gar-Coated Improved jpdlai Vietibli fills. To TIIE PUELIC CFEIZES:CL: to the.: very many, . merr(t !nrcti moniala of ir,.:l-knotvii anti in same instances .11sti.pjAhed individuals, need not be agait) repeated to MLitt, the public to place greater confidence to; this now jattly celebrated medicine, the, pecolur ats..ration of which. to:ether with the unldness anifunparilleled ~Limey m removing - all oligtructionk and re.toring all funetninal deranzementa of the Stomach. hirer and oth• er cligodive organ t pail) ing the Mood, strengthening the whole system, uprootio.l the most immlioua local and chronic disenaes, healing and rcitoring the listCl nal organs, with their convenience, cestainty and cheapnes,, render them the mot general and family intali dine to he found. The great curiely of cotes which have been made, have opened a field for war, and every meant have horn boldly resorted to by the old pid venders to crush these gdAttead' piita. The fast slander runs thus: New-York. July, 1314. " We. 'Niplcinns of thin city. feel it oar duty to state. that WC believe the pill:: 6noun as Dr. Smith's • Sugar Coate," Improved Lndiau Vegot u ida Pills,' ~1 1 1 mainly curapnoed of mercury." J. At..!therr, N. V. 1..5. IfauT, M. D. dJ lb) J. W.lfrvymy, MS).- - F. ANT ERSOV. M. D. Jo da W. H4lll. M. 1). l'rd. of Chtndstry, N.V IZl•gri,r.. M.I. do d , ' M. Boar% M.D. ProfrMateria Medico, do U. M. Hui.L. M. D. surgeon, N. V. This fraud was ester.ively circulated in the count?c before it came to the knoi%lcilao of [Jr. Smith ; hut on investigation:n w;n: found that :4-vvrai large concerns had contributed hundred f riot/or , to pit these down, by the most foul mrono, and Dr. Smith imme diately applied to the celebrated Chemist,. Dr. Chilton, and the following is tho reAtilt : New-York, July 29, 18,15 'T have analyzed a box of Dr. Smith's Sugar Coatod 'lndian Vegetable Pills, and find that they do not con• Loin mercury in any form. .Itmr.4 R. elTfurnx, M. D. Chen list, 263 . Broad may. Pah. of IV•re- York: City and County ,f Personally appeared before cue, Dr. G. Benj.-unit] Smith, and made oath that the orment of Dr. Chil ton above is true, and thlt these Pills do no' i•outain any injurious substance and further that he is the in senior of • Sugar Coated Pills." • (;. BW‘i O[IN Sworn before mc, this 13th day of August. A. 1) 1315, \V. F. H.acexezcn, Mayor. This infainons slander twin g nailyd,thes, agents, with vices to introduce and palm off sortie imitation circula ted reports that Dr. Smith did not invent these Pills. As to this falsehood, we only fifer to the following : Oath before the Mayor in 1844. - Slate of 11e4c•7orh, ? ~- City tod County rf Ne tr.-York, m• G.Denjamin Smith, within nurned.being dole sworn. deposes and says, that he is °citizen of the UnitidSt a tes awl resides in the city of New-York ; and that he is the inventor of ' Sugar-coated fills,' and that to his knowledge or belief, the said Pill has never been man ufactured or sold by any person except by himself or his authority; and that the statements contained in the within paper are true. G. BENJ. SMITH 'Sworn before me, this 14th, day of Jane, 1844. JAVICS lIARRER, Moor of of New-rork The above was cent to WilAington, with our Flied. fieation end application for a Patent. The following is the reply ; Received this 17th day of June, 18-1-1, from Dr. G. Benjamin Smith,-the fee or $:10, r nie on his applica tion for a patent for a 'pill coated with Huger.' ILL.Ectswon - rn, Commissioner of Patents. Ds .19,urrn takes pleasure in publishing the fallow. ing can! trout the Wholesale dealers on htith sidca of him in the same block. New-l - ork, November 5, 1845 We are well acquainted with Dr. G. Benj. Smith and believe him every way entitled to public confidence. N. 3litrhel, Mourehous, John Johnson. D. McDowell. Dr. S. also refers to the President of the North Ri ver Bank. We here append the certificates of the Grst chemists and one of the greatest surgeons in New-York, given to Dr.S, one year after he invented his Pills, which shows him to be the originator of 'Sugar-coated Pills.' New-York, June 16, 1844. We, the undersigned, never eaw or heard of 'Sugar Coated Pills,' until G. Benjamin Smith, manufactured. and exhibited them to us al,ou• a year stnce. Rrsurox & Co. 110 Broadway & 10 Astor. Nutt. HA:contra, M. 1.). 86 Liberty-st. . Bunsen El-gni:re, 96 Hudson-st. Sous CArsTnee, 97 Also, refer to Gen. C. W. Sanford, 12 Worren-st. Y., A.B. Sands & co. 79 l'ulton-st. and Dr. T. W. Dyou & Sona, orPhilad'a. Mso hundreds of sgents. G. 13EN.T. smrrit is mitten on the h.)ttom of every box of genuine Sugar coated Pills. All Sugar-Coated Pills except Dr. Smith's Indian Ve getable Sugar-coated Pills, are base imitations, made merely to palm sir on the unsuspecting. Therefore always ask for Dr. G. Benj-imin Smith's Pills, and take no other. Office 179 Greenwich-st. (large brick block) near Fulton. These Pills always cure coughs and colds immediately. Price 7.5 cents per lox. For by E. 11. Mason. A. S. Chamberlin, Tow anda:, Robert Spalding, J. Holcomb. Ws's.): ; Henry Gibbs, Orwell; C. If. Herrick. Athena; G. F. Reding ton, Trey ; authorized agentsfor Bradford county, • There are no Physicians in New York of the chore names, hence the imposition. A F.ALT - WORTH KNOWING.