Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 18, 1846, Image 3

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    TIIE PROCESS OF Ts7sNixn.—A recent dis
rover: in the art of tanning leather has been
,„ ,d e ktv DJ'. Turnbull, of London, which is
said in :a French paper .• to eclipse every thing
that has been discovered in the practical arts
these hundred years." The process is de
,wribed in a communication to the Academy of
sciences. When a membrane intervenes be
tween two liquids of different densities, they
produce two currents, the one outward called
eatesmoss, and the other inward called endos.;
one o, ,By this new physical law the currents
interc hange until they become of the same spe
06n gri my ; thus Dr. Turnbull, by sewing up
: hide filled with one liquid of a certain spe
cific gr avity, and then immersing the hide in
loather liquid of greater or lesser density,
keeps up this reciprocal action until such time
:5 the hide is thoroughly tanned. By the or
dinary process of tanning it requires eighteen
Months to tan an ox hide, and 400 pounds of
bark. Dr. Turnbull tans the hide in fourteen
dace, and with only 100 pounds of bark.
Tkis process gives an extra weight of leather,
„rl k 4wg, from 13 to 25 pounds per cent.—
calves skins, which under the old process re
quire an immersion in the vat of five, six, and
wend' months, are by the new process tan
ned 111 two dat s. This rapidity of execution
is by no means attended with inferiority to the
leather produced. On the contrary. it is said
to become much better, all the saturation re
quired for the production of good leather, be
ing as fully effected by the new as the old pro
r um 'r E xAs.--The Legislature of the State
o rr exas assembler! at Austin on Friday, the
February. General Burleson was chosen
r resie,ent nt the, Senate ; 11. P. Bee, secretary ;
A. Lurkett, assistant secretary ; N. C. Ray
mond. engrossing. and enrolling clerk'; Mr.
.Nvetts, sergeant-at - arms, and F. flugts, door
keeper. \li. Crump. of Austin conntv, was
~ke t e,lepeaker nt thaa Rouse ofßepresentatives ;
James !I. Raymond. chief clerk ; T. C. Wood.
bet, asso.tant clerk ; Ira Munson, enrolling clerk ;
B. UAL engrossing clerk'; Mr. Ilardenian.
sergeant-at arins ; .1. 11. Cockburn, door-kecocr.
flu counting the vote for governor, it appeared
Ina Gen. Henderson received 8.910 votes, and
Dr. Miller 1,672. 'File •' Teleg raph learns
through corrr sponhent. that 'C . :en. Darnell
m oved a majority of 48 votes of the oflieial
returns were receici.d from the counties ot
!T op, San Patricio. Jackson. JetTerson, Brazos.,
and Lamar. In these counties Col. Horton re
rimed a majority of about 600 rotes. The
(mails ofrAn. Darnell think he will nut accept
the office undor the circumstances.
SAEN N.—A new prophet. named Strang. at
Voree, tNiseonsin, lies been. has been ac..
howledged by one portion of the Mormons as
the head of the church. The Moraluns are
flocking to V wee in great numbers. It is to
he gather place or this people, except the
Twelve au„ their adherents, now on their way
to over the Rocky Mountains.—
fames J. Strang' is a lawyer of considerable
eminence in the West. and owns an immense
Act of land, the capital of which is Voree.—
e is the person. it is said, who went with the
Ciallllls out of Missouri, at the time of-their
,11.iurbanee., planned the Temple at Nauvoo,
d wrote the bulletins of Smith, prophet.—
This portion of tile Mormons will probably
seule in Wisconsin. The greater part will go
over the Rocky Mountains.
A.RMY UNDER Gee. TA'“.Ol3. at Corpus
Chno, a New Orleans correspondent of the In
kilezenrer says, is under positive orders to ad
r.inie upon the Rio Grande; and will move for
ward on the Ist of M•fireh. Mote than three
thrsisrtil barrels of hsve alreatl) gone
formini, tt !te•li iode•ates a pretty long sojourn
(it' every Ming required for attire
(Tenuous have also been Mr warded, m the way
of ammuninim . eatupe(tvipage. and all the mate
rirtof an arms. ' rite Nriny will be transported
In steamboats, and they will take up their pee
-ition at Point 15.01 , 1!1, which is within three or
fear miles of the Rei G ranJe.
l'ttEstiNur. or MINo.—A little aid, (wily eight
yens Ohl., was in hor lather's house, at Prune-
Wtsoiti,sin, when it took tire at night. nn
the 9th of Fefiruarr. ller father and mother
were two tidies away on a visit. She caught
her yomerer sisters, one 01 0 time, and cad-
TI them out of the house ; then went to the re
mote pap of the Louse and w4e up het two
'Tethers, who had bately time to escape with
heir II t'us.
mi:.—Mr.Lewis Benedict, of Vcrotia,N
killed himself nu 'Tuesday morning, by cut
tag his throat.
rte' 3. 0. 0. V.--=-The regidarcommunications
of MONROE LODGE, No. 1:37, of I. 0.
tli 0.F., will hereafter be held at their II Al, in Mon
melon. on Saturday of each week, until further notice.
Elmira, Cl:ruins*, and Buffalo Line.
NIUE Proririi tors of the above Line will continue to
I run a Line of Passage Boats between ELMIRA,
C "NING and BUFFALO. for the accommodation
of ENIIGRA NTS and FAMILIES, moving West, af
fording facilities not heretofore the Emigrant,
from this section of New York and Pennsylvania.
