Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 10, 1845, Image 3

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hose distant regions, and - the councils held
i t h theta by the cortimaddere of the expeditions,
t is believed, will have a .salutary influence in
taming them from hostilities among them
, 'mot maintaining friendly relationi between
t h e m and the gated Stays. An interesting ac.
COIN of these excursions accompanies the re.
oor t o f the Secretary of War. •
Outlet . The directions of the War Department,
B r evet Captain Fremont, of the Corps of Topo.
p2phical Engineers, has been employed since
1842 in exploring the country west of the Mis.
s i ss ippi, and beyond the Rocky Mountains.—
Two e xpeditions have been brought to a close,
sad t h e reports of that scientific and enterprising
o fficer have furnished much interesting and valu
able iliformation. He is now engaged in a third
ele di t ion ; but it is not expected that this ardu
ous service will be completed in season to ena
ble me to communicate the result to Congress at
the present session,
Our relattoos with the Indian tribes are of a
f av orable character. The policy of removing
t h e m to a country designed fur their permanent
resi d ence , west of the Mississippi and without
the limits of the organized States. and Territo
nas, is better appreciated by them than it was a
few years ago ; while education,is now attended
t o, and the habits of civilized life are gaining
gr ound among them.
Se n rious difficulties of long standing continue
to di s tract the several parties into which the
Cherokees are unhappily divided. Th e e ff orts of
the g overnment to adjust the difficulties between
t h e m have
r s itherto proved unsuccessful
there isms Pr no probability that this desirable
object can be accomplished without the aid of
farther legislation by Congress. I w ill at an
ear ly period of your session, present the subject
for your c onsideration, accompanied with an
exposition of the complaints and claims of the
several parties into which the nation is divided,
with a view to the adoption of such measures by
Congtess as may enable the Executive to do
justice to them respectively, and put an end, if
I ,, a mie, to the dissensions which have long pre
:vatted, and still prevail, among them.
I - refer you to the report of the Secretary of
the Navy for the present condition of that branch
of the national defence ; and for grave sugges
tions, having for their object the increase of its
e ffi cie ncy and a greater economy in its manage-
mein. During the past year the officers and
men have performed theit duty in a satisfactory
manner. The orders which have been given
bate been executed with promptness and (Welt
iv. . A larger force than has often formed one
;godson under our (Ina, was readily concentra
ted in the Gulf of Mexico, and apparently with
out unusual effort. It is especially to be oh
served that, notwithstanding the union of so con
siderable a force, no act was committed that even
the Jealousy of an irritated power could construe
as nn act of agaression ; and that th e command.
er of the squa dron and his officers, in strict con
formity with their instructions, holding them.
selves ever ready far the most active duty. have
achieved the still purer glory of contributing to
the preservatioo!of peace.
Iris believed' that at all onr foreign stations
the honor of our flag has been untainted, and
that generally our ships of war.'have been ills
runguished for their good discipline. and order.
lam happy-to add, that the display of maritime
force which was required by the events of the
summer, has been made wholly within the
usual appropriations for the service of the year,
so that no additional appropriations are required.
The commerce of the United States, and with
re navigating interest, have steadily and rap
increased since the organization of our goy.
emment, until, it is believed, we are now second
to but . one Power in the world, and at no dist
ant day we shall probably be inferior to none.
Exposed as they must be, it has been a wise
policy to afford to those important interests pro
tection with our ships of war, distributed in the
great highways of trade throughout the world.
For mare than thirty years appropriations have
been made, and annually expended, for the gradu
al increase of our, naval forces. In peace our
navy performs the important duty of protecting
our commerce ; and in the event of war, will
be, as: it'llas been a most efficient means of de
The successful use of steam navigation on the
ocean has been followed by the introduction of
war steamers in great and increasing numbers
into the•navies of the principal maritime Powers
of the world. A due regard to our own safety.
and to an efficient protection to our large and
increasing commerce, demands a corresponding
increase on our part. No country has greater
facilities for the construction of vessels of this
description than ours, or can promise itself great
er advantages from their 'employment. They
are arlitiiratity adapted to the protection of our
commerce, to the rapid transmission of intelli
gence, and to the coast defence., In pursuance
of the wise policy of a gradual increase of our
navy, large kupplies of live oak timber and oth
er materials for ship building have been collect.
ed. and are new under shelter and in a state of
good preset - v.:l6cm, while iron steamers can be
built svith great facility in various parts of the
rite ate of iron as a material. especially in
the construction of steamers, which can enter
with safety many of the harbors along our coast
now Inaccessible to vessels of greater draught,
and the practibtlity of constructing them in the
interior, strongly recommends that liberal appro
. Pria 6 sas should be made for this important ob
lea. Whatever may have been our policy in
the earlier stages of the government, when the
nation was in its infancy, our shipping interests
and ennonerce comparatively small, our resour
ces our population sparse and scarcely
evendinz beyond the limits of the thirteen States,
that policy must be essentially different now that
' We have grown from three to more than twenty
millions of people—that our commerce, carried
in our own ships, is found on every sea, and
that our tertiturial boundaries and settlements
Lave been so gteatly expanded.
