Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 11, 1846, Image 3

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    committee should confine themselves to a full
g port of facts and circumstances—leaving — it to
the House to determine what , proceeding.
should be taken in order to vindicate the
alty of that branch of the Legislature, thus
assailed by an attempt to corrupt one of its
The retolutions attached to the report of the
ajority, were adopted without debate.
Ocoee Robbed.—The sudden death of Miss
Sarah %V. Robinson, at Genesee, Livingston
Co., after two or three dare illness, and with
out the knowledge of her dangerous condition,
has given rise to rumors of a most painful char
acter. So far as the rumors fix upon any'per
sea in that county the charge of sedliction.they
are not credited at that place. An inquest was
ordered at the Court House on Friday last"; at
the hour of assembling, news came that the
grave was empty.' I'lle body had .evidently
been spirited away the night previous, after
t he Coroner had ordered an inquest. This
uGJed to the excitement, and rumors and con
jectures flew about as to the cause and_ who
could have been concerned in the transaction.
The Coroner, after consulting several legal
g entlemen, came to the conclusion to proceed
with the investigation; Mcses Hunt was, ac
cordingly, called and sworn and testified as
follows :—.• I attended the funeral ; there was
a large concourse ; I furnished the coffin and
acted as undertaker ; I attended personally to
the burial at the grave of Temple Hill; did
- not seethe grave tilled entirely tip; a colored
m an, named Daniel Hammel, tilled the grave ;
knew the body was in the coffin when put in
t he grave;: I have since that time examined the
grave—to-day ; three persons, Nelson Hum
phrey, Lewis flatly and James L. Wright,
were with me ; the examination was made at
the direction of the Coroner ; the body was
gone ; found the grave open ; the rough box
was in the grave; the lid by the aide of the
.grave and the coffin gone; ean't tell what in
'etrument was used in opening the box ; I saw
tracks front the grove to the North fence next
to the woods ; can't 'tell how touch snow fell
last evening; can't say whether the tracks
were made before or after the last snow ; saw
a good many tracks. partly filled with snow;
the first heavy snow fell Saturday night last:
I did not get over the fence ; the tracks led
north to the road through the grove ; there was
a sleigh track from the fence to the road ;
was there between 9 and-19 'this niorning,
enould think six inches or more snow fell last
night; one of the men got down into the box."
other witnesses were sworn. when the Coro
ner discharged the jury. We learn that a full
statement of the mattet, fro., one or both of
the attending physicians, may he expected
nest week ; and that the body was exhumed
by the relatives, to prevent a post mortem ex
amination.—Mbany .111aa.
KErl.tieS EXTRAVAGANCE.—KepIer. who ul
tiaciteky discovered many important truths. was.
otoucti life, the dupe of vagaries founded on
the supers ti tions of the age. in one of his early
woks lie imagined the planets to be bilge, ani-
MaL3 who swam round the sun, by means of
certain fins acting upon the etherial fluid, as
those of fishes do in the water, and agreeably to
this notion, he imagined the comets to he mons
unus and uncommon animals generated in the
celestial spaces ; and - he exp!ained how this ex
cited this animal faculty.
LANGUID C RC UL ATI DN.—Repeated changes in
the temperature. have a very bad effect upah the blood ;
A sodden change from a full, generous, to a low, poor diet
boll beequally injurious to the health as sudden changes
'of weather. Uwe would have health we must endea
vor to prevent ; as far as in us lie, great extremes of all
kinds. Every excess, of heat or cold, of eating or
drinking, tends to produce impurity of the blood ; thus
its circulation becomes languid; the very channels of
hie are clogged ; and the first consequence is that the
bowels become costive.
IVe are in this condition ready to receive any diaewe
with which we may come in contact ; and without any
o:mtact with any one affected with sickneas, we shall
have headache, heartburn, dizziness, a foul tongue, logs
of appetite ; all th4esult of the state of costiveness.
When the atmosphere becomes impure and oppressive
to mankind, it requite the tempest to agitate it, to give it
parity and life.
Winn the bowels are postire they require the admin•
kration of hrandreth's pills, which, by o.:citing , a coin•
motion, or accelerated movement in that organ, will oc•
canon all morbid coodadi‘ to be expelled, thereby pro•
dacing purity to the blocki and health to the whole
frame.-- ,
Sold by J. D. & E. D. NTONTASTE, Towanda ; G. A.
Praxis's. Athens, only authorized Agents fur Bradford
RRECNIATISM.—The Proprietor hem not prcscrib•
al this a gretti many cases of Rheumatism,
but in every case where it was used until the system
became affected 'by the medicine, the disease was re.
GOUT.--A [limber cf cases of Gout have been cured
by this Preparati:in. I n '<Me of these eases the man bad
been afflicted wit it so setierely for thirteen years, as to
entirely disable hrri from business, and for five months
immediately previous to his taking the Life Preservative,
be had been confined to his room; hut, before be had fin.
abed the third bottle, he Was enabled to walk about the
streets, and soon alter returned to his business, front
which be had been excluded by his afflictions.
Prepared only at No. l 3 South Third street. Philadel.
Phis. ' Sold by A. I). Moreasaz, Towanda.
In Springfield, Bradford county D , on Saturday, Felonsty
:8,1846, Etacraaar Gumming, aged 70 year,.
