Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 24, 1845, Image 2

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    'bra 4ro Mpot.tev.
Towanda, Wednesday, Sept 24, 1845.
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The Prospect.
We feel safe in assuring our Democratic friends, that
. the prospect of securing the election of our entire ticket
is in all respects as favorable as we could wish. We
hear of no serious complaints or disaffection ; all concede
that the ticket is a good one, and every democrat will go
forth to duty with a firm determination to battle against
the enemies of his principles, efficiebtly and successfully
—and the second Tuesday ef October shall bear testi
mony to the future of its signal and triumphant success.
Such we believe, from the information we have from all
parts of the County, is the sentiment which pervades
the party, and animates the bosom of every lover of the
Democratic cause—every friend of equal rights. This is
right. No personal hostilities—no personal preferences
for the nomination of a friend, should restrain • single
democrat from entering warmly, fearlessly, and actively
into the support of the entire ticket when formed.
We have said we believe that harmony and kind
feelings prevail, and that we are marching forward to
certain and honorable victory at the polls. Yet we
would urge upon our fellow democrats, the propriety,
and absolute necessity of unceasing vigilance. Do not
let the certainty of success lull you into apathy or inac
tivity. It has been said that "Eternal vigilance" is the
price of liberty. Let this be the motto of every soldier
in the democratic ranks. Let him remember that the
listnessness of a single individual, may lose more than
one. vote, and should it prevail generally, might lose the
election. General Apathy is a bad officer, and never
led his soldiers to victory. He is sure to be beaten
whereverhe has command, and no Democrat will be
found in his ranks.
Again, let not the fact, that we carried every thing
in this county, last fall, induce a single man to stay at
home under the belief that we have votes enough with-
Out his. That is not the way to make victory certain.
We have a wiley, managing foe to contend with, Their
leaders are already endeavoring to throw sand in our
eyes, by saying on the corners of the streets and other
public places—that they don't expect to elect their men
—they know we have the strength, and of course they
must be beaten. This is all gammor.. They hope, by
by holding oat false lights, as the same party did during
the last war, to deceive our Democratit friends. They
cry peace, peace, when there is no peace. Beware of
their devices, they mean by their tricks to quiet your
fears and operate upon your credulity. They are now
secretly pushing every exertion on their part to the ut
most, and could they succeed in making our friends be•
lieie that their operations was merely to keep up an or
ganization, without any expectation ofsuczaw—we might,
when too late, discover at our cost,ltbeir real designs.
Be assured now, that they intend to defeat us, and elect
their own men! and being conscious of their wuknesa
in open battle, they are resorting to such schemes to ac
complish covertly and underhandedly what they cannot
do in fair and• honorable conflict. Democrats ! be not
deceived—but enter at once, boldly and manfully upon the
work before you. Leave nothing undone that can be
done honorably to secure the election of your candidates.
Many a battle hu been last for want of a single vote,
and every democrat should exert himself for the coming
contest as if the result depended on his vote alone. Let
him do this, and at the same time guard agiiinst the
wiles and crafty devices of the enemy to lull them into a
careless indifference, orrilivert our attention from the
point of attack, & we will as certainly come off victorious
is the sun shall rise on the second Tuesday of October.
Mrsrmuorts Ds , sees s RAN C Z.—The New York pa
perssive an account • f the singular disappearance of li
Mr. Gough, the Temperance lecturer, and his discovery
in a house in Walkemt., suffering under the effects of
narcotics or spirituous liquors. Mr. Gough has lecture
in many of the principal places in the United States,
erdh success and has acquired ■ greatcelebrity as a Teo.
perance orator. It is now feared that he has relapsed
into his farmer habits of intemperance. We hope not,
and trust that the matter may yet be cleared up, and
Mr. Gough found innocent; and the guilty severely pun
ished. The following accounts wegather ham the New
York papers :
Mr. Gough states that he left. the Croton Hotel, on the
day of his singular disappearance, and while looking at
some prints in Coleman i window, he was accosted by
an old shop mate (a book binder) who asked what he
was doing.
I ant lecturing on temperance," replied Mr. Gough:
' Is not that rather poor work. !" asked his friend.
" Why, no—l think it a good work," answered the
_ Well," said the other, "I suppose you have got tobe
so pious now that you would not drink a glass of soda
" 0, no ! I do not. refuse to drink soda water; and
here is a fountain ; suppose we go in and have • glass."
