Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 17, 1846, Image 3

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    State to take the subject of his note into con
eidention, with a view to such an arrangement
on the principle of !arbitration as may seem to
the government of the United States. to be the
most just. wise and expedient.
The undersigned takes advantage of this op
portunity to renew to the Hon. James Buchan-
NI de assurance of his highconsideration.
Mr Buchanan to Mr. Pachenhant.
Washington, 4th Feb., 1840.
The undersigned, 'Secretareeof State of the
United States, has the honor to acknowledge
the receipt . of the note of Mt. Pakenham, her
Ihitannic Majesty s envoy extraordinary and
minister plerepotentiary, dated on the 10ih ulti
mo, by which he again proposes a reference of
the Oregon - question to arbitration. Under his
present propositom the powers sif the arbitrator
-weak) not. as in his last, be limited in terms to
the division of the territory between the parties,
but would extend to the question of their con
flicting titles.
There is, however, a condition annexed to
this offer which exposes it to the same objection,
• i n point of fact, if not in form, which was promi
nently presented in the answered the undersigned
to Mr. Packenham'sproposal. This condition
i s eetbat if neither [party] should be found, in
the opinion okhe arbitratut, to possess a coin-
Floe tide to the whole territory, there should,
in t hat case, be assigned to each that portioneof
territory which would. in the opinion of the
arbitrating power. be called for by a jest op
preciatioe of the respective claims of each." If
the gotemment of the United States should con
sent to an arbitration upon such a condition, this
m i g ht, aad probably would, be construed into an
indinatiere if not a direct invitation to the arbi
lreter IQ divide the territory between the parties.
Were it possible for the President, under any
circumstances, to consent leo refer the subject to
=arbitration,, the title, and the title alone, detach
ed front every other consideration, is the only
question which could be submitted. If rfoton-
Anal to a sin,* point, so, strong is the naldrae
disposition ocarbitraiors to please both , patties,
that in - almost every instance whether of nation
al or individual controversies, they make a com
promising award. We have a memorable ex
maple of this in our last arbitration with Great
Netwitlistandine that the arbitrator, under the
items of Inc submission was clearly and expli
- oily confined to the decision of which was the
line of highlands described in the treaty of peace
of 1783, yet instead of. pursuing any range of
highlands whatever, he advised that the line
should run along the bed of a river, and actually
divided the territory in dispute b,etween the par
ties by "the middle of the deepest channel of the.
St. John's."
The undersigned might content himself, in
answer to the present proposition. with n refer
ence to the observatintis contained its his last
vote to :11r. Parkenhain of the 3d ultimo. hi
that. it was plainly intimated not only that there
are other conclusive reasons for declining die
proposition," independently: aC the one Whirli
Ind been prominently stated, kit it wasespress
ly asserted. as the belief of the President, '':hat
any attempt io refer this question to a third
power would only involve it in new difficulties."
The undersigned will, however, • proceed to
site a single reason which, apart from the in
trinsic difficulties Id sr-let-tin, a suitable arktrii
tor, :IS well as other considerations that might
he adduced, is rime:l'll:sive on the mind of the
President against a reference of this question to
arbitration, in any form which can be devised,
no matter aim( may be the diameter of the ar
bitrator—whether severeega, citizen or subject.
This reason isethat he tines not believe the ter
ritorial rights of this nation to be a proper sub
ject for althitratimi. It may be true, that, under
peculiar circumstances, if the interests at stake
were Fomparativel.v small, and if both parties
stood upon an equal footing, there might be no
insuperable objection to such a course.
But what is the extent of territory in dispute
on the present occasion ! It embraces nearly
thirteen degrees of latitude aking the northwest
mast of the Pacific. and stretches eastward to
the Summit of the Rocky mountains. Within
Os limits several powerful and prospercius States
of the Union may be embraced.' It lies conti
minus, on this continent, to the acknowledged
territory of the United States, and is (testier:cf.
at ao distant day, to be peopled by our citizens.
This territory presents the avenue through
%%beet the commerce of our western States can
he profitably conducted with Asia and the wes
tern coasts of this continent ; and its ports, the
only harbors belonging to the United States to
whitit'our numeroue whalers and other vessels
in that region can resort. And yet, vest as ace
its dimensions, it contains not a single safe and
commodious harbor from its stuithern extremity
until we approach the 49tli parallel of latitude.
It is fur from die intention of the undersigned
again to open the digression of the conflicting
claims of the two powers to the Oregon territo
ry. It is sufficient for him to state the continu
ed conviction of the President. that the United
States hold the , best title iii existence to the
whole of this territory. Linder this conyietion,
lie cannot consent to jeopard for his country all
the great interests involved, and by any possibi.
lite, however remote : to deprive the republic of
all the good harbors on the coast, by referring
the question to arbitration.
'Neither is the territory in dispute of eminl. nr
• nearly equal, value to the two powers. Whilst
it is invaluable to the United States, it is of com
paratively small importance to Great Britain.—
To her, Oregon would he but a distant colonial
posseseioreof doubtful value, and which, from
the natural progress Of human events, she would
not probably long enough enjoy to derive from
essential benefits ; whilst to the United States
O would become an integral and essential por
tion of the republic. The gain to Great Britain
she would never sensibly feel ; whilst die loss to
to the United States would be irreparable.
