THE BODY IS • SUBECT TO MANY - .t inges, et requires medicine. 'Sudden changes from very hot, to chilly weather, are 4favorable to health ; undit is a fact universally admit led, that heat and moisture are powerful agents in pro. /doing disease, and that constant dry and constant wet weather are both favorable to its generation ; it does not signify 'what We call it : it may be ague : it may be bil ious fever ; it may be yellow fever ; it may be dysente ry ; it may be rheumatism ; it may be bronchitis: it may be cholic; it may be constipation of the bowels; it may be inflammation of the bowels ;. it may b e i n ih met i o , , 01 the stomach; it may be a nervous affection ; but still 'it is disease, and a disease curable by the Brandreth Pills, because'they remove all impurities from the body, all that can in any manner fend the fiirther progress of the malady; no matter how called; thus these pills are not only the most proper medicine, but generally the only medicine that need or ought to be used. gold by S. D. & E. D. V -.0 NTAN TE. Towanda ; G. A. PERRI ! , S, Athens, only authorized Agents fur Bradford County. PAUSE, READER ! ! This good advice comes from a friend, an educated phr,,ician, and one who has been cured of protracted ill- E e ,by " THE IMPROVED INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS," (Scour COATED.) which are at this moment effecting some of the most re markable cures on record, and they will continue to heal the sick as long as they are resorted to by them. 'Phis is no nostrum, made merely to sell irrespective of its qualcies, but a valuable medicine, made by a well inform ed Physician, of Vegetable Ingredients,pure, efficacious, end hartnleN , In a few days, we shall make a public re port of sorrel more cases of nECIDED cures (fi r, we note no others: and the public may know on what medicine to rely in time of need. Dealers turnished at the New York College of Health. tip Greenwich Street, New York. And sold by E. H. M f rom. A. S. CIL4,IIIEIILIN, Towanda ; 1:! , IT Giaas.Orwell ; Juror PA963IORE, Rome; J. E Rec. LOCK. P 1.0.. I'ION.—As a miserable imitation has been made the name of •• Sugar Coated Piils," it is neeessa• ro to he ,ore that Dr. G. 13..Na1a. Sarra's signature is ,;, Npx. Prll, I arrnifl of New Gobds EId,E6 Ac las S t A t ;if,. ee weeks ru h a ve N been ew i7ckeivtut the : l a ,le and lilendul .to:It of FALL, and VI INTER. iioffirs..,elerted Iron, the latcot importations with um 'u.u.ll ••t)!e, utnil4- and especially as to Kt. rs. Iney do not lir& nd t:illatie the largest stimk in ;,,- e ie,ntrx , or sell lua , r than any other house hut they a ll who wish to lii,y cholue and good gonds, to call and i't mane the quaith prices of their ;zooids, mid then judge who siII. goods nt low . prieas ; all are invi led to call and examine- their stuck w WWII gomprisi every thing usuady kept in country stores. Athens m - ier • Ct 0111IG EVENTS -----r—. CAST THEIR SHADOWS BEFORE A FEW of 'hoer -, NEW GOODS so long and aml anxious!, loolosl for, have anise I. We snarl beep the realer.: of the Reporter from time to noir of goods meek el from dap to day until our entire stock of Nor, Rich and dr , iruhlt Full Gond, nj.kno-,,, which in all prohabduy will he tile largest stuceOf;goodi cart exhihned m Simi:on! county. Our stock of goods hem; Iwo purche, I from liret hands and from the fait auction boos: in the city, will an a con,equenoe belpw all comp-tition. Call as u-ual at the Sn ,z< B the Groh urgin d