rt,j_reogari) 4kepontei‘• Towanda, Wednesday, Dee. 17, 1845. President's illessage,—The 'tariff of 113-12,—110n. D. • i . The crowded state of our columns last emelt. privets- ted us from noticing this important document as we wished. Our readers have now had ample opportunity of examining its details, and forming their own opinion of its merits. On reviewing the Message with careful deliberatiOn, we are unable to perceive a point affording just rause of complaint to an American citizen. The Teias questioniis no longer debateable. The nr.- most unanimous expression of the citizens of both coun tries has made her a part of the U. States, and it only re mains for the present congress to consummate in form what is already established in fact. Our claim to Ore gon, which has, fur the last veer, affesded a fruitful theme forpolitical animadversion sod vague conjecture, ii ex plained in the message in so plain and concise a manner that the most fastidious can no longer harbor a dpbt of its justice, or that it will be honorably maintained, and Ultimately, clearly and firmly established. Our foreign relations are referred to, and presented to Congress, in patriotic, dignified and truly American manner. The President's views on the public land question, es pecially in relation to the graduation of the price will he approved by all classes. . On the Tariff question there will be greater diversity of opinion. It has been the great manufactory of whig capital for the last two years. Notwithstandingthe pen ile, in 1844, gave judgment against the whole category of whig principleB, whig arguments and whig songs; yet we are well aware that the whig press and the "uni versal whig, party" will ",let loose their dogs of war" up on that portion relating to the tariff. The tariff, the tariff, has been their cry for the last two years. 'Why ? Because just such a tariff as the one Of 1842 accords with federal doctrines—extruding exclu sive privileges to the wealthy and powerful while it op presses and impoverishes the poorer and more humble classes. The tariff of 1842 is claimed by the Whigs os their own, their darling child. They are constantly singing itr.ans in its praise, and endeavoring to force it upon popular favor by boldly proclaiming it the certain and only source of protection to domestic industry.— " Protection tcodornestic indu , try" is a syren song— words of popular impo-t--and by their constant use the whig party are trying to blind the eyes of the people to the ennoimities of the present tariff, and pers. Mate the ex clusive and unjust privileges it gives to the weathy and purse-Proud capitalist. That this tariff is unequal and un just in its details and effect, we behave is universally ad mitted. It so arranged that a great portion of its burdens are thrown upon the poorer classes. while it protects ca pital, and exempts the wealthy from their just proper tionof the expenses required for the support of the goy. ernment. We cannot illustrate this better than by quoting the words of the President himself: " All articles of prime necesssity or of coarse quality and low price. used by the masses of the people, are, in many instances, subjected by it to heavy taxes, while ar ticles of finer quality and higher price, or of luxury, `which can be used only hy.ihe opulent, are lightly te.: - .ed. It imposes heavy and unjust burdens on the tanner, the planter, the commercial man, and those of all other pur suits except the capitalist who has made his investments in manufactures. All the great interests of the country, are not, as nearly as may be practicable, equally protect ed by it. • • While it protects the capital of the wealthy manufacturer, and increases his profits, it does ' not benefit the operatives or laborers in his employment, whose wages have not been increased by it." President Polk has handled this subject in a masterly manner. He has divested it of all its gorgeous colors, with which it hlid been painted by whig politicians and interested rich capitalists, and holds it up before the Ame rican people in all its deformity, as a proper subject for modification and correction His views are those of a patriot and statesman, anxious for " the greatest good of the greatest number"—and to secure this he says: '" In levying a tariff of duties, Congress exeseise the taxing power, and for purposes of revenue may select ~the objects of taxation. They may exempt certain acne- let altogether, and permit their importation free of duty. On others they may impose 'low duties. lit these class es shot& be embraced such articles of necessity as are in genera( use, and especially such as are consumed by the laborer and the poor, as well as by the wealthy citizen. Care should he taken that all the great interests of the . country, including manufactures, agriculture, commerce, navigation, and the mechanic arts, should, as far as may. be practicable, derive equal advantages from the inciden tal protection which-a just system of-revenue duties may atfonl. Taxation, direct or indirect, is a burden, and it should he so imposed as to operate as equally as may be, on all classes, in the proportion of theirability to bear it." We recommend to our readers, to teed the message over again—to deliberate and weigh imptirtially the pro positions of President Polk on this subject—and we con fidently believe they will agree with us in a full and un qualified approbation of the doctrines set forth'. We were Vie more highly pleased in perusing this portion of the message, as every paragraph brought more clearly to our mind the striking, and we might say the entire similarity of the views so ably advocated before the public, and especially the electars of this congression al district, during the ;Canvass of 1844, by our present talented Representative, the Hon. DkVID WILMOT.