'l'lle undersigned is perfectly aware that sue),
considerations can have no bearing upon the
question of the title of either party. They are
Presented enlely-for the purpose of explaining
the views of the President in his refusal to adore
any measures which should withdraw our title
from the control of the government ands people
or the United States, and place it within the
discretion of any erbitratcr; no Matter how in
tellieent and respectable. -
, The President cordially concurs with the gee
ernment or Great Britain, in deeiring that the
present controversy may he amicably ailjusted.
Of this, he has given the strongest proof before
the whole world. He believes that, as there are
no two nations on the earth more closely bound
together by the ties of commerce, so there are
none who ought to'be more able or willing to do
each other justice, without the interposition of
any arbitrator.
The undersigned avails himself of this occa
sion to renew to Mr. Pakenham the assurance
01 his high consideration. JAMES BecemeAs.
OREGON AND - " THE NOTIoTa."We copy We
following relation of the proceedings on the Ore
gon notice iron the Waskinginn Union :
The agony is.over.'and the debate on the ques
tion of notice, which has been conducted with
great, if not.nnrivalled ability; (in the opinion of
Mr. Adatns himself) before the Committee Of
the whole House since the sth of January last,
has now terminated, after more than.:7o speeches
were delivered. '1 he scene was animated and
interesting beyond description. It is the first
spectacle of this sort that we have ever witness•
ed. • The galleries were crowded beyond any
thik « have ever seen in Washington. One
circumstance we were extremely gratified to
discover. There was no violence of feeling, no
rancour of expression. There was interest with
out passion --the anxiety of suspense, without
any violation of the harmony of the House.
The House adjourned after this agitating spec
tacle, in good humor and in good order. we
congratulate our country upon the result. The
character of the tesolutiou is decided, as well as
conciliatory. The very strength of the heavy
majority with which it was carried (three to one)
Will add to the moral force which•it is destined
to exert upon the two countries. It goes forth
full of energy and full of hope. We cannot
doubt that a resolution of notice will pass the
Senate with promptitude and decision, and thus
add a new confirmation to the measures of the
President's message, anda new patentee to the
preservation of the rights and the peace of our
country. The following is the resolution, which
paased the Hoilse, by a vote of 163 to 54—anti
is now under consideration in the Senate :
Resolved by-the Senate and House of Repre
sentatives of the United States of .dmerica In
Congress assembled. That the President of the
United States cause notice to be given to the
aovemment of Great Britain that the convention
Ltween the United States of America and Great
ain, concerning the .territory on the northwest
coast of America west of the Stony or Rocky
mountains, of the sixth day of August eighteen
hundred and twenty seven, signed at London.
shall be annulled and abrogated twelve mouths
after giving said notice.
Resolved,That nothing herein contained is in
tended to interfere with the right and discretion
of the proper authorities of the two contracting
parties to renew or pursue negotiations for an
amicable settlement of the controversy respecting
the Oregon territory.
TIIs MrsTssious CLIPPER...—The Clipper
which had been chartered to run expresses
across the Atlantic, it is supposed. will carry
out some despatches relative to . the Oregon
question, probably the important correspon
dence presented to Congress on Saturday. and
of which we gave a synopsis this 'morning.—
The New York Sun says:
"We understand that the mysterious fast
sailing Clipper pilot boat, to which we alluded
yesterday, sails for Liverpool on Monday.—
Considerable excitement has been created by
this movement, as much on the account of the
nautical ability of the crew as, the rumors cur
rent in relation to the expedition. We learn
she is go out and return as speedily as possi
ble, expecting to arrive in Liverpool about the
26th inst.. and return immediately. It is also
said that she takes out despatches for govern
ment or some of the Forei , m Ministers at
‘Vashington. and heavy bets are made on the
duration of the voyage out and home, allowing
two days detention at Liverpool to receive des
patches fortondon. She will have a (lose
race home with the steamship leaving on the
4th of March. We learn that the celebrated
clipper. pilot boat William J. Romer, is the
vessel selected for the expedition, and an im
mense sum is said to have been guarantied to
her Captain and Crew for making the trip out
and home within a stipulated time."
HUN. EDWARD EVERETT has been elected Pre
sident of Harvard University.
Married„ ,
In Granville, on the 3d inst., by Alleh M'Kean, EN.
THEODOR F. PRATT to Min EitissA/PARKR ['RAT, both
in 'Tome, on the morning of the 29th ult., ions B. TAT.
con, aged 28 years and 7 months..
rte. TEMPERANCE.—By desire of many of
th f,iends of Temperance, the various local
Temperance Societies in Bradford and Tioga counties,
are hereby requested to appoint delegates to meet in the
Baptist Meeting House, at Troy, on SATURDAY, the
21st instant, at 10 o'clock,. A. M., for the purpose of de
vising means for promoting the cause of total abstinence.
