RETAKEN.—Peter Shear and Mordecai Cor saw, who broke jail in this village on the night of the Ist July, were re-taken in Wilkesbarre, Pa. on the morning of the 9th inst., brought safe ly back on the 10th, and are now occupying their Old - quarters. They were captured by Charles Marsh, formerly of this village, who knew them, and Maj. Puterbaitgh of Wilkes. barre, who share i the reward offered for.their. ap prehension between them. Shear and Corsaw would seem not to understand geography very well. On gaining the outside of their cell, ac cording to the account they give, they betook themselves to the bank or the Susquehanna and followed it through all its devious windings to Athens and , Towanda, where they. bought clothing and trunks, and proceeded under assum ed names to Wilkesbarre, arriving there on Tuesday afternoon, one week from the time they made their escape. They then supposed they were two or three flundred miles from Binghamton. They booked themselves for Philadelphia in the next morning's stage, but meanwhile, Marsh got his eye on Corsaw and knew him,•and• at once suspected he had broken jail., By some means the handbills which were sent in all directions from this place, had failed to reach Wilkesbarre: but Marsh knowing Cor eaw had been in Confinement, and perceiving that he was shy and anxious ro avoid him, at once set about seeing what discoveries he could make. Be soon found that Shear was at one of t h e ta verns, and that it was the design of the two to remain. over night. A close eye was kept on them, and the following plan laid to dis cover whether they were really jail birds or not. They were permitted to get on board the stage in the morning and start off, when Pow, baugh, personating a Sheriff, for the occasion, with Marsh and others, stopped the coach and charg ed them with being, fugitives from justice. This took Shear and Corsaw by surprise ; they made an effort at denial—but soon owned who and what they were, suffered themselves quietly 'to be ironed and to be roomed hither. But few dollars in cash were found upon them ; and what has become of the four hundred they are supposed to have obtained at the robbery of M r . W hite's house, slitl remains a mystery,—Bing &union Courier. THE Ilsronscrco F . t,m.xscE.—The large Anthracite Furnace of Messrs. Porter and Burke, at this place, was put in blast on Wed nesday last, and so far as the Furnace part of Ithe establishment is concerned, promised to work well. • The engine, however, being oh a delicate structure. for sucli' heavy service. gave way in some of its parts, one °Lille idowieg .cylinders burst out its head, the pumps to raise water, for the purpose of elevating the stock proved defective, and it has become ne cessary to hiuw out the furnace, - to repair ma chinery that ought to have been perfect before starting. The mprietoys are making every exertion to have the machidery put in good condition in the least possible time, and we trust they may meet with success, -The:iron already made is said to be of excellent quality. and we understand that Mr. Perry, the gentle man engaged to put the Furnace in blast, gives it as his deliberate opinion, that, with a suffi cient engine, site will Yield one hundred tons of metal per week.—Harrisburg Union. AARON BURR AND J Anon AsT6h.—Many years since, when Aaron Burr was — about to leave for England. he sold his mansion and about twenty acres of pasture and woodland. to Mr. Astor, for 550,000, subject to redemp roa on his return, by pay Mg. : the interest.— Barr was Astor's lawyer. Years elapsed, and he came back. In• the meanwhile, it had been graded, streets laid out, many improvements made, and consequently the property was greatly enhanced in value. Burr told Mr. As. for he proposed to take the property and refund the money with interest, to which Mr. Astor of course, objected. The writings were ex amined, and the stipulation struck Mr.A. with surprise. The matter was compromised by paying Burr an additional 550.000. The same property is now worth many millions of dol lars. • ANECDOTE Olk FRANICLIN.—W hen Dr. Frank lin's mother-in-law first discovered that the young man had a hankering for her daughter, the good old lady said she did not know so well about giving her daughter to a printer—there were already two printing offiCes in the United Stites, and she was not certain the country could support them. It was plain young Frank in would depend for the support of his family mr the profits of the third. and this was rather a &Olin! chance. If such an objection was un:ed to a would be son-in-law when there were but two printing offices 'in the United States, how can a minter get a wife now, when 'the last census shows the number to be 1,557 DEATH OF A CHILD 131' EXPOSDHE.