Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 04, 1846, Image 3

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file atithOritY of t the latA dep f ailed Dewitt
reg raded as safe—a man whose name yittlalt
ys . l / 4 4 05 dito
douS works he projected.
P el i t was his opinion that the ConsurnpOnnficoal in north ireSiCiti
filen; 'York alone Would e#Cee:tl a half n:roil inn of tints per anitnn.'
Indeed the quantity for the rnanufrchwing, of salt, a lone, is comput
ed to be 100,000 tons a year. Nor does the .consumption stop,
here. The lake trade—the supply of the western country by the
lakes, and the various canals, must in a great measure! look to this
channel for their supplies. and indeed, altogether front 'the North : .
. -
Branch and the Erie Canals:"
It is m fid en tly believed; that the Wynniiniz'Ocial..ccoild
through this Canal, from r,"SO to $6,50 per Van ;
livered at Buffalo.
at Oswego on Lake Ontario, for
. $5 per ton, front which latter.
point it can be shipped to the Can:ldes and to all the upper Lakes •
through the Welland canal. We regard one fact as certain that the
Wyoming anthracite and the Bradford and Tioga bituminous coal,
must and w ill come in for nearly all, if not wholly the consunip,
lion of those minerals in the vast and growing Empire tO•the Multi
an d we s t. Our opinion is that the ttem of anthracite coal which
'would pass Northwardiftw tl • te fro year on the North - Branch Ca.'
nal. would be 2,00.00 a tons, and increasing annually 100,000 for
a period of ten years; and the item of bituminous passing both in
the North and the South 50.000 and increasing in the same ratio."
it Our State is alike distinguished fur its inexhanstable beds of
I r mo Ore a:4 as mineral coal. Both have been spread through
out our whale Valley with an unsparing hand. The Iron ore so
far as examinations have been made, proves to be of an excellent .
quality. Becent and heavy investments have been made for the
in tinutacioring of iron in the county of Columbia. which we be.
I, e ,e are but the beginning of those laudable efforts that must and
trill brlno oat the resources of this portion of the tinsrpiehanna.
111,1,1 k Chambers S.C. 3 stacks cost
Onc. at linaring Creek
One at Berwiek
One at \e:n•opeck
Two at tjantewe , so
Itollite4 Mill at IS
Lickaa•sttna Antio - neite furnace
This nearly one minion of dollars have been inverted within a
few tooffilts m these iron manniaeforms, and they-would spring up
311 nlofez di ? fine of this canal, were it mire finished. Although
the dela of Iron in the comity of Colombia is vast and inestima-
Me still it is bettered that the ore is no better, and perhaps the de
lot greater than that of either Luzerne .or Branford. We
have no data by which ive can determine the probable demand for
iron in time interior of the .Empire State and the west. The only
piper which lee pn.?Sez , S, is the report of a committee at Elmira in
is:rt. and in relatian to this firm, •• tonna: d on the best calculations
with the reach of the coin faitte.e.l.:o,ooli tone of Iron - S.: castings a r e
wanted for the supply of the eountryi west of Utica." So great
hate been :he increase of population and enterprize in that region;,
;tin several members of nor committee from their own igtrzional
liamdeti4e feel justified in asserting 4q.000 tons as the mirthmin
Coal and jrn t will constitute the principal of export 4)1111;3 , 4e vet
Own.- arc two items of import trout the . Stitte of Neu:- York which
will the Zll/Lnillt of business anti confer mutual profit and
- They are Salt and Plaster hod trite as necessary to the comfort
and welfare of our citizens, as 1:111r Coal and Iron are to those of
New Turk. F ro nt a reasonable estimate, we are confident that fil
e thousand tons of plaster would be imported annually, enriching"
the still of our indii,ol . lollS farmers, and advancing agricultural inter
terests. It is fair its e.inimate salt at 20.000 bids.- Passing by ag
riritoed prodonl, , , fLerrhandise and all that may be' called rniS
v I kle item inure of importance only inferibr to
far as t 011.4 are eoncerneil, remains to be mentioned. It is
752'8 the Presidsrit of the canal Board in, 211 official
paper estimated the value of properly which descended the Sus
to the maritets in the lower part of the State and Balti
more. at 1.599.000 It is now annually at least 7.500,000. two
and a half nolliotis of which allowing to the full extent is Isom the
\Vest Or inch. The enmity 01 Braillord alone, furnishes each year
(by tmeertain Ireshets and a thowerous navigation) to the !a ver-mar
kius, and those on Chesapeake Bay,snine thirty indiums of feet of
hoards and ten millions in shinnies. Susrptellantm l' emir 100, is
largely and preilitahlylngaged in lumbering. hot the quantity we
have nn ready means of asceriamil c. valuable pine, extend.'
from the head of W yiniiing Valley to the Slate hue, a distance of 94
miles. Every stream trgversing it to the Susquehanna, either on
the Host or Vies% is well sopplied with Saw-mills. liacka-
Tirana. Tunithannock. Mithrsolvinv, Mesiiiipimv., Tuscarora. W yak'.
sine, Wvsnx. ToWantia, and Sugar Creeks, each
presents a busy sisene. Enumerating the 'Mills situated on these
creams and on the layer, and adding into one aggregate the quan
tity of luniher mannfaeturcil In each, it amounts to sisty millions
el fret. Could. tb a: q i as h„ are thus rotated have an easy and safe
trinspor,iimn to an marliet, (insteadmf depending on the
ro!.! and 1: ttp2:vtnts3 fresh'-1 of the spring, and on a fluctuating
ithittil hazard to life or loss of pniperty, they would con
icy their lumber scovonra and serrsonnbiy to the most command
ing market. The ginnitity r,f shtticles mininfartiired is rather more
than one third that of Boards, and th'ese tretlier a tilt al: the bent-4'
and finer goaliiies of Boards would be carried by the canal I lad
Imea 01111 '2 die past hesit tie not to sac
that dm state would litre received si.eif thousand noilara in MIA
fermi lior:''rer which her over in consequence of no freshet - the last
year, and a large propordon of which is now lost forever to its en
terprising nod hardy owners by the late unprecedented high water.
