Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 26, 1845, Image 1

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[prom the Philadelphia Keystotte.]
To Mary R—,
would that I might whisper in thine ear,
The feelings which o'ercharge my burdened heart
4nd tell thee, sweetest, fairest one, bow dear
'to me, in all thy loveliness, thou art.
hou earnest In my dreams, and then thy voice,
In liquid tones, works eestacy-of bliss;
knd thy_ soft beaming smile bids me rejoice
. in unalloyed and perfect happiness.
or ah ! too soon the vision, fair and bright,
Fades fmm my riew—too rapturous to Stay—
nd loneliness succeeds the blest delight,
Which changed the night's dark hour to glorious day
gaze on thee, as some celestial star
shi n ing Jolene in the realms abo;e—
kad ti I worship, humbly and afar,
Feel chat I must--sigh that I dare not—love.
Heal Quarters, Wyalusing Aug. 5, 1779.
Parole Nlonintith, C. Sig.°. Amboy. Field
officer of to day, Lt. Col. Read, Brigade Major
jfead Quartcrs,Wyalusing, Aug. 6, 1779
Brigadier General Poor for to day, to•wor
row field officers, Col. Spencer.
field officers of the flanking division, Lt.
Col. Dearborn and Major Piatt.
As the army will not march to-day they
are directed to clean themselves and their
The Commissary is to complete the troops
with 3 day's flour a. d 2 day's beef exclusive
of this day, which are to he cooked and baked
this evening.
A pint and.a half is to he sold to every Ikon
,;red inee. The troops are to receive a
a hisl“.v this evenio2 for to.morro%v.
Gcn. Iland's Brigade is to march at 7 o'clock
11101111 Ila
Thv is to advance in the same order
i• rtry. The troops are also to be load•
'ILI% ler action—Boatmen and soldiers and
at are to be also charged.
Col. Proctor-will load, and in every other
respect to prePare his cannunlfor immediate
Ensign M'Youg Quarter Master of Spen
cer's regiment having been arrested from a
supposed neglect of duty, but the General has
since been convinces) that he was not in the
leas; culpable—releases him from his arrest,
and desires him to his duty. Col. Seely's
reginvnt to form the rear guard to-morrow.
BRIGADE ORDERS, Wyalusing Aug. 0.1770
The Tattoo is to beat at 9 o'clock this even
ts:, after which no permit . ' is to leave camp
without permission from the Commanding offi
cer—the reiville to beat at the usual time to
morrow morning, and the rolls to be called at
7 o'clock. As to-morrow is a halting day, the
Ger.eral requests that the commanding officers
of corps will order that their horses backs that
ire galled be washed with a strong decoction of
white oak bark.
Head Quarters, Wy;lusing.lg. 7, 1779
Brigadier of the day. Gen. Maxwell : field
officer of the day, Col. Dayton ; field officers
of the flanking division, Lt. Col. Dearborne
and Major Piatt ; Brigade Major —Ross.
The badness of the weather has prevented
the army from Inarehing.this day, agreeable to
ymPrday's orders.
Hand's Brizade will march to-morrow
raining at 5 o'clock.
rh. 'woo body to advane,, at 6, the revile
, At II 5
Provided the weather will permit, all the
musketeers on board the fleet with their re
spective officers are to parade precisely at 4
o'clock this afternoon on the beach in front of
the boats—they will parade with their arms in
order to make some necessary dispositions.
The infantry who have been drafted as
'boatsmen will parade on the right, the others
on the left under their respective officers.
Lt. Col. Read's regiment to form the rear
prird to-morp,tr.
vo the lot lost., upon the lower
end of Wvolittantink Bottom. seven Tents
beklging to Capt. Spaltling's Independent
company. •
lleiGor. ORDERS.—In case of any attack on
1, -twiXt this and
. Tioga. the
13 rupir ”rders of the let inst., to be strictly
Illiered to.
He'll guar/ere, Standing Stone Aug. El. 1779.
Brigadier of the day. Gen. Poor : field officer,
Cilley; field officer, of the flanking di
'vkion, Lt. Col. Dehast and. Major Fish.
The army at 6 o'clock to-morrow morning.
the General to beat at rive.
