Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 17, 1845, Image 3

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plication of the principle of Pargationbeingallowedto be
one of the vilest uulity in the cure and prevention of
( B o sses, it Is of the greatest consequence to ascertain
whit medicine is capable of producing the desired effect,
t he e asiest, and at the same time, in thermost effectual
m anner.
Brandreih's Universal Vegetable Pills remove
foes ac immulations, and purify and invigorate the blood,
50d their good efeeets are not counterbalenced by any M
aio-mime.: being coiaposed entirely of vegetablas they
do not expose those who use them to danger ; and their
e ff ec ts are as certain as they are salutary; they nre'dai
ly sod safely administered to infancy, youth, manhood
and Al age, and to women in the most critical and deli.
ci te circumstances. They do not disturb or shock the
animal functions, but restore their order and reestablish
their health.
Sold by J. D. & E. D. MONTANTE, Towanda ; G. A.
PISKINS, Athens, only authorized Agents for Bradford
liam Andrews, (Universalist) will preach at
Monroe on next Sunday, (28th insL,) at 11 o'clock A.
M., and in the Court Hotise in this bore', in the evenint,
at ply candlelighting.
ALL persons are forbid harboring or trusting any
person or persons at my expense, without my
written order; to I shall pay no debts contracted by any
person, other than myself and those haviug‘orders, after
Cherry tp.. Lycoming co., December 17, 1845.
irHE subscriber has for sale—A new two horse wa
go. ; one 4 horse wagon, partly worn: sleighs,
and bobs, harness, &c., &c. Also, 3or 4 good HOR
sm A pair of young OXEN, believed superior to
any in the country of their age.
Also, many articles necessary for farming and team
ing patposes,all of which will be sold cheap (or cash or
approved credit. ADDISON ArKEAN.
Towanda, December 17, 1845.
STRAYED OR STOLEN from the subscriber, on
or about the 11th inst., a RED COW, about 11
or 12 yen:sold. Whoever will return said cow or give
information where she may be found, will be liberally
re warded. • ADDISON .M'KEAN.
Towanda, Deeembqr 17, 1845.
I. O. OF O. 11
becomes our duty again to announce the receipt of
more rich and valuable goods, which we are offering
'4lO cheaper (if possible) than heretofore.
We have for cash buyers. the following goods:
100 pa. blk and blue silk Alpecas ;
50 figd and changeable goods, for dresses ;
150 sts les DeLaines and cashmeres;
1500 ids. Calicoes—in addition to our former large
sock—the contents of one box, just received.
40 ps. Cloths, all shakes and colors ;
15 • Bk and Fancy Cassimeres ;
_2O ' Satinetts, all pricfs.
•Irma, Nails, Sled, any quantity. and Shelf Hardware
in abundance. The " people" of Bradford county, have
looked long and anxiously for the time to come when
goods could be purchased at their real value. Far the
la t nx months we have satisfied the most skeptical, and
wish to inform our friends that we are not to close busi
ness in the spring, as reported, but shall continue to do
lattlefur the friends of Cheap Goods, as lung as it will
benefit the county of Bradford. It is told in this way—
We have, we can, and we will.
December 17. GEO. E. FLYNT Is CO.
,Towanda Merchants, -) Indictment for "downright cour
t der," "'selling goods too cheap."
rs. Tried before the people of Brad
rif Sharings Bank. ford county.
If appearing to the satisfaction of all the jury, (cora
po,ed of all Brrdford Co.) that the price of Salt at
tae Shay ins Bank was raised to 14 shillings per bbl.
t!le next alter No. 3, got out, who hail been selling for
10 rhilling,s per bbl. And it also being conclusively,
prov 4 that the said Shavings Bank are about 15 per
cent. behind No. -3, in selling goods cheap, the jury
without leaving the box acquitted the defendant, and as
the verdict was rendered, the crier of thr court call'd out,
Oh, yes! oh, yes ! oh, yes !
The only genuine cheap aura in Towanda, is No. 3,
Now, George, be you should burst up
No. 3, I should LIST. " Fresh Salt," nor even salt
petre won't save your.... head from
Two slrigh loads of New Goods, jusr received. at
Dec. 37. BAIRD'S, N 0.3, Brick Row.
rOUND, in the street, in Towanda, partially buried
in the snow,a large Blanlmt SHAWL. The own
<r ran have it by calling at this office, and paying charges.
Dec. 10, 1845. .
WHIG AI t MANAC'S fur 1846, just received and
14 sale by M ERCURS'
A I.l.persons inhehted to the estate of Timothy Brig
gl4 t. ham, late of Granville, dec'd, are requested to
make payment ; and those having demands against said
cAne, to present them legally attested for settlement.
JONATHAN WOOD, Administrator.
Smithfield, Dee. 9 1815.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of Anna Dim
mick, of Orwell, deceased, are requested to make
lament; and those having demands against said es
tate, so present them legally attested for settlement
AIIASA DINIMICK, Administrator.
Orwell, December 10, 1845. •
lab lonroe Corners, with full Winter's Supplies,
ROGERS FOWLER has just filled, by the last
trip of the heat, f or th e se ason, his large and
commodiousuew-store-house with a complete and well
assorted lot of Winter Goods, selected carefully by him-
LO the New York and Philadelphia markets to suit
the season, with a special view to the tastes and wants
of his neighborhood.
