Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 14, 1846, Image 1

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116=2 'CM
VeD.V.k.ginD4 . l
va l. We plow • pOrtion of the Ideal* on our out•
oje, to make room for Washington suit Harrisburg nears
, . , ,
Fanny WDennot.--ATole of Sorrow.
Et XISS C. 011:00 WICK.
Fanny made a, violent effort. calmed,herself,
drank the milk, and asked if a cab could be got
for her. There was one passing, and, a t the
next instant, she, was in; it and driving to
Broome street. She found the house, but the
O'Hoorke's had moved; and in another and
distant quarter of city she found the second
duelling ta, which she was directed. Again
they had moved, and whither no one could tell;,
and feeling as if the last plank had gone from
under her feet, she returned to : her home,—
H o me—alas, that sacred word had no
meaning to poor Fanny. ' She had scarcely
entered her room and• thrown herself on the
sofa with her baby. when Mrs:Tilden,' her re
markable red-faced landlady, glanced in- and
..Are you bade? I did not expect you
a gain."
Not expect me] What do you mean I"
Why. it's customary for some kind of
(Ai you know. when they lose one husband,
to lake another."
Finny looked topi a sickening feeling came
over her; the words she would have answered
died away on her lips. Mrs. Tilden. said••that
honest folks must be paid just debts, and ai
there's no finding that Mr. Stafford of yours,
I have strained upon your wearing apparel s
that being answerable for rent as. well as farm
ture belonging to me already, except the sofa
and the Psyche, and the vases and the dressing
case—them things will• help out, but the whole
quarter's reit and eight-days over is due."
Fanny said: , •
, ••I never am ungenerous* to I have
taken out enough baby-linen to serve you, and
a change for yourself—the rest is under my
lock and key, and I shall keep it, may-be, a
month or more before,l sell it; and if Mr. Stab
ford pays me in that time—l don't misdoubt
he will. soonertir idler; 'but them kind of.6ne
gentlemen are vlow in ming. you know : but
I , on't question his ' honor ; he had always
been honorable to me. and I have been highly
honorable to hit:lole is a real gentleman.
there's no mistake—as l was saying, as soon
as he Pays me yon'shall have your things--or
—or the worth of them again; you shall have
it, bating some little reward for my trouble—
the Psyche, or dressing-case. or so. '
•• Well ?" said Fanny. perceiving Mrs. Til
den had 'paused for an answer. '
" Well : that's - all—only, if you and I cart
agree, you can stay dawn stairs as a boarder
"No, not a morrient—only let me - remain in
this room to-night. and to-morrow I will try
dad a servic&place."
"A service-place! My service to you,"
said Mrs. Tilden. a sori of ogress grin.
"Oh. don't look so at Me. Mrs. Tilden, do
you think that after all. I have any pride I"
"Pride. pride ! Why you foolish ch i td,don't
!aa know that, 'after all,' as you call it, there
is but one kind of service left fur you ? La
thes won't take the likeof us into their houses."
"The likeef as." thotight Fanny. and shud
"'they - are dreadful particular about any lit.
de false step of one of our own sex. If you
but dampen the isolesiof your feet, it is as bad
at if you were up to your neck in the mire ;
but men may plunge in over their heads and
ears, and they ire just as welcome to their
houses and as good husbands for their daugh
ters as your dosephs....—."
"It is so? Can it be? I'do not know,
then, what will become of me. But may I
stay here toltight r'
" Why. yes; but you must be of pretty
early. fur there's a lady coming to kik at the
pants at ten."
Poor Fanny, left alone, sank on her knees,
with one arm around her sleeping baby, and
seat out front her penitent and bumble bean a
cry for forgiveness and,pity, that we doubt nut
u•nr heard byHim whose eompassions fail not.
She then threw. herself on the bed and fell
asleep. Thank 'God. no degree of misery can
drive sleep awaylrom a wearied, young crea
The next morning she laid ,her plans. add
strength; and having 'paid the fare with two
of the only four `shillings left to her to the
master of an • intelligence office. who stared
curiously at her:she received referenCes to
three larties—.A. The 'very _first rate of places.
all." as the,the man layered .her. • She first
went to s lady who,wanted,a wet-nurse .as a
supplement to , her ownsaqintY iliPPlies', She
elei yovitig lady io,the hall. whoa; flutheard,
"7. to her snoiher.,": Obt•Entanal sleeks Fel
tY young creature has come for wet-nurse Jo
"s—do, take her.'" , Fanny wan-called in. and
ening satisfactory tr . niwersas to her,supplies. ,
she was asked forreferences. . She immedlite
-19 did what shehad before purposed. and con
fessing the had DO refeten,lce to. g ive ' v 3111121/.
