Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 22, 1845, Image 3

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    ME MI MllO
fifter,l thousand dollars worth of the cheapest' and most desirable'
. 1 1re again in the Field with
stock al Goods ever brought into Bradfbrd Cowry !
HE Cashier & Co. of the. TOWANDA SA VINGS 6.4 K, tender their sincere thanks for the very
T li
beral patronage heretofore secured, and trust by strict attention to business, and selling goods cheaper than
an y other establrobment, to merit a con tinuanee of their smiles and favors. Our stock . of goods consists of every
known variety and `tole of Drvr Goods, front the first auction houses in the city of New York, and select
ed w ith great core expressly for this mend tan. Also, a iargo selection of
Family Groceries, Shelf Hardware, Crockery, Boiits tc, Shoes,
Hollow, its Iron, Steel.
and an U/I LISUIII quantity of HABERDASHERY, to make our stock of useful and ornamental complete. Our
mock of goods were purchased for cash, and for cash will be sold as cheap as at Binghamton. Elmira or Owego,
and decidedly cheaper than any establishment in Towanda. Timd'and space will not allow us to enumerate the
many new. rich arid desirable goods, hut will be shown to all who favor us with a call. with pleasure.
REMEMBER and call ono'door below Tracy & Moore, where the pay-down" system is in full force, end
as a consequence, are not overcharged with delinquencies in the Credit system, or additions made to support the
-Lumber trade. 't One price, and no deviation is the true system."
Ty A call is solicited, before purchasing elsewhere, at No. 5, south end, Brick Row.
• - Towanda, October 21, 1845. • GEORGE E. FLYNT & CO.
LADIES will find nearly as large a stock of Dress
Goods, such as Cashtnere, De E'Cosse, M. De
Lathe, Alpaccas, Ginghams, Prints, &c., at our store as
in the county and at low prices. They will please
call and exariine the"
ock for themselves,
GENTLEMEN will find a large and splendid stick
of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestin7,s, Cravats, Gloves;
Elastic braces, Rubber Over Shoes, and every thing
else they may want at very low prices for the quality at
SBAWLS in great' variety'k beatitiful patterns may
be found at WELLES & SATTERLEE'S:`
ÜB.ANS DELAIN. for Coating, and splendid
n . plaid Cloaking. Gals plaids and plaid Lining
very cheap at NV EI.LES & SATTERLEE'S.
Al'`, CAPS & MU - FEN any quantity from 123
01 , 1: cents up at WELLES & SATTERLEE'S
.1„11,GE and elegant assortment of Laces, 'Ribbons,
LAI lanes and trimmings of all kinds at
411: J 9 actved and for sale cheapest in ,
town at BAIRD'S., No. 3 Brick Row.
lIBLS. of SALT for gale:at
Cy BAIRD'S. No. 3 B.R.
NEGs NAILS - and one side UPPER LEATH
-op ER at No. 3 BRICK ROW.
oNE TON of KIPP & CALF SKINS for sale
cheaper than any place in town at BAIRD'S.
CJ®® consisting of A. & S. Henrys scat Silk
Warp Alpacea, Arcadian Lustres, Camelion Imbues,
Orleans cloths, Romehas, Imperial Stripe and figured
Itustres, Semendrians new style, very rich Cashmeres,
Mouslin Delanes, Thibet Merino:, tome magnificent
Paris printed Cashmere d'Ecosse, Rich Oiabre, Stripe
Alpacca.,,and many other styles of dress goods for the
Ladies, it makes it 20 per cent clic_aper for the ladies as
they are found only at G. E. FLYNT & „CO'S.
.Still Later, More Rich Goods.
RUST received actinvoice of the latest styles of Silk.,
among %V hlrh•rr.ay h found Plain Wart and blue
black, °mitre :Striped Poo 1!.. Sore Camelion Reps with
Satin Stripes, Genuine Polka Silks,. Plaid Florence:,
Plain do.. Plain silk: f•r 13 muetto, a rare opportunity
for those to porellase %viol intend doing so as they are
sold only a shade above auction prices at
Oct.V.O. G.. E. FLINT Ar. CO'S.
(To I r xol.l without reserri.)
_LA, P. ill oaten new style, •
Coo di., r, I'3-1,
PI & embroi'd M. Dc Lane,
Plus Dm. d•v. .
We say they are very cheap, those who are skeptical
can be convinced by calling and purchasing at
Oct. 20. G. E. FLINT dr. CO'S.
CLOTHS. cLoTils, coTHs!
),-• 1:\ I:'ZY -1111 , 1: QV11.1; V.
FIZI:Al'il CLOIII , , buoy,)
W tool
J.; I•n lox i,:ice, full 7Yock,
I:ol.l,Mixt clutlt. tor Overcoasr
sop,iino French Cassimere ; •
Together r , ita an endless quantity of Fancy Cassimeres,
s.runett, Tabors' Trimmings warranted good. A glance
at our stock of Cloths, will convince purchasers that
fro m 2tl to 25 per cent. elm he saved by purchasing of
0ct.20. GEO E FINNt & CO.
IS, .T :IZE"o
MSONS indebted to the Ft, en bc r for Drugs &
Medicines or otherwise, will save costs by settling
t(U. accounts before the first No.ember nest.
