Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 06, 1845, Image 3

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    d, with one framed barn, one framed house,
dad an apple orchard thereon.
-.ALSO—One other lot situate in said' town
,hip, bounded on the north by lands of John
Cannon. on the south by land of John Cannen,
east by land of G. 'Vaught, and on the west by
lan dof S. Mann dz. George Eastman. Con
tifty acres or thereabouts with nbout five
acres Chopped over.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of
Joseph Kingsbery vs. Betsey Cannon & Arunah
Wattles, Administrators of the estate of Mat.
thew Cannon deceased.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of Land
situate in Herrick township and bounded on the
north by lands of Nelson Rogers, on the east by
lands of Charles Suart, on the south by unseat
ed lands, and on the-west by lands of Marquis
D. F. Hines. Containing one hundred acres
more or less with about thirty acres improved,
one framed house arid a log shedbarn thereon
erected, and a small orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execuiion at the suit of
Bradford County vs. Robert Depew,
ALSO—The following described lot of land
situate in Ridgebery township bounded on the
north by H. Petmen, east by John Seely, south
by E. Webb, west by B. Gray. Containing
fifty acres with about twenty five acres impro
,el, with a framed house, a log barn and or
chard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Caleb Cummings vs. Anson Webb._
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land
situate in Burlington township, it being the pos
session right of the defemiant,.bounded north by
lands in the possession of Wm. Simpson, west
by lands of Welles & Perkins. south by Earl
Nichols, east by Welles & Perkins. Contain
ing eighty acres more or less with about thirty
acres improved, with a log house, , log barn and
orchard thereon.
. -
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Obadiah Blakely to the use of 3loody & Gore,
vs. Benjamin Nichols,:
ALSO—The folloWing described piece or
parcel of land situate in the township of Wya
losing, hounded on the ninth by land of Austin
Stalford, east by land claimed by D. W. Brown,
south by Merryall road and land of N. P.
Brown, and west by land of Noah Allen. Con
three acres or, thereabouts all improved, with an
apple orchard.
Seized and taken in execution at the edit
John C. Adams - vs. John Elliott & Charles Ho
rnet, Adm's. of the estate of Humphrey Brown
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate in
th e borough of Athens and boun&don the north
by a lot of land owned an occupied by Uriah
1 1 %ilson, on the west by the public highway
running from Athens to Milltown, on the south
by a lot of land owned by banes Friieher, and
on the east by lands belonging to Athens town.
ship or the public lands, being cne dwelling
huti;e thereon. Containing one half more or less.
Seized and taken in execution; at the suit. of
I). A. Saltrnarsh to the use of N. C. Harris, vs.
Nathaniel Clapp.
ALSO—The following, Mere or parcel of
I:.nd situate in the townsliips'of Leroy and Frank•
hounded on the north by the Towanda creek,
east by lands of Leonard !ble'Kee. on the south
by the Barclay hinds:and on the west by John
Packard. Contlimn.. forty two acres more
or less about ten acres improved, with a - plank
house and kg barn thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit o
'AL W. H. Titus vs. S. K. Robarts.
ALSO—The fo lowing piece or parcel of
land situate in the township of Durell bounded
ont , the north west by William Ellis, north
east by Reuben Sickler, south east by Reuben
Sickler & James D. McCracken, south west
by Andrew Vanzorder now in the occupation of
Abraham V.mgorder, supposed to contain about
Sixty acres with thirty acres improved, with a
log house, and ag barn and a- small orchard
Seized and taken in exemiticM at the suit o
'James 12nuf vs. A. W. B. Vanordez.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of
sand situate in Franklin township and bounded
on the north by lands of Oliver W. Dodge, on
the east by William Lyons and others, .41 the
south by Daniel L. Dodge, on the west by
ver W. Dodge. Containin. , sixty five acres,
thirty acres or more improved, witha log house
and log harrythereon.
Seized ilnd taken into-execution at the suit of
0. R. Tyler to the use aOas. H. & Wm. 41.
Hart, vs. Daniel Cokelv.;
. .
ALSO—The following pieces or parcels o
land situate in Towanda borough and bounded
and described On the north And east by lands
belonging to the estate of George Scott dee'd,
and an alley leading from the public square to
State street, on the south by land of Col. 11.
Mix, and on the west by Main street. Con
taming about one fourth.of an acre more or less
with a •brick . building and two barns thereon
ALSO—One another lot on the west side of
Main street. hounded on the north by illiam
Watkins, 173 feet on the we'st by a lot owned
by the estate of F. Delpeuch dec'd about 531,
and on the south 173 feel by Thomas Elliott's
lot. Containing less than one fourth of an
acre, with a large dwellinu e , house thereon erec
ALSO—One other lot situate on Second st.
and bounded on the north by a lot owned by
the estate of F. Delpeuch dec'il 160 feet, on
the east by Thomas Elliott's lot 50 feet, and
on the south by an alley 130 feet, and on the
west by Main street 50 feet, more or less with
.a large yellow barn thereon erected.
