Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 17, 1845, Image 2
f b tor ul4porfiW Towanda, Wednesdar, ,Sept. 17, 1845. DEAUCIIATIC NUMINATIO.NS. F l 'R CANAL comanssinNEß, JAMES BEll.Nzi, 01 MILTLIN CLUNTY FOR SHERIFF, JOHN F. MEANS, OF TOWANDA BOROUGH rlVErll6liorAta. ADDISON NI . KEAN, DUTILINGToN For. IZEIT.FSENTATIITI 4 . JOHN 1.. WEBB. CI: SMITHFIELD, VICTOR E. PIOLLET, OF IV FOR REGISTER AND RECORDER, LYMAN E. DEWOLF, OF %I/VS(IX. FOR TREA:WRER, JACOB REEL, OF WiNioLim FOR COMMNs4oIiEn, ASHBEL L. CRANNIE:R, or MONROE FOR AUDITOR, CIIARLES HOME', OF, WYALUSiNO FOR CORONER, JOHN HATCH, OF ALBANY The Election. We most hea;tily congratulate our democratic friends upon the favorable aspect presented in our political af fairs Ihis fall. At no period within our recollection, hiss the party in Bradford been more happily and harmimi ously united. Never was a ticket selected which gave more general and entire sati,fartion. We base not heard the first note of discord. We hose )et to listen to the first democrat, who deco not yield cheerful and cordial assent to the nominations made by the Coun ty Convention. This is as it should be, and affords the highest possible guarantee of our triumphant success. The ticket is eminently a good one, in all its parts. There is no man upon•it, whose political fidelity has not been attested, by active_and'zealous etlorts in support of Republican principles, in seasons and under circumstan ces, that tried the steadfastness of mew faith. With each men as our candidates, no one need hesitate in their support. through fear of sustaining on enemy under 'the disguise of a friend. The campaigns of IS:38-40-II, were as the crucible of fire, to separate the dross from the pure metal. Every man upon our ticker, within the circle of his influence, and the sphere of his action, exci ted all his energies to sustain our principles, in these la ter and most trying struggles oldie party. Well may we place our confidence in such men. Those who clung to the Republican banner in the dark hour of defeat, and gallantly aided in raising it front the Lot, to the high elevation of triumphant and glorious success, are not of the clay of which traitors ,are made. We again pronotince the ticket unqualifiedly a good one; -combining a high order of talent and business capa city with political integrity above suspicion or reproach. All that is required to insure success is a reasonable de gree of activity, on the part of our friends. No demo crat should be absent from the polls, flattering himself that his friends are strong enough without his aid. Such security. open !did. Such strength is ter di-At:At 2Ve appeal then earnestly to every democrat to be as vigilant as he is turn, in the support of the principles of his party, and of the men who will sustain them. Let no whining bet4gingsyeophant for votes, from the ranks of ycur enemies, seduce you from the support of a ticket formed under the usages of yogi party, and pledged to the maintainance of its principles. Ron tlEllS.—We understand that Miller Fox, of this place fell a victim to the cunning schemes of the light fingered gentry in New York one day last week. It seems that Mr. Fox arrived in the city at a late hour and went directly on his arrival to Dunning's,Hotel. On retiring to his bed he locked his door and placed his pocket hook, counting his money, $575, under his pillow. Being much fatigued and feeling secure he slept soundly while some'adroit rascal unlocked the dour, although the key on the inside of the door was inithe lock, and alo• !graded the entire contents of the pocket book, without notice to its owner, and so Carefully that he had not the slightest intimation of any intrusion until die discovered his less in the morning. The door key Lore marks of the iri.trument which had been iuserkd in the luck, fur the purpose of turning it, and would seem to imply that lucks are no security ugainit the visits of the rogue, even with the key within. Mr. Fox's watch was lett, fortunately, the' it had been laid on the floor, by the unwelcome viAtur, who bad wound the chain around _l c he stem of the watch, and nndoubtedly, had left through fear of detection ; the watch being a very valuable one; and • easily" and cer tainly described. I•ECTCUES OS MAUSITISM.—PrOftWOr ROM; sns, the teelebrated Lecturer on Phrenology and Animal Magi-K -UM:11, has been lecturing in our borough fur the two last evening's. Ilia experiments the first evening, was par tially irscessisfal, and last night his sucems was a full demon stration of the truth of this new and interesting science. Ile magnetised a young gentleman of our borough, and while in this state, perforated several experiments which satisfied the doubts of the Most skeptical. Those who doubt the truth of th's science because lately developed, should attend the Pruittssor's lad I.:!cture, which will be given to alg,lit. Dtirti or Jr 116 1; STOII 3 . --A friend yesterday hand ed PS the New York kaprtes of Friday last, which an pounces the death of Juth:e Story, the oldest of the Judges of the Supreme Coust of the United States. lie died of strangulation of the into:tines, the mine disease which eaded the life of ..Mr. Legare, in 1843. Judge Stoiy was sixty-five years of age. He was upon the supreme bench thirty-kYr years, having re ceived his appointment from Mr. Mikfison in 1811. He expired at his residence in Canal:ridge, Massachu setts, on Tuesday evening the 9th inst., At a quarter be fore nine o'clock. ELOCrTION•IIi LECTURES.