' Oct .7.1845. E. H. MASON.
ill'Allisters All Ilraline Ointment. •
A new supply of this popular medicine, als,) a quantity
the SOLAR TINCTURE, just received by
H. S. & M. C. MERCITR.
99SBUSHELS of Timothy and Flax SEED,
wanted in exchange for gouda, at
3 Tons of Iron,
one and two horse wagons, horse-shoe. and band
iron, round iron, f, 4, and Y inch nail rods, spring steel,
American. English blister, cast and German steel, hoop
and stake iron, horse shoes ready made. &c., &c. It
would he u , eless to enumerate all the diffi rent kinds of
goods Chat may he found at my store. Those is hn wish
to buy goods cheap, had better call before making their
purchases elsewhere. B. KINGSBERY.
6‘ SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of best Velvet,
Shirt d, Silk. and fig'd Velvet, Winter bonnets,
for salt by C. REED.
adjourned Rpeefot Court.
iN adjourned Special Court will be held at the
„t Court House in the borough of Towanda, in and
for the roomy of Bradford. on Monday the 3d day of
N ""rabrr next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, of said
day for the trial of all causes certified to Said court. By
coder of the Honorable \Viliiain Jessup, pre , ident of our
said court. • AARON CIICHBUCK., Prot-
Prot's. Offire, Towanda, Aug.. 14, 1815.
AINTs-e, OILS, Dye woods and Dye stuffs, a
very large stock, just received at BAIRD'S
Boston, January 3.1,1845.
Dean Sin :—You - have on idea of the amount of
coed done here by the •‘. Innwr VEGETABLE PkELS, "
(Sugar Coated.)—Vestertlay a respectable Druggist
came in from Lowell, and purchased 6 dozen, and stated
"he could recommend them beyond any other medicine
he ever had, as RIO WIFE BEEN esnecurty croci, nF
711511 OF 111.0071 To THE Ilt.lll, by using them. tlev
era! bad cases of the Inuerri..?: have also been cured by
Yours, truly,
11'. Water Street.
To C. Benin Smith, M; D., N. Y.
P. S. For the truth of the above, I refer to lion.
Char:es %Veils, President if the Mutual Fire Insurance
Company, Boston.
Dealers furnished at'the New York College of Health.
179 Greenwich Street; New York. And sold by E.
3lssos-, A. S. Ca.oi or.ttuN, Towanda; HEY 1r
fil R OrWell 1011:* PA ,0 0 , 101:1:, 11.0 file ;J.E. II et.-
.tocri, Pike,
CrYCAUTION,--As a miserable imitation has been
made by the name of Sugar Coated Pills," it is necessa
ry to lie earn that Dr. G. Iles: 'c. 82syru's signature_,
oil every Wl._ Price 25 ,cents.
Great Bargains at the
I IL S. 11. S. PIIIIINEY tendertheir thanks
to the public for the past summer's patronage,and
would solicit a continuance of the same. We would say
to the public, we are just receiving one of the largest and
het selected stock of GOODS ever offered in this place.
The stock consists in part of
Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Dry Goods, Paints,
Oils, Glassware, Fish, Leather, - .Salt,
in fact everything usually kept in a country store, all of
which they will exchange for Lumber, cash or most kind
of country produce, on as reasonable terms as goods can
be bought in Bradford county, for the same kind of pay,
Towanda not excepted.
Wanted, 856,000 SHINGLES ; 500,000 white pine
Boards ; 40,000 Cherry and white stuff..,-,Cash paid for
panel and first rate Shingles. Cash paid for Furs.
Monroeton, October 1,1845.
wE,,v stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye
Stuffs and Groceries have just been received from
New York, and will be sold very low—call at No. 1
Brick Row. Terpas cash. A. S. CHAMBERLIN.
Oct. 1, 1845.
If IS rOF LETTERS, the Vust4it
flee ut Ridgeberc, Sept 30th.
Coleman S & Co -Odell C G
Soles Fc—
Root 0
rates S
13roan R S
Brewer I)
:itreng W H
Mouselinan E Halstead S W
Mandeville W G Bench A G
Klime S 2 Cooper G
McAlpine G Clark A & Cu
Doty Denj sample I)
Whipple D G Brown R .1
Johnson .W
Vanßuskirk S
MrAfee V .1
Mapes S
Sulli‘an M
OtteNon J
Coolbaugh R J 2
J. BURT, P. !If
Brockaway D
Jones 1:
Latest arrival of New Goods !
w E i L ., LE the Sdo S t A th TTE R . L d, E , E fro h i a:e N b e e w en
y r ok ece r iv ;
lree large and splendid stock of LI, and, WINTER
GOODS, selected from the latest io,r/ortations with un
usual care as to style, quality and especially as to pri
ces. They do not pretend to have the 137,gest storkln
the country, or sell lower than one other houee but they
ask all who wish to buy choice and good goods, to call
and examine the quality and prices of their geads, and
then judge who sells goods at low prices ; all ace invi
ted to call and examine their stock which comprises
every thing usually kept in country stor e s.
Athens Pa., September 30, 1815.
4 . FEW of those NEW GOODS so long and
gge l 4 and anxiously looked for, have arrived. We shall
erep the readers of the Reporter advised from time to
iime of goods received from day to day until our entire
stock of Nor, Rich and desirable Fall Goods all arrive,
which in all probability will be the largest stock of goods
ever exhibited in Bradford county. Our stock of goods
having been purchased from tirst hands and from the
first auction lioti:es in the city, w ill as a consequence
come below all coml.'tition. Call as usual at the Sa
ri ZA thsk the only orginal cheap cash store.
