t. lON AssoßTEDnioN, just :umlaut], and for eat 4c24 REED'S; No. 2; B.R. ÜBSER OVERSHOES, of all sorts, kinds and Raizea, for sate cheap at ' d 2 4 REED'S: COMFORTERS—a splendid assortment, eau . be had by wholersle or retail, eery cheap at REED'S. NOTICE ! , NOTICE ! 1 TAKE this opportunity to inform all who are in '. debted to Me, that payment MUST be made by FEBRUARY COURT. The Ginn due from each individual, is small, but in the aggregate it amounts to considerable. I trust that a more effectua/ notice will not be necessary. JOHN N. WESTON, December 24. Late Sheriff• -- NOTlCE.—Whereas, my wife, MARIAM B. hav jog l e ft my bed and board, without a sufficient cause, I do hereby caution all irons against harbor ing or. trusting her on my account, as I shall pay no debts of her contracting, after this J ate. . W. CORAII. Bridgewater. Sue. Co., Dec. 15, 1045. IT IS NO WONDER ! THAT the Farmers of Bradford county are all tra• ding at "BAIRD'S STORE," when it is taken into considerafion, that in addition to keeping the lar gest and best stock of Goods in theieouhty, and selling them cheaper than Ty body else; they have always Nun ready to assist and encourage that class of commu nity by purchasing their produce of every description at the highest prices. What, for instance; would they have done with their butter for the last two summers bad not "Old No. 3" boldly stood forth in the support -of honest industry and dealt out all descriptions of a t the lowest cash prices, in exchange for that Sr. Zcle I The hard fisted yeomanry are replying to the above, by coming with aru ! a perfect rush !" en _ mo p!! ! to the cheapest store in Towanda, where "Bill Baird & Co." are always ready and wilting to do the lair thing. Dec. 25. ' ADNIINISTRATOWS,.NOTICE. IkroTICE is given that all persons indebted to the 01 estate of SARAH Gotta, late of Sheshequin twp., d emise d, are requested to make immediate payment, and all those having demands against the same are re guested-to.prekent them legally attested for settlement. ALFRED GORE, Administrator. Sheshequin, December 23. 1845. -rot Ice. ALL persons are forbid harboring or tru.ting any person at persons at my expense, without my written order; as I shall pay no debtsgantracted by any per-on, other than myself and those having orders, after ,this date. MICHAEL FLANAIIRY. Cherry tp., Lycoming co., December 17, 1845. FOR SdLE. THE subscriber has for sale—A new two home wa gon; one 4 horse wagon, partly worn: sleighs, nod bobs, harness, &c., &c. Also, 3or 4 good HOR SES. A pair of young OXEN, believed superior to any in the country of their age. Also, many articles necessary for farming and team ing purposes, all of which will be sold cheap for cash or apptovetiCredit. ADD/SON M'KEAN. Towanda, December 17, 1845. I. 0. OF 0. F. I[l' becomes our duty again to announce the receipt of more rich and valuable goods, which we are offering .bell cheaper (if possible) than heretofore. We have for cash buyers, the following goods: 100 ps. bib and blue silk Alpaecas ; 50 ‘ tigd and changeable goods, for dresses; 150 Styles DeLaines and cashmeres; • 1500 yds. Calicoes—in addition to our former largo stackl—the contents of one box, just received. 40 ps. Cloths, all shakes and colors ; 15 • Bk and Fancy Cassimeres ; 20 ' Satinetts, all pricts. Iron, Nails, St ctl,any quantity. and Shelf Hardware in abundance. The "people" of Bradford county, have loaked Ling and anxiously fur the time to come when goods could be purchased at their real value. For the lair six months we have satisfied the most skeptibal, and wish to inform our friends that we are not to close busi ness in the spring, as reported, but shall continue to do 'battle for the friends of Cheap Goods, a, long as it will benefit the county of Bradford: It is told in this way— We have, we can, and we will. , December 17.-' GEO. E. FLYNT S. CO. Tuttonda illerchanis, - ) Indictment for “downright mur fder," " goods too cheap." 'fried before the people of Brad- The Shavings Bank. ford county. r appearing to the satisfaction of all the jory,(com l.posed of all Brrdford Co.) that the price of Salt at the Shavinsts Bank was raised to 14 shillings per bl 4. the day after N 0.., got out, who had been selling for la shillings per bbl. Arid it also being conclusively proved that the said Shavings Bank are about 15 per cent. behind No. 3, in selling goods cheap, the jury without leaving the box acquitted the defendant, and as theverdict was rendered, the crier of thr court call'd out, Oh, yes! oh; yes ! oh, yes ! The only genuine cheap store in Towanda,' is No. 3, 'Mitt: now. Now, George, h-e 54444-6 you qhm3lll /Mrs/ up No. 3, I should r..t0r... Fresh nor even salt petre won't save your.... head from Two sleigh loads of New Geode. fuse reeeireel, at Dee. 17. BMWS. IVo .3: Brick Row. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. t a., LI, persons inhcbted to the estate ofTimothy Brig "brA.. ham, late of Granville, dec'd, are requested to make payment ; and those hlving demands against said estate, to present them legally attested for settlement. JONATHAN WOOD, Adadnistrator. Smithfield, Per. 9 1945. ADIIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. AL'persons indebted to the estate of Anna Dim mick, of Orwell, deceased, are requested to make sAyarerit;.andlhose haring demands against said es tate, ta9resent them legally attested fur settlement. A MASA DIMMICK, Administrator. Dieember 10, 1845. LARGE .NEW STORE At Monroe Corners, with full Winter's Supplie AT LOWEST PRICES. ROGERS FOWLER has juvt filled, be the last trip of the boats for the season, Isis large and commodious rew-store-house with a complete and well assorted lot of Winter Goods, selected 6refully by him self in the New York and Philadelphia markets to suit the season, with a special view to the tastes and wants of his neighborhood. lie respectfully invites an examination or his exten sive stock—which he offers at an invariable cash price —comprising. generally , Cloths, Caps, Hat., Hosiery, Hardware, Nails and Cutlery, Crockery, Stoneware, Tinware, El ementary Books, Stationery, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Drugs and Dye Stuffs, Be Laines, Alpaccas, • •Prints. Shawls,Sheetings, ' . Flannel+, &c., &c. its short, every variety of goods required in this market, of the latest styles and of the best qualities according to prices, which shall be sold as low as can he afforded at ony.other establishment intended for permanent busi ness- Full as his store is, he has-room enough-to trade in, and abundance of light to test thequality of his goods. LUMBERMEN, in exchange for Boards or Shingles shall have all articles at mils prices, for he has no oth ; and they will find, at the same rates, in addition to his general assortment, a constant supply of GRAIN, FLOUR, FISH, PORK, SALT, and all the necessa ries as well as the conveniences of life. - FARMERS' produce bought at all times, at good prices, and as fair an exchange made for goods as by say dealer in the county. Persona going to the mine for COAL, can savebaul inx by leaving their loading here, (several miles this side.) at the coal-bed prices, and taking an order on the miners, which, under his arrangement, will be other wise to their mutual advantage, by seeming to purtha sets coal at the most favorable rates of barter there, and swing to the miners the coat of bringing surplus pro duce back to market. R• F • has beard of pigmy souls, near 'Frani:timbale corners, the - old "yellow corner," whitened over like the sepulchre-, and in some other dark corners, which could find no good answer to the question—" who is my neighbor?" but he has passed their reach, not cor nered yet, and he assures the community which has imposed so many obligations in him by past confidence that he cannot risk, its continuance, by Mopping to kick cif whiffet!, or making announcements which he is no ' PePlreti_to fulfill. Monroe, Dec. 3, 1815. NO. 3 CAN'T BE OUTDONE! illE undersigned are under many and deep obliga tions to their numerous friends for the very hbe ro patronage they have received, fur which 'we tender you many thanks ; and we hairs no doubt of a continu. - .ance of your "milers and favors" so long as a'a con tinue to sell goods cheaper than any store within luti -miles of us. • : We now have the pleasure or informing our friends and customers and the public generally that we are re ceiving direct from. N. York, a larger and better assort ment of Goods, that we. or any other merchants ever brought to this market, consisting of I Dry Goods 4-. Groceries, Glass 4. Fails, Crockery 4- Hardware, Iron 4- Salt, Drugs 4' Medicines, Leather 4 . , Fish, DyeWoods4-Dye Stir s, I Boots 4. Sheer (ST. We gave notice in our last advertisement that" we had Henry Shelden 4- Co., Soored—"sincewhich time some of our neighbors have been firing their little pop guns at us, but its of no use—men who have stood at the cannon's mouth as long as we have, cannot be frightened by such small trash. We can assure, our worthy neighbors whci have fal len so deeply in love with the terms u bluff" and " /dui fing," that it is our intention so long as we remain in business to always have a roan of Goods, and after the gross attempt made in 1842 to prevent our buying. we are not so green as to go to the city without a FULL HAND, which in addition to the experience of our of our firm in the city tirade (having been for Some time a clerk in N. Yot k city,) enables us to buy goods cheaper than merchants generally from the country can. So just come on, all ye who want to buy cheap for CASH, call at no. 3, shake " the ready" at us and you " are caught—" or if you have a load of produce "give us the uunk" and we ate at-ter you. For more particulars look alert. , through the paper. W.H.BAIRD & CO., No. 3. B.Row. Towanda, N0v.25, 1845. Oh Gosh ! ! What Proverbs ! ! Try it again Master G., You may wake up old no. 3. It has long since ceased lo be necessary, For no, 3 to say they they have the largest and best stock of Goods in Towanda, for that has long been " A PILUVEIti." 11 has long since ceased to be necessary, For nu. 3 r r.say they buy goods for cash and buy them 10 per ces cheaper than most of their neighbors, for that too h long been "A PROVERB." e, :long, since ceased to be necessarry, For no. 