Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 13, 1845, Image 1
LUZIEYB 71,0 EiM FIPOVTL.SIMA.B WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13; 1845. Taos Porray.—Tluens are &w, whose memories will notbe busy, while reading the following beautiful lines. They are evidently fresh from the heart of one, whose childhood was blessed with a kind Mother, to direct, his vouthful steps, and counsel and advise his maturer years. To such, oh! hog the memory of her, will mingle with the gratitude that springs up, refreshingly, from the in most heart. A Mother's loving kindness; who can ever f o rget it l Her words of tendeness, d ispersing our so? . tORI and calming our you th ful breas t; her prayer—the most mitred, holiest, offered to the throne of Heaven— of which we are the burthen ; and even her voice of gen tle r eproof ; are all with rut, in after years, " Engraved on the heart, - 'in rare Paradise colors, that can never depart." Butwe will let this be told in language that is better (Sr to express it than prose. IT nother'l Viite. My mother's voice! how often creeps Its cadence on my lonely home! Like healing seat on wings of sleep, Or 'detv arum the unconscious flowers. I might forget her melting prayer, While pleasure's pulses madly fly ; But in the still, unbroken air, Her gentle tones come stealing by— And years of sin and manhood flee, And leave me at my mother's knee. The book of nature, and the print Of beauty - on the whispering sea, Give still to me some lineament Of what I have been taught to be. My heart is harder, end perhaps - My manlinest has drunk up tears And there's a mildew in the lapse Of a few miserable years— But nature's book is even yet With all my mother's lessons writ. I have been out at even-tide, Beneath a moonlight sky of spring, When earth was garnished like a bride, And night bad on her silver wing— When bunting buds and growing grass And waters leaping to the light, And all that makes the pulses Pass With wilder fleetness, thronged the night— When all was beauty, then have I, With friends on whom my love is flung Like myrrh on the winds of Araby, G'azed up where evening's lamp is hung. And when the beauteous spirit there Flung over all its golden chain, My mother's voice came on the sib Like the light dropping of the rain; And resting on some silver star The spirit of a beaded knee, I've poured the deep and fervent prayer That our eternity might be • To rise in heaven like the stars at night, And tread a living path of light. Wants sass!. as oust TINIL REsertivo It is a question of no Small moment with some, where their bodies shall lie, whets the spirit that animates the clay has departed. And' there are but few who have ar rived at the closing of life's journey, without bestowing some thought upon the situation of their grave. The Sailor, as be thinks of death, associates with , it the enveloping of the body in its canvass shiond,-the booming of the signal gun, and the launching of the ba ily into the waste of waters, by the mourning shipmates, and his wish is to lie *here the winds hold their fiercest revel, and be amid the raging of the mighty seas—his home through life. The Soldier wishes fur the gallant death, and the soldier's grave—" the farewell shot," end the sad, solemn march, with reversed arms. . There should be blended with our final resting place, the thoughts of a happy end, and a quiet, peaceful rest ; and associated with it are flowers, and the song of birds, and the murmur of gentle waters. They serve to soothe our spirits, to free our minds from "every cumbering care," and, as we tread among the graves '.of those who base been dear to us, to reconcile us to our loss. It is pleasant to see the grave decorated by the hand of that affection which is stronger than death. There is happiness in the thought, that after we shall have pass ed away, there will be some kind hand to deck our grave, and a melting eye to drop the tear of remembrance. It is a tribute moony all the glary and renown of kings and conquerors. It is has become the practice in many of the cities, to build cernetries, upon which no pains *se spared to snake them beautiful as well as quiet resting placerfor the dead —and some of them are the most delightful Spots in the country. Philadelphia has its Laurel Hiß, and Boston its Mount Auburn, either of which would answer for the sleeping place of the beautiful, as described in the fol lowing lines. ' Burial ‘f the Beautiful. Where shill the dead, and the beautiful sleep! In the vale where the willow and cypress weer ) Where the wind of the west breathes its softest sigh, Where the silvery stream is, flowing nigh, And the pure clear drops of the itising*Tals Glitter like gems in the bright moon); rays • Where the sun's warm kmile may never 'dispel ' Night tears o'erthe Corm we well— la the vale where the sparkling waters Clow; Where the fairest, earliest violets grow; Where the sky and the earth are softly fair, Bury her there--bray her there! Where shall the dead and the beautiful sleep l Wheys :wild-towels bloom in Me valley deep Where the sweet robes of spring may softly rest purity, over the sleeper's breast ; Where is heard the voice of the sinless dove, Bemoaning her absent, truant love ; Where no column moutlin the sun may glow, Ts mock the heart that is resting below ; Where pure hearts are deephtg, foresee b 114; Where wandering Pai lore to test; Where the 'sky and the earth are softly fairi ' Bury her there—bury her theM!" . . ... 4:7 ,, ; . , B t. „ , .• r r • _ . , ,tatius.--An interesting description of thostpperuance, resources and capabilities of that part of the, U. States late taken undeivur protection-.. Texas—may be found in another column. • It is taken from the Washington• Union—to which paper it wasfumished by a gentleman who has resided for sometime past in that country. Practical Hadandry. • Improvement of 'worn-out and naturally poor Lands, old fields, 4-c., in the Middle States I intimated in a late paper in the Cultivator, (vol. 1, p. 344.) that I would shortly give the readers of that 'excellent work an answer to the question how the improvement of the kinds of lands mentioned in the heading of this article. could be aocomplised in the cheapest way. 1 now proceed to the fulfillmerit of my promise. Land is poor or rich from various causes. It may be poor naturally, from being deprived of the accumulation of deconiposed organized matter, by the washings of rain, the overflow ing of streams, &c., and by its own gravelly and porous nature, admitting the upward filter ing of spring water, as is the case in low gra velly bottoms. It may also be poor from ,the too large a portion of iron in its composition. But the most universal cause of poverty of soil is exhaustion, from the over-cropping, taking away always and returning nothing, as was so general the practice in old times, and is too much the practice now in all the middle states. In a former paper, I have expressed the opin- ion that a man may purchase and improve a piece of this poor or worn-out land cheaper than will be the 'cost of removal to and purchase of a piece of land in the West, especially when the sacrifices incident to such removal are ta ken into the *account. I most sincerely, be- lieve in the truth of this proposition. But let us proceed to the subject—the now, not the why, the land should be improved. The first object to be attended to in the im provement of land, is the grubbing up and clearing off every tree and shrub that is not wanted. Let this be done at the beginning.— Allow no clumps or clusters of bushes or briars, or single ones either, .to remain in the field.— The next thing is ditching and draining off all sunken and boggy places, if such exist. Very often the simple plough furrow will answer, but sometimes a deep ditch must be dug. If it be deep enough, a blind ditch should always be preferred, so that you may cultivate the land over the ditch, and also save - your land the inconvenience of open ditches. Having grubbed and ditched, and thus drainedithe land, the next object is to ascertain the quality oldie soil,•all parts of it. You may find that the low places you have drained are composed of hard clay. Some of the upper or higher places may be too sandy. You will, in such case, employ your carts in carrying clay to the sandy parts, and return with sand to the clayey parts, and be very liberal in your exchanges too.