0.1.15, 1u45. GEO, E. PLI - NT &'CO.
THE Copartnership heretofore existing between the
subscribers under the firm of H. Kingsbery CO.
tki , day 11H...dyed by mutual consent. All persona
indebted to at firm are requested to settle their, ae
coaunts %mall 11. S. Comstock, salio affil continue the
business at the old stand.
Athens Pa., Oct: 1, 1845.
Administrator's Notice.
LI. persons indebted to the estate of Nodiah
Cranmer, late of Monroe tp. deceased are re
quested to make immediate payment, and all those har
ing demands against the same are requested to present
them, legally attested for settlement to the _subscribers.
Munroe, Oct. 14, i 845. Administrators.
, Etz vawx.u.l
RIOJ. N. SCNINER, is again in Towanda, and
will attend to all calls in the line of his profes
sion. He is staying at I. H. Stephen's Dote!, and
would he pleased to have his friends call early as his
tune limited to a few weeks.
Towanda, Oct. 4, 1845.
2tl Ilk PIECES of plain f Ztil• Silk Warp A limed
guy from three shillings, to une dollar per yard
fur sale by C. REED.
A JIST OF LE'II'ERS, remaining at the Post-Of
flee in Towanda, ending Sept. 30. 1845.
Abraham W C - Kelly Wm
!leaden GForge Gadd C 1.)
Bois Stephen Moluny Maurice
Burk Martin Mitchell .1 D
Border William McGee Patrick
Bsnus Climcy McCullock S L
Bishop Helen M Matery Garrick
Beaumont Sarah . ' Murphy Junes
Batiry .1 T Mclntyre S
BlauYeslt Mary Milts Noah
Blaelinrui Franklin • Minier Harriet A
Carter John . Nobles Nancy
Corlett Timothy Nohlea M
Camp Cilva ITHealy M
Comminute; Clark Palmer C 13
Collins C C Patterson E
Crown Wm Pelson L S
Cinsnnr Lariptinn Sawyer Stephen
Case B T Smith I
Cole Win Sickle, E
Conyngham John N Strieklanil.L '
Cotter Thomas Scott flpnry "-""
Coveny Patrick . Slaid A
Duhoys Hiram ' Sparing Geo
Doherty John Scott M
Drake M , Scott J M
Dicker !amen W Taylor J M
Dixon George . Tentmot E
Dunning James R Thayer N
Eiton lion , uo It Torry T
Thompson 1 L
Fisher M A
Frazier : John , Upright Geo •
(c ding :Stephen', F • Vincent It
G,lliw-Edwanl Vallely Ann
GraingJr ILahniqh. IViehizer NV
Gibson Itini 'Willman Thomas T
Goff Gen F. Woodruff S 13
Hazard H W Whitney
Howley E Williams Geo
Horrin Martin White Edward
Hiuca C Young E
Horton Laura Warner G
Kingman Cassamder Walky Gen
viLy ways on hand at G. E. FLYNT 6: CO'B.
5:1 Erre •v M . (0
4,‘ 3 •, •
1 sligi oN GSBERY, is now receiving at lain
I ts 4 old stand, which has been going: off for eighteen
years, where goods of all kinds has been sold and WILL
be sold, latices than at any other store in this Coun
ty. A very large stock of all kinds of goods which has
been selected with treat care and attention,. and bought
at ouch prices of the importers and manufacturer., that
it would be a ru,:ataritateiness for any firm in the Bride
Row, or tiny where else, to undertake to sell goods as
cheap as I can, and will. If my friends and the public
generally, will call before they make their purchases
elsewhere, they will find that this notice isnot put in the
paper for a BLUFF, like some by the side of it ; but, it
means what it says.
I have a general assortment of every kind and descrip
firm of
Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware. Crockery,
Boots. 4. Shoes. Nails. Iron. Leather. 4w.
ViikArS celebrated INDIA RUBBER Shoes and
jfi Suspenders—a new snide. for sale at
& UPPER LEATHER, for sale by
p. !ii.„ B. KINGSBERY
APlODFlSB;,lllackcrel and Shad, for sale by
NLI sep. 27.8. KINGSBERY.
J _
oTTols; YARN, Knitting Yarn, Balls, Wicking,
Il Wadding—any quantity for sale very low, by
sep. 27
ailb TON Pall rii,er Nails, for sale cheap, by
;6) sep, 27. B. KINGSBERY.
DYEWOODS, PAINTS & OILS, of every des
cription, for sale, one notch below the tnarkef.
rep. 24
HATs & CAPti, without number, for sale lower
than was ever ',dare heard of. by
SPLENDID lot of Brush, Silk.FuT and Sporting
6 - "e•A Hats, also Oil silk, velvet and fur caps, together
with Midis, and Buffalo robes, fur sale cheap at
Oct. 8
WASH paid fur WHEAT. by
WASH paid for BEEF HIDES, by
CASH paid for FLAX SEED. by
WASH paid for Oats, by
111. BBL'S of Butter and Soda CRACKERS, for
sale by ' C. REED.
