Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 04, 1846, Image 4

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L .
IST - OF LETTERS,' remaining . in
the ,
0211t•Jt.theni, Detetnber - 81; 3845.'
ltkhatd H'Bernoo• 2 11 8 no, t ". • '."
John Bsitrinni •- '••• titintenb -
Win Brigga-"•• :. China Hopliiha ' "
`Charles 13oriediet: ' Geo Kiff " •••-`
Sam'l Chandler' ' • Irlarifit Rogers
•ID - G Newton - • • ••", iNanee Rieri
Harriiiann Cru.d" • "..Al&kre N Miami!
Joceph alp •'. J.iseph Fuigersort ,
Geriri A e Carim -• Choi B. Stuart
Wnt Edward ' Henry Sable s •-• ' ' •
Philip Freiledn Issiic Sprineteen
Ethan S Fcc ' Pitney Snyder •
Horace C G.illop Iru t!'iotiel
Edwd Hurlhurt liena Snyder
Mrs Hannah Ke+ch Anna Spalding
John A Udell John Sweet
Mrs Deborah McDowell Nelson Tuttle
31C :Oen:tont David Watkins
Esther Nliaina Morris E Wilcox
F. 31cDuthe June P Wheeler
Israel S Mead Daniel 3{ 15'ilwn
'l' McGeorge Melissa -Wheeler
David Play foot N F Wynkoop
Nano; Park Lorenzo D Wheeler
Abel P`E :•103 ' Wm Welles
Nzra Prebtou - H Willson , 3
C. 11. HERRICK% P. M
111 S T OF LETTERS, remaining in the P
if 4
U. at Towanda, Ice. 31, 1845.
.111,1 Wm 13 : Johnston Ilenry
Agney Mary Alias 2 liridiuin John F
B.Waiall .1 An-app Charles M
Bowman A R Ladd C K
Bishop Eliza Miss 2 ',eviller Elizabeth Miss
Barlow Frederick N Lane. arid.layei •
Bull Win H Law I A rolrew
Balch John Meredith .1 13 3
Bailey Jeremiah 31organ '•t'm
Broamon John Mead Daniel
Cumironcs Harry Mace Abruin
Crimmins Dennis M . Kale Richard
Curtis Lawrence Marwin R C
Carter John McVnyre John
Costoio Edward Murdock 8.„1
Carpenter Elkha Overton Wm
Carman Charles ()Tilly T B
Cainyns James Peckham B 11
Collector of Bead. Co. Pay mer W 13
Decker Permilly Ithss Potter Rev. Alonzo
Decker Parincha Pierce James -
Decker 'tine • Qnypenn•y Nicholas
Decker James :Salsbury . c;eilt Col.
Dodge Oliver Smith t 5.1111111.1 H
gtheridge Isaac D , Smith Almira Mts,
Eielanit Abrose Manion! Daniel
Eaaleston Damel Shewit Geo rg , ,N
Scott Gootizo
Foreman Daniel
eirely lu C
sooner ‘Vni
riregg Frances Th.tyor 11 rain
Goodwin Ltenjdmin ' jro George
;abert Elmer Uplieht Jan 11
Hoff John Can Hi - am
R Ja n ,- * 2
If tnchin-on Francis R 2 Inomas
Hagar 'Rudd Whitney Mary
lime 11 t.ttre W \C11 1.111: I) IS hi
RICkIIN .I,,arew J NN C.11:1,.., ni.,,r..•
Ilatiln, J Vl.w.t 7'..tirl il
liollent.4k Peter 1\ 1,:::,,,, J...,,,,
A. S. C!! \ MI31:1:1.1N. P.M
.1.1 EX PEGTOILA NT.— The ‘lrthrs tho.l
elhcacoao.ooa Cheap the,bothe 1 a the cure 01 Cathsoiolo
lima and other disca-r. canna' be 100 0 ell known. Very
inloy live. hove been aavell by 11.—N. I. Murliing
At ht.,.
J.fiNL'iE XPI.CTIIII ANT Fan Corhas, Cl/LTI.I,
So many capie ate ...acted w at; lhePr vdivaaat t.very
day ~i-or.lers, that we deem a' Ia d . duly
rf .Itlefs 1.1 •.1 amide ferlled. V. 1.4. is We hane Inept and
tdand tarawa.a.p.. F.X.PECTORINT 1-a very.
v.diwble of 101111••t1 Wr hale hotly 0.91 web
ett,ra 111 t 1,11•11,: a torah And 1 , 1r114.
1112 1111 a 0.6!. It 1 , .1 , prr .a4rerd. uaaatane. 'flats
,cot ; IX ; ka
tary. And tie 1.•,•1 t ;;;;1,1 grull!er
%tor 10 our thur,
rec..itomr l l.l them ;;•; Wel; ;cl;t reinewea, espe
tht,e He hove (.01111,
Edi:or of the • Loon Refoni" rht-,
TII I: •
3331131c.ri130r h... 1.3 r 3.-313•—.1 nr W two in..r.sollell•
12,1 - 1 ola• 4in nn ‘33:1:3.3n, 1..3rt iv worn :
333.11,1 p, • A 13331. 3 or 4 c 333333 }ink-
A 33f y.3ung t helleted bUptltlOf to
into in the ~ ...ontry .31 their 33:443 r ...c.4
•1 1 .3.3 n. WArly firming anti le:on
-11z 331wIlicti 033 •Flid 011,1) for CA.II Or
apt rmed 1•n . ,1 . A ImisoN SiKE.I.N.
17 1,17-3.
e l k O,N A ••60ill•Kt) iiii.,..\. j ,..., rpc,•., t-o. am! for
VD ,II.• of '" I REED'S ; NJ. Z, 8. 1 ..
vpupi:Elt 0 t - PB. , IMEN, ol ~11 bon+. koala and
, ./..,, 6•r .d. - Clirap at .121 REED'S,
: 11 -1 1 •__
BAI:s. I, & till.S. Dv ~...,,IA and Dy« gtafia. a
%HA' large stock, ja-I recel‘ed at BAIRD'S
\Valli(' (slimily Plow:Ills.