The deceased was (tie of the early settlers of Bradford
Comity. Locating in Columbia township, while it was
Yet I wilderness, he was one of those hardy pioneers who
have subdued the mighty forest,te give place to the fruits
of He had lived to see the neighborhood
thrive and flour - 6h, nutil it became one of the richest and
most thickly populated of any portion of the county.
it is hardly necessary for us to bear testimony to the
Private virtues and moral worth of the deceased. His
extensive and favorable acquaintance renders it a work of
stiliererogation. Foamed of a noble and generous
bean, his life bu been characterized by a; degree of dm
nty end liberality, still held in grateful remembrance.
Pawing through a long rde of varied prosperity and
Unailade, he has lived in the enjoyinentor a eirscienets
void of offence towards God and man, endeavoring as
fir u possible, to perform his duty towards his fellow
sn, and trusting in the merits Of a Crucified - Redeemer
fir hirgiven ees of the enters, for which the heart was not
fie. The hour of Death was cheered by this reffec
* arid made glorious by this Hope, and we may utud..
that as his departure was peaceful, it was but the herald
ing of that joyous Life immortal, where sin and sorrow
mem come ; where the ewes and troubles of this world
are aside ; where the weary Cr. indeed at rest.
mar- TURN OUT !—Hom 8. F. Bunter, of
Columbia county, will deliver a Lecture on
Temperance, on „Friday evening, at the Court Bowie,
in this borough. •
THE subscribeeoffers for sale the following &seri
bed lot of land actuate iu Monroe tp. Bradford
county, containing ninety-one acres, adjoining lands of
George Tracy, Jared Woodruff; Absalom Coolbaugh,
and Russel Fowler, with about twenty.frve acres im
proved, and a house thereon. The title is good, and
the land of a good quality for farming purposes. For
terms apply to WM. ELWELL, Esq. or of the sub
scriber at Pottsville. F. W.HUGHES,
March 10, 1846. A teir.imfact of James Murphy.
GE°.E. FLYNT & CO. are now offering the
balance of their stock of goods at less prices then
usual, preparatory to receiving spring supplies. Call at
the Savings Bank. March 11.
'MUST received at the SAVINGS HANK, a few
dozens LEGHORN BONNETS--spring fash
ions. We are selling them cheaper (same qualities)
than ever. mll G. 'E.FLYNT & CO.
VrANTED in exchange fur goods, ene hundred
V potted' " LIVE GEESE" FEATHERS, for
home consumption. at G. E. FLYNT & Co.
MBE undersigned having been appointed Auditor
by the court of common pleas, to ascertain and
report liens against the estate of . onsider Fl. Park. tak
en and extended in execution at the suit of Orlando
Baltmarsh, hereby notifies all persons having claims
against said estate, to present such claim, before him
et his office in Towanda borough, on the 16th day of
April next ensuing, at 1 o'clock, P. M., or else be de
barred from coming in upon the fund arising from the
extension of said estate.
March 11 , 1846. HENRY BOOTH. Auditor.
('TICE is hereby given that the commissioner's
of Bradford county will meet at the bridge over
Sugar creek, near the house of Samuel Allen, in Troy
township, at 10 o'clock, A . At, of Tuesday the 14th day
of April next, for the purpose of receiving proposals,
and letting to the lowest and best bidder, the necessary
repairing of said Bridge. A plan of the work will be
exhibited at the bridge on the day of the letting.
By order of the Commissioners.
3. M. WATTLEB, Clerk.
Commissioner's Office, March 11, 1846.
IVARMERS will find it to their advantage before
.B 2 purchasing their CLOVER SEED to call and
examine a superior Itit of new seed, just received at
March 11. MERCUIt,'.
The Sugar-Coated Improved Indian Vegetable Pills.
REFERENCE to the very many numerous testi
monials of well-known and in some instance■
distinguished individuals. need not be again repeated
to induce the public to place greater -confidence in this
now justly celebrated medicine, the peculiar operation
of which, together with the mildness and unparalleled
efficacy in removing all obstructions, and restoring all
functional derangements of the Stomach, Liver and Oth.
er digestive organs ; purifying the blood, strengthening
the whole system, uprooting the most insidious local
and chronic diseases, healing and restoring the internal
organs, with their convenience, certainty and cheapness
render them the most usefui general and family metli
dine to be found. -
The great variety of cute,' which have been made,
have opened a field for war, and.every means have been
boldly resorted to by the old pi.) vewiers to crush three
go-ahead' pills. The first slander runs thus;
New-York. July, 1844.
We, •Physleians of this city, feel it our duty to
state, that we believe the pills known es Dr.'Santh's
Sugar Coated Improied Indian Vegetable Pills,' are
mainly composed of mercury."
J.M.Mor-r, M.D. Physician, N. V.
L. S. HART, M. D. do do
J. \V .1117NTRU. M.D. do do
P.Airusesox, M. D. do do
W. HART, M. D. Prof. of Chemistry, N.Y.
L. U. RCITINI, M.D. do do
M. BooTa, M.D. Prof. Materia Medics, do
B. M. Hem., M. D. Surgeon, N. Y.
This fraud was extensively circulated in the country
before it came to the knowledge of Dr. Smith ; • but on
investigationiit was found that several large eonceras
had contributed hundred of dollars to pt.t these Pills
down, by the most foul means, and Dr. Smith imme
diately applied to the celebrated Chemist, Chdton,
end the ;allowing is the result:
New-York, July 29, 1845.
