2 O s : I I! • ' 4.*Trigriltnlciitaliteill f z ? --- # 4l # f it „,_ i .... jerVrllE „ , •„. „ ilo ER Witte vary many DULEMP3OII kids , monials of well-known and in soma .iutistywiciik matiuguithed individuaLt, need tfoi be again frefealail w End USII Of putk!hi s uk pface greater confidence. io, tltia noir Itiatlrcelebrated incilicine. the pcieilio,• . ißeration of which, together_ with the'. aiiidneas Ind tintrtlfeo.l , eth'esey in , reivaiwingall "vitSitnictien'soM•riestoting hlf funteramil deringliiheati - • of iffeStoraiili; fiffee'and otti- er di m gi s osegayl ' parkyinithiSreodi - eiretigttiiiing the siftatiArsitem. nptootlnie th'o'nitist" faittliotia lnial 1 and chronic &raw?, healing and.restoritig theiliteinif organs, with *as rit veMeht.a, coitainty !ma elteiphea render them the most *sail. general -and fitinittinizoili dine to ke,, found ~ „._ ~. ... .... . - . ~ , .: The great twit& of I pates„whiclilkivo J. - ee : a Made, hate opened I field fur war, and every means have Bern baldly marled tfo by, the old pia:vender* M. email these • go-ahead! pills. The first slander riapi. thins:. •.. ~ ..New-York. Jul!, 1844. . -4 . We: IlPhysiciatis . of this city;feel if our duty to • state, that we believe the {{,ills,. known se 10.. Sinitlea • BurF o C9atedimprpved Indisp Vegetable Pills,' 'arc amid) , coMpOieJ of mercury," . - .1. M. Mor t M.D. Pliy.icig 9, N. V. • " 4 - 8: Ha a•r, M. D..' do do J: W.llr:iTsa.l l 4.l). - 'do J. P.Asitertsos, M. D. do du. W. RA RT. hi. D. Prof. of . Chasvy, !L. Iliteimis it; kt:D.• ' dd . 14..80aai M.D. Prof. Mixed' Media, do B. M. How., 4f. 14.:Surgeork, N.. .Thjafratul was estensitely circUlated in the maantry ‘ before ir . tiatimba,the knowledge of Dr. Smith ; buf , :os' investigation ,it was Lund that , seyeraf,linge concerns had contributed' hundred of Volkrrs to 'put these Pills down, by the most foal means, and Dr..l3ruith Imme diately applied to the celebrated chemist, Dr. Chilton, and the Mowing the telutcr —— ' . . • ' NearYort. July '290815: I have analyzed'i box of Dr: Sinitb's Sugar Coated Indian Vegetable Pills, 'and - find that they 'deitot con: tain mercury in any font. Jacks R. Cntiiorr; M. D. Chemist; 283 IfroadWay. . ' • Male of Nee+ • . City and County 4 Xeia-Yark,S .7" . tzt Personally appeared hefure we, Dr. Cr. . 13enjwnfq Satith, and made oath that theravetnent.of, Dr. Chil ton above is true, and that.the r s Pills do • no' .contain any injurious salaam:a ; and further that be is the in venter ut..Sugu Coaled Pills." - - - • 7 • G.. B LIU &WM 1311Iitli . Swodl before me; lds' 13th day . orAhdu'st,. A. D., 1845. • ...,' ' 'W.' 'l l '.Viiimariti, Mayor. .41 - -This itikinirai slander being nailed, these agenti; '' th' a skew to introduce and palm Off saint icriitztion et lal ted reports that Dr; Smith did - not invent these PI As to this aliehood, we snly refer to the follewhig : Otith before ike'llfa:yor '!it '1844." '' State if New-York, • •. r • City and County of /Vito-York S 43 V ; :i . , G. Benjamin Smith, within named, being duly sworn.: deposes and says, that he is schism of the United States and resides fir-the city of New-York ; end that he' is the inventor of • Sugar-touted Pills,' and that — to his knowledge or belief, -the said Pill has him 'beam 'man, ufactured or sold_by any person except by hiMself or his authority ; and that the statements contained in the within pipet-are sue. • • C.liis.7.Bxvra. r ' •Bwom before me, this 14th day of June, 1844. • --,—./` - - Jasess Veneta. klayor of the city Of New-York. • . The above was sent to Washington, with our sped &atm sagi . applieation for a Patent. The followin, is the:reply ; . • Receiied this:l7th day of June, 1849, from Dr. G. Renjamin•Bmith, the fee or $3O. pais' on his applits. tion for a•patent for a 'pill coated with Sugar.' ELLEitswowru,(4orrupissiosaer of Patents.; Da.Sairrn takes pleasure in ptiblishing the folio*. ing card, froni the Wholesale dealoni on bath aides of. him in the tame bloat.'" ' • New-York: November 5;1845. ;`" WA are well acquainted . with Dr.O. Benj.Smith and believe Mot every gay entitled to public confidence. . N. Jlitchel, ltraelldourehous, John Johnson, - McDowell. Dr. 8; also Wen to the President. of the North Ri ver Bank. - We here append the eettificeteeAr the Gret chemists and owed the greatest surgeons in Neet:Yerk, iiviet7be Dr:iih. we year after be invented tie Pills, which Zan' him to be the eiiginator of Bagar Batted Pills t New•Yoat; Jane 16.1844 We; die undershyried, never saw or heard of 'Sugar CastelPink' until G. Seajamin Smith. manufaccunst and exhibited them to us about a year since. Rositroar & C0..110 Broadway & 10 Asior.• Isamu. :Rumpus, M. D. 86 Liberty-a. HosAil' Ey tsrri % 06 Hadifos-tk Joys Glynis, 97 litilisoc-st. Also, refer to Gen. C. W. Sanford, 12 WannumesN Y.% 4,8 -thrall & 0ck.,79 £u.ltoreot. and Pr. T. W Thr ott& oets,.of Philaa. Also hundreds , of wino: - G. BENJ. is Mit/SEIM the bottoatot every box of genuine Boger coated Pills. • • • . Allaogarteiated Pills except Dr. Smith's Indian Ve getable Sugar-coated Pills, are base imitations, made merely to palm . oB' on the unsuspecting. Therefore gassy& ask for Dr. G. Benjamin. Smith's Pill'. and take no other. Office l7.9:Greenwieb-st. (large brick block) near Foliar),. These Pill' always cure coughs and colds immediately. Price 2b wow per box.. . • • . For sale by E. H. Mason. A'. S. Chamberlin, Tow auda ; Robert Spalding, J. Holcomb.: Wysot ;. Rawl Gibbs, Orwell; C. H. Herrick. Athens; G. P.. Reding ! ton. Troy.; , authorised agents for Scullion! countyP 7 , - • There ire no-Physicians in New York of the shave monis, hence the imposition. A FACT. WORTH ICCOWING.