He respectfully invites an examination or his eaten
sire stock—which he offers at an invariable cash price
—comprising, generally,
Cloth., Caps, Hats, Hosiery, Hardware, Nails and
Cutlery, Crockery, Stoneware, Tinware,
smentary Books, Stationery, Staple and
~;•1 Fancy Dry Goods, Drugs and Dye
Stuffs, De Laines, Alpaccas,
I Prints,Shawlx,Sheetings,
,Flannels, &c., &c.
6 elt, every variety of goods required in this market,
of the latest styles and of the best qualities according to
Pacts, which shall be sold as low as can he afforded at
thy other establishment intended for permanent busi
ness, Full as his stoi:e is, he has room trade
la, and abundance of light to teat the quality of his goods.
LUMBERMEN, in exchange for Boards. or Shingles
shall have all articles at cash prices, for he has no oth
ers; and they will find, at the same rates, in addition
largeneral assonment,a constant supply of GRAIN,
FLOtR, FISH, PORK, SALT, and all the necessa
ries Ea well as the conveniences of life.
_ .
FARMERS' produce bought at all times, at good
Prices, and its fair an exchange made for goods as by
say dealer in the county. •
Persons going to the mine for COAL, can savehaul
int by leaving their loading here, (several miles this
side,) at the coal-bed prices, and taking an order on the
mimes, which, under his arrangement, will be other
wise to their mutual advantage, by securing to purcha
sers coal at the most favorable rates of barter there, and
Tint to the miners the'cost of bringing surplus pro.
once back to market.
R.F. has heard of pigmy souls, near Franklierlale
'Mem, the old "yellow comer,' whitened over like
the sepulchre, and in some other dark corners, which
could find no good answer to the question—" mho is
my neighbfir 7" but he has passed their reach, not cor
imed yet, and he allures the community which has
imposed so many obligations in him by past confidence
that he cannot risk its continuance, by stopping to kidc
off whits, or making announcements which he is on-
Prepared to fulfill. Monroe, Dec. 3, 1845.
S(DING WANTED-300,000 ket of SIDING, on
_ connect, OT in small quantities, at my Mom, in ex
`4l43ge for cast or rods. 113 R. FOWLER.
WITHE undersigned are under many and deep obliga-,.
lions to their numerous friends for the Very libe
ral patronage they have received, for which we tender
you many thanks ; and we have no doubt of a continu
ance of your ''sifet andfiroors" so long as we con
tinue to sell goods cheaper than any atom within It°
miles of us.
We nostrhlue the pleasurit of informing our [amide
and customers and. the public generally that we are re
ceiving direct from N. York, a larger and better assort
ment of Goode, that we. or any other merchants ever
brought to this market, consisting of
Dry Goods 4- Groceries, Glass 4- Nails.
Crockery ,Sr Hardware, Iron 4- Salt.
Drugs 4- Aledicines, Leather 4- RA.
Dye IFoods§-Dye Stuffs, I . Boots Er Shoes 4.c.
We gave notice in our last advertisement that "we
had Henry Shelden 4. Co., floored—" since which time
some of our neighbors have been firing their Wile pop
guns at us, but its of nO use—men who have stood at
the cannon's mouth u long as we have, cannot be
frightened by such small trash.
We can assure our worthy neighbors who have fal
len sadeeply in love with the terms " .hluff" and "bltif:
fing," that it is our intention so long as we remain in
business to always have a riven of Goods, and after
the gross attempt made in 1842 to prevent our buying,
we are not so green as to go to the ci.y without a
FULL HAND, which in addition to the experience of
one of our firm in the city trzde (having been for some
time a clerk in N. Yolk city,) enablPs us to buy goods
cheaper than merchants generally from the country can.
So just come ors, all ye who want to buy-cheap for
CASH, call at no. 3, shake "the ready" at us and you
"are eciught—" or if you have a load of produce "give
tie the wink" and we ate crier you.
For more particulars look along through the paper.
W.H.BAIRD & CO., No. 3. B.Row.
Towanda, Nos.`2s, 1845.
Oh Gosh ! ! What Proverbs ! !
Try it again Master G.,
You may wake up old no. 3.
It has long since ceased to be necessary,
Foy no, 3 to say they they have the largest and best
stock of Goods in Towanda, for that has long been " A
It has long since-ceased to be necessary,
For no. 3 r ..say they buy goods for cash and buy them
10 per cot L cheaper than most of their neighbors, for
that too h long been "A Pao erns."
II rlong since reased to be necessarry,
For no. to say they ore selling and will sell goods
cheaper ..,an any estahrstiment in Towanda, fur that
too has long been " A PriovEl/3."
It never has been necessary,
For no. 3 to say they would sell goods for " per
cent profit —" for we can do that and then sell at a
price less than many of our neighbors pay for the same
goods in the city—and that too has lo g been "A Pao-
We trust that it never will e necessary,
For nn. 3 to boast of " rtrinini , " any body by selling
goods cheap either in " BriCkl7kolll " or IVood Row—
we sell goods cheap to benefit community and not to
ruin them, this too has also long been " A PROVERB. "
It is no whi.sper—
But in the mouth of every body, even the little boys in
the streets proclaim it aloud, that no. 3 are selling " bet
ter goods and more of them" than any other establish
ment in Town,—wonder how long since some of our
neighbors found out this was " A Pnovano 1 "
Just continue your old practices, drop in at no 3 before
you buy, where no charge is made for exhibiting goods.