They were, at this time, passing Thompson &
lees in Broadway: but stopping at the door,they saw a
large, number of persons waiting round the fountain,
when Mr. Ws acquaintance said--" Come with me,
can soon take you where you can get a better glass of
wattle' you San get there . ;" and so saying, 14.11 bins
round a comer to i small Shop, ,ilseee he called fur soda
-'—something passing between - the keeper of the place
and the. person into whose company Mr. G. had fallen.
The soda water being prepared he drank it, and that is
the lust that Mr. G. remembers till this morning, when
he recollects to have heard it said that there was a re
ward offered for .4 Hr. Gough, the temperance • lecturer."
He was found on Friday, 11th root, by officer Hays.•
Hia watch and other jewelry were safe, but he had but
$7O left of $2llO.
If he has fallen into habits of Intemperance, he fel
much to pitied, andihe cause of Temperance has lota a
valuable and udented advocate. It is a startling lesson
tofficass who " look upon ihi cup when the wine is.lett"
that there is danger in that cup. The monster had too
sure a bold upon him, and in some unguarded hour has
dashed his hopes a wreck upon the batters shores of in
temperance and deepair.
Shall we have Sheriff Weston‘s De
puty, Win. S. Dobbins, tbr the next
Sheriff of Dradtbird County t
We have asked ourselves this question so often, that
we feel disposed to propound it to the people, for their
reflection and answer., John N. Weston the present
popular officer, has during the whole period of his tam
of rem, employed Wm. 8. Dobbins as his general depu
ty,,sharing with him the profits of the' business. Do the
people of Bradford desire to have another Sheriff Wes
ton for the next three years 1 Have they not had
enough of his humanity, and regard for the interests of
he poor? If not, we feel fully satisfied that in Mr. Dob
bins, they will have abundant reason to be thankful for
the same kind of forbearance, and humane execution of
the duties of the Sheriff's office.
We are led to these remarks, partly from hearina,that
,the political friends of Mr. Dobbins in the west, are al
ready talking about Mr. Means att an aristocrat—a man
who ha no sympathy for the poor, and who if elected
would exercise the duties of the office oppressively, and
and with a view to his own interests in the multiplication
of costs. One would suppose that a common regard for
decency, would stop the mouth of every whig in Brad
ord from such remarks, at least while J. N. Weston was
yet Sheriff. and to induce support for one of his deputies.
The people if we recollect it aright, were told this tame
stogy three years ago. Then Sheriff Weston was the
poor man's friend." Now, it is Wm. 8. Dobbins. The
fall of 1842 found the Whig party of this County, ex
tolling the humanity and kindness to the poor, of John.
N. Weston, while Chester Thomas was held up an un
feeling monster. Now the soft heart of Wm. 8. bob.
bins, meets with sympathy for the poor man, while Mr.
hlesns is represented as the cold and selfish aristocrat.
When did John F. Means become the wealthy aristo
crat, that some of his political opponents now represent
him Was he nursed in the lap of aristocratic luxury
and ease ! If we know his history, and we ought to, (for
he has grown up from infancy among us) he was leftan
orphan at an early age, -having lost his roothor when one
year old, and his father when twelve. Kind relations it
is true, sheltered his infancy, and protected his child
hood from want; hut idleness and care was no part of
his lot. He labored in the service of an, and fully
repaid him for the expense of las maintainatace. On the
death of his grandfather, a small farm in the vicinity of
this village was left him, which he disposed of,investing
its proceeds in business, which he has carried on as lib•
erally, and fairly, as that of any man within the limitsof
our County. He has preserved his small patrimony un
impaired, but hie purse strings have been too open, and
his generosity too liberal, to have added much to it. He
is not wealthy, though a differenfand nigionlly course in
his extensive business, might have made him worth thou
sands more than he is.
Such is John F. Means, u we and every man of his
acquaintance knows him to be ; liberal and generous, he
his not used his small -patrimony to oppress and take
advantage of those around him, but in enterprise and
busiiiess, marked throughout with integrity, and a care.
fut observance of the rights of thane with whom he had deal
We have the contents of • letter, written by • promi
nent democrat to a friend in this place, stating that sto
ries had been but afloat with a view toinjure MeMeans,
that he was under pledges to appoint various individuals
as his deputies. These stories are raised to suit particu
lar latitudes, and told in a way supposed beat calculated
to injure Mr. Means. We were fully satisfied of the ut
ter falsity of such stories, knowing the policy which pro
cured their circulation ; but for the purpose of nailing
all such lies to the counter, we called upon Mr. Means,
and have his authority for the public declaration which
we now make that he is under no promise or engage
ment to any man, to make him a deputy, but if elected,
in that, as in all things, strive to satisfy the greater body
of his political friends. •
The New York and Erie Rail Road
We observe by the New York papers, that the stock
of this important public improvement, is being 'rapidly
taken up. Next to the completion of the North Branch
Canal, this work is of the most vital interest to the peo
ple of Northern Pennsylvania. it will connect our re
gion, by a direct and rapid communicaiion with the city
of New York, opening the vast market of that commer
cial emporium to the farmers of Bradford.