-WO listened wilt great pleasure to the recitations and imitations of o,ll' great orators by Prof. WEIITNEY, on Friday and SaLur,iay esenings. The Rpeethes of Clay, Webster, and hieilu.= fie and the shrill, fife-like voice of fiandulph, were tree 1 OttrooN MAIL.—The St. Joseph's Gazette, to Nature, and worthy of the reputation Mr. W. has at- of a late date, notices the receipt at that place, mined as the first elocutionist of the day. Patrick Hen- I L y individuals returned from the Rocky Moun ry's speech carried us back to the " times that tried men's I Ofs e veralhundred r w -.e, erni, ' , ante to Oregon to their friends in various souls," there was so much of true elmitence and patri ' parts ci . the Voion. The letters were medal otic devotion in D. at s r . a 'r-seph's, fur their respective destine . NtAr:tr Eta:c.r.,,,,.—Tt,e to tes fur Governor in 43 lions . 119 is a new feature in the history of towns air .Ir,,!er:ua, (tlexl.) 7Cf; ; l'ilor,e, (rtii;.) 1 the West, There is a great filling off of 1 _ • 26731 ; Feat erin g, 1022 votes since la t Zt , rptember. Antler/on Li probably elect. Tin; AR)II".LYTEadLs.—The Un ion publishes cd b y t h e rep:,, ithet,henill by the Le6 , ista .ntacial information from our troops in Texas. tare. The only thing -we notice as new is that the AckrlTTLl. — Thli trial of ‘Vy11111:111r etal.ezzleuient. Lux las uctiulu4l. witt, wucli cifixtral ut :do ax-ea 1.14: ;dal. Incsnistsnilat ai Oio'cooffy' the Oweio dozette; We learn that seteral attempts have been wade to horn that town, as is supposed by an accomplice of Shaffer. A reward of $3OO is offercd . for the detection of the ras. cult The Gazette thus speaks of it : ' Last Sunday evening:about ten o'clock it fire broke out in en old Wooden building unoccupied, situated on Main street in this village, a ,few. rods tart of Wm. Pt. Ares Esq. The building we uuderstatal lehined to Mr. Cluaens l'umer.u.r and was used by him fur the pur pose of stowing lumber, of which there was a considera ble quantity in the house, all of which was burned. This fare was undoubtedly the wink of an incendiary or incen• diaries, who infect this section of our conntry. The 120. ll , rioun Schell; r, of whom we made mention in out last neck's raper, and vitae was convicted and sentenced of the last term of the circuit court held here, to right year's itnprisonment in the Auburn States' prison, we under stand threatened ihaarurtion to this place by fare. That Schall'e - r had accomplices there - can be no doubt, anal that the lire on Sunday evening was the work of some of them, we think is equally clear. The same night of the tire, t Aro other attempts were made to lire the town,-oar in a building ()oiled by Mr. 11. Vi. Case. on ,Front street and recently occupied by the Gazette (Wire. The upper part of this building hard been occupied by h fami ly until .'atones, previous to the tire on Main stm t. The door of the house was not locked ran Saturday night alter the family mused out, owing to 80111 C detect in the lock, and was permitted to remain rarer Sun day net fastened. The incendiary reit-red the house and kindled a tire in a closet in one of the manias, taut l c it is supposed that he closed the dour, as it was found shut on Monday morning, for the pupose of concealing the fare until it should fairly communicate with the in side of the_donet ; but fortunately fur Owego, the cloning of the door undoubtedly saved the village from a most destructive e.l.llsgration, as it prevented the atmosphere from communicating With the fire within, and conse quently the diabolical design to fire the tow n was, we believe frustrated. 'On the same night an cut-building belonging to C. P. Avettr, Esq., was attempted to be tired. These outrages upon the Property and , fives of our cal? , :IS:111.1: aroused the whole populatien to a sense of their danger; and we are happy to Wow that the cow n au , lionties have offered a reward of three hun dred dollars for the detection 01 the incendiaries. This ste p will, in our opinion do more to render the lives and pro perly of the citizens in this place secure from the.dcpra dation+ of those who seek to destroy them, than a do- zen untchtnen pairelln.g, -our streets every ; but both may b neco.sary VrnimaT EIACTION.—We have the votes for Gov emor in SI town♦, and the members of the Leciala sure elected in 164 towns. The result in the State is honorable to the democrats of Vermont and full of encouragement to their brethren iu Massathusetts. In the towns heard from Slade's Ma jority over Kellogg, is but 1016. In the same towns, last year Clay's majority over Polk was 2956.