Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 01, 1846, Image 1

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    irDIUDME 72°
LoTr, Emir, and illrth.
A fig for. Philosophy's rules,
Our stay is too brief °recant',
To spare any time in the school,
Save tbose.of Love, Music, and Mirth.
Yea! theirs is the exquisite lore
We =learn in life's summer by been,
While the winter of gloomy fourscore
Levee us fools in Philosophy's art.
Oh ! surely if life's but a day,
"Tit vain o'er dull volumes to pine ;
Let the sage choose what studies he may,
Bat Mirth, Love, and Music be mine,
What afoot was the Chaldean seer,
Who studied the planets afar—
While the bright eye of woman is near—
„lfy book be that beautiful star !
The lore of the planets 'who seeks,
Is years in acquiring the art,
While the language dear woman's eye speaks,
Is learned in a moment by heart,
Theo, surely, if life's but a day,
"Tis vain o'er dull volumes to pine :
Let the stars be his book, e they may,
Bat the bright eye of woman'be mine !
Thee.hemist may learnedly tell
Of the treasures his heart can unmask
But the grape juice has in it a spell.
Which ii all'of his lore that I ask.
In gating on woman's bright eves,
I feel the astionomer's bliss ;
dnd chemiltry's happiest prize,
I find in a goblet like this,
Then 61111 p—if life's but.a day,
What fool o'er dull volumes would pine ?
tow and Mirth we can tram on the way.
And to praise them in Music be mine?
The old manor house of FA:atone has link
t attract the notice, of the passing tray-farer.
for its fine park is now converted into a sheep
pasture. its tower garden is planted with tar•
sips. and ns noble woods have long since been
(tiled to enable its owner to enrich and embel
lish some fairer domain. The house has suf-
feted eomparatirely little from time, hut a
rer enemy has been at work within its walls.
Radio its finest apartments are still tho
tram of that derourinq fire which has reduc
ed it almost to ruin. 'Strange rumors are
atltrad concerning the ortein of that tire
Tbe present owner, 2, wild and dissolute youth, down to Visit it, with a party of tray rev
elers. soon after it fell into his possession.—
Foe more stately. and better appointed mansions
were alreadt: fus, for he was one of the weal
thlnt of En : lland's peers, a-M when„, he beheld
the womi-ea:en tapestries 31111 m4fiderin? far
m:are, be was heard to exclaim, with a land
'.l would that my mad cou4n of Fora a tone
Eid set fire,to the old nest; it will cost more in
laves than-the lands will yield in revenue."
His steward, a keen -eyed. iron-faced man.':, men, and makes the bond of kindred only a
heard his master's words, and on the very , fetter n hich is gladly broken—may be traced
sight after • the young lord's departure. the to the petty hickeringa and still renewed
htulding was dlscovered to be in dames.— quarrels which disturbed the days of infancy.
Some said it was a j - ad.vinent from !leaven— ! the misfortunes which befel the beautiful sic
others shook their head., and whir; erect that ter, if traced to their first cause. will be found
the nency of man was visible an a tire which ' to have arisen in that disunion of 'feeling, and
bail broke out from four different points at the f seldsimess, which characterized their child
same moment. and certain it is that no money hood, while the wonderful similarity which
;'as ever spent upon the repair of the once no-' distinguished their moral as well as their phy-
Vs stru t ter,. I had been told that the stair- sisal nature, and which should have bound
cue was still decorated with some remains of them by the closest ties, becadie only an naiad
the magniEcent oaken carvings which had once `, tug source of discord and dislike,
a:or:led ninny of the rooms, and I was there- ! A s no t hing is more unlovely than childhood
fore induced to visit the alino.t. ro ofless mansion I without its innocent attributes, its frankness.
*inch certainly promised little to reward mY I its overflowing affections, its utter unselfish
tench. I had wandered for some time through ,
ness, its purity of feeling—we will pass over
the empty apartments, which were nearly : the events which, though of trifling Import in
snipped of every vestige of furniture. when. themselves, were of no little consequence to
tpon, opening the door of a small chamber the formation of character. At sixteen, the
t l tat seemed originally designed for an oratory-. ; ladies Rosamond and biltas. were knorro,to all
I faced myself suddenly in the presence of a ; the country around as the Beauties of Folk
p ware. nits were so unfaded and life- ; stone ; and the rare spectacle of two young
l 'iv , that, for menu started as if the ac- • females so exquisitely loved and so wonder
tal bein ad suddenly risen before me. fully sinatLar that a portrait of the one would
Doi picture represented two children. apps- I have served as a most accurate likeness of the
el:4y about twelve years of age, and 'the pain- other, drew around them a crowd of admirers.