We desire most earnestly at this time, to call the
attention of our people, to the importance of this subject,
in connection with the election of Representatives from
this County. It will be recollected by all, that the New
York and Erie Rail Road Company, applied to our Leg
islature last winter for the privilege of entering, and
continuing for a few miles their road through Pike coon
ty ; which reasonable request was defeated by the nar
row and selfish interests of Philadelphia, united with
that of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company. The
interests of all northern Pennsylvania was sacrificed to
the selfishness of the Merchants of Philadelphia, and
the stockholders of a Canal, which confers no benefits
upon the greater mass of our citizens. Why was this
done? The answer is easy. Men were in the Legisla
lature who were the suppliant tools of a wealthy few,
instead of being the honest and-fearless Representatives
of the general -weal. Men who had no sympathies in
common with the great agricultural and industrial inter
ests of this section of the state, who saw more good to
themselves in the patronage of City Merchants, than in
opening a market for the products of our ferment, who
valued more the 5 per cent on collections, with the ecca
atonal speculation which the sacrifice of a farm, or a mill
seat enabled them to make, than they did the enhancing
of the value of the real estate of the county, and all the
products of the industrious farmer. Let the people of
Bradford look well to their interests in this matter, for it
concerns them deeply. Our Legislature will again be
appealevizo, by this Company, for permission to enter
this state, and again will the Merchants of Philadelphia,
fill with their borers, the lobbies of our house of Repre
sentatives. Let the people reflect into whose hands
they will commit this vital interest. Whether in those
of farmers whose interests are identical with theirs, or
into those di man whose business it is to grow rich
upon the patronage of merchant-princes, and the specu
lations attendant upon the sacrifice of the farmer,. home,
and the poor man's all.
New APPLICATION or TOL Marierr.—A colored
woman, at Frankton, Ky., run a needle in the fleshy
part of the palm, some three mouths ago. Last week
Mr. John Gooodman, to whom the woman belonged,
knowing the needle would not remain stationary, that it
would produce suppuration and gradually move from its
imbedment, it struck him that it might be attracted to
the surface of the skin, and be procured a magnet and
applied it to the hand. Boom a sensation of pain was
produced, and three days after the needle made its ap.
pannier just under the skin, when it was
easily e:-
Coaasertorr. —A singular error °cured In our pe•
per last week, in publishing the proceedings' of Conn.
Towards the eine, where the recommusdatlon of the
Grand Jury is mentioned, we made our reporter eey
"before One or mine Jastice's ofthe Peau and a 'kluge
It should read "before one or more Julia:6'2o(th' Peace
and a jury of the eh:insp."
Geography and John Adonis.
We do not mean to accuse the late Whig Convention,
Which met in this phtete, as wanting in intelligence, but
their . knowledge of Geography was evidently; lacking
and when they took at " sober second thought,"and
ed cooly upon their labors, they found they bad got into
a serape, and of wino the wisest and safest plan 'when
you get into a serape is to back out. The expression
of the will of the Whig Electors will hereafter have to
be told by Algebra, and the location ;if their candidates
determined by a map and a pair of oompaues, to prevent
" Both candidates from the east aide of the River !
Why we must try and elect . Dobbins by Western
sympathy, and it won't look well take both Rep
resentatives from the East!" So, to tfend the matter,
E. R. Myer has declined, and John C. Adams, a whig
lawyer, in the borough, is the candidate for the Whigs.
Not exactly nominateit, and yet to all intents and pur
poses " regularly put forward"—but not too modest to
declare himself a" Volunteer."
Friend Myer bna found that doubtful things are
mighty uncertairi," and be has the glory of being beaten,
snatched from:him, and the honor conferred on John
' flute; the laurel give him !"
And why? like many a politician, he halt suffered from
an unfortunate locality. Had he resided in Towanda,
or had Wysox only been located in the West as we sup
pose the Whig delegates must have thought it, be might
still 'lave been paraded in the columns of the Argus, as
the regular nominee, and been beaten at least five hun
dred votes.
