• PROCLAMATION. • d i ci r. , REA'S the Bon. lour 'N; Conensuax; Pent of the lath Judicial district,eonsiet. ing of the counties of Lucerne, Bradford and Tioga, end Hwy Morgan and Reuben Wilber entrires,‘Associate J u d g es in aid for the county of Bradfoid, have lined their precept bearing date the 22d of October,-1895, to roe directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, G ene ral Quarter Sessions of the Peace; COmmon Pleas and Orphans' Cowl, at Towanda, for the county' of Bradford, on the first Monday of December nest, being the fiat, to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hetet!) , given, _ to the Coroners, Justices of the Pews and Constables of • the county of Bradford, that they be then and there in ( h e ir proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their mord', inquisitions examinations, sod other their remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertain to be done; and those who are bound by recognitance or otherwise to prosecute against the prisoners who ere Cr may be in the jail of said coun ty, or who are or shall be bound to appear at the.said co urt, ate to be then and 'there to prosecute against them sa shall be just. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to : their notice. Dated at Towanda, the sth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eighthundred and foity.five, and of the Independence of the United States the seventieth. JOBN F. MEANS, Sheriff. T '447 THE subscriber has just received cgeneral assort, tarot of silts Goods, selected with tare, and suitable for the Winter trade. The stock embraces Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockeri, Boots, Shoes and Caps, AND A VERY EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF @wag ri•creaansraia% which will be sold on the most reasonable Cub terms. The public are invited to call and examine. Nov. 10, 1845. J. KIbiGSBERY, JR. 3113IP• .31EiA1.31E-4.lr—e BOUND TO i SH INE.! "aEtfcbltateoblemis *lying, t,,„,lteliuettt.sinttn Though they boast to rumbim down. tesubscriber would announce the public generally that he now receiving • very large dwell selected assortment of VOVES, such as Cross' pa in cylinder oven cooking; rose combination of Frank s and cooking; N 0.3 and 4, ulton 4 boiler cooking ; No. 3; and 4, premuim 4 boilei eking: with an assortment .4 six plates, school-house and ...aer coal and. parlor wood do.. all of which will be sold as low as at any other establish ment this aide of the Rocky Mountains, for wheat, oats, rve, corn. pork, butter, cheese, and cash not refused ; TIN-WARE constantly kept on hood, at wholesale and reta il, w ith stovepipe, elhows, stove tubes of clay and fin, patent pails, stone jugs,- British lustre, sheet zinc, rut to suit customers,' with Job work of every descrip tion in the Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron business, done on short notice and in a workmanlike manner. And in addition to the above articles, he intends to keep constantly on hand a good article of rifle and blast ing Powder; with FLOUR PORK, :by the barrel and pound, codfish, mackerel, soap, candles, lard and butter. LIQUORS, such as rum, gin, brandy, and whiskey, of different qinalities. Tea, coffee, , pepper, spice. salterat us, ginger, starch, cloves, cinnamon, segars, tobacco, CliV ndish and fine cut, candies, nuts, figs. rai sins, herring, green and dried fruit, 'cider, beer, and all other articles usually kept by grocers, all of which will be sold at reduced micro for ready pay. Store and ma nufacturing Establishment not kept exactly in Montan ye's corner block. but in the next building below, on the south side of the public square, where persons w ish ing to purchase the above articles will do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Nov, 12. 1845. D. C. HALL. MONTANYES & COP'S Chcap Cash Wholesale Commission & sobbing Store Tabove establishment has lately been enlarged I and improved, and is being replenished with a new stock of Fashionable WINTER GOODS, which in addition to their former large stock of staple Goods, makes it the mos: desirable place bur large, purchases, as also for shopping, in town. Their new—stock ton. sins in part of French, English and American Cloths and Saunetts, cashmere de ecosse and mousselin de [sines, of the newest styles and patterns, ainchew, om bre, gro de Swiss, fled poult de soul and watered strip'd Silks, maroon for ladies' skirts. and a new article of fringe for dresses; plaid cashmere and Turkara shawls, and a thousand other et ceteras necessary to please the ladies. Their stock of Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Flats and Caps, B tffalo Rolm Oils a',d Paints, fan and Nails. and most articles that the wants of the community re quire, will be found well assorted and selected, a,,d of fered to purchasers on as good terms or better than in al of the neighboring villages in the state of N. Y. Nov. l J.D.