Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 19, 1845, Image 4
[Frion tbS St.-Louis Reveille.] The Lord's Priyrr.... We lay 'before - cirri readers the.Lonfa Prayer, beau tifully 'paraphrssed into an aciostie by Thomas Stank) ! sant, dr., a soldier' in the 46th regiment United States In fantry, and aPrisiiner of war in the province of Upper Canada. Our Lord and King who trivia enthroned on' high Father, of light ! mysterious Deity Wise art the great I AM. the lost, the first, _Art righteous. holy.-merriful and just, . „ in realms of glory, scenes where angels sing; Einem is the dwelling place of God nor King, Hallowed thy name, which sloth all names transcend, Be thou adored, our great Almighty Friend, Thy glory shin& beyond creation's space, Named in the book of justice and of grace. Thy kingdom towers beyond the starry skies, Kingdom satanic falls. hut thine shall rise. Come let thine thine empire, 0 thou Holy One, Thy peat and everlasting, will be done! Will God nuke known his Will, his power display 7 Beit the work of mortals. obey, Done is the great, the wondrous work of love, On Calvary's coma he died, hut reigns above, Earth bears the record in thy holy word,. As heaven adores thy love, let earth, 0 Lord; B shines transcendent in tie' eternal skies, Is praised Heaven—for man the Saviour dies. In songs immortal angels land his name, • Beaten shouts with joy, and saints his love proclaim, Girt as, 0 Lord, our food, nor cease to give Us that food on which our souls may live ! • This he our boon to day, and days to come, Day without end in our eternal hornet' Our needy souls supply from day to day, Daily assist and aid us when we )ray. Bread though we ask, yet, Lord, thy blessing lend. And make us grateful when thy gifts descend, Forgive our sins, which in destruction place Gs the vile rebels of a rebel race; Our follies: fruits and trespasses forgive, Debts which we ne'er can pay, or tnou receive; - As we, 0 Lord, our neighbor's faults o'er look, We beg thou d'st blot ours front thy Memory's book; Forgireour enemies, extend thy grace / Our souls to save, e'en Adam's guilty race. Debtors to thee in gratitude and losc, And in that duty paid by seine above, Lead us from sin, andin thy Mercy raise Us from the tempter and his hellish ways, /Vid in our own, but iu his name who tiled, Into thine ear we pour our every need, Temptation's fatal charms help unto shun; But may we conquer through thy conquering Son ! Deliver us from all which can annoy • Us in this world, and may our twills destroy. From all calamities which men betide, Evil and death, O tun; our feet aside; For we are mortal worms, and cleave to clay : Thine 'tin to rule, and mortals to obey. Is not thy mercy, Lord, forever free 1 The whole creation knows no God but Thee. Kingdom and empire in thy presence fad : The King eternal reigns the King of all. Power is with thee—to thee be glory given, And be„thy name adored by earth and heaven, The praise of saints and angels is thy own; Glory to thee y the everlasting One, Forever be thy triune name adored ; Amen Hosanna! blessed be the Lord! Choctaw Courtship—Privilcg.3 of Squaws. Courtship is invariably begun liy the female. If she fancies a young man, she firakes what is technically called the first banter. This is done by slyly sqeezing the hand or gently touch ing his foot at the camp fire. If a man should venture upon any of the little preliminaries, without being‘ure of a reciprocal partiality the indignant maid would immediately assail him with a stick, and this would be the signal for a general assault by all the squaws around on the presuming lover, who, unless he fled, would he beaten without mercy. Thus, even in this rude shape, does the woman play the coquette ! The young squaw who screams loudest and shows the most resentment at these unwarrant able liberties of an ardent lover, is set down as the Diana of her tribe. Giving the first banter seems to be receiv ed by the woman as a special prerogative, and they seldom allow it to he infringed with impu nity—Mever in the presence of a third person. This extends even to their dances, for the squaw always selects her partner, and sends the master of cetemonies after him, and ho is not permitted to refuse. It is at these dances that elopements of married women with young war riors generally take place. The woman slips nut of the dance at a moment when the confu sion is the greatest, and repairs to a point agreed upon, where she is soon followed by her lover., They usually remain in the woods three or four days, and when they return live as man and wife, without being molested. Hence elope- ments - are common. ) The squaws have another privilege which 't they often exercise. When 'one chooses a partner for a dance to whom another is attached her rival closely watches them. and at the first favorable opportunity. cuts in. or in other wordi euts,out the other, leaping into her place with the agility of a fawn, and the mortified danseuse must silently retire from the circle. Old widows, we have ascertained, frequently give the banter before IMscribed, and in many eases they marry young persons under twenty. one. A squaw of a certain age, if she has been thrifty, is generally provided with a house and some other appliances. and it is considered quite a speculation for a young man to be sup ported by one of them a year or two. At the , expiration of that period, they "ere generally abandoned for a youne wife. Eoucavion.—Etery boy should have his head, his heart and his hand educated.