41)117 Wayne tot ni the Se
\ma:, B a nk. 1 1 tot..opplivd at limu
la,,,lrera prices, and Fanners MI Cit•
tt.rtna. FIAN Cu.
.1111 v 311. Bow.
THE Copartnership i , ting between the
sub...ether: limier the urn. of H. Kutphery 4-Co.
is thi , day disaaka a t I,y mutual eon4ent• pr rsona
indebted h said firm air requestsd to dettle tht ir ae
ommis. a ith H. S. Comstock, aho *Neil euntitior the
hu-dness at the old stand.
Atheng Pa., Oct. 1. 1515.
lIVOTICE is given that all persons indebted to the
111 estate of Wm. KNox, of Troy tp.. dee'd., are r.
quested to make immediate payment. and all thu.e h a y.
log demands against the same are requested to present
them legally attested for settlement.
Granville. Dee. 3t. 1845. Adininistralors.
2EL BUSH. CLOVER SEE/X — Fist received
lur and for eale by B. KINgSBERV.
lIIEWIiOfIS. PAINTS Zi.,9li,s. "1 every des
criptiiin, for sale, one notat'lielou. the ,nurkel.
.1).24. B. KINtiSBERV.
IntIRI:SIIES—Ifaif. Paint, Stia%ing, and
ti rwinpletea.scrtment,'o the
Sep 17. t}r;•'PY,4T. DWG STORE.
12 - 1 LIGIIES-500 lECF.S, wht..h were Nought for
Weeks . on the Cdy Lla7,k.t,nf the inanufacturt•F's
atients, (tot nt A IJCII,III, where. all Interior gotrdw me
sold) and will ht. s,dd here :15 cheap as any merchant
(whir &main before the dec!ine) paid.
ride N. 3. BRICK ROW.
irk NE HUNDRED THOU§AND - cubic t 1)1 . W.
VLF Oak and White Pine Tinhet for sewing purpawea
Evtireied on the hank or at Port Deposit, wanted in
chexange far goods and some cash by
99SBUSHELS of Timothy sod Flax SEED,
warned in exchange for goods. st
141ZOTICE is given that all' (*eons indebted to the
estate of Benjamin Brink. late of Shi.shrquitt tp..
demised, are requested to .make immediate payment,
and all these having demands against the same ate re
quested to present them legally attested for seAlemetu.
D J. . BRIN BRINK,, K Adminigrawn4
Bheshequin, January - fdl. 1845.
:7 P.M" 6i . ^ Ck .f D.Ugs. Ttretlieinelc • Paints. Oils, pr.
Binds and Gros. s vies have just been received 4row
'Neu 1,.r at4l will be sold very low—tall at
Tvr., ll ca o,, A. S. CHAnBEIII.IN.
- .1; 01. FA !..t u-h. Silk. Fur and fling
H its, atm) sehet and fur, pip, together
:awl Mutts, and ihnfato rub.", for sale cheap at
tkt e : I • ' ' • '• ; SEED'S
; 124,1
Elliott, & lerctr • •
A RE NOW RECEIVING, a , very lure 'and yeri
gererel - aseinuent oi' FaltEmd4risger . .Goods.'
which thii Mfrs to thiPublic on hberal termi, foe cub,
glom. or approvetbcredit. ' ~- • ~"'.
Their 'stock consists of 'almost everything that or
one wishes to buy. And fur the.twm-fit of those:puha
wish to,purchase merehaadize of any kind; and want
to knew where to find it. they will entitnerita'a emir of
the many riiiiclea-thby have for sale: • • • '
Leith.' silk shawls end black tea-pots: • •
Gents' satin cravats and ternpently nods:
Colored satin. for !mhos . - bonnets, and
Glssed hats for men;
Knitting pins and crounlises;
Carpet tacks and vest pattern.; •
Broad Axes and alpacess;
M. delainesand wagon Ooze.:
Printed blue teaaand young hyson tea ;
Umbrellas and German pipes;
Pocket knives and loaf sugar ;
Itlolas,s and coarse (more;
Ladies' cot. hose and steel corn heft;
Ladies' night caps. for six centa, and
Men's .estrus cop,. (or !Ili cents;
linen liar s fur one :billing. and
Ple n ty of Cugbsn anti Suedes nun. all sizes; •
India rubber eioth for carriage covers stud
Beauttlu; figured aiparcas for holies' cloaks;
Latin,' boas sod muffs, vial lampblack;
.I.egliorn bonnets acrd stone jugs;
Black and blue ink and spirits turpentine;
Lamp nit and Colonge water ;
Swtet oil and sarsaparilla syrup;
Blue v.triul end best Java and Rio coffee;
Wafers rind hock shot;
I n d. (little ink and pure dry and ground white lead
Looking glassrs and cut. tumblers;
Tea kettles and black :ilk stockings;
Candle wicking and bed cords; ;
Coat Buttons anal writing paper ;
Shell side eolith,. and corded ikirts
Banta t ritusats and ea...11.16h tobacco;
Plough points and rap ribbons;
Ladies' dress WWI: and awes tubetg;
'.4144,4t0il Neeille4. and hoot Nutria bats;
:Steel pens and ~bu s t plough patterns;
Plated huh band,. and silk oraif far ladies;
Como: anti wire wivea;
Awl blades and 'dn.. assorted sizes — l''' .