Col. Spencer's regiment, with a detach
ment of 50 men form the line to form the rear
tr i d. •
:HEAD QUARTER/. Aug. - 9, 1779.
Brigadier for to-morrow, Gen. Maxwell : field
oficer, Col. Sheave, and . Brigade Major
HEAD QUARTERS. Aug. 10, 1779.
Brigadier for to-morroW, Gen., Poor ; field
officer, Col. Ogden, and Brigade Alejor
- -Marshall. l • •
he troops immediately to draw two day's
nmrisions at the rate of 1 lb. of flour and 1 4
lb. of beef per ration.. •
The General is exceedingly sorry he is un
der the necessity of dimintshit.g the quantity
of the rations in nny one article, but he flatters
himself the propriety, of the measure will be
manifest to every soldier, his command. upon
reflecting that from the nature of the expedi
tion, our whole magazine of provitliorr muatbe
tarried with us ; and that the term of the cam•
paign is uncertain : the Genefla at the seine time
assures them the rations; shall be augmented
when situation and circumstances will enable
him to do so ; and promises in the mean time.
an equivalent shall be made them for the defi
When the army move from this ground, the
following regulations are to take place ;
The Quarter Master General and Surgeon.
General are to attend the Commander-in-thief
on the march for his directions; all the Sur
geons and mates of the flying Hospital—the
deputies and assistants to the Quarter Master
General, are to march in the rear of the army.
as also the commanding General—the com
manding of staff—their assistants and deputies
assistants—the Brigade Chaplains—Quarter
Masters and commissaries, to march in the rear
of their respective Brigades. Regiments, Sur
geons and Quarter Masters to march in the
rear of their respective regiments. The Gen
erals and field officers of the day, particu
larly. or any otheroflicer observing a breach
of these orders, will immediately order the de.
linqu,nts in arrest.
A regiment of each Brigade to parade pre
cisely at 12 o'clock to day on the left of Gener
al Hand's Brigade, with their arms and ac
coutrements, but without packs or any other
A General Court Martial, of which' Col-
Shreaie is appointed president, to set imme
diately for the trial of Capt. Vananglen, Com
missary to Gen. Hand's Brigade, for unjusti
fiably and cruelly abusing sergeant Richly of
the German regiment.
Arrtn ORDERS.—The Court %nisi, where
of Col Shreave is president. is dissolved.
Firing at game or on any other account,
whether on a march or on quarters, is in future
forbidden on paiu of immediate and exmpla
ry punishment. The musketeers on board the
fleet are restricted'by the same order and
HEAD QUARTERS, Tioga Aug. 11. 1779.
Brigadier for the day, to-morrow, Gen. Max
well ; field officer. Lt. Col. Read, and Bri
gade Major, —Ross.
HEAD QUARTERS, Tioga Aug. 12, 1779.
Brigailier for the day. to-morrow, Gen. Poor;
Field officer, Col. Spencer.
At a Court Martial.: whereof Col. Sheave
was president. held at Wyelasing on the 7th
inst.. Capt Vananglen, ComMissary to Gen.
Hand's Brigade, was tried for unjustifiably and
crually beating and abusing sergeant Richly of
the German regiment, was found guilty of the
charge and sentenced to be severely repremand
ed in general orders. •
The Commander-in-chief approves The sen
tence of the Court, and cannot help observing
that from the whole tenor of the evidence re
corded in Court, it appears Capt. Vananglen
was not only guilty of abuse of power, but
manifested a malevolence of temper scarcely to
be equalled. Though ffie General will never
countenance soldiers in disrespectful behavior
to officers, and will entertain a poor opinion of
an officer--that suffers himself to be insulted
without immediately chastising the soldier who
may attempt it, yet he can never suffer officers
to beat or abuse soldiers wantonly—blows
should never be given except they are neces
sary to the preservation of order and discipline,
and then unaccompanied with those marks of
cruelty and malevolence which were apparent
in the whole of Mr. Vananglen's conduct;
what renders his behaviorstill more criminal is,
that he was anon-commissioned officer whom
he made the object of his inhumanity ; and
had it been a private soldier, the treatment
could not admit of the least justificatan. Capt.