—Let this truth never be forgotten. By the prop per education of the head he will be taught what is good, and what is tvil—what is wise and what is foolish—what is right and what is wrong. By the proper education of the heart he will be enabled to supply his wants, to add -to his comforts, and to assist those around him. The highest objects of a good education are to reverence and obey Gnd, and to love and serve mankind; every thing that helps us in attaining these objects is of great value, and every thing that hinders is compara tively worthless. When wiadonit reigns in the head and to love in the bean; the hand is ever ready to do good : order aud peace smile around and sin and sorrow are almost unknown.— BLACKWOOD. A NEw PLACE TO KEEP MONEY IN.—Pratt. the book Auctioneer, selling some, Bibles the other night, recommended them to buyers as making goods Safes for their money. He said that in Alabama, they didn't use any thing el's. and as nobody there ever thought of look ing into the Bible, the money crss Perfectly tale. Genii Pair on INeh leindiand Getting Rieh on Poor Laud. A dose observer of men and things. says the Ohio Cultivator. told ns the following : little history, which we hope will plough very deebly into the attention Of all who plough very-shal low in thelf soils: Two brothers Settled together in coun ty. One of them on a.cold, ugly, clay soil. covered with blackjack oak. not one of Which Was large enough to make' half dozen rails. This man would never drive any but large, powerful Conastogo horses, some seventeen hands high. Ile always o ut three horses to a large plough, and plunged it in some ten in ehes deep. This deep ploughing he invaria bly'fractired and cultivated thoroughly after wards.. lie raised his seventy bushels of corn to the acre. 'nits man has a brother about six miles off, settled on a rich white over bottom-land farm, and. while a hlack•jnck clay soil ielded seven ty bushels to the acre, this fine bottom land %snubl not average fifty. One brother was steadily growing rich on poor land, and the Lather steadily growing poor on rich land. Ohe dad the bottom-land brother came down to see the hack jack-oak farmer. and they be gan to talk about their crops and farms, as far mers are very apt to do. How is it." said the first. •• that you man age on this poor soil to heat me in crops? The reply Was: .. 1 WORK my land." That was it, exactly. Some men have such rich land that they won't work it ; and they never get a step beyond where they began.— They rely on the soil. not on labor, or skill, or rare. Some men expect their hauls to work; and wine expect to work their lands ; and that is just the difference between a good and bad farmer. Preservation of Apples. The following practical observations, con tained in a letter from Noah Webster, have been published in the ,Massachusetts Agricultu ral Lepordtory : .• it is the practice with some persons to pick apples in October, and first spread them on floor of an upper room. This practice is said to render apples more durable, by dry ing - theni. But I can affirm this to be a mistake. Apples after remaining on the trees as long as safety from the frost will admit. should be taken di reedy from trees to close casks, and kept dry and cool as possible. If suffered to lie on dm floor for we..lts, they wither and lose their fla vor. without acquiring an additional durability. The hest mode of preserving apples for spr. , mg use, I have found to be, the putting of them in dry sand as soot' as picked. For this purpose, dry sand in the heat of summer; and late in October, put down the appleti in layers, with a covering of sand upon each layers. The singular advantages of this mode of treatment are these : Ist. the sand keeps the apples from tne air. which is essential to Their preservation. 2.1, the sand checks the evaporation of the ap ples, thus preserving them in their full flavor ; at the same time, any moisture yielded by the apples. and some there will be, is absorbed b% the sand. so that the apples arekept dry, and all mustiness is prevented." POTATOES.—The editor of the Boston Culti vator says Drying potatoes may tle-agood method to save them Iron the rot, and it may be well lo save them in this way; vet by ex posure to the air they will lose much of their good quality. If potatoes lay in a box or bar rel, open to the air, and in a room, shed, or other places out of - the cellar, they will . lose Much of their good qualities in five or six weeks. To preserve potatoes in good condi non, they should be dug with as little exposure to the air as possible. and put in a cellar in a close bin, cask or bok. and the cellar should be closed so as to exclude light and air. Yet it may be better to save them with a loss of a part of their good properties, than to let them decay ; but we would caution the lovers of good' potatoes against too much exposure, as it will cause too great a depreciation in their value. New York Mill, Lockport. The following description of a flour-mill is (ruin a Lockport paper. 