TATEMENT of the ,mount, description:mod, at. life of the real 0.41 peraeoaf . pkaperty,,trallea;&e.. wadi tesehleity the act of:It'll - June; leito;:tiod - the l'tkeral mti'Plailetitithrreta. '.tiltotrink the ,mount of . tar 1,41401. for Cpl . :lnv pgrpilienja eacl(b aough:and uf 'Brian@ ; else' thi sum as sewed for the t , e of the Commonwealth .and the:Op. ponionment thereof nreordirig to. the weistoent matte in the fell of the year. 1845, for A .D. 1846, °;'• ^ g: S L 9 ¢ = a G El BIM 6 c c M 2 "4 Athens tp. $174.903 Athens borough, 6U.017 58.418 49.005 A lbany Asylum 11.772 103.519 Armenia Burlington 92.000 • 92.894 700 - 46.801 29.661 650 50.363 1..0 :14 711 10 59.643 2160 46.428 90 84.849 2900 67.926 _ 10110 154.363 GOO 63.0:6 160 56.837 200 113.599 4100 113.09`7 3650 86.663 1744 55.851 1266 39.459 200 45,838 800 143.950 12.700 74.2.95 Q 122.548 '::000 -56.016 lOU 165.347 1000 53.806 91.292 3300 50.698 13 I U 82.851 Culumbia Canton Duell Franklin Granville Herrick Litchfield Leroy 3fonroe • Orwell. Pike Home , Bidgberry Shesheguin Smithfield springfield Sending stone South Creek Springhill 'l'owantlii bore' " twp. . . Troy likter NV), sox Wells Warren \%'indbam Wyaluang $*4.516,675 1•7:13,1•,.:0 Bradford Coway, as We the Commi•odoner: of .aid comity. Jo here [Le ] by certify the above sittlemmt to he correct, ac cording to the .returie4 Grade hy the .-everal A-- Feecors of the t.everal tow, T hshipa and boretuhs in srtJ county, and we. heretic give notice that the Coact lif Itevi.ion will meet of - the romom--loner': vt into. ou Wednebday, the t:Sth d.ly ut Jata..try A. D. 1846, to correct and I qualize the above statement. Witness our hands and .1 , 1 of onke at Towanda this Ittth day of January. A .L1:1916. .1. TOVi.NER, PUTNAM. ‘. Com tri /N . ,/ m A. 1,. CRANNIETI,S Attest—J.M.WATTIL.F.ti, Clerk. J;air OF LETTERS. retnaii.iing hi the P. 111 0. at Athens, Decedilier 31, 1845. Richtrd H Benson S S 8 Hoyt John , Barnum • ((liter Ellsworth \ Vrn Briggs Chas Hopkins Charles Benedict Gco KilT Sunt'l Chandler Mary K Rocrers I) G Newton Nancy liter Harrisson Cru.4 Albert N Russell Joseph Clapp Joseph Fur ersou George Carlis t7has B. Smart rn Edward Henry Sible Philip Frederic Isaac Sprimisteen Ethrui S.Foir Pitney Snyder Horace C G,dlap Ira Sour! Edwd Hurlhort Irene Snyder Mrs Hannah Ke+ch• Anna Spoldio,7, John A Odell John Sweet Mrs Deborah McDowell Nelson Tuttle M C Merchant David Watkins Esther Miama Morris E Wilcox F. McDullie Jane P Wheeler Israel S Mead . Daniel M Wilson 11 T McGeorge Bleliesa Wheeler lhnid Plazifoot N F Wynkoopc ' Nancy Park Lorenzo I) Wheeler Abel P•estol Wm Welles Nzra Preston Wm H WillAon 3 C. H. HERRICK', P. M LIST OF LETTERS, remaining in the P 0. at Towanda, Dec. 31, 1245. Arid B Johnston Henry Agney Mary Miss . 2 Ketchum John F Bowman J Knapp Charles M 'Bowman A R Ladd C K . . Bishop Eliza Miss 2 LoYiller Elizabeth Mia s _Barlow Frederick • Lane.. Bricklayer Bull Win H Law Andrew Balch John Meredith J D 3 Bailey Jeremiah Morgan Wm Brosinon John Mead Daniel Gun:wimps Harry Mace Abram Crimmins ',mulls IWKale Richard Curtis Lawrence C- McG uyre John Mtirdock Satn'l Overton Wm T B Peckham. I) Poynter W Potter Rev. Alonzo Pierce Janie. Quypetney Nicholas !Salsbury Seth Col. Smith Samuel !Smith Alntim pits Sanford Daniel Shervit George N Scott George Seely Reuben C Santee Wm Thayer Marvin Taylor George Upright Jas. M Vim Seiver Hiram Wattles James 2 Wilson Thomas M Carter John ' Costal° Edward Carpenter Carman Charles Co'amyns James Collector of Brad. Co. Decker Perunlly Miss Decker PanneLa. Decker Wm Decker James - Dodge Oliver Etheridge Isaac D Evelend Abrose Eggleston Daniel Emery A Foreman Daniel Guyer E ' Gregg Frances • Goodwin - Benjamin Gilbert Elmer Hoff ham 'fall D R Hutchinson Francis R Whitney Mary David Williamg Georg) Hagar Daniel Hine Henry W Hackley Andrew 3 Wood Send H ' Wigging James A: S. CHAMBERLIN, P.M Hathaway J Holtenback Peter J. \1" N E'S EXPECI'ORANT.—Tie sirturs of this efficsciensandcheap medicine for the cure of Conpomp. lion and other diseases cannot be too well known. Very many lives have been saved by 1 Morning Alias. . • Jar'a's EXPECTOIIIINT run Cornea, 601:714, sto many people are afflicted with the common every day tisordens, that we deem it our duty to point our Leaden to a simple vetbedy. which we have stied and found efficacious. Jayne's VXPECTORANT he very valuable phial of syinp . Which we have lately used with good effect in stopping a' cough and loose:firm, and break ing up a cold. It is a very agreeable medicine. This tetaatumendatiou is not A bought Puff, butentirely volon ! vary. 'Mai we feel that we Call hardly do a greater fa vor to our readers in these days ; of cheating, than to recomtheitil, ad well.tried,eflicient remedies, eve. daily tie have usetrourselveL --Rlitnr of ihp 'Lynn Reeord." Massa. FOR . . &ILE. T'fu*riher has for eale—,4 new Iwo horse t&z. gun ime 4 horse rfagrni, partly worn: el.