in Accomplished Rascal. A young man named John Throp. the son of an eminent antiquarian bookseller and sta ,tioner of London, was sentenced yesterday in the Court of Sessions, to the State Prison at Sing Sing for tWo years, for grand iarceny.--- The life of this young man has been a very eventful one, and until now lie has escaped punishment, for crimes which he has perpe trated in England and this country. He is a man nf.very great talent and a splendid scho lar—familiar with the fine arts, and a penman of wonderful and extraordinary ability. It is until that, so expert is lie, that be can copy with a pen and ink, a line engraving with such nice ty, that it is "almost impossible to tell it f r om the engraving itself, and that after seeing a signature once, he can imitate it so perfectly that it cannot be discovered which is the genu ice. We have been informed by a gentleman intimately acquainted with the family of'!'hrop, that he had repeatedly committed forgeries in England upon his father and uncle, which were never brought up or acknowledged as genuine. Within a year or two, however; he committed forgeries in England, for which the police was in search of him, but he succeeded in escaping to this country by secreting himself in a ves sel. Since he has arrived here he has carried on a continued system of fraud and swindling, obtaining large amounts of money from En glish gentlemen in this city who were acquain ted with his family and several of the consuls —the - French consul among the number-1,40 whom he produced letters from the English consul and other eminent men in England.— Many of the persons (whom lie had defrauded would have preferred.'cemplaints against him, . had not the indictment upon which he was on Saturday convicted, proved sufficient. We understand that an attempt will be at once made to his excellency Governor Wright to obtain his pardon, but we do trust that lie will not grant one—at all events before obtain ing the information of which the police are pos sessed, and of making, such other inquiries as will enable him to determine whether his clemency would be misplaced if extended to a man who has done so much injury within so short a period.—S. Y. News. SIX HUNDRED SLAVES EMANCIPATED..-4 let ter published in the N. Y. Journal of Commerce mentions the decision recently given by the Su preme Conn of Louisana, which emancipated siz hundred slaves. The late Stephen Hen derson directed by his 'last will that his slaves (six to seven hundred . in number,) should be sent to Liberia, by the American Colonization Socie ty. His directions were, that at the end of five years from Iris death, (which took place about six years ago) the slaves should be permitted to draw lots, and the ten on whom the lot -should fall, should be sent to Africa ; s at ten yeara from his death twenty other, by lois and in twenty five years, the whole of the residue should be sent, after-securing an outfit of one hundred dol lars. The suit now decided (it was lost in the lower Codrt) was brought by the heirs, against the executors of the will, and the decree of the Court is, that the will must be carried out, (the intention of the testator being clear) and the slaves sent to Africa. CAPTAIN KIDD ' S TREASUeES are in a fair way heing.brought to light now. Haviiig Jigged and pumped in vain in the Hudson, till the pa- Lence of the-stockholders of the company enga ccd in the business became exhausted, they have employed a woman at Lynn, gifted with great somnanibulic and mesmeric powers, to fathom the secret of the concealed treasures. Of course, she has discovered all kinds of valuables, from gold crowns set with brilliant diamonds, to gold watches, strewing the floor of the wreck like ducks' eggs in a puddle. All these things, she affirms, will reward the labor of the enterprising speculators, if they only continue to work, and live long enough to see it accomplished. The meek will rise fifty per cent., it is anticipated, in consequence of these disclosures. THE PENNSYLVANIA REPORTER AND HONE JOURNAL.--L R.' Diller having recently pur chased the interest of his late partner in the Home Journal. intends to remove the estab lishment to Harrisburg, where the paper will hereafter be putlished, under the title of the Pennsylvania Reporter and Home Journal.— It will be democratic in its charaCter, and sus tain all the great measures of that party, the independent treasury, individual liability, sub mission of the minority of the party to the clearly expressed will of, the majority, &é. It will be published twice a week during the ses. lion of the lewistature, and once a week the remainder of the year. Married, On Monday evening last, at the Sugar Creek Inn, by J. woodruff, Empire. Mr. Sera Louis to Miss ELiz♦ ANN Titan, all of Canton. SHERIFF'S SALES HY virtue of a writ of Vend. Expo. issued front JUP the court of common pleas of Bradford cottnry, to Ale directed I shall expose to public sale at the house of Wm. Briggs in the Borough of Towanda, on Thursday the 21st day of August the following piece or parcel of land situate in Ulster township, and hound ed vs follows :—east by the road leading from Towan• da to Athens and lands of Guy Tracy, north by lands to theposavasion of I. Ravens, west by lands of B. 8. Welk!: containing about assess acres, more or less„ partly improved, with e sawmill thereon erected, with a turning shop and lathe in said mill. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Guy Tra cy, vs. Asa Forest. J. N. WESTON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, July 23, 1845. S' ( V/SGS BANK.—No. 5, Brick row, Super blue black silk. - do. do. striped. • Rich chameleon , do. Plaid do. Parasols, ribbons: Cashmeres, Delairres: • Ladies' Cravats. , Calicoes. 3 Sheetings.;—chearr an ever. • • Window paper, &c., &c. The above arc a few of the many New aoods just opened et G. E. FLYNT & CO'S. Cigars! Cigars! TOR SALE, at' DIT. MASON'S DRUG STORE, a large lot of the beat CIGARS in town, by the b" , tingle cigar or otherwiire, and very cheap. Towanda, Jdly O. 1845: Wayne County Ploughs. 4DOZ Weitte county ploughs, foe sett at the 8.1- wings Ilank.• Plough merchanti supplied at manu facturers price; and Farmers on'the most reasonable terms. G. E. PLYNT 4- CO. July 30. 5 Brick Bow. Iron ! Iron! A FRESH SEPPLY of first rate hammered Iron, jun received - and for sale tow by Towanda, July sl:flit. 1845; D .. ; ARTLETT. • • r Carpets, • A FRESH SUPPLY of fine Ingrain Carpets, all .M . wool and very - beasy, jest reeeirea and for sale "t 7 low for cub, by G.- D. BARTLETT. SUPERIOR COLORED Daguerreotype Miniatures. Fcich A• Fisher, IESPEETPULLY announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Towanda, and vicinity, that they have opened rooms in the new building up stairs, south west corner of the public square (in the room formerly occupied by Ulysses Mereur as a Law office,) and would-be happy to wait on all those who may wish goodlatenesses of themselves, single fa in groups. En trance west side of Montanye's store. Mr. F• 4 P. have the satisfaction of knowing th-it their Portraits are equal to any taken in the city of New York or Phila delphia, and equal to any heretofore taken in the country, and respectfully invite the Ladles and Gentle Men to call and examine specimens. Portraits taken equally well in clear or cloudy %yeath ers When children are to be taken, a clear day should be selected. The hours between 9A. M. and 4 P. M. are the best. As the color and material of the dress, adds much to the beauty of t'ae impression, therefore for Ladies, silk dresses, of any color (except white; light blue, or red.) either plain, striped or figured, are the best fur the pue. pose. fl3Terr,ons having inferior pictures, can have them exchang'ea oh reasonable terma. As our stay is limited, persons residing in tile village or country would do well to call as early as conveni ent. Towanda, July 30th, 1845. HO, FOR TIIE BRICK ROW. .Iro. 4, Bound to Shine. lIERE ARE WE, - ON HAND AGALN with a new arrival of fresh GOODS, directly from New York City, Consisting of Broadcloths, Cassimeres of the newest styles, Satlinetts, Kentucky Jeans. Gamboons, Summer cloths, and Vestings, of every description and variety, The latest styles of Baliarines, Fancy Prints, and Ginghams. Irish Linens, Linen Diaper, Brown and Bleached Meetings and Skirtings, Apron Cheek, Cot ton Batting, Brie Wadding, and various other things in that line too numerous to mention. ALSO, a large sock of Groceries, Hard-ware, and Crockery, which together with our former stock renders our assortment complete. And we wish to be positively understood, that we CAN and WILL sell as cheap for CASH, as any other establishment in Town. the Savings Bank" not excepted, and if strict attention to the wants of cus tomers and cheap prices merits patronage, we say again, that we are bound to shine. ''''Please call on us Le fore going elsewhere. Good fresh Butler, and all kinds of GRAIN and LUNII3ER taken in exchange for goods, for which the highest market price will he paid. !rro"Don't mistake the place—No. 4 Brick Row, two -anon ahead of the Savings Bank and neit door to W. H. Baird and Co. Towanda; July 1E45. TRACY & MOORE. Tll' cheapest and best lot of Crockery in Towan 'da may be found at TRACY & MOORE'S. July 20th., 1645 No. 4 Brick Row. WILLOW WAGGONS and Cradles fur chil dren, for sale cheap at ly 30. TRACY & MOORE'S. GOOD twoortment of Tin and Stone4Vare at lit TRACY 4. MOORE'S, /Va. 4 Brick Row. ASPLE. NDID lot of WHIPS of every description at prices to suit the purchaser at July 30. TRACY & MOORE'S. A;,. 