Dam pATIgs. By virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas issued out of the court of:Com total ?leaser Bradford County, torne directed, shall expose to public sale at the - house of I. It Stephens in the borough of Towanda, on Monday the second day, of February nex‘at t o'clock P. M.. the following piece or parcel of lend in Ulster township and bourided on the east by the road leading from Towanda to Alb ens and land of Guy Tracy, north by lands in t h e possession of J. Havens, west and south by lands.of H. S. Wells.. Containing about seven acres more or less, partly improved, with saw mill thereon ereoted with a turning lathe ie said mill. . . Seized and taken in exnestion at the suit of Guy Tracy vs. Asa Forresy A l so.—The following nide or parcel of land situate in Wysox township and bounded on the north by land of Stephen. Strickland, on t he west by land of Andrew Irvine and Luke Stric kl a nd. op the south' by land of L. Strick land and Shepard - Tierce, on the east by the road leading to Bowman's Eddy. 'Containing sixty four acres, all improved, two dweltmg hoses and two b rns thereon. Seized and taken ;in execution at the suit of Victor E. Piollet to the use of Stephen Pierce e s. Cornelius Coolhaugh. -ALso.--The following piece or parcel of land situate in South Creek and S pringfield town ships, bounded the north b y, land of J'ames Philips, east bv James Williams, Daniel Gibbs and Esq. Goodrich, south by land of • Esq. Goodrich and Almon Berry, and west-by land claimed by James Bovier. Containing one hundred and eighteen acres, about sixty acres . i m p eo reil, with two log houses, one framed barn and small apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Andrew Knillin 'vs. Hiram Harkness. laso--.The following described piece or par cel of land situate in the township of Smith field, bounded on the north by lands of Ira Ad zins, on the east by land in the possession of James Lenox, on the south by.land of C. F. Sweet and Pen tacost Sweet, and on the west by land of Fastius Rose and the heirs of Solo mon Forrest dee'd. Contsining fifty five acres or thereabouts, about forty , acres thereof irn- T oyed. with a framed house, framed barn and small frame corn house and an apple orchard thereon. - Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Lyman Durfee to the use of H. A. Phelps vs. 'Newman Colvin. - Arso—The following described piece - or parcel of land situate in the township of Spring field and South Creek, bounded on the north ay land of 11. D. Berry, east by lands of Hi ram Harkness, south by land of Almon Berry and Asa A. Brown, and on the west by land of Joshua Conklin. Containing one hundred and sixty acres or thereabouts, about fifteen acres thereof improved. • Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Alvin Loomis vs. James Bovier. USG—The following piece or parcel of land* situate in Albany township and bounded on the north by lands of the heirs of C. Li. Miller and the road leading from the turnpike.. to the llpveily settlement, east by Ira Dodge, south by Rowland Witco=, and on the west by lan& of H. B. Webb. Containing fifty acres and allowance, about threee acres improved, vitth a house•dteteon erected, with a log stable covered with bark. * Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Rollin Wilcox to the use of S. Wilcox vs. Da niel English. Atso--The following-piece or parcel of land Wysas, township, bounded on the north - by }and of Ellis Lewis, east by land of said Lew is, Bomb by land of Woi. Myer dec'd. and Pin gevine Bull. and west by the Pond. Contain ,cg eighteen acres more, or less with about 10 acres improved, with one saw mill and dwel itn2 house and shed thereon. seized and taken in execution et the suit of John Allen vs. Alvin M. Allen and Robert ALso--The following niece or parcel of land in Athens township. bounded on the north by Witham Scott; east by the public highway, Minh and weat by land of Julius Tozer. Con of an siere more or cress, one framed house and wood house thereon. ' Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Henry .Voorhes vs Harvey French. Aiso—A piece or parcel of land situate in Canton township, bounded on the north by Lnd of Stephen Garet. on the eat by land of G. F. Mason and i lot sold by E. Masonic) Silas Gray. on tile south by land of lasi War ren, and on the west hy land sold by G. F. .lason to Silas Gray and Palmer. Con taining sixty nine acres and forty nine perches or thereabouts, with shout fifty acres thereof improved. with two framed houses, one log barn and about sixty fruit trees thereon. ALso--gne Oiler piece or parcel of land ita the -said township of Canton:, bounded on the. north by laud of G. F. Mason and a lot sold by E. Mason to Silas Gray, on the east by land of G. W. Lewis, on the south by land of James Warren, and on the west by land Sold by E. Mason to- Silas Gray. Containing 26 acres (o 2 perches or theleabouts, with about thirteen acres thereof improved. - Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E. & G. F. Mason's' use vs. Silas Gray. Aree.