die creda store. GEO. E. rLyNT & co. NOT' THE ropartnerAbip heretofore existing between the Fub.clibers under the Cum of 11. Ktot.r,•••bery 4 Co. tht s , d.t) 127 muttl4l e , tn....nt • AI! It moo* indebted t, MI are rotor...led to .tittle iheir cooutas R all ff. S. C0111.1.0l k, oho wdl Coll ue the buiiness at the old eland. HENRY KINWSBERY. - H. STANI.EY coms - rocK. !then! Pa.. Oc'. I, 1915. . • AdmuilArator s •• once. persaris indebted to the I st.tte of Nodiabk: Cranmer, late of Nlonroti deceased are r. queued to mike immediate payment, and all those has. ing demands against the same are requested to present them, legally attested fur settlement to the subscribers. JAMES R. CLARIS-A CRAN MEL Administrators. Monrue, 0(1.14, 1945 in k 1"...1. N. :SUMNER. ig aaain in Towanda, and will attidhl to all colts in the line of lon proles- .tun. He is staying at I. H. Stephen'. Hotel, and could he pleased to have his friends call early as his time is limited to a few weeks. TOrianda, Oct. d. 1e.45. PIECES of plain fig'd silk Warp Alpaca Di k. k from three shillings, to one t".u.for per lard t,•tle by . ' I. REEL). ...._,_ NSBUSHELS of l'inroth y and lion SEED, wanted in exelvige for goads, at (hi. N. REED'S LIST' OP I.E rrE IN, r marrow!, at the Prest-til , five in Towanda, entliog, Sept. 3 ... le-15. Abraha m XV C Kelly \Vin 'leaden lit urge Gadd C D B•riv steiaten Mo!utry NI .urice • Burk Maran ' Mud Mt ID - Boarh r I‘illarina McGee Patrick Boras Chace MeGulloek S L Bishop Helen \lMallery Garrick Beaumont Sarah • Murphy „I tures 840.1 T - Mclntyre S Blauveett Mary . Miles Noah Blackm in Franklin Miner Harriet A Carta Johii ' bides Nancy l'atlett Tip o rhy Nola., M Camp Idea o"H , ttly N 1 (:11,1,111r1`,N Clark Paltrier C 13 " Collin s C. C - Pattermin E Crown Wrn Pe . ,1n.“1 L S Cinsnor I..nprio n S Ai. yet. "•tepllell I: :ge it T 5:11 ,, h I c it. IVo, Sichler E Coot irgnarn Jo , n N Sim-I:land 1. (.o'i, l ' h., 1134 Suds Henry Crounv .. Patrick Wrl A D.:41:, 11113, M.F317, Geo Doh. ot John '.4cott NI Drat, M Scott 1 '1 Dicker Lime: W To) for .1 ' Dt•rn George Tennant E %.3 Dunnin g James B .. Thayer M. Eaton Gunton li 'Entry 'l' Fitzgerald C . Tellerly S Fisher NI A ThoMpson J L. - Frazier John 'Uptight Gco • Goodin g si ep t i p,„ F Vincent R Gilliis Edward Valleo Ann ' Grainger Roderick Wichizer W Citts ou W in %Nieman 'Flinmas T Goff Geo F . WoodrutlS H Berard F. XV Whitney .1 NI lion l.' E ' William. Geo Harlin Martin ' White Edward 2 Hince C Young E F HUTU/a Laura NV tuner G • Kingman Cassander Walky Geo A. S, CHAMBERLIN, P. T. - ... SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of beat Velvet. 44 Shired, Silk. and fig'd Velvet, Winter bonnets, f.r sale by C. REED. Attie:sr:led Special Court. AN adjourned Special Court will be held at the Court House in the baronet of Towimda,. in and for the county of Bradfurd, on Monday the 3d day of November next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, of said day for the trial of all causes certified to said court. Sy order of the Honorable William Jesup. president of out said court. AARON CH1.7131311CK, Prot• Prot's. Office, Towanda, Aug. 14 , ISO. PUBLIC SALE. MY virtue of an order of the Court of Common Pleas, / of Bradford County, will be sold on the 3d Toes day of Oct. next. being the 21st day of the month. at the !inure of Dr. Bliss in Leroy township. at 2 o'clock P. M.. the Collo • ing described real estate of John Al len to wit: A lot ot lend situate in Lenny