4 . The Spalding mill was built in 1841, near the locks and on the site of the one consumed by tire in 1840. It is GO by 10 feet on the ground, and on the water side eleven stories high, and five on the hill or ridge side, includ ing the attic—built of stone, in the most sub stantial manner—the walls of the first story be ing four feet thick. The gearing and shafts throughout are of iroti. It has two water wheels of 24 feet di - itneter each, and ten feet bucket; each carries four run of stone, with cleaning machinery complete for flouring, and also for Custom work. It requires ordinarily twenty-one hundred bushels of grain to keep it running for twenty-four hours, and can turn our five hundred and fifty barrels of flour in that time ; two hundred and fifty to two hun dred and eighty barrels having been frequently made in twelve hours. The flour is packed by presses driven by water, without straining ' the barrel ; and the flour runs directly into it from the bolt, thus avoiding the dirt which too often is shovelled in, when packed by hand in the old fashioned way. Competent judges pronounce this mill to he the best in Western New York. if not in the United States; and we think it a great advantage to the fine wheat growing country around us to have such an establishment in' our midst." POTTSVILLE. I'e. — The Pottsville Empori um speaks of the life and business activity in that place. In every direction new buildings are going up in all stages of completion. Im provements seem to be the order of the day, not only in Pottsville, but through the entire coal region. " The Valley Railroad Company have their road under contract to within two miles of Tamaque.ind the contractors are pushing thci work with energy. The Schuylkill Naviga tion Company are persevering with coalmen dable energy in the widening of their Canal.— B. M. Lewis, Esq.. the efficient and indefati gable Superintendent of the Schuylkill Haven and Aline Hill Railroad is pushing to an early completion the connecting link between the West' Branch Stealers Railroad. In Pottsville there is an MIMI demand for business stands. There are four firms from New York at-this moment anxiously seeking eligible business stands. One of which is intended as a whole sale conceiii. ' The Reading Railroad Compa ny are greatly deficient in railroad cars to ac. commodate the increased and increasing coal business, and are consequently. we are inform ed, building two thousand additional iron cars. Lumber is high and scarce. Butter. meat. and indeed all kinds of marketing, command high • prices." NEW EStaBLLSI: _ 7 U NT E 133 1 i3w,ur 3E•MU.2(41P310631p L. m!li YE -& would re. , spectlly inform the citizens of Tow i,anda and the public generally, that ;they have on hand& manufacture Ito order all kande lof CABINET FURNITURE,,of the best mate rialto, and , wnikmariebip that cannot be surpassed, in odditionto the usual assortment in country shops, we will keep on batid and make to order SOFAS, of various and moat approved patterns ; Sofa Rockitig Chairs, Upholstered in supgior style, end for ease and durability cannot be surpassed even in our large cities. Also,like half French Ma hogany Chair, beautifully upholitered, with curled hair. which never loses its elasticity, and finished with the best hair seating. We flatter ourselves that having had much experience in the business, we ',hall be able to satisfy all who may feel dispo l sed to call, both as to quality and price. and by strict ',attention to business hope to merit and receive the patronage of a liberal com munity. t L. M. NYE & CO. Towanda. September I, 1845. - - nr--x - rza";4o2t:Laft I i n ; if# C.III7.WET ruEwrrrunE . . . . MAY BE HAP at our shop much loWer than it has ever been sold in Towanda. Goods are cheap. and wheat am lowered, and that is the reason we can afford all for to do it. • All kinds of produce will he received In:payment. Alto, LUMBER of all kinds. ~_.Sept. I. L. M. NYE 4 CO. _ ' • - 41...41ED3E•JWMISIg WILL be kept on hand a larze assortment, and made to order on shorter notice and for less mo ney than can be produced at any other establishment in the land. Those who are under the necessity of pro curing that article will and shall he satisfied. A toad hearse and pall may be had in attendance when desired. tiepternher 1, 1845. L. M. NYE & CO. BOOT \ & SHOE MAKING. - 1 ireAr>,. . VITILCOX & SAGE have associated themsevrs in the Boot and Shoe Making business, in the borough of Towanda, and may be Mum! at the old stand of S. Hathaway, lately occupied by E I kaaah Smith. near I. li .Stephens' Exchange lintel, where they solicit a sham of public patronage. They intend, by a carefi. I selection of stock, and by attention to the interests of their customers. to make as neat and durable work eaten be manufactured in this portion of the country. They keep constantly on hand, and will manufacture to order, morocco. calf and coarse hoots and shoes; Ladies' Gaiters, shoes and slips; children's do.; gent's gaiters and pumps, &c., &c. .10FIN W. WILCOX, PHII.A.NDER SAGE. Towanda, flay 14. 1845. ail' MY OLD 77MDE )IC3I. ! A. M. Warner, Clock & , Watch Maker. HAS opened a shop to the Drug Store of A. D. Montanye, two doors below Montanye's Ch e ap Cash Store, nearly opposite Kingsbery'sßrick Mansion, where he can he found at all times of day, and he at again invites his old customers and others to give him a call. He pledges himself to them, and the public generally that all ; work entrusted to his care shall be done correctly andlWarranied to perform wellor no pay. Having bad muckexperiencc in his business and being determined to givasatisfaction, he hopes to be able to satisfy all. lie also has on hand a small assortment of JEWEL RY, as low for cash as can be had at no. 100, Old Ar cade, or at any given number in the Brick Row, altho' some of it might have been purchased of Shelden & Co. He is not able to boast of as large an assortment of gold chronometer, duplex, lever and L'Epine Watches, diamond rings, pins &c., &c., as can bo found in the assortment advertised near the Hay-Scales, but what he has shall be sold so low that competition with him would be useless. lie tenders his grateful acknowledgements to the public for past favors and at the same time, solicits a share of public patronage. - Towanda, August 20. 