—The following piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Athens, and bounded on the north by A Tozer, west by the, Main mad leading from Athens to Elmira, south by H. Tozer, and 'east by../.Shepard:- Contain• nig one half an sere., framed house-and framed barn and shall orchard thereon. Seized and taken - in execution at the suit of Union Pennell vs. brae! 8. Mead. • • Atso....The following piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Litchfield and boon• ded on the north by Michael Kinshaw. east by Reuben Park, south by Chas: Chandler. west by Constant Mathewson, Containing twenty five acres. pbout • three acres improved - . with fumed house and plank shop : thereon. • Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Welles dr, Satterlee vs. Hirain'Rogers. Atao--The following piece or parcel of land situate in Xowanda borough. bounded on the nor th *Kt Carter,•east,by. Henry Butler. south by Thomas Elliott. and west by Main street. Containing one fourth of an acre more or leas,Tramed douse, tinallbarn and fruit trees Seized and taken in execution at the snit of 1).:& J. Petree vs. N. fl. Hera. At o—'Pbe foll Owing desertbed piece or Parcel of land situate in Ulster township.-con taining four hundred rand 6ve acres or theres-' bouts, bounded and described 'on the 'forth by land of Ezekiel Cutri;'Asa ',Forrest.:and PP.K Tracy. east 'by die Stitquehanna, river.. south by lands of Manson Salunarsh. and sliest by land of Jacob Stuarts-and Rohni.. l aboti! txo bandred and fifty acres thereof improved; HIE tittle t ree. rune scholia. oglause, three framed barns one blacksmith shop. 'one corn house:and two large apple orchards !hereon. Beized and taken in exceutiOu at the suit of Healey,' Morley dr ! Hyde vs. P.ll Welles and 'E. . . Aiso— ; The following pieCeor-parcel of land situate in .Granvitle township in•• Bradford co.. ••and bounded as Tollows: beginning at a beech the south west corner of lot no. 121 on war rnt lot no. 1481, thence east 180 acid .4-10 p. to a post ; thence south is perches •to ta•post ; thence west 180 and 4-10 perches to a poet; thence north SO and 4.10 perches to the be ginning. • Containing 54 acres and 32 perches with about 25 acres improved, with. a Inurted house and barn thereon. • Seized and taken in; execution at the snit - of Timothy Paxson and William IJavititon. tree. tees of the Bank of North America n. Barna. bus Vroman. piece or parcel of land in Herrick township, bounded north by David Ball, south by John Laporte, east by Richard Riles, west by John Laporte ; containing - *bent one hun dred acres ; about seventy acres tmprnved,one framed barn, one log house, one log barn, an orchard of an hundred bearing apple trees, and a smith shop. . Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Anna Dickinson, to the rise of S Meylert, vs Charles Squires. Ar.so---The fullowihg piece or parcel of lan d situate in Towanda,korough, and• bounded on the north by John C. Adams'_ land, east'lay' 2d street, south by Huston and Ward, and west by third street. Containing twenty one !him sand and fifty feet, be the sante more or less, with a two story dwelling pause and barn thereon erected. Seized and taken in execntion at the snit of M. C. Mercer to the use of Henry Mercur vs. Ira H. Stephens. • Also—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Ulster township. bou nded north by Platt • Smith. east by the Susquehanna. river. south by lands of A. B. Shaw- deceased..west by land now in the poesession of Frank Mur ry and Samuel Huff: Containing one hundred and twenty five acres more or less, about one hundred improved with one dwelling house, one baru and orchard thereon. A xs‘..-One other tract of land in said Ulster. towaship. bounded north by Platt Smith, west by A. Patridge. east bv lands of L. Smith, and south by.Samoel Hutt Containing one hun dred acres more or less, with about thirty acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Jeduthao Simons vs. Lock Wood Smith. ALso.....The following piece or parcel of land situated in Durell township, bounded on the north end east by, Debby Chamberlin, on the south and west by Oliver Gilbert. Containing one acre, all improved, one framed house and wood house and shoe shop. Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Mark C. Mount to the use of Andrew [wine vs. Hiram Miller. - . At.so—The following described lot of land situate in Armenia township and bounded on north by lands of Bradford Robbins, east by lands ~,-,of Reuben Mason. on the south and west by lands of S. W. Paine. Containing one hundred acres. with about fifty acres , improved with a log house and small orchard thereon. Seized and.tiiken in execution at the suit of John Gill's use vs. John M'Naught. Arno—.. The following piece or parcel of land situate to Litchfield township, bounded on the north land of Wright, on the east by land of Samuel Davidson, south by land of B. Stackhouse, and on the west by land of Myra. Containing fifty acres or thereabouts, thirty or thirty five acres improved a log'house log barn and other out buildings and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit or George 'Wilson vs. Adolphus V. D. Tweed. Axso—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Durell township and bounded as fol lows: beginning at ,a white oak, thence by land of William Morrison north 2° west 266 perches to a post, thence east 52 perches to 'a chestnut oak north 70° east 127 perches tail pine,"south 50° east 200 perches