• Dem— erotic gain 1910 ! In these 81 towns, in November, Clay had a majority over all of 921 votes ; now blade is less than a majority of 2241. Whig net loss, 3162. Representatives elected—Whigs over democrats „in 164 towns, 29. In the Fame towns, last year, 60. Democratic gain, 31. Whigs over all in 16 I towns, 19. In the Fame towns last year, 59. Whig net loss, 40. Pt—rrs.—Every housekeeper who owns a well .hould have a pump in it, as it is by far the easiest method of drawing the water, and to every person desirous of pro curing a first rate article, we recommend thesefurnished by Mr. Urockaw•ay, of Elmira. They are certainly su perior to anything of the kind we have ever before seen. one of the greatest, and we might bay principle objec tions to the use of the pump is the disagreeable llavor imparted to the water by the wooden pipes generally used. This is entirely obviated in the kind of which we are speaking, as the pipe is of lead from the water upwards to within about four feet of the surface. If any body wants a pomp in their well let them try Mr.lllrockartay. We know their value, as we have had one in use sever al months. NEW 1:1)11K & DUE RA ILUOAD. T here seems now to be.anain prinipeet of the speedy completion of the New link and Erie Railroad. The stock is nearly subscribed and the hooklait:fillitii; up, as we learn 'by an extract of a letter from New York, dated Tuesday 9th inst., in the Ledger. "The recent change in the Presidency . and Direction of the New York and ErieLiailroad, has given quite an im pulse to the subscription for $3,000,000, required by the law of the last Legislature, granting the use of the credit of the State for that amount as soon as a corresponding sum is subscribed for. Yesterday the stibscription had run up to one half of the required sum, and today tho officers and friends of the Road are busily engaged in getting accessions to the list. The effect ofthese bright ening prospects of the Road was felt at the stock boards this morning." MAIL Roan Ell T.—Tbe mail made up for New York city, at Geneva, containing the. Bath, Cluura, Sc. pack age, Was stolen from the Carrier at the I:ailimit' depot in Geneva, on Tuesday evening, 26th uIL Halt Sroan.—A terrible hail storm visited Bingham ton, N. Y. one day week before last. Itemised the de struction of moat of the window panel, having a western expOsUre n Est ATION FLTE.—The friends of Darr had a grand liberation dinner at Swan Point, in Rhode Island, on Saturday 6th inst. The assemblage was immense. TIIINGS BOSTON.—On Sunday evening. near the residence of John Quincy Adams, Quincy. as Alr. Eleaz-r Fredericks was walk ing with his wife. he was attacked by Edward Flynn and two other men, who demanded his money. One of them seized him round the body, but lie got clear of him by cutting him severely in the arm. He then knocked down another, and the third fled. His wife raised an alarm, while he secured the man whom he had wounded. The fellow was much terrified by the flowing of, his own blood. and disclosed the names of his companions to those who came to Mr. F.'s assistance, and they were soon after arrested. On Monday morning, the office of thg Bos ton and Maine . Railroad depot was entered by means of false keys, and robbed of 6.05 in bills mid speci. Militia from New Orleans is to be discharged from service forthwith. Near the middle of - August there wire only 500 Mexicali troops at Muumuu'. Bradford County Court. • ' •MoNnAv, Sept.,lat inmion of Wm. Elw. 11, Esq.. %YOU= U. tietnt was ditty admitted to practiee as an Alloiney of the several Courts of Bradford county. • Commonwealth vs.. Chivies Elsworth and Oliver Elsworth, Jr.—The defendants were indicted (or entinnitiing an-assault and battery on Hyatt Ransom on the first day of Novem ber lat.t, being the day of die Presidential election. In pursuance of an invitation from some of the democratic citizens of Windham township 111 this county, se%eral of theirpolitical friends from the Statit of New York, composing a Glee Club," came to the place of holding the election in Windham do the first of No vember last, for the purpose of singing political songs'daring'the day. - There - Was chnsidera 'hie emulation in singing between the whigs and democrats during the day. but no distur lianee oceurred, until the pi front the Stale of New York had got nun, heir wagon to start 'for !tome. There being sonic obstruction in the road, they were compelled to stop :trier they had rroceeded but a few rods at roust; and the hor,es becoming reative, vile rig Ran som set: ding on a seat in the hind loin of the wagon. fell or jumped od, and at the same time the assault and battery was commuted. Some testimony was introduced on the part of the defendants, going to show that the New York party-threw out some harsh and impro• per epithets, calculated to provoke and irritate their opponents, and thus lead to a breach of the public peace. They also undertook to show, that the affray took place between the prosecutor and Austin Ellsworth., and that These defendants were not engaged in it. 