Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 11, 1846, Image 4

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    t i
, iik - Cie. LEtrEns, remaining , in the P.
ali i Atkenth, likeensher 31, tsp. ; ' ..•
ichijill' eciiou • 4 8 Hoyt •
oho.tBiirrenn -7 ,- filivar.Ellaworiti
Mnittigia- P-- • . t7bas'Hopkins
Charles Benedict (leo Kifr
Saaill Chandler • Mary K Rogers ..
I) 0 Newton Nancy Hire
'HairisiOn Dru..l - •'• ' Albert N Husain • '
Joseph Clapp ; Joseph Finger...a . •
GerareVarlia. , , • Chem B. Stuart
Wieskldstud— -:- • Deasy bible
Philip Frederic • . /sate Springsteen
Ethaallr Fox ..: , . Pitnry Suygke -
Horses C Gallup lra bond
Edwd Hurlhurt, ' • liens Snyder
Mrs Hannah Kroh Anna Spaldina•
John A Lidell John Sweet
'Mils Deborah McDowell Nelson 'Putt. ,
•It 0 'Merrhant David Wetland
=Esther Miami Morris E Wilmc
F. McPutEo • Jane P Wheeler
Israel 8 rsteial Daniel M Wilsori '
'H T McGeorge Melissa Wheeler
David Playfaut N F Wynkoop
Nancy Park Lorenzo D Wheeler
Abel P•estwa --- Wu; Welles
Rua Preston Wni H Willson X
.. - . • C. H. HERRICK. P. M
LIST OF LETTERS, remaining iu the P
0. al TORIUtia, Dee. at, 1845.
A ritiV rn •11 Johnston Henry
Arney Miry Miss '3 Ketchum foha
Bowmin J : Knapp Charles' M
Itirainan' A K Ladd K
BishoFiXtiza Mlu E Lovilter Elizabeth Maw
Barlow Prerlesich N Lane s Bricklayer
.13ttlIWni H Law Andrew
Balch John 'Meredith JI) 0
Ridley Jeremiah Morgan Wm
.Broscoon John Mead Daniel
Cummings-Harr, . Maco Abram
Crimmins Muni.: &Male Richard.
Ciutis Lawrence - M.rwin E C
Cuter John. 't McGuyre Johi
Ovestaalo Edward '''
Murdock Bawl
Carpenter Mishit Overton Wru
Carman Charles , O'Riley T D
Comyns James Peckham 1) lo
Collector of Brad. Co. Paymer W U
ikckeir Peirmilly Miss Putter Re , . Alonzo
Decker Pamelia Pierce James 1
Quypemey Nicholas
Salsbury Seth Col.
Decker Win
Decker Janes
Dodge Oliver Smith Samuel H
Etheridge Isaac D smith Almint Mis
VorWand Abroad Sanford Daniel
Eggheron Daniel . Sheerit George N
Emery A Seen George
Foreman Dan . * Seely Reuben 0
Guyer E ' : ISaniee Win
Gregg Frances Thayer Marvin
Goodwin Benjamin Taylur George
Gilbert Elmer Upright Joe M
lled Jahn ' Van Select: Hiroin
Hs11) R Wattles .lacers 2
.Hutchinsion Francis' It 2 Wifiem Thomas M
HigarDsnialh itney,klary
Hine Henry W IrVirianin.hvid
Hackley Andrew J Williams Georg
Wood Sam'i
Wiggins James
Hathaway .1
Hollenbaek Peter
JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT.— The Nr Unita of th;s
efneedousand cheap medicine for the cure of Cowin!)•
lion and other diseases cannot be too well known'. Very
many liveable. been saved by Y. Dlorning
So many' people are afflicted with these common every
day didordes, that we deem it our duty to point our simple remedy, which we have tried and
found efficacious. Jayne'a EXPECTORANT is a very
valuable phial of syrup which we have lately used with
good effect in stopping a ugh and loosening, and Ivreak
ing up a cold.- co
It is a very ag,recchle medicine. Tina
recommendation is not a bought putT, but sptitely volun
tary. And we feel that we can houry do a greater fa
vor to our readers in these days of cheating, than to
meummend them as well tried, efficient remedies, wipe.
sully those we have used ourselves.
Editor of the "Lynn Record," Masa.
FOR &ILE. 'I ;
THE subscriber has for sale—A new two horse wes•
gon r one 4 horse wagon, partly worn: sleighs,
and bola,. harness, &e., &e. Also, 3or 4 good HOR
SES: .A pair of young OXEN, believed superior to
any in the country of their age.
Also, many articles necessary for farming and termi
ng purposes, all of which will be sold cheap for cash or
sipproved credit. ADDISON M'KEAN.
Towanda, December 17. 1845.
3TON ASSORTED IRON. just received, and for
tale at' de24 REED'S, N 0.% B.R.
RLIBBER OVERSHOES, of MI sorts, kinds and
'' sizes, for sale cheap at d 24 REED'S.
inIAINTS & OILS, Dye woods and liii:stufs,a
very large stock, just received at BAIRD'S
Wayne County Ploughs,
4DOZ Wayne county ploughs. for sale at the Sa
yings Bank. Plough merchants supplied at manu
facturers prices, and Farmers on the most reasonable
gents. G. E. FLINT Or CO.
. July 20. lu. 5 Brick Bow.
THE Copartnership heretofore existing between the
subscribers under the firm of 11. Kingsbery 4. Co.
is this Jay dissolved by mutual consent. AU persons
indebted t't said firm are requested to settle their se..
commis with H. S. Comstock, who will continue the
business at die old stand.
Athens Pa., Oct 1, 1845.