IY so much of sad story** explained her
present position.•
.; • • • '
' The lady heard herthrough, poesibly not
believing a worriehe said but the, fact of her
Irunsgressiou;• and at benign had finished. she
slid •to her--st Did•yon really, expect that such
a person as you you-eould-get. a place in a re
*Pebble family 2" She rung the •bell. -and
cooly--“Thonias l show this person
out. This is the WI time -I go to an
genee °Mee." • ~
• Poor Fanny ,sighed at she left the door.- but
presair4 her, baby toher,bOsomi she said. left-
IY--" We'll not be discouraged with one, fail
!re. will Ire baby r' The child smiled •on
het idd the Went oe irith Her
next application was 10 the:
Master of the intelligenee-office had told her
. .
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was a " very riet., religious lady.: W h o, save
she is very pa intikr üboiat the ':reputation 'of ,
her girls." "It is close thought Fanny
"I have little hope. btit I must save my steps.
and I will go to her. •
. Again bravel3tand simply. she told the truth.
The milliner beard her witti raised brows.. "I
am sorry , for yon. if you tell, the truth, young'
woman:". she said. "I know this, city is a
dreadful place .for. unprincipled girls. and
make it a title never to take any such into my
establishment. I hOpe You do .;mean. to re
form., I advise you to apply to the Magdalen:
Again Fanny went on. She bad now to go
frnm William street ;to the upp er „ part of the
city. and precious as her sixpencee, had, be.
come. she felt that, it was utterly iinposeible
for to walk., and on reaching Broadway, she
got into In omnibui, and was soon at the'doof
of hire. Emly's very 'elegant, house'Wav
erly” Place, and was shown into a moil Where
that lady was sitting in her
,peignoir; fooking,l
over - with her sister, some dresses that were
to be trimmed for a party the following even-
ing. A very elegant young woman, who
teemed to have been Jost designing an Unfin
ished head lying on the table before her; was
reading. •
A'am. from '
the intelligence.
office." said the servant, announcing her.
" A semps tress. With a child!"
The young lady looked up at Fanny. am she
entered ; she was struck with her beauty, her
excessive delicacy, and with the gushing of
the blood to her pale cheek at Mrs. Emly's ex
clamation, She rose, handed Faunfa, chair.
and saying most kindly. ," What a very pret
ty child. mamma," she take it. The,
little creature stretched out its little 'hands in
obedience to the magnetic influence of youth,
beauty. and a voice most expressive of cheer
ful kindness. If, as is sometimes said, a voice
may be " full of tears," this lovely young tree.
lure's was full of smiles. Fanny looked up
most gratefully. as the young lady took her in- ,
fant, saying to her—
" You must be very tired. Is it not very'
tiresome carrying a baby f"
" The baby does not seem to tire me ; but
I am not very strong." replied Fanny. wiping
away the tears that were gathering at the gen
tleness addressed to her.
You do not look strong nor well," said
the young lady, and she poured out a glass of
wine and water, and insisted on Fanny taking
that and some more solid refreshment from the
waiter, on which a servant had just served
lunch. It was well fur poor Fanny that she
accepted the hospitality:l4 she needed to be
lot titled (or what Witmer!.
Fanny had been so thoroughly drilled in sew
ing by her aunt. who. it may be .remembered.
was a tailnress..that she answered very confi
dently as to her abilities as a *empress. She
should be content. she said. with, any wages, or
no wages for the present. if Emlv would put up
with the inconvenience of her child.
•• Oh, the child will not be in my way." said
Mrs. Emly ; " you will be up in the attic. and]
sha'nt hear it—so if you will give me a satis
factory reference, I will try you."
I have never ,lived out," answered Fan
ny. Discouraged by her former rebuffs, she
shrank from a direct communication of her po•
Well, where does yore mother live ? if
I •find you have decent parents, that will be
hly parents died—long ago.. I lived with
my aunt, and shells dead, and I—l—am—friend
Aha!" said Mrs. Emly, with an emphatic
nod of her head to het sister. who screwed , up
her mouth and nodded back again. The young
lady walked up to her mother, and said, in slow
voice, and with an imploring lopk—
•• Mamma, fur Heaven's sake. don't say.any
more to her; I am sure she isgood."
•• Ridiculous, Augusta ; you know nothing
about it," replied Mrs. Emig. aloud; and turning
to Fanny, she said--“ How come it that you ate
criendless and alone in the world? Have you not
a husband?" „
No," answered Fanny. some-little spirit
mounting with her mounting color; 1• I never
had a husband; I have been betrayed, and for
saken. lam no farther guilty—no more intio
cent." , ,
s• Quite enough—quite . enough. I ,can"t of
course. take any such .person into my 'house."
Then my baby and I must die;. for nobody
will take us in." said Fanny, bursting into tears
and gathering,her cloak around her.
si Oh. mamma. Said Augusta EmlY•• " for,
pity's sake, let her stay. • I will answer for her. .
„GG Pshaw.• Augusta, how very absurd you are.
No respectable would take ,* person of that
kind into her house." • • •
ss . 1 hen what is their iespectabitity - worth,
mamma, if it cannot give help 41st'ariak retie*.