to a black oak, south 34° weat.2ll perches to a black oak." and west 200 perches to the place of begin ning. Containing 433 aores and three quar ters of an acre, and allowance of six per cent for roads &e ., about ten acres improved. Seizeti and taken in execution at the suit of David Cash vs. Alanson B. and Israel Smith. Also--Ily virtue of a syrit of Levari Factas, A piece of - land 'id (lama / township. bounded / as follows—Beginning at a post on the south hank of Towanda creek, theiiie down the said creek the several courses thereof to a de'ad birch on the bank of said creek, it tieing a corner of lots Nn I and g, and also the haundarf line of Ozias Kilburn ; three south along said line, 198` perches to a post and stones on the south boundary line of . the tract; thence west . 161 perches to a hemlock corner] • the . sooth west' corner of said tract ; thence nprth In perches to a post ; thence west 75 perches to the place of begmning ; Containing seventy.seven acres and forty,two perches. with framed house and two framed barns thereon erected, about forty-five acres improved. Seized and taken in t xeculion at the soli Of Ann Dickinson, Maria Meredith. Thomas Me. reilith. John Read, John M Read and Margo. ret M Read, who survived Simnel Dickinson and Priscilla 51‘ Read.' vs Nathan B Tabor. , • ..JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Offiee-,' December 31st. 1845. Terownitriforw*tils,lndictinenifar ..doWnright Cour . . . der,. 0 selling goods too cheap.'' t 1 , - 6 - • Tried before the people , of Brad } The Shavings Balk. ford county. . Ir appeartng to the satisf acti on of all the jury, (corn. Posed of all Brrdfonl Co.) that the , price of Salt at the Shaving Bank Was raised to 114 shillings per bbl. the day after No. 3, got out, who had been selling far 10 shillings per WA And it 'alai being conclusively proved that the said 'Phivings Brink are about 19 per cent. behind No. 3, in selling goods cheap, the . jury withOin leaving the box ' acriuitted'the defendant. and as i Ihiverdict was rendered, the crier of throw!, call'il put, • • Oh, yes 1- oh, Yea i'' Oh, Ycli f rig only genuine cheap, storeil rowant4 a / * l ' D.' 3. • BRICK. IROWt. . , ' Now, tiWinpi,' Ire .4444,—ir.y0n should ' kt;.;:st IT- N*. 9,1 should Lau. " Fresh Silt." nor even salt petre won't save your. :..tlead from .-,-- - ~ , • , .. , • Two sktgle loads of NewGoo4 , Pere remised at. Dec. 17. • BAIRD:8, A 0.3, Brick Row., .. '.:FOB SALE. - THE stibeenber has for esle..-4 new two hone wit goo r. one (horse wegon,partly wow; sleight, end bobs, Walla, Aitev 3 Oro gird HOR SES; A pair of youtig OXEN', believed 'opener to Any in the country of thelesge: . ; Alift,ewnyoutieles beeesery for ramie,/ sod trim. fag porpows, ell of width will be rola eheeP 03e cosh or epprevetretedit. - . ADDISON ' • ToWajtdo, Drees:whey IT: 1845 i aas 4". 11:1Pi l 4ESOftTED.1* ON, jun received, iittEkir sa)e at de24 — REED'S: Z,.8 . ;TIM.I,BEIt OVERSHOES, c)f all aorta, kinds jtv awes — , for age cheap at 424' ' REED'S. RONORARtt-ExE - SECURES REASONABLE', SUCCESS." IL S. C.lcireur , ELATE the pleastire of announcing to the public, that- rheir unprecedented hessrsales this fall, have, rendered 4 neceiseryto, punthase another .large stock of WlTill'Eff.4ooDB.-ashich tftelare now re. ceiring and arcking far - issh,qat tokOkrak or :Watt 'at' much lowerpriCes than they ban bifound:it soy other store hi Towanda.. .Cult pnrchasersof goOda can.co cturr the following whammies hy calling at our atom . : Piave—The Procutiog of thiir gioda at the least prio sible advance from . the marmfactureie amt importee vices, as our goods are purchased from first hank el net ash prices. Sec o frorii.theestra prices, which merchanti who Oroeredit taut charge to corer losses by had debts. colleeting fees.4c, Our stack ta very heavyembracing almost everything in the line of Dry.Coods,Grocerics;-(Liquorsexcepted) Hardware Crockery.. Drop, , MOdicinsa, Paints, Oils; Dye.siu4, Boots and shoes, Saddlery Headgear% Car. riage Trimmings; 'dm 'And ratio' our stock 'os geode is much the heaviest in town, they were purchased's*. very. law that they did not cost $26,600, or even $15,. 000:arid our customers can have the benefit of our vantigeous purchases, ai our Motto is, "Small prothO and quick sates'. ' Nov. 26.1846. • LARGE NEW STORE AI Nome Corners; with full Winter's Supplies, AT LO WEST PRICES, inp OG ERS FOWLER has just filled, by the last Kt, trip of the boats for the season, his large and commodious new-storep.house with a complete and well. assorted lot of Winter Goode, selected carefully by him, self in the New-York and Philadelphia markets to suit the season, with a special view to the tastes and wants of his neighborhood. He respectfully invites an examination or hie exten sive stock—swhieb he offers at en invariable cash price —comprising, generally, Cloths, Caps, Hats, Hosiery. Hardware, Nails and , Cutlery. Crockery, Stoneware,-Tinware, El ' eseentary Books, Stationery, Staple and c 1 Sniffs, De -Lanes, Alpacas. el Fancy Dry Goods, Drugs - and Dye I' a a I Prints, Shawls, Sheetings, r Flannel:, &e.. 'arc in short, every variety of goods required in this market, of the latest styles and of the best qualities according to prices, which shall be sold as low as can be afforded at any ether establishment intended for permanent busi ness.