•iehs, and bothi. harnesi, Also, 3 or 4,gond 110 t. tZES, A pair of yOung OXEN, befieted superior to any in' the country of their age. Also; many artieres neeess4ry for Limit* and team hg purposes, ail of whith 'will he sold cheap for each or approved credit. ADDISON WREAN• Towands. Der/ember IT; 1845: TON ASSOItTED IRON, jest receivottl, And for OPAP silt at tle24 REED'S; No. 2, B.R. LiB74ER7OVER-SHOBEi,.of eons. kinds anSI size ! , for rale Cheap at t 124 REED'S. stock, j'i:t rtc,..t%;,1 .U'LL) OM o• Elliott Mereur, A.RE NOW RECKIViNG. a very large end very general asinotnicnt of Fal 'lnd Winkr Goctlx which they,adtri•to public on liberal terms, for cash. gram, Or approvit•cretitt. • -• • - Their stork consists of almost eselything that any one wishes to buy.- And for the ben lit of thaw}' who wish to p . uretoisi- io'eichrnilizo • ,r tiny kiptl, a n d want hs know un ecs tt nut it. theyivill enueneruhi a few of the tunny thity, hase'h.riadeF Ladies' silk shawls rid black teapots; • Cleats' ~tun cravats and ten-penny nada: . ColotriFiratii„, thr ladies', bonnets, and Glazed lasts tor men ; Knitting pins mot t tine-liaes; Carpet tacks and ve , ci Indira.; Broad Axes mid ab ider las; • 111. slelailies and wagon lasers; . Printed blue teas .1.1 3 oultir byson lea 3 Umbrellas ..11.1 fat 1,11.1 es; PorLet knites and loaf sugar ; • Molasses and coarse bouts; • Ladies' rot. hose said eh et corn hoes; Ladies bight taps, tor sic rtlitel, and Men's scalene caps fin la centS; • Ladies' linen hilict's for ime shilling, and I'lruty of 1.;,, e 16.1 1 otorll4OeheS inlll, all sizes; India rubber cloth :or earn:lgo Co'nefr. 40111 Beautiful figured alleareusi kw cloaks; Ladies' boas and mud's. slat lampblack; Leybidu iiiiiii and Shine jugs; Black and bluelnk and-armors turpentine; Lamp sill and Col. ingewates ; risyset oil and sar.aparilla s,s sup; • Blue sitriol end best Java sitid Rio coffee; \‘'aters and ki r k s l us h ; 111.1.1111de ink null pine dry and ground white lead Looking g6sa, a and era rund4ra ; Tea kettles and black silk stockings; Candle wielsing and bed-curds; ; Colt Buttons 111.11 paper ; Sh e ll s id e carded skirts Bonnet ribbons s ail casetutisli tobacco; Haugh ;minis soil co,. ribbons; I.adit.a . dress Wills 1, .1 stove sirs ; Assorted Medic., 11...: Nutria hats; Sind pelts and s:iiilel plough patterns; Hated hob hoods end .114 sculls fur latlivi; Cotton Ye o snit Hoe -tor.; Awl blade. and pins. s ia ....on• i i .sirs; Ladies' kill slippers and nail hammers; V. dhow lia.kets and awn, curds; Men and (':tl/11 cops Mid plant; irons; Rots., and lurks am! ad. Cast i 41,1 arid steel thimbles; Bra.. kettles and brie. thimbles; Reiner cloth and cap o n lowing ; Pepper boxesshoe knives; Ilonno boards und slate pencils; • Cafpet lauding and inkstands; Conch lace and handsaws; Raisins and saw-mill saws; ' Si ullitz powders owl trying squares ; Bobber overshoes 211.1 41, inch spikes; Sleigh bells and steelyards; Cits;nllefrei end 'stay combs; Gridirons and welting cord ; )V hale bone and patent saw setts; Sie.penderii and patent door butts; Firmer's chi-ads and laces for ladies' raps; P•iiittee handkerchiefs and bait brushe. ; and 11111111..11'S ht. nt.eloses .te hair LiCLICLICS; Cocoanut dipvets and teethbrushes; Culund cambric and door handles ; Anger hilts and children shoes: lA, oulen shawls and guni raps; Black tea and patent whet-the:Os; Morrocro belts and tea servers; . Saddler's silk and monis. trap. ; Bonnet wire and stone churns; Plaid Hasty% and sash pulleys; Patent blind tastenines Lunt butts. (a new article) ,Spoke aliases end dour matt; ;Brisk snuff and madder; Brittannia !sups and shoe Strings; fit. and bl.silk glows and gun flints; Nattinet of all kinds and gunpowder ; Horse cards and satin vesting ; Curry combs and fur caps ; • . Hair combs and sash fasten:rigs; Glass dishes and wool cards; Corset lacer. and trace chains; Bras bark combs anal calicoes of all qualities, Sash cords and corn schisps; Coat cativo.. & padding and hyde whips; Furniture prints and razor strops: Table cowls and, Olneys geography's; Coarse shoes and polished 1114:UM ; Linen cambric and sole leather; Hupp iron and linen edging & insertion; Florence silks and brown sheeting, ; Cap wire and rapid varnish , Lin. Oil and Russia diaper ; Rik. French rrape and American door locks; ' 1 Al incral knot, locks and white liner crape; • •Cl rune yellow and green, and coat binding; Indige. and ribbon wire; Cream Tinter end ' , ilk cords and tassels; • Rowse blankets and brass nails; Tea setts and setts tray; Spirit levels and spool cotton; Towanda, September 19, 1845. NO. 3 CAN'T BE OUTDONE ! 7;12.; \ 7} E a _> a; ~: FEW ET s. 7 i 7 1. Pi g.": 7, $540 250 75 485 $l7O 90 $450 8250 700 100 1650 MI 70 75 25 IGO XOll 420 1270 2 I 7 5 305 150 NEM 171111E1 under.ittned ore under many and deep oldien g. tiona to their nunierou. triends for the very him patronage they havi received, for Which we tender you wary thanks ; and we have no doubt of a continu ance Of your "onnits end faritrB " so long us we con tinue to sell gooda cheaper thou any store within pl.) Loth, of US. We now have the pleasure of informing oui friends and customers and the public generally that we are re direr . Inon N. 1."1ork. n larder end better assort ment of Goods, that v., or any oilier merchants ever brought to this market, consisting of Dry Goods 4- Groceries, Glass 4. :1 eiilj, 4- Ilardwace, Iron 4- Salt. Drubs - Medicines, Leather -- Fish. Dye IToods4-Dye SLIT?. Boots 4' Shoe • 4-c. We notice tit our last advertisement that '• we had Henry Shelters 4 1 Co., haired:—"since which time some of our neighbors have been firing their Mir pop guns tikes, but its of no use—tram who have stood at the cannon's mouth as long as we have, cannot be frightened by such entail trash. We can assure our worthy neighbors who have fal len so deeply in love with the terms "bluff" and bluf fing," that it is our intentiun so long as we remain In business to always have a rerun of Coeds. and after the gross attempt made in 1842 to prevent our buying. we are not so green as to go to the city without a FULL HAND, which in addition to the experience of one of our firm in the city trade (having been for some time a clerk in N. Voi I: city.) enables us to buy goods cheaper than merchants generally from the country can. So just crone on. all ye who want to buy cheap for CASH, call at no. 3, shake •••the reedy" at us and you .