P cro i o _ epirrter. Towaida, Wednesday, Jan'y OIMOOS Dlarriee...We MAO 700I10011V fora condensed report of the =auks of 7.;O: .0 upon the Oregon question. It will bta,kela that the nice of this disrlngnished statesman s n or war ;,—on the contra , / the whole tenor of his: remarks owitawiednow4ckktillthydfa.*4kistor thee wenn now b; be eis;tt a KeyeiptyAhatggitiAn4tres between this country end Engrand wilTbe ;dinged by the latter accepting the 49th degree of liiiiaae. Tic NON I RATION of the Hon. Geo. W. WOODWARD W II VV / A-4V ICIIIM ZFP L !BF CIII F9r r-8940 4 F,/ 11 . berm tiotifiritinc - ne itntiontt - Ti . The - . Renate have not %.= No Tessrza.—Oar thanks are tendered to Hea..lss. Be. atikatallo&D4P 'ketoses, arid Hon: D: Wnitoi; briatiAh doeinhitthi leiiised. • • lielisspaper Burrower. Netix;palier BOrneiver is a nuisance to Too elP th if itheetti e t th o tnaa~, to r eY out the sork . othe A le ies e e7 to , keeeUre f9,* himself end ththq• Peßeri i• eeeteut.th 'the i r s pt /904 hiSceighboi utider-Pentlibudett. tea geffiff hie aeelVdgePielthie OfePenthr , The•prnoo>rbo borrows 4f hitiseighbon s tool. or 1 beak which it iszugmotrienient brineetiedie Ser-hire to pueeluem, -se thee • promptly veseinsit, MS ea eseuse—ead is most generally' very coiliifiy teeteniaodated: But the person coattail, seedingio eeignbonlor the " lest paper," "• • z '' Preemies us fie® suet, all the'days of our !ilk' a mat unwelcome inunors upon thi Mace and rights et:446;*: moot geiieMli r Y h iissidith'el*itig that an uUMiticiable*M s”ff,,hii., If you Mild to a ueighboy for, his. paper; eaCperhops 4 11 ,,tidm ttb?,: 6) umi7. Tqlaiii4 Aught 4. 14. 1 itj.romi do yob know .that himself mid edf his family hue read it; and are you certain . thst, though it maybe : omt yoq, .that lb. wishes \ : half • domn of the flintily go aoi skung arab , it,thatipo were in'• some fame' bad; or•-•tted literality enough to "take the papers.' Areiyou:tintaits that this feeling is not strengthened. When; sate the Paper ha leti:sae old, and the hews dale, is wit back, if snit* dirty arid 'Soiled, to o'er*. tithe should all this tiemluWeenjoyed the heeitt of if Yeti wbrild keep up friendly . ielatiotis tea kiniit.444;i,Aai a,uei g hbor and' Sr:joy the good opinion of himself and "Otmily,; . tiotticerote, hti,peper. Ifyon yon , i Maji depend upon it i 'yest Will beset down u I . niggardly, penurious and umanman, wbo would ea. joy another's . property, and therintori hard labor with out, rendering Obese jest recompense,. In. our opinion its but a ahade:beum titan downsightmealing.. not the hisser worthysifitis hire r. Sardyhe is. , • 'We once•read a good. inecciotecconaeated with paper torroscirigi which. eresnight as well loam here, is irroarghreioure youth's' hint.. A peiiori; srho iritttryinnAlt:cialed with ikeeighbor who was euturttotly kilning it, stir reielytetnioing;it.: One tricot* ii:ogbeienthli l itsightiir On her erxissit orrierl insind,irthie Made gy 6 , 04 ilia your « 44 'u r i'ieg it, 1113 i 1 over , T ' , Rill:4ll(i 4 ees;„ tied ',sent; hiro rl.4.:iffvbp, , ff. •#, •F).p.,9j.ih4lTitekkaPf: b° tri*Oef9flr 94b9ri tbe, 44..ap4, be..was not aSeia4 , Put, 4 4.* l 4.l*. reciß4 l2 -. I Ne PTenclzo 211 ma earePlNlEfilKa l l2ooo usuilige; via f tholes/MOPS them such unreasonable deinandr,, and we crook! ads* them to talus ■ more summary , : nether' ot_beiop Mt to the quiet enjoyment of theii property.. •• • •.! T.bete is do eleine!for.not &gag a paper; the great redlietioti in pekes foithii th;!..stseeCe bf ihrthe i alitiniot ring of the bumble Wriant,; • the'Prinier'-'4laes *ire raretii within the reach, We need not now tell otite biaefit of ,64"11/Aiii". pureay we; wc*,; l4 # 6ll iiOr t y .'79. 44111 '.1 W F-.!! ° 0 , r9t 7PP, to tio:s!Pr;Priatrmtpodiops• ;, Yop kin 4:7444.lPAefiloiet.-Pouelion of yout. ol % laPer7%iirt" vditd.yect have paid,forilt—end the ainkwho would ,not be deptuidatit upon you every seek for your plooght or any , otherotecoril--has no tight to cobynusself and fami. Ire( 46.pm:set of it. Theo -in ' jastica to yourselves and the:Printer,' tell youitnend that he in get the Re. peter for onz nircssit tan e'aiv; east' in advande44. it will eon' biou no postaged 'you wool much pre fer be would ore's paper of idsown: If he sent to j'au eekti Weil; FR 1101 OW Of trik'' you' would aobo learn i o 'retitie 614 end dine lino good reason you Aoull n o ta! well refuse !um sC47 newspaper Bot the * 5 4 in reierue bonoWer 'Would, not send to yeti week slier r!!4thf, y e a r round, Gov anything but your Esnr, wool ,Pc:fpFiciET! 4 1 . 1 ." 