taivitship. containing forty two acres ; -bounded on the west by lands of 'benison Morse"; on the south by lands ot Charles Barclay. on the east by Miller. and on the north by lands of Perlev Mom, subject io a Mortgage given to the Bank of North America, upon which there is due ten hundred and (Day dollars, Terms of sale— fifty dollars at the time of sale, and the residue in two equal annual payments. sAwi. V. EBBER. Ott. S. Committee of Jithn Allen, a Lunatic W IST OF LETTERS, remaining at the Post Of fiee in Monnieton, Sept. MI. Bowman Monteornery ihhnson A Bowman Emily Morton A Brim-rat 1. G Mather' 9 Brown W FI Merry E Cnrcren Mrs Piper W Coulbsuat M'A Potter J H Charles H Rodgers W Cumminini'e 2 :Varney C Dunran Mary L 2 Wiswidl tV While S G. P. MASON. P. M Gn=hill i. C Jacobus 1) C SPLENDID lot of Brush, Silk. Fur and sportine g'r• Hata. also Oil silk. velvet and fur raps, together Ith Muffs, and Buffalo robes, for sale cheap at EMI (NASH paid for W'HEAT.hv Ort. 8. ELUOTT ra , ASH paid fur BEEF HIDE°. by Ori. 8. ELLIOTT & MEREIM WIASH paid for FLAX SEED. by Oct. 8. ELLIOTT & MERCUR. ra ASH paid for Oata,by ,Oct. 8. ELLIOTT & NIERCI-E 11 BBI.'S of Butter and Soda CBACKEIN, for e.tle by C. NEED. 311EllIE _St& - 11 - etc,- thanks to former customs. it for their pstrollage, and solicit the some and the public generally. Mt shirk of Goods is complete and will LAI mild on the mint Literal term,.. Any quantity of LUMBER will he received in es nge lor Goods, and r first quo I;ty. cash will be paid. Produce of all descriptions will hr i.thun for Monroeton; Aug. 2 I. lAIS. D. ~ . -11.581.7.E1'. 20 fiCINTILS CODFISH. Eceiv ED THIS DAV. at No. 3. Also, Nlack s, erel, in hairdo and hall barrels. r+ei,t. 2. BAIRD & CO, _ . UMBRELLAS—a very large lot, for sale cheap, at sep 10. 0. 3, Brick Row. f 1.111; and Black. Ink to suit purchasers, in bob tles or otherwise for silk at the • CENTIZAI. URI C : sTORE. CASE-100 lbs, CINN A lot sale cheupei than it was ever said iu this amts. at sett. 10. 13 -111 t D'S. N 0.3. CA 1.1, in awl riee Ihn.r rpirn h I VENT/X.`:,c. CR A VA TS 4 G ale gone. at Nu. Row. 15311411NTS & OILS. Dye lae,,l a a l ,d e verr I rrer r.wck, jil4 rerel,e lat 13.11 t( fi A CHANCE FOlt PRINTERS A WASIIINGION HESS NALE: . 'HAVING enlarned the Reposer, the Prena which we have heretofore tea-d. ieodered liar sale, CHEAP FOR CASH. It to a %1, adtine.t"n pit. to. Imperial size, and on easier and b m r working pre, never was ptit up. It will be delivered at Owen°. El mira or Ralsinn. Addles' E. S. Goal - mica & soy-, Towanda, Pa Fashionable a , ailoring . GEOFWE H. BUNTING would respectfully in- form the public that he still continues at his old stand on the west side of Main street, between King,. bery's and Bartfeit's stores, up stairs, where he may be found in readiness m all work in his line in a ••tyle not to be surpassed in Bradford county. Prices to suit the times. Thankful for post favors, he respectfur solicits a continuance mud hopes by strict attention to lin sineps and accommodating terms to merit patronage. The Spring and Summer FASHIONS havejust been received, and he is prepared to make garments in the moat fahhi .nahle manner.. Particular attention paid to CUTTING,and warrant ed to fit if properly made up. He has the latest Spring end Summer Fashions for Fa le. Towanda. May 14. 