—A gentleman of a scrofulous habit I;ecarne affected with Ulcerations of the Throat and .Nose, and a disagreeable and troublesome isease of the skin. Indeed his whole system bore the marks of being saturated with disease. One hand acd wrist were 8o much affected that he had lost the use of the Laud, every part being - covered with deep, painful, and offensive Ulcers, and his band and wrist were as hol low and porous as a honeycomb. It was at thi% gage of his complaint, when death appeared inevitable from a loathsome disease. that he commenced the use of I sva's Avermarive, and having taken sixteen bottles, is now P ERPEC TLT (I.llCti • —Pc atte Lcnorn. This ALTERATIVE 'operates through the circula tion and purifies the blood and eradicates diseases from Cie system, wherever located; and the numerous cures cf diseases. of the Skin, Cancer. Scrofula, Goitre, Liver Co ,plaint, Dyspepsia, and other Chronic diseases, is sruly asiontsning. Prepared only by Dr. D, JAYNE. No.B South Third Street, Philadelphia. Sold by A. 1.). Montanye "fo da, Pa. JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE, OIL PRESERVATIVE. RHEUMATISM.—The Proprietor has not prescrib ed this preparation in a great many casesof Rheumatism, but ita every case where it was used until theeleteln became affected by, the medicine, the diecasc was fe w:Awed. GO UT.--A number cf cues of Gout have been cured I,y this Preparation, In one of these cases the man had bee' afflicted with it so severely for thirteen yeare, as to entirely disable him from business. and for five months immediately previous to his taking the Life Preservative, he' hid been' confined to his room t but before he bad fin ished the thin! bottle, he was enabled to walk about the streets, and soon alder TetninPd to his business, from which he had been excluded by his afflictions. Prepared only at No. 8 South Thin! street, Philadel phia. Sold by A. D. Mow'. E, Towandi CAIiaRIMAIAIXTO -111 Evil eta& of Drugs. Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Snag end Geneeries have just been received from ,'ea Yak and will be sold very low—roll at No. I Brick R,w.. Tams cash. A. b. CILI.MBERLIN. Oct t, 1045. a SPLENDID lot' of Brush, Slit. Fur and Sporn/1n .g.• Mats..alm Oil silk, velvet and tor.caps, tepther notclrfulfs, anti Buffalo robes, fur Bahr cheap at Oct. tt. ' ' REED'S . ADMINISTRA.TOW_S NOTIUE, IIkTOTICE i• giren that afl pereons indebted to the estate of Benjamin Brink. late of Shealtequitttp., deceaied, are requested to make immediate payment, and SW thoso having demands against the tame are,re• quested 'to present them legally attestedfoc settlement; • D. DIINK•Z Adulinist' 1' aft* t. % .1. BRINK, 5 ' 5 January 2!, ISI • Sheshiguto, lit ., t o, w • ,• Jr' ig . . - - ,Elhott & Mercur, • ARE NOW RECEIVING, a very large and very kenerki diionalcut of Fall and Winter Grads. winch they jitter to the public on liberal wins, forgash, grain, or approved credit. ' Their stock cinisista of almost everything that any ono wishes to buy. And for the bandit of those who wish to purchase mercharulize of any kind, and want to know where to find it, they wilbenumerate a few of the many articles thhy Lave for sale: Ladies' silk-shawls and black tea-pots; Gents satin cravats . and len-penny nulls: Cabaret( satin. for ladies bonnets, and Glazed hats' for men ; Knitting pins and crow-bars; Carpet tacks and vest pl'itterns Broad Axes and alpaccus; delainet andwagon boxes; Printed blue teas and young hyson tea ; umbrellas and German pipes; Pock, t knives and loaf sugar ; - Molasses and coarse boots; Ladies cut. hose anti steel corn j 10 1 .14 ; Ladies' •ight caps, for six emits. arid Men's sealette cape fot 121 cent.; fmtliet,' linen hilla's for one shilling,. and Plenty of English and Swedes iron', all sizes; lndm rubber cloth for carriage rovers and Beautiful figured alpaccas for ladies' cloaks; Ladies' boas and muffs, and-lampblack ;, Leghorn bonneta and stone jugs; Black and blue ink and spirits turpentine ; Lamp oil and Colange water ; Sweet nil and sarsaparilla syrup: Blue r driol end best Java and Rio coffee; Wsfers and buck shot; fret, We ink arid pure dry and ground white lead Linking eases :A and cut tumblers; Tea kettles and black silk stockings; Candle wicking and bed cords; ; Coat Button: , and writing paper ; side combs and corded skirts Bonnet ribbons and cavendish tobacco ; Plough paints and cap ribbons; Ladies dress anti stove tubes ; Assorted Needles, and best Nutria hats; Steel pens and shovel plough patterns; Plated hub bands and silk scarfs for ladies ; Cotton 'f aut and wire seises; An! blades and pins, assorted sizes; Ladies' kid slippers and nail hammers; %;'illow baskets and gimp cords: Men and buys cloth caps and plane irons; Knives arid forks and ark tarp Cast steel and steel thimbles; Brass kettles rind brass thimbles; Beaver cloth and cotton batting ; Pepper boxes and shoe knives; Bonnet hoards and slate pencils; Carpet binding and inkstands; Coach lace and handsaws; • Raisins and saw-mill saws ; Seidlitz powders and trying square. ; Lubber overshoes and 4i inch spikes; Sleigh bells and steelyards; Casidmerea and ivory comb's; Gridirons and welting cord 4 Whale Mine and patent saw setts; Suspenders and patent door butts; Firmer's chisels and lacesi for ladies' caps; Pongee handkerchiefs and hair brushes; Misses and women's M. cot.gloves & hair brushes; Cocoanut dippers and teeth brushes; Colored cambric and door