It is expected that an address will be delivered by L E.
DEWOLF, Esq, and that the exercises will be enliven
ed with en j. instrumental music,
Feb. 9. HENRY MILLER, and many others.
GRATEFUL for past favors, the subscriber gives
notice that he has lett his accounts with Mr. N.
J.- Ksk Lug for settlement—any person indebted for
Prothonotary fees can call on him and settle the sama,;
any payment made to him or to Mr. A. C. ALLAN of
this place will be duly acknowledged in s aisfaction of
such fees. A prompt attention to this notice win
greatly oblige yours &c. AARON CHOBBUCK.
Towanda, February 17, 1846.
gIELGIERM ~Zlllltl l .lr.MA,
.ft alontanyes 1 1 / 2 . Ca.'s Cheap 'Store.
ADESIRABLE assortment of various kinds of
GOODS may be found at the above establish
ment, purchased late in the fall, expressly for the de
mand occuring before the opening of navigation. They
have just received, and have on hand :
50 barrels Mess Pork '
30 " superfine Flour;
20 " Clover seed ;
500 pounds sole leather;
30 tons Ground Plaster; .
Also, a quantity of sugar kettles. feb9.
au aT22austaaals maaro.r.a%
THE subscriber ,wants an apprentice to the Black
smithing Business. A lad, eighteen or twenty
years of age, who is desirous of learning the 'trade, and
can come.well recommended, - will find a good chance.
Towanda, Peb. 1B
To all whom it May Concern.
ALL those who Llinow themselves indebted to Brad
ford'county, either by duplicates, judgments, notes,
or IU/felled recognizances, will p!easc call and settle by
the first Monday in March. ,The county is charged in
terest on demands in favor of the state ; the demands
against the county are such that it requires pronipt col
lection to meet them; therefore, all will see the necessity
of paying up immediately. Piompt measures will be
taken to enforre collections. J.REEL, Treasurer.
Treasury 011 ice, Towanda, Feb.,4, 1846.
Eg U12,V67 1
D. A* C. n•.,IRFHRD.
HA VE the best assortment of Goods, Sell the cheap
est, and get the most menry of any store in the
place, ta IT TUVE.
That under the present tariff, Nails are mid at the cor
m at ore. (Monroeton) for 5 cents a pouud.
That fire dollars at. Wst RF C RD'S STORE boys more
goods than six dollani at sans other store '1
That ling " Large store." not fiffy miles off sells goods
' l4 chesP, much leo "chsaper," than we do!
N. D. it C. WARFODD.
Monrocton, Feb. 8, 1845.
ILTOTICE Is here bY given that the following elssat-
IA - Benda' of the Retailers of Foreign Goods and
ritercbtuidkre, has been made by the, subscribers. and
that the Associate Judges and eniumbutioners of Brad
ford county will meet at the t'omudesioneee Ginee, in
the borough of Towanda, on Monday the aOth day of
March neat, and. cantinue iu emotion two days. to hear
tboso wbo feel themeel ice agzeieved and are desirous of
appealing from the classification herein made. To wit:
Names. Class. Amount.
Satterlee, Welly dr. Harris 10
L. B.Ellswonh _.... 12
Thomas Maxwal .2d l2
G. A. Perk/cur 14
Chester Park 14
C. H. Herrick 14
M. S. Jtogers 14
H. S. Colintock 11
Job Morley 12
Jam Watkins
Thomas Gardner
Elmer Horton
Juba Horton, jr
A. & S. H.Morley
Coreyell & Gee
Charles Rethbone
Ulysses Moody
Oliver D. ChamberHu
Israel Smith
James VV.Afercur
William Angle
Begers Fowler
D. C. Salsbury
Benjamin Coolbaugh
N. I). & C. Warlord
H. S. &J. H. Phinney
J. B. & G. Smith
John Naglee & Son
Theopilus Humphry
Henry Gibhe
Smith 4- REM
imam E. Bullock
Daniel Bailey
P. M. Boativick
John Parronore 14
Maynard & Wanks 14 7
Asoph Colhurn
John L. Webb
Storm & Jones
Ilurnce Kinney & Co
Wells Nichols & Co.
Lyman Durfee
Bullock & Phelps
E. S. Trarey
. F. Kellogg
E Norman
Henry W. Tracey
Mix & Bcorrd
Hiram Mix & Sons
Elliott & Me:cur
O. D. Bartlett
Burton Bing,Aery
J. B. & E. D. Montanye
J. Kiriciitiery jr.
A. D. Montae3
H. S. & M. C. Mercur
Charles Reed
Wm. H. Baird & Co.
Tracy & Moore
George E. Flynt & Co.
E. H. Meson & Huston
S. S. Bailey
Cyrus Pratt
H. C. Hull
A. 8. Chamberlin
Miles Carter
Patrick o'Blain '
Zeruialt Cross
G. F. Redington 10 20
Layton Runyon 13 10
Baird & Stephena 11 IS,
D. F. & 8. W. Pomeroy & Co. 10 20
0 P Ballard 12 12 50
Truman At Co.