Neither out commerce, nor our long line of
coast on the ocean and on the lakes, can be suc
cessfully defended against foreign aggression, by
means of fortifications alone. These are essen
led at important commercial and military points.
but our chief reliance for this object must be on
a trell-oreanized, efficient navy. The benefits
resulting from such a navy are not confined to
the it tlanticiStates. The productions of the in
terior which seep a market abroad, are directly
dependent on the safety and freedom of our corn
'Twee. The occupation of the Balize below
New Orleans. by a hostile lorce would embar
. lass, if not stagnate, the whole export trade of
the Mississippi, and effect the ralne of the agri
cultural products of the entire valley of that
mighty river and its tributaries.
It has never been our policy to maintain large
..,_ standing armies in time of peace. They are
contrary to the genius of our free institutions.
Would impose heavy burdens on the people, and
be dangerous to public liberty. Our reliance
for protection and defence on the land must be
mainly on our citizen soldiers, who will-be ever
ready, as they ever hare been ready iir times
past, to rush with alacrity, at the call of thee}
country, to her defence' _This 'description-of
force, however, cannot defend.bur orient; liar-
bars, and inland seas, not. protect our commerce
on the oceatiiir the Ickes. These roust be prO r
tected by out navy. , .
Considering an increased naval force. and es
pecially of steam vessels, corresponding -
our growth and importance as a nation, and pro..
portioned to the increased and ,increasing naval
power of other nations,_ of vast importance, as
regards our safety, and the great and growing
Interests to be protected by it, recommend the
the subject to the favorable considerationof Con
The report of the Postmaster General, here-
with communicated, contains, a detailed state-
ment of the operatioturof his department during
the past year. It will be seen that the income
from postages will fall short of the expenditures
for the year between one and two millions of
dollars. This deficiency has been caused by the
reduction of the rates of postage. which was
made by the act of the third of March last: No,
principle has been more genenilly acquiesced in
by the people than that this Department should
sustain itself by limiting its expenditures to its
income. Congress ha never sought to make it
a source of revenue for general purposes. except
fora short period during the,last war with Great
Britian. nor should it ever become n charge on
the general treasury. If Congress shall adhere
to this principle. as I think they ought, it will
be necessary either to curtail the present mail
service, so as to reduce the expenditures. or Bo
modify the act of the third of March last, as to
improve its revenues. The extension of the
mail service, and the additional facilities which
will be demanded by the rapid extension and in
crease of population on our western frontier will
not admit of such curtailment as will materially
reduce the present expenditures.
In the adjustment of the tariff of postage! the
interests of the people demand, that the lowest
rates be adopted which will produce the necei.
rary revenue to meet the expenditures of the de-
partment. I invite the attention of Congress to
the suggestions of the Postmaster General on the
subject, under the belief that such a modification
of the late law may be made, as will yield suffi-
cizut revenue, without further calls on the Trea-
sury, and with very little change in the presets
rates of postage.
Proper measures have been taken, in pursu
suance of the act of third of March last, for the
establishment of lines of mail steamers between
this and foreign countries. The importance of
this service commends itself strongly to favors•
ble consideration
%lath the growth of our country, the public
business which devolves on the heads of the . se
veral Executive Departments has greltly increa
sed. In some respects the distribution of dmies
among them' seems to he incongruous, and many
of these might be transferred from (mei° anoth
er with advantage to the public interests. A
mote auspicious time for the consideration of
this subject by Congress, with a view to system
in the .organization of the several departments,
and a more appropriate division of the public
business, will no! probably occur.
The - most important duties of the State De
partment relate to our foreign affairs. By the
great enlargement of the family of nations, the
increase of our commerce, and the corresponding
extention of our. consular svatem. the business
of this department has been greatly 'increased.
In its present organization, many a subject of
domestic nature and consisting of details, is de
volved on the Secretary of-State, which do not
appropriately belong to the foreign department
of the government, and may properly be trans
ferred to some other department. One of these
grows out of the present state of the law con
cerning the Patent Office, which, a few years
since. was a subordinate clerkship, but has eb
come a distinct bureau, of great importance.—
With an excellent internal organizatiOn, it is
still connected with the State Department. In
the transaction of its business, questions of much
importance to inventors, and to the community,
frequently arises, which, by existing laws, are
referred for decision to a board, of which the
Secretary of State is a member These ques
tions are legal, and the connection which now
exists between the State Department and Pa ent
Office, may with great propriety and advantage,
be transferred to the Attorney General.
In his last unmial message to Congress.
Mr. Madison invited attention to a proper pro-
vision for the Attorney General, as an important
improvement in the executive establisfrieni.—
This recommendation was repeated by some of
his successors. The official dutiei of the At
torney General have been much increased with
'in a few years, and 1114MBce has become one of
great i!iportance. His duties may be still fur
ther increased with advantage to the public inte
rests. As an executive officer, his residence and
constant attention at the seat of government are
Legal qUestions involving important principles"
and large amounts of public money, are con
stantly teferred to him by the President and ex
ecutive departments, for his examination and de
cision. The public business under-his official
management before the judiciary has been so
augmented by the extension of our territory, and
the acts of Congreis authorizing suits against the
United States for large bodies of valuable public
lands, as greatly to increase his labors and re
sponsibilities. I therefore recommend that the
Attorney General be placed on a footing with
the heads of the other executive departments.
with such. subordinate officers provided by law
for his department, as may be required to dis
charge the additional duties which have or may
be devolved upon him.
Congress possesses the power of exclusive
legislation over the District of Columbia ; and
I commend the interest of its inhabitants to your
favorable consideration. The people of this dis
trict have no legislative body of their own, and
must confide their local as well as their general
interests to representatives in whose election
they hare no voice, and over whose official con
duct they hare no control. Each member cf
the National Legislature should consider himself
their immediate representative, and should be
the more ready to give attention to their interests
and wants, because he is not responsible to them.