We cannot see the necessity of this arrangement. It
mattered butlittle where:their candidates are from, for
they are sure of defeat, The Democratic party are too
well used to the devices of whiggery, to he influenced by
Locality, and too well suited by the ticket formed for
their support to vote for a whig. It is a thankless task,
working for whiggery .for they are a very ungrateful part
of community, and are apt to turn their backs upon
democrats who desert their party to give them power.
The democratic party in more than one instance, has
repented in sack cloth and ashes, being deluded by
Whiggery, and lending ear to their fair promises. They
are content with Democrats, and will go to election we
predict, charged with a disgust of Whiggery, and deter
mined to have nothing more to do with them, under any
Till en No.—The hasty sketch on our first page, which
(in more senses than one, perhaps,) may be termed a
trip editorial,—so getting to the printer, fell, it seems,
into the hands of the youngest compositor in the
office. In plain printing-office parlance—it went to the
"devil," who in the course of putting it into type, has
made us " promise" in the second paragraph, when we
only intended to " premise." This is worse than the
" trip" in the fourth paragraph, where he makes us
speak of the "fair East," when we wrote of the "far
East." Like the preacher in the anecdote, who, intending
in Scripture phrase, to proclaim that " Satan was the
father of liars," said he was "the father of lawyers;"
and as the mistake was so small, he let it pass uncorrected
—so we would let this last error pass unnoticed, but for
others in the article as printed, which we felt 60110 to
point out. In the last paragraph but one, passing over
the bad French, we are made to talk of the " Guidean
Venus," when we supposed we were in all conscience
obscure enough, in writing " CnidearaVentis," for what
Horace calla the " Venus Cnidiana," The numerous
errors in punctuation, and several missing words, are so
obviously " the work of the devil,' that we forbear far
ther to particularize.
GEZAT Seszn.—The cars from Boston, over the Long
Island Road on Monday, run from Greenport to Brook
lyn, 96 miles, in 2 hours and 40 minutes, including all
stops, or the running time without stops, was 2 hours
29 minutes, bringing 100 passengers and making three
stops. 4
“Bs Nu-ou,” has unavoidably been deferred until
next week.
A Reiv Republic.
A project is in anticipation in Arkansas, for
the establishment of a settlement of Americans
in California. A company of one thousand is
proposed to be raisedllie families and freight
of the emigrants to be sent hy,s,a from New
Orleans. The young men, and others who
prefer it, to take the overland route from Fort
Smith to Santa Fe. and thence to 'the Facific,
which it is proposed to strike near the bay of
San Fernando. in lat. 34 degrees, there to meet
the families going by water. A site is then to
he chosen, after a thorough exploration of the
coast, for a permanent settlement. The pro
jector of this scheme, Mr. Leavitt, predicts
that ten years will see the coast of California
well settled, and that beautiful country .• the
great Southwestern Republic of North Amen :
ca." His prediction will in all probability be
verified. California already contains a num
ber of American emigrants, and large parties
of those who started for Oregon have gone
down into the finer regions which lie to the
south. That fertile country, in the hands of
the 'industrious, enterprising, and intelligent
emigrants from the States, will soon grow in
population and importance. Whether it shall
exist as an independent government or not, the
natural affinities of its inhabitants will always
incline them towards the United States, and
the strength and greatness of this country will
be constant inducements for entering into an
union with it. It seems most likely that in
that country the idea of the establishment of
an " Independerit Republic" may be enter
tained. It has been intimated that such a re
public would he founded in Oregon, and that
this would be.tlie 'best mode of settling the
difficulties attending the claims of Great Bri
tain anti the United States to that territory.—
This idea is preposterous. as the country
longs rightfully to the United States, which
will never allow any body ofjmen or any go
vernment to deprive it of what it has a just
claim to. But it is different with California,
as it may, as Texas did, set up an independent
government ; but whether acquired h, pur
chase, by annexation, or by ) conquest, it will
one day be included in the United States of
North Americas" a comprehensive title, which
will embrace the country from the North Pole
to the Isthmus of Darien.
COURT SCANDAL.—WiIIis intimates in one
of his letters that it is not improbable that the
author of " Mrs. Candle's Lectures " took his
idea from the Palace. and therefore this most
popular hit of literature of the time is a very
fair exponent of her Majesty's reign. The
hereditary madness in the family makes it
dangerous to oppose her wishes, and a remon
strance or objection is seldom ventured upon.