- Full as his store is, he has Tooth enough to trade in, and abundance of light to testtheqnality of hisgoods. LUMBERMEN, in exchange for Boards or. Shingles "shall have all articles at cash prices, toi he has nooth ers; and they will find, at this same rates, in addition to his general assortment, a constant supply of GRAIN, FLOUR. FISH, PORK, SALT, and all the necessa ries as well as the conveniences of life. FARMERS' produce bought at ell times, at ;good prices, and at fair en eschange made for goods as by any dealer an the county. ' Persons going to the mine for COAL, can sarehaul ing by leaving their loading here, (several miles ibis side,) at the coal.hed prices, and taking en order on the miners, which, under his arrangement, will be ether win to their mutual advantage, by matting to purcha sers coal at the most favorable rates of barter there, and saving to the miners the coat'of bringing surplus pro• duce hack to market. R, F. has heard of pigmy souls, near Franklindale corners, the old "yellow corner," whitened over like the sepulchre, and in some other dark corners, which could find no good answer to the question— , . who is my neighbor ?" . hat he has passed their reach, not cor nered yet, and he assures the community which has imposed so many obligations in him by past confidence that he cannot ri4 its continuance, by stopping takick off whiffets, or making announcements which he is un prepared to fulfill. Monroe, Dec. 9, 1845. pRINTEt—The largest. most desirable and cheapest itatortment of Prints in town, can be found at nov26. MERCURS'i If orated Goods. IDE LAINES. Crape de Mines, C. It Encase • andAlpaccas. a fine assortment, purchased in Die!, York, after theists falling off in prices at MERCURS'. JOSNET VELNETS,• ;Satins and Silks, with Ribbons to roach, the best and cheapest anon mem in town, at nv26 MERCURS'. nvo26 SIIA WLS—Every one wishing to purchase Shawls, should by all means call where every thing in that line from twenty•five cents up. is kept at prices to suit edges of the articles; it is needless to say that it it at n0v2.6 MERCtRW. 'IIAIRDWARE.--The largest assortment and greatest variety ever offered in Bradford county, just received at IifERCUR'S. DISSOLUTION THE copartnership' which heretordre existed be. tween George Ereek,jr. and William Angle, on. der the finn of BRECK & ANGLE, has been Ibis day dissolved, and aII debts doe the said firm have been Assigned to the subscriber, who atone i■ authorised to. collect and receipt the same. WM. ANGLE. Rummersfiel+l Creek. Nneemtter 17, 1845. n 1.6 SAYINGS BANK 9• Still Later. More Rich Goods. UST received an invoice of the latest styles of Silka, .among which may be found Plain black and blue black, Ombre Striped Pon de Sae Carnelian Rape; with Satin Stripe*. Genuine Polka Silks, Plaid Florence., Plain do., Plain silks f,r Bonnet's, a rare opportunity for those to purchase who intend doing so as. they sue sold only a shade above auction prices at 0ct.20. G. E. FLYNT & CO'S, A NYquantity of Bleached and Brown sheeting do Shining of all qualities, hik. and white Wadding, Wicking in Boxes, twine, cords, Ate., et Nov. 6 YVELLES eSt BATTERLEV.9. NE ball oh ARK ROI' {rill be geld' accordingly 1 WELLZS' WANTED in exchange or 1.. any quantity of Boner, Tallow, Wbeat, I ye, Oats. Timothy and Closer Seed, Sides, Lumber, and cash tan not be refused by - wELLgs.ar., SATTERI.F.E. SOMETHING NEW ! eUST RECEIVING, at the old store on-the cor net' Of Main IMO Pine streets, a few ' doors. below 'litontanyes 4. Co.'s, and nearly opposite No. 1, Prick, Row; an entirely new stock of GOODS, ;Mid} con sists in a general assortment of _. , • Dry doods, Groceries. Hardware. Hate , 4. Together with a general assortment of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. all of which have beeti 'selected With' great care by myself in the New York rearket,end will be sold as cheap , es can he 'sold by anyjiving Man hi. this market.ladies lied Gentlemen can be satisfied ef this fact by calling on the subscriber, at him store.where be will be in readinear Mall times toll/sit upon ail who favor him with a call. A. :9. lIONTANYE: g:r:Wenied, in exchange lot Goode, , either casti, grain, !tmber, or chipping Furs, in almost In, quint*: Towanda, November 19, 1846. A. D. . , D.nIIRLBURT, Jr., super igt eaststeti . A=6; . half a &run boxes, just received laid for 'West the od stand of novl9 , LI; 2KINPSBERY. • Sayings , that have become Pr verbs. TIRIT IRAT GEO. E. -PLyNT CO., Istive the ler. gat and mostdiesintblestockof goodsinTettamis, - , - mtwritos snoop ••, not Lmnberfor Goods, or Goods for'Lurober,' ammo be•earried,ou successfully without 'deter:omit Ccish• Boyers.' . roomnio Toros: •• • • •"' That G.S. Flynt & CO.'bUy goo& for Cork •ouid ion them for trio " ready:". • • • • • '..—, asoyasta minim • That G. E. F. do Co. are selling goods deem' theli any other establishment in this bordogh. ' ' , • .• And it is whispered, • - , and soon mill.beeome a piorerb (although weleivir beim knotting to the fact for spate thus) that G.F L r. do Cos are sang better goods and more of them. • t•' 11 : • - nom who doubt the: abort, ::- • will gable Plestmt:themselyet at: our , counter..arbere *TO ar e freely 'shown, and.alwitya warranted egad to reMzialeilas*P.,,, GC? Zook for the Savings-Bank; SUGAI4- 8 dixoblolsicies dieltOnfgq es hands and will be sold accordingly by• •-• • W. -H. BAIRD dy CO., No. 3, B. R, NO.