• are caught —" or if you have a load of produce '• give us the wink " and we ate orter you. Fueuture particulars look alone through the paper. ,W .11.11 . A IRD & CO., No. 3. 13.110 w. Towanda, N0v.25, 1845. MONTANYES /6 COI'S Cheap Cash Wholesale Commission & lobbing Store. roue above establishment has lately been enlarged A . and improved, and is being replenished with a new stork of FashionableAVlNTElt GOODS: which in addition to their former large stock of staple Goode, rashes it the most desirable place toi large purchases, as also for shopping, in town'. Their new stock con sists in pat of • French, English and American Cloths and Satinetts, cashmere de ecosse and mousselin de fairies, o f the newest styles and patterns, sinchear, cm bin. gro de Swim, tied posit de rout and watered strip'.l Silks, mironu for holies skirts, and a new article of fringe fir dremes; plaid cashmere and Turkara shawls, and a , thhuzaud other et ceters• necessary to pletike the ladies. Da Nisi liz.N.aatv Thrir stark of 'Groceries, Boals'and Sham ovd Cops. Dofala Rahn. Oils and Paints, Iron and Nails, and rno4 articles that the wants of the community rs quire. am". round well assorted and selected, and of. fered la pun-bairns on na cOod terms Of belier than in Aly f the neig,lihnritnt .aillam in the state or N. I*. Nn,.. 12. .J. D.& E. D. IdONTANYE co. 117 it I G A i. L.4AN .'Dior 1915, just rpleiveds4pd HONORABLE, EXERTION SEOIJRES ' • REASONABLE SUCCESS:" • • ''& 1 11 C liereur: • D< AVE the Plethiure of announcing bribe public „ :that. their unprecedented"; bessy•siles this tall; •have 'rendered' it' necessery to piirchartelidother `large stork of 69015, which they'are novi• ceiving cud uttering for cash of wholesale or retail , at . ranch lower prices than they can he found at any other store iq Towanda. Cash purchasers of goody' can' se cure the following sdvantagcs by calling ut'otir store: nosy—The procuiino of their goods at the least pos. _bible advance from the manufacturer's and •pri w,ax our gnarls' are purchased from first hinds, ut net cash prices. . • • t S Leo's' ii—Helief tram the extra pricer,'w bleb merchanis who give credit must charge to cover looses by bad debts. colliding lets. " '- Our stock is very heavy. emtn acing almost everything in the line of Dryttuods,Gtoceries. (I.iquorsexcepted) HardOare, Crockery, Drugs, Medicines, Paints; Oils, Dye stuns, Boots and shoes. Saddlery Hardware, Car riage Trimmings, &c. And altho' our Stock of goods is much the heaviest in' town, they.tarii i p purchased so very low that they did not. cost $.25,00n, or even $15.- 000, and our customers cart.have the benefirof our ad %untageuus purchases. odour motto is, **Small profits and quick sales. Noe. ' 4 6.1895. I:AfiGE .NEW STORE 'at Dionne Conan', ivith toll Minter's . AT LOWEST PRICES. HOUEItSWIsEstI. has, just filled, by the last trip of the boutd I w the season, Id. , large and commodious yew—tore-house with a complete end well us-orted lot of Winter Good., .elected carefully by Lim .elf in the New York 'oldr hiladelPhia markets to suit the era,ota, waft a .pedal view to the tastes and twistitst of his neighborhood. ,lie relvvtlully invite. an examination or hi 4 eaen ive stock—which he tarn at an invariable ctivb price --compriging. generally. Cloths. Caps, Hot. , „ Hosiery. Hardwart, Neils and Cutlery. Crockery, Stoneware, Tilfoare, F -• ementary St at ionery, Staple and' Toney DI Gana+, Drugs and Dye Stuffs, De Alpaccae, Printo,Showlg,Sheelinge, Tli . innels, &c., &c. in short, every variety tri s eteels required in this market, of the latest styles and of the hest qualities according to prices. which shall be sold us low us can he afforded ut any other equblishinent intended for permanent busi ness. Full as his store is, ha has TOOM enough to trade in. and bliuoilant4p ol light to test thequality of hia goods. I.I:NII3ERM irk exchange fur Boards or Shingles 4441 have all articles at crush price., tut he ha oth erst and they will :nod, at the same rates; in addition to his gene! al assortment, a constant supply of GRAIN, FLOUR, FISH. PORK, SALT,and all the necessa ties a. well as the conveniences ofi life. FARMERS' produce bought at all times, at goal prices, and as fair an exchange made for goods as by any dealer in the county. Person', going to the mine for COAL, can :save haul lug by leaving their loading In-re, (several miles this side,) at the coal•beil prices, and taking an order on the minets. which, under his arrangement, will he other wine to their mutual