handles ; Augur bias and children shoes: Woolen shawls and gum caps; Black tea and patent wheelheads; Morrwrco belts and tea servers; Saddler's silk and mouse traps ; Bonnet wire and stone churns; Plaid tinsels and sash pulleys; Patent blind fastenings end Buts, (a new article) Spoke shaves and door mats; Black snuff and madder; Brittannia lamps and shoe strings; Wht. and glot es and gun flints; Sattinet of all kinds and gunpowder; Horse cards and satin vesting; Curry combs and fur raps; Hair combs and sash fastenings; -Glass dishes and wool cards; Corset lacers and trace chains; Brass back combs and calicoes of all qualities, Sash cords and cam whisps; Coat canvass & padding and hyde whips; Furniture prints arid razor strops: • Table covers and Olneys geography's; Coarse shoes and polished augurs; Linen cambric and sole leather; , • Hoop iron and linen edging & insertion ; Florence silks and brown sheetings ; .Cap wire and copal varnish , Lin. Oil and Russia diaper; Blk. French crape and American door locks; Mineral knob locks and white base crape; ' Chronic yellow and green, and coat binding; indigo and ribbon wire; Cream Tarter and silk cords and tassels; Horse blankets and brass trails.; Tea setts and setts teas ; Spirit levels and spool cotton; Towanda, September r 9, 1845. P TENT Orrir.c NO. 3 CAN'T BE OUTDONE ! ITIEHE unch7Nigned are under many and deep align- C lions to their numerous triends for the very libe ral patronage they have received, for which we tender you many thanks ; and we have no doubt of a continu ance of your . ..vailea and furors" no long as we con tinue to sell goods cheaper than any ate within IVO mils of us. irVe now have the pleasure of informing our friends and customer-. and the public generally that we are re ceiving direct from . York, a larger and better assort ment of Goods. that we. or any other merchants ever brought to thts market, consisting of Dry Goods d• Groceries, Glass 4• Nails, Crockery 4. Hardware, Iron 4- Stilt. Drugs Jledirines, Leather 4- Fish, Dye troods4- Dye S.T . ffy, I Boots fic• Shoes We gave notice in our last advertisement that. , we had Henry She!den 4- Co., floored—" since which time some of our neighbors have been firing their little pop guns at us, but its of no use—men who have stood at the cannon's mouth as long as we have, cannot be frightened by such small trash. We can assure our worthy neighbors who have fal len so deeply in love with the terms "blaff"and "bluf fing," that it is our intention so long as we remain in business to always have a ?Lego of Goods. and after the gross attempt made in 1842 to prevent our buying. we aro not so green as to go to the city without a FULL H.kND, which in addition to the experience of one of our firm in the city trade (having been for some time a clerk in N. York city,) enables us to buy goods cheaper than merchants generally from the country can. So just corns on, all ye who want to buy cheap for CASH, call at no. 3, shake " the ready "at us and you "are caught—" or if you have a load of produce "gire ua the wink" and we ate eerier you. For LIMO particulars look along through the paper. W.H.DA IRO & CO., No. 3. B. Row. Towanda, N0..25, 1845. MONTANYES & COI'S Cheap Cash Wholesale Contrahelot) k Jobbing Store. /WOE aboveestabrishmenkhaa lately been enlarged end improved, and is being replenished with a new stock of 'Fashionable WINTER GOODS, which in addition to their farmer large stock of staple Goods, makes it the most desirable place for large purchases, as also for shopping. in town. Their new stock con sists in part of French, English and American Cloths and Satinetts, cashmere de ecosse and motusselin de !Auer, of the newest styles end patterns, ainchew, out• bre, gm de Swim, tlg'd pouh de semi and Watered atrip'd Silks, marcinn far ladies` skirts, and a new article of fringe for dreams; Plaid eashincre and Tinkers shawls, and, a, thousand mthet 'et cetera nixouttsiy to Please the ladies. Their gook of Grniesies, Boots and nos?, Huh and Caps. Buffalo Robot. Oibtoid Paints, bon and Nails, 1 0 1 most arti cles that ; the trants.of the community re. quires wili be found.arellesemted.aud selected, and'oA feral to purchasers 6u mrgood,itornui or better than in sly of the neighboting tillages in the state of N.'Y. • .No DAD E :D.•/iO,NTANYE 4 1 / 4 . CO. WHIG ALMAN4CI for ISROasneeePrel4 'told for sale by -1. " • • l ,•-1"MEROCRS` LIBT OF LETTERS ; remaining in the P 0. et Athens, December 31, 1845. Richard H Benson 2 8 8 Hoyt John Barnum Oliver Ellsworth Wm Briggs Chas Hopkins Charles Benedict Geo Kiff Sam'l Chandler Mary K 'Rogers D G Newton Nancy Rice trarrisson ern.