Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 08, 1845, Image 3

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    Bradford County Democratic Meeting.
Pursuant to pnblie notice, a large Democratic
m eeting convened at the publlic Hall of A. .1.
Gerould, in East Smithfield, on Monday the
29th of September inst. The meeting was
called to order at 3 o'clock P. M. Maj. LU
MAN KELLOGG was chosen Prisident of
the meeting, and Chauncey Guthrie, James
Philleps, Abiram Pierce, Christopher Child,4
Col. Theodore Wilder, Sterrv.Durfey, Leon
ard pierce and Abram Jones Vice Presidents.
Col. %V. E. Barton, T. - M. Beach and Co).
David Farnsworth, Secretaries of the meeting.
On motion, the President of . the meeting ap
pointed the following named gentlemen a Com
mittee on Resolutionis, viz ; Col. Seth . Salisb
ury, %V. F. Kellogg, Maj. Ira C. Bullock, Capt.
E. D., Titus, A. A. Jones, J. E. Mitchell.
Stephen Craine, Maj. Enos Cala. Doctor
David Hill, Capt. J. L. Gerould, E. Allen,
Nelson R. Calvin, A. J.' Gerould, C. E.
Pierce, Capt. Geo. R. M'Vannan, Jostaka
K i ng. Ira Adams, Joethan Hall, Edmund
Fairman. Leonard H. fierce, and George
The committee reported through their chair
man, Col. Salisbury, the following resolutions.,
which were unanimously adopted by the
‘VIIEREAS, " The Constitution of the Uni
iriStates is the first instance of a government
deliberately formed by the people, for whose
benefit it was intended." Our hopes of main-
Lamina this free system of Government unim
paired', and transmitting its blessings to pos
terity, rest upon the intelligence and moral vir
tue of the people, themselves.
Does Pederalisna ask for our political creed ?
ft will be found in the Declaration of Ameri
can Independence." In this great charter of
human freedom, is set forth in letters of living
light the divine right of man to be free.
Resolved, That the election of JAMES K.
Pali to the Presidency, is a National triumph
of reason, virtue and truth ; a solemn reversal
by the people of the whole Union—of a de
cision that had lowered their moral and intel
lectual standard in the estimation of the world.
S uc h a victory to the Republican Banner,
achieved through the bollot box, cannot fail to
hares grateful and permanent influence upon
the onward progress of the great doctrines of
democratic truth.
Who, then, we ask, in a spirit of earnest
ness, that is a democrat at heart, who cherishes
a deep veneration for the character of our glo
rious free institutions—who that is.a democrat,
because he understands the true principles that
he professes, will now refuse to co-operate in
good faith with the democratic party. in giving
a cordial and effective support to the regular
'nominations promulgated through County and
State Conventions.
Resolved, That we are justly proud of the
elevation cf an eminent citizen of our own
great State to the second office in the gift of
the American people. GEORGE M. DALLAS
has sustained with unshaken firmness the doc
trines and measures of democratic party of
Pennsylvania and the Union through good and
evil report. We recognize in him an able
Statesman, an inflexible patriot, and a true
Resolved, That JAMES BUCHANAN is well
entitled to the exalted reputation that he enjoys
as a Democrat, a Statesman, and patriot. The
acknowledged ability and fidelity with which
he his discharged all the public duties com
mitted to his care, give him high claims upon
the confidence, respect, and consideration of the
democratic party. 2
Resolved, That our confidence in GOVERNOR
SHUNK, the purity of his character, his sound
Republicanism, and fidelity to the honor and
welfare of his native State, is undiminished,
and that in his exertions to maintain the De
mocratic party and its principles in the ascen
dent, we will yield him an unwavering and
sincere support.
Resoled, That the united vote of the de
mocratic members of the Legislature in the
re-election olihe lion. DANIEL STURGEON 10
the U. S: Senate, is the strongest. evidence of
his merits and popularity with ' the Democratic
party of Pennsylvania. His long experience,
in public life, and devotion to the ded.ocratic
cause, will enable hint to render important ser
vice to the people of "'Keystone State " in-the
Senate of the United States.
Resolved, That Col. JAMES R. SNOWDEN,
State Tteasurer, has discharged the high duties
of his station with Sigrial ability and faithful
ness ; and, that Pennsylvania is now placed
on a permanent basis in her financial concerns
at home and abroad. The people of this great
Commonwealth will maintain the public faith
unsullied " under any and all emergencies.
Resolved, That JAMES BURNS, Esq., shall
receive our most Cordial support for the office
of Canal Commissioner, because he is the
nominee of the democracy of the State, and.
because we have confidence in his ability, in
tegrity, and sound democracy.
Resolved, That the Hon. DAVID WILMOT,
member of Congress from this District, merits
oar increased confidence and respect—his high
integrity of Character. acknowledged talent, and
sound' democracy, his eloquent and effective
advocacy otethe Indupendent Treasury law,"
fits sincere and devoted Championship in the
cause of popular rights, have endeared him to
the Republicans of this Congressional district;
and we look forward to a brilliant career of
usefulness for him in the Congress of the
Timed States.
Ptesaled, That the Hon. DANIEL L. SHER
WOOD, our able and true Senator in the Legis
lauire of Pennsylvania, merits our highest con
fidence and respect. Bradford county has
always found in him an efficient and influen
tial Senator ; and,, we shall remember his ser
vices with plea Sure and gratitude.