'I recommend that a liberal and generous spirit
may characterize your measures in relation to
them. I shall be ever dispaied to show a lim
per regard for their wishes ; and, within consti
tutional limits, shall at all' times elteetfully co
operate with yon for the advancement of their
I trust that it may not be deemed inappropriate
to the occasion Or me to dwell a moment on the
memory of the most eminent citizen of the coun
try, who, during the eummer that is gone by,
has descended to the tomb. The enjoyment
of !contemplating, at the advanced ageof near
fourscore ,years, the happy condition of his
.cheered the last hours of Andrew
Jackson, who departed this life in the hope of a'
blessed immortality. His death was-happy, as
his life had been eminently useful. He had an
unfaltering confidence in the virtue and capacity
of theireople, and in the pertanenee of that free
government whir lib& largely contributed to es-
tablish and defend.. His great* deeds bad securi
ed to him the affection of his fellow citizens, and
it was his happiness to witness rho growth and
glory of his couritry4which he loved so well.
He departed
,amithit -the benedictions of mil.
lima of - freenien./lhe nation paid. its tribute
to his memory at hii! , tonth.: Coming genera
tions will learn front eximplethe love of coun
try acid the right's of mail; Ih hiilinguage on
a Maar occasion to the present; g , I now com
mend you. felloW•citizens, to the - guidance of
Almighty God. with a foil reliance on His mer
ciful providencelor'the maintainance of our free
institutions ; and with an earnest supplication.
that whatever errors it may be my lot commit in
discharging the arduous duties which have de
volved on me, will find a remedy in the harmo
ny and wisdom of your counsels."
WASHINGTON', December 2, 1845.
Franklin, la., March Mita, 1841
Dr. lATNE.--Dear Sir: Your Medicine has been in
nearly every case successful, especially the Ezpectomrit.
have received much benefit from the nee of this my
ael4 and one of my nearest neighbors, who had been af
flicted from childhood with the Asthma, so severe, ly
nearly to suffocate ber during the paroxysm, which re
turned about once a week, has been to alt appearance
permanently cured. Your's, with respect,
Prepared only at No. 8 South Third street. Phitadel
phis. Sold by A. D. MosT ANTE, Towanda.
In Leßoy on Thursday. November 20, 1845, by Orator
Holcomb, EN.; Mr. Wm. McComma,' to Mies tn-
MACE /1151C031111, all of Leßoy.
On Monday evening. December lit, by the same, Mr.
Levt Jimmie, to Miss Eirruza Hocataxn, of the
former place.
n LeR4. an Thursday. el. M., December 4th, by the
same Mr.' Stossy Munss, to Miss 1.1)1712% A ROL.
Coro,aft of Leßoy.
On Thursday, the same day, P. M. by the same, Mr.
titutOtt ELLIS, to MISS SALSA' ill Of the for
mer place.
liam Andrews, (Universalist) will preach at
Monroe on next Sunday, (14th inst.,) at 11 o'clock A.
M., and in the Court House in this bum', in the evening.
at early candlelighting.
OUND, in the street, in Towanda, partially buried
ir in the snow, :liege Blanket SlieklN L. The own
er can have it by calling at this office, and paying charges.
Dec. 10, 184 S.
W. -- BIG ALMANAC'S for 1846. just received and
for sale by I MERCURS'
ALI. persons inhebted to the estate of Timothy Brig
ham. late of Granville, deed, are requested to
make payment t and those haying demands against said
estate, to present them legally attested for settlement.
JONATHAN WOOD, Administrator.
Smithfield, Dec. 9 1845.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of Anna Dim-
wick, of Orwell, deceased. are requested to make
payment; and those having demands against said es
tate, so present them legally attested for settlement.
AMASA DIMMICK, Administrator.
Orwell, December 10, 1845.
.t Monroe Corners, with full Winter's Supplies
ROGERS FOWLER has just filled, by the last
trip of the boats for the season, hi+ large and
commodious e ew,tore-house with a complete and well
assorted lot of ‘Vintes Good, Selected carefully by him
self in the New York and Philadelphia markets to suit
the season, with a special view to the tastes and wants
of his neighborhood.
He respectfully invites an examination or his exten
sive stock—which he offers at an invariable cash price
—comprising, generally,
Cloths, Caps, Hats, Hosiery, Hardware, Nails and
Cutlery, Crockery, Stoneware, Tinware, El
ementary Books, Stationery, Staple and
Fancy Dry Good., Drugs and Dye
Stuffs, De Laines, Alpaccas,
V i g
Prints, Shaw Sheetin gs,
Flannels, &c:., Ate.
in short, every variety•of goods required in this market,
of the latest styles add of the best qualities according to
prices, which shall be sold as low as can be afforded at
any other establishment intended for permanent busi
ness. Full as his store is, he has room enough to trade
in, and abundance of light to test thequality of his goods.
L UM BERME IV, in exchange for Boards or Shiners
shall have all articles at cash price., for be has no oth
ers; and they will find, at the same rates, in addition
to his general assortment. a constant supply of GRAIN,
FLOUR, FISH, PORK, SALT, sod all the ncces.a
ries av well as the conveniences of life.
FARMERS' reduce bought at all times, at good
prices. and 'as fair an exchange made for goods as by
any dealer in the county.