ALSO—A building on Main et. north of the
banking house, formerly occupied as a Canal
ALSO—Likewise forty one lots in the Be
rough'of Athens, nn. as klows:-1-6-20-32
42-52-64-71 -81-94-104-122-132-142-152
-162-1 ' 72-152-1 92-202-212-222-232-242-
252-262-273 -280-290-301-311-321-331-
bered according to Orson Rickey'e plot or plan
of record in the Coin. Pleas. in the case a
partition between Edward Herrick and' the
Towanda Bank, subject to the agreement with
Edward Herrick to consolidate the same into
Rile lot, containing four acres and 4-10:
ALSO—Five village lots in the boro of To
wanda.nn. as follows :-46-47-48-50—accor
ding to Col. If. Mix's plan of the Northern
Liberties made by G. F. Mason.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Alichael Koons et al. to the use of David F.
Barstow vs. the Towanda Bank.
- - • 4",
ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of Levart
F-icias, a certain MOSSIMIZP, lots or pieces 01
land, situatein the township of Wysnx, in the
county of Bradford : one lot bounded northward-
Iv by land of the said Wrn. Myer and ,the Pcnd
Hill road. and Westwardly by L. &.L Owens
land and by lands of Jacob Myer and H.
Strope's land, southwardly by Joseph Conklin,
D. F. Barstow and S. Coolbaugh, eastwardly
by S. Patrick's lantl. -1 Containing two hundred
acres and sixty six perches.
ALSO—One other lot beginning at the north
line of S. T. Barstow's home farm, thence north
32° east forty and five tenths perches to a corner.
thence south 52° east 125 perches to a corner.
thence south 52° west 40 & 5-10 perches to a
nrner, thence north 52° west 120 perches to
the beginning. Continlng thirty acres, being
only the undivided six ninths of the said two
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Jacob Myer & Jacob Myer now to the use of
John Knowles vs. E. R. Myer administrator of
the estate of William Myer deceased.
ALSO—A certain messuage piere or parcel
of land situate in Monroe township. Bradford
county, beginning at a white oak the N. W. cor
ner of a lot in the warrantee name of Daniel
Torbit, thence south 51° east 84 perches to a
post, thence by land sold to John Decker. south
41° west 115 perches to a post, thence north 51°
west 84 perches, thence north 41° east one hun
dred and fifteen perches to the be.inning.—
Containing fifty seven acres and forfir perches
and allowance, with 20 or 25 acres improved,
log house and framed barn thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Gordon F. Mason vs.-William M. Cuff.
ALSO—A piece of land in Athens boroug.h,
beginning at the southwest corner of Joseph
Hopkinson's lot on the west side of Main:street,
thence south 11° east 53 7-10 rods -to the
borough line and by lands of H. Welles estate,
thence south 78° west on boro' line and by land
of H. Welles' estate, 55 2-10 rods to the bank
of the Chemung, river ; thence north 17° east
along said river bank 30 rods ; thence N. 111°
E. 29 rods to the corner of Joseph Hopkinson's
lot on said river bank ; thence north 78° east
29 7-10 rods to the place of beginning ; contain
ing thirteen acres and one hundred and fifty-four
ALSO—A lot beginning at a stone west side
of Susquehanna river road, corner of H. Welles'
land on the Porn' line, thence by said IVel/es'
lan'd south 78° west 62 9-10 rods to a stone
corner on the east side of main street, by the
gate; thence up said street north 11° west 19
1-10 rods to the corner of C. Paine's lot; thence
north. 78° east 20 5-10 rods to Paine's south-east
corner; thence north 11° west 15 5-10 rods to
the Susquehanna river; thence north 78' east
13 1-10 rods to an angle in said road ; thence
south 524° east 44 0-10 rods to the place of be
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
H. C. Baird. administrator of K. Oliver. deed.
vs. Georoe H. Welles, with notice to Horace
illistom Sarah Welles and Isaac Shepard, ter
re tenants.
Sheriff's Office,
Toivanda, August 6, 1845. S
Y virtue or sundry writs,mf Fiera-Facias
1•1 issued out of the court of common pleas
of BradfOrd County, to me directed, 1 shall ex
pose to public sale at the house of Wm. Briggs
in the borough , of Towanda, on Saturday the
30th day of August next, at one o'clock P. M.,
the following piece or parcel of land situate in
the township of Ridgburv, and bounded on the
north by land of Michael Man, on the east by
land of Thomas ill-Asay,.oo the south late the
property of H. Williston Jr., and on the west
by land of H. W. Patrick. being the south half
of lot no. 13. Containing fifty four acres or
thereabouts, about twenty acres thereof impro
ved. with one log house and one log hate there
on. •
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
H. W. Patrick vs. Nehemiah Monroe.
ALSO—The following\ piece or lot of land
situate in Springfield township and bounded on
the north by lands of Alonzo Sherman, east by
lands of Jerre Adams, south by lands owned by
the bank of North America, and went by lands
of E. Dickinson. Containing forty eight acres
more or less, and about 20 acres improved with
a log house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Elijah S. Tracy vs. Henry L Ross.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of
land situate:in the township of Litchfield, Brad
ford county and hounded as follows: beginning
at a post, a white oak tree marked as a -witness
north 54° west font links, thence east eighty per r
ches to a hemlock tree marked as a corner,
thence north one hundred perches to a beech
sapling marked fora corner, thence west 80 per
ches to a post a whtte oak tree, south 12° west
seven links marked as a witness, thence south
100 petches to the beginning. Containing Boy
acres _strict measure, located partly on three
warrant lots.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Gilbert Busse! ye. David Barstow, Adminis
trator of Nathaniel Russel den'd.
JOIIN N. WESTON, sheriff:
ShetilF'a Office.
