Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 24, 1845, Image 3

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Jersey Ladies Lynching n Widower.
The Mt. Holly Herald relates in a pleasing
oanner, the progress of a widower of its
ieighborhood in love making. The gay wi
ower, it would-seem, divided his affections
:bout equally between three, young ladies in
,its neighborhood, and was not a little puzzled
o make a choice between them. He conclud
ed, h ow ever, to unbosom himself to the one
whom chancemih first place within his
reac h, Having beenmarried twice before, he
had not so much as reamed of a rebuff.
howe ver, be received from the first, and met
with no better success from the other two, to
them he s uccessively tenderer' his heart and
hand, The sequel we give in lbg language of
the Herald. He was almost frantic with rage.
an d in order to salve o ff his mortified pride.
circulated stories about the young ladies
w hich did not redound very 'much to their
As seen as they heard of his ungallant mode
o f taking revenge, they held a council of war,
and determined to punish him in Such a man
tieras,to make an example of him for want of
proper manly feeling and chivalry. They ac
cordingly armed themselves with large tough
!urehe.s, and seeing the gentleman pass along
the road, sallied forth upon him and assailed
him with such vigor that he was unable to
make any resistance. They scored his back
well and but for the interference ok,a,
ma n, who was attracted by his cries of distress.
would not have left an ineh.of skin whole in
hiChide. The,last we hear of our hero, he
uus going the rounds of the neighborhood ex
•,inn his, lacerated back, in the hope of ex
tiong the sympathies of the cominumtv, and
threatening to bring the matter before the
1 . 1 tilts ihiot believed. people would not believe though
Ulie r.cfnun the dead to proclaito it.
Cazenoria, July 29, 1844.
I have used ' forty boxes of Ilrandreth's Pm, and' half
as mnnv more of different kinds, but the lAA have not
Iris-fated me so much as two boxes of the Sugar
Coda/ G,d,un Vrgeicb:e Pills." They seem to strike
~,; : stt at the foundation of my disease, which is of a bil
ious character.
Thl. old gentleman settled Cazentwia fifty years ago.
DJ:step< furnished at the New York College of Health,
y Grwoatch Stteet, New York. And sold by E.
11.,05. A. S. CHAMBERLIN, Towanda ; HEcnr
Gums. (knell ; Joni: PAssmons, Rome; J. E. But,
Lot s. Pike.
.-,1-CM - TION.—As a miserable imitation has been
mlje iv tic name of" Stizar Coated Pills," it is necest. - sa..
rt.ta be sore that Dr. G. 8t. , . J . N. SMITLes signature is
nlecery bdx. Price 25 cents. ,
In this village on the 19th inst., GEORE EDWIN, son of
John E. and Sarah A. Geiger. Aged years, nine
months. 1:0 dai
Estate of Oliver Arnold'. Deceased,
vo . nrE is hereby given to the Heirs of the estate
NI of - Oliver Arnold, deed., late of Stnitlitield town
.,. that a distribution of the proceeds of said estate
sill be made en the .sth of Not ember next, and those
an interest therein, are required to appear and
t.die their shares, 11 THOMAS', Executor.
r sruniitield, September 24, 1543.
jr1;114)01)S, PAINTS & at eery des
eriptiou, fer sale, one notrit brb I, "lurk tt
11. KlN(;:43liltY.
& CAPS; without number, fur sale lower
than was oer belore heard of. by
-eit '2l. • KINGSBERY.
AP Ell 1 - 'S FIVE C' T 1 - E: NDINII M
BA CI:9, for sale by 13. KIN6SBEft V.
Tons of Iron.
eioNsp..:Trxt; OF SWEDES, 1111iih Tire, for
nine and two horse 011 ,, , horse-shoe, and band
iron, round iron, e, wagons,
inch nail rod, sprinci, sleet,
American. English blister, cast and German steel, hoop
and stake Iron, horse shoes ready made. dec. H
would he useless to enumerate all the different kinds of
goods tbst mar be found at my store. 'Phone who wish
to ,ms tool, cheap. had better call before making their
parry .15,5 ,14,, AN t w re, 13. KING:SBILIZY.
which are Cashmere=, IVlnti=se DeLaine. plaid fi'd
111i1 Silk work 'Alpacea. 64 plaid Cloaking, Girdles and
Trunliings, correqond, &c, 4 - c.
77 :7. )
L , illl3E, and amend :Ase•ortilient the above ar
ia. pries, composing almost everything useu by Hor
ne-, and Carriage ?itokere. %hid) Hill be said luwer
:ICI the came quality of goods hare ever L e en o th,red at
Oueeo or Elmira, Just received by
H. &M. C. mErtrz:rt.
6000 p r u
ep u.\ t ; 4 l) . 6 A ILs. at
2006 LBS :SOLE LEA 1111;1{, also Up-
Fer Leather sod Calf Skins. at
• sep. 2.4
fiLOTliS—Fancy and pliin Cassimeres, katinetts,
t've , ds, Kentucky jeans, plaid cluck &c.,
great variety, and eery cheap, can be found at
cep. 24. ?tIERCCH'S.
CIAIVIIMEREs, P ‘ eps and DeLaines. a gre.,t tarn ,
ty. and bautiful .. patterns. at AI E ECU .