— You may spread the clay at once, - or allow it to remain a a winter in cart load's heaps, and spread it in the spring. The sand may be spread, of course, at once. All this is merely getting the land ready. A carpenter builds his shop, and gets out" his stuff, before he thinks of •' going to work " at his trade. So does every other artisan or mechanic. Why should a farmer not, also, before he goes to work to make money and a living first get his shop in order? Having properly grubbed, drained and mixed the soil, the next thing to be done-is to ascertain the quality of the whole. It most probably wants lime to make it com- Take a handful here and there from the whole field—say twenty handfuls in all ; mix them well together. then take a heedful from the whole mixture, put it upon a shovel, and heat it red hot, then take it from du, fire and let it cool, when cold, pulverize into a fine powder, and pour upon it good cider viegar. Diluted muriatic acid is best, hot vinegar, if good, will do. If it foams considerably, you want no lime in the soil, if it do not foam. you must then apply lime. Nearly all the laud in the middle States wants lime, and is benefited by its application. If it wants no lime, then go to work as follows : Plough - in the fall with the deepest working plough you can afford.— In the spring, sow corn broadcast ; and as soon as it is as high as you can well turn under with a good plough and two or three hinge team, turn it under well, and immediately sow corn again broadcast. As soon as that is high enough to turn under, turn that also with a deep working plough'. Giperally you may turn under three crops in the same season.— In the fall, plough deep while turning the last crop of corn " under, harrow 'and seed with wheat. However poor your land may have been, you may be sure of a good crop of wheat the ensuing harvest. In sowing the corn, about three to four bushels should be sown to the acre,.each crop. If by the trial above described, you snd your land requires lime, then, before the first plough ing, apply twenty btishels of slaked lime to.the acre, broadcast, then plough as before directed, sow the corn. - and proceed as before, taking care to sow twenty bushels of lime before turning under each crop acorn ; sow the lime on the corn as it stands, and turn corn and lime all in together. In this way a first rate soil may. he.made out of the poorest old field in Maryland or any where else ; and it will be observed that the only cost" is in the liming and value of the seed, corn, except the labor,— Those Who cannot afford to expend sci much 'labor and money the first season, can extend the time over several seasons. applying say twenty-or thirty bushels of lime to the acre, and turning under but one crop of corn, each year.. The above may be considered a brief sum mary of the whole "argument ; and it seems to me, scarcely requires elucidation. Some may however require explanations. and I therefore proceed to give them. A clay soil requires only sand to,malto it .a good one, so Tar as constitution is concerned; and sandy soil requires clay only 'to maltelt good. These two elements of a good soil generally exist on all farms ; and wherever they do exist in I, sepailte places, they, should be combined and mixed, tliat the' May be PUELLSICED EVERY WEDNESDAY, 'AT TOWANDA, •BRADPORD COIIitITY, it., BY E. S. GOODRICH &- SON. it RE134111.3138, OF j?EISitcR6IATION, FROII ANY QUONER.7 made fertile. -If your land be too clayey.•and you have no sand on your farm, • probably some neighbor would be glad to exchange some of his sand for some of your clay,,doing half the hauling, and -thus both farms will be bene fitted at half the labor each. Rely upon it, there is more to be obtained in the improve- ment of land by a judicious admixture of soils, than is generally supposed. Manuring cannot supply its place, however large the quantity applied ; and when once made, the effect is permanent, the benefit perpetual, the improve ment lasts forever. Low wet places are not only unproductive, but they are unhealthy, unseemly and absolute lose of all the land so situated. If your farm consists of one hundred acres, and twenty acres of it is of this low and wet kind, you have but eighty acres of land. Therefore drain, by ditching this low land, make it productive, by adding sand, &c.. where necessary, and you in•effeet have added twenty acres to your farm. Dig the trench as in the usual way, excavating an open ditch, of the proper depth and capacity to carry off the water ; then lay in the bottom,of the ditch stones, loosely pack ed, so thatwater will freely past! between ;hem, about a foot deep ; then lay upon these loose stones larger and flat ones, to keep the earth from filling the interstices ; and then return the earth thrown out, leveling the whole surface. Some, instead of stone, lay in the bottom of the ditch branches and limbs of trees and shrubs, and cover these with earth; but such blind ditches are obviously subject to obstruction from the decay of the wood, and thence from the caving in of the superincumbent earth.