4 Brick Rhte. InATENT PAILS. Brooms, Clothes, hos, Hearth Brushes, Trace Chains, Shovels and Manure Forks, Hay Knives and Hand saws for sale at the very lowest prices for cash at TRACY & MOORE'S. July 11"0:4 Brick Row. Al.l, PAPER, Window Saab of all sizes and VT Glass at TRACY-& MOORE'S. July 30. No. 4 1 Brick Row, North Branch Canal Company. NOTICE is hereby given that agreeably to a reso. lution of the Board of Managers of the North Canal Company, a further instalment of nine dollars per share is required to be paid to Zebedee Cook, Jr., Treasurer of said Company, at his office in the city of New York; or deposited to his credit in the Wyoming Bank at Vvilkesbarre, on or before the Ist day of Sep tember next, upon each and every share of said capital stock, under and subject to the provisions of the several acts of Assembly, incorporating the Company aforesaid. By order of the Board, GARRICK MALLERY, President. Philadelphia, July 24,1845, XlOO IiEIVARD! QQ,NIE fit person for the State Prison, or the gal lows, in the night of 21st inst., attempted' to IN t fire to my office, by breaking out a light of glass, and throwing on to a table, among papers, a parcel of rom bestible matter rolled up in a cloth, which was burned ilt two ita the middle.. But a kind Procidencefrotened upon the attempt of the base incendiary, and the fire became extinguished. The object of the villian, was, no doubt, to burn up a large amount of property in Bonds and Mortgages--in which I have no personal interest except the charge of them, and a small commission. The foolish villlan had not sense enough to know, that the Mortgages were all on record ; nor honesty and uprightness enough to cum how much be injured his neighbors, And hundreds of settlers, in burning up my hooks of account, and the bonds upon which all the paymenis were endorsed, and in almost all the cases the only vouchers the settlers could, have as evidence of payment. It therefore be hooves every- settler who has a proper sense Of right and among, to assist me in looking up this villainous incendiary, that he may be brought "to the light of a Court rfJustice"—in doing which, they, or any other person, wh4 may find the unprincipled rogue, shall re ceive the above reward, of one hundred. (Idlers. J. KINGSBERX, for the Bank of N. America and many others. Sammy:cis, 23d July, 1845. n"..ratice to SallerB.D3 The subscriber having deposited the Bonds and Mort gages in his possession, in Towanda—in consequence of the late attempt to burn hi, office—takes this meth od to notify such of the settlers on land in his charge, who ,are desirous—when convenient—to make pay ments, may pay,the same to either of his sons, Burton, or Joseph Kingsliery, Jr. at Towanda, and either of their receipts shall be admitted as vouchers for so much paid—or, when more.conrenient, to the subscriber, in Sheshequin; and such payments shall be ,endorsed on the proper bonds the first convenient opportunity. Shesbequin, July n. 1845 In the matter of the applieation of Freeman Lone and others, Rector Church Wardens Vestrymen and Wei shippers in SI Path's. Troy Bradford County. At a court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, May Term 1845. 11VOTICE is hereby given that Freca . sen Lane. G. 11 P. Reedington, John M'Kean, Layton Run jaw, E. C. Oliver, Jere Adams, L. F. Ballard, S. W. Paine, Henry Card, Bateman Monroe 2d., Henry B. Card, on the 16th day.of May 1845, presented to the Court, an instrument in writing, praying the Court to be allowed to make certain amendments in their char ter, as heretofore confirmed and established by your said court. and the objects; 'trick's, and conditions therein set forth and contained agpearing to them lark. ful and not injurious to the community, directed the said writing to be filed, in the office of the Prothonotary of Bradford County, and that notice be given in one newspaper in said county, for at least three weeks be fore the next Court of Common Pleas of said County setair,..forth that an application has been made to said Court to grant such amendments to be made in their charter according to law. AARON CHHBRUCK, Prot. • Prot's. Ofrice, Towanda July 30th.1843. _ _ ALETLATIJS by Barrel, Keg, or pound at G. U. FLYNT dt CO. No. 5 Brick Raw In the matter of Pie application of Joseph Li. Riggs. and others, of the North Presbyterian Church and society of Wells township. May Term, 184 5. lOTICE is hereby given, that Joseph, L. Itigg% S . M. White, W.W.Ballard, end others, have pre. .ented to said court an instrument in waiting, and the objects, articles and conditions - set forth and contain therein appearing to them lawful and not injurious tb the communit*, directed that=said writing be bled, and that notice be - given in one , newspaper printed in said county of Bradford, for at least three weeks before the next court of common pleas of said county, setting forth that an application has been made to said coert to gmat such an act of incorporation, according to the act of As sembly in such cases made and provided. - A. CHUBBUCK, Prothonotary. Prot.'s office, July 30, 1845. In the matter of the application- Bazle. el Oates, and oth. era, of the firat Presbyterian Church and congrega tion, of Rome Townah99. Nay Term, 1845. NOTICE is hereby given that Betaleel Gates, Sol omon Spalding. G. W. Eastman, C. R. Bassett, and others, have presented to the said court an instru ment in writing, and the objects, - articles anti conditions set forth and contained therein appearing to them lawful and not injurious to the community, directed that said writing be filed, and that notice be given in one news. paper printed in said county of Bradford. for at least three ,weeks before the next court of common pleas of said county;- - setting forth that an application has been made to said'court to grant such an actof incorporation. according to the act Of Assembly in such cases made and provided. A. CRUBBUCK, Prot. Prht.'s race, July 