—Coroner lIILLSON held an inquest on. Sunday last; upon !le remains of an iutint, apparently stx• weeks old, loomd dead in the woods near Van %V in.'s Point. A well dressed female was, seen by two persons passing down, ten days before, with a child in her arms, under a shawl, and the same prison was seen returning without the child. The female was supposed to be 18 nr 13 ; years old. The child is supposed to have been left starve. The ground upon which it ;eil indications of its struggles. The was in accordance with the facts disclo 'Evening Journal. BLANconao.::—We see that the papers, the country, arelitling Miss Henrietta ml, the younv, W 011 1 .514 who shot her at NeW Orleans. The-story is that I the next day, either of grieror poison. be so, but the New Orleansl , papers !ver said anything of the kind, so far as seen, and - we have examined theni• me attention. ASHES OF COMMODOItl; EDWARD PRE hich have remained undisturbed for fight years in the family tomb in the cemetery. Portland. were recently re )v the order of his son to a new tomb. 'filch he intends to erect an appropriate !at. NCHOLY ACCIDENT.—On the night of (the last night of the military encamp- Athens, near Lexington. Kentucky,) mas J. Watts, son of Mr. David Watts, to county, was stun during a skarn d instantly killed. MSIIIPS FROM E.XOLAND. The Britan the Great Western are now on their from Liverpool. The former sailed th, and the Great Western on the sth Their news Will likely reach New York lame day—the 17th or 18th instant. SAMUEL G. Wutowr,Representative in is from New Jersey, has had a relapse, ow dangerously ill, at Merino Hill, his te, near Allentown. , Dtassrsa AT WASHINGTON Crrv.—The fol lowing melancholy accident, which took place on the evening of the 4th, on the -Mall, in the rear of the President's house is described by the -United' States Journal: After a number of rockets, and dazzling wheels had been ignited, . a half dozen rockets, supposed to be top heavy, or disarranged on the frame, went off together, like so many fiery ar rows. One passed the heads of two horses at. tached to a carriage, when- the affrighted ani mals ran at full speed, separating the dense throng standing in the street, at the imminent peril of life. A black woman was struck by a rc r aiet, the stick penetrating below the shoulder joint, and in consequence of the wound has since died. Mr. Sutton Magee had his wrist dread fully wounded, and his children were scorched. But there was an occurence'at the same time, which filled us with feelings the most painful— Mr. James Knowles, of Georgetown, who had been married .but a short time, was sitting with his wife ou the wall, far, as they supposed, from danger—the distance between them and the py rotechnics being about a fourth - of a 'elle—but one of the rockets after skimming along the heads of the crowd below, struck him on the left breast, directly over the heart. His wife dis covered the calamity as she' saw him falling from her side; and in a moment drew out the stick. He died instantly, withobta struggle-- The most piteous and harrowing lamentations filled the air From one thus, in a.twinkling of an cyc, reduced to widowhood ; and she was led through the gravelled walks, with her white garment's stained with the blood yet warm.. Her cries, lie is dead, oh !my husband he is dead I" gcueral out burst of sorrow from the thousands, who, with her, were hastily leaving the tragic scene. It was indeed a sad spectacle, one from which memory turns away with a shudder. - HYDROPHODIA.-A horse belonging to Mr. Henry Dietrich, jn Greenwich township, Pa., was eiezed with hplrophobia last week, and exhibited the inost horrible symptoms of,this fearful malady. He tore the flesh froinV his limns with his teeth, and died in h aving fury. He had been bitten by a mad dog 29 days be fore. MORE DEATHS FROM HEAT.—The thermo meter in New York keeps up to a high point. More than a dozen persons were carried to the dead house on Wednesday in !hit city : at least half of them are dead or will die. Most of them were sun stricken, but several were killed or seriously injured by drinking ice Water. Married, In Binghamton, N. Y., on Thursday morning. 17th inst., by the Rev. D. D. Gregory, E. O'lMEc•n.s Goonnicn, of this paper, to Miss S. O'HARA, of the former place. In Phelps, Ontario County, N. Y. July let, by the Rev. Mr. Carpenter, Wtiatitt BAKER, of Troy, Pa., to Miss Mamas). Msnatt, of the former place. TOWANDA SELECT SCHOOL. A - I ,WING to some ammgements that have bee% made, Ur the prrsent term of this School will continue un til the-15th of August. Then there will be a vacation of two weeks, and the school will be removed to the Academy. JNO. P. WORTHING, SARAH F. WORTHING, Teachers. FRANCES HUTCHINSON, Towanda, July 21, 1845. • A FEW LEFT Arle those new and CHEAP GOODS. Thep will UV be sold cheaper than ever. (if possible) to make room for Fall Goods. Look for \o. 5, ..B.ivings Bank," as it is the only genuine Cheap Cash Store. July 22. G. E. FLYNT & CO. LIST OF LETTERS, remaining in the Post Office at Athens, June 30th, 1845. Denson Catharine Mrs. Marvin R. B. Clapp Nathaniel 3 Morgan Thomas Chandler Lavine Mist Northrop B. Curry E. Norris J. Cooper Henry. - Pbelin I& Converse Francis Porter Roht. El lson W. Felton Ezra Renshaw M Felton E Ferris A.Rowlingson Renophen Gillet R. Rice