_ _
Pe ts om s Foing to the mine for COM., can save hoot
ing by leasing their loading here, (several miles this
sid e .) a t the cu a l-tssl prices, and taking an order on the
minces, which, tinder his arrangement, will he other
to. their mutual als,,nt a ge, by securing to purcha
sers coal at the *most bromide rates of barter there, and
saving to the miners the cost of bringing surplus pro
duce bark to market.
R• F • has heorti of pigmy Enuk. near Frankiindale
corners, the old "yellow corner," whitened over like
the sepulchre, and in some other dark corners, which
could find no good answer to the question—" who is
my neighbor ?" but he has passed their reach, not cor
nered yet, and he assures the community which has
imposed so many obligations in him by past confidence
et it he cannot ri-1: its continuance, by stopping to kid:
off whiffets, or making announcements'which he is un
prepared to fulfill. Monroe, Dec. 3, 18.15.
WING WANTED-300,000 feet of SIDING, on
0 - contract, or in small quantities, at my store, in el
change for cash or goods. d 3 R. FOWLER.
1.600 Acres of Land for Sale.
FOR SALE, about one thousand six hundred acres
of Land, 'satiate in South Creek township, Brad
ford County and State of Pennsylvania, hying within
twelve miles of Elmira, one of the most flourishing and
growing business places in western New 'York, and di
rectly on and near the Williamsport and Elmira stage
route and contemplated railroad line, between the two
last mentioned places, and being the great thorough-fare
between the interior of New York, and the southern and
interior parts of Penna. This land being a superior
quality of upland. for farming purposes and haSing grow
ing thereon a considerable quantity of Pine Timber, of.
fens inducements not usually met with, and will be
sold in lots of not less than one hundred acres, or in &-
body. Far price and terms inquire of A. %V, Johnston,
Esq., Chesnut Street abase Broad, Philadelphia, or of
'the subscriber, Smithfield township, Bradford County,
Penna.. , JOHN L. WEBB, Agent.
December 2. 1845
THIS Action was brought for vdownright murder,"
against the Cashier dr, Co. of the Towanda Ba--
sings Bank, fur selling goods Inn cheap, and thereby
bringing leanness upon the '• Merchant Princes" of the
borough, But, with all their vaunted sayings, hired
witnesses and combinations, together with the principal
evidence admitted bru.s—(that goods were sold cheap.
'er at Flynt & Co.'s than any other establishment)—
we have at last come off with our " capital increased,"
and obtained a signal victory over these would-be
and order combinations, and carried dismay even into
the enemy'icamp. In addition to our former stock of
Fall Goods, we have just received
Another Ark Load of Goodt,
which will be disposed of as liberally as heretofore.—
Therefore we have to record the
That George E. Flynt de Co. cannot be pot down.
07 Look for the Mar** Bank. dec3.
, r trit undersigned ire under martyr and deep. oblige•
lions to their numerous friends for the Eery liLa
raj patronage they heat. received i fur which we tender
ydu Many thanks:. and we have no iloubt.of a (potion.
mire of your “ansiks and faiors "to long as we am
ileum to 'sell goods cheaper than soy
miles dux. s: • •• ..„-
. . ..
We now baits the pleasure of infringing or friends
and customers and the public generally that entire re.
ceiviog direct from N. York, • larger and better reason
ment of Gsda, that we. or any other merchants ever
brought to this market, consisting of
Dry Good. 4. Groceries, Glass 4. Nails,
Crockery 4. Hardware; Iron* Sall, .
Drugs 4' Medicines, Leather 4. lIsh:
Dye Woods4-Dye Stull', Boots 4' Shoei 4'c.
We gave notice m our last advertisement that "we
had Remy Shelden 4 Co., tfoored—"since which time
some of T IT, neighbors have, been firing their littis pop
guns at us, but its of no use—men who have stood at
the cannon's mouth es long. as we have, cannot be
frightened by Such small trash. ,
We con essnre our worthy neighbors who have fal
len so deeply 41 love with the terms '• bluff" and " b/uf
fing.." that it is our intention so long as we remain to
business to always have a rrrsa of Goods, and after
the gross attempt made in 1842 to prevent our buying.
we are not so green as to go to the city without a
FULL HAND, which in addition to the experience of
one of our firm in the city trade (having been for some
time a clerk in N.Yrn k city,) enables us to buy goods
cheaper than merchants generally from the country can.
So just come on, all ye who want to buy cheap for
CASH, call at no. 3, shake " the ready "at us and you
" are caught —" or if you have a load of producc"gice
us the wink" and we ate serer you.
Foi more particulars look along throtigh the paper.
14,'. H. BA IRD 44 CO, No. 3. B . Row.
Towanda, N0v.25, 1845.
A. R. 11111•ILLET
Oh Gosh ! ! What Proverbs ! !
• Try it again Master G..
You may wake up old no. 3. .
It has tong since ceased to be necessary.
For no. 3 to say they they have the ,largest and beef
stock of Goods in Towanda, for that his long been •` A
It has long since ceased to be necessary,
For no. 3 t . eay they buy goods for cash end buy them
le per cet cheaper than most of their neighbors, for
that too h long been .• A Pnovsni."
It crionfi since ceased to be neeessarry.
For no. to say they are selling sad will sell goods
cheaper ~an any establishment in Towanda, for that
too has long been " A Pnovaan."