— Others, in Europe especially, use an arching of tiles in the ditch instead of stones or brush wood , but this is too expensive for this coun try, as yet. NV here atones can be had, a good blind ditch may be made permanently effec tive by their use. Next to stone, brushwood is to be preferred. • It surely canuot be necessary to say a word in illustration of the grubbing up of all useless growths of bushes, trees, &c. Never allow your fences to be sheltered by bushes or trees of any kind. They rot the timber, and you lose all the land they occupy. Head lands," as they are called, are just so much deducted from your measure of acres. Clear out all such. if you have no other clean place in your field, let the headlands and fence-corners be clean. In ascertaining the precise quality of the soil, you accomplish precisely what every otber artisan does when he ascertains his ability to do a certain job. You find out -whai the materials you are to work upon are capa ble of producing. If in that examination, yoq find your materials deficient in any one neces sary ingredient—lime, for instance—you, as other artisans would necessarily and instinctive ly do, apply lime. If you find it deficient in vegetable fibre. &c., you apply that substance; and if you find it deficient in clay or sand, as either of these preponderate, you apply the one or the other, as the result of the examination shall indicate. Having prepared the soil for the reception of manure, the cheapest and most efficient me thod and material for supplying nutritious principles to the soil is the next matter for consideration. I believe that corn sown broad cast, as above directed, is the cheapest, most efficient and speediest fertilizer. Some, and very many, suppose that the old plan of clover laying is the best and cheapest. I differ with them. You can only turn under a crop of clover once in two years; you can by an ef fort, turn under three crops of corn in one year ; and I believe that each crop of corn will car& as much nutritious matter into the soil as each crop of clover can do. Now, in this system of improvement, you have only to purchase the lime, if that he ne cessary ; you can raise the seed corn on some part of the farm. All the rest of the improve ment is derived from labor. Never undertake the improvement of more land than you are certain you can manage. If you expend your funds upon too large a sur face, you will be likely to lose the whole ad vantage of them. Calculate how much land you can work well, and confine yourself to that, and no more. And in all your operations in agriculture, take care not to undertake too much. Suppose you can only work ten acres well in one year: if you undertake twenty acres, some of it will have injustice done it, and the result is,obvioes. Deep ploughing is one of the most efficient agents in the Improvement of Soils, as it is in the continuation of good soils. Never omit it. It may pay you scantily for a year or two ; but it will ultimately repay you, a hundred fold.— Without it there cannot be any continued suc cessful farming, no mattei: what the original soil may have been. Discard all shallow working ploughs from your firm, except the mere Seed and cultivator plougba., Some lands will be benefited by 50 bushels of lifile;i o fhe acre, and by it be rendered suffi ciently caleariousk others 'May require 100 bushels ; all this is to be found out only by proper eiperiments, as above indicated. If the solution Of the soil foams freely in the vine gar or miiiatic acid, it Wants.uolirne ; if, but partially, it wants p . roliably . 'fifty bushels to the acre; if not at all, it may require a hundred • bushels. If it be a red clayey , soil, it wants more lime, than if it be white. or blue. or yel low. If you hare no lime, and wood ashes are at hand, you may accomplish all the ob jects you aim at by, their application., As ashes are mostly composed of .different kinds of lime, besides "their More soluble potash, from fifty to one' hundred bushels ashes to the acre, applied lo thi . aime manner is direc ted for lime.-will have the same effect, ailime, besides giving' you' advantage , of the petard', first year. , s Witere s neitber lime nor ashes are to be oh tained; plastei:Of Paint; itt'it is called, maY:be applied, to moat lands ',witliidvantage. 