The Boats of this Line arc of the Fllits.7 CLASS
fittrd and furnished with all the conveniences and ac.
cocaroodatlons of PAC KET 8, commanded by experien
ad Captains, and towed by relays of Horses.
TEM PLsT, Capt. A. TA ra:Oft.
Durin g the sea.son of ISIG, ono of the above Boats
vill - lvave-Corning,'art4 Elmira, every week, in the fol
lowing order:—
renviso, eve,y Monday evenirig, at 6 o'clock P. M.,
ELMIRA, every Tuesday evening, at 6 o'clock P. M.
Towing down Seneca lake every Thursday morning.
touching at Big Stream. Lodi, and Dresden, leaving
Buffalo for Corning and Elmira, every Wednesday
on board, or to Wm. Mallory. Corning,
S. IL Strang & co., Elmira.
Wintermute & Tuttle, Hariallearti,
A Nash, Havana,
L. G. Townsend, Big Stream,
'Woodworth & Post, Lodi,
Price St Holly, Gencoca,
Gay ¢ Sweet, Waterloo.
I.Shoemriker, Sineca
Baker h Rosa. dtarttezuma,
IL ‘Vright. ltoclaster,
H. Niles, Buffalo.
's Votice.
G. F. Mason auditor
to the use .
of E. G. F. Ma
son vs. Silas Gray—ln Brad. Com. Pleas.
Xo. 181, September Term, 1841.
•qtto. Henry Voorhis vs. Hervey French—in
said Court. .t'tio. SO, Feb. Term. 18.16.
THE undersigned having been appointed Auditor
for the adjustment of the several claims to' the*
meaty: raised from the Sheriff's sale of real estate, by.
*true of executions issued in both the above eases, will
*bend to the duties of his appointment, at his office in
the borough of Towanda, on Motiday, the 20th day of
April next, when and where'll persons are required to'
teaks known their claims before him or be debarred from
coming in upon raid funds.
3 tuch 17. ULYSSES MERCUE, Auditor.
Treasurer's Sale of Unseated Lands.
xroTicE is hereby given. that agreeably to an Sri
IN of Ueneral Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, passed the 13th day of March.lBls,en
titled " An act to amend the lel entitled an act di
recting the mode of selling Unseated 'Lands fur taxes,,
and (or other purposes," and of sit act passed the 13th
day of March, 1817; " a further supplement to the act
entitled an act directing the mode of selling unseated
lands far taxes. and for other purposes." the following
tracts of I3NSEATED LAND will he sold at public
vendee on the Bth day of.funa next, (being the second
Monday) at the Court House in the Borough of T..
wanda, in the county of Bradford, for the arrearages of
taxes due, and the cost accrued on each let respectively.
-•- -
State, Read,
& Scheel Taxes.
No. of uvo.oq Warrantee
WarrantlAcread NIUTIPR.
400 John Barron, senr.
400 Frederick Castator
82 Peter Benson
100 L. Coffin
418 Andrisr Buekhart
266 Thomas Bradley
204 Abel Pierce
160 Daniel Shepard
atin Abraham Bradley
100 Sally Fish
181 Avery Christopher
280 Nathan Cary'
817 Charles Carroll
482 do do
950 do do
100 Henry Cameron 535
409 :101otnoi Lyun 15 89
433 k John Friend 21 57
4071 Jacob Crook
20 64
100 Mathias Stow 885
407 Abraham Singers 24 74
487 Robert fstlAW 24 39
533 Jelin Grinon 21 67
4600 211 dohs Vsrrgn 19 47
4601 31 do do
140 G
• •
407; Stairner Casper 19 81
4071 John Morgan 19 91
343 James pect:, 20 96
34:3 Joseph Betts 20 9(1
:343 John Betts 20 96
400 Henry Bryson 22 40
375 Samuel Cooley 21 67
343 Peter Edge 20 'B6
400 Samuel Edgo 22 67
343 Samuel Fritz 20 '96
400 Simon Hardy 22 07
400 Joseph Seely 22 67
900 Henry Seely . 22 67
400 Peter Temple 22 67
400 George Temple 22 67
400 James Hardy 22 67
400 Jonathan Hann ton 22 67
400 N aihan Hardy 22 67
400 Peter Haga 22 67
400 Paul Moore 22 67
400 Andrew Sitldons 22 67
400 George Siddons 22 67
343 George Edge . 20 96
400 Paul Hardy 22 67
400 George Castator 22 67
400 Joshua Cooley 22 67
400 George Haga 22 67
400 Nathan Haga 22 67
400 Henry Hardy ' 22 67
400 Pens Seely 22 67
400 James Siddons 22 67
400 Stephen Hollingsvcartft 22 67
400 Samuel Anderson 16 50
400 Haman Caststoc 1G 50
400 Nathan North 16 .50
400 Peter North 16 50
400 Frederick Sherds 16 50
400 George Shorts 16 50
400 Mercy Ellis' 16 50
448 Ann Harris . 18 48
230 Mary Wallece 9 39
400 Joseph Caatator 10 50
400 Peter H ampton 16 50
400 J ohn Moore 16 59
400 James North 16 50
400 Hannah Woodruff 16 50
237 John Stevens 9 00
4373 Ephriam McAdams 17.96
4364 Thomas Hamilton 17 91
1507 661 Charles Carroll 26 37
1506 612 Jo do 26 36
130'J 7i 7 Jo do 31 84
262,1 IA Peter Guiness 12 40
226:1 pt do do 11 11
I %COB REell, •treasurer.
