Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 07, 1846, Image 1

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I=ll 720
1 - 111
Abolition I'etitions-111r. WarnOP"
The t4usquehanna Register." has disposed of Mr t
Wilmot'sote on whit it is pleased to term the" gag-rule,"
—very csaliery. We prestime the mile referred to, (for
ve have um seen ii given at length, in any pro
tredings of the present session of Congress)—is the
nuk e, or similar to the resolution first -introduced by Mr.
Allmon in 1838—which provides " that every Memo:
vial arc tLuehing or relating to slavery, should, on pre ,
lea on
tati th reef wither' any further action thereon, be
, the
on the table, without, being referred, printed or d o .
bear This was adopted by Congress, and remained
for a time, a stinding role of the House of Represents-
fives. ,
Mr. Nymot voted to rest° -e dais rule '; and for th is,
has been arraigned by the "Register," and the "Brad-
hid Argus." The former thinks his dereliction so plain,
that it scorns to argue the point, It phrases it a " gag
fide"—"tiolation of tbe sacred right of petition" ; and
what mor is necessary in the argument The " Brad-
ford Argus," is to treat of the subject hereafter, whenev
er it bassi:ace for the purpose.
We have said, we indorsed this vote of Mr.
.7 - 11=4
and profen to itold in as high esteem, the ConstituUonal
formation in regard to "the freedom of speech and of 1
the Few ;I t or the right of the people peaceably to anent-
we, (we quote the words of the sacred instrum ent itself,)
nod petition the Government for a retirees •of gyre' ti
crica"as either the "Argos," or the " Register." It
is tho' right of petition," which the abolitionists deem
ufriogol by the rule in question.
I A csl take up the Enbjem fairly, and in the first
place, define oar terms. The right to- petition, Is the
right to ask—to supplicate—to solicit ; and necessarily
implies an adverse right to deny—refuse, or _reject. It
is not, strictly speaking. i right to demand; for that
Involves the existences of.poWer or aotbotity on one side,
and subordination of free-will on the other. The right
totxtition, as contra-distinguished, implies perfect equal
ty in the two parties. in the exercise of volition. So far
—all is clear and conclusive..
It is Tally Plain, that 6ery individual in the corn- I
munity, may write, print, or publish in any form or lan
guage Itelehoo-es—(so always, that it is within the pare
of deancy and propriety,) a petition to Congress, or
any othar body of men ;—and has also a right to procure
others to sign it if he am. Nor is it any less-the right
of any individual to whom mien petition shall be offered,
to ascertain its purport and ultimate object, by reading it
hinwelf, Or relying upon the explanation of others. He
may then sign it if he incline'so to do—or,' if be yepudi
mei its principles and its , purposes—helms a nght-'tore
fuse to sign it, or even, to read, discuss, or , debate it,
whether yi l üblicly, or privately. r This, surely, can neither
be doubtfd, not denied. I
liow,lwe should hike to understand how electing so
individual to Congress, is to make suit aulomatemof him.
I, he not a freeman still; and is he leas a moral-agent
than refire !
We put a case, by way of illustration: Suppose Mr.
H, (ani hbolitionist) had called on Hr. Wilmot prod•
our to his being returned tor Congress, and said to him
—Mr. 1;lilmot, here is a petition to Congress demand
ing ihebolition of Slavery in the District of Columbia;
limb on would examine and sign it. "No sir"—re•
plies Mr. Wilmot, "WI 'Mind is made up` on that sub
ject; Ithink I understand the whole question, 'MI I will
neither Iread nor sign your petition. The , passage of
such an enactment by Congress ' s. you desire, would he a
rental infraction of the compact between the general Far
emmenLand the states of Virginia ' and MaryhtUd. The
most in ne and . fanatical abolitionist, could never sup
pose, that those states would have ceded riportiota of their
territori to the Union, if they hkd dreamed Congress
would assume the power to abolish Slavery ? , wins' t the
will oi l the people of the territory thus. ceded. Nor
did the General government, in adopting - the Dis
trict et ollimtlia, as the site of the capitol--ewer eel
template interfering with the existing right of the citiieni
within! its limits, to their slaves. In •short—l 'think' Mr.
Bolin petition, you are • seeking -the• redress of no
grievance of your OWI3 - -.-e• isel yoU not. only arm =Ming
with arhatdoes not concern you---buf in my apprehen
sion, l i re disregarding the !denote Pledged faith of our
fathers, in regard to the rights of the South on' the sub
jest 01 slavers. I therefore, will neither trapblemistitto
wad y our petition7—inuch lees. 'sign it „
Who, having any pretension to , reason, will doubt kb.l
Wdmit's right thus to have Met this iniiSect, so•presant
ed to him. Row—again , we ask—la his free-will tie•
strayed by his official station Ti lila he MA! the same
*hi how in regard to an•Mout* abolition pethioh:thel
helm/ before his election :' or aii the people be rein
wets . If he has—so has the House of Representatives.
collectively. If the people have a right in their Wiwi&
nil +city, to refuse to discus; the sub*r • Of Itbei4q4P
/Q4 or any other iam—so have thaii*presentatives the
etele right--uniess there be ionse ha:Bitable requisite
somewhere, which obliges W Member of C '"g ra* C al
has been • pleasantly remarked) to'open bilk mouth
like !indent's assiorbenevei iM t kbplition ghost itieil ' prf^
sent itself in the public WI of the nation! Right. gbd
lira we, that Mr. WelMot.seeneek , aPinoglitela Smlti,___th
ems leases than to believe, they Mier sent him to
( Wit,4l7
wetee roe any smhpurpose. / , • ' ' %,/
A word or two More, and we leave the sub** thit
14, e-1 We are awarelltat many mire ukaveWincedrig
Then , ate without due ,resection, carried may by this
P l unllteprojesieof :aholisli4 davit, Ili -tire' D ifif ic t, 4
C eleMbia: We taTO intimated our telie4tlbt thisqtbli-,
tire was not open to Northern hits:Florets" ; that Ci r o
Ms, under the Constilinbi, das' : no el ' eletrei (wee the
taint, so long as kint;land aneViql l 4 l .rierteiP Ile" :
/4 1 4 4 states. But whatevie sights msy be claimed Alf
CM 7ellll in the Districtof Cedambia—al sunray boa no
rear power than a local 1.4411 . 11 re would hiveif
the ell''wlistal'i4. were ehe ' nee ' d. ll° Livar,d thet r
.k . ...