11 Victoria escapes being called Queen Caudle
in history. it will be by the alacrity with which
oblivion disposes of gossip—for there are a
thousand and one stories afloat of her Majesty's
"having tier way," to the great inconvenience
of Prince Candle:'
Late and Important from Nemo.
Distracted condition of theiCountry—The
any in a state of Revalt=-, Threatcnetillievo
intim in 'San Luis Poto si. •
• Tampico dates to the 30th ultimo have been
receiied , at - New Orleans.' The news is high
ly interesting and important just at this time,
as it Active Mexico to be utterly Unprepared
fur any thing like a warlike undertaking, a
portion of the army being in a state of revolt,
and the whole country in a dtsorganizeil con
dition, and ready for revolution. In regard to
the war question little is said. It is positive
that no declaration of war has been matte, and
it seems probable that the intention of Mexico
is to attempt the reconquest of Texas, without
proceeding to a formal declaration of hostili
ties,•the war being purely defensive. on the
part of Mexico, arising from the occupation of
'l'exas by the United States troops.
The military forces under orders for the
frontier of Texas, and commanded by Paredes.
had refused to march beyond San Luis Potosi,
without being paid their arrearageri three
months' pay in advance, and being supplied
with every necessary for the campaign Pare.
des, it is stated, has reduced this military mu
tiny to something like order, but it is strongly
suspected that he has done so lor personal mo
tives and by personal influence. He I lately
applied to the Government for permisition to
come to Mexico, for the purpose of explaining
his proposed plan for the campaign: but it
was refused, it is thought, from fear that his
presence might create a counter revolution in
the capitol. Such an event is openly reported
in Tampico as about to take place at San Luis
Potosi—where lie is in sole command of the
troops—Gen. Filisola having thrown up his
command in disgust, after _being informed of
the mutiny, Gen. Bustamente, it is beheved,
will be sent as commander-in-chief by the Go
OFFlClAL—lNTEmcimitio,—lnformation from
General'Taylor's headquarters, at Corpus
Christi, has been received as late as to the 30th
of August. Since his last despatch, seven
companies of the 7th regiment of infantry have
arrived at his camp. The general speaks in
commendatory terms of the battalion of artillery
froin New Orleans, under the command of
Major Gaily.
The gallant Tezians are determined to do
their duty in defence of their State. President
Jones has notified General Taylor that he has
taken preparatory steps to organize one thou
sand men for service, if necessary. _ _
General Taylor has communicated to Gen
eral Gaines his wish not to have any more
militia force sent from New Orleans to him,
not apprehending that there will be any occa
sion for their services. He states that there
is no news from Rio Grande. Some idle ru
mors are occasionally brought in from that
quarter, but the accurate information he posses
ses so entirely discredits them, that he does
not think them even entitled to repetition.—
Union Sept. 15.
[From the St. Lduis Republican Sept. 4.]
Expositor of Saturday last, printed at Indepen
dence, announces the arrival of Mr. Albert
Speyer, in thirty-eight days from Chihuahua—
twelve or fourteen days less tliAn the trip has
ever before been made. Mr. Speyer left Chi
huahua on the 18th of July, at which date . all
was apparent peace and security, nor was there
any news of importance. It was reported at
Santa Fe, that General Garcia Conde was ex
pected shortly, as also the appointment of the
new governor, (Armijo.) which kept the mili
tary and all astir. The news of the annexation
of Texas had not been received at Chihuahua,
although it was daily expected, and the citizens
were anxious to fight.
The weather has been unusually favorable,
and the company were only detained two or
three days on account of high waters.
• Mr. Speyer brings in with him 8 wagons,
175 mules, and about $40,000 in specie. Af
ter the most unheard-of misfortunes, and the
loss of about 300 mules in his outward trip,
and unexpected delays. he-is here again, ready
to undertake the hardships of another journey
the coming season—exhibiting an energy of
character and determination of spirit almost un
paralleled. Any other man, in similar circum
stances, would have become dispirited in the
outset, and given up, rather than endure the
labor and vexation, or suffer the trouble of
mind, that he must necessarily have endured.
'• Messrs. Magoffin and Houck's companies
were met on the 15th of July, on Sand creek,
50 miles on the other side of the crossing of
the Arkansas; Mr. M'Kniolit's about 26 miles
behind Magoffin. Don Francisco Alguea at
Coon creek, six days' (ravel this side of the
Atkansas—all well.
" The Mexican traders were waiting for the
arricif General Garcia Conde before they
wool( eave.
" Messrs. Wreck, Thurston, M'Mannan,
and others whose names we have not learned,
also arrived this week from Chihuhua. They
bring with them ahout 880,000 in specie—
making, in all. $120,000 that has arrived in
our town this week."
!From the New Orleans Picayune Sept. 7
MEXICO.—The Mexican schooner Yucateco,
Pratt muster, arrived at this port yesterday
from Tatupico, whence she sailed on the 30th
of August. By her we have received a file of
El Gejen, a Tampico paper, down to the 27th
of August, and a copy of El Siglo Diez y
Nueve, of the 19th ult.. from the capitol—a
week later than was received by the Joaquina
on the 31st ult. But to the news.
Mexico has not yet declared war. nor does
she appear in any mioner competent to do so.
The country is rent' , by dissensions. Open
revolts have at last. broken out in the army ;
and on all hands the ambitious military chief
tains are quarrelling among themselves.
The Sig,lo of the 19th states that a rumor
had prevailed for three days in the capitol of
a military revoltsin one section of the army
under Gen. Filieola, on its march to Texas.—
ithout vouching for their accuracy, the Siglo
gives some of the details of the movement.—
appears that the chiefs and officers of the
vanguard of this division, while three leagues
distant from San Lois Potosi, taking advantage
of the momentary absence of Generals Filisola
and Ganna, assembled (en junta) and agreed
that they would not continue their march upon
Texas unless they should receive, besides
their full pay, all the equipments, perquisites.
and provisions of an army of campaign. This
resolution they reduced to a formal act. It
was reported further that Generals Filisola
and Parades arrived just at the moment, and
prevailed upon the division to resume the
The editor of the Siglo is excessively in
dignant that officers, who have lived at the ex-
Pense of the nation, should, when ordered to
the frontier, to defend the most sacred rights
of the country. impose conditions upon their
government. iit insists, with some-spirit and
n little Mexican bluster, that they should be
discharged froM.the service.
The editor of the Silo writes in • ; the Most
despairing Tone of the internal condition of tl.e
republic, and of the . state of political morals at
the capitol. Here, he says, criminals have no
shame, because crime has. no punishment.—
Impunity is the rule of the: day. Men enter
upon revolts as speculations, in which little is
risked, and much may be gained. Such is
the tone of his speculations ; which we would
translate had we room, to show the complete
moral disOrganizatiori of society in Mexico—a
prey to jobbers, speculators, military aspirants,
and adventurers.
Letters have been received at Tampico from
San Lute Potosi, which announce that a revo
lution is near at hand. There appears to be
a strong demand for the re-establishment ef
the federal constitution of 1824 ; and if this
he not granted by the government. it is likely
to be carried by force. In- the departmental
assembly of Tamaulipas, a pioposition to sec
ond the iritiative of Zacatecas (for the restora
tion of this constitution) has already been in
troduced. Should we have arrivals, we are
not likely to wait many days for news of the
results of the various machinations of The re
volutionists. Our limits will not allow us to
enter into any speculations upon this subject
suggested by the papers before us, and at
which we have had only time hastily to
Gen.-Paiedes has become involved in a vio
lent newspaper controversy with Sr. Doves, a
deputy, who,so discomfited the latenainistry.
The President has expressed to the General
his enduring confidence in his fidelity and
Gen. Arista. too, is quarrelling through the
papers with Gen. Won—defending himself,
and accusing Woll of iisubordinalion, &c.—
We note the affair only to 5110 W how the mili
tary leaders of ;Mexico are divided amongst
On the 23d ult. the l‘lexican steamer Gua
delupe was expected at Tampico, with from
800 to 1.000 tents for the troops of the army
of the, north.
Late from the Oregon Country
The St. Joseph's Gazette publishes two let
ters front an emigrant to Oregon. The first.
dated the 17th of February. allud@s chiefly to
the progress which the settlers are twiking.—
The writer speaks in Warm ti rips oflhe coun
try, and says the emigrants raised a surplus of
wheat last year of 100.000 bushels. The
other letteris more important, because it shows
that the emigrants have already established a
Separate government. Polities. it seems,were
running high. and there, as here, appears to
be no lack of men ready to take the responsi
ble office of Governor. The organization of
this government will very likely bung on a
collision between the emigrants and the Hud
son's Bay Company. That company. for
several years past, has had a government or
ganized under the act of the English Parlia
ment, under which there is a resident Justice
of the Peace at Fort Vancourver, and at several
other stations.
