Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 18, 1846, Image 1

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    761 01 .-M 7.20
Forgive and Forget.
DT TIM ACTIIOII OF rnovtuniAt rattosornT
When streams of unkindness as bitter as. gall,
Bui,hle up from the Iran to the tongue, "
And Nfeeknes; is writhing in torment and thrall,
By the hands of Ingratitude wrung—
lo the heart of unjustice, unwept and unfair,
While the anguish is festering yet,
N one , none but an angel of God can declare
I now can forgive and forget."
But if the had spirit is chased from the heart,
And the lips ore in penitence steeped,
'With the wrong so repented, the wrath will depart,
Though scorn on injustice were heaped;
pa the best compensation is paid fee nll ill,
When the cheek with contrition is wet;
And every one feels it is possible still,
At once to forgice and forget,
To forget! It is nand for a man with a mind,
However his heart may forgive;
To blot out all perils and dangers behind,
And hut for the future to live ;
Then how shall it be I for at every turn,
Recollection the spirit will fret,
And the ashes of injury smoulder and burn,
Though we strive to forgive and forget.
05, hearken ! my tongue shall the riddle unseal,
And mind shall he partner with heart,
While thee to thyself I bid conscience reveal,
And chow thee how evil thou art;
Ilemember thy follies, thy sins, and—:thy crimes,
How cast is that infinite debt !
Vet Merry bath seven by seventy times
Been swift to forgive and forget.
Eirk..l not on inFult, or injuries old,
For thou art injurious too—
Count not the sum till the total is told,
For dm art unkind and untrue ;
tad if all thy harms are forgotten, forgiven,
Now merry wtth justice is met.
ilk who would not take lessons of Heacen,
Nor learn to forgive and forget.
Vet, yes, let a man when his enemy weeps,
Ile quirk to yeeei,e him a friend;
For the; oft his head in kindness be heaps
list reals—to refine and amend:
And brans that are Christian, more eagerly yearn,
A- 3 nurie on her innocent pet,
.I.. er li r that once bitter to penitence turn,
And whisper F,,rgive and Forget.
Letter fronr the lion. G. W. Woodward.
, U WILKES-BARRE. Feb. 'l4th, IS-16.
Whilst making the circuit of my district for I
the bit fuer weeks, I met a publication in ref
erence to the causes of my late rejection by
the senate of the United States, which im
peached utv personal and professional charac
ter in a grave moaner. That publication has
been-republished, and with aid of industrious
verbal defamation from some men in high pla
es, Is well calculated to accomplish the object
;a view—the total destruction of my reputation.
My reluctance to appear before the public
la self vindication, is so great that I believe I
- •inoulel have suffered the injurious statements,
to which I allude, to have passed unnoticed,
notwithstanding their character, if the •desire
of friends had not been expressed
tu see a pu'llic statement of facts which they
deemed sufficient for my delence. It is urg
tti wiat-I owe tt to my family, and to the many
; who labored to sustain my !lamination,
that I should correct statements which tend to
Provo me unworthy of the confidence and sup
port. winch I have received from many of the
wisest and purest men in the nation. both
Democrats and Whigs; and it is said that the
absence of contradiction will at length be vouch
ed as a justification of the slander. I yield to
these considerations, and, for the first time in
niy-life, appear before the public in vindication
my motives and conduct. But I shall con
-tine myself to matters that have been urged
=race the rejection, and which affect my char
acter as a man and a judge.