advatitagr, by smutting to purcha sers coal at the most favorable rates of hurter there, and saving to the miners the cost of bringing surplus pro. duce back to market. . R. I'. has heard of pickily souls, near Franklindide corners, the old yellow CifflIll: . w hitened over like the sepulehre, and in some other dark corners, which could fold no good answer to the question—"who is in, neighbor," but he has poised their reach, not cor nered yet, and he assures the community which has imposed so many obligations in him by past contidemm that he cannot ri-k it- continuance, by stopping to kick vaiitliqs, or making announcements which he is um prepared to fulfill. Monroe, Dec. 3, 1845. PRINTS—The larlest, most desirable and cheapest a.cortintin uC Prints in town, can he found at nov26. htERUURS'. .11 . °riga, Goocis. a i i ) i E d A L I ' pa l i c :C c S :r" - t hne l'e d' ess lames, rtn etit purch ased E°' 1/ el.(l e in New 1 ork, after the late falling air in prices at tivo26. 31ERCURS'. pONNET VELVETS. Satins and Silks, with Ribbons to match, the best and cheapest' assort in town, at ncf,t6 mulct Rs'. fi.;,,!H A IV LS—Every one wishing to purchase Shawls. should by all means call wiWri every thing in that hare from twenty-five centh up, is kept at prices to suit ud es of the articles; it is needless to say that it is at nev MERCURS'. HARDIVAItE.—The larg est assortment and greatest variety ever offered in Bradford county, wit received at MERCUR'ttI. SAVINGS BANK Still Later, More Rich Goods - Er UST received an invoice of the latest styles of Silks, CP among which may be found Plain black and blue black, Oiobre Striped Pantie Seer Camelion Reps . with Satin Stripes, Genuine Polka Silks, Plaid Ptorences, Plain do., Plain silks fit Bonnetts, a rare opportunity fur those to purchase who intend doing so as they are sold only a shade above auction prices at U. E. FLYNT & CO'S. ANY quantity of Bleached and Broil) Sheeting Shirting of all qualities. blk. and white Wadding, Wicking in Boxes, twine. cords, &c., at 10v.5 YELLEs g SAT'PERLEE'S. ArikNE half too NUR ROPE bought verJ low mid Cr will be sold accordingly by - Nov.s. WELI:E; & SATTEELEE. WANTED in exchange for goods any quantity of B utter, Tal low, Wneat, Rye, Oats, Timothy and Clover Seed, klides, Lumber, and cloth will not be refused by WELLES & SATTERILEE. SOMETHING NEW ! JUST RECBIVINQ, at the old .tore, on the ens. ner of Main and Pine streets. a few doors below Montanyes 4- Co.'s, and nearly opposite No. I, Brick Row, an entirely new stork of GOODS, which con sists in a general aasortrnent of . Dry Goode, Crockery,. . . Groceries, Boots 4 Shoes. Hardware. Hats 4' Cap. .1-e. Together with a genemlcrortment of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, all of w ich have been selected with great care by myself in the New York market, and will be sold as cheap as can be sold by any living man in this market Ladies and Pentlentin can he satisfied of this fact by calling on the subscriber. ut his store. where he will be in readiness at all times to won open alt who favor him with a call. A. D. MO.NTANYE. (0 - • Wanted, in exchange fur Goods, ,either cash, grain, lumber, or shipping Furs, in almost MI quantity. Towanda, November 19. 1845. , (t. D. M. ROL ' • ink HURLBURT, Jr., superior .cast streI.AXES, jP • balls dozen boxes, jued received and for sale at the old stand of novl9 • B. KINGSBERY. Sayings that have Rutile Proverbs. :nOVERB /MIT: r i RAT GEO. E. FLYNT & CO.. have the lar gest and most desirable stock of goods in Towanda. imovsan ascoND That t th mber for Goods, or Goods for Lumber, cannot be ca on suc ce ssfully without detriment to Cosh Buyers • PIItITERD THISIP : That E. Flynt &Co. buy godds for Cosh, and sell them for e '.' ready."' rnovisia vat-smut • That G. E. F. & Co. are selling goods cheaper than any other establishment in (him bOrough. And it is whispered, and soon will become a proverb (although - we have been knowing to the fact for some time) that G. E. F. & Co. are selling better goods and more of theM. Those who doubt the abort, will please present themselves 'at our counter, where Goals are freely shown. and slaws warranted emtal to eerommendution. the. , ario . ,; , * Rank. titsi IMPS, CORDS, Fringes, fate/ velvet and vuir Rib 'hoosat'" • ' AtERCITR'S.' NOTICE 111 TAKE n' tintoim allare ill. I•Orked i i nie,.ther - payment 11 ver ;be tiy FEBRUARY CUUR'r."The" sum"ttae froth'each individeal. is email. tisitin thar aggretiste it anionnts 'to considerable,: Omni thst a more affecfacri- notice will not be necestaryi• JOHN X. WESTON,. December:24. Late Sheriff. Latest-mini of, New Goods,tr IriffTELLEB / 1 / 4 ' SATTE RUE have' been recoiv it tt the , list three eeki frOin New York. a. lame 'and splendid - sWiclr'of FALL and WLITER GOOOB, selected from thelatest impottations with un usual tire el io styli, quality and especially as to pd.' eas.: - They'ddriot pretend to have the largest stock in the'countiy, or sell lower thin any ether hoWie but they . ask 'all who wish to boy choice and good anode to call and examine thb quality and "prieisi of their go ods, and tluM judge who sells goods at'loar pekes ; all are invi ted to call end examine their stuck which comprises ?rig) , thing:dandily kept in country itones.