'to say they are selling and will sell goods cheaper ..,an any establishment in Towanda, fur that too has lung been '` A Ptiorsaa." It never has been necessary. For no. 3 to say they would sell goods for " 12} per cent profit —" for we can do that and then sell at a price less thou many of our neighbors pay for the same goods in the city—and that too has long been "A Pao- TI:110." We trust that it never will be necessary, For no. 3 to boast of "ruining " any body by selling goods cheap either in " Brick Row" or IFood Row— we sell goods cheap to benefit community and not to ruin them, this too has also' long been " A Priovsan."- It is no whisper— But in the mouth of every body, even the little boys in the streets proclaim it aloud, that no. 3 are selling " bet • to goods and more of them" than any other establish ment in Town,—wonder how long since some of our neighbors found out this was " A Pilot - cue I" THERE IS A NV•T TO TEST THE 3,110 VIC: Just continue your old practices, drop in at no 3 before you buy, is here no charge is mide for exhibiting goods. Nov.:.'s, 1845. W. 13. BAIRD dr. CO.( BROAD CLO I'IIS, CASSIMERES & SAT IN E'rl'S. IICIBENCH, English and American Broad Cloths of jr all colors and qualities, also Beaver and Pilot Cloth for overcoats, and perhaps it would be as well to mention that we have over ONE HUNDRED different styhs of CasAmere, Fifty piries Satinetts, be-ides twen ty odd of Sheeps Grey, which we are 110 W selling al just about two thirds the usual price in town. W. 11. BAIRD & CO., No. 3 B. R. DoNtE§T r ic coross-5000 yds. Shootings; 1500 lbs. Cotton Yarn ; 500 •• baits ; 150 " wick, on hand and for salt' at last summer's prices. nc26 %V. H. BAIRD & CO. o I'arsucrs, Lumbermen and others. • New Stare in Standing Stonel qix . 4. STORRS, respectfully announce to the el nuns of Standing Stone and vicinity, that they have formed a partnership, and are bow, opening al Me old stand of Peter C. Ward, lately occupied by N. a Watford. where they offer for sale an extensive stock of staple and fancy Goods, eonsisting,a Dry Goods, Groceries; hardware, Crockery, Iron, nails, boots and shoes, sole & upper leather, flour and pork, eke., which have been selected expressly fur this market, and bought for ready pay, and will be dis posed of at the lowest possible rates, for Boards, Shin. clesond Lumber, of every quality, wheat, corn. rye. oats, beef hides, and produce of all manner end sorts. We respectfully ask those purchasing for Cash to give us a call, as we will not he undersold by any establish• ment in this county. We charge nothing far exhibit ing our goods. H. MIX & SON, November 26. %V. R. STORRS. ESTRAY SORREL MARE CAME to my enclosures, in Towanda township,on ‘Vednesday, the 19th inst., a stray Scree/M./IRE about 8 3 eaizi old; has a strip in the face, and is lame in or.e fore led. The owner is requested to come for ward. prove property, pay reasonable charges, and take said Mare away. L AMES nANTEE. Towanda tp., November 29. 1845. I,fioo Acres of Laud for Sal 6. OR SALE, about one thousand six hundred acres _Fr of Land, situate in South Creek township, Brad ford County and State of Pennsylvania, lying within twelve miles of Elmira, one of the most flourishing and growing business places in western New. York, and di rectly on and near the Williamsport and Elmira stage route and contemplated railroad line, between the two last mentioned places, and being the great thorough-fare between the interior of New York, and the southern and interior parts of Penna. This land being a sup iti; quality of upland. for farming purposes and it sing row ing thereon a considerable quantity of Pine r, of fers inducements not usually met with, and will be sold in lots of not less than one hundred acres, or in a body. For price and terms inquire of A. W. Johnston, Esq., Chesnut Street aliwe Broad, Philadelphia, or of the subsertber, Smithfield township, Bradford County, Penna• JOHN L. WEBB, Agent, December 2, 1645. '6w. UCLM' E,E15.1r.i- aL.4I"II'N. ta. THE S.dVINGS RINK. /OBIS action was brought for "downright murder," jt against the Cashier & Co. of the Towanda Sa vings Bank, for selling goods too cheap, and. thereby bringing leanness upon the " liferchant Princes" of the borough. But, with all their vaunted sayings, hired witnesses and combinations. together with the principal evidence admitted by us—(that goods were. sold Cheap er at Flynt & Co.'s than any other establishment)— we have at last come oil with our " capital increased," and obtained a signal victory over these would-be law' and order combinationi, and carried dismay even into the enemy's camp. In addition to our firmer stock of Fall Goods, we have just received Another Ark Load of Goods, which will be disposed of as liberally as heretofore.— Therefore we have to record the SIXTH PROVF.RD, That George E. Flynt & Co. cannot be_put down. 1:0 - Look-for The Borings Bank. _ dec3. ILIA RD WARE, of all descriptions, at No. 3.8. R. dec3. - BAIRD'S. NEW ARRIVAL.—Stone ware, Crockery Looking glasses, Brass Kettles, Brooms. Traveling baskets. d 3 ,BAIRBT malzmw 2.3couma .Itterney at Lau, F r F ec l i C il E ov in er th th %n p o ,, rth t ea c c e r o: ti ll in e s tri ee tt ROWidl tranre nt the north end of the building. d 3. 