& E. D. MONTANYE & CO. , --, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to estate of HILNUT deed, late of Springfield tp. are requested to make immediate pnly noent, and all those basing demands a galnst the same are requested to present them. legally attested for settlement. JOHN PARSONS, BpringGeld, Nev. 12, 1845 EF113155U (11&24Z13 1111,LL PERSONS knowing themselves to be indebt ed to me for offixial services, are respectfully re quested to call at my (the firgister's) office, and settle the rime immediately and save costs. My term of of flee being about to expire, it therefore becomes absolute ly necessary for me to settle up my affairs. JULIUS RUSSELL, Reg. & Rec., and C. O. C. Nov. 12, 1845 (101t0N BATTING, wadding, wicking, awl car ‘l,_) pet warp, for sale at Nor. 12. REED'S,. No. 2, Brick Row. ORe of those A. No. 1, Boots, just received.— AI Together with a large quantity of Ladies Shoes, ' 4l —gaiter boot.. ties, slippers, buskins, and little ones to match. novl2 G. E. FLYNT & CO. HATS & CAPS—a large assortment of every de scription. They are selling very cheap. November 12. G. E. FLYNT & CO. DR. J. N. SUMNER • DENTIST, WILL make his next profeasicuaal visit to Towan da, early in February, 1846. Dr. S. will, dur jug his stay, make • short visit to Athens. Nov. 5. MOW" LHS. SOLE LEATHER just re. i kip cesved and for sale cheapest n DAMON. No. 3 Brick Row. =Eli SPLENDID ASSORT:A ENT of beat Velvet. Shiretl. Silk. and fig'd Velvet, Winter bonnets. tamale by C. ,REED. THE QUESTION sE'rFLED. AJURY of twelve ladies hie decided. that the place te purchase Fresh' Teas, (no appeal of worse) is - a E. FLYNT 4. CO'S. SOLE LEATHER—first quality. Comfiitters,"'s few dozens. Carpetinge and Floor Oil Cloths. ' Carpet and Cotton Yarn. Bagging—en - edicts unequalled for durability. No.. 12. At ttni SAVINGS BANK. 7 C`ABIAESJIMPIIir IN the Susquehanna, on or about the 12th of Oct. a quantity of white pine boards supposed to be from the examination back they consist of one platform 13 dap. 12 by 16. The owner is requested to call 82 d gore property, pay charges, including the cost of this advarfasment and take them into his own care. GARDNER, Dwell, Oct. 28th. 1845. WM. J. COLE. PAY lrilliposw • . PERSONS indebted to the subscnber for Drugs & Medicines or otherwise, will save costs op' settlie: their accounts before the first November next. I Oct. 7.1845. E.II.IITASON. : SHERIFF'S SALES Y virtue of sundry writs of Veriditinoi tx ponas, issued out of the eour►:of Common Pleas of Bradford county. to me directed, I shall expose to public sale, at the house of W;Briggs in the botough cif ToWanda; on Monday the fat day of December nett at oneo7clock . P.M.. the following. described piece of parcel of land situ ate in the township of Ulster, bounded on the north by land of Wm. Plowman. on the.east by the public high way,. and south all west by land of William Gibson. Containing one acre or 'thereabouts; With one framed house and 'one framed blacksmith shop thereon. Seized and taken in execution at . the suit of Williath Gibson es. John Fuller. 4LSO'rfie' following described piece of land situate in Wyalusing township and boun ded on the north by Mr. Sunmer, on the east by James Vawn and John Chamberlin; on the south by Oliver Iltown and Michael Weldrick, on the west by Isaac Jenning end Charles Homet.-. Containing 8$ acres more or less, 80 or 40 im proved, (tame house and log bora thereon erect ed. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. Mills to the use of Miller Bowman & co. now assigned to J. Palmer vs. Isaac Place. ,ILSO—The following piece of land situate Athens township and bounded on the north by 'the Chemung river, on the east by Gardiner & White, mt the west by Neal McDuffie. _Con taining about twenty six acres with about eight acres improved with four framed dwelling houses two framed hams and. one saw mill thereon erected. Seized and 'taken in execution at the suit of Josiah Stowell vs. Daniel Berchard and Samuel S. Clark. ALSO—The folloWing piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Wells, bounded on the North by - lands of Alexander Roy and George H. Shepherd, nast by land of Andrew Austin and the public highway, south by land of James Relly and John Davey and on the west by land of Orr Smith. Containing about one hundred and six acres, about forty thereof improved with two frame houses, one frame barn and log barn and one saw mill thereon. dLSO—The following piece of land situated in said township of Wells and bounded on the north by land of John Strong, east by lands known as the JohnsonW. Mifflin lands, south by lands in possession of Wm. Hubler anti west by land of Stowell and Grinnell and George H. Shepherd and Alexander Seeley. Containing one hundred and forty seven acres or there abouts. aLSO—Stowell & Grinnell's equal undivi ded half of the following piece or parcel of land situate in said township, bounded on the north by lands of Henry Johnson, east by land- of Stowell & Grinnell and Silas Jones, south by lands of Daniel Strong, Alexander Seely and J. A. Wilson, and on the West by lands of John Brownell and W. H. French. Containing two hundred and eighty acres or thereabouts. Seized and taken in ,ezecuzion at the suit of Henry Johnson vs. Elijah Stowell and Lorenzo Grinnell. ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of Levari Facias, a certain messuage &c., lying within the lines of a tract of laud located under the war- rant no. 1487 in the name of Charles Carroll of Carrollton. beginning at a stake and stones at the north east corner of lot no. 3, and the north west corner of lot'no. 4. running and binding on the said Carroll's north line on the south line of lands owned by heirs of the late W Bin,iliarn 106 perches to the corner of lot no. 5 conveyed to Ebenezer French ; thence south binding on said E. French's west line on the east line of lot no: 4 to the south west cor ner of said Ebenezer French's lot and the south east corner of lot no. 4 ; thence west 106 pet cites to the south east corner of lot rti. a convey ed to Richard M. Kelly and the south west cor ner iirlot no. 4 ; thence north 164 perches, binding on said R. M. Kelly's east line and the west line of lot no. 4. to the place of beginning, being lot no. 4. Containing one hundred and two acres and eighty perches. with about 30 or 35 improved, with one small framed house one old barn and one small log shingle shanty and 'a few fruit trees. Seized and taken in execution'at the suit of Emily M. Parish executrix of Charles Carroll of 'Carrollton, deceased vs. John W. Camp. E. S. Tracy, H. H. Seely and Abiram Pierce terre ,tenants. .LSO—A certain lot of piece of land situate in Wysox township. Bradford County, Iteqin ning at a post on the north cast side of the 'post road leading through Standing Stone ; thence along by the same. soh - rli fifty degrees east see. enteen and thirty two hundreth perches to a stone corner by the northwest sided a lane run ping northeasterly from said road ; thence said lane north 44° east 12 and 2-10 perches to a post; thence by land of the party of the sec ond part north 50' west 16 and 82-100 perches to post ; thence by land of the same south•46° west 12 and 9-10 perches to the place of begin ning. Containing one acre and 49 perches and nine tenths of a perch, with a barn and store house thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Simon Stevens vs. P. C. Ward. J. W. FASSETT. Adminisuators. .ILSO—A certain messnage, piece or parcel of land situate in Franklin and Leroy township, bounded as follows: beginning at the N.E. cor ner of of a lot deeded by Bank of J.Y. America to John H. Packard, a post on the N. Bank of Towanda creek ; thence south 215 p. to a post southeast corner pf said Packard's lot ; thence north 67' east•2l and 6-10 perches to a beach. thence north 73° east 17 and 4-10 perches to a post ; thence north 200 p. to a hemlock on the south bank of Towanda Creek ; thence up said creek according to the several courses thereof to the beginning. Containing 42 acres 26 and 3- 10 perches be the same more or less. with about 12 acres improved and a dwelling house and barr. thereof. . , Seized and taken, in execution at the suit of Bank of North America vs. John Robert. .1. N. WESTON. Sheriff. • Shff 's Office. Towanda Oct. 27. 1845. SAVINGS BANK ! • Still Later. More Rich Goods. VIBT recd an invoice of the latest style, of Bilks, ft. among Which may be found Plain black and blue black, Ombre Striped Pon de See Catnelion Reps with Satin Stripes, Genuine Polka Bilks, Plaid Florence's. Plain do., Plain silks fw.llOnnetts. a rare opportunity forlhose to parttime who intend doing so as.they am sold only a shade above suction prices at 0ct.20. G. E. FLYNT At:CW.3. BRUSHES- 7 .Hetr, Paint, Shaving and Neil— complete etiaortment. at the Sep 17. CENTRAL DRUG STORE. A NY quantity of Bleached Brown Sheeting & and Shirting of all qualities. hik. and white Wadding, Wicking in Boxes, twine. eorda, &c., at Nov.s - WELLES & BATTERLEE'S. ONE haTiton ARK ROPE bought ser a low and will be sold accordingly by • ; WELLES & SATTERLEE.'' ANTED in exchange for goods • any' quantity sod Mi r of Batter; Tallow; Wheat, Rye, Oats, Timothy lover Sera, Bids*, Lambe?, and cash will not ba reftwed by WELLES A: SATTERLEE. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY vittue of* wr it. of :Pieri racks( issued of the court'of Common Pleas of Untdforti county, to life thieeted, Usball'expo4 to public sale at the: house, of W ur.. ',Brigos in the borough orrowanda:' - on Sattirday the 20th of November next at 1 o'clock, P. Al., the fol lowing piece of parcel of latid situate in. Athens tp., and boundetton the . ,east by lands ofE. H. Perkins, on the south by lands of . ll, Williston Esq., on the west by ;lands of Mrs. De Witt; and on the north by lands of 11. W.:Patrick. containing 120 acres same more or less with about 40 acres unproved,.' a framed house anti barn a small orchard 'thereon. ALSO--Otie other piece situate in Athens fp.. and bounded on the east by lands of Horace Williston, Esq.. on the