I have analyzed a box of Dr. Smith's Sugar Coated
Indian Vegetable Pills, and find that they do not con.
lain mercury in any Nail., JANES R. CRILTON,
M. D.Chemist, 263 Broadway.
Mate of New• l'oek.
City and County of Nem-York, $
Personally appeared before me, Dr. G. Benjamin
Smith, and made oath that the statement of Dr. Chil
ton above is true, arid that these Pills do no' contain
any injurious substance: and further that ho is the in
ventor of • Sugar Coated Pills."
G. DzNJA:vis 83srru.
Sworn before me, this 19th day of August. A. D.,
W. F. HaTL:4ITI.B., Mayor.
This infamous slander being nailid, these agents, with
a view to introduce and palm off some imitation circula
ted reports that Ur. Smith did not invent these Pills
As to this falsehood, wo only refer to the following:
Oath before the Aretyor in 1844.
State of New-York, .?
City and County of New- York, S $8
C. Benjamin Sniith, within named, being duly me m,
depose+ and says, that he is a citizen of the United States
and resides in the city of New-York; and that he is
the inventor of • Sugar-coated Pills: and that to his
knowledge or belief, the said Pill has never been man
ufactured or sold by any person except by himself or his
authority; and that the statements contained in ; the
within paper are true. G. BUM &KIT!!
Sworn before me, this 19th day of June, 1844.
JAMES HAaat:e.
Mayor of the city of New-York
The above was sent to Washington, with our speci
fication and application for a Patent. The following
is the reply ;
Received this 17th day of June, 1844, from Dr. G.
Benjamin Smith, the fee or $39, raj , ' on his a pplica.
tion fot a patent for a • pill coated with Sugar.'
lI.L.ELLswoiaTu, Commissioner of Patent*.
Ds .Srirru takes pleasure in publishing the fejlow
ing card from the Wholesale dealers on both aides of
him in the same block.
Neer-York. November 5, 1845.
We are well acquainted with Dr.G.Benj.Smith and
believe him every way entitled to public confidence.
N. Mitchel, Jared Mourehous,
John Johnson, 1). McDowell.
Dr. S.-also refers to the President of the North Ri
ver Bank.
We here append the certificates of the first chemists
end one of the greatest surgeons in New-York, given to
Dr. 13, one year after he invented his Pills, which shows
him to be the originatig of • Boger-coated Pills•'
New-York, Jam 16. 18t4
We. the undersigned, never salt or heard of . Sown
Coated Pills,' until G. fkojamin smith, manufactured.
and exhibited them to us about a year since.
Rosa - role & Co. 110 Broadway & 10 Astor.
harm. RANDOLI'II. M• - k W Liberty-at.
Horiact. Damian . . 96 u soa•st.
ions C , 97 Hudaon•st.
Also, refer to Gen. C. W. Sanford, 12 Warren-at. N
A.B. Sands & co. 79 Fulton-st. and Dr. T. W.
Dyott & Sons, of Philad'a. Ala° hundreds of sputa.
is written on the bottom of every box of genuine 13ega?
coated Pills.
All Sugar-tested Pills except Dr. Smith's Indian Ve
getable Sugar-ecrated Pills, are base imitations, mails
merely to palm off on the unsuspecting. Therefore.
always ask for Dr. G. Benjamin Smith's Pills. and take
no other. Office 179 Greenwich-st. (large brick block)
near Fulton. These Pills always core coughs and colds
immediately. Price 26 cents per box.
For sale by E. H. Mason. A. 8. Chamberlin. Tow.
anda ; Robert Spalding. J. Holcomb. Wyserx • Henry
Gibbs, Orwell; C. H. Her ri ck. Athens; G. F :Reding
ton, Troy ; authorized agents for Bradford county.
• There arc no Physicians in New York of the above
names, hela the imposition.
Brad/ord County, as.
GREETING . Whereas, at an Orphan's Court
herd at Towanda, in arid for the county aforesaid, on
the 13th day of Deectuber. A. U., 1845, before the Hon.
John N. Conynitheru, president. and Reuben Wilber
and Harry Morgan seirociatejnatices duel court.
The petitionrif Junes M. Eilsall, wu presented. pet
ting forth that his father, Samuel Edsall, late of the
township of Wells, in Bradford county, died intestate,
leaving a wi4ow, to wit, Sarah Edge% and issue eight
childc n, to wit, Jesse Edulls Pamela Seely, wife of
Benjamin Seely, Riehanl Edson, Charles Edsail. Hiles
wife of Nathan Alvord,jr, Elmira, wife of Solomon Bo
vier, James M. Edaall, the above named petitioner, and
Andrew J. Eileen, and that the raid intestate died seiz
ed in his demense as of fee of and in a certain messuage
tenement and tract of land situate in the townships of
Wells and Columbia in the aaraecountia, and bounded
as follows: Beginning on the north by lands of Whit.
ing Gifford, E. P. Wood and James M. Dinh ; on the
,east by lands of James M. Edaall and James Fries ; on
the south by lands of Jesse Edsall, and on the west by
lands of /ease Edeall. Containing about one hundred
hundred and forty-five acres. Also, one equal, undivi
ded half of one other tract, lot, piece or parcel of land,
situate in the said township of Columbia and Wells,*
bounded as follow., to wit : On the north by lands of
Nathan Shepard ; on the south by lands of Jesse Ed-
call, and on the west by lands of Edson Aspenwall--
Containing about forty-five acres, with the appunstnan
cell to both the above described lots. And in the said
petition, the aboveuarried petitioner prayed the Court to
award an inquest to make partition and valuation of the
said premises to and among the hairs and representa
tives of the said decedent, to the Gets of As.
sembly in such cases made and provided.
