Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 04, 1846, Image 3

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th,et ey ate feti,:and, with - one exception, un
important. •
The following are the new. membees„of the
First Lord of the Treminty, Sir Robert Peel.
Secretary for the Home Department,' Slat.
G. Graham.
Lord Chancllor, Lord Lyndhurst.
Lord President of the Council, Duke of Bun.
c lench.
Commander in Chief, Duke of Wellintkin.
Secretary . Of Foreign Affairs,' Earl of Abyr•
deep- .
Lord of Privy Seal:Earl of Haddington.
President of the Board of Control. Eatl of
Chancellor of the Exchequer, Right Hon.H.
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Lord
G. Somerset: " .
C o lunissibtier of Laud Revenues, Earl tin
of Vat , Rt. Hon. S. Herbert.
Secreta .
President ry of the Board of Trade, Earl Dal
basic. •
First Lord of the Admitality, Earl of Ellen
Postmaster General, Ear! of Si. Germane.
Secretary for the Colonies, lion. W. Glad
stone. '
CABINET.—The London Spectator, evidently
ifrom an official sotitee, gives the foil owing as
the reasons of the break-down of the Vbig at
tempt to form a Government. •
Coming to London, in compliance with a
summons from the newly-appointed Premier,
Lord Grey travelled with a companion, high
in the Whig councils, who attend all the meet
ings in Chesliam Place after the arrival. To
that companion Lord Grey communicated his
determination,to take no part in any Ministry
of which Lor'd Palmerston should hold the
Foreign Department; and he had every reason
in rely on the belief that the sentiment so ex-'
pressed would. have been communicated to
Lord John Russell. Whether it was so com
municated or not, Lord Grey 'took care that
Lord John Russell sliould not be ignorant of
his views, although they were so presented as
to avoid the appearance of dictation.
On the evening of the Wednesday of which
the Whigs had d -termined to undertake the
Government, Lord Gray went home and wrote
a letter to Lord John, in which he urged great
caution in distributing the offices of the new
ministry pointed out the t.ecessity of making
It-as little as possible like a revival of the Mel
bourne Cabinet; impressed on the expectant
Premier that no regard to personal feelings
. ought to interfere With the allotment of offices ;
and stated dint his joining the Government,
though he promised it his cordial support in
any case, must aepend on his being satisfied
with all the a rrangements regarding o ffi ces.
Lord John Russell Inuit have known Earl
Grey's opinions in regard to Lard Palmerston's
foreign policy, and could scarcely have misun-
Uerstood these hints. If he was in doubt, lie
should have asked for an explanation. When
at last no choice was left to Lord Grey but to
declare his peremptory ohjection,he did so in a
way which forbade every suspicion of personal
ferling. The Colonial Office. with the leader- -
ship iu the House of Lords, had been offered
to himself.
lle oljected to placing Lord Palmerston in
tie Foreign Department. because such an ap
pointment would cream alarm among foreign
powers, and also among the great hulk of the
community at holm, including a larger propot 7 r
non of the Liberal than'of the conservative par
ty; without himself criticising Lord Palmer.
ston's policy ite objected to his being placed
in the Foreign Office. iuntp!y as a fresh diffi
culty in the way of a Liberal Ministry.
At the same time, Lord Grey distinctly de.
flared that he should be most happy to have
Lord Palmerston as a colleague in any other di
partment; and, in order to such an arrange•
ment, he offered to yield the Colonial office
and the leadership of the House of Lords if it
were thought advisable to raise Viscount Pal
merston to the British Peerage for the purpose
Lord Grey therefore, so far from evincing
personal dislike expressed perfect willingness
to act not only with, but in .some degree under
Lord Palmerston; and so far from being dicta
torial or "impracticable," he showed the ut
most disposition to accommodate his own pre
tensions, or to waive them altogether, if he
could not conscientiously act with the new
Cabinet as Lord John Russell might choose to
form it.
[From Wilmer & Suihh's Times.]
TnE PRESII?E'Ne ' S MESS ACE.—The first
Message of PreOdent Polk to Congress, has
.created, as may lae readily supposed, a greater
amount of attentiMa in. England than any simi
lar document from the head of the American
Union has done for years. Public feeling was
directed to the Message long before it arrived.
its tone, hostile or otherwise, formed abundant
scope for conjecture in the press, and even du
ring the exciting time of the Ministerial crisis,
journalists, overwhelmed by the importance of
our relations with the United States, stepped
aside to disco's' the question, even in the ab
sence of the President's views.
Well, the Message camT to hand in the or
dinary course, by the ship s• Sea," which made
an excellent passage. It was generally 'under
stood, we may state in this place, that the
steamship which left Boston on the let Day of
December, conveyed a copy of 'the Mes.
sage 'to Mr. McLane, the American Min
ister, but if the fact were so, care was success
fully taken that neither the spirit nor the sub
stance of the Message transpired.
We have given elsewhere the spirit of the
English press on this importanf document.—
Ouetransatlantic readers struck by the
absence of all irritation in the remarks of the
great organs of opinion in this country. rela
tive to the Message; and this reluctance to
avoid giving offence, arises altogether (torn the
praiseworthy desire to heal, rather than foment
the cause of difference between us and the
licked States respecting the Wegon. Soule
of the articles we have given are able and com
prehensive views of the question at issue. ar.
geed, of course; with an allowable amount of
national feeling and prejudice. but presenting,
.on the whole. a juts and generous.standard of
reason and logic. -
One cause, perhaps, why the Message has
agreeably. disappointed, expectation here is.the
well-timed observations in 'which it indulges
respecting a liberal tariff. If the Oregon is the
bane ; the propose.' reduction of the tariff is the
antidote in the new President's missive to Con
.gress. The style of the document has elicited
praise, and althongh Mr: Polk has been snub
bed by European publicists, ' as a nourelle horn
me, he has given proo f in this much-Criticis
ed document. of the possessions, of literary
powers that command respect, if they do not
always force conviction: . ' '
Since the Message came to Ina another ar-
rival,hu brought. its the earxespOndinee - hid
I:beforefirMte between.thesritiefi and A mei
licaji Ministers on the, subject of!,,th* Qieg od.
The Mieforttine of finch docithehts is: diet theY
are too veltimineui 'flit: the puniest of the/great
world. • Thelondo,n,Times hat; devoted *ie.
ries of articles to the consideration,'Of this cor
respondence. more particularly with reference
to the two points upon which
. Mr:"-Buchanan
initiate, namely, first, the tide arising firm prk
or occupancy: and, secondly the cession of the
Spanish claim to the United States. • '
The paper in question endeavors to show
that the maintenance of theie two rights is in
compatible ; that if one is' correct the other
cannot be'anstained. The prior occupation,
and the after cession,'
,may excited as distinct
facts. but they cannel cOnferprie title. Two
bad titles. can no more make a good 'rine, than
two affirmatives can , make a negative."
We should likerto haie presented our leaders
with these articles, as they ere - considered in
this country to be able, if not unanswerable ex.
positions of the slitljeCt, as they appeared only .
a day or two preceding the sailing of the steam
er; when our columns were crowded with the
statistical inforo atidd, . ttf trbith tve bad prey*.
ously pledged' ourselves, we are .reluctantly
compelled to forego the pieasekl.
tfporithe whole, then, if the Message has
not given all the satisfaction. in England,which
the friends arid well-wishers of America desire,
it has its favorable point—that of Free Trade":
and the pending triumph of Free Trade,ptinci
plea will, in al! probability. be accompanied by
a satisfactory adjustment of the bone of conten
tion—the Oregon. Polk and" Peel agree u to .
'he necessity , . of the first. 7 why not of the lasi
alternative I
tor- THE eithene of Bradford County desirous
f or Ole speedy completion of NORTH
BRANCH CAN.kL. are reqUested to mee it the Court
House in Towanda. on TUESDAY evenlog all the IC
of February. Measur.'s will be reePeeed . eitaell it is
lieved will secure the des iced result. Now is the time,
and the only time for defin.'te action on this subject Let
all who are willing to render efficient aid be preient at
the meeting. MANY CITIZENS.
Esq., will lecture before the' Bore Washing
tonian Temperance Baciety at the Court House, Monday
evening Feb. 9th. Ladies and Gentleructi " nsTeni
fully invited to attend. By order &c.
Towanda, Jan. 24, 1846. A. C. ALLEY, Sen.
Aynawors, will preach at the Universalist 0 1
in Montanan, on Sunday, Bth inst., at eleven o'clock. A.
M., and in the Court House, in this borough, at early, of the same day.
To all whom it gay Concern.
A LI. those who know themselves indebted to Brad-
AL ford county, either by duplicates, judgments, notes,
or forfeited recognizances, will please call and settle by
the first Monday in March. The county is charged in
terest on demands in favor of the state ; the demands
against the county are such that it requires prompt col
lection to meet Mein; therefore, all will seethe necessity
of paying up immediately. Prompt measures will be
taken to enforce collections. J.REEL, Treasurer.
Treasury Office, Towanda, Feb. 4, 1846.
E E 111 t 7 9
r. D. of C. TIP4IRFORD.
HAVE the best assortment of Goods, sell thee:
est, and get the most money of any store in the
place Is IT TICS.
Th it under the present tariff, Nails are sold at the cor
ner - store, (Monroeton) for 5 cents a pound.
That five dollars at %VARFCRD'S STORE fitly' more
goods than six dollars at some other store! •
That any Large store," not fifty miles off sells goods
as cheap, much less " cheaper" than we do ?
Monroeton, Feb. 3, 1845.
Artl OOD TEA. Young Hyson, OW tiyacrn, lape•
VIE tint and Pouchong Tea, can he had at
Feb. 4. WARFORD'S.
Ild[r WIFE MARY, having left my bed Sad board
without any just cause or provocation, I there•
fors forbid all persons harboring or trusting het on toy
account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting.
Smithfield, ,February 4, 1846.
RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he may
be found et Ira ff. Stephens% where will be pleas.
ed to see those desinng his professional services.
Towanda. Feb. 4. [Star Copy.
Pratt's Grocery, and Eating House,
Is in Betts IS• filontanye's Corner Block,
fronting the Public Square,
WHERE everything may be found in his line of
business. The public are invited to call.
Feb. 4. Regularly received here. y.
Just received and for sale in quantities to suit
purchasers at REED'S.
eF the receivals end expenditures of Bradford, far
Ur the year 1895. commencing Jan. 1, 1845, and
ending Dec. 3, 1845, inclusive.
Auditors ' . $ 48 00
Assessors . 1069 60
Bridge Contracts, 33 16
eon:meet, Inquis' Rims II 64
counsel Fees 65 00
amage Views . . 39 75
rtparnage by roads thro' improvements, 144' 00
Incidediel expense*
Justices' fees
Grand Jurors •
Office books
Crier of court .
Wild cat certidcatcs
Traverse Jurors
Prisoner's support
Public buildings . 179 83
Stationery - 16 00
Civil suits- 40 60
• .
Coannonaresith suib! 1183 '23
Bridge slew. 15 50
Sherif f . fees .
Road views
Constables attending -court . 319 66
Paid E. Overton, Esq., on All:a of R. Depose's
forth, in Merrick township, bid in by the
county, to seam duplicate oftoses • 144 72
A. Cbubbuck, prothonotary and clerk Q. 8. 125 '4B
C. Stockwell, late Treasurer, balance doe.'
per Auditor* report, of Jul. 1, 1844 232 . 32
COIXIMISAIMICTI fur laying oat State road from
Monroe to Ralston, Lyeseroing county 95 00
J. Towner, com.halrume due Jan. I, 1845 25 . 50
" for smites in 1845 192 041
D.. Drink,. cone. balance due Jan.1„ . 1845 . 42 58
for services in 1645 137 49
L. Putnaris,corie.halnee due Jan.'', 1845 • 22 00
' for services in 1345 222 25
A. L. Cranmer, tom: for services 1013,45 34;00
E. AsPenwall, late mm. bal. due Jan. 1. 1845" 54 30
A.S. Chamberlin, late tit* to comm. former. -• • ,
' vices in 11344, per Auditor's report of Jan. '
1.1845 ' ' • . 432 67
J. M. Wattles. crk to coon's...anthem in 1615, , 356 41
Paid diets figim teiltem ' , state Penitentiary.
for 1841-2-3-4, - as per aecTrendered 521 62
, Stateprkt . ,efrthe dlecomitsof tfie v eeve v taf
"• O o teelleetrika• of. OiniWrais'ti._'_. • !
•Pillamo roginshirrmov d r , zrt
Calteciosl> pa bpms.retell
tKI9. Wino* aVe.Us . s22, 39 .
1540 , .Wm Rose • . ;Granville . 32,
Rad Horton . ...Towanda tp, •192 35
- •- Wm Smedley ; Wens 12405 e 92
1941 Robt Renick 129:20
T B Merrill . . Litchfield ,Se
E Horton , , Stwahequin 62 00 23 55
E Wialosing • i 6 97
David Owen - Wywiz 23 85 ,
1114fi Goo. 0- WeUe„, Athens bore, , 39 18
John Watkins - 57 04 ,
,Jas 8 ?Mean. Borßagusa — 2B - 00 .--;-
..21.8herwoott -Colombia - ' lq; 05
getbnell Csonin , '27 45'
A Lout ' Wisps 15' 91'
Jan Russell Windham, 182 71
1643,`Csol4iitiU ;Alheturbon , 13 32 }
Cttas Taylor Bdriinaton. 24 ST •
. -
C W 80;:lbaft Franklin 7 66+
Weinsot4 Renick ' 40 64 1 : ".
Halionito Leroy..
T B Herrin Ladled 10 87
G W Weller ' /3 60
Luther Atlintts ariritb6eld , 20.23'.
W B Hortort,rlTheshequhr , 220
H B Brepherti Bind. Stone We 05
Alain Wfittney Wyse: • . 82 03
8 Wailes
N Shaw
1644 /Juan Holton . Asylum . 52 95 23 73
7W A Ladd . Albany 78 99
, H Batton _Athena tp 462 32 7 - 1. 41
L &Pratt Burlington 211 03
J W Braley Colombia 30 18
ERA' Bloom Canton 141 99
F X Hornet Doren 08 91
8 Atonable Franklin . 47 68 80 42
H Siston Grenville ' 49 79
•U .lione Rini& - 129 10
H I elone Lerely 109 44
H M'Kinney Li - Afield 145 47
Geo Smith Monroe 227 34
Jae Chubbuck Orwell 41 isa
Stephen Brink Pike 337 toll
8 Vanlluakirk Ridgbeny 92 45
S Murphy Home 130 79
D B Culver Sheaheguin 284 79
E Stockwell Springfield 42 46
Luther Adams Smithfield . 213 Is 4
James Eimia Stand. atone 59 70 104 84
W Thampaonjr Springhill 111 - 45
H H Maee • Towanda tp 299 '
Lucius Puller Ulster 127 15 •
Win Sibley - Windham 160 70
Peter Knapp Well,
C Hollealiack Wyalusing 234 18 139 38
H Strope
Win Bowen Warren 'sB 27
1845 8 0 Shoemaker Athens tp 887 54
Ai' McDowell " boro, 233 14 .32'12
F Wils7oz
Geo Teri, Albany 1 219 62 81 '3O
. Asylum i 308 01 •
' A Fiel's Armenia 60 13
A Smith Burlington 444 59
John G ray Renton 423 33 46 92
Joel stom a s Columbia 494 34
Joshua Kilmer Dwell -256 44
„Nonce Willey Franklin 170 29 502
John Spalding Gran vine 187 03 .
E Ileeler Berrie.% 73 45 its 32
E Wolcott Litchfield 325 40 27 51
J D M'Kee Leroy 212 11
A Fox jr Monroe 096 17 •
J Chubhuek Orwell 284 04 169 08
J Baldwin Pike b . ..!0 49 162 ht
A Puller Rome 310 , 73
H D e w ey , :Ilidgberry 253 4. 5 „.,.'
Jeremiah Eihner Sh eshequili 43815' 750 ;1 1,0
1. Ad a m s Bmi;bfleld 485 72
H S Grover Sprina4eld 442 65 42 36
J L Phillips fitoLth 139 38 7 76 s
J C Brown Springhill 87 90 142 60
1 Westbrook. Stand.stone 77 9 9 2/7 69
WA Chamberlin Towanda bo. 654 54
D !rutty" tp. 368 23 63 99
G P Freeman Troy 811 56 . I
.1 L Gorseline Ulster 194 25 118 65
A C Hinman 'Wysoz 386 38 ilt9 84
Lorenzo Wing Wells 311 53
A !Raiford Wyalusing 178 43 362 Al I
Wm Beardsley Warren 418 38
A Dunham jr Windliiim 288 78 86 26 i
Leonard Pierce. Esq.. Treasurer.of Bradford
county. in account with said Co. for 1895.
To amount due on duplicates of county taxes
of 1889-40-1 $ 843 08
of 1842-34 8239 42
" of duplicates for 1845 14,151 92
Notes, bonds,judgments, ac. 5,171 04
Auditor'■ report 1.11. Stephens and judge
merit against Patton 395 04
Money received for Towanda money sold
Fine received of Andrew Monroe
Cost received of O D Perry. et al.
Transcripts of Unseated fuels
Sy *mount overcharged on judgment spinal ,
L. Smith $ 500
Paid on drafts from East= state Pei:litmus-
ry, for years of 1841-2-3-4 521 82
Two per cent. commission on same 10 43
Amount of county orders returned in 1845 18.070 93
Two per cent. commission on same 321 42
Ain't returned on dup. of 1840-1-2-3 947 02
1844-5 `.., 2.229 57
Notes, bonds, judgta, 4c. 3,919 31
Amount of collector's esonerations 890 99
MI .4 percentage 973 09
money in Treating 5 00
By money rn Trraauty, Jan. 1, 1846 1,020 18
Amount of county orders iuued in 1845,
including credit orders $11,026 37
Outstanding Jan• 1, 1845 ----' 5,468 23
$16,494 60
Counts order. returned in 1845 18,070 98
Amount outstanding Jin. 1;1846,
We, the Commissioners of uid county. do certify the
foregoing to be a true statement of the receivals and et
penditures of the county of Basdford, forthe year 1845,
commencing Jan. 1, 1845. and ending Dee. 91, 1845.
Witness our handseind seal of office, at Toarands, this
Stud day of February. A.D. 1846.
LUMAN PUTNAM, Commia'rs.
Atteal—.l. M. Warns*, Clerk.
32 77
17 62
30 77
458 56
60 57
112 50
14 25
2460 05
240 54
268 25
North ranch Canal Company.
NOTICE is hereby given, that a. meeting of the
stockholders of the North Branch Carat Com
proy will bn held at Jones' Hotel, in Chesnut street,
city of Philadelphia, on the second .Monday of Februa
ry nest, at 12 o'clock, M., for the pm pose of electing
Officers of the said Company for the -ensuing year.
agreeably to the Act of Assembly incorporating the same.
j 27. Z. COOK. Treasurer.
184 12
21 00
997 02
e4AUTIO?I.—AII persons are hereby national not
o purchase a note drawn by to talc Ford, dated
Dee. 19, 1845, payable on theist of June neat, for the
■om of $25 in nest dear. As I have not teeei•ed any
value for said note, I am determined not to pay the said
note unless compelled by • .
Pike,Jin. 24. 1845. ALF WEED:
Wile subscriber areutd respectfully inform the pub
," lie:that he has COMMUTED with the :Dhow
Chematw Bridge Cinnpagy,and that , all personscom
log to lite Mill for grioditig..willibientitled to cross said
Eddie }TEE. Tickets will be 'Oren et the mill.
'Coyote, Jitt: 1848 WM:111'. OVERTON.. .
LI. persons %belted Mahe emateofTimothy Brig-
MA ham, tat*: of Glanville, deed;• ate iteguesutdr to
make payment; and those having demands against said
estate. to present them legally attested fat settlement.
. • JONATHAN .WOOD, - Administratot
Smithfield, Dee. 8 1845. •
$10,696 13
21'37 24 67
Wyalusing 26 91 32 25
Ulster 46 60
. bow,
62 41
180 46
$15,781 55 3169 53
10 00
5 00
53 44
244 86
$26.913 50
$26,913 50
$423 67
-1: - 7171YOMMT .
'i44 , .. ) .J ., % r' . .i , i. 1 i„.: .:1,i11:-.:,' ' /:!1!1 •• - a•
, j I tiElnidebrigned tire tiler many' belt deep oblige;
dons to their nommen" friends
. for the *cry libe 7 :
nit patronage they haVe. liceiied3:ir Which we tender' .
you many thanks; end a pe have on doubt of 9,aontitid.
ance o f
yiur"smiks "and faroit" so brig es; iirOcon='
tinue to sell goads cheiper ihin any, stunt within 160
I. mites cif us. t
t.- Winos, have the pleas Ore or informing:mar friends.
•-. , .
tid "cinioniers and th e " public generally that we arc re
colvinedinieffroin 'N. York, 1 larger and bolter awn.
mentor Ocicids, that we. or any othit *Vihanti( Cid
I brciuglit to this' market, coediting of
I Pry' G,eadilr Preemies. 1010 4; Nags;
Prackery 4. Hardware. . Iron 4- ..S'ali. .. ,
I.Druga 4. Medicines, Leather 4-.Plah.. ,-
Due - Woode.kbye Sals.' Boots 4-• Shoes - 4.c.
I 'Ve gave notice-Oa our la st advertisement that "we
- Henry Sheldon 4. Co. - floorea--"since Which time
,some of our neighbors have been liiing theirfiftiepop,
gwrt at air; bat its of no ide ,,, itteit echo inve stood at
,the centimes month at -kilt as we have '
, murnot be.
frightened by such smalttrish. - - ~ ,-''' ' -
' We can assure our worthy neighbors lobo Rafe fel.
led so deeply in love with the terms "Miff" ind "Mif
fing," that it is our intention se long as we remain in
business to always have a noon ' of Goa ls:and ' after
the grosiottempt made in 1841
,to prevent our buying.
we are not so greervis to 'go to the citjr_ without •
FULL-HAND, which in addition to thoperience of
one of our Own in the city trade (having been for some
time. a 'dock in N.Yoikicity,) enabtea us to boy goods
cheaper than merchants gerwrally from the country can.
So just come on, all ye who want to boy chesp'for
CASH. all at no. 3, shake " the ready "at us end you
"aregrogicl—'• or if you have a load of produce 'give
us the wink " sod we am niter you. - • .
For more particulars look along through the piper.
• W.H.BAIRD S. CO., No 3. B.Row.
Towands, N0v.25, 1845.
Oh Gosh !.! What Pioverbs . !
Try It again Master G..
You may wake up old no. 8.
D Pia long siotte Ulna to .be statuary,
For no, 9to 'ay they they have the largest and best
moth of Goods in Towanda, for that has long been " A
It has long sines mend to be necessary.
For no. 3 r say they buy goals for cash and buy theta
10 per cm cheaper than most of their neighbors, for
that too b long been " A Novato."
c along:ince ceased to be neuesarry.
For no. to say- they arc selling and will sell goods
eheaper'..Wri any establishment to Towanda, for that
too ha long been " A Puovaaa:'
Il never has been mensal.
For no. 3 to say they would sell goods for " 17. i per
cent profit for we can do that and then sell at a
price less than many of our neighbor* pay for the same
goods in the city—and that too has long been "A Pao
We inset that it never will be necessary,
For no. 3 to bout of " ruining " any body by selling
goods cheap either in Brick. Row "or Wood Row—
we sell goods '' . .cheap to benefit community end not to
min them. this too has also long been " A Poorer's."
It is no Whirper—
Bot in the month of every body. even the tittle boys in
the streets proclaim it aloud, that no. 3 sire selling" bet.
ter goods anti more of them" , than any other establish-
ment in Town,--wonder how tong since some dour
neighbors found out this was" A Paovens 1"
TOIRZ 111 a RAT TO TUT TOL ♦aovi:
Just continue your old practices, drop in at no 3 before
you buy, where no charge is made for exhibiting goods.
N 05.25. 1845. W. H. BAIRD ,k'ece
WRENCH, English and Americnn Broad Cloths of
all colors and qualities, also Beaver and Pilot
Cloth for overcoats, and perhaps it teould,k_as tee&
inentioiz that we haseatver ONE MIN DRVD different
sfyles of Cassicaere, Fifty pieces Ratinetts, he.idcs twen
old of Sheeps Gray, which mare now selling dinar
a h o .f :tee thirds the usual priee'in iflten •
W. H. BAIRD & CO., No. 8 B. R.
D"S'E TIC COTTONS-5000 yds. Sheeting/ ;
• 1690 lbs. Cotton Yarn ;
. :;00 " bane ;
15 0 re wick, on hand and forottle at last
SlMlnlees prices. na . 26 W. H. BAIRD 6c CO.
Cbcap Cash Wholesale Connnilssloa it Jobbing Store.
rvlsr. above eitablishmtn - W has lately been enlarged
1 and improved; and is being . - eplenishetl with a
now stock of Fashionable WINTER t.•oolS, which
in addition to their former large stock of staple Goal,
makes it the most desirable place for large Purchases,
as also for shopping, in town. •' Their new stOek con
sists in part of French, English and American Cloths
and Satinetts, cashmere de mows and mousselin - de
Iciest., of the newest styles and patterns, sinehew, om •
bre, gm de Swiss,fig'd poult do soui and watered strip'd
Bilks, maroon for ladies' skirts, and a new article 4
fringe for dresses; plaid cashmete•and Turkana shawls,
and a thousand other et cetera* usmessary to please the
Their stock of Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Flats and
Caps, Dupla Robes, Oils and Paints, Iron and Nails.
and most articles that the wants of the community re
quire, will Mr found well assoned and selected, end of-
fered to purchasers on as good terms or better then in
sly of the neighboring villages in the state of N.. Y.'
N0v.12. S.D.& E. D. IIInNTANYE & CO.
VIM V l / 4 7 VOM I ST
PLO BR'r I.IN KINGSBERY. is now receiving at his
-00 old stand, which has been going , oir for eighteen
years, where goods of all kinds hasbeen sold and WILL
he sold, lower than at any other store in this .1./oun•
ty. A very large stock daft kinds of goods which has
been selected with great care and attention.. and botight
at such prices of the importers. and. manufacturers, that,
it would be a ruinous hominess for any firm in Mcßride
Raw, or any Where else, to undertake to sell goods as
cher'', as I can, and will. If my friends and the public
generally, will call before they make their purchases
elsewhere, they Will find that this notice isnot put in the
paper for a BLUFF, like some by the side of it ; but, it
means what it says. .
I have a general assortment of every kind and delerip•
ton of
Dry Goods. Groceries. Hardware.' Crockery,
Boots 4' Shoes. Nails. !roil. Leather. .S.c.
11111 LAY'S celebrated INDIA RUDDER /Shoes and
Suspenders--a new 'ankle, fur sale at
SOLE & UPPEWLEATHER, for sale by
cep. 27. . B. KINGSBERT
ODFISH, Mackerel and Shad. for rale by
aep. 27. B. RINGSBERY.
ArIIOTTON YARN, Xnitling Yarn, Balla, Wicking.
IL/ Wadd , inr—any qtrantkty for isle Very 19w. by
sep.27. B. XINGSBERY.
!'ON Felt river Nails, Wr isle cheap. by
7 4 0 sop. 27. — KINGSBERY.
•- •
ri!iLiCoFi3 7 -500 "lECES, which *ens beught fgr
Checks on the City' Banks,of the treanufactureek
agents, (rot at • Auction,' where all inferior goothr me
sold) and will be sold here as 'cheap tut any inerthant
(who bought before the decline) paid '
' ride POW.
Oak and White Pius Tinhet par twari4g lar~r Me
hut:vied on the bank , or et Yost. Deposit. wonted i
ehezange for goods and POMO CaetlAti • • .
Nos .5. • • WEL.I.ES 6c SATTEIH,EE.
BUSHELS of 'llmothy sod rSii eth; E,
wanted in ezettingot , for goods, it •
Oct. 8. ' " • ' •• • RE E IYB
COITON BATT I NG, woddin4, and ear.
pet warp, fot.salo at • • •
N0v.12. REED'S, :Co. 2, Brick Rote.
. •
WEORgl6ihlataols. Just reeeiseil..:—
IMiToterther with s largo mistily of Ladies acres,
tiobti, thug slippers; buskins; *nil little,onfs
to costal.- .inovl2 • CF. E. FLYNT &CO.
60 MIL at,Oxvit sEp. of superior qua
lity, jost repirei) in for sale 17
jy2t. ELLIOrt*., 31pr:et:M.
I • I ll •lt , r
GEORGE - r , FLYNT & 'Co . -
.Bre againin Ike Field with fifteen - Theresa/id dab:tricot - 1h Ihr cheaper: and.wit dateable
- ' • ' flock_of &Ws ever brit:feta into Bra font Cotaily
Cashier - the TOWV/547 - S.IVINGS BAAVK, teudy,r,:thtir ainnpe *the any
patronage heretofore 'tented. and trust strict attention totitisiiiiss, 'and deficit good. cheaper than
any other establishment, to merit a cougar:more, of their miles and favors. 'Oar Work rif mania eirkift of every
"non variety and style ni l DrYtGotsdr, from idle first aliened houses in tbercityritlNee.YriiN. and ark , *
cd with grist careoapresaly for ibis meian. Also, a large selection pf, , . nyw,
FanWy Groceries. Sh elf Ilatdviare, Crockerv,-BootsAlghoe4
- Hollow bare, Iron, Xatiar tiger la •r:
and an unusual qyansityttfigißEßD,4BllEß V. to make our stock of.userel tintl otnarromtaLctimplste. Oee
stock of goods were purchased for cash. and for cash will be sold as cheap's' it lioighlzmrsis:Elnisia er Otago,
and decidedly cheaper than any establishinen't in Towanda. Tisneittid-sPaatoill aaLalinar 1 / 1 watvalerste tbe
Inlay new. rich nal riesirchte goods, but mill be Acton to all who favor us, wag call. ryith.plearope.
REMEMBER - and call one door lielor Tracy di Moore, where The pa‘y!dotirn'iiseem fora, and
as consequencs, ate not overcharged with delinouiricies in the Credit iYaleir4 l :44artilloinedda fd support the
Lumber trade. - "One rice, and no deviation is the true system." a =rem le••••r,:el -el.'
63. A call is Wicked,-before purchuirmie, at IV.. 5, south cn T
Towandar October 21,1§45. • ' CgOLIGy E. 1.1.T.,N'i
- , ,
Tbo Last aad lost Important Arrival y e t t at . the
No'. 2, Brick Row:,
GREAT DARGIALNB are now offered the people
of Bradford the subscriber, who 'snow
receiving and opening one of the largest and best select
ed assortment of goods ever brought into the 'Rime of
Towanda. His stock 'of goods has been selected:with
great MO expressly for this market, and sis . priceeof the
old credit system are necessarily high, he offers great in
tucementa to all - who may have cash or produce to ex-
change for goods. His stock consists in an eseongnentor
. DRY GOODS, such amino:Moths. cassimeres, and
vesting*, minute, sheep, gray, hard times, iinsey Wool
sey., • splendid assortment "of' Winter Shawls, ladies'
cravats, gloves, hosiery, suspenders, and tan thousand ar
ticles, too numerous to meation.
Ruch as-sugar, tea, coffee, molasses, spines, lamp and lin.
seed oil, • full supply of Liquors, such as Champagne,
Cognikc and American Brandy, Holism! Gin, )Id Mo.
nongehala whiskey. Port„ - Muteria, and Malaga Wine.
Also—Crockery, Hardware. Nails. Glass, Iron, Leath
er, Boom & Shoes,; Budelo Robes, Hata &Caps, Drugs
dc Dye Stuffs, dm. dce. •
All pinions wishing to purchase goods are respectfully
inched to givethe subscriber a all, and examine his
goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere.
No. 2 Brick Row
Oct. 1, 1845
iIMIT received a great variety of Bonnet Velvets
and bilks together with Plahl,Tringed. Rainbow,
lke. Satin, Ombre. Velvet, Cap and Taffeta Ribbons
Which you will readily discover are yery cheap by eat.
ling at no. 3 brick row. W.B. BABIDA CO.
. srarz. IMCCDUIET,9 -
! Attorney at Law,
inkFFICE in the north corner of the Brick Row.di.
reedy over the Post Office, Main street. c•En.
trance at the north end of the building. 0. •
Wanted, at the Savings Bank.
wt. WANT
FROM Orwell, Pike & Harlington toienships,looo
a good roll and fresh Batter. .
wa watrr
From Mend township, 750 a roil butter.and a quart-,
tity of deerskins. , wa WANT
From Smithfield, Canton, Wysos and Ulster. 1000 el
Butter-4,500 bushels of grain, various kinds.
From Albany, Franklin, Standing Stone and Wyalufa
ing, 600,000 of Lumber of all kinds, for which cash will
be paid, Wt WANT
From old and new Sheshequin, 5000 bushels our, rye,
wheat and corn. wa wAxT ALSO
From the above townships, 74 cash customary, to make
our number just 1000. Farmers wishing to purchase
goods- for their produce, will please price our goods, as
we are giving in exchange, goods at "gold and giver
prices." fhere labia • one price; and that scaihprice
at d 29 G.E.FLYNT Qc CO'S.
SPLENDID lot of Brusb, Silk, Fur and Sporting
IA Hats, alvo Oil silk, velvet and fur caps, together
with Muffs, and Bealo robes, fir safe cheap at
Oct. 8. REED'S
NEW stoat of - trap, Medicines, Palma, G4s; bye
,111 Stuffs and Groceries have just been Tel:emit/ from
New York, end will be 'sold very' low , —call at' No.
Brick Row. Tenni cash. 'A. S. CHAMBERLIN.
Oct. I, 1845.
B OOTS & very large stock of every
kind and size, glower prices, than ever, will be
found at ittERCURIS,
Wayne County Ploug hs.
j DOE Wayne county ploughs, for sale at the .80.
4. sings Bank. Plough merchantssupplied at wpm
facturco4 prices, and Partners on the most reasonable
terms. G. E. FLYNT 4 CO.
July 30. . • . . No. 5 Brick Bow.-
irvHE Copartnership heretofore existing bet Ween the
subscribers under the firm of H. Kingsbery 4 Co.
is this day dissolved by mutual con4es4• AU persons
indebted to said, firm am requested to . settle their se
coounts with H . $. Comstock,ithci. will continuo the
business at the old stand.
Athens Pa., Oct. 1, 1845.
ii — lROCKERY—Large additions have been inatle' to
1,..1 our stock of Crockery—our aserirrirtent fe now
complete.' noirig G. E. FLYNT St'ai:
: A, Oct. 1. • MERCUBM.
2034 tif i .TrLE,,,,i7l7 . o,RgatlATA
P.ov. 5. REED'S.
WING WANTED--300,00f1;feet of bIDING, on
0 contract, or in sroati quantities, at my store, in ex
change for eseh or goods. d 3 li. FaWLER.,
JURY of twelve ladies has decided. that thi phee
gli—A to purchase Fresh Teas, (no appeal bicoonse) is
0. E. FlocNT cols.
19 e uxir r wilit T w ea ld . tre t r h e e n kindst ch
,o a r n i tl
ess gasnti•
ty, ukruch prices as to mime the sole of the to; alibi'
rgaer than bought by any other merchant in Towants.
Call at - BAIRD'S N 0.3 B.:R.
i T IS A FACT. acknowledged by, alb that the bed
CIGARS in town. are to be hod,c
o tiEtatt NAILS and one aide.UPPER
up ER at " . • Nd. 3.IIRWIC 'ROW: .
VIA RUIN A RE, or fitt i.t6cti?filtio. Nu: '3; N. ' it.
dee& - . • '
ITEW ARRlVAL—Stousksvarit,
Lookiiig gla*s. Drasa Brooms.„
T!aveling tl3 , BAIRD'S.
11b6TOTECE is given indebted to the .1
1 : 1
estate of Benjamin Brink, late of.t 4 lieldtequin
skeraxect. are. requested to make . ' immediate payinent..
amt all tlwae hatitiq dontandisigoilist the sa'ine aro re
quested to resent them legally attested Ftli t cdtenf.
b. BRlNK.l, A d u i t ;i d i s '
SheOletioin, JaliuFy 2, t: 1845., ', • ;
IVOTICE .i• given'tbst all perstnts indebted in the
edits of Wmr. KNOX,. of Tmy ,: tp.; *Win.
gunned to 'meth iaimediete R altnent, , and theesitee.
log demands jigniost the sanfirci_*inood to prompt
them legally attested for settlexisetilc: .
"Dee. 31. , • .Adotintetrattiie.!
9011 BUSH. CLOVER // SERA. dug, weaved
- arafor sate .V.VISVIDERT.
Elliott ' Ok ,
4RE...N,pyv. „Itt,crayiim, eery,lair and very
„ gdoiril'ireorlmcirt'Uf Tait dad - Winter Goods.
;Lich they oder to pubge ea liberil tills, for tub,
rah". or approved credit.. , • •
Thelestock 'cenobite o:elitist Arel•Ytillii; the, any
one wiskes , 46 , -Atad Sat the benefit:tit their who
wish to purchase Meretwoidiethf 'any , kiad, and want
to know ;vilely th.,Sh.O'ils 1 41 1 ,; 11111 1 1 1helto a Me of
the many ert.reles
. have Ifor serer
Ladies' silk shawls end black
Gents' saw cravats-and riin 4 Panny'rlirbt t _
Colored•sitiu, fccludies' bowels,
Glazed bats for trip ;, „,„
Knitting pins and crow-bin;
Carpet tacks and verg,palletna : •
Broad Areirand sip:recall; • - ••• •
M. delaines end wagon - boieo;
• Printed blue tearrand.young hyson bed
Umbrellacand Gorman pipes; ,
Pocket knives and loaf sugar,: ,
Molasses and coarse boots; • '
Ladles' cot. hose and steel tforti hoes;
- Ladies' night capir,Torriit"tientsoirid •
Metes serdelte naps for Igteepta;.•:••••• •• •• • . '
—Ladies'. linen hdkro for, cmerdiiKinvand •
knty of English 'and Bw.efirsiirpst.illiderrel,
India rubber cloth for carriage cover s and ,
Beautiful figured alpieuis fot ladies FlOrdtir
'Ladies' boas and Omni; 'end lan/Ohl& ;
Leghorn' bonnets and sterns jugs.; '• .• •.; ;
Black and bluo ink and Spirits tutpetituaok • • ' •
Lamp.oilland .Cdonge water ; • • ;:;.I
!Sweet oil and sarsaparilla syrup: , •• •
Blue satin! end beet Java and wine;
Wakra and buck shot i
Indellible ink tinirpure'dry atutgroUnd
Looking glasses end' datombletof • •
Tea kettles and black silk atoddngit'l '• . •
Candle wicking and-bed cords/ ./ . • •,.
Coat Buttons and writing pape r; • . f'.. L'a
Shellside combs and nanlF4 skirt. •
Bonnet•ribbona and Cavendish
Plough points and eat) ribbons' '7
Ladies' dress ted& and state tubes; •
Assorted Needles, and heat Nutria bate; , •
Steel pens and shovel plough patterns: •.•
Plated hub bands and silk scarfs for ladies,
Cotton Yarn and. wire !vivre;
Awl blades and idly, assorted sheet •
' Ladies' kid brippera'and ' '
.Ctiflow basket's and gimp ixothre •r' '• ' f
Men and boye.cloth impaired plant trosiv. .1
Knives and forkvand ark rapt t •• •
Cast steel and-steel thimblpg; . - . „
Brass kettles and brass , • „
Beiver cloth end cotton bett)ng ;
Pepper bom and shire kraal; '
Bonnet Mardi and elatri'Pentibi;
Carpet binding. end inkinands; '
Coirch•lace and luindsawe;
• Raisinsund saw,' , •
Seidliis powders arid hying egoarea,t, • r ,
Rubber overshoe,' end 44 inch 'spikes ;
Sleigh belle and - eteelyaniii;
Canimeres and ivory combat "
Gridirons and welting cord'' , •
W hale bone 11.13 i patent ease atilt
Suspender, and patent door bus; , ,
Firmer's chisels and laces forladiee taps •,,,
' Pongee handkerchiefs' and Iva &SAW,
Missel'Und'inrotnen'i bL• eot.gloien eZ hilt &alibis;
Cocoanut dippers end teeth bruiheri • "
Colored cambric and dew handles a • ••
Augur blue and children shoes :
Wooten shawls and gum cape
Bleck tea arid pitent - whielheads; ' 1 •
Menne= hefts and tea eerier/al • •
Saddler's silk and moose trap I
Bennet wire and stone churnel . • •
Plaid linseye and sash pulleys;
, Patent blind fastenings and butts, (ahoy' gniftel:
Spoke *hair* and door mate; ;
Black sn'uff end Madder „I
Brittannia lamps and shoe shim;
Win. and bl.eilk gloves end
Sattiinet•of 'all kinds and Ohpowder • ' -
Horse rams andeatin vesting; ,• `.l" •" I
Curry rumba and
-fur cape i. - •
Bair combs and sash fastenings;
Glass dishes and wool cards; . - • ,
Corset lacer* and:trace
Mires back combs end Candies of illittrilidee;
Sash cOrdir and tom sharps t 1 ' '
Coat canvas, & paddingiuttliyao.tabipar , •
,Furniture prints and razor atropa • , ••, • ~ '
Table,covere.ind Olney, geempby'a;
'roarer Shoe, spd polished aught:a; _
`Linen eamboc and sole tet;therl, '
Hone Iran and linen edging & mot!
Florence sitli and brovin sheeting"
Cap wire,and cops) varnish i •1.••••• ,- •
Lin.,Oil and ; Russia diapfet.. • P. l' '
Blk..Frenelrerape and Amerman .dotir lorikIl t „. •
}Mimed knob locks and White Kriticrapet,
Chrdnre yellow andgret44
indigo arid' ribbon' wire' .• - ra
'Cream Tarter and eilictitilirrendlaseelis V ••'"
Horse blankets iind brain nails; -11 :•.
Tea setts end sent teas
Spirit levels and spool cotton:, •
Towanda..Kiiterotier 19 , 7445.
A LL vemo , ind.bY4lo,theeatite..k.Annok , bins.
111, mlClt, of•OnceP, der j antit; Ate Mltc li telltiO 140.
payment; . 8 6 4 tlicisis
, 11 .erRilikaglinft r pid s.
moon) titroont thOtr:lovally , *Resta for oiAtttoooo.
' ' • Piff.ASK
•Orgreil.-DrOerouer '
A, I.T. per 4Orraindebter) loAhweatate iitinlinlit /1.
tg nuNa B . igtq 4- 14 Prinikt , Allgr.44 4 401cP4Pd. •
aro rectuesy.4 yr. , ,maire,in4FlF ,ll4 te- PgSfof , lFlTth"
hieing &Lanais naptiii:!..tlr"sat,leAste 110144;v:watt%) to
tikei.r4 thesefilitie4tol, 1616.
Smith field , Dtr. TM.
. ,
1..1 persons Viy`e.Siil..4 ••Ailer t
wans,'lste orgitiethficla te" iteciLitre tivikta In
rue ,
agr.titri the Wattle' firelitiar'phil 10i - resent' itietii."l , o l /Y
aV,Aded for sindkineigil m titk solmerihrre .r
..-.)(IINA7•HAN., WOO% didttiniitfitoorl
Psc, !2!.
Thomas, late 8111ithirAr 1 11 ' 441411/104
queqed to . 04kciiiimixliste FOViitiii. and all itipe hive.
in; ileniang Irtsial'igettillie 'reftiiitak'Wyreseut
themrlegally attehetiltif icknoibeitt tit theolinuctibit ik ,
'ApNATHAN. WOO DiAdmiliteustars
„ sz n ithso4,. Dee, g. I fiio. A •• • , rr. •II
ncrontitom3o feterIGOIMANDS; ttre
. tokbiviled'ententrialeig tehr
The obbeCtibeft in; MK; Atnialibint-1110111:0000001411
'With Ign Pk* 4 1f ItellhoiTe blur rmak!OrF94. 4 IWPOIS
inired in 'ere shir;titesp rum" for .
'Jeri T. WNETT.' BAIRD &
IIItriIiG.ALMANACS for 1046.ju0t we* _
Akriakt bye
dr. CO.
" i