From the f laid_ and imperfeet statements we are int
pri,srd with :fie belief that the North Li: . atirit Canal, when falrly in
opermon will pass rooli: 100 miles More than treble the tonnage of
nilv other sande l O U aches in Pennsylvania. Almost every utile
of the 1(q , rieh with freight. 'Well nay it he considered the
most prof - pi:4n improvement /11 the State. Opening the mint vast
~r ilmottam ore in Columbia Coluity, the anthracite and
loin id Wyoming, nod the bituminous coal and Iron of Bradford
New York with a 'trail: , aim to recila"l-11 advantages tiny
loniz simic matte her anise vs and stands ready to cran'trace this union
of its PoTel:arms. by the Chemong and Chetiango canal.
The !glowing eat met. in relation to the North Branch 'Canal,
is taken from a report of the Canal Board or Pennsylvania :
The North Briwieh Extension has already cost nearly two :mil
a halt millions of dollars_ The work retraining to be done will
cost less than one and D hail million of dollars; which: when com
pleted, will open a very important, and nare,tinn n tdy. the 'noel
pr,..fitrAte li ne I f imprOcrl,?"7ll PC1171 , 71/17711(t. Let those who
doubt this remark/ cast th'eir eves to the • mitt, and observe the
point at which it will connect the public works of Pennsylvania
iliose . of New YOrk—that it opens a direct water communica
tion between the great wen and anthracite coal ration of tite Sits
queharina and the far West. The trade which would he brought
on the canal by the thrusands and tens of thousands of tons of coal
hi shipped to supply the eitie.s, flourishing villages,
and salt works iii Western New York. would alone yield toil
enollith to pay the inter:n on the Cost of Clinstrurtmn z but. when
It is reflected that it el - Teets. also, Cie nearest connection hetmeen
t he anthracite coal retraloro of PeinisylValits :and the I;ont,,lless coon;
try bordering, on the Lakes. who. in his senses, will set hunts to the
trade below the entire capacity est the canal !
The foregoing extracts contain a few of the many reasons, rl5.
Signed, previvas to the year 1842 t. its favor of a water communica
tion between the coat and iron district of the Stiscneharma.'and the
New York and Erie Canal and the Western lake , We regret
that we have nut time, in the day or two allowed us for Issuing
this circular, to precnre the, strattiNties ',renal and fron,salt, plaster,
rind loather transactions since the year ISM, which from the large.
ly•incireased demand, were thini•eirhiliitotr, would. we helteye, go
far to prove that the previous predictions and estimates upon ilint
subject were. in no degree extravineant, and that. had Pennsyl%
Pis sod New York completed' this nayigatinmat that time, the most
lanntne expert:Mons this time, would have been
aims than realized.
, .
Is it not evident that the northern and western ?Iceland for the.
.itseliehanna coals will be folly urinal In the Schuylkill's share of,
the•Philattelphim market ?" Then is not the cninfeinean which ha. 4
been made bettieen the North Brane.h antrthe canqs,
1111 "fralle. calculated to arrive at a correct and just.etinclusion?
- But Col. Vest's estimate, for a permanent. business, (at 400,01710
- tens per annum.) is far shhrt of the-present demand. •
. that esti m ation; the'SChuviltill.cdtitititnt supple', the dem - ohtl;a . railroad lion been ntaile liv the sjau of tt ,r. antl , the
cdquanitty carried on both last year was 1 1 083,70 G -tom. — Thtt mar
r.t: e :74 . I ...,1",,,kr1 ~., :,': I „ I, , 1 ,
wore r the, c 4y -111,,canal company , ans now engaged ifi airdlAiint;
1 their F lnonir 1 - -fe i l to enlarge their business by the applicatio n of
r, 14
s t enm . : u t tv t r ti ) 4,4 i ~ ."P" '...Vt-z> 'tr, : :1_1:- '.I a T . .....e.6. ;.. ti.4.1+1.1 - ,F
.= ' , , ...,,, ....- . ,_1 5, ,
ttiiii iv.‘ii :61 . ,,iii091:5,1kil goi: rrIFI4OI4 -0 trrec:l.B.4, ~,r,
,(triii4:4o,'Qiiti.'4:.l•o66.oOo,t4)!W Per-ijiglifii r. , •litii , i;Mi ll lol* - '.ii'4 l i, , :,.
le no Tore asiontsiiing in I§4a, than four Itundretl.thousand•tunsvon.