1845. B. KINGSBERV Wayne County Ploughs, 4DOZ Wayne county ploughs, far tale at the Sa. vings Bank. Plough merchants sapplietl at manu facturers prices. and Fanners on the most reasonable terms. D. E. FLYNT d CO. Icy 30. No. .t Brick Bow. M'Allisters All Healing ointment. new supply of this popular triedieino.afsn a quantity _LI& of the SOLAR TINCTURE, PEI reesiegli by °ca. I. H. S. & M. C. MERCUR. NE W EMIL = CEM DISSOLUTION. TO TIE PIBLIC T l l- 4 1 17 0 . 0 0 HD ci ., ~...,. ......_ . • Mott kt creur, . , RE ISIOW RECEIVING. a very large' and very general arenortment of Full rind IV,titer. Goods. , i .. gli th e y olier to the pul.lic on liberal terms, fur cads, grain, or approved credit.. Their stock 'consists of 'almost everything that any one wishes to buy. And for the ben, et of those who 'wish to purchase userchandize of any kid& and want to know wherg to find it, they wdl enumerate a few of thoinany wicks thhy have for sale: - Ladies silk shawls and black tea-pots; Gents' satin aravdtb and ten-penny nails: 'Colored satire, bet latka boosts, and Glazed hater for men ; Knitting pine and crow-pars; Carpet tacks and vest patters; Broad Axes and alpnecas; NE delaines atm] wagon bozos; ' Printed blueteas and young hynors tea ; Umbrellas and Gessolnpea; . Pocket knives and lost sugar ; ' Molasses anal coarse loons ; Ladies' cot. hose and skirl corn hors; Lmlies' night taps. for .is etrtil4. and Men's seetlette caps for VS'j gouts; Lailieo' linen Miters for one sbellneg. and Plenty of English and Swede* non, all sizes; India rubber cloth tor carnage culeera and Bcautitul figured alpaccao for ladies cloaks; Ladies' boas and inuffo, and lampblack; Leghorn bonnets and stone jugs; . Blank and blue ink and spirits turpentine; hemp oil and Unhinge water ; Sweet nil and Sareaparliti syrup: Bina vitriol end best Java and Rio coffee; \Wafers and buck shot; Ineb Miele ink and pure dry and ground white lead; Looking glasses and cut Ilinnilers ; Tea kettles and black silk stockings; Candle wicking, steel teed cords; Cost Buttons and writing paper; Shell scale conches and cordon: skirts ; Bonnet riblmns and cavenelish tobacco; Plough points and cap ribbons; Ladies' dress Werra and store tubes; Assorted Needles. and best Nutria hats; Steel pens and shovel plough patterns; Plated lenh.bmiels and silk scarfs for ladies; Colton Yuan and wile seive3; Awl blades and pine. asooreed si7es; Ladies'lld slippero and nail hammers; Willow baskets and gtmp condo: Men and boys' cloth caps and plane 4005; KIIIVrS and lurks libel ark rope; Cast steel steel steel - 11one( les ; Brass kettle's and brass thimbles; Beaver cloth and cotton batting ; Pepper boxes and shoe . knives ; Bonnet hoards need slate pencils; ' Carpet binding and inkstands; Coach lace and harrlsaws; Raisins ad saw•en.ll saws; Se-klutz poweler• and trying squares; IZubber overslloe , .. and 41 inch aidl.l.-8 ; Sleigh hells and steelyards; Cassieneles and ivory comb.; Gridirons anal welting cord ; - P. bile bone and patent 05W Sells; ' Suspenders and patent door butts; Ti rmer ' s c hi se l ; a nd laces for ladies' caps; Pongee handkerchiefs and hair brushes; Misses and women's H. cot .gloves & hair brushes; Cocoanut dippers and teeth brushes; Colored cambric and door handles ; Augur bins and children shoes: V• oaten allawk and won caps; Black tea and patent wltcelliends; Moro - were belts and tea servers; Saddler's silk and mouse traps Bounet wire and stone churns; Plaid lioseys and sash pulleys; Patent blind fastening.' and butts, (a new article); Spoke shaves and d oor noe l s; 131. t, !a snuff and madder ; Brietannia larn:ao and shoe strings: Whe. noel lel.oilk