Creature t" - • •
ss Miss Augusta." said a servant,' opening the
door, "• Mr. Sydney is below.."
:Gs Tell Mr. Sydney I am engaged, Daniel."
Gs Anguita," said her mother, ss ' i nn are not
going to send away Russel Sydney , "in that:non
chalant manner. Give, the child so its neither:
and go, ifosin; you hitie•tnich'ibiatniful glowon
ytnit eheek." • ;
It. was a beautiful gitiwthegleW of indig
bent huritaiiity. • • ' " ' • • ,
46 1 eannet mamma.. all ail.
- • -
Io antithir - instant;` Daniel tetarned • with a
request frisia Mt. Svdnisi ,. Nit Min Erisli would
tide with him this -10110witit"dilyhei - hid
chased 'a 'chat:Wig horse- and begged she
would st.
' '
' , Ob. whit AO Italy, mantels I I einriotgo . ."'
Mm. gmly. Without 'replying to Aogesta.
opened 'the door. and btieking by'Fanny; who
bad ain't* go. she . called firm the- nd oll , thei
stairs“ Mr. Elydney eating° met lam iti - my,
prigatir.. Mid cannot minter 'iloarn." 4 Wilt' yon
COMO) ' 04' Varies& ? 'are' t 4 'treat
efea twinging 'with' the' 'dreismther fel !Nor:
Da‘is'e. that Omit 'biotite &Intik' dill
moining. 'She Hie little tidtid 'dm* her • se&
dent shoot riding. Are' yoo , 'eettain• Of - gout
"- • •
-ft tif lit ,1! • :.1 , ,
- .• • ,;t:
; .•• • • -
r• • ' • ••• ' o
07,Icirm4CT,Nrunt sox onr :
' n • 3: 1 ; •:;I'. • I• ;:
16 Perfectly. , .Lont blest ine4 ,ivonldsL-ask-
Miss Enily. if twere hot VI., , : t,,1.1
At the first sound of the teipond ing voice, Fan.
ay sprang forward.: and , tbem staggering back- ,
again, leanetragainstibedoor.
'P. Oh. very'well. then ;,she be -seedy for
yim at twelve, Good morning."-
Good morning.'? , was , answered. and Mrs.
Emly turned .towards ber apartment,elated with
having settled tbe.matter , acconling ro •lier own,
Fanny grasped her arms. "For God's sake,
tell me."' she said, in a voice scarcely- audible,
" where does Mr. Sydney. live! lie it is that
has deserted two. .W here an 1 fwd hita r
Inra. epiiit quailed, before, k'anny's
earnestness—strong apparent truth; ,btit after,
a single Rionient's. hesitation, whe discreetly
, - .
..I don't know— r he lives somewhere at lodg
ings. You have probably mistaken theperson."
• "'Alistakeni—ob heaven I" exclsOest Fanny.
and glided down stairs as if there were, wings
to her feet. but before she could reach the pave-,
merit, Sydney bad mounted into his:very hand
some new phreton and was, driving, proudly, up
the • street, gallantly bowing to some ladies ,at
their balcony-windows and Fanny crept on.
she knew not 'why. nor whither, .
What did that poor girl say , to , yOu, ma
ma? Did she mention ,Sydney's name 2. asked
Augusta Duly. :„ .
Sydisey',s name ? Why ehcalld ;he mention
it T She might 7 lbe muttered somethlng. \ She
is a little beside herself, I think." ,
,•• Do you. mamma ?"
There could not be a strongerlontrast than
Miss Emily's earnest tone and her mother's Hip
pant one.
'` Poor—Air,. how very beautiful she is ! - She
reminded me of Ophelia. She has her senses
now, but with* deep dejectedness.] should not
wonder if shi lust them, May God be more
merciful to her than haye been." ,
“Stit, 'mamma. how .Cuuld you say to Rua -
eel Sydney that I WoUld`ride with him tomor
row •
f'4 Why. axe you going to.etay at, home and
sigh over this lost damsel; You, will ride,with
Sydney unless you . prefet to hurt my feelings
and displease me, seriously."
'• That I should be very sorry. to do, but I
cannot ride with Mr, Syduey.7
• Cannot!.And why ?" .
4 , How can you. ask, mamma f , How , can
you wish me to associate intimately with the
sort of man he is ?" „ „
••. What windmills are you fighting now. Au.
gusto! ~For a sensible girl you are the silliest
I ever met with.. What do you meanl"
You surely know what Inman, mamma
You know that Russel Sydneirhas been one of
the most diestpated men in the city." ,
"So have • forty .other men been., who are
very good. : husbands now, or whose wives are
too prudent to make a fuss about it'if they're
not. Really, Augusta. I do. , not think , it very
creditable to a young lady to be seeking idol.--
mation•of this sort about young men." _
1.1 have not sought it. 1 never dreamed i i—
Augusta, looked steadfastly in her mother's
face..,.. - that my mother would introduce a man ,
to me who, .as
.we hese both heard, on, good
authority. has ,kept a mistress since he was
eighteen, and changed her as often as suited
his caprice; but having heard this. .1 surely
will not disregard it." .