—A gentleman of a ecuaruiOns ..liabitapae affected with Ulcerations the Throat'ana Nose, and a disagreeable and troubhuonM iseasecof the skin. Indeed his whole system bore the marks of being saturated with 'name. • One hand. and *fist were so much affected that be had lost the use of the hand, every part being covered .with deep, painful, aid offensive Ulcers, and his hand and wrist were as hot., low, sod porous as a honeycomb. It was at this stage of his complaint, when 'death appeared inevitable from a loathsome disease, that he commenced the use oflant's AL:sawn:ea, and haying taken itizteen bottles, is now PPPPP CTLT cured.—Pr /..inetEll. This ALTERATIVE 'operates through theteiredi: Cron snd purifies the blood and eradicates diseases from the system. wherever located: and theUotnerons correct diseases of the Skin, Cancer. Scrofala, Goitre, Liver Co nplaint, Dyspepsia, and other Chronic disesses,is sruly orientating. Prepared only by Dr. D, JAY NE. 210.8 South Third Street, Philadelphia. Sold by A. D. Elontanye To d*. Ps. JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE, OR PRESERVATIVE. RHEUMATISM.—The Proprietor has not,prescrib ed this preparation in a great many MOM' Rhettmanany but in every we where it was used until the eastern' became affected by the medicine, 'the disease was re•• GOUT.—k number cf cases of Gout have been cured by this Prepantion. one of Mese easel the utanbad beenntllicted with it so severely for thirtemyears, as to milady disable him ft= business, and for five months kw:l34oloy mmicoas to his taking the Life he had he hail been confined to room ; Eat before be had fin ished the third bottle, be wu enabled to walk about the streets. iitd mon allay retained his Iktsinesi, from Which be had been excluded by his illrietions. Prepared only at No. 8 Ekszfh.Thinl street. Pbils&l. Oda.:., tkltt by D moaTinu, Towanda. 6211511211--INIkZEte EW:stodt of,Droge. Medkinsa, Paint!, Oils,Mye - Stufrs and Grocerieshave just been received from "F‘Wir;'incr will be Sold very st No. 1 Bik.k - ROW. • ` Terms cash; tf. CHAMBERLIN. tfet. 1, 't • - • • • SPLENDID lot of Brush. BBL For end Sporting' "Mt a- Hats. also Oil silk, velvet snafu cops. tagetbes wlttk Muffs.ond-Bulislo robes, for see chest* at Oa. V. , - REED*B.• "AtIMINIORATOA'S NOTICE. Npricz is given that all persona indebted to the estate of.,Benjarnin Brink, late of ethesheqnie tp., weasel. me repiated to-make inimediate retyment„ and ill than tuna:aide:minds against the same are re• quested to present them legally attested for settlement. • -• .1); BMNK,? ,"e-, muir .. • BRINK, s netraloak Bitesketptie, January It. I@ts. ~nrc~i ~ 3 i 1 Ji 're;. (0 , ( LO P, 1 1 1 j, 4 „, Lmott • Rena - • 1 I>jß MIV/4114CPTING, a very bugs and very general assounlentof Fall, and, Winter Goods, atucktlity'afAagisigitilie no tibial teruis,'Mstaith; 'orapproWakeiedit.- ;• '' • 'Ankle stackleOfiiiiis of , ahtinsfeellrythini that one wishes tir boy.; -And - fat the hew& of i those whit wish to purchase werehtnifize of 'my. , kind, and want loittieWWWWlternidiptliej l will'ennosetaten few- of ,theinatiy articles dahrhase Wader • ~; Led* . 'shawls end black4%7RM • Gaits: satinilaygts odd teii:penny nails - c '•Coleind'altsar4lielitidies'. birmasta, and Gilded hats` for Wen ;"" ' Knitling,piniainferosir.biii; midis; ifnA vest patteitut ,• Bros t ' and alpaCcas; delitinelf(iiid wagon `" Pridi&) blue read and young ; lribbielhis and 'aerician pipes; Picket ; . Molasses and coarse boots"; Ladies' cot. hose and steel cornhoes; Ladirs'itight cape r foi sit 'Cents, and Men's sealetntsps for 123 cents; Ladies' linen hilkFit,fial one' shilling, and Plenty of English rind Swedes iron; altelzel India rubber cloth fOr wrings cover. mind Beatitifid 'figuird alpacitta for ladies' cloiiks; Ladies' bolas and muffs,' and limpblack ; Leghorn bonnets and stone joys; Black and blue ink end spirits turpentine; Lamleoil arid Oolong,. water ; Sweet oil and sarsaparilla syrup;' Blue:sitriol end best Java and Rio coffee;' Wafers and back shot; Indellible ink-and pure dry and ground white lead Looking glasses and cut tumblers; Tea kettles and black silk stockings; Candle wicking anal bed cords; ; Coat Buttons'and writing paper; • Shellside coml.' and corded skirts Bonnet ribbons and cavendiih tobacco Plough points and cap ribbons; • • Ladies' dress h"dls and stove tubes ; Assorted Needles, and best Nutria hats; Steel pens and shovel plough patterns; Plated hub bands and silk scarfs for ladies; Cotton Yam and wire seivei; • Awl blades and pin., :moiled sizes; 1-adie.' kid slippers and nail hammers; • Willow baskets and gimp cords; Men and boys' cloth caps and plane irons; ' Knives and forks and ark reap; Cast steel and steel - thimbles; Brass kettles and brass thiMbles; Beaver cloth kid cotton batting ; Pepper boxes'and shoe knives; Bonnet boards 'and slate pencils; - Carpet binding and inkstands; Coach lace and handsaws; Raisins and saw.mill saws; Seidlitz powders and trying squares ; Rubber overshoes and 43 inch spikes ; Sleigh