Wanton Gritren Betsey Miu Rowland H. Gumsey 11. F. Miss f3how E. Miss 3 Hot Lies C. Smith E. J. Miss 2 Hoot James Satterlee 0. D. • Huphan Windsor Thorpe W. M: , Hamm and Mason Titus M: Keaeh John Toole Francis Merchant Luther Warner A. Miss Morris Sarah Miss Weller J. A. McDutEe E. Miss Watsen George Moody Adelphia Mrs. Wells C. F. C. S. PARK, P. M In all your gettings, get Understanding. ND TO UNDERSTAND where Goods are t in AL be sold CHEAP, don't forget the Old Establish ment, NIONTANYE'S STORE, corner of the public square and main street, where goods always have been di:posed of for the Ready, andalways will be. as long as the firm:continues to do business. at as .mall a profit as at any other establishment this side of New York city. In addition to former stock, we have been receiving va rious articles of Husbandry; such as Scythes, Scythe Stones, Cradles, Rasa, Pitchforks, Also, 50u hushels of first-rife SALT, put up in the very best barrels. 400 yards CARPETING for sale very cheap. Wanted, 500,000 SHINGLES and as many Boards, for which Liberal vices will be paid. July 7. J. D, & E. D. MONTANYE. gib TONS DUNCANNON NAILS, and Ishii be 7, 1 /0 receiving more, to which the attention of Her clients is invited at wholesale, at July 7, enainingin the Post Office LINT OF LETTERS r at Towanda, Pa.;Jo A !worth E. Mrs. Baird E. W. Barrett James. Brown Philo E. Beeman E. Esq. Bogart W. P. Booth William. Bullock D. Gen. Barnes I,l l m. Cummings Patrick Adm's. lirothers Nathan B. Canter Edwin. Chase * Mary. Carlin DiThel. Crawford JoZeph. Cot Oiram M. Coven, Michael. Cannon John. rarl Mary. Dennis Charles. Boar; David 2. Emit Mr. Earl Wm. Encar H. Esq. Mr. Etheridge Iwo D Eaton Gordon H French Wm. Foster Elisha Fields Thaddeus Francisco Signor Foster E, or Hainswarth Poster Samuel B. Fox Alvira - A . Coin Thomas Groo Alfred Griffin Miss A. Hidden Armstrong Htivey Mr. Rev. Halstead E. 0 Holy Btilohet Mts. Irvine Andrew Johnson Eiljah. A. S. , - 30th 1845. Lynch Michael 'Loomis Marcus Morin ,ratrick 11:1 1 orin Daniel Mosier Mary Orin Miami , Mather boen McClow Edward Mosier William Marshall Charlotte 'Meely Michael lidereur 4 Elliott ;Nye L. L. M. 2 [lv; athrons Isaac "Ogden Sarah Powell George ißogens Dish Russell W. En. for Tress Sprats G. id Swatter John Swartwood C. R. Sours Ephraim Stuart George N r Stuart George - - Sumner J. N SwartwOod Charles ~,.. Theo!! Owin ''',,- 1.,.. Taylor Timothy 1H Tanner Ruth E Taylor Minor 'Taylor C. B. Tavreluld Miss Caroline Thompson Elizabeth Tomlins Miss S. M. Vorpe Miss Cecile Walsh William Willey Harry Wilear Elisha Wood Samuel H. Weaver Henry Jr. Warner William . CHAMBERLIN: P. Hi THERE 'TIS AGAIN. 0 UST as they told us on the 10th June. Them confounded BAIRD'S have got New Goods again. In the language of Mrs. Caedle ;--" Things have come to a pretty pass when themilaird's can go to New York and buy goods jus t when they please." Yea, Fellow Citizens, they 'have guessed it exactly ; even Henry Sheldon tk co., backed up by our neigh bors over tho way, can't stop our buying and selling Goods. It is with us as it was with the boy who said "it whlsfd itself." Goods will find theit way into' our store at No. 9, and the good people of tirsdfind county will buy them and taketiem out. . ':• We now have the pleasure .of inflaming oor old friends and the public generally, that we are this day receiving from the city of New York a splendid addi tion to our former stock of goods, which have been pur chased in the city by one of our firm in person. with the "ready rhino" and will be soldposifive/y cheaper for cash titan goods have ever been sold in Towanda. We are often asked the question, how it is we can sell goods so much lo w er than some of our ,neighbors? We will give you a few of the reasons.. - FIIIBT-Wp use our own capital,, and consequently have no interest to pay. SECONDLY—W:O, occupy our own building, and eon sequently have no rent to pay. 'f h ale other business on hand which is ample for our support, and consequently need not tax our customers for the purpose. FoUETULT & LAIITLI—We buy no goods of Henry Sheldon & co., and consequently can sell aleetlecheap. er than those who do. • Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, in order to satisfy yourselves whether you can buy cheaper at No. 3 Brick Row, than at any other place in the world, you have only to continue to do as you have been doing for near ly three years pait. Just drop in before you buy; in quire the prices and examine the qualities of our goods. We know you will do that, end we also knew that having looked, you will buy, as you must be satis fied it is your interest to do so. Oa, Hew sack COligtOS Or DII=COODS. GRO CERIES, HARD-WARE. Family Medicines, paints Oils, and in fact every thing except Fresh Salt." We fear the printers wdl grumble if we spin out this advertisement, to enumerate the articles. So just call and take a look. c7Don't forget the place—NO. 3 BRICK R O W--'way above the "Shavin'a Bank," a considerable distance from the Old Arcade, the Hay Scales and the