--h-na taluetico-..we Ina, add',-110 boned Mall, 'Will
6 311 that it would be improper and ok 'smaiiie be Con
grel 1 ° wean Pewee; whict*di kinisialli ll.4 "''M
14t,m,6"; sod to among Illii.. l lo , 44: B lililast_ibl!, l o4
, le. or the, people of ibis piociti r if oar zaticw
14 Iftdfte' ' thl:44 eitda
ids • • yam 4., • do , ve.srit p
th 7 "emen , agmneed 9f Amedean
the thA sherli,l l l ioe'lliett r:44.:.
1 theY lesishte--tkie coati Rani . ley . w:ltiai they :al
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c°ll4l ,. tu r° Pr9teeto, ri — "zrieee ' & 4itini, then ie
wilrbe *no esougtx icie the interference al - Northern fe.
naticism, 11 I , z,' ..;,,, • ,-,:i
We duty that thelioititem stetes'aratespota . iltle; ;no
rally, or pe4tkalty, fer,lthe existence of playay witbbo
the borders of thotleion. They never had, and we pre
some, never will Fuive, any control over the subject; ex
cept within !mandolin. If it 'be a sin, they
have cleared tkr skirts from it;—it a curio- -, they rill
not be blasted by. it. The Southern states insist, that
they have been testa for the sole benefit of Northern le
boriand annals 'that' the exports which pass 6440
our hands from the
. ficauth, are thevery life-blood of that
commerce, Which h at - prospered our merchants, end*?
pled our cities..; 'And is it generous,Lia it, just, in . she
North, still farther to iktarfere in the domestic relations
of the q.outtil .. Vherrari . ed.charter of our national ex
istence, bat placed a legalharrier . between us rand. them;
on the subject of siaVeiii—aludi we pawl it, or allow a
few morbid and restless spirits amongst us, to disturb
those humonions . ndatiens— .o flea:nary to the preserva
tion of our gloneite Union, awl dle 'Perpetuity of rePub.'
We have seen it sonieirleire wellargued, that ,there
laap exiat cannery, what may be , t e rmed
witbont overt crime. It is sereernrd from any penalty in
our leidenteodri; 'yet Ida if mil l i t In rh eje of "nab
and justice, and base Heseetr, the vilest treason. To
evade an obligation, is:u lash ti breach of motefity; if not'
of law, es its positive violation.. Then, the contest'vraged
by Northern fanerdes egidnit the institutions of the Solle‘
em members Of this Union—urged in each a form solo
endanger their very existence as Communities—must her
regarded as crime' of the molt perilous end guilty .
elairacter. He is, as palpably 1 treitoi r , who strikes at
the life end . hOtior of his country, under the cloak of pie
ty, and shielded by a legal quibble—u the bolder despe
rado, who antis himself against her; in open day, and
befall en thi world ! ' • - "
We look upon the abolition of Slavery by Congress,
in the District of Columbia, u a measure fraught with
the certain and immediate dissolution of the - Union. The
South hair again; and again, in' the most solemn language,
avowed her determination in this respect. This deter
mination, if we are to term*. her 'bleat statesmen, is not
the result of angry resentment—but springs from a calm
conviction 'of ihe'stenters necessity. ' If the Union is dia.
solved, the District of Columbil,Would of:course revert
to Maryland and-. Virginia; from whom it Was originally
derived; and unless those states had abolished , slavery,
any act of Congress to that' effect, Would beco me a nul-
lily. The abolitionists would find, though they had suc
ceeded in bleating one of the fairest fabrics of Govern.
mein the • aniki ever . aaifr—they
,yet.' had worruxom•
plished the freak:di of a iiagle skit? We say then,
with Mr. Wilmot, others who voted
with, them on this setdeet•—•let their petitions " be laid on
the tables of Congress, without being read, referred,
printed, or debated. " - '
When, the, isnow covers the ground the young
steers may be taken in hand:.We prefer cattle
that have been early the yoke. CaNee
should be halter-broken and handled, to make
them docile, if they 'are 'not put.iti the Yoke..
When Steers are wild it a good practice to
drive the pair infd.a close stable and yoke them
there. Take care and fasten the first one tight
when you put the yoke on. Don't let him run
and frighten himself and his companion. Bring
both together gently, add let.them have a little
ume,to become used to the'yoke. '
Most people who undertake tc break young
cattle are deficient in patience. _This virtue
should have its 6. perfect work!' in training tat.
tle: as writ as in 'church. Not Much-whipping
will be necessary if yOu take time, and ]et the
.young animaliknow what you want. .
Steers in the yoke should•. be taught . to move
backwards as well as forwards. 'This should
be very particularly attended to, unless you wish
to see your oxen back a cart with their heads to
the groutid..andiliebows Stopping breath. They
should - alwaynholdtheir heads high to run back
'a loaded cart and they. will do. it if they fare
'properly. taught:. This brings.the yoke to bear
against the back of• the; head,. and the horns ;
and the throat is not compressed by the bows.
