Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 04, 1846, Image 2

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    giraoforo c4ovvte,t,
Toiranda; %dues(lay, Feb) , 4,1446.
Panisccika are sorry to, be again
compelled to call the attention of those indebted to D: S.
Gooninca and E. 8. Gooalma & Bos, that primal
has pafti -441.4 pntlarinea has ceasce . 4 to be a
view. - The notes, accounts, d mutt be F at, and
to o paid py reran , court, they will be put in tonne
of aJliedion, entry cent of them.
Ih.LllO/Tilk—Tbm Demorsafe: County Meeting, held
last evening, appointed Hon. TATID WITXOT and Hon.
Renew Witizza„
as - !tep , asettative Delegates. to the
Fourth of Ruch Coatoutitin; sal appointed conferees,
iith instructions to S'Aiport Maj. Towels B. OVZITON.
!Senatorial Delegate. The nsohniona are soundly
democratic, and. speak the sentimeota of the unGinehing
chimney cot Bradford.
lion. John U. Sterigere.
It has given MI pain to witness in • few of oar demo
'trade ectemporariec some it -natured remarks, directed
towards the geeitleman whose name heads this article.—
Mr. Sterigere is an entire stranger to us, but he is • mem
ber of the Democratic party—• co-laborer with us in
snipert of its principles, its measures, and its men. 00.
cupyini, es he does, a sear upon tlis floor of the Senate
of this Commonwesith. and haring to' many years rep•
resented the sterling democracy of the county of Mont
gomery, where he his always been sustained by most tri
umphant majorities, we cannot but feel pained to witness
any disposition, and especially among Democrats, to dis
parage his talents, impugn his motives, or underrate his
In- the long course of his political canter, we defy his
worst enemies to point out a single deviation from the
plain-beaten path of Democracy. While we can recur
to very many instaniti, where he has done the party and
the state essential 'entice. Besides,, it la the very worst
policy that the deraccitMe press can pursue, to indulge in
fault-finding, and making attacks upon prominent mem
bers of the party, for every fancied error they may ima
gine they have discovered. We have the most
evidence of the soundness of Mr. Stcrigere's politi
cal principles—and his friendship for the National and
State Administrations—and we cannot but hope that we
shall see no more of the unkind & il.natured remarks from
those who ought to appreciate more kindly the efficient
*vies this gentleman has so long and so uniformly ren
dered the Demecratic party.
Rejection of Dlr. Woodward.
-- The information, which we published lea week, of the
rejection, by the United States Senate, of the Hon. Geo.
W. 41:Godwin:I. nominated by the Pixielent, to fill the
vacancy on the Supreme Handl, occasioned by thedesth
of Judge Baldwin, has been received every where, with
emotions of modification and disappointment ; and we
knight add, with feelings of indignation. This rejection
was made, we are told, in conformity with the report of
Judiciary committee, and decided by a vote of 29 to 22.
The Judiciary committee consists of the following named
. •
gentlemen: Ashley, Breese, Berrien, 'Westeott and
We received this news vvithkbe more profound rep et.
as Judge Wooderanl is in every sense, a Northern Penn
sylvanian. lie has identified himself most deeply with
our history, and allied himself closely with our feelings
and sympathies. Young in years, be has already secur
ed the name of a talented and gifted min, and learned
• and able judge. In the Reform Convention, of which
he was a member, though then but some 27 years of age,
he was most - conspicuously one of the able men of , that
body, and exerted a,power and influence which enabled
hinisuccessfully to cope bith Fen of Older fame, whose
knowledge and talent were eseiGassed ; and among whom
we might mention Thaddeus StenEent, J. M. Porter, W.
M. Meredith, John M. Scott, Clunks J. Ingersoll, John
Sergeant, and many others ; and where note hut those
, ofpre-eminent talent could have occupied such a proud
and prominent position. He to possessed of a profound.
.ly discriminating mind, and an unblemished and irre
proachable character. With a few years of experience
on the Supreme Bench, he would have been an able
Judge, and fully arnstained•the character and reputation
:et the station be filled, though previously occupied by the
'hest minds of the country.
'We seeltiii - Vain fit an excuse for his sacrifice. No
' sufficient reason can be given, and we are left to con
clude that it is thework of envy and malice, accomplish
ed through treachery and persecution. The charge of
Nativism, brought against him. we consider as totally
, groundless and entenahie. ' Judge Woodward has ear.
takily, never ende;d himself obnoxious to the charge of
• hostility to this rights and liberties of the naturalized cite.
ten. His creed ts the doctrine of the Democratic party;
:which extends the'safeguards of our laws, and the bles
sings of oar inuitutions and liberties, to the down-trod.
den and oppressed of all nations. • That his views are
. not contracted irithin the narrow circle of Political No
- tivism, may ha known from the fact that he has never
'mat with favor or support from that party, benp pouters.-the
desiL l...„.