30, 1845. TOWANDA SELECT SCHOOL. A r- k WING to some arrangements that have been made, Ur the present term of this School will continue un til the 15th of August. Then there will bo a vacation of two weelus, and the school will be removed to the Academy. JNO. P. WORTHING. • • SARAH F. WORTHING, -Tiwiters FRANCES HUTCHINSON, Towanda, July 21, 1845. CV those new and CHEAP GOODS. They will 11 be sold cheaper than ever. (if possible) to make room for Fall Goods, Look for N 0.5, •• Savings Bank," as it is the only genuine Cheap Cash Store. July 22. G. E. FLYNT & CO. I [ST OF LETTERS. remaining in the Post AA Office at Athens, June UM, 1845. Henson Catharine Mrs, Marvin R. B. Clapp Nathaniel 3 Morgan Thomas Chandler Lavine Miss Northrop 8. Curry E. Norris J. Cooper Henry Phelin Converse Francis Porter Roht. Ellson W. Felton Ezra Felton E. Renshaw M. Ferris A. Rowlinivson Renophon ' Gillet R. Rice W a nton Grit Ten Betsey Miss Rowland H. Gurnsey H. F. Mica Show E. Miss 3 Hot kips C. Smith E. J. Miss 2 Hunt James Satterlee 0. D. Hupban Windsor Thorpe W. 141; Hammond Alison Titus M: Keaeh John Toole Francis Merchant Luther Warner A. Miss Morris Sarah Miss Weller J. A. McDuffle E. Miss Watsen George Moody Adelphia Mrs. Wells C. F. C. S. PARK, P.M. M. In all your getiings, get linderstamlin g. Ni. To UNDERSTAND where Goods are to ±3l . be sold CHEAP, don't forget the Old Establish ment, MONTAN YE'S STORE, corner of the public square and main street, where goods always have been disposed of for the Ready, and always will be, as long as the finn continues to du business, at as small a profit as at any other establishment this side of New York city. In addition to former stock, we have been receiving va rious articles of Husbandry, such as Scythes, Scythe Stones, d'isdles, Rakes, Pitchforks, 4e. Also, 500 bushels of Srst•rate SALT, put up in the very best barrels. , 100 yards CARPETING for sale very cheap. Wanted. 500,000 SHINGI.ES and as many Boards, for which Liberal prices will be paid. July 7. J D. &E. 1). MONTANYE. 616. TONS DUNCANNON NAILS. and shall he - 4 ail receiving more,. to which the attention of Mer. chants is invited at wholesale, at July 7, IIST OF LETTgIiS ;remaining in the Poal OLEO 4 at Towanda, Pa, , June 30th 1845, A Iworth'E. Mra. Lynch Michael Baird E. W. :Loomis Marcus Barren James. tMarinPatrick Brown Philo E. 'Morin Daniel Beeman E. Esq. ;Mosier Mary Bogart W. P. !Morin Michael Booth William. • !Mather Joen Bullock D. Gen. !!VcClow Edward Barnes Wm. 'Mosier William Cummings Patrick Adna's,Marshall Charlotte Crothers Nathan B, :Mealy Michael ' Carpenter Edwin. i Mercur 4 Elliott) Chace Mary. Nye L. L. M. 2f Carlin Daniel. Nathrons Isaac Crawford Joseph.. ,Ogden Sarah Co: Hiram M. Powell George Coveny Michael. Rogers Diah Carmon John.,l . lussell W. Efkl. for TM Carl Mary. ,Spratt G. Alt Dennis Charles. ',Sander John Duart David 2. .Swartwood C. R. Emit Mr. 'Sours Ephrsiin Earl Wm. 'Stuart George N Encar H. Esq. Mr. Stuart, George Ettioridge Isaac D (Sumner J. N Eaton Gordon H ;Swartwood Charles French Wm 'Thenll Onin Foster Elisha Taylor Timothy M Fields Thaddeus 'Tanner Ruth E Francisco Signor !Taylor Minor Foster E. or Hainsworth C' Taylor C. R. Foster Samuel B. :Tavreluld Miss Caroline Fox Akira A Thompson Elizabeth Guin Thomas Groo Alfred Verne Miss Cecile Criflin Miss A. I Walsh William Madden Armstrong IWilley Harry Hovey Mr. Rev. .WilCos Elishs Halstead E. 0 Wood Samuel H.:... Holy Britoilet Mrs. Weaver Henry Jr. Irvine Andrew Warner William Johnson Eiljati. A. S. CHAMBERLIN. P. If. CHJIIIS ./IND BEDSTEdIDS. THE subscribers still continue (tif ''''. • to manufacture and keep on hand 1 '43:. at their old stand, all kinds of Cane and Wood seat Chairs ; also Sellees of various kinds 11 0_ -.- -- Nv, , , \ , ---- 4. BEDST.E.RDS, of every 1.... ' description, which we will sell low for cash or produce. TURNING done to order. • TOMKINS & MAKINSON. Towanda, April 123. 1845. J. KINGSBERY At the Lumberman's Exchange, 1-H.& H.B . PHINNEY have just received from . New York a fresh stock of Goods, which mattes their assortment complete. Consisting in part of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE. Cutlery,- Crockery. Paints, Oils, Dye stuffs, Fish, Leather, tee., all of which we will exchange for lumber or most kinds of produce, on as teasonahle terms as any of our neigh bors. We particularly advise the public to call & ex amine our stocks. s . Wanted 600,000 shingles and 500,000 white pine boards. N. B. Bradford Co. scrip taken Co ponds at par. • Mourneton. July I. J. H. &S. H. PHINNEY. DOZ ,ger sa le. ( y quality Quinnebang Scythe st y O. D, BARTLFI I . TIEIRUIT—Just received a supply of Lemons, Prunes, 11.7 Figs, Raisins, dte. at CHAMBERLIN'S. Juno. ,1845 . . No.I Brick 'Row. inklLS—Linseed, Sweet, Castor and Lamp' Cite, Ur good and cheap at CHAMBERLIN'S. Jabs, 1845. No. 1 Wick Row. sANCY great• variety for tale low. nt CHAMBERLTITS. June 1845.- No. 1 Drick.Row.