— Mf. W. was opposed by an open and avowed friend and advOcate of the tariff of 1842. In as address to the elec tors of this district by Co 4 D. M. Bull, offering himself as a candidate for Congress in opposition to Mr. Wilmot, dated Aug. 17, 1844, he says: " But fellow citizens, I regret to say that a combination of free trade demagor ' mes and monopolists does exist to put down the tariff of 1842." - Again in the same address he midi; near the close: "On the broad platform of Polk, Dallas, the Tariff, and the distribution of the proceedsvpf the public lands and no state debt, I shall be found advocating these men and measures with all my feeble energies." 'flat:tether address, dated the 31st of August, 1844, by the same Col. Bull—standing before the people of this district as the oppoiing candidate to Mr. Wilmot, he hold; the following language : " My personal objection to Mr. Wilmot is of little con sequence to the public. • • But if you are what our members of Congress are, in favor of the Tariff of 1842, so peculiarly identified with Pennsylvania interests affor-, dine, encouragement to our great staple articles of iron, coal aral wool, -by which we may have an influi of capi tal to pay off our state debt and thereby relieve 1114 from the perpetual intrusions of the tax collectors, then suffer your humble servant to repeat his caution against nomi nating a man whom we all know has been denouncing that favorite measure of Pennsylvania policy, both in principle and detail." Against this timeland prudent caution of Mr. Wil mot's opponent, the County convention composed of six, ty-four delegates, met and unaninuiusly placed him in ' nomination, a circumstance unparalleled in the political armada of Bradford County. Mr. Wilmot having been thus openly assailed by his opi4ent, backed op by the whig presses in the district, boldly took the field, itud boldly avowed his sentiments in".rela*urto the tariff of 1842: His democratic friends have not (Orgotten the manner in which he set his po. litical enemies of that day in open debate, nor have they forgolten the applause that was showered upon him at the does - oteVery controversy, in approbation of the vic tories he sclreivcd. ,His arguments were convincing and his eloquence overpowering. His views on the. tariff were never withheld. Ilia opponent had placed the is. sue upon that question, and upon that he was met; and if there vu any of our readers whose recollection of the true and faithfill elpadtion he then made, his become in in an tiny degrie effaced, Weltler theta - ta.the tnesitait . of President Yolk. We hare sieve; seen amore elect similarity in the opinions driven. Such wa6 the manner. in wh i ch the contest. of 1844 ryas waged, and such thespirit in Which it which it trap met. Now-mark the t iesult:: = ' The tdlicial returns of the votes in this district stand as folloras Bradford, majority 11,r Wilmot, 826 Bupquehanna," " " Tioga, A majority in Bradford County greater by five hun dred than was given to the electoral ticket—and in this district exceeding . the Presidential mom than reren hun dred. sueh was the verdict at the hands of the citizens of this district, in a contest based almost , exclusively upon the tariff question. Mr. Wilmot advocatiog a tariff fur revenue, with such reasonable discrimination, in the rates imposed on the differea"articler, "an to produce in the aggregate, the amount whith, when added to the 1- 10 " coeds of sales of public lands may be needed to pay the economical expenses of the government," and his oppo. nent " standing upon the broad platform of the Tariff of 1842." We rejoice that ne have a President in James K. Polk, with moral courage and firmness to meet the evils inflicted upon the great portion of the people, by this nn just, partial and oppressive act of Congress, and fearless ly to recommend that suitable modifications and reduc tions should be made by the present Congress. And we more than rejoice that the people of this district have in the Hon. David Wilmot a champion with the ability and the will to protect and defend their -interests, and the President a friend who,e talents, energy and efficiency will he constantly dewed to the maintenance of the principles in favor of popular rights, sn fearlessly avowed and so explicitly illustrated by Jam's K. i'olk. - - I radford Counts Court. TUE-WET, Dee. 3, 1845 COM. tS. JANss P. Stet um.