, o 3
. 1 . 8.44; • -.W do will lonizer,tltialtuthe• prediction nithe 4eparted Ctin• •
.tun=- - ttiat,."ll4: - Oonsumyitioie'of -vial: tn'/Vorth. teestern New ' York ••
at.ehei: , tO 0 UWE i t C EE D liar 'i! myna): of foliar per . /triigri." ' " '• '
. .. ~
;Who will question the correctness of the New .Yerk,Cansl.Boartl,,
.4 0. That;ncertteut,to 'vehielt aAraffie in coal upon the , enlarged Erie
ceoll:iiiLliir e*tiried*rtn hardly be colter lated-"..i.tilittY.w 'that the•de• •
nit wlilelt.
ila'etisliftii that species of fuel'is - very Cotiaide'fabli," nail '
~.. . . , . .
it 4.l'fipittlyiyiiiiellirktf.
_ 1 : - - .
.. . -- • ..-, • , • . ~ ~
A in 3 in illy tanauage of the Penn':: Canal Bnaril.;--" Who, iiF" hid
senses, will set aim its to ttie.ttate;.below the entire capacity 'of the,
canal 7" . • .
• Hie capital invested in tyre: ron :Manufactories within the' valley
of the Susquehanna, has increase[. in a teu-fold degree, - .sipeMthe date "
of the report to which reference has been lost.made..? -Then capitate(
ists jtiSt began to direct their attention to our mineral' wealth: The
works then in -their infancy, have Jitiv.anced :with ttnexaMpled'rapidi.''
ty. and already retched an unexpscted extent, Writ Oi(Jy are the iron
works then erected along, the line of the North Branch Canal still `iii ;
operation, but most: of theaMhave been greatly - ekiended iii their ape- -
rations, while many others new and More extensive have Siftee been,
erected. In the vicinity of where, fivi six';
ments weie,being made upon a sinales`tale, until sbmil
in full ope~a
lion the most extensive iron works in' the_whole 146)06.. bue limit.'
will not permit; nor have we the'fiepeSsary infeurrOatton,'lMgive RA'
enumeration of the great number and kinds Of Whrks new In I .
operation; nor the quantity of iron which limit'. produce. For die 4 -;"
purpose, bewever, of conveying a faint idea, of thc,anrount of bu
siness done at the various works, we will give' the 'stibittanee . of a re-,
rend.: published description of one e4toblislunent—the,Muntointion
Works.--located at Dativale, whicb.description is believed mite cot
rect :—.• The works now count - leted, and in full operation,- are 260 •
feet long, and 160 - feet wide: They 'consist of twenty-IW° puddling
furnaces, two ball and six heating furnaces for rails..ati'd three-or (burr.
binst furnaces. :Between five and six( hundred hands are employed. t• - :
They average ninety tons of pig iron per week, , and forte tons: °ilia.
ished rails every_ twenty-four limns. In the manufacture of the let
ter, these works are unsurpassed in the world: An iirder Was a short
time received, and a contract entered into by the Montour company,'
lion nine hundred tons.of rails, after several on:successful attempts
contract for them at.varions English werks, had. been made. In ad- '
[talon to the works already completedand in operatiOn, the company
have a blast furnace nearly finished. which they calculate Will make
one hundred and fifty- tons of pig iron per week. They Asti design
adding, next sprung, one hundred and sixty feet to the works, for the
purpose of driving a sheet-iron and rolling mill for merchant iron."
In view of thethusiness now dope. its rapid increase, and with reason
able anticipations of the future, the mind knows not where to place a
limit for the extent of the Susquehanna iron busine s s, when time
shall hare more fully matured and perfected their wotks, oral the
great thoroughfares and communications therewith shall have been
Now, considering the unsurpassed advantages of the North Branch
Canal—its location in a coal and iron region—the inexhaustible
quantities of those minerals adjacent to its very margin, with a vast
and unbounded market to
,stapply-:- 7 togethee with the Other species-or
tonnage which have been alluded to, may not a' reasonable hope he
e nt e rtain e d, of seeing it r a nk e d among the most productive catrals, , (in
proportion to its lepgth) iu this or any other country
Wercimulted that an empty treasury compelled Pennsylvanin to
suspend. in an unfinished state, the North Branch Canal—an orette ,
remit! as mortifying to the pride of Pennsylvanians, as it was
ous to the public treasury, in beitirilius deprived of the greattadvan,
taaes anti, i c ated from this, the best branch of their improv'etn9Mo.':
But to sustaitk,lier fitklity and enable the people of the states Of Nev .
York and Pennsylvania to reap the many advantages which there*.
pet-tett to derive from the accomplishment of the original plan-- , -a con
nection of the canals of the stao4—the Legislature of Pennsylvania
incorporated a company by the name, style and title of the •• North
Branch Canal Company," with extremely generous and liberal ad
vantiges and inducements to finish said eanal. This cfnriOny have
subscribed the stork, nrganized and paid in an instalthent, with the
view of recommenehe , operations as soon as provision shall be made
by the Legislature of New lork for extending and connecting the
Cite:ming and Chenango canals with the North Branch, either
public or private means.
We have the grattlyilio intelligence that the people of New York,
witba view to reciprocal advantages, are petitioning their Legisla
ture for the necessary enactments upon the subject. If the requisite
laws should he promptly passed by the New York legislature. we
have strong assurances, dual the North Branch canal will be completed
in eighteen naimthefrOm next .I.ay
Time and events having now placed the accomplishment of this
Croat syslrm of improvenietits within reach"; will net the millions in-
Prested in it, by united exertiou. secure the advantages of it to them
selves and to their posterity ! But where, it may be asked, are we
to look for action that may consummate these invaluable advantages ?
We answer. to the consumers of anthracite coal in the state of N. Y.