William Gibson
Tlobert Spalding
Judsan Holcomb
Elisha Lewis
M. 11. & G. H. Welles
McKinney & son
Robert Sheares
Robert Cooper
3ldreus Tyrrell
Benjaminßutfington 14 7
By the tenth section of the Act of Assembly. passed
the first day of May, A. I). 1841, it is provided " that
every seller or vender of wines or distilled liquors either
with or without goods. wares, merchandise. commodi
ties or affects as aforesaid, shall pay for his license fifty
per cent, in addition to the rates above specified."
And by the act of Assembly passed the third day of
March, 1843, it is made the duty of the constables of
each township, borough or ward in the several wails of
this commonwealth, " to give written or printed notice
at least five days before the day of appeal fixed by the
Judges of the court of common pleas, and the commis
sioners of said county to every wholesale dealer and re
toiler of merchandise within their respective townships,
borough or word, of the amount or sum to which he
stands isted, and of the time and place of such appeal"
of which the constables in the several townships and
boroughs in Bradford county will please to take notice.
H. Nf ORGAN, Associate Judge.
1.. PUTNAM, Commis'nrs.
Commissioner's Office, Towanda, Feb. 11. 1848. •
if Y WIFE MARY, having left my bed and boartl
without any just cause or provocation, I there
fore forbid all persons harboring or trusting het on my
account, as .1 will pay no debut of her contracting...,
Smithfield. February 4, 1k46.
ESPECTFULLY informs the public that he may
Ka, be found at Ira H. Stepbend, where will be picas.
ed to see those desiring his professional services.
Towanda, Feb. 4. [Star copy.
Pratt's Grocery, and Etiting louse,
Is in .Belts 4• Montanyes Corner Block,
fronting Th e Public Square,
WHERE everything may be found in his line of
business. The public are invited to call.
Feb. 4. Regulurlyreeeiverl here. Y.
, ust received Ind for sale in'quantities to suit
purchawrs ott
triArinos.—Arl persons are hereby cautioned not
purcha.e a nuts drawn be to Isaac. Ford, dated
Dec. 19, 1845, payable on the ist of June neat. for the
sum of $25, in neat stork. As I have not received any
value for said note, I am determined not to pay the said
note unless compelled by law .
Pike, Jan. 24. 184.5,
FEVitemixtv4l4osN - TEIN4 ffei .11-
911 HE suhsetiber would tespeetfolly Inform the pub-
N lie that he has COMMUTED with the Athens
Chemung Bridge Cmnpany,end that ell persona row
ing to his Mill for grinding will beentitled to cross said
Bridge FREE. Tickets will he giren_st . the mill. '
Ceyuts, Jan. I WM. 11.0VERTON.
13 10
13 10
14 7
14 7
11 10
13 10
13 10
13 10
13 10
14 7
13 10
is 10
P. 2 12 60
12 12 50
13 to
12 12 50
12 12 50
13 10
14 7
13 10
13 10
13 10
13 10
13 10
13 10
12 12 50
13 10
13 10
14 ' 7
13 10
13 10
13 10
13 10
14 7
12 12 5,0
13 10
II 15
11 15
12 12 50
13 10
10 20
13 10
11 15
20 20 •
12 12 50
10 20
14 7
14 7
13 10
14 7
13 10
13 10
13 10
13 10
12 12 50
14 7
Oh Gosh.! l'What Prot,erbs
Try if again Master G..
Yon may wake up old no; 6.
• -If has long since maraud fu be necessnry,
- Par no, 3 to say they they We, the, largest and beet
neck of Goads in Towanda, fur that has.lung lons '• A
Pauv ear."
11 has long since ceased Ia be necestary.
For no. 3 t 064 they buy, goods for cash and buy them
10 per eel cheaper than moat of their neighbors. fur
that too h long been "A Pimento."
e tlong since cowed lo be necesrarry.
For no. , .to ray they are oidtthg and will sell goods
cheaper, any establishment in Towanda, far that
too has tong been " A PRovettn."
Ii nerer has been necessary.
For no. .9 to lay they would sell goods for " 12.3 per.
cent profit —" for up van do that and then sell at a
price less than many of our neighbors pay for the same
goods is the 4ty--and that too has long been A'A Pao-
12 50
12 60
12 50
We trust the if never to.f/ be necessarß. -
For no. 3to boast or ruining." any body by selling
goods cheap either in' Brick .:o"" - or or Mod Rato--
we sell goods cheap to benefit community and not to
ruin them, this too has also ions . been " A Paoyaaa."
11 ill no oh', ;.,per—
But in the mouth of every body, even the little boys in
the streets proclaim it aloud, tbv.i. no. 3 are selling " bet
ter goods and more of them" than env other establish-
ment in Town,—wonder now long slate Some of our
neighbors fonnd out this was " A PSOTERIE':"
Jud continue your old practices, drop in at no 3 before
yon buy. where no charge is made for exhibiting goods.
N0v.25. 1845. W. 14. BAIRD de CO.
