fob4eporior: Ell Towanda, Wednesday, July op; 1t45, ErePURSUANT to notice, the .Demoeitt" - . Shoaling flommitte for Bradford County *tee at the home of Ira IL Stephens in the, borough of !to. vranda on Saturday the 26th insumt. . -•- The Committee mortised by electing G. F. MASON Cbsim3an, and V. B. Prot.srr Secretary, when on, too non of D. Vanderenok Est, the following gentlemen were appointed a Committee of vigilance for their Mitre ti's townships, whose dety it is to call a meeting of the democratic"citizins - of each election district on Saturday. the 30th day of August neat, kir the purpose of choosin g two delegates to represent said districts in a roomy con vention to be holden at the Court Rouse in the Borough of Towanda on Tuesday, the second day of September .The Committee eamestly wee mmend that early notice be given of the thne dnd place of holding the tewnship meeting; .which ought. in all eases to be at :the most convenient plea for general attendance. Ant father your committee would strenuously urge upon .all good democrats the importance of attending the printery meet= inge, thus giving a faithful - representation of your demo. eats in the' County Convention. The elective' offices are important to the public interest. and if democrats will give proper attention to the preliminary steps in organi zing our party—we shall settle a ticket harmoniously at September court, and rally to its support with that zeal, with which the glorious democracy of obairadforti have so often triumphed. In conclusion, we would request the gentleman com posing the committees to be active, and afford every fa cility for a legitimate expression of the democracy—be yourselvee present at the meetings and see that every thing be conducted fairly. STEPHEN PIERCE,I W. S. INGALLS, • D. VANDERCOOK, G. F. MASON. C. H. HERRICK, HARRY' ACKLA, V. E. PIOLLET. a Athens & Hoyt, L. H. Shemin. Athens tp.-William Scott, Joseph Edminister. Asylum-Edmund Horton. John F. Dodge. Albany-George Miller, Minor Wilcox. Armenia-Isaac Williams, Samuel Moore. BurlingionL-Dayid Rom, Morgan' Dewitt. Canton-Chas. Stockwell, John Vandyke. Columbia-John H. Furman, Albion Budd. ' Durell-J. M. Bishop, James D. McCracken. Pranklin-Stuart Smiley, Horace Nine/. Granville-Sylvester Taylor. Lumen Putnam. , Herrick-John D. Squires, William Sill. • " Leroy-Aaron knappc Horace Stone.. • Litchfield-Reuben Parke, Samuel olcott. Monroe-Beder Wood. Hiram Sweet.' Orwell-Hanson Z. Frisbie, Edwin Olds. Pike-Giles M. Dewolf, Judson Easterbrooke, Rome-Arunah Wattles, John Voeght. Ridgbury-Sturges Sluires, Mart A. Bort. Standing Stone-G. A. Stephbns, Philetus D. Havens. Smithfield-Truman M. Beach. C. E. Pierre. South Creek-Eben Dunning; H. T. Thompson. SpringfieldHirsm Spear, Thomas Sowed. SheaheguixiDaniel Drink. Jeremiah. Kilmer. . Springhill-Hairy Ackbi, Cyrus Shammy. 'fowanda - boro.-J. K. Smith, Luther W. Tiffany. Towanda tp.-A. A. Mace, Dennis Troy-L, Runyan, J. M. Shepard. Ulster-Edward Mills. James Gonline. Wyeulusing-Harry Elliott, S. W. Biles. Wysor r -Stephen Strickland Ir., William tonight. Wells-A. C.-Noble, P. R. Knapp: Windham-William Russell, Abraham Dunham jr. Warren-Wm. Chaffee-, James Bowen. Hortictuz i c LTCOMING COUNTT.—We learn from thetycoming Gazette, the particulars of a inostntrutioes homicide . perpetrated in Nipprin/sa township, in -than county, upon the person of John A. Stewart, by his brother-hrlaw, John F. Hunt, of Lock .Haten, in the ix= county. It appears that Hunt came to the real• deuce of Stewart on.Satarday aftemonn, 19th inst., and assisted him in pitching grain, and with the intention, as all supposed, of staying all night. • The evening came and passed off, in the most friendly manner, and the family all retired to rest except Stewart, who remained in contensatiirn with Hunt. . . At midnight, two young men came to Stewart's and while they were op, Hunt left the house and proceeded down the lane. Stewart came to the door, end wiled of the young men, where Hunt was gone; went back to the room, drew on his boots and followed. Thcir was the last time be was seen by any.person but Hunt, until he was found the next monaing.. His lifeless body was found Sunday morning in the lane near his residence, with a singlewound in the left breast penetrating to the heart, occasioned by a stab by afrrge knife. He lay as he had fallen upon his face; his right band was upon the wound, the left extended and clenched. The wound tro the amface of the breast was about two inches broad, having entirely severed the fifth rib, and partly the sixth: There was, it appears, some difficulty between the parties concerning the of an old claiin. Hunt was arrested, bound over, and is now in the jail of lrycoming county awaiting his trial. Daormancrness.