Treasury Office. Towanda. March 12, 18.16.
.Syliar . .a aa-aira,
A\' N(: formed a co-partnership for the purpose
of carrying on Lb' above business at Monroeton
are prepared to eiecuto all orders punettkilly, such as
Making, Repairing and Painting,
on the shonest notice and at the lowest prices that they
can be had in this vicinity for ready pay.
All kinds of Produce and Lumber taken in payment
at the m rrket priers.
CA )FriNzi inadu on the shortest notice, and ut re
duced rives. P. DUNFEE,
Nl.enucton, March 17, 1815. J. C. smrrii.
Mini Hist rator's Sale.
o-ricE is hereby given that by viitue of an order
of the Orphan's court of Bradford county, and
to me directed, there Will be expo<ed to public sale at
the premises, on Monday, the '2 0t h day of. April next,
•t I o'clock, P. M., the following described property.
to wit • A tract of Land in Ridgberry township, boun
ded on the west by lands of Jacob Richardson ; south
by lands of Elias Impson ; cast by lands of David Burt,
and on the north by lands the owner of which is un
known. Containing forty acres all improived.
ALSO—A certain other tract of land in said town
ship, Beginning at a post on the easterly bank of Bent•
ly's creek, at the termination of the mill race, and at the
point where the said race empties into the said creek,
and running from thence north 81° east 3 chains and
al links to the centre of the Berwick turnpike; thence
south 23 0 east along the centre of said turnpike 6 chains
to the south-east corner of the mill yard, thence south
SU' west 2 chains and 30 links to a stake; thence Routh
I S° east S chains to the centre of the Stirton rood, the
north line of Thin A, Gillett's land, thence West along
said road and Gillett's north line, five chains to Bred
ly's creek ; thence north 29° west 9 chains to a heap of
stones; thence north 35 0 east 6 chains and 70 links to
the place of beginning. Containing 6 acres, I rood,
20 rods, all improved, with a saw-mill and shatitee there
on. Terms made known on the day of sale.
D. VANDEBCOOK, Admiuistratar
Towanda, March 18, 184.6.
THE undersigned having been appointed „Anditor
by the court of common pleas, to ascertain and
report liens against the estate of I 'onsider B. Park, tak
en and extended in execution at the suit of Orlando
Saltmarsh. hereby notifies all persons baring claims
against said estate, to present such claims before him
at his office in Towanda borough, on the 16th day of
April next ensuing, at t o'clock, P. M.. or else be do.
barred from coming in upon the fund arising from the
extension of said estate,
March 11, 1846. HENRY BOOTH. Auditor.
('TICE iv hereby given that, the commissioner'sl
of Bradford county will meet at the bridge over
Sugar creek, near the house of Samuel Allen, in Troy
township, at 10 o'clock, A.M., of Tuesday the 14th day
of April next, for the purpose of receiving propokils,
and letting to the lowest and best bidder. the necessary
repairing of said Bridge. A plait of the work will be
exhibited at the bridge on the day of the letting.
By order of the Commiationert,
• J. M. WATTLES, Clerk.
Commissioner's alike, March 11, 1846.
------ cLovmsEtrolliftifillfeil
IMARMERS wdl find it to their advantagobefthe
Jr -purchasing their CLOVER SEED to call and
examine a superiot lot of nrte aced, just , received at
March it.
Brtufford County, as.
LL GREETING . Whereas, at en Orphan's Court
heat at Towanda. in and for the county aforesaid, on
the 12th day of Decituaber, A.b„, 1845. before the Hon.
John N. CetWoalwm, president. and Reuben Wilber
and Harry hforgiut associate justices of said. court.
The petition of James M. Edsall, was presented. set
ting forth that lila father, Samuel Edsall; late of the
township of WeJla, in Bradford county, died intestate,
leaving a wido re. to wit, Sarah Edsall, and issue eight
childr•n, to %Nit, Jesse Edsall. Pamela Seely, wife of
Benjamin Seely, Richard Edson, Charles Edsall,
wife of Nall fan Air ord, jr., Elmira, wife of Solomon Bo
wler, James M. Edsall, the above named petitioner, arid
Andrew J. Edsall, and that the raid intestate died seiz
ed in his demense as of fee of and in actrtain montage
tenement. and tract of land situate in the townships of
Welts and Columbia in the sainecounties, and bounded
as follows: Beginning on the north by lands of Whit
ing Gifford, E. P. Wood and James M. Edsall ; on the
east by lands of James M. Edsall and James Fries ; on
the south by lands of Jesse Edsall, and on the west by
lands of Jesse Edwin. Containing about one hundred
hundred and forty-live acres. Also, one equal, undivi
ded half of one other tract, lot, piece or parcel of land,
situate in the said township of Columbia and Wells,
bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by lands Of
Nathan'Sbcpard ; on the south by horde of Jesse Ed
sail, and on the west by lends of Edson Aspenwali.—
Conuining about forty-five acres, with the appuretnan
ces to both the above described lots. And in the said
petition, tl4abovenatned petitioner prayed the Court to
award an inquest to make partiuon and valuation of the
said premises to and among the heirs arid representa
tives of the said decedent, according to the acts of As
sembly iu such cases made and provided.