6 reil 2 e4'""• most PzielaciFti, l **Plid beo4es',hel!"id ben , more ilepesidensw.., ; Tet3 l3 ± l would -*MIA! mud him wale ankle weekly; ior precook..li to, your paper, and 'still it =Utter not egiinat his independent:blobs dependant.on you foe ' hie flews J n:; • Butaiiovefit see thatjed are Ihp the'sitnatices of the nibehtiber, 'Who elitiyi ht *Num for litireferred fir/Wail tnijit . A tiairibi and not th e Pri& fern '"' And if you End' dun you iniin arrears, conclude that)r have been &wowing the Frahm? paper 'end 4it i i4 : 4411 'ira4y on own ism u4eirieT. N. FAL Em Itoluwme Mitivrao—A . meeting t 4 the* 'ettioWis wf Lasema CoantY; (we learn frdog Aher Democrat,) friendly to the ;few York & Erie *Woad, wai held it the timid' N. Cottnll; in Provi&Wee;* the itle. Wk . : i iiitrieitiSiq., prided, tWisied "de* , *Te l :; lia puo *Tcpsk the FF47 : -,,*, )4,11 - A:motion +iv Matercrn—TAß at tlf Thltsdaziiir:=4* . ths . tra tar eiliktratea ewer !wind tome i the pousep: eittik ! Oelisaafkiisisixiblb l addieir r yertenhy tli, jam Irta, it }'tk: 11 .a. 5t i1 41 1 11 .F 4 PPlThelr , !a4! 4 of. pot' .4tY; ml trial ii 1.34 !i i idexcilea fifia; magi* the , oittlox , ?,ii° ll :c:' ' "!*4 'Pedledm.: ~SftlittsvTo•Diiii imam- aimed- lis:v (ha' T OW* io thop'villite trir ettidleith i blithe vi° ool / 11 ,%" °ma rare (11 Sb. Ba4o`4l?o'*ateii. iiksw4 #nd 4 . 14 ; 46814 "" /wit. r -Tais Ostazileoss or Ritraisimeitris have pas'a . /11; repilatir6 *Fail towns' ammo; nqnsiting disk:Sow rani itssigeOlati'likrtentinmit, +Wide liteitaticataff 51')'•.,; lic, is , am .X1 3 0,44 11 41'Wh44. ralPgjing* r 0 4 d0 7 ,4 1 !* ,- I n wPv 4 enorfluiCriammiliVitilicfli into/ sol“.:1-110saiiit litilkimokOseßrstwomptir, tiiited Amok asuesikaf ankh imam istitlipptitat voilEtocht Wad it iforearaiaireloa.:i •ti:l 7.• t., U). r [Comsponatine crake Ptainsylvaaisaj --- -,,,,--- r ., 9% -•01 1 i; *l v . , 7 - ,tatim. t re ilea. • tet 1W ' syfit au . ti t rT L i fitelnews : the ri , ' uf/he Ote, "age* England. I prohicily ilii, `-, in the next (ea 4 ha tr. At ; tfte expleatiohlef 'at tithe the Nil ' .ing-tratectlivicto-iftwitis Sin Oregett. will come up agreeably to order, for consider ation. Before that time the committees of the SitiaViiiliiiiiWieligge - lif teWsiteietiiiiii ed in the resolutions Of Mr. Cass. the unani mous passage of whirl) has produced so lively a sensation throughout the country. will have .been prepared to feppl,l, , The committee on Military A ff airs, is thri.llinise. are besy: work ing night and day, and wilt probably report in . 'the coniine iiritilt, - i bilrietirganizing - the Mill= tie, and providing, for• the disciplining of.a par -dower it lot national defencele lietrof si itand. ing anuy. ••: : ' :4- •, ,/ .` :, '',. ',/ •,' :.,.: .'?.) 4 , We hanralunigii this evenirig. - bni I weld not trace its authentieity,:thavanother entrees sul retiolutirth las taken plane in Mexico vend that the people there, wearied with the anarchy end instability. which. have see Bing 'preirailed in their:public affairs,, have demanded ( of their government authorities, that they open nego tiations with our governmentta.taks %Pewee .der our.pruteetion... There if #9rneihigg. in the matter 'that ,makes, it, appear , quite. plausible. ,We shall. of,coume; know 'more. 500 n., .; I;• , i' „, Qn,Saturday the Senate met, Snits quorum of members prefent: A,. loiter, wait ,received from Vice President Dallas. tqatifig, his inabili ty to attend.and appointing Mr.,Serter. se Pres ident pro tem.!". , „., •• • " The credentials of Bright. of Indians r were presinted, and hi sworn in., . , , , Mr. Levy withdrew his resiilution lot inqui ring into the eipediencv and "practicability of admitting Cuba in tbe,Anion, , • . ,•, ~ , ,',Ftte Senate wen,t intAtseentivti Session,for ihe'reinaiuder of die sitting: ' • *•• ' ~ •• • .fn, the „House, ~140 member! answered to their n,aities , • 1 ~ , . . , The Texas reeoltitias wer e , hen taken up. as they , passed the Senate..and finallipaiiied,— 'signed by the Speaker, and sent, to the Presi deny Ere this they. have received' his ,sigea- Sere, and Tex:eels a State. „ , ~. W.tanims:roN, p..C, Dee. 35,1105' ,After some prelimineribasiness of not much interest, the following Osolutione, " " sub"mitted yesterday by sr. flanuegan,of Indiana, Ohre taken up, #esolved. That ,thu country included !titt , infperalleht of 42 aid 54 degreeS,4o; minutes north latitude , and extending front 'ail 10c:iiy mountains to „the, Pacifte peewit), krtiOn as the territory _ of Oregon, is the •firdPPlY , part and parcel of the finned States. Resolved, That there its' no power in this government to transfer Its soil, Mud the allegi ance of its ciiiiens; to thedominiott, authority. end subjection!of atiy' foreign ;prince; state' or sovereignty. • ' - - , • , . . • Resolved. That theabandonmentor surren der of any portion of the territory', of .oregon. would be ac. abandonment •of , the • honor, the character.•end the best interests of the Amer'. can people:t "•,- , . . ; • . The resolutions , having been r. Han. inegan-rose for the purpose of proposing that the resolutions be notnow_ discussed e but that they be made the special order-ofthe day dor the.filist , lifotiday of lanttry,;; •., ~‘, • filv Archer allodethothe +important nature. of the resolutions. and desired'the.Senatorfrom Indiana to prolong the time at least to the. 3d Mcnilay, • M r.. H. said. very welt: he mould ao raodi fy. it is , inotio n.• if -it would , lie moor ac. captable, tit the ;Senate. .• ,":" .