bells and steelyards; Cassimeres and ivory combs; Gridirons and welting cord ; Whale bone and patent saw setts; Suspenders and patent door butts; Firmer's chisels and laces for ladies caps; Pongee handkerchiefs and hair brushes; Misses and women's hi. cot.gloves &hair brushes Cocoanut dippers and teethloyshes; Colored cambric and door 41;fidles ; Augur bitty and children since; Woolen shawls and gum Caps; Black tea and patent wheelheruls; • Moirocco belts and tea servals; Saddler's silk and mouse traps ; Bonnet wire anditone churns; Plaid linseys and sash pulleys; Patent blind fastenings and bugs, (a new article) Spoke shaves and door mats; ' Blink snuff and madder; ' Brit/Mania lamps and shoe strings; ' Wht. and bl.silk gloves and gun flints; Sattinet of all kinds and gunpowder ; Horse cards and satin vesting ; Curry combs.and fur caps; Hair combs and sash fastenings; •• Glass dishes and wool cards; - Corset lacers and trace chains ; Brass back combs and calicoes of all qualities, Saab cords and corn whispe; Coat canvass & padding and hyde whips; Furniture prints and. razor, strops: Table covers and Olneys geography's; Coarse shoes - and polished augurs; Linen cambric and anti leather; Hoop iron and linen edging & insertion ; Florence silks and brown sheeting's; Cap wire and copal varnish; Lin. Oil and Russia diaper; Blk. French crape and American door locks; Mineral knob locks and white lisse crape; - Chronic yellow and green, and coat binding; Indigo and ribbon wire; • • Cream Tarter and silk cords and tassels; Hone blankets end brass nails; Tea setts and setts teas ; Spirit levels and spool cotton; Towanda. September 19.1845. PATS 'S? 0114 Ce N 0 4 ,3 CAN'T BE OUTDONE ! PRIME underiigned are under many and deep obligs- OA norm to their numerous friends for the very. libe ral patronage they have received, for which we tender you many thanks ; and we have no doubt of a continu ance of your "smiles and favors" so long as we con tinue to sell goads cheaper than any store within 100 miles of us. We now have the pleasure of informing our friends and enetomers and the public generally that we are in miring direct from N. York, a larger and bettei . aasort: ment of Goods, that we. or any other merchants ever brought to this market, consisting of ' Dry Goods 4. • Groceries, Glass 4r Nails, Crockery 4. Hardware, Iron 4. Salt. Drugi 4. Medicines, Leather 4. Rah. Dye fr'oodakDye Stuffs. Boots 4.• Shoe, 4 , c. We gave notice in our last advertisement that " we had Henry Sbelden 4- Co., floored—" since which time some of our,neig,hbors have been firing theirlinkliop guns at us, but its of no use—men who have stood at the cannon's month as long as we have, cannot be frightened by such small trash. We Can sante our worthy neighbors who'have fal len sodeeply in love with the terms "fiksfr and "bluf fing," that it is our intentioriso long as we remain in business to always have a nese of Goods, and after the grass attempt made in 1342 to prevent our buying, we are not so green as to go to the city without • FULL HAND; which in addition to the experience of. one of our firm in the city trade (having been for some time aclerk in N:Yolk city,) enables to to buy goods cheaper than merchants generally from the country can. So just come on, all ye who , viant to boy cheap for CASH, call at no. 3, shake "tie ready" at us and you " are cauo v .it—"or tf you have a load of produce"give us the mak" and we ate tale you. .. For_more particulars look along , through the paper. . . . W.H. BAIRD & CO., No. 3. B.ROW. Toiriinda, N0v.25, 18 . 45.. „ MONTANYES .& CO.'S Cheap tub %dents Conntign & Mg* Store. FWlDlEabove establlslunent his lately been enlarged and improved,' and' biking replenished with a new stook of Fashionable WINTER GOODS, which in addition to their former large stock of staple Goods, makes it the most desirable place for large parchases, as also for shopping, in town. Their new stock con sists in part of French, Engenh add American Cloths and thumps, cashmere de MIMEO and mousselin de !sines, of the newest styles arid patterns; mindere, g-rode Swiss, pra pools deaoul and watered strip'd Silks, maroon foe lea*" skirts,. and ai new article of fringe ford ceases . plaid 'caritas** and Trukara'alsithels; and a thousand other et ceteras necessary to please the Their stock of Gracie, Bads and Skies. Hail Gila Caps, Buffalo Robe,. OifrantfPoirils, /ran and Nat, and most atheist that the *anti of the community re , guile. will be found well meted' and elected, and o feted to purchasers on as good terms or better than in sty of the neighboring villages -in the state of N.; .- Noi. 11' J.D. & - E. DAIONTANYt &CO; • .. ~. wbamri+Ac—_ra~.~rura?-- , r.rc.r^_ ~.,.n-. =I Of rpec!ipitcsctagendittres of di flote . : cf nwWcs..for 1845.:'• • • ••:', 4 RECEjrIII. Amount of 'dupfinite fotlEt4s ' ' Rift, af AlitittiiOnjOdiment ' W7nos IbU Ofjudintent EXPEND?' URES. W 0 f 4,0 i 1 ,4 11 by die Otreekcompkissione.rl individials over and abore their taxes 59 .29 Ragging eideWidke; he., 101 99 Paidit.L Been for work done in:1844. .:.1"75 For service* on special election in-1843 .• 3 00 Publishing wnnuel report: el 1844 in 2 paper. 9.50 JUSeilil kit Goodenough and _Vandercouk 1 20 Office rent for 1845 Ezonerations. W gollector. • • 345 D Wilnwt,councilfee . . 500' John E Geiger, Los warden, 2 90 Prothonotary's fees . 