Slaughter-house." but close along by the side of Nn. 2. W. H. BAIRD & CO. June 26. No. 3 Brick Row. No. 3 alwayi ir, good time. /11DOSE ORANGES & LEMONS arc on hand, ready for the 4th of July, at June 26. BAIR' , 'S, No. 3 Brick Row. int. ERE IS NO. 3 AGAIN-s-20Quintles Codfish, IR just rec'd and for saki at BAIRD'S. June 26. .. No 3 Brick Row. ROWN SHEETING—Se,eraI Bales just, recd at the place where they keep I very thing. We need not say it is at No. 3 Brick Row June 20. W. H. BAIRD & CO - Fur. _ARL Nr- mar zrm.simis • WE have a large quantity of warranted GRASS & CRADLE SCYTHES of different Cradles, Rakes, Scythe Smiths, Quinehaug Stoner, Rifles, ready made Tow Pants, Pitchforks, and all the necessary implements for haying and harvesting, which we will Bull cheaper than the cheapen, for Cash, but ter. Grain or COUNTY ORDERS at par. July 1. BAIRD & CO. No. 3 Brick Row. ALLpersons indebted to the estate of Jereme R. Bowman, late of Towanda township, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and all those having demands against the same aie requested to present them, legally attested for settlement. The administrators will meet to adjust the claims of said estate, at the house of Geo. Bowman, on the last Saturday of each month. HIRAM SWEET, G. BOWMAN. Towanda, July 2, 1845. Administrators. Taken P$R for all kinds of Goods. July 1. 1845. by s ELLIOTT & MERCUIL, L.,t9 .I I.qIULLLD MHE undersigned having been appointed by the Orphan's Court of Bradford County, Auditor to ascertain the liens, and distribute the money arriving from the sale of the real estate of William Myers dee'd, late of Wyson township, notice is hereby given that I have appointed Fnday the Bth day of August next, at 1 o'clock P. M. at my office in the borough of Towanda, to attend to said duty, when and where all persons in tend can attend. D. WILMOT, Auditor. Towanda, July 1. 1945. ONE DOZEN ltf organ's celebrated GRAIN, l; HA- H!,ES, with Harris' Scythes, for sale by June 23, 1845 Friends & Fellow Citizens. WE are now in want of Bradford County stork, and any persons having eradicates._ called county orders, can find a maket at No. 3, where they will he taken at par in exchange for any of the articles comprising the largest and cheapest stock of Goods in the United States. We had same thoughts of taking a few shares of "Savings Bank" stock, but we find after the " Pan nick" which is now about over, it has gone down below par, and holders are beginning to think they have burnt their fingers. Don't forget that our 4ire is at No. 3 Brick Row W. If. BA 11l D it CO. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Jeduthen Withey, late of Canton, dee'd, aro requested to tuake immediate payment, and all those haying demaads njainst the same are requested to present them. legally attested for settlement to either of the subscribers in Cation township, 'Clogs en. CHARLES 0. SPENCER, BENJAMIN LANDON, Currton. July 1. 1845. Exerulnr's. (ESny j 2•3l:, OM. I . IV - ST:JCS O HEAD QC ARTERn, July 1, 1845. T is hereby ordered that from and after this date goods: are to be sold in this encampment fee cash whenever they will bring anything above cost. Clerks, agents and customers are hereby commanded to govern themselves accordingly. Braggarts are to stand back and keep cethe parade ground. 0. D. BARTLETT, Commanding officer. RINDSTONES.--The best assortment of Nova 11131 r Scotia and other kind of grindstones, ever brought into this place, for salety O. D. BARTLETT. MONTANIT'S DOZ OLDE ASHIONED W.:YTHES, a aplea NM did article for Gala cheap by 0. D. BARTLETT. r t.ko Mai., and lota of ARK i OPE for wale by W. H. BAIRD & CO. May 14. No. 3'Brith Row HATS - of auperior qualities, and most approved style', from $2 up Call and pee. G. E. FLINT 4. CO. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LI. persons indebted to the estate of Samuel Vsell, AL deceased. late of Wets tp., are requested tomake inunedialopojaiaat.sod all same baying damaliessinst dm, sum su ,sigmated so pressed 111 0 0. 16 10 4 , allied, immisment. JESSE EDSALL, NATHAN ALVORD, Jr. Wells. July 7, 1845. Administrators. • T.P.LEVPIEMMT THE PAMPHLET LAWS of the last Legisla tore have been received, and are ready for dish button. A, CHUBBEEK, Prot. Prothonotary's Office, July 8, 1845.' MEDICINE AND SURGERY. lu r , . R. JAMES M. GOODRICH has located himself at MONROE, for the practice of his profession, and k ill bo pleased to wait on those requiring his ser vices. Ito may be J. L. Johnson's tavern. Retereneiwpay be made to Drs. HUSTON & Mascot, of Towanda. .4t.pril 23, 1R45. To. 'the , Voter s of Bradford County. FELLOW CITIZENS :— I o ff er myself to your consideration for thit,-,office of Sheriff. Should you honor me with your confidence, by nominating and electing and to said office at the ensuing election. I pledge mysellto discharge the duties of dia .