% Albert N Joseph Clapp Joseph Furgersou Ceara° Carlis Chas 13. Stuart Wm Edward Henry Salo Philip Frederic Isaac Springsteen Ethan S Fox Pitney Snyder Horace C Gallup Ira Sottel Edwd Hurthud !Ms Snyder Mrs Hannah Anna Spalding John A Udell , John Sweet Mrs Deborah McDowell Nelson Tuttle M C Merchant David Watkins Esther Miarna Morris E Wilcox F. McDutlie Jane P Wheeler Israel S Mead Daniel M Wilson H T Melicorge Melissa Wheeler David Playfoot N F Wynkoop Lorenzo D Wheeler Wm Welke] Wm H Will,nu 3 C. H. HEDRICK, P. M Nancy Park .11 , e1 P.estoi Nzra Preston IHST Or LETTERS, remaining in the P 0. at Tuwwida, Dec. 31, 1813. Acid Wut B Johnston Henry Agney Mary Miss 2 Ketchum John F Bowman .1 Knapp Charles M Bowman A R Ladd C K Bishop Eliza Mks 2 ',miller Elizabeth Miss Barlow Frederick IC Lane, Bricklayer Bull Win 11 Law Andrew Balch John Meredith J 1) 3 Bailey Jeremiah Morgan Wm Brostuon John Mead Daniel Cummings Harry Mare Abram Crimmins D en ni d M'Kule Richard Curtis Lawrence Ithrwin E C Carter John McGuyre John Gustolo Edward Murdock ti a t u 'l Carpenter Elisha Overton Wit, Carman Charles ()Riley T B Comyns James Peckham 1) L. Collector of Brad. t! , ,. Pay met W B Decker Perinilly Miss Potter Rev. Alonzo Decker Parinelia Pierce James Decker VY m Quypeiney Nicholas Decker James Salsbury Seth Col. Dodge Oliver Smith Samuel H Etheridge Isaac D Smith Almira Alie Eveland Ahrinw Sanford Diane! Eggleston Daniel Shewit George N Emery A • Scott George Foreman Daniel Seely Reuben C Guyer E Saptee Win Gregg Frances Thayer Marvin Goodwin Benjamin Taylor George Gilbert Elmer I "pi ight Jes M Hoff John Van Seiver Hiram Hall D R Wattles James 2 2 Hutchinson Francis n 2 Wilson Thomas M Ilagar Daniel Whitney Mary Hine Henry W Willams David Hackley Andrew J Williams Georg Hathaway J Wood Saral H Hollenhack Peter Wiggins Janice A. S. CHAMBERLIN, P.M --- SOILETHING NEW ! JUST RECEIVING, at the old store, on the cor ner of Main and Pine streets, a few doors below Montanyes .4- Co.'s, and nearly opposite No. I, Brick How, an entirely new stock of GOODS, which con sists in a general assortment of Dry Goode, Crockery, Groceries, Boots 4- Shoes, Hardware. - Hats Cops, Sr.. Together with a general assortment of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, all of which have been selected with great care by myself in the New York market. and will be sold as cheap as can be sold by any living man in this market Ladies and Gentlemen can be satisfied o this fact by calling on the subscriber, at his store. where he will be in readiness at all times to wait upon all who favor him with a call. A. I). MO.NTAN YE. icy Wanted, in exchange for Goods, either, cash, grain, lumber, or shipping Furs, in-almost any quantity. Towanda, November 19, 1845. A. D. M. JUL :lac': Mb-1 Lekiio RPHI:ELBERT, Jr., superior cast steel AXES, • half a dozen boxes, just received and for ...Ile at tLe old stand of novl9 B. KING:SEERY'. Sayings that have become Proverbs. PROS - ERIS FI UST: Till-IAT GEO. E. FLIC.NT & CO., bare the ler gest and most desirable stork of goods in Towanda PILO% ERLI SECOND: That Lumber for Goods. or Goods Gtr Lumber, cannot Inc carried on successfully without detriment to Cash Buyers.. yens." rouvErt it G. E. Flynt & Co. buy goods for Cosh, and sell Rum fur the ready." I=ll That G. E. F. & Co. are sidling goods cheaper than any other establishment in this borough. Arid it is whispered, and soon will become a proverb (although we have been knoskieg to the (act for some time) that G. E. F. di. Co. are selling Geller goods and resort of them. Those Ole doubt the abort. will please present themselves at our counter, where Goods are freely shown, and always warranted equal to recommendation. fry. Look for the Savings Bunk. Arl IMPS, CORDS, Fringes, fancy velvet and Rib lux. bons at MERCUR'S. 0 TON ASSORTED /RON, jut received, and for 101) sale, at dr24 REED'S, No. 2, B.R. RUBBER' OVERSHOES', of all sorts, kinds and sizes, for sale cheap nt .124 REED'S. & Ofl.s. Dye woods and Dye stiffs, a very large stock. just received at BA MPS Wayne County Plonglis, z-A-DOZ NVayne county ploughs, for sale nt the sa sings flank. Plough merchants supplied at manu facturers prices, and Farmers on the moot reasonable terms. G. E. FLYNT 4. CO. July $O. No. 5 Brick Bow. NOTICE. rola, Copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers under the firm of H. Kingsbery 4 Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persona Indebted PI said firm are requested to settle their ac mounts with H. S. Comstock, who will continue the business at the old stand. HENRY KINGSBERY, H. STANLEY COMSTOCK. Athens Ps., Oct. I, 1845. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is given that all persona indebted to the 1 . 11 estate of Wm. KN a, of Troy tp., dee'd., are re quested to make immediate payment, and all those hav ing demands against the same are requested to present theca legally attested for settlement. CHARLES DRAKE, ANDREW MORRISON, Granville, Dec. 31. IRI3. Administrators. BUSH. CLUIE received (W SEED. just SW and for solo by B. KINGSBERY. 1111YEWOODS, PAINTS & OILS, of every des cription, for sale, one notch below the market. sep. 24. B. KINGSBERY. Me RUSHES—Hair, Paint, Shaving and Nails— '!" complete assortment, nt the Sep 17. CENTRAL I)RM STORE. PRINTS! PRINTS! PRINTS? CALICOES-500 PIECES, which were bought for Checks on fhe City flanks, of the manufacturer's agents, (rot at 'Auction,' where all inferior goods are sold) and will be sold here as cheap as acy merchant (who bought before the decline) paid. rde N. 3. BRICK ROW. 00SBUSHELS of Timothy and Flax SEED, wanted in exchange for goods, at REED'S CAUTION MrWIFE. MARY, having left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation, I there farts forbid all persons harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no &Me of her contracting. ELLIOTT HUELBERT. Smithfield, February 4, 1816. "HONORABLE EXERTION SECURES REASONABLE SUCCESS." H. S. & 317 C. Mercur, 'HAVE the pleasure of announcing to the public, that their unprecedented heavy sales this fall, have rendered it