bad of the ehoicest qualities, at the office of I THE HOPE MILLS, 47 Front street, New York. Drugs, Medicines, Paints, its.e. Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye stuffs, Window Glass, &c BUSH & HILLYEB, 179 Greenwich street Dealers in Oils, Paints, Glass, Dye stuffs, &c DE FOREST & CO., '205 West sheet. VAN DEVENTER & TALMAGE, 87 Barclay street. corner of Washington street. Van D. and T. also manufacture Ink and Blacking which obtained the pro mium at the late fair of the American Institute. Bronze Powders, Gold Paint, Gold, silver and Florence Leaf. Dutch Metal, etc.: J. H. RICKET, wholesale agent, 138 gahlen lane.— Bronzes 50 per cent lower than any other house in the United States. Manufacturing and Furnishing Establishment in the Daguerreotype Business : E. WHITE, 175 Broadway, Plates, Cases, Chemicals, Polishing apparatuses, and every article used in the business. Also the French, German and Americas Cameras. Trunks, Brushes, &C Manufacturers of Travellinz and Parking Trunks, Va !ices, Carpet Bags, Rocking and Hobby Horns, Velocipedes, R. S. & W. B. STRONG, N 0.2 Peck blip, comer Pearl street, and opposite the Eastern Pearl at. House. R. H. OLSEEN & SON, 201 Pearl street, corner of • Maiden Lane. Brush Manufacturers and Dealers in Brooms. Cedar and ,Willow Ware, Pails, Tubs, Mats, Ropes, &c.: WM. E. MEEKER, 195 Washington street, opposite Washington Market—one door above Fulton. LADEN & HOAGLAND, 190 Washington street, one door below Fulton. Brass Rivets for Trunks: WHITE 4. BIRCH, office 175 Broadway, manufactur ent of all tiads and sizes of Brass Rivets fur Trunks. A superior article at reduced prices. Salamander Safes Rich's Improved Patent Double and Single Salamander Safes.—W . arranted free from dampness as well u fire proof, an improvement upon Wilder's Patent, for sale by A. S. hIARVIN, agent for the manufacturer, 138 i Wa ter streeL The Original Wilder's Genuine Patent Double and Sin gle Salamander Safes, warranted free from dampnen. SILAS C. HERRING, Manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of Iron Safes, 139 Water st. corner of De Pep. ter street. Double Salamander Safes.—C. I, Gaylor, the original inventor and Patentee of the Double Safe and Im proved Detector Lock, warranted fire and thief proof and dry. Single Salamander Safes warranted equal to any maker, for sale by LEONARD BROWN, SO Wall street. Gold Pen Manufacturer ALBERT G. BAGLEY, 189 Eroadway, for sale at manufacturers' prices, by all the wholesale jewellers, stationers, &c. warranted. Indio Rubber Good., Goodyear's Patent Insoluble India Rubber Goods, war ranted to stand in every climate. GEORGE BEECHER, sole Agent, 100 Broadway. Window Shades Importers and Dealers in French and Indian Window Shades: J. C. WOODFORD, 289 i Broadway, receives by each arrival Shades of every style,Landicapes, Corinthian, Roman au ;Gothic, Gilt Cornices, Gimps, &c. Window Shade Depot. BARTOL & DE MAUNY, Artists in general, No. 7 Spruce et. 4 doors from Nassau, Manufacturers and Importers. Among their shades are rich Views on the Rhine, in Switzerland, copies of the moat celebrat ed Cathedrals in Europe, Scripture piecea,Landscispes, Abbeys and Garbles of all kinds, &c. &c. I Feathers, Beds and Matrasses of every description, qua lity and price. Bedsteads of every variety. Public attention is called to Willis' Patent Screw Bedstead, constructed to entirely exclude bugs. Old feathers dressed and matrasses made over. SAMUEL S. PARKER, 156 and 158 Greenwich et. corner of Courtlandt. Machine and Hand Cards JOHN WHITTEMORE & co.. Manufacturers of Cot: ton and Wool Hand and Machine Garda, and dealers in articles for manufacturers use. Office 246 Pearl street. - Agricultural Store. Manufacturer and Dealer in Agricultural Machines and Implement., Portable Horse Powere, Threshers, Mills. &c. Ploughs, Plough Casting', Gin Gear,. &c., Field Deeds, &c. .1. PLAT, 5 Burling slip. Fishing Tackle, Hardware & Fancy Goods. JOHN 4. BROWN & Co., Importers and Dealers in Hardware, Fish Tackle, &c. 122 Fulton Street, offer to Anglers and dealer+ in Fishing, Tackle, an exten sive assortment of fish hooks, lines, rules, rods, &c. MARBLE Ornamental Marble work of all kinds, richly carved Sta tuary and plain Mantle and Monuments: Dealers sup plied with Blocks and Stabs. UNDERHILL & FERRIS, 372 & 374 Greenwich st. Bridget Coon by her next friend N. Coon Jr. vs. Nathan Coon—No. 75 Feb. T.