Black and Fancy a mare assort
moat, for sale at la1E11(21 - 1rlS.
grl INNS, CURDS, Fringe's, and fancy velvet ML-
A:* 1,4n 0
NIERCUR . :43.
- 1 1 1 1, 0 ,n T I S SHOE'S— we A r c:ry Lo t • 1 4 ,a e n st e o v ck of e
and nixe, ever, will
found al frs.
BY retire of a writ of Vend. Expo.. issued from the
mon of common pleas of Bradford County. and
to •
roe directed, I shill expose to public sale at the hause
of Wm. tiriegs„ in the bomugh of Towanda, on Thurs
day, the 15th day of October next, at one o'clock, P.
M., the following described piece or parcel of land in
Towanda to., bounded north and east by the main road,
and lan , ys belonging to till. heirs of Atrial Poster. dee'd.
and on the south and west by lands belonging to the
estate of Abial Foster, dec'd. Containing five acres,
more or teat, all improved; with a two story frame dwel
lrog hou.p, frame barn, grist mill and saw mill, build
' laza erected for clothing and carding machines and mil
ler's houses, with a variety of fruit trees thereon grow.
lug, with all the rights and privileges of mill darn and
rac e and all- other privileges thereto appertaining.
ALSO—One other piece or parcel cf Land situate in
said township, bounded north by Lands of the estate of
Abiel Poster, dec'd., on the 'Susquehanna river, on the
east by the Susquehanna river, on the south by lands of
• "e Woodruff, on the west by the main road, and
lands of J . C. Powell. Containing tweuty-five acres,
more or less; all improved.
ALS.D.—.One other piece or parcel of land in said
township, hounded on the north by lands of Joseph C.
P owell, on the south by Lands of Thos. Elliott and on
the east by the public highway. Containing 40 acres,
more or less, all improved, with a small framed barn
thereon erected.
ALSO_ The undivided half of one other piece or par
cel of Land situate in said township, bounded north by
Lands of Posters, on the west by David Rutty, on the
south by Lands of Ezra Ratty, and east by Lands of
Wen. Kelly. Containing ninety-five acres, be the same
more or less.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of the Pre
sident; Directors and Company of the Dank of the Elni
-1441 States, now to the uee of John Knowles, es. Time
!dye r ,
J. N. WESTON. Sheriff.
Sherifrs Office, Towanda, Sept, 24,1846.
Administrator's Notices
A"persons indebted to the estate of Philemon R.
Starr. late of N. York city, dec'd, are requested to
Make immediate payment, and all those hasingdemsails
against the same are requested to present them, legally
attested for settlement to the subscriber. •
W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Administrator.
Towanda, September 24, 1845.
LL persons indebted to estate of Darius Shumway,
al deed, late of Springhill tp., are requested to make
immediate pay ment, and all those having demands against
the same are requested to present them, legally attested,
for settlement. CYRUS SHUN( WAY,
S pringhill, Sept. 17, 1845. Administrator.
WS HEREBY GIVEN, that sealed proposals will be
meived at the Commissioner's Office, in Towan
da, until 2 o'clock of Tuesday, 7th day of October nest
for the building of a BRIDGE across the Wappesening
creek, near the house of Nathan Doane, in Warren y.
A plan and specification may be seen at the Commie
sioner's Office, at any time previous to the letting.
Dy order of the Commissioners, •
. J. 31. WATTLES, Clerk.
Corti re Office, September 17, 1845.
Atteution Voluuteers . !
THE 4th Volunteer Battalion of Bradford county.
A. is hereby noticed to assemble at the house of
Charles Bennett. in Standing Stone, on_Wednesday,
the Ist day of October next, at 10 o'clock, A.M., arm
ed and equipped as -the law directs. for inspection and
Athens. Sept. 15, 1845. Lieut. Col.
RECEIVED THIS HAY. at NO. 3. Also, Mack
erel, in bands and half bands.
Sept. 2
H. S. & M. C. MERCUR,
, \ „011_71.0 respectfully announce to the good citi
-4'4/ zens of Bradford and adjomine countirs, the
arrival at the TOWANDA CASH STORE, of the
largest and most general assortment of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,
Boots and Shoes. Dye-1 foods,
Paints. Oils, 4-c.
Ever opened in Towanda, and which will be sold for
CASH at wholesale or retail at lower prices than the
same quality of goods UM selling by any of our bluffing
neighbors, as our goods are purchased with greatcate
—principally for cash—of the importers and manufactu
rers. Towanda, Sept. 10,1845.
'I).47:ENT 31.&D1CLVES'.-
GENERAL ASSORTMENT. something for any
and every disease that flesh is hew to, (taking
their word fur it) all of which you will find at the
WE have a sure cure for these kinds of animals—
no cure, no pay—call at the
sq. 17. CEN 11 - IAL DRUG STORE.
Attention Cavalry'.
tillv at the house of Wm. Briggs, in the borough of
Towanda. on Monday, the 28th day of September inst,
10, A. M., to train for THREE DAYS, ,armed and
equipped as the law directs for company drill.
This will be a suitable time for the company io elect
a Captain. I hereby withdraw.
H. A. CAREY, Capt. elect.
Towanda, September 17, 1845.