—The defendant was in diet, d for committing a rope on the person of Miss Jane Dickinson, en the 29th day of Aptil i 845. On Thu's day. December 4th, the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. Thrnsn•f, Dec, 4, 1845 Ort.motion of E. W. Baran, E-q., and the producing of a certificate from the Prothonotary of Bedford Coun ty, Pa., E. C. Marvin was duly admitted to practice as an Attorney of the several Courts of Bradford County. CON. Ts. De.wr ,CAsr. —Christopher Cowell, prose rotor. The Defendant was indicted .for stealing p rifle from Christopher Cowell of Duren. The defendant plead guilty. The Court sentenced him to restore the article stolen, if not already restored, to the proper owner. To pay the like amount to the Commonwealth, and to be confined at hard labor for the space 'of three months in the jail of Bradford County—and pay the costs of prosecution. Cow. vs. OLIVE JOHNSON--SCSAST GATLP, prosecu tor. The defendant was indicted for committing an as sault and batten• on Miss Susan Gates on the second day of June 1845, in Columbia. The prosecutrix tes tified that she was engaged in teaching school, and that this offence was committed while she was employed in doing a sum for the defendant. The defendant in the first place pleaded not guilty—but after the testimony of the prosecutrix was given, she withdrew the plea, and pleaded . guilty. After the defendant had related the circumstances which led to the commission of the offence, the Court sentenced her to pay a fine of five dollars to Commonwealth rind the cost of prosecution. COM. vs. MATTHIAS H. WALLS, and GEORGE H. WEits.—The defendants wens indicted for committing an assault and battery on LiNTE GLINIANT on the third day of Nov. 1845. Ii seems that Oliphant had made a lot of shingles on laud which he claimed, of which Charles F. Wells father of the defendant, had the legal titls. Oliphant hail loaded the shingles in his waggon for the purpose of removing them, and the de fendant commenced unloading them, whed Oliphant struck one of the defendants with a club. The defend ants in self-defence struck the prosecutor with an axe. On Friday Dec. 56, the jury returned a verdict of not guilty, and that Matthias H. Wells pay the costs of pro secution. Falai!, Dec, 5, 1845 Coat. vs. ROGER C. COOPEll.—Stephen Stiles prose cutor. The defendant was indicted for committing an assault and battery on Stephen Stiles on the first day of Oct. 1815, at Ridgeberry. The defendant pleaded not guilty. The facts swornsto, were that Stephan Stiles went to Seth Gates 'to serve a notice of Arbitration on Henry Cooper, son of defendant, when dernt without cause violenty beat said Stiles. After these finished been sworn to, the dernt withdrew his plea, and plead guilty. The Court sentenced him to pay a fine of ten dollars to the Commonwitilth, and the costs of prosecu tion. Coo. CS. : Groacr. McCnacam—The defendant was indicted for forgery.' The forgery consisted in inserting these words "or bearer", in a due bill, drawn by 1.. S. Washburn, and payable to George McCracken. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty. SATO flair, Dec. 6, 1845 DAM BAUDER vs. JAMES Banca.—Thiswas an 11C• tion in the case for making a false record. ,The facts proven were, that Barber had a judgement on Brink's docket of some fifty dollars—that Brink issued notice to Barber to appear and show cause why the judgment should not be opened and the dernt let into a defence. Barber appeared - and offered to enter into an amicable scira faciaa (as he termed it) the Justice refused, and Barber left—the .Justice then rendered judgement for dernt for costs, and Stated on his docketthat it was upon a hearing of the parties. The Court charged the jury in substance, that if they believed the Justice acted wilfully and corruptly in this matter, he would. be liable ; buts that if they believed that he made the alteration in his record through igno rance or mistake, a verdict ought to be rendered in his favor. That they were not *Ming io try Justices' for their mistakes, for it was incident to human nature to err. That this resulted from the imperfection of man, and consequently, all that could be required of a person in a judicial station, was that he should discharge his duties according to the best of his knoweledge and abili ty. That the Court of common Pleas frequently erred in their decisions, and that they were set right by the Supreme Court ; that it was found that even thelSu preen Court were sometimes wrong in their decision!, and were afterwards compelled to retrace their steps; that under an the circumstance?, it was for the jury to decide, whether Mr. Brink designedly stated what was no*rue, or whether the fact of Doctor Barber appearing to take exception, of which there was some evidence; Might not have been erroneously considered -.by him to justify the entry which be made. The jury returned a verdict of no cause of action Pas. Doc.—Hon.-David Wilmot, and Col. D. 14. Batt, havo our thanks for copies of the Message. The Baltimore Sun was one of the first papers rec - gird con taining it. Load-Items. -\ 4 • A correspondent furnishes us the pardculare of the sudden death gismo= roan, of Burlingtemit North. nmberbdid, pi; on the 29th of November IWit. doreased:wentSdownlfie riser with him* in Nov. lisl e arufhattruade - st*gentents to boat his lumber from Noithontberlind to Philadelphia, and while otitis the boat into thaaiitletioriat that place, the towropethresi him into the lock., and he was instantaneously, killed. His remains were brought to his former residence in Burlington and interred on the 6th of Dec. The friends of the deceased tender their acknowledgements to Cept. Elliattiof Not thumberland; for Ids kindness' and care, in conducting the remains of said deceased to his former home. ECM ESI Fine.