NOTICE is given that all persons indebted to the
estate of Wx. &lox, of Thy tp., decd., are re
quested to make immediate payment, and all those hay
ing demands against the same are requested to present
them legally attested for settlement.
Granville, Dee, 81, 1845. Administrators.
20 BUSH. CLOVER SEED, just received
and for sale by B. KINGSBURY.
irkYEWOODS, PAINTS & OILS, of every der..
criptioo, for sale, one notch before Ike market.
sep. 24. • B. KINGSBERI.
BRUSHES --Hair, Pain', Shaving and Muls—
complete assortment, all tbe
CALICOES-500 - 'IECE` I , which were houaht to.
Cheeks on Me City Banks, of the manufacturer's
agents, (I ot-at Auction, where all inferior goods are
/Old) and will be sold - here as cheap as any merchant
(aho bought before the decline) paid.
ride N. 3. BRICK ROW.
ONE li.N MIDI) THOUSAN cubic Jeri of W.
Oak and White Pine Tinter for sawing purposes
Eadeered on the bank or at Port Deposit, wanted in
ebesauge for goods arta some cash by
. BUSHELS of Timothy and Flax SEED,
wanted in exchange for gooda, at
NOTICE 4 given that all persons indebted- to the
estate of Benjamin Brink, late of Shesheottititp.,
deceased, an, requested to make immediate 4ofyrnent,
end all those haying. demands againit the same are .te
ticuarted to*satit them legally attested for settlement.
- •
. tllleshegnin,,Janeary 21. 1845. ,
, 14.1
'V !their. of Dritge, Medicinev, Paints: Oils; Dye
:Stufriand Gracieriev have just been received trace
Cyr - `l";iris, end %011ie sold 'very taw—esti at No. 1
33rieligior. Terms Cub. A. S. CLIAMBEAMN.
,Oct. ISO " '
1, -. t - .. .
s t .BPLENDID tarot Bniah, Silk, Fur ■nd Sporting
MA, Liam also Oil silk, velvet and for cow tputher
it h M ulls, sad Buffalo zobei, title
• .ElliotC4Vilerenr,, -- .:-. ;
A RE NOW , RECEIVING, a very large and very general assernucer of Fall and Winter Ganda.
wfitch they otter to the public on liberal terms, for cash,
grain, °reproved credit. '
TheiratoCk-consiassof almost everything that any
one wishes to buy. And fur tbe.benalt of those who
wish to purchase merchandise of any Lind, and want
to know whine todind it; they. will enumerate a few-of
the many articleatithy hoverer sale: .
Ladies- silk Amnia end black tea-pots;
Grirts' satin cresols and ten-penny nada s
Caned satin, fur ladles' bonnets. and
OLized hate fat mein ;
Knitting pine and isow.banr;
'Carpet tacks and vest patterns ;
Broad A zee 'antfalpiwcas;
• dclaines and wagon tame; •
Printed blue teas and young byvon tea ;
Umbrellas and German pipets: .
Pocket knives and loaf sugar ;
Molasses and coarse brims;
Ladies' cot hose and steel torn hoes;
Ladies' sight caps, for six cents, and
Men's widens. caps•for 12,1 cents; •
Ladies linen tlkf's for one shilling, and
Plenty lof English and Swedes iron, all sizes;
India rubber cloth for carriage covers and
Beautiful figured alpaccas for ladies' cloaks;
Ladies' boas and muffs. and lampblack;
Leghorn bonnets and stone jogs;
Black and blue ink and spirits turpentine;
Lamp oil and Colonge water ;
Sestet oil and sarsaparilla syrup:
Blue ',aliol end best Java and Rio coffee;
Wafers and buck shot;
Indellible ink and pure dry and ground white lead
Looking glasses and cut tumblers;
Tea kettles and black silk stockings.;
, Candle wicking and bed cords; ;
Coat Buttons and writing paper ;
Shell side combs and corded skirts •
Bonnet ribbons and cacendish tobacco; • ,
Plough points and cap ribbons;
Ladies' dress h'effs and stove tubes;
Assorted Needles, and best Nutria hats;
Steel pens and shuvel plough patterns;
Plated hub bands and silk scarfs for ladies;
Comm Yon and wire seives; .
Awl blades and pine, assorted sizes;
Ladies' kid calipers and nail hammers;
Willow baskets and gimp cords;
Men and boys cloth caps and plane hens;
Knives and forks and ark roep ;
Cast steel and steel thinibles;
Brass kettles and brass thimbles;
Beaver cloth and cotton batting;
Pepper boxes and shoe knives;
Bonnet boards and slate pencils;
Carpet binding and inkstands;
Coach lace and handsaws;
Rat-ins and sawmill saws;
Eleidlitz powders and trying annexes ;
Rubber overshoes arid 4i inch spikes;
Sleigh bells and steelyards;
CassimereS and ivory combs;
Gridirons and welting cord ;
• halo bone and patent saw setts;
Suspenders and pan rit door butts;
Finner's chisels and laces for ladies taps;
Pongee handkerchiefs and hair brushes;
hl isles and women's bl. cot .gloves & hair brushes ;
Cocoanut clippers and teeth brushes; •
Colored cambnc and door handles";
Augur bins and children shoes:
is curler] shank and gum cape;
Black tea and patent wheelheirds;
Morrocco belts and tea servers;
Saddler's silk and mouse traps ;
Bonnet wire arid stone churns;
Plaid linseys and bash pulleys;
Patent blind fastenings and huts, (a new article)
' Spoke shaves and door mats;
Black snuff and madder;
13rittaithia lamps and shoo string*:
• and gloves and gun flints;
Sattinet of all kinds and gunpowder;
Horse cards and satin rating;
Curry combs and fur caps ;
Hair combs and sash fastening.;
Glass dishes and wool cards;
Corset lacers and trace chains;
Brass back combs and calicoes of all qualities,
Sash cords and corn ohisps;
Coat canvass & padding and hyde whips;
Furniture prints and rigor strops:
Table covers and Wrier& geography's;
Coarse shoes and polished augurs;
Linen cambric and solo leather;
Hoop iron and !men edging & insertion ;
Florence silks and brown sheeting, ;
Cap wire and copal varnish ;
Lin. Oil and Russia diaper;
Blk. French crape and American door locks;
Mineral knob locks and white lisle crape;
Chrome yellow and green, and cost binding;
Indigo and ribbon a ire ;
Cream Tarter and silk coals and tassels;
Horse blankets and brass nails;
Tea sette,and setts teas;
Spirir.devkla and spool cotton;
anda, "September 19,1849.