.aS had seated them upon 3 turfy bank, with . It required an intimate acquaintancs with both
team of one resting on the r.eck of the other. to discover the points of difference which ex-
Pi . rF• 2 7l. hid I seen the picture elsewhere, it . tsted between theta. and ye: these d:fferences
t 1 not have offered such powerful aurae- . were of the most decided and definite ktrid
although it was exqutstie in its execution Possessed of equally violent passions. equatiy
013 its design. Hot the faces of those beauti- ' self-willed and resolute of purpose. they yet
gev., gleaming out from the dark oalea were most unlike in talent and in their power
pancel to sehteli the picture was deeply insert- lof self-poseession. Rosamond. with far more
14. ' 41 113 painted semblance of life—active and real strength of mind than her sister. had far
Pyttecis life in the midst of utter desolation— • less control over her wayward impulses. 11-r
ea solitary vestige of a race now passed for- acuteness of perception and brilliant wit gave
'Mr hom the earth—this single record of the' point and poignancy to her conversation which
Plus which bad escaped the destruction to too frequently degenerated into severity and
11 _ ~.l a th stranget lord had doomed the home ; Sarcasm. while the least irritation of temper
intent family, awakened a feeling of i produced invective against the offender, that
sae for which I could scarcely =aunt even few were found willing to brave her anger
al6 Pelf: Ipied upon those blight faces I more than once. But with all these defects.
imagination began to weare many a she yet possessed a degree of generous frank.
innim of the fortunes of those lovely - children. ness. Wad, magnanimity in acknowledging her
'Pict:old them the idol of their stately parents.: errors, which gave promise of many noble
13 2
. Prida of their family. the darlings of their ! qualities hidden beneath the waywardness of
I kad been struck with their 1 . her temper: Lilies. on the contrary. was one
ndalol similarity of feature. and I fancied of those sensitive, morbid creatures, who de
,. fair sisters had been as lunch assimilated in light in cherishing every sentiment into a pas
14nleter. while I - endeavored to sketch some i sion: romance was the atmosphere in which
•Irie view of their course through , she sought to dwell. and failing to find its sob
sun. which. beaming through the tie essence periading the grosser elements of
- -Ca window, su dd en ly li g h te d u p t h e lonely every -d a y abs was ever fretful. repining
?'"are with a bright halo of departing glory.* and discontented. But Lilies w•as. also. a pro-
Ralted me to myself, and as I turned my bank • found and skilful dissembler. Though gull
t?oa the little chamber. I felt the folly - of my ed ever by the Impulses of a headstrong will.
Wings. awn should I See k . to pen- she yet managed to appear one of the most re
" " II of Years! They had lived, and t fined And delicate and gentle of women.—
?n=ba-ly loved. and certainly suffered. and Thoulh resolute of purpose. and defying all
, their ashes were now mingling with hindrances when her passions were excited.
* ow
tin their fore 'athets in the family vault of ; she seemed only one of those frail. dependent
chapel. They had butshared 1 timed creatures who attach themselves to the
bas ftztarm Int of all mankind, and why hearts 'of men by their very helplessneaa.—
should I be so strangely interested, in two fair
faces on which the worm had long since feast
ed in the;silent tomb? Yet those beautiful
children seemed to me like a bright vision
seen amid the blackness of darkness, long af
ter I had returned to my solitary room. and I
determined to make some inquiries respecting
them ere I left the neighborhocid. There are
always some old retainers of a noble house, or
at least some descendents of such, who haunt
the scenes of ancient splendor; and from an
aged crone, whose mother had been the nurse
of the beautiful twins whose portraits I had
seen, I learned the tale which proved how false
had been my own imaginings.