A light empty cart. or a light pair of Wheels,
shonld be first used to run back, and this should
be on sloping ground, where the wheels will
run easy. •Say, back!; distinctly, and hold yonr
whip before the cattle. bnt don't strike then; on
the' head. - If you 'do.' they Will at price hold
noses. to'the ground, and you will find it
difficult _ toraise ,them. In urging them; back
touch their fore legs gently with the whip. Be
bot in a • burry l l and • you will: gradually urge
ihem'back; • .
Make binfe the nigh' and the,..of ox keep their
bodies close to the cart tongue. and you need
not be a jirtit.whilEitt-ieiching: your :cattle to
run back n stout This °IWO' , saves much
Tabor.—Maas. Ploughman.o
Poisonsa--Tni Riisni.— f Alatest every
newspapeeiitres atime'teutetlyM bit used imme.
lliately after potion lids been Laken into the atom.
t is highly tecommendeth: and Oro 'On:
add one cure in favoralto etEctef: z 43time and
who subcribea him - felt Phyaicion,"„,sayo•
thatlarge diaitihtiof warn; iviteeperecveied
iintilfree,_vmmting ihtiwe ban no doubt Loan
excellent reMedy..., • •• '
But we have useti , rstronc vinepr in .two or
Ilireif cases with the ielyfieet elect. One a fe
triale. had' sWilloweil !sits - nalicisis of faudanntn;
and lockjaw;
her jaws were pried apartwithi' iron: spoon.
end half a pint of itrontvmetar was poured in.
to her month.withe table !mem - . The •firict
impression prociaCedt:i violets; cough. and strani-,
.we innseverof_ and ..ultimitely
koroughtimfreti•voupting and s aved our: patient..
Another swap( a.stour map. heated very ,mnett
in the samerwityinni'iriih - tlierlikehault.,
F(eAte t cniniioleir ict" liemPlilitif to - droops.',o9*ll946 situated that the
get,o4vet7 tcw'rinnedies:i. ell - ewe.'
Whatever, wil I - puke the quickest shatild be Aim.
rd +persisted in twit it 'does' 'pas. rememtiev
usriltriyithie More ifdlietilt : ti earths vco,
outing when AlihretC4Misikkt:roplete With OWN
than ip heihker.lahering -.under „,,cr,
r%~r fF `Ht..':~.
1 . :: _.1),0114§,mi.,.,y0.0:1,r0i!§D,41.4' , :4T . ,:,T0wgrt : ' . 41i..i .,- lAJTOD:::,cjggs.r.rt - :,tki.;::,PiY,'A; . 0.::& tit .;_: P. 600 p itici*:, ' '
Baking Steers Ilady,
: -.4 . 8 -vitaittazzes OT asransictatoila !vsur,it ;ANT 4174r41130 'I •ra
• ^ Prat' tha Itradfotd Iterrtfr.]
• Fragnieilt. '""
A viten Monis befori ern , mind, cievinneed
Ofairinii images . • The fulfroind moon
Between the puted clouds &plays her orb' •.‘
Bathingthe land and mein silvery light. .*, •' '
'A robe of snowy whiteness wraps the earth, *,
And'the bright:sten, at intents* among . •
The sluggish *clouds, like diamonds act to gram' • -
The diadem or Night, Moot teeth their,iiiya:',. •
• Ottroliey'r The town his imps ,
In !lumber, save where vice and infamy- 'i . ,
*Their eigds keep.! The noise of staling • wheels •
Has diredawaymil the capacious streets . *''
When throngedthe busy multitudeK are hushed.
Lifis'a feverish pales bests low; and aue.worn men: •
From labor respited, are buried in '
Forgetfulness, art s:WM away on wings •
Of sin fancy to the land of dreams. ' '
How beautiful the moon's pale benne' - •
. Reflected• from innumerable roofic ''-' • * '
SOW with their enierbag of Mow ! ' How soft '
The landscape and the distant bills end woods
Repose =id the stillness of the nett! ''"
Alone I sit within my vrinilow'iniche
And gare—ored'wlule I gaze, 'the (Banat 110!„, ;
The landscape*andthe town 'sapiens in * ,
The Moon's pure henna, end all things iiiiPable . \
To stone, recede iiiut Vanish - tram my sight :
Then tin ong intim my Mental eye the'formi ' '
Of ether yens, of moonlight ithailosto seen - -
On oihei:rullsi=the distant and tie pan; , .
Of nights more eisho'aild beatitiful; id lignite
That felt then' power atton'ed by Notine'sliand
To solemn sympathy with het:Feat Soul. ''
Rich leing.lost face that shed` the light of lore' '
On earn days, and .fided in this midst
Of life's untravelled journey, comes with 1140
Of holy intuiting sympathy, to cheer * - '
My hinelittent, and give me strength to hear .*
' •
The:unknown ills that comps " me aroiiiid-'
But chietly patience, and the power t' endure
Neglect and weariness and dull delay. , ,
,* ,
A Fa es Father coma with silvery Inas iind brow'
Ot'earnestthought, wherntiine and Care have ploughed
Full Many furrows, and be bends to blow -• ;
His boy. A mother's pleasing smile rewards
Her son. The loved, the fair, in joyous bands
Comp thronging up, and people Fancy's halls' .
With beings rescued from the voiceless Past. • ~ . ,
No more I muse alone—the loved ones who. . ,
In by-gone days have given life its charm,
By sweet convene and intermingling souls, •
Are here in spiritual presence. None
Whom Thou best given me, my weary way '
To solace, have't lent, but all come back
And hold communion with me in this hour.