IgigHE undersigned are under many and deep oblige
tS to their numerous . triends for the very Wm
ral patronage they recrived, for which we tender
you many thanks ; and we have no doubt of a continu
once of your "smiles and furors" so long as we con-
tinue to sell goods cheaper than any store within lee
miles of Us.
We now have the pleasure of intim:fling oar friends
and customers and the public generally that we are re
ceiving direct from N. York, a larger arid better assort
ment of Goods, that we. or any other merchants ever
brought to this market, consisting of
Dry Goods 4 Groceries, Glass 4. Nails,
Crockery 4- Hardware, Iron 4. Salt.
Drugs 4. Medicines, Leather 4 Fish,
Dye Woods 4. Dye S:iffs. Boots 4- Shoes 4-e.
We gave notice in our last advertisement that" we
had Henry Shelden 4 Co., floored—" since which time
some of our neighbors have been firing their little pop
guns at us, but its of no use—men Rho have stood at
the cannon's mouth as long as we have, cannot be
frightened by such small trash.
We can assure-our worthy neighbors who have fal
len so deeply in love with the terms "bluff" and "bluf.
fing," that it is our intention so long as we remain in
!wetness to always have a rucon of Goods. and after
the gross attempt made in 1842 to prevent oar haying,
we are not sa greed as to en to the city without a
FULL HAND, which in addition to the experience of
one of our firm in the city trade (having been for some
time a clerk in N. York city.) enables us to buy goods
cheaper than merchants generally from the country can.
So just come no. all ye who want to buy cheap for
CASH. call at no. 3, shake " the ready" et us and you
" are eaught—" or if you have a load of produce "give
us Me wink" and. we are cuter you.
For more parrienlans look along through the paper.
W .11 .BA IRD $5: CO, No. 3. B How.
Towanda, N0v.:15, 1845.
Cheap Cash Wholesale Commission & Jobbing More.
/SHE above establishment has. lately been enlarged
j and improved, and iv being replenished with a
new stock.of Fashionable WINTER GOODS, which
in ' their former large stock of staple Goads,
makes it the most desirable place for largeiturchases,
as also for shopping; in town.' Their new stock con.
gists in part of French, English and American Clothe
auJ tiatinells, cashmere de. mope and moonselin de
Isines. or the newest ogles and patterns, sinchew, urn
bre. Swiss, Red posit de souland watered strip'd
Silica, maroon for ladies' skirts. and a mew article nA
fringe for dresses; pbsid cashmere and Torkara , shawli,
and : a Mutual(' 'other et ceteris necessary :a plkaao the
ladies. • .
Their stock of Grocer - re:4 Boots. and Shoes, Rats and
Cap!. ilairato Rohm' Oar and Paints, Iron and Adis,
and Inuit glides' that ther wards'of the community' re
quire, 011 he tountiveT! agoeted end greeted; end of
fered to pqrc[iasers on as 'good 'tenni or better then in
iv of the neighboring villagt;e•lntliti gate of N. Y .
Nov. 12. ;LE & tr. D. AtONTAN.,Itg& CO.
liICACSIANAUSfor:IB46„jurt rrceiverl and
fcr Pale ICY . • IiIE4CCRs'
S. &k: C. Mercur,
fireYß the pleasure of announcing to the public,
that their unprecedented heavy sales thus fall,
hove rendered it necessary to purchase another large
'stuck of WINTER GOODS. whirh they are now re•
Ceiving and offering fur cash at whoksale or retail, at
much lower prices than they MU be found at any other
store in Towanda. • Gash purchasers of goods can se.
cure the following advantages by calling et our store:
FiusT—The procuring of their goods at the least pos.
sible advancefrom the manufacturer's and importer's
• prices, as our goods are purchased from first hailds,
at net cash prices.
SECUNn—Relief from thoextra prices, which merchants
who give credit•rauat charge to curer losses by had
debts, collecting lees, 4-c.
Out Mock is very heavy,embtacing almost everything
in the line of Dry Goads, Groceries, (Liquors excepted)
Hardware, Crockery, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Dye stuffs, Boots and shoes, Saddlery Hardware, Car
riage Trimmings, dte. And Milo' our stock of goods
is much the heaviest in - town, they were purchased BO
very low that they did not cost $2.5,00n, or even it 15,-
000, and our customers can have the benefit of our ad
tantogrouo purchases. as our motto is, ••Small profits
and 1111114 Wks. Nov. 26.1845.
At Boum Corners, with full Winkel Supplies,
ROGERS FOWLER has just filled, by the last
trip of the boats for the , sea-on. hi• large and
commodious rew-.tore-hou.e with a complete and well
assorted lot of Winter Goode...elected carefully by him
self in the New York and Philadelphia markets to suit
the season, with a special view to the ta.te. and arant,
of his neighborhood.
He re.pectfully invites an examination or hi. erten
pive stock—which he offers at an invariable cash price, generally.
