Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 04, 1846, Image 4

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IL ' ':3 pigthe Ge*i*Mailleta :I ~.
1. -' I L' ate Filigd4Het.
• -u /2 ink"! b'etibe kitsiiiiirAberie - _ _
In the silvery moonlisht
Briight mad beauteous in its seenting,
• 11 -ta 6 Wmisi triadly frsgips flower.
Never, let it be
' 4 r I.
so Matins, dertaken
I,an Who *laughs thiongh ell the ski.'
plater of heaven's dines* kurr I
- tigtelorWeireetialtrie 2 1 ; ,
Whisper Mike poor petit Mutt 1'
, ,•' Lased entel...fike the nn of Mean
, ,
7 1. 4 , : e7"; r" Or l 4 a
0, 114 . nd,
1 ,./ 1 1X 1 Pallitblight 11 4 42114 '
Tbeir punt manse meg where ;
Vide4- 00 .!'i ttend 107 hi;
' thii doleful Udir fOrget-.
-Whirring through the Emmet% f
•-• , -*OtrAtirgekoitorget me riot N- ••
Doty I d ltn,g9 4 u.s,everr
TeaS Weir - 6F parte d lot;
iretAtiele loam gun maimO'sior,
:,944,fogie! , 4Fire4
I.telaved whu it met6s ,
down* iound !
!..rt• Asito head i! broth ' •
Met!tioltf:iie4 dimi.drop isi\ • tea!, • ,
ita dark- blue•eyes ;
Rennutheaceti you wonder near—
Forget me not i " it rigby; • •
Inpoccut ►muument.
There.ought:tri be times and seasons for re
laxations from labor and care; and for recruiting
both body and 'Mind,' by active and 'pleasant
amusements.,ln other parts of the countr y, it
is not thought dervegatory. to the character of a gem
tieman, or dignity, of high official stations . to en=
gage in *haters:here termed boyish sports.--.
The late Chieflestice Marshall Was often' seen'
durint . the tetesseitiri the Sitting of the coins at .
;which heprest ed. to amuse , h inself by pitch
ing quoits, a capital and healthful exercise, by
the by-At irbtrue, that there are occasional
'sports, but those . who have the temerity to in- .
delge in.thent, , ,aneak off to some out of the way
- ,plaeelike a gang 'of counterfeiters or gainblers,
Igsjhough the.shunned observatiein• of inch as
would be likely to recognize:them. We hope
that public opinion will ere km g,u ndergo a change
in this matter. :and that it will not appear die:
creditable to engage at -proper times in innocent
sports. such , at ate practised in other countries.
where thh - PeOploif riot so long faced
_and labor
worn, are none,,llie less pious. none . t h e. less
prosperous;_aint infinitely more happy. - It is
nothing but !morbid moral sentiment which de
nies of mankind the gratification of their'natural
propensities,.,hert ibtise propensities are:con
trolled byreason and conscience. Truerreli
gion. even. ifi!e,fraie any just perception of its
hallrew,ed.nature, does not .confitet with man's
enjoyments. It, opposes not a smile, a laugh or
$ sportive recreation. Ir is sin alone, that should
clothe the faceitt sack-cloth and banish smiles
and pleasure.: - IVive. us . 'your open-beirted,,
joyous. laughter-loving man,. whose very , face
indicates the benevolence•tif his beart be is the,
christiao for us. We
. shmild not be afraid to
trust such a man at.hotrot •ot abroad; but take
the man whOsi face is a picture ofa grave stone,
whereon ti anise ivnidd no sooner dare to rest:
than would a bird on the dismal drapery of death •
—he may be shunned. for you cannot ,compre
bend him. Thiudiseipline,whicli it requires to
conceal the ontiraithratieScof his natural impul
ses maYhavelninlined his:bean with allinanner
tilec!PliqAt aPit n'eteannessi autiit is often found
that the greatest knaCea have punsuett their ca-
reer beneath ,tbe cloak.of a grave and sanctified
quatiol British ►iL6oritfes.
British precedents - in our courts are consid.
ered standard authorities fur reference on doubt-
fufpointrof law:t The late Judge Daniels. of-
Vitginia, used to tell wit great glee, how. When
a young man on . the circiiit, he saved a client's
We solely ticT:apae the Opposite counsel quoted
from Brandt authorities. It =wed during the
last war, when the English squadron under Ad.
miral Cockburn was, seending the Potomie riv.
er, burning and plundering the villages along
its banks, a negro . antif was arraigned " fur the
murder, of one 9f his own rotor ; the offence was
clearly proied, and the only chant% for• . his es.
cape was ialight informality in the indictment.
The prosecuting attorney, in reply to Mr. Dan
iels' defende Of hie client. quoted from British
authorities. sliciwing'clearly that the ground ta•
ken by ; tha_latter, wai untenable. While he
was quoting, at intervals, bang! bang! banr:
went the cannon from.. the British squadron.—
Daniels rose to answer ; and with -great ; tact
seized iniid of the strong point of his opponent's
cause. tZtrnpletely against him.
Grinileinen - . 6 liahl he. to the justices on the
bench, ',.thestrnsecuting attorney quotes on , this
occasion - British authorities! British authorities!
British authorities, gentlemen ! Can . there be
any one in this conk : ;n?inn:eseept himself so
—slead_to feelings of patriotism, as at such s mo.
mentleilinen'terlliitlith authorities when Brit.
-mammal' shakinzthe• very walls of this court
'itipitieltif their fininiation t I pause for a reply."
" ' Trp jtiinpeti one thejnstiees. highly r eacitcd
tit,tlapt,Skitial, , ,and, 110 addressed the prosecu
ting attorney : Lwk-here. Mr. A--. you
bad betterstrike a bee line from this court house.
with yiintliliiiishatittniritieS, or I'll commit you!
\:‘Priaoner,iyoto can go I Crier, adjourn' the Wort!
Britietilsinhorities be it! •
'"'"1 1 ,4e,11,&_ *Ming' attorney was struck in' a
heap !sins-judicial proceedings, and
ReSigald , ltlioface.the.sln nest day. -
. . . .
- . l'ilosiowtsyjto FLo t tritae.Tr,Eleetrieiltr his a
sensibleiffit in tirointiOngtitittioWth ofplanw.