Resolved, That we look forward to the Ad
ministration of President Poll: with inspiring
confidence. When in Congress he was the
right arm of the Jackson Admistration, and
his Inaugural address the guarantee that he
will, by every Constitutional means, elevate
the condition of the toiling millions." A
National Government with sufficient power
(or National purposes, without impairing the
Just rights of the States or those of individuals.
This is the true doctrine of the Democratic
party - ,of the Nation, North and South; and
hence in the patriotic language of George M.
Dallas --" The people of America can never
again incur the risk of a National 'Bank.
Resolved, That in the estimation of the tle
nnocricy of Bradford conntY, the " Indepen
\tient Treasury law," as passed under the ad
ministration of President Van Buren, is a
National measure of high import, (one of the
Principle measures passed upon in the election .
Of necessary to the independence of
the people, to the.purity of our free institutions
and safe keeping of the public money.
(Resolved, That we can never cease to re
member with grateful sensibility the illustrious
services of Martin Van Buren to the people of
the United States.. His eminent Statesman
ship, his exalted patriotism and purity of pur
pose in suporting the great principles of Con
stitution'al liberty-all these things, and more
too, have secured for Mr. Van Buren the abid
ing good will of the Democratic party of Peim
sylvania and the Union. -
Resolved, That the State elections now
pending in the Keystone State, is momentous
in all its bearings—the policy, the public mea
sures of the two great political parties are
fully at issue, and again to be tested by the
votes of the people, calmly and dispassionately
given at the ballot box. We rejoice to be able
in assure the Democracy- of the State, that
Bradford county will gallantly and victorious
ly emerge from the conflict,. will nobly
re-assert the doctrines and measures of 1844,
by' a triumphant election of their entire demo
cratic ticket.
Resolved, By the , democracy of Bradford
county, now convened, that we most earnestly
recitu r mend to our democratic fellow-citizens
thr ghout the State. to be 'united and energet
ic in support of the measures and the candi
dates of the democratic party.
Resolved, That the "BRADFORD REPORTER"
is fully entitled to the confidence of the demo
cratic party—is an able and faithful Democratic
Journal ; and as such, shall receive our cordial
and united support.
The following resolutions were offered to
the meeting by Truman M. Beach, Esq., and
unianimously adopted.
Resolved, That the democratic party of
Bradford county, acknowledge gratefully the
honor conferred in he selection by the Legis.
lature of the State, of one of her citizens to
fill the important and responsible public trust
of State Librarian ; and the ability and con
stancy with which our friend and fellow-citi
zen Col. SALISBURY, has sustained the demo
cratic party and its principles, well entitles him
to, what he so fully enjoys, the confidence and
respect of the democratic party ; and, that we
fully approve his patriotic exertions to main
tain union and harmony in the Democratic
Resolved, That the President of this meet
ing appoint a committee of five to procure the
publication of a letter from the Hon. ROBERT
DALE OWEN, to Col. S. Salisbury, in which
letter is set forth the facts in detail, that Col.
R. M. JOHNSON was the slayer of Te
cumseh" in the battle of the Thames; a fact
that has been recently denied by the Whig
press in the United States. The President
appointed T. M3Beach, C. Guthrie, William
Elwell, Col. V. E. Piollet, and J. L. Webb.
to procure the publication of Owen's letter.
Resolved, That the proceedings of this
meeting by 'signed by the officers and publish
ed in . the Bradford Reporter, and other demo
cratic papers in the State, and that copies of
these proceedings be forwarded by the Presi
dent of the meeting. to the President and Vice
President of the United States, to Mr. Buchan
an and Governor Shunk ; also, to Martin Tan
Buren and Richard M. Johnson.
Mr. Wilmot addressed the meeting in a
speech of great power and eloquence, review
ing with ability the measures that were involv
ed in the national struggle of 1844—that the
Democracy of Pennsylvania were now called
upon to re-assert these great political truths—
exhorted in' the most impressive terms to un
ion and harmony—he spoke at length upon the
Independent Treasury law ;" his argument in
favor of this great Measure was an able effort,
and received with high applause. Col. Piollet
followed Mr. Wilmot, at length, and was lis
tened to with attention and interest. Col.
P. acquitted himself in a manner highly credi
table, and most satisfactory to the political
party of which he is a candidate for the Legis
lature. The most perfect union and harmony
animates our party, and of its triumphant suc
cess in Bradford county on the second Tues
day of October, there is no doubt.
[Signed by the Officers.]
why Di:. Smith's Vegetable Pills are now preferred to
other medicines which have been so much longer before
the public. The reasons are, plainly, that they give
more g - Mieral satisfaction, and are incomparably more
pleasant, being coated with sugar; and as they never
griptisr nauseate, it is no wonder that those who use
therAo recommend them beyond anyother Pills. They
cleanse and purify the blood, aid and improvedigestion,
mire Head-ache, Dyspepsia, and Bilious Complaints, in
a manner so easy, that the patient isscarcely conscious of
having taken medicine at aIL Made by an educated
Physician, they do not come wider the head of " quack
Dealers furnished at the New York College of Health,
179 aTeenatich Street, New York. And sold by E.
H. WA.'s-, A. S. CLIA3IBERLIN, Towanda ; HRY'ST
Orwell ions PASSMOILE, Rome; J. E. Boo:
iocc, Pike,
(0" CAUTION.—As a miserable imitation has been
made the name of" Sugar Coated Pills," it is necersa
ry to tic sure that Dr. G. BEYJ ' N. S*rru ' s signature is
on every box. Price 25 cents.
lif IST OF LETTERS, remaining at the Porst.Of
KII rice in Towanda, ending Sept. 3u. 1845.
Abraham W C Kelly Wm
Beaden George Gadd C D
Bois Stephen Molany Maurice
Burk Martin Mitchell J D
Bovder William . McGee Petrick
Banns Chancy McCullock S L
Bishop Helen M Mallery Garrick
Beauthont Sarah Murphy James
Balk'''. J T Mclntyre 8
Blau4elt Mary Miles Noah
Blackinan Franklin Minier Harriet A
Cenci John Nobles Nancy
Corlett Timothy Nobles M
Camp Cilva . ' 011ealy M
Cummings Clark Palmer C B
Collins C C - Patterson E
Crown Win - Pelson L S
Cinsiinr Lsriptinn Sawyer Stephen
Case f 3 T Smith 1
ColeiWm Sickler E
Conyngham John N Strickland L
Cotter Thomas, Scott Henry
Coveny Patrick Slaid A
DuboYs Hiram Spering Geo
Dohetty John Scott M
Drake M ' Scott J M
Dicker Jamis W Taylor J M .
Dixon George Tennant E
Diittning James R Thayer M
Eaton Gtirdon H Torry T
Pitzgirald C , ' ;- Telledy S
Fisher M A Thompson J L
Frazer John Upright Gen
Gooding Stephen F Vineerit R
Gilli , * Edward Vallely Ann
Grairiger Roderick Wiekizer W
Gibadn Wm Wierman Thomas T
Goff:Geo F Woodruff S B
_ .. . .
Hazard E W Whitney 3 M
Howley E Williams Geo
Horrin Martin White Edward 2
RitICO C Young E F
Hortdn Laura Wainer G
ifinonan Cauander Wolky Geo
gth silk, and ball Velvet, Winter bonnets,
for stile by C. REED.
IffltY virtue of an order of the Court of Common Pleas,
At of Bradford County, will be sold on the 9d Tues
day of Oct. nett, being thellst day .of the month, at
the house of Dr. Bliss in Leroy township, at 2 o'clock
P. M., the following descnbal teal estate of John Al
len to wit: A lot of land situate in' Leroy township.
containing forty two acres bounded on the west by
lands of Sullivan Morse ; on the south by lands of
Charles Barclay, on the east „by Miller, and on the
north by lands of Perley Morse, subject to a Mortgage
given to the Bank of North Arnerica,upon which there
is due ten hundred and forty dollars, 'fermi of sale—
fifty dollars at the time of sale, and the residue in two
equal annual payments. BAWL WEBBER.
Oct. B. Coinmittee of John Allen, a Lunatic.
LIST OF LETTERS, remaining at the Post Of
fice in Monroeton, Sept. 30.
Bowman Montgomery Johnson A
Bowman Emily Morton A B
Bancroft L 0 Mothers S
Brown W H Mercy E
Corcren Mrs Piper W
Coolbaugh M A Potter J H
Charles H ROdgers W
Cummings C 2 Varney C
Duncan Mary L 2 Wiswell W
Gaskill L C White S
Jacobus D C G. F. MAS(yN, P. M.
A SPLENDID lot of Brush, Silk,For and Sporting
eat Hats, also Oil sitk i lvelvet and fur caps, together
with Muffs, and Buffalo robes, for sale cheap at
- Oct. 8. REED'S
(MAKI paid for WHEAT, by
‘,V) Oct. 8. ELLIOTT 4. MERCUR.
(MASH paid for BEEF HIDES, by
(MASH paid for FLAX SEED. by
r m . A S paid for Oats, by
11 BBL'S of Butter and Soda CRACKERS, for
sale by C. REED.
311E-ICANCISC OIL; 1113111:111LM,
And all kinds of GRAIN, wanted at this office on are!
ELU3I.EiMIT woucayumuako,
Canal Commissioner—Wm. Larimer, jr., of Pittsburg.
Representatives--B. H. Stevens, of Burlington.
George F. Horton, of Asylum.
Commissioner—Giles M. DeVirolf, of Pike.
Auditor—Albert G. Camp, of Herrick.
Sheriff—John Keeler, of Wyaluaing.
Prothonotary—Washington Ingham, of Asylum.
Register & Recorder—Nelson R. Atwood, of Wyalming.
Treasurer—Abner C. Hinman, of Wpm.
Coroner—John Boles, of Pike. oct. Ile
7031 as>6.L
UParcHELER & COREL beg leave to inform the
inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity, that they
have just commenced the Tailoring Business, up stairs,
No. 4. Brick Row, where they are prepared to execute
all work entrusted to them with care neatness and des
patch, and in the most fashionable manner. Having
just received the New York and Philadelphia fashions,
and with their long experience in the business, they nat
ter themselves that their work will be made in a manner
and style equal to any other establishment in the place.
Terms made to correspond with the times.
CUTTING done on the shortest notice.
Tl' All kinds of country produce received in payment
for work at market prices. October 1, 1845.