The ladies, Rosamond and Lilias, were the
only children of the proud old marquis whose
ancestors had lot centuries ruled,over the do
main of Folkstone. Born after a childless
marriage of many years. perhaps both parents
would hare been better pleased if one fair
son had been given to them instead of the
two fragile daughters, who were now destin
ed to inherit the estates, and extinguish the
name of their ancient family. But parental ef
fection silenced, if it could not subdue. their
regrets, and ere long the tiring were the idols
of both father and mother. The singular per
sonal resemblance, which so generally charac
terizes those whom nature has so myster•
iously connected, was in this case very
strongly marked. As infants they could with
difficulty be distinguished from each other, and
only the unerring eye of 'a mother could detect
the shade of difference between the deep gray
eye of Rosamond. and the slight hazel tint
which was diffused through the same color in
the eves of Lilias ; while only a mother's heart
could remember that when the two little heads
were laid upon the same pillow the curls
which cluitered round Rosamond's brow were'
darker than the chesnut locks of Lilias. The
similitude seemed rather to increase with the
progress of time, and in the sportiveness of
their innocent mirth the fair children would
often puzzle their parents by changing the or
naments which formed the only distinction-be
tween them in the eyes of the family servants.
Nor were they less alike in character than in
person, and happier had it been for both if
more diversity between them had really ex
Entitled by their birth to rank and affluence.
gifted by nature with exceeding beauty. and
almost worshipped by parents who had long
despaired of beholding the renewal ot their
youth in their off-spring, they early learn-d
their own importance in the eyes the whole
household. Their will became - a law to all
from the proud old lord w his humblest ser
vant. and it is not surprising that they should
soon have acquired a full portion of the way
wardness which is ever the result of unlimit.
ed indulgence. The similarity of taste and
feeling produced disunion between them even
in the nursery, for each was sure to desire the
same gratification at precisely the same mo
ment, as it was scarcely possible always to
fulfil the desires of both. their wilfulness occa-
sioned continual discord between them. Many
a thiipnte which has separated those whom
God himself had united—many a family fend
tr hich has left its inheritance of hatred in the
second and third generations—many a bitter
jealousy—many an ell( passion which curdles
the milk of human kindness in the hearts of
While the dark eyes of Rosamond flashed
with the fires of intellect. those of bliss were
full of light, as if a tear were ever ready to sof
ten their rich lustre. While the chiselled
lips of thefranker sister were sometimes wreath.
ed with merry smiles,sometintescurved in bitter
scorn, the rose-bud mouth of the gentle Lilias
never expressed a ruder emotion than quiet
pleasure or placid pensiveness. While the
little figure of one was seen in all the unstu
died grace . of attitude, which might beseem
a woodnymph. the drooping form and equally
picturesque, but more artificial posture of the
other, would have afforded a model to the
sculptor who vainly sought to image the stat
ue of modesty. At first view, the observer
was ready to exclaim, as lie gazed upon both
sisters, How marvellous a likeness !" But
a second look would probably excite his won
der still more, by showing how utterly differ
ent expression might be worn by features
Moulded to the most perfect exactitude of
Scarcely had the beautiful sisters attained
the age of womanhood. when death deprived
them of their mother, whose weak indulgence
had fostered the growth of those errors in her
children. of which she was keenly sensible ere
she was removed from them forever. They
felt little respect for the parent who had early
submitted her better judgment to their infan
tine caprices, and, like all spoiled children,
they made a moat ungrateiy return for the un
limited affection. She was allowed to minis
ter to their pleasures. but when, excited by
their wilfulness, she attempted to act the men.
tor. or to assert her long dormant authority,
she was met by utter contempt for her coun
sels, and disregard of her commands. Iler
last days were embittered by their disobedi
ience, and the children who had been bestow.
ed as blessings, were. by her own excess of
affection, made her most bitter. scourges.—
Their father, a weak silly. proud old man, who
fancied mat every thing which appertained to
him wa• beyond censure or criticism. and who
allowed his daughters to act precisely as they
plstased, so long as they did not controvert his
peculiar prejudices, was little calculated to be
their guide during the perilous period of life
which they had just entered. Thus left to fol
low the dictates of their own will, they could
scarcely fail of laying op a store of future suf
Among their numerous admirrers, was one
who mingled timidly with the throng of the
noble and the gifted that surrounded the love.