- - Solitetitnefigit a Meet' itapectahle - person 'who
~an'terUt '194 th,snotten that mesmerism Was else.
~.trjeity: took it into her herd to mesmerise her
garden. She assured her friends that 1e rhubs
grestanost fuiuriantlyafter the proers Some
one asked her how she intiagets to m e' , erise
her fioatiK',/ ;!' 0,0,11; fotikitig at t ienl o ,
~ 4,4esgiiil . .p'.l, ttrerige'What'iciOd atalturityone
-:.444 11 t fOF.licri : siPkulaTficiP• ,• . ~ .
;:. Siiciits.... T lifick wood nava
. _
t•sthelact bachelorship is
sinittenzso legibly +hi a= mm's appe.azance. that
_ no ingenuity can peen! it.-.'On the .tn'ps nr
goodies in; the, roirce.tootpa" , fora. tray. in
.-pewraiciturets. - there is someinexplicit)* in.
r , retidel that tells nu whether ars intiiirithrst (name.
"lartatte;titiannttintrei faulty' 'Atkin:4n) be or
554 aPeir.VA.P9•I/
Airrparsaiit.--Positive, largi[clinji,ara
i t 'Oet gtelat large. anprrlativel; great An 4irge
dil`llithlEPl7 paha meant, descrigtheatid ya
los of the reel eutl *simnel 'property. 6.2414;41/s t ,
:made taxable - by the act or Ilth June. 1840; sad the
wield eupOnnexita delete. A Shoitting the inland 'od .
tax easeewd for County purposes4a each b rough end
sewedof s the county of Draditird ; also the sum se
emed for the rtitt'df the Commonwealth and the am
portionmentahated'acenninig tn`the asaailament loads
in the fad of the . yeer, 18.15.10 r A.C.1846. • •
1' .. ' .t
v tr
' r
Aiken/11 . $174.903 6450 $l7O
Athens borough, 60,017 - 8260. 90
Ankeny ' • 28.414 •700 26
AEytnmJ_. 49.005 100 70
Armenia 11.77 2. , -•••
Burlington 105.649 co - 100
Columbia • 92.000 -• • •
Canton . 92.894 ' 700 60
Duren 46.801
Franklin 49.661 1650 •
Granville 60.363 LO U
Berrark: ' 34 711 • . 10
Litchfield . 611.643 .1160 z -
Leroy 48.428 90 •
Monroe .84.849 2900 300 •
Orwell • . 67.936- • 1000 •
Pike 164.383 600 - 65
home 63.016 160
Ridgberry 66.837 , 200 •
Sheehy:lmin. .. 113409 4100 70 •
Smithfield 113.307 • •3650 .75
Sprincfield . 86.668. - - 1744 25
El'anding.stene 63.851 1266 100
South Creek. 89.459 200
Springhill . • :45.838.7 800
Towanda bora 143.950 13.700 1270
step.- 74.295.-
Troy ~122.548 ..20 00 200 2475
Ulster 56,016 100 ' .305
41yacrx - 165.317 • 1000 4 -• 95 - 150
Walla • 53.1i06 • ~ . '2O
Warren . 91.292 3300 - ' •
Windham -: : 60.698 1310230
.Wyalusiug . 82.851 230
• • $2.548.675'555,180 $2755 $13690
Bradford County. so.-
%'4, the Comrniosioners of .aid county. di here
[l..l ) bj certify !heaboyeAtiatement. to be correct, te-
innling to the returns made by the accent! As.
seriors al the several' townships and boroughs in said
countyeand we hereby give notice that , the. Board of
Revisionwill meet at the CommissionenOlh'ce. in lro.
wand'. on WftinendnYvAlle 213thiday of January A. D.
18416. to correct and egualize•theohose attiternent..
Witness our hands:Auld aril of office at Talmud'.
this 12th day of January. A. D. 1846. • - , ' •
3. TOWNER, )
L. PUTNA'SI. I ..Cazirnienrs.
A. 1.. CRAT'iMER,
,Attrit f 4. WATTLKII, Clerk.
I InT OF LETTERS. remaining in the-P
IA 0. at Athena, December 31, 1845.
Breland II Demon - 2 8 B Hoyt
John Barnum Oliver Ellsworth
Win Briggs; • Chas Hopkins
Charles Benedict - Geo Kiff
Sam'! Chandler Mary K Rogers
D G'Newion.- ' - Nancy Rice
Hanley:in Ctn.]. Albert N Rujwell '
Joseph Clapp • Joseph Furgerson
George Carlin • Chew B. Stuart -
Win Edward , Henry Bible
'Philip reederie' Inane Bpriogsteen
Ethan B Fox • - Pitney linyder
Horace C Gallop Ini Bond
Edwd Hurlbort Lena Snyder
Mrs Hannah Reach Anna Spalding
John A Lidell John Sweet
Mrs Deborah McDowell Nelson Tuttle I
'M G !Merchant ' Dasid,Watkina . i
Esther Minims Morn. E Wilcox
F. 51cDnrie . Jane P Wheeler •
Israeli Mead • Daniel M Wiliam
H ,T McGeorge , . Melissa Wheeler •
David Playfoot . • ' N: F• Wynkoop •
Nance Park , , . Lorenzo D Wheeler
Abel Preston .. ' . Wm -Welles
Nari,Prenon Wen H. Willson 3
r. • _ C. H. HERRICK, P. 24
jIST OF LETTERS, remaining in the P
uO. at Towanda, Dec. 31,1845. ..
Arid Wm B . Johnston' Henry
Agney Mary Alias 2 Ketchum John F,
Bowman J Knapp Charles M
Bowman A R • Ladd CK - ,
Bishop'Elisa Miss 2 ' 'llioviller Elisabeth BE*
BarlOW Frederick N- ' Lane. Bricklayer .•••,
Ball 'Wm H Law Andrew
Balch John . Meredith J D' 3
Bailey Jeremiah Morgan Wm
Brosmon John Mead Daniel
Cummings Hann Mace Abram
Crimmins ' , lnnis - M*Kale Richard
Canis Lawrence ' Morwin E C •
Carter John McGuyre John
Coatcdo Edward lilunleck Sam'l
Carpenter: . Elisha Overton Wm
Carman Charles; • D'Riley T B '
Comyns James Peckham D Li
Collector of Butt Co. Payiner W D
Decker Permilly Miss Potter Rev. Alonzo
Decker Paunch& Pierce James
Decker Win Quypemey Nicholas
Decker. James . Salsbury Seth Col.