I.a.!ie:.' kid slippers and nail 'manners;
f: dluvv lurakets and gimp cords; •
Men and lingo' C.oto caps and plane irons;
lihives and bogs aid ark roep ;
Cssl .It'll and nlcei iiii/111.11.14;
Bravo kettles and bursa thirnhles;
Beaver skull and cotton batting ;
Pepper bales and 411,1 e knise4 ;
Bonnet noanls and slate pencils;
Carpet landing and inkstands;
Coach lace nod handsaws;
(ltd-mitt' and saux,nitll sawn ;
5, idlitz t haw der- and trying squares ;
Ilidde•r ,wershoses and 43 inch spikes;
Sleigh bells and sterlyarda;
Cia.-11114 rrs iElld nary c o n do. ;
Grid...oil. and cord;
IA halo I,,lfie 31111 pairia (OW ;
Silapelider- nwt pnl.ntdoor buns;
llrttler'N (Mewl, and laces Inc lathe* . typo;
l'. , ._ '' Id.autk, reldels mrd hair brushy.;
NI(0.0 and wait...W.ld. eot.Clio. &hair brushes;
rocoanut dipp.•tel and With brush,,,
Colored cambric and Joao handles ; •
.'agar bats and children .Luca:
Vi ...len 411.1%4 la and gun. cups;
Black tea and patent wheelliends;
Morrocco belts anal ten servers;
Saddler's silk and mouse traps;
Bon ne r wire 31111 SlOnl.Chlinl.;
Plaid tinaeya and sash nullcxs;
Patent hlind fasten:rig:4 and lih•ta, (a new article)
Spoke sh, and door nuns;
11... I, .ell/ti .111 d maul,';
prillant/i.i I Mlll 4 and shoo strings;
'Si la. and id.slik gloves and gut, flints; •
Sank-let o' all I inch and gulitar:saler ;
lior-e cahia and ...inn vesting; -
Clar. U..1:11, and /Ur cops;
Hsu et.111:13 and sash Inaterilngs;
gins,. (light- and wool c a rd s;
Voract Licers oinl trace chains;
Brass back coml.. and calirnes of all qualities,
morn I‘l/ISpr
03110,1. 0 & podding and (,rile whips;
Furniture prints and razor strops:
Tabte ricers and Ulna ys geography's;
1 • 0.4r , e 1111(1 polished ringun.;
I.lnes) rambrir and sole leather;
I. Baap inn and town erlgirt & insertion ;
Florefie , , ilka and llreslNTl she et i ng . ;
Cap w ire ..e.l royal vandal ,
1.111. 1 )11 aunt Russia diaper;
111 k. Fr. nett crape ..nil American door forks;
Nlineral knob forks and whirr crape;
(71 • y. How and grren, and coat binding;
anti rilsbnit Ulm;
Crellfll Tortes and silk r•only and tassels;
Hone blankets and brass Mild;
Tea setts and setts teas;
Spirit levels and spool cotton;
Tow and: , September 19, 104,5,
s, LN”
f~liC are under many and deep oblige
tins 1., I 11.1. 111.1111,004 triends fur the very lib,
rah patronage they bast received, for which we tender
induy lhaukc ; and ice have nu &AAA of it r 001100-
'3 nee of ) s` sfltilel and filt(ITS "no long as we Ctlll.
lIITUtt to oil gouda cheaper than any store within ItiO
IlltleS 01 LIS.
We now nay, the plea.ure of informing our friends
and emtomera and the public, gent , rully that we err re
. York. A 'tarter and tamer arson
mem of Gonda. that we. or any other merchants eter
brought to Lim. tnarLes.couguattutt of
Dr!, Goods ,S. Groceries, Gioia 4 - Nails,
Crockery . Hordware. Iron 4- Salt.
Dru.zs 4- .lledirinr-e, Leather 4- Fish,
Dile Woo , l44•Dye S . ifffd. 1 Boots 4—Shroe 4-c
Wr gave notice m our lasi ailtertipement that •• we
had Drury She Wen Co.. floored—"since which time
some of our neighbor. have been filing their link php
guns nt uP. but di of no use—men who have stood at
the catinon'a mouth an long as we have, cannot be
frightened by such trn.h.
We can mature our worthy neighbors who have fal
len im deeply in love with the terms bluff" and hluf
flog." that it is our intention so long.aa we remain in
busmen; to always have a rm sit of Goods. and after
the gro. , s attempt made in 1842 to prevent our buying.
we are not so green as to go to the city without
FT1.1....i , "N1). which in addition to the experience of
one of our firm in the city trade (having been for some
time a clerk in N. Yolk city,) enables tut to buy goods
cheaper than.merchants generally from the country can.
So j.t.t come on. all ye who want to buy cheap for
CASH. call at no. 3, shake `• the ready" at us aml you
are caught —" or if you have a load of produce "give
no ale teiqk" and we ate crier you.
For more particulars look :thing through the paper.
W .H. B A [RD & CO.. No. 3. B. Row.
Towanda. N0v.25. 1845.
Cheap Cash 11 - bolesale Commission & Jobbing Stint.
THE above estsblisliment has lately been enlarged
and improved, and is tieing replenished with a
new ortrk of Fashionable WINTER GOODS. which
in aililitiou to their tonnes large 'stock of staple floods;
makes it the most desirable place tar large purchases,
as also for shopping. in town. 'their now stock con
sists in part of French. English and American Cloths
and iaunetts, cashmem de ecosse and mousselin de
laines, of the newest styles and patterns. eiechattl, em.
hrs , . gm de Swiss, fly rl poult de soul and watered strip'd
maroon for ladies' skir.te, end a new article of
fringe for dresses; plaid cashmere and.TurkaFastiavrls.
and a thousand other et cetera,' nemesia," to please the
Their stork of Groceries, Baals and Shou, Haicand
r• 1" B iffakx kilses. Oils and Paints. Iran and Nails.