Towanda, August 6, 1845. S
W.4. 1 1"1NG8 HANK.—No. 5, Brick row-.
`Super blue black silk.
' do. do. striped.
Lich chameleon do.
Plaid do.
Parasols, ribbons.
Cashmeres, De!aloes,
Ladies' Cravats.
. Calicoes.
Sheetings—cheap as ever.
Window paper, &c., &c.
The above are a•tew of the many Ne, Goods just
opened at G. E. 'FLYNT & CO'S.
Cigars ! Cigars!
a large lot of the hest CIGARS in town, by the
box, single cigar or otherwise, and very cheap.
Towanda, J uly 30, 1845.
Wayne County Ploughs.
4DOZ Wayne county ploughs, for sale at the Sa
vings Bank. Plough merchants sapplied at menu
&ewers priCes, and Farmers on the most reasonable
July 30
Iron run •
A FRESH SUPPLY of first rate hammered Iron
I.R .
just received and for Vale low by
Towanda. July 30th. 1845. 0. D. BARTLETT.
Carpets. •
A FRESH SUPPLY of fine Ingrain Carpels, all
Piil wool and very heavy, just received and for sale
very low for cash, by 0. D. pARTLETT.
Not the Towanda Shavin's Bank, nor No. 3
Brick• Row. nor the Old .Ireade.
But Ao. 2, Brick Bow,
NOW ACKNOWLEDGED to he the identical
g spot where goods aro sold cheaper for cosh or ready
pay, than any other establishment west of the cities of
New York or Philadelphia. Persons wishing to prove
this fact, can easily do it by calling in to see. Na time
will ho spent in sunning /tints. or tilling out bills of it
worthless Ins/ ilulion. But tha whole time and atten
tion of the subscriber and his cletk, will he exclusively
devoted to selling goods cheap.. A nimble six pence,
better than a slow shilling. C. REED.
June 23, 1845. No. 2 Brick Row.
•IfON SUGAR &Tmoi,AssEs.—tribiTlay reed
by. the ..Chemung Line" and for sale cheap by
the pound, Gallon, Barrel or Hh'd.
;say I. - IRD'S. No. 3 Brick Raw.
ITS & C4!' •I' BONNETS:Od! the hoe styles
fur !pleat MIX & SONS'.
---- SUPERIOR -- COLORED-------
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1 ts . A ..' .... 4ii
A____,A 4 ,
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" Felt* lY Fisher,
L. ESPECTFULLY announce to the Ladies and
C 7 Gentlemen ot Towanda, and ‘icinity, that they
have opened rooms in the new building up stairs, south
west corner of the public square (iu the room formerly
occupied by Ulysses Mercur as a Law office,) end
would be happy to wait on all those who may wish
good likenesses of themselves, single or in groups. En
trance west side of Montanye's store. Mr. F. 4. F.
have the satisfaction of knowing that their Portraits are
equal to any taken in the city of New York or Phila
delphia, and ,superior to any heretofore taken in the
country, and respectfully invite the Ladies and Gentle
men to call and examine specimens.
Portraits taken equally well in clearor cloudy weath
When children ore to he taken, a clear day should
be selected. The hours between 9A. M. and 4P. M.
are the best.
the color and material of the dress, adds much to
the beauty of the impression, therefore for Ladies, silk
dresses, of any color (except white, light blue, or red.)
either plain, striped or figured, are the best for the pur
aaPersons having inferior pictures, can have them
exchanged on reasonable terms.
As our stay is limited, persons residing in the village
or country would do well to call as early as conveni
Towanda, July 306, 1845.
new arrival of fresh GOODS, directly from New
York City, Consisting of
Broadcloths, Cassirneres of the newest styles,
Sattinetts, Kentucky Jeans. Gamboons,
Summer cloths, and resti»gs, of
every description and variety,
The latest styles of Balzarines, Parley Prints, and
Ginghams, Irish Linens. Linen Diaper. Brown and
Bleached Sheetings and Skirtings, Apron Cheek, Cot
ton Batting, Brk Wadding. and various other things in
that line too numerons to mention. ALSO, a large
s-ock of Groceries, Hard-ware, and Crockery, which
together with our former stock renders our assortment
complete. And we wivh to be positively understood,
that we CAN and WILL Fell as cheap tar CASH, as
any other establishment in Town. the Savings Bunk"
not excepted, and if 'strict attention to the wants of cus
tomers and cheap pikes merits patronage, we say again,
that we are bound to shine. LI:I - Please call on us Le
fore going elsewhere.
Good fresh Butter, and all kinds of GRAIN and
Li: FIBER taken in exchange for goods, for which the
highest market price will be paid.
(~ , :j- Don't mistake the place—No. 4 Brick Row, two
doors ahead of the Savings Bank and next door to W.
H. Baird and Co.
Towanda, July 1845. TRACY St. MOORE.
fir HE cheapest and best lot of Crockery in Towan
da may be fouiid at TRACY & MOORE'S.
July 20111., 1845 No. 4 Brick Row.
WILLOW WAGGONS and Cradles for chil
dren, for sale cheap at
July 30. TRACY & MOORE'S.
A GOOD assortment of Tin and Stone• Ware at
TRACY 4- MOORE'S, No. 4 Brick Row.