N0v.25, 1845. W.H.BAIRD & CO.
IGIRENCIL English and American Broad Cloths of
all colors and qualities, also Beaver and Pilot
Cloth for overcoats, and perhaps it would be as,usel: to
mention that we have over ONE LI UNDRUD different
styles of Cassimere, Fifty pieces Satinetts, be-ides twen
ty odd of Sheeps Grey, which we are now selling at just
about two thirds the usual price in town.
W. H. BAIRD & CO:, No. 3 B. R.
11,4 OMESTIC Call'ONS-5000 yds. Sheettngs ;
1500 lbs. Cotton Yarn ;
. M P
500 " batty ;
150 " wick, on hand and for sale at last
summer's prices. nv26 W. H. BAIRD & CO.
To Farmers, Ltinsbermin and others.
New ,Store in Standing Stone !
MIX 4 . STORRS, respectfully announce to the ci
tizens of Standing Stone and vicinity, that they
have termed a partnership, and are now opening at the
old stand of Peter C. Ward, lately occupied by N. 1).
Warford, Nyhete they offer for sale an extensive stock of
staple and fancy Goods, consisting of •
Dry'Coods, Groceries, hardware, Crockery,
Iron, nails, boots and shoes, sole & upper leather, flour
and pork, &c., which have been selected expressly for
this market, and bought for ready pay, and will be dis
posed of at the lowest possible rates, for Boards, Shin
gles, and Lumber, of every quality, wheat, corn. rye.
oats, beef bides, and produce of ,alenianner and sorts.
We respectfully ask those pu , chas:nefor Cash to give
us a call, as we will not be undersold by any °stab! . h
ment in this county. We charge nothing far exhibit
ing our goods. H. MIX & SON,
November 26. • W. R. STORRS.
- -
CAME to my enclosures, in Towanda township,on
Wednesday, the 19th inst., a stray Sorrel MARE
about 8 years old; has a strip in the face, and is lame
in one fu'e leg. The owner is requested to come for
ward, prove property, pay reasonable charges, and take
said mare away. J A MLS SANTEE.
Towanda tp., November 26, 1845.
1,600 Acres of Land for Sale.
WI OR SALE, about one thousand six hundred acres
jr of Land, situate in South Creek township, Brad
ford County and State of Pennsylvania, lying within
twelve miles of Elmira, one of the most flourishing and
growing business places in western New York, and di
rectly on and near the Williamsport and Elmira stage
route and contemplated railroad line, between the two
last mentioned places, and being the great thorough-fare
between the interior of New York, and the southern and
interior parts of Penna. This land being a superior
quality of upland, for farming purposes and having grow
ing thereon a considerable quantity of Pine Timber, of
fers inducements not usually met with, and will be
sold in lots of not less than one hundred acres, or in a
body. For price and terms inquire of A. W. Johnston,
Esq., Chesnut Street abase Broad, Philadelphia, or of
the subscriber, Smithfield township, Bradford County,
Penna. JOHN L. WEBB, Agent.
December 2, 1845
THIS action was brought for "downright murder."
against the Cashier 'et Co. of the Towanda Sa
vings Bank, for selling goods too cheap, and thereby
bringing leanness upon the " Merchant Princes" of. the
borough. But, with all their vaunted sayings, hired
witnesses and combinati - ons, together with the principal
evidence admitted by us—(that goods were sold cheap
er at Flynt St Co.'s than any other establishment)—
we have at last come off with our " capital increased."
and obtained a signal victory over these would-be `law'
and order combinations, and carried dismay even into
the enemy's camp. In addition to our former stock of
Fall Goods, we have just received
Another Ark Load of Goods,
which will be disposed of ns liberally as heretofore.—
; Therefore we have to record the
That George E. Flynt & Co. cannot be put down.
(0 - - Lack far the Sayings Bank. , dec3.
111ARDWARE,,of all deacriptions, at No. 3.E. R.
dec3. BAIRD'S.
NEW ARRIVAL.—StoiIe ware, Crockery ;
Looking glasses, Brass Kettles, Brooms.
Traveling baskets. d 3 BAIRD'S
IEI M inalTr 113 OS' 111 9
.41torney at Law,
OFFICE in the north corner of the Brick Row.di•
redly over the Post Office, Main street. a - 3'En•
trance at the north end of the buildinz. d 3.
3113LAILIIIV ear, 11131121V31C5,
And all kinds of GRAM; wanted at Shia gem on met.
H. S. & M. , C. 'Hercur, -
iv AVE the pleasure of 'announcing to the public ,
ji that their unprecedented heavy soles this fall,
have rendered it necessity to purchase another large
stock of WINTER GOODS, which they are now re•
ceiving and offering for cash atm/mks& or retail, at
Much lower prices than they can be found at any other
store in Towanda. -Cash purchasers of goods can se
cure the following advantages by calling at our store:
Ft asr—The procuring of their goods at the least pos
sible advance from the manufacturer's and importer's
prices, as our goods are purchased from first hands,
st net cash prices.
SECOND—Relief from the extra prices, which merchants
who give credit must charge to cover losses by bail
debts. collecting fees, 4c.