It never has been necessary,
For no. 3 to say they would sell goods for " 127 per
cent profit —" for we can do that and then sell at a
'price less thou many of our neighbors pay for the same
goods in the city—and that too has long been "A Pao.
yen 11."
For no. 3 to boast of "ruining "any body by selling
goods cheap either in " Brick Row" or Wood Row—
we sell goods cheap to benefit community and not to
ruin them, this too has also long been "A Novato."
It is no whisper—
But in the mouth of every , body, even the little boys in
the streets proclaim it aloud, that no. 3 are selling " bet •
ter goods and more of them" than any other establish
ment in Town,—wonder how long since. some of our
neighbors found out this was " A Psossais 1"
Just continue your old practices, drop in at no 3 before
you buy. where no charge is made for eabibiting goods.
N0v.25, 18I5: W. H. BAIRD & CO.
FRENCH, English and American Broad Cloths of
all colors and qualities, also Beaver and Pilot
Cloth for overcoats, and perhaps it would be as reel: to_
mention that we have over OSE HUN DRUD different
!tyke of Cassimere, Fifty pieces Satinetts, be-ides twen
ty odd of Sheepv Grey, which me are now selling at just
about two thirds the usual price in town.
W H. BAIRD & No. B. R .
rk;s lu CO rroN6-sboo yds, Sliceungs ;
1500 lbs. Cotton Yarn ;
500 " NMI ;
150 " wick, on hand and for sale at hat
summer's prices. nv26 W. H. BAIRD & CO.
lb Farmers, Lumbermen and others
New Store in Standing Stone !
MIX if STORRS. respectfully announce to the ci
tizens of Standing stone and vicinity, that they
have formed a partnership, and are now opening at the
old eland of Peter C. Ward, lately occupied by N. D.
Warford, whole they offer for sale an extlnsive seta o
staple and fancy Goods, consisting of
Dry Goods, Groceries, hardware, Crockery,
Iron, nails, boots and shoes, sole & upper leather,
and pork, &c., which have been selected expressly for
this market, and bought for ready pay, and will be dis
posed of at the lowest possible rates, fur Boards, Shin.
-gles, and Lumber, of every guabiy, aheat,'corn..rve.
oats, beef hides, and produce of all manner and sorts.
We respectfully ask those purchasing for Gls!' to give
up a call, as we will not he untier4old by any ema.,lish
nient in this county. We charge nothing Err exhibit
ing our goods. e, It MIX & Sits,
November 26. W . It. STORKS.
ArIAME to my enclosures, in 'Towanda township.on
VIL/ Wednesday, the 19th inst., a stray Sorrel MARE
about 8 years old; hese strip in the face. and is lame
in oce fore leg. The owner is requested to come for
ward, prove property, pay reasonable charges, and take
said mare away. JAMES rsANTEE.
Towanda tp., November '26. ISO. •
The Resurrection of Read Watches!
.., - Warner II Woodruf
ii i- respectfully inform the citizens of
Towanda end vicinity, that they
i '' . ' 1 ,'1 1 !: , have formed o partnership for the
~,E, , 1 purpose of prosecuting. for the
ex. 0 4 9
47 ;: , public interest. the business of
% 1 - • '''' Clock and Watch Repairing,
at the old and well-known stand of Capt. J. M. Gill
con, (ritinthered IOU.) [Mitt door north of Col. Bailey's
Grocery' store. and two doors south of Elliott & ?demur.
where they will give their undivided attention to their
business, and confidently inform the public, that from
their long experience in their profession. and a determi
nation to attend punctually to the interests of thosO fa
coring them with their work, they believe they can ren
der satisfaction, and make refractory time-pieces,
" Point with unerring finger to the march if Time."
They will be found at all hours, at their establish
ment, and solicit a stfare of public patronage.
O y All kinds of Countru Produce. received in pay
ment for work, at the market price. Nov. 26, 1645.
fiEss GOODS. .
LADIVS are particularly requested to cull and ex
amine our assortment of All Wool Ombre Cm/i
-nserts, Nazarene blue Delaines. winter lailtarines, prince
de ecasse. (last style) Victoria striped cashmeres, Queen
Ann plaids end checks. &c.. with gimps, cords and vel•
set trimmings to match, now exhibiting at N'o.3,Brick
Row. We say they are 25 per teat. eheaperthcm erre.
dec3. BAIRD & CO.
ALICOES-500 PIECES, which wero bought for
IL) Checks on the City Bunks,of the manafacturer's
agents, (tot et • Auction, where all inferior, goods are
sohl) and will-be sold here as cheap as any merchant
(who bought before the illectin9 paid.
dec3 vide h. 3, BRICK now.
9 CA'S4S HATS, anti a large stock of CAPS, 1 ,17;
opening at the cheapest store in Towanda- —s e m
body knows where that is: No. S. Re:. rk Rolm
HARDWARE, of tlll descriptions, td 3,11. R
ilee3. BAIRD'S.
NSW ARRlyAL.—Stnne wire, Crockery
Looking gimes, Ont , 4 Betties, Broomie,:
Traveling baskets. 413 BAIRD'S.
1 ark load SALT. and 5 ton NAILS,
ore for sale and ready to be shown at BAIRD'S
CVll,,,Painta & Glass, we keep constantly on band
a Very large stock of all kinds ITO will very low
for cask. wr.u.ts & BATTERLEE, '
We trust that it necer will be necessary.