We therefore command you that taking with you
twelve free and lawful men of youi bailiwick, you go
to and upon the premises aforesaid, and there ,their
oaths or affirmations, that you Make partition thereto
ind among the children and representatives of the said
intestate, in such manner and in such'proportions as by
the laws of this Commonwealth are directed, if such
partition can be made without prejudice to or spoiling
the whole; but if sa:d partition cannot be made thereof
as aforesaid, that then you value and appraise the same
according to law. And further, that you cause the said
inquest to inquire and aseerulin whether the said real
estate with the appurtenances, will conveniently ac
commodate more than one of the children or represen
tatives of the said intestate, and if so how many of the
children or representatives it will accommodate. That
due notice of the time of making such partition be given
to ell persons interested herein. And that you make re
turn of your proceedings to the next general Orphans'
Witness the Hon. John N. Cooynnham, Esq., Pre
sident of our said Orphans' colt% at Towanda, the 26th
day of;,December, A . D., 1845.
Continued by order of the Court, February 4, 1848.
I certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the origi
nal writ. Attest, J. F. MEANS. Sheriff.
To all persons interested in the above described pre
mise.; take notice, that a jury trill be held upon said
property—on Monday, the 13th day of April nest, at 1
o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of dividing or appraising
the mine, according to the above order.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, March 9, 1846.
10111. r F. stosTo.r.
,L 1 1 111.1.0179
.Colombia, Lancaster Co, Pa.
Refers to D. L. Sagstwooo, Esq., V. E. Proust, Esq.
end E. S. Goo DUTCH, Esq. ' mch4
Of the receipts and expenditures of the Boni'
of Towanda. for 1845.
Amount of duplicate for 1845 $462 30
Rec'il of A Martin. on judgment 15 00
Wyenx tp., in full of judgment 27 91
IN and done by the Street commieeioners
" nagging aide walks, &c. 101 99
Paid D L IScett for work done in 1844 1 75
For services on speciel election in 1843 3 00
Publishing annual report rf 1844 in 2 papers 950
Justice fees. Goodenough and Vandercook 1 20
Office rent for 1845 5 00
Exoneration• to collector 3 45
1) Wilmot, council fee 5 00
John E Geiger, fire warden 2 00
Prothonotary'a fees 1 49
Repairing fire engine 4 00
B'rving notices snd,stettonery 2 93
Collector's percentage on $275 22, at 5 pat cent. 13 76
Treasurer's percentage
Paid .1 P Kirby on old judgment
Burgess and Town Council, 1845
N J Keeler, borough clerk
Borough Orders.
Amount of outstanding orders Feb.l6l, 1845 $495 75
•• orders issued in 1845 253 05
Returned and cancelled in 1845
Outstanding orders, Feb. 16, 1846
Treasurer's Report.
Recei•ed of Collector, on duplicate of 1845 $27.5 . 28
A Madill, on judgment 15 00
" circus company 5 00
$295 28
Orders returned and cancelled tn 1845 $286 42
Treasurer's percentage . 8 86
Indebtedness of Borough. Feb. l& 1846.
Due on judgments, $ 78 00
Outetanding orders, Feb. 16, 1846 462 39
Due from 8 8 Bailey, collector fur 1845 $3l 31
" .1 Savage late collector (Dote) 30 80
" Martin Old Woodruff (judgment) • 24 16
Balance Joe from S S Bailey poor master 1844 $ll5 49
Amount of duplicate for 1848 307 22
$422 71
Expenses in auppoit apses in 18411 2U2 42
Balance in hands of S S Bailey Feb. 18. 1846 £220 29
Borough of Tomando. as.
We, tho Burgess and Toren Council of the Bo
rough of Towanda. do hereby certify the foregoing to
be a true statement of the receipts and expenditures of
said borough, for the year 1845.
D. F. BARBTOW,lBurgess.
? Town
Attest—N.J. Kszxstt, Cletk.
!WELLES & SATTERLEE Net dila day ass*.
elated wtth them in the mercantile business. fq.
C. HARRIS. and will do business hereafter ander the
name of &Werke, Welles 4. Harris.
,Who respectfolly solicit a continuation of the patron.
age of the public so liberally extended to the old firm.
C. F. WELLES, la.
By the above it will be seen that the firm of Welles
& Satterlee closed with the month of February from which
our friends will see the absolute necessity of settling their
accounts, eithey by note or payment. immediately.
Athens, Much '2, 1846.
CROCKERY—Large additions Gave been wade to
OUT stack of Crockery—our assortment is now
complete. novt2 G. E. FLYNT & CO.
