Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 28, 1846, Image 4

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r- :'. -....-.. - .
r virtue of .:sundry . writs - of- Venditioni
taportis issiiditatit cif the court ot-„Cum
lion Pleas aril Qttritl.Geitiefiii lo the directed.
I shall expose to public sale at the house of -I, .
H. Stephens in the ptirodi) :of. Towadla.„uti
.Almiday the secoeiftlay or,Fettiary next. at.l
o,i'clo i ck k l!!.. f1 ,1. ! .. 1. 1i,e loilowina , pie,ce or . parck of
laiid ii el „ t e r ow uship and botimied on the
sell{ b)llll,io:4llitlfictuling.front Towanda to A th.
eaV s andlandpf Ggy l'raey, north by lands in
t he.puissessioit ufl.J. Havens, west and Sown
bi lands .of .Il.•S.,•AVells. 'Containing about
veven:arres more orless,•partly improved, with
a saw mill thereon erected with a • turning lathe
in stildrotill:' . '
'. -;Saied,'id'il,',ialleniti.eicetitien at the enif of
. 44;f,r:4 ( '-.o o s Wis. 4. .F.OVP I . ,: , ~.--.4 ,' ,
ALso—The following piece or parcel of . land
situate in I,Vysos township and bounden on
Iftelitarth - hy land . of Stephen
~.Strickla n
nd, o
iv land 'cif Andrew livitie.and:Lfike
tricklititt . on the:south' by, land of 1.. Snick
.tel,,Xltifl ,She'pard:iPieree, on Ink east 4y. the
Eoadlklitiiiik. l 9: IP:0 luau's Eddy. ..,' Cliffaiiniug
sixty four acres, all improved; two dwelling
houses and two b mils thereon. . • ..,
Seized,,and ta4en, in eieethionin the 'suit of
Mita . E.:Pirilletio,ilie usiotSitplien Pierce
vs. Ceroelius,Coolhangh..: . - :'
4 . 'Aiset he teilowlit , i piece or parcel of land
fituate,in_Acdth Creek antl,Springlield town
4hipsi , bounded , the! , north : , by laud of .Jaines
Philips, east by Jaates Williams. Daniel Gibbs
and Esq l :Gedlrich, south , tly teed of Esq.
Goodrich and Almon Berry. Mid : west by laud
clannett ,, lty. James .Bovier.. Containing one
.hundred and eighteen acres; about sixty - acres
In:proved: With: twtt log houses, one framed
parn, anktOriall:aeple.drchard thereim.
'';*e.iieti, g 4 tekeon : execution ai the suit of
'lndreei Knifilitvs. Hiram llarkness. . described piece or par.
• cel '6f Tatra sittidte'''iri:the township of Smith
field; bounded on the north by lands a Ira Ad
amei'oxi Ole i,nat by laiad in the possession of
'Jaded Lenox; on the :south by land of G. F.
tveet and Peutacost Sweet, and on the west
by land of Faitiner Rose and ihe heirs of Solo
pori.Forrest dee'd. Containing fifty - five acres
of •tliereiabtains.-atiout forty acres thereof int.
provetL'teith' a framed house, framed barn 'and
small !rade corn house micron apple orchard
r.:,'SeizerLand taken in execution at the suit of
rLyareu:Durfee to the use of H. A. Phelps vs.
Newman Colvin:'' : .
Also—The'collowing . described piece or
.parcel of lanijsiitiale in the tottinship of Spring,-
field and South Creek, bounded on the north
by land of H. D. Berry. east by lands of Hi
ram Harkness, south by .land of Almon Berry
and Asa A. Brown, and on the west hy land of
Joshua Conklin. Containing one hundred and
sixty acres'tir' thereabouts, about fifteen acres
thereof improved..
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Alvin Loomis vii.Jatrieirßovier.
ALso—Thi following piece or parcel of land
situate in Albani'bin,•nship and bounded," on
the north bY- lands of the heirti of C. H. Miller
and the road leading from the turnpike to the
Deverly.settlement, east by Ira Dodge, south
by Rowland Wilcox, and on the west by
lands of
. 1-I.
,B. Webb. Containing.fifty acres
and allowance, • about ihreee acres improved,
with a.liouse thereon erected, with a log stable
covered with batk.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Wilcox to the use of S. Wilcox vs. Da
niel English..
Also—The following piece or parcel of land
Wysox township, bounded on the, north by
,land of Ellis Lewis, east by land. 01 said Lew
is, south . or Wm..lllyer deed,.and An
gevine Bull, and west by the Pond. Contain
ing eighteep,aeres more.or less with about 10
acres impigved. with one saw mill and dwel
ling house and shed thereon.
Seized and taken. in. execution at the suit of
John Allen vs. , Al.vitrlVl. Allen and Robert In:
At.sci=Y,he piece or parcel of land
in. AtheriirtoivOsl4, boionded on the north by
William Scott. east, by the public highway,.
south and west by land of Julius Tozer. Con
taming .! of an acre inore'Or less, one framed
house and wood h# Se there On.
Seized and, taheit to ea . ,ecniiini at the suit of
Henry \roorhes vi; Flarvey French-—A piece or parcel of- land situate in
Canton township:' bounded on the north by
La of Stephen Garet: On 'the east by ',land of
G. F. Mason and' aloe sold by E. Mason .to
Silas Gray, on the sookh , by'land of lal. War
ren, end on thn -sold by G. F.
Mason to Sihot:Gray And Palmer. Con
taining sixty nine acres and forty nine perches
or thereabomi. With, about ,fifty acres thereof
Witlitwo framed houses, one log
barn and about'stity fruit trees thereon.