1114 +.l .trti,tre. that the want, of the community , re
quite. , fll to 6wild µo.rfiNi and selltolPd. sud of
red In f , iffelt3.oT. on -a. C. , 041 ler,A. or better thin' In
t..e oeic.hlwrina, rilleaes in the state of N. :
Nog. 11. ..1.11. , & C. U. m(spAptirt CO:
IIG ALMANAC'S foi 11146; juti received as
' wle bY' 111ZSCURS'
..,± - . - REASONABLE SUCUERSP , . , :., •
, 1' .7 ' U . .. I , •, ~,,... i0...,t , .1'
" •''l , • . /1 .ili' B, .a; M . Cy! Amur , . 1. ; , , ~ ~ ~
gni AVE - tbi pleasure of announcing tly ' pubrie,l
i tia
. Mit. that
.'heir. vopteetdemi4 ,heary es th ivfolh,
hallo 4vadrreli, it net-tenni to, purchase i , till, Airy ;
stF4,,i4 yVINTEIt GOIJD3,, !Orb they now
,fe, 1
• iring aid Oil . ..title for 'Cash at itAoksizli 416011, 'O.,
much lower prices than they 'mat* fOund sr :miry citbir
Maio 61 Towindi. , • CIA tsiitchigeki of goods I con! 6e.
rare the following na . vanurgia by Calling mu, ourAtote:
Flost--,3ter proeuring,43fAtte# pods Itt4be lead .poss.
sible adssocafrom the.essonfsewrer's and importer's
pticts,,as our !EGO* are putebased front firist,iandai
.„ .
at net cash 'pncri. -
Bscoio--Heltef from the esti" prices, which metehsnta
who give credit must charge - to 'covet' losses try bad'
debts, collecting tees, itc... .
Our etock is very heavy,embtacing almostsverithinp,
in the line - of Dry,th;otts, Groceries. , (Liquor. excepted),
Hardware, Crockery, ,Drugs, Medicines. Paints,' Oils.
llye'stuffs, Boots and shoes, Saddlery Flardware,.Car.'
riage Trimmings, &r. And altho' oar snit* 'of - goods
is much the heaviest io town, they were:Purchased- sat
very low that they did not cost s2s.opn, or,even, $;4.11
000, and our customers can have the benefit of MY ad'
vontsgeous purchauws, so our motto is, "Small profits
and quirk ,urea. Nov. 26.1845. .
st Monroe Corners, with m W Winirr's Eapplitsi
AT I.O‘vEST 'PHIcEs. •
RoGetis FOWLER has jws filled. by ifielait
trip of the boats for the season. hi.. larga.'ind
curnmedious cew.,tore•hou.e with g complete an&Well
as.orted lot of Winter Ctoods, selected carefully by ttior,
Self in the'New York and Philadelphia markets to.sug
the t•ei.on, with a special view to the notes end' iwanti
of hi. neighborhood.
He re.priffully invites an sairinination or his eaten.
sive stkit—which he offers at an invariable cash price
Cloth., Cups,Hot•,Hosiery, Hardware, Nails and
Cutlery. CrOeti'erv, , Stoneware, Tinware, F. l
ernentiry Dio,iii, Stationery, Staple and
Fancy Dry Good., Drug. and Dye -
Stuff., - De Leine.. Alparcas,
Flannel+, dre.. die.
in short. every variety or gOods required in this market,
of the late-t styli est and of thr fen qualities according to
prices, which shall he sold as low as can be afforded at
any other eoalthahment intended for permanent hu-i•
ne.s. 1. 4 u11 as his store is, be has room enough to trade
in. and alniadance of light to test the qualtty of hi.goods.
I.I:SIBERMEN, in exchange for Hoards or Shingles
have all articles. st cash price., for he has no oth
ers; and-they will find, at the same rates, in addition
to his general aseortment, a constant supply of GRAIN.
FLOUR. FI: , 11, PORK, SALT, and all the necessa
ries as well as the conserliences of life
FARMERS' produce bought at All times, it good
prices, and as fair an exchange made for goods as by
any deafer ur the County.
Persons, going to the mine for COAT; can savehanl
inc by leaving their loadurg here, (several miles this
side.). at tiro cualdrerl prices. and taking an order on the
milieu, which, under his a arrangement, will be other
wise to their mutual advantage, by securing fn purcha
sers coal at the most favorable rates of barter there,and
saving to the miners thu curt of bringing surplus pro
thee Lark In lulu/mi.
R. F. has beard of pigmy souls, near, Frankiindale
corners, the oil yellow conwr," whitened over like
the sepulchre, and in some other dark corner., which
could tind no good Romer to the question—" who is
my neighbor 7" but he haw passed their reach, not cor
nered yet, and he assures the community which has
imposed so many obligations in him by past confidence
tied he reunion ri-k it continuance, by stopping to kick
otT whilrog, nr making announcements which he is un
prepared to fulfill. Monroe, Uec.3, 1845.
iplitillNTS—The largest, most desirable and cheapest.
Ewitnrtms nt of Prints in town, can be found at
li orsted Goods.
V D 1 LAIN EIS. Crape .le laines, C. D Ecosee
and A Ipaccas. a fine assortment, purchased in
Art , . York, after the late falling off in price. , at
BONNET Satins and Milks, with
Ribbon. to match. the best and cheapest assort
low n. at nv26 MERCIIII6'.
W.ll Wl.s—Evrry Alewishing to purtlhrste
should by all means call where ;very thing in that
line from twenty-live reatA up. is.krpt at prices' to suit
ud CJ of the articles; it is needless to say that it is at
um , 26 MERCURS'.
AUDI*" 4111 E.—The larz,ein asx;riment and
grrane”t 'tangly ever offered in Dradforal.oulitiy.
flat rrcel.tal at
Still Later. More Rich Goads
CST necivrd an invoice of the latest stiles of Silks,'
among which Italy be found Plain black and blue
black, Oiobre tittipad Pond. t"ot'r Camelion Reps with
Satin Striprs, Genuine Polka Silks, Plaid Florence's.
Plain do., Plain silks f e Bnnnrtta. a rare opportunity
for those to purchase who intend doing so as they are
*old anh a shade above anttion prices at
Oct. 7.0. ' G. E. FLYNT & CO'S.
A - NY quantity of Bleached acll Buren Sheeting &.
fj Shirting 4411 gorlitirs, blk. and white Wadding.
Wicking in Boxes, twin... cords, &c.. at
Nil.. 1y E 1,11•1: & sArrgki.EFrs,
,E b.lll tun ARK ItoPE bought •er/ low and
will be !Kohl acenraingly by
WANTED In eschan2e fur goods any quantify
of butter, Tont., Wheat. nye. Oatsjimothy
and Clover Seed, Hides, Lumber, and cash will not be
retios! b.• ‘VELLES &
e,us T RECEIVING, at the old store, on the cor
nee of Main and Pine streets. a few doors below
11lontanyes 4. Co.'s, and nearly oppo.litr No. I, Drick
Row, an entirely new stork of GOODS, which eon
.6ls in a u..tierni assortment of
Dry Goods, Crockery.
