Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 30, 1845, Image 4

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    Booth's=aration at Canton, Pa.
the eternal city. This accomplished the ruin of
• the Commonwealth and eventually overthieW
the giant frame of Roman power, which had
stood for a thousand years, the admiration and
terror of mankind. This same unhallowed spir
it in later times destroyed the republic of Ve
nice. Internal dissensions first furnished occa
sions for foreign interferenee and introduced
those terrible calamities which still afflict the
once proud elective monarchy of Poland. In
deed history is strewed with the wrecke of na
tions that have been sacrificed by the outbreak
ing of popular fury or undermined by the sure
and fatal progress of the spirit of faction. On
this subject I wish to be brief, and as , I do not
refer to any particular party I must be permit.
ed to speak the truth with plainness. By fac
tion, I do not mean that honest difference of sen
timent, which good - men may entertain with re
gard to subjects of national policy, and under the
influence of which, good citizens may espouse
different sides of a question with earnestness and
warmth. A diversity of opinion is as natural
and as desirable as that almost infinite variety
of character by which .the creator has contrived
to give an'interest and zeal to social intercourse
Destroy this and you - would reduce the busy
operations of the human intellect to a dead
calm. We do not want a dull uniformity even
of political sentiment. I -mean by faction that
dishonest rivalry for the distinction and -emolu
ments of office, which hesitates at no little arts
of coicauery or corruption, which has not mike
quenhy introduced into the halls of legislation.
noisy demagogues, whose brawlings set at
nought the considerations of decency and order;
who neither regard the laws, nor respect" the
dictates of morality, nor tea themselves respect.
ed by their constituents who send them thither.
This same spirit of faction has more than once
raised the cry of disunion ; it has hissed at the
stars of our national banner ; it has reared its
bloody crest under the very altar of the consti
tution. It has unsheathed daggers in the capi
tol. It has more than once given ground for ap
prehensions:4lmi the soils of sister states would
be Y polluted with civil blood. We are too
much inclined to regard politics in the light of a
game, and to pursue our favorite measures in the
spirit of gamesters. Provided we can elect our
favorite candidate, we are too little scrupolous
about the means by which we secure our tri
umphs. In accordance with this spirit, the en
quiries respecting our candidate are not usually,
is he honest ? is he capable ? is he true to the
Country .? but—is he an available man to ad.
vance the interests of the party? and thus it
frequently happens that the scurvy, demagogue:
is borne aloft by the suffrages of the multitude
to those seats that he is in no way qualified to
fill.' In the mean time men of sound integrity,
but of more fastidious manners in conrttng the
notice of the public, retire from the scene of po
litical strife in disgust. This evil as it seems to
us, is not diminished by the common practicle of
requiring from the candidates for popular favor
such tests, such Subordination to party disci
pline as are deeply humiliating to the feelings of
any man who is fit to be the legislator of a fire
people. There is no doubt that whatever the
depths of corruption and moral defilement may
be through which the road to political destine
Lion is laid, there will nut be wanting men base
enough to travel it. Party will always have its
tools, will always find men who are ready to
subscribe any political meet!, and give any pledge
for their servility in order to secure their own
advancement ; but does the country want such.
men? Were such the men who achieved the
revolution? Are such the men in vrk t se firmness
and integrity the country can reIT - in any im
portant crisis ? If they are not, then they are not
the men for office ; for it is not in human fore
sight to say that the occasion may not arise at
any moment which shall require for the preser
vation of the country just such virtues, just such
qualities both of the head and the heart, as were
exhibited by the men of '7B. A government
like ours always has its only secure basis in the
virtue and intelligence of all classes of its citi
zens ; and it is secure in exact proportion to the
amount of thatintelligence and virtue. Are in
telligence, honesty, frugality and temperance,
the characteristics of a state.? Then there will
never be wanting a Washington, a Franklin, an
Adams and a Jay, to rise up from her midst in
the.hour of danger, and guard her interests by
their wisdom in the cabinet, and their firmness
in the field. But a republic without these vir
tues is as baseless as the fabric of vision. It
is a good thing to contemplate the virtues of
those revolutionary heroes and sages. 'l'he
history of the world furnishes us with no bet.
ter examp'es of exaellence "in human character.
The American youth fyi w much upon
such models may chance to grow up into a like
nobleness of disposition, into a like heroic vir
" Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our liven sublime,
4 . And at parting leave behind us
Foot•printa on the sande of time."
Those noble examples of virtue should always
excite in the breast of an American youth, the
• wish to signalize his life by some worthy deeds;
and if the time should come, when the men
tion of the names of our great and good men,
shall cease to excite a thrill, we shall have rea
son to fear that their virtue no longer lives in
their descendants, and that the republic having
lost the Spirit in 'which it was founded, totters on
the brink of dissolution. The enthusiasm to
day exhibited-deans little room to dread any im
mediate decay orthis national sentiment here.
On the contrary should the occasion arise,
should the country need the services of her sons
in the field, we believe there would be seen com
ing forth from every hill and glen in old Brad
ford, her hardy yeomany burning to prevent the
approach of dishonor to the national banner.
Aye, and there would be bright eyes too and
beautiful, thoegh pale lips, to encourage the
the young retker, and bid him be valiant in
order to merit their approval. If the men of the
revolution merit the distinction of bravery, their
wives and daughters no lestMeserve the praise
of fortitude and heroism ; and from the specta
cle this day presented, and which is always pre
sented on similar occasions, we have as title rea
son to think that their daughters have Inst any
of that patriotic feeling as that the sons have be
come deficient in the virtues_ of their fathers.