WRENCH, English and Aineriatn Broad Cloths of
all colors and qualities, also Beater and Pilot
Cloth for overcoats, and perhaps it would be as reel to
mention that we have over ONE HUNDRUD different
styles of Cassimere, Filly pieces Satinetts, be-ides twen
ty odd of Sheep, Grey, which' we are nate selling al just
about lieu thirds the usual price in lawn.
W. H. BAIRD & CO.. No. 3 B. R.
DOMESTIC COTTONS-5000 7.1 a. Sheotinga;
1500 Rm. Cotton Yorn
500 " bets ;
150 " wick, on bona end-for sale at lad
,laimmer'it prices. nv26 W. H. BAIRD & CO.
111 - WW (0 , o,u,§A
triDUlee vN KINGSBERY. in now, remising at his
okl stand, which has been going off for eighteen
years, where goods of all kinds has been snld and WILL
he sold, lower than at any other store in this Coun
ty. A very laege stock of all Wilds of goods which has
been selected with great care and auem:on. and bought
at such prices of Ole, importers end manofsctueers, that
it would be a ritidous 1,08;1:le,. for i y writ in the (Trick
Ituw, or anywhere elm!, to node, '.e to goods as
thee," as I can, and will. J. my ;ends you the public
generally, will call before eery tit..!;e ,'• purthases
elsewhere, they wql time that LA. notice i. not out in Cite
toper for a BLUFF, Mx some oy the or;,. ; but, it
means what it says.
I have a general assortmcot of every kind and descrip
tion of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,
Boots ,g• Shoes. Nails, Iron, Leather, 4-c.
17 AI'S celebrated INDIA RUBBER. Dhowand
Suspenders—a new article. fur sale at
SOLE & UPPER LEATHER, for ',we by
up. 27. B. KINGSBERY
i moonsti, Mackerel nisi 6tsul. fur sale by
W - .) sep. 27. B. KINGSBEBI
A riorros YARN, Knitting Yarn, Balk Wicking
Wadding—any quantity fur sale very low, by
imp. 27
alb TON Fall river Nails, fur sale cheap. by
— 4O sep. 27. B. KINGSBERY
Wanted, at the SilVillE,S Bank.
FROM Orwell, Pike & Burlington too nstups,looo
a good roll and fresh Boner.
From Mind township, no a roll huller and a quan
tity of deerskins. ws w•NT
From Smithfield. Canton, Wyss= and Ulster. 1000 a
Butter-4,500 bushels uf grain, various hiuds.
From Albany, Frankiir, Standing Stone and Wyalua
ing, 500,000 of Lumber of all kinds, for which cash will
be paid• We. WANT
From old and nem Sherhequin, 5000 buahele craw, rye,
wheat and corn. we WANT •LAO
From the alxwe townships, 74 1../314) customers, to :noise
our number just Itjti. Farmers wishing to purchase
goods for their produce, will please price our goods, all
we are giving exchange, goods at " gold and sifter
prices." There is but one In end .;wt a cash price
at d 29 G.E.FLI NT 1, COS'.
Flour! Flour !
bbl or leas quantity. at j 7 BAIRD'S.
HA•I.S & CA PS—a turg,e of every dc.
aciiption. They are selling very .'•rap.
uvember , G. E FLYNT & CO.
Acs i ni•~~ i~a''s Nou r~,
AN7 e . ° L' " l: . OlZt. e
" :it): ') .10 Y. ilec'd..
hose I.• re
s .e r e requested
p e,ee. •e v v'•e~
Towanda, N0v.26, 1845
GOD . TEA—Young Byron, Ohl tiygon, Impe
rial and Pou,choug Tea, can he hod or
Feb. 4. ' WARFORD'S.-
_ -
LI. persons inhebted to the estate of Timothy Brig.
ham, late of Granville, deed, are requested to
make payment : and those having .'emends against said
estate, to present them legally attested for settlement.
JONATHAN WOOD, Administrator.
Smithfield, Dec. 9 1845.
The Last and
,Most 'lmportant lethal Yet at the
No. Q. Wick Row.
GREAT BARGAINS am now of the people
of Bradford county, by the subscriber, who is now
receiving and opening one of the largest and best select
ed assortment of goods ever bmught into the village of
Towanda. His stock of goods has been selected with
great care expressly for this market, and as prices of the
old credit system are necessarily high, he offers great in
ducements to alt who may have cash or produce to ex
change for goods. His stock consists in an assortment of
DRY GOODS, such RS broadcloths, cassimeres,- and
vestings, satineus, sheep's gray, hard times, hose) , wool
seys, a splendid assortment of Winter Shawls, ladies'
cravats, gloves, hosiery, suspendens,and ten thousand ar
ticles, too numerous to mention.
Cron rick.
Such as sugar, tea. coffee, molasses, spires, lamp and lin
seed oil, a full .supply of Liquors, such as Champagne,
Cogviac and American Brandy, Holland Gin. Oil Mo.
nougehala whiskey, Port.- Modesto. and Malaga Wine.
A—Crockery, Hardware. Nails. Glass, Iron, Leath
er, Boots & thorn, Buffalo Robes, lists &Cal., Drug*.