311-11E11A_Mcr CCEDYMOMPSYsti,
And all kinds of GRAIN, wanted at this eke on aec't;
11. ATCHELEI: St COI:EL begjeave to inform the
Is inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity, that they
have just commenced the Tailoriug Business, up stairs,
No. 4, Brick Row, where they are Frepared to execute
all work entrusted to them with care nvanness and des
patch, and in the most fashionable manner. Having
just received the New York and Philadelphia fashions,
and with their long experience in the business, they flat
ter themselves that their wo.k will be made in a manlier
and style equal to any other establishment in the place.
Terms made to correspond with the times.
CUTTING done on the shortest notice.
All kinds of country produce received in payment
for work at mnrket prices. October I. 1845.
,t 3
Over Montanye's store, next door to Mercur's law office
at the old stand of Powell & Seaman
J. E. Canfield, Attarney'at•Law,
U1.7.-1/2:ZLf'D ;,9
ILL attend to all kinds of business intrusted to
his care, with promptness and despatch. Of
fice' intl.- Tin and isiore store building--up stairs. [ol.
ALLcrsons indebted to the estate of ACIIATUS
vorj HT, late of Rome township, deceased,
are requested' to make immediate payment, and all
those haring donands against the same are requested
to present them, legally attested for settlement,
T. VOL'GHT, Administrator,
Rome, Oct. I, 1843. Willi will annercrl.
Frt. , .. shine of an order of the Court of Common Pleas,
H ..,' ' of Bradford County, Lull be sold no the 3d Tues.
lay of Oct. next, bring the 'I et day of the month, ut
he house of Dr. Bliss in Leroy township, at ":: o'clock
. '. M., the follosing described real estate of John Al
en to wit: A lot of land situate In Leroy township.
containing forty two acres ; bounded 04 the west by
lands of Sullivan Morse ; on the south by lands of
Charles Barclay, on the east by Miller, and on the
north by lauds of Perky Morse, subject to a Mortgage
given In the Bank of North America, upon which there
is due ten hundred and forty dollars, Terms of sale—
ti ft dollars at the time of sale, and the residue in two
equal annual payments. SAM L WEBBER.
I), I • S. Committee of J ohn Allen. a Lunatic.
if Is!' OF LE'II'ERS, remaining at the Post Of
q_a tire to Monnieton, Sept. 30.
Bowman Montgomery Johnson A
Morton A 13
Bowman Emily
Bancroft 1. G
Brown W H
Corcren Mrs
- - .
Cooibaugh Potter J
Charles IT Rodgers NV
Cummings C 2
Dutienn•Mary L 2;•ll W
\i, hoe s
G ask ill L
G. P. MASON, P. Al
Jacobus U C
Oet. 1. MERCTIrS
QUANITY OF LUMBER will he sold for ruxi,
3.1 . , by private male at the residence of the late Patrick
Cumming,:. Also, a very valuable two-horse fans WA
GON. but a short nine in use—it cost about ;SO, and
will he add for ;45, on approved security a l t. 6 months
credit. A set of double HARNESS, with chains and
whippletrees, for sl2—an excellent BOAT, fur $.5- c !.
will be disposed of on a credit.
There are several tons of superior HAY, and a quan
tity of. Oats, which w:11 also be sold for cash, where the
value is offered.
Apply to Franklin Blatlanan, L'eq., or to the eubsrri
Towanda, October 1. ISIA.
N. A FARM, now or lately occupied by Stephen
Cumming:, will be let—with the eaw-m:11. It is ritual•
.1 about 7 miles from 'f OlNanda—a number of logs on
the p l ac e will be dispoiLd of at a -Mr value.
The Last and Most Important Arrival Yet at the
No. 2, Brick Row. .
GREAT BARGAINS are now offered the people
of Bradford county, by the subscriber, who i.snow
recoving'and opening„one of the largest and best select
ed assortment of goodi ever brought into the village of
Towanda. His stock of goods has been selected with
great care expressly for this market, and as prices of the
old credit system are necessarily high, he offers great in
ducement+ to all who may have cash or produce to ex
change for goods. His stock consists in an assortment of
DRY GO01)S, such as Maadeloths, casuirneres,' and
vestings, satineus, sheep's gray, hard that's, hnsey wool
seys, a sirlundil assortment of IVinter shawls, ladies'
cravats, gloves, ho.iery, suspenders, and teu thousand ar
ticles, too numerous to mention.
t. — ,rocs vies.
Such as stizar, tea. retire, ritrilmses, spires, lamp and lin
snw.l oil, a lull pupply of Liquors, such as Champagne,
engaine and American Brandy, Holland Gin, Old Mn
nongehala wha , key, Pert, Maderia, and Malaga Wine.
A—Croekery, Hardware, Nails, Glass, Iron, Leath
er, Boots & Shoes, Buffalo Robes, Hats &Caps, Drugs
& Dye Stuffs, &e. &c.
All persons wishing to purchase gnarls aro respectfully
Malted to give the subscriber a call, and examine his
goads and prices before purchasing elsewhere. '
Oct. 1, 1845. .11'0. 2 Brick, Rout,
BA CCO, sale . D. KING:MAY.
Large - Arrival nf hoods , and
J. D. Ai E. LR.rliontanye,
ThIVAVING taken into their firm, ROCK
gisli WELL, as co-partne r with renewed energy and
with hopes of rendering satisfaction to their numerous
customers, have been receivin4, during the past Week,
&Veil TOIIS Gundx, mid will receive seven tens more
in a few days. Their stock consists of agreater variety •
than they have ever before been enabled tooffer, and at
prices which will be sure to please.