Tnese Justices have jurisdiction over all
suits and contracts not exceeding .t2OO, and
over certain offences, for which they may in
flict punishment. Suits for larger sums, and
offences of a higher grade, are referred to the
superior courts of Canada, and in criminal
cases the accused may be sent there for trial.
The jurisdiction of these Justices, we believe,
extends to all cases arising between members
of the Hudson's Bay Company, or persons in
their employ, and to cases arising between the
company and their employers. and persons not
connected with them. As there must necessa
rily be many transactions between the emi
grants and the Hudson's flay Company and
their employers, in which disputes and diffi
culties will arise, it is reasonable to suppose
that in such eases both governments will pro
bably claim jurisdiction, and such conflicting
claims will doubtless lead to difficulty. If die
emigrants feel sufficient security in theinsek es
to establish an independent government, they
will not tamely submit to any assumptions of
the English Company.or their officers.
We learn that there are three candidates for
Governor in the field. There is little or no
money in the country, business is carried on
entirely by exchanging commodities. A grist
mill with three run of stones has been put into
operation at the Wallamete Falls. Nlerchan
dise is said to be very .scarce.—Sl. Louis Re
publican of the 6th inst.
QUARRELS.—A correspondent of the Rochester
Democrat furnishes an account of a riot in
Montreal on the Ist instant, on which occasion
ten thousand persons were present, and the
troops were called out to suppress the affray.
It arose out of some dispute between the
Orangemen and the Catholics. Rev. Mr.
Burns, a Scotchman, who holds service for
the benefit of seamen, was assaulted for the
second time. The rioters threatened that he
should not preach again. The Orange lodges
invited their friends to come and defend Mr.
8., but to keep their weapons concealed until
the signal was given. The notice was printed
in red ink, and was supposed to mean blood.
The Mayor got possession of a copy, and had
a strong police on the ground. It is est' 'rated
that 1,000 persons were present. co tensed of
both parties. But the preacher hat lett town,
according to the Mayor's'advice. A row was
got up between members of each party, and a
general melee took place. l lie Ilay or find
ing the police unable 'to quell the behgcrents,
called for the military, who to large numb. rs
appeared on theirround, with ball and cartridge.
This had the desired effect, and after a little
skirmishing With fisticuffs, several were arres•
ted and gave bail to appear at Court. On
searching them. one had a pistol loaded to the
muzzle ; several had large knives and dirks,
and others loaded canes, &c.
ERIE RAILROAD.—There is quite an anima
tion in this stock. We stepped into the afire
to-day as we passed and hound several waiting
to subscribe. The summit already taken is
$1.350,000, and there is no doubt but that . in,
a few weeks the whole will be taken, and we
should not, be surprised to see the new stork
at a premium. For PIS .• Or eight months DO
one would take a United States 6 per cent, at
any price. In January. 1643, some capitalists
ventured upon it, and in five months was 17
per cent. premium, and the Secretary get par
for $7,000,000, 5 per cent. When once the
public find that the stock is, going there will
be a rush for it.—Morning News, of the 9111
Latest from Delaware
DELHI, Sept, 0-9 P. M
DEAR SlR—Our county court comme nced
its session yesterday—Judge Wheeler pre.
The Grand Jury was then empannelled....
24 being sworn. John Edgerton Esq., f or.
mer Sheriff, is the loreman—and as you may
infer, it is composed of some of our best m et:
Thai they will do their duty, there can be n o
doubt. The charge of Judge Wheder wa s
clear, forcible, and impressive, and was liste n .
ed to with the deepest interest.
I have conversed with many of the prises_
try. They appear subdued and disposed to
lietqi hark nothing. Some of them are. a rty ,
ions to go directly before the Grand Jury and
make (till confessions, and. when indicted t 2,
plead guilty--believing that there le no chance
of an escape.
Further arrests have beep made since my
last. Timothy Corbin. Jr., Deputy Sheriff,
returned last evening with several primners--
among 111. m John C. Kittle, Dennis Jackso n
and Abel Jones. They are Indians, not pre
sent at the Earll sale, but otherwise iuipk.
Also—Elias Osterhout, a chief, who was
present at the sale; Homer Sanford, anothe r
duel, hut not present ; Valentine Kittle, an d
Raynolds, both Indians, present at the
salt•, armed and disguised..
Among the commitments, was that of Abra
ham Iladley, last evening. He is a resident
of Bovina. was present at the sale, and dia.