—The attention of persons wishing to pumas themselves of minimum, is directed to the ad ilertisement of Mews. Fcleh & Fisher. They bearthe bighest recommendations, and the specimens of their art, Which are ethibited, show a high degree of perfection. Their room is in Montage's building, (the one former. lloccupied by U. Mercer, Esq.,) Where sperimene may fie seem It is a capital chance for procuring a " coun terfeit presentment" of the "Suntan face divine," on reasonable term Scrrxect of (ewer—This wretched criminal, whose trial we noticed last week, has been ploied guilty of murder in the in the first degree, and sentenced to be hung, on Wednesday, the /oth of September next. Du• ring the whole trial, sickening as its , deilikorere, the prisoner manifested the same Mims, hardened appear• epee, upon which even the sentence of death had no area. ATTEMPT ♦t an advertisement in our columns, it will be seen Chit a.v attempt was made to set fire to Col. Kingsbery's office for purpose of eonsmn• ing his Opus. The perpetrators of tliis attempt at in. eendiarism deserve the severest punishment,. Ito good could possi* have seemed to any personorkile CoL K. would have sulTered an almost irreparable lass. Amii-Staysar Alerrtss.—We are relator, to state that the Rev. L, C. MattcCk, of PhiladelphMr dty, mill lecture at the following places in this county : La Maysville, August 4th; Towanda sth ; Standing Stone 6th ; Asylum 7th. The leaves will cementer at 2 o'clock, P.- M.: • • " flesscaressewho receive their papers try the Fastens tirtite Canton drivers, will bear in mind, that they tmn receive them free from posiageivr the mail; thit that the trouble of the driver will require the =se vairriwnsation as heretofore. CouseqUently, those whe wish to receive their papers in the mail, will please inform on Mik. Boon'i knmites, Detrered se Catearr, on the 4th . of July last, ii published ire the oat 'Ale' of our p• per flee week, We cheerfully { gm place for it, to the eielesion:efedier matter, as it .I",—erhat.tiehaTe' aeF 4iin4Ui of 114.. Adams, whirwai wotih • •• • • . Ca3rarratina Aso Cessna Ransom—The ere , P nee Paqies that6P ged_ isrMing the rouoraor ume,t .. usaidaige asd Coming Railroad have pearly ccoplited thick arey.ald ,101 moos nuke , a its. Pon. There.teemsto , beirzy: iseolabie hefiati on io r the the faxibuiei et the 'ioject. Ellil fkial'--. --- . iiii-Oiiiie`iir;liEiiiiiifee•. •• _ . StoekhoMai of this Compmy met at l'Inla&Ic Phi. the trAinsta prientkrtiotirMlnd Polliiii&lf thtMl t'' ..:.*liaiiiatitni of am, ("Om. : the pardeidart ft. given. in the Philsielpitht :papa,. ;Mob Greer, of tilt city; was appointed ChsinMin 1 . of the mockholdere met" ilig,Mid G; Windodp Om'. eiNere-Yorlr.„,:i: Neariirall the itockholders were mmeaentrid. - The following gentlemen were elected Managers , al the Company for the ensuing year, lit: Garrick Millery, Ellihn Chimney and Jacob Grata of ihiladelphiel Geo. M. Hollenback and John 1.. 'butler of Lucerne warty'; John tiptoe and Christopher I. Ward of Bradford . ; Sherman D. Phelps.of Wyoming; Ifenlarniri Wawa son and Daniel Tyke of- New Jeney; G. .Vilmbrop Gray, Zebedee Cook, Jr. and Edward le fiddle of New York city. 'lle Manager' saheequently triage the fotlawing or ganization of their Boaro—Garriek Mallory, of Philadel phis, President t. Zebedee Cook, of Piew York ciiy,Trer , surer and Seentary. By .m advertise . ment is another column it will be seen that an additional instalment of nine dollari a share. ms 7 king, together with what his already been paid onehure• drat thousand dollars. is to be called for immediately, and preparations made for commencing the work &spoon as the requisite Surveys and examinations can be mai. pieta], We trust that the most hicredulaus will now be"Nir fled that this work is speedily in be prosecuted to com pletion. We feel assured from the character of the managers, there can not be the least doubt of it. There is a rumor in circulation, that Wm. B. Foster, jr., will be the Principal Engineer, in the construction of the work; with what foundation, we know not. Towasea Acsnant..--This institution. as will be seen by our advertising columns, will commence another Academical year on the first of September next. The Academy be under the charge of Mr. J. C. Vaaosa. cone, who combines much and varied scientific and literary learning, with great experience as iteacher. Under hisuoperrision, we predict prosperity for the in. siltation and advancement in learning for his pupil* Be will also be well sustained by other aid. Mr. J. F. WOUTHIXO, who also comes highly recommended; will be Assistant, and Miss S. F. Worraixo will have charge of the Female Depariment. Miss %V. has been engaged in teaching 'for some in this Borough, and with great success. She is every way qualified for the task she has undertaken. • We hope soon to see the Towanda Academy resume its once flourishing condition. There is no reason why it should not he one of the first institutions in the State. Located in a pleasant and healthy village; abounding with delightful scenery; and every thing to make a re• sidence agreeable ; conducted by experienced, competent and obliging teachers, it combines all that is necessary to make it a desirable school at which to place children. ONIUT FII6 IN New Yona.