Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 25, 1846, Image 1
1t172 23 7110 71 1 0W.L5T1:19&.8, WEDNESDAY , MARCH'2S;'IB46 . . , That moment past, he sat down with a cold shiver ; made a strong effort as if , to command his reason, and then gave utterance to atorced laugh. .. o Ila ha ! See how I frightened you!" he said ; and then laughed that cold, unnatural. hol low laugh-again. And yet, half an hour from that time, he free ly confessed the matter of the horrid picture which he had seen drawn upon that blink, wainscotted wall, as if by some supernatural hand. But now, with the wine cup in his hand he turned from one comrade to another, uttering 1 some forced jest, or looking towards the door- Yes, while all was gaiety and dance and way, crowded by officers and ladies, he gaily music in the largest hall of the old mansion, I invited them to share in this remarkable argu whose hundred lights glanced far over the wa- I went : Which were the most beautiful woman tern of Champlain—here in this quiet room, I in the world ? 1 with the cool evening breeze blowing in their " As he spoke the hour struck. faces through the opening windows, here this I Twelve o'clock was there, and with it a font ?arty of British officers had assembled to die-, step, and then a bold Indian form came urging s . uss the wines and their favorite topic. I thro' the crowd of ladies thronging yonder door- That topic was—the comparative beauty of l waY• the women of the world. Silently, his arms folded on his war blanket, "As for me," said a handsome young En- , a look of calm stoicism on his dusky brow, the sign, " I will match the voluptuous forms and , Indian advanced aldng the room, and stood at dark eyes of Italy against the beauties of the the head cif the table; There was no lady with I world." him ! " And I." said a bronzed old veteran, who I Where is the fair girl? She who is to be had risen to a Colonelcy by his long service the Bridge to-morrow ? Perhaps the Indian and hard fighting ; ° and I have a pretty lass has left her in the next room. or in one the of a daughter there in England, whose blue other halls of the old mansion, or perhaps, but eyes and flaxen hair would shame your tragic ' the thought is a foolish one, she has refused to 1 beauties of Italy into very ugliness. I obey her lovers request and refused to come to " I have served in India, as you all must ; meet him! know," said the Major, who sat next to the I There was something awful in the deep si veteran, " and I confess that I never saw paint- I lance that reigned through the room, as the Wig or statue, much less living woman, half so 1 solitary Indian stood there, at the head of the lovelj , as coins of those Hindou maidens, bend- table, eazing silently in the lover's face. tog down with water - lilies in their hands; bend- - Where es she it " at last gasped the Refu ing down by the light of torches, over the dark I gee. o She has not refused to come !—Tell waves of the Ganges.' I me ; has any accident befallen her by the way? And thus, one after another, Ensign, Cola I know the forest is dark, and the wild path net, and Major. had given their opinion, until most difficult; tell me: where is the lady for that young American Refugee yonder. at the whom I sent you into the Rebel lines?" foot of the table is left to decide the argument. For a tuonient, as the strange honor of that That American—for I blush to say it—hand- I lover's face was before him, the Indtan was some young fellow as he is, with a face lull of i silent. Then as his answer seemed trembling manly beauty, deep blue eyes, ruddy cheeks, 1 on his lips, the ladies in yonder door-way. the and glossy brown hair, that Amercialkis a Ref- / officers from the ball room, and the party ogee, and a Captain in the Briush Army. He 1 round the table, formed a group around the wore the handsome scarlet coat, the glittering, two central figures—that Indian striding at the epaulette. lace ruffles on his bosona.and around 1 head of the table, his arms folded in his war his wrist. I blanket—that young officer, half rising from "Come, Captain, pass the wine this way" his seat, his lips parted, his face ashy. his ! shouted the Ensign ; - pass the wine and de- I clenched hands resting on the dark mahogany code this great question. Which are the most !of the table. beautiful: the red cheeks of Merry England. I The India