Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 17, 1845, Image 4
= Early Rising anti Prayer BT 111.311 T TACGIVT-1695 When first thy eyes unveil give to the soul leave To do the like; uur hkiies hut forerun • The spirits duty ; true hearts spread and heave Unto their GO, a 4 flowers t o the Mtn; line him thy fag thought+, then, so shalt thou keep thin company all day, and m him sleep. Tat never sleep the 3un up prayer : should Dawn with the day r e there are sit awful hours 'Twixt he7c-rn and n 5 ; the manna was not good After sun.riaing : for ;LI sullies flowers: Five to . prevent the sun iitcp deth sins glut, And heaten's gate opens when the world's is shut. Walk with thy fellow-erratum: note the hush And whispering among them. Not a-sprig Or leaf but hsth its morning hymn; each hush And oak (loth known 1 Am—Cans: thou not sing Oh leave thy care and follies! go this way, And thou set sure to prosper all the day. Hem God before the world; let him not go Until thou haft a tlersin ; then resign The whole unto him, and remember who _ Prevailed by wresdy ere the sun did shine; Po . ur oil upon the ~toues, weep for thy sin, Then journey on, and have an eye to bear's,. Mornings ere mysteries; the fast worlirs youth, Stan e witrurreetion, and the future's bud, Shrouds in their highs ; i dle crown of life, light, truth, Is styled their star; the stone and hidden foal; Three blessings wait upon them, one of which Should move—they make us holy, happy, rich. When the world's up, and every swarm abroad, Keep well thy temper, mit not with each clay; Despatch necasßities; life bath a load Which must be caryiyti\ on, and safely may : Yet keep those cares without thee! let thy heart Be Gals alone, and choose the better part. (Correspondence of tho Public Ledger.] Fall River, Mass.—Manufactories. My first landing front the stage coach, emer• ed at NewpOrt, was at Fall River, in Massachu setts, a manufacturing village upon one of the heads of the- Narraghanset Bay, at the mouth of Fall River, and a few miles south of Taunton. It is like all the thriving manufacturing towns of New England, exhibiting the animation, order, neatness and comfort of a bee-hive, and also that summer process of the hive, incessant construc tion. Everything within it bears the stamp of yesterday's creation, while everything finished is substantial and made for endurance. Arid in the midst of its great stone-Sith factories and long blocks of brick stores anti dwellings, Other great factories and brick blocks are in various stages of progress, from the foundations to the internal finishing. They seem to be creating, at this moment, almost as much as they have al. ready finished. In looking around this thriving town, I would not refrain front a contr ast . be. tween the energy , perseverance and intelligence gilts population, and the fluctuation, vacilitating, " President-making" character of our national legislation. While our legislation is " from hand to month," these people go on, creating and to create, as if-utterly indifferent to protec tion, interference or letting alone. Some sub lime blackheads may rave about free trade, and other closer bred eeriest isurs may preach alter nately about free trade and protection, according to'the rise and fall of parties, and some Nimrod of temporary expediences may leap (tom pro. teclion to compramise, according to the course the everfiyin'g Presidential quarry which they hold in chase, hut the people of this great na tion, and especially the people Of that great store house of intellectual and moral energy, New England, go on—on—ox, as if in contempt of their vactiliating ruling, and the stumbling blocks which such vacillation throws in their way. Pig my politicians cannot control the energies of the greatest race which ever existed, on the most magnificent field ever presented fur the develop. ment of intellectual and moral powers. When Mr.- Webster, in his speech at Baltimore, up on.comntercial treaties, if speaking to Congress for ,agriculture. commerce and manufactures. said, " define your policy and stick to it. and en able us to calculate to day, what we shall do to morrow and the next day," he spoke a little of that wisdom which so frequently drowned at Washington by the miserable clamor of a Presi dential election. And Mr. Dallas is inspired with the Elaine wisdom in saying that the Ares. eat tariff, good, bad or indifferent, should re- main long enough. at least in its leading leatures, to test fully its operation. I sin no adviwate of high tariffs for cotton planters, or any unequal taxation fur the benefit of classes. But in con. ternplating the energies of the American people. I say that with gold or silver for a currency, they can take free trade, and manufacture against the world. They have all the elements of manufacturing cheaper than any other peo ple. excepting tabor ; and their advantages . in all these are more than art equivalent to the single advantage in labor of their adversaties ; all these advantages, combined with their vast extent of fertile lands, their free government and their schools, will enable them to keep labor where It ought to be titan. Indeed, one source of their energies is the high reward of labor ; a price that enables the laborer to be well fed, clothed, lodged.and taught, and to improve continnallY his condition. A nation of pampered capitalists and degraded and starving laburets are no match for a nation of well conditioned freeman, each continually inspired by the hope •of teaching something better than the present, hoWever good it be: And I add, that whatever he the leading features from national policy, let a retain them for a thorough test, and then after them slowly; for