50 118 AM-- AL_F - JC`..9 And all kinds of GRAIN, wanted at this office on ace ..BONORABLE EXPATION SECURES REASONABLE SUCCESS." `II. S. & M. C. 31 - ercur, AVD the pleasure pLarumencing to the publit, their their 'unpre*catcd , heavy sides this fall, usve rendered it necessary to porchue another !aria stock of WINTER OWLS, which they are now to ceiving and offering for cash at Woken* we Tetra, at much lower prices than they can be foidid at any other store in Towanda. Cash purchasers of goods - can ses cure the following advantages by calling at our store: FIRST—The procuring of their goods at the least pool sible advance from the manufacturer's and importer's prices, as our goods ere purchased from first hands, at net cash prices. SEcosnt—Relief from the extra prices, which merchants who give credit must charge to cover losses by bad debts. collecting fees, 4c. Our stock is very heavy,embracing almost everything in the line of Dry Uoots,Gnxeries, (Litl oo rgucePted) Hardware,Crockery, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye stuff s, Boots and shoes, Saddlery Hanlwa riage Trimmings, &c. And eltho' our stock m goods is moth the heaviest in town, they were purchased so very low that they did not cost $25,000, or even $15,- 000, and our customers can have the benefit of our ad vantageous purchases, as our motto is, "Small profits and quick sales. Nov. 26,1845, PRINTS—The largest, most desirable and eheapeat amortmcnt of Prints in town, can be found at nov26 It orated Goods. ItDE DAINES, Crape de lames; C. D Econe o and Alpaccas, a Sne assaitosent, purchased in New York, after the late falling off in prices at , • nov26. MERCUEB'. fONNET VELVETS, Satins and Silks, with Ribbons to match, the best and cheapest assort- ment in town, at nv2G MERCURIO'. WLS—Every one wishing to purchase Shawls, 0 should by all means call where every thing in that line from tiventy•ftve cents up, is kept at prices to snit judges ofthe articles; it is needless to say that it is at nov26 MEROUR.T. Administrator's Notice. A LL. persons indebted' to the estate of HECTOR W. STRONG, late of Southport, N. Y. dee'd.., are requested to make immediate payment, and all those having demands against the same are requested to present them, legally attested for settlement. DANIEL. VANDERCOOE, Towanda, N0v.26, 1845. Administrator. INUSTICE.S , BLANKS, a full assortment just Cr printed and for sale at this office. aug2o. HARDWARE.—The largess assortment and greatest variety ever offered in Bradford county, 'wit received at MERCUR'S. DISSOLUTION THE co-partnership which heretofore existed be tween George Bred: jr. and William Angle, un der the firm of GREEK 41r. ANGLE, bas been this day dissolved, and all debts due the said firm have been assigned to the subscriber, who alone is authorized to collect and receipt the same. WM. ANGLE. Rummerefield Creek, November 17,4845. n 26 ' SAVINGS BANK ! Still Later, More Rich Goods. WEST received an invoice of the latest styles of Silks, 0 among which may he found Plain black and blue black, Ombra Striped Pon de See Camelion Reps with Satin Stripes, Genuine Polka Silks, Plaid Florences, Plain do., Plain silks for Bonnetts, a rare opportunity for those to purchase who intend doing so as they are cold only' shade above auction prices at' Oct. 20. G. E. FLYNT & CO'S. ANquan ity of Bleached and Brown Sheeting & Shirting of all qualities, blk, and whits Wadding, Wicking in Boxes, twine, cords, &c., at Nov.s WELLES & SATTERLEE'S. ONE holltou ARK ROPE bought vcrj low end will be soli) accordingly by WELLES & SATTERLEE OM WitNTED ircbange for goods any quantity of Butter, Tallow, Wheat, Rye, Oats, Timothy and Clover Seed, Hides, Lumber, and cash will not be refused by WELLES & SATTERLEE. SOMETHING NEW ! JUST XECEIVING, at the old store, on the cor ner of Main and Pine streets, a few doors below Montanyes 4- Co.'s, and nearly opposite No. I, Brick Row, an entirely new stock of GOODS, which -con sists in a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Hata 4• Cape. 4•c. Together with a general assortment of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, all of which have been selected with great care by myself in the New York market, and will be sold as cheap as can he sold by any living man in this Market. Ladies and Gentlemen can be satisfied of this fact by calling on the subscriber, at his stare.where ho will be in readiness at all times to wait upon I who favor him with a call. A. D. MONTANYE. a 7 Wanted, in exchange for Goa* either cast, grain, lumber, or shipping Furs, in almost any. quantity Towanda, November 19, 1845. AJ D. M. HURLBURT, Jr., superior cast steel AXES, jr • half a dozen boles, just received and for sale at the old stand of • novl9 • B. KINGSBERY. Sayings that have become Proverbs PRLIVISIID FIRST: [MEAT GEO. .E. FLYNT & CO., have the lar gest I.AD and most desirable stock of goods in Towanda. PaCITSail SECOND: That Lumber for Goods, or Goods for Lumber, cannot be carried on successfully without detriment to Cash Buyers. PUOVERII *l l / 1 111: That G. E. Flynt & Co. buy goods for Crab, and sell them fur the " ready." PROVERB rounru That G. E. F. & Co. are selling goods cheaper than any other establishment in this borough. And it is whispered, and soon will become a proverb (although we have been knowing to the fact for some time) that G. E. F. & are selling better goods and more of them. Those who doubt the abort, will please present themselves at our counter, where Goods are freely shown, and always warranted equal to reccommendation. ((„~ Look for Me Savings Bank. QLEIGH SHOES