—Libel for divorce in Brtiri; . Cont. Pleas. gra 0 NATHAN COON, the defendant in the above gill libel. You are hereby notified that Bridget Coon your wife, by her next friend Nathan Coon jr., has filed her, petition for a divorce from you.from the bonds . of matrimony: And that an alias sobpena has bean 're turned, and proof made that yon were not to he found in said county.- You are therefore hereby required to appear at the Court House in the borough of Towanda, at the May term of said common pleas. on Monday the 4th day of December next, to answer the said complaint, and show cause, if any you have why the said Bridget should not be - divorced from you. , JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Towanda. March 25. 1846. 1846— FLORENCE BONNETS. WUST received at the SAVINGS BANK. s few Of dozens LEGHORN BONNETS—spring fash ions. We are selling them cheaper (ssmelnalities) than ever. mll G. E.FLYNT & CO. THE QUESTION SETTLED. JURY of twelve ladies has decided, that the place gla to purchase Fresh G. E Teas. (no FLYN appeaT .1 COT.I of course) is • . • Treasurer's Sale of Uns eated La n ds; NOTICE is hereby given - . that' agreeably to an act of Dearth! Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the 13th day of March, 1816,en titled "An act to amend, the act entitled en act. di recting the mode of gelling Unseated Lands for tithes, and for other purposes," and of an act passed the 13th day of March, 1817; "a further supplement to the act entitled an act directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes, and for other purposes." the following tracts of UNSEATED LAND will be sold at public vendee on the Bth, day of June next, (being the second Monday) at the Court House in the Borough of To- wanda, in the county of Bradford, for the arrearages of taxes due, and the cost accrued on each lot respectively. No. of INo.oti Warrantee C o. Sista, Road, Warrant. Acres. Names. &School Tazes. ALBANY. 400 "John Barron, sent. 400 Frederick Castator 82 Peter Benson 100 . A.. Coffin 419 Andrew Buckharr 266 Thomas Bradley 294 Abel Pierce 160 Daniel Shepard ASYLUM. son Abraham Bradley 100 Bally Fish 181 Avery Christopher ASYLUM AND ALBANY 280 Nathan Cary ATHENS. 817 Charles Carroll 482 do do 950 do do CANTON. 100 Henry Cameron 409 Bolomcri Lyon 433 k John Friend 4071 Jacob Crook 100 Mathias Stow 407 Abraham Siogen 4e7 Robert Shaw 533 John Grinon 211 John Vaugn 31 do do 4071 Staffner Casper CANTON AND LEROY 4071 John Morgan FRANKLIN. 343 James Betts 20, 96 343 Joseph Betts 20 96 343 John Betts 20 96 400 Henry Bryson - 22' 40 375 Samuel Cooley 21 67 343 Peter Edge 20 96 400 Samuel Edge 22 67 343 Samuel Fritz 20 96 400 Simon Hardy 22 67 400 Joseph Seely 22 67 400 Henry Seely . 22 67 400 Peter Temple 22 67 400 George Temple 22 67 400 James Hardy 22 67 400 Jonathan Hampton ' 22 67 400 Dilution Hardy 22 67 400 Peter Hags 22 67 400 Paul Moore 22 67 400 Andrew Siddons 22 67 400 George Siddons 22 67 343 Gauge Edge 20 96 400 Paul Hardy 22 67 400 George Castator 22 87 400 Joshua Cooley 22 67 400 George Hags 22 67 400 Nathan Haga 22 67 400 Henry Hardy 22 67 400 Peter Seely 22 67 400 James Siddons 22 67 400 Stephen Hollingsworth 22 67 MONROE. 