necessary to purchase another large stock of WINTER GOODS, which they are now re • ce4bing and offering for cash at wholesale or retail, at much lower prices than they can be found at any other store is Towanda. Cash ,purchaser, of goods can se cure the following advantages by calling at our store: Fruit —The procuring of their goods at the least pos sible advancefrom the manufacturer's and importer's prices, as our goods are purchased from first hands, at net cash prices. StCtIN n—Relief from the extra prices, which merchants who give credit must charge to cover losses by bad debts. collecting fees,-4c. Our stock is very heavy,embracing alined everything in the hoe of Dry Goods, Groceries, (Liquorsexcepted) Hardware, Crockery, Drugs • Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye stuffs, Boots and shoes, Saddlery Hardware, Car riage •4'rimmings, &c. And altho' our stock of goods is much the heaviest in town, they were purchased so very low that they did not cost $25,000, or even $15.- 000, and our customers can have the benefit of our ad vantageous purchasisoas our motto •"Small profits and quick wies. Nov. 26.1845. LARGE NEW STORE At Monroe Corners, with full Winter's Supplies, AT LOWEST PRICES ROGERS FOWLER has just filled, by the last trip of the boats for the season, his large and commodious Lew-store-house with a complete and well-, assorted lot of Winter Goods, selected carefully by him self in the New York and Philadelphia markets to suit the season, with a special view to the tastes and wants of his neighborhood. He respectfully invites on examination or his ellen. sire stock—which he offers at an invariable cash price —comprising, generally, ~._ Cloths, Caps, Hats, Hosiery, Hardware, Nails and Cutlery, Crockery, Stoneware, Tinware, El ementary Books, Stationery, Staple and ..! Fancy Dry Goods, Drugs and Dye .... e ..-: :7-1 Stuffs, De Laines. Alpaccas, Prints,Shawls,Shretings, Flannel+, &c., &c. in short, every variety of goods required in this market, of the latest styles and of the best qualities according to prices, which shall be sold as low as can he afforded at any other establishment intended for permanent busi ness. Full as his store is, be has room enough to trade in, and abundance of light to test the q u ality of his goods. LUMBERMEN, in exchange for Boards or Shingles vtisli have ail article's at cash prices, for he has no oth. era; and they will find, at the same rates, in addition to his general assortment, a constant supply of GRA IN, FLOUR, FISH, PORK, SALT, and all the necessa ries as well na the conveniences of life. FARMERS' produce bought at all times, at good prices, and as fair an exchange made for goods as by any dealer in the county. Persons going to the mine for COAL, can savehaul ing by leaving their loading here, (several miles this side,) at the coal-bed prices, and taking an order on the mineivi, which, under his arrangement, will be other wise to their mutual advantage, by securing to purcha sers coal at the most favorable rates of barter there, and saving to the miners the cost of bringing surplus pro duce back to market. N. F. has heard of pigmy souls, near Franklindale corners, the old "yellow corner," whitened over like the sepulchre, sod in some other dark corners, which could find no good answer to the question—"toko is my neighbor?" but he has passed their reach, not cor nered yet, and be assures the community which has imposed so many obligations in him by past confidence that be cannot risk its continuance, by stopping to kick oli whilfets, or making announcements which he is un prepared to fulfill. Monroe, Dec. 3, 1945. XII)IIINTS—The lamest, most itesirahlc and cheapest amortment of Prints in town, can he found at 7iTERI;I7RS`. li orsted Goods. AU DE LAINES, Crape de latneg, C. D Ecogge IV • and Alpaceag, a fine aggortrnent, purchati,ed in New York, after the late falling off in prices at nvo26. MERCURS'. Of ET VELVETS, Satins and Milks, with 'I ` Ribbons to match, the beat and cheapest absort- town, at nv26 fICUIZS'. HA I:l.S4—very ex wishing to purchase Shawls. i. 7 7 .9 should by all mean.. call where every thing in thut line from twenty-five cents up, iv kept at prices to suit ud es of the articles; it is needless to say that it is at nes 26 MERCURS'. lIA. RUBY ARIII—The largest assortment and greatest variety ever offered in Bradford county, usst received at 111EIZCIAVS. SAVINWi BANK ! Still Later, More Rich Goods iICST received an invoice of the latest styles of Silks, CP among- which may be found Plain black and blue black, Ouitire Striped Pon de lt.ol'e Catnelion Reps with satin Stripe , , Genuine Polka Silks, Plaid Florences, Plain do.. Plain silks' flir llounetts, a rare opportunity for those to port hase who intend doing so LIS they are sold only a shade above auction prices at Oct .20. G. E. FLYNT & CO'S. Towanda gllrrehanis,) Indictment for "downright mur der," " selling - goods too cheap." vs. Tried before the people of Brad- Thy Sharing 3 9ank. ford county. IFT appearing to the satisfaction of all the jury, (com posed of all Brrdford Co.) that the price of Salt at the :!