Vananglen is released from his arrest, and cau
tioned against similar conduct in future.
A board of field officers. whereof Col. Cort
land was President, appointed to settle the
rank of bents. Swans and Creamer of the
German Banana', having reported that Lt.
Greanier ought to retain the rank he now holds ;
the Commander-in-chief therefore directs that
he hold his rank as heretofore.
Commanding officers of regiments and corps
to have a thorough examination of arms and
accoutrements and ammunition in their re
spective commands—and see that they he in
proper readiness foraction. The army to hold
themselves in readiness to move on the shortest
notice, as they will be soon called upon to
march against an enemy whose savage barbari
ty to our fellow-citizens has rendered them
proper objects of our resentment.
Ihe General asitures them it is impossible
to be opposed with equal numbers, and he
dint if ever their number were equal
they could not withstand the bravery and disci
pline of the troops he has the honor to cum
It ought nevertheless to be remembered that
they are a shrewd, desultory and rabid ene- -
my, seizing every advantage, and availing
themselves of every defeat on our part.—
Though they can never withstand the shock of
brave and resolute troops, yet should we be - so
unattentive to-•our own safety as to give way
before them, they become the most dangerous
and destructive enemy that can possibly be.
conceived. - They following fugitives with all
the unrelenting hate of prevailing cowards, and
are not satisfied with slaughter until they have
totally destroyed their opponents ;—it there
fore becoMes every" officer and soldier to re.
solve never to fly before such an enemy, but
determine either to conquer or perish. which
will ever ensure success. -The General does
riot mention these things under theleast ap
prehension of whether offiiers or soldiers feel.
ing it any part of their duty, but that,every
one may go into action. with the same spirit.
and ilitermination : should this happily he the
case. nothing but an uncommon frown of Pro
vidence can prevent us fror; “to- `nc•
cess which will render prase
our frontiers 4 and affurd everlawlrz bo•per to all
Tonvtrovs.—" Coming home, a few morn
ings since, we met, a man attempting to walk
on both sides of the walk. By a skilful man
movre we passed between him,"
" DENUNCIATION 111 Qlll . rir..a.tiotaTZß: "
. . .
..•• . • • • . •
[From the Bolton Jourmal.)
The Flight of Captain Crabtree.
BY HAWSER 111111STrii0ALS. ,•• 0/
CaptaimEbenezer Simeox was a dapper lit•
tie fellow, who had an exalted opinion of his
own merits • and good looks, and, who' took
great pleusure In decorating his person, espe
cially when about to enter: nto the company
of the ladies. He, was a little choleric, in his
temper • but smart as a meet trap, and always
on shore looked as nice as a new pin, or as if
he had just been taken Mad a band-box mark
ed this Side tip with dare.",
Captain Simeox once commanded the ship
Spottier, of Providetteei an a voyage to Copen .
hageo. One evening, et a party, he formed
an acquaintance with an old looking German
nobleman, who seemed quite pleased with the
conversation and bearing of the gentleman
Yankee. A few days allprwards, his friend,
the American consul, put in his hands a note.
written oo embossed, gilt-edged paper, (not so
common in those days as now.) and with ar
moreal bearings on the seal. •• What's in the
wind, now ?" exclaimed the Yankee with a
look of surprise, as he drew of his kid gloves
and opened the note.
An invitation from Count Wogonstroffsky
to dine, I expect," replied the worthy consul.
" I believe it is," remarked Simcox, with a
smile which soon changed into a terrible frown
as he read these words--
6. Count Wogonstroffsky's compliments to
Capt Ebenezer Simeox, Esq., and would be
much happy to be honored with his company
to dinner on Wednesday next at six o'clock in
the evening.
N. B. It is expected that Captain Simeox
wilt not make his appearance at table withnut
his shirt—as ladies will be present. A dtcl: T y
alone will not do."
It is difficult to conceive the rage which
burned within the bosom of Ctiptain Simcoz,
on reading this insulting' letter. Although a
pigmy in size he wasa giant inspirit-•• What
does the rascal mean?" said he with a grin of
defiance. •• Dickey indeed I I will .2o forth
and_pull the Italian's nose in the public gardens.