south - by lands. Caton line and lands owned by Horaee.Williston. Jr.. on the west by lands of Jacob Jones, and on the north by lands of H. WW. Patrick. G.O.Welts & N. T. W ynkoop, containing three hundred acres with about thirty acres improved and a log house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. W. Patrick vs. Asa Forest, Administrator of T. D. Ruckman l deceased. J. N. WESTON. Sheriff, Sheriff's Office, Towanda. Oct. 29, 1845. Sheriff's Sales. fly virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Ex ponas issued from the court of common pleas of Bradford County, to .me directed, I shall expose to public sale at the house of Wm. Briggs in the borough of Towanda, on Monday the fist day of December next, at one o'clock P. M., the following piece or parcel of land sit uate in Canton township, and hounded and de scribed as follows: beginning at a post on the line of lands sold Stephen Garets, thence by the same east 152 8-10 perches to a post on the warrant line of no. 4591 ; thence north 89° W. 37 4-10 p. to a post ; thence south one degree west 74 p. to a post ; thence 96 perches to the beginning. Containing 69 acres and 49 perches, about 50 acres thereof improved, with two fra med houses, one log barn, and about sixty fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other piece or parcel of land situate in Canton township, bounded and de scribed as follows : beginning at the north west corner of warrant no. 4597 at a 4tost ; thence S. 89° east 62 perches to a post center of Geo. W. Lewis' Iol; thence along the same south 1° W. 72 2-10 perches to a beech corner of James Warrins I t t thence along the same north 891. east 62 perches to a post corner of the said Silas Grays lot; thence along the same north 1° east 74 perches to the beginning. Containing 26 acres, 120 perches and allowance, about thir teen acres thcrenf improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of G. F. Mason to the use of E. & G. F. Mason Mason vs. Silas Gray. ALSO—The following described tracts or parcels of situate in Burlington township, boun ded on the north by lands formerly otvned by Plynn Phelps, east• by !ands of Wm. Ktutpp, south by lands of Isaac & Andrew Swain, John Rockwell, and Samuel & Wm. Nl . Ken, and on the west by lands of George Sanderson.— Containing three hundred acres or thereabouts about five acres thereof improved, with one raw mill, one small framed house, one log house and one shed-thereon. ALSO—One other piece of land situate in .said township of Burlington, bounded on the north and west by lands of Isaac Swain, and south and east by lands of Samuel M'Kean and the public highway. Containing one acre or thereabouts, all improved with one framed house and a small orchard thereon. Seized and taken m execution at the suit of Taylor, Long & Thomas vs. Job Larcom and Owen Larcom, doing business under the firm of Job Larcom & Son, and Joseph Larcom terra tenant. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate. in Wells township, bounded on the north by land of Caleb Lawrence, east public highway. south by lands of Oliver Beardsley, and west by lands of Henry Beets. Containing fifty eight acres, about twenty two acres tmprOred, a small fram ed house and a small orchard thereon. Seized and taien in execution at the suit of E. C. Oliver vi. - Juseph H. Beers. JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff, Sl)erira Office, Towanda Noy. 5. 1845. Latest arrival of. New Goods! ix TELLES & SATTERLEE have been reeeiv. iug the lost three 'weeks from New York. a large arid splendid stock of FALL and WINTER GWEIS. selected front the bated importations with un usual care as to style, quality and especially as to pri ces. They do not pretend to have the largest stoclein the country, or sell lower than any other house hut they ask all w ho with to buy choice and good goods, to call and examine dio.quality and prices of their goods, and then judge who sells goods at low prices ; all are invi. ted to call and examine their stock which comprises every thing usually kept in country stores. Athena Pa., September 30,1815. LADIES will find nearly as large a stock of Dress Goods, such as Cashmere, De E'Cosse, M. Do Lome, A ipaccas, Ginghams, Prints, &c., at our store as in the county and at low prices. They will please call and examine the stock for themselses. W ELLES & sATTERLEE. ENTLEM EN will find a large and splendid stock Ulf of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesttnga, Cravats, Gloves. Eiattic braces, Rubber Over Shoes, and every thing else they may want at very low prices for the quality . at WELLES & saTTERLuErs. I A W.ht3 in great variety & beautiful patterns may 10- be found at WELLES &: SATI'ERLEE's. LIMNS DELNEV. fur Coating, and splendid IV plaid Cloaking. Gala plaids and plaid Lining very cheap at WELLES & SATTERLEE'S. ATS, CAPS & MUFFS any quantity (tom 12 .1111. cents up at WELLES &SA FTERLEE'S ir AE and elegant assortment of Laces, Ribbons, Gloves and trimmings of all hinds at tfit.2o. WELLES do SATTERLEE'S, GROQERIES r•••, , may be safe to ray we have as large sato& and of as good qnslities as any boon n Bradford County, and we will Fed them as low" as any house can that gins soy thing above east. Nov. 6. , WELLES 4 BATItRLEE. • THE best usortment of. Iron & Steel in the'coun . try at WELLES & SATTERLEE'S. SHOE-PINDINGS. =eh u Peirs. Brotalia. — Atels, Awl -hafts, Thread &e.. also Sole and tipper Leather. Calf & Kipp Skins, sliways'on hand by • Nor .5.' WE MEE!