gloves and gun flints; Sate net of all kinds and gunpowder; Horse raoll and satin vesting; . Celery conchs and fur caps ; Hair conchs and sash fastenings; (I:nos dishes and word cools; Corset I ecero on.] trace chains; Taw nods. Septendlor 111, I 545. lIIAVI Omni:3 FOR THE LAMES, emnnz winch are Cashmeres. Mousse D e Laine. plaid aril silk work Alpacca, plaid Clinking, Girdles and Trimmings, to correspond, &c. srp.:l. B. KINGSBERY. - 4 .,J 2.1. Ls Taken .41' P.... 11 for oil hinds of Goods .Iniv I. u 1;. & MERCL . R. • - 1111iN.ESS AND CARRIAGE fL TZGE and general :i-aortinent of the above' ar /tide*. eorniaraing anniad everything uses by 11 or le-Ns and Carriage aliCll3. hlt . ll oill be sold hover than lie ',AIM' pad ity of I- have ever Leen offered at t./,‘ end or 1:11111rit. just rr,earul lv seiL H. S. & M. C. IIIENC IL . . _ p l i nkgrketti l A 4 LS, i N n. i at 1.13:a LE : \ I lILL, also LIT- AmiikitcjilD Leatht r and Calf Skins, at MERCUICS. CLOTIis —Fancy and plumCa.-iwereq, sannett4 tweeds. Kentucky pan,. plaid erupt; linings, .Sc.c 11 great lanety, and stly cheap, can he found at IME . NSHNIERE-' 4 , Reps Del,aineg. a cre4t ‘arie and beautiful iiatterne. at E MA; A I.PACCA , -I.llack and Fancy a large Alk_ wont, for vale at ERC;lilrS. An I m Pz, , CURDS, Fringes. and fancy velvet Rat. NUR' bons at MERCUin". MPIJ n'S & SIIO ES—A very large stock of every kind anti size, at lower prices than ever, will he toned at ERCL:It'. -SHEItIFF'S SALE:. By virtue of is writ of Vend. Expo.. issued from the Court of common pleas of Bradford County, and to me directed. I shall es po.e to public sale at the house of Vt, ni. Bri g gs, in the borough of Towanda, on Tlturs lay,,the d:•3r of October nest, at one o'clock. P. \l. the loliottisi 4 deortilied piece or }duce' sit land in .mods t n .. isisnoled north and east by the antis road, and saints beloogitef, 10 the Feu; of Attial ri‘ster.dce'd. and on the south a n d weal by lam , . belonging to the estate of Noel Foxier, dec'd. Containing five acres, inose or lt:;si, all Improved, with 3 1550 story frame Louse, frame barn, grist mill and saw mill, build ings erected for viotllioz, tolub; mac:lines and tail ler'A 110114, a: Willi aVai lely of t's nit Iffy,. thereongrow ing. with all the rigt,ht arol pri-tleges of mill slant and rat, HMI All sillier pro,ilege.. thelet.,appertalmog„ ALSO—One other piece Of parcel el 1.3r1d situate in acrd Lowl,thip, hounded north by Lands of the estate of Aloel Foster, dee'd., ou t.,e tio-queltation liver, Oa the east by the 'usipteliarsim river, "it the south by lands of Jc-se ondrulf, nn the west by the main road, and lands of J. C. Powell. Containing tweuty-fict, scree, more or test, all unproved.—One other piece or parcel of land in said township. hounded on the north lands of J os eph C. Powell. on the south by Lands of Thos. Elliott and on the earl by the public highway. Containing 40 acres, more or lest. all improved, with a smell framed barn thereon erected. nutrZtl Al,o—The nrolividetl half of one other piece nr par cel of Land situate in sou) township. handed north by Lands of Fo.ters. on the west by llsvid Rutty. on the boillb by Land. of Ezra Rutty. and east by Lands of na. Kelly. COntam'utg ninety-fivo aerea, be the L i mo more or Iran. Seized and taken in ezerution at the suit of the Pre. Fidvin, Director% and Comrluy of the Bank or the Uni ted St.tea, now to the u.e of John Knowles, vs. Isaac Myer. J. Z'i. .14"EF.4TON, Sheriff. Siterirs Office, Towanda, Sept. 24,1845. Estate of Oliver Arnold. Deceased. NOTICE ishereby given to the Heirs of the (erten. of Oliver Arnold. deed., late of Smithfield town strip. that s distribution of the proceeds *Void estate will be made on the sth of November next. antllhose having an interest therein, ere required to appear and take their shares. B THIMO., Executor. Smithfield, September 21, 1845. Important to the Citizens of Bradford County! 