11 9 41 ‘i7 c) :9) 0
ARE NOW RECEIVING, a very large and very
general assortment of Fall and Miller Goods,
which they olli•r to the public on liberal terms, for cash,
grain, or approved credit.
Their stock consists of almost everything that any
one 'rushes to buy. - And for the ben• fit of those who
wish to purchase merchandize of any kind, and want
to kriow where to find it, they will enumerate a few of
the many'atticles tlihy have for sale:
Ladies silk Shawls and black tea-pots;
Gents' satin cravats and ten-penny nails:
Colored satin, for ladies bonnets, and
Glazed bats for men ; •
Knitting pins and crowbars;
Carpet tacks and vest patterns ;
Broad Axes and alpaccas;
delaines and wagon boxes;
Printed blue teas and young hyson tea ;
Umbrellas and German pipes;
Pocket knives rend loaf sugar ;
Molasses and coarse boots;
Ladies' cot. hose and steel corn hoes;
Ladies' night caps, for six cents, and
Myn's sealette caps tar I 2 cents;
.Ladies' inert lidkVs for one shilling, and •
Plenty of Enslish and Swedes iron, all sizes;
Indus Tubber cloth for carriage covers and
Beautiful figured alpaccas for ladies' cloaks;
Ladies' boas and muffs, and lampblack;
Leghorn bonnets and stone jugs;
black and blue ink and spirits turpentine;
Limp oil and Colonge water ;
:Sweet oil and sarsaparilla syrup;
Blue variol/eitil best Java and Rio coffee;
Wafers mid buck shot;
Indellible ink and pure dry and ground white lead ;
Looking glass. s and rut tumblers;
Tea kettles mid black silk stockings;
Candle wisking and bed cords;
Cost Buttons and writing paper ;
Shill side months and corded skirts;
Bonnet ribbons and cavendish tobacco ;
Plough points and cap ribbons;
Ladies dress li'd'fs and stove tubes;
Assorted Needles. and best Nutria hats;
Steel pens and shovel plough patterns;
Plated hub bands and silk scarfs for ladies;
Cotton Vain and wire selves;
Awl blades and pins, assorted sizes;
Ladies' kid slippers and nail hammers;
Willow baskets and gimp cords:
Men and boy s ' cloth caps and plane irons;
Knives and forks and ark rope;
Cast steel and steel thimbles;
Brass k e ttles and b ra ss thimbles;
Beaver cloth arid cotton batting;
Pepper boxes and shoe knives;
Bonnet boards and slate pencils;
Carpet binding arid inkstands;
Coach lace and handsaws;
Raisins arid sawmill saws;
idlitz powders and trying squares;
Rubber overshoes and -th inch spikes;
Sleigh•bells ana steelyards;
Cassimeres and ivory c o m bs;
Gridirons and welting cord ; •
%'hale bone and patent saw setts;
Suspenders and patent door butts;
Firmer's chisels and laces for ladies caps;
Poic'sce handkerchiefs and hair brushes;
misse s and women's td, cnt. gloves &hairbrushes;
Cocoanut diapers and teeth brushes;
Colored rainbrie and door handles ;
Augur hilts and children shoes:
Woolen shawls and gum caps;
Black tea and patent wheelheads;
Mnrrocco belts and tea servers;
Saddler's silk and mouse trap, ;
Bonnet wire and atone churns;
Plaid noseye and sash pulleys;
Patent blind fastenings and butts, (a new article);
Spoke shiers and door mats;
Black snutT and madder ;
Brittannin lamps and shoe strings;
Wht. and gloves and gun flints;
Sattinet of all kinds and gunpowder ; •
Horse cards and satin vesting ;
Curry combs and fur caps;
Hair combs and sash fastenings;
Gloss dishes and wool cards:
Corset lacers and trace chains;
Towanda. September 1,9, 1845.
Al LIE and Black Ink to suit purchasers, is bet
tles or otherwise for sale at the
jrf ENTLEMEN .! You that Want your beards tat
iklir en ogsmooth and with ease, will do well to use
Lindmark's Sharing Cream or Rearh's Shaving Soap.
For sale at the CENTRAL. DREG STORE.
ARDWARE.—The largest assortment and
MA greatest variety ever offered in Bradford county,
just received at MEACT.III'S.
Clocks. A' Watchts
Elliott C Mereur,
Important to the CitJuni of Bradford County!
rAleg. 8 -
Once more at the Head of the Heap !
A 8 USUAL, the firat . arrival of new goods for the
AI. Bernina, are this day opening It BAIR'DS,' N 0.3
Brick Row, where we invite every body, men, women
and children to call and examine our splendid assort
ment. •
We owe an apology to our friends for the crowded
and jammed up slate of things which has existed for
several months past at No. 3, but the public ate aware
that such results must necessarily arise from the fact
that we have generally had the largest and best assort
went of goods in Towanda, and it having been ascer•
tained to a certainty, and generally understood that the
place to buy cheap is at Baird'r, No. 3. hyorder, how
ever, to obviate some of the difficulties, we have just
completed a large and commodious storehouse in the
rear of the brick block, where many of our heavy goods
will be removed, and we hope now to be able to make
room for our many friends, and enable them to do busi
ness in our store with comfort and despatch.