Dodge Oliver Smith Samuel H
Etheridge Isaac D Smith Almira Mr*
Evelsuul Abram . ' Sanford Daniel
Eggleston Daniel Shewit George N
Emory A . . - Scott-George .
Toreman Daniel . Seely Reuben C•
Gayer ,E E. ' Santos Wm'
Gregg Fiances Thayer Marvin -
Goodwin Benjamin - • Taylor-George ." '
Gilbert Elmer ' UptightJaa M
Hoff John , Van Seiver Hiram
Hall II K . Wattles Ja nu 2 2
Hutchinson Francis R2' Wilsim Thomaa Al Hagar Daniel ' • 'Whitney Mary'
',HiLe 'Henry W , ' Miriam David
Hinckley Aiidrel J Williams Georg •
Hathaway .1 • : . Wood thiai H
Hollenback Teter , . • Wiggine.Jsmes
- A. ght CHAMBERLIN, P.M. •
• JAI I 7 iVO tXPECTORANT;:-Thevirtueaof this
efkatioui and cheap theriiiine cot 'the cure of Conoutop•
tioriand other &lessee 'cannot be too wel known. Very.
many -bees have been satod by_it.N. Y. Morning
Allay. ' _
JAY Exeriroostry won COC - 01311, Coioll, &e.—
Ramstry_people are afflicted wiih' Oise common' every
day amulets, that We deem it our duty to point our
readers wit' timple remedy. shirt. we have tried and
fantod efneariOus. Jaymes EXPECTORANT isa very
lelnatie phial of syrup which. Ore have burly used with
good offal in atoppings tough ind loosening. and break.
ing up a eittd.. It is very agitcablei, medicine: * - -Prie
recommendation 'Coot a bougbt puff, hutentirely volun
tary. • 'And we fret this we can hardy do a greater fa
vor to Our readers in these dais' of cheating, thin to
recommend them es welktried,efficient remedies, ems
day, those we have used . ourvelvee.
E twist Nasser,.
• tiiiniof itie'!4Lynn Masi.
• • •,- • FOR •SsILE. •
TOE SUbscriber has new two korse imp
-.gars tone 4 bilis irsgon, partly worn: sleighs,
and bobs. harness;ae, - Also. 3or 4 good HOR
SES.. A pair of young OXEN. believed superior to
any In the tOtlatnr or Stains..
away ankles nocessery rpt taming and team
ug.purposes. all otwhlch will be odd e-heap for cash or
spprosedenslit. • ADDISON St'KEAN.
1'41045. •
'Oll TON ASSORTED MOIV. jut received. and for
Wale at . deb{ REED'S. No.:,
ItUßßig: . 0 iS•liiHoVs, of dl sorts. kinds and
' 411 6 ±4 for ale chap at.. 4124' : _BRED'S.'
Pa.PIT B & OILS, Djit woods tad Die — stilkii
a -- teillete stockdosireceivel it BAOII7B
g Tv 2,
L, • A .
% ?
P . ;
• e.
r a .
g" 2
Z g t 3
. 9
I S , em a
S"„ 71
e. S I :
Es: s
la qt.
g ; 2,
: I . ic
.0 a
s; A 991104 SUCEJESSM . ‘.• ; :
L.S; k
Ini lereur,.. • -
fiv.E ' C sniluencini to the
',that' their olipa*dented heavy sales thia
have rrideredr . ii necessary to Purchase soother 'lnge
stock, of WIN/TU GOODS,. which tbey'are rail`
celvina Cash et; taotestite
much haver Oka then'th ei tun foiind'it any'*lnt,
store in Towendt. Visit parChisers le. ;
' Cute the titian - ate inyintageely"callini et
their_ giiedn'tit:the'* - ,pru 7
• sib le advincetiput the unietttseterete arid imiiinter's
Hee , : eti our goods ate Ptirebanedlrout first•lindi,
Atconn"lleiter from, prices, whichinerebante
who gibe crwlit niust, chirge,,to cover !paws s by bid
detrukeollecting.teesotc:, !...
Oiaretock is seryt,tessy.embiating altruist esetitlitini
•In . Jinn Annis.Giocerie. l 4 (Licunn , e*c9ol l )
Hentessre, Crockery, - Drugs, Medicines, Paints, , Qils,
Dye skiffs, Beiits end ehoes t tliddkry Herdwate,cir
nage Trimminge, And altbn' our Sunk ,ergiodit
much the heaviest in town, they were platinised
very low .that they did!r, 1125,000. or even $l5O.
000„ind our,eustomen h i ve
-the benefit of our 'ad
saannieoue purchases, ail Per motto is, .t7Butall podia
snd qoick,iodro. Nov. ;6,1845. ,
Al loam Corners,' with. toll Vioteris Suppliel_h
OGEES. FOWLER liar' just 'GUM, by the last
trip of the bOlitii for the -season, his large end
commodious cear-,torr-bouse with a complete and well ,
'ironed lot of ,Winter Goods, selected carefullyl/ him
relfin the New York and Philadelphiatmarheta to suit
the Perim, with-a . special view to the lutes and. wants
of his neighborhood. ' - •
He respectfully , invites an rumination or hi , k eaten--
sive stock—which, he offers' at saints:is' ble Carl price
—comprising. generally, -- t ,
Cloths, Caps,Atat,,,Hoslery, Hardware, Nails and
Cutlery. Crockery, :Stoneware, Tinware, El
ementary Ranks, igatienery, Staple and •
- Fancy Dry Goods. DMA' and :Dye ••• Ira
Stuff's. De Jokes, Alpaccas:.• • i
; •
Prints. Sh ow Is ,Sh retmgs, • , .
- • Flmirwl.„ ke...rfee.
in short, every variety of goody required in thilsmaritct,
of the late,t styles' End of the best qualities.aerording
prima, which shall he sold,as low as can he afforded at
any other eytabliehment intended 'for peen:anent int. 4 ,,
neva.. Full as hi-store is. be has room ennugh to trade
hi. and abundi nee of light to teat thequaky of itis good!.