400 Samuel Anderson 400 Haman Castator 400 Nathan North 400 Peter North 400 Frederick Shotta 400 George Shona 400 Mercy Ellis 448 Ann Harris 230 Mary Wallece 400 -Joseph Castator 400 Peter Hampton 400 John Moore 400 James North 400 Hannah Woodruff 237 John Soren. 4374 Ephriam McAdams 4364 Thomas Hamilton RIDOBERRY. 661 Charles Carroll 642' do do 777 do do SPRINGHILL. 2624 pt Peter Guineas 12 40 2263 pt do do 11 11 JACOB REEL, Treasurer. Treasury Office, Towanda, March 12, 1846. 4600 4601 COMMONWEALTH OF PENN'A Bradford - County. as. MO THE SHERIFF OF SAID COUNTY,— MO GREETING. Whereas, at an Orphan's Court herd at Towanda, in and for the county sforesaid, on the 12th day of December. A.D., 1845, before the Hon John N. Conyngham, president, and Reuben Wilber and Harry Morgan associate justices of said court. The petition of James M. Edsall, was presented. set tin; forth that his father, Samuel Edull, late of the. township of Wells, in Bradford county, died intestate, leaving a Widow, to wit, Sarah Edsall, and issue eight children, to wit, Jesse Edsall. Pamela Seely, wife o, Benjamin Seely, Richard Edsall, Charles Edsall, Ilila wife of Nathan A lvord. jr., Elmira, wife of Solomon Bof vier, James M. Edsall, the above named petitioner, and Andrew J. Edatill, end that the said intestate died-seiz ed in his demenee as of fee of and in acettein inessuage tenement and tract of land situate in the Downahips of Wellsand Columbia in the samecounties, and bounded as follows: Beginning on the north by lands of Whit ingdpifferd, E. P. Wood and James M. Edull ; on the coat by lands of James M. Edsall and James Fries ; on the south by lands of Jesse Edsall, and on the west by lands of Jesse Edsall. Containing about one hundred and forty-five acres. ALSO—one equal, undivi ded half of one other tract, lot, piece or parcel of land, situate in the said township of Columbia and Wells, bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Nathan Shepard ; on the south by lands of Jesse Ed gall, and on the west by lands of Edson Aspenwall•— Containing about forty-five acres, with - the appuranan- CeD to both the above described lota. And in the said petition, the abovenamed petitioner prayed the Court to award an inquest to make partition and valuation of the said premises to and among the heirs and representa tives of the said decedent, accorang to the acts of As sembly in such cases made and provuled. We therefore command you that taking with you twelve free and lawful men of your bailiwick, you go to and upon the premises aforesaid, and there •y their oaths or affirmations, that you make partition thereof, to and among the children and representatives of the said intestate, in such-manner and in such proportions as by the laws of this Commonwealth are directed, if such partition can be made without prejudice to or spoilinc the whole ; but if said partition cannot be made thereof as aforesaid, that then yon,value and appraise the same according to law. And further, that you cause the said inquest to inquire and ascertain whether the said real estate with the appurtenances, will conveniently ac commodate more than one of the children or represen tatives of the said intestate, and if so how many of the children or representatives it will accommodate. That due notice of the time of making such partition be given to all persona interested herein. And that you makere torn of your proceedings to the next general Orphans Court. Witness the Hon. John N. Conynqbain, Esq., Pre sident of our said Orphans' nowt, at Towanda,the 26th day of December. A. D.. 1815. LYMAN E. DEWOLF, C.O.C. Continued by order of the Court, February 4, 1848. LYMAN E. DE WOLF, C. 0. C. certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the origi nal wnt. Attest, J. F. MEANS, Sheriff. To all persons interested in the above described pro. raises ; take notice, that a jory will be held upon said property. on Monday, the 13th day of April hest, it 1 o'clock, P. M., forth@ purpose of dividing or appraising the same, according to the above order. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, March 9, 1848. NEW BARRELS TANNERS OIL, fin sale at Oct. 11. HERO:TWI WAGON ANIkiSLEIGH MAKING: . . . uastaea tgai224. formed a colattnenshipifor the purpose of carrying on lb. above business at Monronton are prepared to esecuto - all orders . punctually , such as. • Making, gepaiting aid Painting, on the shortest notice and it thelostest prices that they cam be had in this vicinity for ready pay. . All kinds of Produce end Lumber taken in payment at the market prices. COFFINS made on the shortest notice, and'al,fe duced prices. P. DUNFEE, Montoeton, March IT, 1845. J. C. SMITH. • NOTICE. T" partnership 116'retofore existing ander the firm of HIRAM Mrs Box, is this day dissolved by mutual agreement. Ali demands due acid firm are to be paid to Hiram Mix. .111 HAM MIX, Towanda, March 3d. 1946.' H. MLY Jr. ' $l5 30 12 30 3 46 4 20 20 68 11 18 12 29 4 20 CLOVER SEED. 60 BUSHELS CLOVER SEED, large and small kind, just received and for 'Ali cheaper than at any other, stone in Town. ALSO a few:boshel of 'very Sne TIMOTHY - SEED at BAIRD'S.. Feb.23d. 1846. 14 03 3 44 CI 51 eumnsea gzruvuelea s , Jflontanyea tV Co.'s Cheap Store. ADESIRABLE assortment of various kinds of GOODS may be found at the above establish ment, purchased late in the fall, expressly fur the de mand occuring before the opening of navigation. They have just received, and have on hand : 50 barrels Mess Pork ; 30 “ superfine Flour; " Clover seed ; 500-pounds sole leather; 30 tons Ground Plaster; Also, a quantity of sugar kettles. fel:l3. CID BROAD - CLO PHS, CASSIMERES & SAT- • FRENCH,"EnaIish and American Broad Cloths of all colors and qualities, also Beaver and Pi l' Cloth for overcoats,. and perhaps it would be as wet, to mention that we have over ONE HUNDRUD different styles of Cassimere, Filly pieces Satinetts, be4des twen ty odd of Sheeps Grey, which we are now selling at just about two thirds the usual price in town. W. H. BAIRD & CO.. No. 3 H.R. 19 81 EU DOMESTIC COTTONS-5000 yds. Sheeting/ • 1500 Iba. Cotton Yarn ; 500 •' butts ; 150 wick, on hand and for nla at las summer's prim. nv26 W. H. BAIRD & CO. UMW €_-';,OtaL)Esi .. I fUL - friON KINGSBERY. is now receiving at his es_2sof old stand, which has been going off for eighteen years, where goods of all kinds has been sold and WILL be sold, lower than at any other store in this Coun ty. A very large stock of all kinds of goods which has been selected with great care and attention. and bought at such prices of the importers and manufacturers, that it would be a ruinous business for any firm in the Brick Row, or any where else, to undertake to sell goods as cheap atl can, and will. If my friends and the public generally, will call before they make their purchases elsewhere, they will find that this notice isnot put in the paper for a BLUFF, like some by the side of it ; but, it means what it says. I have a general assortment of every kind and deaaip lion of Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware, Crockery Boots 4 Shoes. Nails. Iron, Leather. 4-c. lII' .1 2 1 / 2 1 1 02.9 THAT Of C. WARFORD. - 11[2 AVE the beat assortment of Goode, sell the cheap -11.1 ed, and get the moat money of any_store in the place ! to TT TtICE, That under the present tarifT, Nails era cola at the toe ne store, (Nionroeton) for 5 cents a pouud. That five dollars at IVA RF C RD'S STORE boys inure good, than Kix dollar; at mane other store] AND IS IT Tara, That any " Large store," not fifty miles off sells goods u cheap, much lees " cheaper" than we do ? N. D. & C. WARFORD. Monroeton. Feb. 3, 1845. MOCONTONGO & TONGO ISLANDS, two edetwated countries for producing fine leas The subscribers are