My early friend who reverently gazed • •
With me upon the heavenly host with zeal •
Unlike my own, that idly spent its force
In Mote astonishment and awe, before -
Your bright array—whose genius, eagle.eyed,
Pierced thine unfathomable deeps, and held
Converse with every individual star—
Now comes, With *counieinrice and serene
As yon blue vault of beaVen,rand tell' of strife
And earthly passion, now foreier. o'er. * '
Dear,lnjured shade ! 'dint looked down from that • '
Par height, obU%iocie of the petty ills ' . *
Of poverty and acorn and Sordid men,
Winn avarice grudged from hoarded thousa nds to
Supply thy little needs, and made thy life ' I I - - '
One joyless strife of lofty intellect '
With low wants. Science, thine adored, ACI called
Thee; son, as then didet bail her, mother. weeps
Thine early death. So must it ever be— • .
And they who lavish on ingratefal men
A mins of intellectual wealth, coining *s.
Their lifeblood into precious gems t' enrich
Mankind, meet in return the world's neglect;
- While 'the dull fool with just enough of mind - -
.To feed on Shin lucre, galnes loud - - •
Applause.—lt is th' unalterable law, :; , -
Where bitterest, serest for war felt bj tine. • .
Thou 'rt ponied away; tin spirit *me* with '
Those shining whs. ;hod lowsrst to contemplate
While here on arch; .thy toils and sufferings 1
Remembered faintly as a dream: • Little - . .
Thou reek'sAnrhat swelling nabob in the woad-
' Before the flood bore anti, and sacrificed, ,
To glut his own voracious greed of gain, '
The means *which frugal Nature had - designed '' '
For sustenance tntindiands—ind as littlelittle Care"
What gnisplug mantistuliedSertif_on ' : . „1 !
And lower cunning than thine owls managed i ,
To cheat thee of the share that Nature meant r ,
For thy own wants. Time, Change dePaatih!resPreo
Oblirion'i mantle ind made all things, even., : .
Bazsurswr.--A sow of , Erin at
Schenectady. N. Y., heard the breakfast bell
ring on board of a -canal boat pea starting - for,
Buffalo. - The fratiiiipe:of vianslinfluced him, to.
go on board. "'Pure, captain he; +,•arl'i
what'll ye axa poor man for thravelling: miler
elegant swan, of a boat!" "Only,: a cent and-a
half a mileand found,": replied the captain.
Ao' is it the Fillies, yoolgeark,l9 kind.'sura 1",
if you're going along o g 0 dowttib_
breakfast." Pat diffot want-to be told lbef set.
and time, but havin descended into - the etahin
and made a hearty meal, hecame,agatno o*ci,
and requested, that dna boat might he stoilpede-T
-;“ What do you want to stop for t" inquired tilt
captain. • How.far have we just come r ask
ed Pat. risOnlyg a little over a mile." :Pat
therefore handed Ilse - itiptaia Erna,
coolly told him that he believed he wOultluOt B b,
any farthei'vriih him;;aa Judy would 'wait hen
breakfast, not knowing tbat he had titiiikfinstai
out! The joke was. so good that the captain took'
the cents, ordered the boat to bet sidopped. help ;
ed Pat ashore, and - told - him that should
I have occasion to tiiiettfiat arakivitn,he!*o4
below happy •
Musa Moire*:—.lf your horse is troubled
with a sore Or galled track, rub white letutitift;
ened• with (dire the injured Orr,
'fairly edated.' Some: ecommend a ,illtition
vitriol in wow; bit, the !ruiner remedy Is prof.
Maid% onittetiotholeiroore certain to ef•
feet a •cure. •-•
TannyliTinuot.-41 1 rfie of gotraw,!
•,:i :_,T
Pi X.:,SEDOW;gI6 •
• , w ‘•
I [cmyrrsti6o.3 • , 't•
'I wo yeirs glided essay. Fanny'e beauty . .• hi- •
stead' of pvssing with her Childhood, had be:,
come So brilliant. that it could not be onobsiffred.i
She shunned • theitreet where the vultures That .
tre abroad for prey, seeing ahe 'wad young; "and ;
unprotected. •'A, had more than Onei beset her.' t',
mine ' , had long been 'worked rimier' her feet.'
The dreary' companioeibip'of the 'pets:fair 'Old!
woman beanie er - ery day Mere weari s ome to
her ; still, she iturgentle and patient; '-and
'Many a heavy nionth.'eadered resolutely , a life
that grew eaddet and'eadder, as she 'etititrasted
it With the"
world of beatity, indulgence and love
that had been painted'to herekeited irnagination.i
For the last six tnonths. her aunt had been liar
alytic. moving from her bed: to her ehair with
difficulty. ;eupparted by %Fanny; ' whose slight
figure uttered under the super-incumbent weight ,
,of the massivtiold woman. Her 'faculties had,
decayed one after another; still the paramount
affection of her :tieing remained; rimiest:linger
•ing of daylight on the darkened night - - :She fan
cied herself still capable.of teaming their !daily
sustenancei-aild hour allm hour she would move
the only arm she could Move, as. if Abe were
sewing, and at evening give the same. garment,
on which she had •thutk• cheated ..herseir tot
month's, to Fanny, and falter out. 6 , tale into
Fay's,r - dear;and ,- bring the pay." , • Fanny: fa
voted. the illusitinctook away the garment and
always brought the pay. • '
The•olloorke's•were still tenants , of a moth
below. and since the' old woman's illness. Fan
ny had often - accepted , Ow kind offers of., their
services. • Ellen went on ter .errands. and Pat
brought up her wood and water., and :whenever
' she had occasions° go out (and such occasions
recently came often, and lasted long.) • Mrs.o,-
Rourke would bring thee baby tend in <the
ould lady's room. Though Fanny. without
any visible means, of subsistence. was supplied
with every comfort she could desire for her aunt
or herself, Mrs. O'Roorke, from, stupidity or
humanity, or a marvelous wantelcuriosity. ask
ed not questions.. • • ,; • • •
On some points.. she certainly.was•not blind.
One day.hits. Eget. after an ill torn, had fallen
asleep. Mrs. O'Roorke "was sitting by, her. and
Fanny appeared deeply .engaged in reading.