We also have the pleasure of announcing that "we
have Henry Snelden 4e. Co." fairly floored"—theirope
rations intended . to injure us fall harmless stout feet,
and our arrangements are now complete for keeping al
ways on hand a splendid assortment.
It is impossible to enumerate all the articles, for they
hie so numerous and the assortment so general, that it
would require at least ten acres square of foolscap. We
cannot refrain, however, from informing the fair ladies
of Bradford that we have for fall and winter dresses, a
large assortment of plain black, figured and colored
ALPACAS, mouslin and rep de laines, French cash
meres, (new styles) Affghans, bombazines, winter ging
hams, Scotch and American. All kinds of dress and
Dress and Cloak trimmings, fringes, gimps, cords and
tassels, laces, edgings, Victoria skirts, die.
Men, Young and Married,
We are opening blue, black, brown and green broad
cloths; fancy and plain cassimeres and aattinets; the
nicest lot of Vealings. ever offered in Towanda. &c.
A few more tons of those cheap Sutars and Teas,
and other articles in that line of bosineiii. Retail Gro
cers can he supplied with NUTS, FRUITS, &c.,cheap
er than they can buy in Owego or Elmira.
Hardware, Crockery, Fish, 4.e.
withoot end. As we informed you above, it is useless
to itemize.
In dosing this advertisement, we need not say to our
friends, don't forget the place," for every body knows
where to find I3AIRD'S CHEAP STORE, right in
the centre of the new brick block. We know that to
insure a continuation of your very liberal patronage we
have only to continue our very low prices, and to keep,
as we have done, the best of goods. We intend to do
that, and have no fears but you will Gill and see us, not
withstanding any pokerish stories that have been, or
may be told you by some of our neighbors. One thing
you will' always find at No. 3, that we always sell
goods whirls we hare, as cheap as those we hare not.
Towanda, Sept. 1, 1845. No. 3, Brick Row.
rANGLISH WALNUTS, Brazil outs, filberts, al
monds, pea nuts, figs and raisins for sale cheap a
Sept. 2. BAIRD'S.
HARDWARE & CUTLERY, Carpenter's and
Joiner's tools, strap hinges, rope of all sizes, for
sale cheap it BAIRD'S.
TDAINTS & OILS, Dye woods and Dye attars, a
Jr - very large stock, just received at BAIRD'S
article, for sale at BAIRD'S.
TEAI4.-A large lot of Fresh Teas, warranted, at
prices varying front two shillings to seventy-five
cents, at . No. 3, Brick Bow.
MATCHES—by the gross or otherwise. to suit
customers, at No. 3, Brick Row.
ROPE. & CORDS of all sizes, from a fish line to a
cable rope, at BAIRD'S, N 0.3.
UMBRELLAS—a very large lot, for sale cheap, at
sep 10. N 0.3, Brick Row.
ADIES' SLIPS, fiTn3 to 6 shillings per pair.
U 4 Black and Fancy Gaiters and half Gaiters; Mis
ses' slips and gaiters ; Gent's gaiters and lace boots. A
first rate lot of overshoes, different styles and qualities at
sep 10. N 0.3, Brick Row.
CASE-100 Ws, CINNAMON, for sale cheaper
than it was ever sold in this count?, at
sep. 10. BAIRD'S, N 0.3.
41., in and see those splendid VEST/NGS,
IL) CRAVATS 4 CLOVES. Quick, before they
are gone, at No. 3, Brick Row.
THIS DAY RECEIVING, at the Central Point,
g a few doors south of Montanye's Cash Siore, di
rest from Yaw York, a fresh supply of DRUGS AND
MEDIOINES, which will positively be sold at city
cost and charges. Physicians of this and other coun
ties, will do well to call and examine the qualities and
prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we see determin
ed to muke it your interest to purchase of us (consult.
inq the interests of your patients,. notwithstanding).
Our as•orttnent consists in part of the following c
Blue mass Syringes, assorted
Nit silver Sugar lead
Quicksilver Quassia
(perils Phosphate iron
Tart. Antimony Carbonate do
lodine Paregoric
todid. potassa Laudanum
Red precipitate Lunar caustic
White do Nux vomica
Strychuia Musk
Kreosote Mare
Pule. Jalap Juniper berries •
Ext. do Aqua ammonia
da Coloryntla Carb. do
do Gentian. Nit. Ether
do Cicala
do Hyosciannus Brimstone
do Taraxicum Blue vitriol
Manna White do
Marsh rosemary Bayberry bark
Squids Essential oils, of all kinds
Chammonile flowers Corn. and white glue
Borax, refined. Saltpetre
Utgitalis Copperas
Rhubarb pule Indigo
do root Solution of Tin
At row root Annie seed
Hellebore rug Shellac gum
Sulph. morphine Venice turpentine
do Quinine Balsam Fir
Eng. Calomel
Valerian root
Seneca do
do Honey
do Copaisa
do Tutu
serpentaria do Barbadoes Tar
Gentian do Oil do
Colombo do . Bt.rgundy Pitch
"iiik do Bateman's drops
Liquorice do Lamott'a do
Extract do Chloride of limc
Senna leaves Cubehe
Gum 31yrrh, No. 1 Coe. Indicus
do Guaiaci Tartaric Acid
do Aloes Citric do '
do Gamboge Oxalic do
do Foetid,' Pruss. do
do Camphor Nitric do
do Opium Sulph do
Prepared chalk Murlatic do
Rochelle salts Car. magnesia
Epsom do do soda
Glauber do Calcined magnesia
Flour sulphur • Cantharides
do bcnzoin Corrosive sublimate
Hiera piers Cochineal
Uvn Iltbi ' -'. Spring & Thumb lancets
SalTron Lancet cases, &c., &c.