2',The action of plaster`eiatitipuis s to ,a,sallect of dispute. My °plain is; that it *reply:serves the purpose of fixing the; inninonia floating in ,the s atmosphere, and iliat'Aiaolved fitirn,,decay ing'aniinal matters'," arid this — tie - M*llo to El the uses of the isoil. No matter what its mode of action. is - bOwever. it certainly is a very efficient agent in soils generally, and in' the absence of other still more effective agents, it should always be ised: or at least tried. BACUELORIBII UNNA,TURAL.O.4I.IIII may say what they will; but,wii know there never can be a paradise without some daughter of Eve, within it; and home is.cntiy a place to eat and sit andsleep in, without the hallow ing charms of a woman's presence. Men may pay what they please about the jovial freedom of their Liberty halls, but many a weary joyless hour passes within them ; many a'discontent ed,peevish, enarlish feeling is experienced ; many a vacuum of heart and thought, many a comfortless rainy day, many along winter eve ning, when the ticking of the clock is the only sound, and that does but echo like the knell of departed moments that might have been joyous if spent in cheerful companionship. And then ior the lonely old bachelor to come into his welling wet and weary; without a creature to welcome him with either a word or smile, or a tingle gleam of pleasure to brighten the place ; nobody to consult his tastes and his comfort, nob Ody to prattle‘to him, to tell him the gos sip of the neighborhood, and to link his sym pathies and his interests with surrounding peo ple ; nobody to double his joys and halve his sorrows ;- nobody to nurse him if he is sick, to console him if he be sorrowful ; and then, as time creeps on and age overtakes him, to hear no joyful prattler near him, no dimpled smiling girls, no: stalwart hopeful, boys, in whose youth and enjoyment be mightbe young and happy again ; and at last to leave none be hind to lament him—heigho !' Nature will not suffer her laws to be violated with impunity, and nature never designed that men should. be old bachelors. A SECRET.-" How do you do, Mrs. Tome. have you heard the story about Mrs. Ludy:?" " Why, no, really, Mrs. Gad, what is it—do tell ?" "0, I promised not to tell for all the world ! No, I must never tell on't. I'm afraid it will git out." " Why, l'll never tell on't as long as I live, just as true as I live, just as true as the world; what is it, come, tell." Now you won't say anything about it, will you ?" "No I'll never open my head about it—never. Hope to die this minute." "Well, if you'll believe me, Mrs. Funday told me last night, that Mrs. Trot told her that her sister's husband was told by a person who dreamed it, that Mrs. Nichens that her grandmother heard by a letter that she got from her sister's second husband's brother's step-daughter that it was repotted by, the captain of a clam boat just ar rived from 'the Feejee Islands that the mer• maids about that section wore sharkskin bus tles stuffed with pickled eels' toes !" F. xErtasz.—Tbrougliout all nature. want of motion indicates weakness, corruption, inani mation and death: Trenck. in his damp prison leaped about lake a lion in his fetters of seven ty pounds weight, in order to preserve his health ; and an illustrious physician observes : " I know not which is the most necessary to the support of the human frame; food or mo tion. Were the exercise of the body attended to in a corresponding degree with that of the mind, men of great learning would be more healthy and vigdrous—ol more general talents —of more ample practical knowledge ; more happy in their domestic lives—more enterpris ing and attached to their duties as men. In fine, it may with propriety be said that the highest refinement of the mind, withoUt im provement of the body. can never present any thing more than half a human being." BE CUEERFUL.—Few things are more per nicious' than to sit and meditate on the aggra. vation of our afflictions, to study over the evils, and dwell long on the dark side. It creates a morbid sensibility, which finds its food in this very course of conduct, and the mind may prey upon itself until it eats out its own vitality. So when we speak of our afflic tions, to'make them as bad as we can, to dwell on the dark things, and turn away from all the circumstances •of mercy which accompany them, is wicked. h feeds the old and creates new troubles. We should rather look atthings as they are. We may deeply feel our afflic tions. It were wrong not to do so. But they are always attended with great mercies, and to overlook these is equally wrong. A YANKEE LORD.