Oct. 8.. MERCITS
individual. over and above their taxes 59 29
Poor Fun*
. virtialero •
mHE Commisaioners of Bradford - county,. hereby
R. give public notice that they have Axed upon the
following days and dates respectively. for, hearing sp.
peel, from the stsessasenta for the year 3846, at their
office in Towanda, to wit: • ,
Columbia. Wells 4 South Creek, Tuesday, March 24.
Armenia, Truy it Burlington, Wednesday, Match V. 5.
Canton Granville and Leroy, Thursday, March 26.
Springfield, Smithfield dr. Ridgberry, Friday, March 27.
Pranklts. and Monroe, on Saturday, March 28.
Athena township and borough. Wednesday, April Ist.
Litchfield, Windham and Warren, Thureday,April 2.
Orwell, Rome and Wysoz on Friday April 3.
Ulster and Towanda township Saturday April 4.
Albany. Dwell and Asylum on Monday April 4.
Wy alining, Standing Sumo & Herrick Tuesday April 7.
Pike and Springhill on Wednesday April S.
Towanda Borough and Shesbequin Thursday April 8.
The Assessors of the respective townships and barn's
are requested to be punctual in delivering the noticed to
the nuables, and in making their returns on the day.
mentioned in their warrant; and all those who may
feel themselves aggrieved by the assessments, ars requir
ed to attend on the days above specified. as there will
norbe any abatements made thereafter.
By order of the Commissioners,
J. fit WATTLES, Clerk
Cammissioner'• Office, ,March 3, 1846.
Orphans' Court Sale. •
ponuutce of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Bradford County, will be exposed to public sale at
the house of John Boni , in Standing Stone on the 281 h
day of March next at one o'clock P. M. of said day the
following piece or parcel of improved land late the es
tate of James Holly dec'el, bounded on the south wow
by lands of H. W. Tracey,on the north west and'narth
twat by lands in possession of the heirs of the said' Hol
ly and the south east by land of John Con
taining about nine acres—terms of sale cash:
Erteutoss of James Holly.
Standing'Stone, Feb. 26, 2846.
HE partnership heretofore existing under the firm
of thew's& Mix 4. Sms, is this day dissolved by
mutual agreement. Ali demands doe said firm are to
be paid to Hirem Mix. HIRAM MIX,
Towanda. March 3,1. 1946.1 H. MIX Jr.
small kind, just received and fur Lila cheaper
that. at any other Town. ALSO a few:hushel
of very fine TIMOTHY SEED at BAIRD'S.
Feb.g3tl. 1840. .
.M3 0 311=15. gILZMINUMC
44, Montan yes A' Co.'S Cheap Store.
A DESIRABLE assortment of various kinds of
000/JS mey be found at the above establish
ment, purchased late in the fall, expressly for the da
mend occuriag before the opening of navigation. They
have just received, and have on hand :
50 barrels Mesa Pork
30 " superfine Flout;
20 " Clover seed ;
500 pounds sots leather; •
30 tons Ground Plaster;
Also, a quantity of sugar kettles. feh9.
diilll - 77iP.21 gilf6MIS 1101111 a.
MIRE subscriber would respectfully inform the pub
alie that be has COMMUTED with the Athens
Chenaung Bridge Company,and that all persons corn
ing to his Mill for grinding will be entitled to cross said
Bridge FREE. Tickets will be given at the mill,
Cay uta, Jan. 1846. WM. FLOVERTON.
Cpersons ate hereby cautioned not
o purchase a note drawn by to Isaac Ford, dattd
Dec. 19, 1845, payable on the Ist of June next, fur the
sum of $25 in neat stock. As I bare not received any
value for said note, I am determined not to pay the said
note unless compelled by law.
24, 1845. ALFRED WEED.
Oh Gosh ! ! What Proverbs ! !
$505 21
Try it again Master G.,
You may wake up old no. 3.
It has long since ceased to be necessary.
For no, 3 to say they they base the largest and best
stock of Goods in Towanda, (or that has long been " A
$l3B 56
It has long since eased to be necessary.
For no; 3 I osay they buy goods for cub and boy them
10 per eel cheaper than most of their neighbors, for
that:too h lung been •• A Puovsns."
It :lung :inert-eased to be necessary.
For no. to say they are selling and will sell goods
cheaper ..,an any establishment to Towanda. for that
too has long been " A Pnossus."
It never has been neeruary,
For no. 3 to say they would sell goods for " l3i) per
cent profit —" for we can do that and then sell at a
prier less than many of our neighbors pay for the same
goods in the city—and that too has long been "A Pao-
8 86
27 94
91 00
2f 00
We trust that it never null be necessary,
For n 0.3 to boast of " ruining " any body by selling
goods cheap either in "Brick Row' or Wood limn—
we sell goods cheap to benefit community and not to
'tin them, this too has also long been " A Psalms."
It is no Mhisper—
But in the mouth of every body, even the little boys in
the streets proclaim it aloud, that no. 3 are selling "bet-
ter goods and more of Them " than any other establish.
meat in Town,—wonder how long since some of our
neighbors found out this was " A Pliovas I"
Just continue your old practices, drop in at no 3 before
you boy, where no charge is made fur exhibiting goods.