It does not become me to discuss the topics
that were urged upon the Senate to procure any
rejection, nor to question in the slightest degree
the purity of motive which influenced the op
posers of the nomination, whether within or
without the Senate. Having bowed my head
in silence to thoslkcree that condemned nee, I
telt that I was sec ure from farther assault. I
tbought the sentiment was universal that the
dead should be buried. Nothing but actual
vxperience could have convinced me that the
President and that great body of my conntry
men who had honoredrwe with their support,
were to suffer insult on my account. Other men
have been rejected by the same tribunal, but I
recollect no instance where the fact of rejection
has been employed to annihilate character. In
this respect my case is anomalous, and hope
it will remain so. •
The first matter to which I address myself
is the insinuation that I went to Washington to
procure the nomination of Judge Jones, and
eopplanted him and obtained tt for my self. If
I most humble myself to a defence against so
odiou s an imputation, my mode of defence
shall be a simple statement of facts ; for, if the
• truth fail to shield me, I am without-ithetter.—
Some time after the death of Jutlge Bald
7hle I united with the gentleman of the bar of
l24aitN county in recommending Chief Judge
Gibson to the President as hts successor. En
ieriainin the ofoudes respct for tbe iner
ectual endowments
n and t
legal e atta inments t of
our Chief Justice, I declined to recommend
2 . 11 Y other man until I heard from - various guar
rls that his nomination was out of the Ties
'son utterly. Some time last sp ri ng, and Sim.
111 . 440118 /Y• I received fro aco mittee of the
( Heads, offudge Grier. itrPittsb ni tirg, and from
Personal friends
.of Judge Jones, in. Philadel
setinrots that I would address the Preai-
dent in behalf of each of those gentlemen. I
had long known both Judge Grier and Judge
Jones, aud,beside the claims of personal friend.
ship, they had my highest respect as men of
learning and as upright and able Judges. 1
deemed them both worthy of the President's
favor, but how was I to decide betweed them
It was not for me to decide, and I did not. 1
wrote a duplicate letter to the President, in
which I spoke of them both, and told hint he
might choose either with safety—that betwixt
two such men he could not fall into error. I
sent copies of the letter to friends of each of
these gentlemen.
About the first of October last, I had occa
sion to go Pluladelphta, with part of toy fami
ly, for the purpose of obtaining medical advice
for a little boy, and anticipating some delay
with the physicians, I determined, if leisure
Ovoid occur, to visit Washington, for the pur
pd,se of paying my respects to the men whom
I had assisted to elevate, and whose aLll7llll ' l , .
was giving me perfect satisfaction Doctors Mc-
Clellan and Chase were called in and consult
ed, and finding a week week) be occupied in
preparing to treat the case, I resolved to exe
cute my purpose of visiting Washington. A
distinguished member of the member of the
Philadelphia Bar hearing of my desizn. called
on me to request that 1 would take charge of
and deliver to the President some documents
in his possession, favorable to the appointment
of Judge Jones. 1 assented readily to his re
quest, but urged him to accompany me, which
a professional engagement in court prevented
his doing.
I took the documents, and went to W ashing.
ton. Mr. Buchanan was absent, and so entire
ly was 1 a stranger there, that I could find no
body to introduce me to the President. I re
solved to call on hint without an introdurtion.
On my way to his residence for tins purpose
I met three gentlemen of. my hripiaintance
from Pennsylvania whom-I asked "accompany
me. They said they did not know the Presi
dent, and, like my myself. wanted an introduc
tion. I agreed to introduce them it they would
go with me. Very fortunately for my pres
ent purposes, they went. The Prestdent re
ceived us all in tie most obliging manner.—
We were seated, and after a few minutes of
general conversation, I handed him the docu
ments that had been entru-ted to me. and men
tioned the name. of the gentleman to whom
they related. This led us to speak of Ju lge
Jones, and I assured the President that this :,p
-piontment to the vacant Judgeship would give
great satisfaction in Peitns!. tvania. and in My
opinion prove a blessing td the country. Much
inure to the same effect as said. which I need
nut repeat. The President listened in the-most
respectful manner to all I said in regard to
Judge Jones, but gave no intimation whatever
as to whom he meant to appoint. Conversa
tion soon ran into other channels—another
gentleman from Pennsylvania entered the
room, and after sitting i few minutes longer,
the three gentlemen and' myself, uho had en
tered at the same time, rose and took our leave.
Such was Myinterview With President Polk.
There was nbt an allusion, the most delicate
or indirect, to myself in connexion unit the
Judgeship or any other subject. If, in the
President's mind. my name was associated
with the office, such a.4sociation manifested it
self by no outward sign. And to exclude all
misconception, I will add there was no allusion
made to the Senatorial election last winter in
our Legislature.