and Plough Points, (for Wayne 0 Co. Ploughs) at G. E. FLYNT & CO'S. Administrator's :Nctice. LL persons indebted to the estate of Leonard H. 7'homan.late of Springfield township deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having dam Inds against the said estate are requested to present them legally attested for settlement, to the sub scriber. JONATHAN WOOD, Administrator. Smithfield, Dec. 2, 1845. BONNETS, VELVETS & RI. lONS. JUST meeiveti a great variety of Bonnet Velvets and Silks together with Plaid, Fringed, Rainbow, Police, Satin, Ombre, Velvet, Cap and Taffeta Ribbons which you will readily discover are very cheap i by cal ling at no. 3 brick row. W.H. BAIRD & CO. GROCERIES 19 CHESTS of Tea, different kinds and qu aliti e s, which will be sold by the chest or less quanti ty, at such prices es to ensure the sale of the lot altho' rgaer than bought by any other merchant in Titiwinia. Call at - BAIRD'S No. 3 B. R. Fitf lIH'DS SUGAR, 5 do. Molasses - bought Ili first kilt hands and will be sold accordingly by . . W. H. BAIRD & CO.. Nn. 3. B. R: Administrator's Notice. LL persons indebted to the estate of Abner Tbo. mas, late 'of Smithfield tp.. dec'd.are requested to make immediate payment, and all those havingdemaiula ar,einst the same are requested to present them, legally, attested for settlement to the subscriber. JONATHAN WOOD, Administrator. Smithfield. Dec. 2, 1845. Administiator'illotice. LL persons ,indebted to the estate of Abner N. iggoi l Thomas, late of Smithfield tp4 deceased, are re. quested to matte immediate payment. and all those hay ing detriands against the same are requested to present them, legally attested for settlement to the subscribeis. JONATHAN WOOD, Administrator: Smithfield, Dec. 2, 1845. 'l O7 -1 06 1 0131 -'' MIME stitieriber has jusi received a' general assort / nient of Xew Goo4N selected With ode. ifud suitable for the Winter trade. rite stock:embraces Dry, :Goods, Groceries, Tar ar Crockery. Boots. Shoes and „Caps. 'AND A VERY EXTENSIVE illSortillNT OF CICXXZEI tritanasszumr9 ' which sill be wild on tbi mod reseonablit Cash terms. The public are Invited to call and examine, ' Nov. 10.1845. .1 KINGBBENT. JR. , MONTANYES & CO. S Cheap Cash inalesals Commission k Jobbing Mote: THE above establishment hu lately been eniarged ju and improved, and is being replenished with a new stock of Fashionable WINTER GOODS, which in addition to their former large stock of staple Goods, makes it the most . desirable place for large purchases, as also:for shopping, insown. 'Their new stock con sists in part of French; English and American-Cloths and 'Satinetts, cashmere de ecosiii and mouiselin de brines, of the newest styles and patterns, gro Swiss,fig'il poult de soul and watered strip'd Silks, diaroon for ladies' skirts, and a new article of fringe fOr dresses ; plaid cashmere and Turku' shawls, and a thousand 'other et caters, necessity to please the MERCURIr Their dock of Groceries, Boots and Shoes, flats and Caps, Buffalo Bohes, Oils and Paints, Iron and Nails, and most articles that the wants of the community re quire, will be fOund well assorted and selected, and of fered to purchailers on as good terms or better than in 4-ty °tithe neighboring villages in the slate of N. Y. Nod. 12. J. D. dr, E. D. MONTANYE & CO. 4 ( ; A NEr §1 i p, LIiTON KINGSBERY. is flow receiving at his !-'!, old stand, ilrhich has been going off for' eighteen ears, where goods of all kinds has been sold and WILL • .sold, lower than at any other stare in this Coon . A very large stock of all kinds of goods which has n selected with great care and attention, and bought st each prices of the importers end manufitcturera, that it would be a ruinous business for any firm in the Brick Row, or any where else, to undertake to sell goods as cheap as I can, and will. If my friends and the public generally, will call before they make their purchases elsewhere, they will find that this notice isnot put in the paper fora BLUFF, like some by the side of it ; but, it means what it says. I have a general assortment of every kind and descrip. tion of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Boots 4• Shoes. Nails. Iron, Leather, 4-c. I A' ceebra. •1:: • -.c i e s , I Suspenders—a new article. for sale at ITP• 27. B.'KINGSBERY'S. SOLE & UPPER LEATHER, for sale by sep. 27. B. KZNGSBERY nODFISH, Mackerel and Shad, for gale by VII up. 27. D. KINGSBERY COTTON YARN, Knitting Yarn, Balls, Wicking, Wadding—any quantity for sale aery, low, by asp. 27. H, KINGSBERY. 2 TON Fall rivet N aep. 27. DYE WOODS, PAINTS do OILS, of every dea cription, for sale, one notch below -the market. cep. 24 'FIATS & CAPS, withont number, for sale lower than was ever before heard of, by .cep 24 ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND cubic feet of W. Oak and White Pine Tinber for sawing purposes liiTdeered on the bank or at Port Deposit, wanted in cherange for goods and some cash by Nos .5, WELLES & BATTERiiEE. BUSHELS99S . of Timothy and Flax SEED, wanted to exchange for goods ' at REED'S -,--. litiam Scott, EU I IP 1 - . E . 5r &II 110 VY . 