now furnishing their customers with samples of the above teas, from a fresh cargo just arrived in Vie ship " Cheap store," for Jan T. WM. H. BAIRD & CO. 26 37 26 36 31 84 '3IIE" 111C7I'm 8 Y G. M. Gs:vaLs and L. P. KINNIT,and landed at B.P.lngharn's in Asylum township, March 14th 1846, one NEW ARK of the following descrip• tion, three sills, yellow pine stem posts and one row of plank around said ark. The owner is hereby requested to prove property. pay charges, and take it away. A description of which is filed in my office: IL TERRY J.P. Asylum. March 16th, 1846. SALT ! SALT ! SALT ! • ArkNE ARK. LOAD of that long expected SALT has UP arrived, and more expected daily. We are selling it a little under the Fresh Salt" price ! Say the real Salt Salt price at W. H. BAIRD & CO'S. March 23. No. 3. Brick Row. SPRING GOODS—A few bbl.. first rate Mess Pork A lot ver nice Hams. Any quantity Superfine Flour. BO bushel Small White Beans, at Muth tts. BAIRD'S, n 0.3. B. R. Elmira, Coming, and Buffalo Line. THE Pr‘irtors of the above Line,will continue to run a Line ofPr e Boat: between ELMIRA, CORNING and BUF ALO. for the accommodation of EMIGRANTS and A MMES. moving West, af- fording facilities not heretofore offered to.the Emigrant, from this section of New York and Pennsylvania. The Boats of this Line are of the FIRST CLASS fitted and furnished with ell the conveniences and ac, commodations of PACKETS, commanded by experien ced Captains, and towed by relays of Horses. BOAT ROME, Capt. H. W. THOMPSON, TEMPEST, Capt. A .M.TARLOR. During the seism) of 1846, ono of the above Boats will leave Corning, and Elmira, every week, in the fol lowing order:— Cosesrao, eve r y Monday evening, et 6 o'clock P. M., ELMIRA, every Tuesday evening. at 6 o'clock P. M. Towing down Seneca lake every Thursday morning, touching at Big Stream, Lodi. and Dresden. leaving Buffalo for Corning and Elmira, every Wednesday morning. ' FOR EREIGHT OR PASSAGE apply to Captain on board, or to Wm. Mallory, Corning, S. B. Strang & co., Elm;ra, Wintermute & Tuttle, Horseheads, A Naah, Havana, 1.. G. Townsend, Big Stream, Woodworth & Peat, Lodi. Price & Holly, Ceneina. Gay er Sweet, 11 - der/no, • .I.lShoemaker, Seneca Fall, Baker 4. Rosa, MOSIieZUMLI, 11. Wright. I:nehester, H. Nile, Buffalo. auditor's a'otire. G, F. Mason to the use of E. tr G. F. Ma son vs. Silas Gray—ln Brad. Corn. Pleas, No. 181, September Term, 1941. 3130, Henry Voorhis vS. Ila •vey Frenehili said Court. No.-89, Feb. Term. 1845. mum, undersigned hosing been appointed Auditor IL for the adjustment of the several claimi to the moneys raised from the Sheriff's sale of real estate, by virtue of executions issued in both the above cases;.Will. attend to the duties of his appointment. at his office in the borough of Towanda. on Monday, the 20th day of April next, at 2 o'clock. P. M. when and where all per sons are requited tomake known their claims before him orbs ileharreil . froin coming in upon said funds• March 17. ULYSSES MERCUR, Auditor, JOHN' F. MUNTOJI: LAFIRDHISTIEST go.t.Tgra , - : ColtTilna, Loocaster Co, Pa. • Refer to D. L. ezzoorooo, Eq., V. E. Plitare, Este.. . sod ,D. S. Gooilatto, E.q. toott4 MEM NET . Mat 811 INS Dal GEORGE E.. FLYNT & CO. . , • Arc again in the Field with fifteen thousand dollars wth off the cheapest and most desuble p stock of ever brourhi into Braitford Comity THE Cubists & Co. of the TOWANDA SA rIM;S BANK. tender filch sincere thanks for the eetT betel patronage heretofore seemed. and trust by strict attention its business, sod selling gads ettespothan any other establishment, to merit a continuance of their smiles and favors. Our stock of goods consist. army known variety and style of Dry Goods, from the find auction hduses in the city of New York, and ealect ed with great are expressly for this meridian. Also, a large selection of Family Groceries, Shelf Hardware, Crockerv,-800t5.14 Shoes , . „ Hollow Ware, Iron, *rails, keel. and an unusual quantity of HABERDASHERY; to make our stuck of useful sod ornamental uoplete. Oar stock of goodiwese purchased for cash. and for cash will be sold as cheap as at Bu rg zamtan, Elmira o r Ones.. and decidedly cheaper than any establishment in Towanda. Tune and apace will not allow us to enumerate "h. many new , rich and desirable goods, but will be shown to all who favor vs with a rill. 