Yon .are unjust. my dear. Sydney has
entirety given op,all this sort of thing—he, as
sured. me he had." .
_•• And you, relyingly took , his
mamrna.and would not listen for one moment
to that poor penitent girl's , assurance."
Oh. that's quite &different:thine'
" I see no difference. excepting that,the one
is the strong party, the other .the ; weak- r -the
one the betrayer. the other the betrayed. The
tact of the girl seeking honest employment is
prima facie evidence in favor of her truth."
- You talk absurdly. Augusta ; and. to speak
plainly, I do not think it over.delicate"—son.
tinned Miro. Emly, with a pharisaical, curl of
her 'in.-es for an unmarried.. lady of nineteen
to be discussing subjects of this nature---tho'
it may, be quite often your Aunt Emily's (ask
ion so to do.",
." It is.very much my. Aunt Emily's fashion
to 'trip , the husk pad, Veep Alte
throw away the world's current counterfeit and
keep the, real gold. • Probably, she would think
it far , more. . indelicate in rscsite a, notorimtely.
licentious man into her society than nteepreas
her opinion of his vices ; and .I know,atintbintiii
it not only indelicate. but irrational ancl - un
christian, to tolerate , pertain, sites 'in Ten , for
which you proseribeend,liont down, women.!',
• " Mercy on up,.irluitait oration Olt:nothing!,
Ttuly, you and your, Aunt Emily.•.with
connurevening , :morals, are „very
1 6 4Pe. of Owe lee** to, MY Pour,
eommeeeenee petceittioneohat yea are rather,
a .partial distributtir„.Of yonr, charities. ,You
are.,quite, !tinier to, receive, tbie, ; eqnlvocal,
Young,ivoniannritli,hermnfetuiedly illegitimatis,
child, andloe; TeotatlAelibli bar-All/OK& the
door : millet a eery Omni:dug P1i1911. 1 0 31 119 110
bare:urn hie wild Patel!! •-•,
pth,,svrety,,mamma i . thii is eat a me !nate :
of ibe , e : Th e • man-of ; 414'.
loks 4 1 =4 1 04 end ellYreett • the. etheF,-.2.L,11 0 0
than . sinning -pFohatily.itte. victim; of ; SOWS
such teheraling Yck!eg Meal, ef • SYdclerr. Al:
women, w 4trorfoic4l fei.lerele •chnett , elY•
deer.mekhe.zieethi. !fleet to; help .her
the; Pit late thigh *NJ ;big. Re
oat guard. her from &turn oatiget,sn,„tetaggTi
'. l dre• mern eet- 4 eeteeo-
iebeketl..before .thegetktlai earnestness of, tier,
daughter; but after!. tnementehe. rallied, eett
said, with a fetted:liagh-ro• You had best joie,
the Magdalen gor t ilky, el elms; they,
will me ynu pl'lniy . or ,this Ilinev-triissiiinat7
work to • do ! I Confess it is pot quite to.m'
•• : 1.1 • ; • ••
Atigesta nivie`na' Ile 'rtittek
pained • her •I ° AV I :I4 11174,1101,11.uik
rqiPte ko wrung , 1 0cideniortge,,Toming
to that ".-Au n tVlo7!!:4 4 ' l soo!! Ore 0 11° * . i
phere ofielpid "lea 011tsirkted.
• ;
[To I congliztf.]
0 , A , - , • , v.4 0 r ., *1. 10 •'1•'•'. , 1-1 9 00tio`—'k'd'" 0 1.tioe'41ix it %—c•• c•ZERA-/Vl:4 trtlAi.P
, . e 7
jn,_, .a 1
46i r tiXtitit t * ' itkiSSAGE,
. '
To Me &nate and Route of Ripresentedivel.
, ,;
gdierel, health Of 'the
,the vicitslewarde'of ..tiiishandt; the
quickening_ spirit . th at pried.* trade ' id,lndis•
pry. the', railirrtd 'prosper:icy', ofOne:coon:Ty,
and iti 'ailiadee tit diond'"atid at:
a jestledee of our
depetide4e; 'swell ''Our,.gifeful . Octet:6loo.
bend', it this time, th'ili‘i froths:hose. bane&
deuce, their ; ' Nothing , has Occurred
since the idijournment Of theLegidlature. t 0 ib-
ienupt the, harmony or ebech:Me.ebergies of
con Commonwealth. cq
,the contrail i
y, t:01 7
lirmt when stolen:-
ed with sumo:" I.