** SATTER LEE. AFEW BARRELS TANNERS OIL, far sae at Oct. 1. MERCUR'S 2034 ITITZtitu.P.,UR.,,,t:.A," - ..... 6. . REED'S, 11 DEL'S at Butter sad Soda CRACKER.% for tale b 1 C. REED. SAVINGS BANK ! 5/IXO DIPRRENT idyls" DRESS 0001)S, consisting of A. do S. Henrys sad Silk Wiirp Alpacas, Arcadian Lusts.- Camel= Loans. Pileant cloths, Roadies, Imperial Stripe and figured Lustres, &inroads= new style, very neh'essbmeres, Nowlin De Lanes; Thibet Merinos, some magnificent Paris printed Cadman d'Ecosse, Rids &dire, Stripe Alpsec4-and many other style" of donut goods for'tho Ladies. it wakes it 20 per cent cheaper for the ladies as they are found only at G. E. rLyNer dt CO'S. • . . . lii-Sithelttili MERCOR, ..__ vok..y.OPLD respectfalty,stmounc, to . IN! good:citi j , gip s o f ,B r odfool oto ,gojoi..ioi couotion'the Arrivit at Oa , TOY;ANDit..pAqx.srpiq. : of :the finest and, gnintripmeratotifortmotit or, : z- - ' 2 ,- .7. . Dry • Goods. Groceries; Ilardicari::Croikery. Boots .witt 'Skties; Dje-frio'cis, - - . ' - '`'Paints. Oils,' itc. 4.0. Ever °Paned risen' de, end which' Still - be sold for CASH•st ‘avholeselti Cr• retail' it lower 'prices than the stone quality of geode ere selling by any of our bluffing neighborir.'es our - goodi'ure 'parehasevisrith great care :-principally for Cash—of the importen6od nionufaetu-- rers. l'oorends, Sept; 10,1845'. •• • . , . . trlnlTlrs KINGSBERY. is now receiving at his old stied, which has been going off for_ eighteen leers , where. good* Of all ,kinds has bee/I,lold and WILL be sold,•lotrer e j ib at any other store in this Coun ty. A fiery large stock of kinds of goods which has been selected with rpm/ are andnuention„ and bought At such Priees of the ImpOlteil and Manufacturers, that it would be a irsinousbussiess'foreny, firm in theßrick Row or , my where else, tp undertake to sell goods es cheep as I can, and will. If MY 'friends and 'dm. public generally, will , before ,they make their' purchases elsewhere, they will find that this notice isnot put in the paper_ for a.IILUFF, like some by the side of it ; but, it means what it says,. . I have a general aasonment delay kind smfdiserip tion of • ' - Dry Goode, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Boots ;4 Shod. Nails, Don.' Leather. 4.c. MAY'S celebrated . PIMA , RUBBER shoes and Suependenr-a new wide, for side at up. 27 SOLE & UPPER LEATHER, for ale .by sep. 27. B. RINGSBERY inODFISH, Mackerel and Shad, for rale by srp. 27. 13. KINGSBERY 4JorrON.YARN, Knitting Yarn, Balls, Wicking, Wadding—any quantity for *alarm low. by sep. 27 alb TON Fall river Nails, for sale cheap. by sep. 27.. B. KINGSBERY. DYE WOODS, PAINTS & OILS. of every des. • ctiption, for sale, one notch below the markel. _ sep. 24. , . B. KIN OSSER Y. HATS At GAPS, without number, for sale lower than was ever before heard of. by' !pep 24 SPLENDID lot of Brush, Silk. For and Sporting OA fiats, also Oil silk. velset'and for cops, together with Muffs, and Buffalo robes, for sale cheap at Oct. 8. REED'S BUSHELS of Timothy and Flax SEED, wanted to exchange for goods, at Oct. 8. REED'S 41 - 11 NE HUNDRED THOUSAND cubic eret of W. kj, Oak and Wbite Pine Tinber for sawing purposes firdeeted on the bank or at Port , Deposit, wanted in chezange for goods end some cash by WELLES & SATTERLEE.. The Last and Most Important Arrival Yet at the TOW.RNDS CHAR' 87011 E No. 2,, Brisk GREAT BARGAINS are now offered the people of Bradford county, by the subscriber, who is now readying and opening one of the largest and best select ed assortment of goods ever brought into the village of Towanda. His stock of goods has been selected with great :.ore expressly for this market, anti as prices of the old credit system are necessarily high, he offers great in ducements to all who may have cash or produce to ex change for goods. His stock consists in an assortment of DRY GOODS, such its broadcloths, cassimeres, and vesting., satinet% sheep's gray, hard times, linsey wOol seya,.a splendid assortment of Winter Shawls, ladies' cravats, gloves, hosiery, suspenders, and ten thousand ar ticles, too numerous to mmtion. Ciparies. Such as sugar, tea, coffee, molasses, apices, Lamp and lin seed oil, a full supply of Liquors, such as Champagnes Cognise and American Brandy, Holland Gin, Old -lild nougehala whiskey, Part, Mai!aria, and Malaga Wine. A Aso—Crockery, Hardware, Flails, Glass, Iron, Leath er, Boots & Shots, Buffalo Robes, Hats &Caps, Drugs & Dye Stuffs, &c. &e. An persons wishing to purchase goods arc