.5ia91`1004.10.24 EXERTION) SEd bat' S.
S:: & - • Ali.
AVE thopleasure'uf sinnistinCing
dial ilteiernsinecedenietf heavy saki: this
have rendered it neeessary to,iitirchaset another liege
stone of WINTER GOODS, which they ire now fa
ceiving sod offering for' each at wholoale or ielaikst
much lower prkos than they can eati be fouriffit any other
store in Towanda. Dash purchasers of goods can se.
cure the following advantages by calling at out store
FlUsT—The procuring of their goods at the limit pos
sible advaucefrom the tninufacturei's arid importer's
prices, as our goods are purchased trom.find hands,
at net cash prices. •
SCCOND—Rehef from the extes,prices, which merchants
who give credit must charge to cover losses by bad
debts, collecting fees, 4c.
Our stock is veryhecry,emblacing almOsteverithing
in the line - of Dry Goods, Groceries. (Liquors iscepted)
Hardware, Crnckery. Drugs, Medicines: Paints, Oits,
Dye stuffs, Boots and stioes, Saddlery Hardware, CS! ,
riage Trimmings, &c. And altho' our stock of pods
is much the heaviest in town, they were purchased so
very tow that they did not cost PDX°, or even $15.-
000. and our customers can have the benefit of our ad.
ventageous purchases, as our motto is, "Small profits
and quick sales. Nov. 26,1845.
,RINTS—The largest, nmsedesirable and cheVest
assortment of Prints In town, can be found at
ncni.26. IttERCURS'.
It milted Goods.
111111 DE LAMES, Crepe de !nines, C. b Ecesse
end Alper:one, a fine assortment, purchased in
'evr York, after the late falling off in prices et
RONISET VELVETS. Siding end- Silks. with
Ribbons to match, the best end cheapest anon
went in town, in nv26 MERCURS'.
SA W LS—Every one wishing to purchase Sheol:,
1 , 'multi by all means call where every thingin that
line from twenty•tise cent, up, is kept at prices Insult
judges of the articles; it is needless to say that it is at
nov26 MERCURS'.
Administrator's Notice.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of HECTOR
AI L W. -STRONG, late of Soothport, N. Y. deed..
are requested -to make immediate payment, and all
those having demands against the tame are requested
to present them, legally ~attested for settlement. '
Towanda, N0v.26, 1845. Administrator.
lassortmentESTlCES , BLANKS, • full assortment just
Fainted and for sale et Ibis office. surn.
HARDWARE.—The largest assortment end
greatist variety ever .offered in Bradford county,
just received at MERCUR'S.
THE co-partnership which heretofore existed be
tween George Breek,jr. and William Angle, un
der the firm of 13RECK & ANGLE. has been this
day dissolved, and all debts due the said firm have been
assigned to the subscriber, who alone is authorized In
collect and receipt the same. W.W. ANGLE.
Rumniersfield Creek, November 17, 1845. ntt6
Sall Later, More Rich Good:
IirUST received an insoles of the latest styles of Silks,
among which may be found Plain black and blue
black., Oinbre Striped Pon da Sol'e Camelion Baps with
Satin Stripes, Genuine Polka Silks, Plaid Florence*,
Plain do.. Plain silks f..r Elonnetts. a rare opportunity
for those to purchase who intend doing so as they are
sold only a shade above auction prices at
0ct.20. G. E. FLYNT & CO'S.
ANY quantity of Bleached and Brown Sheeting*
Shirting of all qualities, blk. end white Wadding,
Wicking in Boxes, twine, ronia, &e., at
VE hall ton ARK ROPE bought verj lot" and
lip will be sold ticeorilingly by
WANTEti in exchange for goods any quantity
of Batter, Tallow, Wheat, Rye, Oats,TintoOiy
and' Clover Seed, Hides, Lumber, and cash will not be
refused by WELLES & SATTERLEE.
e) 11 ' UST RECEIVING, at the old store on the cor
ner of Mein and Pine streets, a few doors below
Montanyes 6- Co.'s. and nearly opposite No. 1, Brick
Row, an entirely new stock of GOODS, which- con
sists in a general assortment of
Dry Goods, Crockery.
Groceries, - Boots 4. Shoes,
Hardware, Hats 4- Caps. 4.C.
Together with a general assortment of DRUGS AND
MEDICINES, all of which have been selected with
great care by myself in the New York market, and will
be sold as cheap as can be sold by any living man in
this market Ladies and Gentlemen can be satisfied of
this fact by calling on the subscriber, at his store,wbere
he will be in readiness at all times to wait upon all who
favor him with a call. A. D. MON7'AINYE.'
Ty. Wantrii, in exchange for Goods. either cash
gra n, lumlvr. or shipping Furs. in-almost any quantity
Too ancia, November 19. 1845. A. D. M.
- 2 1 11CIEE: •
HURI,I3I3IIT, Jr.. superior east steel AXES,
half a dozen boxes, just received and for silent
Vac old Amid of novl9 B. KINGSBERY.
Sayings that have become Proverbs.
raoctliti FIIIST
aIIAT GEO. E. FLYNT & CO., have the far
gest awl most desirable stock of goods in Towanda.
That Lumber for Goods. or Goode for Lumber ? cannot
be carried on successfully without detriment to Cash
' That G. E. Flynt tic Co. buy goods for Cish, and sell
them for the "ready."
PUCIC Fttd CnrEalil :
That G. E. F. & Co are selling goods' cheaper than
any other establishment in this borough.