1.11118 E KM EN. in exchange. forßoarda ar4hingtr
sh .II have all articles at cask prices, Ulf he has no nth.
era; and they a. timelines rates.. in addition
to his genets' assortment. a constant supply of GRAIN,:
LOUR. FP': PORK. SALT, and all. the necesaa
ties us well is the.conveniences . -
FARMERS' produce bought at ill limes; at gocid
prices, and as (air an exchange made .for-goods as by
any dealer in-the county., • • . ' •
Persona going to the mine for COAL, tan saveltanl+
jug by-keying their loading here. (several- miles ibis
side.) at the coal-bed prices. and taking an order on- the
mincia, which, under his arrangement, will be other•.
wise to their mutual advantage, by manias/10 purcha
sers coal si the most favorable rates, of barter there, and
sating to the .minces the cost of bringing surplus pro-
duce back to market.' , .
R. P. low bean! of pigmy souls. near. Franklindalo
corners, the old " yelkoor corner,7 whitened over like
the sepulchre, and in lama other dark carnets, which
could find no goal answecto
. the question--“ who is
my neighbor ?" but be has passed tbeirretch. not cor
nered yet, and he assures the community which be.
imposed to many obligations in him by pail' eonfidence
that he cannot ri.k it continuance, by stopping to kick
od' whiffet!, or making announcements which he is un
prepared to fulfill. Monroe, Dec. 3. 1E45,
11311211Y:113--The largest. most desirable 'and cheapest
agurorttatneef Piints ta"toira, call be found at
if ended. Goods.
PET LAINEFi. Crape de !Jinni. C. trEcasse
. and Alpaccar. i 'fine assertment, purchased in
ir York, after the late falling off in prices, at , . 1
nvo26. : . : . ... MERCURS'.
RP()LINE r YEI.VETS. and Mks. with'
Ribbons to natch; theticat and. cheapest assort.
of in town, at' thr26 MERCUR:V.
OPAWLB-I.very one wishing topnrchaseibtivils,
11141) should by till mesa eaH rtteni etteri thing in that
line front earenty.fice cents up,- is kept at prices to suit
udgeit of the nticleir; it is needless:lto say that irisat
pee 26 MERCMIB'.
irillDWAltn—Td.largest assortment and
greatest variety ever offered ih Pratlrani county,
just received at . • MERCIIIII3. •
Still Later.' More Rich &oil&
"IFILIST received an invoke of thelatest styles of Bing.,
sarong which may be found ,Plain black and blue
Maek, Ombre Striped Pon de. t.os'e Carnelian Reps with
Satin Stripes. Genuine Polka Billts,•.Plsid Flarrnres,
Plain do., Plain silks f rare opportunity
for those to purchase who intend doing so as they are
sold only a shade above suction prices at
Oct.2or, G. E. ri.vNT att cc's.
ANY quantity of Bleached and Som.'' Shorting &
Shirting of on vratities. hik. and white Wadding,
Wicking. in Boggs; twine. earth. &c.. at
E ha Ift at' ARK ROPE bought vet/ low and
kr will be sold secoidhiarg by
WANTED in esetuange for goods any quantity
of Butter, Tallow, Wheat, , Rys, Oats, l'imothy
and Clover Seed, Hides, Lumber, and cash will
,not be
refuted by • WELLES & SATTERLEE.
JUST RECEIVING, at the Old store, on the nor
nit. of Main and Pine streets, rt fins deers brlOio
Montanyes* C 0.% sod nearly opposite, No. 1, Brick,
Row, an entirely new stock of GOODS, which con.
sista in a'nemeral assortment of
.Goods, - Crotfeery
Groceries:. , - .llOots . 4., Shoes,.
• Hardware, . Hats 45- Caps. 4.c.
Together with a general enactment or DRUGS AND
MEDICINES, all of which hive been:selected with
great care by myself in lhe New ;VOA market_ andwill
he sold ma cheap i m esti he wild by any Ittinz man ut
this twirl:et Ladies anirfientlemen can be 4-11 . N114.1! of
this tact by calling the onbtterifter,aLliiAP.e.,ro.vr!,cru
he will be in readinees stall timei to wait, tti..,n all wit ,
fav,n him abh a call. • A: D. MI iNTAINYE..
anted, 0 , • exchange re, (inodr, either cash,
grain,lumber. or shipping FUN, in almost any
Towanda, November 19, 1814. , A. D. 31..
..1 1 1L716LIBECMin '
HURLDUEN, Jr" superior east stret AXES
half a dozen boxiiii,ijst teerioed and for sak at
the old stand of . nosl9 B. KINGSDERY.
Sayings that have become Proverb's,
. ritorzeos nave • - - •
t HAT HEO. - . 1 . FLYNT &CQ
have the kr.
gad and ktost desirable mock of goods InToweittici.
steoun :•
That Lumber for Goods. or Goads Car. Tiurntrf; cannot
be carried on successfully without deWunciat zo Cash
'Buyers. • raotraan Tura n:.. -"
That G. Flynt & Co. buy goods for CeSh. and Bell
them for tbo " ready _ , .
eaoyses YOUSTO :
That G. E. F. & CO. are selling'goods ehetgasi than
any other establishment in' his borough;
' • ' And it is
Mad soon wilt become a proverb (although ere halye bt4n
knowing to the fiet for sometime) that 11E. Fs &Co.
are sellno better' rioda and mare of them.
Those who doubliki c cre ,
will pima prutent themselves at our coaster, Where
Goods are freely shown, and always warranted equal to .
eexammendation. _ 03' Lank for theParingali:unk.
GIMPS, CORDS, Fringes, fancy vevet,
Minis it MERCUIPS.
-‘,NOTICEt;'NOTICE4 . I 2 .,i 3 -
Ir TAKE ibis opportunity... 6 inform ; elLirhitttiOn
ji debardiemcihat Tayment.iktUriT -be, made:by!
PBBRUARY COURT. The am , doe. from esehl
irarevidast, is small, hot it, the oggregate it amtmete - to
esitsidetible; 'I trait Ostia More- effeiderit/ notice will
not be secereir4., " 'JOHN - N. .WESTON.
' Deeetiber 2i.' ' ' Late Otieriff.