Our stock is very heavy,embtacing almosteverything
in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries, (Liguorsexcepted)
Hardware, Crockery, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oil.,
Dye stuff's, Boots and shoes, Saddlery Hardware, Car
riage Trimmings, Zsc. And altho' our stock of geode
is much the heaviest in town, they were purchased so
very low that they did not cost $25,000, or oven $15,-
009, and our customers can have the benefit of our ad
vantageous purchases, as our motto is, "Sinai! profits
acid quick sales. Nov. 26,1845.
DRINTS.—Tbe largest, most desirable and cheapest
assortment of Prints to town, can be found at
nov26. ME RCURIS'.
IF orsted Goods.
WEI DELAINES, Crape de trainee, C. D.Ecosse
IN R e and Alpaccas, a fine assortment; purchased in
New York, after the late falling off in priced at
nov26. MERCURS'.
BONNET VELVETS, Satins and Silks, with
Ribbons to match, the beat and cheapest assort
ment in town, at nv26 MERCERS'.
SHA one wishing to purchase Shawls,
should by all means call where every th . ng in that
line from twenty-five cents up, is kept at prices to suit
judges of the articles; it is needless to say that it is at
nov26 MERCURS'.
Administrator's Notice,
a Lb persons indebted to the estroe of HECTOR
AIL: W. STRONG, late of Southport, N. Y. deo'd.,
Are requested to make i mmediate payment, and all
those having demands against the same are requested
to present them, legally attested for settlement.
Towanda, Nov.`..`6, 1845. Adm:nistretm
USTICES' BLANKS, a full assortment jus
of printed and fur sale at this office. etv,2o.
tiIARDWARE.—The largest assortment and
greatest variety ever offered in Bradford county,
ju.t received nt
THE co-partnership which heretofore existed be
tween George Breckjr. and William Angle, un
der the firm of BRECK& ANGLE, has been this
day dissolved, sad all debts due the said firm base been
assigned to the subscriber, who alone is authn 'zed to
collect and receipt the same. WM. ANGLE.
Rumrnersfirld Creek, November IT. 1845. n 26
Still Later, More Rich Goods
JUST received en invo ice of the latest styles of Silks,
among which may be found Plain black and blue
black, Ombre Striped Pon de Seer' Camelion Reps with
Satin Stripes, Genuine Polka Silks, Plaid Florence',
Plain do., Plain silks f.'r ti on lett,. a rare opportunity
for those to purchase who mend doing so as they are
sold only a shade above auction prices at
Oct .20. G. E. FLYNT & CO'S.
^Y quantity of Bleached and Brown Sheeting &
Shirting, of all qualities, Mr. and white Wadding,
Wicking in Boxes, twine, cords, &c., at
®NE hal f tun ARK ROPE: bought vet . ) , low and
Ur will be cold accordingly by
WANTED in exchange for goods any quantity
of Butter, Tallow, Wriest, Rye, Oats, Timothy
and Clover Seed, Hides, Len -r, and cash will not be
refused by WELLES & SATTERLEE.
TEST RECEIVING, at the old store, on the cor
ner of Main and Pine streets, a few doors below
Montanyes ¢ Co.'s, and nearly opposite No. I, Brick
Row, an entirely new stock of GOODS, which con
sists in a general assortment of
Dry Goodi,
Ilardwcgre, Hats 4 Cops. 4-e.
Toge.her with a general assortmert of DRUGS AND
MEDICINES, all of which have been selected with
great care by myself in the New York market, and will
be sold ns cheap as can be sold by any living man in
this market. Ladies and Gentlemen can be satisfied of
this fact by calling oii the subscriber, at his s'ore.where
he will be in readiness at all times to wait upon all who
favor him with a call. A. D. MONTANYE.
cri Wanted, in exchange for Goods, either cash,
grain, lumber, or shipping Furs, in almost ray quantity.
Towanda. November 19. 1845. A. D. M.
.1 - 14 HURL B U RT, Jr.., superior cast steel AXES,
_ay • half a dozen boxes, just, received and for sale at
the old stand of novl9 B. KINGSBER Y.
Sayings that have become Proverbs.
JHAT GEO. E. FLYNT & CO., have the
gest and most desirable stock of goods in Towanda.
That Lumber for Goods, or Goods for Lumber, cannot
be carr;ed on success.ully without detriment to Cash
Buyers. rrovstin
That G. E. Flynt & Co. buy goods for Cash, and sell
them for the " ready."
enovann rornvn:
That G. E. F. & Co. are selling goods cheaper than
any other establishment in this borough.
And it is.whi.vpered,
and soon will become a proverb (although we have been
knowing to the fact for some time) that Cl E. F. & Co.
are selling better goods and more of them.
nose who doubt the above,'
will please present themselves at our counter, where
Goods are freely shown, and always warranted equal to
reccommendation. c cr Look for the Savings Bank.
SLEIGH SHOES and Plough Points, (for Wayne
Co. Ploughs) at G. E. FLYNT & CO'S.
Administrator's Isictice.
LL persons indebted to the estate of Leonard H.
giti m 't Thomas, late of Springfield township.deceased.
are requested to make immediate payment, and those
having deminds against the said estate are requested to
present them legally attested for settlement, to the auh
.criber. JONATHAN WOOD, Administrator.
Smithfield, Dec. 2, 1645.