•lisvitiff,v Bank was raised to 14 shillings per bbl. thg day after No. 3, got out, who had been selling for 10 shillings per bbl. And it also being conclusively proved that the said Shavings Bank are about 15 per cent. behind No. 3, in selling goods cheap, the jury without leaving the box acquitted the defendant, and us the verdict was rendered, the crier of thr court call'd out, Oh, yes! uh, yes! oh, yes! The only genuine cheap eiore in Towanda, i 3 No. 3, MIZE= Now, George, b-c s-t-i•I-I—if you should burst up Nu. 3, / ;dumb/ " Fresh Salt," nor even salt petre won't save your. ...head from Two okigh &Jails of Neu Goods, job,- reederd. al Dec. 17. BAIR WS, No .3, Brick limy. IML D.MaDM-L \ .1:9.1` ' to. THE SdIVINGS IMNK. THIS action was brought for "downright murder," against the Cashier & Co. of the Towanda Sa vings Bank, for selling goods too cheap, and thereby bringing leanness upon the " Merchant Princes" of the borough. But, with all their vaunted sayings, hired witnesses and combinations, together with the principal evidence admitted by us—(that goods were sold cheap er at Flynt & Co.'s than any other establishment)— we have at last come off with our •• capital increased," and obtained a signal victory over these would-be • law' and order combinations, and carried dismay even into the enemy's camp. In addition to our former stock o Full Goods, we have just received Another Ark Load of Goods, which will be disposed of as liberally as heretofore.— Therefore we have to record the 111E13=11331 That George E. Flynt & Co. cannot be put down CI Look for the Savings Bank. dec3. • IT IS NO WONDER ! THAT the Farmers of Bradford county am all tra lA, ding at " BAIRD'S 81'011E," when it is taken into consideration, that in addition to keeping the lar gest and best stock of Goods in tho county, and selling them cheaper than any body else, they have always haen ready to assist and encourage that class of commu nity by purchasing their produce of every description at the highest prices. What, for instance, would they have done with their butter for the last two summers bad not "Old No. 3" boldly stood forth in the support of honest industry and dealt out all descriptions of goods, at thclowest cash prices,in exchange for that ar ticle 1 The hard liisted yeomanry are replying to the shove, by coming with a ns-h ! a perfect rush ! " en mass" !! ! to-Me cheapest stare in Towanda, where "Bill Baird eir. Co." am always ready and willing to do the fair thing. Dec. 25. Trilthim Scott, &UPOC)IS3 SMM" MAINX7 1.1. promptly and punctually render his profes sional services in Agenda, Collections, and other matters in his profession, entrusted to his care. - Office in the Neto rick Block—west room over the Post Office, entrance on the north side. Nov. 5y NEW EST.RBLIS'HMENT iis , ---wasr - 311PJFILIIECCIIMI• • . ..,• ~ L. M. NYE Sr. CO., would re . ..'.--=:' 1..!:,...-- . .t..-- spectlly inform the citizens of Tow --7--—,-..e. -. ---'; ~- . unda and the public generally, that 0 . z ." --- 174; itn — they have on hand & manufacture 11 ill IN ' t.o order all kinds of CABINET --- l- 4 FCIZNITURE, of the best mote t t Mil Hats, and worknyrnship that cannot "'"I - be so rpassed, in a ddi tion to the usual assortment in country shops, we will keep on hand end make to order SOFAS, of various and most approved patterns; Sofa Hocking Chairs, upholstered in superior style, and for ease and durability cannot be surpassed j. even in ou large cities. Also, the half French M. hogany C nir, beautifully upholstered, with curled hair, which nev r loses its elasticity, and finished with the hest hair seating. We flatter ourselves that having had much experience in the business, we shall be able to satisfy all who may feel disposed to call, both as to quality and price, and by strict • attention to business hope to merit and receive the patronage of a liberal com munity. 1.. M. NYE & CO. _ Towanda, September 1, 1845 C.l l !I I.t" lIT rule AV TUBE MAY BE HAD at our shop (mull lower than it has ever been sold in Towanda. Goods are' 'cheap. and wheat am lowered, and that is the TVlt , Oil we can alEnd all for to do it. All kinds of produre will he reCeived in payment. Also, LUMBER of all kinds. Sept. L. M. NIT d IN ' - 14 GT. 2+11 4 ' ZE- - "4 MUM: E* 1.,,7-r ILL be kept nn band a large assortment, and /4/ made to order on slkorter notice and for less mo ney than can he produced at any other establishment to the land. Those who are under the necessity of pro curing that article will and shall be satisfied. A good hearse and pall mat' be bad in attendance when desired. September I, Is. 15. 1.. N. INITE & CO. BOOT & SHOE MAKING. 479 C L wiLcox & SAGE have associated thernact,, in the Boot and Shoe Making hUsines, in Ow borough of Towanda, and may he found at the obl'smial of S.Hathaway,Litcly occupied by Elkanah Sunth. near H. Stephen; Exchange Hotel, Where they sMicit a share of public patronage. They intend, be 11 carel,l selection of stock, and by attention to the interests .if their riedomers, to make as neat and durable work as can be manufactured in this portion of the country. They keep constantly on hand, and will manufacture to order, morocco. calf and coarse lists and shoes: La.