lc heiresses of Folkstone, as if conscious of his
' feeble claims upon their notice or regard.—
. Herbert Beilendeu was a younger son, who,
trout his boyhood; had been destined to the
church, because a valuable living was in the
gift of his family. His rectory was but a short
distance to Folkstone, and the large estates of
his elder brother lay contiguous to those which
were the future inheritance of the lovely sis
ters. Shy and retiring in his manner, a stu
dent in the fullest sense of the word, he avoid:
ed scciety with an almost morbid feeling of
self-distrust and false pride while his keen
sense of the be-ennui. and his ardent admira
tion of feminine loveliness. led him to find his
chief delight in the continuanee of his boyish
Intimacy with the ladies of Folkstone. He had
mastered much of the lore of books, and had
not altogether neglected the study of human na
ture, tholigh his reserved manners gave him
inde facility in this pursuit—but of that stran
gest of ad strange volumes—the heart of wo
man—he was pro(pundly and hopelessly ig
norant. Considering the sex as vastly infe
rior to men in intellectual strength, he looked
upon them as fair and gentle bein g s. sent, to
. soften man's roomed nature, an d embellish
life's dreary scenes but the idea that they
had character's which might be studied, and
facilities which might be developed, never
once occurred to him.
To a man of secluded habits and timid nature
the bold, frank, fearless bearing of Rosamond.
teas far more attractive than the sensitive and
relying temper of Wiwi. 'He had not the de
cision of character and firmness of purpose
which is sufficient for itself. and can, therefore.
afford to offer its support to the feeble nature
of woman. Rosanaond's self-reliance, though
generaily . the leastattractive ofatl feminine. traits.
seemed peeuharly calculated to please one
• who was conscious of his own weakness; and
Herbert Beilenden was not long in discover
ing that his affections -were no longer in his
own keeping. That his tine talents. his poet
ic temperament, his enthusiasm, and his ro
mance of feeling should have given him so in
terest in the heart of the morbid sensitive Lilies
was by no means extraordinary ; but that the
high-spirited and joyous-hearted Rosanionll.
she who shared her father's pride, and looked
with scorn upon ad who trod a lowlier path
through life than that which she pursued—she
who mocked at the name of love, and 'despis
' ed the thought of being bumbled to the conch
!inn of a loving and submissive woman—she
' who had heretofore .fancied that a paladin of
the olden time, a knight ready to do his devoir
to the death, or at least a noble gentleman,
skilled in all leanly and daring exercise. could
alone fix her Wandering fancy—that she should
bare loved the shy and vascillatin. , v6tudent,w3s
one of thosemarvels for which philosophy has
no explanation. Alas were** human love the,
growth of human will." how much of the sof
feting which belongs to its full and perfect de
; velopement would the hearts of men, and more
especially of women. be spared. Herbert lov
ed the high-soled Rosamond, and the lofty
Rosamond, as well as the romantic 'Ails. bad
yielded up their hearts to him. Both, turning
from the advantages which were offered theta
by wealth and rank. had bestowed their affee
dons on the youthful rector- But mobile Rows
', mond proudly end sternly straggled against
the love which was daily gaining new vigor
in her heart, LiTias, ever attracted by those in.
congruities of life which gave*. tincture of ro
-11111112 to the dull realities of this winking-day
world, cherished the feeble sentiment of pref.
erence into a deep and absorbing passim.
It would be useless to attempt describing
the progress of those eTtriltS which gradually
tended to compass the scheme of the romantic
but self-willed LiHas.- She had early Jimmy
ed Herbert Belleoden's preference for Rosa
mond=she had almost as soon detected her
proud sister's mental struggles against recipro
cal affection, and yet in despite of these things
she resolved to win the object of her love, even
if her path to the altar led over her sister's
crushed and bleeding heart. All the power
ful machinery of a woman's willingness was
put in motion to secure the prize. All that
she could devise of boldness or of stratagem
was exercised upon the unsuspecting lovers.—
By cunningly constructed tales of Herbert's
presumption. Rosamond was instigated to treat
hint with a degree of proud coldness almost
amounting to contempt, while the downcast
eye of Liltas, her quivering lip, hertrembling
voice. her agitated manner, when in his pres
ence, were all made to bear palpable witness
to the depth of her own fervent tenderness.