There is many an American mother, who at the
call of her country, would send forth her
son, the darling of her eye, to the battle with such
instructions as the Spartan matron uttered when
she took down his father's shield and gave it to
her brave boy, saying, return with it, or be
borne back upon it. And many a maiden would,
watch her lover go forth, with the defender's of'
his country, with a proud eye and swelling heart.
Bet there scenes which attend upon war we
hire reason to hope are far distant. We are
now in the enjoyment of peace, and although
those have been rumors of Ram there is idre
silty little immediate danger ,of its being inter
rupted. Our rallies are ieaceful. No beacons
for alarm Mize upon our. hills. Oar • cannon
brought into Use only in occasions of festivity,
explode for harmless recreation; instead of pro.
pelting the murderous bal._ There are few of
us present, though past the age of manheed, who
have ever looked in the face of an enemy
or seen the flashing of : his steel. Our times
are times Dr %net. Ours is the peaceable en
joyment of all that the valor of our fathers de
fended in the field, ur their wisdom secured in
the council. That they too had their reward
in the duties that, they performed, there is no
doubt. That there were moments in the course
of the struggle, when the whole country was
wrought up into a rapture of eicited feeling of
which we accustomed to the tame round of our
occupations, can form no adequate conception,
when a day was worth a whole yearn( our peace
ful) lives. If we enjoy such pleasure in meet
ing together to celebrate these events so long af
ter their transaction, what must have been the
glow of their feelings, when they•received the ti•
dings fresh from Bamington and aratoga, from
Trenton, from Monmouth, and front Yorktown.
There was. an intoxicating rapture in those
hopes that dawned upon 'them as they looked
forward to the future—amid we have entered In
to the fruition of those hopes. We too have
our duties to perform, and it is true in our ease
as it was in theirs, that our happiness lies in the
line of our duty. • There is still need of the
same moral heroism to stem the progress of ear
ropnonrand hold the country fast in adherence
to the principles of the revolution. Let us then
he true to our trust, that no further generation of
bondmen may rise up and heap obloquy on our
memories for having neglected the lessons of our
In conclusion, Fellow Citizens, permit me to
express the diffidence that I felt in accepting
your, invitation, and the gratification that your
kindness has affinded me. While I eympa•
thized with you deeply in your disappointment
in not beirg permitted to enjoy the pleasure of
listening to the distinguished gentleman who was
expected to address you on this occasion, the
kind attention which you have paid under these
circumstances oldisappointment, has been the
more flattering and grateful to my feelings. I
shall long retain a vivid impression of the events
of to-day. Faces until now strange to rite will be
imprinted on my memory. 1 wish you all ma
ny a return of this anniversary and that its dawn
ing may never bring less happiness and pleasure
,than to-day. l'hat your young men may never
.meet its light with brows less manly, frank and
independent than these that I see before me ; that
your ladies may never want the patriotism and
zeal requisite to lend the lustre of their beauty
in order to gladden the festivities of such an oc
casion in the manner that it now dues; that
your children while they welcome its approach
with glee, may always gain an accession of man
ly spirit ere its departure ; and that you' old
men may feel a return of the wonted vigor of
youth. on every new arrival of this anniversary.
The festivities that we celebrate are the proudest
triumph of humanity ; for they speak of a na
tion born to the inheritance of freedom. These
are not the rejoicings withwhicb the people of oth
erifations distinguish the birthday of a sover
eign, the day that gave them a master ; for we
know no master. We yield no homage to any
earthly superior save that cheerful obedience
that every good American citizen renders to the
supremacy of those equal laws that he has as
sisted to make. Then let your cannon tell it to
the hills, and let the hills echo back the tidings,
that to day America holds the glad festival of
Iter liberty ; that her sons and daughters have
come up from every hill and from every valley,
to join in the ceremonies," while each kindling
eye bespeaks a patriots ardor, and every beating
heart testifies that its blood is inherited from the
heroes. of '76.
FEMALE SHEARING -A correspondent of the
Newark Daily Advertiser at Paris, relates the
following instance of barbarism.
At Caen, but a short distance from Rouen
there is a market whither young girls resort, and
stand hour after hour with their flowing hair,
rich and glossy, deriving additional lustre from
the contrast with their naked shoulders. This
is the resort of the merchant barbers, 'some of
whoM come even from England. The mer
chants pass along among them, examine thecol
or, texture, eveness, and other qualities of the
beautiful fleece, 'haggle for a souse; and finally
buy. The hair then, after being cut as closely
as possible to the head, is weighed and paid for.
The girl then goes home to prepare. for another
shearing, or perhaps to purchase a husband with
her money. An American girl prefers to let her
hair turn to silver on her own head, or if it must
be cut off to enjoy the crop herself."
As GOOD es IF WERE .IEsSOP.The Nantucket
Islander says the following slimy was lately told
by a reformed inebriate as an apology for much
of the folly of drunkards :
A mouse ranging about a brewery fell in and
Was in imminent dangefordrowning and appeal
ed to a cat to help him.out. The cat replied it
was a [oafish request, for as soon as I get you
I shall eat you. The mouse piteously replied.
that fate would be better than to -be drowned in
beer. The cat lifted him out, but the fumes of
the beer caused puss to sneeze, and the Mouse
escaped into his hole. 'The cat called upon the
mouse to come out—" you sir, - did you prom
ise that I should eat you ?" "Ah !" replied
the mouse," " but you know I was in liquor
HORNED SNARE.—TiIe Macon (Ala.) Repub
lican states that a horned snake wai recently kill
ed on the plantation of Mr. W. W. Moore, about
sixteen miles from 'fuskegee. It is described
as being between six and-seven feet long, color
ed much like the rattlesnake, having at the end
of the tail a horny spur, capable of being open
ed, from which protruded a sharp instrument,
supposed to be a sting. This serpent is believ
ed to be identical with what is sometimes called
the Hoop Snakei from the fact that it occasion
ally assumes the form of a hoop, and propels
itself forward in tha t shape: -
RAILROAD Taouni.os.—All attempts to set
tle the differences existing between the Long
Island Railroad Company. and the people liv
ing along the line in Suffolk county, have
failed. as we learn from a communication in
the Grcenport Watchman. The proposals of
the company were rejected by the committee
of the people." and the proposals of the com
mittee by the company.