1845. COC!IFTBY PIIODUCE of every description will be to ken on payment fur work. Cssa not refused. FALL & WINTER FASHIONS gt:.2,%t0 BATCHELER & COREL beg leave to inform the inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity, that they have just commenced the Tailoring Business, up stairs, No. 4, Brick Row, where they are prepared to execute all work entrusted to them with care neatness and des patch, and in the most fashionable manner. Having just received the Rear York and Philadelphia fashions, and with their long experience in the business, they flat ter themselves that their work will be made in a manner and style equal to any other establishment in the place. Terms made to correspond with time times. CUTI'ING done on the shortest notice. r All kinds of country pralines received in payment for work st market prices. October I, 1845. uecmilawl a ziaritaau)alealsuD', FASIIIO N.ll RLE ThILORS, Over Montanye's store, next. door to Mercur's law office, at the old stand of Powell & Seaman. [or, 1 J. E. Canfield,•Law, L.°03.1ak% TI.Q9 WILL attend to all kinds of business intrusted to his care, with promptness and despatch. Of- San the. Tin and Stove store building—up stairs. [ol. MEDICINE AND SURGERY. DR. JAMES M. GOODRICH has located hinisel at MON ROE, for the practice of hie profession and will be pleased to wait on those requiring his ser vices. He may be found at J..L. Johnson's tavern. Reference may be made to Drs. HUSTON & MASON Of Towanda. April 29, 1845. LUMBER FOR SALE. A QUANITY OF LUMBER will he sold for cash AL . by private vale at the - residence of the late Patrick Cummings. Also, a very valuable two-horse farm WA GON. but a abort time in use—it COg about $BO, and will be sold for $45, on approved security at. 6 months credit. A set of double HARNESS, with chaini and whippletrees, for sl2—an excellent BOAT, fur ss— be disputed of on a credit. There are several tons of' superior HAY, and a quan tity of Oats, which will also he sold for cash, where the value is offered. Apply to Franklin Blackman, Esq., or to the subseri bar. MICHAEL MITCHELL. Towanda, Octnber 1. 1845 N. B. A FARM, now or lately occupied by Stephen Cummings, will he let—with the saw-mill. ; It is situat ed about 7 miles from Towanda—a number of logs on the place will be dispose d of at a fair 'aloe. GUrIRDIAN'S S.i'LE NOTICE is hereby given, that by virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford County to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, on the premi ses, on Saturday the 29 day of November next, at 1 u' clock in the •sfternaen. the following lot of land situ ate in Towanda townahip;bounded on she nonhby D. M'Gill, on the east by Benj. Wilcox, on the south by M. Mitchell, and on the west by W. Patton. Con taining twenty-five runes, with a log house thereon erect ed, and three or four acres improved. Terms .made known on the Jay of sale Oct.' ath 113.55. Guardian of the minor children of ]Martin Miller -Administrator's Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of ACHATUS VOUGHT, late of Rome township, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and all those havingdemands against the same are requested to present them, legally attested for settlement. • T. VOUGHT, Administrator. annexed. With will annetrd. Rome, Oct. I, 1845. -7- 19'illIsters All }ROO; Ointment. Anew supply of this popularmedicine,alsoaquantity of the SOI.AI TIIICTUIL, just received by. Oct. 1. H. 8. & M. C. MERCUR. BLANKS, a fell assottment just f„. pinta stall Cm sale at this au. Buck. r THE preceding figure is to represent the INSEN SIBLE PERSPIRATION. his the great evac uation for the impurities of the body. It will be noticed that a thick cloudy mist issues from all points of the Gut fare, which indicates the wonderful process going on within. This perspiration flows uninterruptedly when se are in health, but ceases when we are sick. It should be the care of every one to see that it it not checked.—• Life cannot be sustained without it. It is thrown off from the blood and other juices of-the body, and dispo ses by this means, of nearly all impurities within use.— The blood by this means only, works ibrelfpure. The language of Scripture is, "in theblood is the life." If. it ever becomes impure, it may he traced directly to the stoppage of the insensible perspiration. It never requires any internal medicines to cleanse it, as it always puri fies itself by its own heat and action, and throws off all the offending humors, through the insensible perspiration. Thos we see, all that is necessa-ry when the blood is stagnant or infected, is toopen the pores, and it relieves itself from all impurity instantly. Its own heat and vi tality are sufficient, without one particle of medicine, except to open the pores upon the surface.—Thus we see the folly ,of taking so much internal remedies. All practitioners, however, direct their efforts to restore the insensible perspiration. but it seems to he not *Ways the proper one. The Thompsonians for instance, steams, the Ily.'ropathist shrouds us in wet blankets, the Ho mopathist deals out infinitissimals, the A llopathistbleeds and doses Gs with mercury, and the blustering quack gorges us with pills, pills, pills. But one object only is in view, viz: to resters the in sensible perspiration. If this can be done, they say. we will take care of the rest.. It will be seen, therefore, that all physicians understand alike what is necessary to a recovery, how much they may differ as to the mode of obtaining it. To give some idea of the amount, and consequently the importance of the insensible perspiration, we will state that the learned Dr. Lewenhock, andthe great Boer ' heave, ascertained that five-eights of all we received in to the stomach, passed off by this means. In otherwords, if we eat and drink eight pounds per day, we evacuate live pounds of it by the insensible perspiration. This is none other than the used up particles of the blood, and other juices, giving place to the new and fresh ones, by carrying with it all the impurities within up to the surface. To check this. therefore, is to retain in the system Ilse eights of all thervirulent matter that nature demands should leave the body. And even when this is the case, the blood is of so active a principle, that it determines those particles, to the akin, where they form nab., pimples, ulcers, and other spots; but if it is di rected inwards. and fails upon the lungs, the conse quences are generally fatal. By a sudden transition from heat to cold, the pores are stopped, the perspiration ceases, and disease begins at once to dewelope itself. Hence, a stoppage of this flow of the juices, originates so many complaints. It is through the surface that we imbibe nearly all our ills. It is stopping the pores, that overwhelms mankind with coughs, colds, and consumption. Nine-tenths of the world die from diseases induced by stoppage of the insensibie perspiration. it is easily seen therefore, how necessary is the flourofthis subtle humor to the surface, to presetve health. It cannot be stopped; it cannot even be checked, without producing disease. The blood and intestines must relieve themselves of all their worn. out particles, and poisonous humors, and they must go through the pores as nature designed. Let me ask now, every candid mind, what course seems the most reasonable to pursue, and unstop the pores, after they are closed and let the perspiration flow, that the blood may relieve itself ef its impurities? Would you give physic to unstop the pores 1 Or would you apply something that would do this upon the surface, where the clogging actually isl Would not this be com mon sense? And yet I know of no physician who makes an internal application to effect it. The reason I assign is, that no medicine within their knowledge. is capable of doing it. Under these circumstances. I pre sent to physicians and to all others, a preparation that has this power to the fullest extent.—lt is All-Healing Ointment or the World's Satre. - It has power to restore perspiration on the feet, on the head, around oldsores, upon the chest, in short, upon any part of the body, whether diseased slightly or severely. hen the perspiration is restored, it has power to penetrate the longs, liver, or any part of the human system, end to act upon them, if they be diseased, by separating the in flamed morbid particles therefrom, and expelling them to the surface. It has power to cause all external sores, scrofulous hu mors, skin diseases, poisonous wounds to discharge their putrid matter, and then heals them. It is a remedy that sweeps off the whole eats Logue of cutaneous disorders, and restores the entire cuticle to its healthy functions. It is a remedy that forbids the necessity ofso many and deleterious drugs taken into the stomach. It is a remedy that neither sickens, gives inconveni- ence, or is dangerous to tho intestines. This remedy is probably the only one now known, that is capable of producing all thew great molts. Its great value is in restoring at once, the circulation of the juices when checked, or disarranged by cold or other causes. It preserves and defends the surface from all derangement of its functions, while it keeps open the channels for the blood to avoid all its impurities and dis pose of all its useless particles. There is a connection, harmony, and feasibility in all that defies contradiction. It is a simple. but wonderful principle that preserves in healthy operation the entire machinery of •nir being. It indissolubly holds together the surface and the internal viscera, the internal viscera and the surface. They are inseparably connected and cannot be disjoined. The surface is the outlet of five-eights of the bile and used up matter within. It is pierced with millions of open ings to relieve the intestines. Stop up these pores, and death knocks at you! door. It is rightly termed All- Healing, for then is scarcely a disease, external or in ternal, that it will not benefit. It will be found the most useful as well as the cheapest family medicine in the world. I have used it for the last fourteen years with success without a parallel. I hoyensed it for all disease of the cheat, consumption, liver and the most dangerous of internal maladies. I have ukil i it in cases of extreme peril and hazard, involving tifeeti most danger and re sponsibility, and I declare before Heaven and man,-that not in one single case has it failed to benefit, when the patient was within the reach of mortal means.' I never,, to my recollection had more than fide or six among the thousands who have used it, say that it was not favorable to their complaint. On the contrary I have had hundreds return voluntarily, and in the warmest and most, pathetic language speak hi its praise. I have had physicians, learned in the profession; I have had mi nisters of the gospel, Judges on the bench, aldermen and lawyers; gentlemen of the highest erudition and multitudes of poor, rise it in every variety of Ivey, and there has been INt one voice, one united. univer s al voice saying " McAlliVer your ointment is good." Consumption.—Of all diseases, we find this the most important; and concerning which we meet with the most opposition. It ean hardly be credited that a salve can have more effect upon the lungs, seatetles they are with in the system. But we say once for all, that this oust. Melt will reach the lungs quicker than any medicines that can be given internally. livery body consents to the fact that if healing medicine- could be applied on the lungs, there would be great hopes of recovery. The difficulty is to get the medicine there. Now the Salve has the wonderful virtue of extracting the putrid hu mors from all external wires by causing them to dis charge. In like manner it operates upon internal affec tions by driving all the impurities through the pores to the surface. 'Thus with consumption, if placed upon the cheat, it penetrates directly to the lungs, separates the poisonous particles that are consuming them and ex pels them from the system. It is the simplestand most rational process in creation, if one his the medicine capable of doing it. The All- Ointment poseersee thit power to the 'albeit F. FFSUER. MAZ6I extent. I need not say that it is curing persons of Con sumptioit continually, although we are told it is foolish near. I care not what is said, so long as I can cure se veral thousand persona yearly. If this medicine was in the bands of some patent medicine brawlers, they would make an uproar through the country that would be int supportable. Scrofula or King's Evil.—This disease is really in veterate, and hard to be subdued: It is generally seated in the aides of the neck, behind the ears and under the chin, yet scarcely any part of the body is exempt. It sometimes falls upon the lungs and produces consump tion. It is a dicadful circumstance, that this disease is transmitted from parents to children. The Solve will extract all the morbid matter by causing the sores to dis charge and then let then the Solar Tincture be Mier., to drive it to one point, which done, a continuance of the Ointment will completely remove this disorder. This is "the &Jest and most effectual of any method. It should be adopted without- a moment's hesitation. ErysTelos —This complaint arises from impurities being driven out to the surface by means of the insensible perspiration, and lodgin; in the cuticule, forms sores, pimples &c., it being of a ,caustic, acrid putrifying na ture. It only requires that it should discharge its vi rulent particles through, the skin, and the difficulty will pans off. If suffered to remain, and driven inivartls it is frequently fatal. Let the Salve and Solar ? Tincture be used as in scro fula and the patient will anon gettwell. .Sal Rhetsrn.—This is nuutlicr:ubsiinate duicase but can be cured effectually os the scrofula. There is no difficultyin this Head ache, Ear ache and Deafnera.—Tht!Salve has cored persons of the listubAche of 12 years standing and who had tt regularly cvely week, so that vomiting often took place. It cured the wife of n man who laugh ed in my face for proposing such a cure. and oho now would not be without it for the heat lawn in the ..tate. if any one will take the tioulile to dl 1 will give ld name. Deafness and Ear-Ache are helped with th e lik e sue . nem as also Ague in the face. • ' Cold Feet.—Consumption, liver complaint, pains in the chest or side, lulling of the hair, une Of the other alwayi accompanies cold feet. It is a sure sign of dis ease in the system to have cold feet. .Some persons are totally unable to get them warm, and endure much suf fering thereby. The salve will restore the insensible perspiration and thda cure every case. It is infallible for this. Asthma, l'ighincas of Brcath.—lf this disease is not hereditary and produce° by the malformation of the chest, the salve will cure it. Dyspepsia.—One would s uppose a seise would \not effect thin disease much hut the Ointment will cure two sooner than any internal remedy will cure one. &re Eyes.—The inflamation and disease always lies back of,the ball of the eye in the socket. Hence the util ity of all remedies that are used upon the lids. The virtue of any medicine must reach the seat of inflam mation or it will do little good. This salve if rubbed on the temples will penetrate directly into the socket and infuse all its virtues (men the disorder. The pores will be opened. a proper perspiration will be created and the disease will soon pass off to the surface. How easy and how natural ! It is as perfect and valuable as it is simple and philosophical.' Sure Lips, Chapped Hands sell a great deal of salve to Seamen, who say it is the only thing they can depend on to cure their raw hands, when exposed to the weather at see. It acts like a charm in these com plaints. Two or three applications cures. Pimples on the face, freckles, tan, masculine skin, gross surface.—lts first action is to expel all humor. It will not cease drawing till the face is free from any mat ter that may be lodged under the skin and frequently breaking out to the surface. It then heals. When there is nothing but grossness, or doll repulsive surface, it begins to soften and soften until the skin becomes as soft and delicate as a child's. It throws a freshness and blushing color upon the now white transparent skin that is perfectly enchanting. Sometimes in case of Freck les it will first start out those that have lain hidden and seen but seldom. Pursue the salve and all will soon dis appear. The reason for this wonderful change in a lady's face is that it etches into natural and healthy activity the Insensible Perspiration, while it renovates and re news the surface, and leaves the skin in as lively and delieate a condition as the most fastidious could desire. Iris put up in fine jars and beautifully scented on pur pose for the toilet. Burns.—Life cao.always be Rived if the vitals are not injured.. I have so many testimonials for the cure of this complaint that. I could fill a book. I suppose there is not a family in the United States, that would consent to be without this salve a single day if they knew its balm in healing Burns alone. It extracts the pain and leaves the place withouta scar. Quinsy sore throat, Influenza, Bronehilis.—Tbere is not an internal remedy in existence that will cure these disorders as quick as the salve. It opens the pores on the neck and draws off all the inflammation and im pure juices, and a few days will see the patient well. It is sovereign in these cases. Piles.—The salve acts upon the piles as upon sore eyes. There is an inflammation which must be drawn from the parts. The salve does this. Hernia nr Rupture.—This salve has cured some very had cases of rupture, and although it might not all, yet it would be wise to try it. It is a peculiar complaint, but it may be helped some, if not cured entirely. I have not the shadow of a doubt that it would cure thousands if the trial was made, who helieve no medicine of the least benefit. Two shillings worth would satisfy any one, whether it would do good 'r not. Eliot Passion or. Griping, of the Initerines.—T his Ist, ,e caused the death of the late H. S. I.egare. At torney General and secretary ot the 17iiited St des tis the stopping up of thy stnal inteAnes. and .o[l, nines the twisting ef.theni. It broucht on by a nec• lief of the daily evacuations. or from ineareerated Her me. The pains arc awful, and unless help cornea spee dily. the sufferer soon dies. The All-Healing Ointment would have saved the life of Mr. Legare and all other:. under bituilat circumstance a. Coet4.—ll the salve is used aceorddig to il.reetions, people need never be troubb d nltt, e b tn ,,, re , „illy cut out by some tr,velling mourehank who knows he is doing more mischief than he can possibly repair. A little of this ointment put on now and then will always keep them down: Indeed there are few complaints that it will not ben efit. It is a Family Salve of untold value. As lc ng as the sky rolls over one's head and gross grows upon the earth, it will be sought after, usel and valued. As there is no mercurial substance in it; but composed en. tirely of vegetables it gives no good ground for appre hension. We have fulreertifieates, from all the persons .hose names are here given, but not having room fur them, we merely give their names, Nos. and the, disease of wlrich they were cured. Thomas Moahier, 179 Ninth-st— weak back; W W Way, cor. King and :McDonough sts—sore eyes; hl .l Way do erysipelas ; Dr J Clark, 210 Stanton-at—ulcer ated sores; Dr J Covel, 132 Sullivan-st—ague in the face; F R Lee, 245 Bowery—pain in the breast; Res J Gibbs Dover-st—Lfamily medicine; Henry Gibbs, 110 Bowery—influenza; A Stuckey, 608 Fourth st—fami- Iz e ly medicine: - E Conway, U S ourt—burns, scalds ; Eliza Bunker, Flatbush—co s pliant M A King, 103 Oliver st—burns ; E Kipp, Second-st—quinsy ; J Vanderpool Cherry-et—cancer; Burr Nash—piles; W E Turner, 91 Ridge-st—do; C Mann, Globe Hotel— ruptures; J. Hurd, 17 Batavia-st—salt rheum; G Sum mer, 124 Division-st—do; J Mudie, 20 Mercer-st— do ; H A West, 107 Marks place--burns, frosted feet , D Thorp, 145 Norfolk st —sore eves; F. Caplin, 225 Broome st—do; P Bowe, 36 Willett at—do; 11 B Jen kins, Phoenix Bank—do; J F nerdy, do—caused by gunpowder; Dr Mitchell, 79 Mercer-at—broken breast; C D Jacobson, 199 Stastomat—rheumatism ; B J Rus. sell—do ; E Willetts, 303 Pearl at—eruptions; E Robb, 237 Bleeker-at—agae in the face ; C Frances, 39 Bow. ery—family medicine; D S Judd, 657 Water-st—fam ily ointment; F Otte°, 124 Division at—rheumatism in the head; S W Robinson, 70 Essex at—family oint ment; 3 Haariot, 45 Allen st—sore eyes; G Coward, 145 Division st—do ;M Develin, 313 Water at—corns &c; P Domorest, 368 Hudson it—inflammation in the chest; N Achinaon, Ruston stasthms ; !4 A Burn ett, 66 Suffolk st—ague in chest ; N Wyeath. 120 Di vision st —bite of a dog and pilesil Vincent, 124 Allen st—weak back ; J Chapman, 259 Division st—sfll-ction of The liver; W Graham,.l9 Hester-st—pain in the side; E Hamel, 19 Norfolk-at—cutaneous eruption; 11 Bing ham. 84 Laight-st—pain in, the breast; A Knox, 80 Lsight-st—chapped hands; J Culver, 194 Stanton at— ulcerated sores; .1 1' Bennett, sore throat, rheumatism; G P Taylor, - 46 Forsyth st—hrercomplaint; W Do. king, Huston—consumption. Sold by H. 5.4 At C.MERCUR, Towanda, and G. A.PERKINS, Athens. ' (47y TOWANDA ACADEity /SHE next academic year of this instit commence on Monday, the firet day ber next, under the superintendenceandm r Mr. J. C. Vandercook, as JNO. P. WORTHING. Asst Misaarah F. Worthing, Prete; Mr. Vandercook has been'successfuli teaching for ten years past; he has much this important and truly elevating departm enterprise and benevolence,and brings test various sources of good moral character, scientific and literary attainments. Mr. Worthing is a gentleman of very tainments, experience and skill in teachir fail to do much for the advancement of the prosperity of the institution. Miss Worthing, the Preceptresa of du partmont. has !dreary, by her devotion to her superior virtues, obtained the unquali of the community, and the esteem and numerous pupils. Young ladies will instructress better qualified to meet all tl student, not only as a tetcher, but as a f and asmciate. They cannot but be imp .xemple and society, as well as by her ent Lions. TUITION will be as follows, in all the Primary and common English studies, w manstlip, composing and speaking, Natural. intellectual and moral science, chemistry, lustury, astronomy, rhetor houn.ker pine, drawing, painting, dm., ',iathmn atm. and the languages. Itwiantel r xper,ses. per term, during teiro No Audeut tail be received for less tht and no deduction 'Atli be made for abse; ca or other ut t avoihk,c a u ws . The Academic ',ear tell] .be divided int.. of eleven weeks.each. 'there will be a ‘acatienv-, week after the first term ; also one week alter thea.7; and a vacation of six weeks after the fourth, indc the harvest season. We desire to make the Towanda Academy an Me and desirable resort for students from s .: as those at honie; a place where the purest virtues tk be cultivated, and the germs of science firmly set int' youthful mind. For this great object. no cars or kis' will he spared on the part of teachers or trustees. p i Principal should be consulted before purchasing b a , as several changes are contemplated in the teat-Eta of the School. - Students from abroad ran find board with the Pry Fmk or others, on reasonable terms. Lectures will be riven regularly by the , Principsl g '-f others, nn the moat important topics of edueation, ti ` iniciety organized for the especial benefit of young m g There will be two examinations and exhibitions dcrif , the yt.s s tr, the time to be determined by theteachen t e, - . ; trustees. HIRAM MIX, President. TR CST EES. Enos Tondkins, David Cash, .-- J. D. Montanye, Burton Kingsbeiy, C. L. Ward,\ H. S. Mown., John F. Mean William Elwell. Towanda, J.uly"3l, 1845. REMONED TO No. 1, BRICK ROI 16:.1. CII.4.IIIIERLI.r. . RESPECITFULLY informs • 1 .. Lit- friends and the public that he 1 „ i REMOVED to the Brick Po 1 / ... . 'll7 No. I, where he still conunms I - ~,l':V.(,, carry on is old business of 1 „ •,1 . :.`" Watt and Clock Rrpai'ii ) c L. _-: a . . a , 9 6. ' 9 . , ' • • ... ' %On writhe doneon shoruntet and warranted to be wellidone. From a long erx , ence in the business, he believes that he , will be able 5 render perfect satisfaction llwho may favor h with their ritronoge. N.B. Watche4varranted to run well one pm: the money refunded ; and a written agreement pm to that etf...! , to all that desire oche . CLOCKS.-•-.A large assortmea just received cii for sale very low for cash. If you want to buy Jewelry cheap call at Chia! berlin'a Watch Shop, No. I, Brick Row. O" MAPLE SUGAR, Wood, and all kindiof Cos: try Produce received in payment. Towanda, Jure 18, 184 - 5. CILRIRS 3/VD BEDSTE.IDS. THE subscriber's still contina / ,to manufacture and keep on tan: ' at their old stand. all kinds : j fi.......; ./ , - Cane and Wood seat Chain: :-* a :Z.. ....'iy.> also Settees of rarionskiro V - ~ 7i- . 4- BEDSTLIDS. of err; `. description, which Ire trii s: ' \ sell low for cash or produce. ..- . TURNING done to order. TOMKINS & MAKINSON. Towanda, April 23, 1845. ' Fashionable Tailoring ! EORGE H. BUNTING would respectfully o Ajg: form the public that he still continues at boa; Stand on the west side of Main street, between runt? bery's and Bartlett's stores, up stairs, where he cs be found in readiness to all work in his line in ren not to ha surpassed in Bradford county. Prices is the times. 'Thankful for past favors, he respertfn , sulieibi a continuance and hopes by strict attention tette sine-s and accommodatuse terms to merit patrunscn The Spring and Summer FASHIONS basejust.s received, and he is prepared to make garments cp mo-t to-ht sable spanner. Particular ati , ntion paid to CUTTING,and ed L.. tit ti prolier:y made up. tic has the I 'test Spring and Summer Fauhiacr i .ale. Towanda, May 14, 18,15. Portrait Painting, by W. H. Perth 4,:Z! . !it• sitiare, in the re , *), C. AG:1”1 ,. nrxe—Col . MIN% HOCk • Li s eues.ies ivarr:inted. Tranvarent Bisndi, of size or pattern desired. June 18, 1845. licineopathic Physician. fOCTOR L. PRATT, would respectfully ids: the citizens of Towanda and its vicinity, dor wail be happy to he of es.vential service, to those trt , t need medical aid. Front his experience in thestsoV.: which he adopts, he flatters himself that the commof; will be well pleased with its effects upon the cao diseases which "flesh is heir to." His office cos found on STATE-ST., three doors west of Wateho on the north side. Towanda, June 7th 1845. SADDLE & HARNESS TILICAk F1LK.1.41,111 SMITH JP SOT, RESPECTFULLY inform that they still eostir.l l ,, the manufacture of Saddles, Britlies, arc., in Col. Mix's building, next doot to J. C. Mt? Law Office, where they will keep constantly OD hiSr , and manufacture to order, Elastic - T'eb, Common and Quilted Sago.!i Harness, - Carpet Bazs, Bridles, Trunks, Collars, Valises, k.e..41. Carriage Trimming and Military :lirorA: CO2 . . Mattrasses, Pew and Chair Cushions made eitlb 4 notice and reasonable terms. • The' subscribers hops by doing their work wrll,l s ' by a strict attention to business, to merit a shun public patronage. ELKANAH SMITH & SON Towanda. May 21, 1845. Terms of the Bradford Repotfr Two &Alan; and fifty cents per annum; FirtrO deducted if paid within the year; and for CASH' ally in advance, ONE.DoLiAn will be deducted. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue, at any titan 1 1 paying arren-ages. Most kinds of Cocs-rar Piropro received in payment, at the market price. Advertisements. not exceeding a square of 110 0 liner. inserted for fifty cents ; every subsequent insrroi twenty-five cents. A discount made to yearly whets° inn PRINTING, fif every description, neatly sad peditiouvly executed on new and fashionable type Lettere on business pertaining to the Orme motto' ree of postage, to ensure atteutinn. Office in Col. Means' brick building caro l ' Main and Bridge streets, air stairs ; entrance ro north door. SMEI