Even the presence of the king himself shall
not screen him from the chastisement he de
serves." Saying this, the redoubtable Sim.
cox seized his cane, a rattan switch', ' with a
convulsive grasp, and was about to sally forth
in quest of Count Wogonstrcffsky.
The Consul, with a quiet smile, saw the
exciting effect which .was produced by the
harmless looking missive. Stop," said hei
as he gently laid his hand on the arm of his
!Fiend.... What is the'matter ?"
"The scoundrel!" sputtered the furious
Yankee, •• the sour-crout-eating, gin-drinking
Hessian sends me an invitation to dinner, and
says that as ladies will be present, I must not
come without my shirt Let ofe go, my friend.
I beg of you—l long to be at him. I'll learn
him to play off his jokes on a Yankee. Dickey
4 , But there is no occasion to hurry," added
the consul, after indulking in a hearty laugh,
• you can as well give him his lesson half an
hour hence as now. I have a little story to
tell you, which may possibly account for the
Count's singularmessage, that has so very
naturally excited your choler. After you have
heard what I have to say, if yon are determin
ed to give the Count a threshing—why peg
away, that's all
Captain Simcox, with a dogged air, turned
round, looked in his friend's face, which was
lighted up by a meaning smile, and threw him
self on an ottoman, saying---•• you are right—
there's no hurry—l can flog the rascal as well
an hour hence as now—so heave ahead, my
fine fellow, as there is scarcely no time,to be
Inst. But don't think to change my purpose
—for a terrible flogging I will give him as sure
•. Poh, my dear fellow, don't make rash re
solutions. The Count is a good fellow
enough, and had not the least idea of insulting
" What ! ask a man to join his dinner party,
and insinuate that he never wears a shit t. and
yet intend no insult! The idea is preposter
ous." and the little. man brought his fist down
upon a table, which was conveniently near.
with a violence which threatened to demolish
tt !
" Count Wogonstroffsky," resumed the con
sul, without seeming to notice the fury of the
Yankee. " is a German noble of great wealth.
and is distinguished for his hospitality to stran
gers. He has always admired thecharacter of
the Americans. and for years after he located
hiinself in this city, was fond of forming Ac
quaintance with respectable and intelligent
Yankees, and invited them to his house and
his parties, where they always found large and
select company, and good entertainment.
" About a year ago, a large American ship,
the Backwoodsman, of Boston, arrived here
front rernembileci, after a long passage of
seventy-five days. The Count- fell in with
the captain, .whose name , was Crabtree, soon
after the ship hauled into, the inner harbor,
He found him an honest open hearted sailor,
liked him, and invited him to dine with Jiim
that very afternoon, labial ,Crabtree. unthink.
"ugly accepted.,
He got throngh his brisiiesivrith all pos.
sible despatch, and hurried on board the ehip
to adorn and beautify himself for this dinner
party ;- be entered- his• state room, and in. a
-few. minutes bis gruff voice was heird,palling
for the weaken!: - That important functionary
'snob opened the door of the 'state room. and
thrust within' at hissahte visage..
." Steward!". exclaimed the skipper, with
tremulous- aceentinditating alarm . ; " find me a
-. •
clean shirt !" ' '
Clean hits all gone. ear."
gave 1 . What dp you oteita Get lie
a eturt at once, do et, nand giinning there."
. • , ;r last r!;..1:-, shirt, inassa captain, von
i . t-r•tny Morning, when you come
ashore . ; and that would hardly keep together.
it was so old; and an the °then have gonft .tti
be washed
"Here.'s a: pretty predicament, storied
. ~~~ ♦.,
Crabt!ea;'ittasited otit to diarist.; and via l t gel
for want of a' shirt ! 'Oh !Ilia too bad !" Stew•
ard, what Shalt 'I do'?"
• 1 . Better beer the old one sar," , suggested
the steward. -, •
" That's'ont'orthe ntieStion, itiii*ball." re.
plied Cribirie: "I found it unseaworthy when
I took it ofl; and threw it out of the cabin win
dow !"
Ah !" said blacke t y,' "'that's very bad. I
se'pect [shall have ioJend you one Of my check
shirts, that I scrubbed nice and clean in the salt
eater 'tother day."'