Groceries. Boots 4• Shoes.
Hardware, tHats 4• Cap.. 4•e.
Together with a general assortment of DRUGS AND
MEDICINES, all of which have been selected with
great care by myself in the New York market, and will
be sold as cheap as can be wild by any living man in
thin market Ladies and Gentlemen can he satisfied o
this fact by calling on the subscriber, at hiastore. where
he will be in readinesa at all time* to wait upon all who
favor him with a call. A. D. MO.NTANYE.
Q 1 %Vented, in exchange for Goods, either cash.
grain, lumber,or shipping Furs. in almost any quantity.
Towanda. November 1.9. 1945, A. D. M.,
DH URLBIi UT, Jr., superior cast steel AXES
. half a dozen boxes, just recrired and for sales
the old ;land of nor 19 B. KINGSBER Y.
Sayings that have become Proverbs
rI7IIIAT GEO. E. FLYNT At CO.. have the ler
±._..- gen end most degirablestock of goods int:plead&
That Lumber for Goods. or Goods for Lumber, cannot
he carried on successfully without detrinient to Cash
Buyers. rite VCR R Titian:
Thst G. E. Flynt & Co. buy goods for Cosh, and sell
them tar the ready."
PHOIIIIII rotirrg:
That G. E. F. & Co are selling goods cheaper than
any other establishment in this bcirough.
And it is whispered,
and soon will become a prosertt(ahhough we have been
knowing to the filet for some time) that 0; E. F. & Co.
are selling better goods and more of them.
Those who doubt the abort,
will please present themselves at our counter. whem
Goods are freely shown, and always warranted equal to
et:commendation. oc, Lookfiff the Savings Dank.
if - 11 IMPS, CORDS, Fringes, fancy velvet Mud Rib.
Vl bons at MERCUR'S.
ir TAKE 'this opportUnity to inform all who m
domed to that payment MUST be made by
FEBRUARY COURT. The"sum doe from rub
but in the eurreste h amounts to
considerable. I trust that a sum !Phial n° 6ol h l W
qcd ha neemary. W.E4TON.,
latest arrival. of New Goods!
WELLE/34r. BATTEELEE harm been reedy
dnit.t4e lot three weeks, iem New lasi. a
large and 1;00344'2*0ct of FALL and wtsrga
GOODS, selected from the sated importations with on.
Usual nue as' to style, quality and especially as to pri•
reit. do net pretend•ur bawl the largest stock is
the country, orteg lower than say other bourse hut they,
irk all who wish to buy choice and good gouda, to ali
and rzamjne the , quality and price:sof their goods, aria
thenjudge virt, arlhvgooda al low prices; all are toil
trd to till and, examine their stock which comprises
carry thing usuady• kept ins:nanny stoma.
Athens pa.; September 30.1815.
gAji.ADIES will find nearly as large a stock of Dress
Soods, such as Cashmere. 1)e E'Cosse, M. Se
m AI aces., Gingharns, Prints; &c., at our store as
r.eou s, ,
in th nti and at low priers. They will please
call d examine the stock for thetiselves.
1% EM GN Will find a large and splendid stock
of Cloths, Ciissimeres, Vesting', Cravats, Gloves,
Elastic braces, Ratifier Over , Shoes, and every thing
else they troy want at very low priers for the quality at
&IHA W LS en great variety Ao beautiful pattern'. may
10. be round at. WELLES gi; SATTER LEE's.
1 . 1.0 LOANS DELAIN. for Coating, and splendid
,pinid chigking. Gala OW& and plaid Lining
gEry cheap at:, WELLES & SAITERLEE'S.
A.'. I. .*C4,PS dr MUFFS any quantity frorn . l23
. 11 cents up at WELLES 6r. SATTERLEE S
jARGE and elegant assortment of Laces, Ribbons,
Al 'Gloves and trimmings or sll kinds at
pLilaiAP / ' may be safe to say we have as large
a +tack ana of as good qualities as any house n
Ursidford Comity. and we will sed them as low as any
house can that gets env thing above cost.
THE brat assoriment of Iron & Steel in the Mm.
6,1 H OE.FI N DINGS, such as Pegs. Drustles. A wls.
Awl halts. Timed &c.. also &de and Upper
Leather, Calf & Kipp Skins, always on hand by
OIL, Palma. sr. Glass, we kcep constantly on hand
a very large stock of all kinds and will very low
I atk load SALT, and 5 ton NAILS,
are for sale and ready to be shown at BAIRD'S
HWDS SUGA R, 5 do. 51ohwev bought a first
elf hands and w;11 be Pnlii neconlingly by
W. H. BAIRD &,eO.. No. 3. B. R.
CorTUN YARN-10% 0 lbs. just received and for
sale at REED'S.
OLE I.EATHER-5,000 lb..—and any quantity
of cow. Kip and Calf skins. from the manufactories
on.. Kaatakill creek." N. Y. We won't say anything
about the price. but conic and Fee at d 3 BAIRD'S.
AttßGEruilit general assortment of the above ar
ticles. compirsing almnst everything urea by Her.
tie. and Carriage Makers., which will be sold lower
than the same quality of goods have everbeen offered at
Owego or Elmira, just received by
rep. 24. H. S. dr M. C. MERCER.
POI 'NUS NAILS, assorted sizes, at
sep.24. M E RC UR'S.
SOLE LEVI!' kit —first quality.
•' Condoner.," n few dozens,
Carpeting+ mid Floor Oil Cloths.
Carpet and Cotton Yarn.
Bagging—an article unequalled for durability
Nov. 12. At the SAYINGS DANK.
L 0. OF 0. F.
rr becomes our Juty again to annoc nce the receipt of
more rich and valuable goods, which we are offering'
still cheaper (if possible) than heretofore.