2cantaa,a aelan _l5 aa - maulD
Over Montanye's More, next door to Mercur's law office,
at the old stand of Powell & Seaman. [oc I
J. E. Canfield, Attorneratlaw,
&T§M.ILTSM 9 1P.E.09
WILL attend to all, kinds of business intrusted to
his care, with promptness. and despatch. Of
fice in the Tm and titove Store building—up stairs. [ol.
Administrator's Notice.
A LL. persons indebted to the estate of ACHATUS
VOUGHT, late of Rome' township, deceased.
are requested to maim immediate payment, acid all
those having demands against the same are requested
to present them, legally attested for settlement.
. _
T. WRIGHT, Administrator,
Rome, Oct. 1, 1845. With will annexed
A QUANITY OF LUMBER will he sold for cash
1,11. by private sale at the residence of the late Patrick
Cummings. Also, a very valuable two-horse farm WA
GON, but a short time in use—it cost about $BO, and
will be sold for $45, on approverl,security at 6 months
credit. A set of double HARNESS, with chains and
whippletrees, for $12.--an excellent BOAT, for ss—
be disposed of on a credit.
There are sevellal tons of superior HAY, and a quan
tity of Oats, which will also be sold for cash, where the
value is offered.
Apply to Franklin Blackman, Eeti., or to the eubscri
Towanda, October - 1. 1845
N. B. A FARM, now or lately occupied by Stephen
Cummings, will he let—with the saw-mill. It is situat
ed about 7 miles from Towanda—a number of logs on
the place will he disposed of at a fair value.
Great Bargains at the
I 11. & 11. S. PMNIVEY tender their thanks
to the public for the past summer's patronage. and
would solicit a continuance of the same. We wouldsay
to the public, we are just receiving one of the largest and
best selected stock of GOODS ever offered in this place.
The stock consists in part of
Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Dry Good,, Paints,
Oils, Glassware, Fish, Leather, Salt,
in fact everything usually kept in a country store, all of
which they will exchange for Lumber, cash or most kind
of country produce, on no reasonable terms as goods can
be bought in Bradford county, for the same kind of pay,
Towanda not excepted.
\Vented, 856,000 SHINGLES ; 500,000 white pine
Boards ; 40,000 Cherry and white stuff. Cash paid for
panel and first rate Shingles. Cash paid for Furs.
Monroeton, October l, 1845.
Tie Last and Most Important Arrival Yet at the
No. 2, Brick Row.
41 - I,REAT BARGAINS are now offered the people
111,1111 - of Bradford county, by the subscriber, who is now
receiving and opening one of the largest and best select
ed assortment of goods ever brought into the village of
Towanda. His stock of goods has been selected with
great care expressly for this market, and as prices of the
old credit system are necessarily high, he offers great in
ducements to all who may have cash or produce to ex
change for goods. His stock consists in an assortment of
DRY GOODS, such as broadcloths, cessimeres, and
vesting% satinetts, sheep's gray, hard times, linsey wool
seys, a splendid assortment of Winter Shawls, ladies'
cravats, gloves, hosiery, suspenders, and ten thousand ar
ticles, too numerous to meetion.
Such as sugar, tea, coffee, molasses, spices, lamp and lin
seed oil, a full supply of Liquors, such as Champagne,
Cognise and American Brandy, Holland Gin, Old Mo.
nongebala whiskey, Port, Mailed% and Malaga Wine.
Ateo--Ciockery, Hardware. Nails. Glase,lron, Leath
er, Boots & Shoes, Buffalo Robes, Hats &Caps, Drugs
& Dye Stuffs, &c. &c.
All persons wishing to purchase goods are respectfully
invited to give the subscriber a call, and examine his
goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere.
' Oct. 1, 1845
N E s W ta rt d of Drags, W
Groceries h l a ed ve ici j n u c e s, ha n ds.
i t,
f ile
New York, and will be sold very low—call at No. I
Brick Row. Terms cub. A. 8. CHAMBERLIN.
Oct. 1, 1845. '
1111111sters AU nettling Ointment.
ALnew supply of th is popular medicirte,also • quantity
Of the Erman Tncrinis, just received. by
Oct. 1. H. B. & M. C. MURCUR.
Y virtue of iiindry writs of Venditicirif Exponas,
II issued from the courtof connnolt Plea' , of Brad'
county, to me directed, I eh? eiPosa "to Public
at the house of WM. BRIGG the borough of
wands, on Wednesday r the 224 ay f ,Ocbabei 1645,
Iwo o'clock P. M., the equal and undivided half of
• following described piece or parcel of laud situate in
Illa township, Bradford county. bounded on the north
lands of Alex. Roy and George H.Shepanl, east by
public highway and Andrew Austinorouth by John
I vey and James Kelley and west by land in posses-
I n of Ott Smith. Containing 108 acres, with about
acres improved, together with a saw.mill, two fra
-d dwelling houses, one framed barn and one log
In thereon.
(ALSO—One fourth of the . following described lot or
of land situate in said township of Wella, county
id. bounded on the north by land of John Strong
Wbitington Sayre. east by land of Silas Jones,
well 4. Grinnell, south by land of Alex. Seely and
I. ea A. Wilson and Daniel Strong. and west by land
John Browndll and Wtn. 11." French. Containing
I 280 acres.