In their stock of Dry Goods may be found
12 pieces Alpacca ;
12 do Cashmere de Benne ;
100 do !stew style Prints;
. I do French Broadcloth ;
4 do English do. -,
2 do Pilot and Beaver;
4 do Cturrinicre;
2 do Beautiful article for Ladies' cloaks.
Other Staple and Fancy Goal in proportion, too nu
merous to mention.
Men's, boys', you hs', 'and children's and ladies' fine
kid and walking ; as also superior article of over shoes.
60 DOZEN, comprising every quality and style in the
Powdered, crushed, loaf, Santa Cruz, Porta Rico, and
N. 0. Sugar. Tea, coffee, pepper, spice, &c. and
some fresh Soda
Iron, awl, nails, ark rope, butts and screws, door han
dles, and the various kinds of Hardware suited to the
wants of the country.
Sperm, Elephant, linseed, and a 'goo& article for tan
ners. The above stock is oß•red at wholesale or retail.
For Cash, approved credit of ell 'months, or Boards dc
Shingles, Beef Hides and most Linds of country pro
duce. MON'FANYES @ CO.
HEED'S Towanda, September 0, 1815.
Administrator's 'Notice.
ALLpersons indebted to the estate of Philemon R.
Starr. late ,01 N. York city, dec'd, era requested to
make immediate payment, and all those liaringdemeads
against the same are requested to present them, legally
attested for settlement to the subscriber.
. A. !CHAMBERLIN , Administrator
Towanda, Sepiember X 4. i KO.
ALL persons indebted to estate of Darius Shumwny,
decd, late of Springhill tp., are requested to male
immediate payment, and all those hating demands ag,aitist
the same urn requested to present therm legally attested
for settlement. CYRUS 6H CM WAY.
Springhill, Sept. 17, 1845. Admino4rator,
4: 7 1 , ,.. COAL CONIPANY7 owning a large body
4 of LANDS, on and contiguous to the ma
t tera of the braneliea of Towanda Creek, in
lir.irttoni County, Pennsylvania, are prepared to dispose
of the same to settlers. Aprdreation may be made to
At Greenwood, nrar Monroetun, Brad. Co.
Any treipa.seri on these Lands will be prosecuted
areording to law. Infirini.tion of the same gi'en to
SAMUBLi C. NAIIiLEE, will he suitably rewarded.
By order of the Managers,
Sept, 3. r.NR 1* M. :sLABLEE. Agent.
gra S 1 & . H 3 Q C, MERCUR,
EXATiOLILD mapectfully announce to the good cuti-
zer ,, of D,,,d01d and counties, the
arrival at the TO 111).:1 CASH STORE, of the
large,4 and most cencrai absortinent of
Dry Goods, 14racerees, Harduaire, Crockery,
Boots and Shoes, Dye-lfoods,
Paints. Oils, 4:c. 4-c.
Ever opened in Towanda, and which will he sold for
CASH at wholesale or retail at lower prices than the
same quality of good, are rArnirirg, ly any of our Mulling
neighbors, as our goods arc purchased with great care
—principally for cash—of the importers and manufactu
ren.. Tow Mau, Sept. 10,1815,
81 - 11;SHeS—Hatr, Paint, Sharing and Nad—
complete assortment, at the
THE partnership heretofore existing between the
subscribers, under the fi rm of D.C. &0. N. Salo bury. is this any ch. solved by mutual agreement. All
outstandingtlents ar .to be I'u el 1:, D. C. :Salsbury, who
is also to settle'al inattio; due the late firm.
. .
Whose ha‘ing unsettled riccolitts with the firm will
plionse settle the Same as speedily as possible.
P. C. sALsBuRY.
Monrooton. Aug. 21, 1845. O.:N. SALSBURY.
1111fAVING purchased the entire stock of goods lately
lir opened by 1). C. & 0. N. Salsbury, and shunned
the entire business and responsibility of the firm I would
return my thanks to former customers for their patronage,
and solicit the same and the public generally. My stock
of Goods is complete and will be sold on the most liberal
Any qu7ntity of LUMBER will be received in ex
change f 4 Goods, and for jirst cash will be paid.
PTOdeCC of all derriptions will be taken for goods.
Monrocton. Aug. 2,1. 1845. D. C. SAI,SBURY.
.17' MY OLD 771,11)1; JIG.4IIN:
A. M. Warner, Cloek k, Watch Maker.
MIAS opened a chop in the Ding Store of A. D.
jut Montanye, two doors below Itlontanye's Cheap
Casuritore, nearly opposite hingsbery'clfrick Mansion,
where he can he round at all times of day, and he at
again invites Zia old customers and others to give him
a call. lie pledges himself to them, and the public
generally t h at all wink entrusted to his Cale shall be
done correctly ones weir:wed to perform well or no pay.
Having !nil experience in his business and twin.;
deterinined to give satisfaction, he hopes to be able to
HO also has on hand a small assortment of JEWEL
RY, as low for ca , h as can be had at Ire. lon, Old Ar
cade; or at any given number in the Brick Row, altho'
sorry of it might have been purchased of Sheldon & Co.
He is not able to boast of as large an assortment of
gold chronometer, duplex, lever and L',Epinc Watches,
diamond rings. pins &c., &c., as can be found in the
assortment advertised near the Ilay-Scales, but what he
has Chita lc fah] so law that competition with him
would be useless.
lie tenders his 7,rateful acknowledgements to the
put* tin past fa*.irs and at the Scllllo I.IIIIC, solicita a
eliarc of public patronage.