• - Mr, Calhcruothen'ivaeolnot ,to oppoee,,the motion to flake the mearduticmcthe.epecial or. der of some future day, which.motion.heAe: sired to have withdrawn that he mightbe env bled to make some-remarke .as to:the propriety of the resolutions... [The motion being. with. 141r4 , i C. continued.) ..i(Although,'he could. net give his. support ,to the, resolutions. stahe was gratified that. the .gentlealan.from Indiaha hadmOved , thent, to - whom-he impute ed no motive in bringing . forward his results. tions but a desire to discharge!apublic duty in a fearless and manly manner. The resolutions deny -to the:government • the power to make a treaty .which shall , Constitate the 49th parallel of latitude it ) boundiry' line—they-consequent ly deny-that the government! ever -possessed the power-or right to do that which it has al. ready 'done and 'convey. a, censure upon the President.. • It 'follows, If the-Senate support these resolutions: , that: no ;settlement of the qtestioirein. be .effectid• but by •11 resort to ftWand by our dictation—no terms offered: but at the cannt*Pernmith.. The vote on these retolutioni4aaidldr: will draw.. a-. broad line between thtli&'who prefer pews to .1 ar-...; lie •war inlfaVota Pacific measureep fora ten. oncilement of existing,ditlicidtieLlq..gegotia lion ;and - he had.prepared resplutiona antago nist to those .offered.by • the:lentlemap .from Indiana. . 1 11e.deeired that the ezisting peace ; should be honorably preserved - by%,riegotistion; if it could not be.'and war, must eilPtlf*.: hp de sired that the negotiation should• bp so conduct-. eil and terminated as • to.throw the emus, plum .llettpproved of .the- min me....uken by the government in offering the Stith , Tarsi- , lel-to England-. as boundary ; and believed that , the. igorernment. • like ~bitoself.. ~desired peace. , ,Bpl, laid! we are to hare war: I nerecwill be found against my country. —though that war may. have.. been ; produced bypmeasures which: he disapproved, thnwould stillatand• by his country.m.tttifok would hog thoSe responsible. who would, ipso Awn upon insufteie.nt.grooltdeß orforiMin9PCF Par.'. oxygbegi4eLrecuikpUth, peuding dispute ,with Zoglan d i %trusted, that the Senate' 'would do DoilOnS Pm* Cur PmeiP' • •• :i. G, .MC4 them inbroilted ,_. lotions:.. , •!,; kahauthe Presidret olltikeija.4ed.Elletes :bee the power by and with the advice aiutenitsent, ottite,Sempeao makeAreptipai proaidadziwti thirds et the Senate PreSsomoncor, 7•Reviarld s , .Thar.theppower f or Lugar's, Pen ties . etobtaneti:that *retailing and 4iing;:betto, ! * ; dada, betwelmtheierriurrieuentLpoiemutinnti, of the United ftatea and thoiteig e mbes powera t in eases of mutfligting glaifekkepreen „tb!ak in reference to, the !ming; . 1.) ~...Ettsalseth l'itilliwitever: , elpat,thew Anhui may be.. 14 Iheir,cpittivillifites country ,0 1 :withlubc. ielnUele&of 44 9 41 .egmr4.14 .54 degrees toinulesptthiletitttlith. :mg from the:Anal MOunleitteitk the Ileofk 'pease, hail/nal* thigromiwris offijmonAkarP: nbwitistwitad bareloot•iziated•Lconflinting elidms Wthe!pattsessiocof tbie. *eine, betmeee: ernl , Grest, Britaieil 2 s l4l 4diergktin Pir . ,_ll l #oll haft keen, frequenllie xfo enttieck fikt mematioß, betardeatile nespeottiyitgatonvuuL. o t 0 7 0 1 1 vaissoimuttlietetintaCitetvAtVorPregi4oo4 -11:dta P jd;'; ".1.1,4c:f =V der the constitution. by Ind with. the advice and consent of the Senate. provided that' two:. itiltd43)7 ,re ors present cora:T I T& pupa tr: • theelainis of the tiro ieunt totthtitaidierritt !. by fivng a kound*y Aufeefftheitliiiiioi v e possessio I Rvfolyedi: Thai the President '1 th kihateil_ielienetking the offer in tritLiti peace and compromise. to establish the 49th degree of north latitude as a line'between the Awft...eountriee.....tnAleilutithAerritory.AULOOJe abandon'the hcinir.ibe Chili - Clef. or Abel:4in interests of the Amerlesftpeopie:Ainexceed the power vested in him by the constitution to make treaties. . - Mr. Hannegant fella urreply \to f!fi Mr. Calbotiti• Would in'atat i singlis re sal -The gendet9lia..-AerliJudilittlimbakentlett y ored to' draw a, eonyttet between Ine (Mr. 0) course ati &Tails ln, reglid to Texas. be had persued that course which alone could saveit . iduS6kmeof bOldness and prompt. ness—such a course was necessary. for a delay of one year would havo lost all. And now, in .regard. to Oregon, he ,would t aay..that she has, no better .lriend "hit:itself—he would do more _even, to save, Oregon than, he ltad ; 1* Te;alTra•rcterence ; to.his . „.former .: course would conyitice ; •the gendetuan n , for, he, would find:that he. (Mr. ; ,O ) had alwa'es been the ad ' .Faaate.lnt,Prae 4 lol74o 4,w0010 _again .env t4pk i precipilgogy,,w i onlo,,lpse. us, Oregon-he ,would,notpay,,it would ever, be,lost at the first 371te resoltittous of the ,gentleman, from ludiana,then.in ate ad of ge Ini ng anything: would,loosema every , . thing: It wait to - avoid _war. and, to secure ear territory-,ilo,re!p„en that .he! (Mr. .c.) had decided , upon. Abe, , coulee .which ho:meant ,ist,pqrsuivitich hethought would save. the tetritory,to .tho , rnoulttrY,•and :the country F from war.