$445 69
$748 80
286 42
$462 98
N0v.25, 1845. W. H. BAIRD & Cu.
FRENCH, English aml American Broad Cloths of
all coloris and qualities, also Beaver and Pilot
Cloth for overcoats, and perhaps it would be as we, to
mention that we have over ONE HUNDRUD different
styles of Cassimere, Fifty pieces Satinets, Wiles twen
ty odd of Sheep. Grey, which we are now selling at just
about two thirds the usual price in town.
$295 28
W. H. BAIRD & CO., No. 3 B. R
X 540 38
DOMESTIC COII'ONS-5000 yds. Mheettogs ;
1500 lbs. Cotton Yarn ;
500 " baits ;
150 " wick, on hand and far sale'at last
nsmmer's prices. na2l3 W. H. BAIRD & CO.
1 1 4 - 17 U 0 0 ID
KINGSBERY. is now receiving at his
b old staitd, which has been going off for eighteen
years, where goods of all kinds has been sold and WILL
be sold, lower than at any other store in this Coun
ty. A very largo stock of all kinds of goods which has
been aelected with great care and attention, and bought
at such prices of the importers and manufacturers, that
it would be a ruinous business for any firm in the Brick
Row, or any where else, to undertake to sell goods as
cheap as I can, and will. If my friends and the public
generally, will tall before they make their purchases
elsewhere, they will find that this notice isnot put in the
paw for a BLUFF, like some by the aide of It ; but, it
means what it says.
$B6 27
I hate a general oneartment at every kind and descrip
tion of
Dry Goods. Groeerier. Hardware. crockery,
Boots 4. Shoes. Nails. Iron, bather. 4w.
20 TIP U,112X213
HAYS the bait assortment of Goods. sell the cheap
est, and get the moot mosey of any store in the
place Is IT saes.
That under the prewar tariff Nails are ' , Whit the cor
ns store, (Monroeton) for 5 cents a pound.
That five dollars as WAR FC RD'S &TOR r: buys rquris
goods than six dollars at some other store I
•lit. to IT TUVE.
That any " Lama store," not fifty mires off. %ego goals
as cheap, mail leas cheaper" than we e.o
N. D. & - C. - RFORD.
Montanan. Feb. 3, 1845.
tekbnsted countries for producing fine teas:
The subscribers are now furnishing their. customers
with samples of the above teas, from a fresh cargo just
arrived in fso ship " Cheep store." for
Jan T. W3l. if. BAIRD & CO.
Are again in the Fend with Mem thouria ul dollars worth of the cheapest and most ihisubkis
stock of Goods ever brought into iirailford Co' uniy
THE Cashier & Co. of the TOWANDA SA lIVGs BANE tender then sincere thanks for tie soy
bend patronage heretofore secured, and - trust by strict attention to buainess, and selling goodecluispettitan
any other establishment, to merits continuatiorof their smiles and ferrate. Our stock of goods consisted every
known variety and style of Dry Goods, from the first auction hewers in the city of Act! Yortuend
- with great caremtprecaly for Ibis - meridian. Also. a large &election of
Family Groceries, Shelf Hardware, Croekerv, Boots & Shoes,
Hollow Wart, .Irtne, I . l4eCts
and an unusual quantity of N.4BERDdsHERY, to make our stork ut wend sod ornamental t.mrePirles Oat
stock of goods were purchased for cub, and for cash will be sold or cheap as at Bingfineilon, Elmira err Ana.
and decidedly cheaper than any terablithment in Towanda. Time sod space will not allow n• t 4 enutneratstbst
many now, rich and desirable goods, but will he shown to all who favor us with • call. withddessem.
REMEMBER and call one door below Tracy & MOOlO, where the • pay-dows" system is in fuR krone wad
as a comequenci, an not overcharged with delinquencies in Inc Credit system, or additions made to support the
Lumber trade. One pries, and no deviation is the true system."
03 A call is solicited, before purchasing elsewhere, ut No. 5, south end, Brick ROW.
Towanda, October 21,1845. . GEORGE E. FLYNT & CO.
ILTOTICE ie hereby given that iberfollowing deist.
6cation of the Re/toilers of Foreign Goods end
Merchandise, has been made by the subscribers. and
that the Associate Judges and Commissioners of Brad.
ford county will meat at - tbe Commissioner's Office, in
the borough of Towanda. on Monday the 30th day of
March next, and continue in session two days, to bear
those who feel themselves aggrieved and are desirous of
appealing from the claggiflcation herein made. To wit
N amts. Class. A nouut.
.Sattertee, Welles & Harris 10 $:0
L. eli.Elloworth 1: 50
Thomas Maxwell 24 12 12 60
G. A. Perkins 14 7
Cheater Park 14 - 7
C. H. Herrick
M. 8. Rogers - 14 7
H. S. Comstock I I 1.3
Job Morley 12 • 12 50
John Watkins
Thomas Gardner
lii VI
Elam Horton
John Horton, jr
A. & 8. H . Morley
Corryell & Gee
Chasles itathboos
Ulysses Moody
Oltser D. Chan:Me:lM
Israel Smith
James W . %femur
William Angle
Regent Fowler 12 12 60
.D. C. SaMiley 12 12 60
Benjamin Coolbaugh 13 10
N. 11. & C. Watford 12 12 50
H. er. &J. H. Phinney I I 1 12 50
J. B. & G. Smith 13 10
John Naglee & lion 14 7
Theopilus Humphry
Henry Gibbs
Smith ¢ Rosa
Jesse E. Bullock
Dimiel Bailey
I"; 11. Bostwick
John Panniers '
Maynard & Wattles
Asoph Colbert'
John L. Webb
Storrs & Jones
Horner Kinney & Co.