ALSO—One half of the following described piece of
. containing 1431 ] acres, bounded on the north by
"1 John B. Strong, east by land known as the John•
. tract, south by lands of Stowell & Grinnell and west
land of Alex. Seely, Stowell & Grinnell, and Geo.
. Shepard.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Evans
i Wilcox to the use of J. Lane vs. Elijah Stowell.
ALSO—The following lot of lnnd situate in Canton
.arnship and bounded on the west by John House, on
.le north by Webster and Cross, on the east by un
ted lands, on the south by John-McWilliams. Con
ining fifty acres with about eleven acres improved
ith a log house thereon.
I Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Nathan
i. Case vs. Augustus Cross.
ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of
1 u
1 d situate in the village of Athens, hounded on the
n rth by. a street leading from Mein street to the Swi
g ehanna River, on the east by land of Cornelius Harsh,
R th by land of Edward Melton, and on the west by
ain Street, Coursing one fourth of an acre or therea
b uts, with one framed building occupied as a dwelling
a ti wagon makers shdp thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Horace
Williston Jr. now assigned to J.C. Adams vs. David
r,mo —The following piece or parcel of land situate
in Ulster township, bounded north by Platt Smith, east
by the Susquehanna river, south by lands of A. 13.
Shaw deed, and west by lands now in the possession of
Frank Murry and Samuel Duff. Containing t 25 acres
more or less about 100 improved with one dwelling
house one barn and orchard thereon.
ALSO—One other tract of land in said Ulster town
ship and bounded north by Platt Smith, west by A. Pat
ridge, east by lands of L. Smith, and south by S. H uff.
Containing 100 acres more or less with about 30 acres
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ofieduthan
Simons vs. Lockwood Smith.
ALSO—The following described piece or pnrcel of
land situate in Wya!using township, hounded on the
north by land of David Beardsley and Philemon Stone,
east by lands of Jonas Ingham. south by lands Jf John
Elliott, on the west by lands of E. Lewis, Elijah Camp
and John Camp. Containing 220 or thereabouts, about
30 acres thereof improved with 4 framed dwelling hou
ses, two framed barns one saw mill; one woolen factory
and a large apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Benja
min Sayer vs. Jonas Ingham.
ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of
land situate in' Wpm: township and bounded on the
north by landi of Kilmer & Spencer, east by land of
Piollet, west'by lands of Dan'l %flier and Jas. Smith.
Containing about 80 acres more or Ins, with about five
acres thereof improved with a dwelling house thereon
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Elijah C
Spencer to the use of S. Owen vs. James Smith and .1
Smith Jr.
ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of
land situate in Smithfield tp. Bradford co. boundivi on
the north, south. cast and west by !And of Aaron C.
Scott. Containing about three hundred acres be the
same more or less, about two acres thereof improved. to
gether with the water power and mill privirege thereon
to belonging with:the remains of a burnt saw-mill thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of I. Gites
vi. James Chibon.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate
in the township of Springhill. beginning at a hemlock,
corner of land sold by Meredith to Edmund Cogswell.
on the division line of James and William Porter,
thence south nibeteen perches to the corner of the tract
the same course on the line between the tracts 74 and
1-10 perches to a beach, thence west 54 perches to a
hemlock, thence north 74 and 1-10 perches to a post,
thence east 54 to the place of beginning. Containing
25 acres strict measure be the same more or less, 10 or
15 acres thereof improved with one framed dwelling
house, one log h arse, one framed barn and one saw mill
r'etzed and taken in executioh at the suit of H. F.
Keeney vs. M. V .Bogart.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate
Wyse: township, bounded on the north by land of W.
Drake, on the west by lands of John Bull and John
Allen, on the south by land of Ellis Lewis and Reed
Myer, and the east by lands of Reed Myer. Contain.
ing about 50 acres more .or less, with a saw mill and
framed dwelling house thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Al
len 2d vs. Solomon C. Kinner who survived A.Kinner.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate
in Ulster township and bounded east by the rdad ;elut
ing from Towanda to Athens and land of Guy Tracy,
north by lands in the possession of 1. Havens, west by
H. S. Welles, and south by land of said Welles. Con
taining about 7 acres more or less partly improved with
a saw mill thereon.
Seized and taken in execution nt the suit of Guy Tra
cy vs. Ass Forest JOHN N. wEsToN, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, September 25, 1845.
Oct. 1. MERCUR'S
MURTON KINGSBERY, is now receiving at his
old stand, which has been going off for eighteen
years, where goods of all kinds has been sold and WILL
be sold, lower than at any other store in this Coun
ty. A very large stock of all kinds of goods which has
been selected with great care and attention, and bought
at such prices of the importers and manufacturers, that
it would be a ruinous business for any firm in the Brick
Roio, or any where else, to undertake to sell goods es
cheap as I can, and will. If my friends and the public
generally, will call before they make their purchases
elsewhere, they will find that this notice isnot put in the
paper for a BLUFF, like some by the side of it ; but, it
means'whst it says.
I have a general assortment of every kind and descrip
tion o
Dry oods, Groceries. Hardware; Crockery,
Po is 4. Shoes. Nails. Iron, Leather. 4.c.
DAY'S celebrated INDIA RUBBER Shoes and
Suspenders—u new article, for sale at
sep. 4 27. B. KINGSBERY'S.