Cloth.. Cape, Hate, Hosiery, Hardware, Nails and
Cutlery, Crockery, Stoneware, Tinware, El
ementary Book., Stationery, Staple and
Fancy Dry Good., I)rue. anal Dye .a.
Stuffs, De Laines. Alpaccas, ;
Print., Sim w 1.. Sheet i rigs, , 1 :
Flantick, &c., ex
in short. every variety of goods required in this market.
of the Isle-t styles and of the hest %talkies according to
prices, which shall be sold as low as can be alronled at
any other establishment intended for permanent he'd
news. Full as hi• store is, he has room enough to trade
in. and abundance of light to test thequally of his goods.
1. UM BERM EN, in exchange fur Board., or Shingles
.hall have all articles ut rush prices, tar he has no oth
er.; and they will find. at the game rte+, in addition
to his genei al assortment, a constant supply of GRAIN,
FLOUR. FINN, PURE. !SALT, arid all the necessa
ries so well as the convenience.; of life.
FARMERS' produce bought at all times, at gond
prices. and as fair an exchange made fur good. as by
any dealer in the county.
Persona going to the mine for COAL., can save haul:.
ing by Icsving their loading here, (several miles this
side,) at the coil-bed prices, and taking an order on the
minms, w hich, under his arrangement, will be other
wise to their mutual advantage, by securing to purcha
sers coal at the most favorable rates of barter there, and
savior; to the miners the cunt of bringing aurplus pro
duce back to market.
IL F. has heard of pigmy souls. near Frankindale
corners, the old '• yellow corner," whitened over like
the sepulchre, and in some other dark corners, which
could find no good answer to the question—'• who is
my neighbor 2" but he has passed their reach, not cor
nered yet, and he assures the community which has
imposed so many obligations in him by past confidence
th it he cannot ri-k its continuance, by stopping to kick
otf whiffet., or making announcements which he is un
prepared to fulfill. Monroe. Dec. 3, 1945.
PRINTS—The largest, most . desirahle at cheapest
noon= nt of Prints in town, can he found it
11 orstcd Goods.
MI DE LAMES, Crape de laines, C. D Ecasse
11 1 ... and A Ipsecas, a fine entsortme'nt, purchased in
New York, after the late falling off in prier,. at
nvo2fl. 11ERCUR3'.
BONNET VELVETS, Satins end Silks, with
Ribbons to match, the best and ehespest nssort.
town, et ns26 MERCURS'.
SHA W I.S—E very ono' a ishing to purchase Shawls,
should by all means call where every thing in that
line from twenty-five cents up, is kept at prices to suit
aid es of the articles; it is needless to say that it ja at
net 26 MERCURS'.
HARDWARE.—The largest assortment end
greatest variety ever offered in Bradford county,
ust received at MERCUR'S.
Still Later. More Rich Goods
T - • .
EST received an invoice of the latest styles of Silks,
among which may be found Plain black and blue
black, Onibre Striped Pon de tmeeCatnelion Reps with
Satin Stripes, Genuine Polka Silks, Plaid Florences,
Plain do., Plain silks fa. Bonnetts, a rare opportunity
for those to purchase who intend doing so as they are
sold only a shade above auction prices at
0ct.20. G. E. FLYNT & CO'S.
AiNY — qu — antity of Bleached and Brown Sheeting &
Shirting of all qualities, Wk. and white Wadding',
cking in Boxes, twine, cords, &c., at
iniNE half ton ARK ROPE bought, vet/ kw and
UV will be sold accordingly by
WANTED in exchange for goods , any quantity
of Butter, Tallow, Wheat, Rye, Oats, Timothy
and Clover Seed, Hides, Lumber, and cash will not be
refused by WELLES dr SATTERLEE.
nTEST RECEIVING, at the old store, on the cor
ner of Main and Pine areets, a few dome below
Montanyes ¢ Co.'s, and nearly oppcisite No. 1, Brick
Row, an entirely new stock of GOODS, which con
sists in a general assortment of
Dry Goods. Crockery, -
Groceries. - Boots 4- Shoes,
Hardware, Hats 4• Caps, 4-c.
Together with a general assortment of DRUGS AND
MEDICINES, all of which have been selected with
great care by myself in the New York market, and will
Ire sold as cheap as.can he sold by any hying man in
this market Ladies and Gentlemen can he satisfiedo
this fact by calling on the subscriber, at his store, where
he will be in readiness et all times to wall upon all who
favor him with a call. A. D. MONTAN} E.
(ET Wanted, in exchange for Goods, either cash,
grain, !nether. or shipping Furs, in almost any quantity.
Towanda. November 19. 1945, A. D. M•
1191.71 1 111i:IIK11Letlee
HURLBUIIT, Jr., nuporiur east steel AXES.
• half* dozen boxes, jest Medved end for mlret
the old eten,l of novl9 B, KING:411;;11Y.
pugs that have become Proverbs.
Poo vito FlagT :
RTC HAT CEO. E. FLYNT Se CO, hove the Int
—glgo gest nail most desirable stock of goods in Towanda
rHovr.nn 5r.00% n
That Lumber for Goods, or Goods fur /kuoiher,' cannot
he carried on auccese.fuily without detnment to Cash
Buyers. pnoViut o Taint):
That G. E. Flynt dt CO: buy goods for Cosh, and sell
them for the ready.,"
That G. E. F. & Co. are selling goods- cheaper than
any other establishment in this borough.
And it is whispered,
and soon will become w proverb (although we hove been
knowing to the fact for some time) that G. E. F. & Co.
are selling better goods and more of them. •
Thole who doubt the abort,i
will please present themselves at our cOuneee, where
Goods are freely shown, and always warranted equal to
ecrommendinion. p 3 Look for the Servings 'tank.