Csitzun OF A Man DOG.—An Ohio editor, in
recording the career of a mad dog, says : " We
are grieved to say that the rabid animal, before
he could be killed, seriously bit Hr. Hagg and
several other dogs." '
GREAT Bustrmss.—The steamboats, John
Marshall and Kennebec left Boston on biday
with 'about 1000 passengers. The travel to and
from Maine by these boats is unusually large the
present season.
TM MORRIS CAICAL t , we are glad tO, Uni t
will be opened for business Ibis week,
wELT,B dc-SATTERLEE .re receiving from
New Xork. their second stock of Bpring.and
Bummer Goods Consisting of a choice and general stock
of all articles kept in country stares and will be sold as
cheap as at any store in the country for crib, -produce
or approved short credit.. Please call and examine-nor
stock and prices. wELLts &sArrERLEE.
Athens, June 9, 1845.
FIPHE Ladies will find printed lawns, ind'lsincs,
zarines, and prints for summer.; and bombazines,
alpaccas and merino goads for winter dresses. Linen
cotton & worsted mitts, gloves and hose black, blue
black, striped and plain silks in patterns% for sale very
low at
Ara LASS. OILS & PAINTS-251Kegs Duncan
non Nails from 3d to 40d. 3.8„5-10,1.2, 6-0,
3-8, 7.8. R.B, 10.8 Dunconnon round and square Iron ;
band and hoop Iron of all sizes. Also, tons Lynam
int; and Centre county I on of all kinds and shapes ov
er called for—including 00 lbs. nail rile. Also, cut
and E. B. & American tett, all of which will be found
cheap at
tra RAIN and grass Itlies, scythe snails, grain cn - 1-
‘ll3ll - dies and scythes, tones and rifles; hoes, axes,
rakes, hay and manura iforks ; Ames' shovels spades
scoops, hammers, hatch Ats and a general stock of hard
ware may be found at the store of
LEATHER—Saltmarsh, Overton & Co's best solo
and upper leather—calf and kip skins always on
hand inexchange for cash and hides, very low et
WIII9IERS.-20.000 LBS. OF BUTTE . R, either
in rolls or firkins wanted at , the highest merket
price for goods by _
100BBLS. LAKE SALT, at ten shillings per
barrel. cash, for sale at
BROADCLOTIIS and Cassicoeres of all shades
and qualities at very low prices, may be found at
June 9, 1845; WELLS ,Sc SATTERLEE'S.
ASPLENDID stock of linen and cotton Good/ for
gentleman's wear. Also, Kid, linen and cotton
gloves—neck and pocket handkerchief's ant luilianera
vats of all grade., may be found at
June 9, 1945. WELLS 4 SATTERLEE'S.
At the Head of the
4- CO, at their old stand one
. door south of the " Athens Hotel," have just
received in add•tion to their former stock, a large and
splendid assortment of Fancy ind staple Dry Goods,
Groceries, Hardware. Queen's ware, Boots, Shoes, &c.
which they offer at the very lowest prices for cash, lum
ber, or produce of most kinds. We ask our friends to
'call and examine our Goods and prices, and we flatter
ourselves that none shall go away dissatisfied.
Athens, June 25,1815.
110000111 &-SHOEk—The largest assortment
LIP evor before otiered in this market, comprising in
part as follows :
Ladies walking buskins;
" kid and seal ties:
" kid and seal slips;
" seal and calf pegged slips;
" seal and evil pegged and sowed bootees;
" rubber over shoes ;
Mena' and boys pegged boots:
pegged bragons
" fine shoes;
Childs' calf end seal bootees;
Childrens' shoes of all kinds—
all of which will be sold cheap by
Athens, Jun*, 1845. If. KINGSBERY & CO.
11) aasartment at H. KINGSBERY & CO.
Athena, June 1645.
• YTHEB-8. A. & E. J. Millard' best warrant
ed Grass & Groin sLythes & Forks. also Quinne
baugh scythe stones, Rakes. Bnaths, Cradles, dcc, at
Athens, June 1845. H. KINGSBERY & CO'S.
Butter ! Butter!
A NY quantity of good fresh butter wanted, for which
1111 . the eery highest market price will be paid.
Athens. June, 1845. H. KINGBBERY dr CO.
MAlllk PS. PRINTS of everrrariety and pattern
Runup from sto 25 cents, at
Athens, June, 1945. 11. KINGSBERY dc CO'S.
aPS. BROADCIOTHS, Casattuerca, & Sat-
LA- tinetts, at low prices for sale by
Athens, June. 1845. H. KLNGSBERY & CO.
SUMMER GOODS, an endless variety for sale at
Athena, June. H. KINGSBERY & CO'S.