--The Tavern stand and out-houses of Ira C. Bullock, in Smithfield townihip, Brad: Co., were con sumed by fire, on Thursday, the 11 th - day of December, inst. The fire originated from ashes placed in the wood shed, and should prove a caution to housekeepers. The furniture was almost entirely destroyed, and there being no insurance the loss is considerable. FORTUNATE Esrart—We learn fmm the Argue, that the Steam'Engine in the Saw Mill of Edward Over- ton, Esq., situated some five or six miles west of this place, burst one day last week, while several hands were at work in the mill, and yet noone was njuredbytheez plesion. The escape may be considered fortunate, as the Case to the Engine was driven with such force as to split a beam two feet in diameter, directly over the heads of the workmen. FATAL AcclncsT.—We learn that an interesting little daughter of Mr. Francis Baker, of Routh Creek township, in this county, was killed on Wednesday last, by a sleigh passing over her body. She was about sev en years of age. The " '6usquehanna Register" and " Bradford Ar pus," seem to fault Mr. Wilmot, the Representative from this district, for voting in common with Mr. C d. Inger soll and Several other distinguished democratic meml•:rs of Congress. for a revival of ;!late rule, which disposed so summarily of the annual fire-brands of the Northern abolitionists. Thera has been, we are aware, a greut deal of mock patriotism and puerile cant expended- upon the subject of this rule, by some of the Whig allies of the abolition ists the topic, however, is not exhausted. Will the " Register" and " Argus"—one, or both of therit---conde scend to point out its enormities, and enlighten us as to bte propriety of the term gag-rule, whi eh they have employed in referring to it 1 If Mr. Wilmot has mis represented hie district in this particular; or if, before he is fairly tested on the floor of Congress, he has violated any of the sacred principles of our excellent Constitu tion—speak out, and spare him not. Should a nearer antagonist be more agreeable—we in dorse this vote of Mr. Wilmot and Mr. Ingersoll, as both sound in principle, and as according with the views of a largo majority of their immediate constituents. Shall we hear from you, gentleman 1 • . Dn. SALisurny, we are sorry to say, was not suc cessful! afterhis nomination, for Assistant Sergeant-at- Arms at Washington. The Democratic nominees for officers, were defeated from the unwillingnesi of some of the Senators to make any change in their officers. .THE TAntre.—in another column may be found an excellent and ably written article from the West Cheater Republican upon the Tariff of 1842. Read it by all means. PROCEEDINGS or COI:MT.—The report of the Courts of this County are prepared expressly for the Reporter, by WILLILY Score, Esq., a young attorney of this borough. His card will be found in another column. RITCRIF. & Huss have been elected Printers to the present Congress. This was due to the long and faith• ful services of Mr. R. TUE PROMISED BOON TO FARNERB..--After waiting three years for the promised benefit of the tariff of 1842, it is now about to have the prothetic effect. Patience, the old woman said was a fine .thing ; and by having patience, the tariff is now about to benefit the farmers. Our American tariff has reached Europe at last, and the drought it has caused in Russia has pro duced great damage and bad crops; from thence it entered Hungary, and upwards of million of inhabitants are threated with famine. The news from England says, that circumstances now render it painfully apparent that the Amer ican tariff has reached us—that supplies of food must be had from some quarter, and all eves are turned across the Atlantic; they say, whatever quantity may comer rom the United States will find a ready sale, either in this country or on the continent. The potato orop has suffered generally- throughout Europe: the wonder-working tariff, that works by magic, has had its effects throughout, and rotted a great paffion of their potatoes ; and the effect must be high prices for the American farmer's producr4 and every farmer of this country ought to be on the alert so as to reap the benefit of the golden harvest that the tariff of 1842 has 'prepared for him. Now, every farmer ought to have known,and did know, if he had allowed himself time to think that a deficiency of the crops in Europe, either with or without a tariff, would enhance the price of the farmer's produce of this coun try, without the information of stump orators; for every person that ever hauled a load of grain to market when prices were low, knows the cause assigned by millers, that the world was full of grain, and there was no foreign de mand: and every farmer oight to know, and does know, that the prosperity of this country is at the cost of the farmers of Europe. and vice versa, and the nation with then]; and it is needless to turn our eyes. further hack upon our own history for an evidence, than the fail ure of the crops in the years 1835 anti 1830, which bankrupted a large portion Of the people and nearly all the banks with them ; and Van ' Buren and the democrats had to bear the blame of the calamity that was brought upon the country in 1840, and was echoed and re-echo ed by whig orators upon every stump from Georgia to Maine. A FARMER. LAKE NAVIGATION.