-4 CANTBE. OUTDONE ! T i HE undeildlilied 're•iilld ' fr illa.rlis; l4 .4erik. :ol 4rit bonito alert nuideicnts trier:lolllr itra9iery libe ral Patronage 1110' Ws ineel44 - for'siitiCh t sts trad e r you ciao) , thankk ; inul we WA, notioubi of a tonfion., *amid !oar.. mike. said favors TiOclu It as we 4=oo - liana to sell goods cheaper then any stall within loft imla of tuff We now have the pleasure a:into:nag our fnen& and customers and the publiti generally that we are re ceiving civet from N. Yolk, ii larger and bertectrort rent of Ogres; tbat ssi4 or wry , *Abet inerclumlis aver brought to this market. antausiturof ~. I Dry Goods 4; , GrOrerie s; Glass it iraili.: Crockery 4. Hirdwitiv, jr4Bl if t e Sat," ' Drugs is. illediines, ', - ,ectelter 4. Ash. ,Dye ff' . oodsf Dye Sites, 'Boots ft. Shots fo. i We gave notice ut our last advertisement that" we i had Henry our, 4. Co., fi cenvelsinoe which Qua some of our. neighbors have been firing their little pop guns at Ili, but ils. of no use.q.meu who hie stood at the cannon's month as long as we hoe, cannot be frightened by such small trash... . - . Wean swum era worthy neighbors who hive &i -tem aodeeply in love with the terms "bluff" and "filuf fing," that it is our intention so [mg as we remain to business to always have a Istvan of•Gooda. awl after the gross attempt made in 1842 to prevent our buying. we are not so green as to go to the 'city without a FULL HAND, which in addition to the experience of one of oar firm in the city trade (hiving been for mai time a clerk in N.Yoak city,) enables as to boy goods ' cheaper than merchants generally from the country can. ,So just come on, all ye who want to buY cheap for CASH, call as nci. - 3, shake "thereat'!" et as and yon "are caught— , or if you have a load of produce "give us the wink" and we WO after you. For more particulars look along through the paper. . • W. H. 13 AIRD & CO., No. 3. B.Bow. Towanda. N0v.25,.1845. ' Oh Gosh ! ! What Proverbs !'! - Try it again Master G.. • - You may wake up old no. 0. - It has long since ceased to be necessary,, Tor no, 3 to say they they have 'the largest and best. stock of Goods in Towanda, for that has long beep " A Pao roe s." It has long since =ad to be necessary, For no. 8 t natty they buy goods.for cash pod buy them 10 per cet cheaper than most of Writ' neighbors, for that too h long been 4 • A Psoross." :brag since teased to be neeessairy, For no. to say they are ceiling and - will sell goods sbesper soy establishmentin- Towanda, for that too has long been " A Paints's.", " It =ter has hen "weasel% For no. 3to say they would sell goods for 124 per cent profit for we can do that and then 'Sell et price less than many of our neighbors pay for the same goods in the citp—end that too has long hal:l3"A Flta sass." We trust that it.never will be memory, For no. 3 to boast of "ruining" any body by selling goods cheap either in " Brick Rom". or Wand Row-- wa goods cheap to benefit .commimity and not to ruin them, OW too has also long been " A Novena." Ii ia.no whisper— But in the wouth of every body, even the little boys in the streets proclaim it dead, that no. 3 are selling" bet ter goods and snore of them " than any lather establish ment in Towne—wonder how long since soma of our •neighbors found out this was "A Novices l" THSII2 is a wat ru tzar TEM .11101it.1 lUSi continue your old practices, drop in at no 3 before you buy. where no charge is made fur exhibiting goods. N0v.25. 1845. W BAIRD & CO. BROAD CLO PHS, CASSIMERES & SAT - INETTS. FRENCH, English and American Brood Cloths of all colors and qualities, also Beaver and Cloth for overcoats, and perhaps it would be Ws WiL:to mention that we have over ONE HUNDRUD different sty lerof Cassimere, Fifty pieces Bennetts, be.ides twen ty odd of Sheers Grey, which we we pow selling at just abaft 10* thfrara the usual price in tmaa " W. H. DA Ift1;) dr GO., No. 38. R. _______ D OMESTIC fX;rI"II)NE3--501.10 yds. Stuvtings ; 1500 lbs. Cotton tarn ; 500 •• bans ; ' 150'x• wick, on band and for sate at last summers prices. nv26 W. - H. BAIRD & CO. MONTANYES & CO.'S • • Cheap Cash Wholesale Commission 4 Jobbing Store. , . err= iihoie establishment has. lately been enlarged and improved, end is being replenished with • new stock of Fashionable WINTER GOODS, which in addition to their tamer large stock of staple Goode, makes it the most desirable place tor large purchases, as also for shopping.. in town.,Their new stock eon• a sist in part , of French, English and. Armies° Clotho and Sennett'', .cashmere do ,ecosse and mousaelin de 'eines, of the newest styles and patterns, [inches , . am• bre, gro de Swiss; fig'd pooh de soul and watered strip'd Silks, Maroon for ladies skins, and a new article .of fringe foi dresses; plaid cashmere and Turkara shawls, ends thousand other et cetera' necessary to please the Their stock of Groariee, Booti and Shoes, flats and Caps,. Buffalo'Robes, Oils and Paints, Iron and Nails. end most articles that the wants of the community re quire. will he found well emoted pod selected, nod of. fered to purchasers on as good terms or better than ip sky of the neighboring villages in the state of N. Y. Nov. It y J.D.