6111) TON superior Oxfprd GRINDSTONES, just
ja received and for sale by
Athens, June. 1845. - : H. KINGSBERY& CO.
awnPrinteti Lace Lawn , dc'
for sale cheap, at H. KINGSBERY & CO'S
Athens, June, 1R45.
G. E. FLF.V7' Is CO.,
WOULD respectfully announce to the inhabitants
of Towanda and vicinity, that we aro receiving
an entire new stock of Goods, at
No. 5, Traey's New Block,
Two doors below Tracy & Moore. Main street. consist
ing of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Iron, Steel,
11 ail,, Boots 4- Shoes ; and for the Ladies we haves good
assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, Besides, Ten
Thousand Notions, not to be enumerated, all of which
were purchased under the ouc'ion hammer, expresslyfor
this market, and will be sold without reserve, and Peal
lively Much Cheaper than at env other establishment in
Towanda. All who favor us with a call, may be assur
ed that their interest will be to call again.
aCy• Be sure you are right.—No. 5, Tracy's New
Block. GEO. E. FLYNT & CO.
Towanda, Allay 12, 1845.
.......I ...„")
.WLCOX & SAGE have associated thenneves
in the Boot and Shoe Making business, in the
borough of Towanda, and may be found at the old stand
of S. Hathaway. lately occupied by El kanah Smith, near
,I. H.Stephe 3 Exchange Hotel, where they solicit •
share of publ c patronage. They intend, by a careful
selection of sto , and by attention to the interests of
their customers, t peke as neat and durable work as can
be manufactured Fthis portion of the country.
They keep conitantly on band, and will manufacture
to order, morocco, calf and coarse hoots and shoes;
Ladies" Gaiters, shoes and slips; children's do.; gent's
gaiters 'and pumps, dcc., dcc.
Towanda, May 14, 1845.
Fashionable Tailoring !
GORGE 0. BUNTING would respectfully :in
form thellpuhlic that he still continues at big old
stand on the west side of Main street, between Kings
bery's and Bartlett's stores, up stairs, where be may
be found in readiness to id work in his line in a style
not to be surpassed in Bradford county. Prices to suit
the times. Thankful fOr post favors, he restectfully .
solicits a continuance and hopes by strict attention to bu
siness and accommodating terms to merit patronage.
The Spring and Summer FASHlONShavejust been
received, and he is prepared to make garments in the
most fasbi enable manner.
Particular attention paid• to CUTTING, and warrant
ed to fit if properly made up.
Ha hu (ho latest Spring and Summer Fashions for
sale. • Towanda, May 14, 1845..
A' PEW THOUSAND ARDS of those cheep
B.IIEETINGS, es Also summer stuffs, Prints %
Hosiery, Gloves. Ate. drf., no! epeping - ht .
Juno 23, PH3 ! RVgD'EI.
W 1.. . _..,
--- .
~ a:~~ _ _
"preceding figure is to represent the INSEN
SIBLE PERSPIRATION. Itis the- great cvac
nation for the impurities of the body. It will be noticed
that a thick cloudy mist issues from all points of the sur
face, whlch indicates the wonderful process going on
within. This perspiration flows uninterruptedly when
we are in health, but ceases when we are sick. If should
he'the care of every one to see that it is not checked.—
Life cannot be sustained without it. It is thrown off
from the blood and other juices of the body, and dispo
ses by this means. of nearly all impurities within use.—
The blood by this means only, works itselfpure. The
language of Scripture is, "in theblood is the life." If
it ever becomes impure, it may be traced directly to the
stoppage of the insensible perspiration. 'lt never requires
any internal medicines to cleanse it, as it always puri
fies itself by its own heat and action, and throws off all
the offending humors, through the insensible perspiration.
Thus we see, all that is necessa-ry when the blood is
stagnant or infected, is toopen the pores, and it relieves
itself from all impurity instantly. Its own heat and vi
tality are sufficient, without one particle of medicine,
except to open the pores upon the surface.—Thus we
see the folly of taking so much internal remedies. All
practirioners, however, direct their efforts to restore the
' insensible perspiration. but it seems to be not always the
proper one. The Thompsonians for instance, steams,'
the lly.'ropathist shrouds' us in wet blankets, the I-lo
mopathist deals out infinitissimals, the Allopathistbleeds
and doses us with mercury, and the blustering quack
gorges us with pills, pills, pills.
But one object only is in view, viz: to restore the in
sensible perspiration. If this can be done, they say, we
will take care of the rest. It will be seen, therefore,
that all physicians understand alike what is necessary to
a recovery, how much they may differ as to the mode
of obtaining it.
To give some idea of the amount, and consequently
the importance of the insensible perspiration, we will
state that the learned lir. Isewenhock, andthc great Boer
haave, ascertained that fiive•eights of all we received in
to the stomach, passed off by this means. In other words,
if we est,and drink eight pounds per day. we evacuate
five pounds of it by the insensible perspiration.
This is none other than the used up particles of the
blood, and other juices, giving place to the new and
fresh ones, by carrying with it all the impurities within
up to the surface. To check this, therefore, is to retain
in the system five eights of all the virulent matter that
nature demands should leave the body. And even when
this is the case, the blood is of so active a principle, that
it determines those particles, to the skin, where they form
scabs, Piriap!es, ulcers. and other spots; but if it is di
rected inwards, and fails upon the lungs, the conse
quences are generally fatal.
By a sudden transition from heat to cold, the pores
are stopped, the perspiration ceases, and disease begins
at once to develops itself. Hence, a stoppage of this
flow of the juices, originates so many complaints. It is
through the surface that we imbibe nearly all our ills.