"Be off. yciu stupid blockhead. You lend
me a cheekedehirt! Away with you, on
deck," and as the steward, with a broad grin
oveispreading the whole of his face. success-
fully diidged a " Bowditch's Epitome " aimed
at his head; and daited up the companionway,
Captain Ciahtree's countenance kindled with
a gleam of satisfaction. " I have it." said he,
" I HAVfI ft!" he repeated, with all the entliw.
siastic joy of the old Byracnsati sage when he
united, a knotty problem in mathematics—and
he hastened lo Yatrail himself of the wise
thought which had just popped itself into his
Now Captain Crabtree had a very neat
dickey in his trunk. dickey, as every one
knows, is. or was a shirt bosom, with a hand
some shirt collar attached, and would serve on
a pinch as a very good apology for a shirt—
indeed dandies in those days often dispensed
with:a shirt for weeks and months together.—
Crabtree, with a degree Or presence of mind
and fruitfulness of expedtents, which were
characteristic of that worthy seamen, resolved
to fret himself no longer for the absent thin.
but to make the dickey do doutle duty on the
important occasion. .'
. ,
.. • •
He arrayed himself accordingly. loriked in
his glass, and admired his appearance: He
felt cool and comfortable, too—and that was
something gained on a sultry day in July. He
even began to entertain the idea of discarding
altogether, as superfluous, that article of dress
which he had hitherto { considered indispensa
hte, especially when in full dress. In the
meantime, as he had a strange habit of throw
ing off his coat when oppressed with heat.
without much regard to his company Or cir
cumstances;he took the precahtion to prevent
such an occurrence on the present occasion,
by stitching his coat and his black velvet vest
At the appointed hour. Captain Crabtree
entered the mansion of the German nobleman,
where he was received with Marked courtesy
by the Count, and introduced; to a good com
pany of ladies and gentlemen, principally na
tives of Denmark. Crabtree understood no
language but his mother tongue, but by dint of
a tolerable assurance and emphatic gestures,
he got along, tolerably well. Dinner passed
off—and the wine, as is usual abroad, circula
ted freely. Crabtree found himself somewhat
in a melting mood, and soon ceased to remem
ber the peculiarity of his costume.
When dinner was over, he was bhallenged
by a lady to play a game of billiards. The
greater part of the company adjourned to the
billiard room, to be witnesses of the game—
and the captain,,after a few uusuccessfbl strokes
with his cue, involuntarily essayed to throw
off his coat, declaring that he could never play
well with, that heavy garment on. The coat
clung with a sort of fraternal affection to the
vest, but the impetuous sailor could not take
the hint, or brook delay. Another desperate
effort, a couple of buttons gave way, and the
coat and vest being unwilling to part company,
were both stripped off, and thrown triumphant
ly on a chair ! when lo ! the captain stood in
the midst of the assembly, grasping his cue
with a business-like air, and arrayed as if for a
pugillistic contest in the prize-ring! .
A scream from the ladies, and some emphat
ic exclamations from the gentlemen, firs! re
minded the forgetful sailor that something was
wrong. Ile glanced at his bare arms, then
caught a view of his whole person in a large
mirror. and the truth rushed upon his mind
like a flash of lightning. The dickey was do
all it could to - supply the 'plays of a more
simple garment. hut it was wofully deficient
in dime i sions—and to the astonished captain.
seemed s runk to half its usual size!
Captai Crabtree - dropped his cue, gave a 1
sort of convulsive jump, which would do credit
to a- harlequin vaulter, uttered a loud demi
savage salt-water' howl, which was heard a
mile off, and scampered down stairs into the
street, regardless of the bluithes of the ladies.
or the storm of hisses and revilings from the
scandalized gentlemen. He stopped not. but
flew through the streets like a frightened mad
man, while the wondring, populace, shouted
and clapped their hands, or sprang aside to
give him a fair field for his race. This oily
added to his speed. and in a few minutes he
was snugly moored in Intestate room, on hoard
his good ship, with the, door closed behind
him, and securely bolted. The flig,ht.of Cap
tain Crabtree was a theme of story and song
for a month afterward—and those who beheld
it, will never forget it 'until their dying day.