GIMPS, CURDS, Fringra, fancy velvet and Rib.
bons at MERCUR'S.
TAKE this opportunity minform alhvho are in.
debted tome, that payment MUST he made by
PE BR,OXRY COURT. The sum due from emit
individual, is small, but in the aggregate it. amounts to
conSiderable. I trust that a more rffeaual notice will
not be necessary. JOHN N. WE'STON,
December 24. Late S:icriff.
Ittest arrival of New Goods!
Wei:LEB SATTERLEE have been real*
lug the last three weeks from New York, a
large and splendid stock of FALL and WINTER
GOOLlS;aelected from the latest importations with un
usual care as to style, quality and especially as to mi.
cc.. They do not pretend to have the largest stuck in
the country, (0801 lower than any other house but they
ask all who wish to buy choke and good goods, to call
and examine the quality and prices of their goods, and
then judge-who sells miothi at low prices; allure invi
ted to call and examine their stock which comprises
every thing mum!, kept in country stores.
• Athens Pa., September 30,1846.
ADM'S will find nearly as large • stock of Dress
Goods, such as Cashmere, Do E'Cosse, M. De
sou , Alpacces, Gingham, Prints, Ake., at our store as
in th county sod at low prices. They will please
call d examine the stock fur themselves.
GENTLEMEN will find • large and splendid stock
of Cloths. Cassitneres, Vesungs, Cravats, Gloves,
Etactic braces. Rubber Over Shoes, and every thing
vice they may want at very low prices for the quality at
EZI.H A %MIA. in great variety & beautiful patterns may
be found at WELLES d SATTERLEE'S.
, s ,te Dk:LAIN for Coating, and splendid
plaid Cloaking, Gala plaid* and plaid Lining
very cheap at WELLES & SATITRLEE'S.
ATti CAPS & MUFFS any quantity from I 2
tents up at, WELLES tic SATTERLEE'S
ARGE and elegant assortment of Laces. Ribbon;
Gloves and trimmings of all kinds at
Pi A fq , may be safe to say we have as large
a stock and of as god qualities as any house n
Bradford County, and we will sed them as low as any
house can that gets any thing above cost.
MIRE hest assortment of Iron & Steel in the coon
."( try at WELLES & SAI7E:MEE'S.
HOE:EYNON - CS, such as Pegs. &nodes, Awls,
Awl halts, Thread &c., also Sole and Upper
Leather, Calf & Ktpp Mini, always on hand by
OIL, Paints & Glue, we keep constantly on hand
a very large stock of all kinds and will very low
for rash. W ELL ES & SATTE EL EE.
10 MAcKEREr;t-4-
1 atk load SAI.T. and 5 ton NAILS,
are for sale and rrady to be shown at BAIRD'S.
lIHTIS SUGAR. 5 do. Molasses bought is first
OP hands and alit be sold seennlinaly by
W. H. BAIRD St CO.. No. 3, B. R.
if 'in 1 'A LIN YARN-10.0 lb.. just received mai for
sale at REED'S.
4JOLE LE.iTHER--5.00011.. any qunnliti
of cow, Rip and Calf skins, from the manufactories
UII,. Rnatskill creek." N. Y. V 4 e won't say anything
about the prier, hut come and see at .13 BAIRD'S.
A l7 .lvs.EME:si
L 4RGL and genital inmortruent of the above ar
tides, comiiirsing almost everything übect by H nr
str:sa and Carriage Makers, which will he Fold lower
than the rill/110 quality of goods have ever Leen offered a
Owego or Elmira, ju.t received by
imp. 24. H. S. & M. C. NIF.II,LTR.
6000 POUNDS NAILS, ae 4arted sizes, a
INT. 24. ERCUR's.
SOLE LEATHER—IirAt quality.
•• Comfort, ra," a few dozena.
Curpetingsand Floor Oil Cloths.
Carpet and Cotton Yarn.
Bagging—an article unequalled for durability
Nov. 1.. At the SAVI.NGS BANK.
0. OF O. F.
IFT becomes our duty - again to announce the receipt of
more rich and valuable goods, which we are offering
null cheaper (if possible) than heretofore.
We have fur cash buyers, the following goods :
100 pe. blk and blue silk Alpaccall
50 • rim' and changeable goods, for dresses;
150 styles DeLaines and cashmeres
1500 yds. Calicoes—in addition to our former large
stock—the contents of one box, just received.
40 ps. Cloths, all shakes and colors ;
15 • Bk and Fancy Cassiweres
20 ' Satinells. all prices.
Iron, Nails, Steel, any quantity. and Shelf Hardware
in abundance. The •• people.•" of Bradford county, have
looked long and anxiously fur the time to come when
goods could be purchased at their real value. For the
lest six months we have satisfied the most skeptical, and
wish to inform our friends that we are not to close busi
ness in the spring., as reported, but shall continue to do
battle for the friends of Cheap Goods, as long as it will
benefit the county of Bradford. It is told in this way—
We have, we can, and we will. -
December 17. GEO. E. FLYNT & CO.
0L ERIN SHOES and Plough Points, (tor IrVaytie
Co. Ploughs) at G. E. FLYNT & CO'S.