considering the rapid advances of our pen. ple under a miserably fluctuating poliey, a tale told in every manufacturing town in our Union, what. may we ask, would be their advances un der :lability. good, bad or indi ff erent 1 In na tional policy, ' let well enough alone;' and if you *mild alter well ennugh," for the better. Make haste slowly, for the social constitution, die business of society, cannot be so easily changed as the laws which fetter, guide, or even create it. During a stay fiir dinner at Fall River, I ex. ambled the largest print factory, being very po. /Rely conducted over the whole of it by the in telligent superintendent. He at first objected, saying that mannfacturers had come there in disguise, and repaid their civility by stealing their improvements. Such contemptible tricks ought to render them cautious. But on reading my card, and being assured that I had no pan cem in any manufacturing, and was not the man to repay civility with overreaching, he treated ' - me as .one gentleman knows ,how to treat anoth er. Th,,,i 2 h the manufacture of prints wai no novelty to me, yet my daughter wishing to see the different Tirocesses, he showed all sucees sively, excepting the preparation of the colors. which could be interesting only to a practical dyer or chemist. In expedition and accuracy, the manufacture of prints is certainly one of the triumphs of modem science and art. Calicoes, so called from Cafield, one of the places in Hindustan whence they were formerly import ed were printed entirely by the slow proeess of hard labor, and by myriads of ['inducts who earned enough by it fin a miserable subsistence. But machinery. by superseding hard labor, has enabled the American laborer to earn comfort and improvement and prospect, in addition to . subsistence. This may be a crest paradox to superficial thinkers. Still it is a great truth. Every improvement in machinery that dispen ses with human labor, t sables the labor that is left to earn more, And the reason is plain. if a laborer can make ten yards daily by hand fur a dollar. and a hundred, pulls daily by machi nery for two dollars, the cost of labor on the first ten cents per yard. and on the second only Iwo cents. Thus with machinery, while 'lie laborer is better paid, the price 01 labor ' , ears a less proportion to 16 quantity produced ; all we may add. to the quthtity consumed. Th first process with the white cotton cloth, from the loom, singing. It is singed by being roll ed tight and rapidly over an iron cylinder, red hot. which burns away all the furze, or in com mon parlance, fun, and loose threads aid other protuberanres,'without injuring the text ure. It is then bleached and washed ; then dried by rolling over a heated cylinder, and then put into the printing machine. in this last pro. cess, it is rolled from a cylinder on which the pattern or figure for each color is engraved ; this cylinder is supplied with rho color as a roller is is supplied with ink in a printing press, and the cloth is pressed between it and anothertylinder, the pressure printing the color. In the same manner, all the.colors, necessary to complete the ti aw. two, three, four, as may be. are ap. plied in the name loom or machine. The print is calendered, or smoothed upon a cylinder' and glazed, and then lidded and stamp:4 forthe mar ket. Some of the prints here are printed by hand with Works, either entirely or in part. when combinations of color and figure are re quired which cannot be easily or at all produced from the copper cylinders. The block is a wood cut, clipped in the coloring matter, which is thin. ly spread in a broad'pan. This factory delivers for market about a thousand yards daily, if I re member correctly, or about 312,000 yards per year. They are sold at wholesale with the stamp of the manufactory, and, as 1 take for Flirted, Sold by retailers as French prints." The American have driven quglisli prints from our market ; and notwithstanding th e uut versal inquiry among the ladies for •• French prints," I doubt if they get tone yard in ten Willett Is ID/ genuine Atari:lean." Arid I know not why the American should not equal airy in tex tare, and in beauty 'and durability of rolor. The superintendent urged upon us the neeeptance of a dress from one of the most beautiful that I ev er saw. But on learning that my profe s sio na l rule was to accept nu presents, and tritia to keep my conscience clear for praise or censure, ac cording to my judgement, he took my refusal as took his otter, kindly and respectfully. I. took the cars at Fall River fur New Bed ford, on Buzzard's Bay, and soon reached an other hive of intelligent and prosperous indus. try in a very different field. New Bedford. the principal mart of the'American whale fishery. a wealthy arid flotirishing town, with a population being concerned, directly or indirectly, in this fishery. Its manufactures are ship-building and try pots," or the large iron kettles used on shipboard at sea for trying blubber. In looking about New Bedford, its spacious wharves, its numerous ships, its clearr streets, its neat white houses, continually multiplying. its capital ho tel, the Parker House, where they lodged me in a parlor because every chamber was filled, its quiet and comfortable population. I forcibly per ceived the significance of the motto oil Mr. Tumtill's crest, as mentioned by Capt. Mar ryatt in Jacob Faithful. Blubber forever !" Every thieg seemed to glide on as smooth as oil ;" and if the clouds did not .• drop fatness" as much as in Pannsylvania or Illinois, the ocean seemed to roll it up with every wave to this amphibious population. As every sailor in a whale ship is an owner. the concern being di vided into shares, all have the stimulant of a common interest to good behavior and to a prop : er estimate of character; and hence every man ner that I met wore the stamp of respectability. witnessed among them no intoxication, no levity no angry feeling, and did not hear an oath. Some ships, just arrived, were landing their car gnes. others taking in their supplies for speedy sailing, others were in the docks, in vr.rions stages of building or repairs, and one fine large new ship was just launched. But the com mon mode is buying old ships and repairing them, a process which furnishes a ship as good as new. for less than the cost of a new one. Thus while a new ship mac cost twenty thou sand dollars. an old one may be bought.for five. and completely repaired for ten, and so costing only fifteen thousand. The number of ships and barques in the whale fishery, owned in New Bedford and Fairhaven. a town of about, five thousand people. directly apposite. on the same arin ~1 Buzzard's Bay, is 280 ; their tonnage is 90.000. and their officers and crews 7500 men. The value iff each ship, equipped for a voyage of two or three years. is about $30,000 ; and the value Ilf the oil imported in 1844 was 83. 000.000. • 1 saw nn appearance of poverty and many of wealth, and the whole of this has been hauled from the ocean, and is therefore,so much positive creation. And while the manufactu ring towns of our country 'grow in spite of fluctuation, giving exorbiant protection to-day and none to-morrow, the shipping towns grow tip in spite of burdens. What would Jur coun try become under a moderate• equal and stable policy ? The story is told in what it has beconie under the want of such wisdom. Worroturvz INVENTION.—A London paper says, that a wonderful engine has lately been constructed by Professor Reinagle, who is se curing patents in every civilized country of the earth. The power.which is self produced in the engine, is obtained front condensed air, which, though easily manageable, begets an im mense force :—the present engine. which stands on a place not exceeding two feet square, having a'potrer equal to five hundred and sixty-tight horses. For pumping water out of mines it is gravely proposed to use a 10,000 or 20,000 horse power. in order to do die work promptly. It is stated, that, with the present small engine, two hundred and twenty tons can he propelled at a rate of twenty-five or thirty miles per hour. The description of the action of the machine is very vague, hnt it is said several very eminent and learned men who heard the theory and practice of this invention explained, complimen ted the inventor by - declaring. that he had discov ered perpetual motion of the most terrific de scription I Scummy Some men think they are sober, because they foreswear ardent spirits. Many people get fuddled with love ;more get drunk with vanity ; while psuisioni trips up one's heels, and transforms him into a beast. Reason is your only teetotaller. THE 'f + WANDA SAVINGS BAN,KI NEW STORE, NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES G. E. PLIVIV II CO., W j. . OULp respectfully announce to the inhabttants of Towanda and Vicinity, that we are receiving an entire new stock of Cooda,at 1M). 5. Tracy's New Block, • l e wo doors below Tracy & Moore, Main street. yonsist ing of Dry Goods, Groceries, • Crockery, Iron. Sled. Nails, Banta 4. Shoed ; and for the Ladies we haves good asEortment of MILLINERY GOODS. Besides, Ten Thousurui Notions, not to he enumerated, all 6r which were purchased under the sue ion hammer, expressly for thismarket. and will It; SOlll without reserve, and Nal.. tirely Much Cheaper th.o at any other establishment in All w ho f a vor os with a call. may be /MOP ed that their interest will he to call again. t - is Be auto you ere right.—No. 5. Tracy's New Blarh. OEO. E. FLYNT 'ar, Towanda. May V:, 1A45. SADDLE & HARNESS Ilk 111 • * 'NE e4lll ELK...X.4If sMITIII SON, RESPECTFULLY inform that they still continue the manufacture of Saddles, Bridles, •Harness, ate., in Col. Mis'a budding. nest door to J. C. Adams' Law Olfice, where they will keep constantly on hand, and manufacture to order, Elastic H'eb, Common and Quilled Saddles. Harness, Carpet Bags. Bridles, . Trunks, Collars, Valises, 4-c. 4.e. Carriage Trimming and Military Work donoto order. - ritattraeses. Pew and Chair Cushions made on ghost notice and reasonable terms. The subscribers hope by doing their work well. and by a strict attention to business. to merit a share of public patronage. EI.HAN AH SMITH 'lt 30N. Towanda. May 21. 11145. BOOT St4lOE MAKING. Ts EgadriS a,cox & SAGE have associated themseves in the Boot and Shoe Making business. in the borough of Towanda, and may he found at the old stand of S. Hathaway, lately occupied by Elkanah Smith. near I. H.Stephens' Exchange Hotel, where they solicit a share of public patronage. They intend. by a ear& I selection of stock. and by attention to the interests of their mist. mars. to make as neat and durable work as can be manufactured in this portion of the country. They keep constantly on hand, and will manufacture to order, morocco, calf and coarse boots and shoes; Ladies' Gaiters, shoes and slips; children's do.; gent's gaiters and pumps, &c.,,&e. JOHN W. WILCOX, PHILANDER SAGE. Towanda, May (4. 