.Ouised. He was arrested whilst attemptin g
to escape at Esq. Reynolds. in Colesville,
Broome County, by Constable Joseph Harper,
assisted by Win. Hendrick:Fe. L. Bradstreet,
Archibald WKennon, and others, of Mason
Messrs. M'Kennon, Bradstreet, and others,
also arrested at Guilford, Chenango county,
another person who was present at the sale;
but bring sick, and unable to be moved, he
was left in charge of keepers, and the party
proceeded in pursuit of two others who left
our county in company with the prisoner last
Calvin Chase has plead guilty to an indict:
ment for riot and 'assault and battery, and
being disguised and armed, at the house of J.
B. Gould in Roxbury, in August, 1844. But
he does not appear to have been disguised
In eeneral, the prisoners brought before the
Coroner, findma that most of the facts are
known as well as the persons implicated, make
full confessions of gull'.
Canal Commissioner.
It will be seen by the following correspon,
deuce, between James X. M'Lanahan, Esq.,
President of the recent Canal Commissioners'
Convention, and Mr. Burns, that the latter ac
cepts the monination, and pledges himself, to
the event of his election, of which there can be
no doubt, to devote his energies to the ad
vancement of the interests of the C 0111111011•
weal th.
CHAMIIERSDURG, Sept. 5, 1945
DEAR SIR :—I have the honor to inform you,
that, at a State Convention, held at Harris
burg, on the 4th inst., you were regularly
chosen as the Candidate of the'beinocranc
party for the of 'e of Canal Cominissientr.—
In the lull confidence of your election by the
people to till that highly responsible office,
,permit me - to express the hope, that in the per
formance of its arduous duties, your watchful
care over the interests of tue Commonwealth,
may not only subserve the public weal, but
prove creditable to the party who have selec
ted you as their candtdate. I am, with SCIIII.
ments of high esteem,
Vvry resßectfuliv, yours, &e.
LEwisTowN, Sept. 10, 1815
ro JAMFS X. VLANAII.4 - N. Esq.
Dcsit SIR:-1 have received.vour letter of
the sth. inform:lit me that I was rezularly
chosen by the State Convention, which assem
bled at liarrishurz, on the 4th inst., as the
candidate of the democratic part• for the office
of Canal Comint,,,ioner.
In the discharge of the important and ardu
ous duties devolving on those to whom the
general management of the public work& are
confided. I shall, to the best of my in
the event of Inv election as a member of the
board of Canal Commissioners. make it my
constant aim to watch with care the interests
of lie State. Economy and street accounta
bility in the discharge of the ditties of this, as
in every other office. is properly demanded of
the incumbent. With these objects in view.
and a sincere,hope that I may be enabled, if
elected, to be useful in promoting, the true in
terests of the Commonwealth, I accept the no
mination, and assure sou that this distinguish
ed mark of favor, already conferred by my
fellow-citizens, will receive my best exertions
to merit their confidence.
I atu‘; very respe etfully, youo. &c..
Liberation Fete to GUT. Dorr
The Democracy of Rhode Island, On Wed
nesday last. gave a Idneranon Fete in honor
to Gov. Dorr. From ten to twelve thousand
people attended the fete, and it - passed oti m
the most brilliant and joyous manner.. The
multitude was addressed by Messrs. Parmen
ler, I. 11. W right. Whitmarsh, and General
WNell. The lip pubhcan Herald saves.
•` At two y'clock dinner was served on the
shore of the Pawtucket river, where as many
as w ere not prevented by the confusion which
alway attends an out-door dinner. with ten
thousand to participate, ate their fill of baked
clams. chowder and bread.
Adjourning again to the grove, the immense
gathering—for we think there could not have
been less than ten or twelve thousand upon
the ground—were made joyous by a speech
from the man they most delighted to honor,
Gov. Dorr. Shout upon shout went lorth as
he made his appearance upon the stand, and
at every moment's interval in his speech the
air rang with the applause of the people. Ills
spec 0. though ‘ery brief, seemed to inspire
the beans of all present with fresh courage,
and the determination to renew the contest for
a complete triumph
. of their principles, -was
fixed firmer and deeper in every breast.
At about 4 o'clock the joyous gathering
broke . up. well satisfied with the entertainment
—thankful to the - ladies, thankful to the speak•
er, parucularly thankful that they had been
permitted once more to hear the voice of the
champion of their rights."
A new Democratic paper' has recently_ bsen
started at Minersville. Schuylkill county. by
Messrs. J. W. Evans and G. L. Vliet.