Latest' arri o s -
AniTELR.E4 Sr. SATTERLtthi — btetTh.vitteir..-
I,V lug the twit three .weeksireto York.; a,
large, and - splendid stockfor F411i1; •WlNnie
GOODS, selected (rite& the Istestitopenntlas tithe 66. -
Ostia! are as or indiespeetilly is to pd. -
keit. 0 11;4 do not eretiltd to have the tiniest stock in'
the 6uptry, or sell lincek'Siso ans . oitnir Male hulLtheyi
lilt sit who what 6iiKtiottioice andittiocfFiiatht, to call.
iiid viiniiiie the 4ttatitrititi pricers ortheii 'goods, and.
thi.n judge ;who 'sells goods at'tois 004; all any init.
ted toeatt , and; stamina their stoat eoropriotis
eery thing usinOty kept' iR conarglstbies: ; • • ,
AthihiPa" ScptetnbOi 40, 18161 , %; ~.-f.,L
Xi A [ES will, fi od lairarly aa urge i‘striell. of Dress.
41044 such' is Cs4hnirre,De' EVcrw. M. De.
u ' ,Alpaca's. Gingham.. Printi; ike,:irt in store sr
ira,,th coii`nty sod at.- - kria priers. , They ',will please
Call ~d e.aamine tiielito'eli for ttiiiiiiikvis:%, , , ,
-' '' - r WEI,LEEk.7,MRIXE: . i
pAs ..
IitSTLEItIE,Pi dill fled -s law end,eplend id stock,
91Tfloths. Costituetes, Vamp; Cray ti, Gov
' tie braces, Rubber ; peer Shoes, eqd Avery thirig
else they pay wept st .eety low prices for,the quality st
HAWM in tree' t variety dilieliotiful pittems may'
Iwfound at —WELLES &'BATI'ERLEE'S.
ri !mass DELlitNi tor, Conling, and splendid
plriid Cloaking. Cveln plaid" ink plaid Lining
very deep at ' 'WELLES & SATTEALEE'S.
•CA AI'S; l'S & ,MLIFFsk any quanta* froor 12}
L'iteE and 'elegant wortmenfof Liit4a, Ribbons,
Gloves and trimmings of all kinds at
• GROCE RAES., .-' may, he pare to Fay ; puliape a4 lgrge
JIE easudt't and gr o ss good qualities*, any : house n
Itradranl County. and de:taill sea them Osier, u any
houre ean:ihat gets:env thing above cost.. •
/SHE bed asamtment of Iron ic:dikel In the coon.
try it. WELLielf &MATTERLEE'd. t
V. Wit ii,lNtiivrJk . i4(:,h 14ge.trueles. Awl i;
iia n d hitt* Thread, also dole Ind Upper
LeathqCaic & Kipp Skins. alorays,en Wand by
Pointe do Glae a, are keep eonaiant/y on hand
• voiy...hugi stock: of •IF kinds and will very lake
for cash. dr. SATTERLEE.
.IO 14.16. MACKEREL,:
•l•sok-loed 1 1 / 4 1.Toind 5 ton NAILS.
are fetal. Ind ready to be'sbovro at. BMWS
itirOS SUGA It. 6 Jo. filolawei booet n first
halide pd will be Wild accord ingly . by
: _ , W. H. BAIRD &
COTTON YitBlV-10b0 lba. just reieTsadanlifor
Ili/ rata at REED'S.
OCE LEATHER—b.OGO lba.—amt any quantity
of tote, Kip and Calf akin*. from the matinfactories
Kaatakill creek" N. Y. We mon% say anything
*bent the price. but come and see at. J 3 13A !RD'S.
A LARGE and general aesartaiencer the above ar.
tieles, eompireing almost everything user, by Har
ness and Carriage Makers, which will be sold lower
than the nine quality of goods have ever teen offered at
Owego orElmira. just received by
24.; & M. C. MERCUR.
POUNDS NAILS, assorted Sixes, at
sap. 24._ ERCUR'S.
SOLE LEILIME/I—first quality.'
." Comforters," fiiv downs.
Caspetings and Floor Oil Cloths.
Carter aud Cotton Yarn. .
Digging—an article unequalled for'darshility
tiros, 12; At the • 8 1 1VINGS B4NK.
L.O. • OF. O. F. ,•
becomes our duty again to announce- the receipt of
lmore rich and valuable goods, which weer, offering
suldchesper (if posit le) thin heretofore.
We have for cash buyer's; the following goods :
100 Ps. blk and blue silk A Ipsecas " •
• •50 figd and cliangeable goods, lbr dresses ;
150 styles DeLaines and cashnieres; ' •
1506 yds:Calicoes—in addition to oar fotmer large
MAC—the contents of une box, just received.
• 40 Ps. CludhO, all shakes and colors ;
. 15 Ilk and.Faney Caul:runs ,
20 "-::Selinells. all "rice's:
Iron; Atiat,'Sleel„ - any' quantity. and We :Hardware
in ,shundaucc.i The "peuple" of Bradford county, have
Imiked luog arut.anxiously for the time to come when
goods, could be pnrchaserliat , their mat value. For the
last sig,tounths we have satisfied the mootakeptical. and
wild) . to inform our friends that we are not to close Pusi•
trees the spring.• as reported, but. eordin r ue to do
• Wile fur the:friends of Cheap lung u it, will
betrat the couoty,of, Bradford. it w told In this way—
hare, we can, and we will,
..December 17.
,z, FLYNT & 92.
6,IILEIGH SHOES and•Plangb.Pouits.• ((or Waytia
Co. Ploughs) at G. E. FLY?iT & CO'S.
BACCO, or sato by B. KINO§BERY.
.IMHAT the; Farmers of Bradford county are all tia..
141' ding at " BAIRD'S Et 11•011,14" when it is teken
into consideration, that in addition to keeping the lar
gest and best stock of Goods in tKe county, and selling
(heal cheaper than any. b.sly; else.' th.y have always
'win ready to acsist and encourage that cit.." of ....limn
nny hy purchasing their produce nf every description at
the highest prices. What, for linstanee, would they
have done with their hatter for th e last tais' sumniera
ad not "Old 3" boldly stood forth in the support
of honest industry and, dealt ots!, all ,dcacriptioni. of
good!, al the lowest each piicea, in exchange for thafir.
ticle t The hard fasted yeomanly are replying to the
shove, by coming with aru a perfect rush "en
mass" ! ! to the 'cheeped store in Tbtcemda; where
" Ddl Baird & Co." are alway s ready and wilting to do
thertair thing.