—The pnwent year bag been distinguished by the number of its fires, and the cast fpnoont of property destroyed, New York city has been visited by another tremendous conflagration, an at. count of which will be found in another column. The following is a list of the greatest losses which have occurred this year, in the older of time. There are multitude of smaller ones, which would wen the ag gregate midi higher. Barbadoes, Pittsburgh Loudon. (Conn.) Fayetteville, Quebec, Matanzas, Rochester, New York, 100 $2,000,000 2,500,000 600,000 500,000 7,500.000 1,000.000 500,000 5,500.000 Total, BTATI LCSATIC—At the last session of the Legislature, $115,000 was appropriated towards building .a State Lunatic Asylem, and we see by the Proeeedinp of a public meeting which has been published that the people of Haniaborg are moving in favor of the pro. Jam• The law requires that the building to be erected shall he large enough to contain 250 inmates, and shall coat $50,000. Some $3,000 have been already subscribed in Harrisburg for the purchase of a farm for the site, and thou $6,000 more will be required to secure the loadioti in that county. Miss D. Is Dix, through whose laudable efforts, the law was passed, authorizing the establishment of the Hospital, pledges herself to give $lO,OOO to the building fund, as soon as ber terms are complied with. Carr. Kt ors's Vasser..—lt is probably no news to most of our readers, that some time ago a company was formed in New York for the purpose of raising Capt. Kidd's vessel and obtaining a vast amount of money sup. poled to be contained in it. There was nothing to fear from the ghosts of dead mot, murdered by the freebooter, and placed to guard his treasure, for the vessel was sank in deep water, in the Hudson river. Machinery being inadequate to accomplish their ohject,they have enclosed the wreck with a thick wall or darn, water tight, and are now, by means of steam.pumps, throwing the water out of the basin. In the first half hour, they lowered the water four inches, and et that rate will soon decide wha the, they have made or lost a fortune. DROWNED AT CAPE. Mat.—John Tronbat, jr., of the firm of AMbone & Tronbat, of Philadelphia, wu drowned at Cape May, while bathing, on Wedisealay morning, 16th inst. The deceased ventured a considers• ble distance out, and it is thought' that a life preserver, which he had provided himself with; slipped to his feeb and threw his head beneath the surface of the water.— About 8 o'clock in the evening of the acme day his body wu recovered near the light house, and it was brought to the city by the steamboat Portsmouth. This melan choly &Stir has east a gloom over the Island. LEMON COl7,Tlt B►N=,—Brother Collings, of the Wilkes. Barre rarmeiir out against this institution. Ile warns the public to be on their guard against loss from its notes. The State Treasurer refuses to receive them, and the Comndationem of Leghiqk county have given notice that they will not be Maim& into the Trustily of that county. Tax Owes° Gszerre.--The his week's number of this paper is issued tinder the supervision of Trernas PEZINJOLL, Esq., u editor sod proprietor. Mr. P. has had some corisiderible experience u en editor, end will undoubtedly make the Gatttte'a valuable democratic journal, worthy of mimic oe'r A sus AND PATIONYne eritellpriging and patriotic people of Philadelphia chi, desirous of erecting • monument in honor of Weshington, hate been talking of purchasing, Paul Dee k's shot tower, and converting it into a morinaterit . in honer of thy Father of his . Coinstry. The I/ 41 is PixTedY 11,21 ed ! . 7 w 4 41 of the Mem BociusAs.,—The tumor of tiv intended teeignS. tiros Of theSeetetery .of State,' we Otofitod to telititi no nail', for int. foundation, ' The Woo einphaties . tly Ofiltiolly'dentes if. Where never wet mater una• nimiry in the I=ll6lll 4111;i:stain then ilt the Oesxit, Names Cesioarrr.-.Thelgyomisi Reused seye that throe has bent kik et that office, flathead ofs karsthll4peri:edly reeerabpita kuty'e . e, the thumb . end thar . ! Lepel behigt wthrety deidoisk - - The Agiust sacrist, Entry titian of Peinsylvania wOl 'Offers to earn - diit the bided Oti tb.4sk of Pannsyhdrisicsfai nest" edmitisigilbeintd. ; - `4llis heal been broughlf Mod by the arm of 'ouslffate Treasurer, to whmer IMMO& cil:*PeoPla * l ll4 7 11 1 3 Harrisburg Atgot i offibulk, ihis tntifying Set in thelfollowiMg language We gratified to Wing able to announce to our read.. els, that the August interest on the State debt of Penn. sylvank will ber,promptly .Gnat credit is doe to CoL Elsownts, the Slate Treaurer. Or his energy, Teal and perseverance, in endeavoring .to sustain. the credit and faith of the Commonwealth. It was anticipated that this instalment of interest Would be mod difficult t meet, as the new tax might slothe . collected end paid in. to the Treadny. But thenks to the" patriotism of the people. they have come. forward with a noble promPri. lode in a sufficient number of counties, to enable the WHOLE INTEREST to be Paid. We feel proud of our own county of Dauphin, Whose Commissioners have. l paid 820,000. Berks. honest old Berke, has paid more $30,000. Good old Montgomery has paid her taro= ' and Lehigh have paid theirs. Adams, Erie, Beaver, Fayette, Greene end Westmoreland, and we be. Helve some others, hate nobly and patriotically paid their whole tax. We are now out Of the Woods: We can pry again in February, and from thence onward. Penn. Sylvania was always honestlie never reptstfratedand her people were always willing to pay any just tax to sustain the faith and credit of fhb/Rate. If at any time there was any Offering, it was 'not among the tax pay en. Cringing and faithless legislators may have shrunk from their duty, and thereby kought momentary disks. nor upon the State, but the patriotic people have shown that they ever have been willing and able to coed any emergency which was demanded to sustain the honor of the Commonwealth. New 'roam ►an Eire Ritz, Rosti.