Printers begin to grumble already, or we would still
continue to enumerate; but all we say is, come and sec
for yourselves. Many thanks to a generous public for
past favors. hoping for a continuance of the same.
Towanda, September 10, 1045. •
Wash Your Clothes Clean!
AN ORDER to do this with sue, call and purchase
a few pounds of Sal. Bode at the
jI7STICEM BLANKS, a fullt just
CP printed aqd for sale at this office. j * up).
COAL COMPANY" owning a fares body
of LANDS, on and contiguous to the we
tens of the branches of Towanda Creek, in
Brautont . County, Pennsylvania, are Prepared to &Mose
of the same to settlers. Application may be made to
At Greenwood, near Monroeton, Bred. co.
Any trespassers on these I,anda will be prosecute,/
according to law. Information of the sense given 10
SAMUEL C. NAGLEE, will be suitably refereed.
By,order of the Mana g ers,
Sept. 3. HENRY H. NAGLEE. Agent.
List of Retailers
iniF Foreign Goods and Merchandise as filed in this
Cr office by the Commissioners of Bradford Comity,
April 15th, 1845.
• . _ _ Ott?, Paid,linp'd.
Welly & Sauerlee, 12 $l2 50
L. S. Ellsworth,
Chester Park,
Kingsbery & Comstock, 13 10 00
George A. Perkins. 14 7 00
John Watkins,
John Horton Jr. 14 7 00
Elmer Horton, 14 7 00
Coryell & Gee,
A. At S. H. Morley,
Lockwood Smith, • 10 50
A. H Gaylord.
U. Moody & Co. 14 10 50
O. D. Chamberlin & Co. 700
R. K. Hawley,
J. W. Mum.,
J. J. & C. Watford,
Hanson & Phinnay,
D. C. & 0. N. Salsbury,
Rogers Fowler.
14 7 00
John Naglee & Son,
Henry Gibbs,
Tbeophilus Humphrey,
Daniel Bailey,
Smith & Little,
R. Barnes & Co
L. C. Belding,
G. J. Norton,
John Paasmore,
Clark & Coolbaagh, . 10 50
Abner Roberta t 7 00
- Colebuin, La 10 00
Lyman Dinfee,
E. S. Tracy,
Elmer Norman.
Allen & Storrs,
Horace Kinney & Co
Wells & Nichols,
A !hen Newell.
N. D. W'arford, 10 50
H. W. Tracy, " "
H. Mir & Son, 13 10 00 '
Elliott & Mercur, 12 12 60
0. a Bartlett, 14 700
3, D. & E. D. l'ilontallye, 12 12 50
B. Kingsbery,
J. Kingsbery Jr. " 700
H. S. & M. C. Mercer, 12 12 60
C. Reed. 10 10 50
W. H. Baird & Co
Tracy & Moore,
E. H. Mason,
S. S. Bally,
A. Montanye,
I. S. Wood & Co.
D. Kellogg,
Patrick O'Slain.
G. E. Flynt & Co
S. W. & D. F. Pomeroy,
Eli Baird,
0. P. Ballard,
U. F. Rellington,
W. A. Gustin,
Layton Runyan,
Guy Tracy,
1,. Truman,
William Gibson,
Jahn M'Kinney & Son,
Elisha Lewis,
Marcus Tyrrell,
Benjamin Buffington,
Robert Cooper,
Alexander Dewing,
R. Spalding, " 700
The unpaid licences in the above list must he settled
tat September term, or costs will be made immediately
hereafter. L. PEIRCE, Treasurer.
Treasurer's Office, ?
Towanda, August 2,t1, I 545. 5
Large Arrival of Goods and
J. D. 4' E. D. Arontaisye,
AVING taken into their firm, WM. A. BOCK
9•A WELL, as co-partner, with renewed energy and
with hopes of rendering satisfaction to their numerous
customers, have been receiving, during the past week,
eleren Tons of Goods, and will receive seven tons more
in 3 few days. Their stock consists of a greater variety
than they have ever before been enabled to offer, and at
prices which will he sure to please.
In their stock of Dry Goode may be found
12 pieces Alpaeca;
12 do Cashmere de Ecosse ;
100 do New stile Prints(
I do French Broadcloth ;
4 do English do.
2 do Pilot and Beaver ;
4 do Caarimere;
2 do Beautiful article for Ladies' cloaks.
Other Staple and Fancy Goods in proportion, too nu
merous to mention.
Men's. boys, youths', and ehddren's and ladies' fine
kid and walking ; as also superior article of over shoes.
50 DOZEN, comprising every quality and etyle in the
Powdered, crushed, leaf, Santa Cruz, Porto Ritm, and
N. 0. Sugar. Tea, coffee, peppu, vice, & and
some fresh Sods Biscuit.