BAcco, or sale by B. KINGSBERY.
zuHAT the Farmers of Bradford county are all tilt
ding at BAIRD'S 8 FORE," when it is taken
into consideration, that in addition to keeping the lar
gest and best Mock of Goods in the comity, and selling
them cheaper than any body else, they have always
barn ready to assist and encourage that class of commu
nity by purchasing their produce of every description at
the highest prices. What, (or instance, would they
have done with their butter for the last two summers
had not "Old No. 3" boldly stood forth in the support
of honest 'industry and dealt out all descriptions of
goods, at the lowest cash prices, in eat hange for that ar
ticle? The hard (dated yeomanly are replying to the
above, by coming with a ru sh ! a perfect rush ! " err
moss " !to the cheapest store in Towanda, where
"Bill Baird & Co." am always ready and willing to do
the fair thine. Dec. 25,
- -
which are Cashowrea. Mousse LleLame, plaid fi'd
and silk wnrk Alpacas, 6-4 plaid Cloaking, Girdles and
Tririnnings, to correspond, Se. 4-c.
app. 9.4. B. R'INGSBERY.
Towlriqa Merchants, Indictment for ••downright mur
teasder." .• selling goods too cheap."
Tried before the people of Brad-
The Shavings Sank, ford county.
appearing to the satisfaction of all the jory, (corn
posed of all Brenton! Co.) that the prier of Salt at
ihe Shavinzs Bank was raised to 14 shillings per h!.l.
the day Air No. 3. got out, gblin hod been selling for
10 shillings tar hid. And it also being conclusively
proved that the said Shavings . Bank are snout 15 per
cent. behind No. 3. in selling goods cheap, the jury
without leasing the box acquitted the defendant, and ac
the verdict was jerinerctl, the crier of thr court call'd out,
Oh, yea! oh. yes ! oh, yes!
The only genuine cheap store in Towanda, is No. 3,
• Now, Genrze, b-e 'you ahuuld bunt air
No. 3, I aliaulrl rani. " Fresh Salt,!' nor even salt ,
prtre won't save your... .bead from ---
Two Ririe loads of New Goads. juar reeeired, at
Dee. 17. BAIRD'S, N 0.3, Betek7kw.
MATS action V/I4 brought for •"downright mtirder,"
against Me Cashier & Co. of the Towanda tin ,
vingv• Dank, for selling 'goods too cheap, and thereby
bringing leanness upon the " Merchant Princes" of the
borough. Bet, with all their vaunted sayings, hire&
witneAses and combinathm., together with the principal
evidence admitted by us--(that goods were sold cheap
er at. Flynt & Co.'s than any other establishment)--.
we have at last come off with our capital increased;'
and obtained s si7mal victory over these would-be • law'
and Order combinations, and carried dismay even into
the enemy's camp: lit addition to our farmer stack o
Fall Goods, we have just received
Anollier Ark Load of Gooda,-
which will be disposed of as liberally as lierefofore.-v-
Therefumwe hate to•rtoonl the
%INTO PROlrtallr,
That George E. Flynt& Co. cannot be pnt down
Cs Lank for the Savings Bank. dee3.
U. 411=aw
SPITEti f e w n h tt a tc t t l h ,r a a t tt o .. ob iti le t fi o. rm n is trying,
though they boast to run him down.
to substriber would announe
the public generally that he
now receiving a very large
d well selected assorttnent uf
rOV ES. such as Cross' pa
it cylinder oven cooking;
toss' combination of Frank
and cooking; N 0.3 and 4,
ilton 4 boiler cooking; No.
. 3, and 4. premoim 4 boiler
:caking: with en dssortment
-: six plates. school-house and
church stoves; cylinder coal and parlor wood do., all
of which will be sold as low as at any other establish
meht this side of the Rocky Mountains. for wheat, oats.
rye, corn, pork, butter, cheese, and cash not refitsed ;
TIN-IV ARE constantly kept on hand, at wholesale and
retail, with stovepipe, elbows, stove tubes of Tray and
tin, patent pails, stone jugs. British lustre, sheet zinc,
cut to suit customers. with Job work of every descrip
tion in the Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron business, done
on short notice and in a workmanlike manner. '
And in addition to the above articles. he intends to
keep constantly on hand a good article of rifle and blast
ing Powder ; with eLourt & PORK, by the barrel
and pound, codfish, mackerel, soap, candles, lard and
butter. LIQUORS, such as rum, gin, brandy, and
whiskey, of different qualities. Tea. coffee, pepper,
spice, salter:stns. ginger. starch, cloves, cinnamon, segars,
tobacco, can ndish and fine cut, candies, nuts, figs. rai
sins. herring, green and dried fruit, cider, beer, and all
other articlestsually kept by,grocets, all of which will
be:sold at reduced triers for ready pay. Store and ma
nufacturing Establishment not kept exactly in Montan
ye'e corner block. but in the next building below, on
the south side of the public square, where persons wish
ing to purchase the above articles will do well to call
and marline before purchasing elsewhere.
Nov. 12, 1845. 1). C. HALL.
.10:11:1120 NEWT 31E".1:Ell_LEC!C 33 -..•
L. N. NYE & CO., would re
- - - 7,:. . ---. spectlly inform the citizena of Tota
. 1 : ,: ": ..!'. 7 "-:--41- 'anda and the public generally, mat
% N . 1 . 1 • ~.7 . .,. they have on hand & msuniarture
ice, ; ; • IN. to order all kinds of CABINET
s "--• $ - - -. ^ , e - ; FURNITURE, of the best mote
111Inownserlis '
11.1 riala, and workmanship that cannot
"'gm be surpassed, in adrittionto the usual
assortment in country shops, we will keep on band and
make to order SUP As, of various and most approved .
patterns; iofa Booking Chairs, upholstered in superior
style. and fur ease and durability cannot be surpassed
even in our large cities. Also, the half French M a .
MN:ally Chair. beautifully upholstered, with curled hair,
which never loses its r lasticity, and finished with the
Twat hair seating. We flatter ourselves thnt having
had much experience in the basins's, we .hall be able
to satisfy all who may feel disposed to call, both as to
quality and price. and by strict attention to business
hope to meat and receive the patronage of • liberal corn.
munity. L. M. NYE & CO.