I have never had a syllable of intercourse
with the President on the subject of the Judge
ship since that interview save to one instance.
which, to prevent future surinissing, I must
explain. Some time alter my name was sent
to the Senate. I saw in some paper. nut now
recollected, a statement to the effect that time
President hail been deceived in regard to me,
and regretted the nomination, and was desirous
to withdraw : it. I wrote a note to hint to say
that it the withdrawal effigy name would relieve
bim from any embarrassment. or promote the
prosperity 'of his administration, he would eon
fer a favor on me by withdrawing, it. What
he said to the friend who placed that note in
his hands. it is not meet for me to State.
The truth then is, that I did not go to Wash.
ington for the purpose of promoting Judge
Jove's interests : but being there, did earnest
ly recommend his oppointnient. And now I
will add, that the man does not live who can
say with truth that I ever spoke or wrote a
word, or did an act, to obtain the appointment.
On this - point I defy keen-eyed maitre. I nev
er had ant• taste for intrigues, and never was
engaged in one. But had I been skilled in such
affairs, my reverence for that office and my
diffidence of my abilities, were too profound
to permit me to seek it by indirection, or in
deed in any manner. Why the President hon
ored me with the nomination I have never in
quired, and he has never informed me. Two
of the persons who accompanied me to the Pres
ident, and who heard every word that was
spoken between us; have authorized me to in
troduce their names, and if any man wilt do
me the great injustice of doubting the accuracy
of what I have stated, let hint appeal to-them.
They are Major Bailey, of Jersey Shore. Ly.
coming county, and Alison White, Esq., of
Lock Haven, Clinton •county. The other
gentleman 1 have not seen since I was at
Washington, or he would doubtless have giv
en me the same license. When I returned to
Philadelphia, having spent less than two days
in Washington, 'a very particular friend of
Judge Jones requested me to write to Mr.
Buchanan, whom I had not met, in reference
to the attainments and qualifications of the
Judge, which I did, and here ended all I ever
did in reference to the subject.
If I betrayed the interest of Judge Jones. as
has been published to the world, he a n d hi s
intimate friends in Philadeladelphia were guil
ty of great insensibility to the outrage for they
have taken unwearied pains to express their
acknowledgements and their gratification with
the nomination of myself. I may not introduce
the warm, eloquent and affectionate language
with which their letters abound throughout
this most painful trial,hut 1 must say that how
ever editors may cause the world to judge of
me, that pure man and accomplished scholar,
who i would be an ornament to any bench, sus
pects the of no delinquency.
But the author of the publication to which
I refer, seems to speak against my. reputation
as a Judge, by authority from some of the
Judges of the Supreme Court, and I have no
reason to question his authority. for many
witnesses have testified to me of the opprobrious
language which certain of those Judges habit
italiy employ in respect to me. I do not re
gret that they have lound an organ at length,
for I had rather meet open. printed defamation,
than convert insidious assaults, sometimes on.
ly insinuated, and sometimes using a language.
higitive and vague for notice and explanation.
From the time I voted fur the limited tenure in
the Reform Convention to this day, I have
heard nothing but reproaches of myself from
thief Justice Gibson, Judge Rogers and Judge
Burnside. It woad not comport with the tem
per of this letter to write down the hard
speeches and abusive epithets, adjectives being
omitted, which I have been compelled for years
to hear from these distinguished men. And
since the President honored me with the nom
ination which they so much court. their wrath
seems to have burst all bounds. Self respect
forbids me to notice in detail the many unkind
things they have said of me. but it is time for
them distinctly to understand, that if there be
not voluntary and total reform in that regard.
that such notice will be taken of the matter as
may possibly,in their cases, abbreviate the ten
ure already limited.