'with pleasure. REMEMBER and call one door below Tracy & • Moore, where thew pay-down" system is in full force. and es a consequence, am not overcharged with deliuyeencies in tae Credit system, or additions made to support the Lumber trade. " One price, and no deviation is the mot system." azy , A all is solicited, before purchasing elsewhere, at Ns. 5, south aid, Brisk Raw. Towanda, October 21. 1845. GEORGE E. FLYNT & CO. NOTICE is hereby given that the following classi fication of the. Retailers of Foreign Goods and handize, has been made by the subscribers. and that the Associate Judges and Commissioners of Brad ford county will taut at the Continimioner's Office, in the borough of Towanda. on Monday the 80th day or March next, and continue in session two days. to hear those who feel themselves aggrieved and are desirous of appealing from the classification herein made. To wit: Names. Class. Amount. ATHENS nOROUCH. Satterlee, Welles & Harris 10 $2O L. S.Ellsworth 12 . 12 50 Thomas Maxwell Id 12 12 50. G. A. Perkins • . 14 7 Chester Park 14 7 C. H. Herrick 14 7 M. S. Rogers 14 7 H. S. Comstock . 11 15 Job Morley 19 12 50 ATHISNII TOWN/111P John Watkins Thoinu Uudner ECM Elam Horton John Horton, jr. ' BURLINGTON. A. & 8. H Morley 12 10 Coreyell & Gee 12 10 =EI Charles Rathbon• I=4 Mynas Moody Oliver D. Chamberliu Israel Smith 1=3313 James W . Marcus =33 William Anglo =3 Heger' Fowler D. C. Salsbury Benjamin Coo!bough N. D. & C. Warford H. H. &J. H. Phinney J. B. & O. Smith John Naglee & Son II Theopilue Huniphry Henry Gibbs EMT! smith 4 Ross Jesse E. Bullock Daniel Bailey P. M. Bostwick = John Ammons 14 7 Maynard & Wailes 14 7 RI DUMMYIr. Asoph Colbum John L. Webb sussnsQuis Storrs & Jones Horace Kinney & Co Wells Nichols & Co. IX ITIIVIELD. Lyman Duda!! Bullock & Phelps E. S. Trarey AI . F. Kellogg SPRINGFIELD. E Norman STANDING STONE Henry W. Tracey Mix & Storm TO W ANDA DORM° U Hiram Mix & Sons 11 15 Elliott & Metcur 11 IS 0. D. Bartlett 12 12 50 Burton Bingabery . . 13 10 J. D. & E. D. Montanys 10 20 J. Kingabsry jr. 13 10 A. D. Montanye 13 "0 H. 8. & M. C. Meteor 10 20 Charles Reed 11 IS Win. H. Baird & Co. 10 20 Tracy & Moots 12 12 50 George E. Flynt & Co. 10 20 E. H. Mason & Huston 14 7 8. 8. Bailey 14 a Cyrus Pratt D. C. Hall A. S. Chamberlin Miles Carter Patrick O'Slain Zeruiab Cross TROY G. F. Rtalington 10 20 Layton Runyon - 13 10 Baird & Stephens , II 15 D. F. & S. W. Pomeroy & Co. 10 20 0 P Ballard 12 12 50 BXECC! Truman & Co. William Gibson wrens Robert Spalding Judean Holcomb I= Elishs Leau M. H. & G. H. Welles McKinney & son 10:3373 Robert Sbetovs MIMEO Robert Cooper Benjamin Buffington 14 7 By the tenth section of the Act of Assembly, passed the first day of May, A. 1).1841, it is provided " that every seller or vender of wines or distilled liquors either with or without goods. wares, merchandize. commodi- ties or effects as aforesaid, shall pay for his license filly per cent. in addition to the rates above specified." And by the act of Assembly passed the third day of March, 1843, it is made the duty of the constables of each township, borou;h or ward in the several wares of this commonwealth, " to give written or printed notice at least five days before the day of appeal fixed by the Judges of the court of common pleas, and the commis sioners of Baia county to every wholesale dealer and re. toiler of merchandise wit:ain their respective townships, borough or word, of the amount or sum to which he stands sated, acid-of tho limo and place of such appeal" of which the constables in the several townships sud boroughs in Bradford county aiU please to take notice. 