—We learn from the Buffalo papers that the recent cold weather has had its usual effect upon the Lake naviga tion, and most of the vessels in commission are on the point of laying up for the winter season or have already done so. The same papers continue to bring us daily additional accounts of losses sustained by the recent great gale. CALIFORNIA.—It is sated, there are ten fe males to one male in California, and many of the ladies there possesses large landed proper ties, all improved. These ladies are described as being beautiful, quite youthful. and exceed ing -virtuous, but. anxious for good, kind and .considerate husbands.. We anticipate, after the facts are generally known, that California will be taxis. . Proceedings of the 29th Congress. _ ECTespondeucal4le Pesusqlranian.] Wsatiiitartir, Dec. 4. 1845. . =After lomeunimportani husinetis the xelsolu toms of .Mr. Breese, of (submitted on the 24.) for,the suspension - of the 34th rule, (which directs that standing Committees shall be.elect ed by ballot.) and giving to. the President of the Senate the selection of the committees, was taken up. and gave rise to a debate, in which Messrs Mangum, Allen, Breese, and Benton took a part. After they had concluded their remarks, the question was taken on the resolution by calling the apes and nays—Mr. Mangum haying made the call—and it was -decided in the negative, ayes 20: nays 21. The Whigs voted against the resolution. and Messrs. Benton, Bagby. Hay wood and Westcott; voting in the nega tive. The result caused some chagrin among our Democratic "friendsin the Senate, and it seem ed to give some satisfaction to the Whigs. In the house to-day, the resolution for an equitable assessment of the seats to members was taken up and adopted. Each member's place was decided by placing in a box the name of each member, and the drawing in ro tation, the first name . drawn out having the first choice, and so on. Weems°Torr. D. C.. Dec. B. 1045. Monday night, 10 oelock. In the house to-day, after the reading of the proceedings of Thursday last,tthe announce ment of the standing committees was made; the Speaker has exercised a sound discrimina tion, and from the observations which I have heard since - the adjournment to-day, the Speaker has given great satisfaction by the manner in which he has discharged this im portant duty. The next matter of any interest was the con sideration of an amendment to a resolution sub mitted last Thursday. which provided for the printing of several documents and reports from the heads of departments. The amendment proposed an additional number of the report of the Secretary of the Treasury, increasing the number from 5000 to 20.000. The question on this amendment was deemed of some con. sequence, inasmuch as it was supposed that its decision would indicate either a favorable or unfavorable estimate by the majority of the House of the doctrines of the Secretary in re lation to the tariff. The ayes and bays had been demanded, and tellers were appointed to take a count for the purpose of ascertaining whether the call of the-ayes and nays was sus tained. The call was sustained, and the ayes were then given. The amendment was nega tived—ayes 91, nays 100. The resolution was then adopted. Some of the members front Mississippi, who had arrived since last Thursday, were sworn in ; after which sev eral reports and communications from the departments were presented,ordered to be print ed, and referred. Among the most importan of the reports are, the'one from the Commis sioner of Public Lands, and one relating to Commerce and Navigation, from the Treasury Department—of the latter 10;000 copies were ordered to be printed. A protracted discussion then occurred on the presentation of the petition and memorial of Mr. Brockenhrough, of Florida, who con tests the seat of Mr. Cabell. The credentials of the folloWing named Sen ators were presented to-day,' viz:—Messrs. Pennybacker, of Va., (in the place of Mr. Rives)—Mr. Berrien, of Ga.. (elected to the vacancy caused by his own resigation)—Mr. Dickinson, of N. Y. These gentlemen were sworn and took their seats. Reports, Sce.. from the State and Treasury departments were presented and ordered to be printed—of the important ones extra numbers were ordered.