Wells Nichols & Co.
Lyman Darfee
Bullock & Phelps
E. S. Tracey
'ln . F. Kellogg
E Norman
Homy -W. Tracey
Mu & Stair*
Hiram Mik & Sons 11 15
Elliott & Meccur 11 15
0. D. Bartlett 12 12 50
Burton Bingabery 13 10
J. D. & E. D. Montanye - 10 20
J. Kingsbery jr. 13 10
A. D. Montanye 13 "0
H. S. & M. C. !demur 10 20
Charles Reed . 11 . 15
Wm. H. Baird de Co. 10 20
Tracy & Moore 12 12 50
George E. Flynt & Co. 10 20
E. H. Mason & Huston 14 7
S. S. Bailey 14 • 6
Cyrus Pratt 14 7
D. C. Hall 14 7
A. 8. Chamberlin 13 10.
Miles Carter 14 7
Patrick O'Slain 14 7
Zeruish Cross 14 1
O. F. Reclingten
Layton Runyon
Baird & !Stephens
D. P. .Sr. S. W. Pomeroy & Co
Guy l'raery
Truman & Co.
William Gibson
Robert Spalding
Judean Holcomb
Ensile Lewis
M. H. h G. H. We lts
McKinney le son
Ii :32110
Robert !Meares
Robert Cooper
Marne Tyrrell
Benpunin Buffington
14 the tenth section of the Act of Miserably, passed
the firstrday of May. A. D. 1841, it is provided.^ that
every seller or sender of wines or distilled tiquors either
with or without goods, wares, merchandise. comMorli
ties or affects as aforesaid, shall pay for his license fifty
per cent. in addition to the rates above specified."
And by the act of Assembly passed the third Jay of
March, 1843. it is made the dray of the constables of
each township, berroufb or ward in the witend ward•. of
this comnmweelth, . to give written or printed votioe
at least free days before the day of appeal fised'oy the
Jcidces of the onus of common piers, and the ccunmis.
wooers of said county to every wholesale dealer sud 're
tailer of merchandise within their respective townships,
bemugh or word, of the ■moan or VIM 'CO which be
sestet% rated, and of the time and photo of such appeal"
of which the constabke in the *Arend townships and
bosougha in Bradford county ten please to take notice.
H. MOBVA:V, Smock& Judge.
1.. pI,*YNAM. Conunia'ers.
Commissioner', Office, Towanda, eb: M 8148..
RATVIA for pot favors, the subottibet gives
NJ! notice ;bat b. laiihtbltin accords with. Mr. N.
J. Xmas fot sosillietrns.—any: peva indebted for
Ptollsonotsry foes CO call ea hint and stash Atoms; ;
arl, POl:netts made to hint or to Mr. A. C. Atlas of
this phsto *Mho duly l itknowleArd. is suishetion of
such fees. A OM* shanks*. ur Oda notice veil:
grattly - obligs'yeinslta; ..:AARON CHUBBUCK.
Towanda, febtamt 17,
The Resurrection of Dead Watches!
I rarner ff inaegracar
respectfully inform efts chianti/if
Towanda sod vicinity. that 41i"
. ; .ek
havo formed a partnership foe the
• i2c_ purpose of prosecuting. fair lbw
public interest, the butane of
t ‘,ok ,
- flock and Watch WWI&
at the old and well-known stand of Capt.]. M. CAB
son, (numbered 100.) next door north of Col. BMW.
Grocery wore, and two doors south of Elliott tilt
where they will gibe their undivider) mite:nitro !Walk
bw.inese, and centidently inform the public. that from
their long experience in their profession, Ad a dealt!.
nation to attend punctually to the 181trelUi d ittos. fa
voring them with their work, they believe they eau ran.
- der satisfaction, and make refractory timepieces.
" Point with unerring finger to the march of .Tinst."
They Nill be found at all bouts. at that, lattabliab
mem, and solicit a share of public patronage.
00' All Linda of Country Produce. meived In pay
ment for work, at the market price. Nos. 26, 1848.
13 10
10 10
A FACT WORTH KNOWING.--A gentlemen al
a scrofulous habit became affected with litoerations of
the Throat and Nose, and.dtsagreeable and troublesome
, &ease of the skin. indeed his whute system bon the
marks of being saturated with disease. One band atui
wrist were IMICh directed that he bed lon the use et
the hand. every part being o tetrad sti b deep: *dol.
and offensive Ulcer., and his hand and w rid Weallsllbol.
low and porous as. honeycomb. It was at this stage of
his complaint, vs hen•ileath appeared inevitable front .
loathsome dc-cane, that be commenced the nee elleasea
A:malts-rtes. and having taken sixteen bottles,- ia now
reurtcTLl cureti. —Pcisue Linage. • •
14 7
14 7
13 10
13 10
1 10
13 10
►a 10
14 7
This A LTEIiA erperoteo through the *Mo
tion an I plunk% the blood and eradicates dismiss from
the system. wherever located:and the =mimeo Come
diseases of the Skin, Comer, Scmfule. Goitre. Lao.,
Co .plaint, Dyspepsia, and other Chronic dismal, to
eruly asiontsning.