-,. i ne.did , not consider tit Alifficult toarrsnge the hemndarkiof‘Or.egurt that respectlOregon. wa.itas available ea Texas, ,by oursuing,a proper conrse.—.in regardto the zensurts..alluded. to e hei would repeat. , that it was conveyed by. impttion in the resolutions; for it is no more l cense bla 'Mar to adopt the 49th parallel she boundary. than. it would have been to do .410 wheal the proffer was made by the President •" Mr.-Haywood roimito move that the subject be:laid.on the table.' ,; ~! Mr.,Calheim denied that there.was anything laudatory in his resolutions,—he ' , had :rtmeed them as an amendment..thst , the Senate might have ad opportunity to express its:Sense iipon the propositious presented.. . ;.. , ,/ Helwould also•deny. that' he had exhibited BO' predilections , Of , a partial• nature- to the South. He deemed it wrong tai disturb the present political position of•Cobe. •When the proper time arrived he-would show that. he was as much•attachedio Oregon as .Texas-4r, only difference between die.. gentleman:4mM Indiana and himself; was One , as to the means. He differed from the views enpressed by on ileum as' tot the'proprielyof the action of the Senate at the present time, on the subject•of the resolutions. He thcinght there could be ho doubt on thasubjert; and'that' the could act with propriety nand in regard to the 'atl veree propositions before it. the Senate shOuld 'de cide so - as to ' leave no , doubt •of the sense in which they , ere received; vett - • There..had been :it I d tendency to believe that the mind - anent* the Senator from Indiann,444veYe a Cerium; upon any attempt to settle the quest on with England ati to the' Oregon Iterritory. by ulaiiieg the 49th parallel the diriding line. My resolathineiray that in proffering that' line"the'• President did not abandon the interests of ttie:cOntitry,nar exceedlhis'proPerpoWerr. 't only•ilesire'ille Sebaterto'deeide o n this point. • .' • ' ; I , • 'Fatensive Forzerks: in 'Winter: • Was artestedby police officers Hughes and Brintnall, on Tuesday; the. yl6th .instant.: in Dauphin county. a tnarinumed•Levi ed‘ with two forgeries on thwlancasterßank. one note for 5150; drawn by SamuilDaVitnand endorsed by Zell thSrither, dratriv , lty' Jacob Smith and endorised.al , . the , brit. . •'thee are not the only charges of the sante nowise, which will..in -all probability, ha'-brought , agaOst Zell. It has has been ascertained that note (418400 drawn by Frederick Sinims arid en dorsed by Zell; who , lObtained..the moneY' for the sum out of the Fartners'Rank.otßeading. Also, another for $BOO. drawn by some per: son whose name is not recolleited, and enders ed by Zell; on which the .money'waa obtained: Irani the above Bank. Both 'these mite* are' ,forgeries. Also: a , note payable at ninety days after date. for 85000, drawn on the Western . Bank of Philadelphia. 'and • sighed , by :Ethan Baldwin,' Jameirßlack and John'Stewart, end endorsed by Zell, was Put intaFthe Lebanon Bank' forcollecuon. , The . persona' whose names were on this 'note were represented by' livet.in Delaware ; but there is no doubt entertained but this is also a forgery;' Also, annlheitinte fOrssooo,' put into' hands'of Geo. 'F. Miller: 'Merchant; Of , Shaeffirartiiiin, Lebanon courity,draweron the Kennington Bank' payable iii ninety days after dates signed. and endorsed ,a a' the' thslast inUntioned note for the seine anziount..Thie'refe Wafer& bite "Afiller'S bandit ati•Erillitterallecurity that" lie Might 'in derse for Zell te attiorint of 81500.' •The notetii undoubtedly sl forgery, Zell.also'lire sentedinothet notelor $5000:. at the counter of the Hirrisburg Saving Institution'. dratrb by lohnithan Neeley of thia coinity;' The each fie f:their! le cash this rinte iintil, atiiisfied . of `!enquired' into by a• Mr! Richard Foi. pf• Hominelifo wit; Dauphin' iiind(f. Nei*. end ascei-: eirtained &tint Oita Inikhed never signed' the etiteTliedii , isas;:cOnaeilneritly.• a forgery: When Zelf,.'aies'eatninned,' before, ' Mayor' CarOnter;rhelhadon his;person'a , able ariin. on the Penn Tornalii Zink bY:Ticiinas lin.'indatsad by•thatil;Baldtrittf +and Biaeltacir 82000. 1 : (104 getting !before Ithis ) Mayor. Zell was't;iininittted,rne:ifatther'fiak itlgv:' Helios :pinedbeen 'adosittin i itty 11000:1'1-We -understand, ;Zell . bar , followed' dnivi4for acme yetirs.ilnititesity‘bigh Withi therenthestfnitrifille4niaittesi bfiVeLleertiliinetth‘ tibriVe:Weik,ini wife Viir Zell waitartestad , in NiotenYorle tin •WAhiein , darlistg bristßeer;Brintriallaoiloinfora note' of 2500 on the Farmers' IBank of this eft '.a 'Hit was brOhightto thie J eitylm.FridaYgast,inid tensile - its " ,11 , 11 1 'll " ' • , • Nsot , eirreinisivis.:4Bankonfirknetairn;l6W *MI Painntitsaia.—kls; We? the ipanzknitint e1 4:010. 1 74 9,2 14/0 1 .".. 4 99V 17 14 1 94 countmfeit is o,la acruPe4-giriito BazE of Veli4fa. Vieramiion: .1)4,7/ra 4karipits. Vignepa, train don s ay..' Rani. Nainiv o a t omb) w!.l tntfl srTr 'RbineuitrainkiLaneutinip...o ifintingangke rftaMigurlait liankik,Pcs* - Aanklam r , - r- AiitiliQi.L 9 lte &aloe eis use linE phismov. - Imei kg' ! 