Towanda, AuguattO, 1815.
Cocsamr l'ituliCe a of every description will be to
pay merit r ork refu,d.
OAVING eulareed the neporter. the Press ninth
we have heretotbre used, is offered fur sale, eery
CHEAP POI{ CASH. It is a Washingt o n patent,
Inneritd size, and on easier and li, tter working press
ne v 4 was put up. It will be delivered at Owego, 111-
tuirti or Ralston. Address E. S. GOonaten & SOY,
Towanda, Pa. sug2O.
.._ i
- Fashuinable Tailoring !
1 EORGE 11. BUNTING tumid respectfully i n .
form the public that he milt continues ut his old
sta , on the nest side of Main strcot, tntnceu Kill go.
bery's and Bartlett's stores, ult stshs. whew he way
be found in resilin,a to all work in his line inn style
net; to be surpss,cd in 13rcdrd county. Prices to suit
thr4 times. Thankful fur paid favors, he rest : o c tf u y
solicits a continuance and hopeshy Strict attentidn to bu
siness and accommodstilic terins'io merit veimusge.
The Spring and Surnievr. FASHIONS lia. ,just been
received, and he is prepared to Make garments in the
most feshi mat& manner.
Particular attention paid to CUTTING., and warrant
ed to fit if properly .made
He has the lateet Spring and Summer Fashions fur
sale. , Towanda, May 14. 1845.
_ _
AV Mile County Plouglis,
DOZ Wu;•ne'counly ploughs, for sole at the Se.
wings Bank • Plough merchantasupplied at MUM/.
faMurers prices, and Farmers on the most reasonable
terms. G. FLYNT .f CO.
• July 30. No. 5 Brie; Bout.
- _DigoAlercur
A RE NOW IiECEIVING;a very 1 lege am) very
I,ll:general,assonincut of Frill and Winter Good3._
which they Offer to the public on-liberal terms, forCish,
giant, or approved credit. .•
Their stock consists of almo9t everything that any
one wishes to huy. , And for the of those'who
wish to purchase merchandizo of any kind, and. want
to know where to find it, they wall enumerate a few of
the many articles thhy have for sale:
Ladies' silk shawls and black tea-pots ;
Gents' satin cravats and ten-penny nails :
Colored satin, for ladies' bonnets, and
Glazed hats for men ; •
Knitting pins and clow.baes;
Carpet tacks and vest patterns;
Broad Axes and alpaccas; .
M. delaines and wagon bases;
Printed blue teas and young hylson tea ;
Umbrellas and German pipes;
Pocket knives and loaf sugar ;
Molasses and coarse boots;
Ladies' cot. hose and steel corn hoes;
Ladies'.night caps, fur six cents, and
Men's sealette capitfur 123 cents;
Ladies' linen hdkra for one shilling, and
Plenty of English and Swedes iron, all sizes;
India rubber cloth for carriage covers and
Beautiful figured alpaecas for ladierd,cloake ;
Ladies' boas and muffs, and lampblack;
Leghorn bonnets and stone jugs;
Black and blue ink and spints turpentine;
Lamp oil and Colones water ;
Sweet oil and sarsaparilla. syrup:
Blue vitriol end best Java and Rio coffee;
'afersand buck shot;
indellible ink and pure dry and ground white lead ;
Looking glass's and cut tumblers;
Tea kettles and black silk sus:tangs ;
'Candle wicking and bed cords;
Coat Buttons and writing paper ;
•Shellsitle combs and corthal skirts ;
Bonnet ribbons and cover:dish tobacco ;
Plough points and cap ribbons;
Ladies dress and stove tubes;
Assorted Needles, and best Nutria hats;
Steel pens and shovel plough patterns;
Plated hub bands and silk scarfs fur ladies;
Conou Yarn and wire selves;
Awl blades and pins, assorted sires;
Ladies' kid slippers and nail hammers;
Willow baskets and gimp corda ;
Men and boys' cloth caps and plane irons;
Knives and forks and ark rope:
Cart steel and steel thimbles;'
Brass kettles and brass thimbles;
Beaver cloth and cotton batting;
Pepper boles and shoe knives;
Bonnet boards and slate pencils ;
Carpet binding and inkstands;
Coach lace and handsaws;
Raisins and saw-mill saws;
Seidlitz powders and trying squares;
Rubber overshoes and 47 i inch spikes;
Sleigh bells and steelyards;
Cassitneres and ivory combs;
Gridirons and welting cord ;
Whale bone and patent saw setts ;
Suspenders and patent door butts;
Firmer's chisels and laces for ladies' caps;
Pongee handkerchiefs and hair brushes;
Misses and women's lit. cet.gtoves & hair brushes;
Cocoanut dippers and teeth brushes ;
Colored cambric and door handles ;
Augur hilts and children shoes:
Woolen shawls and gum caps;
- Black tea and patent wheelbeads;
Morrocco belts and tea servers;
giddler's silk and mouse traps ;
Bonnet-wire and stone churns;
Plaid linseywand sash pulleys;
Patent blind fastenings and butts, (a new article);
Spoke shaves and door mate;
Black snuff and madder;
Brittannia lamps and shoe strings;
WM. and gloves and •gun flints;
Sattinet of all kinds and gunpowder;
Horse ,as and satin 'vesting ;
Curry combs and fur caps;
Hair combs and sash fastenings;
Glass dishes and wool "cards;
Corset lacers and trace chains; •
Brass back combs and calicoes of all qualities;
Sash cords and corn whisps
Coat canvass & padding and hyde whips;
Furniture prints and razor strops:
Table covers and Okays geography's; •
Coarse shoes and polished augurs;
Linen cambric and sole leather;
Hoop iron and linen edging & insertion;
Florence silks and brown sheetings ;
Cap wire and copal varnish ,
Lin. Oil and Russia diaper;
131 k. French crape and American door locks;
Mineral knob locks and white lisle crape;
Chrome yellow and green, and coat binding;
hdlg. and ribbon wire; •
Cream Tarter and silk cords and tassels;
Horse blankets and brass nails;
Tea setts and setts teas;
Spirit levels and spool cotton;
Towanda, Septenther 19. 1845.
11 which are Cashmeres. Mousse DeLaine, plaid lid
and silk work Alpacca, 8-4 plaid Cloaking, Girdles and
Trimmings, to correspond, &c.
Taken .:2T P.t:R for all kinds of Gooch.
July I. 1845, by ELLIOTT & IHERCUR.
. .
LARGE and general assortment of the above ar
_3l_ ticks, cam v irsing, almost fverything useo by Han.
nes,. and Garri,c , 1t,a4,18, which will be sold haver
on the sam e q t ,,lity of goods have ever Leen offered at
Owego or Elmira. just received by
sep. 24; . H. S. Ar. M. C. MERCUR.
tayilyil r , ( e ) , I , TN O I - ) 4. 8 NAILS, nar ti rtiLd ,u s u iz , e;,nt
ims. SOLE LEATHER, also Up
azisupity y Ter Leather and Calf Skins, at •
sep. 24. . .MERCER'S.
COTHS—Panay and Orin Cassimeres, satirretts,
tweeds, Kentucky jeans, plaid dank linings, dm.,
great variety, end very cheap, can be found at
sep. 24, MERCER'S.
ArtASIIM E RES. Ceps and DeLaines, a great varier
beautirel patterns, at Al ERCUIFS.
i 2 CA.-- Black and Fancy. a large mom
font, fur nale at MERCUIFS.
CoildiS, Frames, and fancy velvet Rib
s at
ripOirl[S' ery large stock of every
and nice, at ',mei prices than ever, will be
found at Al Elle I: Ws.
Eritate of Oliver Artloid, Deceased.
Nzo.rick.: le hereby oven to the Heirs of the estate
of Oliver Arnold. des il., late of :Smithfield town•
,hip, that; a distribution tit the proceeds of said estate
will be made on the sth, of November next, and those
having an interest therein, are required to appear and
take their, shares. B THI /51A 8, Executor.
S,•piember 24, 1845.
.7.nrff 02:gr
P.:T.Gli.l.Veil 1,7 tiallTill 4 sox,
Rl.s, , kleTriada- inform that they ntill continue
the manufacture of Saddled, 'Bridles, Hotness,
ta.-c., in dal. Mix's Imilding, nest door to J. C. Adain' 011 ce, where they will keep constantly on (r a nd,
and mat ufacture to order,
&Usti 'Web, Counnorz and Quilted Saddles,
Ilarncss, Carpet Bags,
Bridles, Trunks-, •
Collars, I manses,- 4-e. 4-e.
Carrit,tre Trimming and Military Work done to
sses,Pcer and Chnir Cushions made on shun
d reasonstle terms.. .
uilscribqrs hope by, doing their. mak well„and
rice uttention to business to merits sbaro of
stroriagc. • EEK.ANAIt :SON.
udu, 111,1 y t.ll, 1815.
by a at
Important to !Bo Citizens of Bradford County!
riFto a
Owe more at the Head of the Heap !
A 8 USUAL, the awe arrival of new goods for the
aearan, aro this day openiug at BaKillo. N 0.3
finds Row, where we invite every body, mew, women
owl elsiktri.o to call and e:swine our spkudid assort-
We awe as topology to our friends Ibr tile crowded
and jammed up state of things whiell'has esitted for
aeverst months pact at No. 3, but the public are aware
11)4 such results must necessarily arise from the fact
rust we have geliefilify bad the largest and best assort-
Ine t of utorsils in Towauda, and it having-WM ascer
tained to a ccrminty, and generally 'understood that the
place to buy cheap is at lluird'r. No. 3. In order, how
ever, to obviAte some of the difficulties,/ we have just
completed alartr * e and commodious storehouse in the
rear of the Vrickblock, where many of our heavy goods
will be retrieved, and we hope now to he able to make
room for our many friends, and enable them to do busi
nesa in our store with comfint and despatch.
-We also have the pleasure of announcing that we
have Henry Sneldeu Ai Co. " taitly floored"—theiropes
rations intruded - to injure us fall harmless at out feet,
and our arrangements are now complete fur keeping al
way. on baud a splendid assortment.
It is impossible to enumerate all the articles, for they
are so'numerous iind the assortment so general, that it
would require et4east ten acres square of foolikap. We
cannot refrain, however, from informing the fair ladies
of lirailtUrd that we have for full and winter dresses, a
lane assortment 'of plain black, figured and colored
A I.PACAS, mouslin and rep de seines, French cub.
metes, (new styles) Afrzhans,bombazinrw, winter ging
!elms, Scotch and American. All kinds of dress and
Dress and Cloak trimmings, fringes, env!, cords and
Lasses, laces, edgings, Victoria skirts, Ate.