answered first by an action,then the dark eyes of Italy. or the graceful forms of ' by a word. Hindoostan ri First the action; Slowly drawing his right The Captain hesitated for a moment, and hand from his blanket, , he held it in the light. then tossing off a bumper of old Mader'', l That right hand clutched with blood-stained somewhat flushed as he was with wine, re- fingers a bleeding scalp. and long and glossy plied : locks of beautiful dark hair! - Mould your three models of beauty. your Then came the word: " Young warrior sent English lass, your Hindoo nymph. into one, the red man for the scalp of the pale-faced and add to their cbartus a thousand graces of squaw'. Here it is." color and form and feature, ano 1 would nut, Yes—the rude savage had mistaken his I compare this perfection of loveliness for a sin- message! Instead of bringing the bride to her I gle moment. with the wild artless beauty of.— I lover's arms. be had gone on his way. deter- I an :Imes-flan girl:" tamed to onng the scalp of the victim to the 1 The laugh of the three officers for a moment grasp of her pale face enemy. drowned the echo of the dance to the next Not even a groan disturbed the deep silence room. . of that dreadful, moment. Look there ? I "Compare his American milk-maid with the 1 The lover rises, 'presses that long hair ;so , woman of Italy !" black, so glossy, Co beautiful ; to his heart.and " Or the lass of England!" I then • as though a huge weightfalling on his brain , " Or the graceful Hindoo girl !" I had crushed him, fell with one dead sound on l, This laughing scorn of the British officers the hard floor. I stung the handsome Refugee to the quick. He lay there, stiff, and pale, and eold.cleneh- I - Hark Ae !" he cried, half rising from his ed right hand still clothing the bloody scalp, seat, with a flushed brow, but a deep and de- , and the Jong dark hair falling in glossy tresses I liberate voice. "To-morrow,i many a wife ; 1 over the floor! - I an -Inazrican girl! To-night. at midnight too, i This was his bridal ere ! I that Amerman Girl will join the dancers iu the ; Now tell me. my friends, coo who have next room. You shall see her—you shall heard some silly an d ignorant pretender pitt- t • judge for yourselves !„—whether the American ! fully complain of the destitution of Legend, I woman is not the most beautiful in the world!" 1 Poetry, Romarce, whizli characterises our 'Se- I tioazl Pistory ; tell me did you ever read a ton- I I There was something in the manner of the i _di:ion of' England, or France. or Italy. or young Refugee, more in the nature of his infor rapain. or any land under the Heaven,, ' that I mation.that arrested the atention of his brother might. in point or awful tragedy, compare with ' officers. For a moment they were silent. I the simple history of Davit; Jovas and JANE "We've heard something of your marriage, Nl'Cans. Fo: it is bet a scene from this oar-' Captain. said the gay Ensign," but we did not I , ratite, with which you hare all been familiar think of it ! To-morrow, yon wilt be gone— ' from childhood, that I have given you. i sentence passed—a married man ! But, tell l When that bride-groom, flung , there on the , me—how well your lady love be brought to floor, with the bloody scalp . and lung dark i this house to-night? I thought she resided tresses in his hand., arose again to the ten ible : ' within the rebel tines?" 1 consciousness of fife, these cords trembled; •• She doei reside there ! But I have sent ; from his lips, in a taint and bosky whisper. ' a messenger—i friendly Indian Chief, on I " Do you remember boss, half an hour sec, whom I can place the utmost dependence—to I I stood there, by the table, silent and pale.and i bring her from her present home, at dead of t , horror stricken. while you all started try round I night, through the forest, to this maLsion.— I me, a.kieg me wto.t horrid sight I saw f— 1 ;Be is to return by twelve ; it pow ha lf p ast Theo, oh then. I beheld the horrid scene, that I • eleven !" I home yonder by the Hudson River =mount- i ; " Friendly Indian! echoed the veteran Co- ' 'to Heaven in smoke and flames! The red' . Inset ; rather an old guardian for a pretty 11°. I forms of Indians going to and fro amid flame l man ! Qotte an original idea of a Ducana, I i 1 and smoke , tomahawk torch to hand! There i vow !