SOLE — Sc. UPPER LEATHER, fur. sale by
sep. 27. B. KINGSBERI
ArIODFISH, Mackerel and Shad. for Pale by
sep. 27. B. KINGSUERY.
AIrIOTTON YARN, Knitting Yarn, Balls, Wicking,
41.) Wadding—any quantity for sale very low, by
sep. 27. B. KINGSBEIZY..
CBI TON Fall river Nails, for sale cheap. by
sep. 27. • B. KINOSBERY.
irlkYE WOODS. PAINTS & OILS, of everyde;
KJ" cription, for sale, one notch below the market.
sep. 24. • B. KINGSBERY.
ATS & CAPS, without number, for sale lower
than was ever before beard of. by
sep. 24. B. KINGSBERY.
N 0.2 Brick Row
('CONSISTING OF swgDEs, English Tire, for
NU one and two horse wagons, horseshoe, and band
iron, round iron.;;, and k ioch nail rode, spring sled,
American. English blister, cut and German steel, hoop
and - stake iron, horse shoes 'ready =Wei &c., &c. It
would be useless to enumerate all the different kinds of
goods that inay be found at my store. Those who Wish
to buy goods cheap, had better call before making their
purchases elsewhere. B,
BACCO, for sale by B, MAMMY. -
3 Tons of iron,
. . ,
~ . •
- A LARGE and general assionment of the above
tide*; copripireing ,ahtipst everything use* by her
nese and Carriage Makers, which will be, sold trume
thin the 'same quality of good's have ever been oared al
Oswego or Elmira, just received by ' •
oep,. 24: IL 8. M. C. IidERCUR.
airkhork POUNDS NAILS, assented sites,at
OUP ssp• 24.
2006 LBS. SOLE LEATHER, also Up.
ter Leather and Calf Skins, at
' sep. 24. MERCIIRIL
CLOTHS—Fancy and pl tin Cassia:tures, satinetta,
tweeds, Kentucky jeans. plaid clunk linings, &c.,
a great variety, and very cheap, can be found at
aep. 24. MERCUR'S.
ArtASRMERES, Reps anti DeLeine*, a geese eerie
ty, and beautiful patterns,at 141ERCUR'3.
.1,81L.A LPACCAIo r :-.lSlack and Fancy , a large moot
moot, for sale at MERCITIFW.
Art IMPS, CORDS, Fringm and fancy velvet Rib
-11311" bane at T ARMOUR'S.
v_pooTs & SHOES—A very large stock of every
RD kind and size, at tower prices than ever, will be
found at MERCITInv.
Malila virtue of . a writ of Vend. Expo,, issued from the
court of common pleas of Bradford County, and
to me directed, I shall expose to public sale at the house
of Wm. Briggs, in the borough of Towends,on Thurs
day, the 16th day of October next, at one o'clock, P.
M., the following described piece or parcel of land in
Towanda to., bounded north and east by the main road,
and lands belong ing to the heirs of Abial Foster, deed.
and on the sout and west by lands belonging to the
estate of Abial Poster. dec'd. Containing 6ve acres,
more or leas, all improved, with a two story frame dowel
ling house, frame barn, grist mill and saw mill, build
ings erected for clothing and carding machines end tail
ler's houses, with a variety of fruit trees thereon grow
ing, with all the rights and privileges of mill dam and
race and all other privileges thereto appertaining,.
ALSO—One other piece or parcel of Land situate in
said township, hounded north by Lands of the estate of
Abiel Foster, deed., on the Susquehanna river, on the
east by the Susquehanna river, on the south by lands of
Jesse Woodruff, on the west by the main road, and
lands of J. C. Powell. Containing twenty-five acres,
more or less, all improved, •
Al,so—One other piece nr parcel of land in said
township, hounded on the north by Linde of Joseph C.
Powell, on the south by Lands of Thos. Elliott and on
the east by the public highway. Containing 40 acres,
more or less, all improved, with a small framed barn
thereon erected.
ALSO—The undivided half of one other piece or par
cel of Lend situate in 'said township, bounded north by
Lands of Fosters, on the west by David Rutty, on the
south by Lands of Ezta Rutty, and east by Lands of
Wm. Kelly. Contaibing ninety-five acres, be the same
more or loss.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of the Pre
sident, Directors and Company of the Bank of the Uni
ted States, now to the use of John Knowles, vs. Isaac
Myer. J. N. WESTON. Sheriff.
Sheriff's (Tice, Towanda, Sept. 24, 1845.
Estate of Oliver Arnold, Deceased,
oTICE is hereby given to the Heirs of the estate
IN of Oliver Arnold, deed., late of Smithfield town
s'iip, that a distribution of the proceeds of said estate
will he made on the sth of November next, and those
having an interest therein, are required to appear and
take their shares. B THOMAS, Executor.
Smithfield, September 24, 1845.
BLUE and Black Ink to suit purchasers, in hot-
Ilea or otherwise for sale nt the
IT IS . A FACT, acknowledged by all, that the hest
CIGARS in town. are to be bad .t the
_ _ .
2EiniMIIEW 11P.1111EiLitlIC 1 . ""..•
4, L. M. NYE & CO., wonld re
--- spectlly inform the citizens of row
er•-ir--ef-Cr,2sFge6e ands and the public generally, that
-..., ....
0 rig RI they have on hand & mpufacttire
to order all kinds of CABINET
:',..... _.__..a . _
.'FURNITURE, of the best mate.