& Dye Stuffs, &c. &c.
All persons wishing to purchase goods are respectfully
invited to give the auticriber a call, and CNIIIIIIIIC his
goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere.
Oct. 1, 1845
JUST received a gtrat variety of Dmitri Velvet+
and Silka together with Plaid. Pringed,
Polka : Satin, Ombre, Vrlvet. Cap and Ta:rein Ribinnac
which you will readily discover are very 1-twair by
lineatno.3brickrow. W. H. 13 \ 1R1) CIL
731113g31%* /2)OOC , IED
4tlorney at to,
OFFICE in the north cornarof the Brick Rovr.di
rectly over the Pod Office, Mein street. crNua
Renee at the north end of the building. • (13.
& SHOES—A very large vtock of every
kind end size, at lower
then ever, will be
found al MERCUll'es.
B. KC% (;SB qrs
1844 Jason Horton Asylum 52 95 23 75
.11 A Ladd Albany 78 99
R Sutton Athens tp 462 32 71 41
Al Sstryer " horo, 41 . 10
, L A Pratt ' Burlingbin 211 03
Administrator.l J W Besley Columbia 30 . 16
_. . _.
anti all
No, t: Brsm ROW
Are again in the Field with fifteen thotatanrl dollars worth of the cheapest and most denial*
stock of Goods ever brought into Bradford County!,
Cashier Sc Co. of the TOWANDA SAYINGS BANK, tender their sincere thanks (or the yet, No
ral patronage heretofore secured, and trust by strict attention to business, and selling goods cheaper than
any other establishment, to merit a continuance Of their smiles and farms. Our dock of gOods consittbrof every
known variety and style of Dry Goods, from the first suction - houses in the city of New York, and select.
ed with great are expressly for this meridian. Also, a large selection of
Family Groceries. Shelf Hardware, Crockery . . Boots & Shoes;
Hollow Ware, Iron, 'rafts, Idea, •
and an unusual quantity of HABERDASHERY, to make our stock of useful and ornamental complete. Our
stock of goods , were purchased for cash, and for cosh will be sold as cheap as at Bmghandon, Elmira or Owego,
and decidedly cheaper than any establishment in Towanda. Time and space will not allow us to enumerate the
many new, skit and desirable goods, but will be shown ro all who favor us with a call. with pleasure.
REMEMBER and call one door below Tracy & Moore, where the " pay-down" system is in full force, and
as • consequence, are not overcharged with delinquencies in the Credit system, or additions made-to support th•
Lumber trade. " One price, and no deviation is the true system."
ify• A call is solicited, before purchasing elsewhere, at As. s,•souM end, Brick Rote.
Towanda, October el, 1R45. GEORGE E. FLYNT & CO. .
leonard Pierce. Esq.. Treasurer of Bradford
rounN, in account with said Co. for 1845.
CROCKERY—Lar g e additions bate been nee to
our stock of Crockery—our assortment is" now
complete. novl2 G. E. FLYNT & CO.
Arty the reminds anti expenditmes of Bradford, for
kr the year 1845. commencing Jan. 1, 1445, and
coding Dec. 3. 1845, inclusive.
Auditors $ 48 00
Assessors 1069 50
Bridge Contracts, 33 16
Coroner's Inquisitions ll 54
Counsel Fees 55.00
Damage Views 39 75
Damage by roads then improvements, 144 00
Fuel • 32 77
Ineidedtal expenses 17 62
Justices fees • 36 77
Grand Jurors 458 56,
Office books. 68 57
Crier of court 92 50
Wild cat certificates 14 25
Traverse Jurors 2460 05
Prisoner ' s support 240 54
Printing . 268 25
Public buildings 179 83
Stationery 16 00
Civil suits 40 60
Commonwealth snits 1183 23
Bridge views 15 50
Sheriff's fees 184 12
Road views 21 00
Elections 997 02
Constables attending court 319 66
Paid„E. Overton, Esq., on sale of R. Depew's
farm in Herrick township, bid in by the
county, to secure duplicate of taxes 144 72
A. Chubbuck, prothohottuy and clerk Q. S. 125 48
C. Stockwell, late Treasurer, balance due, '
. per Auditor's report, of Jan. 1, 1844 232 32
Commissioners for laying out State road from
Monroe to Ralston, Lycoming county 95 00
J.Towner, corn. balance due Jan. 1, 1845 25 50
." for services in 1845 192 po
D. Brink, coin. balance due Jan. 1, 1845 42z58
for services in 1845 13749
L. Putnam, cow. balance due. Jan. 1, 1845 22 00
for servicec in 1345 222 25
A. L. Crannier, corn. for services in 1845 - 34 00
E. Aspenwa3, late corn. bal. doe Jan. 1. 1845 54 30
A Chamberlin, late clerk to corers, for ser
vices in 1844, per Auditor's report of Jan.