1845. ATHENS ADVERTISEMENT. WELLS & SATTERI.EE are• receiving from New York, their second stock of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of ■ choice and general stock of all articles kept in country stores and will be sold as cheap as at any store in the country for cash, produce or approved short credit. Please call and examine Our stock and prices. WELLES & sArrERLEE. Athens, June 9, 1845. "NINE Ladies will find printed lawns, mdlaines, bal. zarines, and prints for summer ; and bombazines, itinerate and merino goods fur winter dresses. Linen, cotton & worsted mitts, gloves and hose ; black, blue black, striped and plain silks in patterns; for sale very low at June 9. WELLEs & SATTERLEE'S. GLAS6, OILS & PAIN fs-25 Kegs Duncan, non Nails from 3d to 40d. 3-8, 5-16,1-2, 5-8, 3-8, 7-8,8-8, 10.8 Duncannon round and square Iron ; baud and hoop Iron of all sizes. Also. 5 tons Lycom ing and Centre county Iron of all kinds and shapes ov er called for—including 400 lbs. nail rods. Also, cut and E. B. & American meal, all of which will be found cheap at June 9, WELLES& SATTERLEE'S. RAIN and grass scythes scylhe snaths, grain cra g:* dies and scythes, stones and rifles; hoes, axes, rakes, hay and ii.anure forks ; Ames' shovels, spades scoops. hammers, hatch-ta and a general stock of hard- ware may he found at the store of June 9. & SATTERLEE. ILAEATllER—blaltnosh, Overton & CO'S best solo and upper leather—calf and kip skins always on hand in exchange for cash end hides, very lout pi June 9. t 4 ELLES & SATTERLEE'S. jA RMERS.-20.000 LBS. OF BUTTER, either in roils or firkins wanted at the highest market price for goods by June 9. WELLS & SATTERLEE MORELS. LAKE SALT, at ten shillings per barrel. each. fur pale at June 9. WELLES & SATTERLEE'S. BROADCLOTHS and Cassimenen ,of all shades and qualities at very low price., may be found at June 9, 1845. WELLS & SATTERLEE'S. A SPLENDID stock of linen and cotton Goods for gootleman's wear. Also, Kid, linen and cotton alnyes—neck and pocket handkerchiefs and Italian cra vats of all grade*, may he found at June 9. 1R45. WELLS 4- SATTERLEE'S. At the Head of the NORTH BRANCH CANAL. KINGSBERY er CO. at their old stand one 11. dour south of the - Athens ,Hoter have just received in adikion to their former stock, a , riarge and splendid assortment of Fancy and staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Queen's ware. Boots, Shoes, &c. which they offer at the very lowest prices for cull, lum her, or produce of most kinds. We ask our friends to call and examine our Goods and prices, and we Batter ourselves that none shall go away dissatisfied. Athens, June 25, 1815. BoolTkl & SHOEA,—The largest assortment evor before otrered in this market, comprising in part as follows : Ladies walking buskins; kid and seal ties : kid and seal slips; " seal and calf pegged slips ; " seal and c.lf pegged and sowetf bootees; rubber over shoes ; Menus' and h o ve pegged boots: o pegged bragons ; fine shoes; Childs' calf and seal bootees; Children.' shoes of all kinds— all of which will be sold cheap by Albans, Jun., 1845. H KINOSBERY & CO. CARPENTERS JOINERS TOOLS, • general assortment at H. KINGSBERY aico. Athens, June 1845. • 'YTIIES-8. A. & E. J. Ifi!lards hest warrant ed Grass & Grain scythes & Forks. also Quinne baues scythe ,staries. Rakes. Smiths. cradles. &c, at Athens, June 1E145. H. KINGSBERY & CO'S. Butter ! Butter ! quantity of good fresh butter wanted, for which the very highest market pries will be paid. Athens, June, 1845. H. KINGSBERY CO. 150 PS. PRINTS of every variety end pattern from 6to 25 cents. at Athens. Jane, 1845.17. , KINGSBERY & CO'S. PS. BROADCLOTHS, Communing, I Bat. tinetta, at I.w prices for sale by Athens, Jane. 1845. H.HINGSBERY & CO. or TON superior Osford GRINDSTONES, just received and for We by Athens, Inns, 1845. 11. KINGeBETLY arp i CO, FOR THE LADlES —Balurirses. lishories Lawn, Printed Lawn Lace Lawn. Chains 4te for ash, cheap, at H. KINGEWERY di. ICIYB Athensduire, 180. /SHE preceding figure is to represent the INSEN SIBLE PERSPIRATION. his the great evac uation for the impurities of the body. It will be noticed that a thick cloudy mist issues from all points of the sur face, which indicates the wonderful process going on within. This petspiration flows uninterruptedly when we are in health, but ceases when we are sick. It should be the care of every one to see that it is not checked.— Life cannot be sustained without it. It is thrown off from the blood and other juices of the body, and dispo ses by this means, of nearly - all impurities within use.— The blood by this means only, works itselfpure. The langUage of Scripture is, "in theblood is the life." If it ever becomes impure. it may be traced directly- to the stoppage of the insensible perspiration. It never requires any internal medicines to cleanse it, as it always pun free itself ny its own beat and action, and throws off all the offending humors, through the insensible perspiratinn. Thus we see, all that is necessa-ry when the blood is stagnant or infected,ja toopen the pores, and it relieves itself from all impure y instantly. Its own heat and vis talky are sufficient, without one particle of medicine, except to open the pores upon the surface.—Thus we see the folly of taking so much internal remedies. All practicionera, -however, direct their efforts to restore the insensible perspiration, but it seems to be riot always the proper one. The Thompsonians for instance, steams, the Hy.'ropsthist shrouds us in wet blankets, the Hce mopathist deals out infinitissimals, the Allopathistbleeds and doses us with mercury, and the blustering quack gorges us with pills, pills, pills. But one object only is in view, viz: to restore the In sensible perspiration. If this can be done, they say, we will take care of the rest. It will be seen. therefore, that all physicians understand alike what is necessary to • recovery, how much they may differ as to, the mode of obtaining it. To give some ides' of the amount, and consequently the importance of the insensible 'perspiration, we will state mat the learned Ur. Lewentiock, andtbe great