respectfully invited to giie the subscriber a call, and examine bhp gouda and prices before purchasing elsewhere. - - - - - CHARLES REED, Oct. 1, 1845. No. 2 Brick Row. APPLEBY'S FINE cur CArENDiSH TO BACCO, for sale by B. KINGSBERY. OIL, Paints & Glass, we keep constantly on hand JIP a very large stock of all kinds and will very low for cash. 1 / 1 , ELLES& SATTERLEE. COMIMG EVENTS CAST THEIR SHADOWS BEFORE. • FEW of those NEW GOODS co long and tAilAt and anziouslY looked for, have arrived. We shall peep the renders at the Reporter advised from time to rime of goods received from day to day until our entire stock of New, Rich and desirable Fall Goods all arrive, which in all probability will'be the largest stock of goods ever, exhibited in Medford county. Our stock of goods having beta purchased from first-hands and from the first auction houses in the city, will as a consequence come below all competition. Call as Mittel at the Sa vings Bauk, the only' orginiil cheap cash store. 0et.15, 1895. (EO. E. FLY NT & CO. NOTICE. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers under the firm of B. Kingsbcry *Co. is ibis day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted Pr said firm are requested to settle their ac eoounta with H. S. Comstock, who will continue the business at the old stand. HENRY KINGSBERY, - H. liITANLEY COMSTOCK Athens Pa., Oct. I, 1845. Administrator's Notice. LL persons indebted to the estate of Notlish lAA Crammer, late of Monroe tp. deceased are re quested to make immediate payment. and all those hay. in.- demands against the same arc requested to present them, legally attested for settlement to the subscribers. JAMES R.' IRVINE, CLARI33A CRANMER, Monroe, 0ct.14, 1846. Administrators. PIECES of plain fi , .'d Silk ' W.rp Alpaai froin itiiee'etallings,io one dollar per• :ten! lot sale by • •O. REED. Oreai iiargaists,iet the LUMBERMAN'S EXCHANGE. J H. sr: U S. PIiINNEY tender their thanks to the public for the pwit iurnmer's patronage,and would solicit a continuance of the seine. We would say to the public, we are just receiviog one. of the largest and best selected stuck of GOODS ens offered in this place. The stock consists- in pan of Groceries. Hardware. Croacry, Dry Goodt, Paints, ,• Oils,-Glassware, Fish, Leather, ' is fact everything wally kept in a country awe, all of which they' will'exchange for Lnuiber. caliber mankind of country production as reasonable terms sa gouda can ha boughtut Bradford county, for the semi kind of pay, Towanda not excepted. . , .. • Wanted, 856,000 SHINGLES,; .500,000 white pine Boards ; 40000 Cherry and white-stuff. Cash paid or panel and first rate Shingles. Cash paid for Furs. Monrocton; October I , amarics_, - ,'Faztv - EW stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oi Muffs and Groceries halm jinn been.received from Yorb, and will be fold very 10w...au i t N o . Brick Row. tin* 4att. A. , CHAN BERLIN. Oct. 1, 1845. . &Al 11.01111.1311 itia Ira &AV WuL ramPtly rin d Pen Me etnalix render Frees stionalv amen . Colledioni; end older matters ire his profession, entrusted to hie care.' Office in the Nati Brick Block—west room over the Past Office, entrance on the north side. Noe. 5y Fill • . . ~.• - - .ANT.W 0N . .: AKE exceeding greet pleasure in, announcing to the public that:U.l4i: exteuhive scsortmeot of ,FALL 4 T IvINTZR GOODN.e.ousiAting of • - ' DR-Y-GOODS,-GROCERIES 2 ILIRDW.I2RE CROCKERY' -Boots, Moss, Salt, Fish, Ltather, AG; Die. bin minket. opened.und ready fur their numerouenustomani, anti Will be sold cheaper for Cash, 'lhr:A tan bought at any oar'''. eillaNsVonent iu 10ten We do not say this for 'dui Purpose of decoying customers 1111 t. our . slat?, (its te the prectico with s u me of our neighbors,) but neatly that the citizen* of Hmakoenuilty may luiow prat where, to buy goods to their:intereet: ' ~ .. .. , • . ~. , ~ ... . , , ~ , It ii gratifyiug' fur u's to know that we have enjoyed some of the "smiles end favors" if i tenerona Miblic. f,!r e number of years, and we will by no Means make assertions that are carincri arid do not intend - tci 'fidfilr,l24:t vie might, like'ssine of our neighbors, reeeive their frowns. But we we wish every man, woman lan ebildro, know the fact, ihnt we will sell our entire' stock of 'New and Fashionable Goods, at th e catnaps 10W.IllseAPP: per. ant. , , t above coat and transportaticiu! ; - - T.Owanda,"Getober'27. 1845. - . . • ' THE 1111111 A [l.ll GEORGE E..FLYNT &.CO, ; .