Iron. steel, nails, ark rope, butts and screws, door ban
dies, and the various kinds of Hardware stated to the
wants of the country.
Sperm, Elephant, linseed, and a good article for tan
netv. • The above stock is. offered at wholesale or retail.
For Cash, approved credit of errs months, or gourds&
Shingles, Beef Hides and most kinds of country pro
Towanda, September 9,1949.
(5.q§ \ OLS/D 1 12: 5 a0
rim Qc•wrtus, July 1. 1845.
NT is hereby ordered that from and after. this Jaw
goods are to be sold in this encarnptent for cash
whenever they will bring anything above cost. Clerks.
agents and customers are hereby commanded to govern
themselves accordingly. Braggart. are to stand back
and keep off the parade ground.
0. D. BARTLETT. Cornmanaing officer.
2 TONS DUNCAI 4 aiON NAILS, and shall be
receiving more, to which the intention or Met•
chants is invited at wholesale. at
• July 7 .
11/IFORKISONS PILLS, the genuine article for sale
AR-at BAIRU'B, the only *genie in Tommie._
cry nest . acadentic' year of this institution, wilt
commence on Monday, the first day of
her neit, under the supe ri ntendence and manag ement of
Mr. J. t',. Vandercook, as . Principal:
Miss Sarah F. Worthing, Frecrpirin.
Mr, Vandemook has been successfully engaged fa
teaching for ten years pail; he has much experience in
this important end truly elevating drpartment of Marian
enter prise and benevolence, and brings testimonials from
various sources of . good moral character, and excellent
scientific and literary attainments.
Mr. Worthing in a • gentleman of very excellent at:
tainments, experience and skill in teaching, and cannot
fail to do much (or the advancement of the student rod
the prosperity of the institution.
• Miss Worthing, the Preceptreas of the Female De
partment, has alreaey, by her devotion to literature, and
her superior virtues, obtained the unqualified confidence
of the community, and the esteem and affection of her
numerous pipits. Young ladies will seldom find an
instructress better qualified to meet all the wants of the
student, not only as a tercher,, but ba a guardian friend
and associate. They cannot ' , but be improved by nrr
example and society, as well by her engaging instruc
TUITION will be as follow n all the departments:
Primary and common English studies, with Pen
manship, composing and speaking, $2 50
Natural, intellectual and -moral science, botany,
10 00
7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
chemistry, history, astronomy, rhetoric, logic,
book-keeping, drawing, painting, &c.,
Mathematics and the languages,
Incidental expenses, per term, during winter,
No student will ho received for less than half a tern),
and no deduction will be Made for absence, except in
cases of illness or other unavoible causes.
13 10 00
The Academic year will be divided into four terms
of eleven weeks each. There will he a vacation of one
week after the first term ; also one week atter the third.
and a vacation of six weeks after the fourth, including
the harvest season. .
44 7 00
. . .
We desire to make the Towanda Academy an agree
tile and desirable resort for students from abroad. as well
as those at home; a place where the purest virtues shall
be cultivated, and the germs of science firmly set in the
yonthful mind. For this great object. no mac or labor
will be spared on the part of teachers or trustees. The
Principal should be consulted before purchasing books,
as several changes are contemplated in the test -books
of the School.
13 15 00
14 10 50
15 00
13 10 00
14 7 00
Students from abroad can find board with the Princi
pal or others, on reasonable terms.
Lectures will be given regularly by the Principal and
others, on the most important topics of education, and a
society organized for the especial benefit of young men.
There will be two examinations and exhibitions during
the year, the time to be determined by the teachers and
trustees. HIRAM MIX, President.
u ..
u r 44
Enos Tomkine,
J. D. Montanye,
C. L. Wed,
John F. Menne,
. 15 00
01 10 00
Towanda, July 31. 1843
An Apprentice Wanted.
WANTED, by the subscriber, an apprentice to the
TAILORING business. A led from 16 to 17
years of age, who can come well recommended. is re
quired. G. H. BUNTING.
Towanda, A ugust t'o, 1846.
14 7 OD
10 50
" 10 50
7 00
Wayne County Ploughs ,
4DOZ Wayne county ploughs, for sale at the Ba
sings Bank. Plough merchants sapplied at menu ,
Isomers prices, and Farmers on the most reasonable
July 30
ways on hand at D. E. FLYNT dr, CO'S.
Dr. I N. Sumner, Surgeon Dentist,
-no EsnerFuLLy informs his friends that hay.
ing recovered,trom his illness, he will make his
nest professional visit to Towanda, on or -before the
first day of Octobel.oist.
14 10 50
13 15 00
14 10 50
7 00
CIRCIT—Just received a supply of Lemona, Prunes
11: Figs. Raisins, &c. at CH AM BERM N's
June. 1645. Na. 1 Brick Row.
•' 7 00
CMURVIr C'ed/B2M - Mg9
Taken :17' P:ER for all kinds of Goods.
July I. 1845. by ELLIOTT & MERCER.
12 D s
es g e
f n o u r i us
13 10 00
12 12 50
13 10 00
14 10 .50
13 10 00
14 10 50
THE subscribers still continue
(10 to manufacture and keep on hand
at their old gland. all kinds of
Cane and 'Food seatChairs_;
4...... , i-:!. . also Settees of various kinds
N Cr - -1 4- BE LISA.9.D.S, of every
)• k
so description. which we will
\, i l low rot cash or produce.