. The exertions of our people to Meet the' n
gagemente of :hit Stele' hive tbus'fXr been sue.
ceprfol. The,payment, by , i,nuiober of cone
tieti of ihe l effiole ammint Of their tilesforiB4s.
several months before , the dine st *blob they
have heritafore 'beint ioilected. 'added more
than $3,00:001) to the effective revenues of the
rear; and the lasiteglilaturd hiving excluded
certain ciefeea of debts from the claims to be
ifinnediatidy 'provided - 5n bystlie ,Triasury. we
have been. enabled to . payi the 'iriterear . which
fell, due on the - kidded debt within the,pastis,
cal'yeir. On' . the brat (I'4 of the present sea.
Monohe balance remaining! in the Treasury
was bout $825,000„ which, with the acciaing
revenues,•will applierible ke the demands of
the firet of nett month; it hive ilms the
reasonable and gratifying assurance, that the'
interest - 4in 'then be punctUally paid.. The
pu,blic debt tOenosylvanii, on the lat Decem
ber. 1845, as appiars froai the 'report of the
Auditor• General, wa r s as follows : ' •
Funded debt,' • 13 6 . 734367 43
Relict min Siroplarsoro4 1,268,67 & 00
een caiitindikr With [ merest thireekl,BBB.Bo3 36
Da to domestic creditors, '
$40,988,493 as
nein:keit npint irtdekomaiding tuella .
Auditor Genre computation for 1846, 2,o-
The Wanes' in the Twain' An Alto first:
of Debember, 11144,W5e"
The receipts into the same,dming the yew
sodinton the 30th of Nov.ltest. as sp
' • pears in detail by the reports of the Au
, ditor_Genend and Stars Tressure,r were 3.010.062 34
Malting an aggregate stun of
The payments from the Treasury during
the ume peridd, were, eceordMirto the
reports of the same °Seers. 3.289.02813
Which ded u cted from the above, abowi
the bal. in Treasury Dec. t, 1845, 384,698 09
Being bm 174278,965 ,79 than it wu Dec. 1, 1844
The net,emount of aveilat ontatandine
toes on Seel anslyeraottai estate, after
making for'enllvetiOne end
exerierationa,oh the lat. Dee. 18441sse
estimated bib, late State Treasarries
$887.301 71. It ,itriteare,•
from naubeequent ettionle,founded up•
on more, full retomeatel mine aixerats
inmate* of the extent of :axone»,
lions,' that the amiront Out
minding an that di3l.wae - $1,009,778 03
The net and evailable amonotontstanding
Dev , ..V1843, is estimated 874,644 80
The iumiunt at ontgandingtaxes on bee.
1, 1848, it tberefore lea than it was on
the le/ Dee. 1844; by the sem of
Adding to,thie SUM the diffeitnai between
the behCnee in the Tremor, on the Id
4y of Pee- 11440 ind Dec. 1, 1845, 278,988 79
redtictiois of the
_see an aggregate redact= _
bahitee in the Twenty and of antenna.
ing taxes on the of Dee. 1845, • ,
etnepiti d iith the same items Dec.
1, 1844, of • • $ 414,199 32
From this etatement it to apparent. ;tha . the
receipts into the Treasury, during the year.
derived from texation on real and personal es
tate, and other sources of revenue properly be
long to the year. were leas than the dpmandi
upon the Treasury for the same period. by the
amount above awed. ,And it is also apparent.
that if the Legislature .had n . ot _posiponed the.
the payment „or...the DoOteattpPreditori. and
• the, interest on,tbe certificetes • issued lintel
rest. and if the cancellation a.portinn,of, the
ielier notes; required ; under eniating laws to be
ea,ncelleti. had, not been, deptrred., the Whole,
balance in the Treasigy world hive, been es,.
hausted on the Ist Peeember last. • .
. .0 1 P . . .
' ,F.Orthq PurPoge! nlPPient roe.roncea
have appended to ibis consu3unication,,a aum
kamy mailmen; (Inarked,A.).cif the recaiptsand
expenditures of the past year. with an estimate
prepared, with, mach eare.audislibetation, for
alio etursent'year. ending ;on the 30th NOSein
,!*?, i:10,46.- •, • . •. -. .- ~ • ~- ~
• ;
' to tbisObi eeeeipte of theleirr 1r - •
• firemen otimasJiinehrdirig 1110300.000 . • ,
. (MIA ralisPo,rell sod personal setae,
Which :Ida t 0 01911 bi Thil , il , 3o
. lek thibiober. /845;" ' . 684,888 09
111akes en suctipto oft - ca.' , 1 110102,58 e 0
#OOOllll from which tboeitimaied pep.,
i ,Iseate during die same period , - 3,515.9211 pti
Werwrivo is on Owinuded beli;eoloeho -,, Z. . .'