- office with fidelity and humanity, V, FISHER. Towanda Toniablp.3ol7 1:1845, Administrator's Notice, 0;a1M, Mg 9 Executor's Notice. • 'UMW cal& C l /n[ll9 lie Elmira \ Cheap Cash Store, .iro. 1, Brick Rom • ..CIIAMBERIIIN respectfully inftirms the blic that he has purchased of I. B. Wood de stock of goods, nd bas just reeeitreil a new hick-renders his assortment of Drugs; ilkdi nts. Otht, .I)94.elyffa aud Faintly Groceries His stock consiits in part of U4ll following litSDNlNrie. ETC. Essence: Flour sulphur do Remainßemain i. Go; Stipp elfin cup 01tb"1,4 i -.VDO/11 lii ammo. ;um camphor ler • \ Assafcedita IB,taa tone \ . • • Myrrh B 0 Vitriol \ ' Gamboge 1r Glauber salts ' berry t - i. do 11 1 Hellebore '.. Ds m i - Horhum oil Eipai "- ' Hydrioate Potaas Bar °Naar 1 leeland moss Balsam hciey , Ipceac Blood rect a , 1 1 lodine Blue pills - p i i Ulm Balsam Fir Juniper Berries Black drop Lunar Caustic Barley Pea ' Liquorice ball and root Bateman'a ps Laudanum Bugundy ch Morphine Cayenne ri ' Mauna African jo \ Mace Camphor I Musk , Calanel , r Dina Vomica Chamoode fly. Oxalic acid Cottosive suJbm Essential oils, all kinds Cochineal Oil soap Cattharides \ Veregurio Cebehs Pills Coe. inutus Phosphate iron Carboni iron Quicksilver do Magnesia Quassia do Soda Quinine Coma Red' Precipitate Colocy Senna i Chlorid imp Sugar Lead Cream ar - Syringes Dragon blood Valerian root Dover's ardent Saffron Digitali liva U sa Emery, orted Vol. Li iment Epsom Vert tt rpentine, &c. &e. A co tete variety of CROCE IES, such as Tea, Sugar, tree, Starch, Raisins, Ci namon,Soda Crack ers, Gin , Pepper, Eng. Currants, Nutmegs, Tobacco and Sn Candles, &c. A co tete assortment of Paints, Dye-stuffs, Win. dow GI Patent Medicines, i&c. Tows a, June•l6, 1845. N. Sumner, Surgeon Dentist, ECTFULLY informs his friends that hav ecovered tram his illness, he will make his i sional visit tl Towanda, on or before the ;October next. Ji next pro firat day latksmitbine Estgblishment. BSCRIBER, having for..ied a partner ith his brother, continues to carry on the ;is btother's new stand. east side of Main • tart of the borough, where he is prepared orders for Horse-shoeing. Carriage & rid Edge Tools. the public that all work entrusted to his ..11 done, as he has thoroughly learned s determined to render satisfaction. JOHN A. EsEN WINE. ?et:ember 39, 1844. New raaHe 11 . ship buiness a =EMU to execute Coach work He omit,' core will be his trade en Towanda. REMOV 'D TO No, 1, BRICK ROW ! ILLIJIBERLIjr. • RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public thut he has REMOVED to the Brick Row, I, where he still continues to carry on his old business of Wraith and Clark Repairing, which ill be done on short notice, well dime; From a long experi he beßeveS that ho a ill be able to cation tia all who may favor him with their N.B. Ill'a)tes warranted th run well one year, or id a written agreement given REED ctly oppoto . Watkins' liter office. Persons wishing to furtish ttemselves with furniture, will find it an object total ant examine, purchase and pay, as the subscriber a determined (for cash) to sell all kinds of furniture att less ptice than ever before known. June 23, 110. D. VANDERCOOK.. NCO MD lEDIUMIL'NECCIDBELT 'TI3O the Wei assortment in country shops, the sub scriber leaps on hand and manufactures to order, the Sofa Rciing chair, beautifully upholstered, also the half Pren t Mahogany chair, together pith snfas of the latest aal most approved patterns, all of which will be dispos4 of for all kinds of country produce at the usual low }rites, and for cash at very much redu ced prices, at he Cabinet shop of June 23,1815. D. VANDERCOOK. OF C* wade to order on the shortest notice, very Wale: ready pay. A hearse will be in at• tendance whet desired. Juno 23, 1915 WANTED by the subscriber, any quantity of white tine, cherry, and whitewood lumber, in exchange for furniture, June 23, 1845, TEE' IIeIIOIIILIXIIIL TUST received and for tale at B. Kingsbery's Store_ a few barrels superfila FLOUR, from Overton 4. baitmarsh's mill. Warrarpd an extra article. June 23 , 1845. Sot [lie Towanda Slavin's Bank•. nor :Yo. 3 Brick Row, no' the Old drcade. But No. 2, Brick Row, SNOW ACK NpNVIEDG E D to be the identical spot where goods are old cheaper for . c.iNh or ready pay, than any other estehishment west of the cities of New York of Philadelphit. Persons wishing to prose this fact, can easily do it ty calling in to see. No time will be spent in skinnineints, or filling out bills of wmgdmilaslittgion. of the wix4e ti ipagi wap iti Mir giSbositot stmlbis sisik ofidogiorAy doomed to lenity marl ass*. A ales* six peep, better than s slow shit C. REED. June 23, 1845. No. 2 Brick Row. ToN SUGAR & 10LASsES.—This day reed Oji. by the “Chemuni Übe" and for sale cheap by the pound, Gallon, Barrel or flh'd. July 1. .BAiRD'S. N 0.3 Brick Row. .25 GUNS ! cash store. 4. at received at the Savings' Bank, more ' FI I :YgI r T ne Z e c;t " che an ap d New Mode ; We are offering them at private sale "one notch" wer thus at any other eatabliahnient in the borough. G, E. FLYNT 4, CO. RE SPERM & LINSEED OILS. al and at G. E. FLYNT & CO'S• ®[LB —P at, ways on Portrait tinting,. by W. H. Perkins, IkTORTII BkDaof the square, in the room over I. ITC. Adana' . Law'Office—Col. Mix's block. Likeniones warranted. • Trantparent Blinds, of may size or paitorn desire. June 18, 1845. 