My personal relations with these gentlemen,
so tar as 1 have had any intercourse, have
been of the happiest character; and this fact, in
connection with the unvarying testimony of
those who have reported theta to me, leave me
to no doubt that their indignation was purchas
ed by my conscientious support of the limited
tenure. Nlv defence in this enequal war inu,l
be found in the facts of the case. In ItE;:id,
was chosen a Senatorial delegate to the Con
vention to amend our State Constitution, by
the people, of ,Luzerne, Wayne. Pike and
Monroe counties. I knew the sentiments of
my constituents well to reference to the judi
cial tenure. they knew mine. I took lily seat
in the Convention to 1.337, one of the younoest
members, and without req ice t. was placed on
the Judiciary Committee., and in the Conveo
tion.l advocated the introduction of the hooted
tenure "'fledges as a reform demanded by the
people and sanctioned by the soimilest consid
erat,ons both of principle and polies . . Ihhers
maintained the same views with an ability to
could lay no claim. Vile measure was
was carried, and the people ratthied tc by
a direct vote—my constituents by a ma
jority el five thousand. It does not fall within
the purposes of this letter to state the grounds
of that change in our Constitution. hut tv hoev•
er wishes to know my views of the matter,
will find them displayed in the fourth volume
of the debates, commencing on page
nd at page :320, they will find a statetnetit ill
my reasons why the more permanent tenure is
proper in the constitution of the federal iodi
c-oars.. Ainom,,rst other things it has been ob
jected to me that I sought a judicial appoint
ment under the consthution of the r n ited
States, after having repudiated the 200i1 beha
viour tenure which is known to prevail in that
constitution. 'I hat I never sought such an ap
pointment I have already said, and that I jos.
titled and applauded the good heleavior tenure
in the federal constitution fur reasons peculiar
to itself, and not applicable to our state judici
ary, may be seen by reference to the speech
I was influenced in my support of the limited
tenure by no prejudice against the judges, hot
nide by a sacred regard to duty. I find at the
conclusion of the speech to which I have refer
red, the following:
t• 11r. Chairman, justice to myself requires
ate to say, in conclustou, ilvit I have been in
fluenced to my support of this measure solely
by a conviction that it is right, and that the
public interests deiziand it, I have no prrju
dice o r pique against judges to gratify—no
wrongs to redress—no secret griefs to assuage.
I have in that department many friends—l d o
tint know that I have a single enemy. " Rut
that was the last dal' I could say I had no elle
iny in that departmsent of government.—
The most painful experience has taught the
how hazardous a duty I was called to perform
and how an honest constituency may be visit
ed with indignant reproach. Bow effectually
I have guarded myself against a loss of the res
pect and deference which was due from me to
the age. the learning and the station of these
honorable men, is evidenced not only by the
humility with which I have borne myself to
wards them at the bar and on the bench, Int
by the fact that I encouraged the re-appoint
ment of Judge Rogers—recommended die Chief
Justice Gibson to the President for the vacant
seat on the bench of the Supreme Court of the
United States, and put no obstacles in the way
of the confirmation of Judge Burnside. Nor
do I now complain that they advised the Sen
ate to reject my late nomination, for they do
not deem more humbly of my qualifications fur
that exalted office, titan I de myself. My high
ly' respectable correspondents and my editorial
(lims who have referred the opposition of
these gentlemen to the deep prejudices they
were known to entertain against me on account
of the limited tenure, have in my °phonon
done their Honors injustice. I prefer to re.
gard their opposition as the result of conscien
tious conviction. and as the exercise of their
undoubted right. But whilst I concede to
them purity of motive in the very article of
condemnation, I have a right to protest against
the vituperative language whir which they are
in the habit of visiting me. They did not op.
pose my emdirmation any more himestiv than
I supported the limited tenure, and us I have
no reproaches for their act, they should have
none for mine. They should consider that I
am not alone responsible for this hated reform.
The people of Penwylvania incorporated the
limited tenure Into their fundamental law, and
they hail a right to do so—a' perfect right.—
And in my opinion, the enthusiastic admirers
or life offices aro not likely to convince the pen.
[de that they erred in the exercise of this right
by heaping reproaches on the heads of their
faithlul representatives.
But the Editor who echoes the reproaches of
these honorable men, laments the numerous
reversals of my decisions in the Supreme Court,
in regard to most of which the Court declared
that they were too plain to admit of any argu
ment." This is certainly very lamentable. but
the statement of a few facts will alleviate in some
degree the distress occasioned by this calamity.