Ellen O'Roorke looked at the volume, and ex
claitned.7- .1! • • • • '
, - 66 Why. I your book.. Fanny. is bottom side
Fanny .; twat into yiars r and flung: the book
from her. 1" • ; , . • .
God help child, what is it: talc Mrs.
O'Rnorke;, ate the baby (Jowl,: stairs, ' she
added to Ell . 66 and,stay by.. it -till .I. come.
Now Fan '.. lent, spike. oitt; ,what . yezes
you? the i thee that-bore you is not more
tinder to,yon : than lliddyArpeorltetotild have
not I seen Your eyesthis-three months always
unquiet-like', and red too. and your cheek let
ting.paler and paler." . Fanny..buried. her fade
in the bettelothes. 66 Mt. honey. dear, . dorm
frets° ; it is noCto vex yon, I'm speaking ;.• the
words bave been burning en my tongue this six
weeks, but 7the , ould lady jealOinsed 'us ; kind
though lam old enough. - to be: your mother,
or grandmother for that, ; you_ looked so awed
and innocent-likei I ,was,afeard to speak my
- •• Who dares to say," am not - innoeentl",
said Fanny. raising her head. and flinging back
her curls:hum-her burning , cheeks and, glowing
eyes. ,
N o t 1, darlant—not 1; , . the desaver.
that's the gijilty one. and not theitoor child that's
desaved. Now, open your, heart to me arthe
tongue shall rot out of me before I tell a word
you epake." , , -
••I hav no word to speak." said Fanny, in a
Changed and faltering voice, tad the;, bed Item.
bled with the ague that shook,hee, Atthisnim
ment, Mrs.. Hyat threw her unman* of belt;
opened her eves, and for the prat time in. any
years. looked about her iatellgendy, and epukn
distinctly, 1.. Fanny." 1
fumy, sprang to her elle. and,lVra. Oltoorke
instinctively moved r,ouud to the headpf the bedi
where ithe,could not be seep.L L
•• ,
Fanny." Continued the old:woman. slowly.
but, with perfect distinctness, `.l am. going fast:
but you will follow soon--you ;will,
• dear. - li ne ,
patient, be good." The blood coloured • again
her faded and withered cheek as phe spoke. and
mounting to her brain. gave , h,er a momentary
vigour. Trust in God. Fan ny --trust in God ,
and not in man. Igo. buil 'do, not leave you
alone, Fanny — not alone—alone." : ` . Ihnnuerr
ante gresi r fainter and fainter. a alight convelSion
panned aver , her whole frame, and tie r featu r e!,
,were stir and fixed. , • FillinY IP* Oif T.
Mid horror.' Her eye turned ham ,her aunt tis
- 4tlrs.lO'Hoorke with that question slip COM pot
,utter : The honest Tn4n said pothing.,bltt aka
[Oily, nlO3O the stating aanaqaYatft ..;•;/
• Ph t then she is dead r,criedfFanoyi Iturwl
ing,herself,cin the bed is It' perojew.of griet,
"- MY loaf frieod ; I ,ttlo ~alone4elonel
God has left-me-4 have ileft,•bitme, da,eiTi
nd , him .Plitlear—Toh dear!". •
vaiojdni.lo ! Roorke tned to tudiWitr. cant:;
her., She wept Hill; she, fell seteep.aroik
Allot NWT , eahstalltalinn. , NetufnudtdiAlwt=
kind work it does-eowell Youthoted ,
she awoke: ip ; the , morning.:streititheoed3 tuni
refreshed. _She...mimed st °Peet oet,dirs,WK.
.119ctrkelnidoshanged front; 4 helpless 84'13 011,
wontsn. , -,i•
§4e .ennl forher ntinew slingYinany and; by
his haterseotlott;and the aid gap v 341144 4:
Ville made positron for burying her beside her
Ihusband and children'''. and- followed' by the
lefeigyanan, she followed her tree- friend 'to the'
itite I` add relented toter desolate' spettintinC
silth'that last w ord ringi ' n ' g is her
"She Paid the charger of ftineri)
charges that always:Sow% asordidlndvesing
elementswith the betwaveinenta df tbrpaat end
sk!" 1 0 1 x , followint Aftit , I,:e/; , :onrike
hes** she foiiesl,iirpo.iftap
stair: end sqoa after army rolling sway
mounted to Fanny's zoo tO verify: ordiensies
her onspielorts. Theco v i rae qo answer to die
i.‘. !:
y••,?!+! \ll;tvli .0; *:itt; ~ .;i7 -)4;.4.)i
•knooklp the apt. WU not.leekneiNowhe Opened
lamptwat borningoituelable, and's*.
ter. the wafer yet; wet lying by. it.
Eiterweateei ...Who
-istbis,lettes , finvEllen T 1 ,1 1.3,1- ,;t ;‘,(z
• • ".Why (Orlon. inotheri end. Fanny!. teisit
irle•:- •
='!.! Read it. Ellen she.knows iannot read,'
-and if there is e'er-a seers" in it, keep ; it as if it
-were yoar ,;10 'l= •
- • -Ellen read-wed hf ran: , O'Hoorke, l you'
'been a kind friend to nneland', aidi
giie you in (eked °ldly . theft'
have in the rootn. My Wallet please give in,
E.llen:andithe• tante' with the two &Hari; in,
'the corner of the dewier, to Pat; - with - titaity
thinks 'front nte. ; •" /
Ever your grateful, friend:
1%5404 darlini I ' Ellen.iliat's
not the whale of it; eee if there's, nerie's lit.
tie sOrneifilag'of *leant shoved in betwixt the
Other 'Weida • ".: • • .
.. .!Ne'er it syllable. mother."'
,- - - „
' "", Neel.* Itihiit; ihiW ? Vyms it eaciet I tisk
's Yonit'SC gig the *We:mother; eve idrd.