Dec': 25.;
R. which are Cashmeres. Mousse ,Debsine, plaid in
and silk work A Ipacea.'64 idtild Cloaking, Gittlles slid
TOM - alma!, to correspond,. &e.
Nerclialita,) Indictment for "'downright mon.
Om," aellingzoods too cheap."
rPried before the people of Brasi
lia Sharings Sank) ford county. • . • • . the !satisfaction of all the jury, (coat
i pined of all. Bradford Co.) that the price ,of Salt - at
tau Shsvinas Bank was raised to• 14 abilliaga per bbl.
the day after No. 3,40 t out. Who-had been selling for
10 shilling's per bbl :Anil it:also being conclusively
proved that the saitlll3havinge.'Bank.ere about, 15 per
cent. behind No. 3;'-in selling goods Cheap, the! jury
'without, leagingdhe bog acquitted #l.ederepdant, - and'es
the 14PR - a 'yiriiarenderes4 theeiier o 1 tbr cotirti eel 1 . 1 out,
• , • Ob, yes !..eb, yea! ob, yea I •
The only ;genuine cheap store in Towanda, • 18' No. 3,
. . • asucit -
Now, George, No 5444.1.41; you should - insist .up
IX °A. I should ism o. Fresh t 1410% our even, salt
post won't , save your...Arad from , •
Two sleigh loads of New Goods.. piss 'arrived. at
.Des. IT. BAIRD'S. N 0.3, Brick Roo.
INIMLIZILL 122 1 / 3 01eltEfliSs .
• 'THE .S.4VI7YGS,'
iseon vevabroosht for "downright murder,"
against the Cashier igt , Cci,of the-Traranduil ,
Bank; Col telling goodalno cheap; laid thereby
I:iinging leanness upon tba 'i' Merchant Princes" of:the
bhniaitt.- -Hut with-all their -Taunted sayinga,lireil
winter .es and coinbination ! , .. together with the principal
goods were aOhl'clietip
ei 4,013 , nt Clo.7ii than any, outer' eatabli.hmerit)--
e have at laat icnei,filr.yiq our s•,capibil - increased;'
and obtained,a signalLytesite OreitAliesewaulit
and peke `a:irdbiliaiiona. dildney 'even into.
.the enemy'slts addition'ieViaui touter stock lo
Pall Viddii; Veiraiis:4ll 7 'l I r.f
' . 3 . 'Another Ark Ina Of Goods; .. 1 '
!Phial' la he dlaposetrOf as liberally its heretofore.=
Therdorewobave to record the ; •
- raovatin.! -
That atrirtieE.Plyrwag. co.'eshnotbe put-down;
C• Look for the Soringt Bank..
- . •
'they boiii! lb o n ?
isobar inriotnic
nip lic tenerilly that he
rw 'wing;,•cerplence,
wen @Plaited, APPOu 3 C I 4ar
it cilindey oven cciclunll;
in& cookin g No. 6nd 4.
Iton 4 'Wier conking: No.
'and 4.: wemutm 4 boiler
• wiih , en -assortment
a plates. sebool•housesithd
*at, Ad n and parlor woad
o which said is tote es at any oth4 estiblieh
donetbis side of ttoi Rocky-hfonntaine. for , wheat. oats,
rye, coni';'o,Wit.tatterocheetei end cosh .not: verused
TM:WARE Constantly kept on 100, at wholesale end
retsil..irith•renvepipe; elbows, stove tubes of. clay , and
tin; patent pail, done jogs. British luster. sheet zinc.
• cut a t twit custo mers; with Job work of every &strip.
lion, in the !fin; CoPpit di Sheet' Iron basioets, done
''On.ihiiitnotite and in carorkmanlike moaner.:. • ,
• And irioddition to the . Anse articles, ,hiiniends.,to
keep toollentl, oa bend a glob aniele, of ride And blast
ing roroder with ',FLOUR & PORK; by the barrel
end pound, eralfilti. Soap, candler, lerd:ind
butter. LIQUORS. such es 112111 gin, brendy,• end
Whiskey; - of-different atisfities. Tea. Coffee, pepper,
spice, iratieretus. ginger, stanch, cloves, einnstnon, segars,
tobacco. env, radish and fine cut, candies, nuts. fine- rai
sins:herring, stern and dried fruit. cider, beer, end all
ether articles usually kept by grocers, all of whieli will
be seld at 'teat:Med 'priees for reedy pay. Store and Ma.
illifeCtueing 'Establishment not kept exectlyin Montan
jeli'ioirtee Mock, 'but bulbs; next buiWing below, on
the snath side of the public square, where persons bib=
ing to purchase the, above articles will do Well to call
and examine before purch asing elsetvh‘re. •
„„Auy,,32„,1845. D. C. HALL
1117N2011C111•7 3U'ACEILSEI.A•
- L. 51 NYE de co., would re
velt.e...,_. : ,„..... spectlly inform the citizens Of Tots
-.7-ii, -. • • ;...... -, nile and the public generally. trait
--1"..,,,..; - a t,„-- - t 'they have on band & mannfarture
- 7 i ;• ' 'i- 3 ` I .': ,to order all kinds of CABINET
• . L - 4- == 7 •-=,.. -FURNITURE, of ' ibe best mate=
,lei .„. -,,,- let Atli; and workmanship that cannot
'"le be sorpasfted, in addition to the usual
assortment in.eountry shops,, we will keep on land aid
enske,to order. 80 . FAS..Of various, and;rnoto approved
pauerris;„Solit fleCking Phaint.'ulditilaterial in superior
style. and for. ease and durability cannot be surpassed
even in our large cities. ' Alan, the ball French Ma
hogany Chair, beautifully Upholstered, with curled hair.
which never loses its elasticity. and finished with the
lest hair seatjng...,We .Dotter ourselves that having
had,niuch experience jii, the bagasse, .e.Fhall be able
to satisfy all who may. feel .ilispoiett to call, both as to
quality end price. anal hy.airict i attention to business
hope to meth and receive -the ptranage of a liberal coca.
munity.L. M. NYE dc CO.