1. 1845 432 67
J. Itl. Wattles. cl'k to comes. sorvices in 1845, 356 41
Paid drafts (tom Eastern State Penitentiary,
for 1811-2-3-4, as per acc't rendered 521 62
$10,680 13
~ 1 Statement rf the Accounts 74* the several
Collectors of County Taxes.
_ .
Names of!Townships iAmountlAmount
Collectors. land two's. Ireeeiv'd.l due.
A Wartendye Wells ;422 39
Win Ross Granville 9 32
Raid Horton Towanda tp 196 35
Wrn Smedley Wells 12 00 60 92
1841 Rohl. Pepe+, Herrick 129 20
'l' 11 Merrill Litchfield 19 86
E Horton Sheshequin I 62 00 25 55
E Vaughn, jr Wyalusirm 15 97
David Owen Wysox i 23 85
1842 Geo. 0 Wells Athena bow.' 39 18
John ° Watkins tp. 57 04
Jay 5 M'Kenn Burlington . 28 00
H Sherwood Columbia
Bethwell Canton
A Lent Wysox
John Russell Windham
1843 Geo Merrill Athens horo' 13 32
Cha% Taylor Burlingtun Y 4 37
C W Stedhons Franklin 56
N B Wetmore Herrick 40.64
-. c H Holcomb Leroy
'l' B Merrill Litchfield JO 57
G W Welles Orwell 7:3 50
Luther Adams Smithfield 20 23
W B Horton Sliesheouin 220
H S Stephens Su]. Stone
Alwin Whitney Wyso: 62 93
S W Biles Wye!using 26 91 32 25
IN Shaw Ulster 46 60
Eliaha Bloom Canton 141 99
F X Hornet Durrell 98 92
S Annable Franklin 47 68 60 42
H Saxton Granville 49 79
C Stone Herrick 128 10
H I Stone Leroy 103 44
11 M'Kinney Litchfield 145 47
Geo Smith Monroe 227 34
Jae Chula - ruck Orwell 41 38
Stephen Brink Pike 337 58
S Vanßuskirk Ridgberry "92 45
8 Murphy Rome 13019
D B Culver Sheshequin 284 79
E Stockwell Springfield 42 46
Luther Adams Smithfield 213 54
James Banjo Stand. atone 53 70 104 84
Thomprionir Springhill 111 45
11 H Mace Towanda tp 299
Lucius Fuller Ulster 427 15
Windham 160 70
C Hollenback. Wyelosing 331 16 139 36
II &rope - Wytun 180 9G
Nt'm Bowen Wilms FIG 27
1815 811 Shornonter Athens tp '857 54
A P McDowell " barn, 233 14 32 12
P Wilcox Albany 219 62 81 30
Gen Terry Asylum a 000 01
A Fit h's
Burlington 444 59
A Smith
John Gray
Joel Stevens Columbia 494 34 .
Joshua Kilmer Dire 2.56 44
Karam Willey Franklin 170 29 502
John Spalding Granville 187 02
B-Keeler Herrick 73 45 113 32
Wo'vett Litchfield 325 40 27 51
J I.4 . llFliee Lemy 212 It
A Fos jr Monism 396 17
.1 Chublutek Orwell 284 04 169 OR
J Baldwin . Pike 610 49 152 13
A Fuller Home- . 310 i 73
H Dewey Ridgherry 253 46
Jeterniab Kilmer Shesheqwn 438 15 166 28
I. Adams Smithfield 485 72
H S Grover Springfield 449 05 42 36
.1 1, Phillips S, creek 139 38 7 75'
.1 C BUOVII Springhill 87 90 142 60
I Westbrook Srand.srone 77 09 217 59
WA Chamberlin Trividulla bo. 664 51
1/ Rutty" • tp. 368 23 63 98
1/ P Freeman Troy 811 62
J L Gorseline Ulster 104 25 lIR 05
A C Hinman %hoz. 396 39 29 84
Lorenzo Wing Wells 311 53
A Staiford Wyalusigg 178 43 302 01
Win Beardsley Warren 418 38
A Dunham jr Windham 284 - 76 86 96
To amount due on duplicates of county taxes
of 1839-40-1. 0 643 08
of 1842-3-4 6289 42
of duplicates for 1845 14,151 VI
Notes, bonds, judgments, &c. . 5,171 04
Auditor's report 1. ti. Stephens and judg
ment against Patton
Money received for Towanda money sold
Fine received of Andrew Monroe
Cost received of 0 D Perry. et al.
Transcripts of Unseated lends
By amount overcharged on judgment against
L. Smith ' 00
Paid on drafts from Eastern state Penitentia
ry, foeyears of 1841-2-3-4 521 62
Twoper cent. commission on OM 10 43
Amount of county orders returned in 1645 16,070 93
Two per cent. commission on same 321 42
Auft seturncd on dup. of 1840-1-2-3 947 02
" • 1844-5 2,229 57
Notes, bonds. judgts, ke 3,919 31
Amount or collector's egonerations 890 93
" percentage 972 09
" spurious money in Treasury 5 00
By money in Treasury, hut. 1, 1846 1,020 18
Amount of county Orders issued in 1845,
including credit orders $11,026 37
Outstanding Jan. 1, 1845 5,968 26
County orders totumeJ in 1845
Amount outstanding Jan. 1, 1840,
We, the Commissioners of sail conaty, Ito certify the
foregoing to be *true statement of - the receives and ex
penditures of the county of Beadford; for the year 1845,.
commencing Jan. 1, 1845. and ending Dec, 31, 1845.