'IMAM & CAPE BONNETS, all the late styles. for tale at MIX tt SONS'. desire one assortment just received and jewelry cheep call at Cham o. I, Brick Row. t, Wood, and all kindsof Conn iayment. 445. C NOTICE. these presents shall come. . VANDERCOOK, Cabinet :er sF Undertaker, wishes to rat the public, that he snit con. .es to keep on hand a general irtment of Cabinet Furniture. establishment is situated on the ter of Main & State streets, see. door north of the Bank and D. VANDERCOOK D. VANDERCOOK Another Artival of New Goods at the TOWANDA CASH STORE. MI 8. & M. C. MERCUR.- are receiving Dew sops plieiof Goons from Piew York,. almost every ;welt, which they areßrcpated to sell as they have been idling all the seatron,, a little cheaper than any , other establishinent in Tovianda v ind as cheap as the 'same quality of Goods can be purchased at retail in any town in the United States. They neither" skin•Ffinta" nor shave their customers, but attend solely to tho business of buying goods cheap, and selling them accordingly. They have jilt received a new supply of Sheeting*. Prints. Hosiery, Glores,ere:4e. ALSO—An additional issetbarent of HARDWARE. -:-Another stock will be received next week. lune 12, 1845. H. 8. 4. M. C. MERCUR, " Be sure the cashier is right and then go ahead:" ttivoming Record. PERSONS bolding (or notbolding ) bills on theSa sings Bank are requested not to be uneasy, as to the ultimate success of oorinatitution as it is sound to the " core," being assured that the " depositei" arsi not only firm, but are increasing daily with-license" to extend the business to any amount, and shall soon ho able to declare a dividend on the capital stock. With our facilities for -purchasing goods cheap, and the New York market at our comnrand, we are prepared to• set all competition aside, not,however without cautioning the public to BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. As there are many unauthorized and well executed counterfeits and well calculated to deceive those will, are not judges, but upon close inspection it will be seen. that the ...private' mark is higher than on the genuine, and notice, that nano are" simunpure" unless signed at the bottom of each bill, in our own hand wilt ing G. E. Flynt & Co. All lovers. of seasonable New Goods, and cheap, are requested to call and examine, as " seeing is believing." Receiving New Goods almost every day. June 18. G. E. FLYNT & CO. Let it be known to all Nations, That I, Jas. .IR. GUlsola, EtA, on hand, and constantly receiving, and am now opening a large and splendid assortmentof goods in my line of business, notin Brick Row No.l, 2, 3,4,0 r 5, but No. 100 Old Arcade, between the old Post Office and Hay Scales, where can be had et all times splendid Gold and Silver Watches of every des cription, from a chronometer movement to a common Silver Watch. Gold and Silver ware of different de scriptions, from Gold diamond rings and breast pins, down to three centers: Clocks, Violins. and other in struments of music too numerous to embody in an ad vertisement. Call and see. And I S. H. G. ant determined not to be out done by any person or persons, or combinations or set of men in trade whatsoever, not by flints - skinned or unskinned, or by Beards long or short, blue black or gray, or any. kind of Beards or flints whatsoever, for bait known and let all nations know the facts, that my goods were se lected with great care and purchased with the ready. and will be disposed of for the same, and at lower pri ces than were ever before offered in this place, other people's prices to the contrary notwithstanding. I in vite you all to come, come all at once if, you can, and you shall all be attended to. Don't fail to call one door south of the Cheap Cash Store of Elliott and Mer cur. N. B. Pedlars supplied with combs. buttons, nee dles, pins, and Yankee Traps at New York, prices, and all kinds of watchmakers materials at wholesale. June 18th, 1844. JAMES M, GILLSON. RO! FOR THE TIIEES! a i csclawa azto suscnbera now have on hand all kinds of Met , chandize for the 'season, and altho' they do not pledge themselves to sell lower by 10 or 20 per cebt. than their neighbors, yet, th.y do pledge themselves to sell as low for cash as can be bought at any house in town, Elmira. Owego or Binghamton: May 20, 1345. H. MIX 4 , BONS'. "Goods for the Millions." JUST received at the Savings Bank, a number of tons of those cheap Groceries, which makes our assort ment complete. Those who patronise our cash estab- lishment. will derive a decided advantage over those who purchase at other stores who do business on the credit system, as they are not overcharged equivalent to the delinquence of those who never pay. No 5, Brick Row. G. E. FLYNT & CO. CH3IRS AND BEDSTEADS THE subscribers still continue to manufacture and keep on band at their old stand, all - kind!' of Cane and Wood seat Chairs ; also Settees of various kinds BEI)ST.g.dDS, of every description, which we will sell low for cash or, produce. TURNING done to order. J ~ t 1 TOMKINS & MAKINSON. Towanda, April 23, 1846. 