'lire Court charged the jury, that, although it was very improper fur these men to attend at the polls of a neighboring State on the day of holding election, yet. that the fact of their being there, would not justify the committing cf an assault and battery on them. The Jury, on the third day of September, found Charles Ellsworth guilty, and the Court sentenced him to pay a tine of ten dollars to the. Commonwealth anti the costs of prosecu- TUESDAY, Sept. 2d. Commonwealth vs. Russell Smith and Wm. 11. 801411.-111 e s -a defendants were tried at. the saute time time on two indictments ; the first for an assault and battery on Elisha Gif ford, and the second, for an assault on Mary Gifford. The culprits were two boys, one twelve and the other fourteen years of age ; and their main. offence consisted iu throwing stones at old Mr. Gitrurd, who was a cooper, while he was engaged at work in his shop.— They also threw stones at Mary Gifford ; but it seems they did not hit her. The jury on the third, found the defendants guilty of an assault and battery •on Elisha Gifford, and guilty of an assault on Mary Gifford. The Court sentenced them to pay a fine of illy cents each in each case, and the costs of nusecution. Commonwealth vs. James Lyon, Andrew Monroe, Daniel Randall, Lysander Shepard, and \Vw. R. Lyon—Libel.—Robert Mason, Esq., of Armenia, prosecutor. The defendants were indicted for writing and singing certain libellous and seurrillous songs, designed to injure the reputation of Robert Mason, expose him to ridicule, and bring lion into reproach among the citizens of the community genenAv• His name was rmvoirectly mentioned in the eungs, but alleged to be meant by the words, .• IVhiskey Bob," which occurred in them. The songs were sung some time in Februa ry last, about the time of holding the township elections in this county. In defence, it was insisted t h at there was another man in Armenia, to whom the term Bob" would apply, and that the songs might be construed to mean him, as well as Robert Mason. It was contended on the part of the defen dants, that, as it was the practice during the last Presidential Campaign to compose and sing stings about various individuals, Mr. Ma son ought not to complain if a share were di rected at him. The Court instructed the jury, that if they believed the songs were written and sung b) the defendants, and that they meant the prose cutor, they would be liable. MDNESDAY. .S.t . l)t. 3 d Commonwealth vs. Altioll S. FrPDC 4-Sure ty ut tIM Peace. This was a complaint made he Morgan Covell against the defendant for using threatening language to hire, and was of no frivolous a character, that the Court said there were no grounds ler the prosecution; and that they were only surpritied l that a Jus tice of the Peace could he found to send up such proceedings. The complaint was conse quently dismissed. THURSDAY. Sept. 401 The jury, in the case of the Com. vs. James Lyon and others, found the defendants guilty. The Court sentenced the defendants to pay a fine of five dollars each to the Commonwealth, and the costs of prosecution. Commonwealth vs. Samuel A. Tenant-- Larceny. Aaron Newell, Prosecutor. In dictment for stealing a saddle and bridle.—The defendant was acquitted. William A. Wetmore vit. Catharine M. Wet more.—Libel for divorce on the grtiund of Adultery. Sept. 6th, the jury found for the defendant. TUESDAY, Sept. 9th. John C. Campbell vs. John L. Webb.— This was an issue directed by the,Court to try the right to the sum of eight hundred dollars raised from the sale of real estate upon a judg• ment against John Campbell and Stephen On the Bth day of May. 1844. John Camp bell, being largely indebtcil. executed and de livered to John C. Campbell, his son,- a deed of the land from the sale of which, th e Money in dispute was ailed. \ Before the execution of this deed. Asa Gillet obtained a l judgment against John Campbell, which was subsequent ly assigned to John C. Campbell; and in this issue, John C. Campbell in the first place, claimed a sufficient amount to satisfy the Gillet judgment; and in the second place, all the nioucy except what is sufficient to pay the liens up to the woo of the execution And de livery of the deed from John Campbell to him. John L. Webb alleged that the Gillet judg ment had been satisfied ; that he li'3s the own er of judgmenti against John Campbell and Stephen Stiles, which were lietis before the date of said deed, and also judgments entered _.._ since the date of said deed ; and that the deed from John Campbell to John C. Campbell is fraudulent and void mt to creditors. It was alleged that Stephen: Stiles became the owner of ao undividek.half of the land 111 question on the fourth of September 1841:. and that this interest continued until therlime 01 the Sheritrs sale in 1845. 