& E. D. MONTANYE & CO. t all IT G -;f i FA" LTErs KINGSBERY. is .now receiving at his 04 old stand. which has been going off for eighteen years, where'goods of all kinds has been sold and WILL be sold, lower than at any other store in this. Coun ty. 4 very large stock of all kinds of goods which het been'selected with great care and attention. and bought at such prices of the importers and manufacturers, that it would be a ruinous baldness forany firth in the Brick Row, or any where else, to undertike to all goods , sts cheap as I can, and will. :If iny‘friendeand• the pbblie generally, will call, before they mato their .purchases elsewhere, they will find that Ada notice lent patio the 'paper for a BLUFF, like some by the aide of it.; but, it means what it says. I have geninal issortrueut ofevery kindanXillestaip- ught Teri low and ATTERL Prq Goods. Groceries, Hardware, "Croekery; Shoes; Hails4ron, Leather. Crockery, • Boots 4. Shoes. irkArs celebrated, INDIA RUBBER f Shoe! .and jUrSeapendera-4 clew ankle, for made •' ; : • ' sep! 27 B, KINGSBERY.I3,. . 0.01 X. & UrP R LEATHER, for We by ' sop. 27. • • B, XINGSBE!IY, frioDriSl l . Maclieirrapl lbs . .), for ista/e,by „ NV) IV. - • wws.npity, 41 - 101 TON YARN, Knitting Yam, Balls, Wicking,' 1 1 / Wadding.-04trait , t it ylor'salayntilow, by aep 2'l • • • B: X 1 a'--" TON Fidlitteg Nal* toy italecheoP. - afserp.. 27. - . B. ,KINQSBER.Y. JYE.StrOODS, PAINT 'd & OILS. pt every dw .erimioa, foe sale, one siotels below tke markd. *7. 24 . - 8. KISGSBpRit.: • 'WATS & CAPt3; 'without nuober; fb,r' sale low jut than wa eiei berm). beard cd. by aep RE.:' 8. OSE **DUD THOUBAND cubic keiotrW.; OA. and White Pine Tinto:foe easing ravines ivdeeied on„ the lank let at. Pot:, Deposit, wanted ta chixange for goads end some:Rib 6J' • ~.,;.. WEl4l.lo3.4l:agrrEvam, BUSHELS of l'intothy and FitoftlEED, _9 _ wonted in eschanp.fot goods. ' • HEED'B - 'l2 . . CIO MON BATTING, wadding, !Wang, IL/ pet warp, Wt aale at Nene:l2. ' REED*. -KA: ./1/4"40;- Alan of those A.,1i0• I.llootsjestieceiveL.... Together with a 14reittaqpyliFLiiifSEei; AO 1644 tioi, otipere, Watt* ind fide oneq to teetek. - novl2 ,; .0;!.E." Mal i ' PO: ATB CAPS-4 pligiiiiirreareai evaii 3 O: l `Thai are selling very cheep. l'ioMPbet 114 13, E. FLYNT 11c co. . . ''''''''. '''''''' '''''''''... -.-"' . "WM LATEST. . ,NEWS: ** .. .. • ,-..,. z- , z • - • ~,1 - • : -I .. , , ~ ~ :„ • c !..,),....-', . ~, - : z. ' ',"' .z.:" . - 111 . .. . ..-'•''' ...r -' - , , • -. - ., •: .„. , , ,... , i i p .t ' .MIX AND'SON- , - . • i - rKE„exemaling peat plawara la ittniamMog - to thrt public thakthiiit, eatenaisa aaa k ameatoy A ar, ~ wurrsß Goopx. euniiwing of -• •_ -I" " ' - • • - - • ---- ••: '••-•••• .: .., ..; • ,i4- lARY , GOOI),Y, - .9110,0ER1E5.". IIiiRDWNIA -- VROCKSfiI;, '';" zr,fiets,locie;!i; Eriits.,, wow: fi.l4',ar riftio iiaPier:v .41 . c. ,, Me. , h , , i . .1 , ,,:i Lob market; Opened and ready: for „their ;W. tons ftliOnier.!, and mitt be Mkt ekaapentar,,FarakAls! ,py l i. bought at any ogeresiailisho m nt 04 IOW?"' tie do ' not si l l tat; fur the' pukusur of 'Vein y:4 sasagama iamk our afore , .( as i as s the rastim autb, a uino of, .cuir asiglikom) but merely that th e calicos. of . if raotpra ingy spay know 6eirt"wheintn, buy . ;mods to their .ii . lie,MlL •- • • " '• ' '' • -•- • - - • - • .ft is gratifying, for us to kg* that we ( un'e eatlad same of ILI- r mile° and fu"'aly"' of likiereat'Pere4i4 Lie. a numbed yeah, and we dill by. ao mann* mak*kna.niavi that ra s _clamO'• °Old* col. intes4tki - '-ftUU. kink we might, like some of op ; neighbors. reMise• lbeit _kr.9l,o‘ , Bui Altf'.. 7°- ' l ,,_ 4( '' every 4 01 ,110 1 4413 1 11P1ed dal to , know the fact. that we will tw.l! outentits Mon:. cli • ;ctellY Old-k!' - vet.:abfli !4(.Mil:at thit.,F,ilßyl, 41144 Oki per east, abase cast end transportation' : . ... -' - • - • • •-•- Tannada.)oMhbes 37. 1845.., . !; . .-. ~. .. . . . , .... . , . ~ , . • :,_ _ 1 - • 1 4 ... .... •. ...... , '.•. _. , . ••••• , .-_, GEO . ** E.. FIJNT. ft. QO. i - , - , - ,-, ..- / . . . . , 4re again in the Rehtioidr.filtrea *viand doarr.t ward} of the' cheap's! andliwit distrabts clock of ( load; out brouirk ivio Bradford alp!ry; . • t : ,:.,..... f TllE Cashier 4Co, of the TOWANDA . sAtTims B.s Wi tender lkfli Pints. _ m lainub'' . I.ol ' - dnintlxY lk. bend patronage heretofore secured,-and trust ly strict true;tr.`ml 1 0 .bOvinexa, Xpll eellinit seedsebesperthark any other establishment, to merit a'colitinuinee of their smiles and . 4 avont• Op St 4 of goods 041400, "my,, known variety and style of Dry Goiode, from the first euetiop ,'rouses ip tho city pf New, York pad eelses i ed with great are.expressly fir this meridian. Also. a large seleetiun of Family Groteries, Shelf Hardware CroeLt' Tyr Boots`fihiiii,, ~. . Monier Ware, Itron, l 7lVaile, Neelt • ' : : ' and. an unusnal quantity of IMBPIDASHERY. to make our stock of ;ultra 14 otplipaentsl arropletati ..00a , stock of goods were purchased for cash, and for rasb will be solder , cheep as et ihnichandop.g . mira or lAarr.. and decidedly cheaper than any establialubent in ,Towanda. 