In turning our attention, for a moment, to the northern side of the
line, we do . not deem it necessary to waste time in endeavoring to
coirince the people of the state of New York, that the time for ac
tion in reference mauthonzing the connection of those canals has ar
riv,ll. They eannot hat be sensible of its pressing importance to
them, and therefore will nut mint to obtain Intim their Leaislatioe, at
early day of their present session, the requi-Ito provisions, item- •
nal as it is the intention of the , North Branch Canal Company,
tit po,nowng•e, earls the rOM 1!1 , 4' sprimi, to press on this!'itork
Nimniction to the stilt, him—provided the connection be
:nu:lionized this winter. We castor. therefore, suppose that those
wh,, h are b ero m e s o rrnt,rltial. as the einzeng of the state of New
York, for,thetr and rflirtet,t ariton in securing such im
mense hencitts from their wide-spread improvements, will now be
indlitiqpiiit. and seifer this invaluable connection to be delayed a
whole rear, inertly for the Wllllr of the necessary legislative enact
numt at this ti:tw.
Del besides the vita//r intereQls which the people of New York
have in Q1,13111111:4 an enure water commuiffeation, so as to procure
their supplies by the cheapest mode of couve) twee, atid without
extra cleir7,es (or transhipments. have they tint a pub/te interest,
also 7 1101 the revenue of the state be greatly enlarged by this
The,foregoing remarks, and the estimates of tonnage which would
pass upon the. North Drench Canal completed. would he equiallT
applicable to .the Chemung and Chenango canals extended, for it
would 'he, in effect, a eononuation_of the came canal.
We liave data by which tp ascertain the amount of
tolls received on the Chenango and Chemung canals, but we are
informed that the net revenue, which the state derives from these
sources. after deducting current expenses and repairs is, if any
thing. l'ery small.
A connection of these cenalq, with,the North Branch completed,
would not, in all rcasonabie probability, fad to increase their ton
nage. to speak wittrinbounds, at least twentyfold. And add to
this increase, the tont' of the hundreds of thousands of tons of coal
and iron per annum, which, through this, chalinel; NVOUW ‘ be put
upon the great Erie canal. and it would constitute an, hero in the
Treasury, which, even hs the great and prosperous state of New
York, would. we humbly conceive, he entitled to some considers
lion. And it 'will not escape, the notice of the observing, ihat when
the NtiW York canals shill. throng!' this channel. lie open to the
fountain. of this species of heavy tonnage, (coat and iron) there will
he no fear of loosing it—tmee olnanted,, it cannot be diverted to
other cliamiels—heyttpil all competition. secure and increasing for
all time to come.
Can th•Tay then, he profitable to the millions:' . or to the state?
'llls is no newly devised project, reqiiiring time fur relleettoit,----
Hu; it is ca r r y iii out and nevoiiiiirri -, llug.'cluitg well-seifleit
ineasti re--- nut , entered into 1131, (lAA eljnyadt, , , !Mt
,by OM at tin
consent—mama' interests. of the states„ and their respective c4iZerie
the moors—stnabitting confidence in each The,bond. ;lite execu
tive authordies.recninntended tile measure; the legislature endors
ed and sanctioned it by appropriations ; the canal hoards of the two
states procured plaits and etiirveys connecting the canalsto be madd
--;the work was ettotinednind, anti millions of thnirs'have been
InM;letl'itp , in It.
. .
'-Pennsylvania. we repeat. in order to obtain the accomplishment
of the great undertaking. and thertthy,observe good faith to the state
of NeW York-' , . - 7 tO'bren to her citizens a northern market for coal
and iron, and M., acquire the adtlitionahonnase salt and . lainer
upon her other canals, conferred on,. the eel:rimy petitioned; the
benefit of the money she had.expen:ded uppn, the North .Branch
Oliel,abilv(i•Nanticoke dam. (about sl, see-.
teen Mites of ftitshtfll, navigable canal. •
And noir; sincU ,, , PionsylvaftiaJlaS' yinre s ided:OW' ttrfe4m - pfiShiTik'
this great measure du her side of theline,'Wilf Nevi Yoili hesitate r
answeringl;Nb.4-411 Shires. she
. haa never falterejkinanrpnterprisa, Onward.
'has ever bOdlleeknolin.V., l ll.oo.6o)l.lwarivilY"
ItasMortieri prevailedin her eouneils•-eitbe.
liMsititerestedat'either omitif -this-zreat cJj
'nel -ofinterhal - ionlinnerieatitio.. Will: loose "nn.
.of Sit:ettY . :Mid 'jail tirthe
NettiTtirli t E l eigidettire. ,
hi•said. ,that ,outl Remark s have taken a
wide range; and'that a Pennsylvania eommitteo
,are 'speaking. freely of the 'affairs of New-York t
we4otild fdply; - if 'att-ekplanation be nects
. that the - subject of 'the remarks' is;:iit'its
,nattir! i! a joint wt(lerlaking for the beneti of
the citizens of /ma tates•=.-every individual of
each, being interested in the whole. eo 'far as it
affords faeifilier of tragwil, for . supply and de-
Wili4i3egarated, :each half of the work is
like, odd k l ive,4-of sciss'ors-,--coMparatively
useless 4 --Coal and• tronconid not be sent front
;Pennsylvania to New York. nor sak •and. plas.
ter from Newlrorkto Pennsylvania.
tizetili 'the tato states. and the States them.
slies. tire so .deejily,. itherested in thee' peetly
union of these wisely projected improvements,
that we cannel doafic.miery facility within the
reach ,of, the. NewNTk,Legislatwe,
freely afforded as las Been done km the state
of •Pennsylvania.