We therefore command you, that taking with you
twelve free and lawful men of your .bailiwick, you go
to and upon the premises aforesaid, and•there their
oaths or affirmations, that you make partition thereollto
and among the children and representatives of the said
intestate, in such money and in such proportions as by
the hies of this Commonwealth are directed, if such
partition can be made without prejudice to or spoiling
thew hole; but if said partition cannot be made thereof
as aforesaid, that then you %alue and appraise the same
according to law. And further, that you CHUSC the said
inquest to inquire and ascertain whether the said real
estate with the appurtenances, will conveniently tra. I
commodate more than oue of the children or represen
tatives of the said intestate, and if so how many of the
children or represeqativee it will accommodate. That
due notice of the timed snaking such partition be given
to all persons interested herein. And that you make re
torn of your proceedings to the treat general Orphans'
$l5 30
111 30
3 45
4 20
20 68
1 I 18
t 2 23
4 20
14 03
3 44
6 of
8 83
14 34
10 05
19 95
Witness the Hon. John N. Conyngham, Eul, Pre
sident of our said Orphans' cold, at Towanda, the 26th
day of,,,December, A . D., 1845.
Continued by order of the Court. February 4;1846.
I certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the origi
nal writ. Atte4l, J. F. MEANS, Sheriff.
To all persons interested in the above described pre
mises ; take notice, that a jury will be held upon said
property. on Monday, the 13th day of April next, at 1
o'clock, I'. M., for the purpose of dividing or appraising
the same, according to the above order.
Sheriff's Office. Towanda, March 9, 1846.
J 1111. - F. 11USTO.V.
Columbia, Lancaster Co., Pa.
Refers to D. L. BgEnwooD, EN,, V. E. Procter, Esq.
sod E. S. GOO MUCH. Esq. mehet
Of the receipts and expenditures of the Boro'
of Towanda, for 1845.
Amount of duplicate for' 1845 $462 30
IlecY of A Martin, on judgment a 15 00
" Wysox tp., in full of judgment ~7 111
Ward done by the Street commissioners
individuals over and above their tales 59 29
" flagging side walks, &c. 101 99
Paid D L Sectt for work done in 1844 1 75
For services on specisi election in 1843 3 00
Publishing annual report rf 1844 in 2 papers 9 ;50
Justice fees; Goodenough and Vatalcrcook 1 20
Office rent for 1845 5 00
Exonerations in collector 1 45
14 Wilmot, council fee 5 00
John E Geiger, fire warden 2 00
Prothonotary's fees 1 49
Repairing fire engine 4 00
Serving notices and stattonery 2 93
Collector's percentage on $275 22, at 5 per cent. 13 78
Treasurer's percentage 8 86
Paid J P Kirby on old judgment 27 94
Durge:s and Town Council, 1845 31 00
N I Keeler, borougb clerk 23 00
Borough Ordcrs
Amount of outstanding orders Felt, 18, 1845 8195 75
orders issued in 1845 253 05
Returned and cancelled in 1845
Outstmutile.: order,. PA,. 111. ISO, 14112 313
Treasurer's Report.
Received of Collector, on duplicate of 1845 $275 28
A 51a0in, on judgment 15 00
circus company 5 00
$295 '2B
Ordcrs rewrite.] and crneeded in INA:, • $2.46 42
Treasurer's percentaga 8 Mi
$295 29
IndrbirdneNs (1 Borough. Feb. ►U, ISIII.
Due on judunients,
Out.tanding orders, 'Feb. 16, 1g46
Due from S S Dailey, collector for 1845 $3l 31
S Savage late collector (note) 30 50
" Martin and Woodruff (judgment) '24 16
Poor Fu n ds
Dalance due from 8 5 Bailey pour master 1844 $ll5 49
Amount of duplicate Cm 1646 307 22
$422 71
'spenties in support of poor in 1846 202 92
Balance in hands of 8 S Bailey Feb. 18,1845 $ll2O 29
Borough of Tomuntio, ss. _
We, the Burgess and Town Council of the Bo
rough of Towanda, do hereby certify the foregoing to
be a true statement of the receipts and expenditures of
raid Borough, for the year 1845.
D. P. BARSTOW, Btitgegs.
Attem—N. I. KEELER. Clerk.
roue subscriber offers for sale the following descri
bed lot of land situate in Monroe tp. Bradford
county, containing ninetvone acres; adjoining lands of
George Tracy, Jared Woodruff', Absalom Coothough,
and Russet Fowler, with about twenty-five acres im
proved, and a house thereon. The title is good, and
the land of a good quality for farming purposes. For
terms imply to WM. ELWELL, Esq. or of the soli
scriber at Pottsville. F. W. HUGHES,
March 10; let4o. Atey-in•fact of James Murphy.
GSO. E. FLYNT & CO. are now offering the
balance of their stock of goods at lesaptiecs than
nand!, preparatory to receiving spring supplies. Call at
the Savings Bank. March 11.
is46 - --PLO:fiEsct BONNETS.
'Bun teceiveil at the SAVINGS DANK, 0 RN
Juzena IogGIIORN BONNETS—sprint fash
ions. We aie selling- them cheaper (same qualities)
than ever. mil G. fI.FLY,IT iSa CO.