'The testimony on the part of the defendant was, that this deed was executed for the pur pose of keeping off creditors, and that in truth there was no consideration for it. The plain tiff introduced some testimony, however, that there was money paid as a consideration, &c. WEDNESDAY. Sept. 10th. Tim jury in the case of Campbell vs. I.Vebb ound that Stephen Stiles had an interest of he undivided halt part of the Land from-the mirth day of September, A. D. 1841, to the, line of the Sheriff's te,le, and that the deed rum John Campbell to John C. Campbell is randulent and void as to creditors. The prehwiinasy principles having, been set tled by the'decion of the jury, the appropria tion of the money to die .varions judgments which were liens upon the property, is a mat ter io be settled hereafter by reference to *an auditor, or by agreement between the parties. Alexatitler Ilehard vs. William Gibson.— This cause was tried and submitted to the ju ry ; but as they did not agree. no statement of the facts in the ease u ill be given. Besley, Morley and Ily de vs. Job P. Kirby. This was an action to recover for tnerchandize sold to the defendant by the plailitiffs. The account was admitted, and the only dispuie was, in reference to some state scrip sent by Mr. Kirby to the plaintiffs, with instmentros to his agent not to pay it over unless taken at tar. The plaintiffs, however, were importu nate to have the scrip, which was accordingly paid over to them, and they disposed of it in market for less than par ; and in the present suit, claimed to be allowed the discount they paid. The Court charged the jury, that they ought to allow the whole arnolint of the scrip, and judgment was taken by consent, for the plaintiff, the amount to be ascertained by the counsel. James Martin vs. Christopher L. Ward and Byron Kingsbury. In this case the plaintiff claimed that CM the sale and delivery of filly three thousand one hundred and eighty-six feel of lumber, he paid the defendants one thou sand dollars. and that in consideration of this payment, the defendants agreed to deliver to the plaintiff by the first reasonable rafting freshet after the first day of April, 1E342, a fair lot of culling, boards at the rate of ten dollars per thousand. This action was brought to recover damages for the nun-performance of this contract. The defendants contended that they did de liver more than enough to satisfy the terms of the contract. The jury found for the defendants. Daniel Kieffe vs. James Nestor. This was an action of account-render, brought by the plaintiff to recover of the defendant his share of the profits of an alleged partnership between the plaintiff and defendant. The defendant proved that the plaintiff was •merely employed by hint as foreman in over seeing work on the canal, and that in a suit between Fuller and him for blacksmith work, Kiere was offered as a witness,. and that ob-' jection being made on the ground of his betng a partner with Nestor, he swore that he was not ; and that, consequently, he had no tater est in the event of that suit. The Court charged the jury, that Kieffe fiat lug formerly sworn that he was not a partner. woLid now be precluded from coming into court and/recover ing by setting up a partnership, and directed them to find for the defendant ; which was ac cordingly done. FRIDAY, Sept. 12th. On motion of 11. W. Patrick, Esq.. John E. Canfield was duly admitted as an Attorney of the several courts of Bradtordcounu. James H. Clark vs. Thomas Wolcott. This was an action of trespass for seizing and selling a horse and harness as the property of Oliver Sherman, which the plaintiff alleged belonged to him. The plaintiff called witnesses, who swore that Oliver Sherman, being desirous to remove to Indiana, agreed to sell this property to him on condition of his taking him thittler. The contract was entered into on the sixth day of June 1843, and a few days alter, when Sher man had started for the West, the property was seized' on an attachment and subsequently The defence set up was, that Sherman being indebted beyond nut ability to pay, was desi rou,s of leaving this county with as much of his property as possible ; and that with this intention, the pretended sale of this property took place. That the property remained in the possession of Sherman, and was used by him as his own from the sixth day of June, the time of the alleged transfer, till the tenth of June, the day when was seized upon by virtue of an attachment irtfavor of Dr. Wilder. The jury in the case of Clark vs. Wolcott, t returned a Y rdict for the defendant. The Gran jury during the present term, returned seven een indictments, true bills, and two ignoramus. At the close of their labors, the ., Grand Jury unanimously expressed their opinion that the great multiplicity of suits with which our Court Of Quarter Sessions is crowded, is a great pub lic grievance, leading to increased taxation for the purpose of paying the costs. FRIDAY, Sept. Mil They therefore recommended the passage of a law, authorizing the' trial of assaults and batteries, keeping tippling houses, petit larce nies and other crimes of like grades, before one orlmore Justices of the Peace and a vicinage, \ t, the costs in all cases to he aid by the prose cutor in case 'of failure to co vict; and by the defendants in cases of coniict n. WRITING ON NEwsPamms.