TuRNING done to order.
Towanda. April 23, IW.
7 00
10 50
7 00
10 50
7 00
AritklVE DOZEN Morgan's celebrated GRAIN CRA
-40 mos, with Harris Scythes, tur sale by
J une .43, 1845. REED.
1p did article for sale cheap 11
July I. O. D. TlAirri.urr.
OF those new and CHEAP GOODS. They will
be sold cheaper than ever. (if possible) to make
room fur Felt Goods. Look for N 0.5, ..S.ivinge Rank,"
es it is the only genuine Cheap Cash Store. -
July 22. G. E. FLYNT & CO.
he surpassed,in additionto theusual
assortment in country shops, we will keep on hand and
make to order SOFAS, of various and most approved
patterns •, Sofa Rocking Chairs, upholstered in superior
style, and for ease and durability cannot be surpassed
even in our large cities. Also, the half French Ma.
hogany Chair, beautifully upholstered, with curled hair,
which never loses its elasticity, and finished with the
best hair seating. We tatter ourselves that having
had much experience in the businsss, we shall be able
to satisfy all who may feel disposed to call, both no to
quality and price, and by strict ',attention to business
hope to unlit and receive the patronage of a liberal com
munity. L. M. NYE & CO.
Towandit, September I, 1845.
MAY DE HAD at our shop much lower than it
has ever been sold in Towanda. Goods arc
cheap, and wheat am lowered, and that is the reason we
can afford all fur to do it. All kinds of produce will
be received in payment. Also, LUMBER. of all kinds.
Sept. I.L. M. NYE 4 CO.
WILL he Lept ou baud a large assortment, and
made to order on shorter notice and fir leas rocc
ney than can be produced at any other esbildiatiment in
the land. Tlmoee who are under the necessity of pro.
curing that article will and shall be satisfied. A good
hearse and pall may be had in attendance when desired.
September 1, 1844. L. M. NYE Ar. C 0...
SAVINGS 84.N1K..--No. 5, Briek row,
Super blue black silk •
do. do. striped.
Rich chameleon do.
Plaid do.
Parasols, iihbona. •
Cashmeres. Delaines. . .
Ladies' Craiats.
Rheetings--ebeap as ever.
Window paper. kr—. Ire.
The above are a few of the many New Goods just
opened at G. E. FLYNT, dr, CO'S.
RUSEIE*--Hatt, rehat, ;Shawl aukt Diatt--a
complete atatortomit, at the
eep 17. CENTRA t t DREG STORE.
4 00
David Cash,
Burton Kingsbury,
H. S. ?demur,
William Elwell.
100. 5 Brick Bow.
L. M. NYE & CO.; would re.
spectlly inform the citizens of Tow
anda and the public generally, that
,they have on hand & manufacture
to order all kinds of CABINET
FURNITURE, of the best mate
, riots, and workmsnship that cannot
.11T MY OLI) . Tiabg AGAIN!
I,ll:Warner, ClOck:&Watelr Maker,
N i AS opened a shop in the Ping Stora, el A. D.
montanye; - iwi. doors below hiatitaityiee Cheap
Cub Store, nearly opposite Kingsbery'sliiick Manakin,
where he can be found at all limos of dayyand be al
again invites his old customers and others to give kites
a call. He pledges himself to theist, and the pebble
generally that all work entrusted to Ilia acre sba be
done correctly and warranted tope:form well or no pry
Haying had much experience in hilimsiness and being
determined to give satisfactiork.he hopes to be able to
satisfy. all .
He also has on hand a small assortment of JEWEL.
RY, a. 4 low for cash as can •he had et no: 100, Old Ar
cade, or at any given number in the Brick ROW, altho'
sans: of it alight have b een purchased of lithelkicti & Co.
t is rat able to boast of as large an ostrionrnent of
gold chronometer. duplex, lever and liEpine Watches,
diamond rings. pins dcc., dte., as can be found in the
assortment advertised near the Hay-Scales, but what he
has . shall be sold so low that competition with him
would be restless.
He tenders his grateful acknowledgements to the
public for pest faros and at the same time, solicits •
aha-e of public patronage.'
Towanda; August 20. 1845.
. Coy NTH ar Pneacce of every description will be ta•
ken in payment fur work. essit trot refused.
NITA TS CA PS 4 , BONNETS. MI the late styles
gi for Aide at MIX dc SONS'.
lAERE IS NO. 3 - AGAIN-30 Qointles Codfish
just recd and for solo at ' • BAIRD'S.
June 26. No 3 Brick Row.
2L-4 — %IIC...ACIWILJ Mite
VUBT received and for sale at B. Kingsberrs Store.
a few barrels su p erfine FLOUR, from Overton it
baltmarsh's mill. Warranted an exPirti article.
. June 23. 1845. . •
I'ON SUGAR & INDLASeIES.— , Thie day reed
ell by the .Chemung Line" end for nip Cheap by
the pound, Gallon, Barrel of
July 1. BAIRD'S. No. 3 . Brick Row.
_great variety far sale
flow, at • CHAMBERLIN'S.