And it is whispered,
kod anon will becoeue a proverb (although we have been
knowing to the (act for sometime) that G E. F. & Co.
are selling Letter goods and mare of them.
Those !rho dmild the abore,
will please present themselves at our counter, where
Goods are freely shown, and always warranted equal to
teccommendation. CO' Look for the Savings Bank.
_ _
SLEIGH SHOES and Plough Points. (for Wayne
Co. Plougha) at G. E. FLYNT ife EO`S.
Administrator's Nc tree,
7.L persons indebted to the estate of Lionara H.
Thomas, late of Springfield township deceased,
are requested to make immediate payment, and'theere
having demands against the snid . estate are requested to
present them legally attested for settlement, to the soh.
aeriber. JONAT HAN WOOD, Administrator.
Smithfield. Dec. '2. 1545.
BON NGTS; vEi.vE•rs 414 RI BligiVs.
jST received a great yea rig of Bonnet, velvets
and Silks together with" Plaid, Fringed,. R711111114)K 4
Pulke, Satin, Ombre, Velvet, Cap and Talrella Ribbons
which you will readily ai l eover are very cheap by cal.
ling at no. 3 brick mei. W.H. BAIRD & co.
„ChßicEh B l S ill of t , o T al d h i y ffe t r h e e n h k e in st as o ' : n t a eAeas " q a 4 " t ti n f rt:
ty- 0 1 ioch prices ea to ensure, the $3lll of the lot ahha
Larger than bought by nay other merchant in Tenant's.
Call at BAIRD'S IC& 3 It ft:
BUGSR, 6 do. ?doles/ea bought in first
VI hands and will be sold accordingly by
W. O. BAUM & CO, No. t. B. R.
Administrator's Notice.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Abner 77:0.
was. late et Smithfield tp., dec'd, are requested to
make immediate pay went, and all those haaingdemsads
against the same are requested to present therm legally
attested for settlement to the Ruhsrriher.
JONATHAN WOOD. Administrator.
Smithfield. Dec. 2, 1846.
Administrator's Notice.
ALL pentane indebted to'.the estate of Abner N.
Thomas, late , of Smithfiell tp. deeeased,nre re.
guested to make imenediate . payment and all these has
ing demands against' the dame are present
them, legally attested fausettlenient to the anbeeribent.
JONATHAN WOOD, A ' llinilli4lzdar`
.Dttaitt' ;SAX 'Dec. 2, 180.
'al OH-
TLILA 111 Dal PRCIUKT ;Ctlllfa & gettetil Liar
of .4. ;fielected *kb cfAracul
satiable Ibiltie Whiter trecte:A• The stoelefoirar-ei
Dry - Goods, Grtieetie .11aiditati l ;
Crotikery B o 4l B .••S'Aes Csr 4 i)
AND A VE,111( TX/%ICSIVE AiprownnisT 07
13'0 ° It CI, a Ve2.9240101112529
which' will be told' on tte mcut reesouebl6 Caen term.
Ile' public ett invited to call sad
Nor. 10, 1845. J.'XINGsBERT; nt.l
MONTANYES - &'). , 131
Jeep tWovtiolcutic comAdoi t Magnet
: - ; li i ia
eitablishmerst has ill been.enl; .
j and " improved ; and is Wing' - ret, eniihed With" •
new stock , of Fashionable WINTER 000118; silidels
in sada/0d to their tanner largo stack of olipliVerids.
makes it the, puss*, desirable place loelarite poiihases.
as Weft for shopping, irt, min. - .Their . , paw ,stoek, pem
sisti ia,part of French,, Englishmid Ame ri tnip AO ,
and' eatineits; ''eashmere di - noise 'and ' . isfittaselip l ass
Nines; of !the newest styles' and paitenis, suede* ow.
Me, gro de Swiss, firedpeult de your aryl *Mired inited:
Bilks. ;maroon Am laclies* , . skirts.. and a nesr•sotide
frin g e 6...dr.v. F ... ; plaid cashmere apd Torkartalisnelas
and a thousand other. et totem turcenary to *tar Ow
' Their stock of drutiatriol i ir and AO; Rai; ;;Sid
Caps, Buffalo Mies, Oils and Painfs,irentend' , Virs
and most articles that the *ante '4o;the eriminernity re
quire, swill be found well.usoPed add talecttakAnd of.
fcred to , purchasers on as good Aetna Or better that la
a 1 of the neighboring Tillages in the state of Pl.-
NOv. 12. J.U.dr. tt.):MfgsiTANY7g.ili.
U. 147 I' (A'J , ',V. OWlllit
ON.IUNGSBERY:is 'near receirrini'st
AAP. old nand; which hasleeti going' 'off lbe eights&
years, where goods of lairds has been sold and WILL
be sold. lower don at any ogler. store in this Corm.
ty. A very large stock of all kinds of goods ethichlw
been selected with great are and attention, ad bought
at such priers of 'be importers and minu6seturtil, . this
it would be a ruinous business for sny firm in thelhiek
Row, or any where the, to undertake to sell goods' as I can, and will. If my friends and the peblic
generally, will call before Airy make their puntheena
elsewhere, they will find that Uns notice Isnotpatine',
popes for a BIAYFF, like some by the aide eflt s but, It
amine what Ways; • • '
I have a general asscutment orevety lied and Abierip.
lion of - •
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crocknv,
Roots 4. Shoes. Nails. Iron, Leather. Ore.