A SPLENDID lot of WHIPS of every description
at prices to suit the purchaser at
July 30. TRACY & MOORE'S. N 0.4 Brick Raw.
IThATENT PA ILS, Diooms, Clothes, Pins, Hearth
fir Brushes, Trace Chains, Shovels and Manure
Forks, Hay Knives and Hand saws for Sale at the very
lowest prices for cash at TRACY & MOORE'S.
July 30. No. 4 Brick Row.
WALL. PAPER, Window Sash of all sizes and
Glass at TRACY & MOORE'S.
July 30. It'o. 4 Brick Row.
North Branch Canal Company.
OTICE is hereby given that agreeably to a reso
lution of the Board of Managers of the North
Canal Company, a further instalment of nine dollars
per share is required to be paid to Zebedee Cook, Jr.,
Treasurer of said Company, at his office in the city of
New York, or deposited to his credit in the Wyoming
Bank at Wilkesbarre, on or before the Ist day of Sep.
tember next, upon each and every share of said capital
stock, under and subject to the provisions of the several
acts of Assembly, incorporating the Company aforesaid.
By order of the Board,
Philadelphia, July 24,1845.
SOME fit person for the State Prison, or the gal
lows, in the night of 2lst inst., attempted to set
tire to in) , office, by breaking out a light of glass, and
throwing on to a table, among papers, a parcel of com
bustible matter rolled up in a cloth, which was burned
in two in the middle. But a kind Providence frowned
upon the attempt of the base incendiary ? and the fire
became extinguished.
The object of the villian, was, no doubt, to burn up a
large amount of property'in Bonds ane•Mortgagesll)
which I have no personal interest except the charge of
them, and 'a small commission. The- foolish villlan had
not sense enough to know, that the Mortgages were all
on record ; nor honesty and uprightness enough to care
how much he injured his neighbors, and hundreds of
settlers, in burning up my hooks of account, and the
bonds upon which all the paymenis were endorsed, and
in almost all the cases the 'only vouchers the settler's
could have as evidence of payment. It therefore be
hooves every settler who hos a proper sense of right
and wrong, to assist me in looking up this villainous
incendiary, that he may be brought "to the light of a
Court of Jusfice"—in doing which, they, or any other
person. who may find the unprincipled rogue, shall re
ceive the above reward, of one hundred dollars.
J. Kp:GSBERY, for the
Barn!. of N. America and many others.
Saxisnactria, 23d July, 1845.
The subscriber having deposited the Bonds and Mort
gages in Iris possession. in Towanda—in consequence
of the late attempt to burn his oilice—tahes this meth
od to notify such J f the settlers on land in his charge,
who are desirous—when convenient—to make pay
ments, may pay the same to either of his sons, llortori,
or Joseph King„ berg, Jr. at Towanda, and either of
their receipts shall be admitted as vouchers for no much
paid—or, when snore convenient, to the subscriber. M
Sheshequin ; and such paynients shall be endorsed on
the proper bonds the first convenient opportunity.
A ya. 5 Brick Bow.
In the mutter of the application of Freeman Lane and
others, Rector Church Wardens Vestrymen and Wor
e/tippers in St. Paula, Troy Bradford County. Al
a court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, llay
Term 1845.
WOTICE is hereby given that Freeman Lane. C.
1: 1 4 Beedington, John Arlie= Layton Runpn,
E. C. Oliver, Jere Adams, E. F. Ballard, B. \V.
Paine, Henry Card, Bateman Monroe 2d.. Henry B.
Card, on the 16th day of May 1845, presented to the
Court, artmstrument in writing. praying the Court to,
be allowed tairiake certain their char
ter, as heretofore confirmed and established by your
said court, and the objects, articles, and conditions
therein set forth and contained appearing to them law.
ful and not injurious to the community, directed the
raid writing to be filed in the office of the Prothonotary
of Bradford County, and that notice he given in one
newspaper in said county, for at least Mice weeks be
fore the next Court of Common Pleas of said County
setting forth that an application has been made to said
Court to grant such amendments to he made in their
charter according to law.
Prot's. Office, Towanda Job, 50th. 1845.
ALEILVITS by Barrel, Keg, or round at' •
r 5 . E. rLYNT d: CU. No. 5 Brick nttit,.
Daguerreotype Miniatures.
Jib. 4, /Bound Id Shine.
Cr.,rotice to Settlers..oo
Sheshequin, July '25, 1845
lathe matter of Me application of Joseph L. Riggs.
and others, of iNe — AoiliiPreiFyfiericift Chute - A - tad
society of Wells township. May Term, 1845.
iIIgOTBJE is hereby given,lhat Joseph L: Riggs, B.
M. White, W W Ballard, ancl orbers,*have pre
sented to said court an instrument in writing, and the
objects, articles and conditions set. forth and centairied
therein appealing to
_them lawful and not injurious to
the comrouniry, directed that said writing he filed, and
that notice be giveh in one newspaper printed in said
county or Bradford, for at feast three weeks before the
next court of common pleas of said county, settingforth
that an application has been made to said court to grant
such an act of incorporation, according to the act of As-
sembly in such cases made and provided.
A: CHUBBUCK, Prothonotary.
Prot.'s office, July 30, 1845.
In the matter of the applantion Retried Gates, and oth
ere,of thafirat Presbyterian Church and congrega
tion, of Rome,Township. May Term, 1845.