1.49 Repairing firs * engine • 4 00 &swing notices and stationery.. 2 93 - Collectoes percentap oa PM 22, at riper cen1.13.76 Treasurer's percentage 8-86 Paid J P Kirby on old Judgment 27 94 Burgess and Town Council, 1845 . 31 00 N J Keeler, borough cicrk 25 00 Borough Orders Amo u nt of outstanding orders Feb.lB, 1845 $495 75 order, Issued in 1845 253 85 Returned and cancelled in 1e415 Outstanding cede* Feb. 16, 1646, . Treasurer's Report. Received of Coßector, on duplicate of 1845 $275 28 A Martin, on judgment 15 00 " circus company 500 $295 28 Orders returned and cancelled in 1845 $286 42 Treasurer's percentage 6 96 Indebtedness of Borough. Feb. 16. 1846. Due on judgments, $ 78 00 Outstanding orders, Feb. 16, 1846 462 39 .Raseis Due from 8 8 Bailey, collector for . 1845 $3l 91 J Savage late collectOr - (note) 90 80 " Martin and Woodruff (judgment) 24 16 Poor Funds Balance due from 9 8 Bailey poor master 1844 $ll5 49 Amount of duplicate for 1840 307 22 Expenses in support of poor in 1846 Balance in bands of S 8 Bailey Feb. 18,1846 $220 29 Borough of Tomanda, as. We, the Burgas and Town Council of the Bo rough of Towanda. do hereby artily the foregoing to be a true statement of the receipts sud expenditures of said Borough, for thoyear PAS. D. F. BARSTOW, Burgess. . . N. N. BETTS, Town W. BROWNSON, Council. J. D. GOODENOUGH, Attest—N.J. K , Clerk, SOMETHING NEW ! JUST RECEIVLNG, at the old store, on the cor ner of Main and Pine streets, • levy doors below Montanyee Co.'s, and nesili,opposite No. 1, Brick Row, an entirely new stock of GOODS, which con. sista in a general assortment of Dry Goods, I Crockery, - - Groceriu.l Boots 4: Shoes, 'Hardware. I - Hats Caps, 4.e. Together with a general assortment ef DRUGS AND MEDICINES, all of which have been selected with great care by myself in the New York market, and will be sold an cheap as can he sold by any living man in this market. Ladies and Gentlemen can be satisfied of this fact by calling on the subscriber, at his atoms/here he will be in readiness atall times to wait upon all who favor him with a ad!. A. D. MONTANYE. 7 Wanted, in , exchange for Goods, either cash, pain, lumber, or shipping Fun, in almost any quantity. Towanda. November 19. 1845. A. D. M. AllIk.211EIESO• 111112LBURT, Jr . , superior cut steel AXES, • balls dozen boxes, just received and for eels at the old stand of novl9 B. KINGSBERY. Sayings that have become Proverbs. PROTIUM 'DIEST : ry i RAT GEO. E. FLYNT & CO., have the , tar gest and most aesirablestock of goods in Towanda. raoasaa airman : That Lumber for Goods, or Goods for Lumber, cannot be carried on aueeerisfully without detriment to Cash Bqtra. PROVRIR THIRD: That G. E. Flynt & Co. buy goods for Cash, and eel them for the '• ready." PROVERB POVRTII: That G. E. F. & Co. are 'selling goods cheaper than any other establishment in this borough. And it is whispered, and soon will become a proverb (although we hive been knowing to the feet foi some time) that G. E. F. & Co. are selling better goods and more of them. Those who doubt the abort, will please present themselves at our counter, where Goods are freely shown, and always warranted equal to eccommendation. 00' Look for the Savings Bank., IMPS, CORDS, Fringes, fancy velvet 'and Rib bons at MERCUR'S. 3TON ASSORTED IRON, just received, and for sale at dc24 REED'S, N 0.2, B.R. RUBBER OVERSHOES, of 'Bll sorts. kinds and Shell, far sale cheep at (124 REED'S. PANTS& OILS, Dye woods and Dye stuffs, • very large stock, just received at BAIRD'S Wayne County Ploughs. 4DOZ Wayne county ploughs, for sale at the Ea wings Bank. Plough merchants supplied at menu &clarets prices, and Farmers on the most reasonable terms. G. E. FLYNT 4. CO. July SO. Nl7. 5 Brick Bow. NOTICE. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers under the firm of H. Kingebery ¢ Ca is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persona indebted tl said firm are requested to settle their ac coounta with H. S. Comstock, who will continue the business at the old stand. HENRY KINGSBERY, . . H. STANLEY COMSTOCK. Athens Pa, Oct. 1. 1845. • ADMINIST ATOR'S NOTICE. ILTOTICE is given that ,all persona indebted to the I.ll' ' *estate of • Ws. orfroy tp., deed., are re• quested to make immediate payment, and all those hay. log demands against the same are requested to present them legally attested for settlement. CHARLES DRAKE. ANDREW MORRISON, Omnilhf, Dee. 31, )945. Administrators. BUSH. CLOVER SEED. jag received and for sale by B. KINGISBBRY. DYEWOODS. PA I NTS & OILS, of - every des , eriptioo, for sale, one notch below the market. sep. 24. D. KINGSBERY. RRUSHES—Hetr, Paint, Shaving and Nude.