--Mr. Hager, ex-mayor of the city of New York, has been elected President of the board of Directors, to Ell the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of E. Lord Esq. We on. - derstand that the resignation of Mr. Lord was aecompa• pied by a positive pledge on the part of the StockhoWers, that the required amount ($3,000,000, of stock should be immediately taken up. Mason's? To Geo. JACILIIIOI(The people of the Monumental city have Grimed an assixiation, the object of which is to erect • monument to Gen. Jackson. Dal. imore is celebrated for he monuments. Tex TUT* Teox►s P. Hues. of Wilkesbarre, we team by the Advocate, has been tying plunk new& meats on several hills of Mapes, the growth of which were wooded'.. Led of apoplexy TlM:Gazette sus he wu en industrious. weedy man, and has left a wife and one child to mourn his kw. Prraz . while down N. P. Wilms' health has improved since his arrival In England. He has commenced his series °Omer, to the New Minns. Tits Swan COXIWITION for nominating • Canal Commissioner, assembles at /halals:air on the 4th of September nest. PAY OF Pon MASTERII.-.-The UoioO. of Thursday night. contains a long arguinent by the Attorney General. It seems. from the preliminary remarks in the official papers. that the compensation to Postmasters and their de puties allowed by the old law was a certain per eentuth (from 30 perocent., to as low' u eight per cent.) on the proceeds of each office, together with the franking privilege. The pay thus allowed, with the franking privilege, was a very inadequate compensation for their 1.. borious and important services. The new law made no alteration in their compensation. unless it was done in the clauses making ap. prupriations for the service of the department. Congress foresaw that there would be a great falling off in the revenue of the department. and a corresponding diminution in the com pensation of the postmasters, and made genet.- , al appropriations, so as ttigivethe department the same amount of money that had been ex pended during the last year. The question was soon presented to the Postmaster General, whether any of the ma ney thus appropriate&could be applied to the payment of postmasters and their 'Clerks. as other revenues of the department? And if so, how much was to be paid. ' The Postmaster General was very reluctant to place such a construction upon the law, as would give hug. power oveile compensation of fourteen thou sand officers. Rut the necessity of the case required something to be done. Postmasters were resigning in such numbers, as to create an apprehension that the public seriice would be =Aerially injured, unless some further com pensithon could be given them. it was cer tain that, in some of the important Offices, the postmaster would not only receive no compen sation. but would be actually in tlebt some hundreds of dollars at the end of each quarter, if their pay were limited to the per 'eentum on the postages. The Postmaster General sub mitted the question to the Attorney': General, who mimes to the conclusion, that the De puty Postmaster should be paid al the last year. $20,550,000 111/MIMING IN Jesx.--In the Brooklyn Eagle it is stated that during a recent pleasure excur sion of the teachers of the Methodist Sunday Schools, of that city, there was an unexpected occurrence on board the boat, which produced a decided sensation. In mere joke, as they a thought, gentlemen and lady, scarcely at all acquainted with each othei.stood up and were married—the whole servi ' e of the Episcopal Church being gone through with by one of the ministers on board. After the congratulations were over. the lady thought it time that : the farce should end, when she was gravely in formed that itewas no farce at all. The cler gyman that would assist' in carrying on such a joke, is certainly unfit for his station. Lawn voa iris Aos.—There is a young man growing in Limington, Me. He is nine years old, weighs one hundred and fifty pounds and is t very cheerful' little fellow• Hii fa thee and mother are below the medium size. He has been growing at this tremendous rate for about.two years, withciet the aid'of electri city, guano or any other artificial stimulant. Diurnal' IN A cctocmr.--et ttle daughter of President Totton. of Trinity College. Hart ford. had her right arm so badly crushed, white returning dome from a visit re friends in that city. uto require its amputatium, , • ---- • MANtIitACTURLI or Prropottd. the Gazette of that city uya.' are in b man linir iabingtovilititio, and grdwirig ..satift oaprece doorad rayrit' '- ' ". • , , Tint - Bniottotrr ttt NOa?tr 10anousa.