IiTOTIOE is hereby given that Bezaleel Gates.
ll Sol
omon Spalding, G. W. Eastman, C. R. Bassett,
and other; have presented to the said come an instru
ment in writing. and the objects, articled and conditions
set forth and contained therein appearing to them lawful
and not injurious to the community, directed that said
writing be filed, end that notice be given in one news
paper printed in said county of Bradford. for at least
three weeks before the next court of common pleas of
said county, setting forth that an application has been
made to said court to grant such an act of incorporation,
according to the act of Assembly in such cases made
and provided. A.CBUBBUCK, Prot.
Prot.'. office, July 30, 1845.
OWING -to some arrangements that ha ve been made,
the present term of this School will continue un
til the 15th of August. Then there will he a vacation
of two weeks, and the school will be removed to the
Towanda, July 21, 1845.
(110 those new and CHEAP GOODS. They will
be sold cheaper than ever. (if possible) to make
room for Fall Goods. Look for N 0.5, •• Swings Bank,"
as it is the only genuine Cheap Cash Store.
July 22. G. E. FLYNT & CO.
LIST OV LETTERS. remaining in the Post
Office at Athens, June 30th, 1895.
Benson Catharine Mrs. Marvin R. B.
Clapp Nathaniel 3 Morgan Thomas
Chandler Lavina Miss Northrop S.
Curry E. Norris
Cooper Henry Phelin M.
Converse Francis Porter Rola.
Ellson W. Pelron Ezra
Felton E. Renshaw M.
Ferris A. Rowlingson Renoptien
Gillet R. Rice Wanton
Grifien Betsey Miss Rowland H.
Gurnsey It F. Miss Wiwi E. Miss 3
Hol kins C. Smith E. J. Miss
Hunt Jatnes Satterlee 0. I).
Hupbtin Windsor Thorpe W. M:
Hammond Marion Titus M.
Keaeh John Toole sFrancia
Merchant Luther Warner A. Miss
Morris Sarah Miss Weller J. A.
McDuffle E. Miss Watson George
Moody Adelphia Mrs. Wells C. F.
C. S. PARK, P. M
In all vour gettings, get Understanding.
AD where Goods are to
1-11_ be sold CHEAP, don't forget the Old Establish
ment, MONTANYE'S STORE, corner of the public
square and main Street, where goods always have been
disposed of for the Ready, and always will be, as long as
the film continues to do business. at as small a profit as
at any other establishment this aide of New York city.
In addition to former stock, we have been receiving va
rious articles of Husbandry, such as Scythes, Scythe
Stones, Cradles, Rakes, Pitchforks.4c.
AO, 500 bushels of first-rate SALT, put up in the
very best llamas.
100 yards CARPETING for sale very cheap
Wanted, 500,000 SHINGLES and a; many Boards,
for which Liberal pikes will he paid.
2 TONS DUNCANNON NAILS. and shall be
receiving more, to which the attention of Aler
ettants is invited at wholesale, at
Dr. J. N. Sumner, Surgeon Dentist,
ESPECTFULLY informs his friends that hoe.
ing recovered trom his illness, be will make his
next professional visit to Towanda, on or before the
find day of October next.
IST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office
RA at Towanda, P.X., June 30th 1845.
.1 {worth E. Mrs. Lynch Michael
Baird E. W. 'Loomis Marcus
Barrett James. 'Morin Patrick
Brown Philo E. iMorin Daniel
Beeman E. Esq. - ,Mosier Mary
Bogart W. P. 'Morin Michael
Booth Willinm. 'Mather Joen •
Bullock D. Gen. 'N 4 cClow Edward
Barnes Wm. Mosier William
Cummings Patrick - Adm . & Marshall Charlotte
Crothers Nathan B. Meely Michael
Carpenter Edwin. Mercur 4 Elliott
Chase Mary. ' :Nye L. 1.. M. 2
Carlin Daniel. Nathrons Isaac
Crawford Joseph. 'Ogden tiarali
Cox Hiram M. 'Powell George
Coveny Michael. ißogers Dinh
Carmnn John. 'Russell W. Esq. for Tres
Carl Mary.
Dennis Charles.
Duart David 2.
Emit Mr. , Sours Ephraim
Earl Wm. 'Stuart George N
Encar N. Esq. Mr. 'Stuart George
Etheridge Isaac D . , Sumner J. N
Eaton Gordon II 'Swartwood Clavicle
French Wm Thcall Owin
Ftister Elisha Taylor Timothy M
Fields Thaddeus . 'Tanner Ruth E
Francisco Signor ( Taylor Minor
Faster E. or Hainiworth C Taylor C. B.
Faster Samuel B. ITarreluld Miss Caroline
Fax Alvira .A IThompson Elizabeth
Gobi Thomas Tomlins Miss S. M.
Gm° Alfred I
i Vorpe Miss Cecile
Griffin Miss A. 'Walsh William
Hadden Armstrong (Willey Harry
Hovey Mr. Rey. Wilcox Elisha
Halstead E. oWood Samuel IT.
Holy Brilohet Mrs. IWe a ver Henry Jr.
Irvine Andrew j Warner William
Johnson Eiljvh. A. S. Cli AMBERLIN. P. M.