.• Sore ups .not of myse!f.l'm thitilang:.:hut
'the lithe may Clime. 'When_ she ' wish for as
lough* r . frieod'itar orb:" God. help' itei:' and
gbide her, poor iltittl'," - ' - ` ';'' , ' , " ..- ,'
It' is toile tirne(h . efere' Ellen ,'eliariy 4 iii.
prehended that Fanny iirs 'Ole fiont' r thedi',
ProbablySoreser. andji was some tithe longer
befOrte!their, generals criatiiiii Could ear to
'conSidei, 'themselves in 'any'wly gitiners ' y her
departure, '' They tiiiied 'Or key of Fa ny'S
docii2atid wentld 'their 'otio"fobin—Ellen to
brood over. what seemed to her. an inconsolable
tiiveiery.:itad'hei 6'61144 to guess ititil . ttai.
'''FiCteen,:incitithi had nevi possed.aWay : 'since -
FatibY find lboked one:front het jeiless homi,
in Houston 'Street; 'to tin eMeteticei Night', 'WA
with 'promised lose" . .and''o4ittice 7 ' ' She
. 4d
seen, :' ' ~.
"The aunt gap s ol men oeitn,
And aid not lirei 'II) it was a assin."-
...., Oar readers mast not follow her to an isolat•
ed house. in the upper partofthe city. .There
she had two apanmeuta.- furnished . with more
finertahtin elegance, *Tosco neatness. ,• The
rose.colored•Curtains were laded. :the gilded
furoiture.taroishadoind from the vases of faded
artificial flowers, Fsony's sickening : thoughts
had 'of lite 'often untied i to the whitelessautiue
and rosei4hat, types of heTpurity• theni.onee
blosscimed in bestow 6tuo's_window4:. -..-.
'Fanny. Watt , noddle first tenant or these apart&
cupids, which, with otherit in . the•saine housi.
were kept furnished and!stipplied brt ceitain
Mrs—Tilden, ishoterself, occupied - thtbase.
inentrooms. 'Fanny: now by-ecntrtesy. bear;
iug the name of Mrs. Stafford.. Was .but. little
more than leventeen, • just on ,the threihold of
life. That fountain of love which has power
,tetnake the wildernesiblossitm. to fill the des
ert 01:me-of:life with:Bowel* and:fruits.. had
been .poisoned.: and ,there was. no more health
in it. , The eye. which:shonld have been just
opening 'to the loveliest visions. of - youth of
.was dull...and heavily; bentiwhile tear after
after mar.dropped from it. on a sleeping:infant.
some Eve rocmths on its pilgrialage,:". bet Ween
the cradle and the grave."rhe beautiful: Rum
of:Fanny!irfeatunis remained. but the life of
beauty was gone..ber oncihrilliant - cheek was
pale; and her.whole figure shrunken. Health.
seltreipect..cheerfulness even. hope. the angel
of life, were driven. away , for.everA and mem
ory. sq bright:and: blessed • to. goodness. bore
but a ,bitter chalice to poor Fanny's lips. She
sat statue,likei till.she started et &footstep:op
' p'roaching the , door. and ealcrrenly,servant-girl
entered in a-pervand noisy,: manner. that kes
pres,sed the absence'tif all deference.. and took
from a handkerchief. in.which it w»-wrapped
1 wiener, addresved to .• Nugent Stafford." and
said= ---.-- - -
',fir.. been to the' Astor Mouse. and. the,
American. and the City Hoteli;and:alt- them
boarding:hooses:down town . ..• and; bere's no.
snub petion•there and no. wheraelso lexpect.".
. • fi'Wbat do pot mean; Cnreline lfi.t -, .: • ••:,. .
"Oh nothing; only them as hingeYout false
'colas most 'etaliect otheri3 - to do the same by
them.' I Intittbie.then.'inimore a' Hr. Ste ford
than a' Mre.lBttifforti." ;-; - I -.- ; ' '"•,' ... '-' '• ' '
" Hush. my baby,"saidtFanny to the infant
stirred by he tremor. • ''•;'' - 1 '." -- tt? t- ,', '-I
'fi I wintut air have ravages t!pald tt to4bry."
,continuedt.Citroline,t... O. I. am - expecting ;td
l ea ve.' t;': - .• -:-; 1•. - ~ ~ :ii '.l 7 •': , • '.. . .:.! 7
! ' - 'Finn , itiOk Out her puree tind'paid the girl's
demand. -ietnibline" ., eyed r'slAiarrowly t :there
- were bnt ii•fear shillings" Telt in MO and , she
'Changed the sestatilt she' had' meditated, from
ihe'intriiii te itt4cfleeipuilo LI ): .;.„:!J :;..-., :" . .C. 4, • , --
! L ''. it't it nsiyirrptinbteo l oho fitidirt"-wheivi
1 ' girl hien' iif one:Wit i hotted i•cts3 thiii;!i dd • teeriier
! • thit , likeiif *Cie; Ant Ahirittall: tiave;eztra , pay
••. . ;
for rOttiogreharectin and:46lollh.t!'il see' yoiit'
• 't, pnisitiittailibut r erienniptiveV? mid .1 sm willing
fil . iiketifil !* . iinLiltit!gietin 'lnk; rtroiatio i 'spoil ,
; wiiblniriltl a nd trittenitivith gimp'? , li.i.J;i: :).t,
: "Oh hush, my baby" cried • Finny , aetthe 1
chilignifili>iitebittilierleiyti E rinnttie distraiied
t.conotenance of her mother, was crying as'etreW'
istieltintikeitilOrerM I:frtitittlie hhititteil'of '
I -.'"'lrhliirittit betiglitlin4l - teltibete't•ibirlte.)