11 0 5MEalleio HIRAM MIX & SONS', ARE now opening at their store a beautiful and cheap lot of 5115151E11 GOODS, direct Go w the City, which will be sold for Cash, as low as cii be bought at " The Savings Bank,"aa at any store in town—call and see. Towanda. 19th May, '45. • A NEW SUPPLY ! BURTON KINGSBERY informs the pubilic gene. rally that he has just received direct from New York City, his spring stock of GOODS. It comprises a very general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware &c. His goods have been selectee with..murh care, and will be sold as cheap as can be bought In To. Wanda. Call in and see it tt is not so. Towanda, April 30, 1845. SADDLE '8; HARNESS 11-) 4+-Nr‘frel ,ELK.4.1:411 SMITH . sax,. RESPECTFULLY inform that they still continue the manufacture of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, &c., in Col. Mies building, next door to J. C. Adams' Law Office, where they will keep constantly on hand, and manufacture to order, Elastic Web, Common and Quilted Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Collars, Carriage Trimming and Military Work dope to order Maritimes. Pew and Choir Cushions made on shut notice and reasonable terms. The subscribers hope by doing their work well, and by a atrict attention to businese,'to merit a !hare of public patronage. EI.KANAH SMITH & SON. Towanda, May I. 1845. _ YLM etZoMg.',9 At the Lumberman's Exchange. JH. & H. 8. PHINNEY have just received front New York a fresh stock of Goods, which makes their assortment complete. Consisting in part of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE. Cutlery. &navy, PoinA., Oik. Dymituffs. Fish. Leather. r*X., all of which we will inebsup for lumbar or moat kinds of produce, on As reasonxiblir terms as any of our neigh bors. . We particularly advise the public to call & ex amine our stocks. Wanted 600,000 shingles and '500,000 white pine bonnie. N, B. Bradford Co. scrip taken for goods at pa. Monroeton. July 1. LK& B. H. PHINN EY DOZ genuine bestqualiiy Quinnebang Scythe I,a Stones, for male by 0. D. BARIUM'. pRUIT--Just received a supply of Lemons, Pruness, Figs, Raisins, dsc. at CHAMBERLIN'S. Jane. 1845. No, I Brick Row. Sweet, Castor and Limp Oira, geed and cheap at CHAMBERLIN'S. • Julie, 1845. No. I Brick Roar. F AY ARTLCLE.3.-.-A great variety for gal CHAMBERLIN'S. June 1845: No. I Brielt-Roir. B R USHES .—A general aesonment of }lair; Paint, Flan, and shoe brushes at CHAMBERLIN'S, No. 1 Brick Row. QALT.—A large quantity of FRESH SALT. at Jane 23. G. E. FLENT 4 CO. - awrzauda HEAD OF NAVIGATION. A perfect Jas Bri ck_ilow Whl. H. BAIRD & CO:. AS USUAL, Hie is the first boats; with a large and welboleeted assort went of paerchandize in general: In the hue at .DitY GOODS; , we cannot enumerate but a small number of sirs:Mee, but beg leuve to airy for the beaeot.iat the 1a(44. slat we bave a splendid assortment of.PuziaOri mualids. giiir ham matins, organdes," balzarines, de Minch (new styles) painted muslin., Scotch and Fret& 'int hams; ..taped tapered jaconet, (a' beatAit article fod white dresses) 200 pieces French, English' and Azneri can Printa,comprising-aome of the mostchoitti end fuh ionable siplest surcomtr shouts and crarcit, skirts, bonnet lawns, oiled silk, black- gro de Rlthie - 'lllll4 bobinett, Grecian taleton and iilk lace, black eilk.4id lace, muslin edging - and inserting, Lisle thread add line* edging, light and &it kid &gayes t plc nic and tbatroce do,. linen pocket handkerchiefs, fans, Bonnet Bibetwe; a great variety ; 20 boxes- Artifieialt, white and black bugle beads ; cotton, gingham and silk :Parasol, entrain shades, the. best assortment ever exhibited in Towanda. BOOTS & SHOES. Black and light•colored kid slips, buskins and ties, do do.. gaiters and half goitets, tnissei slips, shop, ilte: Combs, toilette blushes, dee: BONNETS. Diamond lawn, 'Mimi lawn, fluted lawn, willow, mode= ria, plain straw, end Rutland straw, Ladies' and mimes' Bonnets. Also, 100 Leghorn Bonnets, comprising plain, Florence braid, shell and almond braid, diamond en 4 peddle braid, shell and imperial do., bird's eye, ditto. i Ladies' and mimes' Neapolitan lace, mx sits' ..egbori flats, straw cords and tassels. deb. Etc; • GENTLEMEN. we are just opening 20 pieces, different styles, plain and striped double and single milled Cassinieres. Broad cloths and Satinctts, all colors and• qualities; Summer . Cloths, for men and boy's wear, by the piece ed b as - quantity bleached and brown sheeting's and stditiiigs ; suspenders, elastic vest backs, dtc. 100 doz. Palm leaf hats, 20 doe; Leghorn do., IS cases Fur do., white, drat , and black. A very heavy stock of Groceries, Hardware, Crooke: ry, ero, We are prepared to sell at wholesale or retail, and will do so as low, (if not a little lower,) thin the same qualities can be bought at any store within 100 miles of this place. fur ready pay. And by way of encoor aging the honest and industrious '•tillers of the soil," we will exchange any of our goods for Good Butter. Or Pr• duce of almost any kind. Those, therefore, who; have wisely come to the conclusion that it is not good policy to get in debt to the merchant.. will be enabled to ex change the products of their labor for all articles - nee. s: nary to their comfort and convenience. Yours. in haste. WM. H. BAIRD & CO Towand', May 5. 