1 • —''
'l' to T rr l i l e E nnf ' a ube
ctu 3 re rk a be n r d 6 k st ee ili p co on nt li jn an u d e
• 1 1 ,... 0.. at their old stand. all kinds of
cane and flood seat Chairs :
. _ ,
~.' ....,•,, also Settees of various kinds'
\`.:. ( 0 .: v -- "'"" °7 \ 4- BE . DSTE.IDS. of every
i f . description. which we will
, - sell low far cash or produce.
- TURNING done to order.
Tonand3, April 2.3. PM 5.
At the Lutukerman's Exchanze.
Jm & S. PHINNEY have just roceieed from
a New York a fresh stock of Goods. which makes
their assortment complete. C.insisting in part of DRY
Crockery, Points, Oils, Dye dills, Pith, Leather, 40.,
all of which we will exchange for lumber or most loads
of produce. on as reasonable terms as any of our neigh..
hors. We particularly advise the public to call & r„ a .
amine our stocks.
Wanted 600,000 shingles and 500,000 ‘vbite tiro)
N. B. Bradford Co. scrip taken for goods a t par .
Monroston. July 1. .1. H.& S. H. PIANN Ey.
DOZ genuine best quality Quirnebang Scythe
Stones, for sale by 0; D. '.IA.DTLFTT. .
linßUlT—Just received a suurt) s y ofLemons, Prunes,
Figs, Raising, &A. at VIIAMBERLIN'e.
June, 1813. hO.l !hick Row.
J. D. de E. D. 51ONTANYE
,Spratt G. M
Swader John
'Swartwood C. ft.
W l- .L . "W
Sll ai they.told us on the 10th June. Them'
confounded BAIRD'S have gut New Goods
ag a in. In the language of Mrs. Caudle ;—" Things
have come to a pretty pass when them Bolans can go
to New York and buy goods just when they please.
Yes, Fellow Citizens, they have guessed It exactly ;
"Oa Henry Sheldon & co., backed up by our neigh
bors over the way, can't atop our buying and selling
Goods. j It iivilth us as it was with the boy who Raid
whisrd Goods will find their wavinto
our store at No. 3; and the good people of Braaurd.
county will buy them and take them out.
We now have the pleasure of informing our old:
frienils and the public generally, 'that we are this day;
receiving from the city of New York a splendid addi
tion to our former stock of goods, which have been piir ,
chased in the city by one of our firm in person, with the
"ready rhino" and will be sold poditioely cheaper fur
cash than goods have vier been sold in Towanda.
- We woollen asked the question, how it is a c run
sell goods HI much lower than tome of our neighbors!
We will give you a few of the reasons.
nter.—We use our own capital, and consequently
have no interest to pay.
Secoant.r —We occupy our own building, and con
sequently have no rent to pay.
Tutuntv—We have other business on hand which
is ample for our suopint, and consequently need nut
taz our customer. for the purpose.
FOURTHLY & LasTLy—Vt e buy no roods of Henry
Sheldon & co., and consequently can sell a teetlecheap
er than those who do.
Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, in order to satisfy
yourselves whether you Cell buy cheaper at No. 3 Brick
Row, than at any other place in the world, you have
only to continue to do as you have been tieing for neat
ly threeyears pest. Just drop in before you buy; in
quire, the prices and examine the qualities of our
goods. We know:you will do that, and we also know
that basing looked, you will buy, as you must be satis
fied it is your interest to do so.
Our new stock consists of DR VG° WA GRO
CERIES, HARD-WARE. Family Medictnes. paints
&Oils, and in (act every thing except 'fresh Salt."
We fear the printers will grumble it lwe spin out
this advertisement. to enumerate the articles. So just
call and take a look. EG3Don't forget thi, place—NO.
3 BRICK RO W—'way above the " daoin's Bank,"
a considerable distance from "the Ofck•Arcade, Me Hay
Stales and Me Slaughter-house," but clone along by the
side of No. 2. W. 11. BAWD & CO.
June 26. NO. 3 Brick Rote.
No. 3 always ir. good hire.
11 ready for the 4th of July. at
June 26. BAIRit'S, No. 3 Brick FAL..
ERE juvl r i e . c s 'il N a ti n . d a fo A r t s i a A le li‘ a . t -2u
June 26. No 3 Brick Row.
lip ROWS SHEETING—SeveraI Balsa just reed
RD at the place where they keep very thing. We
uced not say it is at No. 3 Erick Row..
June 26. -- W. H; I3AIRD & CO.
TE have a large quantity of warranted GRASS
& CRADLE SCYTHES of different stamps,
Cradles, - Rakes, Scythe Snatha, Quineliang- Stones,
Riles, ready made Tow Pants. Pitchforks, and all the
necessary implements fot haying and harvesting, which
we will sell cheaper than the cheapest, for Canh,
Err, Grain or COUNTY ORDFRS at par.
July 1. !MIR D & CO. No. 3 Brick Row.
Administrator's Notice.
ALT; persons indebted to the estate of lerellle R.
Bowman, late of Towanda township, deceased,
are requested to make immediate payment, and all
those having demands again* the same are requested
to present them;legally attested for settlement.
'rhe administrators will meet to adjust the claims of
said estate, at the house of Geo. Bowman, on the last
Saturday of:each month. HIR-AM SWEET,
Towanda, July 2, 1845
Taken .1T P$R far all kinds qf G o ods
July 1. 1845. _by ELLIOTT & MERCUII.