Prepared only by Dr. D. JAYNE. South Mod
Street, Philadelphia. Sold by A. D. Madam To.
da, Pa.
13 - 10
13 ' 10
WIT WIFE MARY, having left my bed and bawd
1 without any just cause or provocation, I thaw
fore forbid all persons harboring or trusting her on toy
account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting.
13 lO
13 10
Smithfield. February 4. 1t,46.
13, to
13 10
13 10
13 10
Pratt's Grocery, and Eating House,
is in Betts 4, Slontanye's Corner Block,
fronting the Public Square,
WHERE everything may be found in his line or
business. The public ate invited to call.
14 7
14 7
12 J 2 00
13 10
azt aTattimaat warts e%
THE subscriber wants en apprentice to the BI ek
smithing Business. A lad, eighteen or twenty
years of age, who is desirous of learning the trade, and
can coma well recommended, will find a good chance.
Towanda, Feb. 18. WM. TROUT.
19 10
le 10
13 10
13 • 10
13 10
19 10
The Last and Most Important Arrival Tet at the
No. 2, Brick Row.
14 7
GREAT BARGAINS are now offered the people
of Bradford county, by the subscriber, who farrow
receiving and opening one of the largest and best select
ed assortment of goods ever brought into the yaw d
Towanda. His stock of goods has been selected with
great care expressly for this market, and as prime of the
old credit system am necessarily high, ha offers great ins
ducements to all who may have cash or produce to ex
change for. goods. Els stock consists in an assortment of
DRY GOODS, such as broadcloths, tessimenat, end
vestings, satinet', slump's gray, hard times, linsey wool
seys, a splendid assortment of Winter Shawls, ladies'
cravats, gloves, hosiery, suspenders, and ten 'boomed sr
fiche, too numerous to mrstion.
Grek •
Such as sugar. ten, coffee, molasses, spires ; lamp and lin
seed oil, a full supply of Liquors, such as Champagne,
Cogniac and American Brandy, Holland Gin, Old Mo.
non gehala whiskey, Port, Ma,leria, and Malaga Wine.
A tso —Crockery liardware.Nails, Glass, Iron, Leath
er, Baits & Shoes. Buffalo Robes, Hate &Caps, Drugs
& Dye Stuffs, &c. &c.
13 'l2 00
13 10
All persons wishing to purchase goods Ire respectfully
invited to give the suhstriller a call, and vitamin' e Dn
goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere.
Oct. 1, 1845
JUST received a great variety of Bonnet Velvets
and Silks together with Plaid, Fringed, Rainbow,
Polkr, Satin, Oushrr, Velvet, Cap and Taffett Ribbons
which you will readily discover are very cheap by cal
ling at no. 3 brick row. W.N. BAIRD & CO.
18 10
111 10
13 10
1131 -NT "Z II) 0 It' Mt .9
.attorney at Law,
OFFICE in tho north comet of the Brick ROW. di.
rectly over tho Pat Office, Mein street. .13:7En
trance et the north4nd of the building. d 3.
19 10
12 ' 19 50
14 7
13 70
14 7
!Wanted, at the Savings Bank.
FROM Piko &Burlington temushipo.looo
c good roll and fresh Baiter.
14 T
14 7
14 ' 7
14 7
From Elkland towusliip, 750'n roil butter and a gun
oily of deerekin■. WE W•X't
From Smithf , 4l, Comma, Wys.a and Ulster. 1000
Putter-4,500 bukhela of grain, Tanana kinds.
Fmnt Franklin, Sanding Stone and Wyakta
in 540,000 of Lumber of all kinds, fot which caia will
hi+ l aid. we. w►wr
From old and new Shcaheguin. 8000 busheLrosts, 310.
Wheat end corn. WA WA NT •1.30
From the &tune townships. 74 cash customers, to make
our number just 1000. Farmero wishing to parttime
goods for their produce. tiill.ploase pnce nor goods, ss
we are giving iu oNeh•nee, goods at 'gold aid like ,
priers: There re but • one price and that a easb'price
et d 29 I:. E. FLYNT & CON.
BOOTS & SHOES -- A •ery large stork of erety
kind sad size, st lower prizes then ewer, will be
found it ATERCTIR'o.
s; u TE D 00 Wet ofFADING. on
Contract, or in mull gunnittirsotemitoro. at.
rhpner fnr ra.h trood F. gin
a JURY of twelve Winn has decided, that the plies
to patellas. Fresh-Pew•. (no appeal of come) is
G.E. FLYNT 41. COll.
wcrigrliob.".•TirrhanTeVsaxiiit: 4l .46-„:
ty,at such vices es to ensure the sale of the tot abbe'
rper than bought by any other merchant in TIN/Pea.
Celt at BAIRD'S N 0.3 B.:R.
RUSH. CLOVER REED, of superior qua
lity, just trecired and for rata by
Regularly reeeired here.
No. 2 Brick Bow