1845. DRUG & GROCERY STORE, Keep it Before the People, WHAT the Old Drug Store, west side albs Pub.; lic Square, is now receiving the largest went of Drugs and Medicines ever offered in this mat ket, among which ere the following, viz • Sulph. Morphia, Blue Mass, do. Quinine, Nit. Silver, Eng. Calomel, Quick do. lodid. Putassa, Peperine, Red Precipitate, Ipecac, White do. Tart. Antimony; Stry chnia, Eleteruim, Kreuot, PUTT. Mop, Ext. do., Ext. Colyeinth. do. Gentian, Pink do. do. Ciente. Senna. do. Hyosciamus, Adhesive Plaster, - do. Tarazecum, Cantherldes, Spnng and Thumb Lancets. Lancet easel &b,. The attention of PHYSICIANS is particularly in sited to the above articles, they being just received one of the most respectable houses in New York and will therefore be warranted - Imm and free from ,adoltet ation in all cases, and disposed of at Tory low prices. OILS AND ESSENCEb. - Wintergreen, Cinnamon, Peppermint" Rosemaly Wormseed, Hemlock, Sassafras', Lemon Layander. gamut, Aniseed, Cloves, Juniper, Amber, Csjput, Cans, way, Manned, Fennel, Almond. Origanum, Cedar, bet, &c., eke. The most popular of the day, such a Dr. Jayne' Expectorant, Wistar's Balsam Wild Cherry, Sandi Sarsaparilla, Dr. Jayne's Carmanitive, Balsam Hoati. hound, Turtington's Pink Expectorant Syrup, Burt man's Drops, Anderson' do., Lemon's Cough do., Li. quid Opodeldoc, Balsam Honey, Preston Salts, Mral. Gardners Balsam Liverwort and Hoarhound,Drlipootur Digestive Elixor,Dr. Manna Elia. of Opium, Dr. :Bear jamin Godfrey's Cordial, Dr. Weaver's Worm Ted, Cheesman's Arabian Balsam, Balm of Columbia, Bu t ler's Magnesian Apar:ent, Henry'. do., Dr. Thompson' Eye Water, British Oil, Harlaem do., Maccassar do., Bear's do., Grave's Hair do., Croton do., together ari many others to numerous to mention. PILLS. Compound Cathartic, Gregory's Hooper's rams! German, Lees Windham Billions. Miles' Tomau. Brandreth's, Wright's Indian Vegetable. Dr. Phinney' Webatees, Moffats and Bitiers, Alebasis, Bishops, 11 •: White. Red and Black Lead, Chrome Green Cbrom Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Prussian Blue Rose Pink, So Lead, Liibarge, Blue Smelts, Venetian Red, Vermin; Crud Tartar, Annetta, - Indigo. Copperas, Allum, Crud Tartar, Cochineal, Solution of Tin, Verdigris, 1110 . Vitro!, Glass 7by9, 8 by 10, and 10 by 12, Pp i linseed Oil, &c., &c. i . A. Dr: MONTANYE, tiactigisf; Towanda, May 21, 184.5. • THE TOWANDA CHEAT- STORE GREAT ATTRACTION PArsINNAWEIWRIRI*9I4IqiW T . . • ~ , BE subscriber bar just returned from New Yo with a splendid assortment Of Spring and Sa miner goods, which he offers for sale et least fif . Carpet Bags, Trunks, Palists, 4T. 4.c per cent. cheaper than goods have ever been, or ex will be sold in this borough. His stock consists of f. reign and domestic DrylGoods,auch as French, Engl . and American Cloths, Cassimeree, Sattinetta,Kentuck • Jeans, Smother stuffs. A splendid assortment of Pun of all prices; also a full supply of Brown and Bleach goods, also, Fancy Goods, such as Linen Handkerchi Black, Blue Black, Plaid and striped Silks, Thread Muslin Edgings, Ladies and Gentlemen Cravats, Bola; net Ribbons, Damask and Mousclin de Laine Bikaw4l, Parasols and a thousand articlest no numerous to menti GROCERIES—Brown, Loaf and Crushed Sugars. St. Croix, Portirico and New Orleans Molaisai. Com. so and American Brandy, Holland Gin. Teas, dr.u., alto Crockery, Glass. Nails, Hardware ike.dtc. - All persona. desirous. of puchasing goods law. will do well to give brio a call before purchasing elsewhere: • Butter, Eggs. Chess and Grain taken in pay.. for Goods. CUARj o ES HEED.' Towanda, May 12, 1845. No. 2 Brick MONTANYE'S STOR IVHE largest and cheaprst lot of goods reeroff. , d 11. in Bradford County is now opening at the a store. The most fashionable Goode of the nelson,b p q as Dalrarinew, Lawns. &c., with every variety of ' k manufactured in the United Stites. All the new sayi of Summri Goods for Gentlemen boys and youth. BOOTS 4. - SHOES of any quantity and any fii',7.' t i t 20 doz. HATS at the lowest possible price. GROCERIES of all kinds and ELARPWARO 118 abundance. Returning sincere thanks for the very liberal pianni4e they have heretofore received, they pledge iliembelres seR ea cheap al grloda,of the nine qbility an be p .14 chased in this or any of the neighboring villagers. 'is would therefore advise our friends to call before ..: chasing elsewhere. d ! D. &E. Di MDPIONYE. Towehda, May 12, 18.15, . - ' - lodine, Valerian Root, Seneca do Berpentarie do Gentian do Colombo do. =M! PAINTS, OIL AND toVE STUFFS Corner of the Public Square & Main Street; IMI C] -