To exhibit the tree interests of the peoptektf
With States. was the design of these remarks.—
l!ew far we 'have
done so, we
specifyl(y submit to the consideration of the
public. DAVID — CA.BII.
!This allusion is only hi. the Chenango, Chentung and
North Branch Canals.
THE REVENUE BILE. The Washington
Union of. Tuesday, after denying that M r. W alk
er's Revenue fill had been sent to it
was only furnished last Tuesday, (the annual
report of the Secretary is the document referred
to in the Englishpapers.)says :•
•• We learn from a critical inquiry among our
friends in the Rouse to- I day', that the Committee
of Ways and Means will 80011 report a satialaa.
tory' revenue bill. The West is firm, the South
is unshaken. and the 'North will 111/ its duty,—
We but speak the yoke Oflionorable and experi
enced, members. who ale best acquainted with
the prospects of its success, that a revenue hill
will pass, which will satisfy the great body of
the American people."
VVWDZI11:001C. will lecture on Tempetanor,
befitre the Borongh Temperance Society, Monday even-
Mittc:h 9th. Gentlemen and Ladiee are incited to
attend. By order of the Society,
A. C. ALLEN, Secretary.
JOLT r P. ursrmr,
•-‘\l'.'UZ l llSl:ls."'s r2.l,Vrzo
Colombia, Luntantrr Co., Pa.
Refers to D. L. sit zu wool', ELI., V. E. PIOLLLT, Eli()
and E. 8. Goo na SCR, E.q
Of the , receipts,and expenditures of the Bore
of Towanda. for 1845.
Amount of duplicate f,ir 1845 *462 30
Rev%) of A Martin. on judgment 15'00
" W 3 sot tp., in full of 27 9.1
Ward done Ity the Street COnlllll.4oflerg S 1 3/4 .511
, individuals-over and !dome their tales 59. ;t9
" flagging Aidewalko, 6... c. 101 99
Paid D T. Scctt for work 'done ,in 1814 1 75
For i‘err,ers on efoecicl election in 1 . 943 2 00
PUblishing annual report rf 1841 in 2 papers 9 50
Justice fees, Goodenough and Vandercook 1 20
Office rent for 1835 5, 711 )0;
Exonerntiono to collector 3 45
D Wilmot, Countil feu
Jahn E Geiger, tire warden
Prothonotdry's free 149
Repairing tire engine 4 90
Serving notices and stationery 2 93
Coileetor's percentage on "j 275 22, at 5 per cent. l 3 76
Treasurer's percentage
Paid .1 P Kirby on old Judgment
Burgess and Town Council, 1845
N 1 Keeler, borough clerk
Bo rough Order 3
Amount of outstanding orders Fell. tN, 1845 t:495 75
'• orders issued in 1845. :253 u 5
Iteturna and eancetlext in 1.A45
Outstanding ordene, Feb. 16,1646, :1•162 38
.... ..... . .. . - - 77
TreWs tire af sii ell Oa . _
nereived of Cnilertur,:ou dirpfkcate of IS 4:S $ 275 26
A Keehn, on judgment 15 00
.• circus company' 500
52:15 28
(Mere returned and cancelled in tAib $2 6 42
Treasurer's percentage 8 tti
S'2os 2 , 4
baclittitness of J.4'0,-cit, lib. t 6. 1816.
Due on judgment's •
Outetanding ordcts, Feb. 16, 1616
rive from 8 14 Ilviley, eallerter fee 1845 fal 31
Savoge late (now) 30 80
Marun and Woutlvalr (jutlgineetk) 24 16
Poor isrvis
Haloner Joe from S S Bailey . pour master 11344 $ll5 49
Amount of tluplicatifo: 1846 ' 307 24
Expenses iti support °from in iSt;
Ilalane° in handA S Bailey Ek•fi, ism ctrln dg
.llorouglf of MtTem*, ss.
We, the lturgesii and Town Council of the no•
rough of .Towanda, do hereby tertify the ferrying to
be a true statement of the receipts and expeuditutes of
said Roiough; for the . year 180,
D. F. BAIWT I )W, Borges..
N. N. Dell's,
Clllf Ufa.
• 'Attest-LN. J. Kgitsu,
'AND N P 111 211 .
B. I .TTERLEE have this da . ttr
• elated with tbont-in the.niereentile laisities.. N.
Hit1:011$, and will da, lutinesa,liereafter under the
, name of Sutler-kr, We /44- Varrin.
Who respectfully solicit,e,consinuation of t he p atron .
, age of the public so liberally extended to the old thou
~ . 01 D. MAITERLEE,
C. I'. WELLES, .Ik..
N• C. H,llllilS.
B, the abevpit; will,be seep thet.the tum of Welles
&Sammie!' closolwittksttemonOtpf Februaryfromatieti
our frien4 Will fee the abaniqta necessity of , •11Log;ti*
, tr*ogrics,, stote.prktyrnetkimmudistely.!
. „,WgliLtiS ts,trunixt;
Moreli 2 1846.,
T"Commitalioneal ot_Bradtbrid •,goutityetaVal
give public notice diet-they have fixed upon the
rolluvritur daYo And thdelFreorperliwiy„ far hearing up.
peals from the ualielianterna for the year /846, at their
oflh in! wit: , •
Columbia. Walla it.,Sentth Creek. Tuesday, Mareli24.
Arownia..Truy,6; iturlington. Wednesday. March 25.
Canton, Grenville and Leroy, •Thumday, .Mareh. 26.