—Lord Lyndhurst, the present Lord High Chancellor of England, is a native born Yankee. His father was a por trait painterin Boston, but not succeeding very well in business, he went to England, and took his son with him. Observing a taste in him for reading and study, he sent his boy to college. He graduated with honors, studied law, succeeded in his profession, and became lo distinguished that his services were called into requisition by the government; and he soon workid his way up to the post of Lord High Chancellor—as high an honor as can be conferred upon a subject: Hie father'ir name 11 , 28 Copley t, and he is remembered by many of the old , residents of Boston: - " Deers ow Roo:vs.-1n , light subsoils. -the roots oftrees have been found at a depth - of 10 or 12! feet-.roots of the Canada thistle have bevn , traced.B pr 7 feet .below' the surface.— Wheat in a rich, mellow soil, will-strike routs . 3 feet downwards,i and much further c horizon tally. The roots fonts hare beenfiiscovered 18 inches, from the, stern, and, the long, thread like'roots ,of _grass, still further. :Tko fine root, of , the , , onion, being white, and easily traceo,in black soil, have in trenched soil, been followed two, feet deep.. The importance of a ,mellow soil. Air these,fne roots to ..penetrate, is obvioue., •Tires-Srrrirto;--The Hamilton: .t Ohio In telligeneer says, that James Bleb:drip. the . foreman in that office, ,recently, set , eighteen thousand 'three hSndred four ems in one 'day-commencing *146 beforels:?elpek,li. quitting - it row intiiitei P . M• The lEl4ll4olcm . ihallengei SO, printer in the linfort is,'" try it hand with hurt: -" =ME "The painful vigil may I never know That anxious watches o'er a wandering haul." MRS.Tionir. It was midnight, and she sat leaning her, pale cheek on her hand. counting the dull ticking of the Freud' chick, that stood on' the marble chimney piece, and ever and anon lifting her weary eye to its dial to Mark the lapse of an• other hour. 'lt was past midnight, and yeti's returned not ! She arose.- and taking up her lamp, whose pale rays alone illuminated 'the .the solitary chamber, proceeded with a noise less step to a small inner apartment. The curtains of his little bed were drawn aside, and the young mother gazed on her sleeping child! What a vivid contrast did that glowing cheek and smiling brow present, as he lay in rosy slumber, to the faded yet beautiful face that hangover him in tears ! Will he resemble his father r was the thought that passed for'a •moment through her devoted heart, and a sigh was the only answer ! 'Tie his well known knock—and the steps of the drowsy porter echoed through the.lofty halt, as with a murmur on his hp, be drew the massive bolts and admitted his thoughtless master. " Four o'clock, Willis, is it not r , and . lie sprang up the, staircase—another mo ment he is in her chamber—in her arms ! No reproaches met the mita husband, none —save those she could not spare him in her heavy eye, and faded cheek—yet those spoke to his heart. " Julia, I have been a wandering husband." " But you are come now, Charles, and all is well." And all was well, for, from that hour Charles Danvers became an altered man. Had his wife met him with frowns and sullen tears, he had become a hardened libertine ; but her affectionate caresses, the joy that danced in her eye,' the hectic flush that lit up her pallid cheek at his approach, were arguments he could not withstand. Married in early life, while he felt all the ardor, but not the esteem of love; pos sessed of a splendid fortune, and having hith erto had the entire command of his own pleas ures. Danvers fell into that common error o newly married men—the dread„of being .con. trolled. In vain did his parents, who beheld with sorrow the reproaches and misery he was heaping up for_himself in after' life, remon strate. Charles Danvers turned a deaf ear to advice, and pursued, with companions every way unworthy of his society, the path of folly, if not absolute guilt. The tavern, the elhb room, the race-course, tno oiten left his wife a solitary mourner, or a midnight watcher. Thus the first three years of their wedded life had passed—to him in fevered and restless pleasure, to