! Milan rose. la 1048.01 ;\ V: ; : 89.690,0
M ri
os thin
ris 'to agef '"1491:".171181"
7 :I*to6*otD7ec.eileW
7bthii•L addod
11111Goalehowecorilioto$ eh o art eme. - •
' :moo will yild:a net isivietie. ofter
14 111 0 2 K•anoloPee• forlzPasto. '
:CC41.041., and ex, c, 11 1 1 4 1118 0 Imo.* on:
or • • - - - 2,05014 ao
Vika thin omegas loidodoet the I itie
• UMW COUNthiell Goat dime lours.. - •
1 , awing tbs Yew 1"000 00
- ,540k4 - 60
Willibo the !estimated @ileum . Of - ,oOteir:orhiii).
On the first-of Deeirobor.: O 81& will /tango zing.
pdandingt '; - being111110.061:110-441P-thooz.iiror
okitgodiing on the doo!of Dieeinbor s t flea
- in the ofoOnflogeuesolibintbecup - •
."1704 $120,000 00
. . .
ithr tbs differeace. bsVmma
411CitiA lb, Tnwpary,ao the Istsiiyd
Decamber.lo4s , ,sod the orinisted be• -
Iscetaio, tba , OP
IV. Mini et en aireral oda**
than two imam. within go .fiead par. - • .
,ending 30th of Nam/9% 1846, et • . 410.2941 09,
• From Ibis view of the subjeet it is apparent.
that the assessment Of -the year. 4840. on real
and personal"estates, ind -the. rovenhes Of die
year proper;derivahle frote all ' other sources. ,
taken together, will be insufficient , * meet the
detbands' npon the Treuory, (hiring the 68030
perleid, bY 'tho stllW-Of '1418.2911 09 t and that
io'supplying ills deficiency the balanee in th e
Treasury. on the Ist of Deelnliei. 1845. wiU
have been reduced to $88.400 00 ? and the ar
rears- of outstanding taxes to the sum 0f5744.1.
044 50, It is plain.therefoni *Atone present
6=l=l system is inadequate to. supply the
means, of meetings!! the,demairds on the 'l're . l7
Bury, except, when aided from the halide"
which had accumulated before the'payMent or
interest wail resumed. and by collections troth
the arreiragis of time. of"former years.
bunk Of 'which Will soon tic exhausted. '
I stn eteettesitiettui add;-that all these earns
lations and estimates; pre4uPpon - that Me de;
mends on ,the Treasury will not be permitted
to transcend their ordinary limits. and that no
appropriations will be made by the Legislature
to `new objects. ''these' 'are not enticipated:
biteadse in me present state df finances. every,
new appropriation may well' be regarded. not
tut a. grantor money unineumbered in the Tres.
say. but rather se en absteietion •of funds. etre.
eat:ally appropriated already, and rightfully be
longing to the public creditors. • •
The deficit in our mans. under existing laws. ,
presents for• the deliberations of the General As
sembly, a topic of paremount importance., It may
be remembered that,* the month uLlarmary last. .
I expressed, the opinion. in an Extcutive ,mes
s 'sage. thatmotfinances had not then reached a
Coodition to eiable us, permanently, and at oice,
to resume payment of the full interest on our
public debt. tregret that subsequent examina
tions and'relleCtion. hive not permitted me to
believe that I was then in 'error. But the Le
gislative action on jhe question has changed the
entice aspect of ouf duties, and rendered it use
less to revert to former views of policy. The
payment of intent on the funded debt of the
Commonwealth. was. in fact, resumed. on the
first of February, 1845. By that act. the State
asserted ber present ability to meet her engager
menus; and it must be our care that the pledge,
time renewed, be not again violated. The
credit, fidelity end honor , of-Pennsylvania. all
demand,. that._, henceforward, -the interest - on
her public debt shall -be punctually and fully
-• . •
t Heretofore.,we might have, pleaded the un
expected failure of the . Depository, Bank of the
State, a ferv'elays before the interest was paya
ble. and when the moneys appropriated to its
discharge were aceumulated in her vaults,—the
sudden destruct= in 'value of nearly the , entire
currency in general use—the prostration of in•
dividual credit, end -theileep and universal pecu
niary imbirrasment ef the people.- But now.
all-are prospering e :--the correney is restored to
a good degree of soundness—our revenue eye ;
tern, though still #nperfect. has greatly , *cress
ed M effectiveness and certainty-enterprise
is renewed; and the people, happy in their in
stitutions. and confident in themselves. look'
to the apprpriate action of the Legislature to
make *vision to satisfy the public wants. .