Every lawyer knows that when a case is reversed
it needs to he reported to guide the Court in the
future trial, but lilt be affirmed, no such neces
sity exists, mid the Supreme Court report or
Aurpress it according to no i rule that I ever heard
of or have been able to imagine. The conse
quence is that the books of reports generally ex
hibit more reversals that atlirmances, though in
respejt to my judicial labours, the number of
reversals and affinsances reported, le.ppen to he
very nearly equal. During the time I have been
upon the bench,every case that has been reversed
lets been reported. save one, which will doubt
less appear in the next book, but many cases
have been affirmed which are not reported. I
have no means for consulting the records at this
distance from any district ; and no taste for it WI
hail the means, but I can recall tomy memory
numerous cases that have been affirmed. inso
much that if they were added to the affirmances
that are reported. the preponderance wont: be
very great, and would chew that a state of things
exists in my district not more lamentable than
did exist under my illustrious predecessor. I
remember one unreported case well, for it turned
upon,a constitutional question:which I had ruled
in auf opinion filed. Whilst it was under review
in the Supreme Court, Judge Rogers is said to
have ejaculated that my constitutional opinions
were" monstrous." I think,lowever, the obitir
dictum. of his Honor must have teferred to the
Ignited tenure, for they affirmed the opinion I
had tiled. Those who east up the number of
reported eases for the purpose of destroying my
policed diameter, should know that the case of
Adams vs. Jackson, 4th Watts and Sergeant.
was tried before we at a special Court in Cam
bria county, though, throughout the thirty-pages
which it occupies in the book, there is nu inti
mation of the fact. and that the case of Brower
vs.Osterhout, in 7th Watts and Sergeant, was
also tried before me notwithstanding, the silence
of the report on his head. Both these cases were
affirmed. They should have noticed also the
cases of McCulloch vs. Cow per, sth Woos and
Sergeant. in which the Supreme Cout publish
my opinion en extols°. and append the following
decomm :•• Pm: Cuann. The law of the case
is so well stated by the Judge who tried the
cause, as to render any further examination of
its principles unnecessary. Judgment affirmed."
Another tact should not be forgotten. During '
the year which ended in May last, the time when
any causes carne before the Supreme Court at
liarrisfmr , , various writs of erior had been taken
to indenteut's in each county "1 my district—
the records were removed—the judgments at
tacked by :11,1e counsel. and every one of them
1.11 .S'upreme court. Counsel
me that not one was reversed, though sere
al of them involved important principles. And,
yet not one of these cases is reported. A case
that stood over fur re-argument from the year be
fore was reversed on a point ofminor importance.
but as to the labors of the last year, nothirig, had
to be undone or done over. A. case that went to
Sunbury from a special Court in Bradford coun
ty. did not constitute an exception. for that too
was affirmed as one of the Judges informed me.
And then, to arrive at a just estimate of official
competency, it would he necessary to consider_
that a very small proportion of the Judgments
entered in my district are removed an to the
Supreme Court. Perhaps there is no district
in the State where counsel take fewer writs of
error in proportion to the causes tried.
Now, thesee fact, which it is extremely mor
tifying for me to be compelled to state, do nut
prove that some of the judges of the Supreme
Court did wrong in killing toy nomination in the
Senate. but they tend to mitigate the editorial
p a ins occasioned by this post mortem examin
ation. 1 know, Ili well as the whole profession,
that it is most unjust to try the reputation of a
Common Pleas Judge by the hooks of reports,
but the world dors not understand this. W hat
would heroine of the pretensions of some of our
very hest judges, if the last hook of reports. Bth
Watts & Sergeant. should be made the standard
of judgment in respect to them And what sort
of :in estimate could be formed of - the learning
and abilities of the gentlemen of the bar, particu
lady in the interior, from the ghostly skeletons
of their arguments as exhibited in our books ?