•. I amid dead bodies and smoking embers. I be- I I " And you will match this lady against all • , herd her form, my bride, for whom I had sent I ' the world for beauty ?" said the Major. etrarrrrrt.Stvrtzt.wrs.-=When I look upon i " Yes the messenger, ineelmg. pleading for mete ! if you do not. agree with me. this , -te tombs of the great. evert enaction of enve dies hundrederen as the tohawk clashed into er guineas which I lay upon the table, ' I As the horrid` ma picture again came h e'er his ; 1 1 .., t‘1n me; when I read theepitaphp of the bean - , shall serve a; our mess " for wines for a month i mind, he sank senseless again, still clutching , 1 u ' evel7 l icurmderate desire Pee out; whe n '1 to come l But if you d o agr ee ' with 133 e—as ; that terrible memorial—the bloody scalp and ; ~ ~..11e" with the grief of parents upon the tomb - I without doubt yon wilt—then you are te re- i long black hair! I —I33Y heart melts with nom on ; when place this gold with an hundied i g u neee °' I That was an awful Beurat..Ers.l' 1 lee maths of parents themselves. I consider , your own." I 1:4 ,: a1 ,,,, te : artnermg for those whoa Ise must i .. Agreed ! It is a wager !" chonmsed the 1 Fatraartc_VLLT ON HIS OraS `IIOOE- . %•.:rbe I 1r.." -- '"""1 . wheal see Kings lYing with those ' Colonel and the two other tamers. 1 Boston Journal tells a story of a seafaring I r'--- depose d them, when I consider rivals hid 1 And in that moment—while the doorway ) friend of his. Being in a place where rock- t " ; 14 'Y side . or the holy men that divided the was t h ro nged by fair ladies and gay officers. i pockets abounded. he lined his pockets with ' I vwith their disputes. I reflect with sorsow ! ettmete d f rom the next room by the debate— , fish hooks, ingeniously arranged so as to catch 131°)Illnentog°11,1,e„heLlittle, com petition , f,,,.,3e - 'as that young &lug" stood wit h one band i and hold the baud of any intruder; sad it 7.-3deb,...pnr-,,,,,,•;-...p. teed z. i resting upon the little pile of gold. his ruddy worked to a charm for it caught his own' r k e terdee sJ dat" °t ee % ... 7 r :": sCi.,lll:•l.l_.'''''''' some ``.... `, face became suddenly pale as a shroud, his'. hand. sad tore all the flesh from his fingers. : in less than an hour after be had set his trap to "' err . centuries 411 ' ' elm- t blue eve dilated Until they were encircled by a Mat great day when we shall all of us be . line a w hite enamel,. he remained standing I catch the rogue. , e. Paanesaral.ruke onraPPeartneetageth- i there. as if frozen to stone. .• Why Captain. what is the matter r cried APPVIS /LSD d'etwria's Tires,—+•• Say. Titsvro.llitrus.....,u/ ' b R ost the. C o l one l. startin g up in alarm. •• do you i Sam Jonaing, your a !iteratin nue; answer tbs us not at 01:1111 1 qty to ulitt it ten o'clock. don't wait for ' see a ghost. that You stand gaZtag them. at the 63' "Why am apples like printer'. types !" tow: said a husband to iris better and bigger blank wall.: Asa started up in alum. ..I eas dot op." .. 1 "Jan 1 wool." said she, 4ctficantiy: i Ttsaiother officers . - a. . ed v........ k . - ors, Mtn . i n *as t wait. but I'll come for you." He also asked the cause of this singular demeanor. , •' Ah. you nerneon.w,mten teeond at ten preetselY• . lbw st i l l g et t h e a p ace 0 (5 minute or more. the lestase there °fien in ru. Tab. gab !" - , The NMI tenets. We stand amid the 'fallen Young children at our play, And laugh to see the yellow things Golushing on their way ; Bight memly we hunt them down, The autumn winds and we. Nor pause to gaze where snowdrifts lia, Or sunbeams gild the tree ; With dancing feet we leap gang.' Where withered boughs ars strewn. No; plat nor future checks out song, The present is our own. We steal among the fallen leases In youth's enchanted spring— When hope—Who wearies at the list— Feu spreads its eagle wing : We tread with steps:of conscious strength Benesth the leafless trees, And the color kindles in Mt cheek, As blows the winter breeze, When gating towards the cold grey sky, Clouded with snow and rain, We with the old yeu all put by, And the young spring come again. We wand among the fallen leaves, In inatibootTelaughty prime. Wheel first our pausing heartihegin To love the olden time ; And as we gale, we sigh to think How many a year bath pus, Since 'oath those cold and faded trees, Ocr footsteps wandered lass— And on companions, now, perchance, Twanged, forgot, or