ALso—One other piece or parcel of land in
the said tow,nibilr of Canton, bounded on the
north by land of-G.F.-Mason .and a lot sold
by E. Mason to Silai Gray; on the east", by
land - of the south by land of
James Warren. and on the west by land sold
&:Masoff. ;la Silas Gray.. Containing 26
acres 122 perches or thereabouts, with about
thirteen acres thereof improved. ,
Seized and taken' in execution at the Snit of
E. & G. F. *bison's use vs. Silas Gray..
ALso—The foll Owing piece or parcel of land
situate in the township of Athens, and bounded
on the north by :A Tozer, West by the Main
road leading from Athens to'Eitoiral south by
H. To:zer, aotdeasl . bY,J. Sfheparti. Contain
ing ohelValf aii acre. framed:house and framed
barn and, shall orchard thereon..
Seized and taken:in execution at the suit of
Union Pennell irs:.lsrael S. Mead. '
Also—The folliiiv,ingpleie or parcel of land
situate in the,towfiship of L'imhfiehl and boun
ded on the nor*.by.,MichaelXims haw. east by
Reuben Pirk, south by. Chas. Chttqler; West
by Constant Allattiewson.:• . ..Containing tweniy
five atited: l libont'thresi: 'aeres' improve ith
trained iropee and.fdartltrihnp
Seizetl'and take's hi execuhon,,at the suit of
Welles dr.,Satterlee vs. 'Hiram -Rogers., •—The following piece or pardel of land
situate in ToWinda borough, lir:Matte& on the
north by John Caiter; Oast by Heney-13utler.
send' by Thomaitlfiiilt; and west by Main.
street,tpAßAlOncr one fourth.of an, acre more
fraaae4 house, sun& barrt and fruit woes
- '
liftd taitenin'exe*rtton "at the snit of
;INVllrtitt4s ? ik'N.T. gentz:
.4,lll;•,loll'Our.i.itgAiuUllped" piece or
:fargl 1' 4) S 1) j iqUa t e sn: Ater iowas up. eon
laihinriouttahondred:and five acres prtherea-"
turoti,liou7tditic•Sini deseribid - d1 the north, by
land of gle'kief Ctirryt"ASilForield.'and duy
1 - 1; ( - 4 ,4,414 : by -113e 4 8itiott e ea vet. south
-14 Janda of vAlaason Saltmarslt: and, west west by .
land of .Jacob Swarte`ond Rolm.: about
tiliatarilirahaltfiy;hcres thereof- iinprdied,i
3 ~
ivithlhrei frinied houses, one log house, three
framed barns. one, blacksmith shop, one corn
house and two late apple orchards therm*: •".
Soiled 'and - taken tu-'executien Lit the soil of
Bosley, filtirley SG.llytle vs ; G ti , Welles unit
14_11 Perkins. - •
r• A Lso--1 he hillowini piece or parcel of land
idtu..te Wt Granville too uship in Bradford eu.,
and bottnakil "as follows: beginning ata beech!
the a uuth went 'corner tif lot n0..121 on war
rant lot no. 148 L, thence east 180 and 4-10:p.
to a post ; thence south 80 perches -to a post ;
thence Avesi 180 add 4-10'perehes to a post ;
thence north SO and 4-10 perches in
. the be
gitinitm. Containing 54 acres and perches
o ith about 25 acres unprovell, with a Wanted
house and barn thereon. -
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
1 imothy Paxson and; illiam Davidson. trus
tees of the Batik of NorLli . Amerma vs. Barna
bus lirtnnan.
ALSO-A. piece. or parcel of land in Ilerrick
township:lntended north by David Hull, south
by John Laporte, east by 'Richard Mlles. west
by Johti Laporte ; containing about one hun;
'tired acres ;.about seventy acres iinproired,one
framed barn; one lo g house, one log barn, an
orchard of an butolrell bearing apple trees, and
a - smith shop.
. seized and t: ken in execution at the suit of
Anna thekinson, to the use of S Meylert, vs
Charles Squires.
Also— Phti following piece or parcel of land
situate in 'row:Milo bordtigh, and bounded on
the -north by John C. Adams' latid;,eait by
2d street, south by Huston and Ward, and we.t
.third street. Containing twenty one thou
sand anil fifty feet. be the seine more or less.
with a two story dwelling house and harp
thereon erected.
• Seized and taken in execution at.the suit of
M. C. Mercur lo the use of Henry Mercur vs.
Ira 11. Stephens.
Atso—The following piece or pari:el of land
situate iii Ulster township, bounded northby
Platt Smith. east by the Susquehanna river,
south by lands of A. B. Shaw deceased,:west
by land now in the possession of Frank Mur
ry and Samuel Huff. Ctintaining one hundred
and twenty five acres more or less, about one
hundred 'improved with one dwelling house,
one barn and orchard thereon.
-AtisciOne other tract of land in said Ulster
tow vship, bounded north by Platt Smith, west
'by A. Pa;ridge, east by lands of J.,. Smith, and
south by Samuel Huft. • Containing one hun
dred acres more or less, with about thirty acres
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Jeduthan Simons vs. Lockwood Smith.
ALso—The following piece or parc el, of land
situate - a in Direll township, bounded on the
north rnd east by Debby Chamberlin, on the
south and west by Oliver Gilbert. Containing
one acre, all impr Ved, one framed house and
wood house and s oe shop.
Seized and taken "a executionat the suit of
Mark C. Arnim to tlisoise of Andrew Irvine
vs. Hiram Miller.
Azso—The followint described lot of land
situate in 'Armenia towliship and bounded on
north by lands of Bradford Robbins, east by
lauds of Reuben fJason. on the south and west
by lands .of S. W. Paine. Containing one
hundred acres, with about fifty acres improved
with a lo g house and small orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
John Gill's use vs. John M'Naught.
ALSo—The following piece or parcel of land
situate in Litchfield townsip, bounded on the
north by land of Wright, on the east by
land of Samuel Davidson, l south by land of B.
Stackhouse, and on the west by land of
!Byre. Containing fifty acres or thereabouts,
thirty or thirty five acres improved a log house
log Mtn and other out buildings and a few fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
George Wilson vs. Adolphus V. D. Tweed.
Also—The following piece or parcel of land
situate in Durell township and bounded as fol
lows : beginning at a white oak, thence by
land of William Morrison _north 2° west 266
perches to a post, thence east 52 perches to. a
chestnut oak north 70° east 127 perches to a
pine, south 50° east 200 perches io a black
oak, south 34° west 211 perches to a black oak.
atrd . west 200 perches to the place of begin
ning. Containing 433 acres and three quar
ters of an acre, and allowance of six per cent
for roads &e., ahout ten acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
liaild'Cash vs. Alaoson B. arid Israel Smith.
ALso—By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias,
A piece of land in Canton township, bounded
as follows—Beginning at a post oirthe south
bank of Tow-oida creek, thence down the said
meek the several courses thereof to a dead birch
on the bank of said creek, it being a corner of
lots No I and 2, and also the hautidary line of.
Ozias Kilburn ; thence south along said line.
103 perehes to a post and stones on the south
boundary line of the tract ; thence west 48
'perches to a hemlock corner, the south west
corner of said tracts; 'thence north 132 perches
to a post ; thence West 75 perches to the place
of beginning ; Containing seventy-seven acres
and forty-twO perches; with a framed house
and two framed barns thereon erected, about
forty-five acres improved.
• Seited end taken in execution at the suit of
A‘m Dickinson. Maria Meredith. Thomas Me
redith. Jidw Read, John M Read and Marga
ret M Read, who survived Sainuel Dickinson
and Prisciita M 'Read, vi Nathan B Tabor.
JOHN F., MEANS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office. December 31st. 1845..
Towanda Iderclunits, Indictment for 'downright mar
der,"“ selling goods too eheip.' , '
Tried before the people of Brad-
The Shavings, lank. ford county.
it eppearing to the satisfactionof all the jury, (corn
' posed of all trrdford Co.) that the price of Salt et'
too Shavings Bank was raised to . 14 shillings per bid._
the day after No. 3, got out, who bad been-selling for
13 shillings per bbd. And it also. being conclUsivelly.
proved that the said , Shavings. Bank are about,ls. per
Font. behind No. 3, in selling goals cheap, the jury
without leaving the ben acquitted the defendant, end as
was re
the verdictnird, the crier of thr court t:.tall'd out,
• Ob, yea! eh, yes! oh, yes!
's .4 only genuine cheap store in Towanda, is No. 3;
.unrca. now.: • '
No . George., to-Wok-R-1.- U*. you should bursi up'
No: 3, / old Lot. •!FreshSalt,'? nor even salt
petre won't ve your....bead from
- Two sleigh l f New Goods.juit seeeitied..itt
. Ike. 17. No.3,'Briekßour.'
. . .
liE subscriber has for sile,A new two horse wa-,
gon orie' 4 . horse avagO6,•panisi . worn
and bobs; heroes:, &e., :Sze.' Also; 3 oi4 goal HOR-:
8E8.... A pair br . young OXEN, believed roPeiloi
any in the country' of their lige.. • . „, ,
Also,. iirtielei *every foe farininginid
ng parPoseinall:ONliie` h *ill be sold cheap for e4sh Ge t
, approsecreredit. ADO ON`~i'KEAL
Towanda, Deeeigahor 17:1845.
eb , ABORTED IROIV:'i - se reCilig, for,
.1111` ialii at: • ac 24 1117013, No.t, 11. X
,OPtI4EIOE4 of in icgtsAihidir
`eius, fct iits=cheaft at . - ;424. • !MEM& -
• C..Mercut,,..„-,,c. , ,
- AVEthei pleirny of ennouncing tot m. public,:
I that their. unprecedented -heavy 'sales this fall,
, two irviritlered . ' it necessary to. purchase another , 'large
stock of WINTER GOODS.' which theyare timer re.
ciiiing and offering fur. 'cash at whokaale orrefaili at
much loiter prices than - they can be found at any otber
store in Towanda. Clod' purchasers of goods can 'se
cure the-following udwintages by' calling at' our store:.
Fituer--lrlie procuring of their -goods at the least pos
sible advancefrom the inanurictueer's and importer's
prices; as our goods are pachased from first hands,
at net cash prices., . .
at:CUPlD—Relief from the extra prices, which merchants
who give credit must charge to cover losses by bad
debta. collecting fees, 4c. .
Ouritoci is veryleavy,embtacing almoit everything
in the, line of Dry Goods, Groceries, (Liqueur excepted)
Hardware,' Ciockeiy. Drugs,' Medicines: Paints, Oils.
Dye stuffs, - Boots 'and sheci„Sitidlery - Hardware; Car
riage Trimmings, &c. /And sltho' our stock of needs
is much the heaviest in tetra, they were purchased• so
very low that they did not cost $15,008. or even $15,-
000, and our customers con have the hen _ eft oor ad-
Vantageona purchases, as our motto is, "Swill profits
and quick salei. Nov. '26.1895.
At Monroe Cortir,rs, uith Moires, Bippliel,
41 - s DOERR. FOWLER las jest filled. by the last
. trip of the boats for the veason, •bi+ large .and
commodioue rew-•tore-house with a complete and well•
assorted lot of Winter Goods, selected carefully by him•
cif in the New York and Philadelphia markets to. suit
teason. with a special view to the tastes , and wants
of his neighborhood.
He re.pectfully invite. an-examination or hi. eaten.
.ive "tack—which he oar. at aninvariable cavh price
—eompri,ing. generally,
Cloth.. Cap., Hat., Hosiery, Hardware,•Plails and
Cutlery, Crockery. toneware*Tinware , El*
cfnentary Doi,ks,;totionery, Staple and:
7 Fancy Dry Go Drugs and Dye
Stars. De Maine.. Alpacas,
Print-, hatvl.,Bheetings,
&c., lee. •
in short, every variety of goods required in this market,
of the latest styles mul of the best qualities according to
prices, which shell be sold as low as can be afforded at
any other estabbstiment intended for permanent buri•
nese. Full as his store is, he has room enough to trade
in, and abundance of light to test thequality of his goods.
LUNIBERNI EN, in exchange for Beards & Waggle,
shall have all articles ut cash prices:, for he has no ottis
CIS and they will find, at the same rates, in addition
to his general assortment, a constaqt supply of ORAiN,
FLOUR, FISH, PORK, SALT, and all the necessa•
ries as well as the conveniences of life.
FARMERS' produce bought at all times, at good
prices, and as fair an exchange made for goods as by
any dealer In the county.
Persona going to the mine for COAL, can savehaul
ingliy leaving their loading here, (several miles this
side,) at the coal-bed prices, and taking an order on the
miners, which, under his arrangement, will be • other
wise to their mutual advantage, by securing to purcha
sers coal at the most favorable rates of barter there, and
saving to the miners the cost of bringing surplus pro
duce hack to market. •
R.F. has heard of 'pigmy souls, near Franklindalo
corners, the old "yellow corner," whitened over like
the sepulchre, and in some other dark corners, which
could find no gird answer to the question-"mho is
my neighbor 2" lw t be has passed their reach, not cor
nered yet, and he assures the community which has
imposed so many obligations in him by past confidence
thst he cannot risk its continuance, by stopping to kick
off wbiffets, or making announcements which be is un
prepared to fulfill. lilonroe, 11ec.3, 1845. .
PRINTS—The largest. most desirable and cheapest
assortnscnt of Prints in town, can be found at
-nos26 - . MEROURS'.
Ti orsted - Goods.
111111 DE DAINES, Crape de laines, C. D Ecosse
• and A tpaccas, a fine assortment, purchased in
Acts York, after the late falling off in prices at
nso26. MERCURS'.
lIMONNET VELVETS, Satins and Silks, with
lIDD Ribbons to match, the best and cheapest assort
nt in town, at nv26 RCURS'.
WLS —Every one wishing to purchase Shawls,
0, should by 01l means call where every thing ip that
line from twenty-fiat cents up, is kept at Prices toimit
judges of the articlesl; it is needless' to sny that it is at
nev 26 ERC UAW.
fAßDWAliE.LThelargpst assortment end
greatest variety ever offered in Bradford County,
kid received at MERCUB'S.
THE co-partnership which heretofore existed be
tween George Bret* „fr. and Will;am Angle, un
der the firm of IJRECK & ANGLE. has been" this
day dissolved, and - all debts due the said firm have been
assigned to the subscriber, who alone is authorized to
collect and receipt the same., WM. ANGLE.
Rumnierslield Creek, November 17, 1845, n 26
Still Later, More Rich Goode.
JEST received an invoice of the latest styles of Silks,
among which may he found Plain black and blue
black, Ombre Striped Pon de t•nii , Cainelinn Reps aid]
Satin Stripe-r, Genuine Polka Silks, Plaid Florencee,
Plain do., Plain'silks f Ronnidte, a rare opportunity
for those to.purchase who intend doing eo is they are
sink! only a shade above auction pritlee at •
0ct..20. G. E. FLINT & CO'S.
A NY quantity a Bleached and Brown Shretine &
j-tk Shirting of all qu3lities, Ilk. and white Wadding,
Wicking in Boxes, twine. cords, &c., at
ONE half ton ARK ROPE bough t vet/ low and
will be cold accordingly by
WANTED in exchange for goals any quantity
of Butter, Tallow, Wheat, Rye, Oats, Timothy
and' Clover seed, Hides, Lumber, and crash will not 'ho
refused - by WELLES & SATTERLEE.I
WEST RECEIVING, at the old store, on the cor
ner of Main and Pine streets,, a few. doors.below
Montanyes ¢ Co.'s, and nearly oppolite No. I, Brick
Row, an entirely new stock of- GOODS, which, con
sists in a general assortment of
Dry Goads, Crockery, ••
Groceries, Boots 4 Shoes,
Hardware, Hats 4 Caps, 4.c.
Together. with a general assortment of DRUGS AND
MEDICINES; all of which have been selected with
great care by myself in the Near York market, and will
be sold as cheap as'can be sold by any living man in
this market Ladies and Gentlemen can be satisfied of
this fact by calling on the subscriber, at hiecore.where
he will be in readiness at alltimealto wait upon all,who
facer' him with a call. •' A. 7 i l MONTANYE.:
117 Wanted, in . exchange for t Goads; either cash,'
grain,'lumber, or shipping Furs, in almost any quantity.
Towanda:NM/ember 19, 1845. ' A, D. M.
D .
• 111119L81:111T; Jr., superior east: kid AXES
'RN* . half a dozen boxes, just received 'sad .for sales
tne undo' . ' novl9 RINGSBERY.
Sayinge that have' beeenr,Troyeth
HAT GEO. E. FLYNT & have the ler
!--L got end roost desitebtestoeltorgoodeln Towanda:
rnovias ascoanr. „.
That. Lumber for Goods, or Goods for , Lomber, cannot
be carried on successfully without detriment to Cash
Buyers.. - . • PROVEItiI Man :
That G. E. Flynt & Co. buy goods for Crib, and sell
theni for . the " ready." , -
. • Plllo9Zil3 TOIIIITH: !
That G. E. F. & co. are selling goods, cheaper : than
any other establiahment in this borough, „ ,
. And it be Oiepered,
and. soon will beerime a preverbSalthough webaie beer;
knowing to the feet for some time) that G. E. F, & Co.
are meths* better' coeds and moreofi thein.a: it
. Thoseivho deal Olt dote; ;
I will Peese , present themselves eir oar aninter;-leltens
tikiesie are freely shoWn, find alwaye warranted equal to
~FOPP/e.a.d#Pl l. • .Ca...4. 0 4" -1 4e SaPPlP'Pankt
lAIPts; pORUS, Fringes, fancy sel•et and
,b!gie et " .MERCIIWS. '
Latest- arrival oNew Goode'...,_
• •
ELLEfi dd IiIATTERLER litivit been W'raceiv
irnit:tho la three leeks ham New Yorklii.
loin era apieridid 'itock of PALL anirWLITER
GOOD/5, selected titaki'thelelestiniptatatiois With'utt-,
41* 6 ki:l4..c4lillitY and especially as
&a: 'They ao not pretend to hive the largest stockist
the Country, or sell low?: than'any other house but they'
ask all who wish to buy choice and good goods to call
end examine the quality and prices of their goOds, and
then judgo who sells goods at low , prices; . all are invi
ted to call and examine their stock which comprises
every thing ususdy kept in country stores.
Athens Pa, Srplember 30, 1845.
ADIIE.:B will hod newly iii largo asstock of Drops
j[ A
Goods, smelt "ris'eaahicere, De, B'Cosai,'M. De
Ain ', Alpacciui, Oing,han3s„ Prints, &e. ' at our atOreaa
in tit county,,. tow pricia. They will ideas°
call ,d examine the stock ti 4 them:dyes.. ' :
'' ' ' ' '' WELLES'& NATTERLEE :
GENTLEMEN will tied a large and splendid stock
• or cloths, Cassinieres, Vesting', Cravats, Gloves,
Elastic bracmi. Rubber. Over .Shoes, and, dewy thing
clew they may want et very low- prices for the quality at
IQ WLS. in great variety dabeeutifur patternis . itiay
.be found 'at WELLES & SATTERLEE'S.
ÜBANS DEL - AIN. for Coating, and splendid
nit, plaid Cloaking...Pala' plaids and plaid Lining
very chesivErt WELLES &§ATTERLEKS.,,
ATs, CAPS & MUFFS any quantity:from
cents up at WEI,LES & SATTERLEE'S
s A ROE and elegant assortment of Laces, Ribbons,
Gloves and trimmings of all kinds at
InD i;iso At' , may he . dafe to say wa have as large
ti 'mock and of as good qualities as any house n
llradfoid County, and we will se.l them as low as any
house can that gets any thing above cost.
/IN HE heirOf Iron & Steel in the coun
. -
HOE-FINDINGS, such_sa Pegs,. !hustles, Awls,
Awl halts, Thread &c., also Sole and Upper
Leather, Calf & Kipp Skins, always on band by
®IL, Pointed Glass, we keep constantly on bind
IUIP a very large stock of all kinds and will very low
10 bids. MACKEREL,
1 adi !owl SALT, and 5 ton NAILS,
ore for sole on/ready to be shown at BAIRD'S.
HH'DS SUGAR, 5 do. Molasses bought, in first
hands and will be sold accordingly by
W. H. BAIRD & CO., No. 3, B. R.
COTTON YARN-10t0 lbs. just received end for
sale at REED'S.
SOLE LEATHER-3,000 lbs.—and any quantity
of cow. Kip and Calf skins, from the manufactories
on„ Kaatskill creek," N. Y. We won't say anything
about the price, but come and see st J 3 BAIRD'S. • .
A LARGE and general assortment of the above an.
tidea, compiraing almost everything uses by Har
ness and Carriage Makers, which will be sold lower
than the same quality of goods have ever been offered at
Owego or Elmiia, just received by
sep. 24. H. S. & M. C. MERCUR.
Othogh POUNDS t NAILS,. assorted sizes, at
sep. 24. ' MERCIUR'S.
SOLE LEATHER—first quality.
u Comforters," a few dozens.
- Carpetings and Floor Oil Cloths. ,
Carpet and. Cotton Yarn. _
Bagging—an article unequalled for durability
Nov. 12. At the SAVINGS BANK.
L 0. OF 0. F.
ir r becomes our duty again to annocnce the receipt of
more rich and valuable goods, which we are offering
still cheaper (if possible) than heretofore.
We have for cash buyeni. the following goods :
100 pa. blk'and blue silk Alpaccas ;
50 a sgd and changeable goods, for dresses;
. - 150 styles DeLaines and. cashmeres;
1500 yds. Calicoes—in addition to our former large
stock—the contents of one boi, just received.
40 pr. Cloths, all shakes and colors ;
15 • Bk and Fancy Cassimeres
20 Salinelts,all prices.
Iron, tails, Steel, any quantity. and Shelf Hardware
in abundance. The " people . ' of Bradford county, have
looked long and anxiously for the time to come when
goods could be purchased at their real value. For the
last six months we have satisfied the most skeptical. and
wish to inform our friends that we are not to deed busi
ness in the spring,"as reported, but shall continue to do
battle for the friends of Cheap Goods, a• long ash will
benefit the county of Bradford. It is told itt this way—
We have, we can, and we will.
December 17. GEO. E. FLYNT & CO.
Q . LEIGH SHOES and Plough Points, (for Wayne
10 Co. Ploughs) at ' G. E. FLYNT & CO'S.
BACCO. or sale by B. KINGSBERY.
ffilAT the Farmers of Bradford county are all tra.
4 cling at "BAIRD's 5T01213," when it is taken
into consideration. that in addition to keeping the lar
gest and best stock of Goods in the county, and selling
them cheaper then any body else. they have always
haat' ready to assist and encourage that class °iceman:l
-:my by purchasing their produce of every description at
the highest prices. What, for instance, woblil they
have done with their butter for the last two summers
had not Nu. 3" boldly stood forth in Ate support
of honest industry and dealt out all descriptions of
goods, al
.the lowed rash prices, in exchange fur that ar
tide I The hard flitted }conning are replying to the
above, by coming with a ru.h ! a Perfect rush ! "en
mass"!!.! to the cheoest store in . Thwanda, where
Bill Baird & Co." are always ready and willing to do
the fair thing. • , . . Dec. 23.
111,, which .are Cashmeres, Mousse DeLaine.plaid fed
and silk work Alpaca. 6-4 plaid Cloaking, Girdles and
Trimmings, to correspond; &C.O.
• sep. 24. • B. KINGSBERY.
TBAINTB,ISc OILS.- Dye woods and Dye stuffs. yi
,very laree mock. just received at BAIRD'S
v24TRT ml - nacur_ , L,Tzug
IFIMI-11.S, action wad broughtfor , ...doworight murder,"
- againsttbe Cashier & Ca of the Tovianda Sa
vings Bank, for ..citing goods too cheap, and thereby
bunging leariite4s upon the." Merchant Princes" of the
borough. But,: with" all their vaunted sayings, hired
witne”es and Combination+, together with the principal
evidence admitted by us---(thet goods were sold cheap
er at Flynt '& Co.'s than tiny'other . eatablishritent)—
we have at last come ulfwith 0ur,... capitel increased,"
trod obtained a Signal sictory'aver these would-be 'law'
and order combinationli.`and carried dismay even into
the enemy's camp,' Itihddition to oer•former stock o
Fall Goods, we have just received '
Another Ark .- Load fqoods,.
which will be disposed •of as liberally as heretofore.—
Therefore we hive tb timid the
;That George E: Flynt & Co. cannot be Inn down.
0 a, Lodk for the &wings Bank.. '- dec3.
ff TAKE this oPportuoity, to inforni all who am jn
ju. tiebted to Me, that payment MUST be made by
FEBRUARY. COURT.,, The, sum . due from each
individual, hued!, but in theiggreaate it amounts to
'consillerable. j, Jytaii ihat'a4Oore effectual notice will
be:netessaiy, , , JOHN N. WESTON,
'December 24: Lire Sheritr.
WOTlCE.Wtierees, my . wife,. MARIO 8.. hew
' ing my tltlahil, &stint itithoat 'eulliefeof
'cause;tielieby 'eautina all persons against harbor=leg hei of trip
'&l4, of her Cootrictleeeftei
BrillgewitAr ; Btu, ;Co., Dec. 15, 1845.
LW deeper than any place in town at . , BAIRDIL
ICIP• . 1 : 20 31211 r
O; 1 - 11N11
IrWSPITS ierba,thatfloble'fital I. tor . *
tithrtall thilittkiliatt v ain turn,' , •,.
ImblicireOesilly'thirt he
receiving a very' large
sell selected assortment of
IVES, such u Croas'lnt
-9,linder oven !potting;
combination of Frank
aid conking; No. aitnd
Iton 4 boiler cooking t No.
and piemuirit 4 boiler
it: with an assortment
, , plat* schooldlouse and
- •
church stoves ;. cylinder coal and -parlor wood do., all
of Which:will:be sold as low as 'any cithei establish
nient this side of the ROcky Itteuntainsifor wheat, oats,
r ye, corn. polit,.btitier;. cheese. and cash not refused;
TIN-WA RE'constantly kepten band, at wholesale and
retail, with stovepipe, elbows, stove tubes of. clay, and
tin, patent pails. atone jugs. British lustre, sheet zinc,
cut to suit customers, with Job
.work of every &scrip
tion in the Tin.-Copper* Sheet Iron business, done,
on short notice and in. a workmanlike manner. ,
•' And in addition to the abgve articles, be intends to
keep constantly on band a good article of rifle and blast-.
ing Powder with FLOUR , ,PORK, by the barrel
and pound. codfish. mackerel; .scarp, candles. lard and
butter. LIQUORS, such as rum, gin, brandy, and
Whiskey, of :different. qualities. Tea, coffee, pepper,
spice, ea keratin. ginger, starch, cloves, cinnamon, gegen',
tobacco. cav ndieh and fine cut,-candies, nuts; 6gs. rai.
sins, herring, green and.dried fruit, cider, beer, and all
other orticles usuallykept by grocers, all of which wilt.
be sold at reduced prices for ready pay. Store and ma
nufacturing-Establishment not kept exactly in Montan
ye's corner block, but ' in the next building below, on
the south side of the public squire, where \ persons a idl
ing to purchase the above articles will do well to call.
and examine before purchasing elsewhere.
Nov. 12; . 1845.' • •• ' 1). C: HALL.
Fw.b&rogirn L. M. NYE & CO., would re
spectlly inform the citizens of Tow
h and the pfibl d ic generally; that
141 L I : 10. 1 1 t h o e Lde a r ve alr 'kinds icof manufacturecAßi
-4- l 'FURNITURE, of the best mate
-3". mil rigs, and workmanship tit:amulet
""'. he surpassed, in addition to the usual
assortment in country shops, we will keep an hand and
make to order SOFAS, of various rind most approved
patterns ; Sofa flocking Chairs, upholstered in superior
style, and for ease and durability cannot be surpassed
even in our large cities. Also, the half French Ma.
hogany Chair, beautifully upholstered, with curled hair,
which never loses its elasticity, and finished with the
best hair seating. We flatter ourselves that ,having
had much experience in'the business, we shall be able
to satisfy all who may feel disposed to call, both as to
quality and price, and by strict attention to business
hope to merit and receive the patronage of a liberal CD Co.
munity. L. M. NYE & CO.
Towanda, September I, 1845.
41.4111. WET FUE.4-ITURE
MAY - 13E DAD at our shop much lower than it
. has ever been sold in Towanda. Goods are
cheep, and, wheat am lowered, and that is the reason we
can afford all for to do it. .411 kinds of produce will
be received in payment. Also, LUMBER of all kinds.
Sept. 1. L. M. NYE 4. CO.
I Obi • I altil MIA •
%TILL be kept-on band a large assortment, and
made to order on shorter notice and for less ma.
ney than can be produced at any other establishment in
the land. Those who are under the necessity of pro
curing that article will and shall be satisfied. A good
hearse and pall may be had in attendance when desired.
• September!, 1845. L. AI. NYE & CO. •
WILCOX & SAGE have associated themseves
•in the Boot and Shoo .Taking business, in the
borough of Towanda, and. may lie found at the old stand
of S. Hathaway, lately occupied by Elkanah.Smith,neai
I. 11. Stephens Exchange Hotel,
.where they solicit a
share of public patronage. They intend, by a emirl
selection of stock, and by attention to the interests of
theircustomers,to make as neat and durtiblework as can
he manufactured in this portion of the country.
They keep constantly on hand, and will manufactaxe
to order, morocco, calf and coarse boots and shoes;
Ladies' Gaiters, shoes and slips; children's do.; gent's
gaiters and pumps, &c.
Towanda, May 14, 1815.
ZfaM f. 56.50 •
BATCHELBRA COREL beg leave to inform the
inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity, that they
base just commenced the Tailoring Business.•up stairs,
No. 4, Brick Row, where they are prepared to execute
all work entrusted to them with care neatness and des
patch, and in the mm.t fashionable manner, Having
just received the New York and Philadelphia fashions,
and with their long expetieure in the business, they flat
ter themselves that their work will be made in a manner
and style equal to any other establishment in the place.
Terms made to correspond with the times.
CUTTING done - on the shortest notice. .
ca. All kinds of country produce received in paYmen
for'work at market prices. - October 1, 1645.
c)l4•m.7a cs"-?waa:22l.olap,
Over Montonse'S kore, next door to Merritt's law office,
at the old stand of Powell & Seaman. [oel
J. E. eantield,, Attornerat.Law,
va - 7 7ILL Intend to all kinds of business intrusted to
V his core, with promptness and despatch. Of
fice in the Tin and Stove Store building7up stairs. jot
1101. JAMES M. GOODRICH has !nested himsel
it MONROE., for the practice of his profession,
and will ho pleased to wait on those requiring his ser
vices.. He may be found at J. L.' Johnson's tavern.
Reference may be inside, to Drs. Hurron.dc blAsorr
of Towanda. April 23, 1845.
Fashionable Tailoring
A riFORGE H. BUNTING would respectfully in-
Nix form the public that he still continues at his old
stand on the west side of Main street, ...between Kingv
bery's and Bartlett's stores, up stairs; where he may
be found in readiness .to 'all work in his line in a style
'not to be' surpassed in' Bradford county. Prices to suit
the times. Thankful, for past favors, be respectfully
solicits a continuance and hopes by 'strict attention to bu
siness and accommodating termite meeitliatrunage.
-The Spring ind Summer FASHIONS have jest been
received, and he is prepared to make' garments in the
mog fashiolable manner.
Ponicalar atteption paid to CUTTING,ant warrant
ed to St if preierivnade Op.
lie has the latest Springand Sommer Fashions for
isle.' Towanda, !day 14, 1845.
- William Stoll,
441 1 U 4 V0123-..WINT 9
wILL promptly and punctually render his profes
sional. services in .4geacies.,Collections, and
;utter matters in his profession, entrusted to' his care.
Office hi the-New ricklttite.teat'room'Ciser the
Post Office, entrance on the' north side. • "; Nov by
.llealing - 01olnieiLr
isear'suppli of tbiltoopular medicine...ll6a quantity
AL of the soua iiscrtrits, just teceived by
Oct. 1. H. EL dc M. C. MERCUR.
Fritz nest., academic year , natant
JL ' commence en Monday, the GM ,
ber neir, : unarilhei eePerhltePailial ale Weal,
Xi. Vatidere4 as ' Prbiti
- jso. pvvORTHING,
Nisi Minh*, Freceiticts.
Mi Yandarecrok beerr nceessfulliene
teaching for years pana be has mach est
this important and truly thinning department
enterprise and be:moles:mind brings Witham
various a a urees of good moral &erecter, f
scientific and literary attainments.
'kir. 'Worthing is a gentleman of very trailed o p
tsinments, experience and•skill in' teaching, and euti
fail to do much•fin' the advancement of tha studento4
thelprosperity of the is:siltation. ,
Bliss Worthing, the ittrecalresw of the in to
partmont. has elreaey, by her derotion to lilerstare, od
her superior virtues, obtained the unqualified
of the community, and the esteem and affection of le
numerous pupil.. Young ladies will seldom Grid ro
intaructress'betier qualified to 'Meet all the ants sit,
stadent, not only as a farther, tint utiltustdian Vow
and sereciste. They' cinnel brie be improved by sn
mple and society, as well se by her engsgini keit.
TUITION will be u follow:4in alt the depenib qk
Primo , and common English, stodiesi. with Pen.
minship, composing and speaking, fi ,
Natural, intellectual' and •mmal• science, botany,
chemistry, Idstory, astronomy, rhetoric, logic,
bookkeeping, drawing, painting, acc., 4 06
Mathematics and the languages,, 6 06
Incidental expenses per term, daring winter, zr,
No student will, be ,received for less than half a te n;
and no deduction 'will be made for absence, slap
eases of illness or other unsvoible causes.
The ACidemic year will be divided into four t ent ,
of eleven weeks each: Then will be lineation of az
week after the Out term,; also one week alter tlietla i d,
and a vacation of six weeks after the fount, inelad mi
the harvest season.. • • •
We desire to make the Towanda Academy as sgre,
ble and desirable resoit for students from abroad, as Ina
as those at home a place where the purest Tifton d a l
be cultivated, and the germs of science firmly set in its
youthful mind.. FOI this great object, no care or hie.
will be spared on the part otteachers oi trustees. Il e
Principal should be consulted before purcbasing he*
as several changes are contemplated in the text4od u
of the *boot. .
Students from abroad can find board with the P
pal or others, on reasonable terms.
Lectures .vrill be given regularly by the Principalw
othens,•on the most important topics declaration, mid i
society organized for the 'eapecial benefit of young me%
There wilt be two examinations and exhibitions d i si ng
the year, the time to be determined by the teachers Da
trustees. • IDDAM MIX, President,
David Cash,
Enos Tomkint,
Burton Kingsbery,
H. S. ?demur,
;1. D. Montanye,
C. L. Ward,
.106 n F. Means, William Elwell
7owantla, July 31, 1345;
friends and the public that Its / s ,
C - , e k REMOVED to the Brisk Root
i 7 ,7 No. I, where he still condiment •
, :?(, espy on his old business of
r. • \ l4-iik - - Watch and Clack RepairliN
b h.. ..„2 •.,..,... . .
---,-. •- which willbe done on shartnetite
and warranted to be well done. From a long eve- -4 ,
ence in the business, ye believes that be will be able to
render perfect satisfaction to all who may favor kin
with their patronage.
N.B. Watches warranted to run well one year, er
the money r .refunded ; and a written agreement gists
to that el l p! to all that desire one.
CLOCJCS.—A large assortment just received - isd
for sale very low foreash.
If you want to buy Jewelry cheap call at Chia
berlin's Watch Shop, No. 1, Brick How.
0;:r MAPLE SUGAR, Wood, and all kindsof Caun•
try Produce received in payment.
Towanda, June 18;1845.
THE subscribers stilt continue
i/ ... 1 to manufacture and keep 90 hand
an!!! at their old stand. all kinds of
Cane and Wood seat chain;
1,4 1 1 11 J ' also Settees of various kind:
5 , , , ..- - ‘ IS. BEDST.E.6 'DS, of erny
I. description. which we will
f \ sell low for cash or produce.
J TURNING done to order.
Tirttanda, April 23;1845. -
LADIES arc particularly requested to call laurel
amine our assortment of All Wool Ombre Cede
mercs, Nazarene blue Delaines. winter balzarines, prime
do ecasse, (last style) Victoria striped cashmeres, Qua
Ann plaids and checks, &c., with gimps, cords ad rel.
net trimmings to match, nnw exhibiting at No.3,Brirk
Row. We say they are 2p per cent: cheaper than as
deca. BAIRD & CO.
CI, CASES HATS, and a large stock of CA Nil, vow
OPP opening at the cheapest store in Towanda—ere y
body knows where that is : N 0.2, rick Row.
ELEA,JraII 5.111711 SOX, •
ESPECTFIjLLY info . = that Meg still corker
Kt the manufacture of Saddles, Bridles. Harass.
&c., in Col. Mies building, next door to J. C. Alms
Law Office, where they will keep constantly on hand,
and manufacture to order,
Elastic Web, Common and Quilted Saddlts,
Harness, Carpet Bags,
Bridles, • Trunks,
Collars, . Valises, 4.c. 41 , .
Carriage Trimming and Military. Work Bona )
Maucasses, Pew and Chair Cushions uncle on Asa
notice, and reasonable terms.
The subscribers hope by dping their work-well-oml
by a strict attention to business, to merits ihate of
public patronage. ELKANAH SMITH & SON,
Top/ands, May 21,1845. -
TO Farmers; Lumbermen and others' ,
" • -
New Store in. Standing Stone !
M7rzetaS.orf°Siltitilnili'n re spec tfully
ton t e fu ae lly d a v n i n c:i n ty ce t t h ci a t t b tr . e ,
have formed a partnership, and are now opening al Li
old stand of Peter C. Ward, lately occupied by N.D.
Watford, where they offer for sale an extensive stocker
stople end fancy Goods, consisting of—A
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, £rockery,
Iron, nails, boots and shoes, sole & upper leather, Boar
and pork, &c.; which have been selected expressly rar
this market, and bought for ready pay, and will br
posed of at the lowest possible rates; for Boards, oki 2 ' .
glee, and Lumber, of, every quality, wheat, corn. TFr•
oats, heel' hides, and. produce of all manner and sorts•
We respectfully ask those purchasing for Cash to 0 1 ,
us a call, as we will not bo undersold by any establide
ment in thin county. We charge nothing for exhibit.
ins our goods. MIL& SOH,
November 26, W. R. STORRS.
Terms of the „Bradford Reporter•
Two &Hors and , fifty centaver annum Ftm cab
deducted if paid within the year;.and for CASlfticttr
ally in advance.`-Orta DOLIAII will be deducted.
Subscribers, at liberty to,diseontintie at sue time, bi
paying arreorages. Mankind* of Coux-rwr Patinas'
reeeireil in c 'payment, at the market pike.
' , Advertisements, not exceeding a - square of twin ,
lines, inserted for fifty rents every subsequent irtartio ,
lwentY-fire ;Moto. A discount made to yearlyedsetriser s •
Jai PHINTiNG, of every :deacription. neatly, sad e 1
pislitiously executed on new and fashionable type...
Lawn on business pertaining to the "firer nuolc ag ."
free of Postage; to misuse intention,
ftT Office in- Col: 'Means' brick buffillng Comer d
Main and Bridge attests, 'up stank; entrance at WI
north door.