9 MIETILL promptly and punctually render hid proles. sional services in Agencies. Collations, and other matters in his profession, entrusted to his care. . Office in the New Bride Block—seat Morn over t h e Post Office, entrance on the north side. Nov. by ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. v . persona indebted to estate of Hear Ps mous, deed, late of Springfield tp. are requested to make imtnediatepayment, and all those having demandsagainst the same are requested to present them, legally attested for settlement. JOHN PARSON/3, Crockery, Boots 4. Shoes, I. W.FASSETT, Springfiel&Nov. 12, 1845. Mministra!nrs. ALL PERSONS knowing themselves to be indebt• ed to me for official services, are respectfully re. quested to call at my (the Register's) office, awl settle the same immediately and save emits. My term of of fice being about to expire, it therefore becomes absolute ly necessary for me to settle up my affairs. JULIUS RUSSELL. Reg. dr, Rem, and C. O. C. Nov. 12,.1845 COTTON BATTING, wadding, wicking, and car pet warp for ealo at N0v.12. .HEED'S, N 0.2. Brick Row. MORE of those A No. 1, Boots, just received. Together with a large quantity of Ladies Shoes viz—gaiter boots, ties, slippetai buskins, and little one to match. novl2 G. gi FLYNT & CO. HATS & CAPS—a large assortment of every dr acription. They are selling very cheap. November 12. - G. E. FLYYT & CO. DR. J. N. SEINER, DENTIST; WILL make his next professional visit to Towrn• da, early in February, 1846. Dr. 8. will, dors ing his stay, make a short visit to Athens.. Nov. 5. . CooolS an lE ib L r E s tr e fir be t pjust in BAIRD'S, No. 3 Brick Row. toVvp at SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of best Velvet, Ali Stilted, Silk. and tig'd Velvet, Winter bonnets, or sale by SOLELEATIMItr—Brat quality. " Comforters," a few dozens, 'Cupetings and Floor Oil Cloths. Carpet and Cotton Yarn. ' Bagging—an article unequalled for durability No , 12. At the SAVINGS BANK. IPDAEL'iICr PERSONS indebted to the subscriber for Drugs di Medicines or otherwise, will save costs by settling weir accounts' before the first November nest. 0ct.7.1845. IE.H.MASON. A FEW BARRELS TANNERS OIL, for Mir • Ocra.MEROBR'S 20 ,34 1.111.u5tr LE i t r U szi P d PE fo ß r u tE i A t TH Nov. u. REED'S. tifEBLIS of Dotter and Sodas CRACKERS, for JIL sale by C. REED. • SAVINGS BANK ! • myrk DIFERENT styIeiDRESS GOODS, co guy nsisting of A. & . Henrys sad. Silk Warp Alpacce, Arcadian Lustres, Cameliofl Lustre*, Orleans cloths, Romeliu, Imperial Stripe and figured, Lustres, Semendriana new style, very rich Cashmere/. Moulin De Lanes, Thlbet Merinos, some magnificent Faris printed Cashmere d'Ecoue, Rich Ombra, Stripe A !pacer, and many other styles of I dress goods for the tatlieei it makes it 20 pet cent cheaper for the ladies u they are found only at G. E. FLYNT & 4X1',13. SIDING WANTED-300,0 1 feet of zIDI,NG, on contract, or in small quantitieS, at my stor e, in ex. change for mat or goods. d 3 R. FOWLER. SPLENDID lot of Blurb, Silk, Fur oud Spouting aik, Oil *silk, velvet mid fur caps, together with Muffs, and °Ballo robes, for Sale cheap at Oct.. , THE QUESTION SETTLED. A JURY of twelve ladies has decided, thattlei piece A iitrektee Fre& Tem (no appeal of clime) is at noorr 4 CO'S fui sale cheap .by B. K[NGSBERY B. KINGSBERY B. KI,NGSBERY It U 1 f§ ll' . 0 .:th 311113 8 p r• I • Id: 'bi--fig `'„f; • Vitt • • it ; T '''. "MIXAN _ • • TAKE exceeding , great pleasure in announcing to the.liObSe that their eitensiee assortment of "ALL WINTER o,ooDN.consisting of . . DRY-GOODS;'GROCERIE4 -HARDMIRE CROCKERE r hoots',:Shorty von, Nall, Itiplherf o(c., - • • • Is in ,market;' Opened anyeady fdr their:numeruus euatornere, and ri iil Ise sold theurcr for Cask, lAciis our. bought al any other` establishment in town,t Ylre do nut, say this for the' purpose of customer" dna our store (ai tithe practice with sonic o f our neighbora,) but merely that the citizens of Bradford Cereal's/say know be at Where to buy goods to tbeir Interest., . • . - It is gratifying for us to know that we hetie enjoyed some of the "smiles and favors" of a generous peat:fee a number of years; and we will by no means make assertions that we eminre, and eta pot intend to full% least we might; likeamus of our neighbors, receive their frowns. But we we wish . every man. wotnsh and that to know the fact, that we will sell ourentire stockOf New and Fitshitmabfe Goods,wt abs extreme low tale of 1121 'per cent. above coat and transportation 1 , Towanda, October ,27. 1845. . THE TOVaitlli 1,11101/BANK! . •. ... :GEORGE - E. FLY N T & CO. . .. • : .. .Ire again in the Field with, fifteen - thousand dollars' worth of the cheapest and most desirable .. . • - stork of:Goods ever' brou . kht into Brat ford Coynty / . ' . . THE Cashier & Co. of the TOWANDA BA VIN'GS BANS, tender' theft' sinceli flithlks for ' the .very"fis bend patronage heretofore secured. and trust by strict attention to business; end telling goodecheeper thin any other establishment, to merit a enntinuanee of limit smiles and favors.. ~Our dock of goo& consists Of Hof, known variety and, style of Dry Goods, from (ho first auction houses in the city of . :New York, and magi. ed with great care expreasly,:for this meridian. Also. a large Selection of . 