—A woman's cunning is almost snrelof suc
cess. because men rarely suspect the sex
until they hare had some experience of their
falsehood, and even if once deceived, per
sonal vanity is osnally a most powerful aux
iliary on the side of the weaker. hut more
subtle adversary. - Herbert Bellenden was
entirely deceived by theLdevices of Lilias.—
He fancied that the sensitive girl was cherish
ing a hopeless passion which she vainly strug
gled to hide. and when he compared her ill
concealed agitation of manner with the stern,
cold indifference of her sister, he could not
wonder at his waywardness in thus humbling
himself before the contemner, while he turned
from the worshipper. -
One evening—it was the dusk hour of twi
light, and the shadow'of the broad and gnarled
oaks threw a deeper gloom over the pathway.
as Herbert encountered the lady of his love.—
She was treading with quick steps narrow
walk which traversed the lawn, and lost itself
in the darkest woodlagd. A closed bonnet
partly hid her features; but the proud curve of
those smiling hp, the stately tread of that tall
form was not to he mistaken. He little knew
what thoughts of coining triumph had lent that
haughty look and that proud step to the maiden
who now stood beside him. Day after day
had he brooded over his preference for the cold
beauty. and pondered on the belief that he was
the object of her sister's love. Sometimes he
was tempted to banish himself from the pref.-
eine of both—sometimes he was upon the i
point of devoting himself to the gentle and lov
Lihas--yet his vascillating temper led hint
still to defer the moment ofexplananon. Now.
however, he was nerved by a courage hereto
fore unknown to him. They were afore—no
witnesses but the silent stars could behold his
agitation—his voice would reach no ears save
hers—and yielding to an impulse - which he i
could not nriderstand nor control, be poured
forth the long repressed tide of deep affection.'l
Silently did the lady listen to tie burning words I
of passion—silently did she suffer him to draw
her toward him—silently did she hide her fare,
upon his bosom. as he prayed her to forget rank i
and fortune, and parental anger. for the strong
and abiding love of a husband's heart. Did no
misgiving seize" him when he found the haughty
and frank Rosamond listening calmly to such si
proposition ? Did he believe that passion had
so subdued her proud temper, that she would
not only wed the untitled younger son. but ,
even degrade herself by a clandestine marriage.
On the night following this uncooked-for inter- I
view, a veiled and mulled figure stole silently
from a postern gate. wnich opend upon a by.
path through Folkstone park. Theclock was
striking midnight as the disguised lady ap. 1
preached the trysting-place. Herber Bellen
den was already there—the carriage was in '
waiting, and, oruh a silent embrace, the- lovers
hurried to enter it. Ere the next day's sun
had set, the whole neighborhood knew that
Herbert Bellenden bad robbed Folkstone of one
of its (wrest ornaments. The story was widely
diffused, but, strange to say, half the world
made Rosamond the partuer of his flight. while
others said that Lit= was the bride. The
gossips were only satisfied when Rosamond.
ooking pale and sorrowful, but still .as protid
and queenly as ever. was seen accompanying
her father in hts daily ride. It was strange,
passing strange.
Tune passed on. and wrought his n•oat
changes as he winged his silent way. Free
yeari had elapsed since the eventful niiht which
had thus far decided the fate of the sister. The
old lord of Folkatone was gathered to his
fathers—the stately and beautiful Rosamond
dwelt alone in the ancient hall. for. excepting
her sister, there were none of her near kindred
left upon earth. Herbert Bellenden had in
herited the title which had once belonged to
his elder brother, who had recently died child.
less. and the beautiful Lilies. who, to the eyes
of the we:id had sacrificed ambition to love
when she wedded, now reaped her reward in
her newly acquired rank and fortune. At the
death bed of their aged father, a reconciliation
had taken place between the estranged family.