111 mi vials, and workmanship that cannot
"'gull be surpassed, in addition to the usual
assortment in country shops, we will keep on hand and
make to order SOFAS, of various and most approved
patterns ; &fa Rocking Chairs, upholstered in superior
style. and for ease and durability cannot be surpassed
even in our large cities. Also, the half French Ma
hogany Chair,'beautifully upholstered, with curled hair,
_which never loses its elasticity, and finished with the
best hair seating. We flatter ourselves that having
had much experience in the business, we shall be able
to satisfy all who may feel disposed to call, hoth as to
quality and price, and by strict ',attention to business
hope to merit and receive the patronage of a liberal com
munity. L. M. NYE & CO.
Towanda, September I, 184%
.97' MY OLD TR.thilDE G;11N
A. M. Warner, Clock & Watch Maker,
HAS opened a shop in the Thug Store of A. 1).
Montanye. two doors below Montanye 's Cheap
Cash ISlnre, nearly opposite It ingsbery'sßrick Mansion,
where he cad be found at all tunes of day, and he at
again invites his old customers and others tosive him
a call. He pledges himself to them, and the public
generally that all work entrusted to his care shall be
done correctly and warranted to perform well or no pay.
i-laving had much experience in his business and being
determined to give satisfaction, he hopes to be able to
satisfy all. _
He also has on band a small assortment of JEWEL.
RY, as loss for cash as can be had at - no. 100. Old Ar.
cads, or at any given number in the Brick Row, altho'
some of it might have been purchased of She Wen & Co.
He is . not able to boast of as large an assortment of
gold chronometer, duplex, lever and L'Epine Watches,
diamond rings, pins &c., &c., as can be found in the
assortment advertised near the Hay-Scales, but what he
has shall be sold so low that competition with him
would be useless.
He tenders his grateful acknowledgements to the
public for past favors and at the same time, solicits a
share of public patronage.
Towanda, August 20, 1845.
COUNTRY PIIIIStr F. of every tleseY iption will be to
ken in payment fur work. CASII not refused. •
Portrait, Painting, by W. It Perkins,
NORTH SUM of the square, in the room over J.
C. Adams' Law Ofti,e-- , Col. Mis'e block.
Likeneases warranted. Transparent Blinds, of any
size or pattern desired. June 18, 1845.
fir ItHropathic Physician.
r,B;,,.00T011 L. PRA - I"F, would respertfullyinferm
the citizens of Towanda and its vicinity, that he
wilt be happy to be of esxenlial srrare, .to thos e
. wh o
need medical aid. From his exis•rtcuce in the system
which ho adopts. he flatters himself that the community
will be well pleased with its etT•rts upon the various
diseases which "flesh is heir to." His office can be
found on STATE-ND., three doors west of Water-in.,
on the north side.
Towanda, June 7th 1846. •
HAVING enlarged the Reporter. the Press whi ch
WO h4VO iletClOftWe used. i 3 offrred for sale, Very
CHEAP FOR CASH. It is a Washington patent,
Imperial size, and an easier and h. ttrr working press
never was put up. It will be delivered at Owego.-
mira or Ralston. Addicts E. S. GOODRICH & Son
Towanda, Pa. ang2,o.
Adjourned Special Court.
A N adjourned Special Court will be held at the
Court House in the borough of Towanda, in and
for the county of Bradford , on Monday the 3d day of
November next, at 2 o'clock in Ike afternoori, of said
day for The trial of all causes certified to said mutt , By
order of the Honorable William Jessup, president of our'
said court. AARON CHURBUCK, Prot.
. Prot's. Office, Towanda, Aug. 14, 1845. • . .
nays on band at D. E. FLYNT & CO'S.
Large Arrival oi.,Goods and
J. D. $ E. D. .Iflorstanye,,
pie AVM; taken into their hem , WM. A. ROCK.
r - L ' WELL, ea co-partner, with renewed energy and
with hopes of rendering eatisfaction to their numerous
- customers, have been ° receiving, during the put week,
ekren Toni of Chiods, and will receive seven tons more
in a few days. Their stack trinsistsef a greater variety
than they bate ever before been enabled to offer, and at
prices which will be sure to please.
In their stock of Dry Goods may he found
12 pieces Alpacca
12 do Cashmere de Ecorse;
100 do Ito ew style.Peints;
I do French Broadcloth;
4 do English do. ,
2 do Pilot god Beater
4 do Customer; •
2 do beautiful article for Ladies' cloaks. -
Other Staple ant? Fancy Goods in proportion, teener
merous to mention. .:
Men'ir, boys', youths', and children's and ladies ' Sm
kid and walking i as also superior article of este shot%
50 DOZEN, comprising every quality and style in the
Powdered, crushed, loaf, Rama Cruz, Porta Rico, end
N. 0. Roger. Tea, coffee. pepper, spice, Ste, dee.. and
some fresh Soda Biscuit.
. ,
Iron, steel, nails, ark rope, butts and screws, door ban.
tiles, and the various kinds of Hardware suited to the
wants of the country.
Sperm, Elephant, linseed, and a good article for tan
ners. The above stock is offered at wholesale enema.
For Cash, approved credit of Ex months, or Boards&
Shingles, Beef Hides and most kinds of country pro
Towanda, September 9, 1845.