--The lostersbolg• Intelligences sta . ten that meal is ear. tied into North Carolina • n inety miles by ran o:lntl-4mA Wing tbs. sareutr of the drought Opt Om seilla are suable 'to grind: Treninaons Co - nflagration in N.York, .77sree Huncfrect:Buildingelmrned—RookBS, 000,000 to .10,000,000 of Property de etroyed—nimendous , out :Loss ofLife. , The• New York 'Herald of Sunday says:— The greatest, the most terrible fire that has oaf- Cured in this City, since the great eiiiidagration of December, 1835, has spread devastation tbroogligut the-lower part of the city. Three hundred buildings, according to the best calcula tion, have been levelled , to the ground. Most of them were large ' three, four and five story houses, and occupied principally by importing and other merchants. It is a close estimate to let the lose, at from five - to ten millions of dol lars. This dreadful fire' broke out about three o' clock yesterday umming,at N 0.34 New street, about three doors from the earner of Exchange Place, in a sperm oil store, belonging to 3. 1,. Vendortn. It then spread to a chair factory, the next door towards Exchange Place ; then through to Broadatreet, andlto the corner of Ex change Place, where it communicated to a build ing occupied by Messrs. Crocker and Waren, who either bad a large quantity of saltpetre on storage, or some worse combusible material, for in fifteen minutes after it caught fire, the whole blew up with a tremendous explosion, carry ing six or seven buildings with it, and shaking the whole city like an earthquake. The con cussion was so great as to smash more than half a million panes of glass in the neigh borhood, to the extent ofi2oo yards distant. Im mediately after the explosion, fire was discov ered at lout-different points. showing that the entire block in the rear was in a complete blaze. After this the fire spread down on both sides of Broad street; thence through to Broadway, taking both sides of. New street, including the %V overly House, which is destroyed ; then down Broadway towards the Bowling Green. On the other side it extended to Wall Street, and it came near reaching the magnificent Merchant's Ex change before it could be stopped. Both aides of Exchange Place between Broad and William streets, and half way down to William, were burned. The fire in Broad street, extended to Beaver, through the latter to New street, both sides of which are in ruins. Inewercrs.—At the time of the first explo• 'ion took plea., a fireman belonging to Engine Co. No. 22, standing on the roof of a house next to the explosion, was blown, as we are assured by the Foreman of the company, two whole squares before touching the ground. lie esca ped with a sprained ankle. The, Bay House. Clifton Hotel, and all the houses on Staten Island, a distance, some of them of eleven miles, were made to tremble by the explosion in Broad street. The report was so loud that it was thought to be an earthquake. All the books and valuable papers of Reiss, Bro. theta & Co., and all those of Bird. Gillilan dt Co,, 52 Exchange Place are saved. The store and goods valued at two hundred thousand del la'', all insured, are destroyed. The sidewalk. in front of Old Trinity is filled with a bulwark of beds, bureaus, chests, tables, kettles, clocks, sauce-pans, portraits, vases, grid irons, easy chairs, meal bags, counter-panes, po tatoes, and evey thing else that was ever seen or heard of. The Broad street hotel, corner of Pearl street, was on fire and the top was damaged. The loss of the building would be deeply regretted, as it is a building memorable in olden time. It was here that Gen. Washington took his leave of the army. which is so touchingly described by Marshall. When he called his comrades in arms to him, and after filling a glass of wine, with tears bade them farewell, and after embra cing each. left the city in r. boat then waiting at Whitehall for mount Vernon. The terror and alarm was so great that the boarders, and many of the females, half dressed, fled in fright from the %Viverly House the mo ment that pile of buildings took. fire. Many of them sought shelter in the City and Croton Ho tels, and at our Office. All escaped in safety ; some, however. lost their luggage. Dr. Buckelew's Drug Store in Broadway is entirely consumed, with its contents. We re gret to hear that he is greatly injured by the ex plosion. His arm was broken and his bead bruised. It is feared his wounds will prove fa tal. He has been removed to his house, No. 9 Clinton street Brooklyn. A melanchdly and truly distressing scene took place at No. 10 Greenwich street. M. Hen ry, son ofJohn Carey, died ot Consumption while the fire was raging, and while the flames were spreading to such an extent that it was supposed that the house in which he was might be con sumed. Death, however, came, and his body, wrapped in his bed clothes, was immediately re moved to a place of safety. Mr Moore, of the Croton Hotel, hearing