3 .. - Family 6roeerie4 Shelf Hardware; trotkerT, hoots it Shoo t ... Maslow linire, irois,'Araits, styes. - and an'Unusual quantity of HABERDASHERY,, to make our stork of useftil and ornamental eiitPlete. oar stock of goads were purchased for cash. and for cash will be sold as cheap as at ihughamhot,Eltnireter Cheers. and decidedly cheaper than any establishment in Towanda: Time and space Will not allow us to enumerate the many new, rich and desirable geode, but Will be shown to all who ram us With a callowith pleasure. REMEMBER and call one doot belowTracy - 4k Moore, where the " pay-down" - systetu is in fail foree and as a consequence, are not overcharged with delinquencies in the Credit system, oradditirme made ID suppoa the Lumber trade. • One- price, and no deviation is the true system." , ~ (I A call is solicited, before purchasing elsewhere, at 13'0. 5, south end, Brick Row. Towanda, October 21, 1845. GEORGE E. PI.YNT & CO. The Last and Mod Important Arrival Yet at the TOWO/0.4, CHE4P S 7 NM, • 'No. 1, Mick Row. GREAT BARGALNS are now , offered , the people of Bradford county, by the subscriber, who is nor' receiving and opening , ore of the largest and best select ed assortment of goods over brought into the village •of Towanda. His stock of gelds has been selected with great care expressly for this market, and as prices of the old Xredit syStern are necessarily high, he offers great in. docements to all who may have cash or produce to ex. ehabge for goods. His stock consists in an assortmentuf DItY GOODS, such as broadcluths, cassimeres, and vesungs, isthmus, sheep's gray, hard times, honey wool. seys, a splendid assortment of Winter Shawls, ladies' cravats, gloves, hosiery, suspenders, and ten thousand ar ticles, too numerous to mestion. • • . Groceries. Such as sugsr, tea, coffee, molasses, spices, lamp andlin seed oil, a full supply of Liquors, such as Champagne, Cognise and American Brandy, Holland Gin, Old Md. nongehala whiskey, Port, !Necktie and Malaga' Wine. Arso--Crockery, Hardware. Nails, Glass, Iron, Leath. er, Boots & Shoes, Buffalo Robes, Hats &Caps, Drugs do Dye Stuffs, &c. &c. AU persons wishing to purchase goods are respectfully invited to give the subscriber a call, and examine his goods and piices before purchasing elsewhere. CHARLES REED, 2 Brick Row. Oct. 1, 1845 H. S 1 & M. C. MERCUR, V 7 , 0 CIL D r espee tfu Ily announce to the good chi. zens of Bradford and aajoioing counties, the arrival at t h e TO WA NDA CASH STORE, of the largest and most general assortment of Dry GoOls. Groceries, Hardware. Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Dye-lroods, Paints. Oils, , Ever opened in Towanda, and which will be, sold fot CASH at Wholesale or retail at lower prices than, the same quality of goods are selling by any of our bluffing neighbors, as our, 'foods are purchased with greatcate —principally for cash—of the importers and manufacits. arra. Towanda, aept. 10,1845. ein&Mß A MSIM3 N93 l t V u fis t n oc k t 1 of Dr u g s, Groceries j i n u es t PaiM Oils,in d eoyme New York, and will be sold very low—call at No. 1 Brick Row. Terms cash. A. S. CHAMBERLIN. Oct. 1, 1845. BOOTS & SHOES—A very Woe stock of every kind and size, at lower prices than ever, will' be found at MEIUi R'S. • Wayne County Ploughs, 4DOZ Wayne county ploughs, for sale at the Ss sings Bank. Plough merchants 'applied at manu facturers prices, and Farmers on the most reasonable terms. G. E. FLYNT sj- CO. July 30. N0..5 Brick Bow. HE Copartnership heretofore existing between the T subscribers under the firm of H. Kingsbery 4 Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persona indebted t said firm are fequestcd to settle their ac commits with H. 8. Comstock, who 'will continue the business at the old stand. HENRY KINGHHERY, H. STANLEY : CHASTIick. Athens Ps, Oct. I, 1845. CROCKERY—Large altliticas.hare been male to; our stock of Crockery—our assortment is now complete. nnal2 G.E.. FLYNT & CO. SALT—More of th at Fresh halt," so much talked, of, just received at FLYNT & Those wuo sold goodson Thanksgiving day," regardless of their word, ought to have a litho sprinkled upon their-- heads. - C 1 REED The Resurrection of Dead Watches! Warner lifizOtirlar zlitt respictfully inform the citizens of in k Tmaamla and vicinity, that they / Pf hate formed a partnership for the purpose of prosecuting, for the ;Pi - , public interest. the business of c ) . 1 - Clock and %latch Repaitiirc at the old - and well-known stand of Capt. 1. M. Gal ion. (numbered 100.) next door north of Col. Bailey's Grocery store. oral two doors south of Elliott & Mei' ur, where they will give , their midis/dell attention to their business., and confidently inform, tile public, that from their long experience in their profession. and a determi nation to attend punctually to the. interests of those fa. voting them with their work, they believe they can rely der satisfaction, acrd make refractory dine-pieces, • " Point with - tineeiing ifn,, ,, ef to the marelinf raft! They 'will be found at all hours, at their establish went, and solicit a share of public Patronage. 