— complete assortment. at the ' Sep 17. CENTRAL DRUG STORE. PRINTS! PRINTS! PRINTS ! CALICOESSOO PIECES, which were bought for CAerha on the City Banks, of the manufacturer's agents, (rot at ' Auction, where an interim. goods are sold) and will be sold here es cheap as soy tnerchant (who bought before the decline) paid. • • . vide N. 3, BRICK ROW. r - 1 771 BUDHELS of Timothy and Yin SEED ab 'vr s ted in eschsvp for goods. at Oet. A. REED'S - I • • :TiON sEbtrxt, IizAtioNABLESUCVESS.": . . . . " " ..11:121 . .4 X llercur frvEthe pleasure of f ennouneing to, tars " , trigneOdental ; isles `th, fall, Gaye, rendered; It to tiorchitadatiothei .large Kock Of ,MIINTEHDOCH:O3.. whitlOlteieni 110 r. Fe: ceiV ins 'arid ,oterini telle ,Chia,; at; eeysh . lowesprices than.thei fda ksole nd'at ; any Other , siorp tornindin . Dish pnieltasers Ott griackfi can sel cnre . thelollorileig adviritagei,hy Calling et Our store: Fteirk l +The:Proeuting of their.,o9.3. et the teist eitila edvanceifronithe Manufacturer's and importer's prices; sionurioods are pnreluised from fig et nit Cash prices. SICOND:—Rehet from thee:ol . omi, which merchants .who, give credit must charge to cover losses by bad collecting fees, 4e. , z grie stock is very; heavy,entlitacing.almosie'Verything in. Abe lino of Dry Goods, Groceries. (I.iquonrexcepted) Hanlware, Crockery, Seep, Medicines, goipts, Oils, By* stuffs, Boots and shoes, Saddlery Hardware, Car rume.Trimmings, &c. And Alio', OW Kook of goods ismoch the heaviest in town, they were purchased so very low that they did not mist X 25,000, or even $l5 ; Ofl9, and our customer& can have the, benefit of our ad vantageous purchases;•as our motto is, “Small profits and quick soles. Nov. 26:1845, $462,30 $505. 1 1t t EEC LAKE NEW STORE $445 69 At Monroe Corners, with full Winla's Supplies, AT LOWEST PRICES. 111110GERS FOWLER has just filled, by the last trip of the boats for the season, his large and, commodious sew-gore-bouim with a complete and well assorted lot of Winter Goods, selected carefully by him self in the New York and Philadelphia markets to suit the.season, with a special view to the tastes and wants of his neighborhood. He respectfully invites an examination or his exten sile stock—which he offers at an Miariable cish price —comprising, generally, Cloths, Caps, Haw,Hosiery, Hardware, Nails and Cutlery, Crockery, Stoneware, Tinware, El ementary Books, Stationery, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Drugs and Dye Stuffs, De Laines, Alpaccas, Prints,Shawli,Sheetings, $749 80 286 42 $362 38 $295 28 in short:every variety of goods required in this market, of the latest styles and of the best qualities according to pricesoshich shall be sold as low as can be afforded at any other establishment intended for permanent busi ness. Full as his atom is, he has room enough to trade in, and abundance of light to test the quaky of his goods. LUMBERMEN, in exchange forlioards as Shingles shall have all articles at cash prices, for he has no oth ers; and they will find, at the same rates, in addition to his general assortment, s constant supply of GRAIN, FLOUR, FISH, PORK, BALT, and all the necessa ries as well as the conveniences of life. $540 38 $B6 27 FARMERS' produce bought at all times, -at good prices; and as fair en exchange made for goods as by any dealer in the county. Persona going to the mine for COAL, can save haul ing by leaving their loading here, (several Miles thi4 side,) at the coal-bed prices, and taking an order on the mine's, which, under his arrangement, will be other wise to their mutual adeantage, by securing to purcha sers coal at the most favorable rates of 'barter there, and saving to the miners the cost of bringing surplus pro duce hack to market $422 71 202 42 R. F. has bean] of pigmy souls, near Frenklindale comers; the ohl "yellow corner," whitened over like the sepulchre, and in some other dark corners, which could find no good inswer to the question—" who is my neighbor 7" but he has passed their reach, not cor nered yet, and he assures the community which has imposed rio many obligations in him by past confidence that he cannot risk its eontizinance, by stopping to kick off whiffets, or making announcements which he is un prepared to fulfill. Monroe. Dee. 3, 1845. PRINTS—The largest, most desirable and cheapest assortment of Prints to town, can be found at MERCISIttr„ t=43 It *rifted Goods. DE LAIN ES, Crape de hints, C. D Ecosse New Yand Alpaccas, a fine easortinent, purchased in ork, after the late falling off is prices at wro26. - MERCERS'. BONNET VELVETS, Satin, and Silks, with MP Ribbons to match, the best and cheapest assort town, at nv26 . MERCURS'. SHA W Ls—Every one wishing to purchase Shaw la, should by all means tall Where nary thing in that line from twenty-6ve cents up, is kept at prices to suit ad es of the articles; it is needless to say that it is at nev 26 MERCUP2'. HARDWARE.—The largest assortment and greatest variety ever offered in Bradford county, ust received at MERCCR'S. SAVINGS RANK ! Still Later, More Rich Goods. JUST received an invoice of the latest styles of Silks, among which may be .found Plain black and blue black, Ombre Striped l'on de Scree Camelion Repa with Satin Stripes, Genuine Polka Silks, Plaid Florenets, Plain do., Plain silks (Jr Bonnetts, a rare opportunity for those to purchase who intend doing- so as they are sold only a shade above auction prices at 0ct.20. G. E. FLYNT & CO'S. Towanda Mertharas, Indictment for "downright mur or. der," " selling goods too cheap." Tried before the people of Brad- The Shavings Rank, ford county. Ti' appearing brittle satisfaction of all the jury, (cOm posed Of all Brrdford Co.) that the price of Salt at the Shaving. Bank was raised to 14 shillings per bbl. the day after No. 3, got out, who bad been selling for 10 shillings per bbl. And it also being conclusively proved that the said Shavings Bank are about 15 per cent behind No. 3, in selling goods cheap, the jury without leaving the box acquitted the defendant, and'as theverdict was rendered, the crier of the court call'd out, Oh, yes! oh, yes! oh, yes! The only genuine cheap store in Towanda, is No. 3, Now, George, b-e you should burst up No. 3, Ishou/d LAST. " Fresh Salt,' nor even salt petre won't save your. ...head from Two sleigh loads of New Goods, juar received. at tiee: 17. BAIRD'S, N 0.3, Brick flow. SZWirdiLIIID4L ra. THE SaTrIIVGS BINS. MIMS action was brought for " downright murder," against the Cashier dc Co. of the Towanda Sa vings Bank, for selling. goods too cheap, and thereby bringing leanness upon the " Merchant Princes" of the borough. But, with all their vaunted sayings, hired witnesses and combinations, together with the principal evidence admitted by us--.