The old man. who could not forgive his daugh
ter's clandestine marnarre with a younger son.
was induted to bestow his blessing on the
richly dowered countess. and Rosamond.erhose
cold, proud demeanor had now become habit
ual. did not accede to the proffered
peace. But though there might be peace' be
tween them, there could be no affection. Ro
samond** bean had received a wound which
was yet unhealed. and Lihas was biding with
in her bosom a secret which she dreaded lest
her very thoughts *tmid reveal. Jealous of
every look and word which her husband be
stowed upon another. pining for the kindness
and affection which Herbert ceither•wonld nor
could bestow, and continually trembling lest
something 'hoard occur to break the frail hoeds
which seemed to hold her husband to her side.
she had indeed reaped her rep-sod in Utter dis
appointment and misery.
But her panisharent was no: yet come.
has was preparing for her first winter in Loudon.
where she Itlegresoleed toappezr in all the spleo.
don of her beauty and her &tame. when a fiar
ful accident overthrew all her hopes. White
in the act of stepping oat of het amine. the
hones tot* fiiiht, and the fair moues* was
:broom sioler.dy to the ground. While her dress
becoming entangled in the steps. she was drag- or listened to the wild howling. of her insanity-
Red some distance over the tugged road before The child, a helpless. crippled idiot, ouilivr.d its
assistancecould be affoarded. She was taken up miserable parents, and by Its death In 17—, the
appearently lifeless, and so friglithillv.disfigured line of two of England's noblest families became
that she was scarcely 'to be recognized. Meth- eztinci i while the ebtates fell to distant collateral
cal skill wasimmediately procured: but for many heirs.
hours she lay between life and death, and i t was , Such was the real history of those fair children.
not unt il the se co nd day Th a t the doctoi pro- ; whose pictured semblance had so fascinated toy
flounced the crisis to be past. : gaze in that lonely chamber —such were the
Every thing -depends upon care now." said fortunes of those for whome I had fancied a
the man of wisdom ;•• the slightest change may destiny of innocent happiness.
prove fatal to her, the most trivial neglect is
death "
Then leaving a draught. to be taken at tegu
lar intervals. the doctor sought the reprise which.
during her most imminent clanger. he had dent
ed himself.
That very night, as Rosamond watched be
side the bed of her unconscious sister, in the
very presence of the helpless sneerer. who knew
pot of what was passing around her—that Very
night, from the lips tif him whom the still loved
better than aught else on earth, did Rosamond
listen to 3 tale which almost maddened her. It
was her love that Herbert . Bellehtlen had sought
—it was her hand he had tried to win—it was
her whom he fancied he was bearing to a clan
destine marriage, and nut until the hurried and
confused ceremony was over—not until the veil
Was removed front the face of her whom he claim
ed as his wife. did he learn that Lilias, and nut
Rosamond. was his companion.
• From that hour. Rosamond." said he," I
have loathed the very air she breathed, and the
very eawth she trod. She hiss been as a serpent
in my path, and yet her tears, her agony, her
blandishments, have won me to treat her some
times with a tenderness that hasseemed almost
like love. Yes." he added bitterly, •• she hat
been as a serpent in my a deadly adder.
whose stings I feel in my very heart of hearts
and now she lies like a crushed worm befote
me—thus to drag out perhaps years of misery
—a fearful and bumble sight to all—a heavy and
wretched burden to my existence."
What were the feelings cf Rosamond when
she listened to this strange tale' The flood
gates of passion were thrown down—the bar
riers of pride and principle gave way, and in that
fearful hour the secret of her long hoarded pas
sion was revealed to the weak and vacillating
husband of another. From that moment Rosa
mond never re-entered her sister's apartment,
and never again met Herbert Bellenden save in
the presence of others of the household. But
it was observed, and mentioned lone afterwards.
when circumstances awakened fearful suspi
cions, that the charge of the helpless sufferer
now devolved entirely on a superannuated old
woman, who had long been regarded with an
evil eve for her malice and ill-omened power of
Though crushed nearly out of all semblance
to humanity. Lilian seemed In cling to life with'
wonderful tenacity. and, the physician rei
tinted his opinion that care alone was neces
sary to restore her to comparative health.
"She will never walk again. poor thing."
said he. gravely," and she will scamely be able
to recover the use of her hands ; her features, too,
must always be terribly distorted. and I doubt
whether her eye-sight will be fully restored--
but no vital function is seriously injured. and
she may yet live many years."