It is stopping the pores, that overwhelms mankind
with coughs, colds, and consumption. Nine-tenths of
the world die from diseases induced by, stoppage of the
insensible perspiration. It is easily seen therefore, how
necessary is the floviof this subtle humor to the surface,
to preserve health. It cannot be stopped; it cannot even
be checked, without producing disease. The blood
and intestines must relieve themselves of ell their worn
out particles, and poisonous humors, and they must go
through the pores as nature designed.
Let me ask now, every candid mind, what course
teems the most reasonable to pursue, and unstop the
pores, after they artxclosed and let the perspiration flow,
that the blood may relieve itself of its impurities ? Would
you give physic to unstop the pores ? Or would you
apply something that would do this upon the surface,
where the clogging actually is? Would not this be com
mon sense! And yet I know of no physician who
makes an internal application to effect it. The reason I
assign is, that no medicine within their knowledge. is
capable of doing it. Under these circumstances, I pre
sent to physicians and to all others, a preparation that
has this power to the fullest extent.—lt is McAllister's
All-Healing Ointment or the Wor/rfe Sa/re. It has
power to restore perspiration on the feet, on the head,
around oldsores, upon the chest, in short, upon any part
of the body, whether diseased slightly or severely. When
the perspiration is restored, it bag power to penetrate the
lungs, liver, or any part of the human system, and to act
upon them, if they be diseased, by Separating the in
flamed morbid particles therefrom, and expelling them
to the surface.
It has power to cause all external sores, scrofulous hu
mors, skin diseases, poisonous wounds to discharge their
putrid matter, and then heals them.
It is a remedy that sweeps off the whole catalogue of
cutaneous disorders, and restores the entire cuddle to its
healthy functions.
It is a remedy that forbids the necessity of so many
and deleterious drugs taken into the stomach.
It is a remedy that neither sickens, gives inconveni
ence. or is dangerous to the intestines.
This remedy is probably the only ono now known,
that is capable of producing all these great results. Its
great value is in restoring at once, the circulation of the
juices when checked, or disarranged by cold or other
causes. It preserves and defends the surface from all
derangement of its functions, while it keeps open the
channels for the blood to' avoid all its impurities and dis
pose of all its useless particles. There is a connection,
harmony, and feasibility in all that defies contradiction.
It is a simple, but wonderful principle that preserves in
healthy operation the entire machinery of lur being. It
indissolubly holds together the surface and the internal
viscera, the internal viscera and the surface. They are
inseparably connected and cannot be disjoined.
surface is the outlet of five-eights of the bile and used
up matter within. It is pierced with millions of open
ings to relieve the intestines. Stop up these pores, and
death knocks at you, door: It is rightly termed All-
Healing, forxttere is scarcely a disease, external or in
ternal, that it will not benefit, It will be found the most
useful as well as the cheapest family medicine in the
world. I have used it for the last fourteen years with
success without a parallel. I haveused it for all disease
of the chest, consumption, liver, and the moat dangerous
of internal maladies. I have used it in cases of extreme
peril and hazard, involving the utmost danger and re
sponsibility, and I declare before Heaven and man, that
not in one single case has it failed to benefit, when the
patient was within the reach of mortal means.
I never, to my recollection had more than five or six
amens the thousands who have used it, say that it was
not favorable to their complaint. On the contrary I have
had hundreds return voluntarily, and in the warmest
and most pathetic language speak in its praise. I have
bad physicians, learned in the profession; I have had mi
nisters of the gospel, Judges on the bench, aldermen
and lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition and
multitudes of poor, use it in every variety of way, and
there has been hut one voice, one united. universal voice
saying" McAllister your ointment is geed."
,Consumption.—Ofall diseases, we find this the most
important, and concerning which we meet with the most
opposition. It can hardly be credited that- • salve can
have more effect upon the lungs, seated as they are with
in the system. But we say once for all, that this oint
melt will reach the lungs quicker than any medicines
that can be given internally. Every body consents to
the fact that if healing medicine could be applied on
the lungs, there would be great hopes of recovery. The
difficulty is to get the medicine there. Now the Salve
has the wonderful virtue of extracting the putrid hu
mors from all external sores by causing them to dis
charge. In like manner it operates upon internal affec
tions by driving all the impurities through the pores to
the surface. Thus with conaumptton, if placed upon
the chest, it penetrates directO ,to the lunge, separates
thePoisonega particles that are, consuming them and ex
pels them from the system.
It is the simplest and most rational process in creation,
if one has the medicine catrAle of doing it. The An
nealing 'Ointtnent • Possesses this power to the fullest
extent. I need notaaY that it is curing persons of Con
sumption continually, although we aro told it is foOlish
ness. 1 care not what is said, so long as I can cure se.
veal thousand persons yearly. If this medicine was in
the bands of Some patent medicine brawlers, they would
make an uproar through the country that would be in
supportable. -
&rola/a or Nivea Erit—This disease is really in
veterate,. and hard to be subdued. It is generally seated
in' the sides of the neck, behind the ears end under the
chin, yet scarcely ohy part of the body is exempt._ It
sometimes falls upon the lungs and produces -consump
tion. It is a dreadful circumstance, that this disease is
transmitted from parents to children. The Salve will
extract all the morbid matter by causing the sores,to dis
charge; and then let then the Oder Tincture be used to
rinse it to one point, which done, a continuance of the
Ointment n•ill completely remove this disorder. This is
the safest and mosteffectual of any method. It should
be adopted without a moment's hesitation.