—A circularfrom the General Post-office states that any memo ra#dum upon newspapers or newspaper wrap pers. subjects the same to letter postage. As the charge is to be governed by the weight. coirespondence in this way will be found to berather more expensive than in the usual mode. 'RETURN OP THE EIPEDITION.-001. Kear ne'y, of the first regiment 9( dragoons, returned to St: Louis on the 30th Ult., accompanied by some of:at:ere of his stair and several citizens who were with him during his late expedition to the Rocky 'Mountains. SHOCKING DESTITOTION.—h . 11a9 6EII 47re- Cently ascertained in England that the inmates of some of their worithhasses, employed in crushing the bones of horses and other animals, have been iii the habit of eating the gristle found upon them to satisfy their hunger,' =!=l THURSDAY, Sept. I.Zth SATyRDAY, Sept. 13th EMZI Late and Important from illexica. [CotTentettlynco of the N. 0. Tropic.) -" ,Vonplfs CHRISTI. Aug. 26; 1845. A GENTLnaI :—Our New Orleans' friends will doubtless be glad to bear about;.nrafters and things at this noted place.whiCh is now aic: theatre of Military. operations between two great opposing republics—both immensely greet. so far as territory is concerned., but big and little in all other respects. Col. II: L-. Kinney, the proprietor of the Rancho, arrived here on the 22. d instant. from the convention at Anson, having obtained leave of absence from that body. On his route hither, he passed through San Antonio de Bexar ; and while there, lam informed. had an interview with three .of the most thstingnised chiefs of the Cumanche and Lipari tribes of Indians—Buffa lo fluor, Yellow Well, and Same Anna. The latter; as you niav live heard, is the famous chief who. during the last year or two, has been ianeing shout the country west of this, and (taming such b ivoc. 111 isle nod property-. On the Rio Grande and elsewhere; and who, from his own account, as Well as from tutor elation otherwise received, headed the parties attacked this plaCe several times during that period. It appears that he was determin ed, if possible. to break up the Ranche, but all his efforte to thotend proved fruitless. The - ;', - essunal appearance of this, noted w r w h eit ilressed . aud mounted for a\fight. snide - those whO have seen him too often scribed it,s: about here, as being 'very imposing; while, at t h e sane time, nothing I can say would give you ,et Idea of his brivery and energy in ac tion. It appears, however. that in Col. Kin ney, who headed the party which gwie him battle at this place more than once last sum mer. he (wind his match; and was willing to retreat. having. in his last engagement, receiv ed a ball from the colonel's pistol while in the act of spearing one 0f his men. The meeting of these two men at Dexar must have been very exciting—finding themselves on friendly terms so soon after having been opposed to each other in deadly conflict, and so narrowly escap ing with their lives. Col. K. reports that about 400 Cumanches had recently started from the interior, on a campaign to Mexico, all of whom profess to be on friendly terms with Texas. It is to be inferred, therefore, that, should it be necessa ry to increase the force of Uncle Sam and Texas combined, to whip our bhotketted neigh bors. (than Which, however ; nothing is more absurd.) the aid of the brave Comanche could be secured. On the 20th instant. General Mehta arrived at Matamoras, from the interior, with 1,500 men. That place has recently been doubly fortified. Gen. Arista, with his forces, (the number of which is not correctly known,) is still at Monterey. 'Gen. Taylor, of the United States forces here, returned to die Ranche yesterday, from an excnsion up the Nueees, whither he went for the porn,.e_sif seeing the country and meet ing the dragoons. now hourly - expected at this place. He is much pleased with Corpus Christi, and the country he has seen adjacent to it. The stoup is located immediately above town, on the Lank of the bay, in a very plea sant, airy place, where a good supply of Water is to be had by digging only soma five or six feet deep. The steamer Dayton, from Galves ton, is plying daily between this place and St. Joseph's island. together with some twelve or fifteen small sad of vessels. The trade of our town continues to he live ly. and it is to be hoped that the eonimandiro officer here will continue to be, as lie now fib, disposed to sustain the people of the place in keeping it up. Mrxico.- - The New Orleans Bee of the 3d ;natant has received the Diario del Gobierno, .:Government paper.) of the II th ult. It con tains the official announcement of the election of General Herrera as President of the Repub lic of Mexico. There are twenty-five depart ments in Mexico, of which the successful can didates must receive the votes of thirteen—be ing an absolute majority of the whole. It ap pears that, although lull returns had not been received. it was ascertained that Herrera had already obtained the suffrages of thirteen de partments, and was consequently duly elected President. lice wdt take the oath of office and be inaugurated on the 2tith day uf Sep tember. In reference to the movements and disposi tion of the troops uila , r Geo. "Naylor, the Liu ion of Wrdnesd,o; 5- •• We are happy, therefore. to understand that the reintorcements are still advancing.-- Every day is increasing the regular force of General Taylor. He is preparing to throw his advance lines, with the dragoons in front, first towards, and then upon the Rio Grande ; and though he will not interrupt any Mexican post which is now to the east of the river, yet he will prevent any reinforcements which the Mexicans may attempt to throw on this side of the river. He should, however, employ the utmost circumspection, and watch the impudent and insidious Mexican,. Whilst our govern ment will continue to arm themselves, and will retaliate any hostile measures which the brag gart Mexicans may attempt to carry into exe cution, they will not •• keep the door of con ciliation " closed; yet they will accept no overture for negotiation which cannot be ac cepted, nor is likely to be carried out, but upon the moat honorable and most effective terms." GREEN, the murderer, has made a full con fession of his crime, and the motives which prompted him to its commission, Married, in Franklin, on Monday 15th Mat., by the Rev. Julius Foster, Mr. JA3tEa L. RoeKwara.. of Monroe,lo Miss COM/WA LTON, of the former place. Died, On the 12th of August last, in Athens co., state of Ohio, In• Caovvv, Esq., of Leroy township, in this court. ty: The deconncd left Bradford county, in the month-of November latst, accompanied by his wife for the Purpose of transacting business in Indiana and Illinois, his wi having returned home to Bradford some time in tl month of Apt it last, leaving, her husband, who had stay for the purpose of settling up his business affairs the West ; and on his return borne he was taken sic and died on the 12th of August, having left a wife al three eli:ldre . r., to mourn hi.ilosq. raTE NT MEDICINES. ENERA T. ASSORTMENT, something for Inc IT and evcry disca , s that flesh is heir to, (taking ~ ~ ‘,„ , 1 I their word for it) all of which !, au will find at the lit:Alain till da 1 . sap u. 1 IEN TRA I. DRIIthSTORE. -7- ",;9IRADFOKI) COUNTY CAVALRY will meet I - --- -- - (1.70e111:8 4" rt'alchts ic?.. / I = 9 at the /°u" of Win: L' '"'' in tl-I ' . 1 '" u, ' ! ' ' l. l VE hare a sure cure for thoookinds* aniunls—: Towanda, on .it.,turday, the 4th day of Octob,r rwl t,,,t TA , i z-, RV a cure, no pay—call at the 10. A. M., armed and. equipped as the law directs for . - compnny drill. _ cep. Ir. CENTRAL 11111.7. - 6 STORE . _ Thus wid ho a 'suitable MEW fur the comp lay to elect rvash lour Chdhe,y Clea,.4! a Captain. 1 booby withdraw. IT.ti CIi:DER to do thia with ease, call 'And purcliaw 11. A. CAREY, ll.:414. elect. a a few plauuds at bal. Soda at the Towanda, September Ti, 1815. JJJ scp. 11. : CENTRAL DRUG STORE. =MIMM== ‘Ve think Et man who who will make and palm ap p - en inistilipetang person, " Sugar Coated Pill," neat ' , ing on the hoe, Dr. G. Benj'n . 4 zatith's signature, wow, not be.itate to eell poison, regardless of all eonsequenot No " Scaid CUATED Pitts " can bu relied upon, unks . Dr. :Srniitep signature is on the box, and LAY all a" are either imitation or counterfeit, and dam:a l daa oda to use. Dealers furnished at the New York College of He l ga,. 79 Greenwich street; New York. And sold by, k,„ M‘st,N, A. S. Cir.t rv,Tuwanda ; IlLaayGl en: Orwell; JOHN Passm E, Rome ;J. E. DeLtacg, kik; UTION.—As a miserable imitation has Le r made by the name of “Sugar Coated Pills," it is ne e , nary to be sure that Da. G. BEI:J. SMITH'S signatur e y on every box. Price Sts cents. Ikrenisu Runt otiai.—The must popular,ramediesef the present .1,,y are those which cleonee and purify t i,, am l which are 1:1109‘11 to Ire innocent in thelrleal.. tire. rcratdm, a= Antimutiy,,Mereury, Zinc, em! ret , t.r-e illee l iing in thheasc, are now, it is la. ped. going utl of I.a.liten, end Vegetable remedies atilt.. soon the popalar medicine. Then IT 3 randrefleareg,a,. table lin,ccr;ll he nerd and appreciate!. They hre known to act beneficially un every part of the body; token up by the chyle- = they pass into it, blood, whicif they purify, and it shOuld be reineriderel that they only remove these parts from the blood which were the cauro of inflammation er disease of any kind—. Noticing is equal to ridding the vitiated humors with a vegetable medicine of this kind, which eightyleur pan hove proved never to du injury, but always good. Sold by J. D. &E. D. MONTAN YE, Towanda ; G. A, PELLRINS, Athens, only authorized Agents fur Bradford County. : (I:ZQ WV'rrTHE ItE.IS, by an act of Avoombly of the Coro. monweaith, entitled, " An act relating to the election in this 'commonwealth," it is enjoined upon me to give public notice of such election to be held, and al so the enure, ration in such notice what officers are lobe elected, I, JOHN N. WESTON. High Sheriff of the county of Bradford, do-hereby make known and give no tom to the electors of said county, that a GENERAL ELECTION will bo, held in said county, on 'TUES DAY, the 11th day of October in the several distracts raid county, to wit In Affirms, at the school house in the north district near the house of W. Wilcox. lu ..vwluai, at Jacob Frutchey's. In Athens, at E. S. M e tth e wse n ' s . In Armenia, at Wrighttnen Pierce's. In Burlington. at Ad'n M'Kcan's In Canton. at lienj. Caolbaugh's lu Cutuntbia, at James Mergao's In Dtrefl, at F. S. Bradley's. In Franklin, at Wm. Deemer's. hi Granville, at the school house, No. I, at Granvilta corners. Iq llerrirk, at Wm. Durand'e In Litchi Id, at IL Park's, In Leroy, at the school house in Leroy In Monroe. nt J. I': Smith's. In Omen, at the house of formerly occupied ET L H nkr. nt E. Dewolre In IZldgeberry, at Stephen Harman's. In Horne., at L. S. Maynard's. In Shr.hequin, at D. Brink's. In Sunthfi,dd, at .A. J. Gerould's. In Springfield, at D. 1). Black's . . In St.m.linty, Stone. at S. Stevens In N nut Creek, at the Fthool house near Asa Gillett's, in 'ret k. In Towanda Bum' at the Claremont Home to Towanda tp., at the school house near Andrew C In I'rnv, at the school house in the village of Troy. In Spnngh:ll, (formerly Tuscarora,) at the school house near J. J. Lewis'. In l'ister, at S. B. liolcomb'e. In W . W.11. at R. Coopers. la Wtll,. at E. E. Ayres. In WinJham, at E. RUStil'S dec'd In IVrallisnr, at John Taylor's. In N\ at the academy. At uhich time and plzre the ricctia, aforesaid %ill elect by ballot— iii•r.sin fir Canal Commissioner of this State. T,., ',song to represent the county of Bradford in tie H ,0 , 0 of Iloprescntativet of this Commonwealth. the psrson for High Sheritiof Bradford County. thuls•rgon for Pr - tthunotary, Clerk Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer. One person for Register of Wills, Recorder of Deals and Clerk of the Orphans' Court. -- One person for Treasurer of Bradford Co. One person for-Commissioner of Bradford Co. One person for Coroner of Bradfiod Co. One person for Auditor of Bradford County. And in and by said act, I am further directed to give notice that every person excepting justices of the peace who shall hold any itlice of profit and trust under the government of the United States, or of this state, or of any ciiy or incorporated district, whether a commission ed officer or agent, who is, or shall be,, employed under the legislative, executive or judiciary department of this state, or of the I;tiited States, or of any incorporated dis tr.. I, ,1.1,! a., that every member of Congress, and of tho st.c. L Ana of the select and common council i j f aos r,. or eonalii—ismers d any incorporated district I e, in.-al.:I:el, of Isildifij.t or exereisii , ,;, at the same teneAlle office or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk of any election of this commonwealth, 'and. that no in or, judge or other officer of any, such election, ,had Lie then eligible to any otiloe to be voted for. lly the 4th section of an Oct passed the 16th day of Aprd, 1910, it is provided that the 13th section of an art passed July 2d, 18:39, entitled An act relating to the electors of this Commonwealth," shall not be so eon- strueil, as to prevent any militia otlicer from serving as judge, inspector or clerk, at any general or special elec tion orthis commonwealth. • In the Clot section of the act first mentioned, is enac ted that :every general and special election shall be open between eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall contin ue without interruption or qdjouniment until 7 o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed. It is further directed that the meeting of the Judges at the Court House in Towanda, to make out the general return, shall be on the third day after the election, which will be the 17th day of October. JOHN N. WESTON, Sheriff Sheriff's Office, September 17, 1845. ADMINISTRATOR'S NO'I'ICE. A M. persons indebted to estate of Darius Shumway, ` . l deed, late of Springhill tp., are request ed , to make [am ediate payment, and all those having demnudeagainst the same are requested to present them. legally attested, for settlement. CYRUS SHUM WAY, Springhill, Sept. 17, 1545. Administrator. NOTICE tre HEREBY GIVEN, that sealed preprint!' will be ja . received at the Commisgtoner's Office, in Towan da, until 2 o'clock of Tuesday, 7th day of October neat for the building of a BRIDGE across the Wappeseniag . creek, near the house of Nathan Doane, in Warren tp. A plan and specification may be seen at the Commis sioner's Office, at any time previous to the letting. By order of the Commissioners, J. M. WATTLES, Clerk. Core're Office, September 17, 1845. HE f is 'barter the i to ed in drill ck, Ind HE 4th Volunteer Battalion of Bradford minty, is hereby notified to assemble at the house of harks Bennett, in Standing Stone, on Wednesday.. ae Ist day of October next, at 10 o'clock, A.M., san d the equipped as the law directs. for inspection sail C. F. WF.LLES,dR, Athens. Sept. 15, 1545. Lieut. Col. POISON PROCLAMATIO.4I Attention Volunteers !.