4 itilittkailifaxtblirbinifecintlitiatftiitattlaoitis lamonske Ennoi r'7nnttl blinon 3:.1 cd I'3 f; en an Ilylbscruverinw already proved itself to, be all that it ha been recom mended, by those 111110 biTS . given it a Lir tut in this tw inA •.. try No - lir WS - 4;es * - deili t We ~ . • head lei ieft4itiAcurrits Milt"; \ which" ,11 ‘ ... 4:, % effectia t4e*ok: in ii:peighboiei \ owe i ' . w 411 s st ii, 7 wh4kad. for•lnnetinie care of e' igi 44 bili t tierivrt •e , and r cue waitoniiide i;i'et.U7,' - "X.s s resort she purchased a bottle of Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, which caused _her to.expectorate freely, gratuity, rued her congi,tu - id rapidly restored her to health. Webers .PoAleglilion-ip saying,thatthispreparation of Dr..la4ne, for the rare of Cough; Cold; Influenza, Asthma, Con -Suniptiaii;ece.; ii thi most veliablef nietiiiiine ever o6i: ,Od to 00 " I % uleriitan tublie..!' Theta ; icon Ausckery: abSut ii—iii. Jayne is one of the most Skilful prictising phy siclusrinPannaykartit,- ant whertfrin , his vatiOnt". pre; partitions have,bettn,thwouhly tested,.he is looked up on u • great public 4;nefactipn—Bomentet (Maine) Journal. ..„ .... Prepared-only ,at No. 8 South Third .stFeet.,PAßatlal phis. Bold ty A. D. Mosualtus„ Towanda. A SATE Mintorm-L-Ile 'sneak; the feeNe; , the in firm, the nervoos p .the delitatte,are han few dayastrength ened by Brandreth'ePilla, and the *met complaints are removed by•perveveranee ivithobt the expenee or*, Phy sician. Adapted to all circuit - minces kid sitaa6ons they are the best medicine eserhtaentettlor or; 10 take to are, preventing scurvy and ; esankvestessi requiring no change of die t , particular, regimen, or cue Ilipt!,o,4r Sold by .1.1); & E. 1): Moirriwie; Toivabdi ; O.' A. PERK uth.M4eruheonly Juan/dud Avails far Britifokil County. - • At Monroe. my. suddenly on the 27lb:ultimo, Haney Bausav at. aged 66 gam. , . . About fifty years, ago he s ,emigsated,,to the Susque hanna, a lad with his father, Henry ,Salaburyi,fmm Kinderhook on the Hodson. They, nettled, just below the present !glans of Mooroeton, where. the family 'has since emoinoed to raids. Fels uf the pioneers in thole days of Olden:lisp to.reap the harvest of ; their broad. east labors. Mri,Balisburi MS the earliest settler to- mainingAn Monroe. During the late war arth,Dreat.Britain be served out his draft in theJ b li.itis, without anopportrinity however of partieipetieg Witnessing, any thing more inte resting...than the mortifying trial of„„Den, H 11. In .the memorable cenestypf 1800,thellegirst,of republics ism from British p olitics the Henry Balshury's, senior, and junior, were of the very few derided " .democrats" then within the limits:of whet , is new Bradford, the,, ago casting his. first - , ballot for. Thomas Jefferson., Continu ing as he'began he has for every democratic pre sident of the repUblic. , yrctdlyitt Ay they bear name of honor whU bore it with equal pride when it was as epithet of derision. He was long a matizber.of the Hethodist Church and died in its communion. , Hts last dawn : opened on the saints'day of one ache meet illustrious,pzttems of Ma sonry. an institution to which be was an zealously at tached. Of consumption. Carey .. . I . Ferry, Black Creek, Flori ida. on the 17th nit., HAiRT BIRD, MORGAN, eon of Boa: 'Beni Mown: aged 19 yearn. Vainly he songht,i in the Vest; an escape from this constittitionit toittadY, and he-left bornei finally,' the high fan, to seek at least some aneriatiad of hiisalTerings from tho air of Southern Wands, witieh; however, he wak not permitted to:reach. All' e know that he bare up with a brave/116A to the - last, and died,' s salaam:' in' s strange land. ' • • - ' At iyysoz, on the 29th uIL otElihn op. and grandmother of the preceding in the 7iStli year of her age, having long suffered en affection. of,:the lungs, which terminated, fatally, in inflammation.. She had shared in the hardships of, 4¢e early settlers, and lived half i century in , the yeller where she. et last rests foom her labors, blessed in the hope of chriet; for, "Blessed are the dead which die in theLord'from henco !drib : Yea, saith thospirit,thst they may test Front their labors; end their .works do fdloOr . then')." Thus, slutordsimultanMedy, has the fell Dstreurizelt imbrued arroWs frorzt thee:erns quiver in the kindred life. blood of jny.glowingyntith and.toll-Worntsge. amid,,the .wers of the,sonth,andthe 'news of the nprth regard. ing not her . Who, with eye undimmed, ,looked 4PWI) pa her children's children's children rising up to ea her blessed; nor him who, brilliant in promise , looked up , eagle-eyed, into life : -m a y'it be the life . in:portal 031, greater than the Destroyer, bath and, "when this mortal shall have put on immortality ,then shall be bmught to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up ineietery, O death,, where is thy .siting 0 grate where is 'thy vieto6 I"' • ifir . TEMPERANCE MEETING.