The present period, is in truth, the crisis of
our affairs. ' Prompt and effective measures now,
to make i moderate addition toour reienue. will
restore to Pennsylvania. for all future thin, that
proud po.itioh from which ahe has temporarily
been: made to stoop, by a course of policy that
never met the approval of her people. But the
addition must be made at once. Unless the es
timates that have been presented. shall prove es
sentially erroneous. the balance in the Treasury.
on the first of December. 1848. will not exceed
one hundred thousand dollars. It is, therefore.
obvious. that. if the receipts at the Treasury, du
ring the months of December. 1845, and Janus.
ry, 1847, do not greatly exceed the receipts or,
the corresponding months of any preceding year,
when the, amount of oeteistrelingtaFtli was Vast-,
erihso it, then, a. deficit rourrt, occur in
themeons Othe Treasury., to pay the intereet,
which Will beeerne due on the Ist of February,
1047. , The necessity of the adoption .of home
diate.and efficient measures, to guard .against a
result which vrould be an fatal to the renewed
faith acid honor of the_State,, , earshot
,be . too
strongly enforced upon the atte ntion of
IPmaturP, • .
Pt. ll wwt 4 f l /*.ntled , with-Oe oubieP.,i'lif our
inuces. is that of , e' Banklog acetate'. of the
Siam. - The Mils That hive resulted , Goat thei
manner in.whichlt bas.beenr adipioietered. and
some of those - more essentially, counieted with.
us Organization ands tendencies, have' beee felt,
by Yet, it may welf be; doubted. "'bather
the whole of the mischiefs which itbas
fed; ; ltave been traced back * theit_froilfut and
pernieioiti cause. Not only, ,fuer it stimulated
InAlviduals to ruin, but Stabre hive-been ledrby
seductive :and ot:hies. hillirenitas, :into a
enures : Of e (*ri xtrougabee. and'imisetioene
lerakidihey, Puldiedeths have been contracted,
even the inten th of which enulil lettreelfhe 'met.
03 0 !the.inist Connor taxation while in ot h er
the* foith the gonfluseOti whiett ought
afsveya io be held' limed; -hai ',,hated in
hare Of profeind pew*. -
The • Maio. of Pennsylei r ilit «nee the be
ginning, of the yeerll3BB. Is. painful illustration
ofthie Intik: In Demmther; 1885. where Gov.
fntor Wolfritlied Seim o ffi ce, two months' be.'
ors the inatieporation of the tiank - Otthii United'
-Butte% the State debtor Pennsylvania 624,
1113934114 lit le 11010: eselueire of the smeeet
tees - lino) wit; &Pruitt:nein the general govern.'
inerit.ll4lo.lMso.ll9. making an 'liftable 'of
the ststotebr. - lit ten rem otemsee;B49
iteterithstand* the receip t .% thirAisen.
LAPS '7ll - ot Mingo revem•
tares: end of 61444141,7110111 etas lip fits
, Iti - eoutitsplatiartble,atittlier *Ww4l*-
I orally look round for She esieiteeintit - oblate'
of Blue policy. for which this vat eatqlll,l
663ut 88
3,6739,14 22
185,233 59
or twenty•two and three-quarter Pillions of
dollars; his' beverexpended. , , ! nf 1 7 /
We tind none aunt , Magnitude. • "The neater
line of Cans' and Railway,. between Pbibdeiw ,
phis and Pittsburg. had been completedstsdet
was in successful operation.: =Tbt_S o lelittemtar
the Susquehanna and North lisluctu
division". to the Lickswsong.,thttWeit Brepr t ik,
division to Queens' Eno. the Betty', diebtion,
to New ,
cas , le, Fianklin,line t and "{Me i ,
French Crevl Feeder, were ell inktetanileffir T
linished when GoverbOr'Willf left' the Elect=
tire Chair; and the sum 'of 111114i4.6191)9,iiiii /
all: that remained ferm'plid ;for completing'
them: - • ' ..".
'The state bad reached a point, in bee .111 W
provement syatem, •at which she emdd - listni‘
suspended. 'operations without 1055..• • 'Fbi
scheme of direct taxation, to pay the intermit,
on the State loan,. which had been tottodueed,
under Geismar Wolfs, administration. mew.
_admonishing the -people .of the irteonettnitMee
oft 'public debt. : ,Every dthig.indiesim4 lits 4)
the lu Ulla, progress of our Sus. improvements.,
was io be-deferred:till time, bad tested them ! ,
ductivenete of the doishei worke..ind the in 7,.
creasing development of our resourcii
wiled and'juetified their'forilier extension:"
11 was. - it this time, thin tile' ittiktir
FehroarY; ISSlL'u , sit passed, entitled; * . if
to repeal the Slate tit on, real and- personal , '
peopetty, and to continue and extent 'theritto.:
puisemetits- of the State by -Rail , Raids wtid
Cabals; and to charter a State 'Betik.-ito, be,
called the United Sauce. -.Thel , fitat
section of this set rescinded the ofiest , 4
es. which hid been desieed for the. protection/
of the public crediswhile. by olbettlettiouesJi
-they two millions , of dollen! robe teceirx, l
from the Bm/k. were oPProPrisied. , M. °Wirt,
the proiecution of,Company atid
commencement of new ones, Einar the:dirOt,
charge of the State. To'enable die cittnistin
wealth to colsommais.this wild ezUttailekor
improvementi. six millions of dahlia ' werS
promised as a parent loan' to the Stitt,. at
Interest of foor per cent. and othei leant at the
nine rate were to be made, wheel required: 'tor
the ;mount of one million of dollars,
Upderthe impulse of this Art, and of thole.
duenees which effected its passage. anew se—,
rice of iropro'vements were begun atones. ,
of which, after the expenditure of amity stilt ,
lioni, now forming part of the public dititrou4:
the cause of nereased tuition. beort;..t o 4e,4 t .
abandoned, by t
bhe.State. and,hsve pissed, molt,
of them, into the handeof companies,. WOO
have paid no consideration for them.
it even seems: that the State has not limited
its gretnities to the Winks thus cOmateneed.