ipliektrith ititeldylvoirrwl v.taltie it'and *A .
i - 'Cibilliti Ibokirafifdi*bilteltlA 44inir &Stier.
ark . It Tolding.)irehriiit half eintalletly;haK '
Mrifertientlit--I!ifirel tforthirbilegrieling!bi,
ticilhiliAt itr thislytitetti for itl.itienk orraluni , i
!Wind Itliteo2 3 ig-ligvirc'elfirityklntinnie yr:this . :
ooner or later. Your - fine %gettiletnettlitain
- — ii". l ilrbilit held handserdit'sn'entirigiin;
t . itiiii'llielitolitifrui . ghintstitintiltiel .•1 4 •;'. 60
11 ;"41.ntertifillntyleatviiteel eriettfonnn;t
midi *het z Canitinevihiii the . ;dtterwl iiiii -Ali"'
itshit ditll-thifibimPiehti `itir;s3o4.;itifiipt
ineitten lout snit Miiverteioo. 64 hat Weal"
kilicth - 14:41esitiuhlw.Ac$Paistii n I inetiaihimil:.
rhorisesimmit ihsvantirbievithiJ ~,.ciii•
iareiti,,4ll invert? „I,tliip4 liiivrill uovihniry
Tiiiito Sim *Dna loharelittine inttw.
r re g 9 toe'Alhitittleb;' or baby. 1 - wishmit
Lash.'' . She wi?ed switThertearo l ant, otch.,
: I. ll' 14 I
• ZWElltalrett
'ilii:Pji, ,&.- 'cl...f.,i.;:riliii,T!:.iiot.,..di. 0,;i4,.:_i5;
and (mei the ro4m, ittemhttot to siiiiie.,.ii:nd'
play to it. mid the poor lritlit r thiiii "cited 'alit'
stilled. aliernste4.. i.,:! i-A t,.;:t,..d! •on ~.;: rt FT ,
7 ,,The , (RI to wi ErN. uni , some extra Ole Ifretri• Abel
haplees letter whfeh vi5e1Y40g440 , 1ta,4.1)
Oh: Nugent,Staitoril.• am 1 never, - never
to. see yea - Lagaitalt4 iWtettfbntliti-Lit seems
t;:vp v,eare / ,. vit! . yrt 1i:1011, you were last be i ge.
iipiife thime sey4 iiiel.:in sal ting. iliirdiEttiought
it, wOUTd liii'Veiiirtie r verlii\iee yr;ii siatinhirt
'id iii'Yia'eii:"*Bici 3 Otire4inei T inia; itildiell
Vie ill ifeiservidih'ein fitin' , liril.''''' ''. i.''''''' 6
t; l llinieinfieil;' - l'ints , thirteed , lediti lalit , .!iin ,
, innocent: roving vbilil—kiving; - vbtilatiPithlittla
to'love. - whenvorrlfirestrilettip fleartlr4ii , Did
yam ahen• , intlin—Altod;Anaissi- , yodinow.rid ,
don't.; did you.plot it.thencioinealesissaylary
innocence_ when I should .be:no longer It child?
You say you. never promised,iookarryme.. vilitil
that 1 kiww,miliat-ras; o.eforA _ief ~, Now -Yo"
Aeyet.e*.pne,,w9o. ol .l94crYOP MP, API OR
von not swe;ir to. si anii cheristi,nie r so
long ,all you liicei"'.oid'YP97l#6ll..V;irtatj ilia
not love von ' half Lair Well as :you: inve'd Mii - iiid
109 MO again apiiiiiieli.ine with It.' "lli'ere
'Ulu lief angry-:llo'augy as to frighten, hie, be
`Canee'l 'would not itiseit nit' - 4Mir.' . gmfdenlit
- fatihful BUM. - tii gri'aittlityamrl• 'it`And'lhviii
bait I laved you t , -'l' have'giviiti . npvii litho;
twice for Cob: wriggled , beam. 'sad the nfavoi
of God.- ..Ii haveloved :only. plow :minim. have
hadqa Amiga biyandl.yott... , OttAnarriedAltiiretat
love :better than: this l:1 .In .these‘,daYer/on
seemed to think, nothing tocr. good foratre);whed
every day:yon hrought.mmoomethiggi nett',, 4
cared OalY 1 95. v.o9!.lMtll:t the
only to Pleaa! :VW t a nd „ truly ; IVY , Plflttl -ltf
look on them.,for they . ivefe., to y..otivyta ? E li e
price Of ,Whi't I'l:lcier sold:iiiitgave..
. .". Buts rovtn;iiii.he thibY.t4Milit MI iaiiil
iti yotfigiiii Crow lief:t 'iicill'itir aii,'Aiiii* - 6tit,
iin . :'''MrMViliteii hartiviee l 'iold' 'itiiir 1 duet
lave'thia' fitUrl4l .- ' 'Rif inontheifeht Vita.=
- -
I . have , ten• dollars tin • fil!" Iputee.' 'Tell" ate
where atn . l.loleol-)' Whet attl • I'-'l‘'dditi 4
would not stay herelf-leonlemi4he hotnie-bail
beeemo hateful•act nte;‘ , ..leauttot bear the kaki
of hireAlildelvand.Varoline. 6 ent! baniuttlAni
duredo have diet. tough mate 40
me etki(dteir Aoligh tolmialkuleiteloient ehil4 0414-blAten
diPt40 3 ,4 11 4 1 -
frigt*uli ,, *::e ; T: 94 . .iV" -p! wit: , IP. Pr4l
me - antonLeuelt -ereatutes.`' [live des,r,t;
;elite*. 'T:willeare pat.:ICI - can; heep . 94.
baby 'alivirt s etionot
'Re no len#Vamoni tfibieldbfOrolife- 1 -1
hadrathei babY hi' the afreati
Ott hir.' , StatTeid.• how"ematil *offitalveuthe
' heart:to' pat 'Mei berg-end will yon hounow'
givwnie a deceit* home -
. There was Media rooreio the litter thawere
have cited. hut ivaatt-ell..ef the sante serm.;
'sullen , showed plainly. :Init.-till:l4h betrayed
and.desertesk.polur4FedPl. 4 utss Add-, corrupted.