-:-Tbe fientii stated meeting of the WasAingtoniassTempe ranee society, will be held at the Court Llutnie.on Mix! nay evening,' lanaarj lB4e, when a lecture ;nay be expected from the Rev. 1. 8. Bkrroe: A genekal attendance is requested:.• By mire,' • Yl Dec. 31, 1845. Ai,C. ALLEN, &entail. •"'' 17S! HEREAS the Hos. Jour. .N. Coarzou 47 r o President JUdgeof the 12th Judicial district, conlisting.of the counties of Luie•ne, Bradford end, flogs, and-Harry /Hanlon and Reuben Wither moires; Associate Judges., in.andfor. the county of Bradford; ,hale issued their precept bearing date the 22d of Dp cember 1845, to me directed, for holding a court of . oyer and terminer4enirel quiirtei sessions o" the peace; common pleas and orphan's court. at Towanda. for the .county of thadforkon the first Monday, of February: next, being the, second, to continue weeks. , , . „. .• 'Notice' Is ' ae.re!ore neray , to the Coroners. Jdatieeteof the Peace and Constables of the Countkof-Brad2ml,lhat they be then and there in their proper . persons; at 10'o clock in: thrforenoon of said .day. With „their, records, inquisition!, examinations, and ether their remembrances..to do those things which to their office . appertali tohe done; and those who are. bound by recognizance or otherwise Id prosecute against :the prisoherth who aro or-may be in the jait of said (Nitta 'ty, or e ars of shall be,beund to eprar lathe said coon, Amp he tits° and, there to prosecute against them shall.bejuit." Jpron! are reepteated to bet punctual an their attendan*ligrees ly to their notice. ,Dated Toarinds.' the lith aid .. . January; the!Year of our Lard One thotisand eight hundred and forty•eix, °Flint Indetw6den6 'of the 'United States the —reyeptieth. •,;!t 4,OO.N.E.,MEANS.,Sheriffii - r•-• lIITAIO LEITERS, 'remairiing in' thel": fl.:at Aihons,.Decembet 31, 1845. 2•;;.... ' - • • - 4.ohn Zanrunt,, , Oliver Ellsworth ,t, • CtmiHop rin !Chuirei , •, .„. Geo Riff -• i s u p Netildtin .IVatO'Hicet ' • - ' Hirrision Crass Albert N-Rustell ;41913 Clapp /7 I; -...fotepta Fore-non IGcono ti r .C41,111..02311/2 :Wm adwAid a _ - flenry,Bible -y lease. Sprinisery! EitiaziOtor ‘' ' ' Pitney §f ogler ;Hdiare,tr'Gs'iltati :'• t ra lg o t te i • -. • :1 , , . 1 2,4wd Hinition •• . 1 ) dr binds Atm kiannotf.lieocht! : ,- AnntSpaldifigto ' '' 1 4 0 4. 1 P41 1 , 1 Ji.4 0 4 1 0 , 401 ,1"t , ti , pilt r at i lMCP° 3 ” l 11: 71 .P 1 914 111 e.ol,„•0, ant ' Dprid • ether Mims Mortis Z F. MaDd ® e -- - -Jane-P Wheeler -1 4t*013,-Met4 t H Jll nim,; i.,51.450111Wea1q,-,41-t & y i d 1'1.31 '4 Tr 1' • Fv7;kkoag 11e inetr l Park —, 'amino W togipiQatil .0i Nit f pitistafr.l,llTl 11m1 , 111;raftv eNtiir i ww - k. 41,0„ ig;ulHEß,mo}4! - ,p,; • .',31113 r:•'P(di-me'~nb PROCLAMATION. :a die P at Towanda, Dec. 31, 1846. . Arid Wm B 4ohnition Henry _ Agseg l jNary l ifisprid KetcUnallehliF ow** .Knapp Cft Bowe* it ! Ladd C X _ `llolirlgraiiliill'i 2. Loviller Elhat*lnGeic-- liarlcirdFridertek4 • - Lane. Bri kLayeii , -till ci) Law Andgeii Meredith aiWreremiah• Morgan Win Broamon John Mead Daniel Cummings Hunt Mace Abrain - - Curtis Lawrence Malvin E C Carter John MeGuyre John Coatolo Edward Murdock Sain't Carpenter Militia ----- • Ovellton Wm" • Carman Marini ~, • , °Miley T • ceitniiiijaniee `, • , Peckham D Cioliector . of Brad. Co. Paymer W B DsFker:Peemilly Misty Potter Reti-Alonve. Decker Paneglia _Pierer! lames .r.reckerWor ' " QuypenitY Docker • ,* A ' Atilsburyßeth COL Dodge Oliver - Smith Samuel H. , -. Etheridge Isteep . „...,Smith Almint Mot ; . EveisM Abruse Daniel Eggleston Daniel •'" Shewil Geti#ge N Emery • • Scott; George •-1 ' Fpreman Dg4tiel. • • . Seely Reuben C.. • Guyer ; Solar Wgq , Grigg rrincei Thayer, Man n . Goodwin Benjamin — ''Tiyrlor • George • • iTpright.Jaii M' ,„1. 7 .; •,' VatvENieti ._ tied R Wattlee 'fratchinsoli Frineu R, Wirso9 Thothii 1t 'Hagar Daniel '' • • ; Whitney Miry' " ...liipoßenry =Pi ' • , " , " 5 Haeltley, 4ndiewil .„ '..Williamar.Georie ' =•. l , Hathaway I _ ,Wood. . • _, Hollinbavii Peter . James .:.; ;• A. CHAMBERLIN. P.M. .lAincoNTii*Ho dr: TOIOCi • ISMN:tts; t wo aelehrated eotintriei for .iiro6ring fine Ithr : ‘llte 'a übseriberi rue now fumAing enstotheis ritb samples of Itte_above taw fronr a.fresh: aiskajtin' arrived in t4e ship.", Cheap atone; ! far ,_ ..„,, ]an 7. wm. H. BAIRD ..o& CO. , , • - Flour,:.: Flour • DucKwITE.,T & WHEAT FLOUR, by tho bbt or fesi gaudily; at "$7 BAIRD'S. ISt'OF•Jll7llofltp, * drawn for tehruari . ILA and Sessions; 1845: • liana leant& Atherui tp.