(that goods were sold cheap er at Flynt dr. Co.'s than any other establishment)— we have et last come off with our " capital increased," and obtained a signal victory over these would-be 'law' and, order combinations, and curled dismay even into the enemy's camp. In addition to.our firmer stock o Fall Goods, we have just received Another Ark Load of. Goode, which will be disposed of as liberally aaheretofora.— Thao;hrewe have to record ; the airs tl!OVE111111, That George E. Flynt & Co. cannot be put down. a:r Look for Me Savings Bank. dea. IT IS NO WONDER ! . r 1 IHAT the Farmers of Bradford county are all trio ding at •• BAIRD'S STORE," when it is taken into consideration, that in addition to keeping the In. gest and best stock of Goods its the county, and selling them cheaper than any body- else, they have always barn ready to assist and encourage that class of comma• pity by purchasing their produce of every description et the highest pins. What, for instance. would they have done with their butter for the last two rummers had not" Old No. 3" boldly stood forth' in the support of honest industry "and dealt out description of goods, at the lowest cash prices, in exchange for that ar ticle 1 The hard fasted yeomanry are replying to the above, by coming with a rtsSs co perfect rush "en man" ! ! ! :oda cheapest store its Towanda. where "Bill Baird it Co." are always ready and willing to do the fair thing. .• Dec. 25. - • -Imam Ekon, . EB .02 'promptly and punctually render , his prof... - rTh eiould mamma is Agencies, Colledions, and other lanai in him prOfemion, elan/sled fa-his Cam Ogee in the New rick Block—went room owe the Post Office, entrance on the north aide. Nov. by =WE Flannel*, &e., dtc EIMIEZI3 NE* gtalikatiihNT 311c1ISEM;W • " L. M. NYE & CO., "wouldre - f - -spectlly inform the eitizerii of Tow: ends and the public generally,:tbat : E t / l it th ey have - on hod: &Manufacture f ri be-order ;all-kftide.of CABMEN t • - IFERNITURE. -of the besi mate -7.t dab, and workMutship thetcannot bestirrwsed.iriad&tiontotheuxual ** l e n t in country shops, we will keep rex hand and tilde to order SOFAS, -of various and most approved patterns Sofa Rocking Chairs, upholstered in superior style, and for ease and durabilitj cannot be ,surpaised even in °qv large cities,. Also, the half French. _Ma hogany Chair. beautifully upholstered, with curled hair, which never loses- its elasticity, and finished with the best bale sealing. We, flatter ourselves that having had much experience in the business, we shall be able te,satisfy alteduirely feel disposed to call, both _as to quality and price, and : by, strict attention- to business hope to merit end receive the patronage of a liberal coot. inanity. , , , L. M. NYE & CO. TDwauda. September 1, 1845. C4111.11 - IP7' FUE..NITIVRE MAY BE tiAD at our shop much lower than it Alas ever been sold in -Towanda: Goode are cheap,'and wheat am lowered, and that is'the minion pre can afrord.oll for to do it. All kinds of produce wilt be received in paynient. Also, LUMBER of all kinds. &pt. I; - - L. M. NYE dr CO. 41411t1DIEr".111FULAIIT/li* isurta. be lepton band a large assortment, and made to Order on shorter notice and fur less mo ney than can be produced at any other establishment in the land. Those who'are under the. necessity 'of,pro curing that article will and shall be satisfied. A good hearse and pall may be had in attendance when desired. September 1. 1845. L.. M. NYE & CO. BOOT & SHOE MAKING. • Kadin. "t, ,, .4104 wLCOX SAGE have associated themseves in the Boot and Shoe Making business, in the borough of Towanda, and may be found at the old stand of S. Hathaway, lately occupied by Elksimh Smith.near I. H.Stephens Exchange Hotel, where they solicit a abaro of public patronage. They intend, by a conk! selection of stock, and by attention to the interests of their customers, to make as neat and durable work as can be manufactured in this portion of the country. They keep constantly on band; and will manufacture to order, morocco, calf and coarse boots and shoes; Ladies' Gaiters, shoes and slips; Children's do.; gent's gaiters and pumps, &c., &c. • JOHN 'W. WILCOX, PHILANDER SAGE. Towanda, May'l4, 1845. FALL & WINTER FASHIONS 2Nlla 014E4g wirATcHELER & COREL beg leave to inform the Ult inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity, that they have just commenced the Tailoring Business, up stairs, No. 4. Brick Row, where they are prepared to execute all work entrusted to them with care neatness and del- patch, and in the most fashionable manner. Having jest received the New York and Philadelphia fashions, and with their long experience in