Tomvend% September 1, ISO
MAY DE HAD at our shop much lower than it
has ever -been sold in Towanda. Goods are
cnesp. and wheat am lowered. and that is the reason we
can atrod all for to do it. All kinds of produce will
be remised in payment. Also, LUM LIEU of all Linda.
Sopt. I. L. M. NYE 4 CO.
a3O MT . ZU.
be kept on hand n large assortment, and
`made to order on shorter notice and for less mo
ney than esti he produced at any other establishment in
the land. Those la ho are under the necessity of pro
curing that article will and shall he satisfied. A good
hearse sod pall may be bad iu attendance when desired.
September 1845. L. M. NYE & Cu.
16151•. \ft
WILCOX & SAGE have associated themseves
in the Boot and Shoe Making business, in the
borough of Towanda, and way he found at the old stand
of S. Hathaway, lately occupied by Elkariah Smith, near
I. H.Stephetne Exchange Hotel, where they solicit a
share of public patronage. They intend, by a carefil
selection of stock, and by attention to the interests of
their make as neat and durable work as can
be manufactured in thin portion of the country.
They keep constantly on hand, and will manufacture
to order, morocco, calf and coarse hoots and shoes;
Ladies' Gaiters, shoes and slips; children's do.; gent's
gaiters and pumps, ike., &c.
Towanda, May 14. 1845.
vrN $ . 54 f
I ATCHELER & COREL beg leave to inform the
inhabitants of Towanda and' vicinity, that they
have just commenced the Tailoring Business, up stairs,
No. 4. Brick Row, where they are prepared to execute
all work entrusted to them with care neatness and des
patch, and in the most Eishionable manner. Having
just received the New York and Philadelphia fashions,
and with their long experience in the business, they flat
ter themselves that their work will be made in a manner
and at)le equal to any other establishment in the place.
Terms made to correspond with the times.
CUTTING done on the shortest notice.
c ::: r All kinds of country produce received in payment
for work at market prices. October 1. 1845.
Tacww_.4•2., ZP331a12.11(1/2Y3
Over Momanye's store, next door to Mennen law office,
at the old stand 01 Powell & Seaman. [oci
J. E. Canfield, Attornepailaw,
112 1 .111.2.Zg3 9 ED.LQ 9
IRTILL attend to all kinds of business intrusted to
his care, with promptness and despatch. Of
fice in the Tut and stove Store building—up stairs. [el
- - -
DR. JANI E M. GOODRICH has located himsel
at MONROE, for the practice of his profession,
and will bo pleased to wait on those requiring his ser-
vices. He may he found at .1. L. Johnson's tavern.
Reteiencentay he merle to Drs. HUSTON & MASON
of Towanda. April 23, )R45.
Fashionable Tailoring !
GEORGE, H. HUNTING would respectfully in.
form the public that he still continues at his old
stand nn the west side of Main street, between King..
bery's and Bartlett's stores, up stairs, where he may
be found in readiness to all work in his line in a style
not to be surpassed in Bradford county. Prices to suit
the times. Thankful for past favors, he respectfully
solicits a continuance and hopes by strict attention to Ns.
airless and accommodating terms to merit patronage.
The Spring. and Summer FASHIONS have just beea
received, and he is prepared to make garments in the
most Tashi noble manner.
Particular attention paid to CUTTING, and warrens•
ed to fit if pmperly made up.
He has the latest spring and Summer Fashions for
safe. Towanda., May 14, 1845.
ifilltaln Scott,
z. 114 o I.L wanr HISA79
WLL promptly and punctually render hid proles.
sional 'novices in Agencies. Collections, and
other matters in his profession, entrusted to his care.
Offiee in the New rick I:MA—west room over the
Post Oince, tntnnee on the north side.
Alt 'leafing Ointment.
A nem soppily of this popular medicine,alsoa quantity
111 of the vossu Ttscsrus, just received by
Oct. 1. H. N. dr M. C. MERCUR.
THE next academie year of this instil au ft
commence on Monday, the Ent day o r
her next, under the superintendeliceaod manage,„:"
Mr. J. C. Vandercook, as Pr in i
Arica 1
a Sarah F. Worlh , ng, Preceph. m.
Mr. Vandercook has been successfully eager,
teaching for ten years past; be has much erpenettit
this important and truly elevating department °flu%
eptei prase mad bMievolence, and brings teatlckiitt.4
Serious sources of good moral character, and eta
scientific and literary attainments.
Mr. Worthing is a gentleman of very exeelleg,
tainnaents, experience sad skill in teaching. a n 4 tiot
fail to do much for the advancement of the studat aiti
the prosperity of the institution.
Miss Worthing, the Preeeptress of the Feu,
pato:tont. has alresey, by her devotion to litennow,t,
her superior virtues, obtained the unqualified eadd eiti
of the canomunity, and the mom and affection O f i t
nomeraus pupils. Ycung ladies will seldom find,
instructress better qualified to meet all the wawa oi t y
student, not only as wtercher, but as a guardian ha ll
and associate. They cannot trot be improved by t ,
example and society, as well as by her engaging i mnt
TUITION will be as - follows, in ell the deli t t ato ,
Primary and common English studies, with Pus
manship. composing and speaking, !al
Natural, intellectual and moral science, botany,
chemistry, history, astronomy, rhetoric, •
book-keeping. Drawing, painting, &c.,
Mathematics and the languages,
Incidental expenses. per term, during anon
. _ .
No student will be received for les than half ste ak
and no dpinction will be made for absence, ei cnit
cases of/illness or other unavoible causes.