We hare for cash buyers, the following goods :
100 ps. hilt and blue silk A !Nieces ;
50 figd and changeable goods, for afenell;,
150 styles DeLaitirs and cashmeres ;
1500 yds. Calicoes—in addition to our former large
stock—the contents of one lax, ust recrivrlL,
40 ps. Cloths, all shakes and colors ;
15 Dk and Fancy CatliMerell ;
20 ' &Griffis. all prices.
Iron. Nails, Steel, any quantity. and Shelf Hardware
in abundance. The `people" of Bradford county, have
looked long and anxiously for the time to come when
; goods could be purchased at their real value. For the
last six triontha we have satisfied the most skeptical, and
wish to inform our friends that we are not to close busi
ness in the spring, as reported, but shall continue to do
battle fur She friends of Cheap Goods, as long as it will
benefit the county of•Braditrd. It is told in this way—
VVe'have, we can, and we will.
December 17, GEO. E. FIXNT & CO.
6 1 Z LEIGH SIICEs (tor ayne
Co. Plisuelo) at G. E. FLYNT & COPS.
RACCO, or sate by U. KINGSBERY.
l'r IS' NO t%ONDEII !
2ax 11A r the FArtflerP of Bradford COMM/ are all tra
iling at " BAIRD'S 8 roll:F., - when it in taken
into consideration. that in addition to keeping the lar
gest and best stock of Goods in the comity. and selling
them cheaper then any lasly else.. they have always
been ready to assist and encourage that class of commu
nity by purchasing their produceof every' description at
the highest prim. What, for instance, would they
have dune with their butter for :the last I ken summers
had not "Old 3" boldly stood fprth in the support
of honest industry and dealt out all - descriptions of
good., at the lowed cash prices. in est hange for that ar
ticle ! The hard fiisted yemnanty ars replying to the
above, by coming with a els h ! a perfect rush ! "en
mass"! !to the cheapest store in Towanda, where
"Dill Mini & Co." are always ready and willing to do
the fair thing. Dec. 25.
which are Cashmeres. Mousse DeLaine, plaid fed
and ■ilk work A Ipacca. 64 plaid Cloaking, Girdles and
Trimmings, to correspond,
aep. 24. B. EINGSBERF.
Towanda Merchants:l Indictment for .downright mur
fder," " selling goods too cheap."
• va. Tried before the people of Brad.
The Shavings Sank , ford county.
yr appearing to the satisfaction of all the jury, (com
posed of all Bridfunl Co.) that the price of Salt at
the Shavings Bank was raised to 14 shillings per hist.
the day sifter No. 3, got out, who had been sellimt for
10 shillings per 1 , 14. Anil it also being conclusively
proved that the said Shavings Bank are about 15 per
cent. behind No. 3, in selling goods cheap, the jury
without leaving the box acquitted the defendant. and as
the verdict was rendered, the crier of thr court call'd out,
s Oh, yea! oh. yes ! oh, yes !
The only genuine cheap stare in Towanda, is No. 3,
Now, George, 1).43 *44.14 —if you ahoultl band up
No. 3, /ibooki LAN?. " Fresh Salt," nor even nut.
prtre won't saw your.... head from
Two sleigh loads of New. Goods. jun- rewired. at
Dee. 17. IFIDIS, N 0.3. Brick Row.
THIS action was brought for "downright enurder,^
against the Cashier & Co. of the Towanda iSts.
vings Bank, for - selling goods too cheap, and thereby
bringing leanness_ upon the " Merchant Princes" of the
borough. , But, with all their vaunted sayings, hired
witnewea and combination.. together with the principal
evidence adtnitted by us—(that goods were wild cheap.
er at Flynt dr. Co. than any other establishment)—
we hive at last come off with our' capital increased,"
and obtained a signal victory over these would-be law'
and order combinations, and carried dismay even into
the enemy's camp. In addition to our former stock o
Fall Cocas. we base just received
Another Ark Loitil of Goods.
which will he digitised of as liberally Is heretofers.—
Tberefina we Lave sp.:wool the
Thet,Gleoree E. Flynt & Co annotbe pot down
Ca LoaVat the Soritszraank. dee&
rr C.
iIiN.SPI.E of noble firsts is
A Ansi all *be little Pratt', in town !
rhimigh they bassi to run bins down.
mamba riber would 'impose
the public generally that he
low receiving ■ very large
I well selected assortment of
IiIVES. each as Cross' pa.
it. cylinder oven cooking;
owe combination or Frank
and cooking; N 0.3 and 4,
Icon 4 boiler cooking ; No.
3. and 4, promuion 4 boiler-
Wins: with an assortment
is plates. school-house and
church stoves; cylinder coal and parlor wood do., all
of which will he sold as low as at any other establish
ment this itideof the Rocky Mountain; for whest.oati,
r y e . gam, pork. butter. cheese, and cash not refused ;
ARE constantly kept on hand, at wholesale and
retail, with stovepipe, elbows, stove tubes of clay and
tin, patent pails , alone jugs. ritish lustre, sheet zinc.
cut to suit eustorners. with Job work of every descrip
tion in the Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron business, done
on short notice and in a workmanlike manner.
And in addition to the shove articles, he intends to
keep constantly on hand a good article of rifle and blast
ing Ponder ; with FLOUR & PORK. by the barrel
and pound, codfish. mackerel, snap, candles, lard and
butter. LIQUORS, such as rum, gin, brandy, and
whiskey. of different qualities. Tea. coffee. pepper,
spice, salrenxtus. ginger. starch, cloves, cinnamon, ogees,
tobacco, moo ndish and fine Cu?, candies, nuts, figs. rai
sins, herring, green and dried fruit, cider, beer, and all
bitter anieles usually kept by grocers, all of which will
be sold at reduced mice. for ready pay. Store and ma
nufacturing Establishment not kept exactly in Montan
ye's corner block. hut in the next building below, on
the south side of the public square. where persons u
tc purchase the above articles will do well to call
and examine before purchasing elsewhere.
Nov. 12. 1845. 11. C..IIALL.
11\111..11M71111T W"WeLIIIC3ES'•
J r.A.L.K11,,,.. L. M. NYE & CO., would re
fixedly inform the citizens of Tow..