DPW .VutillOCßetl; IP ll .oll4WC.tt4ent,44 l . 444
Auktt -erPt!nre 10 1 0-: have, t:2O-We ;
For some renaihs M;ter Stalford loolt her on
der tits . protertinn, (the.protecuon the wolf al
fords the'latnli. fi.e ofiwAtery teVoitt.
her:. He' Midi
bright with seciiiiteiiiiir
ttintdl" tnnetPdkierr
etF tiona no'lttie - ciderinterpioriditicid
to her perception .1 . theVes:like ene who; , :bila
ing-treprodentlY gated thrraud.--sees itveiy ohs
jeer far a lintel in:false-end fantastic coloring.;
But These halns.faded by :depress ,to blatlkneNy
and so., as _Fanny .re:eotered • from the,
' derrneux,of,passium , ,,lhe-light.becarne,shadijts.
,iiill l l9v4th ll !, 194
gaiety. ar,d twilight p(OPPqrr.W9cfl e .Bl l ,4 6 eo ; ,
ed bef cliPtlrectdll4e
'' l herself -t he ionocenl oreijfure ** 11. ( 4 4( 1 a min
ister 'to for iC made
imittire love hatifurM her: • She became ee=
riotis;"anifiheil'verV ereStYiiiitie 'ig
Indent." ITS tVali accuplateed `te.
the blandiSfilbenti. of art; Finny had rib aft:
Her' heautfirsiv .adeident... itidependtilt' tit
herself. The pure;. unappreciable treaseivi fth
her immeesnrable love,abe -gave trinl4..mitti/br
this there is no exchange but faithful: loirent
ber drafts fell eaten empty:treasuty.,,Pattaion
consumes. itenzuOity: mats, ot!cibelliviektivalm
iLY :' 1 4: 10 Fe• FaAnrf :charactet w3l. ,sitaptO
and t!tte'"Oenentsg;
tv. and, hething,pf.ibe_ !NM ,
cultivitiOe ; and , ci)mc,iyaticm of, iht
What "entild ihelneti 'cif die 'clitare
briefrime in : it:had-been ,passed abikkrbelf ker
seboolfand,Dame. Ilyai s loom. in .1114.11bii,
eireett ri• -• •
41 §l4
00 It aPIAIT . IEe!? III 'l ,1“Pa I l Lg. OTtP*
I . eP44,IPfifCY I P!i lrPlurY APP4A
ft!ndiig,or*tewAlp a. P4 l o..filifr i ei*irOLf
egehlkemie as, Oeoig4Snd, PaulAi kncland
f e i i
fall iriiiin4une. :liiii ilie.4it tkq
iciograii eiZini Ilivieiiiiiiii"Jitffi.
edi9tie Til!)c:'litd"iliefiiiiiiiiiiiliiiNinV
Min': 'led'eliitiliiA iipiiiiiiiiiitliAi i
come down from, the hay ['pawn of Mapififtiolv
antitimerifieettawinipuntrgoide.w L'oetrftiwbc
! jiaa4ilatiillteranttat'clky,tnnr,. ~,FySt Tun,,
'k.pfit‘Tf4 (cF.Ratnly4;4l44iltbeit .4 1 , 10.0 1 4, ebb
lmr.Actira,x.ctl:tiqn., # 1 904K.1111 e1 0 99 0 ,,Av5,
,iistip#OFint ,e0,,w48 1 ,0,9 . o .lt4r*Pii Ac t,
~ ' ' -•- -, • • ,
i • vst,fro,a loge 1. " It s ' P.2.2 , :2M folio' 22 1 7221 n ,
' , .., tti ..puNF, ,-i,,,i! , pilm,
:.4 . liii v ol v Aig ' fi no`i':gxititne'rit. iif paiiott..
iiiiil reoasniif li6d iii;ififilififilil!iiii r
iViVe i
lbeyond a edO'fiii"hei'lrAy;'`:'''Fbv liii4 l far
'l3ociltiociii gagraiinuf ;.:ilrft-itavi.linto:l.Otrimit.
tite,flrftglii 904,4201,141Pri114 P.Oh e..m9Y54,4 ) .Y,
hillii*lli . 0 1 1 4 a, Rll47?a4il*Af.ti o :•. , N u 4!. 1 1 4 51ct..
icwi q d,ultatAltim,a ,i,..,..i wloi - ,
- i Ihe natorat i pteelaidant#,aon wpirktion l ba,
; ` , Aween them Coate .sonn'W lie Teri • bilinito.
ilemps way to Owit-bev4iso-Ansiter,ateteX
, ia.m-bardenrlnna: him.rantd:whe :bad . , afteay,„
isnte4.6sek.lo mtelklhi#llgh-lhezafe*,..ifeloam.:
. -
bompanton... '.•- . - --: • -- _
1 ''Sdatitil i r vitie . Wein``nitrithely - eititwife.
lot; likiimotrittlei ilia' ditsiiiited ?young tertii .
tifforto Di; heikkii , fritind bin ex pinditureter* ,:
reedier bit! ilegotoKrii - iier tad' 'non IhOrielit iota
iscrifiting bia vices twhisfleants:' ballealyiliek
tAk;:zovltlizt• PAO Ev 3
.. - . . .
tc' 44
,1S1;;;Olitri ,lii)t 7 /7 1 1 1 )
tr/I ' .'
Till .i . d.t la -,, , i.....1 kal ,n4if
„ .
i \-1”