dead, Come round uP, as those autumn leases, Are crushed beneath our tread. We dud among the Wen leases, In our own autumn day. And tottering on with feeble stem Pursue our's:beeriest' way— We look not back—too long ago, lath all we loved been lost, , Nor faiwar3, for We may not lies To see our new hope' crossed Bat on we go—the scar's faiht beam A feeble warmth imparts, allatxrd without its joys returns. The present fill our helots. Maple Sugar The season for making Maple Sugar being !el: at hand, and as very many are ignorant or retze:it of the best method of manufacturing it. from the samples annually presented ..:laaarkiet) ire have - thought it might be useful . 4 copy the following from the Report of the i.7,2,aintssioner of Patents (Mr. Ellsworth s) for :fit— . Rutlarid. N. Y., Dec. 22, 1844. Sir :—Yoer favor of December 4th was duly tthived. and I am happy to inform you, as far 4 am able. what you desire to know of the pmzess by which I made that sugar of which to: have seen a small sample. First the plan iad manner of tapping the trees in this town is wry nearly the same, that is.with a half indica !At-eights anger. and a spite inserted in the hole, it:.' a ptne tub to catch the sap from each tree. I zattter my sap into one large teserroir once in :4 hours, then it is boiled each day to syrup, vatm is about half the sweetness of Molasses. ..3 tr.ect taken out and strained through a flannel :A:h, and put into a tub or barrel to cool and R.Le for 12 hours--J use a sheet iron pan set a arrh of bnek, the pan is made of Russia eight feet long, four feet wide, and six inch es : is then taken out and lam careful cm u mare the bottom where it hassettler'., and v. in a kettle and heat it to 63 deuces. 1 t'-en aid :for 100 pounds the whites of two quarts of milk,!and one ounce of tlfmtus--the eggs welt beat up, and the eaters. I Cs will di, , solved—and stir the whole together / :yr:T. and when ,the scorn has all risen. ' 'ln mien off and be sure it does not boil be. c'2 hare done skimming it. Then it is '`nand cral it is done, which you will know be r7mag some into water, which if done will "tim a wax. It thea must be taken from the inn, placed in no pans to cool and final Film, and as soon as the grain is sufficiently '-'-' l 74c: I then pour it into tunnel shaped boxes main and after 24 hour's I place a flannel cloth - -7.1.`m top, and take the Ding from the bottom m.-11it it drain. The datum! clOth I keep Wet 'ma kto day. The sample - 'Which von hare train done in this way, with the addition of 'er4.repeated afteronce draining. Should yon v'rh for further information, or a more extensive please send me word to that effect and =in be cheerfully giren. You will please apt my thanks for your kindness. Yours. e. MOSES. EAME. Boa. H. L. Ettricomi. Br NEE .. •-- , , r., : 1.,..ri ,• .:,!, ~. I 'ii, -. ,: • _..../.. - ,. a • ..t. , -,t,:tfil:, r . :',:1,..,,11...,- , - .'. A - . ',...'._ ::•^:, ' - ^ ' , : ......,... . 1 0 1. - .•: •,.- , .t: ,- '..:t.ii . , -.-.‘ • t. . . . . t . tr. , . s' t.. 1 If: - .. , 4 t .. •.:, i i ...1 s 'ivt.i . . 1.1 , ~.. s % !if • , : --.; : .., .. T. . , , .... „ , . .....•_ . . , . . .. . , . . . . ... . . ; [Fim the Philadelphia Saturday Conriu.] The Bridal Eve. A Legend from George Lippinl, &qr . * &orb lecture an the ...Rolm= of the Revolution...! One summer ,night. the blaze of many lights streaming from the windows of an old mansion perched yonder among the rock■ and woods. flashed far over the dark waters of Lake Clam plain. In a quiet and comfortable chamber of that mansion, a party of British officers. sitting around a table spread with wines and viands. discussed a topic of some interest if it was not the important in the world, While the tread of the dancers shook the floor of the adjoining room. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY,* PA,; .$Y E. O. it-H, Ps. GOODRICH. ItgOAEDIEU OF DENUNCIATION MOE ANY . Refugee,captain ennui ibere, more like a dead man suddenly recalled tu life thair a Jiving be- Igiii;l=2;ll2l MUM • It is a fact that ground which is kept (on vegetation of any kind. will, pot dry up so much wallet on wbicha crop-is grown. There IWe many who doubt . this..butif they would make a proper examination. theif,doubta. will be remo ved. • Make an ciperimentake a piece of 'pound in the garden. and hoe it over every day. or often enough to keep all kinds, of. vegetation front starting. Sow another piece adjoining. with graas..or some kind of griin.' . After a drouth of two or three weeks, examine ,both pieces by digging into them with a spade or aho vet. The earth of the grass or grain plat, will ' be found dry like ashes, to the depth perhaps of a foot or more. The other plat Will be dried I only two or three incheattegoar that it will WI found quite moist. Examine the ground in an) orchard in a.dry time, and ifit is not naturally a wet piece of g round. it will be found dry to a great depth. if there is a tree io your cornfield, see if the ground is not much _dryer near it than on-similar ground away from the reach of its roots. The fact is, the 'roots of re.etation bring up the moisture from a greater depth be low the surface, than it could be done bysiMple evaporation. This may be known by noticing how much more tuoistnre is required to support a crop of corn when the - stalks ate nearly full gtown, than in its earliest stages. Now, from all this we deduce en argument in favor of dean. culture—than is, a culture which permits no useless vegetation to grow among cultivated crops t the advantageof which would be to give the crop the-whole benefit of i the moisture and other nutriment of the soil, stead of giving a porthin tothe worthless weeds. In dry time, we frequently hear farmers say --•• It; will riot do to work my corn or potatoes. they treed all the grass and weeds tp keep the ground from Arving up." Now, this. es we have Shown, is all a mistake—the grass and weeds make the ground dry faster and deeper. But it is alledged that corn has - been injured by plowing or working it when the weather was very diy. ‘l , e admit that this effect may have followedjunder particular eircumstanees.--.That is to Say. if corn gets too large before it is wor ked. injury may be done. The reason is, that the roots have become extended, an dthe plow cuts off so large a portion of them, that the remainder can not supply the stalk, and it soon withers. This is the way the ufireff" corn, sometimes spoken of at the south and west, is generally produced. But it is only when the roots of corn have be come widely extended. and are torn and muti lated in the operation of workin g it. that any such conseqnence follows. If the. crop is work ed. as' it ought to be while it is small, no fears of injury need be entertained. "ALI. RIGHT, CAPTAIN ."--It isiwell known to every body. that the captains of steamboats on the Western waters see troubled occasional. ly with specimens of a fraternity, whose high. est ambition is to trust to the awful sublimity of luck. and float on the surface of the occasion in other words, the genus —sponge." On.* certain trip from Memphis. upwards, it was the fortune of Captain G.—Jo be inflicted with one of this son."—The boat being fairly an. der way, the clerk, as usual, went his moods to collect the passage money, and among oth ers. addressed the subject of our anecdote. •• Your fare, if you please. sir." " All - right. all right, clerk; attend to it," said Diddle. A short time is permitted to elapse. The clerk again makes an attempt to collect the nippenees." and again he fade. " All right! I'll attend to it," wes the only answer. Mr. Diddle was forthwith reponed to the captain as incorrigible. it the eiptatn approach ing him with sn emphatic oath, told him be most pay before got the next wood yard. or ashore he must go. All right, all right! captain ; I'll attend to it," was the provoking answer. Bv tirne they arrived at the wood yard. and Mr. Diddle-giving his usual answer instead of the money, was politely handed down the plank and put ashore.. In a few minutes they heave in a fresh supply. The engineer link less his bell, the grate doors are armed. and the gallant steamer is ready to take her depart ure. But she had a still more gallant captain. who would not be harsh when it could be pos. ribly avoided. Seeing Mr. Diddle standing on the bank, the very incarnation of meekness lad resirnetion, he again addressed-- •• Stranger. you may come aboard again if you'll pay your itassage." • All right. captain, all right; tbankeel— I'm just a! Actrur." Tut limas lf Mechanics studied their own formation. they would learn many ca!- table facts in the science of mechanism. The human frame in many respects resembles a steam enfine.—There ate not only joints and hinges in the bones, but there are valves in the veins. and a forcing pump in the bean. Thestrongest supporting pillars for buildings and wharves. are constructed precisely like the hones which sup. port the human frame in regent to strength. beauty and skill. The cover of the head is sup ported by the arches to those of the am cient Gothic temple. The old anecdote of the unfinished building which stood many semis be fore x mechanic was found capable of carnplet ingita• fully illustrates the formation of the head. The original wanted died and no one could con surer the rot:futon his plan but a certain builder: who. when he did complete it. wondered it had been so long neglected :-- when." na he said. .* every man has the ea.= plan in the eatnte time of his own head.' Tors Anstv.---.Timoor was s groat Tartar cononeror. lo early life,. he was forced to take shelter from fits enemies in a ruined build ing. where be sat alone for many hours.— Wishing to divert his mind from so wretched a condition. he fixed his eyes on sn ant that was tarrying a grain of com larger than :itself up a dish wall. Sixty-nine times did the grain fall to the ground. but the insect persevered. and the seventieth time itauereeded. The eight gave 'num/. courage ai the teoutent, and be never forgot the lesson• ESE OM MIELCS Clete •CuliQ[e•>. M==E=M2 MI=M _ ~:~: • - the Witco Awls.) Thomu gllltf tbE Buket ?al. Tumuli Mti t ca .l looked at with no or dinary interest; he had just then made a sensa tion- in London, and was among die lions of ifis;' day. His story is sothewbit singular. shall avail ''myself of the privilege afforded' by this discursive sort of scribbling. and relate' the chief incident connected with it, as I after- ward beard them free) bit own bps. • I had read, with considerable interest. a work entitled ...A Day in the. Woods. by Thomas Miller the BitsketeMaker." and•felt not a little delighted with his vivid and graphic ileseno lions of rural and and forest scenery. Nothing so natural and fresh had appeared ia ClUf Mere me. Even Bloomfield failed to convey so, happy au idea of country life as Miller. One morning I inquired his address and determined , to call no Mr. Miller, trusting to the, frankness' and amiability , whiih pervaded every pagi of his book, for his excuse of my introduced my self to him. I had '1 long walk_ down St. George's road, Southwark, on a ditrusal. driz zling November day—and that was nojoke,as any one 'familiar with a foggy day, st the time of the year, in London; can testify. After much inquiry I found out Elliot's• Bow. to which place I had ascertained the group of houses, in one of which the poet resided, I had great difficulty in who lived next door to Miller, did not know of such a person—al though halt of literary London was ringing with his praises. and crying bine up as a oew. ly-found geom., Such is fame in a might:) , • metropolis I r At length. curjoquiring at a humble but neat looking domicile. I was told by an interesting, looking little girl, that her fathef, (the 'poet)" resided there. tentered, asked to see him. and presently be came down stairs. I introduced myself. told him I bad read his works whieh had delighted rue-by their troth• fulness, and much desired to see him before I left town. He very kindly shook me by the hand, and after some agreeable Oat, we made an appointment to dine with eseh other. at a chop house in the Strand, the next day. The story of his life which he told me on the latter occasion, was to the following effect. He wet born on the borders of Sherwood Forest. where Robin Hood and his merry men dwindled in times of old. From childhood (he was then about five or six and twenty, he had loved to wander in the green woods and lanes, and onconscionsly his poetic sensibili ties were thus fostered. His station in life was very humble, and at en early age be learn ed basket-making. by which occupation' he earned a bare subsistence. He married early.. and the increasing wants of a family led him to try the experiment of publishing some poems and sketches, but owing to want of patronage. no benefit resulted to him. He at last determined to go to Londcio•—the paradise of young authors l —thegreat reservoir of talent —too - often. that the grave of genins. - Thith er he went. leaving. for the present. his family behind, and lighting from the - stage coach.- fou rid - himself in the titrand—a stranger among thousands—with just seven shillings and six- i pence in his pocket. He soon made the Mel- 1 Baehr:Sly discovery that a stranger in London however, great-may be his talent), stands, but a poor chance of getting on. without the assist. ence of some helping hand; so. to keep body and soul together, he set to work making bas kets. In this occupation he -continued some time. occasionally sanding time little eon tnbution to the periodicals. -At length for tune smiled on her patient wooer. One day, while he was engaged in bending his osiers, he , was surptwed by a visit from Mr. Win. 11. , Harrison. Editor of die •• Friendship's Offer-, log." an English Annual. That gentleman had seen one or two pieces of Milfercend beeit ' struck with their originality. He found him' out, after 'much labor. and asked him to wnte a poem (or the fordicoming volume of the Of feting. • Miller told me that he was so poor then that he had nut pen, ink or paper; so he git some whitey-brown paper. in which itrgat had betrn wrapped, mixed op some toot with water for his ink, and then sat it - own—the hick of a bel lows serving for a desk, and wrote his well known lines on an .• Old Fountain." These beautiful verses being completed. he sealed his letter with some moistened bread for a wafer, and forward them. with MOT hopes sod fears to the Editor. They were immediately ac cepted, and Mr Harison forwarded the, poet two guineas for them. •-1 never had been so rich to my before," said the basket-maker to me. - and I fancied some one would hear of my good famine and try to rob me of it—so at night. I barred the doors and went to red bat did not sleep all night from delight and tear.' Miller, still, to his honor. continued the certain occupation of basket making. but he was notic ed by many—among others by Lady Blessine• ten, who sent for him. recommended his book. and did him briber:mull service. ...Often." ; said 'Stiller. -4 . have I been sitting in Lady Illessingtsn's drawittg-room in the morning. talking and laughing as familiarly as in the old house at home, sod, on the same evening. I might hare been seettetanding on Weetminis ter Bridge d between an apple teitderand a balk‘ ed potato merchant, vending my %skim" - 1 Millet now tried his hand eta hovel. Roy eras Gowest, which succeeded well, esti then another. FM ROSAMOND-4* read dilligendy at the British Museum, and was persereringl c industrious. Jordan wok him by the hand. and he wain - bated a good deal to'the 'Literate 4 Gazette. He is at the time I writri. a publish.' Sr* NIPRESIO street, London.. Miller heath- ' er below the osidffe herght. his fare is final and rosy looking. and he wears a profuston of ; light hair. Hest= astreng Noningttaimehire : dialect, and possesses li ttle or none of the '; awkwardness of a countryman. Neu so Wii- i Ham and Mary Howie. he is the writer on so-i Irid matters in England :. end I. am quite.sure. I that were his later weeks reprinted in America they would have an extensive sale. Weise 0( sit wow ltiletb ets—ash taauett Ws bow deo bead layith.7' ~,} ~ ;:. a F .: ~ , ME .M=Mt:l:l3 l 4fito MEI Fait tiiiiVottes.Wif find inthe hist Con.' gregitional Journal, Ouncon.l. N. H...the-foi-- eingular'ind wonderful appears to ttave'been.a shower ofemall ,WOrMe to connection with a tall of. snow. - The Ear. I. S. Davis. thr narrator: is the brother Of late Mayor of Boston. atida man of the mom ! , exemplary character and unqueatineatilit,verap ity.. kb. statement follows : ,?, . •As 1 was returning from Pierpont .on Monday. Dec, Ist. 1 saw on the snow which had fallen during, the ; night., what 1 supposed to be oats, spread broadcast; but not seeing my track in the snow: far 1 was the first that travelled the' road after the snow fell. my cari osity led me to descend from my carriage mid examine; when. to my, great surprise • 1 found_ that the objects. 1 saw .were about an inch long. lying on. the top Of 0. snow by hundreds ; and these scatter,ed along the toad 1 travelled for a distal/ea of not less than five miles. 1 would gray farther. therd were no tress near from which the worms might have been Shaken, and iftheie bad beer, and the worms had been on there.. they would alt hive been frozen, for it •had . berir very cold, and the grnend-was frozen bard be. fore the snow fell. The worms wetsaltve,foi they immediately coiled op when 1 took thana in my hand. They were of a brown_ oolong with about 12 or to lege," • Wlsritnaota Fuss.