Men. Young and Married,
We are opening blue, black, brown and green broad
club. ; fancy and plain casainnerea and sattinets; the
nire.t lot of ever (Were] in Towanda, &c.
A few more tone of those cheap Sugars and Teas,
and other articles in that line of business. Retail Gro
cers can he supplied with NUTS, FRUITS, &c.,chesp ,
ei than they can buy in Owego or Elmira.
Hardware. crockery. Fish. 15. e.
without end. As we informal you above, it is useless
to i temize
In closing this advertisement, we need not sal to our
friends, don't forgd the place," for every body knows
where to find BAIRD'S CHEAP STORE, right in
the centre of the new brick block. We know that to
insole a continuation of your very liberal patronage we
have only to continue our very low prices, and to keep,
as we have done, the beat of goods. We intend to do
that. and have no fears but you will call and lee us, not
withstanding any pokerieh stories that have been, or
may he told you by some of our neighbors. One thing
you will always find at No. 3, that we always sell
goads.which we hare, as cheap as thaw we hare not.
Towanda, Sept. 1, 1845. No. 3, Brick Bow.
NtLISH WALNUTS, Brazil note, filberts, at.
r_Al monde, pea nuts, Ggs and raisins for sale cheap at
Sept. 2
HARDWARE & CUTLERY, Carpenter's and
Joiner's tools, strap hinges, rope of all sizes, for
sale cheap at
Clocks. If fralchei ;
WE have a sure cure for these kinds of animals—
no cure, no pay—call at the
ROPE dc CORDS of all sizes, from a fish line to a
cable rope, at BAIRD'S, N 0.3. -
ir article, for sale at BAIRD'S.
revdAs..—A large lot of Fresh Teas, warranted, at
11. prices varying from two shillings to seventy-five
cents, ut
ATCHES—by the gross or otherwise, to suit
customers, at Ns. 3, Brink Row.
New Blacksmithing Establishment,
THE SUBSCRIBER, having formed a partner-
I /
61Cp with his brother, continues to carry on the
lunt at his
b Mother's new stand, east silk of Main.
street, uth part of the borough ,. where he is prepared
to exeCork all orders for Horse•shoeing, Carriage &
Coach wed, and Edge Tools.
He assures the public that all work entrusted to his
rare will be well done, as ho has thoroughly learned
his trade and is determined to render satisfaction.
Towanda. December 30, 1844.*
iIIARDIVARE.—'I'ha largest assortment and
greatest variety ever offered in Bradford county,
art leeeived at MERCUR'S.
THIS DAY RECEIVING, at the Central Point,
a few doors south of Montanve's Cash Slow, di
reet from New York, a fresh supply of DRUGS AND
MEDICJNES, which will positively be sold et city
coot anr charges. Physicians of this and other coun
ties, will do well to tali and examine the qualities and
prices hefore purchasing elsewhere, as we are determine
ed to make it your interest to purchase of us (consult
ing the interests of your patients, notwithstanding).
Our asoortment consists in part of the following:
flue mass Syringes, assorted
Nit silver Sugar lead
Phosphate iron
Carbonate do
Paregoric -
Lunar caustic
Nu! stymies
'fart. Antimony
tndid. ponma
!led precipitate
White do
Juniper berries
Aqua ammonia
Curb. -do
Eat. do
do ColoCynth
lit Ether
do Gentian
Him 'atria
do Cicuta
do Hyogdannus
do Taraxicum
White do
Bayberry hark
Essential oils, of 'AI kinds.
Com. and white Ow
tiuknion of Tin
Mar3h rosemary
IL:hammonlle flowers.
Boras, refined.
Rhubarb pnlv
del roar
Amis seed
Shellac gum
Venice turpentine
13.1sout Fir
do Hones
do Copoi vs
do. Tolu
tarbadoes Tar
Bt.rgtuttly Pitch,
ilateican's drops
Lamott's do
Chloride of Hum
Coe. 'adieus
Tsstoric Acid
Citric do.
°pale so
Ai row root
Hellebore nig -
Sulph. morphine
do Quinine
Eug. Uyloulel
Valet Lair 0,4
Si mica do
sariamtaria 110
Colombo do
"ink du
Liquorice do
Extract do .
Sauna leaves
Gum Myrrh, No. I
do GuaMei
do Mors
do Gund.ogt
l'russ. do
.N It ric da
do Poctida
do C4inidior
St.ll.l‘ .19
do Opium
Prepared chalk
Rochelle salts
Rpaoin do.
(Luther do
1' lour atdphur
'do berzOki
Ilivra pima
I7va iTrNi
Y;al, hied tnagnrbia
Corn)Ailm üblinvato
& Thumb !uncut&
I.ortect cases.4c..4c.
Printers begin to grumble' :Arcady, or we would still
cmitimic to enumerate ;,but all we say ia, come soaeec
for yourselves. Many thanks to a generous public for
past favors, hoping for a continuance of the cisme;
A.D. moNTA:Ncr, Ducootsr.
Towanda. September 10, 1845.
Y -
Irr IS A FACT, acknowledged by all, that the best
I CIGARS in town. ore to he had et the
No. 3, Bridc Row