AY,. celebrated INDIA RUSSER'Shoes and
Suspenders--a new article. for sale at •
seri tn. KINGSBERY'I3. .
SOLE & UPPER LEATHER, far ale by '
sep. 27. , . B. 101168BERY. :
argioDFISH, Mackerel and oltuid. for ago by •
cV,sep. 27. B. KINGSBERY:
Art OTTON YARN, Knitting Kant, Bans; Wicking,
Wadding-any , quantity for sato *sty low. by
sep. 27. B. KINGSKEKIr.
g'S TON Fall rivet Nails, for isle cheap, tq
sep. B. mosortcr,
WeilirOODS. PAINTS do 'OILS, of eruy der
riptlon, for sate, out noted below de %tsarist.
srp. 24. ' B. KINGSBBRi%
HATS & CAPS. without number. for salmi haw
then was ever before bearifor. hp
.sep V. 4. B. KiNGSBERY.
ArIYE HUNDRED "I'HOUSAND cubic feet of W.
111_, Oak 'and White. Pine Turbot for iratitug putpiiireit
firdee.ed on the bank or at Pan Deposit waned irt
el:wrung° for goods and some cash by
Nov .5. 44 8 ATTBRLBE..
Wi theigt. B vv. li
a ttLB ez .o ch f
soal and SEED,
egg -
Wittions Scott, .•
,M. l l U,C1161 1 551§7.0 &SI Its &V 9
WI.I. promptly and punctually render Insprefes*
Biomel services in Agencies. Collediorqt and
other mitten in.his profession * entrusted to his cane.
Office in the New Bride Bieck—west room urn the
Post Office. entrance on the north side. Nov. 5y
ALL,persous indebted to estataaf Hirmax PAtugoss,
deed, late of Springfield tp. are revrastail torn
immediate pay meat, and all those having demandsagai
the same are requested to present them, legally attested
for settlement. , JOHN PARSON/3i
sl l llllB 6 eld.Nov 114 1845
ALL PERSONS knotting themselves to boilble
ea to me for official services. 11118 respectfully to
quested to call at my (the •Rt gister's) office, sita settle
the same lmnaedistely and save costs. My teen of of
Gce beuig about to expire, it therefore becomes absolute.
ly necessary for me to settle up my affairs.
Reg. & Rec., and R; O. C.
Nov. 12,11345
efOTTON BATTMC, wadding, wiekihg, anifeai.
LI pa warp, for gale et
N0v.12. • REED'S, No. 2, Thick Roan
3ITo f thcet9.l. I,Bos,st nTelsodom
o sther zt4allZlu.nt;:li
viz—gaiter boots, ties, slippers, buskins, and tittle ones
to match. bovl2 G. E. vim &
iIATS & CAPS. Large assortment Of every des
4cription. They are. selling very cheap.
.November L 2. C. E. FLYNT &
wiLL make tile next professional Visit to rii*lA.
oh, early in February, 1846. Dr. S. will, dur
ing los stay. make a short visit to Athena. Nov. 6.
6000 18-ce .SO n l s E ro L r jai z i
BAIRD'S, No. 3 Brick sale chea pest
- 41 - SPLENDEDA§SORTMENT, of beat Velvet.
-4141 Shire'd, Silk. and fig'd Velvet, Winter boandlik
fur sale by O. REED.
IQ OLE LEATHER—first quality.
" Comforter.;! a fear dozens.
Curpetiogs itha.rioor oit.cloths.
Carpet and Colton Yam.
Bitggir4—an iuti4e'unexiaallea tier aturaiiht.
.11:11EilSONS indebted to the aubsenber for:Dm, srt,
Midleines otherWiie, will vave'contibi' s
L/ , 'lr Recounts before the first November next. t
0(1.7'4 - E.R4 MASON.
AOtv , tirtlifteol - VAINLVER S Lfilt • allie 'll
CL , 1: ' ' • StERCINUtt
11034, LBS. MULE &• UPPER' 'MAT&
•ER just meived sad for ills it ;' •
Ai 01. 6.1
.tale by
04 . 11 blizi4poo3,
& S. Tletpti *it' 1 Mk
Kreadianliiiittt4, ' Cain an toitria.
Pried nay ettabac.Ronaatias, ltattotial Stripa (land glitrld
Luso,* B itacaldriattania'a
AfoustittDq 110" Meli"'"l4".
Part* pr,iiiird Cotteaara wecinfe.l.o.f.4
A Ipair4,aad inan ,.. tltb , •t:aiy,lo!
.IA11041;11 mattes 20 per i'ent eftisper fo? else mate) ita
11031 4 ate found tity , at' ' . 'PINNY* COIL
TS, 11 1 JARES-flittr, 1 5 ;1;d:131ralitiff abd t/ =—
11 6 ezn3plete assottintmit, ash/. • ' •
WPLENDII) tat ntrircudiAilit,lNll h eptetig
alga 4)11 dkrVelvet ind fa! dist, legeitter
wob Muffs, tad POLIO robes, tor sale eiteup at :
Oes. • - :•;; :•;; vaklritC.
• TOE lay EsiTaisz sErrtetilr'-oi.
1 JURY of twelteladies hitt lieciJed;thas
to ruckaoa:VteshirtiV.(+*6lo . peat of tduale) is
G. E. FLYNT 4 Con..
soflietteriand Gods CRACKERk; for
t.; • .1-