Orinafield, BtlritbileMdc Ridelirrry, Friday, March 27.
t'aoklu. and Mamie, on Saturday, March lA.
Athens township dad borough, Wednesday. April lat.
liitokAeld..Windhain *ad Warren. Thuraday,April
Orwell. Rome and Wyoura on Friday April 3. ..
//litter and Towanda roaratalip eatorday At oil 4.
Albany. Duren and Laylum on Monday April B.
Wyaleatna.Statuiing Stone*. Herrick Tueulty April 7 .
Pike tad Springhill oa Weinestity April 8.
Towsr.slo Borough and filtd.ihecuiu Thursday April 8.
The Assessors of thearapective townships mkt hoor's
are nsluested to be punctual in delivering the notices to
the ambles, and h. materig their returns on the days
mentioned in their warrant; and all those who very
feel them,elves aggri4tl bytheasseantuents:ere regal
id to attend on the (lave akove fisectie.l., as there on I
not he any s batman wade thswesferr.
By ox6cr admeostntiprisuirrs,
12 M. WATTLE'S, Clerk.
Commisiioner's 011ice.Mareh 3, 046.
. -
Orphans , Court Salt.
puremee Of an orders( the Orphans Court of
Bradfoof County, will t.r. eiposed to public sale at
the house of John Enni la 'Standing Stone on the 28th gilyses Iro,ndy
day March next at nee o'clock P. Slot' said day the
Oliver D. Chamberlin
following piece or parcel of improve i d land tote the r .
tread Smith
tote of Lines ffetty deed, bounded - on the south west
by lands of H. IV. Tracey, on the:north 1100 st and north! ,
m Mmcur
ot by landsin possession of the heirs of s rig got- I W ''
Iv and the sOuth•east by land of /els. Ttylas is. Con
about nine acres—terms of ntle es.h. William Angle
ASA writrew,v.
SI SION STEVENS. I Ceena. Bawler
Exceu(onr af.lastex Holly. U. Sad-wiry
Standing Stone, Felt. 26. 2844- Iletyawier tr-oollsa ugh
4 N. /LC:. Wwforil
NOTICE. ii. 5.4 - . S. 111.1)birmey
HE partnership heretofore eviding aiv?.w the firm g- B. lir ' 6 * 8 " 3 "
of Hint 31 Mix at Soy, it ALIV Icy • .butu , 1 : 4 -glee &-eina
mutual agret•ment. Ali .;errands due soid Curer iere, to rartart:ta..
be paid to Hinter Mix. HILL& SI MIT., "nessevins Humpiry
Towanda, March 3d. 19461 H. MIX Jr. ! Roeuv.v.i.obbs
small kind. knit received and for wile elteapor
thou et any other store in Town. 91.80 a few:W.4a
of very line TIMOTHY SEED at Bit
Feb. Yid. 1846.
MPM. UWQS. ,Zl)... 0 1., 01 :141n3.1 9
.71tailaapes A Co.'s Cheap More. I
ADESII(ADf.E assortment of various, kinds of iJbla t L tv. K .gdr,,
GOODS may be teund at the above vontablish
merit, purchased late in the hill, expressly fat the de- :
mend occuring before the opening of navigating!. Usey
have jest received, and have uu basil:.
it'd& Ns' Vats Sr.
50 barrels Mesa Pork
30 . superfine Flour;
; Lyman Owen'
211 " Clover acted;
Molina - 4. Mere!
50(1 pounds sole leather; 4 i
E.. '
30 tons Ground Plaster;
Also. a gusatity of sugar ' tie , I
'Cele. ' -1.,e/fo
2j1 1 .11111g. E Nesnust
T HE auhscsilier would ic,,folly infirm the prl. , ATM.:DING Mina:
Henry W. Traers
he that he teas COMSHiTED with Kw _4 time ; mu: stom
rhtmcv Bridge Compaq,. and that a 8 ;Kteal'is Sone dt
in e to his Mill tor grinding will beentialed I/ c T..unrll , 4lllt et ntOrra at rosssaOd I „.
ti ridge FREE. Tickets will be gieea gr the mill. Hiram 11ic
Cave ta, Jan. IR4O. WK. (I.4IVM.TON.
14L 1). Et artivtt
ell —All renews are Iseyets.: euessoned sot !
o purchase a MOW ley to ir.Ole F.wd, 44‘ .. d Itentog l ag
Dee_ Pi. trl4s, payalle nu the ibtdelursenrsx, lathe
burn of 1.26 iii neat stack. As 1 leave netorevined any A . ft_ 44..,,, rt ,
value for said note, I am title/CW.7VA Ves. <tr Ersy the sod 1 ft, Stmv
lode compelled by I.lw.
1A145. ACV/ED WEED- ! trAs.
1' - lister 4. ,
oe -
1/11 Gis h ! ' eroverbs
IE. H- , Wases Dustow
'rry it again Mower IT,. I ,r , t. B'a;ley
You may wain siv odd 110. 2. 'l(23mr, ?eget
1/ ham haw are regivoul (o ex nter,arxy, 11.C1 it' at
For so, 3to sav they irtgeN hase the hageet sad Mos. A. 43.
neck aergoods iu Tawaada, Ilse that tux lan lima "A ( C art ,„
Pivotal/Ig." IFerwiek ()Wain
hag (saw sisree amoral Su ic eggenenszy. Coss:
For nu. 3 t osay they buy gse&.iNree‘ft at.s.e.nny divot •
10 per cc, rhcapet - than Dont WC &fie estigitocm, 69 : F. lileeSegoest
that too It long been A Perverse.'"