0 UST received a great variety of Bonnet Velvets
and Silks together with Plaid, Fringed, Rainbow,
Polke, Satin, Ombre, Velvet, Cap and Taffeta Ribbons
which you will readily discover ore very cheap by cal
ling at no. 3 brick row. W.H. BAIRD ec CO.
19 CHESTS of Tea. different kinds and qualities,
which will be sold by the cheat or less quanti
ty, at such prices as to ensure the sale of the lot altho'
urger than bought by any other merch Int in Towant'a.
Call at BAIRD'S No. 3 B. R.
HH'DS SUGAR, '6 do. Molasses bought in first
kW bands and will be sold accordingly by
W. H. BAIRD & CO., Dio. 3, B. R.
Admiuistrat or's Notice.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Abner Tha
mas, late of Smithfield tp., dec'd, are requested to
make immediate payment, and all those havingdemaads
against the same are requested to present them, legally
attested for settlement to the subscriber.
' • JONATHAN WOOD,' Administrator.
Smith6eld, Dec. 2, 1845.
Administrator's Notice.
ettioLL persons indebted to the estate of Abner N.
Thnmas, late of Smithfield tp. deceased, are re
quested to make immediate payment, and all those hav
ing demands against the same are requested to present
them, legally attested for settlement to the 'subscribers.
JONATHAN WOOD, Administrator.
Smithfield, Dec. 2, 1646. -
• t ')
1117111 E suliscribeikas jun medial ajavneral sawn;
meet ofXleBo Goods, selected with eareaind
suitable fur the Wittier Vide. The stock embraces r . t .
Dry Goods; Groceries, Hardware,
Crockery, Boots,' Shoes and,Cops.
• UOCIOD CriblVfir:o2l3To
which will be sold on the most reasonable Cash teems.
The public are invited to call and essmint..
Nov. 10, 1845. .1. KINGSBERY, 111.
tap Cub Vhobisato Commlosion & Jobbing Store.
THE above establishment has lately been enlarged
and improved, and is being replenished with •
new stock of Fashionable WINTER GOODS, which
in addition to their fiirmer large stock of staple Goods,
makes it the most desirable place thr large purchases,
as also for shopping, in town. Their new stock con.
sists in part of French, English and American Cloths
and &dinette, cashmere de mosso and mousselin de
Nines, of the newest styles and patterns, sinchew, am.
bre, pro do Swiss, poult de soui and 'named strip'd
Silks, maroon for ladies skirts, and a' new article pf
fringe for dresses; plaid cashmere end 'Corker's shawls,
and a thousand other et cetera. necessary to please the
Their stock of Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and
Caps, Buffalo Robes, Oils and Paints, Lon and Nails,
and most articles that the wants of the community re
quire, will be found well assorted -and selected, and of
fered to purchaser. on as good - terms or better than in
au of the neighboring villages in the state of N. Y.
Nov. 12. J.D.& E. D. MONTANYE &CO
UVAH . xYri G'oo l 2jill
PEOUWI'ON KINGSBERY. is now receiving at his
old stand, which has been going off for eighteen
years, where goods of all kinds has been sold and WILL
be sold, lower than at any other store in this Coun
ty. A very large stock of all kinds of goods which has
been sel^cted with great cars and attention, and bought
at such prices of the importers and manufacturers, that .
it would be a ruinous business for any firm in the Brick
Row, or any where else, to untkertake to sell goods as
cheap as I can, and will. If mirfriends and the public
generally, will call before they make their purchases
elsewhere, they will find that this notice isnot put in the
paper fur a BLUFF, like some by the side of it ; but, it
means what it says.
have a general assortment of every kind and descrip.
non of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Crockery,
Boots 4. Shoes. Nails, Iron, Leather.
DAY'S celebrated INDIA RUBBER Shoes and
Suspendenra new article, for sale at
sep. 27. B. KINGSBERY'S.
SOLE Sc. UPPER LEATHER, for sale by
sep. 27. B. KINGSBERY.
rTODFISH, Mackerel and Shad, for Fair by
sep. 27. B. KINGSI3ERY
COTTON YARN, Knitting Yam, Balls, Wicking
Wadding—any quantity fur sale very low, by
sep. 27. B. KINGSBERY.
Oh TON Fall river Nails, fur sale cheap. by
sep. 27. IL KINGSBERY.
DYE WOODS, PAINTS & OILS, of every de;
criptioo, for sale, one notch below Me market.
sep. 24. B. KINGSBERY.
HATS & CAPS, without number, for sale lone
than was ever before heard of, by
.sep 24. B. KINGSBERY.
Oak and White Pine Tinber for sawing purposes
livdeered on the bank or at Port Deposit, wanted in
chesange for goods and some cash by
99S BUSHELS x o c f h
n '
g m e o
g a o n o d d Flax. a t
Oct. S. REED'S
William Scott,
,LE IC E 3 O)M-SZr,l . .41,2 24.L . Vg 9
ILL promptly and punctually render his profes
sional services in Agencies, Collections, and
o er matters in his profession, entrusted to his c:,,re.
Office in the New Brick Block—west room over the
Post Office, entrance on the north side. Nov. 5y
ALL tiersons indebted to estate of limy PA nsoirs,
deed, late of Springfield tp. are requested to make
immediatepay went, and all those basing demands against
the same are requested to present them, legally ntte:ted
for settlement. JOHN PARSONS,
Boots 4. Shoes,
Springfield, Nov. 12, 1845. A dm;nistrators.