Adniinitrator's Notices
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Philemon It
Starr. late of N. York city, deed, are requested to
make immediate payment, and all those havingdeounds
against the same are requested to present them, legally
attested for settlement to the subscriber.
W. A.'CHANISERLIN, Administrator.
Towanda, September 24, 1845.
ALL persons indebted to estate of Darius Shamway,
dec'd. late of Springhill tp., are requested tomake
im mediate pay rnent, and all those having demands against
the same are requested to present them. legally attested,
for settlement.. CYRUS SHUMWAY,
Springhill, Sept. 17, 11345. Administrator.
6.11 TONS DUNGANNON NAILS, and shall bo
ja receiving more, to which the attention of Mer
chants is invited at wholesale, at
July 7
RUlT—Just received a supply of Lemons. Prunes;
Figs:Raisins, &c. at CHAMBERLIN'S.
June, 1645. ~, No.l Brick Row.
, e -ifi r ,, " COAL COMPANY" owning a large body
of LANDS, on and contiguous to the 'ra
ters of the branches of Towanda Creek, in
Bradford County, Pennsylvania, are prepared to dispose
of the seine to settleis. Application may he made to
At Greenwood, near Monroeton, Brad. W.
Any trespassers on these Lands will be prosecuted
according to law. Information of the same given to
SAMUEL C. NAGLEE, will be suitably resratied.
By order of the Managers,
Sept. 3. HENRY M. NAGLEE. Agent.
HI Si & Pdi C, MERCUR,
WOULD respectfully announce to the' good cup
sena of Bradford and counties; the
arrival et the TOWANDA CASH STORE, of the
largest and most general assortment of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,
Boots and Shoes, Dye-Woods,
Paints. Oils, 4-c. 4-c.
Ever opened in Toenails, and which will be sold for
CASH at wholesale or retail at lower prices then the
same quality of goods are selling by any of our bluffing
neighbors, as our goods ire purchased with great care
—prinCipally for cash—of the importers and manufactu•
rers. Towanda, Sept. 10,1845.
New Blaeksmithing Establishient,
THE SUBSCRIBER, basing a partners
ship with • his brother, continues to carry on the
business at hit btother's new stand, east side of Main
street, south part of the borough, where be is prepared
to execute all orders for Horselhoeing, - Carriage Afo
Coach work and Edge Tools. ,
He assures the public that all work entrutted to hie
care will be well done; is be hes' thoroughly teamed
his trade and is determined to render satisfsction.
Towanda. December 10, 1844.
MAY BE HAD at our shop much lower than it
has ever been sold in Towanda. .Gosais ate
cuesp, and wheat am lowered, and that is the reason we
can afford all for to do it. All kinds of produce will
he received in payment. Also, LUMBER of all kinds.
Sept. 1. L. M. NYE 4 CO.
WATILL be kept on hand a largo assortment, and
V V made to order en shorter noticeand for less mo
ney than can be produced at any other establishment in
the land. Those who ore under the necessity of pro
curing,thst article will and shall be satisfied. A good
hearse and pall may be had in attendance when desired.
September 1, 1845. L. M. NYE & CO.
8 -- RUSHES--Hair; Paint, Shaving anti Nail—
complete assortment, at the
'partnership heretofore existing between the
subscribers, under the firm of D. C. & 0. N. Sals
bury, is this day dissolved by mutual agreement. All
outstanding debts are to be paid by D. C. Salsbury, who
is also to settle all matters due the late firm.
Those having. unsettled accounts with the firm will
pleale settle the same as speedily as possible.
Monroeton. Aug. 21, 1545. 0. N. SALSBURY.
HAVING purchased the entire stock of goods lately
opened by I). C. & 0. N. Salsbury, and assumed
the entire business and responsibility of the firm I would
return my thanks to former customers for their patronage,
and solicit the salt:Wand the public generally. My stock
of Goods is complete and will be sold on the most liberal
Any quantity of
.LUMBER will be received in ex
change for Goads, and furfirstquotity,cash will be paid.
Produce of all descriptions wilt he. taken for good&
Monroeton. A ug. 2l . 1845. D. C. SALSBURY.
DR. JAMESM. GOODRICH has located himself
at MONROE, for the practice of hiss profession,
and will be pleased to wait on those requiring his ser
i ices. He maybe found at J. L. Johnson's tavern.
Reference may be made to Drs. Hostas & MLIIIII4
of Towanda. April 23, 1845.
ECEIVED THIS DAY. 1:4 No. a. Also, Mack•
crel, in barrels and half barrels.
11111BRELLA15.—ayery large lot, for sale cheap, at
111): sep 10. N 0.3, Brick Row.
I;AMES' SLIPS , 31 - 013 shillings per pair.
Black and Fancy Gaiters and half Gaiters; Ani
ses' slips and gaiters ; Gent's gaiters and lace boots. A
firat rate lot of overshoes, different styles and qualities at
sap 10. N0..3, Brick Raw.
CASE-100 lbs, CINNAMON, for sells cheaper
than it sru ever sold in this county. at
sap. 10. - N 0.3.
(NALL in .and see Abase splendid VEST/NGT,
lJ CRAVATS 4 GLOrES. Quick, before they
are gone, at . No. 3, Briekßote.
PAINTS dr: OILS, Dye woods and Dye stuffs*
jr very large stock, just received st BAIRD'S