'Time and sista ,will not g low 00. to enumerate the many new, rich Mad desirable goods, but will be iltown trkoll who favor us with a CA. print pleurae. - ' REMEMBER ' and call one door below Tracy 4 Moore, where the " pay-drove sYnoin 4ta foil tones; jut u a consequence, am not overcharged with delinqueneWs iq the Credit system, or Xeldhirel grade to luppOrtabe Lumber trade. " One price, and no deviation is the true system." . •-., , - , ' . ... :. (la' A, call is solicited, before purchasing elsewhere , at No. 0, ?Guth cod. Brick flint. Towanda, October Rli 1 84 5. . 6004612:, F. litj.YNT, ik: , CO. Tbe Last and Nod Implant Antral Tet at the TOWANDA CHE4P S 7 ORE No. '2, - Brick -Row. GREAT BARGAINS are now offered the peciPle of Bradford county, by the subscriber, who is now receiving and opening one of the largest and hest select ed essottment of goods ever brought into the village of Towanda. His stock of goods ban been selected with great osre.expnowly for this market., end as prices of the old credit system are necessarily high, he offers great in-. ducernents to all whAnny have cash or produce to ex-. change for goods. His stock consists in en assortment of DRY GGODS, such as . tmradclotbs. esuimeres, end sestina, satinetts, : treasP's gray, hard time, honey emul ous, a splendid assortment of Wittier Shawls, c:tarats, gloves, hosiery, =menden, end ten thousand -ar ticles, too numerous to ineation. •• °roaring. Such as miser, tea. coffee, =Mises, apices, lamp and lin seed oil„ a full supply of Liquors; such as Champagne, Cognise and American Brandy, Holland Gin, Old Mo. uongehila whiskey, Port, Maderia, and Malaga Wine. A uo--Crockery, Hardivare. Nails. Glass, Iron, Leath er, Boots & Budido Robes, Hata &Caps, Drugs. & Dye Stuffs, are. .f.re, All persons wishing to Purchase goodsare respectfully invited to give the sass:giber a call, and examine his goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. CHARLES REM, Oet 1, 1845. N 0.2 Brick Row: BONNETS. VELVETS & RIBBONS. YUST received a great variety of Bonnet Velvet* a and Silks together with Plaid, Fringed, Rainbow, Pollee, Satin . , Ombre. Velvet, Cap and Taffeta Ribbons which you will readily discover ere, very cheap by call ling at no. 3 brick row. W.H. BAIRD In CO. SPLENDID lot of Brush,Silk, Forioad Sporting Hate, also Oil silk, VCIVer and fur cape, together with Muffs, and Buffalo robes, for gale cheap at Oct. 8. REED'S cODLEAMMLIUMIE E:rkabrr7'Medians ts ye NtuandGhave b qnm New York, and will be soldiery low.eall at No. Brick Row. Terms cub. A. B. CHAMBERLIN. ...Oct 1, 1845. ' 10.00 TS dr. SHOES--.A very largo stock of every IEIP kind and akin, at tower prices than ever, will be found at MERCUR'ark. Wayne Con* - Ploughs. • 4ILDOZ Wayne county ploughs, for eat' el the se. aings Bank. Pluugh merchs nts 'spilled at mane fscturers prices, end farmers on the most resseasble terms. G. E. FLYNT .f.CO. . July 30. • /Ye: 5 ?trio pow. NOTICE; • . ' /Inn Cowrie:ship heretofore existing between the JL^ , subseribers ender thofirm of H. Kingsbery 4 Co., is this day dissolved by mutual commit. All persons indebted 14 said firm are requested to settle their cc. mums with Hi 8, Comstock, who. will continue the busittees It the old Stand. HENRY KINGSBERY, _ • H. STANLEY COMSTOCK. 'Athens Pa., Oct:1, 1845, CROCKERY—Large additions have been made to 11) our stock of' Crockery—out assottnisot ii now complete. novlk U. E.'r.YNT & CO. The Resurrection of Dead Watches ! ' ... a, framer i flroodruff ' =`Y respectfully inform the.mtmens of I C ..,. • 41 , Towanda and vicinity, that they C' , 7, 4 7, ' have formed a partnership for the e , p.p., of prosecuting, for the r .' public interim, the business of ' , :t.'... ° I L -- 'Cloek and Wald Repairing, at the old and well.known stand of Capt. J. M. Gill son, (combined 100,) nest door north of Col. Bailey's Grocery store, and two noon eonth of Elliott & hfercur, Where they Will gins their undivided attention to their business, and'eonfidently inform the publie, Oet.from their long experience in their profeision, end a determi nation to attend punctually to the Interests of ONiers fa. Tering them with their work, they believe they coulee der satisfaction, and meket refractory tit:no:Pieces, i , pirn t with unerring...finger to themarch of Write They will beloond midi' bouts. "at their establish ment sod solicit a share of pdhtic patronage. ' All kinds of Counter rnichig. received In pay ment kr work; at the moriit rim. Nor• 2 6. 1685. -PRINTS! PRINTS! PRINTS ! • ' - tN AbICORS: , -AKO 'ilr,CEld, *Melt weirs &welt. for ) Medea on,* PO Banks, of the'mvsgtetareei nen* (cot it Auction, Where sll inferior goals Oka sold) And will be sold boron cheep as stay simile= '(orbe bought before the decline) paid deo • oideNA BRICK: WW. YEW - BAIDIELS TANNEIIB • OIL, far - side at • Jatik - 0e:44.“ . • ' , -1 11 0neVali , LAB. BOLE &,,LAAT7I . r. 4 just ne:eir al eel), for side et • . " oy. 1.5; l), , q. yirAltil'ED-=-.300.000 terror oIIAN9, on co tract, or in nod! quaocitier, or so' PtOrn , in ex' ge, ,flitn% os ioods.. -, a , B. FOWLER.. ••• ~___ . HE iitlgsTlON . SETTLED. - •. , JURY Of 6rilve lotlie• tiso dOeildid. ihitrho Ploto, ;•L jr+.llTess., (no spprol et cannel ks. -it ' •st- - -.: ".. 