- Erynpdas —This complaint arises from impurities
being driven out to the surface by means of the insensible
perspiration,, and lodging in the cuticule, forms sores,
pimples &c., it being of a icaustic, acrid putrifying na
ture. It only reqbires that it should discharge its vi
rulent particles through the skin, and the difficulty will
pass off. If suffered to remain, and driven inwards it is
frequently fatal.
Let the Salve and Solar Tincture be used 'as in scro
fula and.the patient will soon get well.
Sall Rheum.—Phis is another obstinate disease but
can be curel effectually as the scrofula. There is no
difficulty in this disease.
Hedd ache, Ear ache and Deafneas.—TheSalae has
cored persohs of the Head-Ache of 12 years standing
and who bad it regularly every week, so that vomiting
often took place. It cured the wife of a man who laugh
ed in my face for proposing such a core, and who now
would not be withdut it for the best farm in the State. If
any one will take the trouble to call I will give his name.
Deafness and Ear-Ache are helped with the like suc
cess as also Ague in the face.
Cofd Feet,—Consumption, liver complaint, pains in
the chest or falling of the hair, one or the other
alwayi accompanies cold feet. It is a sure sign of dis
ease in the system to have cold feet. Some persons are
totallylunable to get that warm, and endure much.suf
fering thereby.
The salve will restore the insensible perspiration and
this clue every ease.• It is infallible for this.
,Axt4mu, 71ghtneas of Breath.—lf this disease is not
hereditary and produced by tho malformation of the chest,
the save will cure it.
Dyspepsia.—One, would suppose a salve would not
effect this disease much hut the All Healing Ointment
will mire two sooner than any internal remedy will cure
Bari, Eyes. —The inflamation and disease always lies
back or the ball of the eye in the socket. Hence the util
ity of all remedies that are used upon the lids. The
virtue f any medicine must reach the seat of Masai
rnationlor it will do little good. This salve if rubbed
on the 'temples will penetrate directly into the socket
and in se all its virtues upcn the disorder.. The pores
will be Opened. a proper perspiration will be created and
the diglease will soon peso off to the surface. Row
easy and bow natural ! It is as perfect and valuable as
it is supple and philosophical.
SorelLips. Chapped Hand." 4c.—l sell a great deal
of sal; to Seamen, who say it is the - only thing they
can de end on to cure their raw bands, when exposed
to the weather at sea. It acts like a charm in these cum
pleints.l Two or three applications cures.
Pimples on the face, ftethics. tan, masculiue skin,
gross surface.—lts first action is to expel all humor. It
will not cease drawing till the face is free from any mat
ter that may be lodged under the skin and frequently
breaking out to the surface. It their heals. When
there is nothing hut grossness, or drill repulsive surface,
it begins to soften and soften until the skin becomes air''
soft and delicate as a child's. It throws a freshness and
blushing color upon the now white transparent skin
that is perfectly enchanting. Sometimes in case of Freck
les it will first start out those that have lain hidden and
seen but seldom. Pursue the salve and all will soon dis
The reason for this 'wonderful change in a lady's
face is that it excites into natural and healthy activity
the Insensible Perspiration, while it renovates and re
news the surface, and leaves the skin in as lively and
delieate a condition as the most fastidious could desire.
It is put up in fine jars and beautifully scented on pur
pose for the toilet.
Burns.—Life can always be saved if the vitals ate
not injured. I have so many testimonials for the cure
of this complaint that I could fill a book. I suppose
there is not a family in the United States, that would
consent to be without this salve a single day if they
knew its balm in healing Burns alone. It extracts the
pain and leaves the place withouta scar.
Quinsy sore throat, Influenza, Broothiiia.—There
is not an internal remedy in existence that will cure
these disorders as quick as the salve. It opens the pores
on the neck and drape off all the inflammation and im
pure juices, and a few days will see the patient well.
It is sovereign in these cases.
Piles.—The salve acts upon the piles as upon sore
eyes. There is an inflammation which , must be drawn
from the parts. The salve sloes this.
Hernia or Rupture.—T his salve has c u re d some very
bad cases of rupture, acql although it might not all, yet it
would be wise to try it. It is a peculiar complaint, but
it may be helped some, if not cured entirely. I have
not the shadow of a doubt that it would cure thousands
if the trial was made, who believe no medicine of the
least benefit.
Two shillings worth would satisfy any one; whether
it would do good or not.
Worms.—lf parents knew how fatal most medicines
were to children taken inwardly, they - would be slow-to
resort-to them. Especially mercurial lozengesi" call
ed "medical hzenges," vermifuges," pills, &c. Even
were it possible to say positively that worms were pre,
sent, it is lot safe. The truth is, no one can tell, then-,
riably, when worms ave present. Of course the remedy
ts not applicable to the complaint.. Now let me.aay to
parents, that this salve will always tell if a child has
worms. Let it be rubbed on the neck and chest, to keep
them from going up, and then down on the bowels and
they will soon leave. It will drive every vestige of them
away. This is a simple and safe cure. No injury Can
come of it in any way.' But should it be cholic, infla
tion of the bowels, or gripe of the intestines, it will ef
fectually cure them as the worms. -
There is probably no medicine on the face of earth
at once so sure and in the expulsion of worms.
It would be cruel, nay wicked, to give internal doubt
ful medicines, so long as a harmless, certain, and effect
ual external one could be had.
Cholic, Pain, or loliammntion of the Bowelo.—Let
the salve be rubbed in and heated with the fire or hot
flat irons, and all pains and difficulty will soon cease.
Swellings of the Joints, or weakness, or any affection
of the bone, nothing is so good for as this salve.
Poisona.-1 never knew anything so good as this
salve. It causes the poison to discharge immediately;
and leaves not the slightest cause of alarm. Poisons by
nails, bites of animals, or burns, it removes when no.
thing else will. •
•Toikt.—l have it. done up in fine larder for the dres
sing case. Although I have said little about it as a hair
restorative, yet I will stake it against the world They
may bring their oils far and near, and mine will re.tote
the hair two cases to their one. These are no idle words,
for I am ready to hack it with any reasonable amount.
Old Sores, Mortification, Ulcers. ct•e.—There is no er
ectus! way of curing these, but drawing off the putrid
loaner. To merely dry it up would only endanger ono'
health more. That some sores are an outlet to the im
purities of the system, is the only reason, because they
cannot pass off through the natural channels of the In
sensible Perspiration If such sores are healed up. the
impurities must have some other outlet, or it will endan
ger life. This is the reason why it is impolitic to use the
common salves of the day in such cases. For they hays
no power to open other revenues, to let off all this mor
bid matter, and the consequences are always fatal. This
salve will always provide for such emergencies. There
need be no fear. It is perfect.
Broken Breast.—Persons need never have a broken
breast. The salve will always prevent it, if used in sea
Liver Complaint.—Persona having thiseomplaint fre
quently have eruptions of the hands, face and other
parts, and never once thick that it arises from the liver.
Their utter inability to remit these irruptions, proves
their misapprehension of the disorder. Such must use
it first on the hut, then wear it on the chest, and the
difficulty will soon go away.
41liae Passion or Griping of the Intestines. —This
disease *led the death of the late H. ti. Legate: At
torney General andactingSeeretary.of the United States.
ft is the stopping up of the smaller intestines, and some
times the twisting of them. It is brought on by a neg
lect of the daily evernaticins, or from incarcerated Her
nia. The pants are tatful, and unless help comes epee
diir, the Sufferer soon dies.
. . .
The AU-Healing OM ment would hive saved th e 4 6.
of Mr. Legare and all o t ere Gilder similar eircumstsa m. i...
' Corns.—lf the salve i used acconlingio direets q, 2
people need never be troubled with comos-es estur ,,
cut out by some travelling mountebank w he w knows - 4
is doing more mischief than he can possibly repair, A
little of this ointment mit on now and then will ale
keep them down. It •,:.;
Indeed there are few complaints that it will net 1,,,,,. p ;
Mit. It is a Family &flue of untold value. As les t f',
as the sky rolls over one's head and grass grows um i ;'''
the earth, it will be sought after, used and valued. 41: ., :
there is no mercurial substance in it, bat composed e t , :r t ,
tirely of vegetables it gives no good ground for imp ey r-..
We have full certificates, from all the persons att ic ,:
names are here given, tint not having room for theater '', r
merely give their names,lNos.. and the &ease of oli e y ,`..
they wercmared. t,, •
Thomas Mosinee, 174 Ninth-st—weak beck; Wye •;•:.
Way, cor. King and McDonough ate—lore eyes; kJ-„,,',1
Way do erysipelas ; Dr J Clark, 21,0 Stantoo -14 —alem, i t
ated sores; Dr J Covell / 132 Sullivan-s - t—ague is tt, •i,„il
face; F R Lee, 245. Bowery—pain in the breast; R e ,
J Gibbs Dover-et—family medicine; Henry Gibbs, q 3 [4:
Bowery—influenza; A Stuckey, 608 Fourth st—fact. ,!..
ly medicine; E Conway, 11 S Couit—bamio a dd„ .. ;: r
Eliza Bunker, Flatbusli—consumption; M A King, its „.
.01 c‘eccy-se—lcancer ; \Burr Nash—piles; W, k,
Oliver st—`urns ; E Kmp, 275 Second vst--quiasy ;, j ..
o - ; C Mann, Globe Rotel— ",Vanderp
piure. Tourer, ;
. 91 H R ur h d l , ge—salt rheum; G Gam- t
. Caplin, 225 ..:
124 Division-ed.-41o; .1 Modie, 20 Mercerit...
do; H A West.lo7 fluke place—burns , (mated feet, -1
gro T o r e r . p t ,.. „:l l4s o; N p o ß rfo o t e s , t- 36 .50 13 r , e in e e r t e t s it ;_ do; H B
king, Phoenix Bank—db; J F Henly, do—gamed It! ' - i'
gunpowder; Dr Mitchell, 79 Mercer-At—broken breast; i,• ; .
C D Jacobson, 199—rheumatism ; B J Rue B.
sell—do; E Willetts, 3(3 Pearl at—eruptions; E R;55, t ~:
237 Bleeker-st—agae in; the face ; C Frances, 39 Bea. ti
cry—family medicine; D S Judd, 657 Waterstl—Lem- !':
ily ointment ; F Otten,l24 Division st—rheumatism la ''''•
the head ; S W Robintina, 70 Essex st—family °int. ',l`
went; 8 Haariot, 45 Allen Et —sore eyes; G Coosa,
145 Division st—do ; M l/ Develin, 313 Water st—corm '
&c ; P Demarest, 368 Hudson st—inflammation in the.
chest; N Achinson, Heston st—asthma ; M A Bum-
at, 66 Suffolk st—sguit in chest; N Wyeatb, 1201:•
vision st —bite of a dog end piles; J . Vincent, 124 Allen ? i .
st—weak brick ; .1 Chapman, 259 Division st--affectim
of the liver; W Grahaml,l9 Hester-st—pain in the side,
E Hamel n 19 NorfolleetLe, utaneous eruption ; 11 Bing.
ham, 84 Laight-st—psib in the breast; A Knox, 8;
Laight-st--chapped hands; J Culver, 194 Stanton It— :„ ,
ulcerated sores; .1 P Bennett, sore throat, rheumatism; ;
G P Taylor, 46 Forsyth st—hvercomplaint; W Do. i_
kins, Huston—consumption.