0 0 4 a Once more at the Head of the Heap ! s usuAL, the first arrival of new aoothi for the Al season, are this slay opening at BAIRIM, No. 3 Brick Row, where we invite every body, men, women and children to call and examine our splendid assort -merit. We owe an apology to our friends for the crowded and jammed up state of things which has existed for several months past it No. ii, but the public are aware that such resailia must necessarily arise from the fact that we have generally hod the largest and best assort inem of goods in Towanda, and it having been ascer tained to a certainty, and generally understood-that the place to hoe cheap is at Baud'r, No. 3. In order,how ever, to obviate same of the difficulties, we hasp just completed a large and commodious storehouse in the rear of the brielt block, where many of our heavy goods will be removed, and we hope now to he able toluake room for our many friends, and enable them to do busi ness in our store wi:11 comfort and despatch. We also hive the - pleasure of announcing that we have Henry Snenien & Co.' . fairly tloorcil"—theiropi.,- rvtions intended to injure us fall harmless at our feet, and our arrarrimments are now complete for keeping al ways on hand a splendid as..ortnicnt. It is impoible to enumerate all the articles, for they are so nutneraus and the assortment so general, that it would require at least ten acres square of foolscap. We cannot refrain, however, from informing the fair ladies of Bradford that we have fur fail 'and winter dresses. a large assortment of plain black, figured and colored ALPACAS, mouslin and rep de !eines, French cash meres, (new styles) Affhans, bombazines. winter ging hams, Scotch and American. .411 kinds of dress and Dress and Cloak trimmings, fringes, gimps, cords and tasseis, laces, edgings, Victoria skirts, &c. Men, Young and Married, We are opening blue, black, brown and green broad cloths; fancy and plain cassimercs and aattinete; the nicest lot of Westin.% ever Iderml in Towanda. &c. GROCERIES. A few inortetens of those cheap Sugars and Teas, and other articles iit that line of besincss. Retail Gro cers can be supplied with NGTS;TRurrs,&c.,eheap er than they ran buy in Owego co , Hardware. Crockery. Fish. 4'c. without end. As we hammed you above, it is useless 12=2 In closing this advertisement. we need not say to our friends," don't forget 11t place." for every body knows where to find BAWD'S CHEAP STORE, right in the centre of the new brick block. We know that to insure a continuation of your very liberal patronage we have only to continue our very low prices, and to keep, as we have done, the best of goods. NV° intend to do that. and have no fears bat you will call and see us, not withstanding any pokerish stories that have been, or may be told you by some of our neighbors. One thing you will always find at No. 3, that we always se:l goods which we hare, as cheap as there we hare rind. - . INNI. H. BAIRD & CO. Townndm. 5,111.-I*. 