The Itocver Ditision, and life Wyaininglitii:'
on the North Branch. embraihig him-three:
miler of Canal in scold nee,. loathe' Veldt'.
Creek Feeder. costing together $1.282,927 81 1
and all of them , finished in 1835, haw beew-t,
gives away to companies, and , team , the state
with a less extended systena , of impeovemento
now, than it had when the Baskaftbe-United..
States was chartered. . •-- .Jl, '3.
The progress of the works,wastuerkedity„
the declining credit,o(theState..untilpsherths,
moat desperate resorts,, dwell, of a yforther,,,
suspension to the banks in ,1840,and a
,loan io
1841. by the state ft, herself, by, the detriett . of
*mint relief notes-- th e bankrupV
cy of the Conimonwealth foreibly'_ arstind'
But the evil did not stop here. . When Mir'
works weft...abandoned. the ',State ints • largeli
indebted to the contractors, whtiseclaims crew:
regarded as of primary obligation.' To satisfy
them e a law was passed, requiring the rale Or'
he Bank, stock, and other stoeke which were,.
owned by the state. These surks. 'bleb &ad
eost the Treasury nearly *1, 2 0000.
at a most unpropitious moment, sacrificed for
a fraction more than 61.405,000.
However painful these recollections of i"97
cania4 loss may be, there were attendant eir
eumstancea of graver and more momentuus
concern to the patriot. knew element of pule; ,
er found he way into one elections. Thei
rive franchise urn' violated end ibaie&-ittre
declaration, of the public will' were disregard4r ,
ed and . delled, end the very alumna of OOP."
free institutions was mental , with rill/elation .1
and. destruetioi. _ 1 allude' to.the'oseiicitidilisA
crisis uf„.zing, when A ditecv , swankiest
made. by the leaders.of a•ticinotiWy:lA,,UNlW.l
the troveromokt.. and , to subslitnto
don 10.14 TnicePE, she•talicifitS-Of‘ttlkirgtet:i.
TM B P , lkeei!- had,ffieiT origiNsk4PPq 0°4 1 !.t
in r a spirit of reckless eontdenceM this*inier
loot corrupting influence . of nintilitilin eantitir
Oe ."
• Apart from these political eonsidenitiont,ewn
influence of a vitiated papeirayetem npowtho m
',moral mad ordinary. inteicaMi PridyikbstiCn
ful and,peritieicius, ..Hithertoobtre grirty:.;, ‘ ,
ally brat nothing in the orrnisafton.4,Banbic„
limit thrkeztent and depot, dot ebiiiiieter„of t „,
their.action. but the : diseretion'ofilii,ilireetors.
"A, few
Portion'of die Boards Wrionnagetient, aii;li
feet. the dePositories Of thiedisersibia 1 and is
genital rule.'anbjefit ice dolibt iniutirbonin • -
rible exceptient, it it exercised with primar y n:-
if net' excletive, referesten'tii tits d' ld'
wrests ofthe Barth: • • • ;
While the business ofthe eoestrp prosper*.
end the spirit of opera:dating enterprise.seengs. ,
elated by suerzss. thee mend their swamp.
dathmis Rectally. and 'fill the chintielitif tired.
dim with redundant•and ilePraist Coritiney.r
An unnatural rise" of prices is the eoluielleeee*.
Importations increase to Ileitrierrof
erimi natio, tenirm.entratiagance inestiet all thO
departments of society-.4othfinite- radii its.:
rimester a thrifileas eavolion,,of indknailneteg
lam. the law, of. nide. unehangin . ft,
those of natures, producel,,reirliell. titintvdie
whole rfieisi i 0411101144 2 .4 1 1,
people of the Co_ l lll ll 7 MO WM4* t
that ars indebted atltieth,
raises of thlibarthaseri not stmepuntationnap
*of thelosolOrimmiled etpcki-istedimiipttietr,
int preofing their debtors girpattitent.',4hts,
iirmilatios of the country is siddialy
Lints Sets= 1 1 .10E•3 ,
...:...... t .... •64.*
'a. ~- , 1 . . .:':..:,', . ; :,- il'. ).0 1 , ;?. 4;f:11::;T
, . •
rnt yl ra
. , :~•.,.f ,~ S