Boer- Imre, ascertained that five-eights tit all we received in to the stomach. passed off by this means. In other words. if we eat and drink eight pounds per day, we evacuate fire pounds of it by the insensible perspiration, This is none other than the used up particles of the blood,- and other juices, giving place to the new and fresh ones, by carrying with it all the impurities within up to the surface. check this, therefore, is to retain in the system five eights of all the virulent matter that nature demands should leave the body. And even when this is the case, the blood is of so active a principle, that it determines those particles, to the skin, where they form scabs, pimples, ulcers, and other spot.; but if it is di rected inwards, and tale upon the lungs, the conse quences are generally fatal. By a sudden transition from heat to cold, the pores are stopped, the perspiration ceases, and disease begins at once to develope - itself: Hence, • stoppage of this flow of the juices, originates so many complaints. It is through the surface that we imbibe nearly all our ills. , It is stopping the pores, that overwhelms mankind with coughs, colds, and consumption. Nine-tenths of the world die from diseases induced by stoppage of the insensible perspiration. It is easily seen therefore, how necessary is the flow of this subtle humor to the surface, to preserve health. It cannot be stopped ;it cannot even be checked, without producing disease. The blood and intestines must relieve themselves of all their worn out particles, and poisonous humors, and they must go through the pores as nature designed. Let me ink now, every candid mind, what rourse seems the most reasonable to pursue, and unstop the pores, after they are closed and let the perspiration flow, that the blood may relieve it...lint es impurities I Would you give physic to unstop the pores 1 Or 9 . 0/111) you apply something that would do titis upon thy- surtar, , where the clogging artuaily isl Wouh. rt,a nth. 1 , 0 root mon senses And yet I know tit no physician aho makes an intentsl application to effect it. The reason I a-sign is. that no medicine within their kn.a leitge. capable of doing it. Creler these circumstances, I re sent to physicians and to all others, a preparation that has this power to the fullest extent.— It is McAllister's All-Healing Ointment or the Worlers Sulre. It lias power to restore perspiration on the feet, on the head, around oldsures, upon the chest, in short, upon any part of the body, whether diseased slightly or severely. When the perspiration is restored, it has power to penetrate the lungs, Mite r, or any part of the human system, and to act upon the m, if they be diseased, by separating the in flamed morbid particles therefrom, and expelling them to the surface. It has power to cause all external sores, scrofulous hu mars, skin diseases, poisonous wounds to discharge their putrid matter, and then heals them. It is a remedy that sweeps off the whole catalogue of cutaneous disorders, and restores the entire cuticle tons healthy functions [Cis a remedy that forbids the necessity of so many and deleterious drugs 'taken into the stomach. It is a remedy that neither sickens, gives inconveni ence. or is dangerous to the intestines. This remedy is probably the only one now known, that is capable of producing all these great results. Ile great value is in restoring at once, the circulation of the juices when checked, or disarranged by cold or other causes. It preserves and defends the surface from all derangement of its function., while it keeps open the channels for the blood to avoid all its impurities and dis pose of all its useless particles. There is a connection, harmony, and feasibility in alPthat defies contra&ction. It is a simple, but wonderful principle that preserves in healthy operation the entire machinery of •mr being. It indissolubly bolds together the surface and the internal viscera, the internal viscera and the surface. They are inseparably connected and cannot be disjoined. The surface is the outlet of five-eights of the bile and used up matter within. It is pierced with millions of open ings to relieve the intestines. Stop up these pores, and 'leach knocks at your door. It is rightly termed All- Healing, for there is scarcely a disease, external or in ternal, that it will not benefi4 It will be found the moat useful as well as the cheapest family medicine in the world. I have nod it fur the last fourteen years with success without a parallel. I haveused it for all disease of the chest. consumption, liver, and the moat dangerous of internal maladies. I have used it in cases of extreme peril and hazard, involving the utmost danger and re sponsibility, and I declare before Heaven end man, that not in one single case hes it failed. to benefit, when the patient was within the reach of mortal means, I never, to my recollection had more than five or six among the thousands who have used it, say that it wu not favorable to their complaint. On the contrary I have had hundreds return voluntarily, and in the warmest and most pathetic language speak in its praise. I have had physicians, learned in the profession; I have had mi nisters of the gospel, Judges on the bench, aldermen and lawyers. gentlemen of the highest erudition and multitudes of poor, use it in every variety of way, and there ha been but one voice, one united. universe/ voice saying “ McAllister your ointment is good." Consuniption.—Of all diseases, we find this the most important, and concerning which we meet with the most opposition. It can hardly be credited that a salve can have more effect upon the lungs, invades they we with. In the system. Bat we ay once for all, that this °int. resit will reach the lungs quicker than any medicines that can be given internally. Every body consents to the fact that if healing medicine could he applied on the lungs. them would be great hopes of recovery. The difficulty is to get the medicine there. Now the Salve has the wonderful ridge of eztrecting the putrid hu mors from all esternal.aorea by causing them to die. ichaege. • Iti like manner it operates upon internal affix. ti'ons by driving all the impurities through the pores to the surface. Thus with consumption. if placed upon the cheat, it penetrates directly to the longs, separates 'the poisonous particles that are consuming them and ex. pels them from the system. It is the simplest and most rations( peeress in creation, if one has the medicine capable of doing it. The All. Healing Ointment'. possums this power to the fullest extent. I need not ray that it is curing persons of Can. gumption continually, although we are told it is foolish neat. I. care not what is said, so long as I can cure se tend thousand persons yearly. If Chia medicine was in the hands of some pan al naYiritr.• trott it • V.:111 1 '. make an uproar throu,_l, • - p. „ ttuppot table. Scrofrau or. ,h 41 . 6. „. Vetentir, and haul to .to st..• , 1 1 g cu r. n and in the sides of the neck, la Inn,: lite 1410 anti t the chin, yet scarcely any pail nt the body i 0 t . ),t•illat . It sometimes falls upon the lungs and itrodtteta con,untit tion. It is a dreadful CIII . IJIIIOeI3CC, that this disease is tratiatnitted (dun parents to idnithen. o lit extract all the usurtuti wallet by causing the :,abe,. charge; and then let then the he used to drive it to one point, whirl' done, a continuance of the Ointment will entitidetely remove this disorder. This is the safest and most effectual of any method. It should be adopted without v mument's hesitation. Eryypekta —This complaint arises from impurities being Jriyen out to the surface by means of the insensible perspiration, and lodging in the cuticule, forms sores, pimples &c., it being of a caustic, acrid putrilying na ture. It only requires that it should direhorer its vi rulent particles through the skin, and the digit thy will pass off. If suffered to remain.and driven inwards it is frequently fatal. Let the Salve and Solar 'tincture he used as in scro fula and the patient will soon got well. Salt Rheum.—This is another obstinate disease but can be cured effectually as the scrofula. There. is no difficulty in this disease. Head ache, Ecir ache and Deafacsa.—The Salvo gas cured persons of the idead•Ache of 12 years standing and who had tt regularly every week, so that vomiting often took place. It cured the wife of a man who laugh ed in my face (or proposing such a cure, and who now would not he without it for the best farm in the State. If any one will take the uouble to call I will give his name. Deafness and Ear-Ache are helped with the like suc cess as also Ague in the face. Cold Fed.—Consumption. liver complaint, pains in the chest or aide, falling of the hair, one or the other always accompanies cold feet. It is a sure sign of dis ease in the system to have cold feet. Some persons are totally unable to get them velum, and endure much suf. fering thereby. The salve will restore the insensible perspiration and thus cute every case. It is infallible for this. Asthma, 'lightness af Breath.—lf this disease is not hereditary and produced by the malformation of the cheat, the salve will cure it. Dyspepsia.—One would suppose a salve would not effect this disease much but the All-Healing Ointment will cure two sooner than any internal remedy will cure one. Sure Eyes. —The inflamation and disease always lies back of the hall of the eye in the rocket. Hence the util ity of all remedies that are used upon the lids. The virtue of any medicine must reach the seat of inflam mation or it will du little good. I his salve if rubbed sir the temples Wit. penetrate directly into the micket and infuse all its virtues upt - n the ditander. The pores will be upened..a proper perspiration will be created and the disease will soon pass off to the surface. 'How easy and how natural It is as, perfect and valuable as it is simple and philosophical. Sore Lips, Chapped Hands iffc.-1 sell a great deal of salve to Seamen, who say it is the only thing they can depend on to cure their raw hands, when exposed to the weather at sea. It acts like a charm in these com plaints. Two or three applications cures. Pimples on the face, freckles, tart, masculine skin, gross surface.—lts first action is to expel all humor.. It will not cease drawing till the face is free from any mat ter that may be lodged under the akin and frequently breaking out to the surface. It their heals. When there is nothing but grosaness. or dull repulsive surface, it begins,to sullen and soften until the skin becoo es as soft and delicate as a child's. i t throws a Ireslitiess and blushing color upon the now white transparent skin that is enchanting. Sometimes in cave 1%1 Freek lea it will first start out those that base lain holden and seen but seldom. Pursue the salve and all will soon dis appear. The reason fur this wonderful change in a lady's face is that it excites into natural and healthy activity the Insensible Perspiration, while it renovates and re news the surface, and leaves the shin in as lively and deli-ate a condition as the most fastidious could desire. It is put up in fine jars and beautifully scented on pur pose for the toilet. Burns.—Life can always he saved if the vital: are not injured. I have ao many te.tinioniala for the cute of this complaint that I 0 , 11111 till a 1,410 k. I support. there is not a faimly to the I' mt. d States. that ottuld consent to be - stithout this -:tke a simile day it thex knew its halm in !within!. Bunts alone. It extracts the pain and heave,, the pl.tre r, Ul...uta sear, Quilay sure throw' Bronch:l,.—Therr N not Nip tinb real rem. dy i!e vxislertev th3a will aura tlw•se disorders pod s . the salve. It opus the pules on the neck and draws .41'411 the trill nnination and im pure juiees_and a few days will see the patient well. It is sovereign in these eases. !ilea.—The salve acts upon the piles as upon sore eyes. There is un inflammation which meNt he &sun from the parts. The salve floes this. Hernia or Ruplurc.—This relive has cured some very bad eases of rupture, and although it might not all, yet it would be wise to try it. It is a peculiar complaint, bug it may be helped some, if not cured entirely. I have not the shadow of a doubt that it would cure thousands if the trial was made, who believe no, medicine of the least benefit. Two shillings worth would satisfy any one, whether it would do good or not. Worms.—ll parents knew how fatal most medicines were to children taken inwardly, they would be slow to resort to them. Especially " mercurial lozenges," call ed "medical It zenges, ' " vermifuges," pills, &c. Even were it possible to say paritive/y that worms were pre sent, it is lot safe. The truth is, no one can tell, inva riably, when worms are present. Of couise the remedy is not applicable to the complaint. Now let me say to parents, that this salve will always tell if a child has worms. Let it be rubbedon the neck and chest, to keep them from going up, and then down on the hbwels and they will soon leave. It will drive every vestige of them away This is a simple and safe cure. No injury can come of it in any way. But should it be cholic, infla tion of the bowels, or gripe of the intestines, it will ef fectually cure them as the worms. There is probably no medicine on the face of the earth at once so sure and safe in the expulsion of worms. It would be cruel, nay wicked, to g ive internal doubt ul medicines, so long as a harmless, certain, and effect ual external one could be had. Ch a lk, Pain, or kflommntion of the Bowels. —Let the salve be rubbed in and heated with the fire or hot flat irons, and all pains and difficulty will soon cease. Bwellings of the joints, or weakness, or any afli•ction of the bone, nothing is so good for as this salve. Poisona.—l never knew anything so . good as this salve. It causes the poison to discharge immediately, ■nd leaves not the slightest cause of alarm. Poisons by nails, bites of animals, or burns, it removes when no thing else will. Toilet.-1 have it done up in fine order for the fires• Bing Mae. AlthOUCh I base %aid little Atlol,l tt PT. a hair restorative, yet f will 'take it against the war t,/ / Th ey may bring" their oils far and near, and mine will restate the hair two roses to their one. Thee• are no idle words, (or I am ready to hack it with any reasonable amount. Old Sara, lifortificotion, Wears, ¢c.—There is no ef -I•etual way of curing these, but drawing off the putrid matter. To merely dry it up would only endanger one' health more. That some sores are an outlet to the im purities of the system, is the only reason, because they cannot pass off through the natural channels of the In sensible Perspiration If such sores are healed up, the impurities most have some otherout/et, or it will endan ger life. This is the reason why it is impolitic to use the common salves of the day in such cases. For they have no power to open other.revenues, to let off all this mor bid matter, and the consequences are always fiat. This' salve will always provide for such emergencies. There need be no fcar. It is perfect. Broken Breast—Persons need never have a broken breast. The salve will storeys prevent rt. if used in sea• 800. Liver Conspfrsint.—Penions giving this complaint fre quently have eruptions' of the hands, face and other parts, and never once this k that it arises from the liver. Their utter inability to remove these irruptions, proves their misapprehension of the disorder. Such must use it first on the feet, then wear it on the chest, and the difficulty will soon go away. Illioe Passion or Griping of the Intestines. —This disease eaneed the death 14 the late H. S. Legere At torney General and I , tiii:!"%. r;1 .r% of IM• ITTM.4I Si sirs It is the stopping up of th, 5.,,0! • r intestine:. vi times the twisting of then.. It is brought on by a neg lect of the daily evacuations or from incarcerated Her nia. The pains are awful, and unless help cornea spee dily, the sufferer soon dies, The,All•Healing Ointment croold timid used ( 1, 4 of Mr.Legare and all others under similar circurostsat4 Cone.-11 the salye is used according to diree t i„. people need never hr troubled o lib • t • t Fuii.ll 9 t'ulre (t 1 untold value. AD It, 1.111, rollw .J‘ri Lead and grass poi/4,14. the Cartli, it will be sought alter, wetland valu e d . A, there I. no mercuriul eitihrtallee in it. but caoli , ... e d et . vrgetables It sista DU good ground lot qp, 11.1..11111. We hare full certificatea, from all the personaiih. names ore. here given. but not having room fur then," merely give their names, Nos, and the disease Of they were cured. Thomas Moshier, 179 Ninth-et—weak back; ll' w Way, tor. King and McDonough sts—sere eyes; il l VI ay do ery,ipelas ; Dr .1 Clark, 210 St anton - il- - -clen. stet! sores; Dr J Covet, 132 Sullivan-at—ague is LE . fare; F 11 Lee, 245 Brewery—pain in the breast; fi s , J Gibbs Dover-st—family medicine; Henry Gibbs,ll3 Bun ery ; A Stuckey, 608 Fourth st-6 o „, lv medicine; E Conway. U S Court—burns, s ca ld, Eliza Hunker. Flathubh=consumptton; 31 A King, (op . st—burns; E Kipp, 275 Second•st—quinsy; Vanderpool Cherry-st—cancer; Burr Nash—pile '; E Turner, 91 Ridge-st—do ; C Mann, Globe Hotel... ruptures; J. Hurd, 17 Batavia-st—.salt rheum; C mer, 124 Division-st—do; 20— do ; ft A West, 107 Marks place—hums, frosted krt. D Thorp, 1411 Norfolk st—sore eves; F. Caplin, Broome st—do; P Bowe. 36 Willett st—do; H 11J, kins,,Phcenix Bank—do; J F Henly, do—caused II gunpowder ; Dr Mitchell, 79 Mercer-st—broken bres,C.. C D Jacobson, 199 Stanton-st—rheumatism ; D J sell--do ;'E Willem, 303 Pearl st—eruptions; E 11 0 bL, 237 Bleeker-st—agae in the face ; C Frances, 39 800. cry--family medicine; D S Judd, 657 Watee-st--h m• sly ointment; F Otten, 124 Division st—rheumatisr a the head ; S W Robinson, 70 Essex st—family ant. nient ; S Haarim, 45 Allen st—sore eyes; G Coirsni, 145 Division st—do; M Develin. 313 Water st—corni &c; P Demareot, 368 Hudson st—ingammition in th, chest; N Achinson, Huston st—asthma ; 31 A Bum. sett. 66 Sufililk st—ague in chest; N Wyeath, 120 Ds ‘•.vision st —bite of a dog'and piles; J Vincent, 124 Alka st—weak back ; JChapman. 259 Division st—affectisa o f th e liver ; W Graham, t l9 Heater-st—pain in the ride; E Hamel, 19 Norfolk-st—cutaneous eruption; H Bin e . ham. 84 Laight-stpain in the breast; A Knox, so Laight-st—chapped hands; J Culver, 194 Stanton it_ ulcerated mires; J P Bennett, sore throat. rheumatism, P Taylor, 46 Forsyth st—livercomplaint; VV king. Huston—consumption. Sold by H. 5.4- M. c..vERruR, Towanda, and G. A. PERKINS. Athens. [47y SZI - J 1 2 ." I..OII j EZD gUELL'aID At the Elmiea Cheap Cash Store, 1, Brick Row. AS. CHAMBERLIN respectfully informs the public that he has.purchased of I. S. Wood'& War stock of goods, and has just received a new supply, which renders his assortment of Drugs„lledi. clora. Paints. Oily, Dye-slup and Family Grocenid complete. His stock consists in part of the following' MEDICINES. ETC. Essences Flour sulphur do Benzoic G lue A 0111 Illa Arrow root Antimony Aqua Mum Aqua ammonia :Ether Binuetone Blue 1 itriol Bay berry bark Gum camphor A.ealmihts Myrrh Gamboge Glauber aalts do t Iluvr Belleisne Harlieru oil Bydrmate Potasa Iceland muss Ipceac lodine Jalap Juniper Berries Lunar Camtic Liquorice hail and cool Latl4ll.Ulll rf tiltic Alalll/11 .11,sre - NI tisk .• Urahr arid • iiiiA .41, all Lini's Oil soap Pas egoric Pule Plio•phate iron Quicksiker Quassia Quinine Red Precipitate Senna Sugar Lead Syringes Valerian root Saffron Lna Ursa Vol. Liniment Balsam lobe 4 do Coptuaa Barbadoeti tar Balsam honey Blood root Blue pills Balsam Fir Blaeii drop Maley l'earted 11.ttett5am'o, litt2tt; t ctrh t,.., it. I t. N." :Urn il/ I 'alophor I; slum I Giant. iai, for. Cnrrmi,r• t .•S I:Libet, t'm, itaidir us . Cari.ouate iron do Slavic do soda Ciosage Colocvnth Chloride lime Create tartar Dragon's Iliad Dover's Potsdam Aicnalis Emery, assorted- Epsom salts .A comph•:e aariety of GROCERIES. such as Tea. Sugar, Coffee. Starch, Raisins, Cinnamon. Soda Crack. era. Ginger, Pepper, Eng. Currants, Nutmegs, Tobacco and Snuff. Candles, &r. A complete a F.ortinrnt of Paints, Dye-stuns, Win dow Class, Patent Medicines, &c. Towanda, June If, 1845. REMOVED TO No. 1, BRICK ROW! In .1. CIioILYBERLI.r. r i ne , - RESPECTFULLY informs it friends and the public that he has REMOVED to the Brick Row. ,I, '. - s' '' 1 1 0 No. 1, w here he still continues to rs 1‘ ,,,,._ ', 9 carry on his old business of it t ..• 5. :', , .. Watch and Clock Repairing, \ s li Ntemk., • ---- -• which willbe doneon shortnatice, and warranted to be well done. From a long experi ence in the business, he believes that be will be able to render perfect satisfaction to all who may favor hies with their patronage. . N.B. Watches warranted to run well one year, or the money refunded; and a written agreement given to that etr.z. to all that desire one. e CLOCKS.—A large assortment just received sod for sale very low for cash. If you want to buy Jewelry cheap call at Mara. berlin's Watch Shop; No. 1, Bnck Row. t.' MAPLE SLtA R, Wood, and eII kin&of coun try Produce received in pat tnent. Towanda,Jurc 18,184.5 Fashwilable Tailoring 1 GEOIZI;L: III:WINO 0,0 I re...peetfutly form the politic that he still continues at his stand on the west side of Main street, between King bery's sod Bktlett's stores, up stairs, where he may he found in readiness to all work in his line in a style not to be surpassed in Bradford county. Prices to suit the times. Thankful for past - favors, he respectfully solicits a continuance and hopes by strict attention to bu• siness and accommodating ternueto merit patronage. The Spring and Summer FASHIONS have just been received. and he is prepared to make garments in the most fashi made manner. Particular attention paid to CUTTING, and warrant• ed to fit if properly made up. He has the latest Spring and Summer Fashions for sale. Towanda, May 14, 1845. I' TER FIRKINS, a first rate article, for 'Bleat I 'lo Aug. 11. BAIRD'S. 10.3, R.R. 'terms of the Bradford Reporter, Two &lbws and fifty cents per annum ; Firm cogs deducted if paid within the year; and for CASE actu ally in advance, this DOLLAR will be deducted. Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time, bi paying arrearages. Most kinds of COMITILT Passer' received in payment, at the market price. Advertiseinents, not exceeding a square of twelre inserted Inc fifty cents ; every subsequent insertion. twenty-five rents. A discount made to yearly advrtriseis. J.• a t• T, ttf every .le.terioion neatly tinti ex• ..,1 an.! f4o..inft:tlll.- type. Lett. :It , tt I ti- m•- i••e t , 1 , 4 .ttliev roll -Iron' EEO (S . a . Office it. { building uninil of Main and Bridge 'acct., up stairs: entrance on It , north door. _ II II