-Ebenezer.Dualnim; . • Albany—.lnaeph Leer , , , • , BnilingrOn—Elinhalet /nada, jr. • C0136111-lessi 'GrAnaotin P.; tiairoi;,, „. • Leroy--John C. Gristvokl; .blanroe—Joaepla Bull;-,. • • Pike—Judan Eaatabroonk Chauncey Seymour; Briiirhseld-...W. . KallOgg ; . . Bpringfield 'W. Riot, S. L. Cooley; C. Weseilli Bpriagbil6-liesaph Baker; ' " • Standing .Btone--Anson Bati;... • . • ' Troyarrin P.; Ballard. Reuben Cape; Warreri—J:Beardstm J. Brien, Wea.Pendlet= Wym—W.C.Green, A.A.l3ithop. Windham NVyaluaing--Chester Back; • .:.Tsarinas .7111108illtIST 1111tE. - A thvnpl?or—Thos.R.. palqs, W. W. Verbeck ; 'Athens Watkins; Armenia—Eratgas Kill; '•''' Ai/army-.Mahal Comony . • BW,lington—Thornor Blackwell; . •. . CoGladding, B. Calkins, J. Beeman ; Durell-=Daniel Cole; • • Franklin—Hit:lin Gay ; Granaiile--H. Rau, 1.131111111 D. Taylor; - • Leroy.,,, L lediah Bunt ; 7 • • Litehfiro Nichilax DpmOrrit; W. I. Mason, W. kI. Strickland ; Pike"—Lootitie -Wells • • ,Ridgberry—Miles Covell; ' ... • ' • Rome—W. E. Maymard. D.M. Wa lee , J. A. Mortal Edwin A. Ridgway, - Isaac Parker ; , . Simih Creek—Vaientirto Lewis ; . Stetben Shores, 'Peter Green; Springfield—C.•Breoirs.A..Traphagan; J. T. Learned Springbill- f ),l in. S. pall; . Standing stone—John Bishop, John Vainness; Towanda bar—Jerry Coin; tp—William Gregg, Dennis. MUM ; Troy—Leonard. Upham; - • Ulster—James Vandyke, Edward Kemp, jr.; Warren—Gem: W.Boviman, Benjamin Lyon; Windham—Wm-11. Babcock; Wyalusing —Benjamin Atli, I. Hemet; Wysox—Angevine 8011, .1. E. Millet'. ' TIAVIUSS. suanas—secorn WUK. Athens tp.—Gen. 4911tia, W. H. Overton, Jobla Spa!! ' din;, Epentus Owen, Silas W. Park; Armenizi.:-Israel Moore; '. • Burlington..-John lirCond ; Columbia—Hayden Mason ; • Granville-. Simon P. ChesleY Litchfield—E. F. Bettran,.A. D. Brainard, J. Park; Monroe—J. Woodniff, L. k r ., Griggs ; D Houiphry ; Piloi—EdtiardJoneri,Vm. Black, C. Brush; Rome—G. W. taxtman, H. Passmore.S. P.Bames ; Ridgherry—EvanaPeter, Isaac Baldwin ; Springneltl—Caleb Trask, D. Harkness ; Sniititfield—James H. Webb; TrdyLeoirari Bradford, H. D., Freeman Towanda bor-.4lciseph K. Smith; - Standing stone-..W.D . Gordon; ' Ulster—John BOW,' an; D. B. Fuller; - Windham—Davy, Bailey.. David. Bragg; Warren—Samuel-lion;, . Wyalusing—larael Buck. 1,600 Tres ,of land for Sale. FOR SALE; about (Me 'Worland Six hundrasi acres of Land; !situate in fibuth:tneek township, Brad t..ill County aril state-of Pennsylvania, - lying 'within twelve miles ofj Elmira, one of the most flourishing and growing busine9s places in western New York, and di rectly' an and near the Williamspoit and Elmira 'stage route and contemplated named line, between 'the - two last mentioned:plates,- and being the great thorough-fare ketween the interior of New York. and the - gingham and interior pins of Penns, This land being ,n , Impatior qhelity upland, raritarti*ig lillrenses boing Vow ing' thereon a Sorunderabte quantity or P ins Timber, o& fees inducements net banally met with; and will' be sold in lots of not less than one hundred saes, or in'a body. For piice and temteinquire of.A. W.'Johnston, Esq.Pheimut Street above Broad, Philadelphia, • or of theiribsctiber, lihnithfield township, Bradford comity, Penna. JOHN . L. , WEBB, Agent.- ' Denerilier 2 1845.'"' '6w. " ' IHI E.Z BVZr isaaDVIES .„ Attorney.at Laws OFFICE in the north comer ortbe Stich Row.di. reedy over the Post Office. Main street.. cc'En tri!nceat north end olthe building .: .. dg.,, - • Wantedi at the . savings' Bank, FROM Otwell. Pike Asßarlingioistowtishile,looo a giioti toli•endttesh'Sutter./.. • Froin'Elldand'intiiiship, TOO a rotlbutler end a !loan tity'of deendildit,L •• tes'wsziT , Froentinithdele, estitoni'Wyliox andtfliAir, Butter-4,500 bushels of grain. !minds' kind.. From. Alt Stone end Wyshisf iii 600,9da of Ltoter Orin h'inds,,fcnithiph be+faid'.- • •-• '''" ' Fiota old sod new Elheshennia:l3,6oP Our; rye,' Wheat end corn..'..ans. weary 'sled reowthenbove iowushipi.l74 ash eustomem id mike ont panther, just ,1000. ...Altrinent ;wishing to, pandisse goodi for their produce, will glens, priee.out goodt ,s* sti;;Siie' giving in eiChiiiirt; go o d . and,stkie: pride/." Theta is hitione Price.? and that eiedt ptiee • .R.PLYN'lr'dc'CO'S:' ti G *MOO N 921 04 4 4 AfottrO i l le leY en bst ° lo PIM". itit; 'B,iratt; pilau) or Lonflak , !Samuel' !Width; lira*of filersie seitied* thiroilleirotTithiNesiari OW& th an,d foilthidEirdvbathytithrawththealcif thew , vegeha• suicOnshilitt spilitlat samo la be rimmed Nobel Cfq.e. 4 lfßtisf • 01 .02 1 4ir pp4mitto. A. 4•1 e kTP/Per f rgrio :,,•", •, "tg A ZWO . " 1 itOirkit;Yio3ls6 o lViraisda;' . 41§;11411i. .11 , .1-,l3l\w‘r ofWa t JP,TA' . 11 1r .-- X>O(>'o) „IBIENDUMEM , LTIMANAC 1. For the Year 1846. . _II— vs at, , • k • - _.-----.1...... ilikda .1i• _ s t itii 1111,1 i li 1 • JANUARY i 1 - 45 :7 1 i t: :::; 1 5 - 1 2 1 f ci l , . • - • 1 . 1 2 :1 2 1 , 9 1 1: 1 01g22 9 30 2,312,4 . FEBRUARY. , z .,..' 1 _2 3, 41 5 81 7 + '''' ' . i: 16 1 1 P 7 ' 1P i 1 14 19 20 21 ..... :: -: !t 2 3 24 2 1 5 1 26 2126 ~. iar4ACEris.; . ."A:::', , .... '1 '2 3 14, '5l 7 • 46 , , • , . ,1; 91011 1 6 7 l 2B t 9 2 13 0 1 21 , • 23 44 25 Y 6 • ' . .'1,4 , , 93031- - -- , APRIL, . - I 1 2 3 0 1 4 ---• - 51 - .. t. . - ; 67 8 tll ~ • :-: .14 15 1 1 61 1? 18 '-'' ' '"' -''' -'" '''-': 2 1 6 : 1 7 2 2: ;92r.roir . s:A At: .„.. ; . ..„....;..._____,,. 2 r , - y.-• ..., , ', •' ,, i - - 1'456789 ,- ~! '• ~.:,• :-.:i ;,-- , • •:• 10 11 12 13 14 15 18' ♦ .;,.'t. +- , , ::,'l,- , ' ~,,. 17 18 19 2121 27123 . ~ ~ , 24125 2612 9 291 30 • JUNE, . "' • • ' ' I . I . 