— The petition and memorial from the Americans in Oregon to the Congress of the United States was presented by Mr. Benton, who embraced the occasion to bestow a merited and hig6'en comium upon the enterprise, courage and char. acter of the pioneers to Oregon, and to direct in his usual forcible manner, the attention of the Senators to the imperatively duty of shield ing them from insult and injury from i all quar ters. The memorial was read and ordered to be printed. t- It was expected this morning that the Senate would today go into an election for Secretary. Printer, &c., and many were the anxious faces that were peering about the Senate chamber apd gallaries a few momenis previous to the adjournment. The election, however, in the phrase of the day, did not "come off." On motion of Mr. Levin, of Ark., the election was put off to-morrow, and the Senate then adjourn. ed. • WASHINGTON, Di. C. Dec. 9, 1845 Tuestly night, 8 o'clock When I entered the Senate to-day, I found the galleries crowded with anxious faces. They were nearly filled half an hour before the Sena tors were called to order, by those who felt a deep interest in the anticipated proceedings of the day. The excitement in relation to the election of the Secretary and the other officers, the printer, and the chairman of the several stand ing committees, had continued to grow more in tense since the first caucus of the Democratic Senators, at which Judge Sturges, of Georgia. had been nominated for Secretary, and the ar rangement made by the Whigs at their caucus, by which Mr. Dickens was to be supported for the same office. Mr. Dickens was elected on the first ballot by 25 votes-22 of which were given by Whigs and 3 by Democrats—Messrs Bagby, Benton, and Haywood. Judge Sturges received 24 votes—all given by pemocrats. The Senate proceeded to the order of the day, which was the election of its officers and chair men of committees. After the Vote for Secreta ry was announced, a motion was made to elect the Sergeant•at-Arms viva voce ; this was pro nounced to be out of order by the President, as a: standing rule required efOctions by the Senate to be by ballot. Mr. Haywood expressed a wish to suspend the rule, but made no motion to that effect, and the pages proceeded to collect the ballots. On the count, Mr. Beales had received 40, Mr. Cole 4, Mr. Dade 1, and there was one blank. Mr.B. was the nominee olboth parties at their caucuses. The ballots were then given for Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms and doorkeeper(one office) and resulted in no choice, no candidate receiving a majority—the vote was, Mr: Salis bury (the Democratic nominee) 24 ; Mr. Young, 19 ; Mr. Randolph, 3 ; -Mr. Holland. 1.; Mr. Stetinus, I :and Me. Chubb, 1,-49 in all. The second balloting was as follows :—Salisbury 24, Young, 62; Holland, 3-49 votes and no choice. Fourth balkating—Holland, 25 ; Salisbury. 224' Riell, 1 ; Pease, 1-49 votes, of which Hot; land received a majority, and was declared duly elected. The TOL LET TUE= DE FAIR AND JUT PROTECTION TO OREiT, /INTERESTS OP' TEE. WHOLE UNION. =1 •The remarks which we made on this subject,- are construed. bro ur neighbor of the Record, into 4! an attack upon the Tiriff;" but h e i s very tareful to cone eat from his readers, - what we did say, nod also not to attempt to answer the objections which we suggested to certain provisions of the pre-sent Tariff. One would suppose from the Record, that we had assailed the tariff law of '42. through out, and had urged that it be repealed, in into, and FREE TRADE substituted in its place. This is a great, mistake, and therein, the Record grossly misrepresents us and does us palpable injustice. We are free, however, to admit that we did point out some of the features of the tariff of '42. which are at variance with justice and sound policy, authorizing as they do, un equal taxation, and snaking discriminations against the poor in favor of the rich, and against the agriculturalist. in favor of the manufactur er; and we did advise that this unjust inequal ity and these unjust discriminations should be corrected. Can there be anything wrong or cen surable in this ? Will it be said that a law thus imperfect, and partial in its benefits, shall not be remoddelled or , amended, so as to do equal justice, as near as possible, between all the great interests of the country ? Are the iniquities which the present Tariff inflicts upon Agriculture and Commerce. to be „continued. because it permits a few to clear their ten and twenty thousand dollars annually, and to rea lize from'2o to 40 per cent upon their invest ments, while others cannot make over fire per cent, and many have difficulty in securing more than a bare livelihood for themselves and families l We cannot so think ; but, because such is our opinion. it does not follow that we are opposed to a just and equitable Tariff, whose benefits would fall alike upon the Farm ing. Mechanic. Manufacturing and Cotumer cial interests of the Country. That the present Tariff is not a just an,d per fect law, we have the opinions of many who voted for it. Even Senator SIMMONS. Whig, Of Rhode Island. admitted its imperfections. and said that the duty of removing them must be left to some subsequent Congress. So sen sible was Senator MERRICK. W hig. of Mary land of the defects of the bill, that he moved an ad ditional section to limit its operation two rears. in order, as he said to give to the next Con gress an opportunity to deliberate nine long months on the subject, and to readjust and ar range it on proper principles." Senator BUCH ANAN, altho he voted for the bill, spoke of its extravagant features, and said lie would " look with hope to better times for the adjustment of the Tariff on a scale more consonant with all the great and various interests of the Union." Senator Wirioni, who also voted -for the hill, admitted it to be " had and loaded with defects." Now, it certainly cannot be treason to the country. or to the mass .of the people, to favor the reconsideration