- v hre again in the Held with fifteen thousand dollars worth tithe cheapest and most desirstde atock.of Omits ever brought into li'radford Cotinly I. T ,•_ Cashier & Co. of the TOWANDA 'SAVINGS BANK, jender „thiit sincere thanks for.thr/very le basal patronage heretofore secured, end trust by strict attention to MI/Meta, end selling goods cheaper tl..n any other establisbnient,.to merit a continuance of their smiles and favoii. - Our /tack of goods consists of cr.n known variety and style of Dry . Goods, from the Ent auction houses in the city of New York; and' sele/i• ed• with great care caps/41111y for this meridian. Also, a large selection of • . , , ;.; • Family Groceries, Shell Hardware, Crockery, Boots Shoes,- Hollow Ware, Iron, 'rails, • Sleets ; and an unusual quantity of HABERBASBZR IC, - to make our stock uf,usefel and- on:temente complete. ,roor stock of goods were purchased for cash; and far cash will be sold as cheap as at Dinif)lameen,Ehnirt; or °meg : , and decidedly cheaper than any establishment in Towanda. Time and space will not allow us to enumetate t• • many new, rich and desirable goods. hut will be shOwn to all who foam us with a call, with pleat - Wm: REMEMBER and call one door below Tracy & Moore, whereat° pay.down7 system is in full force, tn.! as a consequeuce, are not overcharged With delineOencies in the Credit system, or, additions made to support W. Lumber trade. ...One price, and. no deviation is the true sjstirn." " ozr kcall is solicited, before purchasing elsewhere, at ho. 5, south end, ihick Ror Towanda, October 21,1845. GEORGE E. FLYNT & CO. B. KINGSBERY'S B. KINGSBEkY 12f GOODO,q Elliott at llercur, ARE NOW RECEIVING,* very large and very general assortment of Fall and Winter Goods. , which they offer to the public on libeFal terms, for cosh, grain, or approved credit. Their stock consists of almost everything that any one wishes to buy. And for the ben At of - those who wish to purchase merchandize of any kind, and want to know where to find it, they will enumerate a few of the many articles thby base for sale: Ladies' silk shawls.end black tos.pots: Gents' satin cravats and:ten-penny nails Colored satin, for ladies' bonnets, and Glazed hats for men; • Knitting pins and crowbars; Carpet tacks and vest patterns ; Broad Axes and alpaccas; 'M. delaines and wagon boxes; Printed blue teas and young hyaon tea ; Umbrellas and German pipes; Pocket knives and loaf sugar ; Molasses and coarse boots; Ladies' cot. hose and steel corn hoes; Ladies' night caps, for six cents, and Men's scalene caps for 12.1 cents; Ladies' linen hdkf's for one shilling, and Plenty of English and Swedes iron, all sizes ; India rubber cloth for carriage cover* and Beautiful figured alpaccas for ladies' cloaks; Ladies' boas and muffs, and lampblack; Leghorn bonnets and stone jugs; Black and blue ink and spirits turpentine; Lamp oil and Colonge water ; Sweet oil and sarsaparilla syrup: Blue vitriol end best Java and Rio coffee; Wafers and buck shot; , • Indellible ink and pare dry and ground white lead ; Looking glasses and cut tutublers ; Tha kettles and black silk stockings ; Candle wicking and bed cords; Coat Buttons and Writing paper ; Shellside combs and corded skirts; Bonnet ribbotis and eavendish tobacco; Ploughtpoints and cap ribbons; Ladies' dress h'd'fs and stove tubes ; Assorted Needles, and best Nutria hate; Steel pens and shovel plough patterns; , Plated hub bands and silk scarfs for ladies; • Cotton Yarn and wire wives; Awl blades and pine, assorted sizes; •, I.adies' kid slippers and nail hammers; Willow baskets and gimp curds: Men and boys' cloth cups and plane irons; Knives and forks and ark rope: Cast steel and steel thimbles; Brass kettles and brass thimbles ; • Beaver cloth and cotton batting; Pepper boxes and shoo knives; Bonnet boards and slate pencils ; Carpet binding and inkstands; Coach lace and handsaws; Raisins and saw.a.ill saws; Seidlitz powders and trying squares; Rubber overshoes still 43 inch spikes; Sleigh bells and steelyards: Caseimeres and ivory combs; Gridirons and welting cord Whale hone and patent saw setts; Suspenders and patent door butts; Firmer's chisels end laces for ladies caps; . Pongee handkerchiefs and hair brushes; Misses and women's bl. cot.gloves & hair brushes; Cocoanut dippers and teeth brushes; Colored cambric and door handles ; Augur bitts and children shoes: Ivoolen shawls and gum caps; Black tea and patent wheelhetels.; Morrocco belts and tea servers; Saddler's silk and mouse trap , ; Bonnet wire and stone churns; . . Plaid linseys and sash pulleys; Patent blind fastenings and butts, (a new article); Spoke shaves and door mats; - Black snuff and madder ; Brittannia lamps and shoe strings; Wht. and bl.silk gloves and gun flints; Sattinet of all kinds and gunpowder; Horse cards and satin vesting; ' Curry combs and fur caps; Hair combs and sash fastenings; Glass dishes.and wool coeds; Corse; lacers and trace chains; Braß3 back combs and calicoes of Art qualities ; Sash cords and corn alive; ' Coat canvass & padding and hyde Whips; . Furniture prints and ratorstrops 'Pablo covers and Olmys geography's; • Coarse shoes and polished augurs; Linen cambric and sole leather; . • Hoop iron and linen edging & initertion ; Florence silks and brown sheeting.; Cap wire and copal varnish - • Lizi.Oil and Russia diaper; .