that there were some poor families made houseless by the fire, loaded a cart with provisions, and sent the grateful - and timely relief to hundreds, who, exhausted and fasting, would but for this have suffered from hunger, perhaps starvation. The Battery and all lower pans of Broadway are literally filled and piled up with goods and furniture. It is a most extraordinary spectacle to see seven acres covered with goods. A fireman, apparently in the agonies of death, is lying on the steps of the Bank of Commerce, surrounded by physicians and friends. Nei ther hie name nor the cause of the accident could be ascertrined. The elegant mansions on the Bowling Green, it is believed, will be saved, although the fire has goner below them on Whitehall street. The Bowling Green is filled with engines and fireman. The streams of water sent from the hose and pipes into the surrounding flames, present a most singular contrast to the Fountain,. that usually adorns that beautiful spot. The Philadelphia Hotel, at the comer of Bea er and Broad streets, presented a sublime sight. The ivhole seven stories were wrapped in flames al one moment. The sides being stone, it pre. sented the appearance cfa volcano. The flames, ascending upwards, from the centre to an im mense height, while the fire, pouring out from every window on its four sides. gare it a grand and majestic appearance. Tns LIMNOS QVANTITT OF WATER. Whierl is used by people in hot weather, compared with that required at a cooler tenteratere. may be seen by the report of the Croton Water Works, at Mt! York. The average consump tion of the city of New York; . is stated by the . Superintendents' of the' Water Works to be 5.000,000 gallons per day, and the capacity of the bltinch pipe ,which now biings the wa ter over the Harlem river, le 15;000,000 gal lons 01 daY. This whole quantity of 15,000,- 000 gallons has noronly been used during the hot, weather. but drafti in addition Made upon the kelvins loppfrat the'reiervoirs. When the us tis completed over the high bridge, the supply, !will be unlimited. Tug Elm:Naas of a student 'ar • Dickinson COlfete..earliste,•are *ll6 iter annum. - Arrival of the Steamship Brit -The Steamship Britannia arrived at on Saturday;' with fifteen days later new Europe. •• There is sin 'active demand in flit '; market; and the sales have been large.: The weatherhas been turntable; si :crops - are The Produce market maintains a 6fsl ap pearance. . The American - provision trade is dull. .American securities, in consequence of the efforts made-by the State of Pennsylvania to pay its embus, tune gone up. The 4Enerican Provision trade has been dull of late the amount of business transacted be ing.considerably under the average. Beef has been in, limited request, and the same remark will-apply to Pork and Lard. Cheese. how- ever, of a good quality, has maintained previ ous rates. but the bulk of the steek is of an in ferior description. A glance at our market re turns will chow the current rates: The iron trade is somewhat unsettled, but fair rates are demanded and'maintained. A large failure has taken place in this town during the 'Week, and rumor, with her hupdred tongues, is making free with the names of others. .In such a business, where the specu lation has been so enormous, it is impossible to say what a day may bring forth. The creditable exertions which the citizens ' of Philadelphia are making to susiain--,or, more strictly 'speaking, perhaps, to regain their credit in England—has had a tendency. not only to improve that description of stock, but also American securities in general. Penns sylvania stock is now quoted at 67. lifiLsisn.—Dreadful conflict and loss of life.:- - Tbe accounts from this unhappy coun try are.Nnid indeed. Her four and a half mil liOne_of paupers are in a most deplorable and alarming state of want and criminal excitement. Disputes. assassinations; and murders in open day,_ are among the reported incidents of the times. A magistrate returning from church, with his children in the gig with him. was recently shot ; and though the murderer scarcely hur ried his movement at all, yet such is the sym pathy of the peasantry with criminals of this description, that all attempts to discover him have proved unsuccessful. Bat all this is trifling, compared with the account of a recent conflict between the Police and a body of peasants assembled at a Fair, in a place called Ballinhassing, about seven miles from Cork. It seems from this account, written on the spot. under date.of July 2d, that at the annual Fair held in the village of Ballinhassing. on the 30th of June, a small body of armed police men attended as usual, to preserve order. At the close of the Fair a quarrel and a fight be gan between 'two individuals, in which others soon engaged. The Police interfered and arrested one of the ringleaders. As' they. were leading him away, They perceived symptoms among the crowd of an intention to rescue the prisoner. and heard the cry in Irish—" Don't let him go with them!" They, therefore, retired to a low, slated house which was near by. The mob immediately followed, and began to throw stones. The police then,fired on their assailants.