THE Linde:signed hosing been appointed by the
Orptign's Court of Hriellord County, Auditor to
accertain the liens, and distribute the money arriving
from the sale of the real estate of. William Myers dec'il.
late of Wpm's too flatly, notice is hereby giscn that I
have appointed Friday the Bth day of August next. at I
o'clock F. Al. at my office in the borough of Towanda,
to attend to said duty, when and where all persons in
tend can attend. D. WILMOT, Auditor.
Towanda, July I. 145.
ArIINE DOZEN Moan's celehrateil GRAIN ERA
D!,Es, with Harris' Scythes, for sale by
June 23, 1845
Friends & Fellow Citizens.
wn a , r i e how y in v. z u n n t s of h ~B s ir n d dg fo c r e d rti C a ' i o c u a n te t!: s e t: l Vr d .
county orders, can find a maket at No. 3, wnere they
will be taken at par in erchange for any of the articles
comprising the largest and cheapest stock of Goods iu
the United States.
W e had some thoughts of taking a few shares of
`•Savings Bank" stock, but we find after the " Pan
niek" which to now about over, it has gone down below
pat. and holders are beginning to think they hove burnt
their lingers. Don't forget that nur Iffice 1.3 at No. 3
Brick Row W. H. BAIRD & CO.
et' /L':ds
HEAD QVARTEIIII, Jule 1, 184.5.
T is hereby ordered that from and after this date
a goods are to be sold in this encampment ter rash
whenever they will bring anything above cost. Cierks,
agents and customers are hereby commanded to govern
themselves accordingly. Braggarts are to stand buck
and keep °tithe parade ground.
0. D. BARTLETT, Commanding officer.
GRINDSTONES. --The best assortment of Nova
:Scotia and other kind of grindstones, ever brought
to this place, for sale by 0. D. BARTLETT. G
did article for sale cheap by
July I. ' 0. D. BARTLETT.
AFIRST RATE ARK, and lots of ARK R()VE
fur gala by WV.. H. BAIRD & CO.
May 14. No. 3 Brick Raw
HATS of superior qualities, sod most opprored
syler, from $2 up to— Coll sod see.
_ _
A LI, persons indebted to tho estate of Samuel Edgall.
AL deceased, late of NV ELIA tp., are requested to make
immediate payment, and - all those hosing de mood gag t, st
the 'some ore requested to present them, legally attegted,
for settlement. JESSE EDSA Li.,
Wells, July 7, 1935
THE PA MPH LET LA WS of the P,E Leg6la
tore have hoot received, and are re...,dy fur digit
Prothonottry's Office, July 8.
'MIR JAMES NI. GOOr4fIC,,II has located him,elf
jll7 at MONROE, for the pactice of his procession,
'eed will he Pleaged V, w." .. .t on those requiring bis 5er
.6,04 He 142 Y be f 3 tirr . ., at .1. L. Johnson's tesern.
Reference may t'e ',axle to Dra. Hcama & 51.tsox,
of Towanda. /„It a i 23, I g4S.
t'oters ot Bradfordtnaty. -
To the
FELI.:Jw CITIZENS:-1 offer myself to your
r' . .nsidemtion for the Ace of Shelia: Should
1 2 P. l',onor me with your confidence. by nominating and
el , v ;tint: me to said office at the ensuing eleccion.l pledge
ruyself to discharge the duties of the office with fidelity
and humanity. F. FISHER.
Towanda Temp:hip—July 1. 1845.
1 - .PursEdzcoQ
A RE nor: openimi lit their stores heautlful and cheap
jak lot of SUM rdlin GOODS, direct from the City,
which will be sold for. ash, at law se can he bought
" The Savings Bank." or at ari!tore in town--call
and see: TOwanda. 19th :May, '45.
W.ALT:—A large qutmay of FRES.II, SALT. at
Ehnira Cheap Cash - Store,
.ro. I, Brick Row.
B. CHAMBERLIN respectfully inform', the
public that be has purchased if I. 8. Wood dc
Ge. weir stack of goods, and has lad received a new
supply. which renders laikriesorutent of Drugs, Medi
dace. Paints, 0111, Dyt4/43 add Famtly Groceries
complete. Hit stock consists HI part of the followine
A Haat ta Esseltces
Alton root
Aqua ammonia
Blue Vitriol
llayinTry hark
do tallow
Balsam iobe
do Copaiva
Barbadoca tar
11,11821 M honey
Blood root
Bine pill,'
.Balsam Fir
Black drop
Barley Pearled
Bateman's drops
Bugundy Pitch
Cayenne pepper
Africa.) du
ammonite for.
Corrosive sublimate
Coe- inudieue
Carbonate iron
io Meanest'
do Soda
Chloride lime
CreZIO tarter Syringes
Dragon's blood Valerian root
Dover's Powders t l Saffron
Digitalin tiva Ursa
Emery, assorted Vol. Liniment
Epsom salts Ven. turpentine, Ace.dce,
A complete variety of GROCERIES, such as Tea t .
Suess Coffee, Starch, Raisins, Cinnamon. soda Crack
ers. Ginger, pepper, En.geeurrants, N utmegs, Tobacco
awl Snuff. Candlest &c.
A complete assortment of Paints, Dye-stuffs, Win
dow Glass, Patent Medicines, &c.
'Towanda, June 16, 1645.
kCSHE .- 3 gancsal assortment of Hair, Paint,
..la3 Flesn, and shoe Imvhes at
CH \M BE I; LEN't3, No. I Brick Row.