X 505 21
$l3B 56
;445 69
$714 80
CR6 42
4 , 78 00
402 38
$540 :3%4
.1 sets
$B4 27
IHE Commissioners of Bradford aunty, heieby
giro public notice that they have 1110 upon tbe
following day. and dates respectively, for hearing
peal. from the amseseutentd for the year 1841, at their
attire in Towanda, to wit:
Columbia, Wale rk South Creek, Tuesday. March 24
Armenia. Troy & Burlington. WednesdaYs March 25
Canton, Granville and Leroy, Thursday, March
Springfield, Smithfield & lhdgberry, Friday, March 27.
Franklt, and Monroe, on Saturday, March 28.
Athens township and borough, Wednesday, April I st.
Litchfield; Windham and Warren, Thursday, April 2.
Orwell, Rouse and Wysox on Friday April 3.
Ulster and Towanda township Saturday April 4.
Albany. buret' and Asylum on Monday April 6.
Wytiltining, Standing Stone &Herrick Tuesday April 7.
Pike and Springhill on Wednesday April S.
Towanda Borough and 15besbequin Thursday April S.
The Assessors of dia respective townships and boro's
are requested to be punctual in delivering the notices to
the taxables, and in making their returns on the days
mentioned in ttivir warrant and all those who may
feel themselves aggrieved by the assessments, are requir
ed to attend on the days above specified. as there will
not be any 'abatements made thereafter.
By order of the Commissioners,
. J. M. WATTLES, Clerk.
Commiminner's ()Ince. March 3, 1:41i.
Orphans , Court SUM.
SN pursance of an order of the Orphans' Court of
jt Bradford County, will be exposed to public sale at
the house of John Enni in Standing Stone oli the 28th
day of March next at one o'clock P. M. of said day the
follinsing piece or parcel of improved land late the es.
tate of James Holly dec'd, bounded on the south west
by lands of H. W. Tracey, on the north west and north
east by lands in possession of the heirs of the said Hol
ly and the south east by land of John Taylor Jr. Con
taining about nine acres---terns of sale rash.
Erten/ors of James Holly. •
StatAing Stone, Feb. 2G, 2846.
Ti"partnership heretofore existing under the firm
of F 1111.411 Mix ¢ sos, is this day dissolved by
mutual agreement. Ali ileinands due said firm are to
be paid to Hiram Mix. HIHAM MIX,
Towanda. March 3d. 1946.. H. MC Jr.
Itpi entail kind, just received anti for gale cheaper
than at any other store in Town. ALSO a fere:lnte.hel
of very fine TIMOTHY SEED ate BAIRD'S.
1:eb.2:311. 11416.
5Z)R.P24 . 2.11g. 1 9
.11Ontanyes dj Co.'s Cheap store.
ADE.4IZ:IISI,E assortment of various kinds of
GOODS may be found at the above establish
ment, purchased Jae
_ill the fall, expressly for the de
mand cc-caring before the opening of navigation, They
have just received, and have on band :
50 barrels Mess Pork ;
30 •• superfine Flour;
Clover seed . ;
500 pcitinds sole leather;
30 tons Gretna! Plaster;
Also. a quantity of sugar kettles. fel.9.
01:a " 0 7 0.41.
lIVHE subscriber would respectfully inform the pub
lic that he has COMMUTED with the Athens
Chemung !fridge Conspany,and that all persons corn
ing to his Mill tor grinding, will beentitted to cross said
Bridge FREE. •1 rckets will be.given at the mill.
Cayutn, Jan. 1846. WM. H.OVERTON.
CAIJTI6N.—AII persons are hereby cautioned not
o purchitse a note drawn by to Isaac Ford, dated
Dec. 19, 1845, payable on the Ist of June next, for the
sum of $25 in neat stock. As I have not received any
value for said note, I am determined not to pay the said
note unless compelled by law.
Pike, lan. 21, 1845. ALFRED WEED.
Oh ! ! What ! !
Try it again Master G.,
You may wake up old no. 3.
II has long since ceased In be nereesaey,
For no, 3 to say they they have the largest and best
stock of Goods tn Towanda, for that has long been •• A
II has long since ceased to be necessary.
For no, 3 t ~s ay they buy goods for cash and buy them
10 per cc, cheaper than most of their neighbors, for
that too h long been "A Paovran."
Il c :lung since ceased In be neeessamj.
For no. to say they are selling and will sell goods
cheaper ..ain any establishment in Towanda, fur that
too has long been " A Phovsno."
It never hag been necessary,
For no. 3 to say they would sell goods for " 123 per
cent profit —" for we can do that and (hen tell at a
price less than many of our neighbors pay for the same
goods in the eity—L- - and that too has long been "A Pao
We from( that it nrrrr wilt be nrcry-ary,
For no. 3to boast of "rniitirr, ,, " any body by itiling
goods cheap tither in " Br;rk Row" or Wood Row—
we sell goods cheap to benefit community and not to
ruin them, this too has also long been " A Ponytail?'
II is no irldAper—
But in the mouth of every baby, ev e n th e little boys in
the streets proclaim it aloud, that no. 3 are selling '• bel•
to good., and man of Fluent" than any other establish
ment in Town,—wonder how long sime some of our
neighbors found out this was A Paormi '!"
'Naar. IS A W 1' TO TE•T Tarr. • SOVE :
Just continue your did practices, drop in at no 3 before
you buy, where no charge is made fur exhibiting goods,
Nov .25, 1845. . 13 A I 81l & CO.