81" 1 :11 , 5' - ,' '-'• '. %'• '' " 7 • 10 11 12 . •-, . • , . _) .. (1411616 17 18 1920 '21122133124 25,26 27 28120 101— ~-, -- ,< 47L1r!*;.....' }-517,1-7141.glifilIii. •.: . : ,•. 112113124 15 16 17118 11926121 2 32425 •/.) , , , . ~ . . .1261271261 p 30 311.... •• AUGUST .. .- . 1 .. ....1731/Tsr6r7-8 • ' I. 911610 '2 13 14 15 _;•. : ::, .: • - - 1 2 18 3 [1 2 :1 2 18 0 1 2 191 23 2017 2 .1 22 6i 829 ; •,. 6 . • - , . 161 31 1' '7l. - --- ,14•774•20E#. '.,-t Li All 41 5 6 7 8 91,10 11112 '*, :• ' - -,' • '' -1314151617 13 19 ~ • , •-*0212223124W 7 ' - .. ' '. -.' ;7128 29130 ' -1--, 2 2 0CT08ER,;...........r_...r, i i; • 3: .. ... • ~ :4 5„6 71 8 lO ' , ..., .. • , .',, . ” '',,. ~. ,1, ~., LI 121 320 14 1 ,g 161? N 3 -•,-. 't. 28 27 2612 . 9130 31 NO, s it 9 21 , 1 3 0 1 4 1 1 1. 5 2 1 ,3 6 1 1 : . 7 ,g •• •• . : , 115117 18119120121 ' - —'' '• • g 2123 24 25 261217 1 DECEMBER,: .iie. • • n r i 3, 4 -1,. . , .„ , 6:7 8 111 1 13 14 15 118 I; 2012,1221 125126 ... • . • . • • ' ' ' '• ' 2728 }29 1 —j.— A, *XXXXXXXXAMX> .; ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. AToricg is Oren that all : persona indebted to the estate, of, VV,st. Kxna.; of Troy tp., deed., are ra quested to inan einnuediriteryment, and all those has. mgriemends against the . some - are requested to present them legally attested for settlement. ,„ cliAgLE* DRAKE. .ANDREW. MORRISON, Glanville, •, Administrator& . . . . ... . A DAII MS'I . II4,TOKAS ALLL persons endeMfd In qstate of Benny Pease's% deed:lite of Siaiitifield fp. ere reqbeited to mdie ieamediatepayment, and rilfthoiebtiiini'demandragainst the same ere requested to present - them; legally attested for settlement. JOHN PA RbONS, . , W. FA SETT. Nov. 12, 1845. Administratoei. ADM INISTRA TOR's NOTICE. . . LL persons inhehted to ting"eitate'ef Timothy B - ‘lllAb ham, late of Granville, dee'd, are requested to make payment;• and those having demands against aid estate, to,present them legally attested for seitlemeet. JONATHAN 'WOOD, Administrator. Smithfield,'Hee. 9' 1845. ADMIN STRATOR'S NOTICE. A LL persims indebted to the , - estate of A nna mick, of Orwell, deemed, gre Mrimegted to mar payment; and those-paving.demands. against mid es• tate, ao present:them legajly, attested for aetafategl.. ,:.41kMASA DlMMlCK,'Admipisirow. Deemer 10,-1845. DM ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE — . NOTICE is given Wet all"persoid indebted to: em estate of 'Sanaa Goan: Laura tdhesheguin tap.. deceased, are_ regnestedjo make. Immediate payment, and all those having demands against the same pre re quested to present thernlegally'aftested for settlement. ACFREDGO,RE, Administrator. Sheshegoini December 2.3. 1945. • Jantiary A . LL , penumi indebted to the estate of RECTOR 'STRONG, sate of South'poit,,X. Y. decd, are requtsiid to make' immediate' ptiymeht, and dr thosejamring demands against the Imam ate.:requatal to present them, Legally , attested for.seuleanent, DANIEL yANDEgCOORt - Towanda, Noy. 25; 1845. ‘• AdMinistrator. Administrator s.,l+lolco. "persons indebted to the estop: of leonard H. Vuuriaa. late of Springfield township deceased. ere !equestect to make immediate' 'vigilant, and thaw haying dein Inds. against the saki mate are requested to present them legally, attested for settlement, to, the al. scriber. JONATFLA woop;44iniittator. Smithfield, Dec. ^.,,1845. • ALL peptone indeptetl, to the anew Abner 7710. 'mae, late of BreittiOeld tp.. deg, are requested to tnake iminediate Pay oientoirid'all those his,ingdemaids against the tame are 'requested' to - present them, legallY etteeted.for settlement .to the anteseriber,; JONATHAN WOOD, Athuipietrator• sroithfiept De0..2, 1845. . ALL persons indebted to the: 'estate' of Abner N. 4 4 1111 Thomas, 14te,of Btfgthfel4 Vsl.l.ecessed, are re. quested to nuke - immediate peyrnent; and all Those be. int dettiatitia'agaiitse 'the 'Untie 'KAl:mite& to 'present them; legally attested thiesttlitnentio the `siubseribers JONATHAN IWOOlV , Admiitharatar. tireithield. Dee- 2 . 1 8 4 0. "r • -• '• OONETYQUA TOiit4, , two ; cejebited ttes•re,enWrn of , (fresh.im piliOdsaeliln ai; •Deoembet 119, , ' -0 6.E . SLYNT , A. CO.S. - mtittiamobtisotttielaba "' _ , "comet, tVereiii 'Ofseri to ilernios in t erested, • 111 that Ita44•GrliarOttl jr.: and Joseph Braman, ex ecutois of the estate .of Borba Pi f.di deceased, heed Weihktf#, gni J. g,,Buneett soot 4,A: 'Carey adage* I:Orators of Sem. Lfroie;rieicasecl,,and 'David Grior 4 jr:itirsivOt ot/rdhuni lihr,ene;'cloertited i late of Colo& bin lOwoship, indliattien Coon' jr; Beth Looinis and Reuben Bennet eirsainistratora of the estathof Thomas Rennet!, fleorased,4atonf „ Ctu]tontosraship,stfEdrd White„ one 'Pr the xxpeuipis of, Pefiidr Cummings. deeraiied:late Shishequin township; Bate Mel and seuled, in•theoffloi erthe Register of 'Web; is and fo r the county of.Bralgoird.theaccoontsof their.eevenlad. m 1 9 61 , 1 '09° 1 P1e,C1.44$ arartitaib 11 1 4 that 111° .seine will be Tresentif to, tlitrOiPWil a Court of sai4 o : 4l;ll Viih : MtairlaYthiP24ll4`OrPehritar, fleet, for r etnifittootion "and dllotareats:l'.