of such a law. If one class IS PROTECTED at the expense of all others. it cannot be wrong, to advocate the claims of those others to EQUAL PROTECTION. If the law taxes more heavily, those articles which are consumed by the poor, than it does those consumed by the rich, it certainly cannot be wrong to advocate the removal of such inequa itv if the law favors the Manufacturer, at the sacrifice of the interests of the farmer, it can not be very wrong to advocate the propriety of discontinuing such injustice. • But it is intimated that the present Tariff has done great thing for the country ; and the Shoemaker, the Hatter and Tailor, of West Chester, are said to . be objects of its favor.. How ? We are not /Ware that either of, these branches of industry, is 'doing ally better, here, than it did" before the passage of the present Tariff. The fact is, our Shoemak ers, Hatters and Tailors are being under-work ed, and undersold, and their interests depress ed. by the boots and shoes, hats and caps, and clothing, manufactured in the East, by large monopoply establishment', and prought here by our Merchants and others, and sold at low er prices than our own mechanics can afford to make them. Aginst this evil, they have no remedy: no Tariff, however high, can re lieve them from this competition; and, there; fore, as consumers, in common with other me chanics, and the farmers and laborers, they are interested in having such tariff laws as will operate EQUALLY AND FAIRLY upon ALL classes, and as between the varioos interests •of the country. They cannot desire that , .artieles us. ed by those in low or moderate circumstances, should be taxed at litgher rates than those used or worn by the wealthy. They cannot desire that our laws should favor a few, so as to en able them to make fortunes in one or two years while the many are compelled to toil and economize . year after year, for many years, in order to acquire a competence or independ ence. Again, it is said that prices of manufactured articles are lower now than they were in '35. No doubt of it; and they were lower in '35, than they were in '3O under the high Tariff of '2B. W hat of all this ? The secret of this reduction, unless there has been a considerable variation in the currency of the country, will be found in the improvements in machinery, by which those articles can be produced more rapidly and with less labor and expense, than at the preceding dates. But this reduction of price and these impulwements in machinery. are not confined to. our Country. They take place ih Europe. as extensively as here; and if we could he simple enough to believe the re duction of price of Carpeting, in this Country, was owing to the tariff of '42, we . might be simple enough to attribute a like reduction of the same article, in Europe, to the same cause; and thus we would have our Tariff reducing prices in England as well.as,tn the United States! An absurdity too palp‘ble to require refutation. Whether the present advance in he price of grain and flour, is owing to the Tariff of '42, has not yet been decided by the advocates of a high and partial Tariff. They would doubt less attribute it to that cause, did they suppose the Farmers were ignorant enough to believe them. What a pity tt is that grain hasedvanc ed some 30 cents per bushel. within three months, and the cause of that rise cannot be traced to the Tariff of '42. The farmers whose wool, whose flax seed,' whose hides, and oth er productions, are ton PROTECTED by the Ta. riff of '42. but sacrified by that act, to the in terests of the Manufacturers, are now making a little money, getting pretty good prices for their grain, not by reason of that Tariff, but be cause Of FOREIGN DEMAND. Take away that demand, cut off our farmers from this foreign market, and grain and -flour would instantly fall far, below what they were before-the Ta riff of '42. That the farming' interests dour co t' ,; might be favored by a just Tariff, e annot i Z, doubted; aod,that they ought to be pro equally with any other interest, we *BO contendi But that protection is net 4 forded by the present Tariff; It taxes 14 4 almost everything that he uses or Wears l et the purpose of protecting the manafasto th ti and whibihe raises grain largely beyead domestic consumption of the country, he i s ,„, I encouraged to lessen his grain crops, by d e rv; ing portions of his land to, other parpo se ,, More than a million of dollars worth of for t i,, wool was imported into this country d tit i", the past year. If the farmer had been preQ, ed by the present Tariff, against that, to tEe same extent as the manufacturer of wo o k, goods is protected against foreign competi l ,,, , it would have encouraged him to raise w ed instead of grain. But the Tariff does note ) this. The high protection given to the M an , facturer, is not extended to the tamer , 1 04 it protects the former at the rate of 40 percent, it grants the latter a protection of only sp t cent !