FRENCH, English and American Broad Cloths of
all colors and qualities, also Beaver and Pant
Ciotti for oven-oats, and perhaps it would be as wag to
mention that we have over ONE HUND,I2IIO different
styles of Caitsimere, Fitly pieces Satineus,beddes twen
ty odd of Sherpx Grey, which toe are now selling at just
about Iwo thirds the usual price in town.
W. H. BAIRD & CO.. No. 3 B. R.
D omEsTic co rroN 8-5000 yds. Sheetings
1500 lbs. Cotton Yarn;
500 " butts ;
150 wick, on hand and far sale at last
summer's prices. lia26 W. H. BAIRD Sr. CO.
rif e l
747 ; 4 0),) )0 .1j 1341
,uir. tIN i{ INGSBE It .is now receising at his
44) old stand, which has been going Mr for eighteen
years, where goods of all kinds has been sold and WILL
be sold, lower than at any other store in this Coun
ty. A very large meek of all kinds of goods which hue
been selected with great care and attention. and bought
at such prices of the importers and manufacturers, that
it would be a ruinous butinesi for any firm in the Brie.!:
Row, of any where else, to undertake to sell goods, as
cheap ad I can, and will. If my friends arid the public
generally, will call before they shake their phrchaaes
elnewheie, they will find that this notice isnot put in the
paper for a nu ET, like iefee by the side urn ; but, it
means what it says.
I have a general assortment of every kind and deserip•
tion of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Ilardzettre, Crockery,
/boots 4 Shoes. Nails. Iron, Leather. 4.r.
D. 'Li C. Of:II:FORD.
lIAVE the hest assortment of Goods', twit the 'cheap
cat, and get the mod money of ahy eture to the
That tinder the present tariff. Nitta are sold at the dit
ne enure, (tdontuetott) fur 5 cents a puttud.
That five doltars at WARFC RD'S STORE buys mote
goods that six Juliana a some other stoic?
• A V I, 1$ IT TRUE,
That any " Large store," not fifty miles off sells goi:Zi
as cheap, much less "cheaper" than tie do ?
Monroeton. Feb. 3, 1845.
I.7lL'alebratect countries fur priducfng fine kaa :
The subscribers are now furnishing. their customers
With samphu or the sboSe teas, frod u gosh cargo just
arrived jn tae ship hcepp store," for
Ain 7. WSI.H. BAIRD Ai. CO.
.Ire again in, the Field with fifteen thouspyul dollars worth of the cheapest call fitifrit de'arblea
Block of Good ever brOught into Bragord County
AtiE Cashier & Co. of the TOWANDA SAYINGS BANK, tender thcit sincere (haat; lei the very H
°bend patronage heretofore secured, dad trust by 4rict attention to business, and selling goo!, ehee'Perithen
any other establishment. to merit a continuance of their Oldies and favors. Our stock of goadscollie of every
krtuo n variety and style of Dry liothods, from the Gist fn
alco houses in the city of New Yoe and sake..
.vi with great care expressly for this meridian. Also, a large vblictiou of
Family Groceries, Shelf Hardware, Crockery, Boots & Shoes,
Abilene Warr, Iron, rreillS;
and an uasifid . quantity of HABERDABIiEItY, to make our snick of useful and ornamental complete. ilia
stock of goon . Were purchased for cash, and for cash will be sold as chap .40 at Binghamton, Elmira or Oierglq
and derx.iedl,betiper than any estsblistunent in Towanda. Time and spike yjill not allow us to enumerate the
many new, deli rind desirable goods, but will•be j town to all who fans us with a Mill, with plcsaum.
ICEMEZIBEIC tint call one doer below 'Trary& - Moose, where the '• pay-ddiali" system is in full force, and
as a consequence, dip not overebareed with delinquenties in the Credit system, or additions made to support the
Lumber trade. " Otfrice, sod no deviation is the true system."
al' A cull is ;relict ;b l
purchasing elsewhere, at Ns. 5, south end, Brick Ron.. ,
• owanda, October , 845. GEORGE E. FLYNT & CO.
11Vt)TIGE is beirby en that the following Maui
fication of the Heinll'o,4 Foreign Ockids and
Merchandise, has been made by the subscribers. and
that the Associate Judges and Vonunissionens of Brad
ford county will meet at the Cn . 4iiii`ussitiner's Office, in
the borough of Towanda, an IdiT the 30th day of
March neat, and continue in sesati:M . two days, to bear
those who feel themselres aggrieseil,infiare desirous of
appealing from the classification herelikroOde, To wit :
Names. GI& Amount.
Saiterice, Welles & Harris . 10 1 $2O
L. S. Ellsworth - 12 12 50
.Thcmas Masarett 2tl . 12 12 50
U. A. Perkins ' 14 7
Chester Park 14 t
C. H. Herrick 14 't
H. S. Rogers 14 ,1
H. S. Comstock 11 15 ,
Job Morley 12 12 50
John Watkins
Thomas Gardner
Elmer Horton
John Horton, jr
A. & 8. H. Morley
Charles Rathhene
Ulysses Moody
Oliver D. Citareibeitiii
Israel Smith
Jeruce W.Mercur
Wilt ism Angle
Rogers Fowler
D. C. Salsbury
Benjamin Coolbiugli
N. D. & Warford
H. S. & J. H. Phinne3 ,
.1. 13. & G. Smith
John Naglee & Son
Theepilue HuaipErry
Henry Gibbs
Smith ti• Reis 13 . 10
Jesse E. Bullock 13 10
Daniel 'Bailey 13 10
P. M. Bostsvitkl3 10
liO3ii. Z--
John Passe:lore
..,....! 14 7
Maynard & Wattles 14 7
Asoph Colburn
John L. Webb
Storm & Jones I 2 30
Horace Kinney & Co. 13 10
Wells Nichols & Co. 14 7
Lyman DUrf ea
Bullock & Phelpei
E. 8. Tracey 13 10
V.. F. Kellogg 13 10
seniso ritiv
E Norman
sTANbiso iims.