The Academic year will be divided into four t ert ,
of eleven weeks each. There will be a vacation eh %
week after the first term ; also one week alter theti4
and a vacation of six weeks after the fourth, iachk i .
the harvest season.
We desire to make the Towanda Academy In q m
ble and desirable resort for studentsfrom abrarates srb
as these at home; a place where the purest vinuessW
be cultivated, and the, germs of science' firmly set itch
youthful mind. For this great object, no care Of la
wile he spared on the pan of teachers or trustees,
Principal should be consulted before purchasing h e k .
as several changes are contemplated in the test.b ac i,
of the School.
Students from abroad ran find board teith the
pal or others, on reaermable terms.
Lectures wall be given regularly by the Princimhzi
other*. on the most important topics of education, am,
society organized for the especial bent fit of young tut
There will be two examinations and exhibitions darn:
the year. the time to be determined by the washers tal
trustees. HIRAM 111 Lt, President
Enos Tonikins, David Cash, .
J. D. Montanye, Burton Kingsbary,
C. I, Word.. R. S. Terror,
John F. Nlrans. William Elwell.
Towanda. July 31, ISO.
..r. fn. nths and the public t h e he ho
ULM IiVE EL to the lincli lios,
/ 4 ," ` \ '-', ,. i.,, No. I, where hr 'dill ruminants
I ~
) carry •ti loin oil buNini-r-s of
. s :' ~,,-.. Watch and Clock Crpoiring,
4.. .. 1 •• ' -
~----: which e ill be done on Abort notice.
and warranted to he well done:- From a. Inn: entre
cnce in for bui,ine.ei, he helic,eb that be null be alto to
render perfect .atisfaction to all who may film Ino
with their ritronage.
N. B. M'.ltrlien warranted to run well one yeshcr
the money refunded; and a written agreement pat
to that elf , .-- , to all that deaire one.. •
CLOCKS.—A large assortsurnt just rscejied as;
for sale se"; low for cash.
If you want to boy Jewelry cheap call at Cbia
berlin's Watch Shop:No. I, brick Row.
cO. MAPLE SVGA R. Wood, and all kindsof Coto.
try Produce received in payment.
Towanda, Jure 18. 1845.
THE subscribers s till manse
to manufacture and keep on btu
at their old stand. all kinds d
Cone and flood seatChirin:
also Settees of various kinal
4• BEDSTEADS. of erma
description. which we will
, sell low for cash or produce.
TURNING done to order.
Towanda. April 23, 1845.
ir 4 A DIES are particularly recipe. led to call and rt.
nmine our assortment of All Wool Ombre Ceti.
m ecc a, Nsaarene blue Delaines. winter balzarines, prince
de ermr.e. (List ,tv le) Victoria striped cashmeres, quern
Ann plaids and checks. dc.. with gimps, cords and rrb
set trimmings to match, now exhibiting at No..3,Brirt
Row. We say they are 25 per cent. rhraprr than eree
area. RAIRD at CO.
cAttEs HATS, and a large stock of CAPS,ess
Cr opening at the cheapest store in Towanda—erers
hqy knows where that is: Nn. 3. rick Rota..
7.1H1E AiL _160,31111-711111T 411 G-•
1113 ESPECTFULLY inform that they .till el:mance
the manufacture of Saddles, Brill:ea, Hanna.
dm, in Col. Mit .. ., building, next door to lA% Adams'
Law Olfiev, where they will keep constantly* on hand,
and manufacture to order,
Daslie If Common and Quilled Saddle:,
Harness, ' Carpel Bags;
Bridles, Trunks ;
Collars, ralises, 4-c. 4-c,
Carriage Trimming and dfifilarg - Work door w
Mattresses, Pew and Cbair Cushions made on shot
notice and reasonable terms.
The subscribers hope by doing their wort well, *ad
by a strict attention to business, to merit a shwa of
public patronage. ELKANAH BMYFE dt SON.
Towanda, May 21, F 845.
ns Farmers, Lumbermen and others.
New Store in Standing Stone!
3 , 1 1 X. 4' STORRS: orpectrolly announce to then
llzons of Standing stone end vicinity, that they
hove formed a panne - relit). and arenow opening sd
old eland of Peter C. Ward, lately oecupied by N. V.
Warford, where they offer for sale an extensive stocksl
staple and fancy Goods, eonsisting of
Dry Goods, Glierries, Hardmire, Crater),
Iron, nails, boots and shoes. sole & upper leather, float
and pork. &c.. which have been selected expressly ‘3 l
thin market, and bought for. ready pay, and will be di*
posed of at the lowest posoible rates, for Bosnia, bhp'
glen, and Lumber, of every quality, wheat, corn. T
oots, beef hides, And proeuce of all manner and sot%
We respectfully ask those purchasing for Cub to ti"
us a call, as we will not he under:obi by any estislivii*
merit in this county. We charge nothing fa eshibil•
ing our goods. A. MIX dc SON.
November 26. W. R. ~4TORRS•
Terms of the Bradford Reporter•
Two &Mara and fifty cent, per annum; Firrr ergs'
deducted if paid within the year; and for cAen octiq
ally in advance, Oae DOLLAa will he deducted. .
Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time, 61
paying arrearages. Most kinds of enviers's Pisani
received in payment. at the market price.
• Advertisements, not exceeding a square of win
lines. inserted for fifty cents ; every subseguentinsenia•
!sweaty-foie cents. A discount made to yearly adychillok
Xors PRINTING, of every description, neatly' and C fr
peditioosly executed on new and fiishionable tyR•
Leiters on business pertaining to the office mnstcon°
free of postage, to ensure attention. •
Office in ( 73' • Means' brick building comer Of
Main and 3.i I; t ta, up stain ; entrance ea 11.
north door.
1. : .
t r