—Similar injustice, as between the sax ufarturer and farmer, is practiced, in relatiei to flax, hides and other articles. , But, we have not time to pursue this sutje el further at present, and will conclOde by mk t that we are in favor of the prosperity of Nit own Town, County. State and Country, and the citizens and business of each, above an d before any other Town, County, State o r Country, and the citizens and .business then. of; and will always advocate and defend wei just and equal laws as tend to promote thee prosperity ; and in the language of Presided: Polk, we " hold it to be the duty of mere ment to extend as far as practicable, by item. enue laws, and all other means within its pos er, fair and juit protection to ALL the, grey interests of the whole Union. embracing 4 gr . culture, Manufacturers, Mechanic arts, Cox merce and Navigation." If the present Ted _does afford this protection to ALL the great le terests of the whole Union. it ought to bead. hered to and maintained ; hut if it only proteni a few, and leaves others unprotected, it emi , ly ought to be amended in such away as to di equal justice to those others, and thus be made just and impartial as to ALL. No fair mike,: man—no one governed by truly patriotic for. loos and considerations., can object to this... 11 - e6l Cheater Republican. A DISTRESSIN9 CASE.—Some three or 10:r weeks since, an insane German Woman 24:: twenty-two or twenty-three Years of age, os sent to the Blockley Alehouse from the on ly of Huntingdon. under very distressingcc. cn instances. It appears from the letters Mill Directors of the Pcor of that County, that 6 was left there by a party of German emigract entirely destitute, and with no one to take cal of her, or who even knew her. They elated thr, she came on board of the ship apparently ca accompanied by any one, and unknown to that shortly after the vessel sailed, indication of insanity appeared. which increased dunor, the voyage an/journey over the mountains, to. tit their arriyal at Huntingdon. when her can duct took such a form of frenzy, that the coin. party to,dhich she had attached herself call no fonder take care of her, and were obliged to leave her as above stated. Who or what the is. or why she left her home alone, she will not tell. We trust some of our German socie ties will look into the matter, and see if the cannot be returned to her friends again. Ina a case that peculiarly claims the attention of the philanthropic. THE LATE. HENRY MUHLENBERE.-Mt Strecker, Ridge road above Buttonwood street has just completed a beautiful monument, be erected at Reading, to the memory of this citizen and statesman. The style is Grecian, and the ornaments rich and chaste. _A laurel wreath and funeral torch, elaborately tarvel!. enrich two sides of the shaft, whilst on the others are recorded the sterling virtues and many abilities of the deceased. The shafts crowned with a cap, ornamented with the rich. est scrolls and foliage, and the whole appro priately surmounted by a highly finished hit glass. The monument is about eleven feet high, and was designed and executed by Mt. Strecker, and is en his best style. It will bt, moved to Reading early this week, to be ply, ed over the remains of the lamented patnot and distinguished citizen.—Pennsylvanian. SOUTH CAROLINA SENATOR. -The JOHN C. CALHOUN Was, on Wednesday last by the nearly unanimous voice of the Legislr of South Carolina, (which met in annual es sion on Monday.) elected a Senator troth 11,2: State to supply a vacancy in the United Stasis Senate occasioned by the resignation of It! Hon. DANIEL E. DroEn, which was transm• ted to the Legislature on the day previous. NEW HAMPSIIIRE ELEcTiox.--AnotTier to elect a Representative to Congress in phre of John P. Hale, took place last Saturday, and resulted in no choice. In forty-nine tonw. Woodbury, the regularly nominated Democrat. ic candidate. gains 345, and loses 762 votes.— Net loss, 417. FIFTY EDITORS sat down to supper at Mem• phis after the adjournment of the great COD. vention. Politics were forgotten for the time in a discussion: far wore pleasing, of thew rions contents of the festive board. Full jut- tice must have been done to these subjects, for we see that the party adjourned at sunrise. THE COAL *TRADE.—From•tne "*, rottssioe region there were sent last week 20,732 tons of goal. The whole amount this season is 1,635,107 tons. Fibm the Mauch Chunk 're• gion there have been sent 421,078 tons damn; the season. AN IMPORTANT LETTER.-PLEASE READ The following letter from Dr. Brigham, of MOM., but speaks the uniform language of bundled' Cl other Physichins r who have tried, and therefore knor how to appreciate Jayne's Expectorant. Lowaaa, Masa. Jan. 27, 1844 Dr. David Jayne Dear Sir—l have used your medicine, (so univenal ly know by the name of favia's Exesc•ronssi)kr practice for a number otyears, and can most truly that I have been more successful in the use •of that a mild, safe and thorough &tract. oneyr, than of aoy raid' I have ever used. It is tho best for the following obu• ous reasons. It does not if given to proper doses, o ' o ' sion a disagreeable nausea. It does not weaken the lie and prostrate the system, like most other Expecte/0' in common use, nor does it abate the appetite clam Pf tient, like other nauseating- medicines, which:bee bto used by the faculty. In-a word it is nearly or gulls t thing which has been sought for by many of the (seal for ages gone by. I remain, your's, 4ke, LUTHER BRIGHAM, H.P. Prepared only at N. 8 Sciuth Third street, Philial phia. Sold by A. D.Moirrorre, Towanda.