'contrary, they bus bean his most reign 0....
Their advances made to him his , winter, w - a caidi•
dale for United States Senator. met with an indignant
repulse, and it was partly through their bitter opposition,
u imoseguence, that bas defeat be that post ill to be ate
tribited. • " •
His resolution of enquiry, made In the Convention In
1877. when she subject bad been often broached, would
have. brought Cob a full and adverse report, and
did much toward placing a quietus upon this political
abortion. The adoption of his resolution, would have
deprived the mattes of all the importance tow attached
to it, and denied his opposers the privilege of making a
most unfounded and unwarranted charge. Indeed, the
proscriptive and, iltibend features of our old Constitution,
• were; through his influence, removed, and the more h.,
bend features of the present, adopted.
The sesertion that he was too young to be competent
'to discharge the high 'ado:vaults duties which would
devolve open him, has had no weight, ems with hisene
mies. 'Judge Story; one of . the ablest jurists who ever
"occupiedthe bench, was placed upoo it Some ' , ewe youn•
ge; than Mr. W.. and he has asserted, that the first few
years in that station, must of neMasity, be an . appren•
ticeship, from the eater:Arden& general nature of the bu•
sinew to be acted upon, and the questions MU sitldel..
Judge Woodward's shining talents would soon have qua.
Lied him fur iteduties, and =la him . second to none
opon the Supreme Bench. •
It is useless ro enquire who were the • perpetrators. of
Shit deed. The secret? abide veils them from public
reprobation, it worthp - of the inquisition. This pramiee
of holding out a ocemens• for defamation of good
men's and covering the Mirth, with the frisedip
cloak ofacer of 'submitting-the reputation of a per-
son selected tty Viii President, Eel by hits declared nor
of resist;et end confidence, to sn °Mee *leis cow
1411,unts'ains !nay vrithoui fir 'of &to:tie% is un
-...7'971119 the lofty and dignified charactee of an Alienate'
Congms, and dhiate(ricitlli opp o se d to thit'sinrit snd - go;
.•• - , • ., • .
%des ulcer free institutions , thts "detestable .
tire he abolished, that men teariney'yrlioet and what
they have to combat. and reel secure from the despicable
attempts of those now reinlered bold by the knosttedge
that their togcsAncaeosj bccezetcised wiAtnPunitiP
tWoltove hid so inseinceof befily this of thOresult of
glichullyirrinta* perieentioe. 'Martin Van Buren, it
will holseollected:vess One jejetlitir in the Senate of tbo
Unitetititstts. Was alsiraliel ease Smith Mr. W.'s.
r. ;Inetitly_qoahfilto h the station for : which the Li- ,
stir of the President had named: this body, without sof&
cient cause, refuse to yield their assent to the elevation.
" Vaulting persecution which o'etleaps
• And falls on ember side."
For Martin Van Buren was strengthened in the confi
dence Mod esteem of the people. and they amply tepid,'
him for the little.injury he sustained thromth tbo shames
Cut warfare of myna( ipled tom and elicited him far
above their teach.... And We much mistake the Character
of the peoide of Peims3 , Waldo. if Mr. Woodward hru not a
stronger held their ever upon their esteem and - alfece.un.
They will embrsJe the first opportuidty that ogees to
show their displeasure of the indignity offerel to our
state, and to manifswt the confidence and esteem in which
they hold this distinguished citizen.
Auxeraoso COCNTI Ilsxr..—We publish this werk
the °overeat's veto of this Bank, bat aro of)liged to de
fer our remarks.
Tito of the Armstrong County Bank.
To the Senate aid House of Representatives
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
GENTLUMEN :—The Bill entitled "An act
incorporating the Armstrong county Bank."
was presented fur my signature on the 16th
day of April last. It contemplates the estab
lishment of a Bank,at Kittanning, with a capi
tal of fifty thousand dollars, which may be in
creased to one hundred thousand dollars, at the
pleasure of the Stockholders.
This. Bill involves the policy of increasing
the banking capital of the State, and the 'estab
lishment of new Banks in various sections of the
Cotninonwealth, against which. 1 have expres
sed my views at large in the message transmit
ted to the Legislature at the comniencement of
the present Session.
There does not appear to be anything in the
condition. pursuits and business of the people
of Armstrong county. differing from those of
many other counties of the State, within - those
limits nu bank exist, which present peculiar
claims for the establishment of a bank. Their
pursuits are essentially agricultural, which of
all the industrial employments of the people.
receive. and happily require. the least benefi
cial aid from Bank accommodations.
However useful banks may be, in facilitat
ing commercial transactions, experience has
shown. that thoseagricultural districts which
have been furtherest removed from their influ
ence. have suffered least from panics and pe
cuniary embarrassments. It is by no means
- certain, that the men engaged in the increasing
manufacturers of Armstrong county,where capi
tol is so immediately productive. require the aid
or would be materially benefited by the estab
lishment of a bank. Their business transac
tions concentrate in Pittsburg. the great market
fof their Iron and other productions. At that
point they lay the foundations of credit and
establish claims tit accommodations.
The creation of a bank does not, under any
circumstances, present a strictly local question.
Each of these institutions adds its proportion
to the general circulation of paper Money. and
dins effects the currency of the whole stale, in
the soundness of which, all are interested.—
' Out currency now is comparatively gond, and
I regard it an imperative duty of the Executive
as well as the Legislature, to guard against its
depreciation. We are admonished by recent ex
perience of the disastrous.effects of excessive
banking. from which the citizens have not yet
entirely recovered, not to sanction of a coarse
of policy tending to produce like results. ..
In addition to these reasons for withholding
my approval of the bill, more careful consider
ation than.' found leisure to bestow upon the
subject during the first months of my official
duty, has satisfied me, that in order to make
the principle of individual liability of stock
holders effective, it should embrace all the lia
bilities of the corporation. By the provisions
of the bill before me, it is limited to note hold
It is true that deposites are made voluntarily.
while men are compelled to receive in payment
of their dues the currency which is in general
circulation. But this does nut affect the rule
that stockholders who thrive profits from a
corporatioit, should incur a correspondent Ili
bility.for all its engagements.
All the contracts of a bank itre voluntary. It
may refuse to accept a deposite, as readily as
it may decline issuing its promissory notes;
then why should the liability of its share hold
ers in case of failure, not extend to all its debts.
Itos true that one contract may he more favor
ed by the law than others, in the ortlert4 pay
ment, when the fund is sufficient to pay all ;
but I cat perceive no reason for exonerating a
solvent debtoi- from the pay mentor all his debts.
Indeed the depositor of moneys fOr safe keep
ing,. is in general regarded as a creditor of the
most meritorious rank, as he bargains neither
for interest nor profit—his debt partakes of the
truest character which has just claims, to pe
culiar protecticin. It is true that the Legisla
ture which - authorizes the creation of a paper
currency. is under special obligations 41 secure
it from depreciation ; this furnishes a strong
ground fur protecting the note holder, but does
not lessen the force of the reason of the general
liability of the stockholders. -
It should be observed. that if the circulation
of a bank has a preferred claim upon the cor
porate fonds, and the stockholders are only in
dividually liable for any deficiency in those
funds, it will be the interest of the depositor.
upon the first doubt of bank solvency. to con
vert Iris cleposites into bank notes. This will
always be done by , those who may be conve
nient to the bank, or are in favor with the offi
cers, upon the . first intimation of its falling con
dition, - while those who are more remote, or
leas informed. may be left to witness the appli
tion of their deposiles to redeem the circula
tion by which the ultimate liability of the stock
holders will be diminished. Hence it will be
the direct interest of the stockholders in a fail
ing bank, whose liability is limited to note
holders, to protect . .themselves against loss, by
concealing its condition, until the greatest pos
sible amount of individual deposites are secur.
ed. This forniihes a strong reason - for extend
ing,the principle to all the debts, in proportion
to the amount of stock held by each stockhold
er. Until this is done,,and ample provision is
made *Fording. to creditors 'of corporations
i t rtnnK and efficient remedies. 'the great object
of the. principle of individual liability ? will not
'have been attained. ' "'
With these objections. I have directed the
bill to be retort - tied to the House of Itepreienta
tives,.Witere it originated.
ExrenTlii aft.txtfen,
January !itch, 13415.
Dimooratic County Meeting.
At a County Meeting held at the Court House
in Towanda 'Borough. oh Teem*: evening.
Feb. 3..184G:f0r-the purpose of sppoliding
%Negates to the Democratic 4th of March
Convention. to' fulminate a 'person for:Demo
cratic Canal Commissioner. •J. M. BISHOP
was called to the chair. LEONARD PIERCE. STE.
PSIEN stnicia.s.xe. JOHN H. Fermis. and J.
McMsitox, elected ViCe Presidents ;*Maj: B.
Laporte and E. 0. Goodrich as. Secretaries.
Ou motion of G. F. Maiso i. •emended by
Col. J. F. 21 1 1Estrs, Resolved. That the follow
itiglrmlnud gentlemen be appointed a commit
! te,. to draft resolutions expressive of the sense
of this meeting; and also report names of gen
tlemen for Delegates to the 4th of March Con.
vention for the purpose of nominating a Canal
Commissioner. ' :
Wilson Decker,
S. W. Files.
G. F. Mason.
Francis Smith.
J. E. Piollet. , E. W. Morgan,
W. E;Barton. F. Ransom
D. Vandercook, ' Asap h Colhorn.
KC. Ward, Stephen Pierce.
The Committee having retired, returned and
through their Chairman reported the names of
Lion. DAVID Wrt.rtoT and REUBEN Wrung as
Representative Delegates to the 4th of - March
Convention, anti offered the following resolu.
Lions for i the consideration of the meeting.ellich
were unanimously adopted.
Resolved, That Col. W. E. Barton and Cot
7. F. Means be appointed conferees to meet
conferees from toga. with instructions to sup
port Maj. T. 13. Ovsurox us Senatorial Dele-
Resolved. That the ability and unswerving,
integrity of the Commissioners. under. whose
auspices the change of ailininisfration of the
public woks has so far been conducted. , have exanplc which promises much for the
well-work ng of the present mode of selection.
The strikipg fact is drawn from the five last
annual rep Forts, that the Board. chosen directly
by i the people, has realized to the State an ave
rage net revenue of $640,000. per annum. while
the average from finished lines of the three
years preceding, under executive appointment,
was 8210,000; thus tripling the clear re
ceipts, with a progressive increase from the vi
gilant experience which they bring. to the pub
lie service.
The names of CLARKE, MILLER and Fos•
TER are identified with the disenthralment of
our Improvements from the worst form of plun
der—under cover of law. ,
Resolved, That the efficient services of W.
B. FOSTER Je. merit the grateful encomium of
a re-election as professional member of a board
which has fulfilled the man fold duties of mana
ging all our public works at an annual cost of
little more than 85.000, including engineering,
clerk-hire and office-contingences.
He has fully answered our just expectations,
from personal acquaintance ; and we instruct
our delegate's to use their best efforts for his re
Rzsnlved. That his Excell i ency, FRANCIS R.
Sifusg, has our continued confidence as a
straight-forward Republican and patriotic chief
chief magistrate. His messages are brief, plain
and manly ; while his stern, one-faced resis
tance to •the schemes of associate wealth. or
corporate credit: especially in endeavoring to
ingraft die healthful stock of indivual liabili
ty on a wild banking system—which we
wish to see extended to all corporations—com
mands our-admiration of him as the fit leader
Of a steady democratic progress. Counselled
by a cabinet at whose head the stealthy shafts
of cam t efollowers and open ones of enemies
alike point out the Hon. ism. MILLER, our
favorite chief offers, in his own character and
theirs, ample security against the old watch
words of booty.
The issue appears shaping into whether an
honest administration can sustain itself against
the .* cohesive force of public plunder."
Resolevd. That we applaud the determine-
I tion of the Executive to stand by the renewed
credit of the State ; and we take occasion to
express our approbation of the petitions, here
circulating. for a revision of the revenue laws
which may better enable its to sustain it.
We commend these petitions to the favorable
action of our Representatives in whom we have
undiminished confidence.
Resolved. That the President's message
characterises an administration just. compre
hensive and national in all its aims, and makes
known on both sides of the water, to our sails.
faction at least, who is JAMES K. POLK ?
His views of a tariff correspond with those en
tertained by the Democracy of the northern
counties ; and we deem it high time that Agri.
cultural Pennsylvania were awakened from the
stupidity of unanimous votes of tribute to ma
nufacturers, at least while this district is rep
resented. We have given our " instructions"
on this subject in the election of lion. D vid
We are in favor of a modification of the ta
riff of 1842 according to thew principles. The
prospective fall attic. British Corn Laws, will
probably coon bring our opponents. rot devot
ed to a particular class, to the ground we occu
py—of selling best, buying cheapest and con
tributing easiest to the national treasury.
Resolved. That the correspondence kif the
Hon John C. Calhoun and James Buchanan
with the British negotiator, has made *. clear
and Unquestionable the superiority, of the
American claim to Oregon. We would be
proud to repose the national interests, therein.
in the hands of our distinguished secretary of
State, under the Congressional action suggest
ed in the President's message.
Resolved, That the notice to Great Britain
to terminate the treaty for a joint trading occu
pation of Oregon will only restore the relations
of 1818; and we have no apprehension that
the cause of civilization will be jeoparded by
the further extension of British schemes of ra
pine and colonial aggrandizement to this coo
-1 anent.
Resolved. That in Geo. M. Dallas we re".
cognize a pore patriot and polished statesman.
The Senate in wresting the appointment of
Committees from him showed only the begim:'
Ding of its contumelious rebuff of Pelinayles
nia for her leading porta the struggle of 1844,
which is receiving more particularly' develope,
ment in the repeated thrusts at her eminent
citizens. •
Resolved. That we receive with' profniiMl
regret the rejection of Geote'W.'Woodward,
We await the report of the Committee on 'bpi
Judiciary. for the open'ihstification of therseerei
workings of Pennsylvanians against a represent
tation on the Stipiemc,Beneb;whicli they hairO•
justly forfeited. 1' • • - -
Resolved, Thai the Overthrow ofeatiegs and
executive' noinimitions is oniiineuti'or a criiiii
'in which' epoilstiien oust' irittmph. "'or be
scourged into - the monk congenial ranks of the
t the Senate of Pennsylvania.
I a resolution in Which •• our
:Congress - iiieThereby, re•
e all attempii to oeriod
of ihe 30th or August 18,42."
userpation or power unwsr•
rioniple'..of law or policy. hut
. the _strong inunif_centralizat
Resolved. T
by. the passage
queated to,op
!ify the tariff a
has attempted
ranted by. any
We have In confidence th:lt the members of
assembly from his county lOU oppose, its pas.
sage through t e House and that our Repre
sentative. in C ngtesta will sternly resist this
gross asaumpti n of authority.
I Resolved. I tat the lion. DAVlD•Wniaiirr.
firmly fixed t the affections of 'northern
Democracy; a d we approve his earnest Sup
port of the policy. and nominations of the na
tional Executive.
Residved, • Tiat these
,proceedings be pub-,
lisbed in the Bradford Reporter and Star and
forwarded to our Representatives. Senator and
all others named therein.
On motion of F. Smith. Resolved. That the
Standing Committee he instructed hereafter to
call a Contention at Februrary court. for the
purpose of appointing Delegates to the 4th of
March Convention following.
On motion of Ira 41. Stephens. Resolved.
That a committee of three-be appointed st. at
tend to the proper circulation of the petitions.
Appointed isa said committee Ira H. Ste
phens Col. J. F. Means and Col. G. F. Mason.
On motion of E. W. Morgan. Resolved.
That our Conferees and Delegates be empow
ered to substitute. On motion adjourned.
Proceedings of the Penn' a. Legislature.
[Corresponds toe of the Bridford Reporter.)
HAR RISBURG, January 30, 1846.
The principal. subject.of discussion in the
House of Representatives since my last has
been the resolutions at the Senate in favor of
the tariff of 184:1. When the resolutions were
taker up. Mr. Iturrell moved to strike out all
after the word resolved in the first resolution
and insert the following:
"That a tariff of , duties on importations
which will raise it sufficient amount of revenue
to meet the wants of the general government,
economically administered. is a measure ne
cessary and proper in itself and supported and
sanctioned by the universal wishes of the
whole people, of all political parties in this
Resolved. That in adjusting such a tariff,
care - should be taken to give fair and just pro
tection to all the great interests of the country.
including agrirt there, manufactures, commerce,
navigation, and the mechanic arts.
Resolved, That it is the duty of the govern
ment, as well by its revenue laws, as by all
other means in us power, to give a just and
reasonable measure of protection to such arti
cles as Iron and coal, inasmuch as they are the
subjects of an extensive and increasing trade.
are . indispen:table to all manufacturing and
many agrice I tural operations. and essentially
necessary tct national defence, in time of war.
Resolved. That our Senators in Congress
i be instructed. and our Representatives request
ed to oppose the repeil of the present tariff
laws, and to vote for no modification thereof.
which will violate the principles expressed in
the foregoin g resolutions.
Mr. Piot) ett moved to strike out the amend
ment of Mr. Burrell and insert the following:
That it is the duty of Congress in exercis
ing the taxi og power granted in theSonstitu
lion, fur the purposes of revenue, to so adjust
the laws to impose Iota; taxes upon such arti
cles of necessity as are iu general use, and es
pecially sue.i as are consumed by the laboring
poor, as well as by the wealthy citizen." and
further. •• ca re should be taken that all the great
interests of the country. including manufac
tures.-agriculture, commerce, navigation and
the mechanic arts, should so far as practicable
derive signal advantage from the incidental pro
tection which a just system of revenue duties
may afford.
Resolved. That the revenue law passed in
1842 is unequal, unjust and partial in its pro-
visions, favoring some paricular interests at the
expense of othe..-s, that it ought to be modified,
that our Senators in Congress be instructed to
vote for its modification in accordance with
the principles !alit down in the above resolu
The subject is still under debate. and no vote
has yet been taken indicative of the opinions
of the House in reference the different propo
sitions. Dining the discussion your represen
tative Mr. Webb made a very able speech de
fining his position upon the question. In the
course of his remarks he freely declared that he
had always entertained the must utter and un
equivocal hostility to the tariff of 1842, but he
avowed himself to be in favor of a reasonable
protection. His constituents were willing that
such protection should be afforded as would
enable the manufacturer of the United States
fairly to compete with foreign manufactures
from abroad. He thought that was all sufficient.
His constituents looked upou a tariff as a tax
upon the consumer. directly or indirectly. He
emphatically and unequivocally denied that the
Tariff of 1842 was a Pennsylvania measure.—
In his part of the country. during the Presideq,i,
tial campaign. the people denounced the Tariff
as an odious measure in many of its deiails.—
He maintained that the people of this common
wealth had not been benefited by the Tariff
of 1842.
Mr. Webb subsequently replied to the side
tines which had been made upon his speech.
I might have furnished you with his rejoinder
.but it is admitted that he most triumphantly
`sustained himself and established a eharacter as
a prompt and ready debater.
The House have pa •sed a bill to reform the
penal laws of the Commonwealth so as to
make robbery or larceny of warrants or orders
drawn by Commissioners upon Treasurers.
punishable in the same manner as robbery , or
larceny of goods or chattlea.
The cotumittee on the Judiciary. on motion
of Mr. Merrifield. were instructed to enquire
into the expediency of reporting a bill to coin
pel justices of the peace to deposit their dockets
with their successors.
A resolution was likewise adopted instruct
ing the ComMittee On the Militia to enquire in
to the expediency of providing for the sale of
the • old and useless arms belonging to, the
!Commonwealth. .
Mr. Eldred from the Committee on inland
navigations reported a billanthorizing the New
•York and Britt Rail toad to pass through. Pike
•county. • . •; . ; . ,
The :Committee on gnadi and Bridges • te
- ported against the petition of she Commission
ers of Tioga•county•priying .that they may be
relieved• from the expense of keeping-in repair
all bridges constructed by the county.
In the Senate but little of general interesthas
been transacted.
A large number of petitions have been pre
sented in favor of granting the right of way
the York
_find Erie Rail Rod COMpaz . •
ix on condition ;that the state of Nevi York
provide. fora !Stu connection ' between the
North, Branch - and the Chemung.aid . Chena*
hill to WO a new count* out.kif 1141._
zerne,to be called Lackawanna has beep passed
and sent to the House for concurrence.
The nomination' of George Dickinson - to: be
an Associate Judge of Elk county was unani
mously confirmed.
A bill his .beert reported to incorporate
company to construct a Rail Road from Har
-risburg- to Pittsburg; also a bill to establish a
public ferry across Abe North Branch at or near
Tunkbannock. - . •
The governor . :nominated Charles Lyman as
an Associate Judge`of Fetter inunty vice Tim
' othy Ives resigned..
. On motion of Mr.. Darsie the committee on
the judiciary were instructed to enquire into
the expediency of reporting a bill requiring all
sentences of imprisonment in the pententiaries
of the ComMonwealth to terminate bet Ween
the first day, of April and October.
The bill relative to polices of insurance in
mutual insurance 'companies. was taken upon
second reading; and postponed for the present.
The act to continue the law , graduating lands
on which purchase money is due the Com- .
monwealth has_ been signed by the Governor.
The bill to grant the right of way through
Pennsylvania to Pittsburg to the Baltimore and
Qhio Rail Road Company is now under die-
cession in the Senate. Its late is involved in '
men- doubt.
The hill regulating election districts.has pass
ed both Houses. The Senate had stricken out
the atetions directing the polls in' Armenia
township. to be closed at 5 o'clock in the af
ternoon, as a departure from the principles of
the general election law. The House non
concurred in the amendment. and the bill was
sent to a committee of conference. The com
mittee reported in favor of granting the privi
lege, and :through the strenuous exertions of
your Senator. Mr. Sherwood, the report was
adopted and •the bill finally passed
MURDER ALBANY.—The Albany Argus.
of Monday. has the following =Count of a deli-
berate murder committed in that.eity:
John Bannon. an industrious mechanic., a
stone-cutter. in the employ of J. Jones, was de
liberately shot at and fatally wounded on Satur
day, whilst coming out of a neighbors house in
Rensselaer street, in the south part of .the city.
being mistaken for another person. he circum
stances. as they came out before the Coroner,
are as follows :
About ten o'clock a party of men assembled
in a - grocery store in Rensselaer street, kept by
Joseph Malloy. for the purpose of raffling for a
watch. After the raffling had ended, some dis
pute arose as to who was entitled to the watch.
Joseph Maloy, with his son Charles, and a
Frenchman. by the name of Charles Gouche im
mediately went into a back room, and from there
all three went into the street, old Malloy having
a gun, handed ; it to the Frenchman, and young
Malloy held a light. The Frenchman aimed the
gum at the raffling party in the store. The door
being open, but the cap missed fire. They then
returned for a new cap, and again went into the
street, as before. Bannon, with his wife, that mo
ment came down from an upper room, where
he had been visiting, not being one of the raffliro.
party. Young*Malloy, on perceivin,ghitn spoke
to the Frenchman, saying. that's him—fire."
which he did, and the contents of the musket.
being buck shot and slugs, entered the abdomen
of Bannon, and one of the sings entered the arm
of Mrs. Bannon. Bannon died next d'y•
Having ascertained that they were mistaken
in the persons, they then returned to the house
and re-loaded the gun with a heavier charge,
when the watchmen arrived and arrested the two
Mallnvs and the Frenchman. '
The Frenchman, Goodie, the man who com
mitted the act, is about 37 years of aae ; Joseph
Malloy. who kept the grocery and loaded the
gun, is about 50 ; and
° his son Charles, about 20
years of age.
MExtco.—Fuller advices from M crier) in se•
ference to the revolution in that country rend ---,
it very doubtful whether Parades will be sue
cessful against the government. The federal
party have signified to Herrera their intention to
stand by him. The people generally in the
towns where the soldiery have declared against
the government, exhibit no sympathy with the
movement—this private letters from Vera Crnz
positively assert. and the least check experieneeil
by Paredes in his march to the capital. would
be the signal of a reaction, which would tumble
him and his adherents to the ground. _ The Sig
h). of the 22d ult., says that the inhabitants of the
city of Mexico showithe utmost determination
and exhibit the most undoubted enthusiasm in
taking measures to defend the capital against the
revolutionists, who are pushed to this prricidal
act by a desire to substitute for repubhcanism
monarchy or anarchy. or any thine which may
troublefitinational tranquillity. The Monitor.
of the 23i1 ult. states that letters have been receiv
ed from Havana, proving, without doubt, that
the insurrection of Paredes liar been brought
about by the fttends and emissaries of Santa
Anna, and that he (Paredes) is only a blind in
strument in the hands of his quondam chief and
the latter's associates. Amid the conflict of
opinion in the journals, there is one fact which
tlistinguished this movement from the last against
Santa Anna. that the moral force of the coun
try' viz : the (ETA voice of the nation, the Con
is altogether withi the President.
Washington rumor we take from the Union of
that city:
A rumor was current in our streets to-day that
Mr. Slidell had been murdered in Mexico by,
the troops of Qen.• Paredes. ft was said at first
to have been transmitted by the telegraph from
IlaltimOre. We can find no sort of foundation
for the rumor. In fact, it was stated three days
ago, but not thrown into general Circulation till
this morning.
Washington is a famous place for rumors of
all kintts., It was from that city that die success
of the revolution of Pardee was announced soine
weeks before it actually was consummated.
FATAL DUEL.—Some excitement has been
produced in New Orleans by the death of Mr.
Kane.a young lawyer of much talent and promise.
who was shot in a duel on the 21st inst, by his
antagonist, Mr. Hyman. a merchant of that city.
The wartons•were pistols, at ten paces. , After,
the first shot the deceased was invited to apolo
gise for the affront offered, namely, slapping the
face ochfr. H.. but his second declined, and at
the next fire Mr.4l. received the ball of his an
tagonist in the neck. which produeedimmediate
death:. :The -difficulty arose at one of the week
ly anima at the'St. Charles Hotel. ahout a ques
tion of right toe certain place in.a‘ cotillion..
Arrival of the Steanalip ii
*Eiretrif thelPresfdene's Message—,
liar tithe Russell rr
pftlielPfel Ministry.
The Hibernia arrived off Hilifei'oug,
2611 i lite; but was linable to get h i p
T ot - e —rd ee day morning, thus aseerini
tion of foripeight hours. during te l
Ilse thermometer indicated .a tempt
below •-
The Britanna arrived at, Limpe t
16th December, in 12:1 days; and thy
. •
on The 27th in 11. days from ilotti
propeller Massachusetts reached Li,
20 days from-New York.
The . President's Message Wag re,
Liverpool by the ship - Se'a; Captain
on the 22d, in seventeen days from ts,
and..was conveyed to ia sir ia
its,arrival on the Mersey. •It. was
by express to France and Germany
Parliament watt summoned to m
despatch or busiuesi on the 22d o
Thursday last.
Cotton was a shade butter than at ,
our last advice& Flourabout the,satta
prices were unsettled.
The Oregon correspondence had
reached England when the •teamshi
course it had not yet been spread before the p t .
pie. Some of the papers comment upon it vr,f.
much More bitterness than they bestowed Um
the message For , instance, the Specsai t
spitefully characterizes it as on
,the America
side, a manife-tation of - dishonest ability.,
The Times make its strongest point on f t
presumed incompatibility'between - the Spam
title and the American title by discovery.
There Was a.dreadful storm on the Englit
coast. Dec. 2 Ist and 22d. which c aused cobs
rous disasters to the shipping. wattle lon ei
many lives. The Times stales that 90 vests!
had been lost. in the course of a few daysor
more than 100 lives. Ambng the vessels ar t
two steamers, the St. David and Tom Bee*
Another was a Dutch East Indianian. the T.
Certiolelenses, with a cargo worth $100,0004
total loss.
On the night of the 6th of Deeember,b
French Government Steamer Papm - wash:
on the African , coast. near Magadore, and 61
of 'her crew. 75. perished.; among d im .„
M. Moray Mouge. the Consul at Maoador ,
M. Fleuriut de Langle, commandant of the so.
A. B.
The Arabs displayed upon this occasioas
Much courage as humanity. In less than pi,
hours they succeeded in bringing off 44 r
eons; carrying them upon their shoulders, ar,
swimming with them thro7 a very heavy sr:
The committee of the London Peace Sort.
ty have memorialized Sir R. Peet in tow c
settling the Oregon question-by peaceful ra . th•
er than by other means, whatever provocauut
the British Goveihment may 'receive to nJopt
a warlike tone and policy. They earnestly
deprecate war , with the two nations. and.urg ,
the propriety of settling
,the dispute by
Professor Encke. of Berlin, has given nowt
on the 13111 of December last, that he found'
star of the 9th,magnitude in a place where b•
fore there wai, none. Professor Shumarli:
Lad made a number observalions upon 0.
It is near Vesta. and has a motion similar
that planet. It was not esartly deterno
whether it was a planet or a comet.
[From Wilmer & Smith's Times.l
—But while attention was fixed, upon the dr,
matis persona, the public were astounded
leaning that the attempt had. been made. to,
had failed .that the leaders cotild not 44:tr
a - nongst themselves, and that all was clus
once more. It subsequently transpired ti,,t
Lord Grey had cauied the hitch, by rams(
to join the cabinet if Lord Palmerston lieltUr
seals of the Foreign office, and the IVltir,
pers were savage with his lordship for keep
in the dark his feeling toward the late Fotef
Secretary until he could'strike him most Kr:
malty. That the blow was unload furs
the quarter from which it proceeded seems ur•
deniable ; but that a cause, in itself se app.
rently trifling. should have broken.up a Ut
net. and produced results so momentum
shows clearly enough that the embryo Dm,
ters had not their hearts in the work. :11st
must have deeply felt the responsibility, tht
perilousness, nay, the hopelessness, of the
task, when the opmion of a single meather ste
sufficient to snuff the experiment out of ,ens
Lord Palmerston's exclusion from the fo'
ergo office by a Government of which 1,.‘ , 1
John Russell was thelfead, „could NOT hire
been caletilated on ; it would have invulredi
censure of the noble Lord's policy while
held the office. and would have been regarde.
as a public condemnation of one of the able ,
stateamen the whigs have in their.ranks.
Nevertheless, considering that Lord Palo
email, before he left the office, dtd embro
himself.- and was nearly embroiling his counar
with France—:considering. too, that he r
gumption of power. at the present m ower.
would. in the nature of things. hare renderer
the settlement of our difficulties with the Ur
ted States more perplexed and uncertain—le
may, under all circustances, re j o i c e drat '°
have been spared, the infliction.
When Lord Jdhri Russell threw up Inseam ,
there was no alternative biit to send Peel;
the most extraordinary move in this drawl i
Cabinet-making in, that be felt as little app .
rent hesitation in resuming the office, as t ,
evinced promptness in throwing it up. II".
resumption of power immediately made int ,
felt in every branch of trade. ennfidene
which had been shattered by the railway pr at
became paralYzed when it was known thu
Peel was out; the markets fell, the firtide unit•
business was suspended. and 'a gloom, a 014 '
hung over the commercial and trading work'.
The . se,eyili are fast subsitling.with the ciao ,
which called them into existence.
Upwards - of ten days have elapsed sine r.
became it hnown that Peel was.again Premier•
and every day has shown imprOved symplelo
in the produce, share.- Money, and other lg .
kets. This change appears the more woe
dinary, from . the fact that its future policy lie
much the matter of - speculation is th.e neg
met—even more undefined. undeveloped. !%''
body knoWs What'Peel will do-4ut wry oat
has confidence in Peel. L—a Singular Proof e'f
hold _which the powerful mind has over
sympathies and, the. prospects of millions 6
people, „ „
T 1
he 'London Eiaminer wittily ebsef""
reference to the prevailing feelibg. The bet r
tv of the present junoture is nobody toil oov6.
Oat' Sir Rtihert
,Peel goiig to do.
every body is . setiefide that he is the mans
no4ody knows*at:
The Cabinet restiaies power With itepe
net but slightlialtered. Changes there hav