Towanda, September 1. IR4 h.
MAY BE . IIAD at our shop mutt lower than it
has lifer been sold in Towanda. Goods are
cheap. and "beldam lowered, and that is the reason we
can Minn! all for to do it. All kind" of produce wilt
be received in payment. Also, LUMBER of all kinds.
8 4. L.• d. . - L. M. NYE 4 Co.
cog.-~-~~ s
171T.1.1n kept .On hand a large etaaortinent, and
. made in order orfahorter Bailment) for leas mn:
ney than minim produced at any other einahlitthment in
the land.. Those who are antler the nretmsity of pro.
curing that - artiele.will•arul i ball be tratitsfied., A good
bearwewnd pall may be btid in attrtulanct when derived.
ideptimher 1, 1845.. 7 1.. N. NYE & CO.
WLCOX „ilk. SAGE have. associated themsevea
in the Boot and Shoe Making business, in the
borough of Towanda, and may be found at the old stand'
of S n . Hathaway. lately occupied by Elkanah Smith. near
1. H.Stephen* Exchange Hotel, where they solicit a
share of public.pattroaage. • They intend..hy a careft. I
selection of stock, and by attention to the interests of
.their rnakeas nestacul durable workMican
'be manufactured in this portion of the cannery..
They. keep.constantiv on hand, and will manufacture
to order, morocco, calf -and coarse hoots and shoes;
Ladies'. Gaiters, shoes and slips; children's do.; gent's
gliten'and pnowa, &c.., &c.
. • .
. . .
. ,
, .
Towanda, May 14, 1845. s
I tO4Zo
ATCHELER dc COREL beg leave to inform the
inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity, that they
'have just commenced the Tailoring Business, up stairs,
No:4. Brick Row. where they are prepared to execute
all work entrua:ed to them with ride neatness and des
patch. and in the moo fashionable manner. Having
just, rrieived the New York and Philadelphia fashions,
'and' with their long experience in the business, they fiat
thernselverathat their work will he made in a-manner
and style equal to any other estabdahment in the place.
Terms made to correspond with the times, r ,
CUTTING done on 'the shorteit 'notice:
country produce received in paymen
for work at market priers. October I. 1895.
u4 - ymal rPastailiios2.4a 3
Montanye's store, 'lry dam to Merves law office,
t • • .t the old eland of Powell & Seaman..
J. E. Canfield, Attornepat.Law,
WILL attend VI ail kinds of business intrusted to
his rare, with promptnesii. and despatch. Of
fice in the Tin and stove Store building—up stairs. lot
:WWI JAMES M. GOODRICH has located !timid
Mr at MONROE, for the practice of his profecirion,
and whl ho pleased to wait on those requiring his ser
vices:l.. He may he found at J. L. Johnson'itavem.
- Reletence maybe male to Des. HUrrox & MasoB
of Towanda.. April 23, 1846.
. ..• Fashionable
Tailor . nu
CIEORGE If. BUNTING "would '"respectfully. in.
Itilf form the public that he still continues at his old,
stand on the vresfsitle Of • Main street,' between Kings- .
here* and Bartiett's stores, up stairs. where del, may
fonfill in readiness to all work in his line in astyle
net to be. surpassed in Bradford county. Prices to suit
the times.'
,Thankful for past ''favors, be, respectfully
solicits a continuance and,hopesbystrict attention to bu
'sitievs and aieihunkodating terrni4Onierit"pitnmsge.,
"The Spritiiind summer FASHIONS have j oat" patrona ge.,
received'. end be Is . Prepai r od ,10
,nake garments in the .
most faehl„,ilable, manner. •• 1
Penientar attention paid, to CIBTTING,and warrant.
ca to fit if properly made up„ :
He has thC latest; Spring' end Summer ?million* for
-We: Towanda, Illy 14 'lB4fi'
, •
- Irl/limn - Scott,
I L I PT CB LS' vvr 9
ll.f~,pmrnptl anti punctually renticr...hil !Tares:
, .• services in Agencies. colledionS,.and
other majtere in litprofeselort. eittnisted to hie care..•
Offim. in tie New irk* room over the .
Peet Office; entrance on the north' side. . • . Nov. 5y
ALnew supply _ of rbis, popular medicine. also a quantity
of the aorta Turns; just received by
Oct. 1.. & M. C. MERCUR.
. - .
roFIE next academie year of this insth ut k ;
- Comnience`otivfotionday, the finnalay o r
her neat, under the superintendence and manag eitm
lift:....V'Ci.Artillderriiik; as.. Print'
Atim uit
Miss Sara 4 F. firratireg. Preeepfren;
Mr. VandeviixtlChir been itueeeisfully enkma
"teaehing'firt foil Yampa r helms mach expii ki ;, l
this important and truly elevating department orp 4
itntMpriars'and' benoltdericT, and hrings tmtlmonld,
,varipusaonrees of 'good, moral characters an 4 e
Mr. Worthing js a
.gcapeman of very e ree l kin
tainnienii;aaperienCei and skill iii teaching, ir t d
'fair taldo Much foi the'sdvaticement of the student
the prosperity of the institution.
WontArlg t the PreeePercee of, the , Finish'
partmont. hi; *lrony. bg her desiition to literatur e :
her superior yirtues, ohtainedihe unqualified e. .
idtbe community, and. the esteem end 'affection al
numerous pupils. Young ladies will seldom fig
IMitriactiest betterquithfiett to , meet all the utast(
student, not only u.••tercher. bat aa a guardian f •
and associate; They, cannot , but be improved ky
..ample and iociety, u .lell se by he! engaging
TurncoN' will be as follows, in all tbe del:orb :ft:
Primary and common English studies, with p ea .
manship, composing and speaking. 66
Natural,. intellectuaj and moral selectee, botany,
. chemistry, history, astronomy, *tine, logic,
book-keeping._ draw ing;pairiting, 4 (4
klaihemsties and the languages. . 6re
Incidental expenses, per, term, : doring,winter,
No student will be meeker, for leas than belle or ri ,
and no deduction will be made for absence, except is
caws of illness or other unainible nowt.
The Anaemic year arill-be divided into roar le ft
of eleven weeks each.: • There will be a vacation de m
seek after. the firet term; also one week slier iheibi rd,
and a vacation CA. six reeks after the fourth, inel u di zi
the harveat season: , •
We desire to make the Towanda Academy i n arm
b!e and disriratile resort for Students from abroad: l , 3 , 4n
ea those at home; a place where the parent Yhi dia
to cultivated. and the green of Killre fiTinly sit in the
y uthfol mind. Fat this great object. so Clle or jah,
will be, spared on the part of !faction or mules". ; Il k
Principal should be consulted hefore purchasing 6,4
as several Cheoges are contemplated id tke text-boat
of the School.
Students' from abroad can Bra bona with the ?MU
pat or others, on reasonatdalerme.
Lectures will he. gbren regularly by the Princi . palw
I ot h ers, nn the - most important topics of eflueation,am,
r .,teciety organized for the especial binrfit oryounif,,,, t
Ttiere - will he twit ezatriinidinns and rxhibin on .d in i n
the year, the time to be determined by the tearhns tai
trustees. , HIRAM - MIX, President.
David Cavil,
B. S. Marna.
William Elwell.
Enos Tomkina,
C. L. Ward,
John F. Means,
Towanda, July 31, l P 45
Tr. 4. 014.77.13ERL/Jr. -
.:0 , ...1 -." friends and the public that he ha
4 a k 'REMO - IEIY le the Britt Row,
i :
~...._ , on w h h is ere ol h d e b s o t .i ill n, e . ont:ra to
1 ; 4 2, . No' I '
C ip carry
.k\ C ' :/, } 4 : .. ateh and Civet Ittpaifier,
v 16... f t ,-- t -:- .. ., .. - which willbe done on shonvivict.
and warranted to be well done. From a long ripen.
once in the business. he believes that be will be able to
render perfect satisfaction to all who may haw libia ,
with their patronage. •
N.B. Watches warranted to ren. well one'yetr,st
the money refunded : and a written agreement siva
to that etr....4 to all that desire one.
CLOCKS.—A large assortment jtart receiredaal
for mak very lam for cash.
ll' you want to buy Jewe lry cheap ran at Chao
berlia'a Watch Shot . No. I.• Brick How.
. •
in" MAPLE SlitIAR, Worxl, and alltindaot Cour
try Produce rereiePd in pavnient.
'Towanda. lure 18. 184 •
THE subarribera stilt rontinte
7 . • to manufacture anal keep on huh!
I tea, , at their•tahl island; all kinds d
, Cone and:Wood seed Chain;
/ tdso Setters of various hind,
REDSTEd DS. of wen'
description - . which we will
. sea low for arch m produce.
TURNING done to outer.
Towanda', April i 845. •
WADIES - are are particularly requared trt call and et.
.mine our assoamept of All Wool Ombre Cod ,
moss. Nazarene blue Relaines. winter balzarinee, prince
de eeosse. (last style) Yietorigstriped cashmeres, Quern
Ann plaido and cheeks. &e.. with gimps, co/dosed rel.
vet trimmings to match. now exhibiting ae N 0.3, Brick
Row. We say they are 25 per cent: cheaper than tett
dee3. • DMRD sr. CO.
ak, CASES HATS, and !time stock of CA PS,now
. 100 1 oprning at the cheapest store in Towanda...every'
body knows where that is: No.3.eiekßete.
.1 1 .2G11EAlk2FICL_LEICW
ELICIVraII MilTlil Zi* SO.r.
Wit ESPEUTFULLY inform that they gill continue
nit the manufacture of Saddles, Brid,es, Hawn.
6:e., in 'Cot. 111ix'a building, next door to J., C. EidA.m..
Law Mee. where they will ketl, eunstintly on hand.
and manufacture to order, ,
Elastic ifieb, Common and Quilted Saddler,
Harnesi, Carpet Bags,
Bridles. Trunks.
Collars, 4-e. 4.e.
Carriage Trinimhig and Alifitary Work Jaen ,
order. •
Mattrasses. Pew . and Chair Coshirma. made on aho
nniice and reasonable terms.
The subscriber', hope by doing their pork welt. sad
by a strict attention to burtineaa; to merit a shored
public paironaee. ELKANAM SMITH & SON.
Towanda. May 21,11445. •
To Fanners, Lumbermen and WIWI.
• •
New Store in. Standing. Stone !
3/1 1 X dr STOITS. respectfully announce.tothe ci
tizens of ,St.vding stone and vicinity, iliot ttal formed • pattnenthip. and 'are.nocv opening at At
old stand of PeOr C. IVard, lately occupied by N. D.
Warfdrd: ;Am they offer for sale 'an extensive stack if
staple end fancy ,Goods, consisting of:
.Goods, Cron. ries, Ilardwur, Crockery,
Iron: nedo. bc4Ati, arid shoes, sole A: ripper leather, floor
and pork; &t., Which haie been selected expressly for
this market, and bought for ready pay, and will dr►
posed of- *film fewest possible rites, for Boards, Shia"
gles,,srul Lumber, of every, quality, wheats cora- g T *
oats, beef hides, and procuce of all manner and sort ,
We respectfully 'ask those purchasing for Cash to 0"
us a call, as we *ill not he_undersoid by any establish'
mTnt in this county; We charge" nothing for exhibit'
ing our gooils.- • . : H. MIX & SON. -
.November . ,W. R. STORRS.
Terms of the Bradford' Reports'•
Two dalhinceird fifty cents per annum; Firer ail
deducted if paid within the year , .; and for CASH acta•
ally in advance, ONa DOLLAR will be, deducted.
Subscribers , at liberty to diem:intim:le at any time, 1 1
paying nrrearages. Moat lauds of Coo.lfTla PRl:Meet
WCPIVed in ;lament. at the Market pier: • • '
Adeertisernents.. not, :exoeilllng' stove of , twin'
lines, inscsiatifor filly cents; ,every subliegeent lawns ,
lwenlYtaV.s Cepts! :A - diacqtmtmatle to yearly edretrio'
,Joe PruFruto, of every dei - anption, neatly and es'
ieditiously eseeute,d cui 'new and fashionable type.
' Lettere on'businesa pertaining to the °tree musters*
free of povtage; triennia 'attention , •
plfice. in , Col. • MOns' brick building
Main and Bridge streets., tip stairs; touratc•`r a '-
cmb door. • • • •