Neither the lawyers nor the inferior judges have
any control over the reports, and it is of itself
unimportant that their hest performances do not
appear in them ; but when the reports come to
be used as a means of defamation, as has been
done against me.thetv acquire a new importance,
and it becomes judges and lawyers to look out
for their reputations. Such use of the reports
is unfair in the extreme. What judge in Penn
sylvania could not be impeached'by such means ?
Even their honors on the Supreme Bench, to
whose reasonings these volumes are dedicated,
could be prejudiced by farts gleaned from the
reports. Two or three of them are understood
to be applicants to the President for the vacant
judgeship, and after they should have been nomi
nata, and rejected. seriatim, would the editors
whit have assailed me, ,deem it fair war on the
charaCters of those judges, to point to their rever
sals of their o wn opinions, or to the numerous
Acts of Assembly which have been enacted to
remedy their mistakes ? I think not. More
likely it would he considered as due to their
feelings & their future usefulness, to leave unsaid
many things which might with truth he urged.
And as to longs Mat Will' not tint-, the common
instincts lit till Inanity would forbid their utteran
ce on such ma occasion. A rejection by so en
lightened a body as the Senate o f the U n i te d
States is sufficiently destructive to character,
without the aid of a mischievous press, and yet
mote mischievous tongues.
It has afforded me unspeakable satisfaction
itt the midst of abounding misrepresentations,
to witness the fit Fitness with which the whole
- community with whom I exercise myoffice,hare
withstood the injurious asSaultsopon the personal
'and professional reputation . ofTheir judge. The
gentlemen of the bar, the press, and the polite,
without disunction of party, have spoken lately.
in the most emphatic manoci. \\ hat unfavor
able.impressions may' be produced hereafter, by
the means which are in active employment, I
know not, but I have mistaken the intelligenee
and virtue of that community, if a faithlul and,
riinsmentions discharge of the dunes of 'a reset,-
stole office, do not retain fir me the enniiirenve
and affection of which they have given me so
many proofs in the past.
And now my unwelcome task is done. If I
were not afraid of appearing obtrusive, I wound
notice other matters in the 1)111)1'w:owns which
has called forth those explanations. but they
relate to public questions, and me to private cr
official character, and I must be content to let
them run their course. I have confined myself
103 defence of my reputation as a mutt a judge,
and have restained myself from saving ally thing
merely to wound the feelings of any assailant.
lam before the public for no office. I am no
aspirant for places that others may desire. Pce
haps I err, but it seems to we that in such .eir
cumstances, I might be spared Intuit further in
sults and defamation.
This communication would have been made
some days sooner, if me dirties while in my dis
trict would have premitted me to prepare it.—
But I was compelled to delay it till my return
home. Yours. respectfully,.
Boston Transcript copies copies from the
London Sun, a pleasant sketch of Daniel Web
ster—which concludes with the following
amusing anecdote of this remarkable man - :
The distinguished man, just before Lafayette's
last visit to America, formed one in a fishing
party in Massachusetts. He had been select
ed to deliver the welcoming speech to the
Frenchman on his apprimehin,g visit, and dur'-
ing his'occupation of hauling in rod fish and
tatting, he was observed to he very abstracted.
It appeared afterwards that he must have been
studying that part of his speech in which he
afterwards addressed Lafayette, for a gentle.
man who was fishing next him observed him
pulling in his line. hand over hand, with some
difficulty. as if a large fish was hooked. yet
without exhibiting any satisfaction on his fare
at having captured a prize. At length the fish
was seen approaching the surface and gleam
ing through the green waters. like a lively
bladder of quicksilver: still, Webster's face
gave no smiling welcome ; but just as the fish
came to the surfabe, he burst out with Ven
erable man! the representatives of the two,
hemispheres. welcomeyou to our shores," anti'
down flopped the monster cod" on the deck.!
ANECDOTE.—When Clingman was election
eering in one of the obscure villages of North
Carolina. lrst summer, he asked a young lady.
(a good democrat by the by) if the ladies in
the valley were not in favor of him. She re
plied we are too good deinocrats for that. But
says Clingman, down in Cleaveland all the
girls go fur me—why, not long ago, theie at
Court, ween a young lady was Snout to give
her evidence in Court, the Bible being pre
sented to her, she asked his honor if it
wouldn't do as well for her to kiss the lawyer,
for she would a great deal rather kiss Mr.
Clingman. Yes, Mr. Clingman," retorted
the spirited mountain girl, .‘ I can tell you why
—she didn't want to kiss the troth."
Dpu. PREACIIER9.—Some ministers are so
intolTerably dull, that one can hardly keep him
self awake under their preaching. We once
heard a man preach, who made such long paus
es between his words, that a gentleman re
marked, there was sufficient time to strike up
a tune on the organ. It is seldom that a non
fall's asleep while listening to an animated dis
course ; but sometimes it will happen, as it
did in the case of a Methodist divine. Obser
ving several of his congregation nodding. he
exclaimed at the top of his itings—.. Fire ! fire!
fire !" W here ?--- where I" exclaimed sev
eral of his audience, rising in their seats. In
hell !" replied the preacher, as he continued
his discourse.
INDC/STRY.—Men mast have Gemination. or
be miserable. Toil is the price of sleep and
appetite, of health and enjoyment. The very
necessity which overcomes our natural sloth is
a blessing. The world does not contain a bri
ar that divine merry could have spared. We
are happier with the sterility that we ran over
come by industry, than we could be with spon
taneous and unbounded profusion.
The body and the mind are Improved hs the
toil that fatigues them : that toil is a thoitsand
times rewarded by the pleasure which it be.
stows. Its enjoyments are peculiar, no wealth
can purchase them, no indolence ran taste
them. They flow only from the excruonS
which they repay.m
STEEL BELLSCIIIIICh bells can now he
made of steel, as has been proved by an inge
nious American mechanic, from a suggestion
in an English paper. A hell weighing fifty
pounds, made of steel will only cost about $3O
and can he heard two miles or more. Thetall
- of this invention are said to he two
fold, first, it is so cheap that every church may
have a bell of a clear. brilliant nail mnsical
tone, second, it is so light, and being stationa
ry, that even a slight belfry will sususitt
This newly invented bell is rung by a crank,
and any boy can do it as well as any regular
parish bell ringer. For Ann% Intl„ a chime
of seven bells can nnw he
I N THE liv EHNo .—V o n do not like to he.
knowledge you have been in the wren; but
it is better than to persist. Who wittlatigh at
you for saying you were in error No (the
whose npinirin is worth a groat.—Come 'out
speedily and manfully and confess yotii faith.
and hundreds - stand and givi3 you , a God
speed in the path of truth.
OLD Bsettmons.--Jerrold says old bachel
ors are like dry wood ; when they do take flame
they him prodigiontly. -It takesittore Natio
start the flame, than it is' worth after' it is kin
WOMEN AND DANcom.--- I believe a wo
man would do a great deal for a dance," said
Dr. Growling •• they are immensely fond of
salsa o:y mot.on. I remeniber once in my life
I used to dirt with one who was a great favo
rite in a provincial town where I lived, anti
she tt as invited-to a ball there, and confided to
me that she had no stockings to appear in. and
without them her presence at the ball was oat
o f t he que:stion."
That was a hint for you to buy the stock
ings." said Dick.
.• No: rou're out." said Growling. " She
knew I was as poor as herself ; but though she
could not rely on my purse, she had every
confidence in my taste and judgment. and con
sulted me on a pl:n she formed for going to
the ball in proper trim. Now what do you
think it was !"
"To go in cotton, I suppose," veil:wiled
••out again, sir,---you'd.._ never guess it;
a nd only a woman could gave hit on the expe
dient. It was the fashion in those days for
in full dress to wear pink stockings. and
she proposed painting Jut legs.'
- Painting her legs !" they all exclaimed.
Fact, sir," said the doctor, " and she re
lied on tue to tell her if the cheat was success
And was it ?" asked Burly.
Don't be in a hurry, Tom. f complied
on one condition, namely--that I should be the
6. Oh. you old rascal !" said Dick.
66 A capital bargain," said Tom Duffy.
•. But not a safe covenant," added the :Atm
•• Don't interrupt me, gentlemen," said
doctor. •'I got some rose pink accordingly.
and I defy ati the hosiers in Notungham to
make a tighter fit than I did on little Jenny ;
and a prettier pair of stockings I never saw."