- I f.-erranfilaugyon
,r,:iunx *hire erantri tea It Arnsimerry,
Bair d ftephetim
Far no. to toy they ore grali:wg o.s *cur niT gsseti r w.
cheaper ..,an 4/.5 estal;lisittread.irg Tosisala., tistteet- hp
too has long lingo - A Pan VILUO... '
it never Amines seAr..-ssorn.
For no. 3to say they would evol goods for C 24 por G uy 11 ' 3° T
cord prrgil —s far we coeds that and them +wit (04
price leas than misz r , of our neiphbors pay teethe name
gouda in the city —and that toe has hag hers - 1 Pugs.
Las.' IliPhgort palatiair
2eedsest. {l daaml
X 505 ::1
27 04
:71 HO
2 00
Ire (run! rhef a.towr trirkertrevtars,
For no. / to liciai4 e' •• roi..rirg." am' body Sr onilial
gnati. cheap tidier in • /Stick .4*.c. " or Wawa' t'lme-- efiefia Lewis
we tell r,Oods cheap to benefit otintriunity as: Oat rte . H. it, dr_ 6. N.. IlVellew
ruin tiorni:this too toe alga Meg heoit " A Paw, Ls 01.7 W•ei‘itiney A: not
I/ it as VA Al 27^—•-.
. .
But in the nioutli of every body, evrot the hide 'raw" . i'w R 0 1.,,-/r. w ear , o ,
the otrem a Proclaim it cloud, i Ins an. :t are oellire -• bii. • •
Ire .. , ,relm •ivid ionic if (J0'1,1'4:11/.1 .my ether vvritilish- i Er...the,,c,,„pt,:. 10 I
men!, in . I * .V.Vn,—WOP.A.T 11047 I,IIIS *iiee Paalf,taf Mat ' Niiirrun •p,..,,,p 14 .7
twig-Wean Vatild wit chi,; wart ...I. Pour woo 1" i Setif twin Buffentter. .14 7
Tit 1.11: II t WAV re T0...t. Tar. Alta Var: lty t" - A,tertli ...ection ollfie I te.-raf Assenitly..l
Jui4. rstitituti , !tout old pt-4e..i.0,,, dm! ire et wir• 1.1;4re-a the i m ....f„.„.• . 0 . ay , A. i t. t u m , it in provided "'that
you tiny, . I " .. te 1 " Ouse,'" is ~ .to r , if •tvilx l ".l. , :t E'''''''the• of a
. •:...vm , .A , v.r. ,,,, ,, , ,!‘k- lmes or distilleil.liqUart; either
Nu , .:1,, MO.. ! _
W• ri- E • 4 • 1311 - 1 . 3, 00 - ) w.iHr et ..": here. geed... wares, merebandize. conimotV-
Illik.)&1) CLO MIS, I:ASSIti EILES 4. &kr.; : ~, IT 111....ri as (1101(ataill,,hall pay for hie li een , e lgi y
, INK 1"1'.,,. , ty•ry....w..,.. it addition to the rates above specified." .
•FRENCHK, 1;1:11.044.4 • . mica n Mood (lei h. of X. MI la , .4'W Ota..lif AsSelaWy iires...tall the' third illoy of
a ll ee f a • ra "rn,l aprotitaier, 4 4.. 0 B eat ., ~„,i p i l ot : 1./m* enza,at la nude the duty• or th,...talot. of
ea-int iewoilliip, Immo .th or "aril in.the several wtr4s of
Cloth-tar o.,Vflaleal, need rill, a ..t would hear iml: In
mention that we haw .evet 11 iti ; (41,i11.11•WD deni... er g !kill"' """m^nw"ith. •• to give written or priutedo•Okice
j ayle. N . q f C m ir al ar a ., ('late 0-4,,,fi t , t i. 0u .,b,.44,,,,,,,,. , .iltiNigt, live daye before the day of appeal timed by the
iy .14 of Me l' , 6, 5 .,...ii., ice ,,,,,„4/1„, v .,0i., n i Judge,. of the court of common.pleas, fail fitie commis-
Wulff foie fsinft th e text-orktrier. it I,,rrn: ' , sinners of said county to every wholentle4soler en( re-
W. 14. 41A1111114: CAI.. N 0.7. 1. 1 ,. 11, : toiler of merchandtao within theirite•rpernieenowerahips.
---- --. • --- —-- -- • - - - ----- - ! borough or word, of the amount or sum At Which he
111 0116 " .5. " 4 -; CO i"r 0 NS -5410 U 5#. 41.11 y" ' 11 tr"; 1 Amid. toted, and of the time nrii et ce-or owth • r
4.4,1.• a
1.1 . 00 it.. cotton 1:4".‘; - ;of which tile constables in 'the *vmenil.ww , tribt.. and
' 500 " ban/ ; boroughs in Bradionl contra' wan •pleasetto istke - notius.
• (50 " wick, on kis: aiet4 to weget, 94 loot It .M()P; AS, sfaseriale•Ar.dge.
•alininier , a prier... nv2o W. H. BAWD & CII. J. TOIIIIIWR, )
7.. 7 1 4.TTNP11. 1 , 'C'etweridis'nea.