ALL PERSONS knowing themselves to beindebt
ed to me for official services, are respectfully re
quested to call at my (the Register's) alike, and settle
the same immediately and save costs. My term of of
fice being about to expire, it therefore becomes absolute
ly necessary for me to dettle up my
Nev. 12, 1845. Reg. & Rec., and C. 0. C.
COTTON BATTING, wadding, wicking, and ear
pet warp, for sale at
N0v.12. REED'S, No. 2, Bride Row.
3/ORE of those A. No. 1, Boots, just received.—
Together with a large quantity of Ladies Shoes,
sic—gaiter boots; ties, slippers, buskins, soil little ones
to match. novl2 G. E. FLYNT d;' CO.
114 s & CAPS--a large assortment of every de
sCription. They are selling very cheap.
November 12. G. E. FLYNT ffe CO.
WILL make his ne x t professional visit to Towan
da, early In February, 1816. Dr. S. will, dur
ing his stay. make a short visit to Athens. Nov. 5.
guy re
ceived and fur sale cheapest Sin
town at BAIRD'S. No. 3 Brick Row,
t Shirr d, Silk, and fig'd Velvet, Winter bonnets,
or sale by
SOLE LEATHER—first quality.
.• Comforters," a few dozens.
Carpeting; and Floor Oil Cloths.
Carpet and Cotton Yarn.
Bagging—an article unequalled for durability
Nov. 12. At the SAVINGS BANK.
Fret 1111_73lEm'o
PERSONS indebted to the subscriber for Drugs &
Medicines or otherwise, will siitve costs by settling
Weir accounts before the first November next. t
Oct. 7. 1845. E.H.MASON.
2034 LElRSj.u.StOLEistiUmPdPFf.:„lrt.ili.,Ealttl
Nov. 6. - REED'S.
-g 8111.13 of Dauer and Soda CRACKERS. for
sale 14 C. REED.
L. consisting of A. & S. Henrys seal Silk
WarpAlpaeca, Arcadian Lustros. CamePon Lustros,
("deans cloths, Romelies, Imperial Stripe and figured
Lustres, Semendrians new style, very rich Cashmeres,
Mouslin De Lanes, Thibet Merinos, some magnificent
Paris printed Cashmere d'Ecosse, Rich Ombre, Stripe
Alpacca, and MD" other styles of dress - goods for the
Ladies, it makes it 20 per cent cheaper for the ladles as
they are found only at G. E. FLYNT As CO'S.
BRUSHES.—Hatr, Paint, Shaving and Nail—
complete assortment. at the
SPLENDID lot of Brush, Bilk. For and I:Sporting ,
go.A Hs% also Oil silk, velvet and fur cape, together
with Muffs, and Buffalo robes, for de cheap at
Oct 8. REED'S
A JURY of twelve ladiet has decided, that the pl ac e
AL to maws Freah Teas, (no appeal of maze) is
Zc II 1:11 %3.' la.:E. Ea Ila 8
T ARE exceeding great pleasure in announcing to the public then that exteasive assoitm - ant of /ALL 4
WINTER GOODS, consisting of
1:0013, Mors, Iron, Wraps. Sall, 110. Leather, ate., 31'c.
Is in market, opened and ready fur their numerous customers, and will be sold cheaper for Cash. than ems
bought at any othcr establishment in town ! We do not say this for the purpose. of decoyi rig eoltomees into.
our store, (sa is the practice with some of our neighbOrs.) but merely that the citizens' of Branford Vaunt, may
know best where to buy goods to their interest. , ',.
, It is gratifying fur us to know that we have enjoyed some of the "smiles and favor," of agenes ! public; kc
a number of years. and we will by no means insist, assertions that we coon° , and dO not intend at Mil. li
we might, like some of our neighbors, receive their tmwns. But we we wish every man. women iari chilli to
know the fact, that we will sell our entire stock of New and Fashionable Goods, at: the meow low MA Of it i .
per cent. above cost end transportation ! ,
Towanda, Ocatber 27.1845. -
THE 1011411111
.11re again in the Field with fifteen thousand dollars wOrth of the cheapest and most &strati
stock of Goods ever brought into Bradford Courey ! •
THE Cashier & Co. of the TO WANDA SAVINGS BANK, tender , their sincere thanks for dm tem&
beral patronage heretofore secured, and trust by strict attention to business, and telling goods cheaper that
any other establishment, to merit a continuance of their smiles and favors. Our stock of goods consists of artery
known variety and style of Dry 4001114, from the first auction houses in the city of New York, and what
ed with great care expressly for this meridian. Also, a large selection of
Family Groceries, Shelf Hardware, Crockery. Boots 454 . Shoes,
Hollow frare, Iron, .-rafts, titled,
and an unusual quantity of HABERDASIIERY. to make our stork of useful and ornamental complete. Our
stock of goods were purchased for cash. and fur cash will be sold as cheap as at Ilinghamion.E/mira or Otsego,
and decidedly cheaper than any establishment in Towanda. Time and space will not allow us to enumerate the
many new; rich and desirable goods, but will be .boon to all who favor us with a call. with pleasure.