••• ands and the public generally, that
illtit• they have on hand & manufacture
to order all kinds of CABINET
.'FURNITURE, of the best mate
., rials, and workmanshilkthat cannot
`""l• be surpassed, in addition to the usual
assortment in country shops, we will keep on hand and
make to order SOFAS, of various and most approved
patterns; Sofa Rocking Chairs, upholstered in superior
style. and for ease. and durability cannot be surpassed
even in our large cities. Also, the half French Ma
hogany Chair. beautifully upholstered, with curled hair,
Which never loses its elasticity, and finished with the
best hair seating. We flatter ourselves that having
had much experience in the businsas, we shall he able
to satisfy all who may feel disposed to call, both as to
quality and mice, and by strict attention to business,
hope to met it and receive the patronage of a liberal com
munity. 1.. M. NYE & CO.
Towanda. September 1, 1845.
31A Y DE HAD at our shop much lower than h
has ever been sold in Towanda. Good. are
cheap, and wheat am lowered, and that is the reason we
ran afford all for to do it. All kinds of produce will
be received in payment. Also, LUMBER of all kinds.
Sept. I. L. M. NYE 4 CO.
awr • -40 ilk -‘t--1
ILL be kept on hand n large assortment. and
made to order on shorter notice and for less mo.
ney than can be produced at any other establishment in
the land. Those who are under the necessity of pro
curing that article will and Allan he satisfied. A good
hearse and pall may be had in attendance when desired.
September 1, 1545. L. M. NYE & CO.
-G .444
WILCOX & SAGE have associated themseves
in the Boot and Shoe Making business. in the
borough of Towanda. and may be found at the old stand
of S. Hathaway. I itely occupied by Elkanah Smith. near
I. H .Stepheits' Exchange Hotel, where they solicit
share of public patronage. They intend. by a careft I
selection of stock, and by attention to the interests of
their make as neat and durable work a s c an
be manufactured in this portion of the country.
They keep constantly on hand, and will manufacture
to order, morocco. calf and coarse boots and shoes;
Ladies' Gaiters, shoes and slips; children's do.; gent's
gaiters and' pumps, &c., dze.
Tnagmln.ltioy 14. 184 S.
BATCHELER & COREL. hog leave to inform the
tnhaliitants of Towanda and siriflll , that they
have just commenced the Tailoring Busbies', up stairs,
No. 4. Brick Bow, where they are prepared to execute
all work entrusted to them with care neatness and des
patch, and in the most fashionable manner. Having
just received the New York and Philadelphia fashions,
and with their long experience in the business. they flat
ter themselves that their work will be made in a manner
and style equal to any other establishment in the place.
Terms made to correspond with the times.
CUTTING dune on the shortest notice.
C:7 All kinds of country produce received in payment
for work at market prices. October I. 1845.
L.DLVVMII riPaira2Q2l.o2."
Over Montanye's store, next door to Mereur's law office,
at the old stand of Powell & Seaman. [ocl
J. E. Canfield,,
WILL attend to all kinds of business intrusted to
his care, with promptness and despatch. Of
fice in the Tin and 6tove Store building—up stairs. [ol
DR. JAMEK M. GOODRICH has located himsel
at MONROE. for the practice of his profession,
and will be pleased to wait on those requiring his ser
vices. He may be found at .1. L. Johnson's tavern.
Releience may Ito male in Drs. Herron & Maims
of Towanda. April 23, 1845.
Fashionable Tailoring !
GEORGE H. BUNTING would respectfully in
form the public that he still continues at his
stand on the west side of Main street, between Kin;.
bevy's and Bartlett's stores. up stairs, where be mar
be found in readiness to all work in his line in a style
not to be surpasses) in Bradford county. Prices to suit
the times. Thankful fur past favors. be respectfully
solicits a continuance and hopes by strict attention to bu.
sines' and accommodating terms to merit patronage.
The Spring and Summer FASHIONS havejust been
received. and he is prepared to make garments in the
most fashi.snable manner.
Particular attention paid to CUTTING, and warrant•
ed to fit if properly made up.
He has the latest Spring and Summer Fashions for
sale. Towanda, May 14, 1845.
William Scott,
et. P a u n 4 /B 1E Ir AIM U 4 L. W
WILI. promptly and punctually render his proles.
sional services in Agencies. Collections,-and
other matters in his profession, entrusted to his ease.
Office in the New riek Blneki-west room over the
Post Office, entrance on the north side. Nov. by
Il'illitters All Healing Ointepot.
7 supply of Ibis popular mediaineoilso s quantity
of the bout TZSCTVIRE, just received by
1. H. 8. & H. C. MEBCUR.
irons seat eadanie ,year of this institution ; ' •
comment Ogi Monday, fi lm (4 d ay
ber next, under the enperintendenee and martai t ; e 7,
Mr. Cr Vanderceek, rm e i pa l
ifiss Sarah F. Worthing, Preerptreri. -
Mr. Vandercook , has been succeerfally en rd
teaching for lei) years Past ; be has math exptriratt
this important and 'truly dr rating department et han g;
enterprise and benevolence, and brintts tesilinenialsks.
various worms of goad moral character, and eictitit
scientific and literary attainments.
Mr. Worthing is ■ gentleman of very eseellem tb
tainments, experience and skill in teaching, and mu m
fail to do much for the advancement of the student
the prosperity of the institution.
Miss Worthing, the Preceptrem of the Femme DY
partinont. has 'treaty, by her devotion to litenttnre, m 4
be: superior virtues, obtained the unqualified confide , ui
of the community, and the esteem and affection of het
numerous pupils. Young ladies will seldom finds,
instructress better qualified to meet all the asett•of the.
student, not only as a tercher. but as a guardian friw a l
and associate. They cannot but he improved by i x ,
example and society, as well as by her engaging Math,
Turrios will he as follows. in all the tlepnroenti
Primary and common Enatish ' , ladies, with Pen.
manatnn, ann.pnaing and apra2ing, $2 20
Natural, intellectual and moral science, botany,
chemistry, history, astronomy, rhetoric, logic,
book-keg ping. drawing, painting, . 4to
Mathem stirs and the languages. 5 ft
Incidental expenses, per term, during winter, 25
No student will be rectrited for less than
and no deduction will be made for absence, except is
eases of illness or other °nevelt:4e causes.