he; t blighed hope of unmurmur ing regret. B this night,erowned the pa tient forbe7ce of the neglected Julia with its just rewa d; and give the death blow to the folly 'in the, bosom of Danvers. Returning with disgust from the losses of the hazard-ta ble, her meekness and lolig-sufferine touched him to the soul ; the film fell from 'his eyes, and vice, in her own hideous deformity stood unmasked before him. Ten years have passed since tint solitary midnight, when the young matron bent in.tears over her sleeping boy. Behold her now ! still in the pride of womanhood, surrounded by their cherub faces, who are listening ere they go to rest to her sweet voice, as it pours forth to the accompaniment of her harp an evening song of joy and melody ; while a manly form is bending over the music page to hide the tear of happiness and triumph that springs from a swelling bosom, as he contemplaies the inter eating group. 1 outhful matrons! ye who watch over a wandering, perhaps an erring heart—when a reproach trembles on your lips towards a truant husband, imitate Julia Dail ' vers, and remember though hymen has chains, like the sword of Harmodius, they may be covered with flowers ; that unkindness and irritability do but harden, if not wholly es trange the heart—manner (as water dropping on the flinty rock, will in time wear it into soft ness) seldom fails to reclaim to happiness and virtue the Truant Husband. MARKET SCENE.—The following scene is the beet we have come upon for a season. A would be fashionable lady; dressed up in all colors of the rainbow, goes to market fol- lowed by a negro boy with a basket. Espying upon a Jerseyman's stall a goose. but not tak ing parttetilar notice of it, she goes up to the farmer and asks—' What's the price of those turkey ?" Madam those turkey is a goose." Well what's the ptice of, it ?" Seventy-five cents, madam."' Oh, that's too much; I'll give you seven levies, "(871 c ents.) "Well, you may take it for that—it's the last I've got, and I won't haggle - about the rice." . GREAT YIELD.—The Chester Republican says that Jonathan Larkin, of Lower Chiches ter, in that county, has left with us two,bunch es of wheat, each the product of a single grain. ,One of these . bunches contains my-seven and the other forty-two , stalks,.all of which are _well headed and 611 ed with plunap.graid. We. threshed . an average head and found , it contain mined thirty-six grains-,.The wheat is of the Mediterranean kind, which is fast superzeding all others with our farmers. DON'T Gaustnin.—He is a fool that grumbles at every_ little Mischance. •pui the best foot forward is an old and giiOd maxim. Don't run 'abatit indlell aCquaintanies that you liairibeen unfortunate. People don't like to hdve unfor tunate' in en far *acquaintances'. Add tO a vigor ous deti3rmination, a cheerful ispirit; if reverses come; bear them like a'philottopher and get rid of them as soon as you can. Poverty is like a panther.,—look.atit, steadily in.the face and it . 1, 0113 . , 9 0 . 0 - , . • I .•-• .., , A RECONNOISSANCE OrTHE Lucr:e; with re ference to tbe - detence of. the Lake country, and :the eatibliehiiient - OCsuitil4e Draval stations. is - bidag inidelvi c tnirieriodore 'Kerrie and Col. Totten. The Truant Husband =I IMIMUB 116 A : Beautiful leteor 'Hope is a beautiful meteor; like the rain- • bow, it is not only lovely beiause of its Bevan k. rich and radiant stripes—it is the memorial of a covenant entered into between man and' his Maker, telling us we were born for immortali ty, destined, unless we sepulchre our great ness, to the highest honor and noblest happi 'ness.. Hope proves man deathless ; tt is the struggle of the soul breaking looselrom what .is perishable, and attesting her eternity ; and when the eye •of the mind is turned upon Christ delivered for our offences, and raised "again for 'our justificanon: the unsubstantial and deceitful character is , taken away kohl hope. Hope is one of the prime pieces ofthat armor of proof in which the believer is array ed ; for Paul tells us to take for an helmet the hope of salvation. It is not good that a man hope for wealth, since *, riches profit not in the day of wrath;" and-it is not good that we ' hope for human honors, since the mean aid mighty go down to the same burial. But it is good that he hopeslor saliation. The meteor then gathers like a golden halo around - his head ; and as he presses forward in the battle time, no weapon of the evil one can pierce through that helmet. It is good, then, that he hope ; it is good, also, that he quietly wait.