% s' Gaiters, shoes and slips; children's do.; gent's gaiters and pumps, &c., W. wmcnx PHILANDER SAGE Towlnda, May 11 , IRIS FALL & YINTER FASHIONS %1 1 L e'l•L aTCI'F.I; It & CORE'. beg leave to inform the inhabitant. of Towanda and vicinity, th a t th e y have just commenced the Tailoring Business, up stasis. No, 4. Brick Bow, where they are prepared to 1.x , , ute all work entrusted to liwai with care !wattles: and.oles patch, and to the most Fashionable rnanner. Ila‘trig just remixed the Nae' York and Phil:ldyll:lna foloom, and with their long cxpetience in the busonats. they flat ter them:4ll . es that their work will he :Lade in a manner and style equal to nny other estaleidonent to the place. Terms title to rorrellowl with the times. CUTTI.NtI :lone on the shortest notice. All kmll4 of country product; received in pa% meta for work at mat ket prices, october I. I, Li. a_LI sl'll'a 7'.IILORS. Over Montanxe7s store, next door to M, tour's lan oz at ills old stand. of Powell & r,eaman. .L E. Canfield. Attornc).at.Lavi. WM:JILL attend to all kinds of hus iii i,; intrua.J is VIV his care, with promptness at despatch. (n -fice in the Tin and Stove ;Store building—up stmr, MEDICINE AND SURGERY. DR JAMES M. OOOOrtlril ha, loeLted bitusel at MI LN ROC, fat the vraetwe cotessinu. and will he pleased to watt on those i,,itornu: Lis vices. He it.ay he found at J. L. ,1% rts. Retetence may be made to Drs. litsrus J. MI,Vs of Totssuds. AMil 33, D. 1171. Fashionable Tailoring • GEORGE BuNTINc would respectfully in form the public that he still continues at his old stand on the west side of Main street, between h:ings bery's and Bartlett's stores, up stairs, where he may he fourid in readiness to all work in his dine in a style not to be surpassed in Bradford county. Prices to suit the times. Thankful for past favors, he respectfully solicits a continuance and hopes by strict attention to bu siness and accoinntodating terms to merit patronage. The Spring and Summer 1' MONS lia ve just been received, and he is vreparcd to make gatanenth in the most ft-lo [table manner. Partirukir attention ;Paid to CuTTENG,and warrant ed to it if ;Properly in :de up. He has the late:a t•;Pprite.t ow! Summer Fa:Ilion:, for sale. Towanda, May L 3, I tid. Ill'illisters All Ilealing Oilllnvul new supply of this popular nualicine,also a quantity Ai of the hOLA T 1 CTU E, just received by Oct. I. 11. S. & M. O. M ERCI IL WOODS :I; AILS, assorted my,. tit 1%1 E L: SOLE L E AVM E Q —first quality. Comforterp," n iew dozens. Carpeting. and Floor Oil Cloths. Carpet and Cattail Yarn. Bagging anarticle unequalled far durability Nov. 12. . At the SAVINGS BANN. _ _ . I. O. OF O. P. IFT becomes our duty again to announce the receipt of ji more rich and valuable goods, which we arc °tiering, still cheaper (if possible) than heretofore. We have for cash buyers, the following goods: 100 ps. hilt and blue silk Alpaecas I figd and changeable goods, for dresses; 150 stvles'DeLaines and cashmeres; 1500 yds. Calicoes—in addition to our former large stock—the contents of one box, just received. 40 pr. Cloths, all shakes and colors ; 15 • 13k and Fancy Cassimeres ; 20 Satinetts, all prices. lean, Nails, Steel, any quantity. and Shelf Hardware in abundance. The "people' of Bradford county, have -looked long and anxiously for the time to come when goods could be purchased at their real value. For the last six months we have satisfied the most skeptical, and wish to inform our friends that wo are not to close busi ness in the spring, as reported, but shall continua to do battle for the friends' of Cheap Goods, as long as it will benefit the county of Bradford. It is told in this way— We have, we can, and we will. December 17. GEO. E. FLYNT & CO. SLEIGH SHOES acrd Plough Points, (for Wayne Co. Ploughs) at G. E. FLYNT & CO'S. SOLE LEATHER -5,000 lbs.—and any quantity of cow, Kip and Calf skins, from the manufactories on.. Kaatskill creek," N. Y. We won't sav anything about the price, but come and see at r. 13 BAIRD'S. I DA VD GOODS FOR THE LADIES, among which. are Cashmeres, Mousse Del,aine. plaid and silk work Alpacca. 64 plaid Cloaking, Girdles and Trimmings, to correspond, &c. 4c. asp. 24. B. KINGSBERIC. NOTICE! NOTICE! ITAKE this opportunity to inform all who are in debted to me. that payment MUST be made by FEBRUARY COURT.' The sum duo front eaeh individual, is small, but in the aggregate it amounts to considerable. I trust that a more effectual notice will not be necessary. JOHN N. WESTON, December 11. Late Sheriff. 3racr. AL_ s wob in ie t r o T n try in 7,, lOU-ND TO SHINE N P And l all t j o i f e i h t t e l e t t P h r a a t i tn' ~./, (hough they boast to run him down. Iliabscribervrantd it , ..; he public generally 3 1 - 7 t r low receiving a „.), l well selected W O 'OYES, such &se rge :•.: t cylinder oven eghk ••• toe' combination of 1 1. ';' and cooking; 'S‘ IX 3 a , i , ~.,. Icon 4 boiler easki ß 7 •'•1 f, and 4, prmuim i thing: with an D .: is Plates, school.b onit , church stoves; cylindereoal ard•parlor WOW a o ‘ .., of which will be sold as low as et any other -7 meat this side of the Rocky Mountaini,Sor wigs, ~,,, rye, corn. pork, butter, cheese, and cash opt refu,e, TIN-WARE constantly kept ot. hand, at whoteral s ,, ~ retail, with stovepipe, elbows, etoec tubes of elaj ,t ~ tin, patent pails. stone jugs. British Invtre, sheet' ', - . 