REMEMBER and call one door below Tracy & Moore, where the " pay-down" system is in full force. and
as a consequence, are not overcharged with delinquencies in the Credit system, • or additions mails to support the
Lumber trade. " One price, and no deviation is the true s.V' stem."
o• A call is solicited, befom purchasing, elsewhere, at No. 5, Louth end, Brick Row.
Towanda, October 21, 1875. GEORGE E. PINISIT &
The Last and blest Important Irrlral Tel at the
No. 2. Brick Row.
GREAT BARGAINS are now offered the people
of Bradford county, by the subscriber, who is now
receiving and opening one of the largest and best select
ed assortment of goods ever brought into the village of
Towanda. His stock of goods has been selected with
great care expressly for this enarkot, and as prices of the
old credit system are necessarily high, he offers great in
ducement. to all who 'may have cash or produce to ex
change for goods. His stock consists in an assortment of
DRY GOODS, such as broadcloths, cassimeres, and
veatinga, satinetts, sheep's gray, hard times, Nosey wo o l..
seys, a splendid assortment of Winter Shawls, ladies'
cravats, gloves. hosiery, suspenders, and ten thousand ar
ticles, too numerous to mention.
Such as sugar, tea, coffee, molasses, spires, lamp and lin
seed oil, a full supply of Liquors, such as Champagne,
Cognise and American Brandy, Holland Gin, Old Mo
nongehala whiskey, Port, Malteds. and Malaga Wine.
", Hardware. Nails, Glass. Iron, Leath.
er, Boots & Shoes, Buffalo Robes, Hats &Caps, Drugs
&Dye Stuffs, &c. &c.
All persons wishing to purchase goods are respectfully
invited to give the subscriber a call, and examine his
goods and prices before purchasing. elsewhere.
No. 2 Brick Bow,
Oct. 1, 1845
H. S. & M. C. MERCUR,
o z I :.
f re if r e ,ed t t f , u n l , l i y announce n to g tchceotgz the
c t iti;
arrival at the TOWANDA CASH STORE, of the .
largest and most general assortment of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,
_ Boots and Shoes, Dye-Woods,
Paints. Oils, 4T. iS•C.
Ever opened in Towanda, and which will be sold far
CASH at wholesale or retail at lower prices than the
same quality of goods are selling by any of our bluffing
neighbors, as our goods are purchased with greatcare
—principally for cash—of the importers and manufactu
rers. .Towanda. Sept. 10,1845.
stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oi:siDye
Stufrs and Groceries have just been received from
New York, and will be sold very low—call at No. 1
Brick Row. • Terms cash. A. S. CHAMBERLIN.
Oct. 1, 1845.
BOOTS & 81 - 10E.S—A very large stock of every
kind and size, at lovver prices than ever. will bo
Wavne County Ploughs.
As DOZ Wayne county ploughs, for sale at the 83-
rings Bank. Plough merchants supplied at manu•
torturers prices, and Farmers on the most reasonable
terms. G. E • FIA - NT 4- CO.
July 30. No. 5 Brick Bow.
/SHE Copartnership heretofore existiiirt between the
subscribers under the firm of 11. Kingshery .F Co.
is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons
indebted to said firm are requested to settle their ac
coounts with H. S. Comstock, who will continue the
business at the old stand.
H. STANLEY coms.rocri.
Athens Pa., Oct. I, 1843.
CROCKERY—Large additions have been made to
our stock of Crockery—our assortment is now
complete. nov I 2 G. E. FLYNT & CO.
ALT—More of that " Fresh Salt," so much talked
0 of, just received at FLYNT & CO.'S: Those
will) sold goods on " Thanksgiving day." regardless of
their word, ought to have a little sprinkled upon their—
heads. dec3,
The Resurrection of Dead Watches!
Warner If Woodruff
: .71,,7 . respectfully niacin the cinzens of
, ''
~ •. Towanda and vicinity, that they
• : . I ‘ i .. hose formed a paltnerahip for tho
purpose of prosecuting, for the
L-,, :o ' . ) :: : X•A public interest , the business of
5 16 5,• : 5 4 -. '1
---- Clock and Watch Repairing.,
at the old end well-known-stand of Capt. J. M. Gill
s, , (numbered 100,) next door north of Col. Bailey's
Gr .ery More, and two doors south of Elliott & Mercur,
vvili e they will give their undivided attention to their
business, and confidently inform the politic, that from
their long experience In their profession, mid a determi
nation to attend punctually to the Interests of those fa
wiring them with their work, they believe they can ren
der satisfaction, and make refractory time-pieces,
•• Point with unerring finger to the march of Time."
They will be found at all hours. at their establish
ment, and solicit a share of public patronage. •
(r - Alt kinds of Country Produce. received in pay:
ment for work. at the market price. Nov. 26. 1645.
BAArnns are particularly requested to call and ex
amine our assortment of All Wool Ombre Cash
meres, Nazarene blue Delaines. winter balzarines, prince
de ecosse. (last style) Victoria striped cashmere's, Queen
Ann plaids and checks. &c.. with gimps, eerie and vel
vet trimmings to match, now exhibiting at No,3,Brick
Row. We say they are 25 per cent. cheaper than ever.
a 063. BAIRD & CO.
Arl A LICOES-500 °IECES, which were bought for
111) Checks on Me City Banks, of the manufacturer's
agents, (cot at • Auction,' where all inferior goods ere
sold) and will be sold here as cheap as any merchant
(who bought before the decline) paid. •
dec3 Mae N. 3, BRICK ROW.