That very niAt, or rather at dawn of the fol
lowing day. Lilias was Gum , ' stark and stiff
in death, while the old woman. whose business
it was to watch the sufferer. lay in a deep sleep
on the floor beside her. The physician seemed
thunderstruck when he beheld the lifeless body
of her whom he had left but a few hours before
in comparative safety : bet he could not take it
upon himself to assert thit some sudden change
had not crewed, some rapid and violent attack
of disease c hose symptoms were unmarked. t i
and the general disorganization of her whole
frame. In consequence of her disfigured ap
pearance. her body was not allowed to he t o
state. *hough a pompous funeral graced the
obsequies of the once beautitnl Countess of More
land. The Earl wore the semblance of decent
somaw—the lady Rosamond assumed the dusky i
habiliments of wo.-and yet, it was observed.
that the old watcher. whose calmness has in
all probability shortened the days of the unhap
py countess. was taken into the household, and
honored with the cantidenee of the lady of Folk
Three months bad scarcely elapsed, after the
frightful events just narrated. when a marriage
was solemnized. secretly and by torth-light. in
the chapel at Folkstnne. The bride the beauti
ful Rosamond, and her voice rang out through
the dark aisles of the lonely church with almost
unnatural clearnem, as she uttered the solemn
responses. But the tones of the bridegroom
'were hoilow and :ow. and his frame quiver.. .11
with strong emotion. for its weak and timid r 1. 2-
tare shrunk from the thought of that which he
had done, and that which he was now doins
He had yei'ded to the bolder wickedness of the
woman at his side, but he was appalled by the
shadows which conscience called up before his
bewildered sigh:. Rosamond was revenged,
alike upon the sister who had wronged. and th e
dastard lover who had watered when derision
would have afforded happiness to both. Lilias
was laid in au unhonored grave. Herbert Belles =
dee masher wedded husband, and the tong ch e r.
ished bitterness of her impend Imart had at last
poured out ha neow. and as relieved.
Did she not fear the anger cf an :Tenzin?.
Providence Did she not hen that retributive
Justiee, sooner or later. ©cam overtake the isuilte
She was allowed jog time enough to leant that
the hush-cad for whose she had penited her tool.
was rendered utterly conternpulex by his rata
liting diameter, and his low trees--and then
the hour of reckoning Caine. A chili! was born
to the earldom of Mania:id—a son to inheritthe
mane and honors of an ancient race-Sur a en
of inexpressible honor from all wholaokedupo - n Tnt 11E1311 AND viz- Sozensert.----In the
hin t , was his only w e l come to a Ira:Ll of su f.- the time of the seven yeas war between the
fering. The await of a mother's evil pe.ssiocor; ativri2tis sad Prussians, a shaPhara. who was
was upon the innocent box—his =nal and madly; his steer on the. sh o re of the ph% Tan
cr ippl e d limbs, his fis t ful tied f o ie,. t in sel accosted by a P russian =Mr with the Mow.
the swfr.l sembiznee of the unhappy dee. It lag Sa"Joical Here, "catrYzaaa•Vabich de
was the faced the buried Labs. 1 you tore best. the Austrians of Prussians ri
For twenty yeses Rosamond was manacled E n , Z 3 wt creak lay honest mind." said a s
21211 board Eke a wad beast, chained tothe walls shoPherd• wish 'b r e Aus'aiarla ad,* be
of bet own eprinatenr. rie objeet of terms ze d drowned in the Elbe. and that the PWW2i323
pity to el s .h o t eo k e d opon hot raring madness, C. might laugh thin:se:Tea to death at the trahi."
TAKING • Loral AT His Wouti.—Marryinr,
the 31aut uutead ofthe Mistress.—A late lec
turer on the life of Oliver Cromwell, declares,
in spite of the sternness or hischaracter, that he
had an inherent lope of fern ; which he wairprtme
Mischievously to indulge at the expense of those
around him. 'llls was a peculiarity of his dis
position, and one which exhibited itself everae,-
cording to the impulse of the moment. An an
ecdote to the point is , related, which runs to the
effect. that Cromwell had a beautiful daughter.
at the time he became Protector, to whom one of
his attendants took a great liking. One day he
went into his daughter's apartments, and was
not a little surprised to see his page very humbly
prostrated upon the knee. before his daughter,
and extending his hand toward her in the most
supplicating manner possible.