11. MORGAN, Associate Judge, 3. TOWNER, I. PUTICAkI. Cornmienrs. - A. L. CRANMEIZ, Commissioner's Office, Towanda, Feb. 11.1848. PROCRASTINATION IS THE REXO/14 TO SCCCESS." RATEPUL for past favors. the imbseeiber glee s kw notice that he has left his accounts with Mr. N. .I.• Kutsn for settlement--any per= indebted for Piothoboisty fees can call on him snd settle the same ; any payment' made - to him or to ldr. A. C. Attsx of this place will be duly acknowledged in satisfaction of such fem. A• prompt attention to this nodes. Will kieitly. oblige yours dm .AARCPI cuusApcx. . Towanda, !Ornery 17,1846. - , GOOD TEA—Young Dyson, Old. Hymn, hope. rial and Ponehoug Tea, can he had at EZIE! Pratt's Grocery, and Eating Rouse, h in Betts 4. ilontanye's Corner Block. fronting the Public Square, WHERE everything may be found in , his line of business. The public are invited to call. • FRESH AM BOY OYSTERS, . Feb. 4. Regukirly received here. azu 4112,4?EaRa03 Va1i1423&• MIRE subscriber wants an apprentice to the Blark j ansithing Butrintra. A lad, eighteen or twenty years of age, who is desirous of learning the trade. and can come well recommended, will find a good chance. Towanda, Feb. IS. Rou. BONNETS, VELVETS & RIBBONS. Tuff received % great variety of Bonnet Velvets and Silks together with Plaid, Fringed. Rainbow, Polka, tiatin, Onabre,.Velvet, Cap and Taffeta Ribbons which you will readily discover are very cheap by cal ling at no. 3 brick row. W.H. BAIRD dr'Ce. I$ 10 13 10 14 7 14 7 LE 21 IT - 21t300)U DI a - Attorney at Law, OFFICE in the north corner of the Brick Row,di rectly over the Post Office, Main meet. try• Ft. trance at the north end of the building. d 3. is 10 Wanted, at the Savings Bank. 13 10 19 10 /4 7 WC WANT FROM Orwell, Pike & Burlington townahips,looo a good roll and frash Butter. Ef::l3 WA WANT From Elkland township, 750 a roll butler and a Quan tity of deerskins.. WA WANT 13 10 From Smithfield, Canton, Wysox and Ulster, 1000 a Butter-4,500 bushels of grain, various kinds. 11 12 60 12 12 50 13 10 11 12 50 11 12 50 13 10 14 WE W INT . . From Albany, Franklin, Standing Stone and Wyalluor ing, 500,000 of Lumber of all kinds, for which cash will be paid. WE WANT From old end new Sheshequin, 5000 bushels oats, rya, wheat and corn. we WANT ALSO From the above townships, 74 cash customers, to makes ,our number just 1000. Farmers wishing to purchase 'goods for their produce, will please price ourgoods. ss we are giving in exchange, goods at "gold one silver prices." There is but 'one price.' and that a cash price at d 29 G.E.FLYNT !lc CO'S. 19 10 13 10 13 10 19 10 13 10 49 10 flooll3 OE SHS=A very large stock of every kind and size, at lower prices than ever, will Las _ _ MERCUR'm. found it A FARM FOR SALE. /THE subscriber effete for sale the following doscri. jt bed lot of land situate in Monroe tp. Bradford county, containing ninety-one acres, adjoining lands of George Tracy, Jared Woodruff. Absalom Coolbaugh, and Russel Fowler, with about twenty-five acres im• proved. and ,a house thereon. The title is good, and a the laud of good quality for farming purposes. For terms apply to WM. ELWELL. Esq. or of the sato scriber at Pottsville. • F. W .HUGIIES, March 10. 1946. - of James Murphy. II 12 50 18 10 11 10 13 10 14 7 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 BUSH. CreLcrive jv2l ELLIOTT & MERCUR. 