07 AU kind's of .Cbunt►u Pnaidee.'receivetl in pay ment for work, at the market:price.' Nov. 26, 1946. • DRESS GOODS. ADIES ant.particularly requeqed to roll and ex amine ourAwsonnwnt of AU Woo/ °mire bah mem, Nazarenehl tut Dalai nes, winter lukari nes prince. de eeelow, Vieniria firined eashinereA, (Zurek Ann plaideend.nhecka. &c.. with gimpa,'eonbinnil vet trimming in match, new exhibiting at lio,3,Briek Row; We say they are 25 per cent. ehevper Shan ever. deca, • BAIRD. & CO, PRINTS! PRINTS! PINTS! i i-imucqEs-500 PIECES, which Were bought for 11.1 Chedir on the City Dankrof the'manuracturer's 'agents, (tot at • Auction,' where all Intetior.gooda are '4l) and Gill be sold here as cheap as any merchant (who bought before the decline) paid.,- , • dee3.— • tide Mi3:1111ICK ROW. CAS • BRATS, aturia large stock. of CAPS, now cheoPeat store in Towanda-iveiy . body Mogi ihtni that No:S,"trick Roui. MM!=M=U;IMPI=II NOTICE. UlllNgrY a 0 61 1 :15 ELE Elliott &-- IMi6rcur, AE NOW REt...EIVINO; a vett large ,and very .general aasortreent- of Pd! and Winte Npodis, which they-olfer to the public on liberal terma,llifcesti; grain, or approved credit; Their spec consists of almost everything that any One wishes ter buy. Anal for the hem& of those who wish to pUrchase merchandise of any kind, and *ant to know where to find it, they will ehninerato a feei Colt the many articles thhy have for sale: ' Ladies' silk hiI3WIS end black teepole ; Gents satin cravats and tempenoy nailer . Colored satin, for ladies. bonnets, and . . Glazed bats for men; 'Knitting Pins and eroW&Ms; Carpet tacks and vest pattente 1 Broad Axes and elpacess; - ' M. detainee and wagon butes; - - Printed blue teas and young hyeon tea; - Umbrellas and German pipes i Pocket knites atul loaf sugar ; 'Molasses and coarse briota ; Ladies eel. hose and steel cern hoes I . .„ Leaner' night caps, for six cents, and Men's sedate calm for 123 cents; - - • - Ladies linenJulkfis for one shilling, and Plenty of Brattish and Swedes iron, all street. India rubber cloth fOr carriage, covers and Bettutiful figotrd!paccas tor ladies' cloaks; Ladies boas and. muffs, and lampblack; Leghorn bonnets and stoma jugs; Blackaand blue Ink and spirits turpentine; Lamp oil and Culonge water ; ..• Sweet oil and sarsaparilla syrup; Blue vitriol end best Java and Rio coffee; Wafers and buck shot; Indellible ink and pure dry end ground *bits load I Looking glasses and cut tumblers; Tea kettles and black silk stockings; Candle wicking and bed cords; ; • Coat Buttons and writing paper; Shell combs and carded skirts Bonnet ribbons and cavendlth tobacco ; Plough points and cap ribbons; Ladies dress h'alls:and stove tubes; Assorted Needle's, and best Nutria hats; Steel pens and shovel plough patterns; Plated hub bands and silk scarfs for ladles; , Cotton Yarn and wire wives ;, Awl blades and pins, assotted sites; Ladies kid slippers and nail hammers; Willow baskets and gimp cords: Men and boys' cloth carps and ; lane irons; Knives and forks and ark raep a Cast steel and steel thimbles; Brass kettles and brass thimbles; Beaver cloth and cotton batting; Pepper boxes and-shoe knives; Bonnet boards and slate pencils; Carpet binding and inkstands; .• Coach lace and handsaws; ydirßaisins and sawmill saw I Seidlitz powders and try rig squares ; Rubber overshoes and 3 inch spikes I Sleigh bells and steel rds; Cassimeres and ivor combs; Gridirons and we ng cord ; Whale bone patent saw setts; Suspender mid patent door butts; ~ Firmer' chisels and laces for ladies' caps; . Pon handkerchiefs and hair brushes: roses and women's Id. cot.gloves &hair brashest Cocoanut dippers and teeth brushes; Colored cambric and door handles I Augur blue and children shoes: Woolenahawls and gum cape; Black tea and patent wheelheads I Morrocco belts and tea servers; Saddler's silk and mouse traps; , Bennet wire and stone churns; Plaid linseys and sash pulleys; Patent blind fastenings and butts, (a hew article) I Spoke shares and door mese Black snuff and-madder $ • • Brittannia lamps and shoe strings; Win, and bl.silk gloves and gun flints; Sattinet of all kinds and gunpowder; . Mina( eattle and satin vesting; , Curry Combs and fur ceps; Hair combs and Mel fastenings; . Glass dishes and wool• ds; Corset lacers and trace- tains; • Brass back combs and ca aof all 'lll3llllOSi trace - Sash cords and corn w 'lisp's ,• , . Criate & - aniass - Padalintrithd hyde *hips) Furniture prints and razor strops: Table covers and tnneys geography's; , Coarse shorn and polished augurs) Linen eambric,and sole leather; . . : • Hoop iron and linen edging & insertion t . Florence silks and brown sheetings ; Cap wire and copal varnish; Idn:Oil tind - fluseia diaper ; 131 k. French.erape and American dote locket Mineral knob locks and white hese crape; Chrome yellow and green ' and coat binding I Inillr end ribbon tenet y Cream Tarter and silk cards and tassel/It Horse blankets and brass nails; Tea slits anti setts teas' , Spirit levels and spool club& ; • Towanda, September 'l9. 1815, . .. . , IIIA Vk: (;‘)t.kiis FOR THE J.A a)1E4.4., among. I which are enphineriw,, Mouppe Deloine. plaid fi'd end rills work Alimcca. 6-t plaid Cloaking, OrdlesEo TTrimmings, to ciniroPond, dm. 4 e. pplid2.4. , it. KINTHODERT. . . .. J 1 1' kfiOKINGI 'EV 18 - A FACT, nehmiwiedge4l 4'611. that the beet CIGARS in town;an , to be hml a the pep. 17. CENTRAL DRUG STORE. PAINT S h OILS, llye woods Old Dir e sitar • avery large stock, just,teraivad at DA IRIES „„S”' KEGS. NAIL.B and one . aide UPPER _LEAT H. "JP ER at No. 3 BRICK ROW. :• YE TON of KIPP & UM.F tsKilizt , 'Svosbe cheapct than idly place in town at BAIRD'S. El