1845. nn :t. Brie* Row Flt 7 T. _V ti 7'S . WINGLIS:II WALNUTS. Brazil nuts, filberts, al it:A mends, pea nuts, figs and mauls for sale cheap at Sept. 2. BAiRD'S. SRI) ARE & CUTLERS, Carpenter's and Joiner's tools, strap laihges, rope of all sites. for sale cheap at Clocks Zy Watches : WE have a sure cure for thrbe kinds of animals— no pey--call at the MIE Rut' & 1,0111.4 S of all arias, trom scat line to a cable Tope, at -a BAIRD'S. N 0.3. FINE - CUT - 6AVEV4.IISII TOBACCO.. flew article. lot sal< BAU'D'!-77. • LA .—A Jo 1 ;1 , 11 l'cas.,ante . 0 pi, C 8 uni 14 11,11, twu .111o:04S La al VL:1117-11% crn a, t MATCHES—by the gruss or otherwise. to suit customers, at Xt. 3, Brick Row. If a a roue Clothes Clean! IN ORDER t do thi; v.ith con and innchase it a few a :Sal. Sso,s the aep. 17. CENTRAL DRUG STORE. n s' ZJ USTICES' BUILIMS, a full assortment just taj printed and for male at this ofilee. aug2o. GENTLEmEN ! Yon that want your beards tak en off smooth and IN ith ease, will do well to use Lintlmatles Shaving Cream or Beach's Shaving Soap. For sale at the CENTRAL DREG STORE. litA ROW Alt E.— he largest a ss o r tm e m and greatest variety evil. oared in Bradford county, List received at CENTRAL DRUG STORE. THIS DAY RECEIVING. at the Central Point, a few doors south of Montanye's Cash Siure, reel from New York. a fresh supply of DR ('CS AND MEDICINES, which will positively he sold at city cost and charges. Physicians of this and other coun ties, will do well to call and ecutnine the qualities and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we sre determin ed to make it your interest to purchase of us (consult ing the interests of your patients, notwithstanding). Our assortment consists in part of the following: Syringes, assorted Sugar Lead Quassia I'llospliate iron Carbonate do . Paregoric Laudanum Lunar caustic u c vutuica usk Blue mass Nit silver Quieh,ilver I p. ca. Tart. Antimony lodine lodid. pause Bed precipitate White do Strychuia MERC'ER'S Kreosote Pula. Jalap Ext. do do Colocynth do Gentiut do Cicuta do -Hyoseiannue do Taraxicurn Manna . Marsh rosemary Squills Chamrnonile flowers; Liorsx, refined. Rhubarb pulv Io root A:row root Hellebore'nirT `tulph. mOrphino do Quimno Eng. Calomel Valerian root Srnrca do Serpentsria do Gent!an do Colombo do tnk do Liquorice do Extract du Seoul, leaves Gum Myrrh, No. 1 do Guainci do Aloes do Grunhogo do Foetid do Camphor do Opium Prepared chalk Rochelle salts Epsom do Glsuhcr do Flour ,ulplarr tit. bfflZofil them irrek lice Crot &limn • Prinvirs begin to grumble already, or we would stilt condo Jo to enumerate; but all we say ie, come end sr& fat y ourselves.. Many thanks to a gsnatons public for past, favors, hoping for a continuance of the game. A.D. MONTAN - YE. Dttxsot . Towanda, September 10, 1845. YET .✓3 SMOKING NT IS-A FACT; acknanlcOpil by all, that tha•hrs\ g MARS is town, ire,trf M• had at tha ser.lT. CF:iTh rq'ti 'rC'Rs. B AIRD'S CENTRAL DRUG STORE 26 . u . 3, Brlck'lius Muco Juniper berries Aqua ammonia Carb. do Nit. Eth'er Brimstone Blue vitriol White do Bayberry bark Essential oils, of all kinds Corn. and white glue ltpetru Copperas Sob,tion of T i n Antos seed - shellac gum Venice Inrnentino Bz.laom Fir -4 , do Honey do Unparva do Tolu Barbadoes Tar U , l do Ba.rgundy Pitch _ 13,iicivan's drops Larnoti's do Chloride of limo Cubeba Coe. Indigos Tartaric Acid Citric do rholic do Truss. do • Nitric, ?i'iph do itturistic. do Car. maencsia do soda Calcined magnesia Cantharides Corrosive, 30)1in:tato Cochineal Sluing 46t, Thumb lancets Lanett cases, &c.. &c.