As for Count WogonstroffskY; he hardly
knew what to make of it—at first, he' was/dis
posed to resent it as . 4 deliberate ' affront, and
sent Crabtree a polite' and'. preising invitation
to meet him in the Deer, Park, to settle' the
affair with pistol , .. An eiplanation; frowe'ver:
disarmed the good•heirted German of his wrath,
and provoked hie' mirth—and•he dearly loves
to tell the story to every;etranger who visits his
'He formed a re;scilOtiA at the time. Ithwever.
to be Cautious liow•he invited ...old salts". et
his selectpinie.'in fotureind solemnly de
clared that if he ever again asked a 'Yankee
shiproatter to dine with hini,' he would caution
him to bring tiohirt along with him 1 You.
my - delefellcitYare`the first Yinkee whom he
has , honcirid triih'• an 'invitation since , Captalo
Crabtree's hegira." ' • •
' Such, was. ~the 'Consul's - • story..' Simeox.
whose anger' had been gradually oozing away
at the corners 'of his mouth.-while helistened
•to the adventure of Crabtree. laughed heartily
at its close...the Count , Wogenettftsky was
aufered to itleapelliith sywhole ,
The Bastiandman.
"lam a true laborer. Lead earn that I cat,
get that I,wear. owe no man hate, enVy , no
man's happines, glad of other men's good,
content with my farm. and the greatest of my
pride is too see my ewes graze and my lambs
Such is the picture of a hushan man s .ire
drawn by the unerring pencil of Shakspeare ;
and such the sentiment we would ehdeavor to
instil into the minds of our readers, In the
structure of our animal economy, a wise pro
vision has been made for its healthy action. by
giving employment to body and mind as necesia
ry to procure ; the comforts of life, without ”eat
ing the bread of idleness," and thus deteriora
ting in muscular strength. and iu capacity or
taste, for the enjoyment dell tint is rich. rare,
and beautiful in the garden of Nature. Let us
one instant transport the eye to yonder field !
See the strong arm guiding the plough and
delving the earth for treasures whose riches
shall be revealed to him at the harvest time !
See him gazing with admiration upon the way.
ving corn, the bleating flocks, the clustering
trees, the neat cottage, and a thousand other
things to fill his soul with gratitude and praise!
The man is the envy of Kings, with a landed
title securer than the throne on which they sit,
and happier far than he that wears the diadem.
He .• earns that he eats," and his food thus be
comes sweeter to his taste from the fact t h at lie
has labored for it.
But there are many who seem discontented
wish the endearments of a rural life, and sigh
for the pent-up atmosphere of a crowded city.
Tosuch we would say, shake off the delusion!
The gilded drapery of fashion, the pride, and
pomp of gloated wealth may, for a moment,
dazzle the eye, but when we look around us
for the comforts and quietude of our peaceful
cottage, we will soon perceive that those trap
pings cannot give ease to an aching breast, or
slumber to a troubled conscience. We love
the country—the green, open country—and
would rather go Will to the field, with spade
in hand, and " earn that we eat," than chew
the food of idleness" or bask in the smiles of
fashion, Our theatre is there—our home is the
heavens—our curtain is the dark blue sky—
the sweet scented honeysuckle and the green
grass are the carpet nn which we tread—roses
are strewed before us—the tinkling bell awakes
us, and that rising sun points to our work.
Action, that great propeller of the human heart,
nerves us for our labor—and as the scene is
disclosed, our senses are saluted with sweet
er songs and views than were ever witness
ed by the votaries of jewelled halls with their
most enrapturing songs. Who would not
live in such a country !—Valley Farmer.
[From the Cultivator.]
Fattening animal'.
There are some rules which may be advan
tageously adopted in feeding animals,- which,
however obvious they may be, are too often
passed over or neglected.. Some of these will
be specified ; and
Ist. The preparation of food. This should
be so prepared that its nutritive properties may
be all made available to the use of the animal,
and not only so, but appropriated with the least
possible expenditure of muscular energy. The
ox that is obliged to wander over an acre to
get the food he should find on two or three
square rods ; the horse that is two or three
hours eating the coarse food he would swallow
in fifteen minutes if the grain was ground, or
the hay cut as it should be—the sheep that
spends hours making its way into a turnip,
which if it was sliced,-it would eat in as many
minutes ; the pig that eats raw potatoes or
whole corn, when either cooked. could be eat
en in one quarter the time now used. may in
indeed fatten much less rapidly than if their
food was given , them in a proper manner. All
lood should be given to a fattening animal in
such a state, that as little time slid labor as pos
sible, on the part of the animal, shall be requi
red in eating.
2d. The Mod should he in advance. From
the time the fattening•process commences, un
til the animal is slaughtered, he should never
be without food. Health • rid appetite ate best
promoted by change of food rather than by
limiting the quantity. The animal that is stuff
ed and starved by turns, may have streaked
meat, but it will be made too slowly for the
pleasure or profit of the good farmer.
3d. The food should be given regularly.
This is one of the most essential points in feeds
Mg animals. if given irregularly, the animal
indeed consumes his-food, but he soon acquires
a restleps disposition. is unseasonably disturb
ed, or their quiet broken by unwonted invite-.
lion to eat.
4th. The animal should not be needlessly
intruded upon during the hours of feeding.—
All creatures fatten much faster in the dark
than in the light, a fact only to be accounted
for by their greater quiet, Some disturbed at
every appearance of , his feeder, and -is never
in that quiet state so necessary to the taking on
of fat.. It is surprising how readily an animal
acquires habits of regularity .in feeding, and
howsoon the influence of this is felt in the
improvement of hie constitution. When. at
the regular hour the pighas had his pdddingt
'or the sheep itetuthips, they compile them
selves to rest, and those creatures that are the
most irritable and impatient Of restraint while
fietlitig,,snch turkeys and geese, ate found
to take on fat rapidly when 'confined in dark
roonis;'und only led at stated hntira by -hand.
There lit' tie Ell rer Proof theta pig is doint
than to' itelitat 'eitt his
: meal quickly'and then
rettie'in his tied; to" sleep or cogitate until the
hcorof feediUg; Amine. 'Militate while fit.
teeing should tteder he slimed; never taiiidly,
driven, never he fed at unseasonable Will,
and above alt thitiga,'nevei a ll o wed to want
for food. • ' ' ' ' ' '
asked by his neighbor how hie wife did. Trnk,
this answer Indeed. neighboribia ease is
pitiful; my wife fbarethatshe will die, and I fear
that she Will , not—orhich makea•adiaeonsolate
Getting Beady for Winter.
Haul tanbark and bank up artinntlithe hefitO
to ensure a warm cellar. Cellar windows
'should be kept open through the day. and clo
sed after the nights begin to freeze, as late , in
the season as possible; See that .dry walks
are prepared from the house to all the out-hou
ses. Do not be stingy-of your materials ; make
the paths high and roanding, so as to t bare
dryness, especially about the barn. See that
stones, gravel, or timber are laid so as. to be
out tif the way'of cattle'S feet, and just in the
way of your own. We have seen itivartip
harm-yards, before going into which a prrident
man would chooie to make his will. Mud .
on the shoes from roads and fields is
enough ; but mud from one's own yards, shows
that the owner hair not fixed tip as he ought to
have done.
If your stables are'old, examine the floor ;
or some night may let a horse through, hi come
out lame for life. If you hate a dirt floor, see
that it is carefully laid; and remember that if
it . he inclined either way, it Mould befrom the
rack and not tot rard it. Let your wagons,
carts, ploughs. dr,c., he repaired during the fall
and winter, and not be left till spring. See
that your shingles are all sound on the house.
barn, and abed. That teat which'you hive
allowed to drop, drop, drop all Number has at
last taken off a yard or two of plaster, and it is
time now to put on a shingle or two. There
is another leak or two that Mien be Mopped.
That pocket of yours Which has let out dime
after dime for liquor, the hole getting bigger
and bigger every year, now is the time to 'ley
it up, or it will rip you up. A pocket is-,
small place. to be sure, but we have seen barns.
cattle, and acre after acre slip through a tole
in it which at first, was only large enough to
let a sixpence through. ,
See that all your tools have a safe and dry
standing place ; hoes, rakes, scythes, sickels,
yokes, spades, shovels, chains, pins, harrows,
plows, carts, sleds,. axes, mattox, hammers,
and everything but your geese and ducks,
should be kept from wet and snow.
If you have no stables ter your cattle you
shOuld have good sheds provided opening to
the south: Even when cattle are allowed to
run through the stock-fields, there -ought to be
in some warm place an ample shed to which
they resort during wet and cold weather : and
one sufficiently snug can be made without call
ing in the carpenter or buying lumber.
A VALUABLE TABLE.—The following value•
ble table was calculated by James M. Garnet,
Esq. of Essex county, Va.. and first published
in Mr. Riffins' Farmers' Register.
TABLE.—A box 24 inches by 16 inches
square, and 22 inches deep, will contain a bar
rel. or 10,762 cubid inches.
A box 24 by 10 inches square. and 11 in
ches deep, will contain a ball bilfrel, or 5;378
cubic inches.
' A box 16 inches by 168-10 inches deep, will
contain a bushel, of 2,150 4-10 inches,
A box 12 by 11 2-10 inches equate and a
inches deep, will contain half a bushel, or 1,075
cubic inches.
A box 8 incites hy 8 4-10 incites square and
8 inches deep, wilt contain, one peck. or 537
6-10 cubic inches.
A bok 8 by 8 inches square, and 4 w4:l
dhes deep, will contain one half peck, or 368
8-10 cubic inches.
A box 7 inches by 4 Inches square. and 4
8.10 inches deep, will contain half gallon or
141 4.10 cubic inches.
A box 4 inches by 4 inches square, and 4
10 inches deep, will contain one quart, or CI
10 cubic inches,
These measures come Within a small frac
tion of a cubic inch of being perfectly accurate;
as neat, indeed, a! / any measures of capacity
have ever yet been made for common use; the
difficulty of making them with absolute exact
ness has never yet been overcome.
AFFECTING Itvcintint.—A little girl. the
only and.well beloved child of her patents. who
are residents of Brooklyn, Long Island, died a
few weeks since. aid was interred in the prix
vale family burying ground. A large New
foundland dog. the private companion and play
=te of the child, Was frequently missing from
the house after the funeral. When seen, lie
was observed to be crest fallen and drooping,
he refused his food, moped and lost flesh day
by day. These circumstances excited Curiosi
ty ; the animal was watched and followed in
his stealthy excursions. and it at length ap
peared that he went daily to the grave of his
former friend and playmate, deposited at each
visit, some of the child's playthings obtained
secretly from the house. on the grassy mound
that covered her remains, in the vain hope ~of
alluring her to his side again. and then lay
down, and passed hour after hour moaning and
whining . piteously. His master Was obliged
finally to chain up the animal, to put an end to
his melancholy vigils, the continuance of which
would have cost the faithful mourner hie ex
istence. ,
lIVRNT RITUBAIIII tN biattentes.—lt may he
Useful to know the train of burnt rhubarb in
dfarrhcea. It bee - been • used with the same
pleasing effects for more than twenty years.
After one or two doses the pains quickly anb
side, and the bowels return' to their natural
state. The manner of preparing it, Is to burn
rhubarb powder in an iron pot, stirring 11 until
it blackens t then smother it in a covered jar.
it loses 'two-thirds of its weight by incineration.
It ts. nearly tasteless. In ho case has it failed
where given. It may be given in port nine..
milk and water.
. 0 % - tAitria Sottntio. : =4r. Durbih. in hip
•`'Obvervallottain the Eavt.'t just -published;
mentions that lit stoma parts afPitypt, to avoid
,the conscripthitii — ortrehetyiitAll. the Women
bare been in the:habit fOr-ynars back: bib' aim,-
ing their Children sois - to unfit thitutor milita
ry service. The destrnying'of one eye , warn
common operation. Ditt the Peeha has taken ,
in effectual way`to plain eitd.ll) tine cruelty.
by forming tab regiments of one.eyed soldiers.
The evil Is said to be alreitiir tiattch dimitistv