the business, they flat ter themselves that their work will be made in a manner and style equal to any other establishment in the place. Terms made to, correspond with the times. CUTTING done on the shortest notice. a.f. All kinds of country produce received in payment for work at market prices. October I, 1845. riciMITSX-11 riSria2L?:l(9l.ra2s ) FRSHIOMBLE .7:IILORS, Over Montanye's store, next door to ?demur's law office, at the old stand of Powell & Seaman. [oel J. E. Canfield, Attornerat•Law, ,EUl5=3 9 LP.L.co WILL attend to all kinds of business intrusted to his care, with promptness and despatch. Of fice in the Tin and Stove Store building stairs. MEDICINE AND SURGERY. DR. JAMES M. UOODRICH has located bruise! at MONROE, for the practice of his profession, and will be pleased to wait on those requiring his ser vices. He may be found at J. L. Johnson's tavern. Reference may be made to Dra. Husrus & MAsoa of Toiranda. April '1,3, 1845. - Fashionable Tailoring ! GEORGE H. BUNTING would respectfully in ; form the public that he still continues at his old stand inn the west side of Main street, between Kings bery'sland Bartlett's stores, up stairs, where he msy be found in readiness to all work in his line in a style not toibe surpassed in Bradford county. Prices to suit the tines. Thankful for past favors, he respectfully solicitis a continuance and hopes by strict attention to bu ainciudand accommodating terms to merit patronage. Thb Spring and' Summer FASHIONS have just been recei d, and he is prepared to make garments in the most fashi liable' manner. Po icular attention paid to CUTTING,and warrant. ed to fit if 'properly made up. H has the latest Spring and Summet Fashions fur sale,. 1 Towanda, Mny 14, 1845. rillisters Alt Dealing Ointment. A new supply of this popular medicine,also a quantity jof - t_lle SOLER TINCTURE, just received by Oct. I. H. S. & M. C. MERCtTR. o*ooo POUNDS NAILS, assorted P izes, at sap. 24. MERCUR'S. SOLE LEATHER — first quality. " Comforters," a few dozens. 1 Carpetings and Floor Oil Clutha. Carpet and Cotton Yarn. , Bagging—en article unequalled for durability. Nov. 12. At the SAVINGS BANK. I. O. OF O. ir r becomes our duty again toannounce the receipt of AL More rich and valuable goods, which we are offering still cheaper (if possible) than heretofore. We have for cash buyers, the following goods: 100 pa. blk and blue silk Alpaecas ; . 150 figd and changeable goods, for dresses ; 150 styles DeLaines and cashmeres; 1500 yds. Calicoes—in addition to our former large stock—the contents of one box, just received. 40 pa. Cloths, all shakes and eoltira ; 15 • Bk and Fancy Canimerea ; 20' • Saline/Is, price/ Iron, Noila, Steel, any quantity, and Shelf Hardware abrindance. The "people" of Bradford county, have looked long and anxiously for the time to come when goods 'could be purchased at their real value. For the last ski months 'we have satisfied the Most skeptical, and wish by inform our friends that we arenot to close busi neap in the spring, as reported, but rhall continue to do batatfor the friends of Cheap Cooda, as long as it will benefit the county of Bradford. It is told' in this way— , We have, we can, and we will. December 17. GEO. E. FLYNT & CO: OLEIGH SHOES and Plough Points, (for Wayne .Cm Ploughs) at G.E. FLYNT & CO'S. SclLt LEATHER -4,000 lbs.--and any quantity or cow, Kip and Calf skins, frotn,the nianufaetoriee on " Haatskill meek," N. Y. We won't say anything about the price, but come and see at d 3 BAIRD'S. jHAVE GOODS FOR THE LADIES, among . which aro Cashmeres, Mousse.4leLaine, plaid tl'd and silk work Alpaca, 6.4 plaid Cloaking, Girdles and' Trimmings, to correspond, &e. 4t. sop. 24. D. KINGSBERY. • NOTICE ! NOTICE! ITAKE this opportunity to Inform all who are in. debted to me; that payment MOIST be made by FEBRUARY COURT; The sum due from earth individual, is small. but in the aggregate it amountsto considerable. I trust that a more effectual notice will not be necessary. JOHN N. WESTON, December 2.10. Late Sheriff. =MIMI 11.011 . itt H 1.1 11 Though they WOO( iiinr tan} down. ;ascribe' wonla n poblicgene r el y teeminglected a y e , 4 1 ' 11 AT Se tirEt4 sack, as CrW t eJlinder cnOibination . e q iPafti4 boiler coollt I ,No.f tl i kin g; and pram niin eke * .7 4: :with- anas k , ft ., . ' of am plates. schooko tim ; church stove* . c71in44 7 Oil . and Patio 1100 1141a.,i of which.will_ be. wild ste low as at.any other meat this side, of the Rocky Mountains, for rye, corn. pork, batter, cheese, and cash not t iff: TIN-WARE constantly kept on han'd, at WhOlerol it i retail, with stovepipe, elbows, stove tubes Of ci t y tin, patent pails, atone jugs: British lustre, sbeit l i. cut to snit customers, with Job work of ever, & I Q Lion in the Tin. Copper do Sheet_ Ito 4 manner. ( f o r a on short notice and in workmanlike manner. • • And in addition to the'above articles, he Cutle t 5 keep constantly on hand a goad article of rille ing Powder ; with FLOUR h PORIC;•bi t h. i s T,; and pound, ccidilsb; mackerel,. soap, candles, i s m butter. LIQUORS., such as rums gin, brandy, al whiaLey, of different qualities. : Tea ! toffee, p eppl, spice, salterat us, ginger, starch,eirties, mnasm Oa, s hytobacco, cav, ndish and Epp cut, candies, nat., g o. sins, herring, green sod dried fruit; cider, be e; we other articles usually kept by grocers, ell of *hid.. be sold at reduced' prices for.ready pay. Altars arA ma onfacturing Establishment paint exactly 0 . 