Henry W. Tracey
Mix & Storrs
TOWA\DA 00k0VOil
Hiram Mix & Sons 11 15
Elliott & Mercui 11 15
0. D. Bartlett lll 12 50
Burton BingsberY 13 /0
.1. D. & E. D. 510nianyo 10 20
J. Kingshery jr. id 10
A. D. Montarrye 13 ..0
H. S. & M. C. Mercur lb 20
Charles Ileed 11 15
Wm. H. Baird & Co. 10 20
Tracj & MOOlO 12 12 50
George E. Flynt & Co. 10 20
E. H. Mason & Ilustoci - t 4 I
S. 8. Bailey ' 14 - 0
Cyrus Pratt 14 7
u. C. Ha 14, • -7
A. S. Chimberliti 13 to
Miles Carter 14 7
Patrick (Main 14 .. 7
Zeruiah Croce . 14 I
G. F. Redingtun 10 20
Layton Runyon 13 10
Baird & Stephens 11 15
D. F. & S. W. Pomeroy &Co. 1,0 20
0 P Ballard 12 12 50
:,. ult.sltß.
Guy Tracey id /0
Truman & Co. 1S 10
William Gibson
Robert Spalding
Juthon Hotcbtub
Elgin Lewis
M. IL & U. H. Weller
McKinney & son
Robeh Slieoree
Robe! t Cooptr
%Irma Tyrtell 14 7
Benjitoin Buffington - 14, 7
By the tenth section Of the tiCi of AsicriffilY; Passed
the drat day of May. A: D. 1841, it is pnisided - that
every seller or vendor of iiines or distilled itgitois either
with of without goods, sidles. meichandite, Oodnnodi
ties or affects ce sforesailf f sball pay for hlo license mist
per cent. in addition to the isies shire ipecified."
And by the act of ASienibly pissed the third day of
March, 1843. it is made the duty of ttib ciinstabteli of
each &what'll . ), borotErh 6'r %Mid tri.the ieiehd warts of
this commonwealth, "to give tittifsti of piloted notice
et least Eve days before die da# of appeal Una by the
Judges of the court of common picas, and the
sioners at said county to every wholesale dearer `Mid re•
toiler of merehatulise telthia their respective townships,
borough ad word, of the aftdount of shin to which he
stands idol, and of the time drat Oka of such splicer
of which the. constables in tee shVirial townships cud
baroness id Bradford coliaty. Oft( please to talc notice.
.11;MQRP,511, Associate Judge.
.1. TOWNER' ,
L. pliT,Nivit, euaktWati.
A. 14 tnArlmEß.) ,
• CoOiridadioCiera Office, Tolatedi, 1846
~.. pitoctiAsTiriAlltiN
IS mil liwzona 2 SUCCESS: ,
A-1 RATEitL [aim* the suierfibef Elms
Ulf notes that he has left 1114 riefoints with Mt. N.
.1. !Willi for seitlisient—onj person inifebied for
riotloiriotarj foes etas cal on' hid and settle the same z_
spy payment Miss tri hint of Mr. A. C; ALUM of
this Oleo wltfie 'Arai:l4M hi • tfistitaon . of
iuch fees; -A picimpt it*lfiisi to , this moth:. wit
greatly obi* So:uis ate.. ARAN COUDBIT.N.
Towatidi, ribrui4 i 7,
The Hi.sorkeetion of Dead Watches!
It'arner troodrulT
respectfully inform the citizens of
, s , Towanda and 41cirdty., that they
'4 1 7 have formed a plainership for the
' purpose of proitkeatiitg, for the
public interest, the busineis of
Clork and Natib
at the old and well-known stand of Capt, J.
son, (numbered 100,) neat door north ot,Col. litany's
Grocery store, and two doors south of Elliott dr. Mercer,
where they will give their undivided attention hz their
business, and coti2dently inform the public, that from
their long experience in their profession, and a ditarrni
tuition to attend punctually to the interests of those fa
voring them with their work, they believe they ilia nen
desatisfaction, and make refractory time-pieces, ,
" P oin t with unerring finger to the march of Time."
They will be foiind at all hours, at their establish
ment. and solicit a shore of public patronage,
of All kinds of Countru Produce. received in pay.
mcnt fur work, at the market pricm Nov. B, 1845.
13 10
13 10
OD TEA—Yabtig • yaiai; OLd Hymn, Impe:
rial and frobctiabg Tea, caa he bail as .
14 / 7
14' 7
s Groeery, and Eating House,
Is in Betts Montanyes Comer Block,
fronting the. Putpa Stale,
WHERE everything may be found in his line of
business. The public lie invited it, call.
13 10
13 10
13 10
13 .10
14 ' 7
Rejularly reeeittit here.
HE subscriber wants In stiprentice in the Black ,
smilhing Business. A led, eighteen or twenty
years of age, who is desirous of learning the wage, and
can come well recommended; will filtd a good chance.