'G. E. FLYNT 4.0011. ~ . ••;. 1. - • •. GROCERIES. • • • 19 t Hairs fr Tea; diffeient kindsinuf tier, *blob trill be mold by lho'cliest a lore Rapti. as,tueb Wee, a to costae tbe val. of the lot ebbe "Cm nesO:bottete bpory other!usetthini Tormites; Oiatet r • Bettßin DUO SITMNEII,:. DENTIST; • Vmikado next pOialastal visit loTowain e, earl] hi Febru!9r, 1840. Dr. R. will. dur• ill his sap mks i drat Tun f.a.Mlq* For! 6:- i v. fp; w' ei'i*-,13),5)-ili'il • Elliott & Mereur,-: - - A RE NOW RECEIVING; • vere.tar 111,' general assortment Of Fall and TP:W ({sods.. Which they offer to the politic on liberal cerme t cosi:Rabe grain, or approved orediti Their stock consists of ,im ,ennthitig Air any one wishes to buy. And for. the baulks of those who wish to' purchase merchant* of ,soy kind, and want to know where to find it,. they will enumerste of. ;he many articles thhj'hatre.for wile; , • ) ; —Ladies' silk sharvis scal•btack teapots"! Gents k satin craving anx WP-Vemty nano t.• '• • • Colotediatin, far bsdiarnerowny, and • - • , Glazed hats for men; ; Knitting pins and croyt-Inwat • • -•• Carpet larks and vesqatterne . • Broad A zes end e1m0,.• M. detainee and eaten beges; Printed blue teas and you hymn tea i • •Umbrellss and Getman pines;:.. • " pocket knives and loaf sugar ; • Molasses and mania -bents; • . Ladies' cot. hose and Steel earn hoes; Ladies' night caps. for Mk cent's, attl Men's sextette caps for ISt rent';, ; - Ladies' linen hdkra fatal:shilling. and Plenty Of English and Swede* iron. all dues; • India robber cloth for carriage coves and Beautiful figured alpsoms for ladies' cloaks; • Ladies' boar end muffs. and lampblack; Leghorn bonnets and atone jug; 'black and blue ink and spirits turpentine; Lamp oil and Colonge water; • - • Sweet oil and sartoisrifittsyrUli; • •• - • • Blue vitriol end best Jaire and Rio..r•Po: • Wafers end buck stint; Indellible ink and pure dry 'snd ground whit. fps 4 Looking glasses and cut tumblers; Tea kettles and black silk stockings; Candle tricking and bed coeds; ; Cost Buttons and writing paper; • -Shell side combs and cajled stripe Bonnet ribbons and'esrenabth 144= I Plough points and clip ribbons; • .Ladies' dress b'd'fs and stove tubes: Assorted Needles, and best Nokia bats; • Steel pens and shovel plough patterns; -Plated bah bands and silk mule for ladies; Canna Yarn and wire wives; • Awl blinks and pins, viewed ulnas; Ladies' kid slipliers and gal' haunters; • Willow baskets and gimpands: Men and boys cloth caps auditions Irons; Knives end forks and ark Kepi Cad steel and steel thimbles; Brass kettles and brass thimbles; Beaver cloth and cotton batting; • .Pepper bodes and oboe knives; Bonnet boards and slate pencils; Parfet binding end inkstands; coach /ace end handsaws; Raisins and sa*.mill eerie; kleidlitz powders and trying squares ; Rubber overshoes end 4t inch spikes; Sleigh bells and steelyards; Cassimeres,and ivory imarbe; • Gridirons and *eking Ford; • Whale bone and patent saw setts; Suspenders and patent door bow;. • firmer's chisels and laces for ladies' capsi . Pongee handkerchiefs end hair brushes; Misses and women's bl. cot...gloves & has lintsitate 4 • Cocoanut dippers and teeth, brushmq „ • Colored, cambric and door bandies; • Augur bins' and children shoes: Woolen . moolen shush: and minivans; ' • Black tea and patent wbeelbesds; Morrocco belts and tea servers; Saddler's silk and mouse trope; Rennet wire and etonechurnsc • • ••• • r Plaid linseyeand wish pulleys.; , ' patent blind fastenings and Note, (a new Spoke sheiree and door map; . Black intiff and 'milder; • • • ' ' Brim:lnnis lamps and shoe titringtii" • Why and blatilk gloves and gun Mate) ' Satinet of ell kinds and gunnoerdill 'Horse lirdi and satin vesting; , Curry combs and 'hie cap* ; Hair combs and sash (astenipp i Glass 'dishes and seiol.eards; • • Comet lacers and wage ell'airts; Brass bath cants and ealieoe ofa ll gain* Sash etudiqint earn trtliorl; • -; •enst ettards , " Padding- 1 44 WP.5 1 , 31 1 6 ; ' "Purniturri prints e nd razor , divpai .7,,. tTable'covers gad (*eye geeirosphy's; '• ..Cistratrabore and nOtialted Sagan; ' s .• Linen osmotic and so l e legtherl; ' •' " • ;Harp imp and Imesedging 41c inairtlaw; , • Velem!' iiikikW ImjnIql•olltlettlIP.; • •• - • Cap wins and 06 esodsh,;.. . _ Lln.011; and Russ i a o diaper ;, Big.E'rencb crape and AtlserleatelitoelMitt,l, Mineral knOb lochs ohd *vibe lime taip; Chrome yellow apd grren4 Ind eat binding i • -• Indigo and riblan vs ire • ennuis - Tarter Orel s fi k.;tode and'anghol' Horse ,blanketsand brass nails ; ' ••••'• Tea setti arid Setts : •.; Spirit livele'and spool cottons • TOliaticia, &Member ' 9. I 846, NOTICE ! NOTICE' " •, i. TAR T S this opportunity tO.infottit little %FM . etebted to ine:Shst ' Plyttrent I }lMrr *Sit''. . FEIRRIZARY •COURT:- Rots esti . Individual, is mall, but itittio amiss it 'moons St• oonsidefattle. I trustAat is toms tfostvol notice sty . 126 "*-Poc"nrl , wzavolv;,, Detsipbei24. -• ~ • Losittitaifftt- liffO r fielLorWileikktey At dse t katt beetsina 6ettdositb6a; •IrsbVileierk, disait, 1 ita bereby,aution hadtge4.r.' tag ay trusting ,her on my *stow* s'!i I sit& pay oil debts a or connactisig, after this date. COHAM . - p lidliestster, eus.=C9., De 1 - 14 mg! El EZ :; ~.;