- • MMUI MONTANYE'S iTomlins Miss S. M SS W' eraoU,S3a •THERFt ms, , 'UST as thei*told its 'on the 10th lune:. There V confounded BAIRD'S have got New. Goods again In the loam:urge of Mrs.' Caudle ;=i 4 Thing. haVe Come to a pretty'pess When them Beird's ears- go 'to Near York and boy goods just when, they &ale.' - Yra, Fellow Citizens, they have guessed it ezartly ; even - Henry Sheldon & eo., hacked up by one neigh. hors over the way, can't stop our baying and Balling Goods. It is with est as it was with the boy who said "it whiald itself." Goods will find their Way into our store at No. 3. and the good people of Bradford county will-buy them and take them out. We now have the pleasure of informing our old friends and the public generally, that we are this day receiving from die city of New York a splendid midi' , Lion to our former stock of goods, which have been pur chased ha the - eity by oneof our firm in, person. withtha "ready rhino" and will be sold positively cheaper for rash than goods have ever been sold in Towanda. We are often asked the question, bow it is we can sell goods so much lower than some of our neighbors! We Will give you a few of the reasons. FIRST—We use our own capital, and consequently have no interest to pas. SECONDLT—We occupy our own building, and con sequently.have n 6 rent to pay. 'fitzantv—We have other bosines& ea hand which is ample for our support, and consequently need not tax our customers for the purpose. FOURTHLY' & LASTLT—We buy no goods of Henry Sheldon & co., and consequently can sell aleetle cheap er than those who do. Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, in order to satisfy yourselves whether you mos buy cheaper at No. 3 Brick Row, than at any other piece in the world, you have only to continue to do as you have been uoingfor neao ly three years past. Just drop in before you boy; in. quire the prices and examine the qualities of our goods. We know you wilt do that. and we also know that having looked, you will buy, as you must be satis fied it is your lutenist to do so. Our new stock consists of DRY-GOODS, GRO CERIES, HARD-WARE. Family Medicines. paints &Oils, and in fact every thing except "Fresh Salt." We fear the printers wilt grumble it we spin out this advertisement. to enumerate the articles. So just call and take a look. (ErGon't forget the place—NO. a BRICKROW—'way aware the " Shavin's Bank," a considerisblidistance from "the Old Areade. the fray &aka and the Slaughter-house," but close along by the side of No. 2. W. H.-BAIRD di CO. Afar 20. , No. 3 Brick Raw. No. 3 always in good lame. THOSE ORANGE & LEMONS are on hand, ready forthe4th o July, at June 26, BA RIVE, No. 3 Brick Row. 11 ERE IS NO. 3 Mita —2O Quintles Codfish, just reed Dad for dale at BAIRD'S. June 26. No 3 Brick Raw. BROWN SHEETING—SeveraI Bales just tec'd at the place where they keep I very thing. We ueed not say it is at No. 311 rick Row. JIMA 26. W. H. BAIRD dc CO. IWO have a large quantity of warranted GRASS rk. CRADLE SCYTHES of different stamp* Cradles, Rakes, Scythe Snaths, Quinehaug StoneA, Rifles, ready made Tow Pants, Pitchforks. and all the necessary implements for haying and harvesting, which we will sell cheaper than tho cheapest, for Cask, but ler, Grain or COUNTY ORDERS at par. July 1. HAIRD dr. CO. No. 3 Brick Row. Administrator's Notice. ALLpersons indebted to the estate of Jerume R. Bowman, late of Towanda township, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and all those having demands against the same are requested to present them; legally attested for settlement, The administrators will meet to adjust the claims of said estate, at the house of Geo. Bowman, on 'the last Saturday of each month. HIRAM SWEET, G. BOWMAN. Towanda, July 2, 1845. Administrators (112EMMO9 • Taken PAR for all kinds of Goods 'July I. 1845. by ELLIOTT & MERCER. &MIL ) ZUTAtaD LqOS2OEZ2O /VIM undersigned having been appointed by the Orphan's Court of Bradford County, Auditor to ascertain the liens, and distribute the money arriving from the sale of-the real estate of William Myers dec'd, late of Wysox township, notice is hereby given that I have appointed Friday the Bth day of August next, at 1 o'clock P. M. at my office in the borough of Towanda, to attend to said duty, when and where all persons in, tend can attend. D. WILMOT, Auditor. Towanda. July 1. 1845. Art NE DOZEN Morgan's celebrated GRAIN CRA. LIPP DLES, with Harris' Scythes, for sale by June 23, 1845. , . REED. Friends /t,' Fellow Citizens, 'll WE two now in want of Bradford County stock, - and any persona having certificates, called i county orders, can find a maket at No. 3, where they will be taken at par in exchange for any of the articles I l compristng the largest and cheapest stock of Goods in , the United States. We had some thoughts of taking a few shares of "Savings Bank" stock, but we find after the ..Pan, nick" which is now about over, it has gone down below par, and holders are beginning to think they hove burnt their fingers. Don't forget that our office is at No. 3 Brick Row W. H. BAIRD & CO. E xecutor' s Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Jeduthen Withey, late of Canton. de&d. are requested to make immediate payment, and all those having demands against the same are requested to present them; legally attested for settlement to either of the subscribers in Union township, 'flogs co. CHARLES 0. SPENCER. EHNJAMIN LANDON. Canton, July 1, 1845. Executor's. eeIIMaIALZ 07.2..11.VELg0 Rein QU•RTIETIS, July I, 1845. IT is hereby ordered'.that from and after this dote 11. goods are to be sol,l l 6 in this encampment fer cash whenever they will brin anythingubove cost. • Clerks, agents and customers one hereby commanded to govern themselves acconlingly .1 Braggarts are to stand. back and keep off the parade groom'. OA D. BARTLETT, Commanding officer. /In 141 EN vsTo NES::fhe iiesrassortment of Nova NU,' Scotia and other kind of grindstones, ever brought to t his place, for sale by 0. D, BARTLETT. ifinZ OLD FASBIONED SCYTHES, a splcu- UP did article for salo,oboap by July 1. O. D. BARTLETT. 4A - 1 7 1 - 11ST RATE ARK, and lota of ARK ROPE, for sale by W. IL BAIRD dz CO. May 14. No. 3 Brick Row. HATS of superior qualitiraz- - and must approved styler, from $2 op to— Call and see. • G. E. FLYNT 4- CO: ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. AILI, persons indebted to the estate of Samuel &built. L deceased. lett, of W sus - tp., are requested to make tomaediate pay went, and all those basing deminds agai net the'same are requested to present them, legally attested, for settlement. JESSE EDSALL, NATHAN ALVOIID, Jr. Wells, July 7, 1845. Administrators.. VAL=l3llldll'Ul THE PAMPHLET LAWS of the hist Legisla ture have been received, and orertrady for distil. buuoo. A. GLIUBBUCK,-Pitor.- Prothonotary's Office, July lid 1845: MEDICINE - ANI) SURGERY. Wit R. JAMES M. 1.:00DRICII has located himself _ll5 l .at MONROE. for the practice of his profession, and wilt be•. pleased to wait err those requiring his ser vices. Be may be J. E.. Johnson's tavern. Reference may be made to Drs. Hun-ow & 'MASON, of Towanda. April 23, 1843:. To the Voters •of Bradford County. FELLOW CITIZENS :- 1 offer myself to yom consideration for the office of Sheriff. Should' you honor me with your eonfidenee, by nominating and electing me tonic' office at the ensuingeh3Ction. I pledge myself to discharge the duties• of the ogee with fidelity' 'and hutioinity • ZiIFISITER.- Torrandri Township. /lily r:1845.1 4 . . 4,919:M54=1:14 - 1t911124-..., At .the Elmira .Chcap,. Cash. Store, tore, I, /Brick Row. • , . . .• A CHAMLIF e RLAN respectfully informs the roblic 'that he has purchased of L S. Wood & Cu. tnede stock of 'goods, and has just received ji new supply. *hick renders his 'assortment of Drugs. Alai.' dues, Paints. Oils, Dye-stuffs aud Fundy Groieries complete., His stock consists in part of the idluWing MEDICINE& ETC. Anoint° Essences Arrow root Flour sulphur Antimony Aquafortis G luu Aqua ammonia. Gum camphor zEther Assafiedita ... Brimstone Myrrh Blue Vitriol Gamboge Bayberry bark Glauber salts do tallovr Hellebore Balsam lobe Harlem ail do Copaiva . Hydrioate Potass Barbadoes tar Iceland moss Balsam honey Ipecac Blood root lodine' • Blue pills Jalap Balsam Fir Juniper Berries Black drop Lunar Caustic . Barley - Pearled Liquorice ball and met Bateuran's drops Laudanum Bugundy Pitch Morphine • Cayenne pepper Manna African do Mace - Camphor Musk Calomel Nus Vom Ica Chamonile ttcr. Oxalic acid Corrosive sublimate Essential oils, all kith Cochineal Oil soap Cantharides Paregoric Cubebs Pills . Coc. inudicue Phosphate iron ' Carbonate iron Quicksilver do Magnesia Quassia do Soda Quinine Cowage Red Precipitate . • Colocvnth Senna Chloride lime Sager Lead Cream tartar Syringes Dragon's blood Valerian root Dover's Powders Saffron Digitalis Uva Ursa Emery, assorted var. Liniment Bpsono sake Ven. turpentine, &c.&e. A complete variety of GROCERIES, such as Tea, Sagas, Coffee, Starch, Raisins, Cinnamon, Soda Crack era, (Roger, Pepper, Eng. Currants, Nutmegs, Tobacco and Snuff, Candles, &e. A con pieta assortment of Points, I!]y'e•stuffa, Win dow Mast, Patent Medicines, &c. Towanda, June 16, 1845. DT. 1 N. Sumner, Surgeon Dentist, ESPEdTFULLY informs his'frienda that hav ing recovered from his illness. he will make his next professional visit ti Towanda, on or beim the first day of October next. New Blaeksmithing Estailishment. THE SUBSCRIBER, having for.acd a partner sltip with his brother, continues to carry on the business at his brother's new stand, east side of Main street, south part of the borough, where he is prepared to erecute all orders for Horseshoeing, Carriage & Coach work and Edge Tools. He assures the public that all work curtsied to his care will be well done, as lie has thoroughly learned his trade and is determined to render satisfaction. JOHN A. ESEN WINE. Towanda. Vecember 30, 1844. REMOVED TO No. 1, BRICK ROW ! 11:.f. CII.OI.7IBERLI.V. RESPECTFULLY informs his ills , . • fnends and the public thai be has „ ....- ~s , 6 -- ~,24i , REMOVED to, the Brick Row, / ov.. 4 is 0. 1, where he still continues to Is' l_ , carry en his old businciiior 1 9 % 4 -I , 4* * C Watch and Clock Repairfng, :- -•:-, = -.---" - which vi, ill be done on short notice, and warranted to be well done. - From a long experi ence in the business, he believes that he will be able to render perfect satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage, N.B. Watches warranted to run well one year, or the money refunded; and a written agreement given to that eilk.o. to all that desire one. CLOCKS.—A large assortment just received and for sale vety low for cash. If you want to buy Jewelry cheap call at Chum-, berlin's Watch Shop, No. I; Brick Row. co' MAPLR, SUGAR, Wood, and all kinds of Coun try Produce received in payment. Towanda, June IS, 1845. PUBLIC NOTICE. To all people to whom these presents shall come. ... - ...,q.., .. D. VANDERCQOK , Cabinet ~. .- - -- . , ,,• '7- " - -"- Maker 4. Under/G.4er, wishes to ' i-7:-„„--'" 5 zgitO , l inform the public, that he still con- Vgii I:7 times to keep on hand a general ..., SW: assortment of Cabinet Furniture. ...,,, ......-- - His... establishment is situated on the ~-,..... 11t................. in i corner of Main &State streets. see ond door north of the Bank and directly opposite W. Watkins' Jaw office. .Persons wishing to furnish themselves with furniture, will find it an object to call and examine, purchase and pop, as the subscriber is determined (for cash) to sell all kinds of furniture at a less price than ever before known. J une 23,, 1845. D. VANDERCOOK. 11l _EMT AIkIiIEDBOIDIIIMIIIE'IIaZIONST WRIO the usual assortment in country shops. - the sub scriber.keeps on hand and manufactures to order. the S.fa Rockin ,, chair, beautifully upholstered, also the huff French Ilabo g dny chair, together: edtlr sofar of the latest sod most approved patterns, all al which will be disposed of for all kinds of cumin , - f produce st • the-usual low prices. and' for cash at very much redu ced prices. at the Cabinet shop of June 23, 1845. D. V ANDMOOK. COFFINS made to order on the shortest notice very 10. v for ready pay. A hearse will be in at tordance when desired. June '23,1845. - D. V A:1 DERCOOK. WANTED, by the subscriber, zny quantity of white pine. cherry, and whiteemexl lurnber, in exchange for furniture. June 23, !545. D. VANDERCOOK IiFe".IIII_4IIICDAZ__T ISM.% CRNUST received and fdr sale at D. Kingsbery's Siore, . a few barrels superfine FLOUR, from Overton 64Itinarsh's mill. Warranted an e.elra article. June 23. 1645. Sot the Towanda She:in:a Bunk, 'nut ..‘‘J. Brick Row, nor the Old .11reade. But Brick Row, NCYW AUK 0 WX,ED4E Dto he the- identical spot where goods are sold cheaper for colt or ready pay, Limp any other establishment west of the" cities of New York or Philadelphia. Persons wishing, to prove this fact, can easily do it; by calling in baser'. No time wilEbe spent irr skinninojtinfs,lir filling out bills of a worthless hzslitution. But the whole title° and atten tion of the subscriber and his cictk, will be exclusively devoted to selling goods] cheap. A nimble. six pence, better than a slow shilling. C. REED. Juno 23, 184.. Nei. 2 Briek •j'ON SUGAR & slol,Asr•Bri.—This d a y me,' by the "Chem:al:Atm" end for sale cheap by the pound, Gallen, BIM I or filed. July I. B. !RD'S. N 0.3 Jri.ielr Row. • • 25' puNs ! GUNS for thel" North Branch Canal." and thirties. for G. E. FLY NT & CO'S cheap cash atom. Just received at the Savings Bonk, thore New Goods r—Wa are oaring them at" private yak "'one notch" lowerthan at any other the borough. G. E. FLYNT . & CO. 6PE1151 & WNSEED OILS. .1- lur way e on hand at G. E. TUNT &GO'S.• Portrait Painting, .by W. It Perkins, ORTI' BIDE 'of the quite, in the room over .1. C.: Mame Law Oface—COL Mix's bloat. Likenesses ar - arranted. Thmaparent Binds, of any size or pattern desired. June 18, 1845. " 4 HATB.&c&rs. 4, BONNETS. all dui lat e etvlrs for Ealeat- , MIN.& EONS'. ORM GROCERY STOR Keep it Before the People, WHAT. the Old Drug Buse, that side of the PC ..II lie &Punt, le now receiving the largest a merit of Drugs and Medicines ever alined iri WIC* ket, among , tibia's: rem the following, viz - Sulph. 3forphii, Blue MAti," do. quinine,' 'Nit. Bilvill, l Eng. Calomel, - Quiek do. lodid. Youssik. Mepaine, 4 lied Precipitate, Ipecac, White do. Tart. Antimony, Strychnia, iodine, Elateruim; 'Valerian Root. Kreasot, *knees do. Pulv. Julep, ' Serpentaria do. Est. do., Pennon do: Ext. Colycinth, Colombo' do. do. Gentian, Pink' do. 1 . do. Cicuta. emu'. 1. do. nyosciamils, Adhesive Plaiti, ' do. Terazecum, Cantharides, Spring and Thumb Lancets, Lancet eases tte:.• . The attentietr of PM YIsICIAVS id particularly , cited to the above articled, they being just received fill one of the meat respectable houses in I`4w Yerk 110 will therefore be warranted pure and free floe- edulli ation in all cases, and disposed of at iiiy, low priceS OILS AND ESSENCES. Wintergreen', Cinnamon, Peppermint; Rose= Wormseed, Hentlock, Sassafreas. Lemon Lavender. It gamot, Aniseed; Cloves, Juniper, Amber, Cajput, Cris way. Monardi Fennel, Almond. Origanum, Ceder, Ai bee, dec., Vie. PATENT 311:DICLN The most popular of the day. such at De. Jill Expectorant, Wihtar's Balsam Wild Cherfj,, , Sat Sarsaparilla, Dr. Jayue's Carmanitis'e, if hound. Turtington's Pink Expectorant. Syrol4 , —B man's Drops, Andersons do.. Lemon's Cough do., quid °pock!doe, Balsam Honey, Preston Salts, Mrs. Gardners Balsam Liverwort a ntllloarhound,Dr.SpOhns' Digestive Elixor,Dr. Munna Elix. of Opium, Dr. Ben joinin Godfrey's Cordial. Dr. Weaver's Worm Tea, Cheessian's Arabian BitYam:Balm of Columbia, nut, tar's Itlagnrsiate Apar ent, Henry's do., Dr. Thompsdn's Eye Water, British Oil, Harteem do; Maccassar-do, Bear's do., Graves Hair do., Croton do., together With * many others to numeroua to mention, rtus. Compound Cathartic, Hooper'a Fe ale, German, Lees Windham Etzllunii Miles Tornatte, 13randreth'e, Wright's Indian Vegemile, De. Paidki's, Webster's, Metiers and Bitiers, Alebasiv, BrehOlroh*o. PAINTS, OIL AND UTE STIFFS. - White. Red and Black Lead. Chrome Green - Chrome Yellow, Yellow Ochre; Prussian Blue Rose Pink.BirgaS load, Lithasge, - Blue Smarts, Venetian Red, Vermillisn, . Turmeric, AnnarY), Indigo, Copperas, Allurn; Crude Tartar, Cochineal, Solut,ion of Tin, Verdigris, Blue Vitrol, Glass 7 by 9, 8' by 10, and .10 by 12, Putty, Linseed bil, &c., 1 A. D. IiTONT.-72,TP, Daxmots4 , . Towanda, May 21, 1845. THE TOWANDA CHEAP STOHE. GREAT ATTRACTION; LIR SIZEirLi3I4:323 4/11211= 31CTIS THE sobseriber has lust returned from New York with a splendid assortment of Spring and 13om nuntr goods, which he offers for sale at least fifteen per cent. cheaper than goods have ever been, or iever will be sold in this borough. His sock consistsof fo: reign and domestic DrylGoods, such as French, English and American Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts,Kentbeky Jeans, Summer stuffs. A splendid assortment of Prints of all prices, also a full supply of Brown mad Blt4bed goods, also, Fancy Goods, such as Linen Handkerchiefs, Black, Blue Black, Plaid and stripcd,silks, Thread and Muslin Edgings, Ladies and Gentlernens Cravats, Bon net Ribbons, Damask and Mouselin de Leine Sh'awls, Parasols and a thousand art4clest no numerous to, mention. GROCERIES--Brown, Loaf and Crushed Stigars, St. Croix. Portirico and New Orleans Molasses, Cogni se and American Brandy, Holland Gin, Teas, dtc.l also "Crockery, Glass, Nails, Hardware dre.dce. All persons desirous of puiChasing goods Ib*l trill do well to give lum a call before purchasing elsewhere. Butter, Eggs, Cheese and Grain taken in payment for Goodi. CHARLES REED. ToiraniSa, May 15, 1845 MONTANYE SST Comer aF. the Public Square S Main Sired. IV HE largest and cheapest lot of goods ever offered in Bradford County is now opening at the above store. The. most fashionable Goods at the seasonlench as Balzarines, Lawns. die., with every variety et(lPtibt manufactured in the United States All the new titYli's of Summer Goods for Gentlemen bops sad youth. I BOOTS 4- SHOES of any quannty and any price. 20 doz. HATS at the lowest possible price. ) GROCERIES of all kinds and HARD BARE in abundance. Returning sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage they have heretofore received, they pledge themselve s , to sell as cheap as goods of the same quality can b e pur chased in this or any of the neighboring villages.' We would therefore advise our friends to call before pur chasing elsewhere. J. D. &E. D. MONTAMIE. Towanda, May It, 1845. A NEW SUPPLY ! 1 BURTON KINGSBERY informs the puhiftelgene rally that he has just received direct (torn New 'York City, his spring stock of GOODS. It ecOprises a very general assortment of Dry Goods, Groeeries, Hardware &a. His goods have beep selectea witlllmirch care', and will be sold as cheap as can ho bought m To wanda. Call in and see it it is not so- Towanda, April 30, 1815. SADDLE St. HARNLfSS ate. 5.1.11 SO3l, EsPECTFIi LIN inform that they still continue We the manufacture of Saddles, Bridles. Harness, Ka, in Col. Mix's building, next door to 1. C.. Adana' LBW Office, where they will keep constantly on; hand, and manufacture to order, Elastic fl r 5, COlnllio and .1600(1 S'aildles.• liarnev, Carpet, Pap, Bridles, Tp_abr, !'lines, 4'c. 4-c. Carriage Trimming and Military Work dune to' order. Matti-asses, Pew snit C'nair Cushions made on 'Not notice and reasonable terms. The subscribers hope by doing their work we i tt, and by n strict attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. ELK A NAH 'SMITH & SON.. l'orkanda, Mdv 21,1645. I , 110 ! -FOR THE TIAIES Va s.'acowa a.srD quitaa.zk, noliE suseribers now hare on hand all kinds cif mer• ehaudize for the senrom ruld altho' they lo.tilot pledge themselves to se/1 brewer by ill or 20 peri cent. than their neighbors, yet M. 'J do pledge the:7lllm In sell as hoc far cads as can be bought at soy •use. in town, Elmira. Owego or Btughamtbd. Mar 20, 1345. 1-r.' MIX 4. sin :•. 'eGoods for the Millions." VlTSTmeeiseil at the &vine Sank, a numtve of twila O of thwte cheap Urocerieg, whiCh =New our ssnort. meat campletC. Tbboio who ptrutlise our' ateri iishrtient, will derive decided ad intitage over duito who puicheae at other stpeeN who h$ Stisinera on dirliret!it system, es they arc not nvTrvhinte,l equivalerit ifelinquedee of those who never pay. No 5, Brie Row. h. G.E. FLYNT n. (4) 175.7. I:1E5 7:17 (Pi ' w • MiX & SONS', • fit now opening at their store nbcgittiful and cheap lot of S1151511:11 GOODS. direCtlfmln the City. wiltho sohl : Cas bash, as low as' can hc fright - at" The Stnlings Bank." or at any store in anal Towanda. 19th Alay. '45. BRUSHES. —4 general ossoitniciit of Hair,rr, a , nt, Fifth; and .line bilishea 'at CUAMBEfIIIi', ND. 113ridrilirr. 11 Ei 13 MEI No. 2 Brickßau BE