—Grr Saturday last. nab tenant Thompson started from Prairie do Chien with twenty-five dragoons, (the whole force of the garrison !) in pursuit of the Winnehagoeit.— Cape, Sumner alga arrived - on Sondsy with e ' small forci from Fort Atkinsoo, and proceeded towards Mnscoday, by the north side -of the Wisconsin river. The families inthe Klehapoo settlement are preparing to fortify as weans they can et Mount Sterling. At the Kackapoo settle. went about thirty Indians are taken. and Sr now trader guard. A portion of the Winoekra.t goes are still remaining on the head of . Grant, waiting like vermin, to be combat! out by a com pany of dragoons. For want of the regulars, who are . playing poker at Corpus Christi, are our citizen soldiers to have a border want their hands We learn that Gov. Dodge - fainter Museoday. commanding the volenteer troops. —Wisconsin Herald. 14th nlt.• A DECIDED H,r.—The Columbus coma, poutlent td the_Cincinnau Oazetts writes: %Vben the bill ut create the county of Case was under consideration in the Muse yester day, Mr. Gallagher before the name was changed from Cass to Pilahoolog, umted to strike out the letter C from the - name. - Hr.- Hibbard - said that this was the most barefaced attempt on the part of the member from Hamil ton to name a county after himself he had ever witnessed. Thereupon our member, though nettled, - was quiet fors short tiara.", Tim Earwax:mu limn or Airtmatis.— The Hon. John %V entwoith of Illinois. himself an emigrant to that state from New' Hampshire. in a late speech thus happily hits off the emi• grating spirit of Amens:ins e ' •• He had a friend in Ohio. Is !engage se it was on the:frontier. He bad been moving and moving away front the inroads of society until he had reached the banks of Miasmal:mi. and Was about to move again. He asked him hiaresson.- He said it was the dying advice of his father: . 4 to..keep twenty miles beyond . law andcalmel.and s doctor and lawyer were witt.4 in fifteen guiles: and he thought it time to go." Tat Oct it.-1 wtiter viii dayi : "'Cool(' the "treat deep" speak onto *WS tiles of horror would it tell—of ranted hopes and sudden deaths of bacbanaltart revels Oa shipboard, followed by sudden 'rid ran/edam disasters u left 001 a voice to tell the stgry.— Many a drunken captain has sent himself and all on board to the bottom. by his orders in the hour of danger, unsuited to the pardons oc casion." . Too Tees.—The time yras . ,when inditsTr was fashionable , and none astrimeil to pramiie it. Such tunes have changed: fashion rules" the world, and labor has gone out of fashion. with those that can live without it. ettd-these that can't—and until a reform is bad. tad in. dusts again becomes fashionable. we may tad farewell to many a comfon we might other. wise enjoy. TEXAS. is stated that Teas, is divided 4 to 35 eounues. Galveston is the largest city. and Houston the nest; Austin the seat of gov ernment. has a population of 1500. and Wash ington about the same number. Saint Amo r nia de Beau. the oldest town in the State. h.s the largest clarets and monastery in, the coon- Irv. and has fallen to a population of about 2300. • laud Wrr.—.Some company is helim4 di& paling Mauve to.qatAtars of reply, ascribed ecr the- lower orders of that county, it was rentleed. LI put ae starter to the test in. the person of a down aho was a pprozehmg them.- •• - 161,7said one of the gentlemen, •if the Devi true to coma determined to have one of us, whirh do Too thint he Would "tater "Ile lathe stire.""-- ••Why su ? "411termase he Mows he can ban: -your honor at any-time." Maattso 4 Conatater.—" rind. ° said alias te t a mat:waited fop. 1 know ti beautilul CITY tate who 'wishes . to male your acqualmariee.' t• Grad to heat n—hue giti--good taste— avert with my appearatter, 1 suppose. eh • lies—very much PO. Shit thinks you world make a capital phyarate for het POODLE 00G GOT 't:•---•• There's mere i 0 that fellow's head. Sam. than Too think." said Met of a sleepy loolieg fellow standing Thai may be." replied other gravely;••fest I din,. suspected he kat 'eta." A, Reasoe.— T We beard an , old bruer. the °timidity. advising t youngster to get monied --••• because. then my tiny. you'll have .. body torn °frier boon for you. Mies las p home drunk," • M==l q ME ME= ::