! Al 'rill 4 1 03)kii i
t „,k4 , A. L. 'CR YNIT ER,I
_ ,
Commiesioneir, Arhus, Towanda.. 11.46.91.t.946,
[MUM ON KTIMM3.II - :Rt .is inssi.: , ',reviving at his i
Li.l►.. old stand, kvi...ieit bas l ..r...s. goiiag off fur eighteen
ram where vods of all kindrthetlicen sold and Wlt.L
be sold, lusrur - ttssti at any •liier store in thin Coun
ty.' Avery large ttock vf ail kinds of goods which ban
been erected with Treat rift .ael attention. and bought
at iiratli prima of the htNeet...'ees and manufacturers, that
it would be a rointr.lortftwas for any lien in the Brick
Rote, or any whew: eta., 'o undertake to tell gooda as
whoop as I cite., and mill. If my friends and the puhlic.
genetaoy, kill telt (store they make their pinching.a
elseorbeir, they will find that this notice intuit put itilike
paper for a BLUFF, like wine by the aide (if it ; but, it
„means what it says., , - -'
l;liess I getters' tisortmeitt of every Litutausl ilescrie
--(Fit iif , ,
Dry Goods. Groceries. hardware. reocercry,
Boole iS• Shorn. Soils, Iron. Leather. 4.c.
. ... . . .
• 'THAT'
Jll. 11. •If C. li :fit FOIED,
lIAYE the ben 'mantel/urn of Gouda, sell the chug).
est, and get the most moor). of arts slum in Ihe
laaCe 1 la IT-Tara, -
That tinder the Forwent twill", Nails are ee.II tat thescor.
tie start, (Montudtan) for 5 cents ti pottsed.
`.i4i (AI
;rds so
$ id 00
, 11:2 34
5.76 27
202 12
trs IT tivt - T,
TAatfive datlere -tit WARP4C AD'S STORE buys more
rods that% six donuts ut same *her store?
icn 111 IT tutu,
That any .4 Largr .tore„" dt fifty milea•air sells goods
■s ehinip, much less "rbeirper" Than ice•do
D. it C. WSRETiIiD,
Mniimeton. Fele. 3, IRAS,
celebrated countries for producing fine teas:
l'husobscribent are now furnishing their customers
wittreampies - nf the above teas, from a flesh come just
l'ilirlin.etle ship " Chap store." for
Liii 7, WM. 11, BAIRD & CO.
Itytync*:, is hereby given that , the foltowinti`etawn
rfiestien. of the Retailers of Farento Goods and
hterkoodize, has Owen :nude br* subPaibr", etnf
that the Associdie Asdges end Commissioners of Brad
font enmity poWotetut, the Commissioner's Ohre, in
the borough of Tomendeoen Monday *health dny of
Match next, and. emminuedia reresion , two days. to bear
thu-e who feel thenut&tesnuerieeedsind are desirous of
appalling tnite the elanification beriro made. To wit :
N °awe, Casa. Amount.
ATI] ENS vutanou.
Baserlre,Moe & Horrid
1.. S. Kll.wonti
Thomas Maxwell 2.1
G. A. Pelkirm
Chedter Pork
C. H. Herrick
M. S. Roger..
K. e. Coumtock
Job Morley
John Watking
Thomas Gardner
Elms! Hunan
Jutin Honor, jt
A. & S. H.Morley
& Geo
Charles itathbone
2 , 4mi4h ltosa
JP... E. 14.1104.
i". M. Bustirai,Jr-
John Pa, more
lay nard k. Waiting
CA Wain
laS .411'41 3 6. MA KE, &rajas kit T.MI board
*ait/mfk rwv feet: ettink.• sr roweestion, I there
km' te.r4Ml peraum.llMn'lmoing or trustinrkm on my
aceoust, will ray no ddtnc rY hertontlanting.
Innovirr Mt is
Cebotary 4. ipews.
DR. .1. S. SITHINER. tokwrisT,
RVAPCCAVIA.M. - infetaworthatpoblickitstlie may
he bend at 4ra 'H. tiasglitre,wheot tkilt be pieta.
ad to hee thoar cleainng-kit. rdrEssiondl
Towanda. Feb. tl.. - [Stal'coPY
_ .
Prat ' s Grocers:, Ilia Wulff House.
Ia in Betts 4. Illonionyes Corner Block.
frontimr the -Zigeture,
Wr HERE everything may b found in his lino of
IFrj business. The.public sore ir.vited to coll.
Fob. 4. lite-,nslarly reit irni here.
,a2r.?3 , :osteetrA WASItt6II3%
Tl-14: isubactiber 'runts no apprentice to the Mark
antithingßuseirrxx. A Ind, eighteen or twenty
gears of lig; ' , llthO to 4 1161:5ife . JS of learning the trade, and
eon COMO well feOglOOrillittl, will find a good chance.
Towanda, Feki, WM. TROUT.
GRATEFUL for past favors. the subscriber gives
Renee that he has left his accounts with Mi. N.
J. Kcct.rit for settlement—any person indebted I
Prothonoury fees can call on him and settle the same ;
any payment made to him or to Mr. A. C. ALLIIN of
this place will be duly acknowledged in ■ disfsction of
such fees. A prompt attention to Ibis notice wilt
greatly,pblige yours &c. AARON CHUBDUCkii. .
Towanda. February 17, 1846.
MO $2O
12 '5O
12 12 50
14 7
.14• 7
'l4 ' 7
12 50
13 10
13 10
Mt 7
14 7
13 10
13 10
13 10
13 10
I 3 ___s - 1 - 0
14 7
12 60
12 50
12 50
12 50
12 50
I 0
I 0
12. 50
I:: 50
112 en