• ' '• • Athena Pa., September 30, 1876. fIA DIES will find imarly as large it stock of Dress 4 Cootta, such as Cashmere, De E'Cosse,M. De Lain , Alpacins, Ginghams, Prints, fitc., at our store as in th county and at low prices. They Wilrptwase cull d exatiiine the stock for themselves. W ELLES 'NATTERLEE . • 41171 EkfLEM EN will find a large and splendidlock REX of Cloths. Cassiiiieres, Waltrip . , Cravats, Glovei, Elastic braces, Rubber Over Shoes, and every thing else they may want at very low prices for the quality at WELLES & SATTERLEE'S. • SiiiA WES in ireat'variety & beautiful patterns may he fniinil at Wr.LLES & SATTERLEE'S. Uli pl. ./ i I d iN c S. I. D ak E in L c AII for I,‘pi t: i ting,and sp and eiaidi llnd i d r i ig very cheap at WELLES & SATTERLEE'S. ELM ATS,CAPS & MUFFS any quantity from 123 in. cents up at WELLES & SATTERLEE'S LARGE and elegant assortment of Laces, Ribbons, Gliives and trimmings of all kinds at Get .20; WELLES & SATTERLEE'B. C ROOERIES -pLnri,i . e.- may be safe to fay we have as large stock and of as good (polities as any house a Bradford County, and we,will se.l them as low is any hona'e can that gets any thing above cost. Nov.s. itiELLES sATTERLEE. THE besiassortinent of Iron& Steel in the cow; . try "at NVELLES & sATTERLEE!s. Cv„ti HOE•PIN DINGS. such us Pegs, Iliustles, • A I halts. Tlnrcad &c.. also Sole and Upper Leather, Calf & Kipp Skins, always on bend by Nov.s. W ELL ES 4- SATTERLEE. : 0,11, Paints & GlAss, we keep constantly on band g a very. huge stock of all kinds and.will very low for cash. WELLES & SATTEULEE. FISH, sALT AND NAILS. TIERCES Cot)FIsH -43 lo I,h! MACKEREL I ark load t4ALT, and 5 ton NAILS, are for sale and ready to he shown et BAIRD'S. St:GA It, 5 do. Molasses bought n first hands and will be roll accordingly by W. H. BAIItU & CO., No. 3, B. R. AnurruN YAkcs-10,0 Ibs. just receised end for sale ot . REED'S. &JULE LEATHER-smm Ma.—aud any quimity of cow, Rip and Calf drum, from the manufectoriea Rantakill creek," N. Y. Wu won't say anything about the price. hut come and ..ee at d 3 BAIRD'S. IMARNESS AND CARRIAGE AL RGE and gerieroi uvidortinetit the above ar tieing. corm:v..l)g Almost everything mien by Bar firl.B and Corrioue Maliers. which will be sold lower than the yanir quAlity of goods hove ever been : offered al Owego or Munro, juiit received by rep. '24. H. S. & M. C. liiIECCirR. G04)1 Pt/LA DS NAILS, nsmaivil Nizohut Nrp.44. .111ERCUIVS. SOLE LE &TIE Ell—fir.t quality Conitiirteri," a few clovrw. Cdrpetint.,4 and Floor Oil Cloths. Carpet and Cotton Yarn. Bogging—an article unequalled for durability Nov. 12. At the SAVINGS BANK. 10. OF O. P. NT becomes our duty again to announce the receipt of Itt more rich and valuable goods, which we are offering cull cheaper (if possible) than heretofore. We have fur cash buyers, the following goods: 100 ps. hlk and blue silk A Ipaec: a; 60 • figil and changeable goods, for dresses; 150 styles DeLuire: and cashmeres; 1500 yds. Cahrors—in adiftion 'o our format lutge stock—the contents of one box, just received. 40 t■s, Cloths, all shakes and colors 15 • Bk 11711.1 Panic Cassinicrcs 20 • Satin •. a, all prises. lion, Nails, Sled, any quantity. and Shelf .14f-du:are in nbundrnce. The •• people" of Bradford county, have looked long and anxiously for the time to come when gear's could be purchased at their real value. For the lastsix months we have satisfied the most skeptical, and wish to inform our frier' • that we are not to close !mei ne,ii in the spring, as reported, but dm/i.e.:anus to do hays for The friends of Cheap Goods, as lung as it will benefit the county of Bradford. It is told in this way— We have, we ran, and we will. Docesuher 17. GEO. E. FLYNT & CO. LEIGH SHOES and Plough Pont, (lor Wayne ); Co. Ploughs) at G. E. Fowl' & CO'S. PPLEBY'S FINE CUT C AVE NDISI-I TO BACCO. or sale by -B. KINGSBERY. IT IS NO WONDER ! g , HAT the Farmers of Bradford county are all era " s diog at " DADDY.; S 1•011 E," when it is taken into consideration. that in addition Jo keeping the lar gest and best stock of Goods in the county, and selling them c.h"m?er than any holy else, they have always barn ready to n•aiet and encourage that class of commit :my by purchasing their produce of every description at the Mgt eat prices. Wlist, for instance, would they have done with their hinter for the last two summers had not- afd No. 3" boldly stood forth in the support of honest industry and dealt out all descriptions of goods, al the lou:csi cash pric-s, in e.:change for that ar. tide? The hard Slated yeomanry are replying to the above, by coming with a rush ! a perfect rush ! "en maps"! ! ! to the cheapeit store in Towanda. where "Bill 'Baird & Co." are arrays ready and willing to do the fair thing. Dec. 25. NEI ri HAVE GOODS FOR. THE LADIES, among which are Cashmeres, Mousse Del.aine, plaid fed and silk work Alpacca, 6.4 plaid - Cloaking, Girdles and Trimmings, to correspond, oftc. sep. 24. li . KINGSHERY. Towanda Merchants, ' Indictment for .downright mos vs , der der,' " selling goods too Cheap." . 