-What means this!" sternly exclaimed Cram ,
"May it please your worship." refelhe af-
frighted page, . I am in lore with yonder wait
ing maid."—pointing to her as he spoke—"and
1 hare been beseeching your daughter to exert
•her influence in my behalf."
"Are yim willing," said Cromwell to the
waiting maid," to have this fellow for your hus
band T"
"Yes." replied she. •
••Welt then," says Cromwell, "de'll have a
priest ealle•I in forthwith : and you tn.* t shall
be one flesh," which was not much some! said
than done.
INTREPID Jews.—On a late occasion the Em=
peror of Ru-sia was reviewing his , fleet. whet,
two sailors parlit uLirly exciting his ait•otiotl t
both by the precision with which they perforined
several ditlkuit manreuvres, and by the agility
and daring which they displayed. The Emper
or was so much plAsed that he immediately
promoted one to he a captain : the other he ap
pointed lieutenant on th;.! spot. The met*. how•
ever, were Jews, and there is an ukas forbidding
Jews to wear an epaulette. The Admiral°, the
fleet. who stood by. knowing that they were
Jews, stated the' difficulty to his imperial Majes
ty. Pshaw cried the Emperor... they does
not signify in the least--they
embrace the Greek religion, of course.'' When
:his determination was communicated to the
young men. knowing that remonsuance or refu
sal would be in Cain. they , requested the Empet
or's permission to exhioit still more of their man
cenvers, as he had not seen all they could do.
This being granted, they ascended the topmast.
embraced. and locked in each other's arms.
threw themselves into the sea and disappeared
forever.—English paper.
RiscanNrrio!i2--- How dy'e do. 311...J0nea
dy'e !" said a young swell yester
day. with more beard than brains, to an old
glossy-faeed gentleman. who stood behind a
pair of gold-mounted spectacle*, and whoselo
camellia:l was azsi3ted by a gold headed bam
boo cane.
—Exem , e me. my good sir--etense
said the o!d man in a Manta bat you
hare an adranome of me."
" My name is Kid. sit—Kid." said whisker
acdo. you remember Thomas Kid—Tommy,
you used to earl him—don't you V
Bless my soul. yes. and so 1 do," said the
old man-- 1 remember little Tommy Kid
sure enough, and how do Too do now, Mr.
Goat•id. sir, kid—not Goa:!" said Thomasa
true. yon were a kid then. Tomos:v. l '
said the old gentleman. "but 11 reteeive by the
(pandit- of hair on your chin, that yOu slues
have bieocne a goat!"
Tommy stroied hie beard with his &wets.
and Went off without bidding Mr. Junes ** good
Tits Tarr Duermicr..—.4 friend thus slot
ijuently speaks: The true doctrine is
I if any can has ten cents in his pocket, and
owes no man anything, he is rich, yes, =cm!
far above-those whit. with all the cliental" of
iwealth and pomp and hollow-hearted fashion i
i are in reality poor in purse. poor in pleasure.
. Jetta s a man increase< in dollars he decreases in
the capability cl enjoying this life. And
hold it true that the world was made to be en
joyed. any that daily'. handy. every minute. I
would tint rive a 6g for such pleasure as
, springs atone from wealth. A man west hare
it is him. There is no blood . ins turnip.--bat
there is life in the dry pebble to the man that
' mutt see it. There is fire in a flinta and pow- .
der in a drop of water, if you will only take
the pains to bring it out. It is the internals
that make the. man. not the a tertalit."
Qrsiitas Scetrostos Ito,* Kns.a—The lase Mr. Mr. Bash used to tell this story of a banister,.
As the coach was startin: after breakfast
the modest limb of the Ilia approached .this
, landlady. a pretty qtakeress. who was salad
near the fire. and said be rocld trot think cor
gong I:alibi:int giving her a kiss. " Peered.'
said she. " thee most not do fit." "• Oh. by
hi-stets. I sill:* replied the bttrrister. &Van
! friend. as thou halt sawn. etre mar do it g
but thee must not make ;wadi= of IL."