Tommie. Feb. 18. WM: TROUT.
13 to
13 10
12 12 60
12 12 50
13 10
12 50
12 12 50
13 10
14 7
The Lad and Jog Important Außal Yet at Ike
No. 2, Brick Rot'.
G REAT BARGALNS are now offered the people of Bradford county, by the subscriber, who is now
receiving end opening one of the largest and best oleo,
ed assorthent of goods ever brought into the village of '
Towanda: Dia stock of goods has been selected with
great care expretaly (or this market, and as prices of the
old c'r'edit systeat are decessarily high; he offers great in
ducements to okl who may have cash of produce to ex
change for goods file stdekcotisista iiriin assOrtmad of
DRY BDODg, such as tioadclorba, eassimelias, and .
yestings, (minim, sheep'. gray, herd times, Linsey wool. •
set's, a splendid assottilkelit of Winter Shawls, ladies*
'cravats, gloves, bosieo, stisilders; ard Len thousand az:
ticks, too numerous to
13 I'd
13 Id
12 12 51/
1:1 10
Stich as sugar, tea, coffee, molasses; ipicee , camp atid lin
seed Oil, a full raipply Of Liquors, such as Champagne,
Cognise and American Brandy, Holland Gin, Old Mo.
nougehala tibiae*, Port, Maderia, and' Malaga Wine.
A tao—Diochery, Hardware, Nails, Gime', Iron, I,:witb
er, Boots & Shoes, Buffalo Robes, Hata &Cam Ditip
& Dye Swirl, &e. &c.
All persona wishing to ptirehase goods are resrectfuily
Invited to gite the subscriber a wallonia his
goods and prices before Pinaiiing elsewhere... ,
No. d Brick Row.
13 10
13 to
14 7
Oct. 1, 1845
:ICS”? received a great, variety of bonnet Velveni
Vand Silks together with Plaid, Pringed, Rainbow /
Polka, Satin, Ombre, Velvet, Cap and Taffeta Ribbons
which you will readily aisCover tire very cheap by cal
ling at no. 3 bra row. W.H. BAIRD & co.
12 12 50
13 10
M U 1 71" U 3 60 as a
.fttoi•aity at Law,
OFFICE in, the north corner of the 13444 hour.di
rUctly over the Post Office, Mein street. 137Eiz
trance at the north end of the building.
Wanted, at the Savings Bank.
wt less?.
WROM Orwell, Pike & Burlington totitiaLiµa,loo
a goad roll and fresh Butler.
. ,
From Elkton(' township, 750 a rail buffer rind a quan
tity of deerskins. wi waive •
From Smithfield Cantoh, W7sox and Ulstej, 1000 a
Butter-4,500 Mishits of grain, various kinds.
*II Nr , 11.17
From Albany, Franklin, Standing Stone end ki 7 Yalua l
Mg, 500,00 of Limbo} of all kinds, frit *Mob rash will
he }mu!: wa WANT
Flom old and new Sheslittnin, 5010 bitheift bins, rye;
wheat and corn. we wLR may
From the above townshiim, 74 cash rosin nets, to znak4,
our number just 1000.
wishing to purchase
g o uda far their nil:mince, Will pleas@ price our goods, se
we are giving in exchange, goode at "gold and surer
prices." There ie but 'one price:. and that a cash price
at (129 G. E. FLtlll7" & COl3.
13 Jo
13 to
12 .is 50
BOO . l'S SHOEts—A very large stock of every
kind and size, at lower pikes than ever, will be
found at ' KERCEIRIS.
l 7-
1 10
14 7
0 contract. or in small quintities,st my store, in ex
change Fur ca4i or goal& d 3 R. FOWLER.
T E EW3SIBE 7 I"ftE D.
a JURY twelve ladies bee decided, that the plati
ato putchtiee mai Teas,.(noappeat of ecitiree) ii
a. G. E. FLYNT ct CCM:
i 4 t
CHESTS' Of Tea. tlifferenikindi and
which will lie sold by t h e That or lea iqueetti;
ty, et4urb wires e(i . to ensure the sale of the let tithe'
larger than beiight by ring other' aerrbantTite r
Call at BAIRD'S 146.3 bI."R.
at 1113 ' Of qua
bitiv..ft,:vfEorEmana Pe : i.
R & TTERLEE have this dal too-
chord with thee', in the mercantile business. N.
C7ITA KRIS. 4ful ¶lll do business hereafter iMer . .ths
name of Segleilee, Welles 4- Harris.
Who resitfitilly Solicit* euntintistio* o thief&
age of the pit& so liberally eatrulrd to' the eld. •
0.,11. etATTERLEE,
I'`. 'WELLES, Je.;
. •
Br We above it will he seen that the than of Wine.
& Smarter etwwil with the !South of February ftrfittilieli
our Mends will see the absolute necessity of
itioinata, etihey by new or payment, %mortal/4y.,
Athens, March 2, 113411.
CROCKERY—z . , Liuge ett . ditions eve been mule . t.f
oar stock a. Crockery—aitiinottiiini ie now
eciiii4ete. bow 12 U. E. PINNT & CO.
FEW BA "1 Lt 3 "CAN Rs OIL, ,
ciet. 1 21. MERCER'S
WAN'rEb in ezehitpge foi gnn la ene bunglin4
pounJs"LIV'E GEESE". F E Till ERS, fui
bun* coniitoptieti, n O. E. rI.OIT & CO.