— There is much promised in Scripture to the waiting upon God. Men wish an immediate answer to prayer. and think themselves for gotten unless the reply be instantaneous. It is a great mistake. The delay is ofteti part and a great part of the answer." It eiercises faith, and hope, and patience; and what better thing can be dime for us , than strengthening those whose growth shall be proportioned to the splendors of immortality ; it is good then. that ye wait. They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength : they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. —Rev. H. Melvill. • 'Worth makes the Man. Worth makes the man ! not wealth ! not dress ! not• parade. You will find more real manliness. more sound sense, more loveliness of character, in the humble walks of life. than was ever dreamed of in the circles of fashion, or pride of wealth—or Chesterfield rules of politeness. When a man of sense—no mat ter how humble has origin, or lowly his occu pation, may appear in the eyes of the vain and foppish—is treated with contempt, he will not soon forget it; but will put forth all the ener gies of his mind to rise above those who look down with scorn upon him. By shunningthe mechanic,- we exert an influence derogatory to honest labor and make it unfashionable• for young men to learn trades, , or labor for 'sup. port. Dad our young women realize that for all their parents possess, and that for all they are indebted to the mechanic it would be their desire to elevate ham and encourage his visits to their society. while they would treat with scorn the lazy, the sponger, and the well dress ed pauper. On looking back, a very few years our most fastidious ladies can trace their genealogy from some humble mechanics who perhaps, in their day were sneered at by the proud and foolish, while their grandmothers gladly received them to their bosoms.—Jos. C. NEAL. A Miss WANTING 'A CAPACITY.-A common councilman's lady paving her daughter a visit at school, and inquiring what progress she had made in her education, the governess an swered " Pretty good, madam; Miss is very atten tive ; if site wants any thing it itr a capacity, but for that deficiency you know we must not blame her." No, madiin," replied the mother, "bat I blame you for not having mentioned it before. for her father, thank fortune, can afford his daughter a capacity ; and 1 beg she may 4av,e one immediately, cost what it may.',. SiIGLENESS OF PURPOSE.-1 ne Lowell (Mass.) Courier tells a good storrof a mem ber of the Middlesex bar, who was attending Court at the time of the burning of the hotel at Concord. It is said that he rushed up into the room, and seized a valise which he supposed was his own. but, after having carried it half way across tho common, discovered that it-be longed to another man ; he immediately rush eti back, retprned the valise to its place. and bore off hi own in , triumph ! One of his friends remarked that this was one of the most remarkable instances of singleness of purpose that he had ever met with. • . WHAT PEOPLE CAN DO IV uttorT.—Mall kind might, do .without . physicians,, if they would . observe the laws of health ; without soldiers. if they would observe the laws of christianity ; without lawyers. if they would keep their tempers ; 'and ferhaps without preachers, if each one would take care" of his conscience ; but there is no way k of living with out farmers, or—editors. THE FaSTEST YET.—We heard last evening of a staemboat, built by a Yankee of course. which - run - so fast that when she burst her boilers, a short time since, the passengers were all preserved by her ALIENING FROM UN'. MEN .-before they could be injured by the scalding steam. That is the quickest on re cord. decidedly. Go Auzat.=-There's nothing like it. you will never fail so long as you have'your arum full and your mind betty. Look on the bright aide—keep up your spirits and as true as you live you will work your way to wealth and honor. A Tsactiaa had been explaining to his elms the, points of compass, and all were drain ,up front to the north. ,i• Now, what. - is before you, John . ?" The North, Sir." -•• And what it behind you, .Tommy is My' cost tail, Sir," trying to get a glimpse of the same. , . • :A cheerful expression of featu - es, frequent ly conceals the deepest anguish. • • ,- "