'fried before the people of Brad- The Shavings Bank, ford county. TT appearing to the satisfaction of all the jelly, (corn ". posed of all Brrdford Co.) that the price of Salt at the Shavings Bank woe raised to 14 shillings per bid. the day after Ncs. 3;got out, who had been selling for 10 shillings per bbl. And it also bet 'conclusively proved that the. said Shavings Bank ar about 15 ..pr cent. behind No. 3, in selling goods c ap, the jury without leaving the box acquitted the defendant, ana as theverdict was rendered, the viol' of thr court call'd out, Oh; yeti ob, yes! oh, yes! The only genuine cheap stare in Towanda, is No. 3, =ECM Now, George, b-eat-i-I•l—if you vhould buret , up No, 3, I should I..aur. Fresh Salt," nor even salt petre won't eave.your....hend from Tice skie loads of New &ouch. juar reeeived. at Dec. 17. a BAIRD'S, 11e.3, Brick Row. u.aw&mrilz. zzlmzsa.smo THE - SST INGS BANK. .. JrNIHIS action was brought for "downright murder," agedust the Cashier t& Co. of the Towanda a vings Dar*, for selling goods too cheap. and thereby Winging leannesa upon the •• Merchant Princes" of, the borough. Hut, v ; with all their vaunted sayings, hired witneoses anti corebinationv, together with the principal evitienee admitted by us—(that goods were sold cheap -44 FlYnt & Co.'s then any other establighment)— we have at last come off with our •• capitol increaved," and obtained a signal victory over these would-be • law' and order fontbinations, and carried dismay even into the enemy's ramp. addttien.twour former stock o Full 'Goods; we have just received • - - Another. 4rk .Had of Owe 's: which will be disposed of as liberally as heretofore.— Therefore we have to record the • SIXTH PROITSRB, That George E. Flynt & Co. cannot be put down V , Log?: fin- .11te Shia, Dunk. ilea, ~ ,41.0 1 1100 ,B Utt11:.111S.11i N I N A TT , 43 i o ti f e weLt . Then& they boast to, run him down. 'se subscriber would announc taat„tine 4 w `m r , 19 10 ' 1 4 , the public generally, that he low receiving a very large well Selected assortment of 'COVES, such Crois' pa tt cylinder oven , cooking; roes' combination'of Frank ' and cooking; IVo. 3 and 4, ilton 4, boiler cooking i No. 3, and 4, .promuins 4 boiler tking: ~ivith au assortment iii plates, school=house and church stoves; cylinder'enaL and parlor Wood do., all of which will be sold as low as at any other establish• meat this side of the Rocky Mountains, for wheit,retts, rye, corn. pork, butter, cheese, and cosh not refused ; TIN-WARE constantly kept . on hand, at wholesale and retail, with stovepipe, elbows, stove tubes of clay and tin, patent pails, stone jugs, British lustre, sheet zinc, cat to snit customers, with Job work of every descrip tion in the Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron business, done on short notice and in a workmanlike manner, . And in additicin to the above articles, .he intends to keep constantly on hand a good article of rifle and blast ing Polvder' ) with FLOUR & PORK; by the barrel and pound, codfish, mackerel, soap, - candles, lard and butter. LIQUORS,. such as rum, gin, • brandy, and whiskey, of different qualitim. Tea. coffee, pepper, spice, sal.Tratus, ginger, starch, cloves, cinnamon, Began:, tobacco, cast ndish and fine cut, candies, nuts, figs. rai sins, herring, green and dried fruit, cider, beer, and all other articles usually kept by grocers, all of which will be sold at reduced`nrices for ready pay. Store and ma nufacturing Establishment not kept exactly in Montan ye'e corner block, but in the next building below, on the south aide of the public square, where persons u ish ing to purchase the above articles will do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Nov. 12. IS'45. • D. C. HALL. NEW EST.RBLISHMENT 11101MISPIIIIr 3112•31111C1IDICImo . _....1,. L. hl. NYE & CO., would re. . .. 4 ''''''''"" . "`'" - -a--- . ..- spectlly inform the citizens of T0w ,....4=7:1...,_1ar, ,4 : - '-'- - :' anda and the public generally; trod gTitire ; L i' , they hive on hand dr manufacture 4 iiri: ,o; Ito order all kinds of CABINET ...,---- 7.---.... 2r...., FURNITURE, ' of the best mate- AL .. . mai Ards, and workmanship thatcaonot "'II be surpassed, Iki addition to the usual assortment in country shops, we will keep on band and make to order SOFAS, of various and most approved patterns; Sofa Rocking Chairs, upholstered in superior style, and for ease and durability cannot be surpassed even in our large cities. Also, the half French Ma hogany Chair, beautifully upholstered, with curled ha 4, which never loses its elasticity, and finished with the best hair seating. We flatter ourselves that having had much experiencein the business, we shall be able to satisfy all who may feel disposed to call, both as to quality and price. and by strict attention to business hope to merit and receive the patronage of a liberal corn. muniiy. 