7TS For t faits o i f i supenor quip 14 7 WANTED in exchange for goods. one hundred pounds •• LIVE GEESE" FEATHERS, for home consumption, et G. E. FLYNT et CO. 1 12 50 13 10 THE undersigned having been appointed Auditor by the court of common pleas, to ascertain and report liens against the estate of t . ..insider S. Park, tak en and extended in execution at the suit of Orlando Saltmarsh, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate, to present such claims before biro at his office in Towanda borough, on the 16th day of April next ensuing, at I o'clock, P. M., or else be de barred from coming in upon the fund arising from the extension of said, March 11, 1846. HENRY BOOTH. Auditor. 10"OTICE is hereby given that the commissieMeo 111 of Bradford county will meet at the bridge over wugar creek, near the house of Samuel Allen, in Tmy township, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of Tuesday the 14th day of April next, for the purpose of receiving proposals, arid letting to the lowest and best bidder, the neceivarv , repairing, ofaaid Bridge. A plan of the work will bar exhibited atJhe bridge on the day of the letting. By order of the Commissioners. J. M. WATTLES, Clerk. Commis , inner'e Office, March 11, 1846. 14 7 14 7 13 10 14 7 14 7 14 , V Administrator's Sale. XTOTICE is hereby given that by vittue of an onler 111 of the Orphan's court of Bradford county, and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sate at the premises, on Monday, the 20th day of April next, at I o'clock, P. M., the following describe propeny, to wit • A tract of Land in Ridgberry toter Jhip, boun ded on the west by lands of Jacob Richan son ; south by lands of Elias Impson ; east by lands of David Burt, and on the north by lands the owner of which is un known. Containing about forty acres all unimproved. ALSO—A certain other tract of land in said town ship, Beginning at a post on the easterly bank of Bent• ly's creek, at the termination of the mill race, and at the point where the said race empties into the said creek, and running from thence north 81° east 3 chains - art-1 50 links to the centre of the Berwick turnpike ; thence south 23° east along the centre of said turnpike 6 chains to the southeast corner of the mill yard, thence south 80° west 2 chains and 30 links to a stake; thence south 18° east 8 chains to the centre of the Sutton rued, the, north line of Dan A.Gillett's land, thence west along said road and Uillett's north line, five chains to Bent. ly's creek ; thence north 29° west 9 chains toe heap of stones; thence north 35° east 6 chains and 70 links to the place of beginning. Containing 6 acres, 1 rood, and 20 rods, all improved, with a sawmill and slumtoe there. on. Terms wade known on the day of sale: The aid property belonging the estetwof the late Hector W. Smug, deceased. 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 12 12 50 14 7 13 10 14 7 14 7 14 I 14 7 D. VANDERCOOK : Administrator Torvanda.March IS, 1546. To Farmers, Lumbermen and othiT New Store in Standing- Stone! mix STORRS, respectfully announce to the tizens of Standing :lone and vicinity, that they have kuined a partnership, and are now opening at the alei stand of Peter C. Ward, lately occupied by N. D. Warford,.whent they offer for sale an extensive stock of staple and fancy Goods, consisting of Dry Goode, Crceer;cs, hardware, Crockery, . Iron, nails, boots and . sole ic opper Leather, floor and pork, dcc., wh' have been selected . expresely fov this market. on tight for ready pay, and nut b e di e . poled of at t °lowest possible rates, for noon* Shin., and ',amber, of every quality, wheat, earn, rye, oats, beef hides, and_produce of all manner end sons. We respectfully ask those purehosirjg for. Caih to give es a all, ea we will not be undersold by any establish ment in this county. We charge nothing fur exhibit ing our goods. B. lit emN, . November 26. W. U. ATORliti. W A !WORD'S AUDITOR'S NOTICE BRIDGE LETTING
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers