Aro.uslipixtort or gnu 444 var. fpFde. Mi. Fa i r f ie ld,TiniOte:Oeitimittee'dn i N l V llt, trakri 4 . has r eported a bill to . provide for ths, au gai eine; d o n or the , staiAl..roke,S , C,lo lll4e d , ..a t e k : The bill; prqvides for tttuoretutrction tf 10; .steire:v 6 ,sPer.l wi!7 4lll le 6 C I :4 e ) 5 ( Tri = ~a te s, five l of sfeopS, and two ; smaller' vessels. It also audit:irises the.rrsideet of Ate United States. whenever. inlike opinion tho,publio ex igency, shall require 'it. to have completed and put in commission' all vessels'now on the stocks, andto purchase suchnaval stores and ordnance as may be necessary to fit there 'out. The bill appropriates 5.5:625,000 Car building the 10 steam-rede1:1.2.920,000 to complete vessels on the 'stocks': ,81,520.000 for repairs ; $625,000 'for stores.and 5500.000 for ordnance. The bill was laid on thi table, and ordered to be printed. , THE COXET.--IFTERESTING DOUELV Ar- PEARANCg.—Obeerratory, "Washington. Jan. 16, 1846.—Sir—During the, observatiOnS of the 13th, a nebulous looking object,.'altngetber cometary in Its appearance, was disimvered preceding Beila's comet, 'by nine or ten sec ands. in the lower part Of the field of view. As a comet with a cOmpanion;"or, two . com ets in the field of a telescnpe at the'same time, would be considered a most extraordinary phe -nomenon. 1 determined, before making any an nouncement. to Wait for some satisfactory ob. E eivationtlian a single night could afford. . - A SPLENDID NEW YEAR'S GIFT.—The De mocrats of the city- of .New York presented Mr. Olt 4 ellivan. editor of the Morning News, with a complete new set at type for that paper, as a New Year's presegt. The compliment is acknowledged in a suitable uianner by the ed itor. in his paper of yesterday morning. , B lEL A'sttil:i.T:-.—VV,e learn from the New Ilaren Herald, that hiela7s COmet is now on its return to the sun, and had alpeady been seen with the aid of gond telescopes. It will pass: us lierthelion on . tile 1 Itli of next February. 4. 7 - 7111...LT11! 0 BLtSSEU! Thou art above ell goldand treasures; thOu who enlargest'the soul —and opened' all its powers to receive instruction, and fetish iirtue.. lie that has thee, has little more to wish far; and he that it so wretched as to have thee not. onto every thing beside. Let us he thankful Brand- Nis will give us health—get then these blessed hi' a century's use has fully established to be the ;lest medicide ever bestowed on man. For the rre ,i,:ing colds and couabS, they will be found everything that medicine is capable of imparting. Sold by 11. - 3.fotrrstra . t, Towanda.; G. A. PErtki NS, Athens, only authorized Agents fur Bradford Counts. . . JAVICUS EXPECTORANT.—The virtues of this efficacious and cheap medicine for the cure of Consump tion and other diseases cannot be too well known. Y . erryc many lives have been saved by Y.: Morning Atlas. JAI'S &NT' eon Corona, COLDS, So many people are afflicted with these common every day disorders, that we deem it our duty to point our readers to'a simple remedy, which we have tried and found Jaynes EXPECTORANT is a very valualde phial of syrup which we have lately used with pod effect in stopping a cough andlooseninz, and break ion up a cold. It is - is very agreeable medicine, This recommendation is not a bought puff, but entirely velar!. , arr. 'And we feel that we can hardly do a greater fa vor to our readers in these days of cheating, than to o cum.. ❑d them as well tried, efficieut remedies, cspe aaLy Ibtse one have used ourselves. Editor of the "Lynn . Aleccati,"' Mau N. BRANCII 'CANAL MEETING! THE citizens of Bradford County desirous trr the speedy: completion of the NORTH ii.:LANCII CANAL, are requested to meet nt the Court Tim:, in. Towanda, en TUESDAY evening of the lefirc:iry. Measures will he propaerd which it is be used will secure the desired result. Now is the time, and the only time for definite action on this nuhject. - Let all who are willing to render effielent aid he present at the meeting. .. MANY CITIZENS. TEMPBRA NOt• MEETING.—H. Bowel, Esq., will lecture before the Bore' Washing tonian Temperance Society at the Court House, Monday evening Feb. 9th, Ladies and Gentlemen are respect fully ir*ited to attend. By order ecc. - Towanda, Jan. '24, 1846. A. C. ALLEN, See. 9XP'' NOTICE.—The Presbytery of SuNuehanna is to meet in.Rons, on the first - Tuesday, in February, next: mi which day the Presbyterian church in that place. is tlo , dedicated to the worship of Al mighty God, Path ce et 11 A M. Ses r, Son, and Holy Ghost. Service to o\ commensiions •of Presbytery- to be opened - with a serm. nat six in the evening. A general suendatice'would gratify us. - • Namli . tranch Canal Company. cg. ricE is hereby given, that a meetin.l . the Ly s:ovkholders of the North Branch Canal Com pany Rill bn held at Jones" Hotel, in Chesnut street, rity 01:Philadelphia, on the second Monday of Februa r3 tick:, at 12 o'clock, M, for the purpose of electing Offlrerq of the said Company for the ensuing year, 2,7rsrai4y to the Act of Assembly incorporating the same. , Z. COOK. 'Treasurer. C"jTif/N —Allicersons are hereby cautioned not purchase a note drivvnbv to Isaac Ford, dated Lee. 19, 11i45, payable on theist of June neat, for the , unt of $25 in neat stock. As I have not received any lalue for F=ai nift ditermined not to pay the said bole unless/ mpelled by lan.. Pike, Jan. 24,1845, n.CISY ZE2.2.410c. HE subscriber would .respeetfolly, inform the iakb- . lic that he has COMMUTED with the Athena Chemung Bridge'Carspany.and that nil persons corn ing' to his.lllill for grinding, will be entitled to cross said Bridge FREE. Tickets will be given at the mill. • Cayuta. Jan. 1846; wm. H.OVERTON. aoBUSR. CLOVERTIMOTHVSEED just received and for n.ile in quantitiis to gait •purchaNeni at ..j2 I , REED'S. oth BUSH. C. 40 VR E SEED, of acqpfirOr lity, just received and for sale bj jv::1 ELLIOTT & MERCI,IIt. 6/111, troUsH. GM) VETh:ED, jrust Kepeived and for sale by B. KINGSB EBY. A D M INISTRATOR'sS NOTICE is given that ail' persons indebted to the .1.1 estate of Benjamin . Brink; late of Sheshequin tp., deceased, are requeated'to mike immediate payment, and all those having demands against the mime are re. quested to prearnt them legally attested for settlement. • D. HRIPIK,2 • •- Aummustrators. J. BRINK, • Sheshequin, 'January 21..1845. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. lOTICE is Riven that all persons indebted"to the estate `of •Wat. Keels; of Troy tp., deed.; ate re. panted to make immediate payment. arida!! thole hay. nvg demands againet the lame are requested to- pn.ent .thens legally attested for aellement. • CHARLES DRARE, • - • ANDREW MORRISON, Granville. Dec. 31. 1845. - • :.Adminiatiatoni. . 'ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE." LL persona inhebted to the estate of Timid* Brig: • glAt hamdate 'Brarliine, dec'4' are requested to •-nrake Oiyicient and thosa baying demands against said fttate, wiisent tbera legally eatristail kir ratiiernent. JONATHAN. WOOD; Adaiinisiiaror.. Smithfield, Dec: 9 1845, " •: • . TAZTAIENT otthe en . tonntelesctiption-eod •t -0 Joeoribpii;iritiorpersOikil, property, c. thphifsioio ,4 tgla Jun!, 1840 i ,andqthn: issend th ereto: titioniog ; the 4444 4r. t a x r' l . l 9untY , PutPOttskin.gatit hreghtP4, township of , the county of.BratiVord ;.elws, the Auto so , • petaled for the tute: of • theVottalmo"l t tl ' lO portioninertt thcreof i secrriting to the form;ssment mado in theirs!! iitilte year 1844,10 r • z Athens tp. $174,903 $450 Athenla botongh,'. 80.017 8250 Albany 58.418 700 Asylum 49.005 1110 Armenia Burlington ' Columbia Canton Duren Franklin Granville . Hermit Litchfield Leroy Monroe Orwell Pike - Rome Ridgberry Sheshequin Smithfield - Springfield Wending stone South Creek Springhill Towanda boro' " twp. Trey Ulster Wysox Wells Warren Windham Wyalusing $2.548,675 $55,180. $2755 $13690 likadford County, ss. We the Commissioners of said county, do here. [l..s by certify the above statement to be correct, ac cording to the returns made by the several As sessors of the several townships, and boroughs in said county, arid we hereby,gisPe notice that the Board of . Revision will meet at the Commissioner's Office, in To vranda.ou Wednesday, the 28th day of January A. D. 1848. to correct and equalize the above statement. Witness our hands and seal of otlice at Towanda, this 12th day of January. A. D. 1846. J. TOWNER, L. PUTNAM. Commienre., A. L. CRANMER, Attest—S.M.WATTLEs, Crerk.' 'FIATS & CAPS. withciut nuintr&, for rale lower than was ever befOre heard of, by • .sep 24. BAINGSBERY. '1 4 IbT OF LETFEM, regiaining in the P 0. at Athens, December 31, 1843. RichArd H Benson 2 S S Hoyt Jelin Barnum -Oliver Ellsworth - ' liVm Briggs . Chris Hopkins Charles Benedict • Geo KW' Saul Chandler Mary K Rogers I/ G Newton' • Nancy Rice Harrisson Cru.a Albert N Russell Joseph Clapp' Joseph Fingerson George Garlic ' Chas B. Stuart Wm Edward Henry Slide Philip Frederic Isaac 81.rti4;*teen , Ethan S Fox Pitney Snyder Horace. C G.illup Ira Sott.•l Edwd Hurlburt • Lena Snyder Mrs Hannah Ke , ch Anna -Spalding John A Udell John Sweet Mrs Deborah McDowell Nelson Tuttlo M G ►terchant David Watkins Esther Miama Morris E Wilcox F. McDuffle J ane P wheeler Israel S Mead Daniel M Wilson McGeorge Melissa Wheeler David Playfout N F Wypkoop DANIEL .11ENSILVF Nancy Park Abel Presto 3 Nua Preston 'if EST OE' LETTEOS, remaining in the P 4 al 0. at Towanda, Dec. 31; 1995. Arid Wm B • Johnston Henry Agney Mary Miss 2 Ketcham John P Bowman 1 Knapp Charles H Bowman AB. ' , Ladd C K Bishop Eliza Ansi 2. Loriller Elizabeth Mils Barlow Frederick N Lane, Bricklayer Bull Wm H Law Andrew Balch John Meredith JD. 3. . Bailey Jeremidh - Morgan Win Brosmon John Mead Daniel Curnmincs Harry Mace Abram Crimmins irenuis M'Kale Richard Curtis Lawrence Marwin.E C Carter John McOuyre John (Jostoio Edvrard Murdock Sane! Carpenter Elisha Overton Wm Carman Charles „. tYßiley T B Comyns James : Peckham 1:0 1.1 Collector of Brad. Co. Paymer W B Decker Pennilly Miss Potter Rev. Alonzo Decker Pannelia Pierce James Decker Vir m • Quypemey Nicholas Decker James Salsbury Seth Col. Dodge Oliver Smith Samuel H Etheridge Isaac D Smith Almira hits Eveland Abrose Sanford Daniel Eggleston Daniel - Shewit George IN Emery A • Scott George Foreman Daniel Seely Reuben C . Guyer E Santee Wm Gregg Frances Thayer Marvin Goodwin Henjscuin Taylor George. ...:,:,, Gilbert Elmer I.lprightJas M t l, -1 - 2! : :'..' Hoff John Yon Seiver iiiiaii,i' Ha 11.1) R, Wattles Jameslen': Hutchinson Francis It 2 :Wilson Thornast ItC, ALFRED WEED Hagar Daniel . • .Whitney Mary ...::..: Hine Henry W Wiliatna David Haekley Andrew J "Willjama Georg, ' 1 Hathaway 4" Woad Banil H , . ~.. Hollenback Peter 'Mien.. Jernee A. S. CHAMBERLIN.P;M ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALI. persons indebted to the -estate of Ann a Dim- mirk, of Orwell, deceased, are requested to make payment; and those having demands against said es. tate, so present the:it !many attested for settlement. AMASA DIMMICK; Ado/foist/war. Orwell, Deeember, 10; LI, persons indebtial to the estate of Leonard IL ,fi Thomas, Iran of Springfield township deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those . haring deronods against the said estate are requested to present them legally attested for settlement, to the sub ,scriher. JONATHAN WOOD,,Adtmeistrator. Smithfield, Dec: t 845. . Administrator's • Notice. 7 .•' LL persons indebted to, the estate of Abner no. - mos, late of Smithfield tp., deed, are requested to make immediate pay meni, and all those hrsingderoaade against the same are requested to present them, legally attested for settlement to the subscriber. 'JONATHAN WOOD, Administrator: , Smithfield, Dec.' 2 . 1 0 45. .. : ' Administrator's . Notite. ~ LL peisoha indebted to. the estate . beAbnee . 11; Thimuis, late of Smithfield tp. deemed ,ate to• veiled to make immediate payment, and all those has• ing demands against the IT:aerate ,requested to present them, legally' attested for Settlerient to the. iulactihan„ • „ JONATHAN wpm), Administrator:; Au v arida, Def. 2 ) 1840. ; git ?..• I ' i rral Er 9, E 2 ,8 IZ . P. 2 44.2,E cr . 1 4 .zg P T o $l7O 90 25 11.772 -. 105.549 GD 92.000 92.894- -. 700 46.801 ' • 29.661 650 50.363 :A 34 711 10 59.643 2160 46.428 90 84:849 2900 67.936 1000 154.363 600 63.0i6 . 160 56.837 200 113.599 4100 113.397 3650 86.663 1744 55.851 1266 , 39.459 .200' 45,838 800 143.950 13.700 74.295 - 122.548 2000, 56.016 100 165.347 1000 53.806 91.292 3300 50.698 1310 82.851 1270_ Lorenzo 1) %V heeler Wm Welles Wu) H Willson 3 C. H. HERRICK, P. Ai Administrator's Ncttee, ,Rms4l4,i uqgo.riaw 13th ~uJ;ual.Jistric:, corisistiag pfebit,.rxitintieit "of ,Lumne,:Bia,l i tfard - et* Tinge, an4l - ktp.s rttiANnittlian,Willier esquires,. 469cPiti? s94leir. titiiro'tawedtbeir precept lieannfi date tbe "214 of Vo.. croibir, .184 ft.: to,',nte . '4l*oll; for,froblipta . court of oyez irtd ti:ra*r, geijeril ipirte r r thi peace, common' pleas' andorphans court, at Towanda , for the county of Bradfor d, on the first Monday ,of February next, being the second, to certnuo two weeks; al;o •••.„„ g gz' ta e o 4 PLIVI g Goa 7.40 OP. S • .- Notice- Is Ihcrefore lierebt.. given, to the Coroners, Justices of,the Peace and Constables of the County of Bradford, that they,be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said 'day, with their records s invisitions, examinations. and other their remembrances. to do theie things whieb to their office appertain, to he tlone !HA those who are bound by recognizance or otherreise to prosecute against the prisoners who are, or may be in the jail of said mum. ty. or who are Or shall be bound to spoor Rube said court, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just: -Jurors Me reqUested to be punctual ei their to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the sth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.sii, and of the Independence of , the United. States the serentieth... 'JOHN P. MEANS, Sheri $540 250 75 485 MIST OF JURORS, drawn for February T AI oral Sessions, 1845. • GUAND ;Orton/. Athens tp.—Ebenezer Dunham; Albany—Joseph Lee; • ' Burlington—Eliphslet Justin, jr. ' . • Canton—Jesse Outfit'. John P. Lindley ; : • . , - Leroy—John C. Griswold ; Monroe—Joseph Bolt; .. Pike—Judson Eastabrooks, Dhauneer Seymour; Smithfield—.lV . F. Kellogg.:' Springftetd-41. W.Root, S. L. Cooley, C. Westfall Spun gbill.-4oseph Baker; Standing Stone—Anson Gott; ' Trey—Orrin P.. Ballard, Reuben Cam; Warren—J.l3eardslee; J. Bristei. Wm. Pendleton; Wysor —W . C.Green. 'A . A .Bishop. Windham—Edwin K. Collins; , , Wyalusing—Chester Buck ; : , ]650 409 4220 TRATIMSE •JO lIORIt-.41 MIT WILE. A thens.bor—.Thos. R. Davis, W W. Verbeck ; Athens tp—A. Watkins; A rawnia—Erastus Kiff;. Albany—lchabod Corson; Burlington—Thomas Blackwell; Columbia—J. Gladding, B. Calkins, J. Beeman ; Durell—Daniel Cole; Franklin—Hiram Gay; Granville—H. Ross, Lumnin D. Taylor;. Leroy—Jediah Hunt; Litchfield—Nicholas Demoted; Monroe—W. I. Mason, W. n. Strickland; Pike—Loomis Wells; Ridgberry—Miles Covell;- • Rome—W. E. May matd, D. M. Wattles, J. A. Moody, Edwin A. Ridgway; Isaac Parker; South Creek—Valentine Lewis ; Sheshequin—A. Gore. Stephen Shores, Eeter•Greent Springfield--C, Brooka. A. Trapbagan, J. T. Learned ; Springhill—Nl m. 8. Hall Standing stone—John Bishop, John Vanness; Towanda bar—Jerry Culp; ‘' . • tp—William Gregg, Dennis M'Gill ; Troy—Leonard Upham; Ulster—James Vandyke, Edward Kemp. jr.; • ' Warren—Geo. W Bove man, Benjamin Lyon; Windham—Wm. D. Babcock; Wyalusing—Benjamin Ada, J. Hornet; Wysoz—Angevine Bull, J. E. Piollett. !-'475 305 160 THASZUS6 2CRORIIIECOND WEEK Ath e n s ti,.....Ge0.-Ayres, W. H. Overton, John Spal dint, Epentus Owen. Silas W. Park; Armenia—lsrael Moore ; Burlington—John M'Cord ; Columbia—Hayden Mason; Granville—Simon P. Chesley ; Litchfield—E. F. Bowan, A. Id. Brainard, S. Park; Monroe—J. Woodruff. L . E. Griggs; Orwell—J D Humplay ; Pike—Edward Jones. Wm. Black, C—Brnsh Rom2- 7 G. W. Eastman, H-Passincire, s.F.Bames; RidgLerry—:Evana Peter, Isaac Baldwin ; • Springfield—Caleb Trask, 0. Harkness; Smithfield—James 11. Webb; Troy—Leonard Bradford, H. D. Freeman ; Towanda her—Joseph IC. Smith; Standing stone—W. H.Goolon; Ulker—John Bow an; D. H. Fuller; Windham—Davb' Bailey, David Bragg; Warren—Samuel Herr; alusing=lsrael Bode. January 7, 1845. `;2:, - .14L.Q3`a 9 3 rit(0V193,3 WoricE is hereby given to all persons interested, that David Griswold jr., and Joseph Braman, ex ecutors of the estate of Burton Edsall, deceased, late of Wells tp.. and J. E. Bullock and D. A. Carey admin istrators of Sam. Lewis, deceased, and David Griswold jr. survivor of Nahum Hatenß, deceased, late of Colum bia township, and Nathan Coon jr. Seth Loomis and Reuben Beonet, ministrators of the estate of Thomas Rennet!, deceased, late of Canton township, and Edw'd White, ono of the executors of Patrick Cummings, deceased. late of Shesbeguin township, have filed and settled in. the office of the Register of Wills, in and Or the county of Bradford, the accounts of their several ad. ministrations upon the estates aforesaid,. and that the same will he presented to the Orphan's Court of said county, on Monday the 2d day of February next, for confirmation and allowance. LYMAN E. DEWO' Register's Office. Towanda, Dec. 2, RIG ALMANAC'S for 1846, for sale by The Resurrection of Dead Watches! , - Warner OF WoodrulT - Oat . respectfully inform the citizens of ( ) ".....,., , Towanda and vicinity, that they ~,,, have formed a partnership for the i 4 t • it‘ purpose of prosecuting, for the . A public interest, the business of ZI. ve 5 ," -- - "'"-. Clock and Watch &pairing, at the old and well-known Mind of Capt. J. M. Gill son, (numbered 100,) next door north of Col. Bailey's Grocery store, and two doors south of Elliott dc Mereur, where they will give their undivided attention to their business, and confidently inform the public, that. from their long experience in their profession, end a determi nation to attend punctually to the toteleats of those fa voring them with their work, they believe they can ren der satisfaction, and make refractory time-pieces, " Point with ' . unerring finger to the march of -lime' They will be found at all hours. at their establiih ment, and solicit a sham of public.patronage. - --(Cr All kinds of -Ctrunfry Produce. received in pay ment fur work. at the market price.. Nov. 26,1845. 127: I.S CDOITIE9 4ltorney at Late, ifhFFICE in the north . corner of the - Brick Row.di- ITU redly over the PGA Office. Main street. caSn trsnco at the north end (lithe building. d 3. Wanted, at, the Savings flank. WS WANT . FROM Orwell, Pike & Barlingtoninwpabips; 00 a good roll and fresh &fire. . . • WS WATT From Elkhind township, 750 a roll &alp and kquap tity of deerskins.. . wa WSST . From Smithfield, Pluton. Wysur and Ulster, 1000,a liuttir-4,500 bushels of grain. !sfig,;ll k3pds. WT. WII,NT From Albany, Franklin, Standin4 Stone and ,Wyalus- Mg, 500,000 of Lumber pfall kinds, far which ceisA will be +aid. we wswr -. . From old end new Sheshequin; 5000 bushels oats, rye, wheat and corn, we WANT ALSO • . From the abuse tosea'shipis, 74 cash eustomera, - to rustic our number just 1000'; Partners wishhig to',ptiictralo goods for their produce, Will I..denso price our goods; es we are !living in exchange, goods at ",g•ad and lila& ' There is Init,•oneprke,' and that a cash price " d 29 • • ' - G.E.FLYNT & citrs. • . 11,1000NTONGO & TONGO ISLANDS:Aro ffilLer/ebrirred countries for producing flue has i The subieribers are now furnishing their, cash:Mier - 4 with ainphispf the abase teas; from a fmits rargo just . s? dmipl tie ship." Cheep store," for • •• • Jan-7. • wltt Et. BAIRD & CO. MMtiCKWHE F A i r r ar!W I bTthe . bbl or 1c 34 .9 1 . 13 ut.ith at 841MK5,." N0: . 3 CANT, BE OUTDON UWE I:Kki:sigma - ore unaer many and . dee'p oblh a. & dorm to their rouniroil)rieudefor the very libe -1 rel patronage they tiara. reeeivekfur which we tender you:treaty Ut*nk t. and we hie no doubt of u okrobeor ones of your "ninon and faivra".tim loos as wok.", tinue to sell goOda cheaper than arty .stom , withinlVO . . •,. We now have the pleasure of informing our friends and customers and the public generally that we are re ceiving direct front.lli• York,* larger and better assort ment ofrGoods, that we. or any Other .aaerchants ever brought to this =Met, consisting of , .. Dry •Goods 4- Groceries, Glass 4- Nails, Crockery; 4—Hardware, Iron .S- Salt: .4eygs 4- Medicines, - Leather 4.• l'ish: Dye 6Yoods§.lyie'Snyfir; . Boots 4. 8.116ei ~c. We gave notice m our last advertisemen t that" we had Henty.Bltelden.tteo., floored-"since which time some of our neighbors have been fiting their little pop guru at us, but its of no use-men who-bare /mod at the canna's mouth as. long its we have,' cannot be frightened by Such small trash. . We cap assure our worthy neighbors who hive fal len so deeply in love with the terms "lpfuff"and . bior ling." that it is our intention so long as we - remain to business to always have a ammo of Goods; and after the gross attempt made in 1842 to prevent our buying. we are not so green as to go to .the city withoutla FULL HAND. which in addition to the experience of one of ourlrin iti tha,city trade (having been for some tithe a clerk in N.:Yitk city,) enables us to buy goods cheaper than merchants generally from tbeeountry can. So just Come 04,, all ye who want to buy cheap for CASH. call at no. 3, shake "the ready " at us and you "arcs:aught," or it have a load of produce ~g ive 6 the wink" and we ate aster you. For more pailiculans look along CO.,hrough 'The paper. •W. H. BAIRD de , No. 3. B. How. Towateia, N0v.25, 1845. Oh Gosh ! ! What Proverbsi Try it again Master G., You may wake up old no. 3. Jr has &mg since ceased to lie necessary, For no, 3 to say they they hare the I largest and boat Mock of Goads in Towanda, for that has long been " A Punt-min." It has long since erased to be neimsary, For no. 9 t catty they buy goods for eaahand boy them 10 per cet cheaper than most of their neighbors, for that too h long he. Pitocrnit." It a along since ceased to be necessarry. For no. to say they ore selling and will tell goode cheaper ..,an any, establishment in: Towanda, fur that too has long been " A Pnuvann." It never has been neecasarg, For no. 3 to say they would sell goods for ." 12i per cent profit'—" for we can do that and then sell at a price less than many of our neiglthors pay for the same goods in tho city—and that too has long been "A'Pao vsna." . We trust that it. nerer saline necessary, For no. 3 to boru4 of'. ruining" any body by selling goods cheap either in " Brick Raw" or Wood Row— we sell goods Cheap to benefit community and not to ruin them, this too has also long been "A PsoyEau." Iris no tohisper— Bat in the mouth of every body, even the little boys in the streets proclaim it aloud, that no. 3 tre selling " bet • ter goods and more of them " than any other establish ment in Town,—wander how long since Some of our neighbors found out this was.. A Paovenn 1" TOME is A WAY TO TEST TOE AIWITE: • • • Just continue your old prontices, dmp in at no 3 before you boy. altere no charge is 'rode forexhibiting geode. N0v.25,1845. W.ILLIAIRD & CO. BROAD CLO fits. CASSIMERES & SAT. INErI'S. . -FRENCH, English and American Broad Cloths of all colors and qualities, also Beaver and Pilot 'loth for overcoats, and perhaps it would be as ad: to mention that we have over ONE HUNDRED different styles of Cassimere, Fifty pieces Satinetta, be-ides twen-• ty odd of Sheeps Grey, which we are now scaling equal about two thirds (he usual price in town. OMBSTIC COTTONS--5000 yds. Sheeting's ; 1.500 lb.. Cotton Yarn ; 500 bans ; 150 " wick, on hand and for sale at ha/ aummp'a prices.. nr i 6 W. H. BAIRD & CO. MONTANqS & CO.'S Cheap Cash Wholesale Commission Si Jobbing Store, /On above establishment has lately been enlarged jit and improved, and in being replenished with a new .stock of Fashionable WINTER GOODS, which in addition to their former large stuck of staple Goods, makes it the most desirable place for large purchases, as also for shopping, in town. Their new stock con sists in part of French, English and American Cloths and Satinetts, cashmere do ecosse and mousselin do Nines, of the newest styles and patterns, sinchew, m itre, go de Swiss, fled poult do soul and watered strip‘l Silks, maroon for ladies' skirts, and a new . article of fringe for dresses; plaid cashmere and Turkara shawl s , and a thousand ?per et ceteras necessary to please the ladies. Their stockst Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Hate and Caps, Buffalo Robes, Oils and Paints, Iron and Nails, and most articles that the wants of the community re quire, will be found well unsorted and selected, and of fered to Purchasers on an good terms or better than in aiy of the neighboring villages in the state of N. Y. Nov. PI J.D. E. 1). MONTAN YE & CO. 01 1 waoevoa sEWA JN KINGSBERY, is now receiving at his old stand, which has been conic oil' for eighteen years, where goods of all kinds has been sold and WILL be sold, lower than at any other store in this Coun ty. A very large stock of all kinds of goods whicithaa been selected with great care and attention, and bought at such prices of the importers and manufacturers, that it would be a ruinous business for any firm in the Brick Row, or any where else ; to undertake to sell goods as cheap as I can, and will. If my friends end. the public generally, will Mtn before they make their purchases elsewhere, they will find that this notice is not put iu the paper for a BLUFF, like some by the side of ; but, it means what it Says: I have a general assortment of every kind and descrip tion of • • Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware l Crockery, Boots ,f• Shoes. Nails, Iron, Leather . . ,•c. DAY'S celebrated INDIA RUBBER Shan and Suspenders—a new - article. for sole at eep 27 . • B. RINGSBERY'S. SOLE & UPPER LEATHER. for safe by cep. 27. B. KINGS B ERY. ODFISH,' Blackerel and /*tad, for 'sale by sep. 27. • ••' D. KI,NGSLIERY ArIOTTOPI TARN, itnittidg Yarn, nails.. Wicking, gin Watitting 7 any quantity fur aala very.l94, by . • .13.1CINGSPZRY„ allb TON Fall river Nails, for sale duati, by lop. 27.8. KING§BERY, _ _ . PRINTS! PRINTS: PRINTS!; .4JALICOBS-506! 3 18CE5. which were bought fnr aieeks'orillte City Banks. of the tuennfaeturerld agents, (tot at • Auction, where - all inferior gonde ere said} and tvill be 'sold _hems' cheap as anyjnerehatit (who bought befoie.'!tho decline) paid. - - .3; BRICK ROW. ®AE HUNDRED THIDURAND•cidic feet of W. Oak and White Pine Tinber foe sawing purposes livdeered on tho-bank or at Port Deposit, stinted in ebexangelot goods and some rash by ' ; Nov.s. WELLES & sArrpt.EE.•• 9OSISUSHELS of ThOuttly 10 Flax wanted in exchange foe goods, at Oct. El: ~ REED'S 40OPTON BATTING, wadding, Wicking, and car ‘11.) pet warp; for sale $t N0v.12. REED'S; No. 2. Brick Rom. . - ORE of Olooa A. No. 1, Snots, just received.-- AM Tojether with,• large quantity* aulies Nia - miliker,boats...lies, slippers, buskins, and• Act,nutch. novl2, , G. E.',FLY.NT:dc:CO.. ; ATS & CAPS—a tarke'aisortaitiii airway de.; OcTiPtioß-, The/ lurfisrning+Tori - ebliisP• .:omoco 2 . - U. E. FlArklT..4l; CQ. W. H. BAIRD Or. CO.. No. 3 B. R E • 1 - .7. Ir,v------11 MPMENN=EM . . I H . 1:, '„"- '''',..',.:'..," I r, " ~,, :,".:.::,,,,...:-.2. 'Olt , ...... . ~.... ...--':..11.' - '3IIX - -AND . '::SON':' . ' TA'ir eteeeding great pleasure in announcing, the poblia- that their ergensive.taaostnicht of i Ant It , WINTRIIIfOODS. Consisting of . ' • - . IMF:GOODS; GROCERIES' . HaRDIKIRE,- CROCialitr• • . 1 • . "Boots, Sitars, Iron, srail.S. Nall, Fish. !Anther; Ar., ift: ": ' ' Is in market. opened and !wady for their numenois customers, and will be ku4 , l cheaper for Coil; aviek - esar _bought al engothfr establishment in town .1 'Wo.'.lo not say this for the purpose of decoying custo m. low our store, (at is the prictice with some of our nvighbors,) hut merely that the citizens of Bradford Conn* issti know best where to buy groats t o their ibro st st. . It is gratifying for us to know that we have,,enjoyed some of utonilits and favor s " of a mown, Fe br ia . k f a number. of years; and we will by no means make assertions that we cantos , And do not -Int en d to Addl. 'ai l , we might. like scene of our neighbors, receive their frowns. But we We' wish every :mai. woman and child to know the fact, dlitt we will sell our entire stock New and Feshionablo Goads , at the tltremelow MI din* _ ... . per cent. shove cast and transportatiOn ! ' . - - Towanda. October 27. 1848. .. „ . . . , THE TOWN Ml%B BM! .dre again in the Field with fifieen.thousand dollars worth of the cheapatand Sad difirobje . - stock of Goods ever broneht into BraiTordeou . nty BE Cashier & Co. of the.'ro WANDA SA PINGS BARK : tender their sincere thank* far tlitit ,mfr ' beta! patronage heretofore Favored; and trust by strict attention'tcr business, and sellbstoodselesper thaw any other establishment, to merit s continuance of their smiles and favors, 'Oireittock of getalieonaiShi ate**, known variety and style of Dry GirOds, from the first unction houses in the city. of :New York, nod sell & cd with great care expressly for this meridian. ' Also, a large selection of - ' „ , . • Family Groceries, Shelf Hardware, ('rockers, Boots & Shoes,. • Hollow Ware, - : and an unusual quantity of HA BERD ASHE It Y. to make our stock of useful endornsmehlal coMpisto. • Our stock ofp,nods were purchased for cash, end for cash wiil be sold us cheap as at Binghamton, Emirs Or Ow n% and decidedly cheaper than any establishment' in Towanda. Time and space will not allow tie to enstmerate the many new, rich and desirable goods, but will be shown to all who'favor us with a MI. with Pleasure. REME,MBER, and call one door below Tracy & Moore, where the " pay•dewn" 'system is in full form, sad as a consequence, are not overcharged with 'deli:up:cocks in the Credit system, or additions made to sappers our Lumber trade. " One price, and no deviation is the true system."- - cu. A call is solicited, before purchasing elsewhere, at Na,, 5, south end, Brick Row..- Towanda, October Pl, 1845. GEORGE 'FLYNT & CO. The Met and Most Impoitaat trelval Yet at the TOWANDA CHEAP. STORE, No. 2, Brick Row. - dr, REAT BARGAINS are now offered the people 411311" of Bradford county, bv the subscriber,' who 'snow teceiving and opening one of the largest and best select et assortment of goods ever brought into the village of Towanda. His stock of goods has been selected with great care expressly for this market, and as-prices of the old credit system -at a necessarily high, he offers great in ducements to all who may have cash or produce to ex change for goods. 1 his stork consists in en assortment of DRY poops. ,such as broadcloths, clasimeres, and vestings, satinetts, sticvp's gray, hard times, linsey wool seye,• a splendid assortment -of Winter Shawls, ladies' cravats, gloves, hosiery, suspenders; and ten thousand ar ticles, too numerous to otextion. Graves& Such as sugar, tea, coffee, molasses, spier* lamp and lin seed oil, a full supply cof Liquors, such as Champagne, Cogniac and Anaerionn Brandy, Rolland Gin. Old Mo. nongehala whiskey, Port, Miuliwia. and Malaga Wine.. Atso—.-Crockery,Ranhvare,Nails, Glass, frai l , Leath er, Boots & Shoes, Buffalo Robes, Hata dtCapa, magi & Dye Stuffs, &c. &e. AU persons wishing to purchase goods are respectfully invited to give the subscriber a call, and 'examine his goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. CHARLES REED, 0ct.!,1845. No. 2 Brick Row. - - - - - - BONNETS, VELVETS & RIBBONS. ir UST received a great variety of Bonnet Velvets OP and Silks together with Plaid:Fringed; Rainbow, l'ulke, Satin, Ombre, Velvet, Cap and 'heels Ribbons whiCh you will readily discover are very chedp by cal ling at n0..3 brick row. W.H. BAIRD & CO. 4 SPLENDID lot of Brush. Silk, Fur and Sporting 0.4 Hate, also Oil silk, velvet and fur caps, together with Muffs, and Buffalo robes, for vale cheap at Oct. 8. REED'S OU§S,DIMIAMMZUd SPEW stack of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye II Stuffs and Groceries have just been received from New York, and will be sold , very at No. 1 Brick Row. Terms cash. A: S. CHAMBERLIN. Oct. 1, 1845. - • DOTS dr SHOES—A very largo stock of every Ala kind and size, at lower prices than ever, will be found at MEROUR'S. 21 • Wayne . County romans. 4DOZ Wayne county ploughs, for sale at the lit& rings Bank. Molgh merehantsaapplieti at Menu: forturers prices, and Fanners on the most ressotrablk terms. G. E. FLYN'r h CO. July 30. - No. 5 Brick Bow, NOTICE. nriHE Copartnership heretofore existing between the. subscribers under the'firm of H. Kingebely Co.' is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons' indebted m said firm are requested to settle their- ac roourits with H. S. Comstock, who will continue the, business ut the old stand. HENRY KINGSBERY, H. STANLEY , r eOM4TOCK. Athens Po., Oc•. 1. 1845. CROCKERY-I.nrgn additionsli:aire been mode to our mock of Crockery—nor ormonment is now! complete. novl2 G. E. FIi.YNT & CO. A FEW BARRELS TANNERS . OIL, for sale Ili Alla Oct. 1. MERCURIC 2034PPER LEAT 11 8 -LE j ust r ece ived for sale at Nov. 5. I REED'S, WING WANTED-300,000 feet of SIDING,Tni contract, or in small quantitica,at my store, in ex. change for cash or good*. d 3 IR. FOWLER. THE QUESTION SETTLED. JURY of metre ladies has deeitleti, that the pia 4414-1 to purchase Frcsh.Teas. (no appeal of coutee) G. E. FLINT 4 CO'S. GROCERIES. CIIESTB of Tea. different kinds and qualitie Or which will be sold by ,the chest or less qt anti ty, at such prieca as to ensure, the sale of the lot alth rper than bought by any other merchant in Tnanine tsill at BAIRD'S No. 3 B.R. 1)11. .1. N. SUMNER, DENTIST, WILL make his next profesaional visit tii ToWan da, early inr elanory,.lB46. Dr. S. will, du ing hie eta}. make a short visit to Athens.. Noe, b.: • IT TS A FACT, ueynowledged by rill, that the best . A CIGARS in town. ate to be had st the sepal'. CENTRAL DRUti STORE. KEGS NATO' and . one rideUPTETZTEATi. CR ER at No. , BRIPK ROW. IRA RDWARP,,of all description 2, at No. 3.8. R. dee3. • • ';;BAIRD'S. lAARRlVAL:—Stena•rirare, Crockery ;* IA •• • Lirrolting gl4sses, lettlea; Bro9mll. . • Traveling basheta.• • ' BAIRD'S. RUSHES 7 -1 - lay, Paint. Shaving.: and rampleteamortnrnt. at the • • . • Sen t 7. •„IPE:liTli4l. DRUG STORE. PRUG . Administrator's NotiCV,. A perions indebted to. the estate Of HECTOR AL W. STRONG, late of: even, J. Y. dec'tl.. are, requested to Make immediatepayrnenti and all those hiving demands against the .latrie are requested, .to present tliem, legal lv attested Sew-setitemeni. • DANIEI. VANDERCOOK, • 'limeade Nay ~,Adrahligontor., 111 LYE WOODS, PAINTS & OILS , of every:dee- Ay - critdon; for sale, one ,eelek below the market., eq. • , ', : . KINGSBERY. .7itairAkw fqk- • ,41- 1 311 - was And.4dl kinds of 9 RAIN, tognfril (Ido office on eq9.. GEORGE E. FLYNT CO. VLE !ilr eV 11)fie . . & Metturi • A RE NOW RECEIVING,*'very largs and way A. general assortment of Fall gni .Wialt, wbscb they offer to the 'public on liberal temna, Foressits grain, or approved credit. Their stock consists of ahnost everything the any one wishes to buy. And for the benefit of MOW was wish to purchase merchandim of any kind, and Irani to know where to and it, they will enumerate a few the many insides fishy have for tale; Ladies silk shawls and black tea-potat tients'aitin cravats and ten-penny nada: Colored satin, for /miles' banaets, tad Glazed bats for Men ; Knitting pins and crowd's , " • - ' Carpet tacks and test patterns Broad Axes and alpaccas; M. delaines and wagon taxes; Printed blue teas and young hysein bait Umbrellas and German pipets; Pocket knives and loaf sugar ; Molasses and coarse boots Ladies' cot, hose and steel corn hoes; . Ladies' night caps, for six cents, mid Men's sealette caps for 12,f cents; Ladies' linen hdkf's for one shilling, and Plenty of Rngliah and Swedes iron, all WSW; India rubber cloth for carriage covers and Beautiful figured alpaccas for ladies' ekskat Ladies' boas and muffs, and lamphisek; Leghorn bonnets and stone jugs; Black and blue ink. and spirits turpentine; Lamp oil and Colonge water ; Sweet oil and sarsaparilla syrup; • Blue vitriol and best Java and Rio coffee; Wafers and buck shot; Indellible ink and pure dry and grotind Whitskse Looking glasses end cut tumblers; Tea kettles and black silk stockings; Candle wicking and bed cords; ; Coat Buttons and writing paper; Shellside combs and corded skirts Bonnet ribbons and cavendish kasha.; Plough points and cap ribbons; Ladies' dress h'd'fs and stove tubes; d Asserted needles.-and beet Nuttla heist Steel petit and shovel planet pattern*: Plated hub bands and silk scarfs for Wiest Cotton Yarn and wire seines; Awl blades and pine, assorted siies; • Ladies' kid slippers and nail hammers; Willow baskets and gimp cable Men and boys' cloth's:spa and plane howl Knives and forks and ark roep; Caw steel and steel thimbles; Brass kettles and brass thimbles; Beaver cloth and cotton batting; Pepper boxes and shoe knives; Bonnet boards and slate pencils I Carpet binding and inkstands; Coach Nee and handsaws; Raisins and saw-mill saws ; Schnitz powders and trying glares Rubber overshoes and 43, inch spikes; Sleigh hells and steelyards; Cassimeres amt ivory climbs; Gridirons and 'welting Card; Whale bone and patentaaw stabil . Suspenders and patent door baits; Finner's chisels and laces for ladies ° 'steps; Pongee handkerchiefs and hair Wishes ;- Misses and women's bls cot.gloVes &hair toilette} Cocoanut dippers and teettrbrushari Colored cambric and door bandies 1 Augur bins and children *boost woolen shawls and gum caps; Black tea and patent,wheelheads; • Morrocco Irks and tea setters; Saddler's silk and mouse trap,; Bonnet wire and stone Churns; Plaid llnseya and sash pulleys; Patent blind fastenings and butts, (a new ankle) Spoke shaves and door mats; Black snuff and madder; Brittanola lamps anti shoe strings: Writ, and islssilk gloves and i r flints; of Sattinetell kinds and gull seder ; Hanle cards and satin visaing; • Curry combs and fur asps t • Hair combs and, sash fastenings; Glass dishes and ward cards t Corset lacers and men chains;' •Brass back combs and talkies of all qualities, Sash cords and corn uhispe•, - Coat canvass ac padding sod h7de whips; Furniture; printaand tutor amps: Table covers and Obeys geography's; Coarse shore anti polished augurs; . Linen cambric and sole leather . Hoop Iron and linen edging &' inscrytinn ; Florence silks and brown attesting Cop wire and - Copal Varnish; • Isin; , Oil and. Russia diaper; • • 111 k. French.crapextrid American done Meta; Mineral knish - lochs and white Uwe crape:: Chmme 3411(4' and green, and COM 111:01ag India. stab ribbotivaiset- Cream Tarter and silk enema and Wads; Harm blanketsand brass 114.6; Tea. setts and setts tens • • Spirit levels snd spool cotton 1 • TeiVanda.Septeraber 19,18,45. - • uaaactutaam mammy.: .• . ie t ToTicE b hives, ORIN 10 ill parionated,, 11 that Burtnn Stroh, guardian of Ifierfedaligna and tiamel Kellam, guardian of 7bondere butaa rendialtkoe Iliad and raltird in,thealtfge of Ibe Regina, 01.114110 . and for 13nadford courtly, the aceognta of 'fait limn guanliariahiFe, and that the dlbd Trill be moaned tir the Orphan's court of %mil crittiny i on Monday, tharig - dgy of February mtt, for puttirmation satValbiumw,l! LYMAN It, DEVIMII. Reglitee! tilraq't TO l rWarDecr ; irbOONgeYQUA TONCOJA, tire 'tgeletitifill Jr , • tes-pttckers t ofibeir -TEA 'Urea id* panic/DO are selling:rapidly at% Dgcepber o.E.FLlNT.fiscra.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers