Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 29, 1845, Image 3

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TAKE exceeding great pleasure in. announcing to the public that their extensive assortment of FALL 4.
wiNTER GOOPN, consisting of
Boots, Shoes, Iron, -Wails, Salt, Fish, Leather, AT., Ac.
I , i n rr'irket, opened and ready for their numerous customers, and will be sold' cheaper for Cash, than can be
AI at any other establishnzent in town We do not say this for the purpose of decoying customers into
L J , tore , (as is the practice with some of our neighbors,) but merely that the citizens of Bradford Ceutity tray
know best where to buy goods to their interest.
Its for us to know that we have enjoyed some of the "smiles and favors" of a generous public. fer
gratifY in gs
2 n umber of years, and we will by no means make assertions that we canno - , and do not intend to fulfill, least
wq might, hie some of our neighbors, receive their troWns. But we we wish every man, woman and child to
k n ow the fact. that we will sell our entire stock of New and Fashionable Goods, at the extreme haw rate of 12i
per cent. above cost and transportation !
- Towanda, October -1845.
THE 1011A1 i T
i re a;:ain in the Field with fifteen thousand dollars worth of the cheapest and most desirable
stock of Goods ever brought into Brae ford Cowey
._ _ _
THE Cashier & Co. of the TOWANDA SAVINGS BANK, tender their sincere thanks for the very li
beral patronage heretofore secured, end trust by strict attention to business, and selling goods cheaper than
other establishment, to merit a continuance of their smiles and favors. Our stock of goods consists of every
kwon variety and style of Dry Good's, from the first auction houses in the city of New York, and select
ed with g reat care expresdy for this meridian. Also, a large selection of
Family Groceries, Shelf Hardware, Crockery, Boots & Shoes,
lloilow Ware, Iron, rrails„
and an unusual quantity of HABERDASHER V, to make our stuck of useful and ornamental complete. Our
sock of goods were purchased for cash, and for cash will be sold as cheap as at Binghamton.. Elmira or Owego,
and decidedly cheaper than any establishment in Towanda. Time and space will not allow us to enumerate the
many am itch and desirable goods, but will be shown to all who favot us with a call. with pleasure.
- REMEMBER and call one door below Tracy & Moore, where thew pay-down" system is in full force, and
as a con,equence, are not overcharged with delinquencies in the Credit system, or additions made to support the
Lumber trade. " One price, and no deviation is thy true system." •
cr A call is solicited, before purchasing elsewhere, at No. 5, .south end, Brick Row.
" Towanda, October 21, 1845. GEORGE E. FLYNT & CO.
By virtue of sundry writs Of Venditioni Ex
-pintas, issued out of the court of Common
Pleas of Briiiliord county, to me directed, I shall'i
expose to public sale at the house of W. Briggs
,„ the b or ough of Towanda, on Monday the Ist
dos - of December next at one o'clock P. M.. the.,
f o ll ow n described piece, or parcel of land situ-
ate in the township of Ulster, bounded on the,
north by land of Wm. Plowman, on the east by
the public highway, and south and west by land
of William Gibson. Containing one acre or
thereabouts, with one framed house and one ,
liamed blacksmith shop thereon. •
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
lVilham Gibson vs. John Fuller.
ASO—The following described piece of
:Jmi situate in Wyalusini2 tow nship and boun
od on t h e north by "Ir. Sunuier, on the east by
Gann and John Chamberlin, on the south
• Oliver Brown and Michael Weldriek, on the
aest by Isaac 'Jennin , and Charles Hornet.—
Containing SS acres more or less, 30 or 40 im
proved, tame house and log bank thereon erect-
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
S. Mills to the use of Miller Bowman & cn.
aow'assizned to J. Palmer es. Isaac Place.
. ASO—The following piece of Ind situate
Athens township and bounded on the north by
ra• Cheinung river, on the east by Gardiner'&
Rate, on the west by Neal MeDuffle. Con
-.dung :thont twenty six acres with about right
a,cs In proved with four framed dwelling houses
, ruined fusrns and one saw mill thereon
ff. -led.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Josiah Stowell vs.%Daniel Berchard and Samuel
S. Clark.
wi LSO—The folloWing piece or parcel of
land situate in the township of Wells, bounded
on the North by lands of Alexander Roy and
Geury 11. Shepherd, East by land of Andrew
lonn and the public highway,' sumli by land
“iJaines Kelly and John Davey and on the
Sent by land of Orr Smith. Containing about
naehundred and six acres, about forty thereof
improved with two frame houses, one frame
and log barn and one saw mill thereon.
.1/..SO—The following piece of land situated
sdul township of W ells and bounded on the
be land of John Strum, east by lands
4own as the Johnson'L in lands, south by
snit in possession of Wm. filthier and west
t• of Stowell and Grinnell and George 11.
!•-i.:,!,erd and Aleiander Seeley. Containing
. lundred and forty "seven acres or there-
.riSO—Stowell & GrinneWs equal
%all - of the following piece or of land
..:ate in said township, bounded on hi north
of Henry Johnson. east - by 14nd of
Dwell & Grinnell and Silas Joneg, sou:li by
.ads of Daniel Strong, Alexiinder Seely and J.
Wil,Trta, and on the west by lands of John
Brownell and W. H. French. Containing two
'.undyed and eights acres or thereabouts.
Seized and taken in exectrion at the suit of
Henri• Johnson vs. Elijah Stowell and Lorenzo
.1.1.50-: By virtue of sundry writs of Levari
r aciat., a certain messuage &c., lying within
he hoes of a tract of land located tinder the war
.i.nt no. 1487 in the name of Charles Carroll of
. grunion , beginning at a stake and stones at
he nurineast corner of lot no. 3, and the north
• member of lot no. 4. running and binding
.a the caul Carroll's' north line on the suutll
ice of lands owned by heirs of the late Wm.
: l tat_. o )am 100 perches to the corner of lot no. 5
"' v eYed to Ebenezer French ; thence south
yia,ing na said E. French's west line on the t ,
east line of lot no. 4to the south west cor- i - 3 Tons of Iron,
, er of said Ebenezer FrencliAlot, and the south !
comer of lot no. 4 ; thence West 106 pet- i one and two hawse wagons, horse-shoe, anil band
4 to the south east corner of lot _to. 3 convey
i ' round iron, , L. And :: inch nail rods, spring steel,
- !
.. American. g.Engpi,,j, j,l„ito-cast ') liiehatd M. Kelly and the south west cur- "roarca and German steel, hoop
and stake iron, horse sh.-ies really made. &e., &r. It
cc of 101 nu. 4 ; thence north 161 perches. • would be useless to enu.nevate all the different kinds of on said IL Al. Kelly's east hire and the goods that may be found at my store. Those who wish
i `'en hue Of lot no. 4, to the place of be•rinnine hay e, to hay goods cheap. had better call before making their
"lug lot
-nn, 1.. Containing one hundred and purchases elsewhere. B. KINGSBERY.
-- -
•;_n gres and eighty perches , with about 30 or 41 \ SPLENDID ASsOKTAIENT of best Velvet,
' 3 lalpfacd, %..ith
.. ret one .4' - trr ,
one small frau I house .:ll , Sh . 'il Silk. and-fig'd V elvet, Winter bonnets,
~, Ma:in t and one small log shing le shanty and il l I. ''' . Sate by
tee. fruit trees. . i
1 &liljoirrned Sprcial Court.
, ` and taken in execution at the suit of
''7-'ll4;* M.iParii„li - . • of ('baileeCarroll '
, ..„.., • r. it( cum). .4%. N adjourned Special Court will be held at the
Court House in the borough t. f Towanda. in and
' 1 'Million, deceasrd'Ys- John W. Camp. E. i for the county of Bradford, on Mondry the 3d day of
T y
~,, 11. H. Set ly"and Abirain Pierce tern... 1 November next. at 3 o'clock in the afte.moon, of :Aid
,--111r1N. 1 day for the trial of all causes i•ertilled to : , lil court. By
1/8n 1-- -- ii of the II ini rabic William Jcssup„'T• • dent of our
• •-•—A certain lot m piece of land situate ' T er
said court.
_" IV '"•0X township, Bradford County, hegin- I AARON CHUBBCOK, Prot•
Prot's. (Mee, Towanda ; Aug. t 4, I sir, ~
- - . ''.2 4 a Post on Inc north east side of the post
!ttl 1 , ..„1 . mg through Standing Stone ;- thence Mil . AINI'S & piL, Dye woods and Dye stairs , a
r - very large stock, just received at BAIRD'S
• :'bi by the same, south fi fty degrees east sev- r KEGS NAILS and one aide UPPER LEATH.
n told thirty two hundred; pdrches to ai op ER at
me corner by the northwest side of:!a lane tun -1 --
nn nordie..asterly from ' " * f - KIPP & CALF SKINS fur sale
said road ; , .thence - --
cheaper thairany place in town at BAIRD:3. .
4 ! lane north 44° east 12 and 2-14erches to I
Post; thence by land of the party . of the See . ' 1 1 ARK LOAD PORK BARRELS far sale at
!il part north 50' west 16 and 82-100 perches i t _s_ BAIRD'S.
Post ; thence
by land of the sante south JO° 1 t ruiL s.-I ,iii lC 7. : §pElz: t i,t; BIN• . '"d..E . D 0 !. 1;s , : -41. 1
=sl I•: and 1-10 perches tv the place of beiiit- lity LVA , E on hand at G. E. riA IN 1 & (-0 ~•-• •
mug. Containing one acre and 49 perches and
nine tenths of a perch, with a barn and store
house thereon erected.
' Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Simon Stevens vs. P. C. Ward.
JILSO—A certain messuage, piece or parcel
of land situate in Franklin and Leroy township,
bounded as followi : beginning at the N.E..cor
ner of of a lot deeded by Bank of N. America to
John 11. Packard, a post on the N. Bank of
Towanda creek ; thence south 215 p. to a post
south east corner of said Packard's lot; thence
north 67° east 21 and 6-10 perches to a beach,
thence north 73' east 17 and 4-10 perches to a
post ; thence north 200 p. to a hemlock on the
south bank of Towanda Creek ; thence up said
,creek according to the several courses thereof to
the beginning. Containing 42 acres 26 and 3-
10 perches be the same more or less, with about
12 acres improved and a dwelling Louse and
barr, thereof.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Bank of North America vs. John Robert.
J, N. WESTON, Sheriff,
Stiff 's Office, Towanda Oct. 27. 1845.
11VOTICE is hereby given, that by virtue of en order
of the Orphan's Court of Bradford County to me
directed, will be exposed to public sale, on the premi
ses, on Saturday the f. 19 day et November next, at 1 o'
clock in the afternoon, the following lot of land situ
ate in Towanda township, bounded on the nonhby D.
nn the east by Benj. Wilcor.'on the south by
M. Mitchell, and on the Vgelii. by W. Patton. , ,
taining twenty-five rcres, with a log house thereon erect
ed, and three or four acres improved. Terms made
known on the day of sale.
Oct. oath 15.55. F. FISHER,
P. FRENCH CLOTHS, (twilled body.)
M. do Wool dyes, do.
Medium and low price, full stock,
Superfine French Crisr.imere; •
Together with an endless quantity of Fancy Cassimeres,
Satinett, Tailorti"Frimmitigs warranted good. A glance
at our stock of Cloths, will convince purchasers that
from 20 to 25 per cent. can he saved by purchasing of
Oct. 20. GEO E.F & CO.
I.lW§ BANK !
Ci el! Later, :Mire Rich Goods.
UST received an invoice of the latest styles of Silks,
IV among tvhich may be found Plain black and blue
black, Oudtre Striped Pon de Sac Camelion Reps with
Satin Strip,, Genuine Polka Silks, Plaid Florences,
Plain do., Plain silks far Bonnetts, a rare opportunity
for thu•ot to purchase who intend doing so us they are
,old only a shade above auction prices at
Oct .20. G. E. FLYNT tk.
Plaid Woolen new style,
Rob Roy do., 6-4 10-1,
Plo0),& rich einbroi'd T.ane,
Plai97,llm. do.
We say thi!l arc very cheap, those who are skeptical
can be conii . ticed by calling and purchasing at
Oct. 20":: G. E. FI.VNT & CO'S
;:liLlm, l loL - Nfe 12iL5.1a."'•
lf111:".SONS iodebtetl to the subscnher for Drugs &
Medtcineitr otherwise, will crave costs by settling
their accounts gnfore the first November next.
iet. 7. IS4fi. E. H . ASON.
I;l'Allisters All Waling Ointmrnt.
Anew sloply of ads popular utedicine,also a quantity
of the SOLAR TINCTUUL, j1.15t feceiVe.d by
() F t. I. H. S. & H. C. MERCER.
998USHELS of Timothy and Flax SEED,
ma tiled in exchange for goods, at
Guardian of the minor children of Martin Miller
Gold Mixt cloths for Overcoats,
(To he sold without reserve.)
The. Last and Host Implant Arrival Yet at the
• No. 2, Brick Rim.
GREAT BARGAINS . are now offered the people
of Bradford connty; by the subscriber, who is now
reedving and opening one of the largest and best select
ed assortment of goods ever brought into the village of
Towanda. His stock of goads has ken selected with
great care expressly for this market, and as prices of the
old credit 'system aro necessarily high, he offers great in
ducements to all who may have cash or produce to ex
change for goods. His stock consists in an assortment of
DRY GOODS, such as broadcloths, cessimeres, and
vesting., Inninetts, sheep's gray, hard times, limey wool
seys, a splendid assortment of Winter Shawls, ladies'
cravats, gloves, hosiery, suspenders, and ten thOusand ar
tides, too numerous to meztion. -
Groceries. -
Such as sugar, tea. coffee, molasses, spices, lamp and lin
seed oil, a full supply of Liquors, such es Champagne,
Cogniac and American Brandy, Holland Gin, Old Mo
nongehala whiskey, Port, Itladeria, and Malaga Wine.—Crockery, Hardware,Naills, Glass, Iron, Leath
er, Boots & Shoes, Buffalo Robes, Hats &Caps, Drugs
& Dye Studs, &c. &c.
All persons wishing to purchase goods are respectfully
invited to give the subscriber a call, and examine his
goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere.
Oct. 1, 1845. 110. 2 Brick Bow.
BA CCO. for sale by B. KINGSBERY.
Oct. 1. MERC UR'S
A QUANITY OF LUMBER will be sold fur each
by private sale at the residence of the late Patrick
Cummings. Also, a very valuable two.home farm WA
GON, but a short time in use—it cost about $BO, and
will be field for $45, on approved security at 6 months
credit. A set of double HARNESS, with chains and
whippletrees, for sl2—an excellent BOAT, for $..5
will be disposed of on a credit.
There are several tons of superior HAY, and a quan
tity of Oats, which will aLio be sokl fur cash, where the
value is offered.
Apply to Franklin Blackman, Esq., nr to the subscri
Towanda, October 1. 1845
N. B. A FARM, now or lately occupied by Stephen
Cummings, will be let—with the saw-mill. It is situat
ed about 7 miles from Towanda—a number of logs on
the place will be' disposed of at a fair value.
Latest arrival of New Goods!
WELLES & SATTERLEE have been receiv
ing the last three weeks from New York, a
large and splendid stock of FALL and WINTER
GOODS, selected from the latest importations with un
usual care as to style, quality and especially as to pri
ces. They do not pretend to have the largest stoclein
the country, or sell lower than any other house but they
ask all who wish to buy choice and good goods; to call
and examine the quality and prices cif their.goods, and
then judge who sells goods at low prices ; all are invi
ted to call and examine their stock which comprises
every thing moody kept in country stores.
Athens Pa., Sep tember 30, ISIS.
FEW of those NEW GOODS so long and
641.4 and anxiously looked for, have arrived. We shall
eeep the readers of the Reporter advised from time to
time of goods received from day to day until our entire
stock of Neu:, Rich and desirable Fall Goods all arrive,
which in all probability will be the largest stock of goods
ever exhibited in Bradford county. Our stock of goods
having beeu purchased from first hands and from the
first auction houses in the city, will as a consequence
come belutv all comrtition. Call as usual at the Sa
vings Bank, the only orginal cheap cash store.
0ct.15, 1845. , GEO. E. FLYNT & CO.
NOTICE. ----
IIE Copartnership heretofore existing, between the
_lll subscribers under the firm of H. Kingsbery .f Co.
is thk day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons .
indebted to said nun' aro requested to settle their ac
coounts with H. S. Comstock, who will continue the
business at the old stand. s
Athena Pa., Oct. 1, 1845.
Administrator's Notice.
LL persons indebted to the estate of Nodiah
Crantuer, late of Monroe tp. deceased are re
quested to make immediate payment, and all those hay
ing demands against the same ore requested to present
them, legally attested the settlement to the subscribers.
Monroe, Oct. 14, 1845. Administrators.
,:14 . aulpfsia 4 1 23
DR. J. N. titIiMNER, is again in Towanda, and
wdl attend to all calls in the line of his profes
sion. He is staying at I. H. Stephen's Hotel, and
would be pleased to hose his friends call early as his
nine is limited to a few weeks.
Towanda, Oct. 4, 1845.
ibt)EcEs of plum lig'd Sdk Warp Alpaca
from three shillings, to one dollar per yard
tor sale by C. REED.
Great Bargaisis at the
11 - H. Si. 11., S. PILINILIiF.Y tender their thanks
to the public for the past summer's patronage, and
would solicit a continuance of the same. We would say
to the public, we are just receiving one of the largest and
Icat selected stock of GOODS ever offered in this place.
The stock consists in part of
Groccric.r, tturdromc, Crockery, Dry Good!, Paints,
0.:1s, Glassware, Fah, I..euther, Salt,
in fact everything uvually kept in a country store, all of
they will exchange for Lumber, cashor must kind
of country produce. oiyas reasonable terms as goods can
be bought in Bradturd.:_county, for the same kind of pay,
Tuwanda not excepied:
Wanted, 555,001) SHINGLES ; 50000 whi4 pine
Boards'; 40,000 Clnlry and white stuff. Cieth paid for
•panel and first rate Shingle,. Cash paid fur Furs.
Monroetou, October 1, 1845
ItJEW stock of Drop, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye
IN Stuffs and Groceries have just been received from
i\ew York, and will be sold veiy low—call of No. 1
Brick Row. Terms cash. A. 8. CHAMBERLIN.
Oct, I, 1815.
4 ADIES will find nearly us large stock DI Drees
Goods, such as Cashmere, De E'Cosse, M. De
Lame, A Ipaccas, Gingharns, Prints, &c., at our store as
in the county and at law 'itices. They will please
call and examine the stock for themselves.
GENTLEMEN will find a large and splendid stock
of Cloths, CassimeriN, Vestings, Cravats, Gloves,
Lni-aie braces, Rubber Over Oboes, and every thing
else they may want ut very low prices for the quality at
6„;;SHA WLS in great variety & beautiful patterns may
11 be found at WELLES & SATTERLEE'S.
KEBINSDELAIN, fur Coating, and splendid
plaid Cloaking, Gala plaids and plaid Lining
wry cheap at NVELLES & SA'I'TRRLEE'S.
FIATS, CA - PS & MUFFS any quantity from P 23.
cents up at WELLES & SAT'PERLEE'S
la 4 A IZGL; and elegant assortment of Laces, Ribbons,
n Gloves and trimmings of all kinds at
P"tilhgrik DIFERENT styles DRESS GOODS,
QUAL JVICY consisting of .1...11 S. Henrys seal Silk
Warp Alpacca, Arcadian Lustres, Carnelian Lustres,
Crleans cloths, Roinelias, Imnrrial Stripe and figured
Lustres, Srmendriann new ••si le, very rich Cashmeres,
Minstar) De Lanes, Thihet Merinos, some magnificent
Paris printed Cashmere d'Ecosse, Rich Orebro, Stripe
Alpacca, and many other styles of 'dress good, fur the
Ladies, it makes it 30 per cent cheaper for-the ladies as
they are found only at • G. E. FLYN'I' & CO's,
O+' DIMS. ulij.I.LT fai sale at • •
Ca , 1.1.% Tr; Uzl, Nu. 3 R.
Large Arrival of Goods and
1. D. dl 13.. Mon ta n ye,
IgAVING taken into their firm, WM. A. ROCK
WELL, as co-partner, with renewed energy and
with hopes of rendering saiisfaciion to their numorou,
customers, have setn receiving, during the past .week,
deem Tons of Goods, and will receite seven tons more
in a few days. Their snick consists of a greater variety
than they have ever before been enabled to offer, and at
prices which %ill be sure to please.
In their stock of Dry Goods may be found
12 pieces Alpacca ;
• 12 do Cashmere de Ecosse ;
lOU do New style Prints;
I do French Broadcloth ;
4 do English do.
2 do Pilot and Beaver;
4 do Cassimere;
2 do Beautiful article for Ladies' cloaks.
Other Staple and Fancy Goods in proportion, too nu
merous to mention.
Men's, boys', youths', and children's and ladies' fine
kid and walking ; as also superior article of over shoes.
60 DOZEN, comprising errery quality and style in the
Powdered, crushed, loaf, Santa Cruz, Porto Rico, and
N. 0. Sugar. Tea. coffee, pepper, spice, &Late. and
sonic fresh Soda biscuit.
Iron, steel, nails, ark rope, butts and screws, door han
dles, and the various kinds of Hardware suital to the
wants of the country.
Sperm, Elephant, linseed, and a good article for tan
ners. The above stock is offered at wholesale or retail.
For Cobh, apprMled credit of six months, or Boards &
Shingles, Beef Hides and most kinds of country pro-
duce. MONTAN YES & Co.
Towanda, September 9, 1845
H. S. & M. C. MERCUR,
WOULD respectfully announce to the good citi
zens of Bradford and adjoking counties, the
arrival at the TOWANDA CAM STORE, of the
largest end most general assortment igf
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardwfire, Crockery,
Boots and .Sltoes, Dye-lroods,
Paints. Oils, 4-c. 4-e.
Ever opened in Towanda, and which will be sold for
CASH at wholesale or retail at lower prices than the
same quality of goods arc selling by any of our bluffing
neighbors, as our goods are purchased with great care
—principally for cash—of the importers and manufactu
rers. Towanda, Sept. 10,1845.
rpiRUSHES-•-Hair, Paint, Shaving and Nail—
B_, complete assortment, at the
aocom , ol
KINGSBERY. is now receiving at his
old stand, which has been going off for eighteen
years, where goods of all kinds has been sold and NVILL
be sold, lower than at any other store in this Coun
ty. A very large stock of all kinds of goods which has
teen selected with great care and attention, and bought
at such prices of the importers and manufacturers, that
it would be a ruinous business for any firm in the Brick
Bow, or any where else, to undertake to sell goods as
cheap as I can, and will. If my friends and the public
generally, will call before they make their purchases
elsewhere, they_ will find that this notice isnot put in the
paper for a BLUFF, like some by the side of it ; but, it
means what it says.
I have a general assortment of every kind and descrip
tion of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,
Boots $• Shoes. Nails, Iron, Leather, 4-c.
lirtAY'S celebrated INDIA RUBBER Shoes and
MIF Suspendenr—a new article, for sale at
sep. 27. 13. KINGSBERY'S.
tiOLE & UPPER LEATHER, fur sale by
sep. 27. 1 B. KINGSBERY.
°WISH, Mackerel and Shad, for sale by
sep. 27. B. KINGSBERY.
COTTON YARN, Knitting Yarn, Halls; Wicking
Wadding—any quantity fur sale very low, by
6 - 1 1 TON Fall.river Nails, for sale cheap, by
sop. 27. B. KINGSBERY.
WIVE WOODS, PAINI'S & OILS, of every dee
cription, fur sale, one notch below the market
_HATS & CAI'S, without number, fur cile lower
than was ever before heard of, by
SPUNDID lot of Brush, Silk, For and Sporting
14.47 A Hats, also Oil silk, velvet and fur caps, together
with Muffs, and Buffalo robes, for sale cheap at
Oct. 8
(RASH paid for WHEAT, by
W - ) Oct. 8. ELLIOTT h MERCFR.
(AASH paid for BEEF HIDES, by
WIASH paid for FLAX SEED, by
(R. tigH paid for Oats by
BB I‘S of Butter and Soda URA CK 11 . S. fur
113111 - 2111 41 1 1. z. CUID _lll,•lslL'Sr..sio
And all kinrix nf RAIN, wanted al 111 is ‘ L ifire on arc
ATCHELER & CORE!, beg leave to inform the
ir inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity, that they
have just commenced the Tailoring Business, up stairs,
No. 4. Brick Row, where they arc prepared to execute
all work entrusted to them with care neatness and des
patch, and in the most .Itshionahle mariner. Having
just received the New 'York and Philadelphia fashions,
and with their long experience in the business, they flat
ter themselves that their work will be made in a manner
and style equal to eny other establishment in the place.
Terms made to correspond with the time,'.
CUTTING done on the shortest notice.
nl• , -;,111 kinds of country produce received in payment
for work at market prices. October I, 1895.
1?(:) - 1,71s1T.I. Liraiti:ll",i)4lc9aaa,
-1:4811101MBLE TaILORS,
Over Montanye'a store, next door to Mcreur's law office
at the old stand of Powell & Nearnan. Inel
J. E. Canfield', Attorneratlaw,
IVETILI, attend to all kinds . :libusines.q intrusted to
V his care, with promptness and despatch. Of
fice Intim Tw and i.-tase store building—up stairs. [a I.
Administrators Notice.
ALLpersons indebted to the estate of ACHATUS
NOUGHT, late of Rome tevimAiip, deceased,
are requested to make immediate payment, and all
those having demands against the same not requested
to present them, legally attested for settlement.
Rome, Oct. 1, 1813. With win ai.:.itscd
o Y virtue of an order of the Court o; Common PIoS
O of Bradford County, will be sold on the 34 Tues
day of Oct. next, bring the 21A day of the ninnt!,, at
the house of Dr. Bliss in Leroy township, at f: eelnrk
I'. M., the following described real estate of John Al
len to wit: A lot of lent Shoat", in Leroy township,
containing forty two acres ; Vunded on the , west by
lands of Sullivan Morse : on the south by 'dada of
Charles Barclay, on the cast by Miller, end on the
north by latids of Perky Morse, sultr, to a Mortgage
given to tbolßan'a of North. America, *Kt' which there
is due urn hindred and forty dollatv; Terms of sale . —
fifty dollar,: at' the time of sale, and the residue in two
equal annual payments. SAW!. WEBBER.
Oct. 8. Uointnittee of John Allen, a sflAfille.
60 ut
ju g re :
guy erivtd and La bitlC I:ll , lliCh.t. in
' 13.111ZLe:5, tiu. 7 Blitif
14 . 2117 6 . 00101,2:
Ilercur, •
ARE NOW RBCEIVING,n very lame and very
eneral annulment of Fall an (i
d Winter amb,
'Which they offer lo the public on liberal terms, tor each,
'gram, or approved credit.
Their stock consists of almost everything that any
one wishes to buy. •And fur the ben. fit of those who
wish to . purchase merchandize of any kind,.and want
to know where to - lind it, they will enumerate a few of
the many articles Why have for sale:
Ladies' silk shawls mid black tea-pots ;
Gents' satin cravats and ten-penny nails :
Colored satin, for ladies bonnets, and
Glazed hats for men ;
Knitting pins find crow-hare;'
Carpet tacks and vest patterns ;
Broad Axes and alpaccas;
M. delaines and wagon boxes;
Printed' blue teas and young hyson tea ;
Umbrellas and German pipes;
Pocket knives and loaf sugar ;
Molasses and coarse boots;
Ladies' cot. hose and steel corn hoes;
Ladies night caps, for six cents, and
Men's sealette. caps for 1.21 cents;
Ladies' linen hdkl'e far-one shilling, and
Plenty of English•and Swedes iron, all sizes;
India rubber cloth for carriage covers and
Beautiful figured alpaccus.for ladies' cloaks;
Ladies' boas and muffs, and lampblack ;
Leghorn bonnets and stone jugs;
Black and blue ink and spirits turpentine;
Lamp oil and Colonge water ;
Sweet oil and sarsaparilla syrup;
Blue vitriol end best Java and Rio coffee;
Wafers and buck shot;
Indellible ink and pure dry and ground white haul ;
Looking glasses and cut tumblers ;
Tea kettles and black silk stockings ;
Candle wicking and bed cords;
Coat Buttons and writing paper ;
filiellside combs and corded skirts;
Bonnet ribbons and cavendish tobacco;
Plough points and cap ribbons;
Ladies' dress h'd'fs and stove. tubes;
Assorted Needles, and best Nutria bats
Steel pens and shovel plough patterns;
Plated hub bands and silk scarfs for ladies; •
Cotton Yana and wire selves;
Awl blades and pins, assorted sizes;
Ladies' kid slippers and nail hammers;
Willow baskets and ginip cords;
Men and boys' cloth caps and plane irons;
Knives and forks and ark rope;
Cast steel and steel thimbles;
Brass kettles and brass thimbles ;
Beaver cloth and cotton batting;
Pepper boxes and shoe knives
Bonnet boards and slate pencilF;
Carpet binding and inkstands;
Coach lace and handsaws;
Raisins and saw-mill saws;
Seidlitz powders and trying squares";
Rubber overshoes and 41 inch spikes;
Sleigh bells and steelyards;
Cassimeres and ivory combs;
Gridirons and welting cord ;
Whale bone and patent saw setts ;
Suspenders and patent door butts;
Finner's chisels and laces for ladies' caps;
Pongee handkerchiefs and hair brushes;
Misses and women's bl. cot.gloves & hair brushes;
Cocoanut dippers and teeth brushes ;
Colored cambric and door handles ;
Augur bias and' hildren shoes:
Woolen shawls and gum caps;
Black tea and patent wheedheads;
Mennen) belts and tea servers;
Saddler's silk and mouse traps;
Bonnet wire and stone churns;
Plaid linseys and sash pulleys;
Patent blind fastenings and butts, (a new article);
Spoke shaves and door mats;
Black snuff and madder ;
Brittannia lamps and shoe strings;
WM. and gloves and gun flints;
Sattinet of all kinds and gunpowder;
Horse cards and satin vesting;
Curry combs and fur caps;
Hair combs and state fastenings;
Glass dishes and wool cards;
Corset lacers and trace chains; •
Brass back tombs and calicoes of all qualities ;
Sash cords and.corn whisps;
Coat canvass & padding and hyde whips;
Furniture prints and razor strops:
Table covers and Olneys geography's ;
Coarse shoes and polished augurs;
Linen cambric and sole leather;
Hoop iron and linen edging & insertion ;
Florence silks and brown sheetings ;
Cap wire and copal varnish ,
Lin .oiland Russia diaper;
Blk. French crape and American door lochs;
Mineral knob locks and white have crape;
Chrome yellow and green, and coat binding;
Indigo and ribbon a ire ;
Cream Tarter and silk cords and tassels;
Horse blankets and brass nails;
Tea setts anti bens teas;
Spirit levels and spool cotton ;
Towanda, September 19, 1415,
lirrirP•iii`7t!..' o l
A LARGE and general avvortrnent oldie al . ove ar
ll:ficles, cornpirsing almost everything usroly Hai--
i.e.:4nd Carriage Makers. which will he sod lower
than the same quality of goods have ever Leen trered ot
Owego or Elmira, just reeci,ed by
... sep. 24. If. S. & - Af. C. ?VW ,cur"
_._ _
DMAOI , OI - N DS NAILS, asst ted sizes, at
sep. 24. Ai ' lie l ' E . S.'
5 ,
a which are Cashmeres, Mou,-e DeL Mc, plaid fi'd
and silk work Alpacca. 6.1 plaid Cloald g, Girdles and
Trimoiings, to correspond, &c. 4.C. , " '
sop. 24. /KINGSBE
41/61-b, h i t LIN. so LE L ATIIEH, also U 1
agimuirUU per Leather and/Calf Skins. at
APING purchased the entire stock of grxitls lately
opened by I). C. Sr. (1. N. Sakbury, and assumed
the entire business and responsibility of the firm I would
return my thrall:B to former customers fur their patrrmage,
acrd solicit the some and the public generally. My stuck
of Gods is complete and will be sold on the most liberal
Any quantity of LUMBER will be received in ex
thong.: fur Guodo, and forfirAt quality, ca,h will be paid.
Produce of all degrriptiono will be tak , ,n for gond&
Morino:tom Aug. 21. !5.15. D. G, SALSBURY.
I[7d, AVING col-aged the Reporter, the Press which
gm we have herrioliire used, is offered fur sale, very
CHEAP FOR CASH. It is a Washington patent,
Imperial size. raid an easier and hi tler working press
never was poit up. it will hr delivered at Owego, El
mira or liaa>tau. Addiess S—Gonniiien & Sov,
Towanda, Pa. ang:2o.
BOOTS & SIIGES—A very large stork of every
kind and size, at lower prices than ever, will be
Al E NCI) R's.
tottr.d at
r F a a
1 6
. .- T,11.1:: N 0 RTH BRANCH IRON &
>:' i . s , COAL CoNI I' A - N
- Y" owning a largo Wily
oit" of IA NDS w
, on nod contiguous to the a
, -4,
~... tors of the branches of Towanda Creek, in
Wan tord I:out% Pennsylvania, are prepared . to dispose
of the maw to - ,•111018. Api lieatiott may he made to
SAN11:0, C. INAGI.E,,E, .
At Creetivtood, near N'oeitor ton, Pi it,i. co.
A n y tr e ..p a ,sera on the... Land.:, proz , e , Ftded
acconliti,g to law. Information of the :,am e g i ven to
sAML;EL U. NM - OXE, will be F'.,ltably rewured. • •
By ilisloc uf the Manacere
Sept. 3. 11F.NIZN: . 3. ' N.IGLEX. A¢ena.
I)lSti ll,r i/I T TI( 1 N.
rr(FIE partnershir iteretofve ezißiug fxthseen - the
sab.cribere, under the firm a D.O. & 0. N. Ba 6.
bury, i ; tLi, day di,..01‘..d .y mutual agreement. All
ontstat 'dine de,ilta ale to he p.tid by D. C. Salabtrry,lcbo
is also to settle all matter.. due the late firm.
Invint; untetned =avant, caritli tha tinn will
phase settle the same al ..p2edtly ag,poasthle.
. . .
1.1. C. tikl.SBl:llY.
O. 1. :5.11.:41.71;Y.
Important to the Citizens of Bradford County
'NQ • 8'
Nee' Wore at the Head of the Heap 1 .
As USUAL, the first ordeal of new goods for the
SCIL..III, era this' day opening at 18.1,11M5, N 0.3 Row, wilere we invite every body, wen, women
end children to call and examine our splendid aesurt-
We owe an apology to our friends for the crowded
and jarom , d up state of things which has existed for
several muntlis past at No. 3, but the public are aware
that such results roust necessarily mine from the fact
that we base generally had the largest and best:assort
ntent of goods iu Towanda, and it having been ascer
tained to a certainty, and generally understood that the
place to buy cheap is at Ilaird'r, No. 3. In urriet,how
e%er, to obviate sonic of the diflicialties; we have just
completed a large and commodious storehouse h the
rear of the brick block, where many of our heavy goods
will tM removed, and we hope now to be able to make
room for our many emends, and enable them to do busi
sCrii in our store wish comfort and despatch.
We also have the pleasure of announcing that we
have lienry Stielden & Co." fairly fioored"—theirope
rations intended to injure es fall harmless at our feet,
and our arrangements ere now complete for keeping al
ways on hand a splendid assortnient-
It is impossible to enumerate all the articles, for they
are so numerous and the assortment so general, that it
would require at least len acres square of foolscap. We
cannot retrain. however, front informing the fair ladies
of Bradford that we have fur fall and winter dresses, a
large assortment of plain black, figured and colored
.ALPACArS, muslin and rep de laines, French cash
meres, (new styles) Afighans, bombazines, winter ging
hams, Scotch and American. All kinds of dress and
Dress and Cloak trinanthigs, fringes., gimps, cords and
iasse,s, laces, edgings, Victoria skirts, &c.
Men, Young and Married,
We are opening blue, black, brown and green broad
cloths; fancy and plain C3SSialereil and sattinets; the
nicest lot of Veslino.s, ever offered in Towanda. &c.
A few more tons of those cheap Sugars and Teas,
and other articles in that line of business. retail Gra
cers can be supplier] With NUTS, FRUITS, &c.,cheap
er than they can buy in Owego or Elmira.
Hardware, Crockery, Fisk, 4-c.
without end. As we informed you above, it is useless
to itemize.
In closing this advertisement, we need not say to our
friends, '• don'tforget the place," for every body knows
where to find BAIRD'S CHEAP STORE, right in
the centre of the !leis , brick block. We know that to
insure a continuation of your very liberal patronage we
have only to continue our very low prices, and to keep,
as we have done, the best of goods. We intend to do
that, and have no fears but you will mill and see us, not
withstanding any pokerish stories that have been, or
may be told yoti by some of our neighbors. One thing
you will always find atNo.- 3, that we always sell
goods which we hare, as cheap as those we have not r
Towanda, Sept. I. 2815. No. 3, Brick Bow.
THIS LAY RECEIVING, at the Central Point,
a few doors south of Iblontanyc's Cash Siam, di
rect from New York, a fresh supple-of.-DR [-CS AND
MEDICINES, which will positively he sold at city
cost and charges. Physicians of this and other coun
ties, will do well to call and cumin° the qualities and
prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we sre determine
ed to make it your interest to purchase of as (consult
ing the interests of your patients, notwithstanding):
Our assortment consists in part of the following:
Blue mass Syringes, assorted
Nit silver Sugar lead
Quicksilver Quassia
Ipecac Phosphate iron
Tart. Antimony Carbonate du
lodin Paregoric
lodid. filtasita Laudanum
lied precipitate Lunar caustic •
White do • Nus vonrica
Strychuia Musk
Kreosoto M are
Jalap Juniper berries
Ext. do Aqua ammonia
do Colorynth Carh. do
do Gentian Nit. Ether
do Ciento
do Hyosciannos Brimstone
do Taraxicum BluF vitriol
Manca White do
Marsh rosemary Bayberry bark
Squills Essential oils, of all kinds
Chammonile flowers Coin. and white glue
Borax, refined. Saltpetre
Digitalis Copperas
Rhubarb pulv indigo
do root Solution of Tin
Ai TOW root Annie seed
Hellebore nig Shellac gum
Sulph. morphine Venice turpentine
do Quinine Balsom Fir
Eng. Calomel do Honey
Valvriau root do Copaiva
Seneca do • do Tolu
Serpentaria do Parbadoes Tar
Gentian do 0.l do
l:oloinbo do • Bisgundy Pitch
"ink do Bateman's drops
Liquorice do Lemon's du
Extract do Chloride of lime
senna leaves Cubcbs
Guru Myrrh, No. 1 Coc. Indices
do Guaiaei Tartaric Acid
do Aloes Citric do
do Gamboge . • Oxalic do
Toctida l'russ. du
do Camphor
do Opium
Prepared chalk
Rochelle salts
Epsorii do
Glauber do
Flour .111ILI,tar
do tynaoiei
Hiera ricra,
lien ursi
r;aftron •
C.:tented tnagnesid
Comisive sublimate
Spring & Thumb lanceld
Lancet COWS, &c., &c.
Printers be6ll to grumble already, or we would still
continue to entarate; but al! we say is, come and see
fOr yourselves. Many thAnks to a generous public fur
past favors, hoping for a continuance of the name.
A.D. MONTAN YE, Dat - oots.r.
Towanda, September 10, 1845.
B. T IS A FACT, acknowledged by all, that the best
CIGARS in town. are to he had at the
EAnie of O!iver Arno1(1, Deceased.
woTicE is hereby given to the Heirs of the estato
j3l of Oliver Arnold, der'il., late at Smithfield town
ship. that a distribution of the proceeds of said estate
will be made on the sth of November next. and those
having an interest therein, are required to appear and
take their shares. B THICIIAS, Executor.
Smithfield, September 51. I 5,15.
Waule Comm Ploughs,
4ItOZ Way'ne county ploughs, for sale at the Sa
-fings Bank. Plough merchants supplied of manu
facturers prices, and Partners on the root reasonable
G. E. FLYNT 4- CO..
/VII. 5 Brirk Pun,
July 30,
C6Ci:;• ;— if - 16 - ;itches
TL hues` surticurt‘ for these kinds uf animals—
Ma cute, nu Fly—cell et the
sep. 17. CI NTII 11, 171:tlf1 STORE.
st ir.,ornnet,t and
I;rt•na•-t vartcttl ever /Vivid in Bradford rounty,
nit roct•ikt•d at
\ I I'S, CA I ti; got, lunc:yvelvet and itiim
WO Immo at ME fICUR'S.
. _
l'HS—Fancy met pi ,in CanAmeres, natinelts,
1,..) tweed, lietitecky jean, plaid clock linings,
great variety, end eery cheap, Cali be found at
scp.24. , • MERCATira.
Reps and DeLatin's. a vest varie-
Cpa M E RC1 1 0.4.
z V i n n E h ß ea E u S tiful
ALeACCAti—Black, and Fancy a sort
dint, for Pale at , MERCUR
entA 9 3 ,77 •;54' Cil:erir‘l9;lS. l
faAin .1T F, 1? for all lawly of Goods,
1 , 15, 1' 1 1.101 T m Era. LI:.
itrir du
Sul ph .11d
111 uriat lc do
Car. I uagnesia
. .