Witness .our hands and seal of office, at Towanda, this.
2nd day of February, A. 1). 1846,
Atlett—.E. M. WATTLas,
KEGS NAI.9. and one Bide UPPER LEATH
-OP ER at No. 3 BRICK• ROW.
HARDWARE, of all descriptions, at No. 3; B. R.
dec3. BAIRD'S.
NOTICE is given that all persons indebted to the
estate of Benjamin Brink. late of Bbeshequin
deceased, are requested to make immediate payment,.
and all thou, having demands agsinet the same aro re
quested to present theirs legally attested for settlement.-
D. BRINK, '2 . Adatiaistrators.
.1. BRINK, S
Bheshequin, January 21. 1845.
The- Resarrectiom of Dead Watches!
, iii... Warner as Woodruff'
4,. respectfully inform the citizens of
4 . *-- ",4 :llll l i rtla7 e a,f O nte dan ill lici part n ne ity nil th ip a f t or th t eY he .
f a i .,' .. e.)c poriVose of prosecuting, for the
• s,, e public interest, the business of
(fr. v• 9 G. ......
...._....t._ flock and Watch Repairing.,
at the old and well-known stand of Capt. .1. M. Gill
eon, (numbered 100,) next door north of Col. Bailey's
Grocery store, and two doors south of Elliott dt Mercur,
where they will give their ordivided attention to their
business, and confidently infor‘n the public, that from
their long experience in their profession, and a determi
nation to attend punctually to the Interests of those fa
voring them with their work, they believe they can ren
der satisfaction, a e. make refractory time-pieces.
" Point with one, -ing, finger to the march of tim e ."
% They will he found at all hours, at their establish
ment. and solicit a share of public patronage.
(0. All kinds of Country Produce, received in pay
ment for work, at the market price. Nov. 26, 1945.
14kiTEW ARRIVAL—Stone ware.. Crockery ;
Looking glasses. Brass Kettles, Brooms.
103 05
27 45
15 91
21 37 '24 67
106 05
Traveling baskets. d 3 BAIRD'S...
4:l \ SPLENDID lot of Brush, Silk, Yar and Sporting
OA Hats, also Oil silk, velvet nod fur caps, together
with Muffs, and Buffalo robes, for sale cheap at
Oct. 8. REED'S
S T EW stock of Drugs. Medicines, Paints. Oils, Dyer
stuffs. and Groceries have just teen received from
New York, and will-be sold very low—call at No. I
Brick Row. Terms cub. A. 8. CHAMBERLIN.
Oct. I, MS.
- - -
Wavne tounty Ploughs. 4
DOZ 'Wo . yue county plough; for sale at the Ba
sings Dunk. Pluu;h merchants sapplietl at menu-
Cacturem prices, and Farmers on the most reasonable
terms. U. E. FLYNT tt CO:
July 30. No. 5 Brick Bow.
THE Conortoe.sbio bemtorom el;st;og between the
subwcribe , r, u•N'er CA, firm of H. Kinzsbery 4 Co.
6,16 d fl y by motes! consent. All persons
indebted in said firm are nluestcil to settle their sac
(mounts with 11, S. Comstock, who will continue the
business at Cm o d shod.
Athens Pa., Oct. I. 1845.
XTOTICE is given that all persons indebted to the
11 estate of Wit. KNOT, of trey tp., deed, are re
quested to make immediate payment, and air 0w.," haw.
ing demands against the same are requested to present
them legally attested' for settlement.
Granville, Dec. 31. 1846. Administrators.
620 11U811. CLO VER iiEE.D. just enxivesll
and for sale by D. KINGSBERii.
a - IYR Wi tolizt. PAINTS & MIA of every des.
cription, for sale, one notrh !plow the onirkti,
ft 4. D. KINGSBER V.
110 13
423 33 46 92
11111RU8H ES— Hair, Paint. Sharing and - Nada--
enmplet`e assortment. at the
if y L [co Es_soo nIECES, which were lought far
mi.) Chicks no the City Banks, of the munidaenurers
agents, (I of 'at • A rietiot,' where:, all inferior goods are
sold) and will he sold bete as cheap u any merchant
(who bought beforu 11w decline) paid.
,' • ride N. 2, BRION ROW.
iehNE HUNDRED THOUSAND cubic feet of W.
IIUIP Oak and White Pine Tinter for sowing purposes
libilaeled on the bank or at Port Delimit, wanted In
ehexange for goods and some sash by
9918 BUSHELS of Timothy and Flax SEED,
wants in exchang i r (or good% at
Oct. fa, itEgiro
$15,711 55 3169 33
395 04
10 00
5 00
59 44
244 66
626413 60
$26.9t3 50
416.494 60'
16,070 93
$423 67