1.. M. NYE & CO. Towanda, September 1, 1845 L'alll.4'ET FUEA7TURE 3iAY BE HAD at our shop much lower than it has ever been sold in Towanda. Goods are cheap, and wheat ant lowered, and that is the reason we can afford all for to do it. All Vihds of produce' will be received. in payment. Also, LUMBER of all kinds. Sept. 1. L. H. NYE 4. CO. -lIICIEIIOIIL'.7IE - 4 `2EIIIII Tina. be kept on hand a large assortment, and made to order on shorter notice and for less mo ney than can he produced at any other establishment in the land. Those who are under the necessity of pro curing that articlelvill and shall be satisfied. A .good brume and pall may be had in attendance when desired. September 1, It+4s. L. M. NYE & BOOT & SHOE MAKING. •. ..dte WILCOX & SAGE have associated themseves in the Boot and Shoe Making business, in the borough of Towanda, and may bq found at the old stand nf S.Hathaway„lately occupied by Elkanah Smith, near I. H.Stephens Exchange Hotel, where they solicit a share of public patronage. They intend, by a carefel selection of stock, and by attention to the interests of their customers,to make as neat and durable work ascan be manufactured in this portion of the country. They keep constantly on band, and will manufacture to order, morocco, calf and coarse boots and shoes; Ladies' Gaiters, shoes and slips; children's do.; gent's gaiters and pLmps, &c., &c. JOHN W. WILCOX', PHILANDER SAGE. Towanda, May 14, 1845: FALL & WINTER FASHIONS 7Z113 Ea4to BATCHELER COREL beg leave to inform the inhabitants:of Towanda and vicinity, that they have just commenced the Tailoring Business, up stairs, No. 4. Brick Row, where they are prepared to execute all work entrOsted to them with care neatness and dew patch, and in the most fashionable manner. Having just received the New York and Philadelphia fashions, and with theirlong experience in the business, they flat ter themselves that their work will be made in a manner and style equal to any other establishment:in the place. Terms made to correspond with the times. CUTTING done on the shortest notice. - • (C'r All kinds of country produce received in payment for work at market prices. October I, 1845. C - ,YCWIIIUaI Ct . alsramuiAactsmalut a , F.dSHION.IBLE 11 , 2ILORS, Over lttontanye's store, next door to Mercer's law office, at the old stand of Powell & seaman. [oel J. E; Canfield, Attornepat•Law, - &mant a 1P1.0, 9 WILL attend to all kinds of business intrusted to his care, with promptness and despatch. Of fice in the Tin and stove Store building—up stairs. [ot MEDICINE AND SURGERY. DR. M. GOODRICH bas located Memel at MONROE, for the practice of his profession, end will be pleased to wait on those requiring his ser. : vices. He 'nay be found-at J. L. Johnson's tavern. - Reference rosy be made to Dra. Hcrerox dc Mason of Towanda. April _3,1845. • - Fashionable Tailoring ! GEORGE H. BUNTING would respectfully in form the public that he still continues at his old stand on the west side of Main street, between Kings berg's and Bartlett's stores, up stairs, where he may be found in readiness to all work in his line in a style not to be surpassed in Bradford county. prices to suit the times. Thankful for past favors, ho respectfully Wiens a continuance and hopes byttrict attention tobn sines, and accommodating terms to merit patronage. The Spring and Summer FASHIONS have just been received; end he is, prepared to make garments in the most fashimablo manner. Partieultir attention paid to CUTTING, end warrant ed to fit if properly made up. . He has the latest Spring and Summer Fashions for sale. Towanda, May 14,1845. , intrians Scoff, ,t '0 111 La .i.V7 9 1rj11..1. promptly and punetnotty render his profes sional_ servicsa in Agencies. Collections, and other matters in his profession, eotruand to his care. Otlice in the New ride Block—west room over the Poet Oflice, entrance on the north aide. Nov. by • M'Allisters AU Healing Oinlmrnt. new supply of this popular ruediciwilso a quantity .1.1%. Of the sul.da TINCTIYRE, just remised by Oct. I. 11. t 3. & IN. U. MERCUR. TOWANDk . ACADEMY ; I !lr ne gt,. sc hd ern ia 'yeti Of this' institotio q unmence en,Mundan'the first day her nest.' under the Imperintenalencesudw an Mr. J. C; Vandercook, .as.. . • P: r W 0 B'l' ti I NG; ASSIFTANi. • • Miss gaiah.P. Worthing, Preerptit t c, Mr. Vandetecook hes :been successfully en tattt teaching for ten years past; hi has much cup t hi s i mp:o' 4 an d truly eluvetingdrpartmeot o l,, enter prise and beneiolince, slid hangs tattoos sources o r ( .good; moral character, and sebnatiflo end literary ittaintienw.- w or ibi ng ip gentleman of very excellent, tainments,,experionce,and akilbio,teeching. and fail to do much fOr7 the ideineessest.octhe stude nts .1 the Prosperity 'Of the inatitUtion. Miss Wonhing,lhe-Preeeptreee' of the Female i, l { portmont, has idreacy, by bridovotion to fuerntoe,, 4 her superim virtues; obtained theinnquafified cor i na t „ of the community,end the esteem and affect/snot s numerous pupils. , Young ladies will sehima E l a a '1 instructress better'qualified to meet all the nom. af t student, not only as a lercher, but ai a' gnaniian and associate: 'They cannot but be inip - roeed by Azamplo and society, as well as by her engaging e ats ,. lions. . TurrioN will be infollows i in all the hepat ica . Primary and common English studies, with Pen, manship, cOmposing and speaking, s: Natural, intellectual and moral science, bawl, chemistry, history, astronomy; rhetoric, legit, book-keeping. drawing, painting, eke.; 4 4 Mathematics and the languages, k g Incidental expenses, per term, during. winter, - No student will be received-for less titan half area and no deduction will he made for absence, except, cases of illness or other unavoible causes. The Academic year will be divided into font fey of eleven weeks . each. There will be a' vacation rh k week after the first term ; also one week alter the and a vacation of six weeks after the fourth, inclak