— This exasperated them the more ; and they began to break in the roof. Thia produced a fresh volley from the police, and with deadly aim. After firing on the mob several times, with fatal effdct, the people fled, and the po lice retired to their barracks. The result of all this was, that six persons were killed and twenty-five wounded—some it is feared mortally ; the country around was in a high state of excitement. and a considera ble body of the Police were wider arms to preserve the peace. MISCELLANEOOS.—Mr. Everett, the Ameri can Minister has been delivering an address before the British Agricultural Association at Cambridge. The Journal des Debates contains an ac count of the Russian Count Apraxin, his wife and children, being burned in vengeance by their infuriated serfs. He treated his &order ers, it is said, with unheardof cruelty, and the terrible retaliation is therefore!he less surpris ing.. The United Service Gazette states that in consequence of the massacre of the crew ofthe Wasp, on the coast of Africa, it has been de termined to give no quarter to slavers offering the slightest resistance. The German booksellers talk of opening establishments in the United States, to protect themselves against what they consider the literary piracies which exist there. It is said that the Wesleyan Methodists of Great Britain are about to disown any connec tion with those of the United States who are slaveholders. • AFFRAY IN EAST KINGSTON, N. H.-.g Bo man Killed.—On Saturday night last, a num ber of persons proceeded to the house of a Mr. Seavey,• in East Kingston, N H.. and made an assault upon it with stones. During the affray, a stone from one of the party struck the head of the wife of Seavey, w hich fractured her skull in three places, and from the effect of which she almost immediately died. It is supposed that the cause of the attack was that the character of the house was somewhat doubt ful. Of course that was a sufgeient reason for a band of rowdies to assault it and murder one of its. occupantai The authorities took a differ ent view of the case and actually arrested the persons engaged in the transaction: h RAN IN THE ROOM.—A lady from Bos ton, with her daughters, arrived at Albany re cently for Saratoga. During the night the room occupied by them was entered by some of the " fancy," and jewelry and other valua ble, taken to a considerable amount. The thiewas a considerate mnn, for he left al! the clothing of the ladies, and took only what he considered the superfluities. • A - fashionable rogue has been- arrested at Albany, but as he was connected with a gang, and the property has not been found, conviction is difficult, al though his guilt is undoubted. What must have been the sensation of the - ladies in the morning. when they discovered that a man had been in their room undiscovered! DEBTATTCTIVe STORM.—On Wellnesttay last. a most deitructiie storm occurred in Bedmin titer township. Bucks county. - The wind blew With great violence, arid the rain fell' in torrents; orchards were uprooted , and the trees other wiseinjured, the lencre.raaed to their foun dation:ll small buildings were thrown "overand broken to pieces,the corn and oats -Were pros trated to. the earth., the contents of several stacks and barracks were' scattered. to' 'the winds.; - Late from Me 713 'he intemal con l dttion of Afetieo is in state' of','disorder. 1 Every arrival from country brings us an account of another vine hivingsebel o led against the eonstiti authorities and ov rthrown the regular got ment. :New Orleans papers of the'2d join bring tam account from Tobasco, whi c h i followed the examyle of California, and a l thrown the Cent r al -System. Bat few ~ timbre, have been received; but; from ale ' it is believed thatj the garrison at 'Fobi headed, by General Martinez and eater Idontero and Bruin), had declared. in favor the federal governinent, and for the authority that figured in l 24, with the exception t Santa Anna, who ut down said system at th l tithe. . They wer - successfuLin the mecum meeting with little or no opposition. people remained quiet, - but, the commt community were dissatisfied with the mot ment, fearful of he consequences, and of t losses they might.ustain. . From these - rep ated revoke in Mexico,, is evident that the grivernment of that conany f has enough to synod to settle its Mimi disorders. What a condition is she in to mili g tear upon the United States ? And how loaf would such a. war last, broken, disorganize and all parts of the country ready for revolt! mon from I otton :1111 • HORRIBLE STOR.—A n application was L last week to the New York Courtof Chance for a divorce, and {he petition of the wife di closed some of the most extraordinary. as Ira as the most revoltTg, eerie! of facts eve': et mined to any civ I tribunal. . The appliman was married at Charleiton, S. C., in thespna t of the present ye r. Her maiden name was Albertana Hamad, nd the man she united her. self to was called Francis M—. immediate. lv after their maaj i riage, they stalled for New York, and at the first populous city they reach. ed the bride was ordered-to prostitute herteli in order that she and her husband might lire. As she at first refused, he threatened to boa her, but did not tat that time carry out ha threats, because lac happened to make a raise by falsely representing himself to an Odd Fel lows' Lodge as a distressed member of that fraternity, travellial g to New York for wort. On their arrival at Philadelphia, however, the woman says he ac t ually accompanied her into the streets and intfoduced gentlemen to her, i 1 and also took lodg nga for her in a brothel in that city. At the atter end of June they ar rived at New Yor , and he took lodgings for i ,1 / 3 his wife at a hous of the same kind. and, u she alleges, actual y resorted to force to com• pel the unfortonat creature to pursue such a -. loathsome puisuit for his support. She thee complained to the police, and the husband was , arrested fur an as atilt and. held to bail, and her extraordinary tatement attracting the al- tention of a mem er of the bar, he inquired : into the truth of h r story, and took the necer 1 sary steps to have such-a mercenary marriage disolved. The tiomanls described as young and pretty.—Balt pore Sun. E I the projector or th, out some few wee I survey the' route. who accompanies Prairie du Chien " Front Milwau miles, across a tho prairie and oak o ingly fertile, and t oats, and potatoes I main, better than of Wisconsin thr. most in a state of and 30 miles a da man hrbitation ; dwelling, we gene two or three day's where we could a. lodgings fit for ho. For most of,,.th! camped at night i our blankets; and man of city breedi habits, knows null sleep, a clear hea villainous appetitel wandered over th encamped every cooked his game, the rich vegetatio has tried this, ma know what sound' FIRE IN BoumrrEn.—A very' destructive fire broke out in Rochestenon Tuesday even ing in the cabinea shop of R. Bell in Front street. The flames spread with great rapidity and could not be I got under before 20 or 25 buildings. shops,- stores, &c., were destroyed. (The loss is estimated at about $30,000, of which $t2,000 is insured. When the fire commenced, the Most - of the firemen were ri the Carthage landing, about two and a half miles from the city, whither they had gone to receive the Toronto firemen who were making a visit to Rochesuir. They, however, return ed as soon as the i lr were notified of the ells • tence of a Ere, a il by rheil manful exertions arrested the progress of the flames. The ste iii e of St. Paul's church, a very lofty spire, ca fire from ttie sparks and it was 05110- guis ed with muili difficulty. The Arcade teas 'also at one time in much danger: -For tutrately the aiewas calm, otherwise the con sequences might have been much more disas trous. The origin of the fire is amystery. ANOTMER VICTIM Of IMPRUDENCE ON ,A RAU: ROAD.—Thomas Wallace, a boy about twelve years of age, NVa run over and killed by the taansportation cara t belonging to the 4 o'clock train from New York yesterday afternoon. This boy stood on the platform at the Centre street, stopping place. -- and when the passenger can passed he sprang down upon the track to see the effect produced upon a pin which he had placed on the rail, withou observing the close approach of the transportation. ears which had just been detached, and were running towards-the turnout. The consequence was that his bead was crush• ed. in an instant from hut body.—Newark l l' TICE PIVIIIRESSO TILE MAGNET:C TELEGRAPH . —Arrangements etween New York and this city are recorded' in the New York Tribune. It says, the poststhrougb the city are t 9 be twent! feet in height; sixty miles.of. the wire fat this telegraph is already finished. The Boston and •New York line will probably be the• first corm pleted, as Fromemi has been liberally, seeynded by Boston erpitallini, and.the work is to be ri• gorously pushed. A meeting was held in IN• ca yestenlay for n eking final arrangements • for extending the line{ to Buffafo—East of that, to Boston, things being already definitely 'fixed. Southwardly tlieni is no-progress.. The initial atrangements for_ troseeuting the work Noel,- from New Orlean liars fallen through. ' `co--Another Revolution. PEDMON.-Mr. Whitney, c railroad to the Pacific, set lis ago, on au expedition to A citizen of Rochester, he expedition, _writes from • n the 3d inst. as follows : •te, we took a course of 250 ,st beautiful country, magi , / . I ssenings ; the soil- is exceed tte few crops of wheat, corn, which we saw, were in the fn our State. The portion ough which we passed. is nature ; we often traveled 20 Twithout seeing a single he. hen we did happen upon a ally ((mod it, after the first travel, to be a filthy. bond, 'lain neither refreshment nor man beings. . b way to this place, we en• . the open air, and slept in permit me to tell you thou g. and raised in luxurious 1 the luxury of good sound .th in the morning, and most Iduringihe day, until he has e vast prairies of the West, lnight, killed, dressed and and then made his bed on of the prairie. A man who with some face pretend to sleepis." • A