4gQASES HATS, and a large stock of CAPS,now
opening at the cheapest store in Towanda—every
y know' w h eiv t N 0.3, Brick Bow,
Groci ries.
M ERI;Clrb
figr GI CO,
Elliott & Merenr,
ARE NOW RECEIVING, a very large. and very
gerend assonnicut. of Fall and Winier Goods.
which they offer to the public on liberal terms, for moths _
grain, or approved credit.
Their stock consists of almost everything that any
one wishes to buy. And fur the hem fit of those who
wish to purchase- merchandise of any kind, and want
to know where to find it, they w . . 11 enumerate a few of
the many articles tithy have for sale:
Ladies silk shawls and black tea-pots;
Gimts' satin cravats BIM ten-penny nails;
Colored satin, for ladies' bonnets, and
Glazed hats for men ;-
Knitting pins and crow-burst
Carpet tasks and vest patterns;
Broad Axes and alpaccas;
M. thdaines and wagon boxes;
Printed blue teas and young hymn tea;
Umbrellas and German pipes;
Pocket knives and loaf sugar ;
Molasses and coarse boots;
Ladies' rm, hose and steel corn hoes;
Ladies night caps, for six cents, and
Men's scalene caps for I2i•cents;
Ladies' linyn hdkf's for one shilling, and
Plenty of English and Swedes iron, all slats;
India rubber cloth for'earriage covers end
Beautiful figured alpaccas for lathes' Cloak;
Ladies' boas and muffs, and lampblack;
Leghorn bonnets and stone jugs;
Black and blue ink and spirits turpentine;
Lamp oil and Colonge water ;
sweet oil and sarsaparilla syrup:
Blue vitriol end best Java and Rio coffee;
Wafers and buck shot;
Indellilde ink and pure dry and ground white lead ;
Looking glasses and cut tumblers;
Tea kettles and black silk stockings;
Candle wicking and bed cords;
Coat Buttons and writing paper ;
Shellside combs and corded skirts;
Bonnet ribbons and cavendish tobacco;
Plough points and cap ribbons;
Ladies dress h'tl'fs and stove tubes;
Assorted Needles, and best Nutria hats;
Steel pens and shovel plough patterns;
Plated huh bands and silk scarfs for ladies;
Cotton Yarn and wire selves;
Awl blades and pins, assorted sire;
Ladies' kid slippers and nail hammers;
Willow lisskets arid gimp cords:
Men and boys' cloth caps and plane irons;
Knives and forks arid ark rope;
Cast steel and steel thimbles;
Brass kettles arid brass thimbles;
Beaver cloth and cotton batting;
Pepper boxes and shoo knives;
Bonnet boards and slate pencils;
Carpet binding and inkstands;
Coach lace and handsaws;
Raisins and saw-mill saws ;
Seidlitz powders and trying squarest
Rubber overshoes and inch spikes;
Sleigh beds and steelyards;
Cas.imeres and ivory combs;
Gridirons and welting cord ;
Whale bone and patent saw setts;
Suspenders anif patent door butts;
Firiner's chisels and laces for ladies' caps;
Pongee handkerchiefs and hair brushes; .
Misses and women's bl. cot. gloves & hair brushes;
Cocoanut dippers and teeth brushes;
Colored cambric and door handles ;
Augur bins and children shoes:
Wool e n shawls and gum caps; •
Black tea and patent wheelliesds;
Morrocco belts and tea servers;
saddler's silk and mimic. traps ;
Bonnet wire and stone churns;
Plaid linseys and sash pulleys;
Patent blunt fastenings and butts, (a AM Wide, i
spoke shaves and door mats;
Black snuff and madder;
13rinannia lamps and shoe strings;
Wht..and gloves and gun flints; .
• Sattinet of all kinds and gunpowder;
Horse cents and satin vesting;
• Curry combs and fur caps;
Hair combs and sash fastenings;
Glass dishes and wool cards;
Corset lacers and trace chains;
Brass bads mind's and calicoes dell qualities;
Sash runts and corn whismi;
Coat canvass & padding, and hyde whips; -
Furniture prOts and razor strops:
Table covers and (Alleys geography's; •
Coarse shoes and polished augurs;
Linen cambric and sole leather;
Hoop iron and linen edging le insertion ;
Florence silks and brown sheetings ;
Cap wire and copal varnish;
Lin,Oil and Russia diaper;
Blk. French crapeand American door lacks; /
Mineral knob locks and white haze crape;
Chrome yellow and green, and coat binding;
, Indigo and ribbon wire;
Cream Tarter and silk cords and tassels; .
Horse blankets and brass nails;
- Tea setts and setts teas;
Spirit levels anti spool cottnn;
Towanda, September 19, 1F45.
which are Cashmeres. 'Mousse Helaine, plaid frd
awl silk work Alpac — ci — L 64 plaid Cloaking, Ginllaalinti
Trimmings, to correspond, 4ke-d . e.
set,. t'A
IS A FACT, acknowledged by all, Um the WO
CIGARS in town. are to be had at la.
PHINTS & OILS. Dye woods and Dye eie ff s:i
very large stock, just received at, BAIRD'S
„ft, KEGS limbs and one olde UPPER LEATH-
Ur ER at No. 3 BRICK ROW.
t baap e r ;hag quy plate in ion al DAIRIM