June 1845
Portrait -Painting, s ty W. lePertins,
N ORTH S IDE of t he squar e ", i n
l Mix ' s
Dom Oyer J.
L. Adams ' Law o 6l
Likenesses warranted. Transparent Blinds, of any
size or pattern desired. June 18, 1846.
mylLS—Linseed, Sweet, Castor end Lamp ORs,
good and cheap at CHAMBERLIN'S.
Juhe, 1845. No. I Brick 'Raw.
Ilcmteopathic Physician,
DOCTOR L. PRATT, would respectfully inform
the citizens of Towanda end its vicinity, that he
wtll be happy to be of essential aerate, to those who
need medical aid. From his experience in the system
which he adopts, he flatters himself that the community
will be well pleased with its effects upon the varions
diseases which "flesh is heir to." His office can be
found on STATE-ST., three doors west of Water-at.,
on the north side. •
Towanda, June 7th 1845.
NJI AVE% enlarged the Reporter. the Press which
RI we have heretofore used, is offered for sale, very
CHEAP FOR CASH. It is a Washington patent,
Imperial size, and an easier and better working press
never was put up. It will be delivered at Owego, El
mira or Ralston. Address E. S. Goonnica & Sow.
Towanda, Pa. aug".U.
.IMourned Special Court.
AN adjourned Special Court will be held et the
Court House in the borough of Towanda, in end
for the county of Bradford, on Monday the 3d day of
November nest, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, of said
day for the trial of alt causes certified to said comt. By
order of the Honorable William Jessup, president of our
said court. AARON CHUBBUCK, Prot•
Profs. Office, Towanda, Aug. J 4, 1845.
Cigars ! Ci2ars
a large lot of the beet CIGARS in town, by the
box, eingle cigar or otherwise. anti-sari cheap.
Towanda, July 30, 1845.
EitZol7 CEICAO44EI azita (9122141U/0
roliE auseribers now have on hand all kinds of Men
chendize for Abe season, and altho' they do not
pledge themselves to sell lower by 10 of 20 per cent.
than their neighbors, yet th.y do pledge themselves to
sell as low for cash as ran he bought at any house in
town, Elmira, Owego or Binghamton.
May 20. 1345. H . MIX 4 SONS'.
Epartnership heretofore existing between the
subscribers, under the firm of D. C. & 0. N. Sals
bury, is this day dissolved by mutual agreement. All
outstanding debts are to be paid by D. C. Salsbury, who
is tthm to settle all matters due the late firm.
'Those having unsettled accounts with the arm will
please settle the same as speedily as possible.
Mouroeton. Aug. V, 1845. 0. N. SALSBURY._
VIIING purchased the entire stock of goods lately
opened by D. C. & 0. N. Salsbury, and assumed
the entire business and responsibility of the firm I would
return my thanks to former customers for their patronage,
and solicit the same and the public generally. My stock
of Goods is complete and will beatold on the most liberal
Any quantity of LUMBER will be received in ea
change for Goods, and for first quality, cash will be paid.
Produce of all descriptions wildbe. taken: for goods.
Monroetun, Aug. 2 I. 11345. D. C. as LS BUR Y.
in k ß. JAMES M. GOODRICH has located himself
tr at MONROE, for the practice of his profession,
and will be pleased to wait on those requiring his see.
vices. lie may be found at J. L. Johnson's tavern.
Reference maybe made to Drs. HVISTOII eIG MASON.
of Towanda. April 23, 1845.
/Plll U 3 IL II
A RE now opening at their atnre 'beautiful and cheap
AL lot of BUMMER GOODS, direct from the Clty,
which will be sold for Cash, as,low as can be bought
at The Savings Baok:' or at any store in town—call
and see. Towanda. 19th May, '45.
New ,131acksmithing Etablishment.
THE SUBSCRIBER, having foroied a partner
ship with his brother, continues to carry on the
business at his brothers new stand, east side of Main
street, south part of the borough, where he is prepared
to. execute all orders fur Borso-ahocing, Catnap &
Coach work and Edge Tools.
He assures the public that all work entrusted to his
care will be well done, a he be* thoroughly learned -
Ids trade and is determined to render satisfaction.
Towan,la, itecember 30, 1844.
IP411;i113G11 1 111 1 11.0Nrigc,
MIRE PAMPHLET LAWS of the last Legiala.
tut,: hare heen received, and are reads. feu distit-
A . CHCBIIthiK, Nat.
Prothonotary's Office, Jury 8, 1845
Friend• - & Fellow Citizen&
WE are now in want of 'Wildfowl County stock.
and any persons having cestAcates, called
county orders, can find a make' st No, 3, where they
will be taken at par in exchange for any of the snider,
comprising the lemma and cheapest stock of Goods in,
the United States•
We bad some thoughts of taking s few shares afi
aiSdvings Bank" stock, but we find after the " Pan.-
nick" which is now about over, bee gone down below
pae.and holders are beginning t 4 think they have barn:
therrfingers. Don't forget Mot our lice is at No. a-
Mick Row • W. IL BAIRD &' COI
GirINDEITOIitS.—The bent assanment of ' , Cosa
Sonia and inner kind of grindstone, era kronnhk
to thin Sue, fal Bale Li 0. 1). BA RTLErr.
No. lArich. Row,