The Academic year will he divided into (oar ten ts
of eleven weeks each. There will be a vacation of o n ,
week after the first term ; also one week after the third,
and a vacation of six weeks after the fourth, inch:dia l
the harvest season.
We desire to make the Towanda Academy an scree.
ble and desirable resort for students from abroad.= aej
as those at home; a place where the purest virtues shall
be cultivated. arid the germs of science firmly in the
youthful mind. Pot this great object, no care or lab or
will be spared on the part of teachers or trustees. The
Principal shook' be consulted before purchasing hooks,
as several changes are contemplated in the text-books
of the school.
Students from abroad ran find board with the Princi
pal or others, on reasonable terms.
Lectures will be elven regearly by the Principal and
others, on the most important mines of education, and •
society organized for the ranee's' benefit Of young men.
There will be two examinations and eihibitions dining
the year, the time to be determined by the teachers sad
trustees. HIRAM MIX, Prmident.
David Cash;
Enos Tomkins
Burton Ringsbeq,
J. D. Montnnye,
U. S. Tikrear
C. L. Ward
William Elwell
John F. Means.
Towanda, July 31, 1895
11: .1. CILL4.7IBERLLr.
...,... BESPECT VC LLY informs his
et, fricntla and the public that he has
oik RE %I o'i ED to the Brick Bow,
- 6 '-',' I P IP,, • • 1..1 h still to t' '
nines to
: . ' . 1 ' 1. 2 carry en " li i i e s old e busineati n of
~... .
A; )
- ''''' IT hel kßp'•
,i .t.... ate nod Of t 31f101,
kk • ,--
.....:- winch willbe doneon short natter.
and warranted to be well done. 'From a long ripen
once an the business, he believes that he will be able to
render perfect satisfaction to all who may favor him
with their pltrOnage.
N.B. Watches warranted to run well one year. or
the money refunded; and a written agreement given
to that elf , z , to all that demre one.
CLOCKS.—A large asaurtment just received and
for Rale very low for cash.
If you want to buy Jewelry cheap call at Clam
berlin's Watch Shot , . No. 1, Brick How.
cr:f MA PLE S L7G A 12, Wood. and all kinds of Coun
try Produce received in payment.
Towanda. Jure 18. 1n45.
fir THE subscritters still eonfews
' to manufacture and keep on hand
l at thrir old stand. all kinds of
. Cane and If 'pod seal Chains
7 7 .- also &Wee., of various kinds
4• BEDS - FL . ..HIS, of every
r \ description. which we will
I sell low fro cash or produce.
Tuft INING dotte . tn order.
Towanda, April 23, 1815.
TIADIES arc particularly requo•ted to call and ex
amine our assortment of All Wool Ombre Cash
meres. Nazarene blue Ite!nine.. winter Inzarines, prince.
de ecosse, (last stele) V ictor . ia striped cashmere., Queen
Ann plaids and checks. 4ze., with gimps, cord. end vel
vet trimmings to match. now enhd.itmg at No.3,Brick
Row. lit say they are 25 per rent. cheap, Mown-tr.
dern. BAII2D
9CASES H and a large tdoek of CATS,now
opening. at The rhr..peat store In Trvanda4-•-eyery'
Laxly knowa w here that is N 0.3. rick Row.
_TRW ...11k 31.41111111i1l E. •
, .
E1LK.1.V.1nk..A..17 TH A" sox,
itESPECTFU4Y intivin that they still continue
the manufacture of Saddles, Bridles. Harnet.s.
occ., in CoL 11ix's building. next doot to J. C, Adam:
Law Office. where they will kesp constantly on hand,
and manufacture to Mile?,
Elastic Web, Connnon and Wilted Saddles.
Harness, , Carpet Bifg.l. -
Bridles. Trunks..
Collars, Valises. 4-e. te:
Carriage Trimming and Military Work done to
Mattresses, Pew and Chair Cushions made on shut
notice and reasonable terms.
The subscribers hope by doing their work well. and
by a strict attention to business, to metit a share of
public patronage. EI.KANAH & SON.
Towanda, May 21. 1845.
To Partners, Lurnberinen and others
New Store in Standing Stone
4. STORRS. respectfully announce to theei
tizens of Standing stone and vicinity, that they
have formed a partnership, and are now opening at the
old eland ‘l' Peter C. Ward, lately occupied by N. D.
Warford, where they offer for sale an extensive stock of
staple and fancy Goods, consisting of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crocker!.
iron, nails, boots and shoes, vole & upper leather, deur
and pork, &e., which have been selected expressly for
this market, and bought for ready pay, and will he dia.
losed of at the lowest possible .rates, fur Baird; Shin.
and Lumber, of every quality. wheat, corn, rye.
ata beef hides, and proeuce of all manner and eons.
We respectfully ask those purchasing for Cub to give
us a call, as we will not be undersold by any establish.
ment in this county. We charge nothing for exhibits
ing our goods. H. MIX & SON.
November 26. W. R. STORRS.
Terms of the Bradford Reporter
Two &glare and filly cents per annum; Ftrra cents
,:eductcd if paid within the year; and for CASH actu-
Ay in advance. Ott DOLLAII will be deducted. -
Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time, by
pitying arrearoces. bloat kinds of COCNTRI Putoccx
received in payment, at the market price.
Advertisements. not exceeding s square of mein,
lines, inserted for fifty cents ; every subsequent insertion,
I wenty-tive cents. A discount made to yearly wilvetriiers.
Jon PninTlNO. of every description, neatly and Fx--
pedition sly executed on new and fashionable type.
Letters on business pertaining to the *fan mutating
free of postage, to ensure attention. • .
. Crt Office in r!.9 1 . Means' brick buildinteornor of
Main and Eli I: I to, op ntnirni natives on tho
north door.