• Blk. French 'crape and American door leeks; ..: 'Mineral knob loch and white lissetrapr; • • . Chrome yellow end greernand east.bindhig ; Indigo' and ribbon wire; '' ,-•- - Cream Tarter and silk conlsandisesels; • Horse blankets and brass . • . Tea setts and setts Was; , . Spirit levels and spool cotton; . • ; I l'owatuti, 'September 19, 1n45. • B. RINGSBERY W HAVE GOODS . FOR THE LADIES.. sown.; which are Cashmeres. Mouna Helaine. ' , hid red and talk work 'Alpaca'. 64 plaid - Eloaking,*wand Trimmings, to correspond, &c. - •• • , up. 'U. - .B. KINGSBEIFV. YET di salovica ST Ts A FACT, acknowbaliccd by all. dal die but CIGARS. lo town. are to bo had at die sep.l7. CENTRAL GREG .STGRE. , 11ThAINTS & OILS. Dye woods and Etyoratuts. • fir vary lane and. jou militia it ' 1341:11n KEGS NAILS and one aidiGSPER rravrti- U. - -Eit at ' S•BRICKIEGW:. . • itIINE TON of KIPP & CALF tiKlXti tior . Ulf rhtraper than any place in town at BAITED'S. -2r r 7',""": EMMMMMI 111111 C T 1 •,,..,.„,....,..._.„...,..... _ rr , { .:-_.. ....-,-..._ .... J ..,..--„--:.. : ~.i.„.1....... ilitik CENTRAL DRUG STORE. THIS LAY RECEIVING, at .the Central Point. A a few doors south of Montanye's Cash Sims, di rect from New York, a fresh supply .1. DRUGS- if NI ) MEDICINES, which will positively be aold at cll cost and Charges. Physicians of this and other cow,- deg, will do well to, cull and examine the qualities anil prices beforrpurchasing elsewhere, as we are determii,- ed to make ifyodr interest to purchase or as (consub• ing the interests of Your .patients, notwithstanding)'.- Our assortment consists in part of . the following t Blue maims Syringes, assorted • Nit silver Sugar lead . Quicksilver •• • Quassia Ipecas Phosphate iron ' Tart. Antimony • Carbonate do lodine • • lodid. potassa Laudanum . ~ Red precipitate Lunar caustic • White -do -• Nor vomica . Stryebuia - -. .Musk . . Kreosote Mace Pubr. Jalap Juniper berries Ext. do :7 Aqua ammonia do Colocyfitb - • Carb. do • do Gentian Nit. Ether • do 'Cicala .. Sulph.do do Hyosciannus Brimstone do l'araxictun Blue vitriol Mance White do Marsh rosemary Bayberty bark Squills Essential oils, of all kinds. Übanktionile flowers Com. and white glne Borax. refined. Saltpetre • Digitalis Copperas , •- Rhubarb puly Indigo _ do root Solution of Tin Arrow root Annie seed Hellebore nig • shellac gum ... Suiph. morphine Venice turpentine do Quinine . Balsom Fir Eng. Calomel do Honey Valerian root do Copaiya Seneca do do Tolu Serpentaria do HarbadoeSTai Gentian do ; oil do Colombo do • Bisgundy Pitch °ink do Bateman's drops Liquorice do . Lemon's do Extract do Chloride of limo Senna leaves Cubebs Gum Myrrh, No. 1 Coe. Iridicua - do Gurdaci Tartaric Acid do Aloes Citric do do Gainboge Oxalic do do Foetida Pruss. do do Camphor Nitric do do Opium Solidi do - Prepared chalk . Mariano do Rochelle salts Car. magnesia Epsom do do soda Glauber do Calcined magnesia Flour sulphur . Cantharides do benzoic Corrosive sublimate Hiera pier* • Cochineal Uva Ursi • Spring & Thumb lancets Saffron • - Lancet cases, &e.. Atc. Printers begin to grumble already, or we would still continue to enumerate; but all we say is, come and see for yourselves. Many thanki to a generous public for past favors, hoping fur a continuance of - the sabre. A .Lt, MON'FAN YE, Datracnrr. . • Towanda, September 10, 1846. B otirs & SHOE S— A very large.stock of suety kind and sire, at lower prices than ever, will be found at MERCURIS. Wayne County Ploughs. AL Doz Wayne county ploughs, fer.safe at the 8e .4-11t- Tinge Bank. Plough merchants sepplie4 at Menu. facturers prices; and Farmers on the most reasonable terms. G. E. FLYNT 4. CO, No. 6 Brick. Bow. July 30 HARNESS AND CARRIAGE • • aMEOSTego - jLARGE and general bitsortment of the above LIU. tides, contpirsinr, almco. everything user] by Har ness and Carriage Makers, s. !rich nilf be sold lower than the same quality of goods have ever been offered at Owego or Elmira, just received by - rep. 24. 11. & M. C. MERCUR. 64100pOliN VS NAILS, assorted attes t at sep. 24. MERCUR'S.. SOLE LEATHER s also'Up. ILFN2uIIIOO ler Leather and Cell Skins, at MERCtiI.M. I=2 11 A IRDWARE.--The lames* aissottaneot And gmatest variety ever offered in Bradford county, jot , t fetched at - -MBROVWS. An IMPS, CURLS, Ptingw racy velvet And Rib- Nijr bonsai CLOTHS.—Fancy pt fir Cassimeres, aatinettZ tweeds. Kentucky jeans, plaid clack litiittge,A.C., a great variety, arid very cheap, can be found at sep. 24„ . MERCUTt'S. griIt.SHAIE,H.L . M, Reps' an 4 DeLaines. a great varie• ty • and beitutiful pattern's, at MERCiItrS. 'SAVINGS BANK ! (7o : be sold without reserve-) . LYONS BROQUE SIIAWLS, //Aid M'oolett new toylo. , Rob Roy do.. 4- 10-4. Plllll3 & rich waved 31.Ec Lana, Pieta Brt ' do. ' ' thefew very cheap. thee who ml skeptical run be convinced by sod porcluwiniat ' • t G. E. FLYNT,Iii..,CO'S. ' ' Adininistiatoes. Notice.: A LL piecole indebteAttO 'dill:tali. of PhiiititOp s. 2,11 t. Starr. late of N. York city. ititifirted teitior iminediate'payteeit,:atid haeinideitut - tog against the lamest* *testa to creent them. istrali, attested for tettlament: to the subscriber. . A. CFMNISERLiN, Adroiniatte es. TotvanJi, September 21, 184.5.