11. 44 ye's corner block, but io the next building W e " the south side of,the public square, where prim :s .4 ing to purchase the above ankles will do' ell to a : and examine before purehasing elsewhere. Nov. 12, 1645. .D. C. R REMOVED TO No. BRICK . . Ir. 4. CEIANIBERLI.r. • ..... PRo RESPECTFULLY informs 6 4 0 .;- friends an be public that ho c 6 . 7, ,, a R , EMOYED the Thiel llea 1 , No. I, where h still routiasou / • , pt., terry on hie old businexa of , ~...,/:1": . Watch and Clack Repairk . , which willbe done Oil &falai% and warranted to be well done. From a lon elm. coca in the business, be believes that he will be able u render perfect satisfaction to all who , may favor hie with their pitronage. N.B. Watches warranted to run well one year,' the money refunded; and a -,written agreement et a to that of .cr to ali that desire one. CLOCXS.—A large assortment just received td for sale very low for cash. If you want to buy Jaimelet cheap call at Chu berlin a Watch Shop, No. Row, c a. MAPLE SUGAR, Wood, and all kindsor Cara try Produce received in payment. Towanda. Jure 18. 1895. CHMRS .2ND BEDSTE.IDS. . THE subscribers still contiln .." ' . let; then t n n on old f a d stt s u r s e .ta n n ti dd d . 8 k a e l i l .: o f / e ki h n nds .. d i5.,...:„ . .,A1: - .>. - also Settees of raribets kind, (‘k.~ BEDSTEdDS, of eren \ description, which we ail! , sell low foi - enalli'or produce, TURNING done to order. TO:WM.1'1;8 & AIAKESBO3 Towanda, April 23, 18452 SADDLE & HARNESS MK -AIL .1/EIWW lIIGIA. • 11T11 S 0.1; ESPECTFCLLY inform that they still comical the manufacture of Saddles, Bridles, 'Hamm &c., in Col. Mit's building. next door to J. C. Adici Law Office, where they will keep constantly en Incr. and manufacture to order, Elastic it eb, Common and Quilted &kik Harness, Carpet Bags, Bridles, Trunks, Collars, ralisea, 4.c. ke. Carriage Trimming and Military Work &au order. MaUrasses, Pew and Chair Cushions made on 'hurt notice and reasonable terms. The subscribers hope by doing their work well. mi by a strict attention to business, to merit a sham: public patronage. ELKANAH SMITH & SGN. Towanda, May 21, 1,845. The Last and 3lost Important !erica let at TO W.di1714/1 CHE.e2P S 7 ORE, No. 2; Brick Row. GREAT BARGAMS are now offered the pear) of Bradford county, be the subscriber, who is receiving and opening one of the largest and best ed assortment of goods ever brought into the village of Towanda. His stock of goods has been selected son great care expressly fix-this market, and as prices of ohs old credit system are necessarily - high, he offers great in' ducements to all who may have cash or produce to change for goods. His stock consists in an assortsectof DRY GOODS, such as brOadcloths, eassimeres, and vesting; guineas, sheet! gray, hard times, Hoag wool. seys, a splendid armament of Winter Shawls, hubs* cravats, gloves, hosiery, suspenders, and len thousand sr• tides, too numerous to mention. Groes rtes. Such as sugar, tea, coffee, molasses, spices, lamp and lin seed oil, a full supply of Liquors, such as Champqm Cognise and-American, Brandy, Holland Gin, Old nongehala whiskey, Port. Maileria, and Malaga Wile ALs o—C rockery-, Hardware. Nails. Glass, Iron, Lie , er, Boots & Shoes, Buffalo Robes, Hats &Caps, Droop & Dye Stuffs, &e. &c. All persons wishing to purchase goods aretraperlf unY invited to give the subscriber a call, and examine Its goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Oct. I, 1845 DRESS GOODS ADIES are particularly requested to call and ex. JIA amine OUT assortment of AU Mel Ornbre ash move, Nazarene blue Dela ines. winter balzarines, prints de ecosse, (last style) Victoria striped cashmeres, Que" Ann plaids and checks, &c., with gimpri c cords said . vet trimmings to match, now exhibiting at No.3,BrirX Row. We say they are 25 per cent. cheaper than era• dec3. BAIRD & CO. CASES HATS, and a large stock of CAPS.D °. Cr opening at the cheapest stole an Towanda—eirol body knows where that is: rick Row• HARNESS AND CARRIAGE A KITEZEDEIantgo • LARGE a nd general saamment Odle abov e cr• tides, compirsing almost everything area by Ng" nese and Carriage Makers, ,which will be mkt beer than the same quality of goods hail; ever Lees offend al Owego or Elias, just received by • sep. 24. H. &M. C. MERCVR HH'DS SUGAR, 5 . d0. Molasses bought ■ lan hinds and will . ba sold aceohlingly by W. HR BAIRD It CO, lio. 9, B. l , Terms of the Bradford Reporter• Two &Aare and filly cents per annum ; rEITT cedig deducted if paid within the year; and for CASH senl' ally in advance, ONI. DOLLAR wilt he deducted. thftecribera st liberty to discontinue et any time, .b 1 paying arrearages. Most hind? of Counts.' Paoestk received in payment, at the market price. t Advertisements, net exceeding a square of testi% lines. inserted for fifty cents ; imbsequent bunks. twenty-five cents. A discount made to yearly advetrbem Jos Paturiso, of every' descripkion, need! slid Ix ' peditiously executed of a nevaand fashionable tylb• Lanus on business pertaining to the office mu:deco free of postage, to snows intent/On. - al" Of f ice in . ?deans' brick building comet d Main and ad 11 t es, rap stain ; entrance 013 I b r north door, N CHARLES REED, No. 2 Brick Bow.