Sold by H.S. er 21/. C. NERCUR, Towanda, and C. r.
A. PERKINS, Athena. (477
AFIRST RATE assortment of Leghorn. Straw tad
other BONNETS of the latest style just, revel.
ed and for sale lower for cash than you ever bought, by
May 26. O.D. BA RTLETT.
N the 26th of Anril, on Main street, between Mr.
, g , Conklin's and the i'Votering Trough, A Mack Silk
Luce VEIL. The finder is requested to return it to
this office or GEOILGE BOWMAN.
Towanda, May 5, 105.
Not to be UnderOold - by any Live Man!
- 511 AT R E It :than tq have one cash customer ado
the ...tibecil hers hive made extensive arrangsmeau
whereby -all Wale of , zi - ods can be purchased at their
real value. Econamisul are requested to cell at the Str
ings Bank and etamine our stock of Groceries which we
are selling at unprecedented low prices.
May 26. ' G.E.FLYNT & CO.
Keep it be'fore the People,'
1 HAT G. E. FLYNT & CO. are receiving the
largest and best assortment of Dry Goods and
Groceries, and are selling very cheap. '
_Keep it ',yore the People,
That credit and lumber prices are isigh,nind that rash
prices are exceedingly Ir.
Keep it b e fore the People,
That Cash veil do wonders in the way of buying goods
Keep it 14for.e the Peiple,
That G. "E. Flynt & Co. are actually selling goods far
cash, et prices from 10 to 20 per cent cheaper than
they were.etrer known lbefore,—c3ll and see. - •
Keep it before the People,
That Good .= of all descriptions can he purchased asofteep
as at Elmira, Owego, ler even Binghamton. Be sax
and call at I G. E. FLYNT & CO'S.
It is already (before the People,
THAT No. 3 WEI beat the world selling GOODS
It is alrea4Pre thi people,
That the be st goods anti cheapest goods in Towanda
can be found et No. 3 Brick Row.
It is already before the pcop l le,
That No:3 can skin any Flint in Towepaa, without
injury to one •" jack knife."
It is already before the people,
That No. 3 can't be ',undersold per :cent., much
less 15 or 20.
It is alreao before the people,
That one of our firm started for N. York, on the7th Md.
11 soon will be before the people,
That No, 3 has receiveh a large addition to their exten
sive stock of goods. 1 •
Now Ladies and Gentlemen don't all come at once.i,
we, will wait upon you les fast as we can: wo expect
another clerk in a few days and will then try not to
send our customers 'trey for want of time to wait upon
them. W. H. BAIRD & CO.
June 10th 1845. No. 3 Brick flow. .
lifinamiathic Physician.
DOCTOR L. PRATT, would respectfullyinforna
the citizens of Towanda and its vicinity, that he
will be happy to be of essential service, to those who
need medical. aid. From his experience in the system
which he adopts, he flatters himself that the c:malliwg./
will be well pleased with its effects upon the Van"'
diseases which "flesh is heir to." His office ato-be
found at the residence OIL. E. lleWolf Esqr.
T. • anda, June 7th 1845.
IkTEAt'OI.ITAN, Florence & Straw BONNETS,
of 11 qualities and pricee. Chameleon Ribbons,
Artificiall, Ruches, & the NEW STORE.
June 18. i G. E. FLYNT & CO;
1101rAS just received', a fresh supply of Spring and
Summer GOODS which he pledgee himself to
sell as low for cash, as can be bought in this village or
elsewhere in this longitude--and every article warrant
ed to be as gond as it ialrecommended. - •
Towanda, May 15, 1845.
Competition in the Shade
JRECEIVED, a foil assortment of superfine
French, English and American CLOTHS. To
gether with n full - ass'ortment al-medium, and low price
black, blue black and fl‘ncy colors; fancy Cassinreres;
Sattinets of serious stYles and colorli,!, making• an as
sortment of Cloths complete. Also, Trimmings, nt the
best quality, constantly Inn hand. Purchasers of Cloths
and Cassinieres will pron:S.le their own. interest by call
ing at the New Store, whet° all kinds of Goods are sell
ing unusuady low. G.E.FLYNT Ar. CO..
SHEETINGS.—Brown and blea. SHEETING, as
endless quantity,.jUst receired
May 12. G.E. FLYNT &
CHOC KERY.—A good assortment. just received at
June 4. I G. E. FLYNT dt.CO.
Bradford Reporter,
.7erms of_the
Two dallars and fifty cents per annum; Furry cents
deducted if paid within,the year; and for CASH &du-
ally in advance. ONE Doia.Aa will be deducted.
Subscribers at liberti to discontinue at any time, by
Paying arrearagea. Most kinds of Corn-ray PRODVCI
received in payment, at ithe market price.
Advertisements. not exceeding' a equine of twelve
lines, inserted for fifty ce nts; every subsequent insertion,
twenty-fiye cents. A diticount made to yearly advetrisus.
ion PRUSTINg, of eYery-descriptiois, neatly.and ex
peditiously ekecuted It i l i new and fashionable type.
Letter. on business . rtaining to the office musteome
free of postage, to engin attention.
tCr Office in Col. likens' brick building, corner of
Main and Adage etrett, up stairs; cot:anew on the
north door,