1 rut to suit euvtomers, with Job work of every e„,,,,, ..3 lion in the Tin. Copper ZS: :Sheet Iron business, lit on short notice and in a workmanlike manner. :".. And in addition to the above articles, he igter,a 4 krep constantly oil hand a good article o f r ip endb4 ing ; with FLOUR. & PORK, by th e N . ,, ,, , and pound. codfish. mackerel, soap, candler, I n d !totter. I.IQI'I IRS. such as rum, gin., brandy,* whist en, of different qualities. Tea, coffee, p et „. „ , saherat 11 gin gi•r, starch, cloves, cinnam on , tobacco. ea, udish and - Gnu cut, candies, nuts , 1 ,4 1 , herring, green and dried fr,uit, cider, be er , other articles usually kept by grocers. all of which it; he sold at reduced nicer for ready pay. Store ende r , noiactLom-z Establishment not kept exactly in Mom. n . ye's corner !dock, but in the next heading below, ; . the south side of the public square, where pent m an: , imp to tuns +, the above articles will do well to and exonitni• liefrite purchasing elsewhere. • Nov. 1843. D. C. HALL REIIOVED TO No. 1, BRICK ROW' .1. C ta..71 JERI; ILEIiPECTFULLY informs I s friends and the public thM bt a IiL3IOIED to the Brick .C,"` Attif...e No. L, where he Ain continues,: rarry en his old busines ! , of (f4F. % Valch and Clock Er ai prin, avillhe done on short netio, usuLt dto lie midi done. From n long expo, enee in ti he behests that he ci ill be ebb t. render perfect satisfaction to all who way !mos br, watt ti, tr sittranag,e. \.1.3. Warlles w.,tranted to run well one year, r , t h e refunded; anti a written agreement 1.0 to all ll,at dr,:kro one. CT,OCKS.—A Inrzo for 1•!,- 1-m• for 0:0..h. Just ereivea If you want. liroi Jewelry cheap call at Chat N. I. Brick now. Al - LE Wood, anti kal.of COCC. . try Produce received riymeilt. 011 , 1:1. J ure INIS. ('ll3 11? S .11171) BE DS TE.ID THE vAlt.,rthers*itil clAku r i ~..... r;,...fneture and It tit Cu ham d at tiwlr ultl ,Alintl. all Ion& t ii -- d Cane and // inn/ sratChain ..-C .''' - ftt':: - 7 - :. - •-ft - t - a././ also Seil6-$ ,y reriotts kiw. .;! . .......7.,:if: ~ ~‘,. LE 11 ,S . 71....11i S. of tum 0 li'll , - - ii . vA . A 11, Bcripli , m. Which 11.1 Wit \ ) 1.... sell low fol rash or pro.luce. ._ T I - !;:s; IN I; don, to order. TONI KENS & NINKriI!ION. T0w.,11.1 t, 1 , , , ,l 2 - 1, 1,(13. oizt:ss (;ooDs A 1)117s are pArto.u' A rty requ,-tt.,l to call uht 5,1 :I,,ortf Ivor "f 11'n 0 t Otoio, ( Iroile I 1 , :i• i Liilll•S. uiutrr balidnrp,, p. •11. t 1.1.1 I. V.. tor,... , ripe.] Q Ano pha lu.! Sc., r!. tzoops, run/. ant Net nil :tit: , 1.. tt..ll4th. tam; utt,l'alittz at \'n. 3,1"./ ‘., //A Cr!' r l /////,-/ lhru r ; - 13.\11:1) & CO. ISM eay N an.l larqe ,tork of ft o;wrial.: i 1 he More to Towanda—eft. / ,4 h/Y sa ',hat t+: • rich Rot. SAI) D L E,.:.• HARNE SI. ' .1.5*.fr5 5.7,127•17 S say. VI 1,1.1: that they contn.. at C., 0t.,,.:3,-tur, Noddles, t',,! s.'s eu:i.!inx , .. next don to .1. t:..l•'.ane !I• re they ntil hecp eon:Wally on La'. :1,1 in., rd.. r. tioN/ie 11,G. C , rithvw and Quilird Saddles Purnrsv, Caryl s, Trunks, Calars, ' C'arriage Trimming and Military Work Sonet order. Nlnitrns,et., Pew and Chair Cushions made on shop noto, and rea•onahle tunas. The -üb-criheri hope doing their work well, am by a at . ..•Otlon Jo to. r" , 111 a -'• Ire I U: ro:DI 7r. K 1:N.111 I , 1 45. Tu Farau rS. Lll2llblendeli and collars , s I tit te.ilaing Stone. 1 . 11 re,pectluily aonoutthe to the ci s i ta i.a.eo, S',..thlthitt :Stork , and Nthooty, that the' , 1.1 , e kallled a 1,111111•1,1 J 1,, and are now opennot t'V oh! html/ if l't t•r C. I,t aid, lowly occupied by N. D• Warford. 0.10.1 e they oil; r for 001 e an extenatve staple and laney Good,, euoldstite, , of Dry 1;:mtls. Crorf rics t llardlcarr, Crockszy. Iron, nails, hoots and shin,. sole & upper leather. !lour and pork. &c.. %stitch hive liven selected eXpre~.if bar this market, and bought for retiiv pay, and is dl be dry rived of at tiro possible rates, for 130ards. tihm ales, and - Lurnber, of every quality, wheat, corn, rye. oats, beef hides', and produce of all manner and scats. We respectfully ask those purchasing for Cash to etre us n call, as we will not he undersold by any establish ment in this county. We charge nothing far exhibit- H. mix & 'sox, W. R. STORIZ.S. ing our goods. :November 26 FISH, SALT AN - D NAILS 7 TIERCES CODFISH— ® bis. MACKEREL. I ail( load SALT, and .5 ton NAILS, ' • are for sale and ready to be shown at HAM'S. HIUDS SI - GAR, 5 do. Molasses bought a tint @JD hands and will be Fold accordingly by W. IT. IJA IND & CO., No. 3, 13. R. COTTON YARN—lobo.lbs. just received anil far sale at REED'S. HARNESS AND CARRIAGE A P_ML L - 52,&21 - I,mg, LARGE and general assortment of the above ar• tides, compirsing almost - everything usen by Har ness and Carriage Makers, which will be sold /Deer than the same quality of goods have ever Leen offered at Owego or Elmira, just received by sep. 24. H. S. AC M. C. MERCUR. 7ernis of the Bradford Bcporler Two .I.4lars and fifty cents per annum ;Ft F.-re rents deducted if paid within the year; and for CASH actu- ally iit advance, Ovu Dot.t.a n will be deducted. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time, by paving arrearages. Most kinds of COVNTIZT PRODUCS received in payment, at the market price. Advertisements, not exceeding a square of twin , lines. inserted for . fifty cents ; every subsequent insertion, twenty-five cents. A discount made tei yearly adveniscrs. Jon Painri \e., of every description, neatly and ex peditiously executed on new and fashionable type. Letters on business pertaining to the office must mut° free of postage, to enema attention. Office in (' t '. Means brick building corner ci Stain and Uri l_; ts, up stairs ; entrance aultko north door.