And she wont to the bad?" said Dick
She did."
And the trick succeeded r added Dully.
So completely." said the doctor, " that se
veral lathes asked her to recommend her dyer
to them. So you ace what a woman will do to
go to a dance. Poor little Jenny ! she was a
merry minx—by the bye, she boxed my ears
that night for a joke. 1 made about the stock
ings. " Jenny." said I, " for fear your stock
ings should fall down when you are dancing,
hadn't you better let me paint a pair of garters
on them ?"
Dui'r FRET.—Of all disagreeable persons.
habitual Getters are the most so. You never
can do anything that will please them. If they
should ever be found to laugh over a good joke
or a thrill at the recital of some noble deed,
should, for a wonder, run through their frame,
they will not commend the noble BOW that did
the act. But let the same person commit a
trivial error, and they will hear from the fretter.
"There Jane, I knew you would apill the
water What did you get the pail so full
Gar ?" And the next time, if Jane should fetch
the pail half full, tt will be,—" There Jane,
you hav'nt got half enough to fill the tea-kettle!
You never do anything right. , You are too
lazy to bring water enough! Such a good for
nothing huzzy I never did,see I"
Poor woman„ She scarcely draws a pleasant
breath from morning / till night ; and even in
her sleep, fretful winds will come out occa
sionally. She never keep any " help." But
what is worse than all, her children, under the
influence of her example, are apt to grow up
selfish and bad tempered.
" Tom," says the man, " Why did n't yoif
hut the gate when you went through it
You always leave the bars down, or the door
or gate open l" But Tom, on the whole, Was
a pretty careful boy, yet one day seeing farmer
Fretful coming towards him, he resolved to do
right this time, so he shut the gate tight. But
it aappened that the farmer wanted to go thro'
it. Therefore lie cries out, "Tom you are al
ways shutting the gate when> person want's
to use it ! You are more trouble than profit !
A plague on such heedless fellows - -
A child to be pitied that falls into the hands
of fretful persons ; so is a than or woman.—
One fretter is enough to mar the peace ofany
Perhaps the only cure for a habitual fretter,
is that recommended to a wife who quarelled
with her husband. She was told to hold some
water in her mouth when her husband scolded
her. She did so, she could say nothing back,
cad he soon scolded Name( out. Let the fret
ter. when inclined to speak, seize a tumbler
and ti'tho mouth with water ! It will work
like a charm. If persevered in, it will entirely
eradicate the evil, which will be the most as
tonishing water cure ever yet put on record.
Mrslear,.--A correspondent of the Herald;
says the origin of a difficulty, which resulted at
last in the dismissal of a clergyman, in the
neighboring town, can be traced to a very tri
vial affair. which is as follows : At a confer
ence meeting of the church, the pastor g :ye out
the hymn commencing with • I lova to steal
awhile away," when, the chorister commenced
singing. hut owing to some difficulty in recol
lecting, the nine. could proceed no farther than
I love to steal." which he did some three or
f l our times successively, when the elergymin.
in order to relieve him from his dilemma. re
marked. that it was very muck to be regret
ted." and added, •• let us pray"l"liits. of
course. put the chorister's pipe out, in short
metre ; pitched a different'tune tram what thn
pastor intended, and furnished the key to his
K„ ei , r , R ' s ExvltAvseJ . % NC2.—Kerier. who ul.
ins:He ly discovered many important truths. was.
through life. the dupe of v a g ar i es isinukA on
the auper:tititnns of the age. In one o f hi s e a r ly
works he imagined the planets to'be huge :mi.
orals Wit() swam round the sun, by means,of
certain fins acting iiimu 'the etherinl fluid; as
those of fishes tin in the water, and agreeahly to
this tctiritt. heimagined the comets to ho none.
turns and uncommon nuitnala•gmer.ted in the
celestial spaces s nild•ho exp'sitted how this et
cited this animal faculty.