EDDY virtue of a writ of Vend. Expo. issued from
the court of common pleas of Bradford county, to
me ditected I shall expose to public sale at the house
of Wm. Brig:7 in the Borough of Towanda, on
Thursday the 11st day of August the following piece
or parcel of land situate in Ulster township, and bound
ed as follows :—east by the road leading from Towan
da to Athens and lands of Guy Tracy, north by lands
in the possession of f. Havens, west by lands of H. S.
Welles ; containing about seven acres, more or less,
party improved. with a saw mill thereon erected, with'
turning shop and lathe in said mill.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Guy Tra
cy, vs. Asa Forest.
Sheriff's Office.
Towanda, July !.:3, IEIS. S
Executor's Notice.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Sediatheft
Wither, late of Canton, dee'd, are requested to
make immediate plat ment, and all those haiiingdemaads
',cellist the same are requested to present them, legally
attested for settlement to either of the subscribers in
k:mou township, 'Fittga co.
Canton. July 1, 1845. Executor's. .
3t_4 -. •zL,aus>iii_; - zEr..,,
CCST received and f r nyle at B. Eingabery'a Store.
a few barrels eap..rfine FLoCR, from 'Overton *
tTaltmanea mill. Warranted an extra article.
line '23.1845.
URTON KINGSBERY informs the pubilic gene-
MP redly that be has just received direct from New
York City. his spring stock of C.PODS. It comprises
a very general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware &c. His griods have been selectee with much
care, and will be sold its cheep as can be houghtfit To
wanda. Call in and see it it is not so.
Towanda, April 30, 1845.
"Goods for the Millions."
JUST received at the Sacingg Bank, a number of tons
of those cheap Groceries, which makes our assort- ,
merit complete. Those who patronise our cads estatv ,
hshment, will derive a decided advantage over those who
purchase at other stores who do business on the credit
sr nein, ac they are not overcharged equivalent to the
dclinquence of those who never pay, 'No 5, Brick Row.
41114,11.S.—PrRE SPERM & LINSEED
tvoys on bond et G. E. FLYNT & CO'S.
Purirnit Painting, by W, H. Perkins.
- 4 ,- 1 0,1TH SIDE of the square. in the town over J.
C. Adams' Law Office—Col. Mix's block.
Likenesses warranted. Transparent Blinds, of any
size 0, pattern desired. Lune 18, 1645.
01"—Linserd, Sweet, Castor and Lamp Oita,.
good and cheap at CHAMBERLIN'S.
Juhe. 1 . 815. No. I Brick Row.
Corner of the POlie square b; Main !Mitt.
THE 10%9,4 and cheapest lot of goals ever offered
in - Bradford Coutity is now opening at the above
stme. moot fashionable Goode of the season, such
as Ilaltsrinec, Lawns, with every. variety of Print
inanufactured in the United States. AR the new styles
of ;it'l l : m e t goods for Gentlemen Goys and youth.
BOUTS 4 .-sHocs of any 4uantity andany price,
:0 doz. HATS at thu lowr:st possible price.
GROCEVES of all hinds and HARDWARE in
Returniite tit - were thanks fey the very liberal pstronage
they have heretofore received, they pledge themselves to
sell as/cheer as goods of the same eosin' , can be pm
chased ht this or any of the neighboring villages. We
would therefore advise our friends to call before pa
ella...Mg elsewhere. .1. D.& E. MONTANTE.
Towanda, May 1:!, 1845.
Tilt: subscriber his just returnedlrOtn Nuys York
with a splendid assortment of Spring and Stan
mmer goods, which be offers for solo at leasb 'fifteen
per ernt. cheaper than goods have etc' been, of ever
will ho sold in this borough. His stock consists of fo
reign and dome, tie BIT:folds, such as Frilieb, Engfish
and A mark= Cloths, basiwerea. Saninetts, Kentucky
Jeans. Summer stuffs. A splendid asstintrient of Prints
of al prices. also a 101 l supply of Brown and Bimodal!
' goods, also, Fancy o.';e' as. sorb as Linen Handkerchiefs,
Bitch. Blue Black, Plaid and striped Silks, Pbread and
Muslin 'Edgings. Ladies and Gentlemens Cravats, Bon.
net Ribbons. Damask and Mouselin da Lamm: , Shawls;
Parasols and s thousand articlestoo numerousto mention;
CR 0C E: rES-13rov , r1. Loaf and Crushed Sugars,
St. Croix, Portiricn and New (Mein! Molasses. Cogni
se and American Brandy. Holland Giu, Teas, &c., also
Crockery, Glass, Nails,likrilware drc:dtc.,
All persons desirous of purchasing goods low, will
do wall to give Sim a call before purchasing elsewhert.
Iluttnr, Eggs, Cheese and Grain taken in psyrarMt
ftir Goods. CHARLES REEL.
Towanda, May V.:, 1613. No. Brit! Row.
Flour sulphur
do Benzoin
Gum camphor
Glauber salts
liarliero oil
Hydrioste Pour
Iceland moss
JRlap . '
Juniper Berries
Lunar Caustic
Liquorice ball aid roof
`Laudanum -
Nos Vomica
Oxalic acid
Essential oils all kinds ,
Oil soap
Phosphate ikon
Het Precipitate
Sugar Lead
J. N. WESTON, Sherif.