the harvest season. We desire to make the Towanda Academy an am, ble and desirable resort for students from abroad's" sr; as those at home; a place where the purest virtues it, be cultivated. and the germs of science firmly set init. youthful mind. For this great object. no ewe or 6, will be spared on the part of teachers or trustees. Principal should be consulted before purchasiog bay as several changes are contemplated in the telbbroe of the School. Students from abroad ran find board with the Prim-, pal or others, on reasonable terms. Lectures will be given regularly by the Prineipri n t others, on the most important topics of education, nth society organized for the especial benefit of :mane avr,, There will be two examinations and exhibitions don 4 the year, the time to be determined by the tenders rot trustees. HIRAM MIX, President. EIMIMM Enos Tomkins, David Climb, J. D. Montanye, Burton Kingsbery, C. L. Ward, H. S. Mercur, John F. Means, William Elwell. Towanda, July 31, 1845. REMOVED TO I 0.1, BRICK ROll 111. .1. CHAVIIITERLI.r, RESPECTFULLY informs lin FIE friends and the public that he be ir'N4lk PElt ill lo7Ell.to the Brick Roo. a l nrir No. I, wing° he still faillalti it/ ) i i Cti ' 1 r carry en his old business ol • .0 J c': . -'' Watch and Clock. itpairig, = -- *. -• %hich will be done on Aori now. and warranted to be well done. From a long Ispen ence in the business. he believes that be ail! be able to render perfect satisfaction to all who may tang lan with their patronage. N.B. Watches warranted to run well one year, the money refunded; and a written agreement gor: to that etr , o. to all that desire one. CLOCKS.—A forge assortment just received for sale very low for cash. If you want to buy Jewelry cheap call at C 1 1 .3.1 berlin's Welch Shop. No. I, Brick Row. • j - MAPLE SUUAR, Wood, and all kindsof Cou, try Produce received in payment. Towanda, Jure 18, 184 & CH.IIRS rIND BEDSTE.7S TIIE subscribers still co v., , -to manufacture and..ltecii o hau: J I . at their old stand. all 17, ads c j eg io n- Cane and flood sealaairs: oleo Settees of various kind, - • --': 4• BEDST.LIDS, of evert' description. which we trio sell low lot cash or product!. TURNING done In order: '. . TOM KINS dr. M AKINSON Towanda, April 23. 1845. DRESS GOODS ir 4 ADIES are particularly reque-ted to call and ci• I amine our_assortment of .All Wool Omhre Coh• infers, Nazarene blur Delaines, winter balzarines-, prinrr de ecosre. (last style) Victoriastriped cashmeres, Queen Ann plaids and checks. &c., with gimps, cords and irl• net trimmings to match, now exhibiting at No. 3,Brirt Row. We say they are 25 per cent. cheaper than errr dec3. BAIRD & CO. 9CASES HATS, and a large stock of CAP'S,nar opening at the cheapest store to Towanda—erery body knows where Chat is: N 0.3, rick lion SADDLE .& HARNgSS Milt AIL 1145-31LIIIIT ELK.I.I :311 &WWII Jf SO.-4'. RESPECTFULLY inform dolt they(sull cettintled the manufacture of Saddles, BritliFs. H1T112.4. &c., in Col. Mix's building, next door to .I„) . C.. , Aleat; Law Office, where they will keep constantly (33 hand, and manufacture to order, Elastic ll'eb, Common and Quilted Serdilla, • Harness, - Carpet Bags,, Bridles, Tranki, Collars, l'alises, 4-r. 4.r. Carriage Trimming and Military Work dime to order. Mattresses, Pew and Choir Cushions made ° ashen notice and reasonable fermi. The subscribers hope by doing their work well, Ind by a stnct attention to business, to merit a shared public patronage. ELKANASI SMITH & Towanda, May 21,1895. . TO' Farmers, Lumbermen amijothers. New Store in - Standiggitone m ,11.p41 STORRS, respectfully announce to thefi• mans of Standing atone and vicinity, that thel have formed a partnership, and are now opening at the old stand of Peter C. Ward, lately occupied by N. D. Warlord, where they offer for sale an extensive stock of staple and fancy Goods, eonsisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,• Iron, naila,.boots and *'hoes, role & upper leather, fhtir and pork, &c..- which have been selected expressly 10 this market. and bought for readi pay; and will be di , - poled of at the lowest possibhr'rates, for Boards, Shia. glee, and Lumber, of every quality, wheat, core, rye• oats, beef hides, and produce of all manner and sou- We respectfully ask those purchasing for Cash to gee us a call, as we will not be undersold by any esta:kitv went in this county. We charge nothing fir rshiat ing our goods. I 4 MIX •& SON. November 26. W. ,11., BTORRS, Terms of the Bradford Reporlel • Twed.Alara and-filly eentiper annum; Ft rrY o ' 6 " deducted if paid within the year; and fur CASH self ally in advance, Otic DOLLAR Will be deducted. - . Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time, by paying arrearages. Most kinds of COVNTIII Paoticca in:l4%rd in payment, at the market price. Advertieements, not exceeding a square of neelti. lines. inserted for fifty rents ; every subsequent insertios , Ivrenty-fivecente. A discount made to yearly a dvetrisem Jon PAINTING, of every description, neatly and ex' peditiously executed on new and fashionable type. Letters on business pertaining to the °Mae maetCO free of postage, to ensure attention. rt . Office in Col. Means' brick building corner el Main and Bridge streets, up stairs; entrance 05 uotth door. [1